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Topic: Chapter 04: True Nature [D06|0900] (Read 20336 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #75
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Into the Rabbit Hole | This Ain't Wonderland |  I Could Use a Druggy Caterpillar Right About Now]
@Auctor Lucan @Numen @Triage @steelphoenix

They were going into the vent systems. 

Zeph sighed.  She didn't mind tight enclosed spaces or anything, she didn't mind them in the least.  But the dark could get to her from time to time.  So long as the lights weren't red she would probably be fine.  She'd probably be find even if they were red, she hadn't had an episode in a while.  No flash backs in recent memory but she was always afraid that it was going to happen.  She supposed that one day that gut drop feeling she got when darkness descended would fade and she wouldn't even remember that was a thing any more, but, for now she could still feel her body's preparation for such an event.

Deep breath, Zeph.  Gotta keep together.  You're the only Doc.

The Captain turned to her and she gave a quick nod at the name she was called and then a quick smile.  “You got it.” she said warmly with a bright smile.  Zeph was the kind of person who's soul was lit up from the inside and she just seemed to brighten a room with her mere presence.  It was the kind of happiness that just settled well at her core.  Though she was curious what it was that could be done with the Radiant, how she could help them get through everything that was going on and how she could help get them back to their ship.  But, the Captain seemed to know what would help and Zeph didn't need to know the answer yet.  If she stuck around she would find out at some point.

Zeph got in line and they began to move forward.  She let the wrist light on her hand brighten her space just a little bit as did the others.  Casting odd shadows as they moved ahead but at least they could see a bit.  They moved and wormed through the ship and followed the lead of the Andorian that seemed to have at least an idea of where they were headed.  She just wanted to get out. 

I hope Khorin is okay.  I'd hate to get out of this and find out that something bad happened to him.  He's such a good guy.  I really want to get to know him better.  Maybe we can get a drink or a snack or something when things aren't so crazy.  I could do with some bacon...

Zeph mused to herself a little bit as she crawled after everyone and worked on keeping an eye on Heather.  Then, there were sounds ahead that threw Zeph out of her own head space.  She heard Ives asking another officer to work on some kind of translator, and Zeph wished that she had said gift but she didn't.  She couldn't even really use her empathy or telepathy because she didn't know the languages or the feel of the brains of the creatures.  It would all be foreign to her and would do them no good.  So all she could do was keep going forward and wait for another time when she could be actually useful.

A ceasefire was being called, the woman ahead of them said deciphering the odd tones that were coming from the intercom system of the whole ship.  Zeph smiled.  “Good job.” she said to no one inparticular but honestly it was meant for the man that Commander Tiran had allied with.  The fact that he was holding to his bargain so far, the fact that he was doing what needed to be done to set his race back to rights was a good thing.  He had a good heart, Zeph believed that just about any race out there had those of good hearts and those of shaded hearts.  She knew that every race had those natures the differing poles of personalities.  Both like herself and like Commander Tiran.  Though, the thing she had noticed about Tiran was that her shell was all on the outside.  A slight glimpse into what was underneath it when she was falling asleep had Zephyr understanding about the young human woman a whole lot more than most around her.  Watching her with Lieutenant Cross this morning, how they teamed up after a night of sleeping side by side.  It was something to see.  Knowing that while she might be sharp tongued commander Tiran had not lost her desire to be accepted and be someone that others found merit in.  She didn't seek it but let it seek her out. 

Heather mentioned something about being able to walk and slid down.  “Wai-” Zeph tried but the girl collapsed underneath the weight of her own body or .. her weak muscles.  “You're not quite ready for all of that just yet.” she chuckled warmly at the young woman.  “Give it time, you're body is brand new and not quite ready for all the activity your mind would want.  Let us take care of you a bit longer while your body finishes getting ready.  A step at a time.”

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #76
[LCdr Blue Tiran |  Patience; A Skill Not Possessed | Nefarious Plans for Tin Cans | Genius Amid Chaos | Fixin' Shit]
@Auctor Lucan @patches @Fife

Shit shit shit shit fuck shit.  Who the fuck created these mother fucking conduit cables?!

Blue Tiran was a mess as she stood there attaching Thea to the conduit system that would allow her positronic brain access to the mainframe of the Versant computer systems.  Allowing her to effectively take over the ship, or at the very least, get word out of where the fuck they were so people could fucking come get them al-fucking-ready.  Lack of sleep, no joys, and a dead fiance made Blue a really pissed off woman.  Not to mention that her day had been pretty shit.  Cross had lost a mother fucking hand, R'Rori had lost her mother fucking fur, and Blue had a nasty gash in her leg that was still throbbing though no longer leached bodily fluids.

Pain was a distant thought though, of course it hurt like a son of a bitch, and wouldn't stop throbbing but she was concentrating on something else and if Blue was talented at anything more than Engineering and Hacking it was compartmentalizing her life.  She had brushed off any and all attempts made by anyone around her to fix the fucking thing.  She supposed that she should have someone look at it but right now the most important thing was to get Thea all hooked up and ready to go.  Someone, less intelligent, would have made horrible jokes about poking about in ports.  Blue was not such a person she was all about getting this shit done because all she really wanted to do was go fucking home.

Fuck, I'm tired.

Another snap as two cables sorted together quickly and she twisted to lock them into place quickly before she looked at it to make sure that it was properly aligned and wouldn't fall out or come loose.  That's all they really needed right now was a little jiggle to start the whole fucking thing over again. 

[Miss Blue, you are aware that the Starfleet Standard conduits are not perfect alignment grids for the Savi interfacing that you are trying to merge.  The two varying technology is not created to meld in this way.]

“No shit, Sherlock.”  Blue grumbled as she grabbed another one of Thea's cable ports and dug into her bag for the tool she had been using to bend shit to her will and make it fit the Savi parts she was working with.

[I fail to see how a fictional character has anything to do with this situation.]

“I fail to see how you nattering on like an old bitch is getting us anywhere.”

Albert shuffled slightly on her shoulder, if he could have lifted his feathers to be ruffled the likely would have.  He had no feelings but he did not quite understand the reason Blue was so pessimistic when he was only offering careful advice.

[I was unaware you made any changes to my outward appearance, Miss Blue, last I recall you had me styled like an Earth bound noctural bird like creature.]

“A quieter one too.”  Blue said with no shortage of snark as she tossed her pliers back in her bag.  She double checked the Savi provided port before merging her handi work with it and twisting it in place.  Digging further into the bag she pulled out a small roll of electrical tape and began to wrap around junction to further secure it.  Tearing at it with her teeth.

[I would recommend a cutting implement.  Dental specialists request that teeth not be used as tools.]

“Dental specialists can get fucked right in line with you.”  Blue said, as Echtand came on the loud speaker and she looked up from her work for a moment.  She couldn't tell what he was saying but she sure as fuck knew his voice.  “What the fuck is Moby going on about?”

[If you mean Ecta-]

“No, I mean Moby, can't you understand code names.  Initiate protocol eleven delta six one four.”

Albert's eyes went bright blue for two seconds then back to his normal blue.  [Protocol initiated.]

“Well at least that shit still works.  Replace Echtand with Moby until we are off the Versant safely.”

Beeps and chirps, sounds that Blue had heard for years chimed and then his blue eyes flickered again.  [Protocol eleven delta six one four complete.  Moby.]


Blue looked over at her shoulder.  The tension in the room hadn't lessened by one fucking degree.  There were all the guns, all the death power, the laser beams, the teal beams of death from one side or the other.  She wasn't keen on anyone firing.  She wasn't in a place to protect herself since she was elbow deep in getting Thea up and running on this ship.  Moby's voice boomed over head but she tried hard to tone it out since she couldn't tell what he was saying anyway and it was only distracting her from everything she needed to do.

[Miss Blue, it would behoove you to leave my current programming intact.  Altering my current programming format could alter the personality matrix that has been initiated by the Savi.]

“Wouldn't that be a mother fucking tragedy.” she grumbled angrily as she worked on the last junction port for Thea and the Versant.  Blue ducked underneath where Thea was and got her tools ready to twist and work the metal to something that was at least slightly compatible.  It wasn't perfect, she could have done better as a grade schooler if she'd had a bit better tools but she was making use of what she had and doing a damn fine job at it.

[Contrary to your constant need to verbally abuse those around you, including myself, I believe you have some sort of attachment to me.]

“You just keep right on believin' that.”

[I do recall a certain embrace when I was liberated from my metallic cage.] he reminded and if she wasn't crazy she swore she detected a hint of smugness to his words.

“I also recall threatening to recycle you.  The offer is still valid.” she quickly retorted before she twisted the last junction into place and secured with the same tape.  She ripped it with her teeth and stepped back looking up at Thea.

“You're all set, give her a whirl.  Be careful, we don't know what being honest to God connected to this shit storm could do to you.  If you detect anything fucky get the fuck out.  I'll be right here to cut the cables if necessary.”  Blue pulled out a large pair of scissors with large teeth perfect for puncturing such tubing as she had gotten Thea hooked up with. 

Now Thea had to do her thing. 

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #77
[ Hylota Vojona | Denary Biolab | Main Research Hull | The Versant ]

Hylota almost completely missed the message that was being broadcast to the ship, she got the general idea, but she was much more interested in her egg, and more specifically the image that was projected above its stasis container. Hylota reached out a and pawed at the holographic image, the being depicted was distinctly Ovri in most regards, but in others it was clearly as Maal had been. Her child had Maal's strong jaw and powerful build, if not for the more bright and colorful body markings Hylota would have thought the child to have been her daughter. Her son was beautiful in her eyes, and she had a feeling that based on what she knew of Klingon biology, he would be a wonder in the eyes of geneticists, perhaps being the gateway behind a new step in Ovri development. Then again her son was a strange hybrid and would likely not be considered a stable subject by Ovri standards. She was certain he would have the attention of the planetary guard. If her son had the mind for combat perhaps he would grow up to hold a seat on a council one day." Hylota smiled softly before she looked back to the stasis module and deactivated the hologram before turning to look at the few crew who were still with her and taking stock of the situation.

Hylota listened to the last few moments of the call to the Savi crew to stand down and do whatever had been so important. Honestly Hylota did not care, the Savi were an interesting curiosity, they shared superficial traits with the Ovri and a coincidental name similarity to boot. Hylota did not see a point in concerning herself with their matters any further, so long as they followed through with their commitment to stop abducting people and leaving her and her child alone. So long as her child was not put in danger again. "Alright, we need to get out of here, I am sure that Nerina had things under control on her end, we need to make our way back to the rest of the group, if things are going to devolve into a civil war around us we will want to seek out strength in numbers." Hylota did not know the fate of her brother, but considering who he had rushed off after, she was certain that he would be safe with the others, as things were right now, her group was either going to head down the same path as the rest of their team had gone, or they would be heading off to regroup with another team. Hylota figured there would be able to link back up Khorin, K'Ren, Nerina and her brother sooner or later. They would be safe on their own, she trusted Khorin and Nerina.

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #78
[ Unknown Medical Bay | Precept-ship Versant ] attn: @Auctor Lucan @Brutus @chXinya @Masorin

There was a long moment in which nothing happened. The Ante at the controls of the examination table had not moved an inch since the Andorian had grabbed the other Ante. And then had come the transmission. Both Ante listened enraptured to it, to the words that torn into their very existences, they barely knew how to react. Of course, they were scientists, they had to confirm, but deep in their hearts, they knew the truth of the words spoken. A great sin had been committed and if it was to be undone, they would need to act.

The only question was how to move forward.

The ante at the controls, Botand gi Versant, felt in his bones that the answer would not be found in the stomach contents of some specimen, If there was an answer, it could only be found by looking at their history and learning from it. They had blinded themselves to the past and thus had fallen. Perhaps they had been purposefully blinded, that was not impossible, but as Botand saw it, they were blind all along.

"The radiant lifeform was decompiled some time ago," Botand said after a moment. His long fingers moved over the controls to pull up the Radiant lifeforms file. "Her usefulness proved at an end and she was ordered to be decompiled in front of the aspect-maker in an attempt to bend the aspect maker's will." His voice was emotionless, these were facts, not open for debate or emotional interpretation. They were on file for all to see. he would pull up the file and show them, and hope they did not take out their frustrations on the Antes. The file sprang up before him and he noticed something.

There was new information.

His dark eyes moved over the text quickly. "Or perhaps not as much as it would seem," Botand said his dark eye growing wide. "it would seem Echtand attempted to do something quite difficult. There is no data here on its success, but the process was begun to recompile your crewmate. I believe if you get this specimen to the Radiant lifeform within an acceptable amount of time, you may save her life. Only the Radiant Lifeform can stimulate the correct photogenic receivers, Should the Radiant Lifeform not have been properly recompiled, it is likely this specimen will die."

The probe shining the light on Lahkesis withdrew. "I can do no more with the equipment I have here, if you release my colleague we may be able to run a scan and see if we can locate the Radiant Lifeform so that you may reunite with it sooner," Botand said. He looked to his colleague. Both had made up their minds. If they were meant to die, it would be as tools of this great reformation. Standing in the way of these specimens desire for their freedom would not further that goal.

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #79
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai | Day 6 | Denary Biolab  | Biolabs | The Versant ]
Attn:  @Auctor Lucan  @Zenozine  @SummerDawn

A voice broke the silence.

At first, Khorin couldn't identify it, but it had familiar timbres. The voice sounded strangled and pained, almost as a death rattle. The pilot looked for the source of that agonyzing sound, but it seemed to come from everywhere, broadcasted by the Versant inner comm system. The voice also seemed to come from a closer spot, from the padd that the Scion's attack had taken from his arm and rested on the other side of the metal table. He could also hear the voice on Vinata's wrist, so that Moby's voice formed a strange chorus around them, voices repeating several times in an alien disharmony. The Klingon kept his body in tension as the words spread out around them, exposing the internal conflict that had been unfolding around them, a budding civil war that threatened to take over the humungous starship.

A sideway grin bloomed in his face. It was delicious that his own captors were the executors of his revenge killing themselves without outside interventions. If the conflict intensified to reduce that shit-hole to some scattered metal debris drifting in the nebula, Khorin would be more than satisfied. In any case, that the Savi were distracted by their own internal problems would possibly facilitate their scape. Khorin couldn't keep his mind in this line of thoughts, due a sudden twinge of pain made him look towards Vinata again.

The nurse seemed to have finished using the osteogenerator on his ribs and was checking if the device had made its work properly. The slender blue fingers pinched his tender flesh and that was what had caused the painful pang. The Klingon grunted in exasperation and turned away from the nurse, trying to keep his features from showing the discomfort he felt. He needed to show a stoic behaviour, without Nerina, the others would need someone to follow. And he'll try to do his best to keep them toguether and safe.

"Enough, Vinata, we can not lose more time." He adressed the Ovri with all the calm he was able to muster. Around them the echoes of Moby's voice had gone out, leaving only the ever-present murmur of the starship's engines. "Our ally seems to have enough problems of his own, we can't count on his help anymore. We'll need to Commander Blue's hideout by our own means" he mused aloud, frowning deeply with his thick eyebrows.

Following the thread of his thoughts, he crossed the circular room until he reached the other side of the metal table. His steps were rigid and his arm protested with each of his movements, but he had to recognize that Vinata's ministration had alleviated part of the damage of his body. He was far from being at his best, but at least it wouldn't be a burden on the rest of the group.

He crouched down carefully and retrieved the Savi's padd from the spot it'd been dropped. The device had a scratched screen and some dents in its surface, but it still seemed to be more or less functional. Khorin deposited it on the table and tapped on its surface, trying to find a map of the starship or, if he was lucky, a communication system that would allow him to contact the rest of the teams.

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #80
[ Deacon | Day 6 | Air Ducts | Main Research Hall | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan  @Triage  @BZ  @Numen @FollowTomorrow 

Deacon moved quietly through the ducts in pursuit of the rest of the team.  He spared no thought for the confinement around him -- claustrophobia was, blissfully, never a problem.  On homeworld, even at his full height, he was still considerably smaller than the pure blooded kzinti of his age and where that might be seen as a weakness among soldiers, as a priest, it allowed him to often go unnoticed, allowed him to observe without being observed.  Cast among humans, however, the situation had changed overnight, causing him to do nothing but stand out, towering over most, and although the Savi had seemingly stripped away some of his height in their misguided efforts to 'purify' him, he still felt awkwardly over-sized next to the others.

A broadcast seemed to reverberate around the ship, jarring in its abruptness.  Some of the team paused to review the PADDs in their possession which, to their fortune, had been set to translate the alien tongue.  Deacon couldn't help himself but to attempt to compare the translation to the words spoken, his years of linguistic training refusing to set academic curiosity aside.  If given half the opportunity, he would need to find a way to master this language as well -- assuming they survived long enough to return to the ship and resources permitting.

A ceasefire?  After all this?  Part of him scoffed, although he was hard pressed to say whether it was hit kzinti upbringing or the desire to carve out some personal retribution. The team closed ranks, whispering among one another, their hushed conversations seeming to echo in the shafts, but it was not the sound that brought a twinge along Deacon's spine.  Loud as they were, it was nothing compared to the ephemeral wave of emotion that he had begun to recognize and dread.

Until now, nerves had given way to singular focus, dedication, courage.  It had been all but indistinguishable from his own.  It had required no particular effort to filter out, allowing him to ride the moment with the others.  Now, adrenaline was wearing thin, and he knew he'd lost a fair amount of blood in the exchange -- he was pushing limits he'd never had before, physically and mentally.  Now, the emotional tide had shifted.  The spotlight of focus exploded into a spectrum -- hope, fear, courage... but more-so than those felt by his team, he could feel their pursuers, the Savi dispatched to harrow their escape.  From them he felt confusion.

His shoulder hit the side of the crawl way, a hand covering his eyes in a futile effort to filter out the intangible.  "F...focus..." he whispered to the others, voice tinged by the phantasmal pain, lips curled back and fangs bared.  "Too many emotions... too close... need to focus... c-calm them..."

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #81
[ Lt. Cross | Lab Somewhere Near The Machine Intelligence Labs | The Versant ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @patches @BZ

Cross ducked back into cover behind a console and adjusted the way his phaser rifle rested on his left arm. Between the loss of his left hand and the dose of painkillers, he had been having some difficulty keeping the arm braced against the weapon. Finding himself satisfied with how the stump supported the rifle, Cross leaned out from cover and fired several shots, the bright orange tracers left in his eyes from the lancing energy bursts mingled with the different colors of the Savi beams that streaked past him, narrowly missing him. He saw a Savi fall to one of his beams, the rifle once more set to stun, and ducked back into cover.

Cross glanced to the side as he once again adjusted the way his left arm supported the weapon, his eyes falling on R’Rori taking cover behind another console. S/he still carried with hir the medical case, but s/he also held a hand phaser as well, though had yet to fire it. ”R’Rori!” Cross called out to hir as he blinked away the residual tracers left in his vision from the weapons fire that streaked through the air. He ducked out and fired several more shots blindly in the Savi’s direction before withdrawing back into cover again and calling out to the counsellor once more. ”R’Rori, you need to fire that weapon!”

Cross found himself grateful that he had only taken a small dose of the painkillers R’Rori had given him. He could certainly feel their effects, his mind feeling somewhat sluggish. Thankfully his reactions, and the handling of the weapon, were unaffected as the Vulcan continued to fire at their captors, his body operating almost on autopilot. As Cross ducked out of cover and fired several more busts, dropping another of their bulb-headed assailants, he could hear Blue and Albert bickering somewhere off behind him. Despite the gravity of the situation, the fact that they had enemies trying to kill them while they, in turn, were not permitted to kill the Savi, Cross found himself smiling. It was hard not to, hearing how frustrated Blue was getting.

Another shot. Another Savi fell. Another growl from the aggravated engineer, something about Alberta behaving like an “old bitch”. The owl didn’t seem to understand what the words implied, which Cross suspected would only serve to further aggravate Lieutenant Commander Tiran. It was a shame that he had to keep fighting to keep their attackers at bay. Cross would have loved to watch Blue’s reactions to the exchange with her mechanical friend.

Cross ducked out again, pushing those thoughts away as he fired another volley. His mind was foggy, but he knew he had to keep the Savi back, away from Blue and the Theurgy AI as they finished their work. His head swam, his arm pulsed with faint pain, the majority of it dulled by the painkillers, and his eyes burned with rage that he couldn’t properly exact on the Savi since Moby had restricted the use of deadly force. Cross saw another Savi fall before he ducked back into cover, several Savi beams striking the deck plating where he had just been.

Whatever Blue and the AI were doing, Cross could only hope they were going to do it soon.

OOC: Sorry for the delay in posting! I haven't been able to post much recently, but that won't be the case going forward.

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #82
[ USS Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854 | Machine Intelligence Labs | The Versant ] Attn: All
While the abductees from Starfleet returned fire, covering Blue Tiran while she worked, Thea had continued to aid as best as she could - picking off Savi with her hand phaser. This, while the Savi voice on the intercom spoke of a great treachery amongst their own.

At this point, when Lieutenant Cross and Thea were the only ones firing back, the rest having fallen except for the Counselor named R'Rori. There was a strange shift in the lines of the opposing forces. Lieutenant Commander Tiran was still working behind Thea - Albert talking in an unconcerned tone despite the firefight - when the green beams gradually ceased to come. This, Thea observed, because of the call of a cease-fire. Her brown eyes darted between the Savi and Cross, and Thea held out her hand to the Vulcan. "Hold. I believe they might comply with the word of this Voice."

That was when Tiran finished, and Thea could feel it. The power output was higher than necessary to boot her positronic brain, but her brain's energy transformer did manage to protect her circuitry, she believed, because the next moment... her mobile emitter found the subspace synchronisation link, and the processors and subroutines of her stand-alone emitter was suddenly slaved to her true brain. Eyes darting between the hesitant Savi that faced her, she spoke to Cross, R'Rori and Tiran - and Albert.

"I have access," she said quietly during the standoff, phaser still raised. Three simple words, so inadequate to describe all that was happening behind her eyes. "Processing..."

The words of the Voice had died out by that time, and eventually, one of the Antes spoke up. "We have orders not to shoot you, specimens, and we have to study the new Code before we know the proper protocol to deal with you. Will you stand down? If you don't, we'll have to end this the way it began." The Savi looked at Blue Tiran and back to Thea, evidently familiar with what she was, judging by his next set of words. "Regardless what the Code says, you cannot remain connected to our ship. You are an A.I., and that means you represent a danger to all the lives aboard the Versant. If you do not disconnect, we still have to protect our ship, our mates, and our offspring."

Thea was still processing, but she spoke nonetheless. "Then we have no guarantees. I will remain connected, until you lay down your arms, and ensure the safety of any other surviving abductees."

"We cannot accept those terms, not while we are at risk," said the Savi, not yielding, and the seven Antes raised their arms anew. "Disconnect, and you live. You will be taken to the Commanding Officer. I can take you there myself. Yet you have ten seconds to power down that thing you've connected to our ship."

Thea ran one last diagnostic, before she turned her head to Blue Tiran. "It's okay. Do what he says. The odds of our survival are higher than expected."

She then looked at Cross, her face unreadable. She could not say it...

...but she had done what she needed. 

[ Captain Ives | Maintenance Tunnels | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: All
In the maintenance tunnels, Ives carefully read what Echtand was saying, the tablet she'd been handed translating the noises on the intercom into text. When the silence returned to the tunnel, only she shuffle of bodies in the darkness heard, Jien was not quite sure what she'd make of the outcome. It appeared the Savi were ahead of them were silent too - their emotions revealed by Deacon.

It took a full minute before another voice called out from ahead of them, and it appeared that this Savi in the tunnel might have activated some kind of universal translator system, because the words were in Federation Standard.

"This team of eight Savi will comply with the word of the Voice, until further notice," said the contralto tone of a female Ante, a decision likely made. The echo of the statement rolled over the abductees in the tunnel. "We will adhere to the cease-fire, and we will retreat the way we came from. I would recommend that you come the same way, and our Commanding Officer can decide the next action in your regard. The eight of us extend this offer only once, to take you to the bridge, because if what the Voice said is true - and you ended the life of a Scion that sought to corrupt us - you deserve protection until the information about the Scion Directive has undergone scrutiny by the full population of the Versant."

As much ill fortune that Jien and her crew had suffered for months on end, it was odd when the realisation came to her. They had been fortunate indeed, that the Savi that faced them actually had listened, and put credence in Echtand's words. Jien did not wish to think about the other kind of scenario, where sceptic Savi would have begun a fire-fight in the tunnels. Since the Savi had those graviton weapons, it would not have been a short battle indeed.

There was no trust on Jien's part, having undergone a lot at the hands of the Savi, but she was also a Starfleet officer, and did believe that the alternatives to continued battle were always better. She gave it careful consideration, looking at the faces around her in the darkness, before she made the decision. "If there is a risk for civil war on this ship, and you are offering protection... we will follow you."

[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Unknown Medical Bay > Bridge Module | The Versant ] Attn: All
Afterwards, Ida could hardly remember what kind of verbal exchange had passed between her and Shall in relation to the forceful way the Stellar Cartographer had tried to gain access to research data on the experiment they had undergone. Sufficed to say, she'd made Shall stand down, and both the present Savi had made good on their word - working along the premise that Sarresh Morali had suggested, and tried to locate the Radiant.

The results of this endeavour wasn't immediate, however, since the suits they all wore suppressed biosigns. When there were results, the Savi had received word already. Someone, not Echtand, was coordinating the matter of the specimens, and the standing order was that any specimens encountered were to be transported to the Bridge Module. When Ida heard this from Botand, as he'd introduced himself, they had also learned that Heather McMillan was there. She had no way of knowing what exactly had been done to the Radiant, but time was precious.

Ida did not trust the Savi in any regard, but she would respect the cease-fire if it held true. As much she ordered the present team as well... before they were transported to out of the medical bay....

...and into a large area with soaring viewscreens. The lights of the Azure Nebula shone upon Ida's face as she looked around, and saw other flares of transporter lights. More faces known to her, seen in Blue Tiran's hideout. They were being gathered on the open floor of this alien bridge, apparently out of consent. Ida's concern was the member of her team that was dying, however, so her immediate words were a call for aid. "Heather McMillan!" she said, looking around at the abductees in black suits. They were fewer than the original fifty-seven, and it didn't take long to spot Captain Ives - which on it's own was a sight for sore eyes to Ida. Their Commanding Officer was alive, even if the suit she worse seemed torn and damaged.

"This is McMillan, Lieutenant." The Captain gestured towards an unknown woman.

Ida supposed what the Savi had said might have something to do with the new face the woman wore. "Come, Doctor Saugn needs you." Having said this, she led the way to the dying Teslyliac duplicate, and at the demand from the Savi, the two were taken into an adjacent area, since the Savi had an aversion to light. Their former captors allowed others to accompany Saugn and McMillan too. This was also when Ida noticed that there were armed and armoured Ante guards around the bridge, and instinctively, she moved to touch her phaser...

...only to find that it was gone.

"By Lor'Vela," she swore, not liking how all the abductees had been stripped of their weapons when relocated to the bridge of the Versant. But as a Security officer, she could understand the sentiment. If they were on the bridge of the ship, she wouldn't have allowed aliens to bear arms there either, not about to risk the lives of their senior officers. It seemed, however, after she'd glanced towards what Morali carried with him, that the transporter protocol had merely collected their weapons, and hadn't recognised the Omega Device. Quietly, she moved to the former Ash'reem, looking at all the Savi eyes around the bridge that were watching them.

"Keep that out of sight," she whispered, just as a female Ante stepped up to the imposing command chair of the bridge.

Where is this 'Echtand'? Ida wondered idly, while she hoped that Doctor Saugn would make it.

[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Bridge Module | The Versant ] Attn: All

With her back to the view of the Azure Nebula, the lens of V-Nine's cranial unit moved over the specimens in the centre of the bridge. Her medical protocols assessed them all from afar, noticing lacerations and bruising, but without proper scans, she could not make a detailed diagnosis of their overall health. The suits they were prevented scans as well, so her efforts proved quite inconclusive.

The surgical android entered an idle mode instead, listening to the words of the Commanding Officer, who stood before the centre chair, addressing the specimens below her. She was holding a graviton weapon in one hand, and kept her other towards her side. She looked dishevelled, and not far from the bridge, weapons fire could be heard. Likely a Scion attacking again, trying to retake the bridge. V-Nine didn't care much about the fight for command, but her programming made her wish to treat the female Ante at the first given opportunity.

"I am Sclergyn qi Versant," the Ante announced to the specimens, her voice tight, "and as stated in the Old Code, when a Commanding Officer dies, his or her Mate assumes the duties of the lost Savi... until there is a new candidate chosen by the High Council. It is stated."

"It is stated," came the affirmation from Antes present on the bridge.

"You are here, Aspect-Maker and members of the Federation..." she said, still standing, and not taking the empty seat behind her. It was as if she did not want to sit in it, " the virtue of the Old Code and a promise I made to my Mate. Right now, the Scions and those who have yet to read and accept the Old Code are fighting us. This area is the heart of the ship, and we who are enlightened will not yield it. Your hideout was compromised, so we could not return you there either, and I believe all who are still alive have been accounted for."

A woman that V-Nine did not know by name, but her sensors quickly singled out as the Aspect-Maker, stepped forward and spoke. "My condolences," she said, and there was no telling how earnest she was. V-Nine did not know such social aspects well enough, especially not in the cultural variations of the Federation. "Am I to understand that you will free us, because of this old law that you now follow? Furthermore, do you know about the efforts we've taken to aid the Voice?"

Sclergyn gestured towards the tablet mounted on her wrist. "I know it all," she said, and V-Nine had no means of judging the weight behind those words. "And yes, he told me that the Old Code should apply to your care as well. You have not just earned it. You should not have been taken to begin with."

Captain Ives took a moment to think. "The Voice told us - after Semathal died - that he might give us what we needed to restore those who were altered in the Correction Program. Will you uphold this promise as well?"

"If this ship was operating under normal circumstances, I would have devoted all our xenobiologists to aid you as swiftly as possible. Unfortunately, this ship is in no state to handle such an undertaking, and it would be at the risk of your lives as well."

"So you are saying 'No'," said Ives, and even V-Nine could read the facial expression of the Aspect Maker when she said it.

Sclergyn took the comment in stride, likely already having an alternative offer. Perhaps she was just weary. V-Nine did not know. "I would have offered to send a group of Savi with you. Unfortunately, they can't breathe the air on your ships. Unlike the Scions, we are forced to breathe only neonox, like you have been breathing since you arrived. Instead, I am willing to send something else with you. Something that you need more than we do."

Then, Sclergyn looked towards V-Nine, and the android stepped out along the elevated podium when the Commanding Officer of the Versant beckoned for her to come. Sclergyn spoke again. "The Scion Directive was supposed to automate the Flotilla, replace us Antes with machinery and holograms for all tasks except those worthy the Scions' attention. This... is an android that was supposed to replace the needs of Antes in the biolabs. Her full name is Vigenary Model I-9, but the project's name was simply V-Nine. While I am not too familiar with our robotics division, I know she is the prototype of our most advanced android project, and while her chassis is unfinished, lacking refinements and organic appearence, I have been informed that this surgical android will be able to fulfil the Voice's promise to you. She will be able to reverse all the Corrections made, once all the medical data has been uploaded into her system."

V-Nine turned her cranial unit towards the arrayed species below her, her lens focusing on them. She had no personal reflection on her fate of leaving the Versant, but since she was fitted with programs for a pleasant bedside manner, a prompt for a greeting entered her runtime.

"Greetings, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am V-Nine, but you may call me 'Vi', if you wis-"

The static of her feminine voice, heard through a speaker on her cranial unit, was cut short when there was more weapons fire heard from afar. But after a few moments, it became quiet again. At his point, V-Nine's greeting was forgotten, and Sclergyn was about to speak to the gathered Federation officers again. Only this time, humanoids behind the Aspect-Maker began to talk, asking questions, and V-Nine cancelled the process of her introduction.

OOC: Sorry for the lengthy post, but I had some ground to cover. All abductees still alive are now on the bridge of the Versant, stripped of weapons, except for Lahkesis Saugn and Heather McMillan (+1-2 if you want), who are in an adjacent room for the light treatment. Seven days of posting begins now, and I will have Sclergyn, Ives and my new character V-Nine reply then, ending the Chapter. I had first thought I could do it in this post, but I think the next would be more prudent.

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #83
[LCdr Blue Tiran | The Truth of the Situation | Hope in the Darkness | Can't Catch a Fucking Break]
@Auctor Lucan @Fife @patches @Numen @steelphoenix @everyone-else

Thea began to power up, and Blue had to admit she was slightly jealous that she could not do so herself.  She had tinkered with the systems via the pad Echtand had given her but she couldn't read the Savi language and their programming language was nothing like anything she had read before.  She had been unable to do much of anything much less get in.  So she had left it alone she did not wish to set off any alarm bells or anything like that.  She didn't want to fuck everything up so she hadn't.  She wouldn't risk the plan, or the survival of so many people over the desires to hack into the system.  Thea, being artificial could do so with ease.

The Savi were firing in the direction of Cross and R'Rori.  Albert was oddly quiet on her shoulder at the moment.  His metallic claws were rather painful as he retained his position there by his own hinges and pully systems built into the claws by yours truly.  She had long ago altered her usual uniforms to have a specific spot for him to clasp onto so he wouldn't hurt her, but this Savi shit had nothing like that and so while uncomfortable it was actually good.   There was a bit of pain involved.  Pain was good.  Pain was focus.  Pain was the kind of thing that kept her mind sharp.

Thea was whiring and making all the proper noises to say that she was doing her fucking magic on the system while Echtand's voice faded and the others began to speak.  The whole fire fight stopped, she could hear the demands.  They would stop as long as she got Thea disconnected from the system that she was not allowed to do it.

“Fucking controlling mother fuckers.”  Blue muttered under her breath in a way that only Thea would be able to hear though she was likely far too fucking busy to listen anyway.

Thea and the Fuckers, which should totally be a band name, were exchanging conversation about whether she should remain connected or not.  Blue stood there listening to the whole thing.  Disconnect or else.  Nope, she wasn't gonna, you moon faced mother fuckers.  Then they were all but we have to protect our babies.  Blue rolled her eyes and nearly said something that would likely cost all the progress they had made so she literally bit her tongue to keep herself from doing so.  Finally, Thea mentioned that she was ready to be disconnected.

Blue was also running diagnostics on Thea.  Because she was connected to the unknown.  The PADD in her hand was scrolling with all the information from before she was fully hooked up to the Death Ship and it was comparing it to the after.  Another window gave her the read out of the processes that were being completed.  Her eyes widened when Thea gave her the order to disconnect.  But, it wasn't the order that caused her eyes to widen it was what Thea had done.

She gave Thea a knowing smirk and quickly began to disconnect her.  It was far easier to disconnect than to connect, the ports she had fucked with would have to be fixed properly once they were back on an actual ship but for the time being they would work well enough.  She picked up Thea once she was fully disconnected and held her in her arms as she turned to the others. 

“Thea she h-”

The cool tingling feeling of the transport beam encircled what was left of the crew and they were suddenly taken away from the Savi who pointed guns at them.  When they rematerialized Blue looked around, she had to look a sight.  Deathly pale, overly thin, with a mechanical blue-eyed owl on her shoulder, and carrying Thea's positronic brain in her arms.  Her own blue eyes, circled in heavy shadows from her time here on the ship looked around and noticed the woman that was entering the room.  Her brows furrowed.  Afterall, that should be Echtand not some female.  Where was Echtand.  Her eyes darted to the side. 

Fear filled her guts.

Had it all failed?

Were they about to die? 

Was it all fucking over?

They fucking killed all those fucking aliens and for what?!

Blue's free hand grabbed at Cross' only hand.  Holding onto it tightly.  Her breaths were shallow, there was a cold sweat breaking out on her fore head, her neck, and she couldn't feel her legs, but she was standing.  Sheer will power, and the fact that she refused, even in the end to be a fucking weak person.  Still, her calloused hand held onto the Vulcan the only sign that she was having any kind of issue.  R'Rori would want to have a fucking pow wow right now, and Blue couldn't talk about all the shit that was going on in her head, heart, and soul.  She just fucking needed someone strong for two minutes, while her brain processed all the incoming input.

Her name was unpronounceable by human standards.  Basically, if Blue ever had to say it out loud she planned to just hawk a lougie.  It'd probably sound similar at this point. 

Commanding officer dies... what the fuck?!

Blue gripped Cross' hand harder, unaware that it might hurt or be uncomfortable, he was literally all that was keeping her upright at this point.  They had come so fucking far and if they were completely unable to get off this fucking death boat she knew that she wouldn't make it outside this room.  Her body had been through enough, her mind was spend, she had nothing left.

Some woman stepped forward and offered condolences.  She was one of them, but Blue had never met the woman, seen the woman, she could only imagine that she was of import to all of this.  Maybe she was the lost Captain, the one that they had needed to save.  Her eyes flickered across the room as the people around them beamed in here and there.  The bitch that tried to soothe her soul earlier was there, the weird Klingon that she hung out with was there too.  She could do without the puke inducing cuddles right now though.  The Captain and the Woman exchanged pleasantries.

We want to be fucking fixed!

We can't do that!

But you promised! 


They were being gifted a robot.  Blue's eyes shifted over and sized up the white and metallic matrix that made up this beauty.  Ohhhh fuck me twice from Sunday I want to play with that!  As the thing spoke, Blue looked back over at the woman that was standing in the center of the room, and she worked her way forward.  Letting go of Cross' hand as she shoved herself forward, stumbling slightly because she was tired.. so tired, and she needed to know.  As she broke out of the crowd and stepped up next to the Captain because.. well .. this was Blue Tiran and she didn't really give a shit about ranks.  Especially here.

“What the fuck happened to Echtand!?” she demanded her eyes fierce and searching as she waited for the woman to answer.  “We.. We had a deal.” her voice nearly breathless.  She was on the edge, on the edge of losing her shit completely, of fainting, of something... but she needed to know.  They had a deal, a tentative trust, and it wasn't something that Blue gave away lightly. 

She had expected him here at the end.

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #84
[ Lt. JG Sinead O'Riley | Bridge Module | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @steelphoenix, @BZ, @FollowTomorrow & @Numen
It was a surreal feeling. The danger was for the moment, paused. Echtand's words was the key to stopping all the fights. Where Sinead's attempts at diplomacy were sore failures, she realized that it wasn't a true failure on her part, but more the conditioning, culture and protocol of the Savi, not to mention the sight of them shooting their leader dead didn't exactly make anyone particularly conversational. Still, it was a real relief that she didn't need to fight anymore for the time being.

But until they were safely aboard the Theurgy, the Bringloidi wasn't moving from her position in front of the Captain, which she had taken once there was no need to read the translation on her PADD. She held her rifle ready to raise in a split second. She followed the eight Savi officers, forming a defensive cordone around the Captain, with Heather bundled close to the Chameloid. They didn't get to consider or strategize, when she felt the familiar mild nausea, and she quickly half-crouched, anticipating danger or betrayal...

But they were simply brought before a gathering of Savi on what had to be the bridge of the massive ship. Making a quick study of the layout, Sinead made note of any place that one could take cover and return fire. When she flexed her fingers, she knew that she had once again been disarmed and the frustration of the fact showed on her face for a moment before she regained control of herself. It was a minor setback only. They still had their minds, their wits and if it came down to it, her fists and feet would suffice. She would until so required, observe.

When Sclergyn spoke, Jien Ives stepped forward to address the apparent new leader in the late Echtand's place. So he had a mate, and Echtand had died in the process. Sinead had no strong emotional attachment to the Savi, but she still felt sorrow and loss. Compromises were being made, and an attempt to restore order was in progress. They were also being offered a highly advanced android to act as a gift, and perhaps a peace offering, if the Bringloidi understood Sclergyn's words correctly. But Blue Tiran was more excitable, and concerned, perhaps, if her outburst was anything to go by.

“Tiran...” said Sinead with a mild tone of rebuke as she stepped towards the woman, but then, she paused, and turned to observe the Savi's response. Perhaps Blue's demanding query would help her gauge the situation with their...hosts.

[ PWO Heather McMillan | Medical Bay | Precept-ship Versant ]
With a small yip of surprise, the little half-Radiant felt the tingling sensations of a transporter beam and thought she was being vapourized again, but when she saw that her surroundings had changed, she figured out what it was. Still, she was shaking and more nervous than ever. As the Savi female leader spoke, Heather reached up to grip handfuls of her hair and tugged worriedly at them. Her golden hair felt heavy. Heavier than it had ever been. And sturdier too. What had they done to her?!? She wished there was a mirror for her to take a look, because she was quite certain she looked different in entirety. Her face had a phantom itch and a unfamiliar sensation.

She had no time to consider it though, as she was sought out. It took her a moment to remember her own name before she responded, though the Captain had done so on her behalf. “C-can I help you, sir? Ma'am? Uhm...wh-what do you need? Oh...where are we going?

Who was Doctor Saugn? She had a wild guess that perhaps the prone woman with pink hair was the doctor. Did the doctor need a doctor? Heather was full of questions, and she felt like she was sorely underequipped for whatever they needed her help with. But weren't there hyper-intelligent biologists here? They needed her instead? She was still feeling disoriented and her memories had holes in them. What did they need her to do? Wait, was this woman some sort of sentient plant lifeform? She vaguely remembered something about that. She glanced at her palms and willed them to light. A mild glow of gold and white light began to appear, but it took concentration and strength to keep it going. Was it supposed to feel like that? She became more nervous.

S-something's wrong with me.” she said, “I-I-I'm not sure I can h-help. What does Doctor Saugn require?

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #85
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | In Transition | Changes in Plans | Next Steps are Complicated | Ready to Go]
@Numen @Auctor Lucan @steelphoenix @patches @everyone

She was worried about Heather.  She could understand the desire to move under your own volition, she could understand the desire not to burden anyone, but at this point in time in her life she needed to be a burden.  Not to worry so much about everything else.  It wouldn't be that important in the end.  She would eventually be able to walk on her own and chose her own direction but right now she was new to this body, new to this.. whatever it was that the white headed guy had done for them.  Zeph was worried that Heather was going to push herself too far too fast and end up spending far more time in Sickbay than she would likely need to.

Though it seemed that it wasn't Heather who needed her concern it was Deacon.

Suddenly, his shoulder impacted the side of the crawl space and he began to try to focus.  Talking to himself.  Zeph stepped over to him, and she brushed her hand against his shoulder to offer her support.  Dark black eyes looked into his own.  He was tall, she wasn't short, but he definitely had more height than her.  Still, with him slouched down like he was she could tell that he was having a hard time.  She wasn't sure what was exactly going through his mind, she had shielded her own from all the external thoughts but she could feel his emotions.  She could feel that he was struggling.

“You're okay.” she said in a calm voice, and she touched her fingers to his cheek so that he would look into her eyes.  She knew that most of the time during panic attacks giving them something to focus on it would help them center back together.  “Look at me.” she said firmly but it was all calm and gentle.  “Breathe with me.  Sync your breathing to me.  You have no shields.  We need to make you one.  Block them out.  So what I need you to do is imagine a wall.  Whatever kind you like; fire, rock, stone, metal, darkness. You pick what suits you best.”

She waited to hear his breathing calm now that he had a job.

“Now, you put that wall in the way of those emotions.  Set it firmly.  Give it a great foundation.  It won't last forever.  It's going to be weak and it's going to fall.  But, with training, with help, you'll be able to block it all out a lot better every time.” she promised with a smile.  “Do you feel the quiet?  Can you breathe now?”

Once she felt that he had a solid hold on his temporary shield she stepped back and gave him a smile.  “If you need me, I'm here, okay?  It's hard, when you're new.  I spent my youth figuring out that shield, but it wasn't strong enough until much later when I made it that way.” she told him as they continued to walk until they ran into the other Savi.  It seemed they were needed on the Bridge and so the team followed them to the Bridge.

On the Bridge, everything was different.  Though she could feel the surprise, the shock, the worry of those around her.  Zeph brushed her mind out allowing her mind to feel the emotions of the entire room and all the people in it.  She was used to being an empath, it was being a telepath that was new to her.  All of a sudden she could feel him.  She felt him arrive, felt his mind, his emotion, his pain as he materialized on the Bridge.  She turned quickly and searched the massive amount of people to find his tall form.

Their eyes locked.

She felt her heart lift, and weight slide off her shoulders and then she was moving.  Weaving through all the people to get to him.  He was tall, and bulky, and he was.. not really hers, but .. she felt like he could be.  He leaned down and scooped her up in one arm to get a hug.  Zeph nuzzled herself against him for a moment.  Afterall, it had been hours, and no one had been entirely sure they were going to make it to begin with.  She hugged him but noticed his pain far more sharply now that they were actually touching.

“Oh, Khor...” she whispered as she pulled back from his single armed hug and softly with careful fingers she looked at the wound.

His arm was broken, she could see the bone, the wound was horrendous.  Her eyes flickered up to him, and her face softened.  “My brave warrior.” Zeph cupped his cheek gently brushing her thumb across the apple of it before she ducked down and put her medical kit down.  There was so much talking going on but Zeph was too focused on healing Khorin at the moment.  She pulled out the osteogenic stimulator and stood up taking his arm in her careful fingers she went after healing the bone first.  She popped the bone back in place knowing that prolonging it or making him aware of the plan would only make it hurt worse.  So she just did it then she healed the bone itself.  Afterwards, she healed the skin around it with the dermal regengerator.

As the wound closed she heard the angry one yelling out about Echtand.  Zeph had no idea who that was but could surmise it was Moby's real name.  Zeph put her med kit tools away and stood up again looking up at Khorin.

“I'm so happy... relieved.. that you're all right.” she admitted softly looking into his eyes, not bothering to look away.  What happened now was out of her control, so she found herself rather spending her time with Khorin instead of worrying about the rest right now.

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #86
[ K'Ren | various | The Versant ] Attn: @steelphoenix All
[ Denary Biolab ]
Even as the voice of the Savi spoke, the same voice that had spoken to them before they'd been beamed into their hideout, saved by the actions of this same being, K'Ren kept her guard up, weapon at the ready, prepared to fire on any other threat who might present herself. She felt gross, covered in grime and whatever passed for the dead scion's bodily fluids, which smelt horrible and she suspected she'd be spending a lot of time washing the smell out of her furr if and when they got back to the Theurgy. She hoped Deacon was still alive, there had been no word of the other teams, but she had the bond and she'd have felt the tearing of the link, the mental anguish of feeling him die. She hadn't felt the madness of a broken link so could only assume he was still alive. Glancing over at Khorin and Vinata, her gaze caught the empty shell of Nerina, left there in the klingon tradition. Watching them, she felt the familiar grip of a transporter beam, there was nothing she could do, and she sighed, fate it seemed was moving her again, where and why she did not know.

[ Bridge Module ]
She materialized, sans rifle, in a large open area, surrounded by the Ante's on this ship. She was not alone, there were many other gathered here like her. Her intial reaction was fear and anger, her claws extended she glanced around, hissing a little before she realized that there was no threat, no standoff between her compatriots, they had been gathered here to listen to a female standing beside a large chair. She recognized the female, at least she thought she did, the female ante she'd threatened the life of less then an hour before. Her ears flattened as she realized just how much of a mistake she'd made, threatening one of the ship's senior staff. Her guilt and fear of retribution was soon replaced as she glanced around, seeing a familiar person amongst the crowd. She could smell him, could catch his scent in this crush of beings and she made her way over to Deacon, unsure how she would respond when she reached him, how he would respond to seeing her.

She made sure he saw her though as she came close, going up close to him, tears running down her cheeks as his survival was no longer a hope but a reality. She barely heard what the Savi female was saying, her whole world was her mate as she hugged him, tears streaming down her face. "Deacon," she choked out, "My tznrrow."

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #87
[ Lahksis Saugn "Nicotiana" |Medical Bay | Precept-ship Versant ] attn: @Triage (& anyone else who wishes to be present)

The world was sensation and noise, beyond her ability to understand any of it. She felt as if she were falling. Every moment or so she'd return to the world, falling into herself, she could see the vague lights and shapes, figures moving, speaking, but she could identify none of it. She could not see the faces clearly, and the voices sounded distant and muddied. All she could do was try and hang on, try and grip reality, but a moment later the darkness would keep in from the corners of her vision and then all would fall into darkness and she fell into the howling void once more.

A pair of Antes moved and lifted the doctor. Her body was limp, though it did seem to be rigid in several places. Once she had been moved to the side room they began to stripe the bodysuit she had been given away. Laid bare, her skin told the story of the damage done to her. She was covered in dark brown bruising, phaser bolts shot in the shoulder, abdomen, and hip had burned through the bodysuit and into her skin, exposing the odd mix of pale tissues and brown root-like structures weaving through them. There bruising covered much of her body, even a large bruise that resembled a footprint on her breast. It was all damage her body would have normally been able to heal, damage that if she had regular access to the mineral water she was dependent upon and the solar lamps that provided her some energy, she would have been able to recover from with no effort. But she had been badly damaged and she had not been allowed to recover.

"She needs a complex light," one of the Antes said to Heather as it moved away from the now undressed Lahkesis. "Her body needs the energy of a more complex nature than our equipment can synthesize. The biological component to your light may be able to give her body the complex photological radiation required for her recovery. Should you be unable to do so, it is likely that she will die."


Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #88
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai | Day 6 | Denary Biolab  | Biolabs | The Versant ]
Attn:  @Auctor Lucan  @Zenozine  @SummerDawn

Khorin flexed the fingers of his right hand, trying to get rid of the tingling sensation that ran through them. It was a strange sensation, his arm was immobile from the shoulder down, only the sling prevented the limb from drapple uselessly in his side, numb and stiff. Despite this, he felt pins and needles in the fingers, in the palm, rising to the wrist until it becomes a dull ache at the elbow.  And from there, well... his grandfather used to say that the pain was the body reminding you that you were alive.He knew he should be grateful for the pain, it was a challenge to his warrior spirit, he should be proud to have that opportunity to harden facing it. And yet, however ... however, he would have preferred that the outcome of that mission have been different. Not very different from how it had been, but with key differences. The egg would have been rescued. The Scion annihilated. But his recklessness wouldn't have caused Nerina's death. He hadn't caused her death by his direct action, but his impudence had put the entire mission on the threshold of disaster. It'd been mostly his fault. The Klingon's gaze strolled to the colorful man in his side. Although he rarely thought too much about it, his actions had consequences and could be disastrous. Not only for him, but for others. Maybe he NEEDED to think before act. Sometimes. "Vinata" The pilot addressed the shorter Ovri man. When the nurse looked up at him, his unfathomable eyes unreadable, Khorin felt the usual sensation of lightness in the pit of his stomach, the faint sensation of vertigo of a transporter in action. He didn't know what their captors had in store for them on that occasion, but he was ready. There would be no more casualties on his guard. He owed Nerina that. He clutched the rifle firmly in his left hand before he disappeared from that museum of horrors, leaving the commander's corpse behind them...

[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai | Bridge Module | The Versant ]

@BZ   @all

...They were rematerialized in a wide room, stairs and tribunes all around them... They were rematerialized in a wide hall, stairs and tribunes all around them, the white faced aliens surrounding the bedraggled group. One of the walls of the room was dominated by a panoramic window, its upper limit lost in the shades of the high ceiling. The bluish glow of the nebula brought a little more light to the gloomy environment that the Savi seemed to favor, creating hard profiles, violent backlights. In front of the massive window stood a dais with a seat in its center and it wasn't needed a sharp mind to recognize a throne in it. Khorin flexed and extended the empty fingers of his left hand, missing the weapon that hadn't arrived with him to the hall, feeling vulnerable again, in the hands of their captors. When his gaze reach the command chair, the klingon frowned deeply. The Savi woman who had threatened Hylota's egg was the one standing at the side of the center chair, the new ruler of that wicked people. He suspects that, despite her words, she would have little appreciation for the abductees, at least for K'Ren, himself and their group. When she began to speak, her words sounded somewhat conciliatory, so Khorin set out to keep low profile until the situation of the group became clear. He wouldn't threaten the group wellbeing. Not again. But it was almost impossible for a Klingon to go unnoticed. But this time it happened in a way he didn't expect.

He felt the pull in his mind. The trepidation. The excitement. His heart rose. His stomach sank. He turned around. She looked at him. He felt himself falling into those dark eyes again. She ran to where he stood and he... he just stayed froze where he was, smiling like the idiot he was. He welcomed her, open arms and embraced her with his healthy arm. She cuddled in his chest and he sweared his heart sang as it'd never done before. She hugged him tight and his tender ribs protested, but he did not care. She was there, safe and sound, as safe as they could be. He couldn't ask for more. She moved away from him, just a bit, and that ached more than his arm. She cupped his face and he leaned his head against her palm. And in that moment, he knew for sure he could be hers and only hers. And it was the right thing. When she called him her warrior, he couldn't feel more proud, he'd been gifted with the best praise in his live and, for a moment,  doubts and remorses were forgotten. He brought his hand to her face and stroked her cheek with his thumb. "It's just a scratch," he joked as she kneeled and buried herself in her medical kit, looking for something to patch him. When she looked up and he could see her features again, there were blood in her face. Because there were blood in his hands. Grief siezed his heart, the dying spark of Nerina's eyes still fresh in his mind. He didn't say a thing, but he knew that his disquiet percolated in Zeph's mind. He couldn't hide it from her, and he didn't want to. So he simply looked at her in silence while his inner self was shaken by the contradictory mixture of emotions that overwhelmed him, enjoying her presence, how her mind brushing his as her hands took care of his injuries. He didn't explain why, but when she was in the verge of finishing healing his wound, he closed his hands over hers, and delicately moved the dermal regenerator away of his skin. "Kyamo, let it be, let the scar." He softly rumbled, the need behind his request hiden in his voice, but plain for her in their minds. "So when I see it, I'll remember."

There was a commotion near the stand, the voice of the one who called herself Blue revolting against... whatever. Against the situation, against the Savi, against the female scientist. He knew he should care. That he should pay attention to prevent Zeph from running the same fate as the commander. But when his betazoid spoke again, he drank her words like a shipwrecked man who finds fresh water after days and days lost in the ocean. He rested his hands on her cheeks and rubbed away the blood that he had smeared on one of them. Khorin felt lost in her eyes again and leaned his forehead to hers til they touched. And then he closed his eyes, he closed them because just the mere fact of seeing her made him so happy that it hurt badly. "Come with me" He asked without thinking, without seeing her, just feeling the touch of her skin in his. "I don't care what starship you belong, when we get out of here, come with me." He pleaded. He knew it was a burdensome request, given the situation in which Theurgy was involved. That he was being selfish. But he needed to try.

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #89
[ Deacon | Day 6 | Air Ducts | Main Research Hall | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan  @Triage  @BZ  @Numen @FollowTomorrow 

In the midst of the turmoil, a female approached, one whose expression he could only assess as an enforced benign, although judging by her dark eyes and tone, she could only be Betazoid.  He tried to restrain a hiss of warning -- why was it he was constantly beset with telepaths during these attacks?  If he were inclined more to paranoia than cynicism, he'd almost suspect them the cause -- some galactic conspiracy of psychics intent on combing through his brain for... what?  His secret recipe for oolerg steaks?

The swirling chaos of blue and gold in his eyes solidified for the barest moment, their feral tinge replacing the near green that had dominated as he curled back one corner of his lips, a single fang exposed, not so much in warning as irritation.  He did not like showing this portion of himself to the monkeys -- to anyone, really -- and to ensure the success of this mission, he'd disclosed too much.  Here, now, he wanted nothing more than privacy, an opportunity to collect himself, replace that carefully crafted facade that he'd spent nearly a lifetime perfecting.

Gold faded once more to blue in his eyes.  He wanted to push her away, such was his disdain for telepaths, let alone that a female was instructing him.  Still, this was not how things were done in the Federation, and his patriarch was half-female, it seemed.  This was something he would have to accept, but the Savi had stripped away so much of himself that he struggled to desperately cling to those ephemeral elements that he'd grown up with.  It was one thing to let go of the things that he had grown up with so long as the face in the mirror remained the same -- that was natural, that was choice, that was growth.  But now, in a matter of days, the face in his mirror had become as alien to him as those around him.  His choices had been torn away from him.

"I'm... fine," he stated to the female, even if only superficially accurate.  The disparate emotions around him had coalesced once more it seemed, giving him enough opportunity to reconstruct his mental defenses.  His desire to tell her to mind her own business, that he was well versed in the arts of mental defense, were countered by a certain begrudging appreciation for her intervention.  If nothing else, his resentment of her nature gave him a singular focus that he couldn't deny.  "K'sarungaa yahuung t'kovaraa...*," he whispered, readying himself to resume his duty to the captain, such as it was.

An accord had been reached, one that would, for the time being, ensure the safety of the pride in exchange for a cessation in hostility and guarded captivity.  He didn't care much for the terms, but for the sake of the others, especially the wounded, they had precious little with which to negotiate and far too much ship to navigate on their own.

[ Deacon | Day 6 | Bridge Module | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan  @Triage  @BZ  @Numen @FollowTomorrow @SummerDawn  @patches  @Fife  @Numen  @Absinthe 

And then the transporter held them.  That bit of technology was, to him, becoming to convenient a conceit.  Did no one on these ships value walking?  He was amazed they weren't deconditioned, though it was admittedly difficult to assess the grey ones beneath their armor -- for all he knew, they could be little more than giant heads atop tiny bodies suspended in those suits.  It was an idea that brought him a moment of amusement mid-transport before they appeared in what could only be described as the alien bridge.

From their various missions, the rest of the hostages appeared, their proximity threatening to hammer against his mental defenses once more.  He paused, taking in a deep breath as he worked to buttress his mind and repel the empathic tide that swirled around him, doing his utmost to remain near the captain as was his training -- the Black Priest to his Patriarch.  But losing himself here, in this place, would be unwise.  It was necessary to maintain the appearance of strength even where these was none.

A familiar voice, a comfortable presence moved close.  "Deacon, my tznrrow.**" 

"Tznrrow," he replied, taking K'Ren into his arms and holding her close, feeling the warmth of her, the scent of her.  In an instant, he felt complete again, any threat of mental walls collapsing on sand abandoned, any worry of failing, set aside.  Slowly, he reopened his eyes, focusing on his wife, inspecting her to ensure her well-being, fussing over her, ignoring his own disheveled appearance, the wounds along his neck, the stains of dried blood that covered him.  It was unseemly to be so ungroomed, but circumstances forbade such indulgences.  Still, it could not stand in the way of a kiss, at once passionate and yet gentle, defiant in the face of the lie of the so-called-Code that brought them here, and affirmation of the truth that would find a way to get them home.

The blue haired female -- the sponge cake fetishist -- approached the captain, indignation screwing her features.  "What the fuck happened to Echtand!?  We.. We had a deal.

The corners of Deacon's lips twitched, his fangs ready to bare, to reprimand her for speaking out of turn, but wrapped in K'Ren's embrace, he quelled that desire, the instinctive flare, allowing his more diplomatic inclinations to rise.  "It would appear that she was your associate's... mate," he stated, attempting to give the statement as much consideration as possible.  "Given her new position, I would say that he now stands before the Fanged God."  Disdain and irritation for the grey skinned worms aside, he had to admit that hunters deserved hunter dues, and dying for one's goals -- and these seemed important to the aliens at least -- was an ambition worthy of acknowledgement, especially if it was sufficient to inspire others to pick up his fallen banner.

He turned his gaze towards the captain, giving a slight inclination of his head, as a sign of deference and support for what was to come.

* - "Adapt and live..." (start of a common kzinti proverb "K'sarungaa yahuung t'kovaraa rao tadaa yahuung hmadizhraa" which translates to "Adapt and live or decay and die.")
** - "lover" (not actually a kzinti word; Deacon coined the term based on the kzinti word nrrow ("to desire"))

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #90
[ LtJr. Khelleshar sh'Zenne | Corridors | The Versant ]
Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Triage  @BZ  @steelphoenix @FollowTomorrow

When the Antes offered a truce and surrounded the group of fugitives, Shar left the side tunnel in which she had taken refuge and approached cautiously to the cordon that protected, or threatened, Semathal's killers. Without fully trusting the goodwill of the Savis, she remained near the tail of the squad, true to her distrustful nature. Her eyes averted from time to time to the white-faced aliens, suspecting a treason at any time. When lightness sensation took over her stomach and saw how the rest of the abductees became more and more intangible, she knew that they had been betrayed. She cursed the new misadventure that creeped out of them in her native language, the Savi's UT unable to translate the coarse language.Lastly, if someone had remained in the corridor, she or he would have witnessed her antennae crushed against her scalp and her lips pulled back to show her teeth, clenched in a silent sneer.

[ LtJr. Khelleshar sh'Zenne |  Bridge Module | The Versant ]
@Auctor Lucan @BZ @Triage @steelphoenix @all

They reappeared in a large hall and the andorian thought she recognized a bridge, although, as with so many things, their captors design seemed like a twisted, perverted versions of what it should be. In the present case, it seemed more designed to impress, to make those who stood at the foot of its high stairs feel small and humble. It wasn't structured around the idea of being functional, it had been created to humiliate, to extol the figure of the captain as if it were a regent leading the court. Shar hated it the moment he realized all that. And she abhorted her captors even more for it. She loathed them even more for that need they displayed there to show them as superior to the rest of the species, to publicize in word and deed that they were the pinnacle of evolution. All this clashed with the little pride that remained inside Shar and, above all, with her training as Starfleet officer, which was one of the few things she had left, what little of her that hadn't been reduced to shreds. So she straightened up in full height, lanky and covered in Scion innards as she was. She would show herself as the best version of an officer that she could impersonate.

Around them, group after group of abductees began to materialize, but the andorian's attention was focused on the words of the Savi that stood next to the commanding seat. Soon, the ante's voices chorus chanted the words of the female resouning in every corner, as a prayer, as a sentence that condemned them all. 'It is stated' were her and their words. It was difficult for Shar to control the irritation that was growing in her as an answer and, despite her determination, one of her antennae slashed against her scalp again. It was difficult for Shar to control the irritation that was growing in her as an answer and, despite her determination, one of her antennae slashed against her scalp again. Around her, the rest of the abductees were reunited with their friends, with their loved ones,  and were afflicted by the absence of the fallen. She tried to suppress the yearning to look around, searching for several pairs of antennae (and a lonely one), gorgeous blue skins, the longed profiles of her forced bondmates. she knew she should not. She knew she didn't deserve them. She KNEW that they had been forced to form that bond in spite of themselves. But the biological imperative was there. As she pondered about it, her right hand slid unconsciously to her belly, and her fingers instantly found the tiny, rounded shape they sought to find. When she realized what she was doing, Shar put her hand away and balled it at her side. It was a vain hope, however much she clung to it. At that moment, Ives put aside the pleasentries and asked the Savi female about the deal with the late 'Moby' about the reversion of the Correction most abductees had undergone, and in the sound of that, her own experiences came back to her mind like a wild blizzard. She looked at the floor, trying to control the heat rising up her neck with intent to settle on her cheeks, trying to avoid a glimpse of blue skin or of a feathery white hair in the corners of her eyes. The scientist in charge of her experiment had proclaimed that Savi could solve the dilemma that her species was facing. Stop the decline of Andoria. She stepped forward, having in mind she must ask about it for the sake of her people, she needed to get hold of that investigation, not because of a selfish desire, but as an altruistic duty towards all Andorians.

The Savi's leader offered a robot as a solution for those whose DNA had been modified, a sample of cutting-edge engineering that, on a different occasion, she would have been willing to study, but at that moment her mind focused on the task she had to perform. For her people. Not for herself. When Ives fell silent, Shar set out to make her request, but before she could say a word, The Beast stomped in front of Sclergyn, demanding to know what had happened to his ally, her eyes crazed, showin she was in the verge of a meltdown. The antennae of the youngest of the Zennes were projected backwards, her archenemy seemed to detect the important moments  to spoil them, to make her resolve stagger, to let her moment pass and prevent her to do what she must do. However, this time others got ahead of her, Sinead rebuked her, the former kzin somehow chastised her too. Shar smirked. A bad shaped smirk, the smirk of someone that did not really know how to shape it. She approached the commander and grabbed her by the shoulder, plunging her long fingers deep in the pink flesh, seeking to hurt her as she held her. She forced her to turn slightly, her pale blue eyes darting the human ones. "You know," she whispered, those few words meant only for The Beast's ears. "After this time I thought you would have learned  how to cope with death. It seems that you are still fainthearted, you should be grateful that the XO has not survived to see how embarrassing you are for his keth. " Her words poured as poison between her tight lips. She didn't allow her to answer and pushed her back, with more force than she should, although, from an external point of view, it would give the impression that The Beast simply staggered due to her own weariness. Without looking back, Shar moved one step behind Ives, and raised her query. "We'll need the andorian research too, in addition to any raw information you got from us or our other compatriots, as well as the conclusions to which the investigation team could have come." she demanded with her most diplomatic tone, which sounded suspiciously like her usual sour tone.

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #91
[ Nathaniel Isley | various, by Heather's side | USS Versant ] ended. Just like that. These opponents, so ferocious and even frightening at times...they just ended the conflict. Just like that. Nathaniel would’ve spoken up, said something about it being a trap, but...Even he hoped it was true. That they would live, maybe even be sent home relatively unscathed. Still, he held fast to his charge for the moment. Until they were aboard the Theurgy, he would not count on peace. As he glanced around, the dim light of the PADD illuminating faces, he somehow felt that everyone else agreed.

He followed orders, stayed by Heather’s side, kept his eyes on his teammates. Ives, he thought, he wanted to talk to her...but now wasn’t the time. Would there ever be a time though? Would they live?

Surrounded by innumerable amounts of Savi, his weapon probably lost somewhere, he thought not. He stuck to his job, not only because he had to, but damn, it was the only familiar thing here. He stuck by Heather, almost speaking up to console her, but then...the Antes appeared. There was a doctor. He reached to Heather something? He wasn’t sure, really, his emotions were leading him. Here, they led him to take her hand, soften his voice,
“You need to shine. Make light. Can you do that?”

He felt awful, asking her to do literally anything. Really, if he didn’t have respect for her autonomy, he’d have carried her around regardless of what she said. She was, from particles. From death, she came back. Heather was soft and squishy to begin with, but divine resurrection would have knocked the strongest of them off their feet. Never mind the Radiant.

Speaking of...did her face always look like this? Was she always able to...just reach out and touch her skin? He wasn’t familiar with her, but he remembered seeing her around. She made one hell of an impression—one she wasn’t living up to right now.

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #92
[ Lt. Cross | Bridge Module | The Versant ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @BZ @all
[Show/Hide]Cross tried as best he could to push away the haze brought on by the painkillers as he materialized on what he could only assume was the bridge of the Savi’s ship. There were other Starfleeters on the bridge, and numerous Savi. All in all it was quite the gathering, and the tension in the room was palpable. Cross’ mind still struggled to take it all in as he felt something grab his hand. He glanced down and saw a hand holding his. Part of his mind wondered what had happened to the phaser rifle. He supposed it must have been removed when he was transported to the bridge. Or had he put it down for a moment when the cease-fire had began? His befuddled mind couldn’t recall.

The Vulcan’s eyes trailed up the hand, further up an arm, and he found himself looking at Lieutenant Commander Blue Tiran in profile, the engineer’s face looking even paler than he had previously seen it. Cross could see that she was breathing rapidly as she squeezed his hand, her palm felt rough and clammy at the same time as it pressed against his. She seemed to be mentally recoiling from some sort of shock, her grip tightening on his hand yet again. He could feel a slight tremor in her grip, though he wasn’t sure if it was from nerves or simply the strain of trying to crush his bones. Either way he knew, even in his somewhat muddled state of mind, that Blue Tiran was a woman barely holding on.

Worry crossed the Vulcan’s features, his brows furrowing as he studied her. Fatigue, lack of nutrition, and having survived alone for who knew how long, only to fight her was through a hostile ship, and not to receive some shock that he wasn’t quite sure about.

Yes, Blue was teetering on the edge.

She let go of his hand then as she moved forward, stumbling slightly as she went. Cross followed her with his eyes, but he suspected that whatever had shocked her so much had left her unwilling to reason and so made no attempt to stop her.

Then she was speaking. And swearing. At least that was familiar, even if the signs of fear weren’t. Cross finally realized what had shaken her. Echtand was missing.

”Tiran…” another of the abductees said, the word coming out like a reprimand, though it’s speaker made no further move to rebuke the engineer. The male felinoid, who’s correction was incomplete like R’Rori’s, spoke to Blue as well, though Cross had trouble following his words, cloudy as his mind was. Cross gritted his teeth and gave his head a shake, trying to clear his mind a little. He had to be alert in case the situation turned hostile. He raised his hands to his head, massaging his temple with the fingers of his right hand as the stump at the end of his left arm bumped against his cheek. Cross paused and glances at the ruined arm before letting it fall to his side once again.

As his eyes returned to the scene unfolding before him, Cross found that Blue was being confronted by Shar, the Andorian’s arms holding Blue’s shoulders. They were too far away for Cross to hear what Shar whispered to the Human, but from the change in Blue’s body language, coupled with Cross’ knowledge of the history between the pair, the Vulcan suspected the words would be anything but comforting. He saw Blue stumble back, no doubt assisted by Shar in the most malicious of manners. Cross took a quick step forward and braced Blue’s back with his hand to prevent the exhausted woman from collapsing to the floor in a heap. As it was she stumbled into him, her back butting up against his chest. It was the second time in the past 24 hours that Blue Tiran had been this close to him, and part of him felt just as uncomfortable as the previous time.

A larger part of him was just worried about someone he was beginning to think of as a friend. He pulled Blue further away from the Savi that the Andorian was now addressing a tone that was perhaps a touch more civil than her usual unfriendly tone. Blue was shaking as he guided her to the back of the crowd, his useless left arm held across her back as though to shield her from the rest of the people in the room. ”Come on.” He murmured as he steered her along, feeling her rapid-fire breathing against his arm as they went. Too fast. She was going to pass out if she kept breathing like that. Cross steered her to the edge of the room, guiding her to stand against the wall. ”Commander.” She didn’t look at him. She was still hyperventilating, her eyes unfocused. ”Blue. Look at me. Focus.” Cross positioned himself directly in front of her and placed his hand on her left shoulder, resting his stump on her right. Again he realized too late that his hand was missing, though this time he didn’t bother removing it. He was worried about Blue, not his arm. ”Blue, you need to breathe. Take a slow, deep breath. In through your nose, out through your mouth.” His eyes bored into hers as he spoke, trying to drive his message through to her. ”Make each inhalation and each exhalation last for three counts.” Cross craned his neck downward so that his eyes stared straight into hers. ”Commander, I need you to try and calm down.” Cross searched her eyes with his gaze, as though he hoped to discover the cause of her distress. Part of him wondered if he was going to have to try and nerve pinch her to stop her from having a complete breakdown.

[Miss Blue appears to be in an advanced state of distress.] Cross jumped at the words, his whole body tensing as they were spoken so close to his ear. He hadn’t been paying attention to Albert, had practically forgotten about the thing, and now the damned owl had chosen this moment to make such a stupid observation.

”Shut the <fuck> up,” Cross snarled at the owl before adding a muttered "Bloody metallic pigeon…" before turning his attention back to Blue. ”Blue…” The name came out more like a growl, his annoyance at the mechanical bird tainting his words. He took a breath and softened his tone, suspecting that harsh words would do little to help his friend at the moment. His eyes held worry in them as he focused his unblinking gaze back on her, his body swaying slightly from the combination of the pain meds and the shock Albert had given him. ”Blue, talk to me.”

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #93
[ PWO Heather McMillan | Medical Bay | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @FollowTomorrow & @Absinthe
She understood now, what they needed from her. What she had to do. This new body (for it could not possibly be her old one) felt so foreign and unusual to her that she was a little worried she would not be able to help Saugn. Her memories were fading in and out as she tried to piece things together, like the nice Romulan god that insisted on trailing her. She blinked a moment at him when she felt his hand on her, and then shivered involuntarily, her face immediately reflecting panic and fear. It was her base instinct, because everyone and everything was stronger and more powerful than her, and a mere touch could prove fatal to someone like her. Yet she had an underlying certainty now that it would take a bit more than that to actually hurt her.

I...yes, I think I can do that...uhm...” said Heather, answering Nathaniel and the others, “...p-please stand back...thank...uh, thank you.

She vaguely remembered that these Savi could not take her light very well due to their sensitive eyesight and pronounced darkvision. Like a muscle memory, she began to recall how her light waves and patterns could be manipulated through will, thought, and actual muscle applications. As she did so, her entire body, or at least, the uncovered parts of her, began to emit a multi-hued prism of light, much like she used to do almost without thought, though now, she clearly showed intense focus and concentration in order to maintain the light. She channeled most of her light into the palms of her hands, which she held over Saugn's body, and the light began to brighten, once she saw that the Savi had moved out of sight.

As the shine grew, beads of sweat appeared on the half-Radiant's brow, her eyes squinted, and her teeth gritted together as the effort to keep shining so put a strain on her entire body. She'd never felt this before whenever she used her light, and if she dropped her concentration, the light would fade so quickly, but instead of feeling loss, she felt relief, and there was no sense of delight or pleasure from keeping herself alight. Her shoulders and head gave the brunt of a soft pink, white and gold hue, whilst her hands flared with every colour of the rainbow, and she felt something within herself flow through the light as she continued to shine upon Saugn, bathing every inch of the woman in rays and photokinetic nutrients.

She kept it up for as long as she could, but she lost track of the time, and she was soon too tired to even keep her body alight, save for her palms, and before long, even that faded. Her body swayed, her eyes rolled upwards and she pressed her palms onto the examination table, no longer able to hold herself aloft. Without warning, she slumped backwards, fainting.

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #94
Lt Jg Hi'Jak | Medical Bay | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: @Absinthe @Triage @FollowTomorrow
The ship wide alert had been a bit shocking to hear. He had a few guesses as to the culture of these creatures, and had a few theories on exactly how they had developed, but to hear that there was something larger going on in their own way was a bit odd. There was also the andorian's going at it. Frankly he didn't care what the blue assassin or the other wanted. Andorian problems were just that, andorian, and were far away from the problems of his pet's life. At least Ida seemed to agree that they all had more pressing matters, and his 'friend' the man from the other time line kept his focus.

At least he was starting to understand that there was another man in the science department on theurgy whom Jack could work with, and possibly even call a friend, it was something in short supply in the  days of 84 where he had only one. The borg drone.

When the cease fire was declared and they were transported, he grabbed onto Lahkesis. His hand extending to her so that if nothing else he could stick with her.


He had stayed with Lahkesis, at least he had learned her proper name now because he knew that if all positions were reversed and he was dying on the table instead of her, he knew he would want to have someone with him. Jack doubted he was good company for that. He had always been a bit more of a casenova, never able to really give himself to any one relationship he was a flake and a coward.

But he was all that Lahkesis had at the moment. "You'll be fine."

Heather? When the heck did she get here? she hadn't been in the tanks when they had been reassembled, nor the holographic enterprise, or even the bay where everyone had met up. He had to wonder did she recognize him? He was human now, his forhead was gone, the stuble beard was a bit new from the days they had spent without any real cleaning or proper sleep. The arm and the lack of an eye was a bit of a give away if he asked anyone. Though the scaring that should have ruined his once charming good looks didn't exist thanks to the best that the Savi's science had to offer.

She asked everyone to stand back, and he did so, having to turn away from the light as she worked her... well it wasn't magic, UV rad treatment was the proper scientific word for it, but it was bright shiny lights from nothing. He supposed a pre warp civilization could have thought of it as a type of magic.

The thought of having the radiant burned at stake was an amusing one. He could blame her for a lot that had gone sideways in the coreless moon, the fact that the klingon ship he had been itching to get a ride out on had been incinerated was squarly in her hands for instance.

Then again his people had been the ones to build around a long dead weapon, and he had been the one to invite the ship there in the first place. She honestly probably saved him from having lost a lot more than his eye, even if he was now being watched by the blue assassin.

Who wasn't here... double score. "Did it work?"

Jack asked as his eyes adjusted to regular light after a few moments, blinking in confusion.


OOC: I know I was gone for a bit, and so I wasn't really around for anyones posts, but it didn't really make sense for Jack to leave Lahkesis's side with all the development that had been going on between the two of them, and the scene prior.

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #95
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Foreboding Fuckery | Blue is for Bitches | Barely Held Together | Mental Murder Sequence Commence]
@Numen @Fife @Auctor Lucan

Warnings fell on deaf ears.

Her name was called out, she didn't give a shit if anyone thought it was time to be careful.  Her time spent on this mother fucking ship had been enough.  She was tired, she had been through hell and back, while her friends were in their rooms with food and drinks she was starving and fighting every day to stay conscious, to stay relevant, and to find a way to get them the fuck out.  They thought it was easy, being her, there she was not corrected, not experimented on, and not recycled.  They probably thought how fucking lucky she was and they had no fucking idea what it was like surviving day after fucking day just trying to remain invisible so she could get them out.  She was the fucking reason they were out.


Her and Echtand had done this shit.

And whatever upstart bitch took his seat now, could get the fuck out of her way or explain herself.  Because Blue was perfectly justified in her questioning.  It wasn't even particularly harsh for Blue.  She could have inserted a slew of worse words and insults but she had been shocked and in need of the answer.  Echtand should have stood there.  Echtand should have been there to receive her and the rest of the crew.  He wasn't, something was up, some kind of fuckery was going on here and Blue demanded to know the answer.

A hand dug into her flesh, the shoulder that didn't have Albert on it and she spun around.  The hand didn't leave like it should have but instead dug painfully into the flesh there underneath her Savi given uniform.  Fire light up in Blue's eyes as she studied the woman before her.  They had moments of understanding but for the most part she and Shar could not have hated each other more if they tried.  Her eyes narrowed at her as Shar .. with her grin that spelled disaster for the young Blue haired engineer.

Anyone that was used to death was a cold hearted bitch.  No one should be used to that shit and while Echtand was apparently dead by some means, she didn't think it was okay.  She certainly didn't need the one fucking person she had put her hopes into fucking disappearing before he had finishing the deal.  There was a fucking deal!  What Shar said next though... Blue would remember for the rest of eternity.

It wasn't the pain in her shoulder.  That actually kept her somewhat grounded for the time being.  Grounded enough to let the words of the woman shift through her anger and to the brain .. to the hollow place in the center of her being.

The hollow place she had spent the last hours ignoring in favor of getting the fuck off this ship.  Her own survival secondary to the rest of them because she was ready to write off this whole fucking universe if she could.  Ran was gone.. gone... and now....

She couldn't breathe.

Her lungs, wouldn't work.

Her eyes widened, pupils dialated. 

She gasped. 

Not for air, no her lungs refused to inflate despite her body's intent for them to do so.  Finally she choked out just enough that her lungs gave a little.  Darkness began to cloud her vision as suddenly her lungs were working over time.  Inflating and deflating with remarkable speed. 

I will rip off your mother fucking antennae and I will shove them so far up your ass you will never fucking find them and while you bleed out on the floor in front of me you will know that not a single mother fucker in your life will give a shit about you.

The woman turned away.  Blue felt herself shoved.  She stumbled backward and knew that she wasn't going to stay up on her own.  Her face was paler than normal.  Her breathing coming in harsh gasps, a full panic attack of epic proportions.  Suddenly, there were arms.  Someone caught her, and she went limp for a moment.  Her head dropped, mass of black and blue curls hid her face for the moment.  She couldn't control herself, she couldn't see.  He said to come, she went, she didn't ask questions, she just knew that she couldn't stay.  Forcing herself upright, she followed him, head bowed as she tried to stay sane.  She tried not to run across the deck and claw the bitch's eyes from her sockets and force feed them to her through her nostrils.

There was a wall.

At her back.

Blue felt the cool of the steel and her eyes sought him out.  It wasn't Ranaan, it would never be Ranaan again.  But it was Cross, he was her only friend here, and it was so hard to think of that word with anyone.  It was hard for Blue to make friends but here she was with a friend.  Someone that was looking out for her.  Everyone else in this room would have let her faint and not knowing the effect the words of a mother fucking Andorian waste of breathable air had on her.  He called her, by her rank, and it did little.  She clenched at his uniform, her hand balling it up in her fist as she continued to try to calm down.  Tears, legitimate tears fell down her face.  The pain in her chest was radiating heavily throughout her entire body.  Every muscle, every bone, every vessel. 

Her heart beat.

Ranaan. … Ranaan … Ranaan... Ranaan

Every beat, his name. 

Every breath, his name.

Every single movement … his name.

He was there.  Eye to eye.  He was so close.  Helping her breath.  Blue's hand clenched in his uniform still, her fingers digging in there.  The other hand, the other hand was digging so hard into her palm that blood pooled in the center of her palm and began to pitter patter against the deck plating beneath her.  Small bright red dots against the polished silver. 

Pain.. pain was good.

Pain focused. 

She breathed. 


Breathe onetwothree

Breathe one twothree

Breathe one two three

“I ca..'t.”

Her first words, and then Albert was speaking and Cross was telling him to get bent.  Blue was searching his face.  Her name growled at her, she was trying so desperately.  Blue's vision cleared slightly as she continued to breathe with him. Her fearful, tearful, crystalline eyes never once left his.  She shifted her teeth sinking into the tender flesh of her cheek and again, drawing blood, as her vision cleared more fully and her breathing began to mellow out. 

Her lower chin trembled and her fist loosened on Cross' shirt.  She slumped against him slightly her head to his shoulder-chest area.  Albert was likely uncomfortable against him since his metallic chassis would be pressing into him a little bit but she just needed that support for a minute. 

“I can't I .. I can..can't fail... not everything.” she whispered.

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #96
[ K'Ren | Bridge Module | The Versant ] Attn: @steelphoenix All
K'Ren burrowed herself into his arms, holding him tight like a scared cub might after finding it's mother, caring little for the world around her. For this moment, all was right again in the world. She could smell the scent of blood on him, but she smelled similar all around her, the smell of injury so it didn't concern her, her head remained pressed to his chest, the sound of his hearbeat pounding in her ear. It was only when her mate released her from the hug, fussing over her disheveled fur, that she really looked at him properly, seeing for the first time how torn up he really was.

He didn't give her much time to look before he kissed her, their faces coming together in the midst of the others. It was as much a tender symbol of care upon being reunited with her mate, but also on some levels a defiant gesture, these aliens, their code that forbade species from interbreeding> Here she stood, after being forced, as Deacon had, to survive by choosing what ancestry would be removed, despite the forced choice, despite the correction, these aliens couldn't brek their will, their desire for each other. That remained, and whatever befell the two of them, nothing could break the bond she shared with Deacon, and he with her.

Once they'd kissed though, the tender greeting of two lovers, K'Ren nuzzled him, making sure he knew how much she cared for him, nuzzling his neck, her hands holding him close, rubbing her ear against his face. "You are injured mate," she finally said, "But alive. I am glad you made it." She paused, "Did you exact the vegeance you desired? Were enough ears collected for what was done to us?"

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #97
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Home is Where the Heart is | Home Away from Home | Is this the Imzadi You're Looking For? | Corner Confessions]

He was a massive wall of muscle, but his heart was such a soft little thing.  She could feel it fluttering against his emotions.  Small butterflies of happiness and joy brushing against her psyche as they hugged and she cuddled into him.  His strong arm holding her crushing her against him.  She could tell that he hurt, though she was not good enough to pinpoint where though she would not realize it was his ribs at the moment she was far too concentrated on the fact that his arm was broken.  That was what she worried about, his pain, and an infection.  Who knew how clean this ship could actually be.  She didn't want him to suffer any more than he already had and luckily he was close with the best doctor on the Federation side of the Versant.

Just a scratch.

Zeph's brow rose as she hissed at him to quit it.  She knew that he was the sort to just pretend that something wasn't as bad as it actually was but it was.. broken.  And she refused to let him stand around with a broken arm so she set to work doing some of what she did best.  She missed her plants, and her gardens, her arboretums, and her research.  She missed all the hybrids that she made and grew and cultured in her work.  Nothing that she would go back for though, nothing she didn't have research to remake when she got settled somewhere else.  But she would have to be careful, being a runaway from the Azurite station carried with it a bit of danger.  One, the population of Starfleet didnt know about the station, but they could easily lie about who and what she was and make her an enemy and turned back into the Azurite.  She didn't want to be a prisoner on the station again.

She refused to be the person that made such terrible things again.

Zeph didn't even notice that there was blood on her cheeks where he had touched her. In another instance she probably would have felt the wetness transfer to her cheek but here, where they were together, where she was fully worried about him and not herself meant that she didn't even think about it.  This was Khorin and he needed her care.  As she worked on his arm, she did her duties with her heart fluttering and her stomach sinking at the sight of the wound.  Even as it closed itself and began to mend.

She was surprised as he pushed the regenerator out of reach, and her dark black eyes shifted up to his with a wide, innocent, questioning gaze.  Kyamo... likely her new favorite word in the world, melted her soul ever time she heard it.  She could feel his mind brushing against hers, the outcry, the rage, the sadness and the loss of someone that he could not save.  Zeph felt her face soften as he told her to let it scar so that he would always remember.  She could feel the internal war of emotions, the weight on his heart and his mind.  A soft smile came to her face.

“Of course..” she said softly tucking the regenerator away so that he would know she understood and wasn't going to push for treatment.  He leaned forward, her eyes and her face lit up from within.  As his ridged forehead pressed against her, the tension bled out of her body to the point where she forgot where she was.  He was here, and that was all that mattered.  They were both here, both alive, and both able to see one another again.  She knew it was stupid to put such huge emotions on someone that she just met but she could tell easily that he felt the same way that she did.  There was something there, something deeper than just attraction.  The way that she felt at home with him.. it was something she had never quite known before.

'Come with me.'

His words hit a chord she didn't know had been dormant for such a long time.  A gasp escaped her lips at the weight of his request.  Not because she was against it and certainly not because she was afraid of it, but because she had not expected it.  No matter how much of his emotions she could feel she had not expected him to speak those words to her.  He continued; stating that no matter what ship she belonged to he wanted her to come with him.  To his ship, to his life.

Zeph bit into her lower lip, depressing the soft flesh there with her teeth.  Draining it of it's pink color for a moment.  She knew.. she knew that it wouldn't probably be easy, she had no idea what the Captain would say when Zephyr could not explain where she had been, what she had been working on, and why she had escaped from an off-the-radar place that no one knew existed.  Letting go of her lip she swallowed heavily.

“There are things about me you do not know, my heart, things I am not even allowed to tell you.” she whispered softly, her eyes closed as well as they just basked in the glow of each other.  The mayhem going on around them, she could feel the distress, heavy distress at the other side of the room.  But right now she needed to finish speaking to Khorin.

“If you truly mean that... me and all that I am... then I would love to come with you.”  she smiled softly opening her eyes to look up at him.  “I would stand beside you come whatever may.”

She brushed her fingers against the warmth of his cheek.  The despair was so palpable right now that Zephyr had to turn her eyes away from Khorin for a moment and seek out the Blue-haired woman that rebuked her help earlier.  She was against the wall talking to the Vulcan from the previous night.  Leaning against him, she could feel the awkardness between them, but their desire to stand side by side and bond that was formed from necessity and founded in mutual need.  The woman was strong but so shaken, so cracked, so very very fragile at the moment, and there he was, holding her up when she needed someone the most. 

“That Vulcan, he is good people.  She is very grateful for him, as he is holding her together when she is ready to fall apart.  I hope they come with us.” she said looking back up at Khorin.

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #98
[ Nathaniel Isley | Medical Bay | USS Versant ]

Heather asked him to stand back, and so he did—and shielded his eyes the best he could. He didn’t know her full capabilities, and he rather liked being able to see. The light she emitted was less like a laser directly into his eyeballs and more like sunshine. Warm, comforting…

He didn’t let himself sink into it though, because he could see she was struggling. Sweat on her brow, teeth gnashed. She was really struggling, he thought, watching her wobble. He didn’t see her start to faint, but he knew something was coming. He moved back into action to catch her, and rather than hitting the floor, she slumped into his arms.

He adjusted her so that she was being carried princess-style. Seemed fitting for her—but from the reports, he thought she was much more powerful than this. Right now, she seemed so...tired.
“I think that’s all the light we’re going to get for now.”

Re: Chapter 04: True Nature [ Day 06 | 0900 hrs. ]

Reply #99
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai | Bridge Module | The Versant ]


Khorin opened his eyes when she didn't answer immediately and he saw how she bit her lip, hesitant. And when she spoke and explained that there were parts of her life that she could not share, his dense brows knitted for a second, without fully understanding the implications of her confession. But she had called him 'her heart' and Khorin held his breath for an answer, a real answer, his heart racing in his throat. And when she opened her eyes and looked at him, those black eyes like the emptiness between the stars, and confirmed that she would go with him and felt the caress of her fingers on his cheek, the Klingon grinned more broadly than he had done in his life. So much so that the corners of his lips ached, but he didn't care at all. She would go with him. Even his recent mistakes, those same mistakes that had caused Nerina's death, tasted a little less bitter knowing that she would be in his side. It was true that honor gave little comfort to a man alone in his home, and in his heart. Victory as hollow as defeat. The caress of her fingers worthed more than a thousand victories.

At that moment, Zephyr averted her gaze from him to look away, observing something behind his back. She said something, something about a vulcan. Cross, possibly. He was alive, that was a good thing. He was his brother-in-arms after all. But at that time, he didn't matter. Or he mattered only a little. No, at that moment, he only cared about one thing. Only one person. Khorin rested two fingers on her chin, encouraging her to tilt the head and look at him. And when she did, he kissed her. It was a long, passionate kiss. One that said more than he was able to say at that moment. "I don't care" He rumbled when their lips parted. And he didn't explain if he meant Cross or to her previous statement about what she couldn't tell about herself. qatlhejDI' matay'. latlhpu' vItlhejDI' jImob, Kyamo.” He whispered, something he had heard a long time ago, in the Homeworld, and that he had not really fully understood until then, until he had meet her. "Kyamo, that means 'when I accompany you, we are together. When I accompany others, I am alone.' I'll stand by your side, no matter how." He whispered, and there was truth in his words and in his heart.

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