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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1625
Dr Nicander has been discreetly screwing a bunch of the crew correct? And the suggestion he knocked up the one Ovri is correct? Just trying to get an idea for just how big an @ssh0le he is. :)

Hi SummerDawn,

Noticed that no one's replied so I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring (so to speak). Dr Nicander has been screwing a bunch of the crew with various levels of discretion. Apparently he seems to be a popular guy in that regard, but it's Maal who's the father of Hylota's baby.

Now onto the question of his Asshole...ness. I think it's a bit of a Jekyl and Hyde situation. I've been reading back onto the old stories and there are a few times where Lucan does or wants to do the right thing but is either pushing or taken in the wrong direction by the parasite that lives within him. I think the Jury is out of whether he actually is a good guy or not, but I think everyone agrees that the parasite makes him sometimes act on his worst instincts.

Don't forget that he is still the Chief Medical Officer and has saved numerous lives. Also, Lucan and Cinn are currently reminiscing about old times in the topic "Good Old Times" So you never know, you may find some of the nice things he's done there. ;)

Anyway, TL:DR verison - He's a bit of a asshole but not completely.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1626
Hey Arista,

I noticed after reading a bit more that Maal is the daddy, during the whole sex crazed parasite invasion situation the Theurgy faced. :) I found bits of it on here through search but I think I'll have to go to the PDF archives to get up to speed. It's just a bit daunting to read that much. :)

Good old complex characters, a bit anti-hero, a bit villan, all devious.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1627
Quick Question about one of the latest posts.

Dr Nicander has been discreetly screwing a bunch of the crew correct? And the suggestion he knocked up the one Ovri is correct? Just trying to get an idea for just how big an @ssh0le he is. :)

to follow up on arista's post I have talked to lucan( the GM) a lot on what kind of a person Lucan (the character) is .  from what I have gleamed a lot of the dark actions of him serve two goals that are currently aligned.  The beast within or the parasite as we could call it is one of the unknown enemy and obviously wants the Theurgy either destroyed or its crew recaptured.  However Lucan himself is on his own on a quest for vengeance against members of hi own people and wishes to turn the Theurgy into a form of giant suicide bomb to use against them.  As such this aspect of his wants seems to conflict with the parasite in he still has need for the ship and its crew for his own ends and resists actions of the parasite that would undermine His personal goals for vengeance.  IN a certain way its his vengeful plot that has saved the however his personal plot REQUIRES the ship and therefore he can't let it just be put back in their hands.

This being said as the story goes on the person within him does tend to develop relationships and feelings that may in turn influence him to stray from the wishes of the parasite and may aide in convincing him to stray from his original suicidal plot for vengeance.

If I were to name tropes that his methodology tends to revolve around I would say he tends to have MO's that are likened to what could be called Xanatos gambits.  (named for the multilayered plots of the Gargoyles villain Xanatos (who funnily enough was voiced by Jonathan Frakes)  another possibly fit is what would be called the "magnificent Bastard" aka an asshole that due to their amazing cunning and ability to out think the heroes allows him to remain one step ahead.  essentially it would be a cross between a respected rival/villain and that fucking asshole you hate.    Adding to his ability to remain hidden, is the fact that he might also embody the charisma of a charming Rogue.

I would sum him up as that guy that you love to hate as a reader but because of his charismatic facade the protagonists cant help but at the very least like if not in many cases fall in love with.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1628
Hi there everyone!

Yeah, well, after these two thorough accounts on the devious Dr. Nicander, I really have nothing to add, lol. I feel like I would go into details no one would care about if I added some shades of grey to his actions, so I will simply say that he does a lot of good things for all the wrong reasons. Of course, he does a lot of bad things for the same reasons, but over time, his act as an immaculate and charismatic doctor serving the crew has come to make him form a conscience, undermining his old, sworn pursuit of vengeance. After all, if you spend all waking hours telling the same lies, they tend to become the truth. Also, all he has done and aims to do he has - and will do - because of love. That is a love to his lost woman Kisane. Should people around him come to substitute the memory of Kisane, his dark motivations become less relevant.

Two small amendments, if I may?
1) Maal impregnated Hylota before the mutiny in Episode 03. Ovri have pregnant a really short time, hence the imminent birth in Crucible. :)
2) Another reason why the parasite fails to take over Nicander completely is because of his Câroon genetics, which prevents all emphatic or telepathic leverage on his mind. He is both the worst and best host, in how he can serve his purpose as a host for a much longer time (purpose of lending order to the chaos-nature of the parasites and furthering their goals in a structured and cunning way) but he is also the worst possible host because he retains a lot of his free will, and might oppose the goals of the unknown enemy if it is in his interest.

Time for some news! :)


Since the thread Loyalty in Episode 04 has now reached the point where Starbase 84 launches its forces in response to the Theurgy's arrival, I was happy to unveil the AC-347 Knight-class Interceptor, our latest space craft in the story. Kalashnikov 3D, who made the Tovarek FTR Drones, modelled this design of mine, and it turned out really good in my own humble opinion. The Knights were designed for fast response, territorial defence. Albeit being at a disadvantage in a prolonged engagement, the Knight was made to strike fast, hard and then regroup for another pass if so necessary. With its heavy phaser cannons and ability to hold auxiliary armament, each pass that these interceptors make will count. They are not deployed alone either, but will attack in large numbers with synchronised strikes. They are, however, not Space Superiority Fighters, like the Valkyries, and are ill equipped for prolonged combat since they have a lesser manoeuvrability, but they are the first to engage if territory is compromised.

As for how the Knight measures up against the Mk II and III Valkyries, the two latter are space superiority fighters whereas the Knight is an interceptor, so in a sustained dogfight, the Knight would end up on the loosing side. However, should the Knights be in superior numbers, they could outrun and gun down every last one of the Valkyries long after they'd call for retreat. The Knights have superior warp capabilities, and their heavy pulse fire cannons has enough yield to wear down the shields of the Valkyries rather quickly.

For more information, here is the new page in our Wiki: AC-347 Knight-class Interceptor


Like I said, I am really excited about how everything is coming to a head in Episode 04! Right now, the USS Resolve has cast off its moorings, its aerowing is loose in the spacedock, and soon, the Sabine will be launching as well. Thea has hacked Flight Ops when she beamed aboard the base (which is about to happen in Crucible), and she has not only locked the docking clamps to the resident starships at SB84, but also sealed the bay doors, effectively preventing any starships or fighters from engaging the Theurgy. Ian Hawthorne has ordered the whole Tactical CONN Air Group at the base to launch, but as the Interceptors try to get out there, the bay doors remain shut. Effectively, that is preventing Wing after Wing of squadrons from getting out, and with the low manoeuvrability of the Intercpetors coupled with their drag-racer speed, that has turned the insides of he spacedock into a nightmarish blender of Knights trying to throttle down and not crash into the interiors of the base or each other. As this happens, the Resolve and its aerowing needs to stay out of harms way, and find some way to escape the starbase.

Characters on the Resolve that should go to (or stay on) the Resolve's bridge:
Tristan Kendrick (Command chair)
Keval ch'Rayya (Tactical station)
Derik Veradin (Helm)
A'vura Zeshryr (Ops station, when Kendrick arrives)
Suq-Reylin-Efreya Xan (Engineering station)
Zelosa Ejek (Supporting staff)
Six (Supporting staff)
Silim Parnak (Supporting staff)

Characters that should go to the Resolve's Fighter Assault Bay and prepare to launch:
Daniel Havenborn (Leading remaining four Mk II Valkyrie pilots, K'Ren on the aerowing)
Krystal Tancredi (Leading Tribble Squadron, reporting to Havenborn)

Once everyone are in place, see above, I have another surprise up my sleeve about how they are to get out of the starbase. ;)

Meanwhile, on the USS Theurgy...

In Chapter 02: Crucible, all the boarding team characters are in place. So, Brutus will be posting how Natalie Stark orders all three transporter rooms to beam over the teams. Immediately after or during the transports, Starbase 84 goes to Red Alert, raising shields and also raising questions about whether or not the boarding teams made it over there. With the base on Red Alert, the Theurgy's cover seems to have been blown, and I will have Captain Ives order Red Alert and releasing the Lone Wolves after Brutus has posted with Natalie Stark. Ironically, it was because of what happened inside the spacedock on SB85 that made the base go to Red Alert... but no one on the Theurgy knows that. Its not like they can hope their cover has not been blown if the base raises its shields.... Neat, huh?

Boarding Team 01: Entry point will be underneath the subspace acquisition grid, with a bit of climbing to do in order to get inside the communication relays on top of the base. Starbase security will move to intercept, with their presence there quite obvious to internal sensors.
Boarding Team 02: The first thing Thea will do, when on SB84, is to handle the base's bay doors and docking clamps. Next, she and O'Connell will try to take over the fusion reactor core of the base.
Boarding Team 03: They will beam in as close as possible to the Command Centre in the Executive Offices Complex (EOC), and both Ryan Sel and ThanIda zh'Wann (+ 4 redshirts) will be escorting Cameron Henshaw to her adoptive father, Ian Hawthorne, in the hopes to make him stand down. Good luck with that, Nolan! :)


Just some eye-candy for you all. :)


Sadly, RosariaRosette is no longer a member of Star Trek: Theurgy because of lacking posting activity. For over a month, she has failed to reply to PMs and emails, and it would seem she has been swallowed up by RL commitments. Therefore, her characters will either be killed or put in stasis during Episode 04, unless they are inherited by another writer.

If anyone who would like to to take over either of these character below, and both 1) doesn't have too many characters and 2) also can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. As always, my policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing the character gets to inherit him/her. If there are no takers, the characters will be will still be kept as NPCs that are available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course) until they are put in stasis or killed during the battle to come. I will personally handle any threads that needs to be finished, playing these NPCs as required.

Here they are, with links to their character pages:

Lt. JG Fasha                 Wolf-03 [Morrigan]

  - Formerly Played by RosariaRosette

PO1 Eun Sae Ji               Head of Fighter Propulsion

  - Formerly Played by RosariaRosette

Ms. Sera vers Aldnoah         Explorer                    Starbase 84

  - Formerly Played by RosariaRosette

Worth mentioning are also Kanti MacTavish, Lahkesis Saugn, F'Rell, Zaraq, Cir'Cie and Maal, whom are also available (look them up on the Wiki).


We still have some unfinished threads in Interregnum 03-04, but I am confident we can handle those without too much trouble. I will be sending out personal posting reminders as needed. If anyone wishes to write with me in a one-on-one thread, please let me know and we'll see if we can squeeze that into the Interregnum too. Furthermore, I would like to welcome our new member Mathis, whom is an old acquaintance of mine from my years of writing. I have noted that he has already made a grand entrance with his character Derik Veradin, who is now challenged to keep the USS Resolve from being hit by interceptors inside Starbase 84's spacedock. Good luck with that! *grins*

We have no other current applicants, as far as I am aware, but there are a few - I hear - that are considering whether or not to join us. Time will tell.

That's it for now, and hope this finds you all well out there!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1629
So if we wanted to do some back story on characters, write some scenes here and there that are outside the main storyline but help add depth and/or explain who they are of why they did something, is there a place for that? My last tag with K'Ren & Drauc brought up some ideas that'd be backstory but aren't part of, or affaect the main storyline, but I kinda want to write in some ways.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1631
That's awesome Brutus, hope you can make it but don't feel stressed out about it. :)

SummerDawn: I think you weaved the backstory into your post beautifully, but if you want to write it out in full, I would recommend you add it to K'Ren's biography as a new section to it, where we all can partake in that specific part of her background story. If you add it there, you could post here with a link to it, or ask me to include it in the next newsletter. Either way works for me.


In addition to the newsletter, I took the time to compile a new overview so that everyone knows what's next for them. Don't forget the threads Inner Space and the Accipiter, for example, where a lot more people can participate.I will be sending out individual posting notices too, all in friendly spirit and not meant to nag at you all. :)

Below is a list with all the threads in the Interregnum and Episode 04, sorted chronologically with the oldest one first. The threads in green are finished already and the yellow ones are on-going. Also, all these are links to click which ought to make it easy for those who wish to browse and read the story too. PO means Posting Order (if applicable, and always suggestions/recommendations).


DAY 01

DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.]
DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [0730 hrs.]
DAY 01: Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.]
DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.]
DAY 01: Lost in the Mind [1015 hrs.]
DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]
DAY 01: Encouragement [1115 hrs.]
DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.]
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.]
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 2 [1240 hrs.]
DAY 01: Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.]
DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.]
DAY 01: Healing | Part 2 [1840 hrs.]
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.]
DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]
DAY 01: A Quiet Chat [2100 Hrs]

DAY 02

DAY 02: Goldeneye’s Confession [0700 hrs.]
DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]
DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]
DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.]
DAY 02: A Friendly Chat [1300 hrs.]
DAY 02: Mistress-at-Arms [1400 hrs.]
DAY 02: Digital Relations [1500 hrs.]
DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]
DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]
DAY 02: Poker Night [2000 hrs.]
DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.] Next Poster: CanadianVet

DAY 03

DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]
DAY 03: Phasmids [0900 hrs.]
DAY 03: The Beginning Of A New Life [1100 hrs.]
DAY 03: Twitching [1100 hrs.]
DAY 03: Between Meetings [1200 hrs.]
DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] Next Poster: Anyone! [glow=red,2,300]Social Commentary Wanted![/glow]
DAY 03: Well-Earned Recognition [1500 hrs.]
DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.]
DAY 03: Midnight Oil [2345 hrs.]

DAY 04

DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]
DAY 04: Aftermath [1300 hrs.]
DAY 04: Obligations & Priorities [1305 hrs.]
DAY 05: Alien Therapy [1400 hrs.] Next Poster: The Counselor & Doc M. (joint-post)
DAY 04: Scotch & Fire [1400 hrs.] Next Poster: Auctor Lucan (wrapping the thread)
DAY 04: Jumping the Shark [1421 hrs.] Next Poster: DocReno
DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]
DAY 04: Free Images [1630 hrs.] Next Poster: chXinya
DAY 04: The Flutter of a Pair of Wings [1750 hrs.]
DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.]
DAY 04: Question of Wolven Error [1900 hrs.]
DAY 04: Subconscious Repression [1955 hrs.]
DAY 04: Hidden Forces [2000 hrs.] Next Poster: FollowTomorrow
DAY 04: Recuperation [2130 hrs.] Next Poster: CanadianVet

DAY 05

DAY 05: Keeping Balance [0630 hrs.]
DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]Next Poster: Zenozine
DAY 05: Creature Comforts [0930 hrs.]Next Poster: Triage
DAY 05: Sheep in Wolf's Clothing [1200 hrs.]
DAY 05: Redux [1400 hrs.]
DAY 05: The Crossroads [1430 hrs.]Next Poster: CanadianVet
DAY 05: Climax Jump [1740 hrs]

DAY 06

DAY 06: Inner Space Next Poster: [glow=red,2,300]Everyone who hasn't posted yet![/glow]
DAY 06: For Sake of the Galaxy [1500 hrs.] Next Poster: Nolan
DAY 06: Fighting Shadows [1600 hrs.] Next Poster: Auctor Lucan (wrapping the thread)
DAY 06: Good Old Times [2100 hrs.] Next Poster: Arista
DAY 06: Late Night Liaison [0045 hrs.] Next Poster: Arista


PROLOGUE: Homecoming
CHAPTER 01: Tensions Rising
CHAPTER 02: Crucible (listed by characters)
- Main Bridge: 1) Natalie Stark & Sarresh Morali 2) Captain Ives, calling Red Alert 3) Carrigan Trent, going to MVAM
- Transporter Room 01 (Alpha Boarding Team): Wenn Cinn, after Natalie Stark orders the Transporter Room to beam them over
- Transporter Room 02 (Bravo Boarding Team): Chief O'Connell, after Natalie Stark orders the Transporter Room to beam them over
- Transporter Room 03 (Charlie Boarding Team): ThanIda zh'Wann, after Natalie Stark orders the Transporter Room to beam them over
- Sickbay (Entrance): 1) Doc M, in response to Heather's display, added with the two Ovri passing by and leaving (already in the corridor now) 2) Heather McMillan
- Sickbay (Corridor): 1) Hylota Vojona 2) Dr. Nicander & Maal
- Main Engineering: 1) Lin Kae 2) Rihen Neyah
- Fighter Assault Bay: 1) IronFerrox, after Captain Ives orders them to launch 2) All Wolves Launching!
- Stellar Cartography: Shall, after response from the bridge

CHAPTER 03: Loyalty
- Shuttle Bay Corridors: 1) Hi'Jak 2) Sera vers Aldnoah
- Air-Locks to the Bridge: 1) Suq 2) Six + A'vura 3) Keval ch'Rayya 4) Ejek 5) Tristan Kendrick 6) Derik Veradin (Very Loose PO)
- Air-Locks to the Fighter Assault Bay: Krystal Tancredi & Daniel Havenborn (No PO)
- Docking Pylon/SB84 Command Centre: Ian Hawthorne, after Kendrick is on the Resolve's bridge
- Aerowing: K'Ren

There we go! I will be sending out personal posting reminders too. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1632
SummerDawn: I think you weaved the backstory into your post beautifully, but if you want to write it out in full, I would recommend you add it to K'Ren's biography as a new section to it, where we all can partake in that specific part of her background story. If you add it there, you could post here with a link to it, or ask me to include it in the next newsletter. Either way works for me.

I probably phrased that wrong. My world of PBEM RPG, there's backstory and back story. :D K'Ren's backstory in her bio is good and I'm not ready to muck with it quite yet. What I wanted to possibly do was write out stories of events that took place in her past. These would be actual written posts similar to what we're doing in the main storyline, but are backdated to some point in her past. Essentially it's a way of telling in more dramatic fashion, what might only be a sterile few sentences on her bio.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1633
Ah, I see. So you are more or less suggesting a new child board on our main board that contains threads that don't fit into the Episodes, having occurred before and/or altogether outside the main story? I suppose there is no harm in that, but I am not sure if it's merited to create a new board if there will only be couple of threads there. I reckon it's a matter of whether or not there is enough interest in the group for such a child board, if others want an opportunity to write out past events. If there is not enough interest for it, I am reluctant to create another board for it. Of course, should there not be enough interest in that, then the previous solution I suggested will have to be the way to go about it. My meaning was not to muck with the current biography, but to add upon it with In-Character scenes. It would have to be in fanfic (one-writer) format though, unless created with joint-posting using PMs.

So, unless anyone has anything against me doing so, I will put it to a Poll for all the members, and we'll see if there are enough people out there that have stories to write on such a board. The new poll will be posted later tonight.


With RosariaRosette leaving us, and with Mathis showing great interest in Sera vers Aldnoah, he will take over her as his character as of this day, and play her in full as if she was a character of his own. The policy, as I've said, was 'first dibs', so after Mathis have read up on the Câroon species and re-read some posts where she was featured, he will be able to be posting with Sera quite soon. Furthermore, Kaligos, there is no need for concern about the plans you and I have made for Sera and Hi'Jak, because Mathis has been fully briefed about the loose ideas for their immediate future and the launch of the Sabine. Furthermore, I encourage that the two of you make plans of your own as required.

Good luck with your new character, Mathis!

Ms. Sera vers Aldnoah         Explorer                    Starbase 84

>> Click for Character Page

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1634
EPISODE 04: Simulcast | Chapter 03: Loyalty | Spacedock Visual Guide

Hi there! After getting a request for it, I have made the below visual guide for the current situation in the spacedock inside SB84.

Click the image for full resolution
and please PM me or reply here if you have any questions! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1636
Best laid plans of mice and men - got sick Wednesday evening. Still riding it out. Will try to post  in the next few days.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1637
Sorry to hear you're sick, Brutus.  Feel better soon.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1638
Hi everyone, been swamped at work and home lately. Sorry for the delay. Will try to get a reply up before this week's end. Please bear with me a bit more.

Mathilda Week-Shod

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1639
No worries, Triage, we've all been there :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1640
I'm with you on that one, Triage

(-heads back into Universitywork insanity-)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1641
Hey Folks,

Gonna try to get caught up tag wise but this weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving so some of us north of the 49th will be in a Turkey coma this coming weekend. :) If I don't get tags out before end of day, I shall tag when I regain consciousness.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1642
Edited my latest post. Hope it wasn't too much. But Havenborn and Kaligos, something for you both. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1643
Hi guys, (and girls and other invited transgendered species)

Just to apologise about my slow progress this last week or so. I'm a bit ill and been travelling but I'm going to try to get out as many posts as possible within the next week.

Take care,

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1644
So I almost didn't notice, but thanks to some pointers on the site and Skype I feel the urge to say this.

Happy Birthday to Lucan!

Seeing he's probably one of the biggest wheels (if not the engine) of our RP group. I think he deserves a special Hooray on this day! :D

Thought I'd share it with you guys ^^

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1645
Hey so Nathan is out of the Brig, and while I know it's a little late to ask this, but does anyone want to have a talk with the former pilot?

There's still a day and a bit left to have a chat with the oldest Chief Petty Officer on the ship?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1646
Informative message for all:

I'll be out on holidays with limited to no internet usage from today till sunday. So expect delays if you're waiting for a reply from me.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1647
Happy birthday, Auctor! Hope you're having a blast with friends and family!

And Kaligos, if no one else has offered yet, I'll be happy to.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1648
Hey Folks,

Quick heads up that I will be delayed a few days getting my tags responded to. I picked up a bug from my 4yr old Nephew and not sure if it's a cold or a flu (bad cold if it isn't flu) so I've been working half days and passing out when I get home. Gotta love NyQuil ( ) and Coffee ( ) (Warning: It's Dennis Leary, nuff said)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1649
A few days ago I sent the following message to Auctor lucan over skype

"I deeply apologize for delaying the RP but I think I dont really have any time for the RP anymore.  I wish I could stay up with it but I am finding less and less time to devote to a long term RPG.  I would be glad to continue to be around as a second opinion on ship design ideas and story developments.  I just dont think I will have much if any time to RP in the near future.  As for selena and aisha I'll let you decide what to do with them.
 As for miles my preference is that you NPC him as necessary.  Near the end of the battle I was thinking something could happen and for the theurgy to get away Miles remains behind to fend off what he can as a distraction or something.  THis would allow a scenario where he is MIA for as long as necessary.
Though no one knows it I would imagine he gets away from the fight but has no clue where the Theurgy went.  I imagine in the process he returns to his home world knowing he has nowhere else to go for the moment.  I imagine if the RP is still around after my nursing school is done and I have a job nursing I may be able to come back to it.  I estimate this may be a few years though for that."

I want to assure everyone that despite leaving the RP for what will likely be a long while that I enjoyed every second of it and I am only doing so due to a lack of spare time to devote to Roleplay.  Nursing school can be difficult after all.  Honestly this is the best RP I have ever been a part of and i sincerely hope that once I finish nursing school that the RP is still around for me to rejoin.  I will still occasionally pop into the OOC here hopefully.   Anyways I hope everything in the rp continues to go great until I am able to return to posting.   You have no idea how much I have enjoyied roleplaying with you all and building this story.  I really hope most of you are still around when i come back.

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