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Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #25

I still have two Vacancies for the Inside Man away mission! :)

- CO of the Allegiant: Captain Jien Ives
- CONN Officers (2, working in shifts): Lt. Daniel Havenborn / Lt. JG Donna Petterson
- Science Officer: Lt. Vanya
- Operations Officer: Lt. JG Kelleshar sh'Zenne
- Security Officer: Lt. JG XamotZark zh'Ptrell
- Tactical Officer: Lt. JG Salem Martin
- Engineer: Vacant
- Medical Officer: Vacant

Any Engineer and Medical Officer out there wanting to go on a trip with Ives? :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #26
@BZ, @Hastata-Nerada, @Numen, @Triage ,

Yesterday in the OOC I mentioned I'd love to see Hats involved with the Heather weaponization program, but that is one of the post that got eaten by the site when it went "bwaah".  Any chance he can be slid in there?

Thanks all :)

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #27
Hey hey @CanadianVet !
Even after the forum debacle we have begun to plot about the thread, @BZ  has written the starter and we have plotted the next row of post (in fact i'm half way of mine!)

Even worse, there are 5 writers involved atm (BZ, Triage, HN, Arista and myself) over the base writers required and add a new one would be too much to keep the thread flowing.

For all this i guess it's better you join with Hats another thread (I think there are another sciency one on planning?) or, if you can't found any, feel free to PM / DM me so we could plot something (if token related I need to wait to finish this one, but we could make some plotting!)

Cheers :)

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #28
Hi everyone,

As week two has been opened, I will be starting off the first mission I put together, running from the 21st -24th, as described in the link:,2688.msg22878.html#msg22878

Could the below interested writers confirm that they still wish to participate so that I can get the starter up as appropriate.
Petty Officer First Class Mickayla MacGregor (Security Department) @Stegro88 - Confirmed
Lieutenant Junior Grade Khorin Douglas (Tac Conn) @Numen - Confirmed
Lieutenant Junior Grade XamotZark "Zark" zh’Ptrell (Security Department/Combat Medic) @Zodiac - Confirmed
Chief Petty Officer Morgan Song (Engineering Department) @fiendfall - Confirmed
Lieutenant Zephyr Praise (Science Department) @BZ

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #30
I'm still in too :)

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #31
Count me in!
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #32
Hey folks! So I’m pretty new to the sim and Mektari is new to most of the crew but I’ll give this a go.

Ensign Mektari Dumral

Mektari is outwardly confident, competent and approachable but even on the Cayuga, she struggled to really let anyone into her world. Thrust onto the Theurgy and amongst a new crew, she is eager to learn more about her sudden and unexpected reassignment, though she still expects very little real trust from her colleagues. 

At this point, I’m happy to consider more or less anything with Mektari as I learn more about writing her, so I’m open to most approaches. I do love writing Cardassian themes and stories so anyone looking to explore that hit me up.

Socially, I suspect Izar Bilal and Mektari should interact a bit, and I believe @Numen was eager to do so. I don’t know if that should be backdated to somewhere else on the Cayuga or if being marooned on the Theurgy would be the prod the two needed to interact more.

@Masorin If you are looking for a Cardassian to vilify Mektari is available.

But to reiterate, I'm just looking forward to writing with everyone and anyone.

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #33
Hey hey @Jubbles as you said, Bila and Mektari should had know for s while (being both Cayuga former crewmembers) and the mongrel is always looking for meet fellow cardassians, so there are chances. I'm both ok to plan some director cut in the Cayuga or write a encounter in Aldea, and we could plot some background either with PMs or in discord DMs, whatever is more comfy for you, i'm often online :)

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #34

I still have a vacancy for the Inside Man away mission! :)

- CO of the Allegiant: Captain Jien Ives
- CONN Officers (2, working in shifts): Ens. Mektari Dumral / Lt. JG Donna Petterson
- Science Officer: Lt. Vanya
- Operations Officer: Lt. JG Kelleshar sh'Zenne
- Security Officer: Lt. JG XamotZark zh'Ptrell
- Tactical Officer: Lt. JG Salem Martin
- Engineer: Sinead O'Riley
- Medical Officer: Vacant

Any Medical Officer out there wanting to go on a trip with Ives? :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #35
Hi there, so here's my babies that are looking for attention:

Maddy Maplewood

Also known (mostly by me) as Space Mom, Maddy runs the Sunrise Café, which is located on the station in the shipyard. She's the person who lives to make your day brighter, listen to any woes and then shut you up by stuffing your face (for you if you don't feed yourself quickly enough). She never thinks you've eaten enough, ever, and no one leaves a meeting with her without having a nice full meal and drinks.

This is a chance to meet the lively and kindly woman, and have someone to talk to while visiting the station.

At the same time:

Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi

It's the crazy little cowgirl with a temper that's bigger than her. She's a little down about the recent deaths of some Resolve crewmembers, but she's ready to put it behind her and meet new long as it's not planetside. I'm probably going to create an open thread with both Maddy and Meony, but if anyone has other ideas and would like to meet Space Mom or Meony in the station or in the ship, hit me up! (L)

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #36

>> View Full Resolution

Credit goes to DKeith on DeviantArt, whom has given consent to our usage of his PADD templates. His images were the base for this first PADD graphic we have for Star Trek: Theurgy.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #37
We did no such thing...well I mean kinda...well we had a good reason for it....that....that counts....right? Guys? :P

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #38

The Allegiant is due to launch! All writers are to post within 7 days. Make sure to read the information in the OOC note too. :),2756.0.html

Hope you all like it!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #39
Hello all, I'm looking for people to write in the story objective: 'Unidentified Flying Object in the Beyond'.

Daniel, and his RIO Knight, will fulfill one of the Lone Wolves spots but there still needs three away team members.

Away Team:
LT Kaylon Jeen
LTJG Sarresh Morali
CWO3 Liliana Walton, callsign Meerkat

Lone Wolves:
LT Daniel Havenborn, callsign Salvo + LTJG Uriah Ahern, callsign Knight
PO3 Lillee t'Jellaieu, callsign Bloodwing
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #40
Kaylon would be up for a trip down to Aldea if you want him.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #41
Yano....what the hell. Sarresh needs to get out of his lab and brooding. What's more fun that a cantankerous, grieving time traveler?

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #42
Lily can serve as the escort on the ground, I suppose?

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #43
And that's everyone, I'm not sure who wants to make the first post but if no one else does I will tomorrow.

I was thinking either day three or four would be a good time for this mission, but I'll let whomever decides to post first make that call.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #44
Actually, if you check the Story Objective, this one kind of have to play out much later because of what's in store for it...  ;)

The timing is mentioned on the page.


Auctor Lucan

And that's everyone, I'm not sure who wants to make the first post but if no one else does I will tomorrow.

I was thinking either day three or four would be a good time for this mission, but I'll let whomever decides to post first make that call.

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #45
Indeed, timing is listed as Day 12 or after. I gather it'll be one of the last big things we do directly for Aldeans on the surface.

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #46
Day 12 it is.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #47
I doubt that @patches
The theurgy is at aldea for a month. This is only week 2.

Indeed, timing is listed as Day 12 or after. I gather it'll be one of the last big things we do directly for Aldeans on the surface.


Re: Aldea Anthology OOC Thread

Reply #48
Hi everyone,

It is coming up time to rescue the soon to be captured members of a ground party. This will occur Day 09 at about 0800 hours to 1000 hours ish.
I am hoping to get the following for the Rescue Team.
1-2 Lone Wolves (They won't always be active, only right at the start and then towards the end of the thread)
3-5 Ground personal. (Department is not a factor)

@Sqweloookle you expressed interest in Kingston participating.
@trevorvw Would Akoni wish to continue his participation?

Current writers:

Pirate Base:
Mickayla MacGregor (Captured) @Stegro88
T'Panu (Captured) @lisavw
Zaryn Kolari (Undercover SFI Operative posing as a pirate) @Revan

Rescue Party:
Isel Nix (Lone Wolf) @Fife
Donna Petterson (Lone Wolf) @Stegro88 
Kai Akoni (Security) @trevorvw
Adam Kingston (Security) @Sqweloookle
Marija Ferik (Security) @Bastila
Hi'Jak (KDF) @Masorin
Eliska Bremmer (NPC) @Stegro88

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