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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1600
Amusingly enough I chosen Pattinson for Kae's new actor because I was looking for an actor that would fit better and after watching him in "Water for Elephants"-my mind clicked and the creative process went on it's merry little way.

Another aspect was looking for an actor who fit the general "look" of someone who spent more time in a lab then anywhere else and you have to admit-he's pale enough for that ;)

And CV, no...he doesn't sparkle :P

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1601
DocReno, Patterson is a good choice. I know what it's like when you see an actor and it just clicks into place. Besides, it's obvious Kae doesn't sparkle; However don't let me him into the Triwizard Tournament or he'll end up at the hands of Peter Pettigrew ;)

FollowTomorrow, 'Unfuck things' made me laugh so hard I almost snorted some my coffee. Good job :)

Lucan, I love the 3d printed fighters but I think we all want to know when we can see our grand lady instead ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1602
Haha, yeah, Thea will be shown as soon as the STL file has been finished, showing all kinds of detail otherwise lost.


In the meantime, I felt a bit nostalgic so I made this new part of the Wiki:
You can see this list on our Wiki link page here on House of Eros, and also in the side-menu on the Wiki itself. If there is any location featured in our story that is not on this list, please let me know and I'll see if I can add it too.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1603
Everyone beat me to the sparkle jokes lol! Nice job tho - he looks very convincing in.the role and the photo manipulation for the nose is spot on

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1604
Bit of inactivity on my end. Blame my exams! :D Should be back and posting in a day or two. Just wrapping up the final ones.

As for Robert as Lin Kae, looks good! Also, I will literally die laughing if someone makes Taylor Lautner a character as a vulpinian.

@ Lucan, I wish I had a 3D printer :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1605
Reg: posting - had guests stay longer than planned and work go off the deep end this week. Posts to follow on weekend, hopefully

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1606
You know, I was really hoping to hold back on the sparkle jokes, but you guys just went ahead with them anyways :P

Who's ready for the 50th?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1607


I took the time to compile a new overview so that everyone knows what's next for them. Don't forget the threads Inner Space and the Accipiter, for example, where a lot more people can participate.I will be sending out individual posting notices too, all in friendly spirit and not meant to nag at you all. :)

Below is a list with all the threads in the Interregnum and Episode 04, sorted chronologically with the oldest one first. The threads in green are finished already and the yellow ones are on-going. Also, all these are links to click which ought to make it easy for those who wish to browse and read the story too.


DAY 01

DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.]
DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [0730 hrs.]
DAY 01: Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.]
DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.]
DAY 01: Lost in the Mind [1015 hrs.]
DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]
DAY 01: Encouragement [1115 hrs.]
DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.]
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.]
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 2 [1240 hrs.]
DAY 01: Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.]
DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.]
DAY 01: Healing | Part 2 [1840 hrs.]
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.]
DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]
DAY 01: A Quiet Chat [2100 Hrs]

DAY 02

DAY 02: Goldeneye's Confession [0700 hrs.]
DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]
DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]
DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.]
DAY 02: A Friendly Chat [1300 hrs.]
DAY 02: Mistress-at-Arms [1400 hrs.]
DAY 02: Digital Relations [1500 hrs.]
DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]
DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]
DAY 02: Poker Night [2000 hrs.]
DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.] Next Poster: CanadianVet

DAY 03

DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]
DAY 03: Phasmids [0900 hrs.]
DAY 03: The Beginning Of A New Life [1100 hrs.]
DAY 03: Twitching [1100 hrs.]
DAY 03: Between Meetings [1200 hrs.]
DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] Next Poster: Anyone! (DocReno had interest?) [glow=red,2,300]Social Commentary Wanted![/glow]
DAY 03: Well-Earned Recognition [1500 hrs.]
DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.]
DAY 03: Midnight Oil [2345 hrs.]

DAY 04

DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]
DAY 04: Aftermath [1300 hrs.]
DAY 04: Obligations & Priorities [1305 hrs.]
DAY 04: Scotch & Fire [1400 hrs.] Next Poster: RosariaRosette
DAY 04: Jumping the Shark [1421 hrs.] Next Poster: Doc M.
DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]
DAY 04: The Flutter of a Pair of Wings [1750 hrs.]
DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.]
DAY 04: Question of Wolven Error [1900 hrs.] Next Poster: 1) Kaligos 2) IronFerrox 3) CanadianVet 3) Auctor Lucan 4)
DAY 04: Subconscious Repression [1955 hrs.]
DAY 04: Recuperation [2130 hrs.] Next Poster: CanadianVet

DAY 05

DAY 05: Keeping Balance [0630 hrs.]Next Poster: chXinya
DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]Next Poster: Zenozine
DAY 05: Creature Comforts [0930 hrs.]Next Poster: Triage
DAY 05: Sheep in Wolf's Clothing [1200 hrs.]Next Poster: Auctor Lucan
DAY 05: Redux [1400 hrs.]Next Poster: SummerDawn
DAY 05: The Crossroads [1430 hrs.]Next Poster: CanadianVet
DAY 05: Climax Jump [1740 hrs]

DAY 06

DAY 06: Inner Space Next Poster: Everyone who hasn't posted yet
DAY 06: For Sake of the Galaxy [1500 hrs.] Next Poster: Nolan
DAY 06: Fighting Shadows [1600 hrs.] Next Poster: RosariaRosette
DAY 06: Late Night Liaison [0045 hrs.] Next Poster: Nolan


PROLOGUE: Homecoming
CHAPTER 01: Tensions Rising
CHAPTER 02: Crucible (listed by characters)
- Main Bridge: 1) Simon Tovarek, then eventually, when the boarding teams below have posted 2) Natalie Stark
- Transporter Room 01 (Alpha Boarding Team): 1) Wenn Cinn 2) Dyan Cardamone
- Transporter Room 02 (Bravo Boarding Team): 1) Ryuan Sel, stepping in 2) Thea
- Transporter Room 03 (Charlie Boarding Team): 1) Cameron Henshaw 2) ThanIda zh'Wann
- Sickbay (Entrance): 1) Heather McMillan 2) Vinata Vojona
- Sickbay (Isolation Ward 01): 1) Hylota Vojona, giving birth 2) Heather McMillan
- Fighter Assault Bay: All Lone Wolves, Eun Sae Ji & Sten Covington
- Stellar Cartography: Shall, reporting to bridge

CHAPTER 03: Loyalty
- Jefferies Tubes SB84: 1) RosariaRosette 2) Kaligos 3) Auctor Lucan
- Bridge > Air-Lock on Deck 01: 1) Kaligos, getting everyone outside in their suits, ending post there 2) Arista, Parnak on the Bridge
- Docking Pylon: 1) Julia, escaping to the Resolve 2) Havenborn, same 3) DocReno, cover fire 4) Brutus
- Aerowing: SummerDawn

There we go! I will be sending out personal posting reminders too. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1608
Glad to see so much posting being done!

Here is a finished project I have indulged in the past couple of days:


Ens. Six                      Forensic Scientist Officer  Starbase 84
  - Played by Vystori

Image 01:

Image 02:

There is a third image to be found in the boudoir gallery on DeviantArt too, but we can't link it here given our site-rules. Head on over to the BA and start searching.

Hope you all like the updated look of Ensign Six!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1609
Love the new looks of Lin Kae and Six. The latter has a very interesting one, and the former... I'm impressed, I must say. Wouldn't have guessed Pattinson makes such an excellent Bajoran engineer. oO

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1610
Can you believe that Star Trek is 50 years old today!?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1612
My celebration is watching all of the firsts: The Man Trap, Encounter at Farpoint, Emissary, Caretaker, and The Motion Picture.  Last night I got to go to a local theater/cafe who was showing "The best of the worst". Turned out to be The Royale and Spock's Brain XD

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1613
We all should take a moment to reflect, and commemorate the franchise somehow. I decided since a couple of weeks back that I'd do so by doing the following:


It is hard to put to words what Star Trek means to me, much less what it has meant for science, society and the potential betterment of mankind. Yet regardless what may have compelled us to begin with, when we were first introduced to this phenomenon, be it the characters, the stories, the technology or the vision of the future, we know how much it has affected us... even if it may be hard to put into words.

Celebrating the 50-year anniversary, Star Trek: Theurgy now re-opens recruitment - more writers are now welcome to add upon our grand, independent story. For while not all 3D-modelling has been completed yet, and there is still more non-character artwork to be done, what better way is there to commemorate the Star Trek franchise... than to make sure the stories can continue?

Announcements have been made on DeviantArt and on Tumblr, with almost 1000 followers/watchers notified. I also put up the recruitment notice here on House of Eros.

So! We might be getting some new members, and while I had ambitions far too great about finishing some stuff before doing so, I realise that we cannot just shut out the new blood either. It will be interesting to see if we have a cue, heh.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1614
I've been celebrating the 50 year anniversary by working my way through DS9, and now Enterprise, and I will start on Voyager once I finish the last season of Enterprise.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1615
Still can't stand enterprise don't know how your watching it Canadian, but I loved voyager, and I really should get around to watching DS9 someday.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1617
What's wrong with Enterprise? (Excluding "A Night in Sickbay")

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1618
I just logged in to notify all of you that my computer has died.  I'll be absent for a little while until the issue is resolved.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1619
Greetings everyone! I wanted to come and introduce myself a bit. I'm a new writer for Star Trek: Theurgy, and I'm super excited to dive in and interact with everyone. I've been lurking around for a couple of days, devouring character bios, the story archive, and I'm through the prologue of the current episode, hopefully getting through Chapter 1 tonight.

I'm writing Derik Veradin, a young, cocky, CONN officer who's being slightly retconned in as the as previously unnamed Acting Chief Conn Officer for the USS Resolve. I look forward to lots of fun interactions with everyone.

As for me, I'm a 30 year-old male, (about to be 31 in 3 hours, but for right now I'm just 30, damn it ;) ) IT professional living in Kansas City, USA. I've been doing online writing/roleplaying since middle school when I wrote in my very first Star Trek Sim, Upsilon Fleet, may it rest in peace. I've known the GM for quite a while now, having written with him in three other online writing groups and we recently reconnected and while we were reconnecting, he was telling me about how awesome this group was so I had to come check it out.

Other random facts about me: I grew up with Voyager so the nostalgia factor pretty much makes it my favorite series with DS9 as a close second. My favorite characters are The Doctor, Odo, and Garak, and growing up I had huge crushes on Tom Paris and Dr. Bashir. I'm addicted to reality TV(Survivor, Big Brother, RuPaul's Drag Race, etc) and watch too much TV in general, and I use way too many emoji. In rereading this I deleted four... I really do have a problem, lol.  :-[

Anywho, I'm likely to keep on rambling so I'll stop. If you have any questions ask away, I'm excited to be here and to join in the story with all of you. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1620
Welcome to the group, Mathis! And Happy Birthday. :D
(My character, Ejek, informs me that being 30 is a great accomplishment and nothing to be ashamed of - not even for 3 hours. ;))

...And I think I might have a similar problem on the emoji front. ^^° Also grew up with Voyager, so the nostalgia factor there is greatest for me as well. I only recently, meaning a few years ago, even watched the whole of DS9, but since then it's my close second, too. Or maybe the two series are on par; I have a very hard time picking all-time favourites. Those things are subject to change for me, always depending on where my current interests lie, and I wouldn't want it any other way. Can't dwell on the very same thing forever, though I do like to come back to it, rediscover it and/or look at it from a very different angle, every now and then.

Very happy to find you play a "new" Resolve character. It's cool to see our crew growing. =)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1621
Welcome Mathis!

A friend of Lucan's is a friend of ours. I hope to make you feel like part of the family quickly.

DS9 is my favourite even though I watched TNG as it came out in the UK

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1622
I have a houseguest for the next little while, so my posting will be a little disrupted.  I will try to get caught up at the earliest opportunity.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1623
Quick Question about one of the latest posts.

Dr Nicander has been discreetly screwing a bunch of the crew correct? And the suggestion he knocked up the one Ovri is correct? Just trying to get an idea for just how big an @ssh0le he is. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1624
Welcome welcome :)

Posting update: hope to be post for my characters on Friday night or Saturday morning my time. It's been one of those crazy months.

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