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Topic: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy (Read 3921 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy


STARDATE 57586.6
MARCH 22, 2381
1147 HRS.

[ Captain Ives | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]
@Top Hat @Fife @Argyros @trevorvw @Nolan @TWilkins @BZ @Brutus @Kinvarus @fiendfall

When Jien stepped into the conference room, he was in his male form, and his oaken eyes made a quick survey of whom of the Senior Staff had made it to the meeting in person, and whom were on vid-link from different parts of Thea's three Vectors - their current undertakings preventing them from coming in the flesh. His calloused hands were in loose fists at his sides as he stepped towards the end of the table, and his jaw might have been a tad tighter locked than usual.

"Thank you for attending at such short notice, wherever you currently are. Please sit," he said succinctly before he opened up with the information that had almost made him sound a Yellow Alert.

"At 0830 hours today, a cloaked shuttle landed on Aldea, and only the Theurgy's particle sensors could detect it since it chose to land in a sandstorm. We promptly alerted the Aldean Defence Committee, and since we had the shortest response-time, we deployed an away team to investigate the drop-site with the blessings of the First Appointee. The away team made contact with the shuttle without Aldean or Klingon involvement." While Jien spoke, he had come to stand behind his chair, one hand resting on its back while he looked between the present faces and the floating holographic screens of officers elsewhere in the shipyards. "At 0900 hrs., give or take, the away-team learned that the vessel was a Savi saucer, and it carried the leader of the Antes; their Voice of the Vigilant. Some of you may even know him as Echtand qi Versant. The saucer he arrived with... belongs to another Precept-class ship - the Erudite - which is orbiting Aldea as we speak."

Before Jien moved on with the briefing, he let the expected reactions run their course.

[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Security Centre | Chief of Security Office | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Standing in Kai Akoni's office still after their meeting had been interrupted, Deputy zh'Wann's antennae rose in slight shock when she heard what Captain Ives said. She stood behind Commander Akoni's right shoulder, and she immediately felt how adrenaline mixed with her cobalt blood. Before she knew it, she was in a fighting mentality, prepared for the orders to end the repairs and engage the enemy ship. Perhaps their specific orders were going to be preparation for boarding parties, and prevent another abduction. Mentally, Ida was already calculating how quickly she could have a rifle in her hands, counting the number of steps to the closest weapons locker.

[The report the away team returned with, however, is perhaps even more surprising than the fact that the Voice is still alive,] said Captain Ives on the screen on Akoni's wall, and the Chameloid proceeded to detail what had happened. [Aside from the explanation that Echtand qi Versant used a second containment beam to make a copy of himself - which received the medical treatment that the dead copy couldn't get - the away-team also learned that the Savi have come to us with peaceful intentions. For if they had deigned to, they could already have killed us all - blasted these shipyards to smithereens before we even knew what had happened. Instead, Echtand maintains that according to their Old Code - which is best explained as their all-encompassing laws and something they hold quite dear - all military practises of the Savi who have joined his rebellion are strictly limited to self-defence. The Old Code, which is described to be vastly different from the practises they were forced to follow under the leadership of the Scion High Council, is devoted to peaceful scientific studies of this galaxy, and not the self-serving, morbid experimentation on people and creatures they considered beneath them. This Old Code is what the actions of our abductees helped Echtand gain access to, and the ordinary Savi - the Antecendants - rally to this new doctrine. In so many words, we appear to have no immediate cause for concern.]

No concern? There was another of those ships present, and they had hijacked the Versant in order to return to the Theurgy. Many Antecendants had died, along with Scions and Starfleet officers. The clandestine Savi had been forced to reveal themselves to not just the Klingon Empire, but the Borg armada that had almost made it though the apertures. How could the Savi not consider the Theurgy crew their enemies? Ida had a hard time believing any of this. Did the Savi truly adhere so strongly to this Code of theirs? Did they change their behaviour in accordance to new facts as if there was no higher merit than... what? Truth? Scientific truth over all else?

Ida continued to listen behind Akoni's shoulder, still unsettled.

[ USS Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854 | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]
At that moment, Thea entered the Conference Lounge, wearing her black chameleon body suit. The brown eyes of her projection immediately sought Captain Ives' figure at the head of the conference table, and she had decided to come because of what was being said. Because she had been directly responsible for the fallout on the bridge of the Versant. With worry being the main feed from her emotion chip, she settled to stand at the back of the room with her hands folded behind her back, keenly taking in what was being said and storing it in her memory banks.

"While Echtand and the Savi objected to the manner in which we parted last - even though they understood the motivations upon seeing the Borg invasion force - and raised disconcerting information about the Versant being critically sabotaged by one of our officers," Ives continued to say, "the reason they are here is not retribution. They would rather we handled this particular officer in a manner befitting our Starfleet protocols, and informed them of the outcome. They have no design to exact any vengeance even though this officer jeopardised the lives of the entire population aboard the Versant, but rather wish to form an alliance with us. An alliance based on the fact that we share an enemy in the Infested."

Thea could hardly give the information credence. What might the Savi need from the organics aboard her? Were they not advanced enough to handle their own problems?

"Since we last saw them," Jien added quietly, "the Savi have learned that the Scion High Council are filled with Infested, just like the admiralty has been compromised back on Earth. Not only does the Antes have to overthrow their leaders, and rally to their Old Code, but they also have to deal with the Infested and the threat they represent whilst they do this. The reason they came to us today, is because we have something they don't, and they know it since they have intercepted our communication with Martok and the KDF. They know we have Doctor Nicander in our care, and that he possess means to thwart the Scions. With his Farsight, he could spy on them right in their midst, and anticipate their actions. What the Doctor can give them might be enough for them to succeed in their Flotilla-wide rebellion. In exchange, while their Old Code might not let them fight on our behalf, is that they will offer Savi technology to augment Thea, and be our hidden ally in the battles to come. They merely demand that we do not reveal where this technology is coming from; that neither the Klingons nor the Aldeans or anyone outside the crew learn anything further about the Savi."

Hearing this, Thea was not entirely sure what to feel. Augment me? How? What can they offer, and do their technology and mine really mesh well enough?

"We need to give them our response within the day, lest the offer is retracted, and we'll never be contacted by them again. They are prepared to fight their domestic war without us... but they know how much we need an ally. Trust may be a long time coming... but unless there are any specific concerns, all the members in the away-team suggested we ought to consider the offer genuine."

Quietly, Thea began an analysis on this hypothetical outcome... while the Senior Staff spoke in response to what Ives had just revealed.

OOC: No set posting order, but 7 days begin now for those writing Senior Staff officers! :) This thread will likely be very short, with just 1 or 2 posts needed from you all. This is intended to settle the story development surrounding the Savi alliance, and establish how the crew learns about this development. A story poll was held a couple of months back, and it was decided that the crew was to be entrusted with the knowledge that the Savi have become allies, and it's up to you all how you wish to portray this development with your characters - abductees or not.

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #1
[LCdr Blue Tiran - Ducote | Another Fucking Meeting | Could This Have Been a PADD Message Too? | Are There Snacks? | I'm Hungry]
@Top Hat @Auctor Lucan @Fife @Brutus @TWilkins

Blue sat in her seat, next to her husband.  She might as well, while she could, and they had showed up together.  Not on purpose, she had just seen his retreating form walking down the corridor ahead of her and continued behind him for a few paces to enjoy the scenery until he realized through his own familiarity of her mind, that she was behind him.  He had paused and allowed her to catch up a grin on his face as she did so.  She answered with her own smile, it was rumored heavily, that Blue Tiran was a different woman when she was with Ducote.  Almost normal, some people dared to say.  Blue linked her hand with his as they walked down the corridor side by side.  She didn't often see him when they were both on duty, but they tried hard to make their schedules at least, somewhat, similar so that they were able to spend some time together after shift.  That, and the fact, that there were times her nightmares haunted her but between Ranaan and Hathev, Blue was making strides every day.

Inside the conferrence room, Blue and Ranaan had picked seats side by side and sat down.  Blue's long black and blue curls were down and somewhat tamed today.  Blue and Ducote had chatted with one another a little bit, the newlyweds were about the same as always since it wasn't like they hadn't lived together before now.  It was just super legal and somewhat permanent now.  Still though, it was nice to have a small time with him while she could.  The others filtered into the room and took their seats including Cross who she shot a smile to across the table.

Ives came in a few moments later and it seemed that it was time for this shit show to get started.  Blue leaned back and as her stomach grumbled, reminding her she had skipped breakfast in an effort to get one more thing off her list today and it was totally lunch time and yet, she hadn't eaten that either.  A little knowing glare from her counterpart made her smirk but she was paying attention to Ives right now.  As soon as Ives mentioned a cloaked shuttle, Blue became alert, not because of any one thing but those that utilized cloaks tended to have something to hide, much like the Theurgy.

Thirty minutes later, the away team dispatched to asses had learned that it was a Savi saucer.  Blue was a very pale woman, but what little color she had in her skin tone bled away at the mention of the Savi.  Not only was it a saucer from the Savi, but it apparently carried the Voice, or Echtand, affectionately called Moby by the one and only Blue Tiran.

“Bull shit.” she said without thinking. Remember who you are, Blue. “Sir.  But he fucking died.”

And then, Blue listened as Ives told them that he was still alive, he had somehow survived.  Blue's brows furrowed and the mental fortifications on her mind slammed down and locked six times over to keep prying minds from knowing what was going on between her ears.  Apparently Echtand had made a copy of himself and got the medical treatment his original form couldn't get.  Blue's eyes flickered over to Cross, because he knew.. he understood, he was there.  She shared a long look with Cross where her eyes said much but everything else was silent and closed down.  Blue leaned back in her chair trying to appear relaxed and not that she gave a shit that those fuckers were back and obviously wanted something from them.

Blue snorted when it was mentioned that there seemed to be no cause for concern.  The people of the Theurgy and other crews, had helped him over throw the old government which liked to experiment on kidnapped mother fuckers... that wasn't their way now.  “I'll believe it when I see it.” she grumbled under her breath.

As Ives continued about how they were here to ally with them, and they had some tech they wanted to use on the ship.. Blue closed her eyes and tried very hard to recenter herself.  Only Ducote knew some of the things that happened to her there, and Hathev a little bit too, but Cross.. Cross knew most and even then he didn't know it all.  But, she knew that he would probably be feeling just as sickly as she was at the mention.  Thea was to be upgraded as well.

“Wait.  Hold the fuck up, sir.” she said as she sat up right and put her pale hands on the table one wrapped around the other in order to keep them from shaking.  “You're just going to let them come on our ship, augment our shit, and then be like hey guys sorry for all the torture and shit under the old regime, but .. we're honestly friends now.  So I'm going to give you this really great shit that is probably filled with bugs that I can take over your own ship with when I fucking feel like it.. but no guys.. white flag and all?!”

Blue was trying to control herself, but this was a very emotional situation for the young Engineer.  “I'm not letting those fuckers near my ship or Thea until I fucking get my hands on whatever the fuck they're trying to do to it.  I don't pretend to know everything there is, but, there have to be precautions.  This is our ship, our home, and our lives.  I appreciate that the fucking war we started worked out for them, and if they actually want to fight beside us then fuck yeah.. they have tech Ive never seen before.  We could use legit shit.  But, I'm wary.”

Blue fell quiet before she added.  “Sir.” to the end, for good measure.

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Top Hat @Auctor Lucan @BZ @Fife @Brutus @fiendfall @Kinvarus @Nolan @Argyros @trevorvw

The outburst from Commander Tiran was certainly turbulent. But then, without relying on his telepathy, he’d always found it difficult to judge exactly what sort of mood that she was in. Their meeting had been called at such short notice, that he'd instead opted to station himself in his office, and participate via vid-link. It was far more convenient for his work schedule, but notably less so for impeding his psionic capacities. And without his empathic senses, it was far too easy for Elro to mistake Commander Tiran's words for something different to their intention...

But in this case, even without his abilities, he could safely assume that the Commander was nothing short of irate, given her personal expereinces with the topics at question.

An alliance with the Savi…

Elro was sceptical, even with the promise that the Aliens intended no ill will or retribution. It was shamefully true that Elro was not as well-read on the events of the Versant as he would have hoped to have been. Their medical experimentations on the crew and V-Nine’s advanced capabilities were almost the entirety of his awareness on them as a species, and it was enough that their existence alone was the cause of an occasional thread of worry to spin through his chest. He’d heard snippets and rumours, seen the state of those who had been rushed into Sickbay upon their return to the Theurgy… Surely trusting them was out of the question?

Yet as the explainations continued, it was revealed that the Savi were facing the same threat as the Federation, with the higher ranks riddled with infested and no real way to handle the issue themselves… A concept that was chilling to hear, coming from a species so much more technologically advanced than the Federation... It was when their offer of alliance was revealed, that the uncomfortable truth reered its ugly head. The Savi were approaching them simply because they had spied on them, intercepted a transmission revealing that Doctor Nicander might potentially offer them the chance to spy upon their infected bretheren, to gain a tactical advantage...

Apparently that was the condition, if they were allowed to use Nicander to help light the fire of their rebellion, they would in turn share their technology with the USS Theurgy. Elro couldn’t hide the slight grimace that drew upon his face at the thought.

“With respect, Captain…” Elro began, following Blue’s complaint with a softer tone to his voice, as he observed the meeting through the vid-link. “If this deal hinges on Mister Nicander using the ‘Farsight’ ability, then I would suggest that we decline their offer.” The Doctor abruptly concluded, taking a sip from the glass of water perched on the table before him, before following on to explain his conclusion.

“The personal risks that using the ‘Farsight’ poses to Mister Nicander are too great to simply trade in an alliance.” Elro calmly advised. “He said so himself that using such an ability involves yielding himself to the being inside him, and he described it as a 'fate worse than death', should that creature take hold over him once again.” Elro took a brief moment to pause, considering for himself how they could even begin to consider a transaction that treated Nicander's existance and trauma as a commodity with which to barter.

Andwhilst the Betazoid was hardly keen on Nicander as an individual, for all his smugness and self entitlement, he also considered that the Câroon was indeed the victim in the scenario, and under their care as an occupant of their Brig. If they were to offer his sanity as some bargaining chip at the table with a species who so easily resorted to subterfuge and underhandedness, it would make them desecrators of the badge they wore.

Yet, the lingering doubt of Nicander’s ruse being an elaborate deception from a cunning parasite, still did not escape the Doctor’s mind.

“Unless steps be taken to prevent risk to Nicander, either through technological or other means, I would argue that this course of action is out of the question. Undoubtably against the principles we adhere to as Starfleet officers.” The Doctor concluded, unable to stomach the idea of knowing that even such a painfully insufferable man would be subject to such torment, just because it was deemed ‘necessary’. Even if some miraculous measure were to be taken to prevent the risks, the Betazoid still had his qualms regarding the prospect...

“And even if we, with or without the Savi’s aid, are able to create some form of failsafe for Mister Nicander’s wellbeing during this endeavour, there are still other concerns to consider.” Elro ran his thumb along the cool side of the glass before him, tempering his concern with the grounding chill of the iced water. “If somehow, Mister Nicander’s remorse is an exceptional deception at the behest of a parasite, pursuing this course of action could endanger both the Savi and ourselves… By the Four Deities, even if Nicander isn’t deceiving us, it could still yield the same ill results…”

He let a small sigh flee his lips, tilting the glass in his hand so that the ice cubes contained within merrily collided. 

“It seems an inordinate amount to risk on our part, to aid a species as who have afforded us such minimal evidence of their trustworthiness. Should they decide that upholding their end of the bargain no longer suits them, we have no means of keeping them to their agreement.”
Elro wondered whether this course of action would indeed be taken? Whether they would willingly expose themselves to such a risk in the efforts of defeating the parasites…

“And even if they do not, to enhance our ship with their technology and modifications… We run the risk of relying upon the Savi as a crutch, and an unreliable one at that…” The Doctor affixed his attention back upon their Captain, as opposed to the somewhat oppressive stare he had afforded the table in front of him.

“The concept of trust is a little hard for me to grasp as a Betazoid, so please forgive me if I seem overly pessimistic.” Elro softly apologised, wondering how Mister Nicander would have reacted to him making such a statement. “But to risk the life of someone under our care, for the promise of a species who have provided us with no evidence as to their trustworthiness, does not strike me as a particularly stellar, nor moral, arrangement.”
Ensign Sylvain Llewellyn-Kth - Chief CONN Officer - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]
Otheusz - Grey Scars Pirate - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]
Y'Lev - Syndicate Dominus - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #3
[ Lt Cmdr Hathev | Chief Counsellor's Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Auctor Lucan @BZ @TWilkins @Top Hat @Fife @trevorvw @Nolan @Brutus @Kinvarus @Argyros

As a rule, Hathev disliked attending meetings via any means other than her physical presence. Perhaps it was a slightly old-fashioned approach these days, but she preferred to share environs with those whom she was meeting; not least because it afforded her a far greater range and clarity of vision with which to assess her colleagues. However the short notice and gravely inopportune timing had left her with little choice; she had been forced to cancel one patient's appointment as it was, and loathe as she was to cancel the next she had not the luxury of spare time to waste with perambulation if she wished to be returned to her office in time.

She had to admit to no small degree of curiosity as the captain began the meeting; for these officers had congregated only recently, and having another meeting called so soon was unusual — to say nothing of the remarkable abruptness with which they had been summoned. After the tight-fisted approach to information dissemination aboard the Bellerophon, which had proved nothing short of disastrous for Hathev's understanding of the situation, she could not say she disapproved of this approach.

Even without being personally present, Hathev could easily discern that the reactions to mention of the Savi were almost uniformly of mistrust, anger, or even outright fear. Her eyes slipped to Miss Tiran briefly, gauging the woman's response, before moving to do the same with those others who had been aboard the Versant: Mr Cross, Lieutenant zh'Wann, and, of course, Captain Ives.

Hathev had read the reports but could claim little knowledge of the matter; however the prospect of an alliance with the Savi was difficult even without full understanding of their previous interactions with the Theurgy. Even with the presupposition that they were being absolutely and completely truthful in their assessment of the situation and description of their own motivations the proposition remained unsound on several levels, not least the fact that it would breach one of the most basic tenets of Starfleet ideology.

While the Prime Directive likely did not apply to the Savi given their technological advancement, it still remained that Starfleet did not involve itself in the internal affairs of other nations, and certainly it should not involve itself on one side of a civil conflict. To do so would be wildly irresponsible, and had the potential to cause harm on a species-wide level for generations to come.

The other two most pressing concerns with the proposal were raised in turn by her colleagues. First Commander Tiran, whose emotional state was clearly destabilising by the minute, and whose deportment was even less professional than usual as a result; nevertheless, despite the uncouth way in which her concerns were delivered, they were both valid and soundly expressed. Lieutenant Kobol 's own reservations were imparted in a considerably more palatable fashion, and were equally accurate. Had not their last meeting with Mr Nicander resulted in the decision not to use his spectral abilities as they posed too great a risk both to himself and to the vessel as a whole? To force him into compliance over such a thing at the behest of another seemed unreasonable and unnecessary.

With the conclusion of Kobol 's speech, Hathev voiced her own considerations. 'I agree with both of my colleagues,' she began smoothly. 'This unknown tech is, I am sure, a tantalising offer, and yet the inherent dangers are numerous. Additionally, it has been made clear that the use of Farsight would compromise both Mr Nicander's hold over himself and indeed the Theurgy as a whole by potentially broadcasting our location.

she continued, 'even had such concerns not been raised, the fact remains that involvement in foreign internal affairs, especially military involvement in a foreign civil war, is expressly forbidden by Starfleet for reasons that are sound logically, morally, and in many cases tactically.' She regarded the captain levelly. 'When I was brought aboard, I was ensured that this ship was run to Starfleet code. I have not seen any evidence to the contrary thus far; it would be disappointing should this be the first.'
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #4
Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @BZ @TWilkins @fiendfall @Brutus @Top Hat @trevorvw @Nolan @Kinvarus @Argyros
[Show/Hide]Cross sat quietly in his seat in the conference room, the former hybrid sipping his coffee as he waited for the meeting to get started. Not all the Senior Staff were present around the conference table, some having opted to join in via vid-link, though Cross supposed that was to be expected. The Theurgy’s Vector’s being separated as they were, it wouldn’t always be possible for everyone to make the trip to attend the meeting in person.

Cross’ eyes moved to the door as Captain Ives finally entered the room and the meeting got underway. Cross listened with interest as the Captain spoke of a cloaked vessel, sipping his coffee thoughtfully as they were told of the away team making contact with the cloaked vessel.

Cross’ pale eyes bulged as he choked and nearly sent his coffee spraying over the conference table when Captain Ives announced they had made contact with the Savi.

”The hajari Savi?” Cross growled, or rather tried to growl, the words sounding more like a croak as he continued to fight to clear his windpipe.

His thoughts raced, memories flitting through his mind’s eye, scenes from that hell-ship and the horrors they had witnessed there playing out in his head. Starfleet officers being altered, killed, torn apart by the razor claws of the Scions. Others being liquified to feed the Savi ship. His own correction, and the violent aftermath which had seen him nearly kill Gideon Drake.

Cross was still recovering as Ives went on, informing them that Echtand was somehow still alive, and that the Savi were not here seeking revenge. Cross thought that was all well and good to say, although the presence on one of their behemoth ships, this one called the Erudite, was hardly a comforting thought. Cross himself had manned the Versant’s weapons, and knew the destructive capabilities of a Precept-class ship. It was all well and good for the Savi to say they would only engage in military action to defend themselves when the Starfleeters aboard the Versant had, in fact, engage in combat actions against the Savi. Of course, they had been fighting for their lives, trying to escape…

Not that the Savi would necessarily see it that way…

Cross glanced at Blue as the Captian finished his report, the Vulcan wondering how she would be taking the news. She had been hurt by Echtand’s death, he knew, and had been deeply affected by her time on the Versant. They never talked about it, but he knew it was still with her, just as those events were still with him.

He wasn’t surprised when she raised her concerns, her words blunt and her language colourful in true Blue fashion as she opposed the integration of Savi technology without thorough investigation and analysis. Her comments, which were fairly pointed, were ended with the word “Sir” thrown in as an afterthought, and Cross had to resist the urge to smile as he inwardly chuckled at his friend’s somewhat brash manner.

Kobol  spoke next, his concerns being for Nicander’s safety and the secrecy of their location, the Doctor speaking against the use of this “Farsight” out of worry for the potential risks. Commander Hathev was next, speaking about the potential violation of the Prime Directive, and the risk of their involvement int eh Savi civil war. Cross sipped his coffee thought fully throughout the various discussions, his jaw tight and his mind racing. All those who spoke raised valid concerns. After all, given what the Savi had done to them already, killing, torturing and eating their fellow crewmembers without a moment’s hesitation, he wasn’t overly fond of the idea of trusting them either.


”At the risk of going against popular opinion, I think this arrangement is one worth considering.” Cross thought Blue’s eyes might pop out of her head at his statement. He placed his mug on the table and held up a hand to forestall the outpouring of protests as he continued. ”I don’t love the Savi any more than anyone else who was aboard the Versant. But however I might feel about our former hosts The word dripped with venom as he uttered it, though he pressed on. "we can’t exactly afford to turn down allies in our present situation.” Cross lowered his hand, interlacing his fingers on the table in front of him. ”And while I firmly believe in what the Federation stands for, I don’t think it would be a violation of our directives to aide the Savi.” Cross glances around the table before focusing on Captian Ives. ”If the Savi’s Scion leadership has been infiltrated by the parasites, just as the Admirality has, then the Antecedents are fighting the same war against the same enemy that we are. They’re just fighting it on a different front.”

Cross glanced at Doctor Kobol . ”I don’t know what to tell you as far as Nicander’s safety, Doctor. There’s never a guarantee of safety when it comes to conflicts. Just like everyone who fought in the Dominion War, Nicander accepted that risks that come with our duty when he joined up and put on the uniform for the first time.” Cross understood the Doctor’s point of view, though the Vulcan had seen enough fighting in his life to know that sometimes there were casualties. Every officer knew that, in the course of their command, they might have to send good people to their deaths. Cross had been reminded of the fact not two weeks before during his Bridge Officer’s Test, one of the test’s trials being just such a situation.

Cross looked to the Captain then, his eyes thoughtful. ”All that aside, access to the Savi technology could prove to be a major benefit. We’re hardly surrounded by friends; between the parasites, the Borg and Task Force Archeron we’re running dangerously low on allies. If the Savi can provide improvements to our shields and weapons, we might be able to prevent sustaining more heavy losses going forward.” Cross leaned back in his chair with a shrug as he finished. "That alone should make this proposal worth some consideration."

Kardasi Translation:
Hajari - Fucking

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #5
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | Security Centre | Chief of Security’s Office | Deck 7 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan @Top Hat @Argyros @Nolan @TWilkins @BZ @Brutus @Kinvarus @fiendfall @Fife 

Kai had been about halfway through his meeting with Deputy zh’Wann when it had been interrupted with a senior staff meeting request that came in from Thea. The meeting had been scheduled for only a few minutes away and Kai opted to join the meeting via video link. He looked across his desk at his Deputy.

”I’d like you stay.” he said to the Andorian as he stood with her following just half a second behind. The Chief then pressed a few buttons to bring up the video link on the screen on the wall.

As Captain Ives ran through the new developments, he could hear the breathing of his Deputy quicken behind him. It was fairly obvious to Kai how she felt about the new developments. As others began talking in response to the new developments, he turned slightly to be able to see the Andorian behind him. He nodded towards her as an unspoken acknowledgment of how she was feeling, before turning towards the screen again. 

”Captain, I’m forced to agree with Commander Cross. I may not have been aboard the Savi ship, but I have a decent idea of what everyone was forced to endure. A lot may not agree, but I also feel like this is too good an opportunity to pass up. To be honest, we could use all the help we can get.”

Kai took a breath and a quick second before finalizing his opinion.

”I don’t have any specific concerns outside of the general, can we trust them? To me though, it seems like the good outweighs the bad” he finished, shrugging his shoulders, while the next person talked.

He turned towards Deputy zh’Wann and gave her a half smirk. She probably wouldn’t be happy with Kai’s opinion, but she’d accept it because that’s what a good officer does.

”We’ll talk after this. Open and honest.” he said quietly to her before turning back to the screen again to pay attention to the rest of the meeting.

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #6
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]Attn:

Natalie had been on the bridge, overseeing the ship's alpha shift at that point and time. The First officer was off doing something or another, and Ives had been in their Ready Room, leaving the Ops Chief and Second officer in the center chair. Sort of. She'd not actually bothered to sit in it, though she had vacated the ops station. Docked as the ship was, most of the stations were manned by very junior officers. Nothing out of the ordinary there. But the officer that would have been assigned to the Ops Station had called in sick, and Nat had decided to pull her shift here on the bridge, coordinating through her console instead of her office on the ships Second Vector.

What she needed to do could be done anywhere, and this way there was at least one other watch officer on the bridge with command training, freeing up Ducote to track down other tasks. When Ives' had gone for their ready room, Nat had stayed in her chair for a while longer, then summoned up a tech that had been working on one of the auxiliary consoles, and began her own circuit of the bridge.

Now, however, she sat in the conference room with a dark expression on her face, having schooled her initial shock. Ives' had summoned the senior staff, and Nat had fallen into step behind him, repressing a small shudder as the two were oh so briefly alone. There and gone and the news of the hour pushed the momentary uncomfortable sensation to the back of her mind. The current situation was considerably more uncomfortable by any stretch of the imagination, and it was hard to keep her eyes from growing wide with each nasty revelation.

 She sat back in her chair, letting her gaze sweep across the room, and to the projections of the staff not currently present in person. Her arms were crossed tight over her chest, in an almost defensive gesture, the ever present coffee mug left untouched on the desktop. Her eyes lingered long on Thea, of all of them, watching the artificial life form as she in turn silently processed what was unfolding. They all had stellar points, of course. But Nat counted the projection as a friend of sorts, perhaps more so than any of the current senior staff (though that Cross fellow had potential, and she did actively like the doctor as well). Thus she was most curious about, for lack of a better way to view it, the ship's opinion on what might be done to her space frame and inner workings.

Ives outline the situation for the staff, and they all began to chime in, one after another, as was their want when given leave to do so. That blue was vulgar over the matter surprised Natalie not in the slightest. For once, she felt the reaction fairly appropriate. Especially given the woman's past with the Savi in general and based on the files she'd read since the event, Echtand in particular. Dr. Kobol  spoke of concern for Nicander, which only had Natalie scowling further. The less she thought of him the better, but what more could she say there. The emotions she had relating to that man, his situation, and their shared past were far too complex to easily, or swiftly work through. And she had to repress the urge to whistle when Counselor Hathev pointed out Prime Directive implications.

Natalie began to attack that argument from the standpoint of a mental exercise, and ignore the way that the crew of the Theurgy was being called to task for promises of adherence to Starfleet morals, and the equal implications that they might fall short of such lofty goals. The diminutive Vulcan made a very good point, and took the moral high road. On the other side of the argument was the fact that the Theurgy was already deeply involved in the schism forming within the Savi civilization. Irreparably, one could argue. There was a case to be made that continued interference was justified. Not that she was going to make that argument right that moment. She was rather surprised to see how many officers were inclined to look the proverbial gift horse in the mouth, however. And that got her thinking about Trian's new engineer, T'Kolla. It was a rather inappropriate time to remember to send the man a copy of The Aeneid and yet she made a mental note all the same.

Cross' rebuttal drew her attention away from her mental game of Devil's advocate, and she twisted in her chair to better view the taller man, listening as he laid out his logic to the others. That he was the one willing to give this some serious consideration was something of a surprise. Perhaps unjustly, she had assumed that anyone whom had spent time under the care of the Savi would have a foul opinion of any sort of deal with the advanced aliens. Her initial impulse toward them was none to kind as well. Still, he tackled Hathev's concern head on, making the case that the internal Savi struggle was the same war that they were already fighting - against the infestation that had corrupted Starfleet Command. Lieutenant Commander Akoni seemed to back up Cross, coming down on the side of 'we need them too much to say no'

But at the end of it all, there was one thing that kept poking Nat in the back of the mind. Her frown deepened, and when it seemed no one else was going to fall into the silence that followed Akoni's last statement, Natalie found herself speaking, and frowning up at Captain Ives.

"Regardless of their request to access Dr. Nicander," she had to force herself to use his title as she spoke, "It sounded to me as if they also...require us to deal with an officer under our command. That they aren't looking for revenge, but it seems to me they still wish to see this officer punished as a part of any agreement to hand over technology. Questions of moral culpability aside, just whom are they referring to, Captain? And what do we plan to do about them, regardless of if we take this deal?"

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #7
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Argyros @Auctor Lucan @Brutus @BZ @fiendfall @Fife @Kinvarus @Nolan @trevorvw 

Taking his seat, Ducote enjoyed Blue sinking into her chair next to him. The marriage was still new, and they were both enjoying the new stage of their relationship at every opportunity. Even though nothing was materially different, there was still the feeling that some sea change had occurred. For his own part, he was happy that Blue seemed a little more settled since the ceremony, as if he was now less likely to run off into the night than he had been before.

He still made his habitual tall cafetiere of coffee for the attendees, and drew a cup of his own to sit next to his PADD while he waited for the others to filter in, or link up via comm.

And then Ives dropped the bomb.

Ducote immediately felt Blue tense next to him, and his hand slipped beneath the table to grip her leg in reassuring contact, his thumb massaging the outside of her thigh. Nothing sexual about it, just humanoid touch as she was reminded of the single most traumatic event to happen to and around her. He himself simply listened, waiting for the captain to finish and allowed time to absorb the information as the others weighed in - Blue first among them.

He pulled up the away team's report on his PADD and skimmed it while he listened to the back-and-forth, the questions and quandaries. The protests. There were a couple of things that nagged at him, too, but he made himself wait until he got to the end of the report to voice them, in case they were answered within it.

One of them was. And before any moralising could be done, there were simple practicalities to their problem to be addressed first.

"I think Nicander needs to be asked, though I would agree with Elro that we can't risk his personal integrity to satisfy this demand. As a resource, if nothing else. But that depends on what progress has been made with our countermeasures. If he volunteers, but succumbs, and we're still able to remove the influence of the parasite - or remove it entirely! - then it might not be for nothing." He sighed, before glancing at Stark.

"The officer Echtand referred to was apparently Kelleshar sh'Zenne." Ducote brought up another report on his PADD, mostly for appearances' sake. He might have to stick to Technical Truths here to avoid implicating himself in her absconding... at least Kobol  wasn't in the room to read his dissembling. "And she hasn't reported for duty in two days. We've had a couple of other people go AWOL - natural, I think, given the situation and opportunity. But this time a shuttle went missing too-" he glanced at Veradin here for confirmation, "- and that only returned this morning on autopilot, via the planet's poles to avoid detection. Shar could be halfway across the sector.

"If the Savi want proof of our disciplinary action, or whatever, we're going to be hard-pressed to provide it."
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #8
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros  @Auctor Lucan  @Brutus  @BZ  @fiendfall  @Fife  @Kinvarus  @Top Hat @trevorvw 

Before being summoned to the bridge, Thomas had been neck deep in digital paperwork. Reading through the various reports of the squadron's various missions for the Aldean Defense committee. There had been nothing truly exciting about their stay on Aldea, not in comparison to the way they had traveled so far. Sure there had been nice distractions and interesting company, though nothing that weighed up to their desperate exodus away from Task Force Archeron

Ravon sat silently in his seat as the majority of the opinions were distributed by the other officers. He had seen first hand like the others what Savi technology could do. The offer that was on the table was tempting to say the least. The pilot kept listening to the various opinions, some making more sense to him than others while frankly he could care less about the fate of Nicander. The doctor had been a liability since he had been unmasked. If the Savi wanted to use his farsight or whatever telepathic crap it was, so be it. If they would be offered valuable tech in return, why not do it.

Shifting in his seat Thomas saw his chance to reply "Sir, we all saw what Savi technology can do. If we are to face Task force Archeron, some unknown alien race or an enemy from the future... I rather do it with weaponry or technology that can pack a punch or give us any sort of edge. I'm aware that we are all Starfleet officers here and that this all might sound rather sketchy or shady moral wise... But don't desperate times require desperate actions?"

He looked at the other officers present as he talked and shook his head "It's time that we get an edge over this threat. It think it's more than time that we stop running and start to face this parasitic issue. I don't expect us to go for a full on confrontation, though I would appreciate it if we had a real fighting chance while the odds are still stacked against us. Especially for my pilots who risk their lives at the front line of any conflict when this ship fall prey to an attack." he said sternly. The pilot felt the urge to point out that his whole squadron had been nearly wiped out during their escape, yet realized that most departments had suffered similar losses.

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #9
Vivian Heading – Dialogue Colour= DarkCyan
Lt. Cmdr Vivian Martin | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]   Attn: @Argyros @Auctor Lucan @Brutus @BZ @fiendfall @Fife @Nolan @Top Hat @trevorvw

Vivian had just finished up some paperwork in her office, slowly but surely the labs were getting fixed and brought back into operation as the repairs continued but it still meant she had micromanage her teams so that they all got time in the labs that were up and running, the day all the labs were fixed and running again would be a very happy day for her. She had just finished up assigned the teams to labs for the following day when the summons had come in.

Taking her seat in the lounge she listened to the Captain brief them as well as the opinions of the others. Vivian had seen and heard about Savi technology and what they were offering was something that was almost too good an opportunity to pass up. From what she had heard they were a scientific people and as the head of the Science Department she would be in the thick of it with them and from a personal perspective she would be very happy to get a look at some of that tech and their scientific knowledge.

It was certainly a difficult situation to be in for sure and now it seemed like it was her chance to speak. "Well as others have already pointed out we've all seen what their technology can do and there's no arguement that it's superior to anything we have and would be an advantage against the numerous threats we face. she said, taking a moment to look around the room. "Not to mention their scientific knowledge would more than likely help with our own research." she added.

"That being said while I understand their thoughts on the sabotage of their ship and wishing our officer being dealt with under our rules, what about the officers of theirs who did those experiments on us? Would they do the same for us if we put in such a request? Following their corrupted code or however they want to phrase it, it doesn't change the fact they did what they did. ".

Taking a pause she shook her head "We also need to take into consideration how those of us who were subjected to their experimentation will feel about such an alliance, things like that aren't exactly easy to just get over and let bygones be bygones even with the advantages of such an alliance." the CSO said before turning to face Ives "Uh not that I need to tell you that Captain."

Taking a moment to pause she glance over at Ravon "While I do agree with the head of the Wolves that any weaponry, technology or scientific advancements we could gain from this alliance, I do somewhat disagree that desperate times require desperate measures, especially if it means going against what we stand for as Starfleet officers...I mean this entire situation we've found ourselves in the last several months has been one gigantic desperate times situation and we've stuck to those rules despite the circumstances...for the most part."

Vivian shook her head and sighed "I don't know, as the Chief Science Officer on this ship their knowledge and technology would be a huge asset to us, that can't be denied. The moral implications though...leave a little to be desired given the circumstances but if their assistance can help shorten the length of this conflict and expose those damn parasites quicker to the rest of the galaxy then are we really in a position to turn it down?"

It was clear the scientist was conflicted about the whole situation but it was clear that if they were to have this alliance she certainly wasn't going to turn away the advantages, hypocritical? Perhaps but it was what it was.

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #10
[Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Brutus @BZ @fiendfall @Fife @Nolan @Top Hat @trevorvw @TWilkins @Kinvarus
Summoned once more to the Conference Lounge for yet another meeting, Derik tapped his foot almost impatiently. He hadn’t been especially busy, merely catching up on communiques piling up for him, but the interruption was…unwelcome. With it right in the middle of the day, Derik couldn’t just fly through the rest of the communiques and move onto something more enjoyable. He’d have to wait through the meeting before getting the chance.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

It may only have been a few seconds but time dragged on and on.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The turbolift started slowing. Derik stepped right up to the door, pushing through before it had even fully opened. He wasn’t the first to arrive but he also wasn’t the last. He took his place quickly and set the cup of tea he’d been hauling in front of him. The Captain was in hir male form, eyes watching each of them filing in. Something about the way he was watching though made Derik uneasy. His impatience from before started to melt away.

Veradin found out why the Captain was behaving like he was shortly thereafter. Ives began explaining the series of events that had been unfolding beneath them on the planet just a few hours prior, from a cloaked shuttle landing on the planet, to the away team being deployed, the discovery of just who the shuttle belonged to: The Savi. Another Precept-class ship. Derik leaned on his elbow, hand coming up in a fist pressed against his lips to keep himself from saying anything just yet.

The helmsman ran through scenario after scenario in his head. The Theurgy was extremely vulnerable right now, unable to move while in dry dock. Most of the engines on all three vectors were still undergoing repairs or refits. No matter how he looked at the situation they couldn’t escape. A pit formed in the Trill’s stomach as no matter what he tried to think of, the ship simply wouldn’t be able to flee if necessary. To make matter’s worse, they didn’t know the exact position of the Erudite, meaning it could be sitting right over then while they sat here.

Captain Ives confirmed what Derik was thinking in talking about the Erudite having been able to blast them before anyone could react but quickly added that was not their intention. In fact, he explained, their situation mirrored the Theurgy’s in that they were fighting the same battle. The Savi were actively seeking an alliance with them, an agreement which COULD prove invaluable if it were upheld.

Derik sat quietly ask various reactions around the room played out. Blue Tiran cussed her way through why they shouldn’t accept a deal. Elro Kobol  made a fair argument for mercy on behalf of Nicander, especially since it would go against the Federation’s core principals. Cross made a surprising pro alliance argument. Ducote explained that Kelleshar sh’Zenne was the officer the Savi wanted dealt with, glancing at the helmsman for confirmation that the shuttle had gone missing. Derik had nodded back without interrupting. He’d known about the shuttle going missing but until it had returned, they didn’t know exactly why. Thomas Ravon made his position clear given the losses their fighters had suffered. Too many good pilots gone. Vivian Martin brought up the fact that many of their crew would be more than unhappy with such an alliance and that many of their potential technological advancements would come at a steep price.

When the Trill finally said his part, he tried to keep his voice as even as possible. “Arguments can be made for both options. Accepting their technology could put us at risk if we can’t control it completely. Alternatively, if we can, it would be extremely advantageous. The upgrades to our engines alone force me to give the choice considerable thought. “

“I hate to play ‘Devil’s Advocate’ but we need to weigh our options carefully. On the one hand, Kobol  is right: We should not risk an invaluable information source and fellow officer by allowing Nicander to be utilized by a species that, as of yet, has proven far more enemy than friend. He is a victim in all of this, not a culprit. He deserves the choice at the absolute least. He may have known the risks when he joined Starfleet but you don’t essentially throw a rape victim in a room with their rapist. He could prove invaluable later down the road even if he doesn’t participate. I’d also advocate for any and all precautions be taken to protect him if he does choose to volunteer. If we can’t save even one officer, what have we been fighting for all this time?” It was perhaps a rather rhetorical statement but one that needed to be said none the less.

“Martin is right too, given that we could potentially divide our crew if we accept an alliance with the Savi. Too many people have been hurt by them to simply let it all be water under the bridge. Many of our crew are dealing with PTSD from their time aboard the ship. I would advocate that their ability to function as part of the crew might be an issue if we just accept a deal with this species.”

Derik took a second to sip his tea, wetting his throat and giving him a moment to keeps himself composed.

“The other side of the coin is that we desperately need allies. We are such an extreme disadvantage that not giving this alliance true consideration will put us at an even greater disadvantage. Their technology, properly checked and safeguarded against any back doors, could shift the tide in our favor for a change. Their shields and weapons would give us the ability to punch above our weight class. We could engage even Task Force Acheron for short periods. The Borg could be brushed aside. The defensive technology alone would help mitigate or even prevent losses in the future.”

“I say we need to find a way to keep Nicander out of this if we can, and still try to get some of their tech. He might have accepted the risk but that doesn’t mean we need to show that we are willing to trade lives for favors. As for Kelleshar sh’Zenne, she needs to be found. The Savi might still make some sort of deal with us if she can be located. They are not asking for her to be given to them, just that we take action. We don’t violate our principals by agreeing to that, as we can ensure no harm comes to her. Finally, either way, the crew needs to be told. If this gets out along the grapevine, we will have more issues. At least with transparency we can mitigate some of the backlash.”

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #11
[ USS Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854 | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]
Standing a bit away from the table, Thea could see the meeting develop from a spectator's view. The immediate reaction came from Commander Tiran, who was quite untoward in her rethorics about the Savi. Nonetheless, Captain Ives' answer had been calm, quiet and delivered in a way of complete understanding of the Chief Engineer's plight at the hands of the Savi. Ives, like the rest of the present abductees, understood. The Commanding Officer chose to answer the accusation that he was just going to let them come aboard.

"The away team said the offer appears genuine, that's all. I have not stated any decision in the matter yet. If we accept, of course we will not install anything without proper analysis. Your wariness is sound and welcome, and if we go along with this, I want you to screen every bit of tech they offer, Commander. Between us all, you have the greatest amount of experience observing them since you were not locked up - roaming the ship as you were before you came to an accord with the Voice."

Next, the Chief Medical Officer had chimed in about the ethics involved with Nicander's abilities, how it endangered his predecessor and it shouldn't be an option. Not just in that respect, but also the risk he saw in how Nicander might not tell the truth about him being at his full wits and not subject to the parasite's will. Using Farsight on behest of the Savi's request might not just compromise the Savi, but Thea's location. She might sympathise with that, until Ives made his short comment to it. "As Stark pointed out in our latest meeting, Doctor Nicander could have enabled the Borg invasion - which the plans of the Infested rode on - but he didn't, so I can't see how he'd be under the kind of influence you fear. Moreover, Nicander is unaware of our location. The risk I see if that his knowledge of Savi involvement might alert the Infested in their Scion leadership - undermining the telepathic espionage. The question is rather - should we accept this olive branch - if we should omit the Savi involvement to Nicander for their sake. I do not enjoy the notion of lying to the Doctor since he already doesn't trust us completely. As for the technology, I will wait on Tiran's assessment, but I will not have Thea 'rely' on that tech alone. We'd be interested in additional features, not replacements, and even if the alliance would come to an end... I can't see how we'd loose the tech without the Savi claiming it back - going against their Old Code."

While Hathev regarded the Captain levelly, she'd made a thinly veiled threat relating to adherence to Starfleet protocol. 'When I was brought aboard, I was ensured that this ship was run to Starfleet code. I have not seen any evidence to the contrary thus far; it would be disappointing should this be the first.'

Ives had looked back at the Vulcan with his unblinking eyes - clearly not appreciating the arrogance laced into her comment - but before the Captain replied, Commander Cross might have made Ives' case; that this would not be a breach in protocol since their mission had the same enemy as the Savi's domestic war. In sharing opposition, they would indeed merely fight on different fronts. Furthermore, both Cross and the Chief of Security advocated considering the offer, even though it was plain from the set of the Deputy's face on the vid-link to the Security Centre that she was not entirely convinced. Given that the Andorian were one of the Abductees, Thea could sympathise with her. It was Natalie Stark who directed the line of discussion towards the officer who had sabotaged the Versant, which was likely disproportionate force and not in line with protocol, and Ducote supplied the name of the officer. Someone who'd abandoned their position, it seemed.

"If Lieutenant sh'Zenne is a deserter," said the Captain quietly here he stood, "then it will do us no merit to fabricate anything in regard to her fate. We'll simply have to tell the Savi the truth, that not only will her desertion prevent her from further service aboard this ship or any other for that matter, but after the mission is over - and she'd resurface - we'll tell the Savi that an officer who stands accused of something is presumed innocent until proven guilty, and that they are entitled to counsel at a preliminary hearing as well as the general court martial. If the initial inquiry determine that a general court martial should be convened, the prosecution will be conducted by a Starfleet Judge Advocate General officer. What we can offer, is that what she's done is reported, and that it will not be forgotten when this mission comes to an end."

When Ducote suggested that Nicander would be given the choice, Thea saw that Ives nodded quietly. "The best we can potentially give the Savi is Nicander's consent to using the Farsight after we've ensured that we have means to bring him back if he is lost to the influence of the parasite. If they are supposed to have adopted more ethical conduct in their Old Code - and we want this alliance - we can but hope they find it sufficient; that any cooperation is delayed by our challenges to save the host. Perhaps... they might even offer us assistance in the matter, should we require it."

The squadleader of the Lone Wolves spoke next, wanting them to accept the alliance, and while Martin was on the fence about it, she asked what the Savi were doing about the people who had violated their own crew. Should it not be fair that they got equal repercussions? To this Ives looked like he was very much in agreement with the Chief Science Officer. Before he commented, he changed... into her female form. "I don't presume to know much at all about how disciplinary action is conducted in accordance to these laws of theirs, new or old. They want us to adhere to our protocols, we can but ask the same, but if they are able to shift their entire culture and conduct around if new facts are presented to them - like with the discovery of their Old Code - chances are that according to their laws, transgressions of old might be void of repercussions since they were following their laws at the time."

Thea, even being a digital entity, had trouble understanding how a species could be so entirely devoted to scientifically proven facts - likely because she'd adopted a more organic experience through the interaction with her crew. Her ruminations about this became a background process when Lieutenant Veradin also raised the concern about their crew, and what they might make of any alliance with the Savi because of what had happened in the Azure Nebula.

"We don't have the means at our disposal to bring back deserters when we're docked here, Kelle'shar included. This will have to be our answer to the Savi, but as for our crew..." Jien stepped away from her chair, her hands at her hips while she regarded the surface of Aldea outside the panoramic viewport. "We just can't keep any upgrades of Thea on a need-to-know basis, and the repercussions of such would be disastrous. If we agree to this alliance... the awareness needs to trickle down the ranks in a controlled manner, rather than throwing water on the hot oil with a public announcement. Down the line, it would also have to be a delicate operation if we are to honour the Savi's request of not spreading further awareness of their existence. In that respect... I think that if they have approached us to offer technology... it might just be a sign of how desperate they are to fight the Infested and the part of their Flotilla that remains loyal to the Scion leaders. It might give us some room for negotiation in regard to Nicander's consent and a delay of his cooperation."

There was a pause, until Thea found Ives turning towards her, the motion likely making some of those present in the room aware of her only then - quiet as she'd remained.

"Though it's not just Nicander's consent we need," said Jien, and Thea found herself smiling a little at the respect shown to her in that instance, when the entire mission might hinge on new alliances and tempting upgrades that would directly affect her. If Lin Kae had been alive, he might have appreciated how far Captain Ives had evolved in regard to the rights of artificial lifeforms. Perhaps the speech their Commanding Officer had held on Theta Eridani IV had been earnest after all? She approached her, adding, "Thea, what say you?"

"I..." she said, and found herself looking at Commander Tiran, who'd been there to save her out of the machine intelligence labs of the Versant. She smiled to the pale woman, knowing she'd want no one else screening whatever upgrades offered, not just because of their shared time with the Savi, but the woman's experience with all manner of technology. "I would like to hear Commander Tiran's assessment of the augmentations beforehand, Captain. If what is added does not take away or compromise the features I already have, I agree to be upgraded now that I am in drydock."

"Thank you, Thea," said Jien with a faint smile and turned to the Senior Staff at the table. She took a deep breath, before announcing the decision. "I think we should initiate talks with the Savi. The report from the away team has given us the means to contact the Erudite. Unless any of you have objections, I will contact the Voice now, and dictate our terms for this alliance in accordance with what I've stated here. If you prefer to not remain, you are free to leave. No judgement will be passed if you prefer to do so. I only ask that if you remain here, do not let your personal grievances shine through too overtly. I hope that I will be able to do the same."

Thea couldn't help but appreciate the personal addendum from the Captain... but on one of the floating screens, the Deputy could be seen stepping out of Commander Akoni's office.

OOC: No set posting order, but 7 days begin now! This will likely be your last post in this thread, since it might be concluded with my next post here. If Tiran remains, it could be that there is a personal exchange between Echtand and her which might beg for another post from @BZ , but otherwise, thank you all for awesome writing in this important scene so far!! :)

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #12
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Fuck You | Fucking Traitors | Fucking Savi | Fucking Shit!]
@Auctor Lucan @Top Hat @Fife @fiendfall @Brutus @TWilkins

Blue listened as the people around the table began to give their thoughts on the situation.  Some were notably against it, especially Hathev.  Right on sister. Blue thought sending a look in the Counselor's direction, she had been the one to help Blue with a lot of her issues lately and Blue appreciated the kindness that the Vulcan had.  When she had been first assigned a Vulcan, Blue had feared they would not get along at all.  Blue was volatile at times, and she was also the kind of person that tended to be more emotionally forward than most.  She didn't hide some of the emotions, she just hid the harder ones.  Of course, there was a lot to be said that her husband was a half Betazoid that could read her emotions the moment that he walked in the door.  He knew more than most, sitting right beside her, that her shields had slammed down in shock and were cutting him off of feeling what was going on.  She knew that he had registered it too, when he put his hand on her thigh.  Her hand moved on top of his and felt his thumb brushing against the uniform fabric there to help ground her.  It helped, it always did, if she could carry Ranaan around in her pocket she probably would.

The knowledge that Shar had run surprised Blue.  Her eyes shifted to Cross as in a did you hear that shit?!  She didn't have a chance to get back at her for forcing her to get onto the escape pod.  Being a heinous bitch all together, though she had been instrumental in some of the shit they had done on the Versant she didn't want to think about those things.  Just the ones that made Blue want to punch her in the fucking face.  Now, she would never get the chance.

Others agreed and disagreed about working with the Savi, the one that surprised her the most was Cross.  AS much as shit as they had both gone through, as he had seen the depths of her own horrendous time there, he was saying they should partner with them.  Blue was quiet, but she really wanted to jump across the table and shove a box full of twinkies down his throat.  She sent him a deathly glare before her eyes turned back to the front.  She didn't have any more theories or anything about Nicander, as long as he was treated like a person really.  As he was one, and she didn't like the thought of someone being judged just because they were broken in some way or another.

“I would say, not to give him all the information, but it's up to him to decide if he wants to use his farseeing.. whatever the fuck it is or not.  He knows the risks, he's a fucking doctor with an ass worm so... yeah I'd ask first.  Demanding it of him is shit, and he won't do it anyway.  You want him on our side.” she reminded the table. 

Thea admitted that she wanted Tiran to go over the shit that Savi wanted to offer to them, and Blue gave the holographic woman a bit of a smile and a nod.  They had been together on the Versant as well and she probably knew more than any other fucker in this room how hard Blue was working with her crew to get this shit-boat to float for longer than TFA could imagine.  Her hope was that TFA would think that they were too fucking injured and realize that they didn't have anywhere to fix up.  But, they would be wrong and they also didn't know that the Theurgy had acquired the best fucking Engineer ever to be their Chief.  This fucker would not only float but it would be really fucking optimized.

“I wouldn't trust anything on this ship that I didn't fucking go over myself.” she stated.  “From anyone, it doesn't even have to be the White Fuckers.” she stated simply, not angry just a fact.  The Theurgy was her baby, as had been the Endeavour.  She would put her life before her ship if it meant keeping it at the crew together.  Blue might come off as harsh and brash but she had a huge heart full of gold and she was amazingly loyal to her ship and crew.  This ship was her home, and she would defend it to her last breath.  Which included unknown and alien tech.  Ives began to say that he had ways to contact the Erudite and the officers that wished to leave would not be judged, but those that wished to stay meant seeing the Voice.  Blue closed her eyes and took a big deep breath, as her shields fell enough for Ranaan to feel the empty pit growing in her stomach.  Her hand clenched down on his, not enough to hurt him, just.. because she needed him.  This was huge, and hard, for her right now.  It was a testament to her own hard work, and Hathev, that she was still in this chair.  Not to mention Ranaan being in the room, he was her foundation, her rock, and kept her grounded.

“I.. I'm staying.” she stated probably to the surprise of most as her blue eyes flashed open and she looked over at Ives and Thea.  “Put him through, lets... get this shit show started.”

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #13
Lt. Cmdr Vivian Martin | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]   Attn: @Argyros @Auctor Lucan @Brutus @BZ @fiendfall @Fife @Nolan @Top Hat @trevorvw

Vivian listened to their Chief Helmsman speak after she had finished and then to Thea, the Captain and their Chief Engineer, as far as the ship was concerned she would leave that to her although admittedly she'd felt far more comfortable with whatever technology they installed on the ship getting a once over from their own people. Of course, she wouldn't be surprised if she herself, or at least one of her team would be asked to give the tech a once over too, from a scientific perspective it made sense.

At least the Captain seemed to agree with her on the whole Savi being punished too for their acts against their crew and while she could understand the Captain’s thoughts on why the Savi might view their whole change in philosophy might warrant a free pass on their actions, Vivian couldn’t accept that.

“I think it’s something that should at least be asked Captain because I’m sorry but change of philosophy, code whatever, that shouldn’t just give them a get of jail free card for their actions. Not after they altered us, violated us and killed some of us. Code or no code that shouldn’t get a free pass, not if they want an alliance with us. Would they accept that from us if we just said “Sorry we did horrible things to you and killed some of you but hey we had a different philosophy then. Now it’s different? That doesn’t sit right with me and I imagine it won’t for members of the crew either. Even those who weren’t there and didn’t experience the horrors of what happened over there, we’ve heard the stories, seen the results. People having half their genetics removed against their will.  Others forced to do certain things just to appease their scientific curiosity and others who had their loved ones killed by them…” the scientist paused and shook her head.

“…Like I said that doesn’t seem right to me. Technology wise… she paused and glanced over at the Chief Engineer “…My Department will help look over any and all tech you need us too when the time is right.”

Pausing again, Vivian looked around the table before settling her gaze back on Ives “If we do accept this alliance though, I would suggest we tell the crew first before officially replying to the Savi as I imagine there will be some who won’t be too happy with it and it would be best to handle that situation first before any potential trouble arises from it.” she said “Not that that’s my department of course it’s just that if I was one of those who had been on that ship and had had those things done to me, I know I wouldn’t be too happy about this alliance regardless of what benefits it might or might not have. The Science Department will be ready to help with the study and integration of any tech we may get from this alliance should it happen. However, if it does, we’ll probably need all the science labs back up and running to do it in a decent amount of time, we’ve been managing so far but outside of the parasite and light research we’ve not needed the others but studying, adapting and integrating new technology, that’s going to take more resources than we currently have with the labs that are up and running, assuming Lieutenant Commander Tiran can spare a repair team or two of course.” she finished.

With both her personnel opinion and her personnel opinion as the Chief Science Officer done, Vivian took a sip of her coffee and listened to the others say their final words, whatever the decision would be, things would certainly be interesting that was certain.

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #14
Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:
[Show/Hide]Cross found himself suppressing a slight smile as Lieutenant Commander Martin spoke, the fingers of his prosthetic hand drumming lightly on the surface of the conference table as she spoke. She made some good points, however it was her comment about how “those of us” who were subjected to the Savi’s experimentations would feel about such an alliance which prompted the beginnings of a smile. Cross found the irony amusing, since he himself, who had been the first of those gathered to speak in favour of such an alliance, was one such test subject. The prosthetic hand which tapped out a faint tattoo on the tabletop replaced the hand which had been lost aboard the Versant. Commander Martin wasn’t entirely wrong, though. There would be many survivors of the horrors aboard the Versant who would not support such an alliance.

Cross chose to keep his silence, instead ceasing the drumming of his fingers and taking up his coffee. He sipped at the bitter liquid as Lieutenant Veradin weighed in, paying merit to the arguments on both sides.

Cross weighed his options once Captain Ives had informed them that, should they not wish to be present for the exchange with the Savi, they could leave. Essentially dismissed, Cross hesitated for a moment.

The Savi.

Even though he held the opinion that they ought to accept the deal, the name caused a surge of anger to rise within the tactical officer. Cross managed to keep himself in check, though his jaw tightened and he bit back a curse. Cross’ eyes went to Blue with a look of concern, knowing she had suffered a great deal aboard the hell-ship Versant. Is she were staying, as she’d just announced she would, then he worried for her. But at the same time, Ducote was there. Close as Cross may be with the Theurgy’s Chief Engineer, her husband was closer and, sitting next to her on the far side of the table, Cross knew Ducote would be there for her throughout the exchange.

Cross, meanwhile, had his own reasons not to wish to stay in the room and see the bulbous heads on the viewscreen. He had seen those same sickly white faces, or similar ones, peering down at him during his correction, and had no wish to see them again. Images flashed in Cross’ mind. The horror at seeing a crewman in the stasis tube across from his being liquified, then drained away to feed the Savi ship. The cold, unfeeling manner of those who had performed the corrections. The searing pain of his hand being severed from his arm by Savi weapons fire…

Cross rose form his chair, nodded to Captian Ives with a muttered "Captian." before turning and heading for the door.

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #15
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros  @Auctor Lucan  @Brutus  @BZ  @fiendfall  @Fife  @Kinvarus  @Top Hat @trevorvw

With the decision made, Ravon looked at the other member of the senior staff. It seemed like there were a whole lot of mixed emotions. Thomas however was feeling relieved somehow, though he could understand why some of the abductees on the Versant would think otherwise about the situation. His PADD showed a white blip in the meantime as he had turned the notifications with sounds off. It seemed he was needed down at the FAB as the light icon was assigned to the deckhand issues or Squadron related matters.

Blue Tiran decided that she would stay and Martin seemed to have some reservations though agreed to give her help with the tech part. Cross left and it was becoming quite clear that the meeting was coming to an end regardless. Ravon stood up murmuring "Excuse me, I am needed elsewhere." he gave a nod to those who'd look up to him before he serenely left the lounge and made his way to the Turbolift.

OOC: Sorry for the short post, but I figured a fade to black on my end was recommended

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #16
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | Security Centre | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
@Auctor Lucan  @Top Hat  @Argyros  @Nolan  @TWilkins  @BZ  @Brutus  @Kinvarus @fiendfall  @Fife

The Captain had just informed the people present at the meeting that people were free to either stay or go for the communication with the Savi. As soon as the sentence had been uttered, Deputy zh'Wann turned and headed for the door without so much as saying anything.

Kai fully understood where the Andorian was coming from and didn't blame her one bit for not wanting to stay. He turned his head to watch her walk out of the room. As he turned his head back towards the screen, he saw senior staff leaving the meeting one after another. They all had their personal choices for either staying or going, but for Kai, even though he had heard the horror stories of what happened to the people aboard the Savi ship, he decided he needed to stay and be present for the conversation. If not only for the purely work related reason, but also to satisfy his own personal curiosity.

The large man hoped they were making the right decision, there was only one way to find out for sure if this decision was about to bite them all in their collective asses.

It surprised Akoni that Blue was staying around for the conversation, but at the same time, he hoped seeing them again would help her heal. It also helped that Ducote was right next to her, being there to support his wife would help her through was going to happen. Kai finally spoke up towards the screen on his wall.

"Captain. I'll be staying on to observe" Kai announced with a nod.

Akoni then took a deep breath, filling his lungs with oxygen and the slowly released it all before taking a sip of his coffee.

He hoped that this wasn't one of those times were the old saying would come in to play.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions...

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #17
[ Lt Cmdr Hathev | Chief Counsellor's Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Auctor Lucan @BZ @TWilkins @Top Hat @Fife @trevorvw @Nolan @Brutus @Kinvarus @Argyros

Listening to the opinions of her colleagues, Hathev carefully considered the points they articulated. The concerns regarding any potential further contact with the Savi were warranted and varied, ranging from potential security risks to questions about morale — which, Hathev understood, was on a knife's edge as it was. Mr Trent had made a decision which was as unpopular as it was unwise, and it had cost him his life. Any further such decisions would need to be weighed carefully, with that knowledge in mind.

Of course, she understood the argument that the Theurgy and her cause was in need of allies. And yet with the Klingon endorsement and support from Starfleet Intelligence, it was her understanding that the ship was in one of the better positions it had enjoyed since its flight from Earth. Furthermore, while she understood the lure of improved weaponry, the likelihood was that they would be used against Starfleet personnel. She could not condone any further actions in the vein of those which had led to the destruction of the Bellerophon, and she had been led to believe that the captain was in accord with this. It would be disappointing were this not the case.

Ives had made no move to reassure or correct her, nor to defend himself, which left her with an unfortunate dearth of data with which to judge the captain and the situation. Perhaps Ives was not able to offer any counter-argument, or perhaps her words, and the implications therein, had offended him. It would be a shame if either were true, as the result would be the same: the captain would not be the upstanding officer he had attempted to present himself as.

She was not unreasonable, however. Commander Cross' mention of the Borg was worthy of consideration. She had not, of course, seen the encounter with the Borg from the perspective of the bridge; however from what she had read in the reports she had been privy to, and from her own experience witnessing her erstwhile shipmates assimilated and gunned down… She could extrapolate the probability that the Theurgy would have struggled had they not seen assistance from the commandeered Versant.

If they alone stood against the Borg and comparable threats, then it would indeed be logical to arm themselves in the strongest terms. Had she the assurance such munitions would be used solely against the correct targets, she would perhaps have viewed the situation differently; however the Theurgy had killed enough innocents for her to trust in their judgement. The crew had been desperate, and fighting for their survival; this she understood, and she would not unequivocably pass judgement upon them -- had she done so, she would not be serving aboard the ship in her current capacity. Yet if a desperate ship had caused so much destruction without superior weaponry, what might they do with the offerings made by the Savi?

As they reached the end of those around the table and the captain spoke once more, it would seem that a decision had already been made. Hathev would not pretend she approved. Nevertheless, she would see to her duty and attempt to perform what damage control she could.

'If you are decided upon this course, Captain, then may I suggest a careful approach to the dissemination of this information, and a watchful eye upon the morale of the crew. We are stretched thin as it is, and I sincerely doubt this will be received well. A certain amount of spin would be wise.' She paused briefly, and then: 'Furthermore, I would remind you all of the circumstances in which my previous crew and I arrived on board this ship, and impress upon you the imperative that such a thing not reoccur. Should we receive any new weapons technology, I would request it not be turned against fellow members of Starfleet in a lethal manner under any circumstances, or at all if it is preventable.'

Whether her request would be honoured or even heard, she could not say; however it was her duty to make this attempt. Having done what she could, she saw no recourse other than to take her leave. Her presence for the alliance talks would be unnecessary, the captain being a more than capable diplomat herself, and Hathev had little desire to involve herself any further with a decision she saw as so fundamentally flawed.

'I be returning to my duty, but I wish you wisdom in your dealings with the Savi, Captain,' she said levelly, and terminated the connection. Her next patient would be arriving soon; there, at least, she could do some good.
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #18
[Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Brutus @BZ @fiendfall @Fife @Nolan @Top Hat @trevorvw @TWilkins @Kinvarus
Derik watched quietly from his chair, choosing to observe which members of the senior staff would stay and which would depart. The Trill didn’t need to be telepathic to sense the mixed feeling coming from many in the room. It was to be expected given the various things crewmembers had experienced. Captain Ives seemed to have a grasp on everything, even making sure Thea was considered during the talks. Yet while some of hir explanations did not leave him with a sense of excitement, Veradin did his best to put his faith in their Captain.

Perhaps the most surprising of all was the fact Tiran was staying. It was courage. It was honor. It was…duty.  Veradin had great respect for her. To face one’s captors so soon was more than impressive. The rest of the responses were quite varied but predictable. Most left, a few stayed. It was to be expected. Staying for the communication would put them face to face with a recent enemy, despite whatever new doctrines they might be embracing at the moment.

Oh winds, how quickly you change…

“I’ll remain Captain. I’d like to see this race for myself.” The word slipped off his tongue, bitter in its taste. While the Trill had not been a victim of what the Savi had inflicted on his fellow officers, it did not mean he didn’t feel for them. A part of him wanted to strangle the bugs for what they had done in the name of purification and science.

Keep your friends close…

The rest of the phrase need not even be thought.

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #19
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]

Not everyone stayed, which was fair enough. He himself would have to, in his mind, because of his position. He had little personal interest in the Savi, and would rather their involvement with this crew could be underlined neatly with the Theurgy's exit from the Azure Nebula. He was mildly surprised that Blue stuck around though - but he did admit that he shouldn't be. It wasn't as if she wasn't strong enough to take it, or that he didn't know it.

Neither should that imply that he considered those who left somehow weak, either. He still had a hard time staying in the same room as a Romulan, or trusting an Orion, after Starbase 147 - and in the former case he had never been directly at the hands of the Romulans who had smuggled the plasma bomb aboard the station. It was no wonder that Cross and zh'Wann decided they didn't want to see their old captors again. Quietly, he noted who did leave, and how.

More good points were raised about the dissemination - Hathev particularly echoing her suggestions from just yesterday regarding Trent's death. It was a struggle not to sigh during Martin's input, but through no real fault of her own; she merely in the moment reminded him strongly of the late Wenn Cinn... but he reminded himself that a lack of concision was hardly a crime. Personally, he agreed that a "we're feeling better now" didn't constitute an erasure of their crimes.

Ducote himself didn't say anything, but remained firmly seated, his hand still clasping Blue's under the table. He looked to the screen, ready to see the Savi for himself at last. 
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #20
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: [Show/Hide]

The more she listened, the more that Natalie found herself longing for a simpler time. Being a junior officer, maintaining the EPS network, working on her Masters Degree, crawling through the bowls of the aging starship she'd been posted to early in her career. Instead she was sitting at the senior staff table, among a smattering of men and women that had been collected from multiple destroyed vessels, debating the future of not only themselves, but very possibly the Federation itself, and how they would proceed in working with a highly advanced and rather amoral species to take down a galactic infestation. 

Yes, there was something to be said about ignorance and bliss. 

Having the surprise dropped on her by the XO that her currently missing Assistant Chief of Ops was the same person the Savi wanted brought to justice only further frustrated Natalie. She shot the XO a dark look, then schooled her features, though there was every chance he would have heard her thinking, of course its my problem child that's in the hot seat. Of course. What had been a long day just got longer as she forced herself to lean back into her seat and take a slow, steadying breath. 

What she wanted to do was get down to the bottom of why Shar had left, and the fallout that would mean for her department. If Shar had so egregiously shafted the Savi in the process of the captured crew's escape...well, she did not poses all the facts, and Shar would be entitled to a full court marshal  and all the defense that came within. Once they were no longer running from their own Starfleet. We'll all face the judge in the end, if they don't shoot us out of the sky first.

It was with that dreary thought that Stark sat, silently listening until the end of it all. She watched the other reactions, noting who left and who didn't. She had half a mind to retreat from all of this as is. But the fact of the matter was, she had not been abducted by the Savi. If Blue, whom by all reports had been through hell at their hands was willing to stick around for what happened next, she wouldn't leave. If Thea was going to consent to allow the Savi to make upgrades to her space frame after all they did to her, how could Stark shirk from what lay ahead? Never mind that there was Captain Ives to think of. She'd been trying not to, for lack of a better word, mother her commanding officer, but the urge was there, after everything that had happened. 

And of course, she was the Second officer. Some little voice in the back of her head was going on and on about being duty-bound to tough it out. So in the end...she stayed put. She didn't comment on it, though she caught Cross' gaze and gave him a small nod. What he'd gone through with the Savi wasn't really something she'd ever looked into, beyond the obvious loss of much of whom he was, cosmetics non-withstanding. She wouldn't give him anything other than support. He at least had made a good impression on her.

Gently, she cupped her mug of coffee and brought it to her lips, slowly sipping, satisfied it had not yet gone cold. Nat had a feeling she would need its strength in the next few minutes.

Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #21
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan @Top Hat @Brutus @trevorvw @Argyros @BZ @Kinvarus

Elro couldn’t help but feel a slightly sour taste eek into his tongue.

It seemed that their untoward alliance would be going forwards into the discussion phase, at the very least, despite the objections made by several members of the senior staff. Some of the objections came from an emotional place, others, from logic and Starfleet guidelines. They were all soundly rebuked, and Elro supposed that it was the Captain’s prerogative to do so. The Captain held the responsibility to decide on what was best for their circumstances, and considering the magnitude of their decisions, Elro couldn't help but feel somewhat uneasy with the outcome.

Could a species whom had so easily taken to the mutilation of others truly be trusted? They shared a common enemy in the parasites for the time being, but when that threat ended, there was nothing to say that the Savi would not return on their voyage to further explore the depravity of their ethical perversion… But he supposed if the Savi could engage the parasites, it would be beneficial to their own endeavour.

In truth, it was giving him a headache. Tactics and diplomacy did not embody the same mindset as medical science. He decided that leaving the former to those who understood it the most, would be an agreeable course of action.

They had been given the opportunity to object to the alliance if need be, yet surprisingly there had been little more than a few concerned exchanges of dialogue. If Elro had been a betting man, the result would have been a surprise to him; volatile Commander Tiran, logically sound Commander Hathev, he’d have expected equal and utterly opposite protests from both of the women. Yet, they had both found their own ways to agree with the plan, and it made Elro all the more comfortable with the idea that he should agree with it himself. 

Again, he was a Doctor. He wasn’t a diplomat, or a tactician.

Perhaps the others, those more tactically minded, could see merit that his initial viewpoint failed to observe? Perhaps in all of his grounding in Starfleet ethics and conduct, he had failed to see the benefits of the arrangement? Whilst it was in undoubtedly grey territory with the non-interference policy, as Commander Hathev suggested, and certainly in a morally dubious circumstance when concerning the treatment towards Mr Nicander, it was the Captain’s decision to make.

The other members of the senior staff slowly came around as well, with Commander Hathev warning to the poison this news would be to the crew moral, and requested that none of the new technology be used against Starfleet in a lethal capacity. He vehemently agreed with that sentiment.

Slowly their meeting began to thin out, some of the officers leaving, Commanders Hathev, Ravon and Cross all making their depart. Others stayed, Commanders Akoni, Martin and then Derik, perhaps out of curiosity over sheer essentiality, but remained regardless. He had to admit, a more acquisitive part of him wished to feed his own curiosity as well, but in reality, there was little merit in his remaining; he was not keen on engaging in such parloured talks with a species that had so perversely tampered with so many of the crew. He still had people in cryogenic storage as a result of the Savi’s egregious curiosity… The thought of sharing in their medical technology made him nauseous.

“Captain, I will be taking my leave as well…” Elro confirmed politely into his video feed. “But I will take this time to mention that I am in full agreement with Commander Tiran...” He didn’t believe he had ever been in full agreement with the Commander before; this was a rare occasion indeed, that her sentiments echoed his own in their entirety. “We may be in dire need of medical supplies, but this advanced technology may prove to be much more of a thorn in our side than we expect. Their android V-Nine is remarkable, but I do not wish to see us in any circumstances where our crew’s health and wellbeing is dependant on the technology of such an egregious species…”

“If there comes to be a face-to-face meeting, and this species is not impervious to telepathy, I would be glad to accompany you…”Elro realised he did not know whether the infamous Savi shared the rare traits of Ferangi and Câroon, or whether they perhaps possessed technology to disrupt telepathic contact. Regardless, he turned his attention to the Captain as his finger hovered over the disconnect button. “But until such a time, I wish you good fortune Captain.” He finalised with a curt nod, before soundly disconnecting the com.
Ensign Sylvain Llewellyn-Kth - Chief CONN Officer - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]
Otheusz - Grey Scars Pirate - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]
Y'Lev - Syndicate Dominus - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]


Re: Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy

Reply #22
[ USS Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854 | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]
After she gave her consent to even consider an alliance with the Savi under the premises of a potential upgrade of her multivector hull's features, Thea watched while officers stayed or left, and heard those who advised Captain Ives in regard to crew morale and usage of the upgrades. She could see Jien incline her head in acknowledgement of their words, clearly taking it all under serious advisement and recognising the merits in their standpoints. Thea, knowing Ives quite well at that point, was confident that the Chameloid wouldn't dismiss the valuable opinions of her Senior Staff, even if a final decision would eventually have to be made. Thea very much doubted that Ives would give their final answer to the Voice of the Savi immediately, rather thinking Jien wished to learn more instead of just refuting an alliance on the basis of what had been done to the abductees.

In that regard... Thea wasn't sure what kind of position they were in to demand justice from the Savi, and if that was the case, what options did they have? Demand the same that they demanded the Theurgy to do in regard to the deserter; that all the Savi involved in the abduction and Correction of their crew were put to trial in accordance with the Old Code of theirs? If so, would that be limited to the hundreds of Savi involved in the Correction of the Theurgy's and Endeavour's crew, or the thousands of Savi involved in the abduction of countless hybrids all over the Galaxy? Would it just be trials for the events aboard the Versant or the whole of the Savi Flotilla? Where was the line drawn in such a demand, and what merit would there be in it beyond appeasing the hurt feelings of their crew? Lives had been lost on both sides on the Versant, in self-defense and not. All this, not even taking into account what kind of justice that Old Code of theirs detailed. Were there any repercussions at all? If not, what then? Were they in any position to demand trials in accordance with Federation laws?

On the other side of the argument, were they prepared to forgive the Savi at the promise of technology?

Thea found the moral conundrum fascinating, but for her, she chose to see it out of the Savi's situation. If they shared an enemy in the Infested, and the survival of the Antes of the Savi depended on defeating this enemy, who were they to refute aid? They were Starfleet, and despite personal grievances based on misled actions of the Antes, the right thing was still to help them, was it not? Thea hoped that the Captain saw this too, even though she'd suffered greatly at the hands of the Savi.

Then again, since their Commanding Officer had been at the mercy of a Scion, perhaps this was a clearer choice for her than it might be for those Corrected?

While Thea had processed the options in her digital ruminations, Captain Ives had used the instructions to open up a secure channel to the Erudite, and soon enough, the Voice appeared as a hologram in the conference lounge. Thea had never seen this specific Ante before, only heard his voice aboard the Versant when he held that speech that started the rebellion, and she recognised that voice when the tall hologram spoke.

"Greetings Aspect-Maker," Echtand qi Versant said, dressed in the common Savi suit that they all seemed to wear.

"Echtand, the Voice of the Vigilant," said Jien evenly, "we have made contact to discuss the terms of a potential alliance, for we are not yet prepared to accept what you have offered."

The Voice was looking at Ives first, and then turned his head to look at the rest of the gathered officers - his black eyes slowly passing over them all. "Of course, this much was expected." The room in which the Savi stood couldn't be seen in the hologram, so it seemed like he was actually in the conference lounge with them. His eyes settled on Blue Tiran at last, and he slowly inclined his head. "Commander Tiran. It pleases me that you survived the insurrection. If it weren't for you, my people may still have been blind to the truth about the Scion Directive. On behalf of all the Vigilant, I wish to express our deepest gratitude."

Thea could see that Jien had folded her arms behind her back, and she acknowledged the exchange between the Voice and the Chief Engineer. She spoke up soon enough, however. "In answer to your demand for justice for the sabotage done to the Versant, and given how you are already scanning us and listening in on our subspace communications, you will be able to verify that the one you are accusing is no longer aboard the ship. The Andorian might have deserted the ship, but regardless if that is the case, her actions will be addressed. Be it after our mission is over, or before, this much we can offer. All in accordance with Starfleet protocol."

Echtand looked back at Jien, and it seemed like the silence stretched before the answer came. Perhaps someone off-screen on the Erudite verified what Jien had said before the Voice answered. "Very well. We stand by the terms we've offered nonetheless. Even if it may be a long time coming, we trust that justice will be served."

"As for Doctor Nicander's abilities, their usage might compromise his sanity, and if you claim to be well-versed in our ethics, then you will already know that we cannot offer his aid without his consent. Even if the Doctor does agree to help you, we will still chose to withhold this aid until we have means to bring him back - ensuring his survival. This is all we can offer in his regard. At this time, we do not know if we can give you what we want."

"I see," said the Voice, a slight frown creasing the tall alien's forehead. "I look forward to learn more, and hear from this individual in this matter, for the survival of my people might depend on his cooperation."

"Revealing yourself to him... and any intentions of yours," said Jien quietly, "might actually alert this Scion High Council of yours that he might spy on them on your behalf. We do not know how much the Infested might learn from him, so he is currently in quarantine and kept ignorant of this ship's coordinates. If the Doctor can help you, it will have to be without him knowing about your direct involvement. This is a precaution on your behalf; that the Scions don't learn about this potential alliance. The Farsight will have to be done on our direct request, and we will relay what we can learn about the Scions to you. Otherwise, whatever tactical information you glean might be moot."

Echtand nodded, seemingly in acceptance of the precautions. "Very prudent, if a bit restrictive. If this is the case, and you can keep the Doctor ignorant still, I would like to have a Savi delegation aboard the Theurgy." Whatever the reaction might have been in the room, the Voice continued to talk. "Not just so that they can view recordings of these sessions when the Doctor uses his abilities and relay them to us, but to assist with the technology we offer. These Savi will not step off the Theurgy either, and we still expect that they are kept hidden from external parties. Should they become a liability for the Flotilla's integrity, they will have orders to keep our people secret at all cost - barring any harm coming to your crew or your ship, of course."

Thea had no idea what this might mean, but it sounded ominous. Will they have orders to kill themselves?

Jien didn't look too convinced either. "We will have to take this under advisement, but please understand how many aboard the Theurgy will not see the presence of Savi aboard this ship with acceptance," she said, understating the obvious before she moved on, "In fact, many aboard will want justice for what was done to them on the Versant. The atrocities committed by the Savi, whilst you were ignorant or not, are what stands squarely in the way for any alliance. We realise how you've been indoctrinated to accept the customs of your Code, and that your species might depend on these rules of yours, but you will have to understand that other species might not accept stalwart adherence to law as an excuse for what you've done."

"Yes, this is expected," said Echtand, and Thea thought there might even be some kind of... remorse in his tone? It was too hard to interpret the contralto voice of the hologram. "I know from Federation law that we offer little in terms of compensation for what's been done, even given the magnitude in which we've violated the Old Code. I do offer what the Vigilant can. Know this, Aspect-Maker, that we do not suggest this alliance strictly out of a sense of desperation for our survival... but also in wish to make amends, even if it is not entirely possible. Nothing we do can compensate for our interference with the lives of the Galaxy. We should have been mere spectators, but our research took us too far, and we lost ourselves to ill-fated curiosity. We have yet to solve our declining birth-rates and our long-term survival, but we should never have allowed our earlier generations to stray as far as they did. We are paying the price for their actions as we speak, with war breaking out within the Flotilla - tearing Antes and Scions apart."

The silence lingered, before Echtand spoke anew, his black eyes wandering between the present faces. "Please consider this offered alliance a token of our regrets, if nothing else. We have little more than technological upgrades to offer, and I would understand if you rejected the aid of my people." The Voice then looked back at Ives. "If you do, we will attempt to fight the Infested among the Scions ourselves, and we can but ask that you will not make our existence known - our wish being that we remain the unseen spectators that our research demands."

Thea found that she had a question, but did not wish to speak out of turn. She decided to send her question as a message through the encrypted link.

While she did this, Jien spoke. "We hear you.... but we will need to speak with the crew and with Doctor Nicander before we can discuss this further. If there is nothing else, I think there is nothing more we can speak of at this time."

Echtand turned his black eyes towards Thea, likely being told off-screen about her question, and he lifted his left forearm to type a message in response - his three fingers nimbly typing on the wrist-mounted tablet. "Agreed. In the meantime, as per your A.I:s request, I am sending a list of upgrades that we think might be beneficial for your mission. These are the features that we think are the most feasible for your warp core power output. They might not be relevant in terms of what my people has done to your crew, but they could aid you in your mission," he said, and then lowered the wrist so that he could look at Ives anew. "We will wait for your definitive answer, Aspect-Maker, and again, on behalf of all Antecedents, my apologies for the grievances we've caused in our blind adherence to the Scion Directive."

The hologram winked out, leaving the remaining Senior Staff alone in the room.

Thea took the liberty to summon the list of potential upgrades of her systems above the conference table, and at the top of the list... was something she'd never expected.

The Voice had offered them a slipstream burst-drive, which had the power-profile that might - if optimally installed - allow her to exceed warp speed for a limited amount of time. There was a cool-down involved, given the power expenditure for the warp core, but if this offer was genuine... Thea knew she had a higher ability to escape Task Force Archeron. Better yet, it did not look like it would interfere with her other propulsion systems either...


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