[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Docking Bay Lounge of the USS Allegiant | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Away Team
When Jennifer Dewitt entered the docking bay lounge belonging to the Allegiant, almost all of the away team had been gathered already, their personal affects brought aboard the Manta-class scoutship, and they were having refreshments at the tables. Dewitt saw some of them glancing her way, knowing that a few would still just think of her as Miss 619 after she deposed Trent from command. Be that as it may, she had come to speak with Captain Ives about the arrangements for the mission in hir absence.
While she waited for Captain Ives to emerge from the aft airlock of the Allegiant, Dewitt looked at the small ship through the lounge's viewport. She could clearly see how the weapons rig inside the airlock had been removed since the battle at the apertures, and that the external graviton cannon - which had been indispensable against the Borg cube - had been removed as well. Likely because of the tremendous energy drain it caused when used, and how the Reman cloak that had been rigged on the Theurgy without much success had been installed on the Allegiant instead. Given the import of the mission, and the need for absolute discretion in leaving the safety of Aldea, the long-winded debated had settled on making use of the Reman cloak despite the violation against the Treaty of Algeron. A treaty the Theurgy had already violated during the mission so far, to Captain Ives' great disappointment.
Dewitt, however, was pleased that the final decision had landed on installing the Reman cloak on the Allegiant, because if Captain Ives was about to lead this away mission hirself, then she wanted their Commanding Officer as safe as possible. What would become of the mission if Ives was lost? She did not know, and didn't care to find out.
Soon enough, Dewitt saw how the Captain emerged from the Allegiant - in his male form - and she turned to the assembled away team in the lounge before Ives passed through the sliding doors. "Captain on deck!" she called, and folded her hands behind her back, standing to the side of the gathered officers.
When Ives entered the lounge, his smile was faint and fleeting, before he spoke. "At ease," he said, and glanced to the side at a couple of away team members that just arrived, yet to bring their personal belongings aboard the Allegiant. They would simply have to wait until the briefing was over. "Thank you for coming. You have all read the information that came with your orders, but before we head out, now is the chance to ask your questions."
There was silence in the pause, so Ives moved on, speaking while he slowly paced before the gathered team. "Two days ago, it came to our attention that the Head of Covert Operations in Starfleet Intelligence was one of the recipients of the real Simulcast. The one we had intended for all the Galaxy to see, but a traitor to the crew made sure that only a select few received. It was Junior Lieutenant Petterson - a former SFI operative - that brought the message from this recipient to us."
Dewitt saw how Ives inclined his head towards Donna Andersson, one of the new Lone Wolves who had come aboard in the Third Rendezvous zone. Dewitt remembered it well, how they had fought the Dauntless in the scarce minutes before Sankolov's fleet would arrive.
"They're vulnerable, Captain." Marquez indicated in the wake of the Thames' detonation, waiting for her order before opening fire. Dewitt rose to her feet without looking at him and the holo-table behind her, since the display area in front of the viewscreen showed the same tactical layout. She saw how the fighters harried the wounded beast, targeting propulsion and weapon systems, and there were excellent fighter tactics on display. Now, however, was the time for the wolves to return to their new den, in wait for the jump to warp. The fighters would, in all probability, not be able to keep up with the Vector, if F'Rell's solution turned out to be a viable option.
"Pick her teeth," she ordered, looking back at Marquez. "Precision firing, using the minimal energy output we have to it's greatest advantage. Like wielding a scalpel, disable her subspace comm array, her phaser emitters, fuse her torpedo tubes, destroy her transport emitters, and blind her sensors. Veradin! Work with Marquez to give him the firing angles he needs, but if you can, stay within transporter range to the Bellerophon. Natauna! Tell our new friends out there - and the Sabine - that it's time for combat landings. Tell them they have less than a minute!"
"Our mission now," Ives said, looking at the gathering while he spoke, "is to reach a subspace buoy that will enable secure and encrypted communication with this contact, and arrange for aid from behind enemy lines. I use the word 'enemy' with some liberty, because we must remember that Starfleet in general is merely ignorant of this domestic threat we face. The Infested are innocent hosts to a parasitic threat, and as we speak, our scientists and medical officers are working on a way to free these hosts from what's inside them."
During the pause, Ives came to a stop in front of the team. "Until then, we need to regroup, repair and ready ourselves for the next phase of our mission, which we will share with the Klingon Empire and whatever other allies we may find out there. Our new contact in Starfleet Headquarters is Rear Admiral Joseph Nerva Andersson, and we will speak with him directly in two days - when we reach our destination. Unless something unforeseen happens, we will return here at this hour, two days afterwards. Report on the orders you were all given, and if you have any, ask your questions now."
Dewitt waited where she stood until all the gathered officers had spoken.
OOC: For reference, the Away Team, and their individual orders!
Click here:
CO of the Allegiant:
- Captain Jien Ives @Auctor Lucan
CONN Officers (2, working in shifts):
- Ens. Mektari Dumral @Jubbles
- Lt. JG Donna Petterson @Stegro88
- Orders: Mektari: Chart a course towards the destination where the buoy awaits the Allegiant. Report should just state that it has been done. Petterson: Prepare a profile of the Rear Admiral which can be used to determine whether or not the offer of aid is genuine or if this might be subterfuge in order to expose the Theurgy.
Science Officer:
- Lt. Vanya @Jesaya
- Orders: Study the information provided by the Admiral on the subspace buoy and find means in which safe access can be guaranteed for the Allegiant. Accessing the buoy's subspace relay transponder must be safe - the Allegiant's location not to be revealed to Starfleet as a whole.
Operations Officer:
- Lt. JG Kelleshar sh'Zenne @Numen
- Orders: Ensure that the Allegiant's computer systems are up to specs after the battle, and report on the readiness of the Allegiant's power reserves to use the Reman cloak safely in transit to the subspace buoy. This, without compromising other systems aboard.
Security Officer:
- Lt. JG XamotZark zh'Ptrell @Zodiac
- Orders: Stock up the armoury in case they are boarded, review the personnel files of he away team to make sure they are cleared for duty and do not have any lingering medical/psychological issues.
Tactical Officer:
- Lt. JG Salem Martin @Masorin
- Orders: Weapons diagnostics run and the stockpile of micro torpedoes filled. Pulse phase cannons calibrated and ready.
- Sinead O'Riley @Triage + 1 NCO NPCs
- Orders: Full diagnostics run on the Allegiant's hardware, ensuring that propulsion, shield emitters, warp nacelles and hull integrity is sufficient after the latest battle. Warp core is to be primed and ready for the mission, and the Reman cloaking device safely installed in the engineering area with the help from Lorad or Samala. Also, access given to Samala to replicate parts for a new Reman cloak for the Apache. Coordinate specifics with @Stegro88 ! 
Medical Officer:
- Dr. George Hernandez (NPC) You all have 7 days to post before I have the scoutship launch on the 20th of July. Oh, and correct, the header says Part 03, and no, there has been no Part 2 posted for The Inside Man. The reason is simply that Part 2 - as seen in the Aldea Prime Calendar - is just a Senior Staff meeting where Ives informs about the ally in Starfleet Headquarters, this Rear Admiral Joseph Nerva Andersson that runs the Covert Operations section of Starfleet Intelligence. During this meeting, Ives also tells everyone that s/he will be leading the away team so that s/he can speak personally with this new ally. Given how the message sent by the Rear Admiral was for Ives personally, Ives has decided to take the Allegiant to the referenced subspace buoy. In his absence, which will last until 1700 hrs. on Day 07, First Officer Ranaan Ducote is in command at Aldea. @Top Hat & @Brutus ! If you feel like it, you are free to have Ducote and Stark see Ives off here. 
With this starter, the listed characters above can write any threads they like on the Allegiant together, as long as you take into account the events described during the mission in the Aldea Prime Calendar. I will also open up threads aside from this one with Ives pending interest.