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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4450
Yeah that sucks Maso. I hope things get better for you mate. Tell your manager that he or she is an Imposter LOL
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4451
@Auctor Lucan Sorry to hear about the vanishing of them two writers. I will do a closure to the Wolfs Den Thread asap then.
@Elaurianpaladin congratulations to the promotion. That's another bear Tyreke will owe to Logan ;)
And @Masorin I hope you find yourself well soon enough. I can just imagine how harsh that treatment is. Wish you all the best to your job hunting.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4452
Sorry to hear that Maso. I'm also on the job hunt, as I'm in a similar situation as you.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4453
Posting may be delayed this week due to grad school creeping up on me.  I have to pack a few thousand dinosaur eggshell fragments, too, so that will take up most of my weekend.  Sorry in advance!  :(
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4455
Hi guys! Quick update! Sorry for those I'm writing with for inconsistent posting speeds! I was working a pretty draining job (still not an excuse) that was really killing me emotionally and I've now transitioned into a new job that I'm doing a lot better in. It's in healthcare however, so it gets a bit crazy sometimes! However, my schedule now is a lot more free and I mentally feel much better and free to write more often! Again, my apologies.

So if anyone wishes to write please let me know!

@Masorin That sounds absolutely awful! Sorry to hear about that.

@GroundPetrel I'm Jealous you get to work with Dino eggs!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4456
It really is super cool!  They don't look like much but it's super delicate work. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4457
Just a heads up to the group, I'll be here on and off this week. Mostly off, as my parents are in for a visit. I made a conscious effort to try and minimize my scenes going into the visit, as I don't like keeping anyone waiting, but @Swift and @BZ, I'll have to make you guys wait, until probably wednesday at the earliest. As for the story plot, depending on when it comes out for Chapter 05, it'll probably be Saturday for me.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4458
Hey Everyone, The following is going to suck.

what I am about to say probably won't shock anyone. I haven't posted in a little over a month despite telling myself I will, despite having tabs open and saying I will. The last month especially really got to me. As I mentioned in Discord on the 29th of October I had a heart problem. Me and my doctors are still looking into exactly what the details are, but the going theory is Hyper tension. It explains my nose bleeds, my constant fatigue, my irregular heart beat and my extremely high blood pressure, but with no family history and my body being underweight for such a disorder my doctor is hesitant to prescribe to that theory, so more blood work to be done, more visits to be done next week and on into the future.

On top of the medical, I have been under more and more stress dealing with work, and I've been using my free time to try and find a new place to work, but well a new job in this pandemic, on my tiny little island? probably not gonna happen so i have to suck it out at a job with people I have come to really dislike. I am drained, and that just puts more stress on my heart which leads to more fatigue more tension.

My home life isn't great either, my mothers continuing diminishing health, has made 2020 an already uncomfortable year into a hellscape for me.

I haven't posted in a month. When I came back I promised Auctor Lucan that I could handle my personal life, and my posting obligations, I have broken that promise more times than I can count. I hate myself that I can't prioritize this site, that when it comes to this place I am usually too tired and over stressed to think straight. I think I have gotten away with this because Auctor knows my personal life situation and didn't want to put more pressure on me, I thank him for that. I haven't spoken to you Auctor.

This would be the third time I have stepped away from Theurgy, which is why it's beyond difficult to make this choice because it's not fair to all of you, my friends, and this community I love y'all, but I can't at this time commit to make writing my priority. I can't focus on writing when I am struggling to breath for a week and a half going in and out of interviews, and hospital visits.

My doctor is also demanding I do more physical activities, to get my heart working in a better order. Which would again leave less and less time for theurgy.

For me the writing is on the wall. I can't keep the promise I made to stay current and up to date. I'm running myself into an early grave, and I have to let go of a few hobbies.

But the thing is I don't want to leave the discord. I don't want to leave this community. Everyone on this site means a lot to me, many of you have become my friends. I'm not in a healthy space where I can write anymore, but I hope that you all will continue to let me engage with you on the discord. While I haven't been the most active, I assure it's the community i'm the most active in.

For my characters, I offer them up to the inheritance board. Both Robert(Jack), and Salem. Honestly, y'all will probably craft a better story with them then I did.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4459
My advice is take some time (weeks, months, however long it takes) off, focus on your medical issues, and come back when you feel up to it.  In my view, personal health ALWAYS comes first.  :) 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4460
We’ll all still be here whenever you feel like returning, whether that’s a matter of months or years. Take care of yourself first and foremost, and remember that you’ll be missed.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4461
@Masorin Even though we didn't have much contact in the time, as I am allowed to be part of this community now, I want to tell you that I can fully understand you. The situation you describe sounds anything but pleasant and I can imagine that you are very busy right now.
It is definitely not easy to find a job in the pandemic and at the same time not to stress yourself. Something will inevitably fall by the wayside. It's a pity that this is the SIM here, but your health comes first! Always.
I personally have no problem with you remaining part of this community and, while not as an active writer, still participating as a welcome guest and reader.
I wish you and your family all the best for the future and your health. It is important that you first of all regain back your strength. Everything else comes afterwards and I’d like to think that your characters will waiting for you.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4462
Hi @Masorin !

Thanks for the great chat on Discord after these news. I simply reiterate that of course you will be welcome whenever you feel better, and while the Discord server is merely available for active writers in the sim, we're all still around.

Take care of yourself and your new diet, and I hope the new advise from the Doctor will lead to improvement and a possible return. You will of course always be welcome back here man so just mind your health and your family first, so that when you have the mind-set and time for escapism, you'll be able to write here again at full capacity.

I'll take a look at your current threads and work something out, putting Salem and Robert on the Inheritance list for the time being.

I have a great feeling you'll swing back soon enough, so catch you when it's time!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4463


First off, we have @Solena , who will be writing Xelia!

Xelia                        Software Engineer

  - Writer:

Xelia - being a hacker & software engineer - ran into some trouble with the Syndicate, and to make the story short, the character assumed the identity of the already assassinated Venator Adisia of the Orion Syndicate to get away. So, she's been on Aldea, acting as a Syndicate Venator, in order to hide from that very organisation she's supposed to be a part of. Right under their noses. After getting caught up in business with Y'Lev, another Orion that infiltrated the Theurgy crew, she has come to serve on the ship in a civilian capacity, yet to be fully utilised by Intelligence and perhaps even the Diplomatic Council. With her computer skills, she might even come to serve the mission directly in such capacities as well.

Welcome aboard, @Solena ! :)

Next, we have @Augusteo , who - like me, Nolan, Nero, Davalle, Starduster etc. - isn't a native English speaker, but like the rest of us, he will be doing his utmost to grow as a writer here at Star Trek: Theurgy. He has taken on the challenge to write Isel Nix!

Ens. Isel Nix                  Fighter Escort 02 [Foxfire] 

  - Writer:

Ensign Isel Nix is a Vulpinian Tactical CONN pilot assigned to the USS Allegiant in Episode 01: Advent of War. Before she joined Starfleet, she used to be a member of the Orion Syndicate. Having exposed all her past accomplices and connections, she has been given a pardon and even funded an orphanage for her savings. On the right side of the law, she has started a new life under a new name, having put her past behind her. She came aboard the Theurgy together with Donna Petterson just before the Battle of the Apertures.

Welcome aboard to you too, @Augusteo !


>> Click For Full Resolution

@stardust asked me for help in colouring and giving visual layout her fantastic Type-11 shuttle cutaway, which I really enjoyed, but she really deserves all the credit for that awesome thing. A big shout-out to her achievement in making this. My part of the collaboration with her on this was rather minimal in comparison to her efforts.


Two recent works of mine. @BZ & @Nolan pooled some of their Tokens in order to ask for this one to be made! It's Lieutenant Commander Thomas Ravon and Lieutenant Zephyr Praise, who became a couple in April of 2381, serving together on the Theurgy.

>> Click For Full Resolution

Secondly, here is one @Stegro asked for, and let me surprise him entirely with picking the character and nature of the image!

>> Click For Full Resoltion

That's all for now. Take care of yourselves out there, Theurgists!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4470
Welcome new people!  Hope you guys enjoy!  :)
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4471
Greetings! Thank you for the warm welcome, it just adds to the excitement factor. I am really excited and looking forward to getting stuck in on this journey with you all, but will control that excitement just a little until I am fully up-to-speed with everything. I admit I am already in awe and so I'll need to find my space legs so to speak. Hopefully it won't take too long! I'll keep this short and sweet and end for now, but love the welcome messages and would pass on my own welcome to Augusteo.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4472
Thanks a lot for your warm welcome! I'm excited to begin this experience with you and see where this journey will lead to. As Auctor Lucan told I'm not a native English speaker but I'll do my best to honour Isel and her profound character.
Now I'm focused on fill up the narration gap and to be ready as soon as possible to start this amazing journey with you all. I take the opportunity to greet Solena as new entry like me (I'm a bit in awe too ahaha).
Ensign Isel Nix [Show/Hide]

For every suggestion, correction or thread proposal don't hesitate to contact me!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4474
Welcome to the Theurgy-fam @Solena & @Augusteo - Looking forward to reading your works! :)
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

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