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Topic: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill? (Read 12300 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

[Ens. Mia Dunne | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]
ATTN: @rae @Pierce @Ellen Fitz @jreeves1701 @Auctor Lucan

Mia had read everything she could find and the one thing that still stuck out to her was that not one single piece of information could rule out a relationship to the trill symbiot. Ens. Mia Dunne still wondered if somewhere in another dimension, the trill symbiot had developed a different method of survival. But she needed a Trill symbiot in order to test her theory. And now it was almost time for that research to come to fruition.

She nervously rechecked all the equipment they had set up for her experiment. She thought it was a good idea to see if the parasite had anything that might be of Trill Symbiot in its makeup. She’d asked the Intel officer she’d run into in research to come. Lt. Alana Pierce seemed to have more information than even the files did, her insight could be quite valuable. Of course, she’d asked Azrin to help her out, being the only joined Trill that Mia was aware of, and Azrin had agreed, albeit a bit reluctantly. She had also requested medical personnel and engineering to assist. While she was a Xeno-anthropologist, she needed someone who was better with more... shall we say...  living specimens. And while she was good at analyzing the samples, getting them from live subjects was not something she had a lot of experience with. She was certain that neither Azrin nor the symbiot would be willing to undergo her usual method of dissection to learn what she could. She would prefer not to have to cut wither of them at all.

And Azrin’s party last night had definitely been a cause for lack of sleep this morning. She would need a lot of stimulants today to ensure the ‘experiment’ would go off without a hitch. Even if she needed the help of others she barely knew. And that fact alone was making her nervous. So far, her interactions with other members of the crew had thus far been less than stellar. She shook her head thinking that she was glad she would not require a diplomat. Those people were dangerous to be around, or maybe it was just the one she’d had the unfortunate luck to attend not one, but two disastrous tours in recent days. 

Mia forced those thoughts from her mind, now was not the time to dwell on failed attempts to relax on the Klingon Home World. She picked up the PADD with her notes and looked it over again. She’d left an open invitation to a few others to assist, but so far, she hadn’t any clue if they would join them. And she was a little scared that all the others would see was a too young scientist trying to find answers and totally failing.

Well, the time was getting near for those who chose to help to arrive. Mia leaned against the lab table and watched the door, waiting.

OCC: Included Tyreke in the list since we are in *his* lab.
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #1
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] | ATTN: @Eirual @rae @Ellen Fitz @jreeves1701 @Auctor Lucan [Show/Hide]

Pierce having freshly come from her promotion with Captain Ives, was still acclimating to her new station. As well as acclimating to the new calls to duty due to her new station and having helped others in their endeavors for forwarding this really involved mission. If they made it out of this alive, there would be accolades all around but as she'd seen recently, survival is not guaranteed.

Stepping into the xenobiology and cybernetics lab, she saw many projects ongoing along the way as well as Ensign Mia Dunne. The woman was seen peddling away at some console as she quietly slipped into the room. Everyone else called for this meeting must have been running late. She knew the Ensign since she was awoken from stasis had a serious interest in getting to the bottom of this whatever way it could be done. Drawing parallels from the symbiotes of the Trills was an interesting angle. Whether it panned out was another story. But the fact that the parasites in the infested were phased and attached, it might not do any good. But nonetheless, Intelligence needed to be here and she was still on duty for a while longer. So it made the most sense to use her new authority to oversee this process.

"Hello Mia. I hope I'm not the only one that was sent an invitation." She said with a smile at the blonde. "Don't worry, I was already in the area and decided to come a little early." Furrowing her brow, she looked on at the research. Her new shiny pip addition to her collar more than evident at this point since their last meeting.

"So what is the plan of attack? Or did you want to wait for the rest of the crew call to get a little more in depth? Universe knows we could use another option for separating the individuals without killing them." She said placing her hands folded under her bust in relaxation. Seeing the younger woman's anxiety and stress and insecurity she took her arms and placed one on Mia's shoulder and leaned in.

"Don't show the fear. Stand confident, stand tall and most of all command the room with your thoughts. They'll respect you." She looked at the younger woman and smiled. "Trust me. I've been in your shoes before. Everything will be fine. If nothing else, we'll learn something we hadn't considered and at worst, well, then we've exhausted another plan of attack."

Stepping back and giving the blonde her space, Pierce leaned against another wall nearby, kicking her feet out and crossing the one leg over the other as she leaned before placing her hands back under her bust. That was when the others began to pour in.

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn AKA The Birthday Girl AKA The Lab Rat | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eirual @Pierce @Ellen Fitz @jreeves1701 @Auctor Lucan

"This has got to be the worst birthday present you've ever given me," Azrin declared dramatically as she entered the room, flopping down onto the bio bed that she assumed was her throne for the day. That last act in itself quickly proved to be a mistake, since she'd been awake for well over 24 hours at this point, and this bed was really comfy. Great bird of the galaxy, was she sleepy or what? If she closed her eyes now, she might get her first good rest since V-Nine had rescued her from stasis prison. Or not, she amended as the redhead pushed herself back up to sitting. Sleep later. Work now.

Despite her theatrics, Azrin's voice had held absolutely no malice to it, and the cheery smile directed at her friend would hopefully reassure Mia that she wasn't serious. They’d only known each other for a week, and Azrin treasured all birthday presents. Besides, generally speaking, Azrin was always happy to help in all scientific endeavors. But normally people invited her along for her engineering expertise, not as the test subject.

“Morning Commander,” she greeted the other human in the room, the words punctuated by a yawn. Red shirt, but that could mean a variety of departments. “In all seriousness though everybody, ground rules. Nothing invasive. If the symbiont so much twitches funny, I’m out. You know how I get when I’m in sickbay Mia. I can’t go back!” The serious moment died as soon as it started, Azrin falling back on the bed in mock anguish. “And the symbiont almost died last week and I really don’t want that to happen again.” She finished while staring at the ceiling, a hurried explanation that she couldn’t manage to make a joke out of. The most sacred duty of joined trill, and here she was potentially endangering her symbiont again. Kino and Asra and every other joined trill on this ship were probably smart enough to refuse to take part in this research project.

Dangerously close to falling asleep again, Azrin jumped back to her feet. She was surviving on pure caffeine right now, which was normal for her, but for those who didn’t know her, the trill was very erratic looking. “Who else is coming for the peep show? Are you all going to surround me and shine bright lights into my face while whispering ominously? Can I stay awake or are you going to knock me out? Do I get to make commentary on the work, because there’s an error message on that diagnostic console over there and I can fix it in a few seconds.”

“On second thought, I’ll just go and fix it right now!” Then she was off to where Azrin felt most comfortable, tapping away at the console to read the errors.

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #3
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] @Eirual @Pierce @Ellen Fitz @jreeves1701 @rae
Entering the room from the other door, coming from an adjacent lab area, Tyreke Okafor wasn't surprised to find the three women in his dedicated work-place. He knew what Mia's research was about, and he admired her diligence in ruling out options. It spoke of her respect for the scientific method, and he could but smile and inclined his head to her when he walked to his work station. He also nodded towards the new Chief Intelligence Officer and the Assistant Chief Engineer, both whom were there because Mia had asked them to. Tyreke wasn't going to participate, since his work was dedicated to making prosthetics for sickbay's patients.

Someone whom was going to participate, however, was V-Nine, whom had recently been named the ship's Chief Surgeon after the passing of Kate Foster. The android entered with her cranial unit swivelling from side to side - scanning the present organics in the lab with her singular lens. The soft, metallic sounds of her gait carried her to the gathering of women and she greeted them with a cheerful attitude and a giggle that seemed so utterly unexpected coming from her. "Lieutenant Okafor, greetings. Ensign Dunne, hi! Commander Pierce, how do you do? Ah, Lieutenant Ryn, you're the one whom I am to extract a sample from, isn't it? No need to worry, the symbiont will be fine, and Dunne will have enough cells to work with."

Her lens then fell on the biobed, set before the glass cabinets. "Oh! Good! The biobed has already been brought here. Excellent, I was worried I'd have to carry it here myself. That would have been awkward... Anyway," she said, and raised her right hand. Tyreke's eyes widened a little when the android's middle finger folded backwards, and a long tissue-extraction extension of strange Savi-design protruded with a metallic 'shik!'.

"Are we waiting for anyone else?" V-Nine asked, having cocked a hip and putting her other hand on it.

OOC: The lab: [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #4
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]
ATTN:  @Ellen Fitz @jreeves1701 @RyeTanker  @Auctor Lucan  @rae @Pierce

Mia pushed herself off the table and started going over her notes for this little endeavor. The door opened behind her and she turned to see who had arrived. Seeing the intelligence officer she’d met in the research Library she smiled a little nervously. She noted a slight change to the Officer’s uniform. “Umm, thank you Lieutenant Commander, and I guess congratulations on the promotion,” Mia said as she ran her hands nervously down her slacks.

Mia answered the first of the questions, “Well, I uhh, think we should wait for at least a few of the others. I’m really not sure who is actually going to show, other than the test subject. I did ask for an engineer, a medical officer, and I think a few others. But as to who will show?” Mia shrugged her shoulders and glanced at the door, shifting from foot to foot.

The young scientist was surprised when she felt Alana’s hand on her shoulder and she locked eyes with her. Hearing the encouragement and the advice from the other officer Mia nodded and took a deep breath to calm her nerves. “Thank you Ma’am, I’ll do my best.” She smiled again as the door opened yet again.

Mia chuckled as Azrin waltzed into the room and plopped down prone on the biobed for less than 60 seconds before sitting up. “Sorry about the timing Azrin, but thank you for agreeing to help. Sorry I couldn’t stay for the whole party, but I had to make sure everything was set for today. I’ll be overseeing the procedure, but I have requested a medical officer to actually perform it.” Mia walked over to the biobed where Azrin was sitting and placed a hand on her arm, “I do not want to harm either of you, and I fully understand and was going to say that if you or the symbiot feel something amiss, we will cease immediately.” Mia stepped back slightly to give Azrin space, knowing how she disliked being confined and not ‘doing’ this was a really big ask. She looked at Azrin and held back a small chuckle at the Engineer seemed to be drifting off to sleep and then suddenly jumped to her feet and started talking fast, even identifying an error message that Mia had been trying to figure out. Before she knew it her friend was at the diagnostic unit checking it out. Mia shook her head, “You know, Azrin, in order to do this you’ll need to stay still, for at least a little while.”

Mia spotted Tyreke crossing the room from the adjacent lab and smiled as she too nodded in acknowledgement, blushing slightly as she watched him cross to his work area. She felt like her head was on a swivel when she turned to see who had entered the room and was surprised to see V-Nine entering the room. When she’d asked for medical, she was expecting someone a little less high in the food chain. Still she smiled as the unusual robot greeted them, “V-Nine, welcome. I am surprised you decided to join us. I was expecting help, but not by the chief surgeon.” She watched as V-nine extended her sampling device and almost chuckled from to position on V-Nine’s hand from which it appeared. “I did expect another engineer and I think another scientist with a different specialty that might prove useful to my research, but,” She said taking a glance over at Azrin, knowing she had to be a bit anxious about this process, “once our subject is settled we can begin.”

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #5
[MCWO Larrant | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]
ATTN:  @Ellen Fitz  @Eirual  @RyeTanker   @Auctor Lucan   @rae  @Pierce 

It was a strange request to be sure but Larrant chose to accept the invitation if for no other reason than to study the symbiotic relationship between two lesser corporeal beings of drastically different biologies. The Diads in his subconscious clamored on about the ethics of what amounted to than the dissection of sentient being while it was still alive. In fact their arguing is what caused him to be late. It must have been awkward in appearance. The avatar of the Medusan frozen mid-stride in the corridor outside the Xenobiology and Cybernetics Lab. The holographic processors of the Mark III E.M.U. unable to accurately interpret Larrant's chaotic thoughts.

Eventually an ensign on their way to their station was able to unstick the Medusan with a few pokes and prods. The ensign would thing they had awoken the gaseous being when in truth, Larrant had managed to conclude the Diads passionate debate. He would observe. If the patients permitted, he would scan their mind, surface thoughts only. And at the first sign of mental or physical duress, he would request the procedure be ended immediately. His Medusan telepathy was the strongest form of psychic discipline on Theurgy but definitely not the most refined. A Vulcan or Betazed was far more skilled, subtle even. Their mental abilities resembled a gentle flowing stream that had been tamed with well crafted structures. Larrant's was a raging rushing river, plowing through all obstacles in its path. Unrestrained and untempered, he could actually damage the consciousness of not only Mia but the symbiont she possessed.

Now free to move, Larrant made his way into the lab where he found many already present and what looked like a procedure about to take place without him.  "My apologies... ...I was caught in a conference." The urge to reach out with his telepathy to read their thoughts and emotions was strong. The temptation was ever present, but Larrant stayed the desire. He was a member of Starfleet and he had taken an oath.

CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #6
[ Hirek tr’Aimne | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | D. 17 | V. 03 | USS Theurgy] | ATTN: @Eirual  @Pierce  @rae  @Auctor Lucan  @jreeves1701  

He was, by nature, a curious sort of man. One who delighted in the unknown and found the puzzles without the straight answer the most enjoyable. His lack of anxiety at coming to a wall in research was perhaps one of his best qualities. He found failed hypotheses intriguing and found the hours spent mulling over variables and possibilities to be most delightful, especially if spent with a well blended ale and fresh catch from the sea just outside his home laboratory. Recent years had been such that Hirek had spent far more time outside of a lab than inside one, much to his internal dismay. Of course, if the Tal Shiar were finally vanquished for his sacrifices—and those who had lost and still lost so much more than he—then each of those years and the potential ones spent on this Federation starship would be worth it.

As it was, Hirek walked with a light step into the lab clad in a traditional white tunic with black fitted trousers. Being only a “specialist” on board afforded him no uniform, but Hirek didn’t mind. He had the combadge attached to his tunic and found he enjoyed the thrill of being further distinguished from the rest, even from afar. Hiding in plain sight, planted with the Tal Shiar agents on Qo’Nos, further fueled this arrogant delight. Hirek was on the tail one who spoke of his delay from a conference. Hirek had no such excuse. His only excuse had been distractibility. There was still so much to learn about this ship, and it’s crew. There was no telling when the fates would shift and he’d be back on Romulus. If he wanted to win the tale-telling contests shared over the beach-side fires with the fishermen of his fleet, Hirek would need to glean as much as possible and file it away for later.

“I am here.”

Hirek moved closer to the gathering of individuals clustered around a single biobed. Sitting atop it was an attractive woman, Trill if he’d read the invitation correctly. After giving her a nod of greeting, Hirek moved his gaze over the other room occupants until he finally spied the woman who’d sent the message. He didn’t have much access to the ship’s files. Still, he had enough to look up what English Mia Dunne looked like and seeing her now, and the red-haired officer leaning against the bulkhead reminded Hirek that this ship had a greater ratio of attractive individuals than any he’d ever served on.

“What do you wish of me?” He leveled his question at Mia Dunne, but allowed a mischievous smirk to touch the corner of his lips. So far, Starfleet officers were a delight to play with.

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #7
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) & Lt (JG) Kala Marika | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

@Eirual @rae @Auctor Lucan @jreeves1701 @Pierce @Ellen Fitz

Lieutenant JG Kala was huffing and wobbling as she rushed to the lab after the summons.  The order to participate in an experiment on her fellow engineer had come as a surprise and she didn't have time to research and assemble equipment.  The result was she'd just grabbed everything she could think of and was over laden with tool kit bags, and boxes.  Her balance was quite precarious and it didn't help that she didn't change her boots from something with heels to a more flat style.  As much as she tried to move faster, it didn't feel like she the effort was being rewarded.

Rounding the bend, the blue haired Bajoran's mind and balance mentally hiccuped when she saw the foreboding form of a Security Exosuit striding from the other direction, sending her sprawling just short of the door with a crash as her tool kits fell to the ground.  "Aw shit!" Kala vehemently cursed as she planted her hands on the ground as she broke her fall, but still got crushed under the weight of her backpack.  The engineer lay there for a moment and wished the backpack had smacked her in the head and knocked her unconscious so she wouldn't have to experience the embarrassment of having someone see her take a spill and end up in an undignified position.  Her ruminations of discomfiture were interrupted when solid armour clad arms reached down under her arm pits and picked her up with ridiculous ease. "Marika, what happened?  You alright?"  the dark block of armour asked and the engineer recognized the voice of her fellow crewmate from the Cayuga.  Blue eyes looked up at the armoured glass to see the interior lit visage of the blue skinned Lieutenant Zark.  Her breath caught for a moment, though she couldn't figure out why before she realized she was staring and scrambled to get her feet back on solid ground as she cleared her throat.  Looking at the ground was a convenient way to divert her attention and the Andorian conundrum in front of her as she went back to gathering her dropped tools.

"I'm fine, uhmmm, just give me a minute to get this stuff back together."  she told the security officer as she carefully bent down to pick up a box.  She was going to shimmy her way over to get the other one when the semi disembodied voice told her "Here." and a massive armoured paw handed the engineering box to her free hand.  The Bajoran gave a weak smile in thanks.  The smile froze as she spotted the giant lethal tube hanging off the Andorian's shoulder. "Uhmmmmm, Zark, what is that thing you're carrying?" The engineer took a step back and looked at all the war gear the security officer had brought along.  "Waitaminute."  She asked as her eyes started to widen into saucers. "is this all necessary?" Marika asked as she tried to wave the tool box in a circle.

The Andorian regarded the engineer for a moment before answering.  "Yes, and I'll explain inside." Zark simply smiled and strode into the lab with the shocked engineer following a moment later in a daze. "Good morning all. " the smiling block of armour greeted.  "Hi Mia! Hi Azrin!" The enthusiastic smile grew at seeing these two.  "Mr.Larrant, glad to see you in one piece. Nods were given to everyone else except the Romulan who received a cold glare before moving on. "Sorry Mia, but when you logged the experiment, it hit a few red flags.  The dry tone indicated the request had tripped more than just a few. "Anyway, I'm here to keep an eye on things in case the experiment goes pear shaped and you need more uhmmm active containment of the test subject."  Zark's eyes gave a pointed stare at Azrin as her tone turned cold and her face hard. "Having fought an infested before and seeing the amount of damage they can do, this precaution is non-optional.  If you have any questions, you can take it up with Commander Akoni.  Aside from that, I just want to let you know that if Lieutenant Ryn shows any signs of infestation, I will try to subdue her, but if necessary Azrin, you and I are going on a space walk, assuming I don't decide to just blow up the room first.  And I will if it means the safety of the rest of the ship." 

The security officer levelled a hard serious look around the room before smiling once more. "So, let's try and make sure that doesn't happen and aside from me just standing here by the door, try to pretend I'm not here.  What was that term? I'll be quiet as a mouse."  The blue green gaze returned to Lieutenant Commander Alana Pierce for a moment. "Commander Pierce, I was told to give this to you." and Zark pulled a Type 2 phaser from her back and handed it to the Intel chief.

Lieutenant Kala gulped and sighed at the latest chaotic event to enter her life and just shook her head as she walked to where her fellow engineer had been fiddling with a console.  "Azrin, can you help me get this stuff setup?" she asked the red head as she prayed to the Prophets she didn't believe in that this experiment wasn't going to need the now rifle wielding armoured Andorian's intervention.

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #8
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] | ATTN: @Eirual @rae @Ellen Fitz @jreeves1701 @Auctor Lucan [Show/Hide]

Nodding as each group of individuals entered the room and introduced themselves, Pierce stood eagle eyed at them all. Surveying the room, letting her eyes rest on different people before resting once more against the wall. The quips from some of the members as they entered and chatted caught a chuckle from her lips as she continued to lean.

The Andorian turned to Pierce and greeted her with a Type 2 phaser pistol to which she gladly accepted and holstered. "Thank you Liuetenant, Zark is it? I'm here to observe as well. Being it could be helpful to either of our units I figured knowing more wouldn't hurt. If it fails, well, we know then don't we?" She smiled dryly back at Zark as she turned back to the group near the bio-bed.

Amused at the engineer's tinkering she watched with interest as the woman attempted to delay the inevitable. The experiment would happen regardless at this point. Hopefully though, they didn't end up with another in Dr. Nicander's state of affairs. This was a truly remarkable ship. With a lot of talented individuals on the other side of the law to protect the Federation and the galaxy at large. Whatever advantage they could glean from this was hope they could use to keep moving forward.

And now, she waited.

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #9
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]
ATTN: @rae @Pierce @RyeTanker  @Ellen Fitz @jreeves1701 @Auctor Lucan 

Mia turned as the door opened once again and the Medusan entered followed soon after by the Romulan. She had asked both to attend, hoping they would be able to share insights on the parasite. She had a small parasite sample in stasis but was unsure if she wanted to bring it out. It was supposed to be dead, but since they really didn’t know a lot about this creature, she just wasn’t totally certain it was really as dead as everyone thought. She was about to reply to the Romulan when the door opened again.

This time her jaw dropped open as a petite blue haired engineer entered the room laden down with bags and cases and, well it looked like she had every tool imaginable. And then right after came Zark, or at least Mia thought it was Zark. It was a little hard to tell with all that armor she had on.  Mia blushed a little when Zark told her that her research had triggered a lot of... warnings. With all the equipment from the engineer and now Zark’s oversized suit, it felt like there was no room to move in the lab. She glanced at Tyreke and mouthed “I’m sorry” before she turned back to the assembled group.

She took a deep breath before she spoke,  “Ok, Lt. zh’Ptrell, I understand the precaution, even if I think it is a bit of overkill in this situation."  She turned to Kala next, “Lieutenant Marika, I doubt you will need most of what you have brought. If we could leave it outside the room for now, that would be helpful. As for what I do need, there are diagnostics that need to be adjusted on the fly, that will be your task. “

She then moved to stand in front of Larant, “I know this really isn’t your field, but I would like you to sort of listen, or whatever you call it, for distress in the trill symbiot. ”

Her next target was the Romulan with a decidedly mischievous smirk on his face. “I understand your specialty is Xeno-biology, which means you are more experienced in dealing with living specimens to study. Mine usually deals with those long gone, and civilizations no longer in existence, so while I may be the ‘lead’ of this little project, your input on procedure would be most valuable.”

She finally turned back to Azrin, “Now, your job is to sit still. If you find that too difficult a task, I can always ask Zark to sit on you,” Mia said with a smile and a wink.

“And one more thing,” Mia said as she looked around the room, “While I welcome your advice and input and I understand that I am pretty much the lowest ranking person in the room, but this is my project to see to the end.”

OCC: Post order: Eirual (Mia), rae(Azrin), Auctor Lucan (V-Nine/Tyreke), Pierce(Alana), Rye Tanker (Zark/Kala) ,Ellen Fitz( Hirek), jreeves1701 (Larant)
However if Actor and Rye wish to split their second to a separate post, that would be acceptable as well.

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eirual @Auctor Lucan @Pierce @RyeTanker @Ellen Fitz @jreeves1701

And to think she’d been excited to see V-Nine. Azrin had turned around at the giggle, having finished her little repair, nearly bouncing on her feet at the sight of the Savi android. V-Nine had saved her from the cold stasis dungeon, but they’d never really gotten to talk - a travesty in Azrin’s completely biased opinion. Her mouth opened to say hello, but instead of words, her jaw ended up dropping in shock as the android’s finger morphed into a very long, very fat looking needle… thing. Hadn’t she just said nothing invasive?

“I can be the engineer instead?” She latched onto Mia’s missing people quickly, the reason behind her request perfectly obvious considering how Azrin was looking at the tissue extractor. Everyone was looking at her, which wasn’t something the redhead would have minded normally, but at the moment she was feeling like a lab rat in a way that was no longer funny. So naturally, when another friend entered the room, Azrin latched into him, hoping her pointed exuberance would pull everyone’s attention away from her. “Larrant! Hello! Good morning! How have you been? For the past… five hours since I’ve seen you.”

Somewhere along the way a Romulan sans uniform had appeared, though Azrin had completely missed him until she peeked back at Mia and saw him next to her. Had he transported in or what? This room was really getting crowded. “Is anyone else feeling really hot in here?”

Zark couldn’t have picked a worse time to enter if she’d planned it. Clad in some giant war suit like she was ready to fight an army. “Where’s my space suit then?” It was a stupid question, and she realized it a second after asking. Azrin took a shaky breath. She thought she’d just lay on a table and let them scan her, but now everyone had shown up with weapons and surgical tools and - why was there a contingency plan on killing her anyway? There was a Trill symbiont in her gut, hosted with her full consent, part of a practice that had been going on for centuries. Ryn was not one of the evil Infested monsters. There was no way she had one of those too right?

She would know, right?

Azrin was so tired that the answer didn’t seem as obvious as it should. “I don’t- I don’t think I want to do this experiment anymore.” Her voice was small, far removed from the engineer’s normal hyper active self. She backed up a few steps towards Kala, as though the request for technical setup could protect her from the actual task at hand. “See, um, the thing is… I made a promise to the Symbiosis Commission, which is kind of like making a vow to the whole cultural heritage to Trill - but actually no. I made a promise to Ryn. The symbiont Ryn, not me. Non-Trill get confused about that. We’re kind of the same now but I made the promise before… but that’s not the point! I’m supposed to show it new things, and protect it so that experience can live on. I-I really messed up. On both of those things. It almost died, and there was six months of just nothing! Nothing at all! Hundreds of years of uninterrupted living and now there’s a big gap because of me. And we’re lucky that everything didn’t just… end. They entrusted five lives to me and I almost lost them all. I can’t… I can’t endanger that again.”

She was shaking, eyes darting back and forth from V-Nine to Zark. Sure, V-Nine said it was danger free. But if that was true, why had Zark shown up in a full exosuit? “Why can’t we do some scans and... not kill anyone?”

Now Zark was going to think she was Infested for refusing. The lose lose scenario.

OOC: I'm derailing this thread but y'all freaked her out???

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #11
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] @Eirual @Pierce @Ellen Fitz @jreeves1701 @rae @RyeTanker
By the moment, more and more people entered Tyreke's lab, and his eyebrows climbed minutely with each - finding that his calibrations of synthetic nerve-endings and the response output to the adjacent servos were tad impeded by the distractions. Mia sought his gaze and wordlessly conveyed her apology for the disturbance. It caused him to chuckle and shake his head, wishing that she'd told him how many officers would be attending for something so simple as a tissue extraction and sample comparison. Though as the Security officer in the exosuit explained, anything involving the parasites that the Infested carried had a lot of red tape around it. The protocols must have been updated more and more by each encounter with the enemy, the experience of each detailing how deadly they were - seemingly able to exert force and momentum from outside the reality they all inhabited.

In the end, the Trill that was undergoing the tissue extraction seemed to have second thoughts, and made an argument to abort the whole thing out of respect towards the Ryn symbiont and a promise made. That was the moment, it seemed to Tyreke, that V-Nine felt compelled to utilise the bedside manners of a medical officer and calm things down - Azrin Ryn primarily but also addressing the rest present in in the lab.

"Hey, hey, hey," she said, gesturing with both her hands for everyone to settle down. Her cranial unit was on a swivel, her words directed to everyone since her lens moved between all those present. "If Lieutenant Ryn doesn't want to go through with this, no one here has the authority to keep her. Protocols and procedures relating to scientific experiments are clear on how Ensign Dunne is in charge, but as I represent Medical - and Lieutenant Ryn is now my patient - I kindly ask you all to step back, and give her some room. Okay? Please, you are intimidating her and causing needless distress."

Tyreke wanted to point out how she was waving a nightmarish needle contraption when she said it, but refrained.

Instead, he tried to focus on his sensitive calibrations, even if the Savi android's words continued. Now, directed to Azrin, and her voice compassionate and soft. "While I am sure anything that involves the parasites has gathered a lot of attention, and there are a lot of people here, please, calm down. Let me talk you though your role, what will happen if you agree to this, and how all of these precautions are completely superfluous. I promise you, you'll not be hurt, nor will the Ryn symbiont. Neither of you will feel any pain, and the sample size will only be a couple of cells. That's all that Ensign Dunne will need in order to compare the symbiont's biological make-up to that of the parasite sample from the Federation Embassy."

V-Nine then held up both her hands to Ryn, and explained what would happen. "See, my thumb and my index finger will fold back and I will not only be monitoring the health of you both with the medical tricorder built into my platform, the wavelengths of the scan will show me the path of extraction in real time. Now, see my other hand? The index finger of that hand is a hypospray, and I have already charged it with a local anaesthetic. I will begin with inoculating the area of insertion with a tap of that finger. Now, see the sampling tool, the long one? It will not be piercing you. At the tip of it, a pipette with the diameter of three hundred nanometres will protrude, and with the local sedative, you will not even feel it. The time it will take for me to get the sample of the symbiont's cells is two point three-four-six seconds. After that, your part is finished."

After the explanation, V-Nine reached out with her hand and gently put it on Ryn's shoulder. She tilted her head, and in a voice so eerily human, coming from a machine, she addressed what the Trill had said about the six months in stasis. "You never broke your promise to your symbiont, nor the Symbiosis Commission. How are Trill supposed to gather experiences and grow if their hosts' utmost priority was to protect their symbionts? That would greatly curtail any meaningful experiences, so you didn't 'mess up'. Those six months of stasis weren't your fault, but that of the enemy's. You cannot blame yourself for the nature or reason of your injury, and even if you choose caution from here on out... this sample extraction will not harm you or the five lives you carry within you."

Next, V-Nine turned to address those present, her lens moving between them. "As I aided the late Vael Kaeris in isolating the exact anyonic phase variance which the parasite inside Doctor Nicander held, I can reassure you all - especially you, Lietuenant Zark and Commander Pierce - that there is nothing that suggest that the Trill symbionts are related to the parasites, postiviely so in their current form," she said, and waggled a finger at them in a dainty way, "so I would kindly ask that you refrain from intimidating Lieutenant Ryn. If there is a connection between the samples, that may be determined when those are compared in some kind of petri dish - after my patient's part in this procedure is finished."

In the end, V-Nine turned to Mia, and as if catching herself, she put her hand over where a mouth ought to have been on her white countenance, right below her lens. "My apologies if I overstepped, or if I was too presumptuous. But like I said... if Lieutenant Ryn still doesn't want to go through with this, no one here has the authority to keep her," she said, siding with her patient, and then directed a friendly but chiding addendum to the scientist, followed by a giggle, "especially not by 'sitting on her'."

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #12
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] | ATTN: @Eirual @rae @Ellen Fitz @jreeves1701 @Auctor Lucan [Show/Hide]

Little by little the room was getting more and more crowded. And little by little, poor Azrin was getting flustered and freaked out. Not that Alana couldn't understand it. She herself had been a labrat for weeks at Starbase 82 when she turned up from the temporal anomaly. But this was another matter altogether. Both science, biology and research for the possible shared traits of the trill and the infested. However this turned out, it was bound to open and close many different doors for the teams on board. With any luck, it could be usable for Anderson as well. But presently, she was the Intelligence director on board and needed to keep senior staff and their man behind enemy lines informed.

The little nuances of every crew member's additions whether security, intel, or simply the ones monitoring the mental states of those under the knife as it were, there was a lot to handle. Peering around the room, she soon realized that she was the ranking officer in their midst. Somehow it escaped her own mental state as she stood idly nearby. Having been freshly promoted mere hours before.

Glancing around, she saw the Romulan agent, Hirek? Either way, now that she was in charge of the department, she needed to rally the troops and he was one of them. She made a mental note to contact him later to set an appointment to connect. Glancing around, she saw the medusan with the holo-emitter, Larrant, she thought his name was. And the rest she'd gotten familiar with.

Getting her mind back to the task at hand she realized that Mia was taking charge as she said she should. It brought a smile to her face as she watched the Ensign command the assignment. But feeling the tense air, she thought it might be best to clear the air. Hearing the poor red headed engineer's concerns about not wanting to be the lab rat anymore was a cord that struck rather loudly with Pierce. Taking steps forward into the conversations, she grunted to command the attention. But as she did so, V-Nine took over as the medical officer and calmed the air first. IT was remarkable to say the least. Watching the sentient android converse was astounding to her and she lingered back to the wall to listen in but give the space that was required of for the situation.

The reassurance from V-Nine to her and Zark was also a welcome surprise and she nodded. "Thank you for the explanation V-Nine. I had not intended to intimidate her. I am merely an observer of the situation and nothing more. Like you, I look to glean knowledge from this and not a fight." She said in understanding, watching the rest of the events unfold.

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #13
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) & Lt (JG) Kala Marika | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

@Eirual @rae @Auctor Lucan @jreeves1701 @Pierce @Ellen Fitz

Lieutenant Zark tilted her head inside her helmet as she considered the quandry in front of her.  She'd put the security implications in a rather blunt, but straightforward manner.  Damnit! This is what Enyd and Faye are for.  I'm an ass kicker who happens to know how to patch people back together.  Adapt and overcome as the Chief said, good thing the nursing classes included a practical. The security officer was saved from having to figure out all the implications as she stood there and listened to V-Nine explain the procedure and nodded along at generally how innocuous it sounded.  The more she listened, the more the heavily armed medic figured her focus was directed at the wrong target.

As Lt. Commander Pierce worked to reassure the reluctant Trill, Zark took the time to mag lock her rifle and disengaged the locks on her helmet before taking it off with a clack and a hiss where it was transferred to under her arm.  Hair done up in a severe bun on the back of her head, Zark offered a warm smile to the red head engineer.  "I'm sorry Azrin, but until we know more about what the threat is here, I can't leave and I understand why you'd be unhappy now especially with needles over there and firepower over here in the same room for something that amounts to a small scientific analysis."  Zark took another breath before continuing.  "After listening to how V-Nine described how the experiment is going to proceed, I don't think you have much to worry about at all really.  V-Nine extracts a few cells and we run the sensors, maybe a probe or two on the cells for comparison.  The blue smile turned wry for a moment. "I'm guessing we had more of a knee jerk reaction to be overly careful, but in the end, unless Mia decides to stick the cells in you Zark's eyes turned serious for a moment as she gave the blonde scientist a very intense look that pretty indicated there had better be a exceptionally good life saving reason to even try that. "which is not happening, so I'm going to be more focused on her Infested sample than you."  The armour clad security officer finished.

Lt. Zark sympathized with wanting to keep the symbiote and the host body alive.  In those rare small instances when she did think about it, it was possible the only fragment of who each of the people in the room were would be preserved in the slug.  "I'm sorry for scaring you with the security protocols and responses Azrin." Zark empathized. "In the end if anything does go wrong, I'm here to hold the problem back and neutralize it so the rest of you can get away."  Smiling once more since at least she felt better, the combat medic offered her final summation of the situation. "Like you have backups and contingencies in place for things to go wrong, I'm the insurance policy for everyone here in case that sample isn't as dead as we thought it was.  Besides, I have the lights on inside so you can tell where I'm looking which will be at the sample case where that thing is."

Lt. Kala didn't know what to think since she was still appalled at the thought of all that firepower in the cramped lab and to be fair, the number of needles she saw also upset her, but she decided to keep quiet as she went back and forth putting crates of equipment in the hallway.  It was still helpful to have the whole process explained since it helped to narrow down what she did need.  In the end, she mainly kept a monitoring console, portable forcefield generator, and the pattern enhancers for the transporter.  That was in addition to the standard tool box in case she needed to make any adjustments around the lab.  Maybe this wasn't all doom and gloom Marika thought to herself.

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #14
[ Hirek tr’Aimne | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | D. 17 | V. 03 | USS Theurgy] | ATTN: @Eirual  @Pierce  @rae   @Auctor Lucan @jreeves1701

Hirek watched as the presence of the Andorian warrioress combined with the perhaps unfortunate word choice of Ensign Dunne caused a cascade effect of anxiety to overwhelm the would-be test subject of this endeavor. The android did a succinct job of explaining her part in the process, the Intelligence commander said her peace, and finally the armor-plated Andorian calmed her approach. Hirek waited until things settled before he addressed the Ensign first.

“Bioengineering is my specialty, though I also have botany, zoology, and biology in my background. I am not as well acquainted with all things ‘Infested’ as you likely are, as I am still growing acquainted with the files on these beings. However, you are correct in that most of my work deals with the living.” He intentionally did not the term ‘specimen’ considering the sensitivity of the Trill lieutenant. Turning his attention next to the Trill, Hirek offered her what he hoped was a reassuring smile, “My work has always involved using engineering principles of design and analysis to improve and enhance biological systems. I can assure you, lieutenant, that I would not participate in this endeavor if it was to bring harm to you or your symbiote. Regardless of who is ‘in charge,’ or not,” Hirek glanced at Ensign Dunne and Lieutenant Zark, “I would quickly wear out my ‘welcome’ to Starfleet practices if anyone attempted to harm you in this procedure without due cause. And as V-Nine seems to be the most knowledgeable in the room of the procedure and its implications for your well-being, I would suggest we allow her to proceed without further provocation.”

Hirek’s lilting voice lowered to a near whisper before adding, with a playful smile touching his lips, “You may hold my hand if you wish.”

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #15
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

ATTN: @rae  @RyeTanker @Ellen Fitz  @Pierce  @Auctor Lucan  @jreeves1701

Mia felt like she had already lost control of the situation, and her joking comment had not helped ease Azrin’s mind at all. Why did I think I could even do this? She questioned herself in her mind even as she forced her face into a more neutral look. “Azrin, I know it looks a bit...“ she glanced around the room at the various attendees, “...over the top. I am certain that you are not infested. I am sure this will only take a few minutes to get the miniscule sample.  V-Nine is correct in stating that only a few cells are needed for the comparison. Remember that I have no intention of causing harm to you or the Ryn symbiot in any way.”

She glanced at Larrant for a second wondering if he was able to ease Azrin’s mind at all. Her attention then moved to Zark, “Thank you for trying to look less intimidating. Even I was a bit... shocked at that armor.” Her eyes travelled to Pierce, Kala and Hirek, “Observation was requested however participation in easing Azrin’s fears of the process are appreciated. Kala, I would like you to help with the adjustments to the testing equipment. I need it to find every nuance in the DNA that could possibly provide an answer.” 

Mia turned back to Azrin and smiled in what she felt was a comforting manner, “Azrin, whenever you are ready, we can get this done and then everyone, well almost everyone can get back to more enjoyable projects.”

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #16
[MCWO Larrant | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

Larrant could sense the Trill's mental duress. Her emotions were a tidal wave crashing against his Medusan mind even with his mental shields in place. It was impossible not to register them. As a reflex, Larrant's POD holo matrix deactivated revealing the metal containment unit hovering above the floor. It did little to make the room feel less crowded but hopefully, it was enough to ease Azrin a little.

He now looked at her through the viewport of the POD, or what most corporeal beings interpreted as such. "Lieutenant, I understand your complex situation. I too share a mind with past lives in a way. It presents challenges. Perhaps if you allowed me to link with you and the symbiont, you both would feel more secure and your oath to the Commission preserved."

Larrant was unsure what complications such a mental link would create. He did not voice that. Medusans typically could only link minds with other telepathic species. His most recent accident on Qo'noS remained a mystery to him. Klingons were not known for their psychic abilities, but neither were Terrans, yet some did exist. Could such a link be made with Azrin?
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #17
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eirual @Auctor Lucan @RyeTanker @Pierce @Ellen Fitz @jreeves1701

She was actually relieved when Zark didn’t immediately move to arrest her. Or beam her out into space. Or sit on her, which would be deadly considering her current attire. And she’d thought they were friends, conveniently forgetting that their first meeting had in fact involved the Andorian medic arresting her. Blue eyes, dulled to near gray as though physically manifesting her unhappiness, moved warily between the large group of assembled crew. Sometime during her outburst, Azrin’s arms had moved to wrap around her stomach, another barrier to protect the symbiont.

V-Nine’s defense of her rights helped her relax, though most of that could be attributed to how lifelike the android sounded when speaking. Azrin found herself staring at the surgeon in enraptured awe, fascinated by how the voice contrasted with the singular lens and complete lack of mouth. Any other time, and she’d be bouncing around the room fueled by pure curiosity. This ship had acquired the coolest technology while she’d been out. That was the only thing that made this whole experience marginally bearable. Until a few minutes ago, that had been enough to keep her going.

The more detailed medical explanation helped too. By the time V-Nine was finished, the engineer ducked in beneath the hand on her shoulder to hug the android tightly instead. “Why do you have the giant needle attachment if you’re not poking it anywhere?” She asked into the android’s shoulder. “Why not just use the smaller one? Needlessly scary.”

When Azrin pulled back to listen to the other’s reassurances, she noticed Zark removing her helmet. Things seemed to be calming down now, but she remained hovering near V-Nine, her new appointed protector. That lasted for a whole five seconds, until Zark mentioned Mia injecting her with the parasite sample. The parasite that had taken over Starfleet, put Thea on the run, killed a bunch of people, and was the cause of all their problems right now. The strangled sound that came out of her throat wasn’t really comprehensible, some combination of “What?” “NO!” and “Why would anyone do that?” She was coming around to letting them take a few cells from the worm, but they were not putting that thing in her. Zark continued apologizing, but Azrin’s horrified gaze had moved to Mia now. And to think she’d thought the scientist was harmless.

She’d decided. Worst birthday ever. And she did not need a parasite for a gift, thanks.

“Ok. Ok ok ok. V-Nine can take the sample. But no putting things in me!” Azrin wasn’t entirely sure what Larrant had offered, and she was honestly too frazzled to think it through. Instead of responding, she grabbed V-Nine — by the wrist to avoid any accidental hypo or needle stabs — and pulled the android back over to the biobed. “Her hand’s better. There’s probably a sedative in it,” she told the Romulan, a poor attempt at a joke that sounded more nervous than anything. Then she hopped back on the bed, closing her eyes tightly so she wouldn’t have to watch.

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #18
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] @Eirual @Pierce @Ellen Fitz @jreeves1701 @rae @RyeTanker
After the atmosphere in the lab settled down, and the red-haired Trill agreed to the procedure, Tyrke Okafor let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. Apparently, it had been a mix of misunderstandings and automated security alerts that had prompted the situation, but it seemed the Trill was prepared to go through with the sample collection. Tyreke was happy for Mia, in that she would be able to continue her research into the nature of the parasites themselves. The sample collected from the Federation Embassy might be ruined by it being fused to the innards of the host body it was pulled out of, but there was enough there to make progress.

"Okay, okay, take it easy," V-Nine said with a giggle when she was pulled towards the biobed in order to do what she'd been summoned for. "Please pull up your undershirt and bare your abdomen. You may need to push down the waistline of your uniform trousers a little bit as well. Just so. Excellent."

Just as she had described, the android Chief Surgeon eventually tapped Lieutenant Ryn's abdomen, inoculating her with a local anaesthetic, and then talked about the long contraption she was about to use. "The pipette needs support by its encasement as it extends out of my platform, and the sampling tool provides that support. In order to reach deeper tissues, the length of the pipette is adequate since not all my patients are as fit as you, Lieutenant." V-Nine's rueful comment was emphasised with a life-like chuckle. "What if I were to collect a sample from a burly Klingon, for example? Anyway, the anaesthetic is in effect, and I can collect the sample now. Are you ready?"

When given the consent, there was no sound from the sampling tool, at least none that Tyreke could hear, and just two seconds later, V-Nine stepped back. "There! Sample collected. Ensign Dunne," the android said and turned towards Okafor's old friend and current lover, "where do you want it?"

When given instructions, Tyreke looked back towards his own calibrations while the android put the sampled cells where indicated. He guessed it was up to Mia whether or not she would dismiss any people that were no longer needed now that the first phase of the experiment was finished.

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #19
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] | ATTN: @Eirual @rae @Ellen Fitz @jreeves1701 @Auctor Lucan [Show/Hide]

Pierce looked on at the robotic doctor conducting the specimen sample. She was curious if there was a correlation between species or not. Or whether there was the slight inkling that this could be a viable option for them to utilize. Mia's work regardless was a step in the right direction as they were dealing with a symbiotic situation and no possible leads. And with her recent thawing, it meant she had fresh eyes on the infested whereas most the crew that had been here over a few weeks would have.

"So Ensign Dunne, any indicators whether we'll know anything sooner or later? I have another engagement to attend but if you have anything of substance either way, please leave a detailed report to my console in the intelligence office. I appreciate your diligence at this time and for your experiment. I only hope it bares fruit for our future engagements with the infested."

Alana nodded at the others before kicking off the wall and walking to the poor engineer they sampled. Placing a hand on her shoulder she said warmly, "Thank you and your symbiote's willingness for doing this experiment. I'm also happy that there were no adverse reactions. Get some rest."

After which she stepped to the edge of the room to Zark. "If things go south after I leave, don't be afraid to call me back in but I feel like the situation is under control."

Pierce took the final steps through the door as it swished open and closed behind her as she headed back to her new office.

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #20
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

ATTN: @rae   @RyeTanker  @Ellen Fitz  @Pierce  @Auctor Lucan  @jreeves1701

Mia looked shocked at the suggestion of introducing the pararsite DNA into Azrin’s system, or into the symbiot. “I will not be injecting you with anything, Azrin. That is definitely not part of the plan. I would not do that to even my worst enemy.” She sighed heavily and waited as V-Nine was able to get the situation under control and actually get the sample Mia needed. Mia held out a small Petri dish towards V-nine so she could deposit the sample. Once it was transferred she placed a lid on the dish and moved it to a containment field for safe keeping. 

“Azrin,” She said as she walked back over to the engineer, “I want to thank you for this. I know it was not easy, especially when things got a bit crazy with all the security protocols. Take a minute or two to rest if you want. You can leave whenever you want. And I hope you enjoy the rest of your birthday.”

Mia was a little taken back by Lt Cdr Pierce’s comments. It felt like she was almost taking this project away from Mia somehow. Telling her to leave a detailed report felt like a slap in the face. Mia didn’t even have a coherent pleasant thought of how to reply before Alana all but sashayed out of the room. Mia just stared at the door for a few seconds before shaking her head and turning to the others in the room. “I want to thank you all for being here to help, despite the initial confusion. I do not know how long this will take, but as soon as I have finished, and submitted my report to my department heads, I am sure they will make sure the information is available should you desire to look at my findings.”

She turned to V-Nine, “Your assistance was very much appreciated, Thank you.”

She finally turne to Lt Kala, “I’d like to get started right away. So I’ll need a fine calibration to study both sets of DNA. Once that’s done, and I don’t think it will take you too long, you can go, since I bet watching me will be very tedious for you.”

She waited for those who were going to depart so she could get to work, and Tyreke could move about his own lab again.

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #21
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) & Lt (JG) Kala Marika | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

@Eirual @rae @Auctor Lucan @jreeves1701 @Pierce @Ellen Fitz

Lieutenant Zark put her helmet back on as the experiment got underway and there wasn't much for her to do except stand there and watch.  Watching though had it's more interesting up points.  Seeing V-Nine's 'fingers' in action gave the Andorian an involuntary shiver.  It was just so strange to watch.  The Andorian figured if anything nasty happened to her, having someone able to manipulate so much at once to get to all the trauma was a good thing, but she just wanted to be fully knocked out when that happened.  Not one memory of all those needles, and other implements working on her, no siree.  The the various scientists and engineers got to calibrating and prepping, the medico took a moment to let her eyes flick about to see if what the various consoles were displaying. Since there were no flashing red warnings, her eyes kept flicking back to the sample chamber and she entertained herself by pretending to shoot it, sans everyone in the lab of course. The combat medic nodded to Commander Pierce as she left the room and turned back in distant fascination as she watched Lieutenant Ryn get examined by V-Nine.  The Andorian nodded to Mia and flashed her a toothy smile along with a thumbs up, glad to see the recently thawed scientist working on something, and for all intents and purposes neither maudlin nor nervious.  Just calm and focused.

Lieutenant Kala's eyes were glued to the data relay and energy readouts as the experiment proceeded.  She looked up just in time to see the pipette go into the Trill's abdomen and she felt queasy for a moment before looking away and back at the screen.  Her breakfast roiled in her stomach momentarily as she took some deep breaths to steady herself. The information on the console was a welcome distraction.  Energy flow stable, connection power junctions were nominal.  ODN data conduits, optimal.  Bioneural gel packs accepting data feed.  Sensor telemetry the green. It helped that Azrin seemed to have calmed down and Zark wasn't going to blow the place to the prophets any time soon.  Pulling up a schematic, the engineer continued to monitor the surroundings of the ship just to make sure all the energy and data feeds wouldn't adversely affect what was being done in the lab.

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #22
[ Hirek tr’Aimne | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | D. 17 | V. 03 | USS Theurgy] | ATTN: @Eirual  @Pierce  @rae @Auctor Lucan  @jreeves1701 

Hirek found the ensuing drama, yet not drama, amusing, especially the woman’s remark regarding not holding his hand. Seeing how these Starfleet personnel worked together was a very curious thing. Quite unlike Romulans in most regards, yet there was still the expected level of formality for this type of environment lurking in the background. While everyone else seemed to focus on the procedure, which took less time than it had taken to describe it, Hirek had been content to observe the room’s occupants. At his previous ship postings, he’d only ever served with Romulans. At the Imperial War College, he’d only rarely worked with off-worlders again. Since coming to Qo’Nos, Hirek had been exposed to more alien cultures and comings and goings than ever before in his life. And now this would be the “norm” until he could return to Romulus and retire to his island home. This work to be done with others, drastically NOT Romulan, was to be his routine. Hirek smiled. He rather liked the excitement that entailed.

As members of the room trickled out, either no longer needed or never having been needed, Hirek shifted closer to the woman who’d called him here in the first place.

“Ensign Dunne, what do you need of me?” Unlike the security and Intelligence officers who’d been the first to leave, Hirek could piece together some plausible reason for him to remain, if the ensign asked for it.

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #23
[ Lt. JG Azrin Ryn | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eirual @Pierce @Auctor Lucan @jreeves1701 @Ellen Fitz

At V-Nine’s instruction, Azrin pulled up her shirt and pushed the waistband of her pants down slightly, effectively baring the thin layer of skin that covered the symbiont. Weirdly enough, the android’s explanation on how her pipette worked helped to calm the trill down. If she ignored the part where the needle was about to stab her, the technical part of it was interesting enough. Why had they designed her with other species in mind? The one Savi she’d met didn’t give the impression that they were an open and helpful society.

When the time finally came, Azrin provided her final consent with a quick, squeaky, “Yep!” before closing her eyes and laying her head as far back as she could go. Anything to avoid looking at the very large needle about to puncture her abdomen. Even if it was small. All the extra bits still made it look scarily long.

She was still waiting for V-Nine to start when the surgeon announced she was finished. The anesthetic had certainly done it’s work. Azrin shot up immediately, experimentally poking her stomach all over in a way that looked more than a little crazy. Making sure that the symbiont didn’t feel funny, twitch, start doing flips, or something similarly weird. Much to Azrin’s relief, Ryn felt entirely ordinary. Nor did her brain feel like it was suddenly missing large chunks of memories that came from the symbiont. Satisfied, she shot V-Nine a double thumbs up. The tension left her body so quickly that she almost fell back onto the biobed, though she managed to catch herself before any actual swooning happened.

Any other day, she probably would have begged to stick around and see the experiment through, but Azrin felt like she’d pushed her limits enough for one day. It was a rare feeling for her — restraint. It made her think that the rest of her much more sensible hosts were still nice and safe in there, and for once she was going to listen to their wisdom.

“I think I’ll head out now.” Azrin didn’t really direct the words at anyone, since multiple people had suggested that she rest. “Have fun with the sample and let me know what you find out!” Because if her symbiont was in any way related to those parasite things… she was going to freak out.

“Bye!” She escaped before they had a chance to rethink their plans and call her back. Pierce didn’t know any better by offering her well meant suggestion, but surely Mia did by now. Azrin wasn’t going to rest. She was going to engineering to get back to work. “Now back to the fun birthday activities!”

Re: Day 11 [1130 hours] Live Research: Trill or not Trill?

Reply #24
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Xenobiology & Cybernetics Lab | Deck 17 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

ATTN: @rae @RyeTanker @Ellen Fitz @Pierce  @Auctor Lucan  @jreeves1701

Mia almost breathed a heavy sigh of relief when Azrin left the room. Kala was nearby checking on the systems as needed. Mia was failry certain the young engineer would vacate the area fairly soon as she had seen the look on the young girls face when the sample had been taken. She couldn’t blame the girl, after she wasn;t used to seeing that sort of thing herself and, in her experience engineers never handled medical type situations without turning a little green around the gills, as the saying goes.

 She turned to look at the two samples side by side. She felt more than saw someone moving to stand near her and looked over at the Romulan, Hirek, who she had asked to attend. She smiled at the manner in which he asked how he could assist. At least it didn’t feel like he was treating her as a lower class being like it had with Pierce. “As I said earlier, Sir, your specialties might prove useful. My experience is dealing with artifacts of species that have long since vashished, or have integrated with others to the extent the original species no longer can be identified as itself.” She looked back to the small sample that had just been obtained, “This is a living sample, I know the species so that isn’t the issue. I’m just not certain what would be the best method to ...” She paused a moment as she began to run a scan of the DNA, “If we compare the DNA and RNA strands from each of the samples to see how many they have in common we can start with that as a base, Do you agree?” She lightly touched his arm as she spoke, an often misread habit she had to touch someone she was talking to that most times she actively restrained.

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

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