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Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #75
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @chXinya, @steelphoenix, @Top Hat, @trevorvw & @Firefox013
It was hard not to twist her head around to look at the main screen, to see what was happening. But Cameron's primary duty was to oversee the strategic overlay of the Lone Wolves adjacent to their proximity and mission parameters per flight. Once all fighters had been engaged with the Rotarran and its own fighters, the Yeoman had her hands full with alerting Thomas Ravon of new updates fed from all the fighters to her Flight Operations screen and console. The data flow giving her new updates by the micro-seconds and she had scant seconds to process the data before sharing it to whomever it was relevant to share with.

She felt strained and exhausted just performing data-relay and strategic updates, but she was also fighting to keep on her feet once the Klingon flagship started doing considerable damage to the shields. Gripping a convenient handlebar near her console, she braced her knees in an awkward position, which helped her to keep steady where she stood, her other hand was clapped over an ear, so she could hear Thomas and the other fighters as they communicated. While they were in mission mode, it helped to reduce audio chatter as much as possible. As it was the bridge was rife with frantic conversation and orders or relaying of information, it had the young woman perpetually frowning as she struggled to stay in control of her end of tasks. She tuned out anything else that wasn't relevant. No use panicking over the fact that they were being boarded and the lives of friends being put at risk.

A violent explosion forced her to her knees and she turned when she heard the strained groan of metal losing cohesion and structural integrity. When she heard him cry out, Cameron saw to her horror, Keval, most certainly dead under the pile of debris from what was once part of the ceiling as she got back on her feet. A single tear found it's way down her cheek as she glanced at the main screen, seeing the Rotarran, seemingly calm, delivering indifferent punishment towards the Sword. “Bastard!” was all she could spare in a soft curse at Martok and his crew, before she turned back to listen to Thomas Ravon and provide his Tactical Display with the newest Raider positions and the Rotarran's.

After giving the recall order, she watched as the surviving Wolves frantically make a fighting retreat, unloading everything they had before hightailing for the Sword's Launch Bay. She updated the systems and Operations stations to lower the Hangar Bay shields once Meony, the first fighter to make a landing approach, was drawing close. She briefly picked up chatter of Klingon boarders and she heard Jaya's query as to whether all the fighters were on board yet, followed shortly by T'Less, as the rest of the remaining squadron made their way in. “Stand by!” she snapped as she watched Daniel and Thomas make their way in. Privately she willed them to hurry the blazes up, and as Thomas spoke, she turned and said, “All fighters accounted for and docked!”

The living ones anyway.

She then turned back to reply to Thomas, “Acknowledged, commander. Good job. Alerting medical. Be advised, there are other boarders, some of whom attacked the sickbay.” That could cause delays in the arrival of medical personnel, assuming they weren't critically injured themselves. Klingons were mean and brutal, to put it nicely.

She quickly updated the data for the situation with the Klingon boarders and added to T'Less, “Sir, boarders in the FAB have been neutralized. Reports of injuries, some severe, are coming in.”

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #76
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan, @Auctor Lucan, @Havenborn, @Multificionado, @Even Angels Cry, @Jm Von Cat , @Blue Zephyr, @Masorin@Triage.

She tripped.  Her foot caught on the rim of the cockpit and she had tripped, and tumbled ass over teakettle out of her fighter and onto the deck.  And that was the precise moment the Klingon boarder had fired.  If she hadn’t been so clumsy she would probably be dead.  Now she was hiding her under her Valkyrie, lying flat on the deck and trying to keep her body from trembling as she sought situational awareness so she could take some action, whether it was repelling boarders, rallying with squadmates, or fleeing like a coward. 

It was no use.  Flashbacks of the violence when Dor'GhItlh Squadron attacked the fighter bay last month, roaring into the hangar with their fighter’s guns a blazing.  The sight of shipmates slaying shipmates, packmates killing packmates:  did that really happen just two weeks ago?  Dimly Tessa recalled Sten Covington’s tales of Klingon boarding parties during the brief Federation-Klingon War nine years ago.  Poppa Bear had described the glee of the Klingons who had chafed under the restrictions of peace, finally free to attack and kill just as they had been bred and trained to do.  She heard the cries of Evelyn Rawley and the hissing of thrusters as more and more fighters entered the fighter bay.  She heard the clang of metal on metal and Alessia’s animal grunts as she fought in close quarters combat like a character in a holonovel based on the works of Robert E. Howard.  Finally she some good news from her helmet’s comm gear.

"This is Angel. Landed. Scratched one more bandit."

It was possible to fight back!  That glimmer of hope was the inspiration Tessa needed to help her packmates instead of hiding under her fighter and waiting for the bad guys to find her.  She squirmed awkwardly on the deck as she extracted the combat tricorder hidden in a slender compartment on her outer thigh.  Now to find out where the Klingons were and where they were shooting from. 

Let’s see… The closest Klingon was… right in front of her???

She looked up from her tricorder to see the familiar but ridiculous spiked boots of a Klingon warrior.  She was then pulled out from under her Valkyrie by a large ruddy hand in a fingerless black glove.  She was face to face with a crimson faced Klingon whose hostile visage conveyed contempt rather than naked aggression.  He was both disgusted and disappointed as his fingers closed on her windpipe. 

It was a surprise when he released her, allowing Tessa to tumble backwards into her fighter.  Sten Covington had come up behind the Klingon and seized him, putting one hand behind the head and another on the neck before twisting the intruders head sharply to the right, snapping his neck in the process. 

As the Klingon fell to the deck with his lolling head facing his rear instead of his front, the six foot four inch (1.93 meter) chief of the deck crouched to provide less of a target and said “Are you all right?”

“P-poppa Bear!” Tessa stammered.  "W-where did you come from?”

“Were do yuh think?” he grimaced as he and Tessa crouched low as Alessia and Evelyn shot at the Klingons and Salvo’s and Razor's fighters entered the hangar bay.  “I’ve been keepin’ my head down and trying to get my people out of harm’s way!  I’ve got most of my people to the turbolifts; I just came back to find anybody I missed!”

Daniel Haverborn opened his cockpit and fired a pistol shaped phaser at a Klingon who had managed to get behind a number of storage drums and a torpedo loading dolly.  When Razor secured his landing gear to the deck he took the simple expedient of firing the two dual-mass driver semi-automated turrets into the Klingon’s position and negating the threat in a heartbeat.

The outburst from the deck chief was almost more frightening than the intruders.  “Razor!” Sten roared as he rose to his intimidating height.  “Damn you Thomas!  Save something for the enemy to break!  Damn you!”

“Poppa Bear, get down,” Tessa implored him as she pulled gently on his arm to get him to crouch down behind her fighter.  “You’re too big of a target.”

Sten sat on the deck with his back leading against her Valkyrie, bent his legs and clutched at his forehead with both hands.  “Damn it Razor…” he muttered.

Before she could say anything, Tessa heard the sound of Thomas Ravon’s voice calling across the hangar bay:  "Ghost and Angel, grab Meony and drag her to somewhere more safe. Keep trying to get medical on the line and provide first aid." he instructed as his canopy opened up and he placed his helmet in his seat. "Salvo, Knight and Lance, fan out and secure the bay. I don't want to have any more welcome home surprises."

Tessa gulped as she picked up her combat tricorder and extracted a tiny type one hand phaser from a slender compartment on her exosuit’s hip.  “Later Poppa, gotta go,” she said before she stood up and tapped her combadge.  “Roger that, Razor; I’m on my way.”

OOC:  Sorry for the late post but I've completely lost spatial awareness in this scene.  Where is everybody?  Where are the Klingons?  Is that the last of them or are there more?

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #77
[Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

The battle outside was nothing compared to the storm raging inside of the Sword’s commander.  A part of him beamed with pride as his crew acted without the need for orders, anticipating what was needed and executing on their own initiative.  Still secure in his seat as Jaya reacted faster than he could get an order out, Cinn’s stomach slammed into his throat when the ship suddenly pitched straight up, their impulse thrust carrying them up and over the torpedo barrage Lucan warned them about.  It was such an amazing move that he could forgive her from the outbursts, though he might have to have a word with the helmswoman over the use of such racist terminology.  The cut on her arm was a cause for concern as well.

As soon as the inertial dampeners had caught up to their wild maneuvers Commander Wenn’s hands let go of his chair’s armrests returning the usual dark color to his knuckles.  Please tell me we didn’t just send one of the Wolves into a bulkhead… he prayed to the Prophets, and the lack of screaming from Henshaw’s console told him that they’ve avoided that catastrophe.  Just before the bracing climb, Lt. T'Less threw out a reply to Commander Kaeris about his earlier suggestion and as the Rotarran rose back into the viewscreen Cinn could add his own.  “Get to work on those internal sensors refinements Commander, I want those Klingons found and isolated quickly."  Momentarily distracted like that, another part of Cinn begged to hand the bridge over to Tovarak so that he could join his security teams, but his job was here now.  “What did you have in mind Lieutenant?”

The Vulcan answered in actions, simply tapping a button after working in tandem with Jaya to present their flank to the Rotarran.  His Bajoran heart flew into his throat, the Klingon’s weapons couldn’t miss at this range, not with a target that big.  T'Less’s plan became apparent and bore fruit before Martok could take advantage, and it was a work of beauty.  Every phaser bank that had a line on the Rotarran punched right through the shields, the other half of Lucan’s message coming into play.  Focusing on the port wing, the nacelle was quickly torn apart.  Martok was quick to answer to that however, the disruptor barrage resumed in full as his warp coils turned to slag and the Sword’s shields failed almost instantly.  The disruptors stopped a moment later, bringing an eerie quiet to the Bridge.

“Henshaw, what’s the status on our fighters?”  He was the third to ask that of her, but they needed to know now.  Thankfully the Prophets were still with them as Cameron quickly announced that all of the surviving Wolves were on board.  “Helm, get us out of here, best possible…”

“Sir, there’s a new ship dropping out of warp!” Someone called out.  Before Cinn could demand some identification it moved past the bloodied ships, floating into the viewscreen’s field.  Rising in shock, Cinn visibly paled.  Ignoring them both, the giant cube few right on by, bathing one of the apertures Okafor had found in some blue energy, unlocking the tunnel.  Without pausing, the Borg disappeared into subspace and was gone.  His pagh shivered in fear at the sight, his rational mind struggling to fight back the primal urges to flee.  He was about to re-hail the Rotarran, the proof they needed just waltzed right in front of the Chancellor’s eye, but the fact that Lucan could see what Martok’s ship was doing meant that one of them was on board.  As battered as they were they couldn’t afford to let the parasites take advantage of their weakness.

“Jaya, take us to Rendezvous Point 3, maximum warp.  Afterwards, go see about your wound.”

Settling back into his chair once again, Cinn looked over at Okafor and Vael.  “Go over every byte of data the sensors picked up about how the Borg opened that aperture.  Pull anyone you need to to figure out how they did it.  Commander Ducote.”  He turned to face the security station.  “As soon as the boarding parties are secure I’d like to meet with you and Lt. Tovarek in my ready room.”

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #78
[ Ensign Jaya Thorne | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
Attn: bridge crew.

Jaya groaned and tried her best to get the ship in position as requested then blinks, eyes going wide as they somehow quite literally shredded a warp nacelle clean off the IKC Rotarran. “Wow! Nice one!” she commented, the ships still shaking from weapons fire. She started feeling dizzier and less focused for a moment but shoot it off, re-aiming the ship to get them out of there then her jaw dropped.

She heard Cameron stating something else had come into view and it wasn’t just some other ship. What they saw on the screen, looming over them was a big honking BORG CUBE. “Holy crap! They are here!” She said, hands on her console, ready to dodge if need be. It was not necessary, the cube simply kept going as both the Sword and the Rotarran sat there, the Borg seemingly not giving any sort of care that a fight was happening right outside their hub.

When She got the word that every fighter was back, she groaned softly, shivering a bit as she reached for her console, hearing the order from their CO. “Y-yes sir, course set… B-best speed!”  Replied the young woman as she slammed her hand on the console, with an audible hum followed by a slight acceleration feeling as the overtaxed dampeners took a little to fully counter the augmentation of speed, the Sword took off at warp, leaving the IKC Rotarran in it’s space dust.

Jaya took a deep breath, smiling a bit as she deactivated her harness, slowly trying to stand. “We’re underway sir… I think I’ll… got to medical now.” She spoke while breathing laboriously and tried to walk to the Turbolift only to faint. Her eyes rolled back as she groaned weakly, legs buckling, hair coming unpinned and flying behind her as her hairpin broke during her fall. She hit the deck with an audible thud, arms splayed out, legs half bent, face sideways against the deck with blood leaking form her head wound onto the gravity plating.

The reason for her loss of consciousness became soon apparent, a half charred cut, unseen as it came from damage hidden under her console, ran along a leg, her blood loss was somewhat more severe than just her arm and she had toughed out a whole fight, probably running on pure adrenaline and her sense of duty, that or she had a lot more of the dad’s pig headed stubborn streak in her than she thought. She groaned softly, semi-regaining consciousness after hitting the deck. “Mmmmh… nghrrhhh I…” She panted softly, in obvious pain. “I’m…sorry.” She said before the abyss once again took her and she passed out completely.

OOC NOTE: She isn't dead or going to die, she is hurt but isn't too badly off considering and i'm hoping shes only out for a few days what with the medical prowess Starfleet has.

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #79
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Battle Bridge | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All
Not sure he was all present, Tyreke heard the orders he was given, but the sight of that Borg cube slowly passing overhead had thrown him off, and he was late to react. "Aye, Captain," he said quietly, about to go over the sensor readings they had managed to make at the of the battle. But when he heard Jaya Thorne fall to the deck, he looked around, seeing the helm unmanned and the woman from the Black Opal unconscious. His brown eyes darted around the bridge, seeing someone else go to Thorne. "Mawo... Who's at the wheel?"

The relief CONN officer was no-where in sight, likely in medical as well, and Okafor was closest to take the CONN. He had Academy training, no more, but until there was someone else available, he did as bridge training had taught him and took a seat, confident Vael Kaeris could handle the science station. As soon as he sat down, however, he would realise that he was in over his head.

"We're loosing velocity," he said, or at least that's what he understood from the controls, "Warp 6... Warp 5... The controls say... I think there is something wrong with the starboard nacelle. We're... evening out at warp 4,2. Captain, if we can't go faster, we won't make it to the Rendevouz in time."


Okafor couldn't believe it. He had to check the sensor readings in the edge of the viewscreen to verify. "Tactical, please verify... but I think we have company. I think... it's Phantom raiders in pursuit, and they are faster than us!" They were clearly not out of the woods yet, and Okafor did not feel equal to the task of flying the Sword in combat. Eyes wide, he glanced towards Nator, to see if she could do something about their speed, but Okafor feared that the Klingons had seen the marks of damage to their starboard nacelle since the battle against the Versant, and targeted it specifically.

Rapidly, the remaining six Raiders from the broken Rotarran were closing in on the Sword, and they still hadn't any shields.

Of course, they still had phasers, and Okafor could but hope T'Less could do something before those Raiders dropped their hardpoints. He was so caught up, seeing those weapon signatures and how the Raiders closed the distance... that he almost didn't catch the new signature on the screens.

"We are on a collision course with something!" he said, eyes wide. Then he saw the signature, and he did a double take.

"It's the Allegiant!"

[ Lieutenant Masuda Yukimura | Bridge | USS Allegiant NX-80978 ] Attn: @Griff @Fife @Masorin @Numen @Multificionado @lisavw @Triton @trevorvw
When emergency warp speed wasn't enough, you knew you were in a hurry.

"Martin," said Masuda Yukimura, having been told by Eboh about the situation as far as they could determine it on sensors, and already asked t'Jellaieu to set an intercept course. "Protect the Sword. Fire at will!"

The Allegiant was fitted with Defiant-grade pulse phasers, and while Yukimura hadn't thought they'd come to any use during their reckon mission, it seemed he'd been wrong. There were a lot of questions, about why the Klingons were chasing Captain Wenn's ship, but they had only gotten to where they were by following the Borg cube that had followed the same warp trail that the tactical cube had left behind before its destruction. It was clearly the way to go if they were to learn how the Borg had entered the nebula. Only as soon as Eboh had announced what he'd detected, they had set a new course. After all, the ion trail would remain fresh for quite some time.

"t'Jellaieu! After the first pass, swing us around and give chase to these Raiders. Pinch them between the Sword's phasers and our own." Masuda leaned back in his chair. As humorous as the situation might be, Masuda wasn't smiling. He took no pleasure in having to kill Klingons, even in the defence of his fellow crew. It was the Borg that he loathed,. He glanced at the rest of the people on the bridge, standing behind him - Ensign Six included.

"Eboh," he said, pushing the former drone from his thoughts, "could you please message the Sword? Keep it short. Just ask if they need a hand."

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #80
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Battle Bridge | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @patches @CanadianVet @chXinya

Ranaan found his own tension levels rising in tandem with those of the crew around him, despite his reflexive barriers and general lack of familiarity. Vael, the last of his colleagues with him on the bridge, was a seeming oasis of calm amid the storm, and the hybrid selfishly leaned on the scientist for support from across the compartment. The Bactrican would never know.

On the upside, and about the only thing that seemed to be going relatively well, the number of Klingon intruders was diminishing with every passing moment. The fighter pilots landing in the bay were clearing their own back yard, and between Kai and an exosuit-led team at the deflectors, they were either swept or about to be. "Deck Thirteen, clear," he reported. "Ops, I'm dropping those forcefields. Fields on Sixteen free shortly."

"Acknowledged," came the curt response from the harassed Hermat across the bridge.

He flicked his display back to sickbay, still worried for Kobol  and the other Niger survivors down there. Kino's bunch (one wounded) were still there to pen the KDF boarders in from one end, and another team was coming up from the other end of the deck. He dropped the double-layered arrangement he'd set up there as he checked the field generator arrangement in their medical bay. As if on cue, Taer pinged his station - the Endeavour crew yet to have been granted the use of their commbadges again yet.

[Taer to Ducote. Two of them are trying to run. Lock down Sickbay.]

"Working... done," he replied, not in the least part troubled by acquiescing to what amounted to an order in the circumstance. He'd met officers - commissioned and otherwise - who would not accept any word but their own despite the better vantage offered by people in certain situations compared to a supervisory one. Ducote had many times been in Kino's position, and support that was given when requested was often essential to preserving lives. It was hard to imagine a scenario where that was more poignant than when the firefight in question was literally happening in the infirmary.

Force fields snapped into place at every exit hatch and crawlspace, keyed to admit passage only to Starfleet personnel. For better or worse, the remaining boarders there were now trapped inside with two (almost) entire teams of Security officers. He made sure he had a link to them to guide them in.

The mood on the bridge changed like the tide. Looking up, Ducote could plainly see why - and the sight made his blood alternate between running cold and boiling with a vengeful rage. The Borg.

He watched the display as they fired an energy beam into one of the apertures. "Kaeris; I want every kilobyte of data you can suck out of this thing's sensors," he barked, utterly forgetting that he wasn't on his own bridge any more in his need to know where that Cube was going.

And what they might bring back.

Wenn ordered them to warp. "... Commander Ducote," he said, pulling him out of his fugue. "As soon as the boarding parties are secure I'd like to meet with you and Lieutenant Tovarek in my ready room."

His jaw was beginning to hurt with how tightly clenched it was. Relaxing it, but still not quite trusting himself to speak, he simply nodded once.

There came a call from the Security Centre, concurrent with a new set of alerts - lifesign warnings from deployed staff. "Merda na minha- Bridge. Report."

[Nicander just killed three officers. Two exo's. He's gone back to the doc now, though.]

"She's a hostage?"

[Doesn't appear so, sir. He's, uh.. cradling her, sir. Honestly not sure what I could do about it if she were a hostage.]

Ducote blinked. He skimmed over the roster, frowning. Everyone was fuck-everywhere right now. "That's McArthur, right? Are you secure?"

[Yessir, on both counts. Brig is sealed.]

"Why wasn't he in a proper cell? And sedated as ordered?"

[Medical override on the latter, sir. The former we were getting to.]

He sighed quietly. "Alright, sit tight, Ensign. Cavalry's coming."

[Acknowledged; out.]

"Bremmer, Ducote. Get back to the brig - Nicander got excited and you're three men down. Sensors don't show him moving, but he has Doctor.. Maya with him. Hostage status unclear."
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #81
[ CPO Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Bridge | USS Allegiant NX-80978 ] Attn: All

First they had encountered the Borg, then the Theurgy and the Asurians. Then they had stumbled upon a debris field containing the remains of eleven Starfleet vessels as well as those of a Borg tactical cube.  They had found a survivor, encountered two more Borg cubes, hid in a debris field littered with the corpses of their fellow Starfleet officers…

And now they found themselves facing off against Klingons.

It has been a strange week… Eboh thought to himself as Yukimura gave t’Jellaieu orders, the events of the last few days leaving his mind at a loss of any other description, inadequate though it may be. Then the Captain ordered him to contact the new vector of the Theurgy they had encountered and offer their assistance.

”Aye, sir.” Eboh acknowledged as he got to work at his console and keyed open an audio-only channel to the Vector.

”Sword, this is the USS Allegiant.” Eboh announced in his deep, accented voice over the comm line, ”Captain Yukimura wishes to know if you require assistance. What is your current status? Where do you need us?” That done, Eboh punched a command into the console muting the audio input form his end and waited for a reply from the Theurgy’s vector.

The fact that they were now engaging a Klingon vessel alongside another portion of a renegade Starfleet vessel, with a Borg cube moving away from the area, hardly surprised the CPO at this point. No... at this point, with how things had been going recently, it all just seemed par for the course. Maybe it was partially do to the fact that they were no longer under a direct threat of being assimilated. Perhaps that had taken the edge off his adrenaline.

A strange week… Eboh thought again, alternating his attention between monitoring the comm line for the Theurgy’s reply and glancing at the viewscreen to see the battle they had just stumbled upon unfolding.

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #82
[ PO1 Varder Ridun | Security Center > Turbolift > Deflector Control | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 2300 hrs. ] Attn: @patches @CanadianVet @trevorvw
The turbolift was packed, shoulder to shoulder in near sardine-like conditions. It was not designed specifically for the movement of security personnel in any large number, the Bajoran's thoughts flicked back towards the later years of the Cardasian occupation, the final battles where Freedom fighters had used near anything as transportation and were just as tightly packed as he was now.

His thoughts were beaten aside, the reports and requests from sickbay were clear and concerning. The ball had been dropped, someone with the bigger picture had missed a detail and now others were to pay for that mistake. Kino was already responding, altering the turbolifts destination en route to deck 13 when the voice of Ducote came through and issued orders to her action. The fact this man was giving orders was presently something Ridun ignored, save it for the Klingons he thought as a third of the team left the turbo.

As the lift regained its upward momentum to deck 13 Bremmer gave the order to one of fireteam 4's members to change the doors opening sequence from a slow movement to a rapid one, a smart call he made a note to remember. Her own orders to him were clear, he was second stick out after her and doubling left on her flank. His response was a muted nod as she continued to speak.

As he stood behind Bremmer, ready to move, he cast a glance back towards the officers behind him. The hud within his helmet identifying each individual by name as he focused on their faces one by one, taking in their expressions, getting a slight sense of whom they were. It was through experience that Ridun learned that most people about to see combat hide very little within their faces, within their eyes.

Then it came "Ready?  Steady... BREACH!"
The doors opening with surprising vigour and sound.
Bremmer's exo clad frame moving with speed, her weapon already raised, firing.
His own movements, right on her tail, cutting towards the left, firing on the down step in small burst.
The looming, yelling form of a Klingon before him, attempting to pull the phaser rifle from his grip.
The trigger squeezed as bolts of energy impact the warrior's leg, he stumbles, losing his grip.
Another officer behind Ridun sends more shots into the Warrior's form whose face contorts before he falls to the ground.
More movement, more combat, however brief. Seconds in total before the section was secured.

A glance backward from where the fighting had happened, revealed that the encounter had not been casualty free on their own part. An Andorian was down with a nasty looking shoulder wound, however, she was still conscious and doing her best to deal with the injury from the seated position she had against one of the ship's walls. Ridun directed his attention towards her as the others fanned out and Bremmer reported in, taking a knee beside the downed Andorian he began first aid application.

His attention from this self-appointed task was only briefly broken by a big man giving out a call of thanks while surrendering his armament to Bremmer, or at least attempting to do so.

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #83
[ Lt JG Nator 159 | Bridge | Deck 08 | The Sword ] @Auctor Lucan @Fife @Pilots

It was a struggle for the Hermat not to feel uncomfortable around this strange Vulcan. S/he felt as if s/he was supposed to know her, but even hir prosopamnesia was rebelling. S/he was certain that the tactical officer's face was supposed to be different, but s/he'd be damned if s/he could think how.

At least she stopped smiling. Creepy as shit.

While the Vector's shields were down, Nator focused on changing their structural integrity field to blocking some of the radiation. With a warp jump imminent, s/he couldn't switch it completely over if they wanted not to crush the hull with the acceleration. Hull breaches, damage from the boarding effort, blown relays, burst tanks... S/he sighed, allowing hirself a small moment of self-pity before getting back to it and sending repair teams to the most pressing concerns.

Conn swapped hands - and s/he had to swallow the unbidden surge of saliva as hir hindbrain registered the smell of a wounded thing. Though given hir task - and some interesting power flow problems as they passed the lightspeed barrier - s/he couldn't really spare a thought as s/he heard the ensign collapse by the lift. The scientist who took her place called out about losing speed.

S/he checked hir panel, then looked across the room to the Engineering station and the despairing engineer manning it.

"Main PTC has a couple of blown constrictors; there isn't enough plasma getting to the coils!" CPO Lucas called out, scrolling through the feeds available to him. Nator watched him for a second as he seemed to fluster at the gaining Raiders. His silence stretched on.

"Helm, reduce power to port nacelle. Even it out with the starboard - the asymmetric warp field is producing subspace drag," Nator provided. Counter-intuitive it might be, but pulling back the throttle should actually let them accelerate again.

The Vulcan spoke up again, still tapping away with gay abandon at her half of the console. "Firing solutions for trailing fighters entered. Torpedoes on proximity fuses. Engaging-"

[Sword, this is the USS Allegiant. Captain Yukimura wishes to know if you require assistance. What is your current status? Where do you need us?]

An audio cue from the Tactical display signalled the firing of the aft battery at their pursuers, as well as feeling half a dozen dull thumps as torpedoes launched. T'Less replied, "Allegiant, this is Sword tactical. The Klingon raiders are hostile, but their carrier has been immobilised. Encrypted tac-link open to coordinate fire."

Nator didn't look over to see whether or not the lieutenant was smiling again. Though her voice seemed calm enough.
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #84
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @Triage @Triton @Havenborn @Top Hat @chXinya

"Ghost" Rawley was continuing to lay down fire against the sniper with "Angel" Garcia. She could then see Razor's Kestrel coming in. She blinked in realization that she must've made it in before her commander, but it hardly mattered. The moment it landed, Razor's fighter rotated to face the sniper. She didn't need his warning to know what Razor was going to do.

"Oi! Angel! Take cover!" she shouted, and she looked towards the direction of the action. She could see that Razor had used his fighter's mass drivers to take down that last Klingon sniper. There was likely a crater where the bugger was, and probably a skeleton that will be strewn all around the assault bay in millions of wee splinters. It was an overkill way of dealing with a sniper, but Rawley didn't care, not even if ol' Sten was fuming over the mess. She whooped in delight at the sight.

"Razor, you beautiful bugger!" she called out in joyous acclaim. "THAT is the way to kick arse on the Theurgy!"

When Razor gave his orders, Rawley couldn't help but scoff. Keep trying to get medical on the line? She tried that already, and there wasn't any response. What she can do is get Meony to safety.

"Come on, Angel, yeh heard the man," she said, hauling Meony as much as possible. "We better get Meony to somewhere safer than...SHITE!"

She had looked at the bay doors as they closed and was shocked to see the shape of a cube cruising past and then vanishing. She could barely make it out, seeing the bottom of it, but it definitely was a cube, judging from the shape in passing. But even if it briefly showed, she was absolutely gobsmacked. She remained rooted to the spot even after the warp jump she felt.

"Now the buggers elect to show up? After we've been kicking each other's arses?" she scoffed. Then, realizing she was drawing looks, she gestured at the doors.

"Didnae anybody see that?!?" she sputtered. "There was a bloody genuine cube that just cruised by! It...! Ah, ya wee sod, never the shite mind it all. Our superiors will inform us sooner or later. 'Mon, then, Angel. I'm not hauling this ginger arse all by meself. Let's see how we can manage Meony all the way to Sickbay, or how far we can get."

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #85
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia | Fighter Assault Bay | U.S.S. Theurgy | Vector 2 | Contested Space | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado

Alessia had combed the area and got clear once the leaders' fighters had landed, and the squadron formed out into combat. "Oi! Angel! Take cover!" came the warning Angel reactively ducked in response to, keeping her rifle aimed upward and ready to fire.

With to the resounding sound effect of artillery and the assuring sights and sounds of returning fighters and additional phaser fire, Alessia squinted in unconvinced regard as she trained her rifle and fired a few kill shots around the area until to her relief, she saw the charred body of her foe fall from the rafters. What was left of him, anyway, letting that feared axe hang from a partially dismembered arm as blood dripped. She pitied whoever had to clean all that up more than the warrior; if only someone was acquiring these weapons.

"Razor, you beautiful bugger! THAT is the way to kick arse on the Theurgy!"

"He gets dibbs on the axe." was Angel's one-liner, pleasant to store her own new blade on her back holster as Alessia nodded at her orders and got to work securing Meony, sharing the load with Ghost, phaser rifle drawn and ready to fire in an arc above and behind her as they made their way to the weapons storage locker. It was the closest thing to a secure area or a trap.

"Computer, locate nearest medical officer." Alessia was about to get a fix on Dr. Rez's position when The Hangar bay Doors began to close. She was glancing towards the rafters to make sure no more party crashers were hiding aboard. The last thing she wanted was to have a nagging fear of this bay. But that was nothing compared to the momentary shadow against the blue backdrop of the Azure Nebula darkening for a moment that seemed to slow down time itself.

"Come on, Angel, yeh heard the man," she said, hauling Meony as much as possible. "We better get Meony to somewhere safer than...SHITE!"

Rawley had seen it too. Alessia's gut tightened. She was on Luna at the battle of Sector 0-0-1. Mercifully, she was ordered to evacuate and prepare the base for self-destruct, rather than let the Borg get a foothold in the sector. Better odds than most of the fleet's participants. Unknown now against the wolves in their present state. Despite the misunderstanding with Martok, Alessia feared if the Borg would finish him off or produce a monster to rival Locutus of Borg. Ironic as that terrifying thought was, it was no time for fear at the moment, only duty. Fear would have to say its prayers when all wolves were accounted for. They were becoming an endangered breed.

Alessia put her hand aside and nonverbally ordered Ghost to head a certain way as they took Meony in each arm rifles trained. "Lounge. We can have a medic beamed over there when they become available. There's sofas there to rest her."

Upon their arrival, Alessia fired an arc sweep of the lounge, as if spraying pesticides and scanning for any lurking trespassers. Taking hostages was not the Klingon way, but Martok had most likely ordered no quarter, so no point in implementing founder-seeking beams that would have sent any trespasser tumbling. "Clear." Alessia said, grabbing Meony by her feet and putting her on the nearest available Sofa, scrambling for the nearest first-aid kit as she hailed Medical: [ Pilot lounge to Medical - We've got a pilot with a head injury. Preliminary scans read a... tumor. We've secured the lounge for a makeshift sickbay here, doing what we can, but could really use a house call. Right about now. ] Alessia said, using the medical tricorder and attempted basic first aid.

[ ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Transporter Room | USS Allegiant NX-80978 | Defensive Maneuvers over U.S.S. Theurgy |  Contested Space | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]

After that scare with the Vulcan Borg Drone, the Devil-dice Cubes, and the sight of lifeless Starfleet officers of all species, uniforms and states, Jimmy had to keep his focus on their guest with that much more resolve to avoid that fate as the nanoprobe vaccine took its course. All the same, it was until now that he was all too eager to carry out security and reassurance detail to Ms Van der Berg, lest she be a Trojan Horse as he suspected.

All thoughts toward women were rewritten into a single name as soon as Jimmy had received word from the LCARS display about crossing paths and coming to the aid of the Theurgy's Sword vector. Meony's. Not that he wouldn't be happy to see Leon or Sharky either, but good friends were a dying breed, and her, most endangered of all.

Before he could debate further, he was already in his Security-Exo Suit, rifle in hand, pistol and survival knife in holster and a now perfectly-prepared Klingon Yan. "Computer. Display security alerts for Theurgy Vector 2. Status of Fighter Assault Bay. On-screen." It took moments amid the Allegiant's evasive maneuvers and weapons fire that Jimmy prepared a report for the captain, despite the centerpiece image of Meony, seemingly unconscious or wounded. He magnified, almost to the microscopic level to see that she was breathing. Jimmy could think with a clear head as he finalized his report. Jimmy highlighted the presence of a friendly Croc-- err an Starfleet goldshirt Gorn, a doctor, two hostiles and a medical emergency against two Tac-Conn personnel holding their fire, possibly in need of backup and a valid reason to beam to respond. Jimmy listed a tally of bodies on an indicator indicating the medical status of the department as if to explain their situation in a nutshell in the same report. As much as any Klingon, Jimmy wanted to fight.

Moments later, Jimmy reported to the bridge indicating all pertinent security threats: Drs. Lucan and Maya, the reports of small-arms (and fighter) fire in both fighter assault and sickbay and a contained threat in deflector control. Jimmy was determined to make himself useful wherever he was needed. "I'm ready, Skipper. Just put me through to the suits-on-the-ground." Jimmy was good, but not good enough to take on a Parasite. Talk him down and stall, for sure but not rival. But Mariner would be curious to test out maximum setting on that one if ordered to without a second thought about other things aboard until given the all-clear.

Remaining in the transporter room or by Annika's presence at all times otherwise, Jimmy was ready as ever for the Sickbay, in pursuit of Nicander or as he wished- at the assault bay.

((OOC: Edit. Thanks Havenborn and Nolan))
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #86
PO2 Sithick | Weapons Storage | Flight Deck | Vector 02 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Blue Zephyr @Auctor Lucan
Looking over his two injured crewmates, he turned towards the ones invading. He saw something strange, something very familiar to him. Klingons, he had been a slave of the empire for years, it had been how he had ended up a member of the Federation.  The shock of seeing Klingon aggressors brought Sithick back to a time when he was a lot smaller, being sold to the empire it felt like it was a life time ago.

The wheels in his mind turned slowly, attack or flee, the fact that the empire was here was giving him some hesitation, but at the same time his crew was in danger.  It was the urging of Liam herald telling him to protect the others that brought him over the edge.

He growled as he stood up to his full height, but he honestly didn't want to charge off with a full frontal assault. He had worked with Klingons before, they worked with Gorn, they would not be shocked like the Savi, a full frontal attack would result in him taking multiple burns, he could win, but not before he himself was damaged. As the two entered and began to sweep the weapons storage bay, Sithick darted behind one of the many shelving units.

Sithick was not usually a quiet creature, his claws ticked against the ground, and so he tried his best to move slowly gently. Moving quietly as he tried his best to stay to the rooms blind spots. Making his way back to the weapon he had been taking apart. The  Asuran gravity weapon was currently connected to a small generator SIthick had brought in on an anti gravity lift he uncoupled the device, and grabbed the lift with the generator on it, opening a panel and connecting the generator back up to the lift.

By now the two of them had split up and one of them had gotten the drop on another crewmate, he had been a little too absorbed in the delicate work he was doing to really notice her plight till he was ready to deploy his plan.  He kicked the anti gravity lift across the room as the generator and battery started to wine. the jolt in the anti gravity lifts power carrying it up directly over top of one of the klingons. "Brace for impact."

He had kept hold of the cable using it like a kite's wire to position the flying lift, and then yanked it hard. the battery decoupled under his strength, the lift lost all power and the four hundred pound hunk of metal fell directly on top of one of the intruders. While the still connected generator whipped around guided by Sithick as he threw it towards the other attacker.

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #87
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila| Crew Quarters | USS Allegiant NX-80978 ]
Att.: @Auctor Lucan  @Griff  @Masorin  @Fife  @Multificionado  @lisavw  @Triton 

Izar watched the hour displayed on the LCARS screen next to the door of the crew quarters. It was time. He opened one of the inside pockets of his duffel bag and took out a small bottle. He thumbed the label, covering part of the name of the compound that it contained, leaving only the prefix KAYO visible. With great care, as if working with a highly reactive substance, he unscrewed the cap, turned the container and dropped a couple of pills into the palm of his hand. He rolled them with his forefinger and thumb as he studied them. They were round, ivory-colored, with a small slit in the center. They hardly had anything remarkable, the best way to describe them was anodyne. And yet ... However, they were a gateway for their future tranquility. And maybe a door to his past. As so many times since the asurian attack, his hand began to shake and Bila balled his hand to prevent the pills from falling to the floor. Yeah, it was time. With great care he dropped the pills into his mouth and swallowed them. He rubbed his eyes with his two thumbs, to finish the movement pinching his ridged nose. He needed a break. Or caffeine. He got off the cot with the ease of an bicentennial oldman, stretched his slender back and routed his steps to his battle front. To the lab.

[Lt. JG Izar Bila | 20 minutes later | Science Lab | USS Allegiant NX-80978]

"Science Officer's Log, supplemental. So far, the tests with the ORE have been unsuccessful. Given the current situation of the mission, the emission of Omicrons particles had been adjusted to the lower settings and, although the radiation destroyed part of the nanoprobes from the blood samples that I took from the Ensign Six, the degradation speed and sedimentation of the probes isn't fast enough to stop a process of assimilation once past point of contagion NP-33. I'm ready to perform tests increasing by 5% the frequency modulation of the radiation, using Six's blood samples and my own blood samples as control group. If my cross-referenced data with Dr. Phlox's notes are correct, I'll have to force the ORE up to 85% of its current capacity to have the desired results, but I'm afraid that a continued usage using these parameters will cause degradation in the M/A camera's insulating film, reducing the useful life of the device.

Final note: the control samples show traces of a modified nanoprobes vaccine, as well as a 50 mg dose of Kayosegrine. The ORE should act on the first ones in the same way as on the unmodified probes, and the compound is inert to the omicron radiation according to the database of the Starfleet. However the results on the control samples could be biased by these products. Nevertheless, given the precarious circumstances in which I find myself, I don't have a more adequate reference sample and must keep the experiment using what i've on hand. "

Bila tapped the screen of his PADD, verifying that, indeed, the recording of the log was over. He wrote the parameters with which he was going to perform the first round of tests, and activated the recording of data by voice command to report the results of the experiment. The scientist then left the device at one of the laboratory tables, as far as possible from the work area of ​​the ORE. So far, the minimal amounts of omicron radiation with which he had been working hadn't caused any dysfunction in the computer equipment, but every precaution was never enough. He calibrated the ORE before saying it out loud. "Test B-1. Activating ORE. T: 50, result, unsatisfactory. There is an improvement rate over the A-25 test of 0.25% in the main sample. Control sample without changes."

The same ritual was repeated several times, with little improvement. Even with everything, Bila didn't give up on his efforts, and insisted again and again on the process, with the small variations that he had designated. He trusted his theory, he knew it would have a positive result. "Test B-17. Activating ORE. T: 50, result... " A jolt of the inertial dampers shook the entire laboratory, crashing several of the  Petri's dishs into the bulkplates, shattering them. "For Prophets sake!" He shouted more angrily than he wanted to acknowledge, waving a fist towards the general direction of the Bridge. "Keep this junk heap stable, I'm trying to make science here!"

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #88
[PO1 Lillee t'Jellaieu] |  Bridge of USS Allegiant NX-80978]

Attn: @@Auctor Lucan, @@Triton, @@Fife, @@Masorin, @@Numen, @@Multificionado, @@lisavw, @@trevorvw


The pursuit of the Borg Cube had been nerve-wracking, the crew of the Allegiant tense beyond measure in their tiny scout ship, but finally they found something: the Sword, another part of the USS Theurgy, heavily damaged and running for their lives in the opposite direction of the Borg. After seeing the graveyard of thousands of Starfleet officers and the wrecks of dozen starships, it filled Lillee t'Jellaieu's heart with gladness to see the Sword still flying proud as it flew directly at the Allegiant.

Proud, but also without shields and with the blasted Klingons on their tail. The Sword's weapons lashed out at their pursuers but the Klingon fighters were nimble and smart, easily able to evade phasers designed for shooting at larger targets. The Phantoms were in their element now, the squadron hunting wounded prey while the Sword's own Valkyries were either destroyed or in the hangar. Without shields, the Sword would last no more than a couple of minutes before the Klingons got close enough to rip into its hull.

And then the Allegiant came in like an angel of divine wrath. Not bothering with any fancy or conservative maneuvers, Lillee aimed the scout ship directly at the Klingons like a battering ram, skimming the Sword's hull by a scant fifty meters before charging the Klingons directly. She heard the phaser cannons firing at the targets in front, but acting more on instinct than conscious thought, Lillee took the next step as they passed the enemy, bringing the Allegiant out of warp, flipping her around, then accelerating all the way to warp 8, all in the space of a few seconds. The rapid maneuvers strained the inertial dampeners, pushing the crew deep into their chairs at the stress of huge acceleration, but nevertheless, within seconds, the scout ship caught up to the beleaguered Sword...and the Klingons.

Lillee didn't smile, but she nevertheless felt an icy glee deep in her heart as she aimed the Allegiant's bow (and its formidable cannons) directly at the Klingons' aft quarters. The beasts had had no time to react between being charged by an unexpected enemy and having that enemy close on their rear, and even worse, as Lillee knew well, the Klingon fighters weren't designed to fight powerful corvettes like the Allegiant. Such corvettes were the bane of all warp fighters, capable of outgunning and chasing down the smaller craft with contemptuous ease.

The hunters were now the prey, and the Klingons would die like the fools that they were.

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #89
[Ensign Six | Bridge | USS Allegiant NX-80978] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Masorin @Triton @Numen @Triage @Griff @Gadget @Fife @lisavw

Six had been uneasy for the entire trip away from the debris field. She was still thinking about the distress call Masuda had played. So absorbed in thought she was, she never slept. She lost track of time, but it felt like ages ago.

There was screaming heard across the static, along with phaser fire. [Please, if you hear this message, you must know this. When we encountered it... it was not just the Borg telling us we were about to be assimilated.... It was the Borg Queen herself! We saw her.. when we were hailed! She told us the invasion of the Alpha and Beta Quadrant had begun!]

The screaming in the message drove the point home, and the fact that the Borg Queen herself was on the tactical cube that was now scattered in pieces should've reassured her, but it didn't. The Borg would only make a new Queen.

In point of fact, what disturbed her most was that she saw the Queen in a nightmare less than a day and a half previously, in a nightmare, when it seemed that the battle leading to the debris field happened before that.

Thinking about that, and the lone drone that seemed to stare into the souls of those on the Allegiant, and how tempted she had become in the Collective's siren call, she stayed on the bridge, partly because the call of the Collective would provide a means of guiding again, and partly because the shocking news had rooted her in place.

She had felt when Izar had applied the hypospray, but she rubbed it like it was a bee sting, like the Borg pierced her with a dart from the rear. So far, she felt nothing wrong from Izar's inoculation, but even that didn't reassure her. It felt more like…a violation. She could feel like some of her nanoprobes were purged from her own bodily system. Even when she started to feel it wearing off, she couldn’t be reassured. There was something about the drone on the escape pod that irked her so much, and she was sure it irked the rest of the crew, but her uneasiness was worse. Much worse.

What finally took her mind off the shocking events they had encountered was the sudden appearance of the Theurgy's Vector Two, chased by Klingon Phantom Raiders. Six had to blink in surprise at that, like the sudden appearance had brought her out of a trance of horror.

"Klingons?" she sputtered in surprise. "What did the Theurgy do to make them mad?"

Time will tell; in fact, if the Theurgy encountered Klingons recently before the three vectors had to split up, she would've liked to have been brought to speed. More importantly, if the Allegiant docked with the Theurgy, she wondered how long they would be there, because depending on how long they stayed on the "Sword," it would mean setting up another alcove.

She watched, again rooted to her chair, but now, feeling a newer sensation, she watched the action going on. She felt quite a thrill with such flying maneuvers and to be going on a ride. Her horror at the Borg was all drained away by the thrill of the ride, smiling all the way.

"That's excellent flying, t'Jellaieu!" she said. "You could give Tom Paris a run for his money!"

OOC: Much as I would like to put Six and Rawley in the same post, such an opportunity is not achievable yet. After all, the two characters are still in different settings despite the proximity. What goes on in their perspectives will be in separate posts unless they share a setting together.

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #90
Lt JG Salem Martin | Bridge | USS Allegiant NX-80978 ] attn: @Auctor Lucan @Griff @Fife  @Numen  @Multificionado  @lisavw  @Triton n @trevorvw
Fire at will

It is one of those commands you both kind of dread in tactical and yet you can't wait for. It meant there was no backseat shooting from the Captain. They didn't rattle off zone numbers, or an order like; 'fire a torpedo on barring mark  i don't know what i am doing and that won't cause any lasting damage, because I'm a captain and haven't touched a tactical desk in four years.'

No fire at will meant that all firing controls went to Salem, he got to prioritize which of the fighters he shot down, and which of the weapons he used. Of course off in the corner there was a single button that he had put in at the request of the start of the mission. The Tri-cobalt laced torpedo, he had installed the thing from the Cayuga, and frankly he still wanted to fire it, but with the Rotarran left behind and only three raiders to account for well the target was gone, another day, another use perhaps.

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #91
[Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | TacCONN Briefing Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Triton @Triage @Nolan @Havenborn @chXinya @Top Hat

Alessia put her hand aside and nonverbally ordered Ghost to head a certain way as they took Meony in each arm rifles trained. "Lounge. We can have a medic beamed over there when they become available. There's sofas there to rest her."

"I gotcha, Angel," said Ghost. She had to admit, they looked like quite a sight together, Meony held up in each of their arms with their rifles trained on their other arms. It almost seemed something like out of a wartime holo-novel, and especially more so with Ghost's bloody nose and stream of blood.

They had managed to drag Meony into the lounge - safest place possible to be on the deck at the moment - but no sooner had they entered did Angel did a sweep. Ghost realized Angel has done something like this before...then reminded herself that of course she would; Angel must've learned to do something like this in the Dominion War. Angel was a bugger of a professional to be quite a hardened soldier as well as a pilot. In terms of ground combat, Ghost had few experiences. Her favourite had been when she took down Reavers with an isomagnetic disintegrator, but other than that, when it came to ground combat experience, she didn't remember much, apart from her days as a bouncer.

"Clear." Alessia said, grabbing Meony by her feet and putting her on the nearest available Sofa, scrambling for the nearest first-aid kit as she hailed Medical: [ Pilot lounge to Medical - We've got a pilot with a head injury. Preliminary scans read a... tumor. We've secured the lounge for a makeshift sickbay here, doing what we can, but could really use a house call. Right about now. ] Alessia said, using the medical tricorder and attempted basic first aid.

"A tumor?" said Ghost in surprise. "Meony? It's a bugger of a tumor to make Meony like that."

She never knew about the tumor. Did Meony not know her well enough to mention it to her? And, as it just occurred to Ghost, what the bloody shite would she have done if she found out? Obviously to call Sickbay.

"I'm going to see if I can get a chum from Sickbay down here, Angel," she said. "I know her enough that I'm confident she can help Meony."

She was referring to Doctor Maya, and since Ghost had forgiven her, she felt that it would be good to get her in.

Since there was nothing coming in from Sickbay, she may as well just get a fix on Maya and bring her down herself.

"Computer, locate Doctor Maya."

[Doctor Maya is in the Security Center.]

Security? What would Maya be doing there?

OOC: Follow-up to Triton's post in Garcia's perspective. As I previously indicated, posts with Six and Rawley will be separate unless they share the same setting.

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #92
[ PO2 Kino Taer | Deck 11 | Sickbay ] @Auctor Lucan @Top Hat

[This is Kobol , I am sensing three remaining Klingons!] came the Betazoid’s reply, [There is still one inside here, behind a biobed, but the other two must be outside. I can sense them moving away... We're fine, or as fine as we can be, thank you. How... are you?]

Kino suppressed a smirk at the doctor’s clear inexperience with combat. A woman’s voice followed his, one she recognized as Jovela’s.

["We have a phaser, but some help would really be appreciated. Just don't let the other two get away!"]

A phaser? Did one of the guards left here make it inside the ICU or something?

“Roger that. Stay in cover and we’ll take care of them. Taer out.”

She hadn’t seen two of the Klingons running off, but then again, she had been remaining behind the desk for the conversation. The sound of multiple sets of boots on the deck alerted her to new entrants, the source of which quickly identified themselves via her HUD as Kino peeked around the desk for them. Beta Team had finally arrived at the scene and wasted no time getting in position. She opened a channel to Ducote, figuring that he was managing things on the bridge if he was in a position to order her here in the first place.

“Taer to Ducote. Two of them are trying to run. Lock down Sickbay.”

[Working... done]

Good. As stupid as this Borg chase is, at least he knows to trust the people at the scene.

“Hey, Beta Team. There’s one left in the ICU. Two runners. I’ll take my team to hunt them down. Secure the ICU and the rest of Sickbay.”

With an affirmative from the young officer commanding the team, Kino vaulted over the desk and waved at her team to follow her. She gestured to Stasny’s prone body and zh’Rasda shook her head silently, prompting a sigh from the Trill. Maybe he had a fighting chance of recovering somewhat if the doctor could get to him quickly, but who knew at this point. The Klingons were clearly shooting to kill. She took off with the three remaining people in her team in tow, satisfied that Beta Team was already in the ICU with a burst of movement and phaser fire.

Her first direction was the opposite direction of where Beta Team came from, heading towards the Morgue and Recovery Ward marked on her forearm PADD’s map of Sickbay. First was the Recovery Ward. Running in with rifles raised merely alarmed the nurse on staff and those in the biobeds there. The Morgue did have a Klingon at the far end from the door. Thankfully, a burst from Kino and the rest put him down before he could charge or get more than one wild shot off. She closed the distance while firing off another short burst to make sure he stayed down so that she could disarm and cuff him.

“Morgue clear. Took one down. Beta Team?”

“We’ve cleared the ICU and everywhere except the lab and cryo areas.” The Lieutenant junior grade in charge of that team replied. “No additional hostiles yet. I’ve got a fire team heading to cryo.”

“Roger that. I’ll head to the lab area.”

The last Cling-on wasn’t in either lab and Beta Team reported cryo was clear, so that left bathrooms and the supply closets, which Kino was unsure why one would be found there but figured it wasn’t like they were going to be as familiar with a Starfleet Sickbay as she would be.

Hell, I’d probably get lost on their ship.

It was almost a surprise to the Trill when she stepped into the bathroom across from the labs and was immediately tackled by the burly Klingon wielding some sort of blade. She was able to block him from slashing her throat, instead getting scratch on her right forearm armor. He didn’t let up after that, using his strength to force her rifle out of her hands and push her towards the wall. Kino saw an opening and pushed her way out of his reach on the opposite side of the bathroom. She had time enough to pull her plasteel knife out before her opponent turned to close the distance with a battlecry. It was becoming a repeat of her fight with Ducote earlier – strong and relatively slow vs her speed and agility. It was simply more deadly, but at least she had her exosuit to boost her strength.

It ended up making a key difference. Instead of taking deadly cuts or losing limbs, her armor took scratches and the synthetic muscles within it gave her increased strength as she feinted to deliver a sharp kick to his knee. A bellow announced her success and the sound of phaser fire announced her one of her team finally found their way in with a clear shot. Kino took advantage of the surprise and stagger to step back and kick the Klingon’s blade out of his weakening grip before tackling him to the ground. She buried her knife into the flesh of his blade hand and punched him fully unconscious.

“Totally, had him but good shot nonetheless!” Kino said to the crewman as she pulled out restraints from one of her armor’s compartments. “This should be the last. The rest of Sickbay has been cleared, yes?”

“Yup. Beta Team said they’re getting ready to move the Klingons we’ve taken down to one of the empty until we get the all clear from the Security Centre.”

The Trill retrieved her knife before flipping the Klingon enough to tie his hands behind him. She left him unconscious on his side as she stood up. A quick look at her PADD showed her the new alert from the Centre. There was something about the temporary brig and the Centre as a whole locked down due to a hostile prisoner. As she grabbed her rifle and slung it over her shoulder, she spoke over the Security comm channel.

“Taer to Security. Sickbay’s clear.”

It wasn’t a long jog from the now damaged bathroom to the ICU. She nodded to the Security officer at the door and stepped over one of the Klingons that hadn’t been moved yet. “Doctor Kobol , Jovela? We’ve secured the entirety of Sickbay now and all intruders have been accounted for. I have a man down across the hall, but otherwise looks like light injuries. How are you?”

She paused at where the downed pilot was. “Fuck.”


Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #93
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Security Center | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat @patches @Top Hat @trevorvw @Auctor Lucan

That kind of close action always left Eliska Bremmer sucking wind.  But then again, it was certainly one thing that could always get the blood pumping, and as she was catching her breath and surveying the scene, that Lieutenant Akoni made his way towards her.  At first, she tensed.  He was at best a passenger, and last she heard he was just one step up from being a prisoner.  But then again, nobody had bothered to pass on that information to the bottom end of the ladder.  But, to his credit, he was handing her his weapon, making it clear he wasn't supposed to be armed.  Did he know she was one of those who was in Security when they were brought in to see Nicander?  The opaque faceplate of her helmet would have hidden her feature, but he might recognize her voice through the suit's synthesizer.  "Yes, I'll be taking that... Sir."  Her armoured hand relieved him of his weapon, which she quickly handed to one of the soft-skin Security types with her.  "You get the Sir to a shelter station, and make sure he stays put until Red Alert is secured."

"Got it, PO", was the crisp reply as the crewman pointed towards a door.  "That way, Sir, if you please."

And, that should have been the end of that.  Until that Ducote character came back on the air, ordering her back to Security.  First of all, why was he the one giving her orders, and not Wenn?  That would need addressing later.  "Bremmer, acknowledged."

One deep breath later, she spoke again.  "Varder, we're back at it.  You and what's left of the team, let's go, to Security we go.  Nicander, big surprise, got uppity and he's got that Vulcan doc and she may or may not be a hostage.  Now, we go lethal.  Level 7 on rifles and sidearms.  We'll try and talk it down and secure it; if that fails, I take the first shot.  If my fire doesn't cut it, Varder is next.  If it gets past both our fire, the three of you open up and keep shooting until the threat is over.  We might lose some folks, but better that than have that thing loose.  Now, let's go."

Back on the turbolift, and right back out where they had started, Bremmer had her detail lined up against the wall, ready to enter Nicander's immediate area.  But first, she had to talk to someone.  "Bremmer to Bridge.  Captain Wenn, I'm here with Varder in a suit, and 3 soft-skins.  We're ready to go and deal with Nicander.  Be advised, we're set to go lethal."

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #94
[Lt. Commander Vael Kaeris | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: Anyone on the bridge

Vael had to admit that the crew, despite some initial reservations, knew how to handle itself under combat situation as they readily took advantage of the breach in klingon defenses.  He wasn't quite of a mind to question how the patient had managed to secure such mission critical information from his temporary operating theater.  After all, even among his own people, there were those gifted with a certain degree of extrasensory talents.

He braced for another exchange of fire with the Rotarran -- one he fully expected to be among the last as the Theurgy may have bypassed the klingon defenses, but the klingons had, in turn, shattered their own.  And then fate interceded, the final engagement sidelined by some bemused and readily distracted toddler god with a dubious definition of irony.  The borg had appeared, just as his crew had warned.  Sure, Vael felt a certain level of self-satisfaction, a desire to turn to those skeptics among the crew and say "I told you so", but such petty behaviour was frowned on -- hardly the proper response of one raised in amidst a noble household and equally ill-befitting an officer.  But no less tempting. 

What followed was inexplicable.  Where he'd expected the klingons to strike a temporary truce to face off against the clearly greater foe amidst the thundering overtures of the Borg on their comms defining resistance as futile and assimilation as imminent.  Instead, the cube moved, purposefully, almost lazily towards one of the apertures, uninterested in the battle waged on their doorstep, and departed.  A moment later, the Theurgy, too, sought its escape, but via warp rather than the apertures.

Vael's eyes flashed, the ordinary black irises briefly golden, as his disbelief that they had fled the scene conflicted with the acknowledgement that staying meant resuming their fight with the klingons and likely their demise.  No, this was the proper course under the circumstances, he assured himself, regaining his composure as he mentally chastised the momentary lapse, no matter how deserved.  The commander instructed him and the one known as Okafor to review the sensor logs for data regarding how the borg had managed to access the aperture.  In truth, the order was wholly unnecessary as it was the very thing he planned to do himself.

The helmsman rose from her station to depart, he demeanor decidedly unusual, before she collapsed, clearly the victim of a wound she'd suppressed for the sake of the battle.  It was then that Okafor leaped from his place to take the helm.  Vael cast a glance in the direction of the commander before taking the abandoned seat, translating the order to review the sensor logs as tacit authority to seat himself rather than continue with the inefficiencies of his PADD.

He put the outside activities of the bridge out of his mind, affording no opportunity for distraction at the coming vessel, the continuing threat presented by the Rotarran's forces.  His objective was the borg and the sensor logs that had idly watched them pass.

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #95
[ Chief Warrant Officer Sten Michael Covington | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

“We’ve got wounded!” Sten Covington called out as he knelt by a fallen deck hand’s side.  “How are you feeling son?” he asked in a quieter tone as he set a first aid kit on the deck beside him.  “Do you think you can walk?”

“Never mind me, Boss.  How’s Thomason?” Petty Officer First Class August De Serres groaned as he tried his best to sit up.

“I’m sorry son, Thomsason didn’t make it,” the deck chief shook his head.  “He took it full in the chest.”

“Damn Klingons,” De Serres grunted.  “What did we do to tick them off?”

“I think that Starfleet told them that it was all right to kill us and they just rushed over here to get us before anybody else did,” Sten replied dryly.  “Don’t worry about Suvok,” he said when he saw the wounded man glance blearily at an unconscious young Vulcan who was lying prone on the deck.  “He’s in one of those Vulcan healing trances.  It should keep him stable until help can arrive.  In the meantime, let’s make sure you’re still awake and breathing when they get here,” he added as he opened up his first aid kit.

“Boss why aren’t you contacting sickbay?” De Serres asked as a thought hit him.

“Sorry son, they don’t seem to be answering,” Covington sighed. 

[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan, @Auctor Lucan, @Havenborn, @Multificionado, @Even Angels Cry, @Jm Von Cat , @Blue Zephyr, @Masorin@Triage.

While Sten was helping the wounded, Tessa had placed herself in an interior corner where she could hide behind a fighter and still get a good view to her left and in front of her.

“Okay,” Tessa sighed as she looked at her combat tricorder. She turned it around to hold it the correct way and did a slow scan, pivoting until she found something.  “Okay, let’s see if there are any Klingons left in the fighter bay.  Let’s see… no Klingons in the fighter bay…  Wait a second!” she gasped as she stepped out of the corner and walked past Razor’s fighter.  “I’m picking up Klingon life signs!  The weapon storage room!  Guys!  They’re in the weapon storage room!  There’s still two more of them!”

[ Maya | Deck 07 | Temporary Holding Cell | Security Center | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ]   Atten: @Auctor Lucan.

Maya’s senses returned to her one by one.  The strain of attempting to contact another mind, let alone impart telepathic suggestions to it without skin to skin contact was hard enough, but an attempt to do so with mulitiple minds at once was folly.  Having the telepathic contact abruptly cut off was more than enough to put Maya in shock and cause her Vulcan brain to reboot her nervous system.   Her vision was blurry; the fact that she had vision at all indicated that she had fallen unconscious with her eyes open.

She saw Lucan cin Nicander’s unshaven face looking down at her.  His expression was… crestfallen, gentle, and affectionate.  Despite his dishelvled appearance, he looked like the classmate and superior officer she admired and trusted. 

With her overstrained nervous system resetting itself, the mesiofrontal cortex in her brain was relaxed, allowing Maya to experience her emotions.  Seeing Lucan gazing down at her with the tenderness of a lover, the dazed Vulcan’s normally unreadable countenance relaxed into a gentle smile.

[ Ensign Colin McArthur | Deck 07 | Aide Duty Station | Security Center | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ]   Atten: @Auctor Lucan.

Outside the temporary holding cell, things weren’t anywhere near as peaceful. 

“Security to transporter room three,” Ensign Colin MacArthur paged.  “Beam Barton, Wyburn, and Drolix out of there.  Make sure that you lock onto their phasers and get them out of there.” he added knowing that the internal sensors in the temporary holding cell were more acute than those in other rooms.  “The prisoner has already taken out three men and I’m seeing my life flash in front of my eyes.  Just a second I'm getting another call.”

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #96
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Deflector Control | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Kai had surrendered his phaser as a show of good will for the enlisted security personnel that had just helped dispatch the remaining Klingons in deflector control.

”You get the Sir to a shelter station, and make sure he stays put until Red Alert is secured." the Petty Officer directed a security crewman, in regards to Kai.

Fucking what..? Kai thought to himself as the crewman pointed towards the door while Kai only caught the last word please.

Kai stood there for a few seconds, looking around the room before nodding at the crewman and then exiting the door and headed left. A few seconds later, Kai heard the team in deflector control leave and head in the opposite direction.

Kai glanced at the crewman who was escorting him, ”We’re going to the bridge”

The crewman protested, ”I must insist, Sir" all the while resting his hand on the phaser attached to his hip.

It suddenly dawned on Kai that the information probably hadn't been disseminated through the proper lines of communication, due to the shitshow that was currently happening aboard the ship. This helped the large man's state of mind as he offered a measured response to the crewman standing in front of him.

"I am due back on the bridge, as I was ordered to help out in deflector control. You should check with your chain of command. "

The crewman ended up calling someone named McArthur to clarify his orders and the voice on the other end of the comm line confirmed that Kai was due to report back to the bridge after being ordered to assist in deflector control.

Kai then turned around and started walking towards a turbolift in order to get back to the bridge, with the crewman less than 50 centimetres behind him.

Kai tapped his communicator, ”Akoni to Ducote, I’m on my way back to the Bridge, unless you need me elsewhere” he finished saying to one of the only people aboard this ship that he trusted.

Kai kept walking as he waited for Ducote to reply.

OOC: No post for Annika this time around on the Allegiant as she’s drugged up/unconscious :)

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #97
[ Dr Amelya Rez | Weapons Storage Room | Fighter Assault Deck | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Blue Zephyr , @Masorin , @Auctor Lucan

Staring eye to eye with a Klingon pointing a disruptor rifle to her face, Amelya swallowed hard as she scooted backwards. Her hands spread with her hands raised as she naturally tried to protect her patients. It was in that moment that she heard the voice of the Gorn "Brace for impact" Her eyes widened as she heard the sound of the anti gravity lift flying through the room before something decoupled. She saw the heavy object crashing down and her eyes followed the Klingon's slow motion look up as he could see the demise of his situation closing in.

With a loud thud and splat the Klingon was no more as the sound of the lift crashing onto the deck plating made the ground shake and tremble. Amelya could feel a warm substance spray onto her face and uniform before it slowly began to ooze down her skin and she could already imagine what it must've looked like. Her breathing was shallow as she regulated her breathing at the horrific scene that had just unfolded before her. She reached up to her face with her hands and smeared open whatever was on her face. As she looked at her fingers she saw them red with blood. She sighed softly as her face and uniform were decorated with a blood splash pattern. Along with minor pieces of Klingon flesh disconnecting from her uniform as it fell to the ground. She used the sleeve of her uniform to clean her face up as good as she could, leaving just some red streaks over her face before she turned around to face her patients.

Her attention went to Ji first as the woman was talking nonsense and it seemed like she was suffering from more than just a concussion. "Steady now... Lay down love." she whispered as she checked her pupils again and noticed the dilation. She had to get both of these people back to Sickbay. She tapped her combadge and hailed Jovela yet there came no response. "Computer, site to site transport to Sickbay ICU." she demanded before Thea's disembodied voice replied "Unable to execute order Doctor. Sickbay is currently in security lockdown." It caused for a frown on the medical officer's brow as she cursed lightly and looked back at Liam "How are you holding up? Is the pain any better?" she asked.

In the meantime she prepared a new inoculation for Ji. One that would make her feel more sleepy and sedated, yet not fully asleep. She needed to know if her situation would deteriorate, yet she couldn't have the human walking around and doing all kinds of crazy things with her brain being overloaded. "Alright, Ji. i'm going to have to sedate you for a bit." she whispered to her as things finally quiet down in the weapons storage room "I think you might've hit your head a bit too hard. Your brain might have a contusion and you need to rest. I can't have you walk around. So just try to rest okay, we'll get you to Sickbay soon enough"  Or so she hoped...

[ Lt. Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | U.S.S. Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M. , @Havenborn , @Masorin

Garcia and Rawley seemed to not get any joy to get Krystal to medical and instead they hauled her over to the the general direction of the pilot's lounge. Thomas was concerned about the condition of the red haired cowgirl fighter. Yet he knew that at this moment there was nothing he could do for her. He grunted as he looked at the bay and over at the charred and lightly damaged area that he had caused by firing his twin mounts. The damage was considering things okay, yet he knew at least one person who would disagree on the matter.

Thomas looked at Sten Covington as he roamed the deck, it was if the man knew that he had fired upon the Klingon with his bird as he gave him a damned look. Thomas simply nodded at him before continuing with the task at hand. Rooting out any remaining boarders. He watched Knight and Salvo move together as he walked over to Tessa. She was busy with her combat tricorder as she turned around to scan. When he reached her she just shouted out "I'm picking up Klingon life signs!  The weapon storage room!  Guys!  They're in the weapon storage room!  There's still two more of them!"

Thomas looked over her shoulder at the readings of the tricorder. He was about to shout to Salvo and Knight to form up when the signatures simply vanished from the tricorder. "What the..." he mumbled before he looked at Tessa "Lets go, double time!" he said as he tapped her back lightly and made a sprint across the fighter bay. He walked into the corridor that lead up to the weapon's storage room with his rifle raised and he waited for the rest of the squadron before moving up.

Soon enough though, they were met by the Gorn and it seemed the situation was resolved as the Klingons seemed to be nothing more than part of the room's interior. Both smashed and unrecognizable squished to a pulp by the heavy objects that were flung towards them "Salvo, Goldeneye, see what you can do to help the doc." he said when he saw Amelya treating her patients "Doc, I have another pilot in need of your assistance." he said before Amelya looked up at him and nodded "I'll need to tend to these first. They're not stable." Ravon simply nodded, despite now enjoying the given answer.

He turned his attention to the Gorn next "Good job on dispatching these Klingon." he said as he patted his arm "I'd say it was a bit overkill, but I'm not really in a place to say that." he smiled "Do you need medical attention? If not, I think they could use your strength and wits in the fighter bay."

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #98
[Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

Just when it seemed like they had made it, things went wrong again.  Before Cinn could settle into the command chair and try not to interfere in the mop-up down below Jaya dropped to the deck.  Instinct had the Bajoran up and halfway to her instantly.  “Medical team to the Bridge!” he called out, hoping the computer was still able to route the summons, or if not, someone could send it along.  Kneeling next to Jaya and inspecting her wounds his stomach dropped.  Why didn’t she call for a replacement sooner?  These were some serious cuts.  Someone showed up with a medkit and started with the tricorder.  Cinn was ready to assist when Okafor yelled something that snapped his head up so fast that he could feel the twinge in his neck.

The Allegiant? Here?  Before he could get a hail through Ducote said something that caught Cinn’s attention: something happened in the Brig.  Leaving Jaya to the one with the medkit, he returned to his feet and marched for the security station.  “Coordinate with the Allegiant, get those raiders off of our tail, and get us back to the RP on time.  Do anything necessary.”  Nator and T'Less had already proven themselves to be a well-oiled pair, he trusted them to work their magic once again.

Reaching Ducote’s side, Cinn took half of the console without preamble.  “Show me the Security Center.”  A video screen soon appeared showing three lifeless forms piled on the deck and Nicander cradling Maya’s unconscious form in his cell, the forcefield down.  He could hear the security comm chatter despite its low volume as deputies reacted to the two remaining at-large boarding parties.  It didn’t last long though, outnumbered so severely the Klingons had no chance.  Deflector Control already showed green, Sickbay soon reported that they were clear, but the Fighter Assault Bay was a steady yellow.  Sensors didn’t show any unexpected lifesigns, but no one had reported it as clear yet either.

Long trained and experienced in handling shipboard security, Cinn’s dark hands were working on their own with some quick redeployments out of habit.  Looking a bit sheepish, he had to consciously stop them.  “Apologies Commander Ducote, old habit.  Have the teams do a sweep two sections around the boarded areas in case the Klingons found a way around our internal sensors.  As for Nicander, seal off the temporary holding cell and isolate with level 10 forcefields.  Switch it over to independent life support and vent the control room as well.  If that thing takes control of Nicander again I want as much vacuum between it and everything else as we can get.”  As luck would have it, that was Bremmer decided to call in.

“Negative Bremmer, stand to and cover the temporary holding entrance.  It’s about to be vacuum so unless that thing can breathe void it’s not going anywhere even if it manages to punch through multiple max-power forcefields.”  Honestly, Cinn wasn’t sure even that would stop those parasites, but Lucan just saved all of their lives, the poor soul deserved a reprieve from a firing squad.  Something else about this situation was bugging him as well, his pagh itched whenever something was missing from the picture.  What would’ve set Nicander off, only to result in him cradling the Vulcan doctor like a lover?

“Confirm the order Petty Officer: contain the prisoner only.”  Cinn’s voice took a hard tone, he would brook no arguments on this one.  As soon as he got his reply he turned back to Ducote.  “Coordinate with Sickbay, get Maya out of there.  Once our people have been secured activate several cells and beam our Klingon ‘guests’ into their new quarters.”

Internal matters taken care of, Captain Wenn returned to his chair, watching the last of the raiders as they were caught between the Allegiant and the Sword.  He prayed that they would stand down, but being Klingons, he doubted they would, forcing their hand.

Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #99
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Fighter Assault Bay, Deck 16 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Doc M., @Blue Zephyr, @Masorin

Hearing the orders from Ravon to secure the rest of the FAB Daniel nodded.  “Knight form up on me.”  He said.  He glanced around and saw Angel and Ghost carrying Meony towards the pilot’s area.  He and Knight made their way over to the nearest door that led into the corridor for the hangar crew.  He waited for Knight to move to the other side of the door and then brought his hand up; on a three count he tapped the door panel and stepped inside, a pistol aimed down both ends of the corridor.  With the corridor clear Daniel motioned for Knight to move in with him.

As soon as Knight had entered Daniel turned left down the corridor, deciding to secure the office and replicator rooms first.  They moved quickly down the corridor, keeping silent.  As they reached the door they stacked up again and then opened the door clearing the room quickly.  Since this room had a second door that lead into the next room Daniel motioned for Knight to stack up there, he then made his way towards the other door and once he was in position he gave a nonverbal command over his intercom to Knight and they cleared the room simultaneously.  It was also clear.  As Daniel motioned for them to regroup outside in the corridor he heard two things, first was a loud clang coming from the weapons storage room, and the second was Ravon coming over their intercoms.

As he and the remaining members of the squadron came inside the corridor Daniel nodded to Ravon.  As the group breached the room what they had found wasn’t what Daniel had really expected to see, a pair of dead Klingons, both killed in a very gruesome way but Daniel found it rather fitting, they had hoped to find some easy prey in here and were met with stiff opposition in the form of a Gorn NCO, Daniel couldn’t help but smile.

"Salvo, Goldeneye, see what you can do to help the doc."

“Understood Commander.”  Daniel said.  “Knight, continue securing the last three rooms.”  He said as he moved his way over to the Doctor.  Knight nodded and made his way out of the room with his rifle in hand.  Daniel figured there weren’t any more Klingons but better safe than sorry and he knew that Knight could handle himself should he run into anymore.  Daniel popped his helmet off and attached it to his waist so as to better help the doctor.  “How can I help Doctor?”  He asked her as he kneeled down next to her.  Her striking blonde hair was not lost on Daniel but this was not the time for socializing, maybe once the situation was contained and things settled a little he’d be able to properly introduce himself.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

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