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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1650
Iron, it was good to have you around for the few threads that we did together. I wish we had more chances to work together.

You are a great writer, but really I'm just happy to hear that you will be following something important to you. Nursing school is very difficult, I've known a few people who have gone through it, and I have to say I'm always impressed by people who go down that path. It is a tiring one, but damn if it isn't worth it.

Good luck in all future endeavors, we will miss you.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1651
This is a huge loss for us Iron but RL marches on.  It's going to be hard, since you were not the designer for much of the tech that the characters use.  I feel like one of the producers for the TV show died.  Good luck in all your endeavors. 

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1652
So sad to see you leave Iron, though I completely understand.  I have a lot of friends who went into nursing and I've heard all sorts of storied from them on how much focus and effort it took to keep up with their schooling.

Good luck with things, and I know we'all be ready and waiting if you get a chance to return to the Pack.  Have a howl on us ^^

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1653
Like others have said before me, it is so sad to see you leave us after all these years, IronFerrox, but we hope to have you back sooner rather than later. Your enthusiasm and dedication to this story we have been writing for over five years will be sorely missed. Also, I think you know - just as well as the rest of us - that this adventure our characters are on would never have been the same without you. Thank you for bowing out as gracefully as you have, and you have my word that Miles Renard will be available (if Missing-in-Action) at the time you return to us.

Likewise, I look forward to keep chatting with you online whenever you find the time. Of course you are welcome to post here in the OOC whenever you want, because Star Trek: Theurgy will be here for many years to come.

In this regard, Aisha S'Ithi and Selena Ravenholm are both available for inheritance. Here is the generic announcement in that regard, but I do hope you guys are interested in taking over either of these fantastic characters of IronFerrox's.


If anyone who would like to to take over either of these character below, and both 1) doesn't have too many characters and 2) also can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. As always, my policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing the character gets to inherit him/her. If there are no takers, the characters will be will still be kept as NPCs that are available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course) until they are put in stasis or killed during the battle to come. I will personally handle any threads that needs to be finished, playing these NPCs as required.

Here they are, with links to their character pages:

Lt. Aisha S'Iti              Chief Conn Officer

  - Played by IronFerrox

PWO Selena Ravenholm         Communication Specialist

  - Played by IronFerrox

Please PM me with your interest as soon as possible. :)

Now, brace yourselves for something that doesn't happen every day...


I realise, as I write this, that literally no one is still around from the time when MasterRat last wrote with us. He was with us right from the start, participating in the beginning of Episode 01. Brutus joined shortly after MasterRat left us, so I suppose it is only I who recall how good a writer MasterRat was (is). I particularly remember a great scene where his primary character - Chief Engineer Nolak Kalmil - preformed a spacewalk where he sealed a hull breach with a structural integrity field, only to get injured at the end. The details escape me now, five years having passed since then. Those who have read our PDF books, like Arista and ch'Xinya, might remember reading about Nolak Kailmil, though.

MCPO Nolak Kalmil - Former Chief Engineer

So, after the Theurgy visited the Black Opal, Doctor Nicander got his hands on the right kind of prosthetic vertebrae that Nolak needed in order to be restored from stasis and to a life not reduced to being a vegetable on a biobed. During one of the later days in Interregnum 03-04, Doctor Nicander will preform the surgery, and after that, we will set things up so that Nolak has a place and task during Episode 04. Since Billy Bob O'Connell is beaming over to Starbase 84, it does make sense that Kalmil remains in Main Engineering.

As to who gets to be Chief Engineer now that Nolak returns, it will be settled as we go along writing his recovery. Doc M., check your inbox for more info on that. :)

MasterRat is only returning with Nolak, because his secondary character (Lawrence O. Lance) was accidentally killed by ThanIda zh'Wann at the end of Episode 01. Here is the link to Nolak Kalmil's character page: MCPO Nolak Kalmil. Updated character images are in the making.

Anyway, welcome back to the story MasterRat, and I hope you'll be able to stay with us this time around!


After having conducted a poll about the potential interest for this kind of writing opportunity, it became clear that a lot of people were interested in writing scenes that would fit best on this board.

Link: Director's Cut Board

This board serves as a place where all our writers are can write scenes that didn't make it into the main story-line of Star Trek: Theurgy.

These scenes could, for example be:
  • Scenes from the past, detailing early character stories
  • Behind the scenes stories, where the characters are shown doing things that wasn't seen in the main story-line
  • The GM may even post things that foreshadowed the events in Star Trek: Theurgy, detailing how things truly transpired
    Threads on this board may be started at any point independent of the main story-line, but it is expected that all members participate on the regular boards too.


    Ironically, with our SCO Miles Renard's writer leaving us, I had spent a lot of time into making better squadron organisational charts for both the Theurgy and the Resolve. I even made the Harbinger's remaining squadron of fighter pilots even if that squadron is no more. Check this page, and see how there are a lot of new NPC names added to the charts.

    Havenborn provided me with NPC names for the Resolve's Grey Wolf Squadron, and if we have applicants that wants to join as fighter pilots there, we'll simply have to retconn the chart and a post or two in Episode 04. As for the name Grey Wolves, it was voted for by the three writers that have Tactical CONN Officers on the Resolve, and it was decided that the wolven naming theme was something inherent to all single-squadron deployment on starships. So, aside from the Lone Wolves and the Grey Wolves, there could be any kind of other squadrons out there with the wolven denominator (White Wolves, Black Wolves, Red Wolves). As a side-note, the Theurgy has the name "Lone Wolves" because they alone have the Mk III Valkyries.

    Here is the link to the page: Tactical CONN


    When the USS Theurgy arrived to Starbase 84, Ian Hawthorne ordered Commander Salazar to launch the whole Air Group in response to the threat on the base. Initially, however, the collective force of interceptors are now prevented from launching because Thea has sealed the bay doors on the docking section of the base. She also locked all docked starships inside the spacedock to their docking pylons, preventing them from launching against the Theurgy. The effect of this is that many interceptors were destroyed, but many still remain.

    Since few knows the scope and numbers involved with Air Groups, I have tried to visualise it with an organisational chart full of names and callsigns for each of the 242 interceptors. While this might seem to have been a daunting task, its really just a matter of putting the wiki code into excel and then have a name generator spit out names to add to the columns, so its not as much work behind it as it might seem. The true work with this is the callsigns and giving race to the pilots in this chart. Anyway, look for yourselves, and see what the Theurgy is up against in Episode 04:

    Link: The 23rd Tactical CONN Air Group at Starbase 84


    Here is some of my latest art for the group. Aside from these, I am working on a number of character images too, since we have some application processes underway for new members (aside from MasterRat, that is). The new characters will be posted as these application processes are finished. Anyway, hope you like these, and they are available in full size if you click them:

    Treacherous Trail

    That's it for the moment folks! I will be sending a Story Overview list as soon as I finish it. I owe some posts to you guys, and I have a lot of character images to make, but the overview will be coming out as soon as possible.

    Oh, and thank you all for the congratulations on my birthday! I spent that weekend in London and had a swell time with fine dining and nice hotel accommodations. It was awesome, and for those who have yet to visit London, I can warmly recommend it.

    Best Regards,

    Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1654
Oh man, missed opportunity for great RP from the biobed,

Nurse fetch my soup with a straw please, oh and my bedpan needs changing.  :P

As for those old post, I should reconfigure them a bit, my writing was ok, but the spacing was horrid noob work and made my eyes bleed  >.<

Thanks for the awesome intro Auctor Lucan, glad to be back, great artwork as well.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1655
Been swamped all week. Hoppppefully i'll get to do some posts this weekend but it is debatable. We're getting in to that really busy time at work.

IronFerrix - its a shame to see you go, but RL trumps any of this. I wish you the absolute best of luck with your classes :)

Master Rat - Holy crap I remember reading some of your posts when i was playing catch up before posting myself; welcome back.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1656
From someone who has left and returned, IronFerrox, I know how much of a jerk Real Life can be, so I wish you the very best in all your endeavours. And I hope we will get to see you again soon


OOOH SELENA RAVENHOLM! QUICK! Someone grab her! Do it! Grab her! Save the cyborg! DO IT!


DO EET! Because you are a wonderful, awesome person! Do it! ADOPT THE CYBORG!

What the hell was in those mushrooms?!?


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1657
Well welcome back MasterRat, we never met and I hope we might cross paths here, and considering the medical nature of YC's return he might cross paths with one of mine for checkups after this mission.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1658
Thanks man,

I'll set my phaser to stun and poke you with a stick.  "Is it alive, smells dead to me"

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1659
Welcome back Masterrat, interesting to see one of the eldest faces returning to the Rp. Looking forward to playing with you!

Alas, I also feel sadness to see you leave Iron. As a nurse practitioner however, I wish you the best of luck during your training! I know how hard and how much it takes at times. Also, if you'd need any advise or help, feel free to message me up :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1660
Never got a chance to write with you, Iron, but all the best wishes in your schooling and training, it'll all be worth it and I look forward to your possible return. :)

Welcome, MasterRat. I'm still new around here, but I look forward to our characters meeting at some point.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1661

Your call was answered, Triage!

With IronFerrox leaving us, and with chXinya showing great interest in Selena Ravenholm, he will take over her as his character as of this day, and play her in full as if she was a character of his own. The policy, as I've said, was 'first dibs', so after chXinya have read up on Ravenholm and re-read some posts where she was featured, he will be able to be posting with her quite soon.

Good luck with your new character, chXinya!

PWO Selena Ravenholm         Communication Specialist

  - Played by chXinya

In other news, we have two new characters incoming, both entering the story via the Black Opal. As soon as the character application processes are finished, they will be announced here. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1662
Oh, hey, guys. You know what? We happened to pick up a Gorn at the Black Opal. Yeah, and... um... he is in Engineering too. So, O'Connell, he is your responsibility now. Deal with it. ;)


PO2 Sithick                  Engineer

  - Played by Kaligos

There is also a Gorn page coming up on the Wiki, but it is not quite finished yet. It will be announced when it is, though.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1663
A GORN!    *plays the music from the Arena episode of Star Trek original series!

Watches Kirk lose his shirt again.

Holy hell in a hand basket! thats flipping awesome!



p.s.  Awesome News for the Android, good luck and many great rp to both chXinya, and Kalogos.  

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1664

Hi there everyone! Kalashnikov 3D has agreed to host two models for us on Sketchfab, this being the Mk III Valkyrie and the Interceptor. They can be found below by just klicking the images. Have fun twisting and turning them around all you like.

Sadly some details were lost in the translation from Blender to Sketchfab, but most of it is there anyway. Don't forget that you can pan the lighting in the viewer by using ALT + the left mouse button. Click the ? for more control options.

These demo viewers are of course available on the Wiki too, accessible in the technical specifications pages.



Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1666
Galaxy Quest is still the greatest movie ever made.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1667

Hi there everyone! We have a new member! Today, Even Angels Cry joins us with the Black Opal's dedicated shuttle pilot, Jaya Thorne. She came aboard the Theurgy on Day 04 in the Interregnum, and a new thread will be posted on that board for both Jaya Thorne and Sithick, where the personnel on the Black Opal learn the truth about Starfleet Command and conform to the Theurgy's objective and Captain Ives' command.

PO1 Jaya Thorne              CONN Officer

  - Played by Even Angels Cry

In Episode 04, with some training for it on the Theurgy since she came aboard, Jaya Thorne will be piloting the Allegiant. Her old commander on the Opal (Jennifer Dewitt) is the officer in charge on the scoutship, along with many other known people from the Opal. Besides Jaya, Kaligos' new character Sithick will be down in the warp core room on the Allegiant together with Cadets Zhong Wu and Vitaly Stanimir. The Engineering Officer on the bridge of the Allegiant is Sithick's old superior officer on the Black Opal, Ensign T'sebl Felr.

Here is the link to the post in Episode 04 which both Even Angels Cry and Kaligos can post in reply to:

The post has been edited to include Thorne at the helm and Sithick down in the warp core room.

Welcome Even Angels Cry and I look forward to writing with you!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1669
Hi hi hi!  I'm looking forward to writing with you!  And I know my username is long, so EAC seems to work best cuz its only 3 letters!  lol ^_^

Im so excited to bring Jaya aboard!  Thanks for having me!!

~ EAC/Angels/Keiko
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1670
Welcome aboard the ship! Hope you'll enjoy your time with us, that is if we don't kill ourselves in the current chapter :D
Looking forward to playing with you and all the rest of the chars joining us!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1671
Hey, thanks for joining us EAC. I'm sure you'll feel like part of the family pretty darn soon! We're a friendly lot over here

If you want any helping catch up on the history or want a partner to write with, let us know. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1672
@.@ thank you!  there's so much  history! it's daunting!!
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1673
Welcome on board EAC! =)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1674
All your base are belong to us!
Take off every zig!

So greetings and salutations, Even Angels Cry.  Hope you enjoy, and stay a while. May all your RPs be with a smile.

Peace and fun travels,
Master of Rodents aka an idiot typing at a keyboard.

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