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Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #200
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Griff @Pierce

Rhys allowed himself to be directed. One of life’s natural born followers he was content to be told what to do by the two women who he was sharing in the company of. He did look all about him at the other people in the baths, however he was surprised that they seemed to not be noticed for the moment. Or they had been noticed and the other crew around them just didn’t care that much. However, considering some of the things he had seen in the baths he should not have been so surprised.

So, Rhys was straddling the lounger, with Lillee in front of him and Alana behind. Lillee’s knees were touching his own, and Alana, had her arms around his body from behind. On instinct he found himself leaning into her, feeling the softness of her breasts at his back. Lillee started to speak, but Rhys found it very hard to respond as her hand had dipped to brush teasingly over his shaft. Her eyes focused on his shockingly blue ones as she reassured him. His heart only thudded harder. Lillee seemed to have misunderstood his apprehension. It was common people often did. He was not afraid of her, Alana or sex really.

The fear was always directed inwards, he was afraid of messing up, of them finding something substandard about his body. Really, of being some sort of disappointment. He blushed and tried to get the words out but he was not good at that. So Rhys placed his hand on Lillee’s cheek, lent forward and kissed her. He was tender and gentle, but the undercurrent of sexual desire was there. He reached back and squeezed Alana’s thigh affectionately.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #201
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griff @Juzzie [Show/Hide]

Pierce was uncertain what she felt comfortable doing. On the one hand, she had zero ambition to be with a man, having been one. On the other hand, she was a woman and this body was definitely wanting to have sex from the sign of her heavy breathing, and wetness growing between her legs. She felt very, warm, and turned on right now, and Lillee was not helping matters any for her present situation.

Trying not to be weirded out, Alana decided to go with it however Lillee was doing it. She seemed rather sure of herself and while Alana wasn't, she could fake it as well as she needed to until she was ready for the encounter. The feeling of Rhys's hard, muscular back on her chest and how warm and comforting it was made her felt...okay with the way things were turning out. Her hands continued to caress his chest, rubbing her way down to his stomach area. Her chest beat heavily as she pushed the limits of her own comfort level. Soon she'd be entering the land of no return as lust would overtake them all and there would be no stopping it until all were consumed.

Slowly her fear and inhibitions left her as she decided to just go for it. As she began to reach slightly lower, she felt his strong grip, squeezing on her thigh carefully but with the intent of interest for her. Despite the weird history she'd relayed to him, they both surprisingly felt comfortable with this as Lillee continued to brush his manhood. Pierce's excitement at the hand on her thigh made her tremble slightly as she moved her hands lower yet to also rub on his thighs around his groin area.

The point of no return was coming quicker than she thought.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #202
[ Crewman 3rd Class Samala | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

Samala reclined against the tub, watching as Natalie pulled her hair back into a messy bun. It exposed her neck, which Samala found she liked the look of while the motions of restraining her hair made her unrestrained chest move delightfully. Averting her eyes before she was caught staring, Samala shifted slightly as the Terran began to lower herself into the tub. She felt the brush against her leg but ignored it as she tried to get her imagination under control and stop thinking about what Natalie’s body would be doing as she lowered herself into the tub. When the Terran spoke again, Samala turned back to face her, hoping that the blush on her face would put down as caused by the heat of the water.

“Yes, it is,” Samala agreed, taking a deep breath and enjoying the heat of the steam in her lungs. The two of them were in such proximity now that any movement she made would bring her skin into contact with Natalie’s. Which was fine for the moment, positioned as they were but soon enough, one of them would want to change position which would make things interesting. 

The other interesting thing that Samala noticed, was that unlike her own body which sunk under the water quite willingly, 2 significant parts of Natalie’s were resisting that force. And she found herself commenting on that before she realised it.

“I wish mine could do that.”

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #203
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Public Baths | Deck 12| USS Theurgy 01] Attn: @Stegro88 [Show/Hide]

So the tub was not the largest in the room, and thus Natalie found herself in very close proximity to lithe young woman, both sharing a state of mutual nudity that in other circumstances would have made Natalie's skin crawl in an unpleasant fashion. However, the saying 'When in Rome', came to mind, again, and Nat forced herself to continue to relax. Not that this was such a great hardship. Despite brushing up against Samala as she readjusted where her legs were to lay under the surface of the water, the pleasingly hot bath did exactly what it was designed to do in a right proper fashion, and Natalie could feel tension bleeding out of her body and into the gently bubbling mix surrounding herself and the other woman. 

Brave new worlds aren't always outside the hull of the ship you're serving on, nestled on some alien world. Sometimes those new horizons aren't at all distant. Clearly she was feeling reflective at the moment (a known hazard of lounging in a bath), and was easily letting her mind run wild. This was not exactly a problem by any stretch of the imagination, save that she had company in her tub - odd as that felt - and Natalie knew it would be rude of her to ignore the young woman for too terribly long.

Thus, she turned her focus back toward Samala, letting her gaze flick over the woman now submerged in the bathwater. She'd retuned her attention just in time to hear Samala's off hand comment, and felt her eyebrows shoot up on her forehead. For a moment, the Martian had no idea what her bathing companion was speaking of. Then she glanced down, seeing her bust floating and snorted a bit of laughter. Heat colored her cheeks, perhaps more that could simply be accounted for by the heat. "You really don't. Trust me."

That clearly confused the other woman and Natalie sighed softly, thinking back to an earlier conversation in the tubs, shortly before she had met Samala. While she didn't think she could do Henshaw or Bremmer's arguments justice she tried all the same. "There are upsides and downsides to every build. I imagine you have never had back pain from an ill fitting bra that failed to properly support you after a long day of work. And these things constantly get in the way, just so you know. Jerfferies tubes can be quite the challenge." She flashed the other woman what she hoped was a reassuring smile. She couldn't help but remember the other comments about never having to worry that someone would mistake her for a boy by her bust size. That she supposed was a plus.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #204
[ Crewman 3rd Class Samala | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

Samala was, admittedly, puzzled by the Terran’s reaction to her comment about her breasts. She hadn’t even meant to say what she had been thinking but her mouth had opened before she had had the presence of mind to stop it. And yet Natalie did not seem to be offended by her comment. There was a reaction, Samala had seen her cheeks redden, but her response was not angry. Rather, to the hybrid, it seemed sadder, or perhaps, wistful. It seemed that her confusion was clear on her own face as Natalie began to explain some of the downsides of having a larger bust and while Samala could understand and even agree with the reasons, she still felt like some of the bonuses would be worth it.

“I can see your point,” Samala began, sitting up slightly and lifting her own bust free of the water. She had lost her modesty back in the shared showers of Bacury III. “But to someone like me, who has only ever had a ‘handful’ to deal with, the idea of having more is appealing. To feel them move on their own, if only a little would be nice. To be able to, well, other things with them that I cannot do with what I have now. Even just not being able to feel the muscle under them would be delightful.”

Samala wasn’t disappointed with what she had; they were well proportioned to her body without being small. But she had wondered, from time to time, what it would be like to be able to enjoy her own without feeling the toned muscle underneath them. To only feel softness under her fingers. To have her tongue reach her own... 

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #205
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Public Baths | Deck 12| USS Theurgy 01] Attn: @Stegro88 [Show/Hide]

Bathing with another person - well, lounging in a tub really, as Natalie wasn't currently trying to clean herself or Samala - was an odd experience. Just swimming and playing about in a pool somehow seemed less intimate than reclining in a heated tub in close proximity to an objectively beautiful stranger where small points of physical contact were practically unavoidable. This, of course, was not even factoring in the state of undress both women found themselves in, nude from head to toe, submerged in the warm waters. Odd yes, but enjoyable. She could not deny that. 

Her bathing partner had been embarrassed by a personal lapse, baring some inner thoughts aloud to the world around her. Natalie had done that more than once in her life, and wondered if she herself had looked much like the lithe woman did in her own embarrassment, with red darkening her cheeks. Though if she were to be objective, she doubted it had quite the same effect on her own paler skin tone than on Samala's tanned flesh. Porcelain pale meant that red showed up quite a bit, and Nat had never been able to hide when she felt shame, humiliation or embarrassment. Perhaps Samala suffered the same, but somehow Nat doubted it was as obvious.

Natalie tilted her head as she listened and pondered just what the girl might mean by 'other things.' A few rather lurid images flickered across the forefront of her mind, quickly shoved aside, less her own musings on the nature of blushing and pale skin made an empirical display for comparison. Of course her skin already had a rosy pink tone to it, thanks to the heat. Surely any further blushing could be passed off as a reaction to that. "Having been uh...well-endowed pretty much since puberty hit, I suppose I can't exactly say I relate to what you are saying. As I noted, each building has its own benefits and hindrances. But you are objectively quite pretty all the same, so you can take that to heart at least, even if you're uh...only sporting a handful, as you put it. There are plenty of people out there that feel that anything more than just that handful is a waste."

Easing herself back in the tub a bit, Nat draped her hands along the side, elbows poking up and fingers dipping back down into the water. The gesture put her bust all the more on display, but despite having just talked about her tits, and the other girls slightly more humble offerings, Natalie didn't really think about the implications, of how the water ran down between the swelling valley of tit flesh, or how her nipples poked up above the water. She simply settled for a more relaxing pose and gave a shrug of her shoulders. What else was there to say on the subject? Her own oblivious nature sometimes got the best of her.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #206
[ Crewman 3rd Class Samala | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

Forcing herself out of her imagination and back to the moment at hand, Samala looked around the room, gazing at all the different groups relaxing or enjoying themselves as she listened to Natalie talk about herself. It was interesting to listen to another’s point of view about both of their respective body shapes, be it Samala’s lither and slenderer form or Natalie’s fuller and curvaceous figure. Samala found her eyes wandering across the Terran’s skin, enjoying the rosy hue it was taking on from the heat of the water surrounding them both.

When she moved, adjusting her position in the water to a more relaxed one, Samala found herself spellbound, watching as Natalie’s bust rose slightly, water running across her chest and down the valley between her generous mounds. The Terran’s nipples had also risen above the water level, exposure to the air seemingly making them stiffer and Samala found herself unconsciously licking her lips as she looked at them.

Without thinking, her hand reached out, seeking to feel the warm Terran flesh beneath her own but the young hybrid managed to catch herself before she made contact, pulling her hand back so rapidly that it was impossible for Natalie to not have noticed. Blushing deeply, Samala looked across the short distance between them.

“I’m sorry,” she apologised. “I just, ah, I’m sorry,” she went on, sitting up slowly and making ready to leave when the Terran would surely ask her too.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #207
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Public Baths | Deck 12| USS Theurgy 01] Attn: @Stegro88 [Show/Hide]

The moment that Samala's gaze shifted from the surrounding bathers (for lack of a better term) and back to Natalie, the Martian felt it like a warm, heavy weight settling onto her chest. Even as socially and yes, sexually dense as Natalie liked to pretend that she was, the brunette could not deny that she was aware that she had become the focus of the other girls attention once again. Which she supposed ought to be flattering, considering how many very distracting scenes were playing out around the two of them. Though they had picked a mostly secluded smaller tub to relax in, Natalie could still hear certain less than professional noises bubbling up out of the hazy steam that seemed to cling around the collection of tubs, and could just make out a trio of officers indulging in what looked to be a very hands on personal massage.

At least she thought it was just a massage. The angles were all wrong for her to be sure and in truth, she wasn't exactly trying to suss out the specifics of what anyone else was doing just then, which was probably not only polite, but the best for her nerves. What wasn't going to be good for her nerves was the way Samala was licking her lips like Nat was a piece of prime rib just taken off the grill. That made the pale skinned woman blush and wiggle a bit, though not exactly in an uncomfortable way.

Of course she never expected the other girl to reach out and try to touch her breasts. But that was clearly what was going on and Nat's eyebrows shot up high on her forehead. She even let out a little squeak as she pulled back slightly, just about at the point that the other girl became aware of just exactly what it was she was up to. If she were to be objective the moment was quiet comical, but no one seemed to be laughing at them, so perhaps it had gone unnoticed. Natalie herself was far too surprised to appreciate the humor in the moment as felt herself breathing faster and taking on a bright, deep red tint that blossomed in her cheeks and seemed to radiate out and down, all the way to her bust - which she had finally though to cover up, draping a hand over her bosom.

"Whoa there, easy, easy," she held out her other hand, palm down, motioning to the other girl to ease up on her apologies and apparent retreat. "Let's just take a minute and breathe here okay?" Trying to take her own advice and not crawl right out the back of the tub - it was really nice in the tub - Natalie took a deep breath, keeping her cleave corralled for the moment. She watched Samala, not quite like a cornered animal. Again, Natalie remembered why she had ended up here and the particular rules of the bet she lost. Blowing that breath back out in an almost huff, she lowered her arms back under the water and sunk down low so that the rippling surface came up just short of her chin. 

"You haven't really done anything like this before either, have you?"

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #208
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan, @Pierce, @Juzzie


Permission had been given, and Lillee seized it without mercy. She leaned into the kiss, exploring his mouth with her own, her tongue tasting him. Meanwhile her hands drifted from his throbbing shaft, exploring his body more intimately; Rhys's powerful thighs, his stomach, his pecs, his nipples, drifting down around him down to his buttocks. Lillee's touch was soft, sensuous, enjoying his damp skin, the scent of him as they kissed.

Nevertheless, she hadn't forgotten about their other paramour. Lillee finally released Rhys, but only to scoot a little closer, her chest very nearly touching his, his erect manhood standing between them. She embraced him, kissing the side of his neck, before gazing at Alana. With one hand, she beckoned for Alana to kiss her in turn, and soon enough they too were locked in a kiss just as deep and passionate as the one she had just shared with Rhys.

It was building to something, something that was now inevitable, and Lillee found herself loving it. She knew, distantly, that the three of them should retire somewhere else, a private alcove, one of the warm tubs. Nevertheless, she simply didn't have the self-control to wait, not anymore. She had two beautiful humans with her, humans who were just as aroused and lustful as her, humans who were also in desperate need of each other. Nobody was stepping up to ask the three of them to stop, so surely nobody seemed to mind...what was the harm?

The kiss broke, and keeping her eyes locked on Alana's, Lillee instinctively began licking and suckling Rhys's ear. She didn't know if he'd enjoy it like a Vulcanoid did, but the intake of breath she felt suggested that he did. Still gazing hungrily at Alana, Lillee's hands continued their unorthodox massage of Rhys, his skin hot and wet to her touch. Her own body felt like it was on fire, her groin damp and warm, the pressure from being seated on the bench like so only fuelling her arousal.

"Do you want him first?" Lillee whispered as she treated Rhys's ear, her eyes fixed on Alana, knowing full well that he could hear her too. One hand moved to Rhys's groin, gently fondling his testes and the base of his hard shaft. "It is only fair, you saw him have every right to claim your prize..."

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #209
[ Crewman 3rd Class Samala | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

Unable to believe what she had almost done, Samala wanted to run away, her embarrassment flushing her skin. The only reason that she had stopped her departure was because Natalie had urged her to stop, even going to far as to hold out a hand to stop her instead of using it to help conceal her breasts from sight. Samala couldn’t stop herself and she glanced at the Terran’s chest again, this time admiring how the pair of breasts were being somewhat shaped and squashed in the woman’s attempt to hide them; another thing that Samala was mostly unable to accomplish with her own.

"You haven't really done anything like this before either, have you?" Natalie asked after lowering herself back into the water. Samala could still catch a glimpse of that which had entranced her through the rippling water, but the distortion was enough to prevent her from losing herself. If only just.

“Is it that obvious?” Samala asked, already knowing the embarrassing answer. She was still kneeling in the water next to the reclined Terran but wasn’t feeling like settling down just yet. “The better to make a quick escape if I need to,” she thought as she glanced at Natalie again. “We had communal bathing areas on Bacury III but I never used them. I preferred my own quarters. And my people aren’t as, liberal, as those in here,” Samala observed, glancing around at those around them. 

“It's, a lot to take in. And I’m sorry it affected me so.”


Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #210
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griff @Juzzie [Show/Hide]

Pierce watched as Lillee mercilessly began groping on Rhys. She was dumbstruck and in awe at the prowess that the other woman possessed. Something deep inside the loins of Alana longed for the gentle touch of a woman but the hard flesh of a man. She was beside herself in this situation as the hormonal feelings pushed her towards either one but her mind was that of wanting Lillee. She was torn inside as she stared in amazement. Her own hands still working the thighs of Rhys as Lillee motioned for her to come closer.

The lust built in her as she leaned into Lillee who pulled her close for a very intimate kiss. Wet, plump lips touching and swapping saliva as they enjoyed each other's taste. The feeling only strengthened her need to let loose and just embrace the motions that Lillee was clearly directing now. Not one to normally lose control, she found herself almost powerless with the two beautiful specimens in her presence.

As Lillee's face pulled away, Alana's eyes opened slowly not expecting the kiss to end. The Romulan woman's stare into her eyes kept the interest alive however as she saw Lillee continuing to work on Rhys, to relax him more than he already seemed. Her chest seemed to heave with heavy breathing as she watched in desire at the two groping each other when she was startled by an inquiry from the other naked woman before her.

Lillee's whisper begging the question of whether to give her the first option. "Do you want him first? It is only fair, you saw him have every right to claim your prize..."

Alana felt her heartbeat racing quickly as she was still in shock over what she was allowing herself to do. Losing control was not something she was used to and yet, the desire to be dominated by these humanoids was pushing her further to just give in. She watched as Lillee's hands groped his shaft and her eyes locked on to the sight of it. Something not that long ago, she herself had possessed. But the female brain finally won and she nodded, biting her luscious and plump lips as her red hair brushed over her shoulders and partially on Rhys's shoulder as she leaned in to kiss the nape of his neck. Her hands relented as she fully grasped his man meat in her hands and she began stroking it from behind him. Her eyes carefully locked on to Lillee to see what she might try to accelerate in this situation.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #211
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Pierce @Griff

The whole situation felt overwhelming. Rhys was not a virgin, but any time he ended up in a sexual encounter it always came as a surprise to him. He always found it hard to perceive himself of being sexually attractive to anyone. Yet here were two people who were not only into each other but clearly on some level into him. It always crated a kind of cognitive dissonance. He knew it had to be true that some people were attracted to him, but emotionally it did not feel true.

Though the more they all ‘played’ he got a feeling of discomfort from Alana, something about her demeanour demonstrated him some sort of reluctant feeling at least towards himself. He wondered if her history that she had related to him had something to do with it. That kind of thing never really bothered Rhys at one time or another he had found himself attracted to men and women, and indeed people who did not fit into those sometimes all too rigid categories.

Rhys had just about made up his mind to tell her not to do anything she didn’t want to when he was distracted by Lillee’s touch. She was a good kisser and her touch seemed to automatically go to several areas that caused his cock to twitch and jump. He shivered as she touched his nipples in particular. Then of course she kissed his neck and Rhys was mentally checked out as soon as her lips touched that area, he let out a soft moan. Someone kissing Rhys’ neck would be able to get him to agree to nearly anything.

Soon Lillee was kissing Alana, and well that was a sight that only seemed to raise the temperature for him. Soon Lille’s lips were back this time attacking his ear, he took a sharp intake a of breath and found his hands moving to a breast for a moment squeezing them gently in his hands his thumbs brushing the nipples teasingly.

He then heard Lillee offer him to Alana a little like he was a prime part of some delicious meal. There was a gasp as she fondled his balls, his body juddered a little at her touch. Soon he felt Alana’s lips on the nape of his neck he moaned louder this time and felt himself unconsciously leaning back into her body. Her hand gripped his manhood and stroked him. Rhys felt he could feel her heart trying to jump out of her body. Gently his hand ran over the arm that was gripping his cock, and he turned a little to look at her. “If you are uncomfortable you don’t have to do anything with me.” He said radiating muscular good-naturedness.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #212
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griff @Juzzie [Show/Hide]

Alana sat there pondering how she ended up in this position. She of course was moist and filled with lust, but something just felt...odd to her. Here she was, practically throwing herself at Rhys and Lillee. Was it the Romulan? Maybe some pheromones enhancing the situation? Hard to say, but she realized she was holding firm on to his rigid cock at this very moment and just said screw it as she slid around the other side of the man she was groping.

His offer for her to bail was kind and if she weren't so fucking turned on right now, that would be her queue to leave and not take another gander. But same couldn't be said for her curiosity. Getting to figure out how her new plumbing worked in a situation like this was not something she even tried to attempt since the accident. But here of all places, it didn't exactly feel wrong, just different. She couldn't place it. She stood up almost making the other two believe she was leaving before she took a few steps and placed herself between the Romulan woman and the human male. Planting a wet, juicy kiss on Lillee, she groped the woman's breast gently as she ran a finger to her nether region to play with the folds which were surprisingly very wet. She let loose of the kiss and turned to Rhys.

"I thought about it, but honestly, I don't feel threatened by you. It's okay for this to happen." She looked him deeply in the eyes gauging interest and saw that his lust was keeping him rock hard and ready to go. Carefully she began crouching down for what was bound to be something she wasn't expecting. She released her fingers from Lillee and kissed Rhys, stroking his member as she placed a hand on her large, firm breast. Her legs slowly lowered as she hoisted her sex on top of his manhood as her folds covered him and enveloped his cock completely. Her head shot back in ecstasy as she felt pleasure like she'd never felt before hit her.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #213
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan, @Pierce, @Juzzie


Lillee relished in the feeling of Rhys enjoying her body, the attention he paid to her modest breasts, and when Alana reached around to begin stroking Rhys' stiff shaft, she simply enjoyed watching them. Indeed, Lillee could watch them all day. As much as she craved such attention herself, watching Rhys and Alana be with each other, discover each other for the first time, was a profoundly erotic and fulfilling experience, especially since Lillee had helped.

And she was hardly done helping.

Alana finally stood, showing her magnificent body in all its glory, and again Lillee enjoyed the deep kiss that they shared, her hands shifting from Rhys to Alana. Lost in the flow of it, Lillee simply sat there and enjoyed what was being done to her; the kiss, the gentle caress of her breast, the teasing of her damp and aching womanhood. Clearly, however, it was just the prologue, and Lillee found that she didn't mind in the slightest. She was curious to see what came next.

She scooted back a bit to give Alana room, the shifting of pressure on her groin only adding to her arousal. The human made to sit facing Rhys, but Alana went just a bit closer than Lillee had...and her words to Rhys set the stage. Left with nothing to do but observe, Lillee sat and watched Alana slowly guide herself upon Rhys' large shaft, his meaty manhood gradually penetrating inside her.

With that, Lillee scooted closer again, pressing her breasts to Alana's back, tucking an arm around the other woman's stomach. She kissed her back, absorbing the entire experience; the scent of arousal and washed skin, the little hitch in Alana and Rhys' breathing when he entered her, the taste of Alana's back. Lillee didn't know the past of her comrades, but she could nevertheless sense their nervousness, their reiticence, despite their conscious and unconscious desires. Neither Alana nor Rhys were experienced lovers, it seemed, enough that they both needed reassurance and care. Without even meaning to, Lillee lapsed into a familiar role.

"Slowly," she instructed Alana in a whisper, pushing herself up a little on her toes so she could whisper directly into Alana's ear. "Gently. There is no rush, we have all the time in the world. Just feel for him inside you."

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #214
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Pierce @Griff

For a moment Rhys thought that Alana might leave. He would certainly have been disappointed if she had but also, he wouldn’t have blamed her one iota. This had to be a confusing experience for her. On some level Rhys felt he could empathise, discovering he had been not only attracted to women but men as well in his teenage years had been alarming. Like in other circumstances where he was worried, confused or uncomfortable he had pretended that it wasn’t happening. It had taken a while for him to embrace this side of himself. When that first interest in someone you were not expecting to be interested came along there were few experiences like it.

However, in the end after what he could only imagine was a mental struggle, she decided to place herself over his lap. His cock which did not think quite so deeply about things twitched with excitement. He smiled when she said she did not feel threatened by him. In truth Rhys could not imagine a more unthreatening human than himself, but he took the words for the intent they displayed.

He returned Alana’s kiss, his arms wrapped around her middle in a protective manner before she slowly started to slide down on to his member. In many ways she had chosen the best position, this put her in control of what was happening. He gasped his mouth handing open a little, as she enveloped him. Her head shot back, and he took the opportunity to lean forward and place kisses along the length of her neck occasionally teasingly biting the skin. Lilee was whispering reassuringly in Alana’s ear, there was no doubt she was good at this kind of thing.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #215
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Public Baths | Deck 12| USS Theurgy 01] Attn: @Stegro88 [Show/Hide]

"A bit, yes," Natalie allowed with a small giggle of her own, rolling her shoulders back and trying to get settled again. She could feel her heart racing through her chest. Nothing she could really do about that, just forge ahead and try to help the younger woman get settled as well, herself. Licking at her lips, tasting the steam and humidity on her skin, she gently smiled. "There's nothing to be ashamed about in that regard you know. I think I might have an advantage at spotting it since this is all a little new to me too." 

That was an understatement. She had not done anything like this before. No shared baths, and certainly she'd not been the one in any sort of socially intimate exchange with anything approaching to more experience and more...self-assurance? Now that's a damn weird notion.

"Can't say that I know much about Bacury III," Natalie admitted as she listened. "Humanity, as a general rule, and this is a gross generalization I should admit, are pretty liberal and accepting. Even if something isn't exactly their cup of tea, we tend to um...let others indulge as they like. All of this," she waved her hand around in a small circle, to indicate the bathing facilities and all the blatant fornication on display, "Is a tad more um, open, than I would normally expect of your baseline human. Someplace like Risa, or Argelius, yeah sure. I've read all kinds of stories about officers that bit off more than they could chew taking a shore leave on a place like that. I'll admit that I was really surprised to find this place existed on the ship, but well, maybe one of the designers was Risan." Natalie tried winking at the other girl, in an effort to help her feel more comfortable and relaxed.

She wasn't sure it worked.

"Apology accepted though. I can't remember if I said that or not," another fast admission by the Martian woman as she shrugged her shoulders. "As I said, i've never shared a bath with a pretty woman before, nor nearly been groped by a stranger. Let alone done all of it in a setting with a ton of witnesses. They had to badger me into dropping my towel earlier. It's and overwhelming. Never you worry about that." Said the kettle to the pot. This was easier said than done, she well knew. Especially as - looking over the younger woman's shoulders - Natalie could just make out what looked like a threesome unfolding in the distance.

Risa. Or Orion, maybe. Jesus... Didn't help that all of it

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #216
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griff @Juzzie [Show/Hide]

Nervous tendencies were now gone at least as far as Pierce's mental state was concerned. She was now enthralled in pure ecstasy from the feeling and rhythm of their combined movements together. Never having felt anything like this before, she wondered if this is how the women she'd bedded in the past must have felt. Her hips continued to buck slowly, grinding on Rhys lap. Legs fell over the side of the lounge chair that they were 'relaxing' on.

She moaned as her head looked up at the ceiling of the deck. Her breasts lifted up ever so slightly drawing attention back to her ample bosom. The feeling of his rock hard cock gracing the insides of her womanhood as it broke loose the tightness inside. Alana leaned forward, carefully resting her hands on his shoulders as her hands slid down and gripped the man's chest.

" it would feel this good...." She turned her head to Lillee. "I can see why you wanted to see me go first..." Moans escaped her lips as she felt the meatstick randomizing the speed and depth inside her. Wonder was the only thought left in her head. The thought of what climax must feel like made her want to experience that much more.

"I think there's some room over here for you too Lillee...." she said as her chest heaved with heavy breaths. She patted the spot next to her at the side of the two currently attached literally at the hip.[/b]

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #217
[ Crewman 3rd Class Samala | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

Samala wasn’t surprised that Natalie didn’t know much about Bacury III. The Remans had chosen it because of how out of the way it was for the Romulans to find. The Federation was even further away. Still, listening to Natalie describe Humanity, even if only in a general sense was informative. Her knowledge of Terrans was from what others had told her and from what she had read, neither of which was highly reliable. And the admittance that where they were in the ship was not a normal Terran experience was also enlightening.

“I have heard of Risa before,” Samala admitted casually, shifting on her knees. “Stories about it were whispered among us and it was generally regarded as a place of obscene decadence,” she explained, calming down as she and Natalie spoke more. “Looking at this place and what is happening here, I can believe the stories a bit more now.”

“Still, looking around and seeing it all before my eyes, I can’t help but feel curious,” Samala admitted, her face flushing in embarrassment. “Where I grew up was very, conservative, when it came to pleasures of the flesh and rarely was it spoken about publicly. And never experienced as such,” she said, glancing around at what had drawn Natalie’s attention behind her. “I, ah, am wondering what it would feel like. To feel as they do in the presence of so many.”

“Do you feel the same?”
Samala asked, putting it out there. This was the moment, she felt. Natalie’s answer would determine if they remained together or one of them went running from the other in embarrassment.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #218
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan, @Pierce, @Juzzie


Lillee didn't need a second invitation. As Alana rode Rhys, Lillee edged around the two lovers, soon kneeling in the scant space beside them on the lounge chair, her knees on either side of Rhys's right leg, Lillee's damp groin atop his muscular thigh. She watched hungrily, intent of absorbing every second of what she was witnessing; Alana's groans, the rhythm of her body as she ascended and descended, Rhys's answering grunts, his barely visible shaft as it penetrated Alana's body with each of her downward motions, the gentle bobbing of Alana's ample breasts. Lillee's breath grew erratic in sympathetic excitement, and she leaned in to kiss Alana's shoulder, enraptured.

"Does she feel good?" she asked Rhys, shifting to kiss his shoulder, one of her hands trailing down to stroke the small of his back, her other hand on Alana's hip. Unable to help herself, Lillee began rubbing her groin along Rhys's thigh, her own breath hitching. She glanced around the Baths once more, curious, and this time they did have onlookers. Looking over her shoulder at one of the more private alcoves, Lillee spied Natalie and Samala, and her inhibitions thoroughly shot, Lillee simply grinned at them, waving before returning her attention to the matter at hand.

"Take her," Lillee urged Rhys in a sultry voice as she watched Alana ride him. "Take her, take her true, take her, fill her..."

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #219
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Public Baths | Deck 12| USS Theurgy 01] Attn: @Stegro88  [Show/Hide]

"Obscene Decadence, yeah, I could see that," Natalie agreed after a moments contemplation. "The locals would just claim that they are trying to be friendly. It is a prime vacation destination for the species of the Federation. For plenty of those from outside the Federation as well, come to think of it." She'd heard Risa took all types, as long as someone could get a proper visa from an outside power. She giggled a bit. "They are a very open and welcoming people. Hedonistic is another good word for them, but they are also very kind and caring. Not just...randy."

Natalie forced herself to listen to the other girl and not just respond to every little thing she said. Samala had something on her mind and it behooved Nat to let her speak, and give her the attention that deserved instead of giving into her own nature to occasionally ramble. With her hands resting on top of her chest - unintentionally but conveniently covering her bust somewhat - Natalie leaned against the far side of the tub and watched the considerably more lithe woman as she expanded upon the norms of where she grew up, at least in regards to the private nature of anything remotely related to sex.

It took her a moment to really understand what was being said. Which caused a heat in her cheeks. She pushed her tongue out against one of those cheeks as she pondered a response. The rules of the bet she'd lost again flashed in her mind and she huffed just a bit, easing further into the water so  that it came right up to her chin, hiding herself almost entirely from view. As much as one could be, in a bath tub, in any event. her eyes darted ot the side, in the direction of the threesome she saw breaking out and blushed more. "I've certainly never done anything like this before. Not being naked in front of a group of others, in such a public setting. Never had ...well, lets be blunt, sex, that's what's going on a lot around us - where others could see. And,"

Her she paused, looking over at Samala. She bit her lip before admitting. "Never been with a woman. There is certainly a lot to be curious about."

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #220
[ Crewman 3rd Class Samala | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

After asking her question, she had turned back to look at the Terran female she was sharing a tub with, want to see her answer as much as hear it. She had put herself out there, allowing herself to want to experience something new and unknown. She had always been told not to fear the unknown because you could never know what it could bring. She wondered if her parents had meant something like this. Sharing a hot tub with a beautiful buxom brunette who was as equally nude as Samala was herself.

Natalie’s response was something that Samala would remember for a long time as she listened to the hesitant Terran list several things that she hadn’t done. And it was a list that mirrored Samala’s own experiences or lack thereof. Chief among them was never having been with another woman or had sex in public. Smiling, seeing that she might get the opportunity for something new after all, Samala slide across the bathtub until she settled down next to Natalie, the water level resting just below her own breasts.

It was then that she was hit with a moment of uncertainty. Could she really do this? She wanted to; the idea appealed to her. But now that the opportunity was there, she wasn’t sure what to do about it. And she said as much to Natalie.

“Um, that’s great,” Samala said, her tone and hesitancy betraying her. “Um, did you, ah, want to here? Now? Ah, with me?”

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #221
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Public Baths | Deck 12| USS Theurgy 01]Attn: @Stegro88

Blue eyes watched as Samla slid across the tub to settle in next to Natalie, instead of sitting across from her. The Maritain was sure that took a bit of effort on the girls part, to bridge that gap, and she herself managed not to flinch away out of habit or some such thing. That would ruin the moment and there was no call for it as far as the Operations Chief was concerned. Yes this was awkward and yes she was twitchy about being touched but all the same, she knew what was coming, what was being asked. As it was, she darted her eyes away.

A part of Natalie had suspected, from the moment she and the younger woman had gone off toward a private bath that this sort of thing might happen. Truthfully, from the moment she stepped out of that locker room and into the steam filled edifice to decadence, she had suspected that she would end up being considerably more intimate with someone or another, than she might otherwise have chosen to be if left to her own devices. But the whole point of being there was to not be left to her own devices and to broaden her horizons as it were. And here she now sat, in the bubbling tub, faced with exactly the kind of proposition that this place was becoming infamous for among the crew. The real motivator, the real consequence of the gamble that had led her to explore the humid confines of the ships public baths. 

Nat gave consideration to the proposton. She had no idea how that looked from Samala's point of view, as the paler woman debated the pros' and cons' while knowing that, in the end, she was going to say yes. It was a foregone conclusion and had been since the moment she lost her bet. Her eyes flicked away from that middle point of the tub that she had been staring at and over to the girl. She didn't feel a strong pull one way or another, beyond curiosity. She could work with that, and really she knew she should stop stalling. The girl was smiling after all, clearly interested in her (a novel experience for Natalie, but then she was usually clueless about who was interested in her and wasn't). Swallowing, Natalie bit her lip and contemplated the girl. 

"Well...yes." Honest enough. She certainly didn't have any worry about being split in two, like she had briefly feared when Khorin Douglas seemed to be expressing some interest in her. She'd seen him in all his glory there by the edge of the large, main pool and she was quite certain such a coupling would have torn her, in a very literal manner. What was being offered now, she decided simply had to be more gentle course. "This is...fairly private for this place and there's no denying you're quite pretty and clearly curious as well."

Okay, she wasn't great at flirting. Nat was sure some Ferengi would sue her for that eventually.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #222
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Pierce @Griff

Alana was not the only person wondering how they had gotten into this position. Rhys was not the type of person to get up one day and go out of his way to have a threesome. If he were it most certainly would never have happened. Rhys’ propensity to over think and be awkward would have scuppered anything like that. Rhys tended to fall into these things rather than dive into them. Not that he was not enjoying himself. Quite the reverse as the urgent flesh standing between his legs was evidence.

The feeling of her around him was delightful, as was the pleasant touch of her fingers on his chest. It made him shudder a little. At this point to he was now utterly unaware of anyone else around him other than the two women who by some miracle had decided they wanted to spend time with him. Soon Alana had invited Lillie to take a more active part.

There was not much room but Lillee was able to place herself over his leg. He was surprised not expecting her to do that. However, he was happy with this turn over events. In the position he was in there was little he could do to directly facilitate her pleasure. However, he moved his leg with her own movements hoping it in some way would help.  She had asked him if Alanna felt good, and in truth she felt wonderful. Not just the obvious, but the feel of her skin against his. He found it hard to speak, so instead nodded and started to press kisses on Alanna’s chest. His tongue flicking teasingly over her nipples. With Lillee urging him, Rhys aimed to meet Alanna’s movements with his own upward thrusts.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #223
[ Crewman 3rd Class Samala | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

Waiting for Natalie’s response seemed to take forever to Samala as the Terran looked at her. The hybrid debated adjusting her position to somehow make herself look more enticing, but she wasn’t quite sure how to do that and didn’t want to make a fool of herself any more than she might already be doing. Natalie was just staring at her and Samala was getting edgy waiting for an answer. Patience had never been one of her strong skills.


Relief flooded Samala’s body, and she sagged slightly as she let out the breath she hadn’t realised she had held in. Natalie had said yes to her and Samala suddenly realised she didn’t know what to do now. So focused she had been on an answer that she hadn’t thought about what to do if Natalie said yes like she had.

"This is...fairly private for this place and there's no denying you're quite pretty and clearly curious as well."

“Thank you,” was all Samala could think to say as she tried to get her nerves under control. She had thought what came after asking would have been easy, but she had begun to realise that it was, in fact, the opposite. Now she had to follow through. But how to start?

“I... ah, I like how you look too,” she stuttered, her nerves racking her. Lifting a hand out of the water, she edged it towards the Terran, telegraphing her approach in case Natalie changed her mind. “May I?” she asked, requesting this time what she had almost done without thought earlier.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #224
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Public Baths | Deck 12| USS Theurgy 01] Attn: @Stegro88 

Seeing relief in someone else was easily recognizable to Natalie, though seeing interest in herself in another's eyes was a somewhat new experience. Though there had been enough passing interest in her when she entered the baths, and especially when she dropped her towel entirely to go all natural like the majority of the occupants, for the Ops Officer to at least be aware of what the expression might be. And Samala had it in spades right then, enough so that Natalie did feel a blush creeping up into her cheeks. 

She questioned herself again, for a moment, but decided that there was no point in second guessing her decision. Clearly the girl wanted to pursue this, and for a multitude of reasons Natalie was not truly opposed to the idea, even if she'd never really considered her own gender as a potentially attractive option. At least not beyond an aesthetical perspective. She'd always been able to spot beauty in other women. Just not been able to apply that to herself. Or really see them in a romantic or sexual option.

Samala got her courage up and Natalie watched, amused as the girl again started to reach out toward Nat's own impressive bust. One did not need to be a telepath, or even a counselor trained in reading others to glean that the younger woman was unsure of how to proceed. That made two of them. Nat bit her lip for a moment and then nodded before vocalizing her consent.

"Go right ahead. I figure... you try, I try?" As she did so she unconsciously pressed her arms in against her sides, pushing her bust up somewhat, making them easier to see in the bubbly water. Not that they were well hidden to begin with. She had sat back up when Samala slid over to her side of the bath, no longer hidden to the chin by the water currently running between the valley of her breasts. "They won't bite your fingers, I promise."

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