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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4302



Read up first, and then klick here:


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4303
Shit... damn, I'm sorry we didn't get to spend time writing together @Top Hat , I emulated a lot of what you put together in your wiki in my own, and also took some pointers from Ducote's interview with Nicander when writing the most recent one. That said, I entirely understand your need to step away, and I hope your situation improves someday soon. Take care.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4304
I'm going to echo @Swift and say that this is another big shame.  :(  COVID is ruining everything these days.  I hope things improve for you soon @Top Hat:)
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4305


Here it is!

Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Looking forward to getting the Chapter rolling! I am open to start other threads for the rest of the crew, if you have ideas for scenes that might involve a lot of characters as they've entered Breen space, PM me.

Coming up next, new Story Objectives, and a Newsletter with some key pointers for all Departments, and what they should be working with!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4306


Check them out!

Story Objectives

These new Story Objectives are introduced with a second value aside from the Story Tokens. Namely, Martok Support Points (MSP). The sum total of MSP gained by you all will influence the outcome of the Episode's ending, with Martok's continued chancellery on the line. Needless to say, a new batch of Story Objectives will be added for the Theurgy's voyage to Qo'nos after the second Quantum Slipstream Jump.

Hope you like this new story dynamic, and I leave it up to you if you guys care if Martok remains High Chancellor. :)

Next from me will be a Newsletter that details overall plot points and events of significance that, while not Story Objectives, will help inspire you all towards what should be done at this point to further the story. These will largely be Departmentally-based, but some plot-points may cross over several different Departments. Stay tuned for the Newsletter on the morrow!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4307
Someone's been reading the Star Trek Online backstory.  XD
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4309
Your new objectives sound like a great deal of fun. 

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4311
@Griff  Discord died. Servers are down everywhere. They posted an update on their Twitter.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4312


Oooh, this was an interesting character application. A TOS species, that through some great effort on @jreeves1701 's end has become a viable solution for a character in our story. Regardless if you've seen the TOS episode in which this species were introduced in Star Trek, I think you may have heard of the energy clouds in boxes, which were so ugly that they make people mad? lol  In any case, this is Larrant, a Medusan!

CWO1 Larrant              Navigational Specialist

  - Writer:

A lot has happened since Kirk's time, and in 2381, a new "box" prototype is used by this Medusan. This iteration has holo-emitters which projects a body around the Medusan, allowing for easier crew integration. As a navigational specialist, Larrant will be able to help close range spatial navigation, but is in no way a substitute for Stellar Cartography, which has a longer range than Larrant's abilities (his being roughly 20 LY/closest Sector). In other words, Irnashall is not out of a job, @chXinya ! :)

To boot, Larrant is just starting out using the holographic projection around his box (Mk III EMU, officially), so there is a little bit of a learning curve and disconnect between Larrant and the computer program that translates his output to the EMU, which will allow for some great fun and depth of character. Looking forward to your writing of this character, @jreeves1701 , and he'll be arriving on the IKS Vor'nak!


The biggest reason Fiendfall leaves us is that they have an original writing project they'd like to focus their time on. They have tried to split their time between that and Theurgy, but the decision is to leave her three characters available for Inheritance, and they asked me to pass on their apologies for leaving things unfinished in current threads. I will of course help out finish threads too, as always, so just let me know and I will be there to NPC these characters.

Lt Cmdr. Hathev                Chief Counselor (NPC)

  - Former Writer:

Ens. Inej Avirim            Investigations Officer (NPC)

  - Former Writer:

Xelia                        Software Engineer (NPC)

  - Former Writer:

Since Seren was put into stasis in the Spearhead Lounge bomb, and because Rhys Williams is off-duty In-Character atm, Hathev will remain an NPC Chief Counselor for the time being, until she is inherited or a new viable candidate comes up for the position. Avirim and Xelia will also remain on their feet but in the background until further notice. If you are interested in either of these characters, just PM me! :)

Thank you so much for your time spent here on the sim, @fiendfall ! Good luck with your writing project and if you would change your mind about original fiction, you are always more than welcome to return to us!


Yesterday, the male versions of the Exosuit were uploaded to Sketchfab, and renders are underway. Check out the 3D models!

Tactical CONN Exosuit | Male | Star Trek: Theurgy
Security Exosuit | Male | Star Trek: Theurgy

Here are the female versions, which were uploaded a month or so ago:

Tactical CONN Exosuit | Female | Star Trek: Theurgy
Security Exosuit | Female | Star Trek: Theurgy


What is that? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No... it is...

...the USS Oneida, potentially our next guest ship!

USS Oneida, on Sketchfab

While it is yet to be decided if and when we introduce a new guest ship, this might just be it. Like the Cayuga, it is an Iroquois-class ship, and it could be that since Gorka has revealed where the Theurgy has been hiding, Starfleet Command has sent the Oneida to track the Theurgy.

Like it's potential introduction in the story, we have neither yet chalked up who is in command of the ship, nor whether or not they doubt Starfleet Command and their orders. It might even be we use the Oneida for writer recruitment purposes, and allow new Applicants to make characters commissioned to this ship, with the OOC preamble that they somehow will end up serving on the Theurgy. I would love to hear your ideas on this, so post in the Advent of War OOC thread about it! :)

For now, the Oneida is on Sketchfab. I have been fiddling with the windows a bit since the Cayuga was introduced, but the Sketchfab model is still a Work-in-Progress. I have even yet to change the "Cayuga" texts on the sides of the lower hull!  (laugh)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4313
Oh, no!  Fiendfall was so nice when I joined up and needed to get a feel for things, I wish them the best!  :)
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4314

Congrats @jreeves1701  ! Larrant looks like a pretty badass character. He’s certainly served on a who’s-who list of Starfleet ships in his career! As always great character art @Auctor Lucan  , way to capture the mysterious and somewhat terrifying nature of the Medusans.

Sorry to lose you @fiendfall  ! I wish you all the best in your personal writing endeavors, and greatly appreciate the way you reached out early on when I was just getting started and helped me through the process of getting acclimated to Theurgy! Take care!

...and ooh, I’ve got all sort of ideas now, with this new guest ship. Hmmmmm... could potentially help facilitate my next character.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4316
Sorry to hear people leaving.  The new ship presents some great story ideas.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4319
A small note to interested parties: throughout the next week, I’ll be busy moving to a new place. There are a few unknowns, up to and including having an internet connection plus other issues, so if there aren’t any posts from me for a week or two, don’t worry.

Alternatively everything will be peachy, I’ll continue writing and this is completely irrelevant. I’m hoping for that outcome.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4320
Coincidentally, I too am moving (from the 28th through the 1st, but I will be packing most of tomorrow) and will have spotty Internet access.  XD  Fingers crossed that I make it safely to Colorado! 

Hope your move goes well @Griff
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4322


Please join me in giving @OrangeTellarite a warm welcome, as they are our newest Theurgist! They will be writing Inej Avirim, who have threads ongoing already and can now be continued.

Ens. Inej Avirim            Investigations Officer

  - Writer:

@OrangeTellarite has been reading up on past threads and will be wrapping their head around recent events, having received the latest Newsletter and some info on Aldea. Personally, I am looking forward to reading the continuation of this character's story, which might just have become very interesting because of the bomb in the Spearhead Lounge, and Avi being our resident Investigations Officer. :)

Welcome aboard!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4324
Awesome! Welcome @OrangeTellarite !

I hope you like Theurgy. If you need help getting settled in, feel free to ask one of esteemed Mentors for some ideas, they helped me and another group of Newbies get settled in just recently. At the same time, if there is anything I can do to help facilitate your inheritance of Avi, let me know!

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