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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4876


Hi there! As requested when we did the Character Survey, and some site suggestions came up, I've created our Scuttlebutt Page!

Scuttlebutt Page

Have at it and add the juicy tattle that you know of, and if you are quick about it, the new entries will be included in the upcoming newsletter. This resource is meant for fun and immersion aboard the ship, as well as help for writers with characters new to the ship, and who doesn't know the rich history of past Episodes.

If you add an entry, you can announce it here, in this new thread:

Scuttlebutt Announcements!

That way, those who want to implement rumours in their writing aboard the Theurgy will know when new ones are available. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4877


Greetings Theurgists! While some large events will be handled outside the Story Objectives system, with starters made or prompted by me, I have now added new rules and the first batch of new Story Objectives for Interregnum 01-02! :)


Make sure you read the new rules carefully, and don't forget to scroll down and look at the new In-Character Token Rewards on the page! :)

The events that will be dealt outside of the Story Objectives are (but not limited to), the approach of the Federation Embassy on Qo'noS, the Memorial Ceremony, the Azurite Station mission as well as the development in which the crew work with the Savi to try and isolate the parasites with a secondary containment beam using the anyonic phase variance that they inhibit. The Azurite Station mission will be launched shortly, with an new OOC thread posted in which volunteers can throw their hats into the ring, so to speak. I will also write the starter for the Memorial Ceremony, which will be a group thread available for all writers, as well as the Federation Embassy approach. The latter will be on a volunteer basis as well, with Ives being in charge of that.

As it stands I plan to have the Azurite Mission and the Federation Embassy threads set in Day 1 (the mission to the station perhaps spilling over into Day 2 for your characters) and the Memorial Ceremony will be on Day 2, at noon.

That is all for now, and I hope you guys like the new rules, Objectives and Rewards! If I need to edit something, just let me know. :)


Auctor Lucan

EDIT: Had to change the last of the Story Token Rules:

"- Writers may participate in two (2) Story Objectives at the same time, but as stated above, only one will allow the writer to earn Tokens. Which Objective that is must be clearly specified in the starting post of an Objective in such a case."

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4879


Right now, I have handed out the Advent of War Service Badges to all whom have had characters present during Episode 01 of Season 2. This is officially the beginning of the Awards Season!

Advent of War Service Badge
That means you can now submit your nominations for the Suus Mahna and Pon Farr Awards! Here is the link to the nomination thread with all the relevant information:

All is Fair in Love & War | Award Nominations

Make sure to read up on the nomination rules before writing up your nomination! More Award Nominations will open up after this nomination period for these awards is over. Submit your nominations for these Awards before 27th of October!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4880
Why is it called a Scuttlebutt?
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4881
Merriam Webster

Definition of scuttlebutt

1a: a cask on shipboard to contain fresh water for a day's use

b: a drinking fountain on a ship or at a naval or marine installation


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4882


Since we found ourselves in a situation where different groups of writers pulled the same NPCs from our wiki to fill out away teams during Advent of War, it became clear that we needed to update the rules in regard to NPC usage. This has been added to the NPC pages now:

>> Click for Full Resolution

A huge thanks goes to @jreeves1701 for the added LCARs default images that we now have available if we can't find any fitting faces at Sci-Fi Avatars. In short, when you use an NPC, write where s/he is at in the story, and if s/he dies, make sure that is registered on the NPC entry as well.

And when you implement a new NPC in the story, and this person might have relevance later on in the story, make sure you add him/her to the NPC pages as well! You may not, however, use the Character Creation Form on the wiki to make NPCs, since that is strictly reserved for our own characters, not for NPCs.


Speaking of @jreeves1701 , btw, he has decided to take on the gargantuan backlog named Zyrao Natauna, and to inherit her as a character of his own!

Brigadier Zyrao Natauna                Klingon Empire Liaison  

  - Writer:

This El-Aurian has a long backstory even before coming aboard the Theurgy, suffering from bad experiences in her long life, but she's quite resourceful too. In the beginning of Interregnum 01-02, after the ordeal with House Mo'Kai settled, Chancellor Martok saw it fitting to give Zyrao Natauna an higher Klingon rank, and this being Brigadier. A brigadier is essentially a high ranking official who can handle the position of military advisor to the Chancellor, and could speak on behalf of the High Command, which rhymes with her intended role in the story.

So, on the Theurgy story, she functions as the Klingon Empire Liaison for Martok. Moreover, she functions as the Theurgy's representative when dealing with the Klingons in the story, and while Zyrao might not be available for all official dealings with Martok, she serves as a coordinator for KDF movements and communications with the Klingons on the Theurgy's Main Bridge during battle, at such times present in the Support Staff section at the back of the bridge, close to the Mission Ops table behind the CO's chair.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4888
Cool stuff!  Congratulations to @jreeves1701
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4890


Let's change the nomenclature a bit to something that better reflects the intention and dynamic pertaining to what used to be called Story Objectives. An Objective is, as pointed out to me yesterday, perhaps too much of a loaded word, the annotation of it suggesting that you must "secure the objective", whereas the intention is strictly them being suggestions for if you have no other ideas about what you want to write.

It was revealed to me that the word "writing prompt" has less of a serious nature to it, and better describes the functionality I intended to begin with.

So, to better signal the intent, we have changed the name from Story Objectives to Story Prompts and Writing Prompts, the latter of which there is no restriction on how many of them you want to write in.

Moreover, the Writing Prompts does not have to be single use either, but can be used for inspiration several times. Like the Group Therapy Session one, which has garnered a lot of interest. More of these less story related kind of Writing Prompts will be added over time, and as always, suggestions for more of these should be PMed to me here on the forum!

Story Prompts

Don't forget to check out the In-Character Token Rewards that has been added! And speaking of Tokens, they will no longer be called Story Tokens, but just Tokens instead.  This, because earning Tokens is no longer just from doing Story Prompts. The full list is a Work-In-Progress yet to be added, but some wiki updates etc. will be rewarded by Tokens as well. Like adding recent events to your character biography, adding new NPCs and adding your character to a ship s/he served on in the starship database we have on the wiki.

Hope you all like this update and let me hear your Writing Prompts if you have any by PMing me here on the forum. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4891
Apologies for being basically inactive this weekend, graduate school is kicking my butt again.  Will see if I can post in response to @Swift tomorrow night!  :)  Psyched to finally get Fisher OUT of that cell lol. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4892

Hi Theurgists! :)

Please remember to submit your nominations for the Suus Mahna and Pon Farr Awards before tomorrow! Here is the link to the nomination thread with all the relevant information:

All is Fair in Love & War 2021 | Award Nominations

So far, two nominations have been made for the award categories respectively. No extra ones have been submitted via PM to me yet.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4893

Today, @Pierce expands our Operations Department with Lieutenant Nick Chambers, an officer from the Oneida!

Lt. Nick Chambers     Asst. Chief of Operations (V3)

  - Writer:

After his transfer to the Theurgy, which would be after the events in Episode 01: Advent of War, he will eventually end up as an Asst. Chief Operations Officer - this development having to run its course In-Character during the beginning of the Interregnum. Looking forward to reading his continued story, and congrats on the new character, @Pierce ! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4897

Hello everyone! Thank you to those who took their time to make nominations in the Suus Mahna and Pon Farr award categories. Tokens of appreciation for this have been handed out now that the nomination time has expired, and the two polls have been posted, one for each award category:

Suus Mahna Award Poll 2021

Pon Farr Award Poll 2021

The polls will run for 3 days, in which those who cast their votes should take a few minutes to read the linked scenes first. The nominee(s) who get the most votes will receive the Suus Mahna or Pon Farr award respectively. If you are a Nominee, you may not vote on your own scene(s).

Thank you in advance for your voting in these award categories!


Meanwhile the polls run, I have decided to open up for nominations in two new award categories. Nominations for these two Writing Awards are now open until the 5th of November, where two separate polls will be posted on the 6th of November for the two award categories and their nominated scenes respectively. The two polls will be public, and of course, those casting the vote will need to read the scenes nominated before casting their vote in the poll.

The awards? :) This time, they are these:

Awarded to the main contributing writers in a humorous scene or situation that stands out way above the norm in terms of inducing laughter for the readers.

Awarded to the main contributing writers in a dramatic scene or situation that stands out way above the norm in terms of emotional impact, keeping the readers on the edge of their seats and wondering what may come next.

Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Tears & Laughter 2021 | Award Nominations

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me. I look forward to read your nominations!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4898

Today, @Tae adds another character in the form of Nara Nueva!

CM1 Nara Nueva            Lab Technician (High Energy Physics)

  - Writer:

Crewman Nara Nueva currently serve at the Federation Embassy on Qo'nos in relative exile, having meddled with thalaron radiation and been demoted for it a couple of years earlier. Naturally, given the development with the Romulan Empire and the opportunity that the Theurgy represent, she believes she could potentially prove her worth once again.

A very interesting character and I look forward to seeing how she finds life on the Theurgy, which is a far cry from her lab at the Embassy, I reckon.  :)


Auctor Lucan

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