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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4475
Late to the affair; apologies, but between work, some personal concerns, and a combination of Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, it's been a little difficult to find the time for Theurgy the past few days.

All that said, welcome to the new people @Augusteo and @Solena. Hope you both enjoy your time here, and hope to someday get a chance to write with you. You'd be surprised how helpful people can be around here, and I absolutely recommend asking for help wherever or whenever you feel you need it. At that point, if there's anything I can do to help acclimatize you to Theurgy, please feel free to ask, via DM here or even over on the Discord.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4476
I would say you console folks are lucky @Swift but I'm trying to avoid Ubisoft games anyway due to deep personal distaste for Yves Guillemot and his business practices. 

Apologies for continued delays in posting, I have a huge group project coming up for grad school, and I still have the biggest and most fragile slab of in situ dinosaur eggs to wrap and pack.  Should be fun. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4477
Well THAT was a PITA and a half.  So there were basically two squashed halves of a fractured but mostly in situ egg, and when I put in the cushioning foam it was nearly impossible to get the damn box to shut!  Ended up wrapping it in bubble wrap and taping that as tight as possible, lol. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4478

Today, @Nesota Kynnovan expands our Counseling Department with Amanda Ashby!

Lt. JG Amanda Ashby      Counselor & Morale Officer

  - Writer:
Nesota Kynnovan

Ashby comes aboard during Episode 01: Advent of War, the evening before the Battle of the Houses. Just like Jordan Koilos, she arrived on the IKS Kajunpak't, so this character's inaugural posts will likely be there.

Congrats on the new character, @Nesota Kynnovan ! :)

Oh, in additional news, @Pierce has also volunteered to become a Mentor, so he is now also listed on the Joining the Crew page, as a helpful writer in the Mentor Program. Thank you so much for stepping in to help out!


Auctor Lucan


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4482
I thought I had improved ship morale?  :p

In seriousness...congrats on the new character.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4483
@Solena  But it isn't your job description. ;P
That being said, plenty of opportunity for a software specialist around here, especially lately. :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4484
@Griffinsummoner  Thought 'morale' meant something else in Orion  :p

Definitely ample opportunities.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4487

Today, @BipSpoon expands our Security Department with Valyn Amarik!

Lt. Valyn Amarik      Security Officer

  - Writer:

Valyn comes aboard during Episode 01: Advent of War, the evening before the Battle of the Houses. Just like Amanda Ashby and Jordan Koilos, she arrived on the IKS Kajunpak't, so this character's inaugural posts will likely be there as well. Given the state of thing in the Security Department, her arrival before the battle is quite welcome indeed.

Congrats on the new character, @BipSpoon ! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4491
Cool!  Congratulations @BipSpoon

Grad school is kicking my butt again BUT I've only got two projects to do and then I'm done for the semester!!! 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4492
Good afternoon all,

I had become readily apparent that I am incapable of keeping up at a respectable pace.  As much as I love and enjoy writing I feel nothing but pressure when I think about the Theurgy.  This is not because of anyone here at all, but due only to the pressures I put on myself to conform to the 7 day time line.  Realizing how fast my days go, how little time I have for writing.  Truthfully, in my real life, things are extremely heavy and stressful.  Personally, I am going through a nasty up hill battle that is just a day-to-day thing that I just try to conquer that one day before even contemplating the next.  It's hard for me to find time to sit down and watch TV, read, and write.  As much as I wish my free time was over flowing as it has been in the past right now the truth of the matter is I just don't have the time and I truly hate leaving people hanging.  I hate being the reason threads stall, I hate having to be prompted to post, but I find that I am just unable to keep up. 

So for now, I think I am going to step back and I have requested of Lucan a Leave of Absence.  I am hoping to be able to spend this next while, focusing on getting some things resolved and in order.  Truthfully, it'll probably get worse before it gets better.  That's just the kind of situation I'm in at the moment.  However, I am hoping to return in January, probably mid-January.  Once things settle in after the holidays again.  Although I am tossing about the idea of taking a couple characters down that is something I will leave the ultimate decision to when I can return.  Right now, I just think I need to concentrate on what's real and what I can try to conquer first.

I will miss you all.  I have left Lucan with instructions for my girls in the interim.  I fully plan to return, I am still available on discord if anyone needs anything.

Thank you all,

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4493
Take care of yourself, @BZ ! I really hope you can return to us, but I will be progressing the story with the use of your characters as needed for the time being.

For example, I'll be handling Zyrao's dealings as Klingon Liaison Officer - be it from Thea's eyes on the bridge or not - and I will be controlling Jaya Thorne on the bridge of the Allegiant and Ji down in engineering in Horns of a Dilemma. As required, I'll also pull the weight needed in Engineering with Blue Tiran for the battle in Chapter 06 unless I can get help with that. I'll also make an inventory of your current threads and see how they are either wrapped up, paused or continued depending on what your co-writers want.

I look forward to hearing from you in January and we'll see how you feel then! Since that is rather soon, your characters will not be rendered Inheritable or written out of the story until that point. Please look after yourself over Christmas time!


Yes, today, a new Theurgist joins us in the form of @Scratchrat ! :) He will be taking over writing Salem Martin, one of our two Asst. Chief Tactical Officers.

Lt. JG Salem Martin            Asst. Chief Tactical Officer (V3) 

  - Played by

Right now, he is catching up on the latest development in the story of his new character, and while there haven't been many edits made to the character yet, this is something that might happen eventually. In Chapter 06 of Advent of War, Salem Martin is on the bridge, seated behind Commander Cross, and with his twin sister in stasis after the Spearhead Lounge bomb, we can but hope he'll keep his head in the game...

I'm looking forward to reading the continuation of this character's story, and a warm welcome! Hope you will have a blast here, @Scratchrat ! :) Don't forget to log into our Discord server and say hi should you so wish!


@jreeves1701 has really gone out of his way and created this page, which not only explains what the Houses of the Klingon Empire are, how it all works, but it's also a handy page for Chapter 06: Battle of the Houses! You can see which Houses have sided with Martok and which have thrown their support into Gorka's House!

Klingon Great Houses

Please take your time to look it over since it will not just help map the situation in the battle when it comes to which Houses might be mentioned, but it also gives some great insight into Klingon Politics!

Thank you so much @jreeves1701 for going out of your way to do this, as I think it will be essential in current and threads to come!  (L)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4494
Hi guys!

Nice to meet you all. I've joined the Discord so hopefully I'll get to know you all as friends and colleagues.

Looking forward to working alongside you.
Writer of
[ Lt. JG Salem Martin | Asst. Chief Tactical Officer | USS Theurgy NX-79854 ]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4496

Hi there Theurgists!

Looks like people are starting to catch up with the Battle of the Houses situation and have wrapped their heads around it, and that's awesome. I will be progressing that in reaction to what you guys bring to the table there, and we'll see what happens. That' the beauty of this kind of collaborative writing, in how we all add to the story and we see how we end up resolving things so that the Theurgy has a tomorrow.

Speaking of which, Omardex and I have been in discussions about a project for a couple of weeks now, in which we had a common opinion in how while Thea looks awesome as-is, her 3D model is a bit dated at this time. The Theurgy was the first Starfleet ship Omardex modelled based on my vision of a multivector Odyssey-class seven years ago, but between then and now, Omardex has been involved in a lot of different licensed Star Trek projects, like Star Trek: Timelines. I believe that is game you can play on the phone? (I have obviously not looked into it, since I barely have any time for games) So, sufficied to say, his skills and knowledge making starships have vastly improved since then.

So, since Thea's 3D model is a bit dated, Omardex wanted to work with me on giving her updated textures, along with details that were overlooked. The idea is currently that since Thea were in drydocks at Aldea, that was the time she had a slight aesthetic change to her, so it will be a bit of a retcon when it comes to some of the artwork we've seen so far in Season 2. At this point, we'll see how much of a change there will be, but in all likelihood, some of the artwork in Advent of War doesn't have to be edited to show the refit version of Thea.

Just a FYI on an upcoming 3D project that Omardex has just started to work on, and I also wanted to take the opportunity to let y'all know how exciting it is to have the Theurgy in battle once more, and with the fleet of House Mo'Kai being able to beam some boarding parties unto Thea's vectors, we'll be able to write onboard combat scenes freely. I know I will be having my characters get involved in those, and it also gives us the opportunity to kill off abandoned characters to free up their Departmental positions. This, in perfect timing for the USS Oneida to make an appearance, and have new characters added to the story from that entry-point.

We have a lot of Supplemental threads on-going right now, like the one with the saboteur Rov, son of Pekdal, being singled out in Revealing the Repugnant set before the Battle of the Houses, Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone (concurrent with Battle of the Houses) as well as Operation 'Return to Sender', which will feature a mid-battle infiltration mission on the IKC Ta'rom. The idea with the mission is that Gorka might shoot himself in the foot by sending out incriminatory information to the present ships in the battle, perhaps even making them switch to support Martok, which would be an awesome development.

We also have all the ships that have yet to pick a side that the Theurgy can reach out to directly, so that we have more actions to work with than just the battle aspect on the bridge. The information @jreeves1701 helped compile in the new wiki resource Klingon Great Houses will be awesome for that. With BZ stepping away, I will be NPCing Zyrao Natauna to help facilitate that, but I mean for her to be a conduit for the ambitions of the bridge crew.

Given how we collectively are catching up to the time-stamp of the Battle of the Houses, it seems that with the growing number of threads affiliated with Chapter 06:s battle, we might actually want to keep track of those threads specifically, so I am thinking about employing a solution we did in the Battle of the Apertures, in which the concurrent battle-related threads are renamed Battle Logs instead of Supplemental threads. They work basically the same as Supplemental threads, only they will be specified to belong to the battle itself rather than other Chapter 06 threads like Revealing the Repugnant or the Sabine rushing towards Qo'nos in Q'onoS Bound and Down. When this edit of thread titles will happen, I will let you all know in a new Newsletter, which will be dedicated to Chapter 06 and the threads and events we are dealing with. :)

I hope this short little update finds you all well!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4497
Just a small note for anyone affected: my activity may be compromised for a while. It’s possible that I’ll be in hospital from tomorrow and I don’t know what will happen from that point onwards. I’ll update with more when I get the chance, but I wanted to quickly chuck this here in case I can’t access the internet for a while.

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