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Interregnum 01-02 OOC Thread


Hi there everyone!

Here is a dedicated OOC thread for writing ads and requests, allowing you all to plan supplemental threads. In this thread, you post your ideas for your characters and enlist other writers in partaking in the events.  You can also post open requests, simply asking it anyone care to write something (specific or general) in Interregnum 01-02.

So, please go ahead and post your brainstorming or requests here! :)

First up...



Check it out! Those who wish to participate in this thread should PM me on the forum! I will not permit an unlimited number of writers, and it has to make sense that they are present somehow.  :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Interregnum 01-02 Thread

Reply #1
@Nolan and @Eden  we're going to meet to write a thread formally getting Victor into the Wolves, at least as an official trainee or whatever.

Pinging Lathaniel here because he'll be Victor's Flight leader or whatever the position is called (can't remember off the top of my head) and Nolan for obvious reasons.

When do we want to do this? Day 6-7, or later once week 2 opens up? Or do we use the Wolf Cubs Ahoy thread for this purpose?

I'm sure the promotion to Ensign will have to go through Ives or Stark however. But thanks for far to PCHaring for getting Victor started

Re: Interregnum 01-02 Thread

Reply #2
Hey @Auctor Lucan Nice picture for Interregnum 1-2. I found Kingston but I can't seem to find Kobol, is he there?
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Interregnum 01-02 Thread

Reply #3
He should be! :) It is 3 am but I will take a closer look tomorrow, but he ought to be hiding there somewhere... If I can't find him, I'll add him.

Hey @Auctor Lucan Nice picture for Interregnum 1-2. I found Kingston but I can't seem to find Kobol, is he there?

Re: Interregnum 01-02 Thread

Reply #4
Enyd would like to join the embassy outing and also join in the story objective of Enemies of the Empire.

Cross I believe has been or would like to join the FNN story objective. And if there's an out of story objective that requires a crew to go off on a mission in a shuttle or anything, Cross would like to volunteer for that too.

I would also adore to write in the Ale and Raiders of the Lost crystals but I'll stand down and curb my enthusiasm. Hehe.

Re: Interregnum 01-02 Thread

Reply #5
I would like Kingston to join the Enemies of the Empire story prompt with Enyd. While Kobol is participating in the FNN and Therapy Prompts.

I too have interest in the Raiders Prompt as that sounds like fun! I think I'd place Kingston in that one.

I am aware that this is more then 2 Prompts at the same time but it really depends when they all are started. I have time to dedicate to them all as I have no active story threads at this stage.

Well that is unless anyone would like to do anything with Kingston or Kobol ;) Let me know.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Interregnum 01-02 Thread

Reply #6
After brief discord discussion a few of us are going to be doing a Theurgy fight night. It's not meant as a serious competition or anything, it's to blow off some steam while the crew has R&R. If you've seen the BSG episode "Unfinished Business" it'll follow the same format. Some basic rules:

1) Rank is left at the door. Unless there is a mid-gathering crisis of course.
2) To participate in the fights, your character drops their badge in a box. Anyone inside of that box is fair game to challenge. Regardless of rank or station.
3) The thread is open to everyone.
4) It's more of a boxing match than an MMA match. The characters aren't there to kill one another after all, just to let some steam off.
5) Fighting is not required. Characters can just show up and watch/chat/drink etc.

If anyone is particularly interested, please let me know, I'll tag you in the starter.

Re: Interregnum 01-02 Thread

Reply #8
Dude @BipSpoon ! I wants both Cross and Enyd in this! Cross because, well, he can fight, and Enyd because she's a doof. Of course, it entirely depends on when it happens, but I'm so interested (and I loved that episode!)

Re: Interregnum 01-02 OOC Thread

Reply #9
Set on the evening of Day 1, and with cooldown and travel time leading to an expected return before noon on Day 2, the Azurite Mission is posted!

Resident Niga: Azurite Station

If there are interested writers, PM me! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Interregnum 01-02 OOC Thread

Reply #10
@Sqweloookle and I are interested in Enemies of the Empire, though I'm curious if we can move the day to Day 4 since that concert party is the night of Day 3 and some folks who are interested may also be at the party and there may be some overlap. Anyone else interested in doing Enemies?

Re: Interregnum 01-02 OOC Thread

Reply #12
I’d be interested! @Ellen Fitz i think I’ve got free people that day. Will double check to be sure. Almost done with my other objective I believe.

Re: Interregnum 01-02 OOC Thread

Reply #13
Not against the idea of being kidnapped  by Mo'Kai loyalists mentioned in the newsletter, but it would be something I'd want to handle carefully.  Since ordering people around who're drugged out of their minds on Horny Submissive Juice is not something that Anh-Le is the most comfortable with.  That might be a decent one for the Red Herring objective? 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Interregnum 01-02 OOC Thread

Reply #14
@Sqweloookle and I are interested in Enemies of the Empire, though I'm curious if we can move the day to Day 4 since that concert party is the night of Day 3 and some folks who are interested may also be at the party and there may be some overlap. Anyone else interested in doing Enemies?
Interested as well. I know we were discussing it a bit a few days ago. Day 4 would be fine with me.

Re: Interregnum 01-02 OOC Thread

Reply #15
We are working on modifying the Tesla Shuttle into a More viable air support craft. If you have a character that has ever wanted to work on a shuttle, this is the project for them. It will take all three weeks of the interregnum, so there is plenty of time to drop in and drop out.

Week one thread is here... Ping myself or @uytrereee with questions.,3267.0.html

Re: Interregnum 01-02 OOC Thread

Reply #16
Updating this thread with a few current group threads in the Interregnum that are open to join, listed in chronological order:

Set in the Epilogue after the fighting has died down, this open group thread is available for those with injured characters who need treatment. Thanks goes to Tae for posting this!

This thread is open for everyone, regardless in which way your character(s) may have seen this ceremony. Be it in their quarters, the shuttle bay itself, or while doing repairs somewhere, the intercom carries the words, while the screens show the bay area and its speakers. Unless there are any more writers who want to post here, I will FIN it with my next post with Ives.

Concert! All writers are welcome to join in with their characters that meet the following conditions: 1) The Character is no higher ranked than Lieutenant 2) The Character is not a department head. This is intended as a fun thread for the 'junior' crew to get out, leave their rank at the door and just enjoy a night of fun! This is an optional thread so feel free to jump in and participate as you wish.  You can freely assume that your qualifying characters received an invitation on their personal terminals sometime during day 2 of the Interregnum.

A Theurgy fight night! Rank is left at the door. Unless there is a mid-gathering crisis of course. To participate in the fights, your character drops their badge in a box. Anyone inside of that box is fair game to challenge. Regardless of rank or station. The thread is open to everyone. It's more of a boxing match than an MMA match. The characters aren't there to kill one another after all, just to let some steam off. Fighting is not required. Characters can just show up and watch/chat/drink etc. If anyone is particularly interested, please contact BipSpoon.

If there are any others, feel free to post them here! If you don't know what to write, you can always check the Story Prompts page. If you find any threads you want to participate in, post here, or reach out in #writing-requests on the Discord server. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Interregnum 01-02 OOC Thread

Reply #17
Seeking expressions of interest in completing the following Story Prompt.

Point Defense Phaser Cannons
Based on salvaged tech from the abandoned palletized pod system that Thea depleted before they reached Aldea, PDPCs are developed to replace the old system, which grants point defence against incoming torpedo fire with automated phaser turrets that detect incoming enemy torpedo signatures. The Prompt is fulfilled at the conclusion of this installation, which was ordered by Ives to begin on Day 1, but the scene takes place on Day 6.

More Information Can Be Found Here.

Looking for two other writers. I will be writing T'Less in this thread.
Either reply here or PM here or DM on Discord.

Thank you everyone.

Re: Interregnum 01-02 OOC Thread

Reply #18
Would anyone be interested in joining me in this Story Prompt?

The Sheliak Data Converter | Tempus Sigillum
The encrypted data package sent by the Relativity gives Thea an alert, stating how - if the satellites in the future Temporal Defence Grid are to be pulled back to present time - the project requires several specific components, one of which is a specific one-of-a-kind Sheliak Data Converter (Model registry #961792). Theurgy officers are pre-chosen in accordance with the Relativity´s instructions - seemingly at random - to collect such a converter from a Klingon black market tech dealer. The officers are sent a written message from Captain Ives via their personal consoles to gather somewhere for a briefing. The officers are instructed on a need-to-know basis about the Tempus Sigillum parameters by Ives, the mission data saying that Klingon authorities must not be involved in any way, and that the dealer is somewhere in the wejDIch Quarter. The oral, off-the-logs, briefing is finished with Ives saying, "You cannot be affiliated with Starfleet or the Theurgy, and the information from the Relativity stated that the Orion Syndicate is supposed to purchase the component within two hours, so be quick, and be careful." Ives then leaves/beams back to the Theurgy to let the team begin.
In-Character Time: Day 11. 1900 hrs.
Necessaria | Requirements are:
The starting post must begin with Captain Ives leaving the location, the briefing finished.
Set a posting order in the first post
6 posts minimum per writer
Name the Klingon dealer
Locate the dealer in time
Survive the Orion Syndicate operatives
Desiderata | To earn Tokens, the amount for each marked as [ X ] Tokens:
[ 2 ] NPC the Klingon tech dealer and the Orion Syndicate operatives
[ 2 ] Somehow acquire the data converter by means of trade or from the hands of the Orion Syndicate
[ 2 ] Avoid having the officers become affiliated with the Theurgy or Starfleet.

I have a plan, if you want to wanna hear we can chat on Discord or DM?
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

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