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Topic: CH04: S [D04|0800] Aftermath of Untruth (Read 9155 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH04: S [D04|0800] Aftermath of Untruth

Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 0800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

[ Maya | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan@patches , &  @Vox,  optionally @TrexelCat & @Blue Zephyr (How injured was Eun Sae Ji?)

Last night, Maya had been temporarily reinstated and returned to duty.  Acting Commanding Officer Wenn Cinn had no choice but to reinstate her.  After the casualties taken in Main Sickbay, the Sword’s Medical Department was dangerously shorthanded, and the casualties had been high.  The Chief Medical Officer was grievously injured and compromised mentally, biologically, legally, and spiritually.  The Assistant Chief Medical Officer was recovering from surgery and was adjusting to her symbiont… if the Rez symbiont had been implanted and not substituted with something worse.  The relief medical officer had been abducted, and that wasn’t counting the two nurses who were taken as well.  That left EVE, the Long-term Medical Hologram (LMH) as the only licensed surgeon available, and between the damage the Sword had taken from enemy fire to the bloodshed the Asurian boarding parties had inflicted, leaving a capable surgeon in the brig just wasn’t feasible.

Maya had been temporarily placed in charge of sickbay until Doctor Amelya Duv, strike that, Rez, was back on her feet.  A subcutaneous transponder had been imbedded under the little Vulcan’s skin so that security would always know where she was, even if she removed her combadge.  Acting Brig Officer Ensign Colin McArthur had dryly asked what use a subdermal transponder would be on a medical doctor with easy access to surgical instruments, but no one had an easy answer for him.

In some ways it was fortunate that the surgeons that evening was a Vulcan and a hologram for the hours were long and the work was grisly and at times ghoulish.  For example Petty Officer Strxysx of Vulcan, who Chief Warrant Officer Sten Covington had nicknamed ‘John,’ had been killed by the Asurian boarding party in the Fighter Assault Bay.  According to his medical records, Strxysx’s bodily tissues where compatible with that of Lieutenant T’Less who had been placed in cryosleep ever since the Theurgy’s first encounter with the CalamityT’Less had suffered a phaser shot to her torso that had left her in dire need of a replacement heart and now the late Petty Officer Strxysx could provide her one.  T’Less’ surgery was completed at 23:42 and soon the greenblooded tactical officer was sleeping in the recovery ward.  Maya and EVE were determined to make the most of every casualty, even the permanent ones.

Speaking of casualties, as always, the Security Department had borne the brunt of it.  Concerned with the possibility of more boarding parties, Commander Cinn had instructed the two remaining physicians on no uncertain terms to make restoring members of the Security Department to active duty a priority, preferably anyone who had been placed in cryosleep long enough ago to have never heard of the Devoted of Morali.  The medical supplies that they had gained during the raid of Black Opal made the request possible.  Petty Officer Kino Taer had been the next patient scheduled to be removed from cryosleep and moved to surgery and there was no reason to change that.  The patient had suffered extreme cranial trauma and Doctor Nicander had been scheduled to operate, but Maya was a skilled neurosurgeon and was more than qualified as a substitute.  The patient’s head was shaved to a pixie cut and the operation proceeded.  A minor but distracting annoyance was the clerical error that had the ocular implants needed to replace the patient’s right eye stored in the Stallion that was presently lightyears away.  The only one available was the targeting implant that had been built for the Harbinger’s Lieutenant Commander Phanatos Kilinvoss but had never been implanted.  It didn’t match Kino Taer’s biological eye and it was unlikely that the petty officer would need an implant that could access data from a Valkyrie-class warp capable fighter, but with a little reprogramming it could be compatible with a security tricorder.

The surgeons worked around the clock.  As a Vulcan, Maya could theoretically stay on her feet over a week.  EVE could continue indefinitely; there was a reason she was referred to as a Long-term Medical Hologram.  Nevertheless, by 800 hours the next morning, Maya needed a break if she wanted to maintain long term medical competence so she removed herself from the surgical bay that had been the site of Nicander’s unmasking and proceeded to make her rounds. 

There was one particular patient she wanted to check on so Maya entered the recovery ward.  Doctor Amelya Duv, correction, Rez was resting in a bed between Lieutenant T’Less and Petty Officer Taer.  Even with the covers pulled over her, Maya could see that Amelya was wearing a uniform rather than pajamas or a medical gown.  Doctors really did make the worst patients, particularly when they outranked the doctor that ordered them to stay in bed.  It was obvious that the recovering Trill considered herself “on call” and had been tending to the patients in the intensive care unit off and on between catnaps.

“Doctor Rez, I distinctively recall prescribing twenty four hours bedrest,” the greenblooded physician scolded.  “After the losses sickbay suffered yesterday we need you at your peak.”

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #1
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M. @Nolan @Vox @patches  @Auctor Lucan


Evelyn Rawley didn’t need to open her eyes, upon regaining consciousness, to know where she was. Sickbay. She felt a tinge of nostalgia. It had been some time since she was last in Sickbay. Then she remembered why…

Eyes dimmed, Rawley felt the woman's hand against her forehead. She was behind her, holding her still, and had the parsteel blade pressed with the flat across her face. She wanted to fight back, but she just had to catch her breath... She just had to breathe... She just had to... "No, Razor..."

These misled fools could not be armed. She would fight back... She just... She just...

Rawley winced a little at the memory of having her throat sliced, the blood, the feeling of the knife. This had to be the most painful yet. At least the previous times she had been sent to Sickbay, they all involved a cockpit, one of the birds she had slipped in now and again to spread her wings. She felt grateful to have been unconscious during the hullabaloo with that Ishtar thing. But a knife wound? Well, this was different. It felt…wrong.

And the irony of it all, it turned out Razor was all right after all. Whatever he tried to do, he wasn’t himself.

He reached out his taped in hand to her "Anyway, no hard feelings between the both of us?" he asked her as he looked her in the eyes "As for the Vulcan in the brig, she isn't our concern. Whatever game she's playing... I'm sure the boys in yellow will deal with it." he murmured.

"Besides, we have bigger problems ahead of us. Our squadron lies in ruin an I need a few good officers to help me as I'm falling in for Miles right now."

She remembered Miles with a pang. So many of the Wolves lost…Razor needed good officers? Well, she’s in. It was time she owed Thomas Ravon an apology. She never did get a chance to apologize to, let alone forgive, him properly.

Granted, she’d have to have a bloody clean bill of health first. She knew from experience that she’s not leaving Sickbay until the doctor’s fully released her.

Rawley opened her eyes briefly and looked around. So, she was in Sickbay after all. She thought as much. A brief look around and she could see…bloody hell. Doctor Maya. What was that green-blooded tart doing back in? Rawley thought she was in the brig.

"Doctor Rez, I distinctively recall prescribing twenty-four hours bedrest," the greenblooded physician scolded.  "After the losses sickbay suffered yesterday we need you at your peak."

Rez? The name was familiar. And losses? Rawley looked around. Judging from the amounts of beds filled, it seemed like Theurgy had quite a bloody sortie. What was going on? And where were those wankers, Solito’s henchmen? She knew Solito was dead, but the rest of his wankers were still on the loose. Her usual impulse to fly was getting the best of her again. She knew those urges, the urges to do something. Well, whatever Ives did to let the pointy-eared bint Maya out of the brig, he…or she…did it for a reason, but she still didn’t like the idea of being left at the mercy of a bloody Vulcan.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #2
[ T’Less | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M.   @Nolan  @Multificionado @patches @Auctor Lucan  

T’Less wasn’t exactly sure when she had become aware of her surroundings again, just that there was darkness and silence at first and then she could hear sounds off in the distance, as if coming from far away but slowly getting closer to her.

The Vulcan didn't know exactly what she was hearing as the sound was muffled, the kind of muffled sound you heard when submerged under water would be the best way she could describe it but she knew that wasn’t the case. Eventually the sounds started to become clearer the more aware of herself she became. Slowly opening her eyes, she noticed that her eyelids felt rather heavy as if she hadn't opened them in a long time.

At first all she saw was a bright white, blurred light that only grew brighter the wider her eyes became. She couldn’t help but wince and close them, allowing a few moments to pass before cracking them open once more, finding herself looking up at lights on the ceiling.

Moving to sit up, her whole body felt heavier and stiffer than she remembered, as if she hadn’t moved in a while. Once she was sat up straight the Vulcan turned her head to look around the room, immediately recognising that she was in sickbay, although she had no knowledge of how she had gotten there.

The tactical officer could see several other crew members either sitting or lying down on the other bio-beds while the medical professionals on duty attended to them, although she only saw Maya, the Vulcan nurse in the room, which was a little....unusual to say the least. Not that T'Less was paying too much attention at the moment as her cloudy mind tried to remember what had happened that had led to her ending up here.

It took a few moments before it all started slowly coming back to her, she remembered being on the bridge at tactical, they were under attack by several Starfleet ships, one of them was the Calamity, that much she was sure of. They were putting up a good fight but had taken some damage and then…T’Less arched her left eyebrow as she tried to remember, the haze slowly lifting as she recalled Cala, the AI from the Calamity appearing on the bridge and attacking everyone. T’Less remembered her attacking one of the security officers, breaking his arm and taking his phaser and before T'Less could react the AI had the phaser aimed at her…she remembered watching the beam cross the room towards her, vaguely remembered it hitting her in the chest and then…nothing.

Blinking as she came out of her memory it was obvious that she had been shot but something felt different…although what it was, she couldn’t explain. Even being shot and logically assuming she had required surgery, it hadn’t explained why her body had felt so heavy and sluggish when she had first woken up. The more she thought about it the more she could only come to one logical conclusion, that she had been put into Cryostasis. It would certainly explain why she had felt the way she had done when she had first regained consciousness but had her injuries truly been that severe?

Watching as her fellow Vulcan moved around the room T'Less waited to be seen, hopefully getting some answers about what had happened to her, the state of the ship and if she had indeed been in Cryostasis as she hypothesised, how long she had been in there for.      

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #3
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox @Doc M. @Nolan @patches @Auctor Lucan

Rawley blinked in surprise to see somebody sit up, looking around. Getting a proper look, she realized it was somebody she had not seen in a bloody long time: T’Less, Theurgy’s Tactical Officer. Rawley didn’t know what gobsmacked her more about her appearance, the fact that she’d just woke up after being on ice for so long, or the fact that she herself felt pity for the Vulcan.

“Cor blimey,” she said to herself, barely on the edge of whisper. That was particularly unusual, feeling pity for a pointy-eared tart in the presence of the one that had been spending time in the brig.

She had vaguely recalled having last glimpsed her before the hullabaloo with the other ship…Cala something? Calamity, of course! Blimey, and with her record and veteran status, even, from what she heard, the Second Battle of Chin’toka (not so much a battle as it was a bleedin’ massacre) …this was one bloody unlucky goblin.

Rawley sniffed with nostalgia, remembering the battle. She especially remembered the Reavers of the Calamity, and…crikey, she thought; she had to smile when she thought back on it…

She was merely dressed in an askew sickbay gown, feet bare and head shaved, yet she had come across an Isomagnetic Disintegrator from some weapons locker, and she seemed rather inclined to use it. It was a shoulder-mounted directed-energy weapon, and despite the fact that the surface-to-air weapon seemed far too large for her diminutive frame, she still brandished it against the hellfire of the sky.

Rawley nearly chuckled at that. She can imagine she’d give the average Klingon a run for his money from just the sight. Sod that, she’d imagine giving the legendary Boudicca a run for her money like that. Then there was the rush of commandeering a Reaver herself. What a bird.

Then she thought of the battle against the Calamity, where the bloody barge was finished off for good, and thought of the lives lost, including her half-brother Cale. Oh, Cale. And Oracle, too.

Rawley decided it was time to turn over a new leaf. She wasn’t too keen on that bint Maya, but T’Less certainly deserved to get up to speed. And if she could pump information out of that wretched Maya…as coolly and, she couldn’t believe she was thinking it, logically as possible…all the better.

“Psst! Oi!” Rawley hissed at T’Less, as quietly as possible. “Over here!”

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #4
[ Amelya Rez | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado , @Doc M.@patches  , &  @Vox

Time was moving by too slowly, far too slowly... Maya had been placed in charge despite Rez's feeling of being recovered enough to pick up her uniform and jump into the action and mayhem that seemingly begged for her attention in Sickbay. For now however, Dr Maya had confined her to the ICU with the explicit order of 24 hours of bed rest. An order she had prescribed herself so many times... Did most people feel useless like this when undergoing such a gruesome treatment?

Regardless despite the Vulcan's explicit orders, Rez had occasionally slipped out of her bed to follow up on the patients in ICU. Another Vulcan officer had been doing steady while Evelyn Rawley seemed to be back from the brink. Amelya had gone through her chart, catching up on what kind of trouble the pilot had gotten herself into once more. However, despite the close call with death it seemed the pilot would recover just fine. The only bad thing was that the two females were still asleep when she checked on them, thus Rez returned back to her bed and tried to rest as good as she could.

When she finally did manage to get some actual sleep, flashes of her previous lives flashed through her mind. At first they were the distant memories from the oldest hosts. The strongest emotions they had experienced in their lives, yet the more she slept the more recent the memories got. Sometimes they made her wake up gasping for air as she got a lot more information than she bargained for. She now recognized the Vulcan in the room as T'less, she must've been on ice for so long. Amelya cursed at herself in hindsight though, the vivid dreams/memories causing her heart rates to spike which would probably be noticed by Maya.

Whilst dealing with the new part of her body, a feeling gnawed at her as she fiddled with her fingers whilst thinking of Nicander. The former head physician had been exposed. His true form arisen... What gnawed at her though was the additional information she got from Jona and Edena's memories. How crucial his role was in the sabotage of SB84, would she have to confront him with this information? Or would it be a signed death penalty if there would be one? Perhaps inform the captain about it? Or the XO?

Her attention snapped back to reality as her tending physician showed up and scolded her for not keeping her bed rest. Amelya almost rolled her eyes at the Vulcan before she shook her head and nodded "Correct Doctor." she simply stated "Though I feel fine, the past few hours have been... Refreshing." she continued "Though, Sickbay is short staffed, you need every able doctor or nurse in here." her eyes slid over the slender figure of Maya "So put me back in the field doctor Maya or I'll discharge myself." she said sternly before a coy smile decorated her lips "I'll be on my A game so to speak, or however the Terrans call it. I'll know when to stop as well. If not you can always humor me by saying, I told you so."

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #5
[ Maya | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado, @Nolan@patches , &  @Vox

“Very well, Doctor,” Maya replied drily.  “I suppose I have no choice but to return you to duty, since it is too soon to have you sedated.”  It was then that she heard Rawley whispering.

Whispering was a great method of communication when attempting to have a discreet conversation with a Vulcan.  The Vulcan species had a very sensitive sense of hearing and could pick out a whisper from background noise relatively easily.  Whispering to a Vulcan was a great way to communicate when you didn’t want a third party to overhear.

Unless that third party was also a Vulcan. 

“Ah Lieutenant Rawley, it’s so good to see you’re awake,” Maya purred as she pivoted to address the prone pilot.  “I’m sorry to report that you missed a major engagement yesterday.  From what I hear the armada we were up against made Task Force Acheron look like a Pakled convoy.  I can procure the casualty list if you’re interested but from all accounts the Lone Wolves acquitted themselves better than expected.”  She then turned to look at T’Less, who had also opened her eyes and was obviously awake.  “And Lieutenant T’Less, so good to have you join us in the land of the living.  Allow me to introduce Doctor Duv, pardon me, Doctor Ameyla Rez from the Harbinger.  You must have so many questions,” she commented offhandedly while glancing at the biofunction monitor located at the head of the bed.

OOC:  My previous post makes a lot more sense if I move it down here. 

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M. @Nolan @Vox @patches @Auctor Lucan

Rawley scowled at hearing Maya. She forgot that there would be other Vulcans hearing her. So much for trying to get T’Less’s attention and bring her up to speed. Oh well. T’Less was looking like she was looking for attention.

But the news about the Wolves piqued her interest. What sort of new blood did they pick up to make them so brilliant? She wondered.

“I’ll check the casualty list later, when I’m able,” she retorted tersely. “I’ll wait for you to discharge me, too, but I’ll have you know, you green-blooded goblin,” she added, her voice turning cold, “I know what you did with Ravon and Maverick. I know you went to the brig for it. But whatever the bloody dickens made Ives to let you out, he…she…cripes, I keep mixing them up, it’ll give keeps giving me a headache, thinking about that…ah, sod it…

“…Ives let you out for a reason, and I trust the captain’s judgment. But let me be clear, you pointy-eared bugger, I will be blunt with you. I do not like you, and that’s the nicest way I can put it. And I don’t trust you, or bloody Vulcans like you.

“I’m sure you do not believe in duels, but I heard of that one time when Kirk and Spock had to duel. It was that one time Spock was when Vulcans get horny, called Pon Farr or something? My point is, the next time you’re feeling like Pon Farr, let me know, because I’m going to kick your arse.”

She turned at T’Less and nodded. “No offense on your part, but if you knew about Maya, what she did to Ravon and Maverick, it’d make your green blood curdle. Nice to see you back, by the way. Yeah, Maya will probably pick you up to speed, probably would do a bloody better job than I would.”

She leaned back and glared at Maya. “I look forward to when you discharge me. I might be feeling anxious to fly with the Wolves again.”

Her attitude, while rude toward Maya, not the least that she had practically challenged her to a duel, was inconsequential. Rawley felt justifiable. She’d never trust Maya, but she trusted Ives’ judgement. All the same, some tiny part in her made her doubt she’d last long against the Vulcan, even if she was going horny. She brushed it off. If she can shoot down Reavers with a cannon twice her size, she figured she’d go one on one with a Klingon. A horny Vulcan would be a piece of cake. Plus, she handled worse. Much worse.

More than ever, she wanted to get away from the Vulcan and back to the Ravon. She wanted to meet the new lads and lasses that joined the Wolves. Amidst her cold feelings toward Maya, a curiosity was bubbling about the new lads and lasses that made the Wolves fly brilliantly.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #7
[ PO2 Kino Taer | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] @Doc M. , @Vox , @Multificionado , @Nolan

Kino didn’t quite remember falling asleep, but as her consciousness drifted to alertness, it dawned on her that she was not anywhere near where she was supposed to be. The last thing she remembered was standing near a door as part of a Security team. And then…


She awoke with a soft gasp as her brain was momentarily insistent the ship had to still be in combat, forcibly clearing the sluggishness that persisted at first. The lights blinded her at first and the mild headache focused on her right eye did not induce the Trill to a calmer or happier mood. As things settled into focus, she noticed her vision was different in a way that was hard for her to describe. It was her nose and ears that first alerted her to where she actually was.

Aw, fuck. Sickbay again.

The two voices she was absent-mindedly listening to were definitely female and vaguely recognizable as people Kino must have heard or met prior to the madness surrounding their escape from Earth. She mulled over the ramifications as she used her right index finger to test her eyes’ ability to focus so that she could figure out what was different.

Definitely still on the Theurgy. Definitely in Sickbay. And I’ll be damned if my right eye isn’t better than it was before. They must have replaced it. Fun. Whatever knocked me out hit me hard.

She kept quiet while the others chatted, hoping to glean some information on the present state of the ship from the conversation.

Lieutenant Rawley? Isn’t she one of the pilots? Casualty list? I’d like to see that too. Davies better still be alive. That idiot owes me money from our last game.

Her relaxation turned to some alarm as she tensed her body for a possible response as Rawley ranted. Headache, new eye, whatever. The rest of her body was still fine and she felt still quite capable, and she didn't need a gun or suit to kick someone's ass.

“what she did to Ravon and Maverick”? How long have I been out? What the fuck is going on?

“Well Lieutenant, you’re not the only one ready to get back on her feet.” Kino finally spoke, her husky voice developing an edge meant to cut through the tension as she pushed herself to a sitting position on the bed. “I’d also love to know what’s going on. I’ve obviously been under for longer than I’d like. Doc?”

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M. @Vox @patches @Nolan @Auctor Lucan

Rawley looked around to hear that husky voice. She recognized... One of those lasses in yellow, one of those security grunts. Silver-haired, though she looked nothing like a geezer; two mismatched eyes, one brighter than the other, and…and were those spots on…?

She realized who it was. Kino Taer. Trill, if she remembered.

“Blimey! Kino Taer! Fancy meeting you here of all places, ye spotted dicky bird!” Granted, Kino was taller than she was, but what did she care? At least there’ll be somebody to bring up to speed, even if it wasn’t the Vulcan.

“So, you’d love to know what’s been going on? Well, seems our pointy-eared matron here has been turning people wonky. She’s mucked with the minds of my fellow flyers, Ravon and Maverick. Made them do things wonky. The poor lads didn’t know what they were doing, but Maya was behind it all. Razor told me before we had a little sortie with a bunch of wankers led by one Solito.

“Razor told me Maya was mucking up his mind, and one of the other Vulcans, Cir’Cie, she confirmed it. He also told me Maya was in the brig. Yet, here she is.”

Rawley turned back at Maya coldly. “Perhaps you’d like to explain why Ives even let you out. I trust Ives’ judgement, but others may likely not. They’d deserve to know why a backstabbing bleeder like you is doing out of the brig.”

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #9
[ Maya | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado, @Nolan@patches , &  @Vox

Doctor Maya didn’t bat an eyelash at Evelyn’s remarks.  Despite the pilot’s hostility, the greenblooded physician seemed perfectly serene. 

“It is agreeable to see you back to your old self Miss Rawley, you should be flying with your squadron in no time,” Maya replied casually.  “I don’t mind telling you why I’ve been released from the brig; it would be more than agreeable to share.  It seems that we’ve all been under the influence of a malevolent entity or other.  In my case that entity has finally and definitively been identified.  On a personal level it comes as a great relief for I too was under the impression that I was responsible.” 

The greenblooded physician turned to face the opposite row and took a step to the right to address another patient.  “I see that your outbursts have awakened Petty Officer Taer,” the little Vulcan commented dryly.  “Hello Petty Officer it’s been nearly six months.  You did not attend the festivities,” she continued as she misphrased an old Terran expression.  “You’ll need an update more than Lieutenant T’Less, although that can wait until Counselor Ejek performs a cognitive ability test and determines if you require further therapy.”

OOC:  Naturally, I don’t expect Kino to wait until later.  Maya is just following the rulebook by the numbers since Kino is recovering from brain surgery.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M. @Vox @patches @Nolan @Auctor Lucan

“Wot? You too?”

Rawley couldn’t believe it. Maya? Also under the influence…? Did that mean something else was mucking with the Vulcan’s brains, too? That’s just brilliant. Another bloody puppet, and one mucking about with other puppets as well.

“You…you’re…” Rawley wanted to say it, but something held her back. Much as she wanted to say that Maya was lying, something held her back. It was instinctive to say Maya was lying, but to her surprise, she could let herself say it. She should’ve bloody realized it, too. Vulcans cannot lie. Oh, once in a while, they can exaggerate, they can imply, they can stretch the truth in one bloody way or another, but they cannot blatantly, directly, lie.

“Well, okay, so you may be telling the truth on that, Vulcans have that reputation after all,” she muttered, after Maya greeted T'Less and Kino, “so you may not have been directly responsible, either. Ah, sod the Pon Farr bit, too, but…a malevolent entity? Well, surely it couldn’t have been that Ishtar spook again, or otherwise, the whole bloody barge would be reeking of hormones by now. Who or what was pulling your strings, anyway, Maya? God forbid it would turn out to be that Q bloke. Who in blazes could it have been?”

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #11
[ T’Less | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M.  @Nolan  @Multificionado @patches @Auctor Lucan 

Sat on her bed, waiting as patiently as one would expect from a Vulcan, T'Less heard a very quiet whisper coming from somewhere to her side and turned her head, seeing a shaved headed Human she vaguely recognised as one of the Lone Wolves, Rawley looking at her, clearly her whispered words were aimed at her.

Before T'Less could reply however, Maya spoke, addressing the pilot first before turning to look at her and welcoming her back to the land of the living causing T'Less to arch her eyebrow in curiosity but turned her attention towards the female Trill and apparently stubborn Doctor when she was introduced and gave the woman a slight tilt of her head in acknowledgement before it clicked in her mind that the Rez symbiont used to have a different host, a new joining perhaps? She wondered before returning her attention to Maya, when the Doctor continued speaking to her, stating that she no doubt had so many questions.

"A logical assumption." T'Less replied, unable to keep the slight hint of sarcasm out of her voice as she replied before Lieutenant Rawley spoke up.

Observing the woman as she spoke, it was clear that the pilot did not have a fondness for the Doctor...or Vulcans in general it would seem as she observed the...conversation if that was what Rawley's anger filled rant could be described as. If Vulcan's could be offended or insulted her comments about the Pon Farr could very well have done it given the fact most Vulcan's did not discuss that outside of their family and partner.

Sure enough the admittance from the pilot that she did not like the Doctor came as no surprise to her as it was blatantly obvious to everyone that was true, it was in fact enough to make T'Less's lip curl slightly up in a small smirk briefly, although it was gone almost as soon as it had appeared.

When Rawley's tirade towards the Doctor had finished, T'Less watched the woman turn her attention back towards her and listened to what she had to say.

"None taken." She replied before glancing over at Dr. Maya briefly at Rawley's comment about what she had done, her gaze returning to the Wolf when she commented on having her back and gave a nod of her head "Thank you, it is good to be back." She added before nodding and glancing back over at Maya "Indeed. It would seem I have quite a bit to catch up on."

However before she could ask the Doctor any questions, another patient in the room decided to wake up, leaving T'Less with her thoughts as she observed the conversation, listening as Rawley updated the silver haired Trill on the latest happenings.T'Less too would like to see that casuality list, however that would be after someone finally filled her in on everything she had missed, especially considering it would seem she had missed quite a bit since her injury.

T'Less returned her attention fully to the conversation when Rawley said she would like to know why Dr. Maya was released from the Brig, it was certainly something T'Less would like to know too. Like the pilot, T'Less trusted Captain Ives' judgement however one could not deny that to end up in the Brig you had to do something to warrant it, especially if what the pilot had said was true. Vulcan's had strict laws about that kind of assault as well, but if the Captain had let her out there surely must have been a good explanation for it, however given the circumstances what that could be T'Less certainly couldn't think of any beyond all the other Medical staff being killed and Maya being the only one left, which certainly wasn't the case.

The tactical officer paid close attention as she listened to Maya explain what had happened, her own memory of those events flashing through her mind, those were some rough days, although it would seem in be that perhaps they had encountered another such entity after she was injured, hopefully she would get a fuller briefing on all that stuff later, however it would seem the reasoning was just, albeit it a horrible situation for all concerned.

When Maya returned her attention to Kino and stated that she would need even more of an update than she did, T'Less arched her eyebrow but remained silent as Rawley spoke again, her attitude changing about a lot of things after hearing the truth and had to admit she was impressed with the fact the Human could adjust her attitudes towards her own words earlier after hearing the truth. The Wolf did have a point though, it wasn't exactly easy to breach a Vulcan's mental defences, especially enough to "pull their strings." as the pilot had so eloquently put it, however she found herself shaking her head at one thing the woman had said.

"I do not believe that "That Q bloke" as you put it was responsible, the reports from the Enterprise, Deep Space Nine and Voyager crews all state the same thing, none of which indicated anything so malevolent. However you are correct, whoever was responsible must be quite powerful indeed. However based on the fact that the Doctor is here and not in the brig, nor are any of the crew apparently in danger from her, it is logical to assume that our shipmates triumphed over the entity." T'Less replied before glancing over at Maya "Hopefully to an extent to which it will not return?" She added, although it was clearly more a question than a statement. 

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #12
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M. @Vox @patches @Nolan @Auctor Lucan

“Let’s hope, then, T’Less,” answered Rawley. “And you definitely have a point, that one Q, now that I think on it, was more a mischief maker, but never evil.”

She was surprised at herself with all this logical assumption. Perhaps intuition was guiding the better part of her. She can nonetheless feel something is wrong.

Rawley also felt a rush of gratitude to T’Less. For a Vulcan, she was a good listener, and she had a feeling she was also a little repulsed at what had happened with the mucking of minds. She thought she saw her smirk briefly. Well, bugger that.

Now that she had a good, thorough look around, it occurred to her that Maya was the only ranking member of the medical staff on hand. Aside from the LMH, EVE, there was hardly any medical staff around. At least around to tend the wounded. She immediately began thinking of Nicander. Lucan…no, Doctor Nicander. Blimey, when did she begin thinking of him so informally? It may have been that one night…Ah, well, it didn’t matter. Much as she can forgive Maya, though she felt it would be easier to forgive Razor than she would the Vulcan, she’s entitled to a different opinion from someone familiar.

“Where’s Nicander?" she asked Maya when the Vulcan doctor had a moment, which surprised her, given patience was never one of her virtues. "I may need to be entitled to his opinion of events.”

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #13
[ Maya | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado, @Nolan@patches , &  @Vox

“Doctor Nicander is not available right now,” Maya replied with all of the warmth and emotion of a prerecorded message.  In another life, she would make a good ship’s computer.  “A delirious patient somehow procured a phaser and inflicted a critical wound, bordering on maximal.  If you saw him as he is now, you might not recognize the man you knew.  I would rather not elaborate; the details of his condition would only disturb you.”  As she turned away from Evelyn to face the others, her large hazel eyes stole a glance at Amelya, as if they shared a secret. 

“Oh yes, and I can confirm that the Ishtar entity has not reappeared,” she assured T’Less while smoothly changing the subject.  “I think that now is a good time to inform Lieutenant T’Less and Petty Officer Taer of the changes to the ship’s compliment while they’ve been in stasis,” she continued.  “As the others know, we encountered the Harbinger when they made contact with us after discovering an officer aboard their ship that had been possessed by the same parasitic entities that have compromised Starfleet Command.  The Harbinger was destroyed when it collided with the Calamity and saved all of our lives.  We have recovered the survivors from the Harbinger, just as we later took in the surviving officers and crew from the Resolve.  The Resolve had been missing for three years and when they finally returned to Federation space they discovered the truth about Starfleet while visiting Starbase 84…”

OOC:  I’m making the assumption that somebody interrupts her

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #14
[ T’Less | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M.  @Nolan  @Multificionado @patches

Turning her attention back to the Doctor, T'Less listened intently as she spoke, describing the events that had happened, starting with Doctor Nicander and what fate had befallen him, wondering just how badly his injuries must have been in order for him to be unrecognizable as the person he once was.  As she thought on it she couldn't help but selfishly think that at least her injuries, whatever they had been were not as severe as that. However as she returned her focus to the Doctor she couldn't help but notice the quick glance that Maya had given her fellow Doctor and arched a curious eyebrow. Although it was only a quick, stolen glance it was enough for T'Less to know that clearly there was  more to the story the good Doctor wasn't saying, although the Vulcan must have a good reason to do so considering their people did not outright lie.

When Maya told her that the Ishtar entity had indeed been dealt with, that was something and gave the Doctor a slight nod of her head as she continued listening to the updates on what they had missed and found herself both fascinated and concerned by the turn of events and the destruction of so many fellow Starfleet ships. It was unfortunate that their situation had led them to such a place. War was something she was not a stranger too, however to do so against your own was still something T'Less struggled to come to terms with on occasion. The more Maya continued to talk however, the more T'Less came to realise how much they had missed until she had to speak up.

"I am sorry to interrupt you Doctor." She began, interrupting her fellow Vulcan mid sentence "I was there during the first battle with the Calamity and that was on 14th February so I must ask, what is today's date? A question I am sure the Petty Officer would like to know as well considering how long we were both in stasis for?"

It seemed to be the most logical question for her to ask given their topic of conversation,  the enquiries about her own injuries could wait until after they had been caught up to speed after all. 

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #15
[ PO2 Kino Taer | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ]

There was so much to digest as Rawley gave her an initial answer and then just kept piping up after the others gave their own input. Kino frowned deeper as the talking went on. If she was keeping it all straight enough in her head, it sounded like the ship basically went through a few bits of hell. She was really not sure what to believe at this point and, for a moment, seriously considered whether she needed that "cognitive assessment" or whatever the Vulcan was talking about after all.

What kind of everloving Ferengi holonovel bullshit is all this?

Kino narrowed her eyes the most at the mention of a patient seriously wounding Dr Nicander with a phaser. Sickbay was on the list of places on a starship where weapons were strictly forbidden unless there was a threat present or the ship was under attack, according to her memory of Starfleet regulations, and this was on top of the already strict control of weapons access and use just for general purposes. There had to be a lot more to the story, but the Trill was not in any position to question it all as rigorously as she might have in other circumstances. Being clad only in a hospital gown had the interesting effect of enforcing a sense of vulnerability, even for someone moderately practiced at unarmed combat.

She was a simple enough creature when it came down to it, really. Give her a source of food, water, and a weapon, and Kino would be satisfied. Starfleet had taken a Trill anarchist and survivalist and trained her to be a weapon to use against an implacable enemy, and now she was being told that she missed out on some really interesting action. She wasn't sure whether to be thankful for the rest or irritated that she missed out on so much, especially two warships colliding. Her skills and experience were such that she also a little confused as to why she hadn't been awoken before now.

Resolve? Wasn't that Eliska's last ship? I wonder if she made it here.

Kino piped up again as the other Vulcan finished with her questions. "Ye-yes. How long has all this been going on? I can't believe I missed all this. You mentioned Starbase 84. That's the Romulan border, isn't it? Where are we?"

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 0800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #16
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M. @Nolan @Vox @patches @Auctor Lucan

“En route to the Azure Nebula, last I heard,” said Rawley to Kino, before letting Maya resume.

Rawley, for the most part, kept silent while she heard everybody getting up to speed, adding input whenever relevant. She knew about the hullabaloo with the Calamity. She even knew about the hullabaloo with the Resolve and at Starbase 84. She would; she was among the Lone Wolves who helped save the crew. She put a blooming display of her commandeered Reaver, as she recalled.

What bothered Rawley was about Nicander’s condition. Maya’s tone gave an indication that something was wrong. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t be shutting up; best case scenario, she’d also be bringing Kino and T’Less up to speed. Worse case scenario, she’d be cursing her arse off. The news about Nicander kept her silent and being silent wasn’t like Rawley at all.

“If you saw him as he is now, you might not recognize the man you knew. I would rather not elaborate; the details of his condition would only disturb you."

Those words also bothered Rawley. And she saw the way Maya turned to Rez, who Rawley could see as a different Trill…was that Duv? Sod it, keeping track of Trill lives also gave her a headache.

It’d be easy to think something’s wrong. She was briefly intimate with Nicander. Blimey, Nicander was close enough to a friend she knew.

Knowing Maya would give her a vague answer, maybe the computer would give her answers.

“Computer, locate Doctor Nicander.”

[Lucan cin Nicander is currently in the brig.]

Rawley didn’t say even more. It wasn’t just the location; the fact that his rank wasn’t listed certainly brought to mind…

A Ferengi would put two and two together. That and Maya’s tone…she’ll judge that for herself. She knew the first place she’s going to go after she gets discharged.


Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 0800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #17
[ Maya | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado, @Nolan@patches , &  @Vox

Doctor Maya went perfectly still; the blank expression on her face was that of a cat who had just had the door slammed in its face.  For Doctor Nicander to be exposed to patients that were still recovering in sickbay was disastrous.  Vulcan medical philosophy tied the mind and the body together; it was nearly impossible to care for one without caring for the other.  Suspicion against one’s healers didn’t promote a speedy recovery, even if those suspicions were justified.  Maya was compromised; from Rawley’s conversation her confession in the brig had been spread all over the ship.  And now Doctor Nicander… if his patients knew that he was possessed by one of the creatures that had taken over Starfleet Command, the stress would probably cause relapses.  The damage that Petty Officer Cobb inflicted had demonstrated the harm one belligerent patient could inflict; the full truth had the potential to create more of them.  For a brief moment, the little Vulcan imagined the grim scenario of every patient in the recovery ward going berserk.  It would be the Devoted of Morali or the mutineers from the Harbinger all over again.

Wordlessly, the greenblooded physician turned awkwardly and stared at Amelya for help.

OOC:  You're next @Nolan.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 0800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #18
[ Dr. Amelya Rez | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado  , @Doc M.  ,  @patches  , &  @Vox 

Amelya had listened to the babbling of the various people on the recovery, it dazzled her that all of them were so chatty as she remembered shifts in recovery to be more silent with most patients still passed out by the sedation or groaning and mumbling to life. She rubbed her temples with both of her hands before she slipped out of the biobed. Whilst Maya had done the right thing to keep her in the most silent place of the sickbay, disregarding the morgue or stasis, Amelya felt like it was time for some of the patients here to be moved to another ward.

Landing on her bare feet, Amelya shivered a little at the cold sensation of the floor before she walked over to Maya, taking place to her right side, just a tad over her shoulder as she over viewed the population. She knew Rawley from various minor incidents, yet the other two people were complete strangers to her. She moistened her lips as she let the little conversation play out before Maya looked at her with a look that meant enough.

"Lieutenant T'Less and Petty Officer Taer. We are currently at Stardate  57505.37." she spoke up to the two unfamiliar faces to her. However the more she looked at T'Less the more she gained shards and pieces of memories of her. In turn, these visions caused Amelya to remain silent a little longer before she continued "You both have been out it for a while, thus stasis revival may have some longer affects on you, unlike lieutenant Rawley." she smiled as she placed her hands behind her back "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Amelya Rez. I'm one of the tending physicians on the ship and got joined by the Rez symbiont. You might have known her as Edena Rez in the past." she said before giving it a pause so they could process the data.

"Lieutenant T'Less, I think we can transfer you to one of the wards, but keep you in or a few hours to make sure the surgery that doctor Maya performed develops in a satisfactory way. It was a delicate procedure, yet my Vulcan colleague here is one of the best surgeons I've worked with." she informed the Vulcan tactical officer before nodding at Maya and resting her hand on the shoulder of the Vulcan medical officer. After that she carried on to Kino Taer "Petty officer, we'll just run a few more tests on your ocular implant before you can be discharged from Sickbay. Just to make sure it feels comfortably enough and causes no irritation to the socket or any underlying tissue.

"Lieutenant Rawley." she addressed the last figure as she turned her gaze to the pilot who'd apparently had suffered a sharp trauma to the throat "You seem to be fit enough to get discharged from the Sickbay. I do advise you to return in a week or if you start to feel any discomfort in your neck or throat. Flight duty is still off the table as hemorrhaging might still occur after our procedures to make you better. I'd still think that reporting to your SCO would be advisable. I read in the charts that he was there when you were brought in Sickbay." She refrained from giving any further information about Nicander to the pilot. Should she choose to go to the brig, there probably would be a security team there to block any access to the individual as from what Amelya had seen, he was a danger to even be aboard the ship.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 0800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #19
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M. . @Nolan  @patches @Vox  @Auctor Lucan @Triage

Ralwey took in the words from the other doctor…Rez? Really? It’s hard to keep track of joined symbiotic Trills. If she did, she’d have her own reality holo-series, and would be bloody long.

Instinctively, she felt her throat. The scars may be gone, but she cringed again, as if she felt the blade across it. Rez may have a point; she may not likely fly again at the moment because of it. Bloody grounded because of a cut.

And, now that she thought on it, it would be too soon to try to see Nicander. From Maya’s tone, Rawley herself may not be strong yet to see him and leave mentally unscathed. Besides, the brig was in the opposite vertical direction of where the Wolves…and Razor…would be. She decided to take Rez’s advice and report to her SCO, who may likely be Razor anyway.

Rawley stood, fit as a fiddle, and made for the door. But as the door opened, she paused. She may not get the chance again.

“Oi. Maya?” She called to the Vulcan doctor.

Seeing she got the Vulcan’s attention, she made Churchill’s trademark peace finger gesture, and then lifted the rest of her fingers into the Vulcan salute.

“Here’s hoping we’ll live long enough to prosper, lass,” she said with a compassionate smile. “I forgive you.”

And with that, feeling a rush of peace that made her feel she’s done the right thing, she left Sickbay. Walked to the turbolift feeling better than she ever had before. She never thought the rest of the ship felt a better home than ever.

“Fighter bay, deck 16,” she commanded the turbolift.

She knew it was too soon to fly, but she knew Razor’s likely there, and it’s the first place to look for him…as soon as she reached the lockers at the bay. Nicander will have to wait.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 0800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #20
[ T’Less | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M.  @Nolan  @Multificionado @patches

As the other members of the crew exchanged words, T'Less remained silent, taking in all the other information that was provided until she heard  her name spoken and turned her attention towards the Trill doctor, who had gotten to her feet and walked over to them, listening to the woman as she spoke and arched her eyebrow when she heard the current stardate, quickly doing the calculation in her head.

"It appears that a lot has happened in a month." she muttered before giving the Trill a slight nod of her head when the Doctor told her that she could be moved to one of the wards, a good sign considering what had happened to her. Turning her attention to her fellow Vulcan when Rez announced that she was the one who had performed her surgery T'Less tilted her head slightly in thanks "I am sure that she is Doctor." T'Less replied, glancing over at Rez before returning her attention to Maya "I hope I wasn't too difficult of a patient for you during the surgery."

Pausing for a moment as she thought about the surgery she couldn't help but glance down at herself. She certainly didn't feel any different beyond the slight pulling of skin on her back that she occasionally felt when she moved and reached up, tugging slightly on the collar of her gown to glance down the front of it.  T'Less couldn't see any scarring on her chest, considering she had been shot but then again a dermal regenerator would have healed those were they not too bad to begin with.

Hearing the Trill speaking she glanced up and silently cursed herself for not putting two and two together when she first heard the Doctor's name. She recalled Edena from before her injury "I am sorry for the loss of your previous host." she said before turning her attention back to Maya while Dr Rez spoke to Petty Officer Taer and Lieutenant Rawley.

"Thank you for performing my surgery and bringing me back Doctor, it is greatly appreciated. However I would like to know about the surgery. While I am aware that a shot to the chest would no doubt have been life threatening, a few days short of a month in stasis would imply that my injuries were most severe and I would like to know how badly I was injured and what was done to me."

As she waited for the Maya to reply, a part of her wondered if she truly wanted to know how close she had come to death before quickly deciding that she did. It wouldn't change what had happened to her after all nor would she be caught unaware if there were any complications in the future from whatever procedure she had undergone.

With her internal monologue done she returned her full attention to her fellow Vulcan and braced herself for whatever information she was about to be given. 

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 0800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #21
[ Maya | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado, @Nolan@patches , &  @Vox

Maya accepted Evelyn’s apology with a dignified nod.

Afterwards it was time to go back into ‘doctor mode’.  T’Less was asking for specifics about her injury and Kino Taer was no doubt noticing that one of her eyes had been replaced.

“You were shot with a phaser set on kill,” the older Vulcan explained with unwitting bluntness.  “The beam ruptured your abdomen, breaking a lower rib that punctured your lung and severely damaged your heart,” Maya continued as she poked herself just under her ribcage where her liver would have been if she had been human.  “Although your rib and lung posed no difficulty for us, the damage to your heart was too severe and required replacement.  Regrettably, we seemed to have misplaced our supply of artificial hearts that were specifically designed for our people; I suspect we left them behind during our hasty evacuation from Theta Eridani IV.  We were left with no option but to place you in stasis in the hope of one day acquiring one.  Although we acquired a number of biosynthetic organs from our raid on Black Opal, it was the sacrifice of Petty Officer Strxysx, who recently perished while trying to repel boarders that provided the heart we were able to place in your body.  He was the same blood type, and in addition was remarkably compatible in a number of other factors.  In this respect we were quite fortunate.  With your permission, we can initiate a healing trance and hopefully release you from sickbay by the end of the day.”

Maya then turned her attention to another patient, one whose Trill nervous system was unable to concentrate her body’s energy to repairing her wounds.  “And Petty Officer Taer, we were forced to replace your right eye.  I apologize for the replacement eye we found for you,” the greenblooded physician continued.  “It seems that all of our other biosynthetic replacements are stored on another stardrive vector and we had to make do with this one.  It is currently programmed to be compatible with a Valkyrie’s computer system, but once you return to duty it should be a simple matter to program it to receive data from security tricorders, targeting scopes, or whatever your preference.  If you find the data output too distracting you can simply have the eye’s data and targeting software deactivated.  If you wish to have your artificial eye replaced with a different model you will have to wait until the ship has reintegrated before making an appointment."

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 0800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #22
[ PO1 Varder Ridun | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M. @patches @Vox @Nolan
It had been a long day, from a Devotee's assassination attempt to the discovery of a parasite within the ranks of the Theurgy's crew. Those two things in their own rights were a lot to deal with for one day, but so much else had come crashing down around the metal hulls of Thea. Varder had spent near every minute since the enactment of the Continuance Protocol on his feet, moving to the assistance of others against Savi boarding parties, damage control, recovery and rescue alongside all manner of other duties required of security and the crew. There had only been a small moment of time earlier where the young Bajoran had been debriefed on the events surrounding the sickbay and Nicander, but now it seemed there was a moment of calm, one that everyone who could was taking some form of advantage over.

Varder Ridun moved with a worn and tired step that seemed to favor his left leg, his right forearm rested against the top of his holstered sidearm, the sleeve was torn and stained dark with blood, a tied scrap of cloth served as a bandage. Overall his appearance was rather grimy, his hair unkempt and grey black smears littered his skin and clothing. Despite his appearance he did not seem out of place as he entered the sickbay, the recent events had taken a toll on everyone. He simply looked like one of the many walking wounded, perhaps with the distinction of being armed.

It was with some ease that Varder learned the current location of Lieutenant Maya and made his way towards the recovery ward, arriving just in time to hear the greenblood talk about one Petty officer Taer. A quick look in the direction Maya was facing indeed revealed one rather unfrozen looking Trill, a pleasant surprise given everything else going around to have an old friend returned.

Varder waited patiently for Maya to finish talking before making his presence known "Lieutenant Maya, congratulations on reinstatement." The words were accompanied by a salute before the young Bajoran offered a small, exhausted smile "I suppose you have been just as busy as me since the earlier incident..." He trailed off for a brief moment as he fully recognized the Trill standing only a short distance away, then the Vulcan whom was laying not far from either of them. "Uh, Lieutenant Rez, Lieutenant T'Less."

When he dropped the salute his arm would return to its position resting against the top of his holstered sidearm, although, once there he did make a couple of short hand gestures he hopped Kino would pick up on. More or less they meant "Wait one".

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 0800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #23
[ PO2 Kino Taer | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] @Nolan @Jm Von Cat @Doc M.

Hmm, Doctor Nicander in the brig? Kino mused to herself as she listened along to the conversation around her. Maya’s reaction was typical of someone caught in a lie, which privately amused the Trill to no end given that she knew Vulcans could dance around telling an actual lie with vagueness and half-truths.

Doctor Rez’s answer was far more satisfactory if no less trouble. Stardate 57505.37 meant she had really been out for months. If a Symbiont needed moving to another host, that also meant that Edena Rez was dead, which Kino filed away for later investigation. There had plainly been plenty of casualties among the ranks of the Theurgy, and Amelya herself was an unknown to Taer, which suggested recruits from other Starfleet ships. There was a lot left unsaid and, although it would be nice to know them all, Kino was not the type to quibble about that overmuch when there were things to do, which was plainly evident.

She nodded thoughtfully at Maya’s further clarification about her new eye and then tilted her head with a mischievous smile. “Thank you, Doctor. It sounds like it’ll come in use beyond simply granting sight. I appreciate it.”

The clearly tired and worn face of a familiar Bajoran entered the ward at that time and Kino sat up straighter, helping herself off the bed as the new arrival spoke to the doctors. Last she saw of Ridun, he was guarding one of the other corridors. It looked like they had kept him busy in the last day or two, which made sense to Kino. NCOs like her and Ridun were relatively rare within Starfleet, even with the recent Dominion War. A lot of the surviving combat veterans making up the Petty Officer ranks either retired or switched over to training or admin duty following the war, helping to hold up the institutional memory that kept Starfleet Security running over the centuries. The hand gestures he used were instantly recognizable and Kino nodded in acknowledgment as she moved to stand closer to him, waiting impatiently for him to be able to speak to her. Kino was itching to get back into the action.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 0800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth

Reply #24
[ Maya | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 Stardrive Section | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado, @Nolan@patches , &  @Vox

"Thank you, Doctor. It sounds like it'll come in use beyond simply granting sight. I appreciate it," Petty Officer Kino Tear replied from her bed.

“Not at all Petty Officer, we look forward to your service,” Maya acknowledged in a crisp professional tone.  As she was speaking the door to the recovery ward hissed open and a steady tread could be heard.  Maya turned to see Petty Officer Varder Ridun, who had recently been taken out of cryosleep  himself.  He had only returned to duty two days ago, and was no doubt still adjusting.  “It seems you have a visitor,” she declared quietly.

"Lieutenant Maya, congratulations on reinstatement.  I suppose you have been just as busy as me since the earlier incident..." he greeted as his voice trailed off.  "Uh, Lieutenant Rez, Lieutenant T'Less," he added awkwardly as he noticed that there were two other officers in the room.

Maya had sequestered the dreadful event that had occurred yesterday to an isolated section of her mind.  She wasn’t ready to deal with it yet, but thankfully, as a Vulcan with medical consort training, she didn’t need to.  “Indeed I have Petty Officer and I thank you for your timely actions.  Thanks to you we were able to get Doctor Rez to safety.  But now Doctor Rez needs to rest…"

She turned to look at Amelya, but the weakened Trill was lying in bed with her eyes closed.  It was probably for the best.  The sooner the acting chief medical officer recovered, the sooner she could return to duty. 

“And so do you," she continued as she bent over and placed four of the fingertips of her right hand on T’Less’ forehead and three from her left hand on the back of the other Vulcan’s neck.   T’Less laid down in her bed and closed her eyes.

“I have to go now," the little Vulcan announced as she turned to address Varder.  “I have placed Lieutenant T’Less in a trance that will allow her to devote all of her energy to repairing her injury.  If I am in surgery when she is ready to come out of it, she may require pain as a stimulus in order to fully awaken.  If so, simply cup your hand and deliver a blow with a solid slapping motion like so," she continued as her long spidery fingers curled and she made a quick, downward gesture.  “She will inform you if she requires assistance.  Will you be available to perform this function?"

Once she received his reply she gave a respectful nod and glided out of the room. 

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