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Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #75
[ Lt JG Nator 159 & Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Briefing Room | Deck 01 | Vector 02 ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @chXinya @Nolan @Vox @Even Angels Cry @steelphoenix @trevorvw

The Hermat eyed the guest officers across the table. It had taken the commander a long moment to sit down at the start of the meeting; evidently he was either having a hard time letting go of his suspicion or had chosen to make a show of not simply rolling over. The trio of Endeavour crew had given their accounts over the last hour, which naturally matched except for the details of their own individual perspectives. Mostly, Nator hirself had elected to stay quiet... the loudest voice in hir head said that was because most of the others present had more pertinent things to say, but the most honest one reminded hir that it was because s/he was content to concentrate on who was sitting where so s/he didn't forget any names if s/he were to look away from anyone's face for a moment.

"We have to follow it," the dark-eyed ex-XO was saying. "Warp trails 'on the wing' are straight enough, certainly, but that doesn't mean they didn't dog-leg somewhere inside the nebula. It was already becoming tenuous when you ab- when we boarded."

"The Borg don't 'dog-leg'," s/he said, without meaning to. S/he felt a suddenly self-conscious under the sudden stares s/he was receiving. Nator decided to cover hir misstep by forging on. "We know the Niger's course; we can extrapolate later."

"Later?" a pair of black eyes flitted to the pips at hir collar. S/he resisted the urge to roll hir eyes. For a man who had gone to great lengths not to refer to any of the Theurgy crew by their rank, Ducote certainly seemed to care a great deal about who was where on the ladder. "The longer we leave them-"

"Didn't you say the Endeavour was outside the Azure?"

"Well, on the fringes of it, yes," Ducote responded, unsure where s/he was going but unwilling to lie to the room. The hybrid's face tightened a little, though, evidently uncomfortable recalling the memory of his ship so recently lost.

"Do you find it reasonable that the Cube would have returned to the nebula's interior?"

"I am sure that I have no idea what the Borg might be planning, Mister Nator."

"Then the vessel is likely already loose in the sector already. If there are any more Borg ships at the transwarp conduit, we cannot stand against them in our current state." S/he glanced around the table. "Sirs," s/he added, looking back down at the table for a moment in a rare display of humility. "If we want to be any use at all, we have to make our rendezvous with the other Vectors. We will be a sitting duck otherwise."

Ducote shook his head, looking towards the Bajoran captain of this part-dreadnought. "We must pursue the transwarp trail. Whether you lot are innocent or not, the Borg threaten everyone." He seemed oblivious to any effect his implicit accusation might have had. "Even if all we achieve is triggering a regeneration cycle, that has to be better than allowing them to work unchecked." There was a strong association of 'suicide mission' along with his words. The man seemed hellbent on pursuing the Borg, especially since it was no longer his own ship that might pay the price.

I suppose his ship already did pay the price, Nator considered. Though that should hardly mean that ours is theirs to dispose of as they fancy.

"We have to follow that trail," Ducote asserted.

"... As soon as we link up with the other Vectors, certainly," Nator retorted. S/he was aware that while s/he was Acting Chief of Operations, there were several other more qualified officers in the room besides hirself. But s/he wasn't about to let this self-righteous loyalist run roughshod over them - and in absence of Commander Stark, s/he was low on sparring partners in general.

Though, of course, the decision wouldn't be left to him or hir. Nator and Ducote held each others' gaze across the table while the others around them picked up the debate.
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #76
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Deck 16 | Tactical CONN Briefing Room | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @Auctor Lucan @Doc M. @Havenborn @Triage @Even Angels Cry @Blue Zephyr @Masorin

Evelyn Rawley hung onto every single word made by Ensign Henshaw, probably more so than everybody else, whether Lone Wolf or deck crew. She was, after all, the first to uncover the confirmation that the Borg was in the nebula, and now that the Niger’s systems were back up, the more she learned, the more gobsmacked she was. Three hours had passed and she continued to resist the urge to look around, expecting a Borg cube looming in the Nebula.

The wankers must be daft, she thought, to follow the Borg’s trail in a practical refugee ship! Why in the actual arse would they do a stupid thing like that? You don’t follow a warp trail to a potentially dangerous enemy and drag refugees along for the ride!

That particular bit of news shocked her as well as gobsmacked her. She nearly blurted out, but she restrained herself. She waited for Henshaw to finish. Besides, Razor would tell her off for interrupting a briefing. She knew what he’s like

Rawley heard the briefing through as she hung near Meony and Goldeneye; the latter out of the fact that she was one of the original Wolves left, the former in that she had a liking for the ginger cowgirl. She waited until Henshaw finished her briefing, and once it was done, Rawley was the first to speak.

“I say we follow that warp trail, back to its source. We know what proof these poor wankers they have, and if they were following that trail, that would explain why they were so anxious to scarper when they ran into us.

“We don’t have to take the Sword,” she added, when she saw the incredulous looks in some peoples’ eyes, “particularly if we want to make the rendezvous. I’ll follow that trail back myself, if I have to! The less to scout the trail, the better, and preferably a flying ace. It’s suicide, I get it. I’m not proposing the whole bloody squadron blaze the trail and leave the Sword defenceless; we don’t need the entire pack. But a bloody good pilot could fly circles backwards around even the Borg. A single pilot could track the trail, find the origin and follow the Sword’s signature to the rendezvous.

Besides, we’re called the Lone Wolves for a bloody good reason, lads! And lasses,” she added in an aside. “Think if you will of literal lone wolves, particularly if the wolf remains a lone wolf. Much as they may scavenge, a through and through lone wolf is stronger than the average wolf. That’s what we are! We are strong by our lonesome as we are strong as a pack! Not just in physical strength but in strength of mind, of will, of determination, of courage! It takes a brave wolf to stalk powerful prey, let alone powerful predators! A lone wolf is strong, but a wise wolf never seeks out a fight unless they have to, and certainly not if the predator has stronger advantages!”

She was gobsmacked by her own words; she felt as if she had just made her own St. Crispin’s Day speech.

She knew how anxious some people would be to make the rendezvous with the rest of the Theurgy, that’s why she proposed the idea for just a small number of Wolves, preferably one, to follow that trail back. She hoped it appealed to both sides of the debate, to the one that would rather sod the trail and make the rendezvous, and the one to follow the trail. However, she expected people to sod the idea, particularly Havenborn. She waited to hear anything better, or what everybody’s opinions were. It’s the only reason she restrained herself from saying “Who’s with me?”

OOC: I intend to wait for the poll to finish for the results, and everybody's entitled to their opinions. On my part, it's still a "follow the Borg trail choice" for Rawley, but the idea of a lone scout following the Borg trail to its origin and then return to the rendezvous depends entirely on what the results come up with; the idea would still be axed.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #77
[Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn | Briefing Room | Deck 1 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy]

Filling out the chair at the head of the conference table, Lt. Commander Cinn, currently leading the entirety of Vector 2, tried to not make it look like his focus on Commander Ducote was a challenge stare.  At this point, he was far too tired to back it up if the human took it that way, the only thing keeping him from slouching with a popped collar and a PADD covering his face was a lifetime of steely resolve.  Ducote hadn’t given a centimeter either, having taken the opposing end of the table an hour ago he’d pitched nothing but going after the Borg.

Cinn could see the value in it, a cube in Federation space was a situation no one could ignore, and a part of him couldn’t help but take pride in the idea that they could take one on without the rest of the fleet, doubly so since it came from someone not among the crew.  The pragmatic part of his pagh though, it told a very different story.  The Sword may be the most powerful of the three vectors, but they were still only one third of a ship.  Battered and shaken by the Savi, a fight against the Borg would be quite one sided.  At best they could force the Borg into a delay, possibly not even that.  Ducote’s insistence at following the Borg did raise the thought of just a recon mission, but who could they tell?  Any transmission to Starfleet would bring a ton of pain down onto their heads in the form of Task Force Archeron.

“Thank you Lieutenant.” Cinn finally cut through the heated debate between his Ops officer and their ranking visitor.  Eyeing the long-cold mug of tea sitting on the table in front of him, he ignored it, instead shifting his gaze to the map currently projected on the main screen.  It showed their position, the warp trail the Niger had discovered cutting across the outside of the Nebula, and the next two rendezvous points plotted by the contingency protocols.  “Commander, I understand your devotion to the rest of your crew, and the drive to rescue them and any others from the Borg.  I’ve faced similar odds in the past and come through the other side.  But,” he stressed the last word, “we have other obligations that demand our attention as well, some on very strict timelines.”

“We’ve been at this for over an hour now, I want final opinions from everyone, then I will make my decision.”  The time for talk was running out, he needed to act.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #78
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Tactical CONN Briefing Room | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Doc M., @Masorin, @Havenborn, @Even Angels Cry, @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado
The Borg issue had the Sword in a somewhat divided state. Meony wasn't privy to all the conversations, especially with the higher ups. Unlike the Resolve, here they still followed the chain of command almost to the letter. No way she was getting trickle-down information direct from a captain here. Even so, she could get the sense that the Niger crew and their findings had brought a problem to the ship. On one hand, they needed to know what the Borg were up to, on the other, they really needed to reunite with the other vectors, get repairs underway, take stock of everything that happened, and then prepare a plan of action.

She was back in uniform, with her hat hanging behind her by the neck, as she listened to Cameron Henshaw's briefing on the Borg. Once it was finished, Evelyn spoke up. Swivelling her head to regard the short-haired woman, Meony had a ghost of a smile playing on her lips. The woman certainly was brave, and potentially reckless, but she had a good point. Whatever was decided by the whole group, and especially by the captain, Cinn was a good man, and fair, and just, but he was very by the book, and all about the commonwealth. Yet, the Borg was a threat that needed closer scrutiny regardless of the immediate situation on the Sword. So once Evelyn finished her proposal, Meony piped up.

“Ah teenk dat's a real braht ahdeah, sugah,” she smiled at Evelyn, then turned to look at everyone else, “It's somethin' th' considah, fer sure, raht? Ah mean, it's th' fahkin' Borg! Cain't jest leave 'em runnin' 'round doin' Lord knows what in our backyard.”

She shook her head, “Dat said, Ah lahk t' teenk two's betta than one. So Ah'd lahk t' volunteer as ya wingmate, if this gets approved dat is.”

But if Evelyn decided to sneak out and do it on her own, the hell with regulations, then Meony would follow her too.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #79
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Briefing Room | Deck 01 | Vector 02 ] Attn: @Top Hat @Auctor Lucan @chXinya @Nolan @Vox @Even Angels Cry @steelphoenix

They had been sitting in the Briefing Room for over an hour. Both sides had made good points, but no one had actually made any sort of decision. Kai sat there listening to the debates going on around him, but he hadn't offered his opinion on anything as of yet. Ducote and Nator had been debating for awhile now and Kai agreed with Ducote, and not just because he was the XO but because Ducote was making the most sense to Kai.

It's like a dog chasing its tail He thought to himself just as Lt. Cmdr. Wenn Cinn had just about finished talking.

"..We've been at this for over an hour now, I want final opinions from everyone, then I will make my decision.

Well finally someone was thinking the same thing as me...

Kai paused for a half a second to make sure he didn't cut anyone off, leaned forward slightly in his chair, and spoke.

"Both sides make a great point and I can agree with a lot of what was said, however my opinion is that we go after the Borg" Kai paused for a second and then continued "The Borg not only destroyed the Endeavour, but they also pose a grave threat to the Federation, and as Starfleet Officers  we have a duty to try and stop the threat any way we can. I have to agree with my XO and we have to follow the trail left by the Borg before it dissipates and we lose the ability to find them"

As Kai had finished speaking, he leaned back in his chair and relaxed slightly. Even though Starfleet was not a democracy, he was happy to have given his opinion and let everyone know where he stood on the issue. As the others started talking, he listened attentively and curiously to see what the other opinions were.

Kai took solace in the fact that whatever they were going to do next, was not for him to decide. He was asked for an opinion and provided one. The rest was out of his hands...

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #80
[ PO2 Kino Taer | Primary Surgical Suite | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 ] Attn: @Nolan @Doc M. @Mathis @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet

It was good to be back in her exosuit, though it was decidedly cleaner and more sanitized than the last time she wore it. This time, however, Kino Taer wasn’t about to drop into combat but guarding a prisoner that had even Eliska Bremmer on edge. That wasn’t an easy feat to achieve, given her memories of Bremmer from before this whole mess. She looked over at where Bremmer was standing on the other side of the surgical bay and then over to the other armored Security NCO present – Petty Officer First Class Varder Ridun, a Bajoran whom she had worked with only since her reassignment to the Theurgy. He was capable enough and surprisingly also qualified for the suit, but his experience in the Dominion War – at least the bits of it he shared – were very different from hers outside of their common enemies at the time. Each were armed with their rifles and pistols, naturally, and just as naturally, Kino’s suit had a hidden combat knife she could access if the need arose. Or a few, if nobody had taken out the others.

It was all set to kill. Kino heard enough from Eliska to be assured of that necessity, and she was equally sure that the Security Centre had one of the watch keeping a close eye on Sickbay for any signs of trouble during this procedure. Still, if Nicander rose from the dead again and started making trouble, it would be up to them to put him down.

The surgical bay itself showed scars that her wakeup in Sickbay had only hinted at. Here, the Trill could see the scorch marks of phaser fire and something else really hot and one of the doors had been shattered and the frame damaged. There were limits to what engineers and operations crew could repair in a few days and Kino supposed it wasn’t surprising that this door wasn’t such a priority that it merited repairs over more pressing concerns, like holes in the ship’s hull. Nicander himself lay on the biobed, the monitors showing whatever the doctors could interpret as signs of him still comatose. Nurse Jovela was fussing around the room now in preparation for the surgery.

Movement from the Chief Medical Officer’s office caught Kino’s eye and she tensed up imperceptibly until she recognized the figures of the three doctors that would be performing the procedure meant to save Nicander’s life somehow. Doctors Maya and Rez were there, of course, and after the debriefing about the Borg attack, Doctor Ayre was cleared to be here as well. He had been very eager to verify the treatment that the Endeavour survivors that made it to the Niger were getting. There were a handful that still needed to be in Sickbay at this time and Kino was sure that was on his mind even now.

Not as much of an asshole as Ducote, at least. Cares more about the crew than the others seem to, which fits well enough.

As the trio of doctors and the nurse began their work, talk turned to whether ship should chase down the Borg or try again to meet up with the other two vectors. Taer kept quiet at first while the others established their positions, but she did open a private channel to Eliska and Varder.

“Hey Ridun and Bremmer, we're in agreement right? Fuck the Borg, link up with the rest? As much as I’d like to blow up a Borg cube, we’re not equipped to take one on. It would be beyond stupid.” She chuckled, a dark undertone beneath the apparent mirth. “It could be fun, though. I have … some ideas.”

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #81
[ Lt Cmdr Vael Kaeris | Briefing Room | Deck 01 | Vector 02 ] Attn: @Top Hat @Auctor Lucan @chXinya @Nolan @Vox @Even Angels Cry @steelphoenix

Vael sat quietly for the majority of the debate... well, they had called this a discussion, but a discussion was something done between equals and as far as he was concerned, they were still little more than unwitting prisoners aboard this vessel with the resultant lack of any real power or authority.  And despite his best efforts, he found his mind wandering amidst the so-called debriefing, his own thoughts having long since settled on the appropriate course of action when he'd first slipped into the runabout during the borg attack, and though his eyes never closed, feigning all the signs of attention, those familiar with his bactrican heritage would note the slight pallor to his otherwise dark colored irises.  Under other circumstances, he would criticize himself for having worked through his last sleep cycle -- something he had frequently argued against when it came to his fellow officers.  But Vael had higher standards for himself, and perhaps a touch of royal arrogance in his ability to soldier through.

In retrospect, he figured the situation ironically fortuitous.  Had they come across the Borg in this condition, he doubted just how far adrenaline would carry him.  Thankfully, his posture remained solid and, unlike his elder brother, he didn't snore.  Some time into the depth of the meeting, his senses roused him back to the topic at hand.

"Your current status aside," he said, given the opportunity to finally voice his opinion, "your vessel possesses one advantage, even diminished as it is, over our runabout.  You have the resources to explore several options at once.  We clearly have no ability to prevent you from pursuing the remainder of your ship into parts unknown, but you possess probes?  A fighter contingent?  Even our runabout.  While it would be the greatest act of karma for our Borg intruders to have found the creatures that forced you into such a state, leaving both the worse for wear, waiting for karma to save the day will gain us nothing in the end."

He placed his palms squarely on the table, glancing at the faces around the table one by one.  "The Federation must be warned of the Borg, whether their trail is lost or not.  They are an immediate and tangible threat.  I know several members of the Pathfinder project.  If we could get a clear transmission signal out to one of them -- perhaps Admiral Janeway herself -- they will at least be on alert for any possible attacks."  Leveling his gaze squarely on Wenn Cinn, he concluded, "If you are still true to the founding tenants of the Starfleet, then to do otherwise would be unthinkable."

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #82
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | USS Niger  Fighter Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan @Top Hat @Triage @others

Ji chuckled.  “One would think that's a site you'd like to keep to yourself.” she quipped back from underneath the console where she was working and getting the wires moved and replaced.  She never minded work, it was the kind of thing that made her happy.   Something to do, things to keep her fingers busy, and her mind even busier.  Especially with all the things that had happened lately.  It was starting to seem like the Theurgy could not catch a break though she hoped that once they were were put all back together and once they were able to move on again they would find somewhere they could entertain themselves.  Let their hair down, send messages to their families or something.  That was what she hoped for but only time would tell if that was something that would be available for them.

She grinned at his little comment.  “Oh?  And here you were wanting me to start removing clothing.  Liam, I do say, you're quite Modest.” she teased at him.  It was nice, being able to be around him at work, they weren't making out or anything but their chemistry that had started with them working together continued on even after they had slept together and had a date.  It was nice, this, being easy and warm without all the stress of wondering what the next step was.  They were taking it easy, and she liked it.  He was .. very kind and warm.

Soon, they got the console up and running.  Ji leaned against one of the inert consoles while Liam told Ravon what they had found.  The Niger had apparently been trailing something big.  Her eyes shifted over to Liam and she smiled warmly at him.  His blue eyes caught her own and she smirked.  “You too.  We make a good team.” she gave a shrug of her well muscled shoulder and then answered his next question. 

“Uhh.. snack time?” she chuckled.

==Three Hours Advanced==

CPO Eun Sae Ji | Tac-CONN Briefing Room | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

Ji sat beside Liam.  They had come in here to hear what was going on.  Decisions would be made that would impact the rest of the ship and that was something that concerned the pair.  They sat in the third row, out of the way and merely listening to the people talk.  She didn't like the way the conversation was going, she didn't like the talk of going after the Borg.  She didn't want to put the full crew in jeapordy when there was so much up in the air already.  So many people, missing.  So many friends, just gone.  That was who they needed to look after first, their family, their crew.

She leaned in towards Liam so that they could whisper their thoughts together without disturbing anyone.  They were talking about the Borg.  The Borg were just not someone that you wanted to fuck with and she certainly could live the rest of her life without having to see one of their assimilated faces.  For one Ji could not believe that they wanted to go after the Borg.

“They realize they're talking about the Borg right?” she whispered to Liam leaving her head close to his so they could continue to talk without anyone over hearing them.  Her dark eyes were on every person that stood up and had words to say.  It seemed that more and more of them wanted to go after the Borg.  She groaned slightly, and looked over at Liam.

“If I get fired, will you airlock me kindly?” she grinned at him as she shot out of her seat.

“I think it's idiotic.  Running after the Borg.  We need to put our ship back together.  We can keep the course of the Niger later.  But those that were assimilated are lost, and those that were on the Endeavour are likely gone.  What is the purpose of going back?” she asked them. “Putting our ship in danger, putting our people in further dangers, and for what?  To go after a enemy that we will likely be killed by?  I think it's a needless risk.”

She gave a shrug and sat back down next to Liam, she had given her opinion, and she wasn't ashamed of it.  Even if it might not be popular it was an honest and good one.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #83
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Fighter Assault Bay, Deck 16 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Doc M., @Triage, @Even Angels Cry, @Multificionado, Other Lone Wolves

Daniel listened to what Ensign Henshaw had reported about either the option to go after the Borg or make the rendezvous point; he wasn’t quite sure why the senior staff was entertaining this charade.  This was Starfleet and they would do what they were ordered to do.  Having sat in on numerous senior staff briefings on the Resolve he knew that most Captains liked to have options but that was what his senior staff was for, you didn’t ask the rank and file for their opinion because nothing would get done then.  He just shook his head as more people offered their opinions on what they should do, however it was Lieutenant Rawley’s voice that irked him the most.  Her analogy of the lone wolf being strongest made him scoff, while the lone wolf may be strong it was also the first to die where as a pack of wolves could accomplish much more working together rather than alone.  It was why wolves were pack hunters and why TacCONN generally named their squadrons after them because in TacCONN you worked in a group and not alone, because alone you would die.

He waited for a moment then stood up and spoke his piece.  “Our opinions do not matter, the senior staff will voice their opinions to the Captain who will then make a decision.  Our time would be better spent getting prepared for whatever choice the Captain decides to act on.”  Daniel said as sternly and authoritatively before taking his seat again.  Being one of the few higher ranked officers in the room he understood exactly how this situation worked and nothing they had to say here would affect the decision of the Captain so he saw it as a waste of their time.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #84
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | Tac-CONN Briefing Room | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 1500 hrs. ] Attn: @Nolan, @Auctor Lucan, @Havenborn, @Multificionado, @Even Angels Cry, @Jm Von Cat , @Blue Zephyr, @Masorin@Triage.

Sitting next to Evelyn and Krystal was a very quiet Tessa Lance.  Were they really thinking of volunteering to fly off after the Borg?  Visions of her body filled with infectious nanoprobes and biomechanical implants crammed in places she did not want biomechanical implants to be invaded Tessa’s mind.  Tessa wouldn’t volunteer for that mission for all the gold pressed latinum in Feringar’s Grand Nagus’ vault.  The words ‘worse than suicide’ appeared in her head despite all attempts to squelch it.  In her opinion, whether or not they should go after the Borg was a question that could be decided after all of the Theurgy’s stardrive vectors were reunited.  She nearly jumped out of her chair when Havenborn rose from his to make an attempt to belay the speculation and voting amongst the pilots and spotted Chief Warrant Officer Sten Covington give her a reassuring wink.

[ Maya | Primary Surgical Suite | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 1500 hrs. ] Attn: @Nolan @patches, @Mathis @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet

By 1500 hours surgery had begun.  In Maya’s opinion, there were too many distractions but there was little point in complaining.   Although Maya, Amelya Rez, Elro Kobol , and Jovela were working in the primary surgical bay attached to the chief medical officer’s office, standing just outside each of the five doors leading out from the surgical bay and protected by an invisible antimicrobial field was a security specialist, including the recently returned to duty Kino Taer.  The distractions did not end there.  Scorch marks from phaser discharges were still visible on the walls, evidence of the violence that had taken place and the disappearance of several officers, including the missing Lahkesis Saugn.  A part of Maya that she had thought she had sequestered in her normally focused and compartmentalized mind wondered if anyone had removed the override that Lucan cin Nicander had used to control the doors. 

Most perplexing and potentially most distracting of all was the change of hair color that Amelya Rez and undergone.  While Amelya Duv had been a brunette, Amelya Rez was now a platinum blonde.  Thankfully her new hair was impossible to see out of the crimson surgical scrubs she was wearing, just as Maya, Elro, and Jovela were.  While normally a cosmetic modification would be beneath notice, the change in appearance was indicative of a more profound change in the character of the acting chief medical officer now that she had been joined to the symbiont.  The symbiont that had somehow rendered every host associated with it both unreliable and likely to perish from a bad decision in a matter of weeks.  The likelihood of Maya no longer knowing the woman she considered a friend was more than probable, it was almost a certainty.  After revelation of the allegiance of the chief medical officer, the realization that the acting chief medical officer could be influenced by an untrustworthy symbiont that was disturbing to say the least.

“Exoscalpel,” Doctor Maya ordered. 

“Exoscalpel,” Nurse Jovela repeated as she handed the ordered instrument to the greenblooded surgeon. 

“Cytoplasmic stimulator,” Maya ordered. 

“Cytoplasmic stimulator,” Jovela repeated as she handed the ordered instrument to the greenblooded surgeon. 

“Doctor Kobol , what is the condition of the patient?” Maya asked in brusque businesslike tone.   She was aware that any readings he could get off the biofunction monitor could be misleading.  Lucan cin Nicander shouldn’t have survived the trauma his body had undergone, and yet he was still surviving thanks to the efforts of the alien invader that was using his body like a puppet.   In many ways, this operation wasn’t much different than the one used to restore Kino Taer to duty.  Both of them would have been pronounced dead a century ago.

OOC:  I'm assuming that if the thread started at 11:30 and it took a half hour to capture the Niger, three hours later is 15:00 hours.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #85
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Briefing Room | Adjacent to Battle Bridge | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
With a concerned frown cut between his brows, Tyreke listened to the present officers as they spoke of their reasoning, giving their opinions about the right course of action for the Sword.

In truth, Tyreke felt inadequate. He was no tactician, merely relying on common sense most of the time. He preferred to find his challenges in tricorder readings and the finely tuned sensors in his scientific experiments. Instead, he had happened upon a challenge in the form of the Niger's mission, which conflicted with their own. Now, they were supposed to pick between family and duty. Either reuniting with the other Vectors to get a better advantage against this new enemy present in Federation space, or they would do their duty and follow that warp trail to see where it leads them, before it might dissipate. This, at the risk of all of their lives, where their hearts were truly with the abducted on the Versant... or the order from Ives to continue their mission.

The representative guests from the Niger made a compelling case, offering suggestions. It was all in Wenn Cinn's hands. Tyreke looked at the Bajoran CO and clenched his jaw, offering his word.

"The mission to reveal the parasitic threat is for the greater good of the Federation. To restore it. To smoke out the snakes from the halls of power," he began in his African accent, and then glanced towards the three guests in the briefing room. "Yet we also need for the Federation to be there in the long run. We have feared that Starflet would be divided by a false war - a galactic war sown by the parasites themselves. Captain Hawthorne of Starbase 84 incriminated Starfleet in the eyes of the Romulan Praetor by arming the Donatra's rebel fleet, and we do not know how else they are pitching the internal factions of the Federation against each other."

Glancing towards the LCARS sceen in the room and the Borg warp trail, Tyreke frown depened.  "Yet this? This is larger. A Federation scattered and in turmoil wouldn't stand a chance against a Borg invasion. Whether the parasites in Starfleet Command knows about this, or not, is largely irrelevant. I..." Tyreke paused, conflicted, but knew what his recommendation had to be. "I think that whatever the method we choose, we ought to ascertain where they come from. After all, there is also a third Rendezvous."

Tyreke Okafor just hoped they would all be alive to make it there, and that the other Vectors were there to meet them.

[ CPO Liam Herrold | Tactical CONN Briefing Room | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @Blue Zephyr

Ji whispered to him, and Liam heard her.

"Yeah, I think they know," he whispered back, "but... I am not sure they realise that the Borg are worse than most things out there."

Then, after making a jocular comment about what she was about to do, Ji was at her feet and offering a counter-point to the arguments put forth. She made a lot of sense, as far as Liam was aware of the situation. If they left for the Rendevouz, they'd have a whole ship again, and they would be better able to undertake a mission to find how the Borg had gotten inside Federation space. Yet in the wake of her talking, Daniel Havenborn - the past SCO on the Resolve - spoke up. Liam couldn't quite tell if the Grey Wolf was frustrated with not being in the Senior Staff any more, or if he was just bitter in general about the overall situation, but either way, he did have a worthwhile point.

Liam shifted in his seat, glancing towards the two female pilots who had wanted to scout ahead to find the Borg, and then towards Ji. There really wasn't much to be said. "The Lieutenant is right," he commented, clearing his throat, "yet I appreciate the opportunity to be told in advance if we are to go after the Borg. It's not something I'd like to be unaware of. Thank you, Ensign Henshaw, Chief, for informing us. As for my opinion... I'm of the same mind as Chief Ji. There is no use in going on a suicide mission if you can make the odds a bit more in your favour. Like... having your ship all in one piece."

[ Ens. Vincent "Fury" Ferris | Tactical CONN Briefing Room | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Even Angels Cry
After the deck hand from the Resolve had spoken, Fury could not remain silent. Being one of the White Wolves before he came aboard, he did not know the Lieutenant with the callsign Salvo well enough, but he was in agreement with Meony and Ghost, who from the Resolve and the Theurgy wolves respectively.

"We don't have to engage the Borg," he said, seated next to Angel. He'd been named her RIO at that point, but he didn't know her opinion. "We just need to find where they come from. We can do that, and make it back. Should the order be given, I would gladly fly with Rawley and Tancredi. A Valravn fighter is even faster than a Valkyrie, so if we need to run fast, the old White Wolves are equal to the task."

Of course, Fury wouldn't dream of going against the orders of the brass. That would just be idiocy.

Having lost Devyrie to the Savi, Vinnie Ferris understood the sentiment of Chiefs Ji and Herrold, since there could be a chance to get the lost back from the aliens if the ship was whole. But between the Savi behemoth ship and the Borg, Vinnie still thought the Borg was the bigger fish to fry. Conflicted as he was about it, because of Dev, it made most sense to him.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #86
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | USS Niger | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] ]

After making his way back in to the Niger, he glanced over to the techs working the wiring. They seemed to be having playful banter going on and the pilot smirked a little and left it for what it was as he moved over to the aft section of the ship. Thomas was called out by Rawley who had found scraps of evidence. He looked at what seemed to be paper and studied it before he nodded slowly "Okay..." he murmured. He'd need more concrete evidence to back it up, sure this was paper, but the more sources they had the better. It was then that Chief Herrold called out for him. Ravon made his way back to the front and he got a short description what they were doing. He sighed as he could do the math himself and nodded "Nice work you two." he complimented the two techs before he tapped his combadge "Ravon to bridge. I have an update." he said before offering the solid evidence of Borg presence in the nebula.

[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon & Lt Simon Tovarek | Briefing Room | Deck 01 | Vector 02 ]

The two officers sat besides each other as they listened to the debate that had been going on for what seemed like forever. Thomas especially was tapping his fingers on the edge of the table as the brass seemed to fail to come to an agreement. Of course he was part of that problem. Most of the officers made good points and whilst Thomas had an opinion himself, he choose to hide it a little longer as he wanted to see who else might be thinking the same way like him. One of the Endeavour crew surely hit a string with Thomas as he mentioned that they had the resources to divide their options. To chase the Borg and meet up with the other elements. He bit down on his tongue and eyes the officer before looking back to Cinn. This was a messed up situation...

For Tovarek on the other hands, the cards were shuffled entirely differently. The idea of chasing the Borg was the most logical thing to do as they formed the greatest threat to the Federation and pretty much everyone else in the quadrant. However a single cube would undoubtedly wipe them out like they did with Endeavour. Even with the element of surprise gone now. What bothered Tovarek the most was that the acting captain had a point. They were on a strict schedule, meeting up with the rest of the vectors had been the sole priority so far.

In the aftermath of their open disagreement on the bridge during the Versant battle, Tovarek didn't want to openly question the captain once more. The squabbling wouldn't only be a farce to the rest of the senior staff yet it would also break the image of the Theurgy crew as a whole. They were supposed to be a tight knit group. Tovarek sighed and spoke up eventually "I understand the threat the Borg present. Yet while our probes have been all destroyed in the battle with the Versant we have ample resources to deal around." he paused before looking at the Endeavour crew "Yet if we want to face them which will inevitably be the case if we follow the trail, I believe our chances are stacked against us. Sure we have a fighter contingent, yet half of their pilots have been abducted for who knows what reason." He glanced over at Ravon whom only nodded silently. "As for your modified runabout, the damage to it has been extensive. The reports show that most circuits have been fried after our EMP assault." he paused as elaborating on who's fault that had been would just spiral out in a shout match. "So I believe our choices are narrowed down, yet our best chance is to meet up with the rest of our vectors and hunt the Borg down with the full might of our ship. Unless you think you can miss a few fighters to scout for the trail Mr Ravon." he concluded, passing the hot potato over to the man besides him.

With most of the eyes now aimed towards him, Thomas only wished he could be in the cockpit of his fighter. He seemed to be slumped down in his chair a bit and he straightened up as he cleared his throat "Gentleman and ladies... I think we're failing to see the point here. This IS the Borg we're talking about. Can I spare fighters to scout out the trail, yes. Will they make it back once they found them? Unlikely?" he said on a serious tone "There is no human error when it concerns the Borg. They'll be on those fighters in no time." he shifted a little as he made eye contact with each person that looked at him "So if you're asking me if I'm willing to order or volunteer my pilots for a suicide mission, the answer will be no. The moment we'll come under attack from those abducting dickheads, I'll need every single fighter on this ship to prevent Vector two to be sliced in half. I don't need to remind the current senior staff of the damage their ships did to us. Their weapons literally slice through our ships like a hot knife in butter. Trust me when I say that we'll need every pilot we can spare if we run into them." he said and pressed his lips together.

"That said, I do think the Borg form the greater threat. Hands down, yet we do need to face the fact that we won't serve the Federation any good if we were to follow and engage them. Only to fortify their numbers and fail in our primary objective. What good will we be to the Federation if we get mashed by the Borg and fail to send out a signal?" he asked the Endeavour crew in particular. "My vote would remain to follow the RV points to our remaining Vectors. United we stand, alone.... We'll perish."

[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | Tactical CONN Briefing Room | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

The presentation about their choices had come to an end now as Heshaw stood confidently on the podium, flanked by Sten Convington. The choice that they were facing was outright simple, yet hard to solve it seemed as Senior staff seemed to be still busy with the decision process. There was a lot of murmuring and talk in the briefing room after Henshaw had presented the options. Following the Borg trail had it's perils and on paper sounded like a death sentence. Yet the Borg were a viable and serious threat to look into. The continuance protocol on the other hand was the last order given by Jien Ives, which meant that the RV points should at least be met. Their objective to spread the truth and ensure the take over by the Parasites to be exposed to the universe had been their sole mission. Yet the cards had been shuffled differently now. Their was also the Versant and the Savi on the prowl.

Cameron listened to the various opinions of the crew and simply nodded at their comments. Some of the wolves seemed eager to follow the trail, yet in the end it was like Havenborn said. They would have to do what the brass decided. Regardless of the outcome. The informative session was purely to inform the crew of the direction the ship had to take. It would be hard to imagine that the decision would be made from what the crew here had chosen. "Thank you all for your opinions. Are there any more questions that I can answer for you all?"

[ Dr Amelya Rez | Primary Surgical Suite | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 1500 hrs. ]

The crimson surgical scrubs seemed like a second skin to Amelya Rez as she stood at the center of the surgical theater. While Maya was ordering the surgical tools to slice the former CMO up a bit more, Amelya looked at the face of Nicander. He had been under with a powerful sedative. Her hand brushing over his cheek as she smiled faintly before she let go and scrubbed her hands in once more before pulling the gloves on. After that she went straight to the gaping maw in his body, pulling it open a bit more so she could get a look of the extensive organ damage. Her eyes recognized and cataloged the various organs and state they were in as she kept breathing normally, calmly.

"Maya." she said on a tone like she always addressed her green blooded friend "Would you be so kind to slice away the necrotic damage to his fat tissue and skin. I think we'll have to remove the spleen and a part of the liver. The initial scans were comforting enough, yet when I look at them... They will probably cause more trouble in the future." she instructed before she looked over the third doctor in the room. She waited for him to give the status report Maya asked for before asking "Tell me Dr... Kobol ? Was it? Tell me a bit more about yourself." she smiled behind the mask.

She choose to deliberately ignore the talks of the other people in the room. Her mind had thought about the options of the ship and its crew. Yet they couldn't focus on that now, they had to focus on their patient. They couldn't afford any more distractions that were already there. Her eyes glanced over at the guards before her eyes flowed through the rest of the scarred room. The chills still ran over her back as she remembered what had happened here. She could even hear the screams and the general feeling of chaos if we looked at the blasted piece of door. Yet she focused back on the task at hand, the surgery of the infested CMO.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #87
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Primary Surgical Suite | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 1500 hrs. ] Attn: @Nolan @patches @Mathis @Jm Von Cat @Doc M.

Out of frying pan, and into the fire. 

Just as she thought she could get out of that suit and grab a shower and some rest, Bremmer found herself tasked with guarding that monster again... while entirely too much medical talent would be trying to keep it alive.  At least, it was restrained.  And not just the flimsy straps medical used either, but as many bands of duranium as could be applied without getting into the way of fixing the bulk of the damage, while giving it as little leverage as possible. 

And still, Bremmer was nervous. 

But this time around, she had one of the two people in the whole universe she trusted implicitly having her back.  Kino Taer was in her suit, and she was on hand.  The top dog on the detail, Petty Officer First Class Varder Ridun, she didn't know from a hole in the ground; but Kino trusted him, so it was good enough for the Human.  Kino Taer was a hothead, which typically wasn't a trait that led to long life expectancy when it came to explosives ordnance experts, but she was a good judge of people's mettle. 

When she came on their private comm channel, Bremmer obscured her visor so her lips would be hidden from the outside, as well as fully muffling the sound.  "Tangling with the Borg?  Fuck that shit.  Even if we had the whole ship, that reeks of bad idea.  So no, sweetie, you don't get to blow one up."

Then, she addressed the Bajoran, still on their private channel.  "So, Ridun, that monster twitches we turn it to burnt hamburger, right?"

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #88
[ PO1 Varder Ridun | Primary Surgical Suite | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 1500 hrs. ] Attn: @patches @CanadianVet @Doc M. @Nolan @Mathis
Back on duty, in command.
It had been nice to have his arm briefly tended to and a shower to rid himself of the grime of damage control and general exertion, even a good six or so hours of sack time. Nothing calm ever lasts and so Petty Officer Varder found himself sealed within an Exosuit and standing in the same room where everything had gone so wrong not so long ago. This time however Doctor Nicander was the one under the knife, being mended, for reasons beyond his pay-grade. Not that they were being paid anymore.

This time was different, strange. Scorch marks were visible from where both Sel and himself had missed the thing now laying on the bio-bed, further markings were present from Cobb's attack. The gore was gone, but it was difficult not to remember stepping in the puddle that was Lahkesis's internal fluids. Shake those thoughts, nothing can come of having your mind in the past with a job to do in the present.

Then came the voice of Petty Officer Taer, not entirely unexpected as a small sound marked the fact this was a closed comm link. Not that he expected any less from her, she knew her job and was damn good at it. A through and through star-fleeter might find issue with her methods, to him it was simply something to respect. The statement she put forward was typical of what Varder had come to expect of her, to the point with a bit of dark humor.

The next voice was not entirely unexpected, although it was unfamiliar to the young Bajoran. Another NCO by the name of Bremmer, from what he could tell she was a friend of Kino. Meaning she more than likely knew her stuff and was probably a combat veteran herself, that is before her time on the Resolve. She came through whatever has been thrown at her and is still here, more than good enough for him.

Then a Bremmer directed a question towards him, Varder went to nod before remembering that Exosuits did not exactly translate small movements well. Using the suits internal display he suppressed the suits external speakers so only those on the private channel could hear his reply. "We are agreed Kino, I would rather not become a part of the collective. Enough voices in my head as it is." His view shifted briefly downwards towards the rifle held against his chest before he spoke again, only a brief pause. "Melt it like plastic, one time stuck in this room was beyond enough for me." Having spoken he briefly thumbed the slider over his rifles power cell back, checking it once again before pushing it forward once more in a well practiced and professional manner.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #89
[Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn | Briefing Room | Deck 1 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy]

Listening intently to each person in the room that wished to speak their last, Lt. Commander Wenn kept a tally of who held what position in his head.  The consensus was quite clear before the final speech: follow the Borg trail.  The only dissension was towards whether or not to link up with the rest of the Theurgy first.  Ducote of course wanted to go straight after the cube, with Nator trying to get him to understand that they needed to link up with the other vectors first.  Akoni agreed with his commander, no surprise there, and while Kaeris did as well, he had the thought of using the Sword’s numerous auxiliary craft to scout out the Borg while they rendezvoused with the others.  Cinn was already thinking along the same lines, so bonus points to him.  He wasn’t sure about trying to contact the Pathfinder Project.  The famed Admiral Janeway though, he filed that in the back of his head for later.

Okafor pointed out that they did have a third rendezvous set up with Vectors 1 and 2, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if they missed the second.  Tovarek jumped in near the end, agreeing with the sound tactical move of sending some auxiliary craft out after the Borg trail, but the only ones they had available were some of the Wolves.  Wolf Leader cut that option off right then and there though, flatly refusing to send any of his pilots out after the cube, calling it a suicide mission.  Cinn would have to have words with Ravon about this later, there could easily be a time when such missions were necessary.  He respected the devotion though.

Cinn gave ch’Rayya, T’Less, and Thorne a quick glance when the room fell silent, all signaled a disinclination to speak.  With all in attendance having said what they wished, it fell to the Vector commander to decide what to do.  The Bajoran could feel the weight on his shoulders and the eyes of the entire crew focused on him.  What he decided to do right now could change everything.

“I don’t have to explain how hard hit we’ve been over the past few days.  Starbase 84’s disaster, getting ambushed by the Savi and the Asurans, and now firm proof that the Borg are nearby as well?”  Leaning forward to rest his elbows on the tabletop, dark hands knit together under his chin.  “Going after the Borg isn’t something I like the idea of doing, especially with only a third of the ship at our disposal, but they are a clear and present danger to the Federation, and an immediate concern.  My first thought was to send a fighter flight down the warp trail figure out where it leads,”  Cinn’s eyes glared at Ravon, “But apparently that’s not an option.  So we will have to do it ourselves.”

The choice made Cinn stood, grabbing a PADD for recording purposes.  “Thorne, change course to parallel the warp trail, follow it wherever it goes.  Okafor, tune the sensors for maximum resolution and range but try to keep our emissions limited, we don’t need to broadcast our location to the entire sector.  ch’Rayya and T’Less, start tactical simulations, run every scenario you can think of, and then throw in some that seem impossible.  Ravon, prep your pilots, we will engage the Borg.”

Turning next to the Hermat, Cinn braced for the pushback.  “Nator, work with Okafor and Thorne to figure out where the Borg might be headed, be it something of their own, or a Federation target.  I want a way to send a warning to any possible target, anonymous would be preferable, but if I have to talk with a governor or ship captain directly so be it.  This is too critical a situation for us to stay in the shadows.  If they won’t listen to us, that’s on them.”

Finally, Ducote got Cinn’s full attention.  “Commander, we’ll need as much intel as possible as you and the rest of your crew can provide us and your expertise would be invaluable to us.  That said, you’ve all had a long week and have suffered some of the worst that anyone in Starfleet could face.  We’ll get proper quarters assigned to all of you, including the compatriots still in Sickbay so that they have a home to go to.  Get some rest, we’ll talk again on where we go from here.  For all of you.”  Cinn nodded to the other guests from the Niger in acknowledgement and thanks for their help.

“See to your duties people, I want us as ready as possible when we have the cube in sight.  We get one shot at this, lets make it count.  Lieutenant Tovarek, if you’d remain for a few moments please.”  Signaling the end to the briefing, he stepped to the large observation window to peer out at the nebula while everyone filed out.  As soon as they were alone, he spoke up again without turning around.  “As you said, we don’t have any probes left thanks to the Savi, but I was wondering how long it would take to build a few more.  Your drones did quite the job on the Savi ship on our way out, and we need to think in unconventional terms now.  As far as I know no Federation ship has ever tried a warp ram against a Borg cube, so they shouldn’t be expecting it from us.”

“Also, what do you think of the idea of trying to get a message to Admiral Janeway, under the table of course?”

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #90
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Briefing Room | Deck 1 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Scanning the room as he was, Ducote was surprised by the fact that these people agreed that the Borg needed to be dealt with. Or rather, he was surprised at his own surprise; certainly everyone from the Theurgy at the table had been a member of Starfleet longer than they'd been a member of this defecting crew, so it made some sense that they would still be able to assess the situation accurately.

Almost as if they're reasonable sapients, right? No twirling moustaches?

He silenced the errant voice in his head. Rather than speak up again, or bother engaging with the contempt he could feel from the Hermat across the table, he merely looked at his hands, folded on the dark surface before him. They were still ingrained with soot and plasma ash... presumably his face was, too. He hadn't seen a mirror in days, but he could well imagine the particular shade of shit he looked. Goodness knew that he felt as if he'd been stamped flat. A solid fourteen hours' sleep after an honest-to-God hot-water shower would sort most of that out, probably, but there was still a laundry-list of things he needed to do before he would allow himself to stop.

The Bajoran in charge started issuing orders. Ducote lifted his eyes to watch the well-built alien speak, scarcely believing his ears. They were doing it. The Theurgy (in part, perhaps) was going to make an effort to warn the sector and risk confrontation with and destruction by the Borg to do it. As grand gestures went, this was up there. Ranaan was far from relinquishing his distrust of these people, but he was willing to admit they could at least manage to do the right thing when required. At least, sometimes.

At length, Wenn turned to the section of table at which the Endeavour officers sat.

"Commander, we'll need as much intel as possible as you and the rest of your crew can provide us and your expertise would be invaluable to us. That said, you've all had a long week and have suffered some of the worst that anyone in Starfleet could face. We'll get proper quarters assigned to all of you, including the compatriots still in Sickbay so that they have a home to go to. Get some rest, we'll talk again on where we go from here. For all of you."

The ex-XO nodded wordlessly. The question of their survival was now a shared one; even his stubbornness wasn't about to sabotage proper cooperation for the sake of his pride. He didn't even bother asking if they were to be guarded or confined to those quarters - the sensible answer would have been Yes even if this had been the Endeavour and all these positions were reversed. He'd been churlish enough already. Ducote stood, the muscles in his back protesting with their stiffness.

"I am going to see my people in Sickbay first, but after that I will share what I know with your staff," he affirmed to Wenn. The dark-eyed commander turned to Vael and Akoni, his voice growing thicker with his tiredness by the hour. "If you could collect the civvies from the brig, that would be best. They're probably going mad being kept out of the loop. I'm going to meet with Kobol ."

Going in pairs was wisest, but they were currently a trio. The thought of any one of the Theurgy crew going up against Kai was an amusing one, but that didn't mean he wanted to risk it, even if the people here were earning some trust. Vael made a more obvious target against the prospect of Akoni, but sending them together mitigated the problem at all. And if anyone went for the odd one out - himself - well. He could cross that bridge as necessary. A final nod to his senior staff, and he exited the conference room without a second glance at the collected Theurgy crew with which he did not explicitly have to interact any more. Ducote headed for the nearest turbolift.

Surprising absolutely no one; he was not, in fact, assaulted the moment he isolated himself.

A short while later, and he had followed the directions on the bulkheads that pointed him towards sickbay to arrive in the entrance corridor. Ahead of him were a couple of waiting couches and a desk, beyond which lay the infirmary proper. As he neared the corner, though, it became apparent that a pitched firefight had happened in here recently. Scorch marks on the walls that Ducote would have bet his left hand were phaser burns and a lingering smell of seared flesh that was probably ingrained in the soft furnishings here. Ignoring that for now, he flagged down a passing harassed-looking orderly.

"Where is Doctor Kobol ? From the Endeavour."

"He's in surgery, sir. You must be Commander Ducote?"


"I don't know how long they'll be, but-"

"Please show me to where the injured Endeavour crew are being treated." The words phrased a request; his tone, a requirement.

"Several are still being-"

"This way?" Ducote pointed towards the ward and started walking, leaving the orderly in his wake. The man hastily tried to catch up.

"Hey, you can't-"

[ Lt JG Nator 159 | Briefing Room | Deck 1 | The Sword ]

The Hermat listened with growing discomfort as the consensus trended towards following the Borg, without first making their rendezvous with the other Vectors. Hir jaw clenched as s/he considered their mass suicide. If they entered a battle with the Collective now... even if they survived it in the literal sense, in the figurative they would still be obliterated. S/he wasn't sure if hir high metabolism and short life span would count against hir enough that s/he could escape assimilation. Though that would mean death as an alternative...

S/he blinked the fatalism out of hir thoughts for a moment, returning hir gaze to the madman in charge of their "guest" officers across the table. His ship had been destroyed by the Borg, sure. That would be bad enough, if it didn't also mean that a fair proportion of his crew weren't dead, but now enslaved to the hive mind.

Not that s/he thought that gave him grounds to drag the Theurgy into the same hell along with him for the sake of it.

Commander Wenn brought hir out of hir reverie, addressing the acting Ops chief directly. "Nator, work with Okafor and Thorne to figure out where the Borg might be headed..."

Forcing hir jaw to relax, s/he just closed hir eyes and nodded. Hir eyes flicked over the other officers for a single sweep before s/he realised that in hir lapse of attention, s/he had forgotten which faces belonged to Thorne and Okafor. Nator looked back at the swarthy Bajoran. "Aye, sir. We'll work something out."

Little other choice, I suppose.

S/he stood with the others, and left quickly. Nator decided to stay outside the doors to wait for hir assigned colleagues, reasoning that despite hir failing to recall them, they would collect hir on the way to... wherever they would end up working. Stellar cartography was on Vector 03. Despite not knowing his face, the scent clinging to Ducote's uniform was hard to miss as he left the conference room; smoke and sharp sweat and adrenaline. S/he watched him stalk down the corridor towards the lifts, hir face unreadable.
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #91
[ Lt Simon Tovarek | Briefing Room | Deck 01 | Vector 02 ]

As the meeting runs to the end, Simon notices Ravon's displeased look on his face as he is ordered to prepare his pilots for a presumable Borg encounter. The SCO nodded simply to Wenn Cinn before he strode out of the briefing room. The thoughts he had were kept to himself as he'd do what was ordered for him, despite his reservations. Tovarek watched the other walk out or linger a bit longer before Cinn told him to stay behind. He was surprised partly by the offer and nodded as he stood up and waited for the room to clear before walking over to the acting captain.

Tovarek's lips curled into a faint smile as Cinn mentioned unconventional war tactics against the Borg. He shook his head slowly "I'd need to check with the crews who manufactured them. Usually it doesn't take that long. Normally a day or three for one considering the diminished manpower." he informed him "The bad news is, the resources for the drones were scattered among the different vectors. So I'm unsure if we can produce them at all." he advised the captain. with a slight hint of disappointment in his tone. "As for Janeway..." he pondered as he looked out at the nebula "If we do choose to contact Janeway... I would opt to use it under the name of the Endeavour crew. Mask our signal to match the Endeavour's. It'll not raise any red flags or suspicions, plus she might be our best chance if we face the Borg."

After that Tovarek remained silent fora few moments, allowing Cinn to react to hat he had said "Captain... As for the Borg, I can try and look up some more unconventional ways to engage them should we come to a fight with them. We've had some intelligence about them, sparsely at times, but I'm confident we can find something to use. I just need to know how unconventional we can go here captain?"

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #92
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol Brig | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | @patches @Nolan @Doc M. @CanadianVet @Jm Von Cat
Closed off from all outside thoughts, and with a complex and difficult procedure in front of him, Elro was able to finally shut out all of the worry and tension of the past few days. Worked had always helped to center him. He was a wreck outside of it, especially the past few hours and days. It was exactly what he needed. From the Borg attack, to surviving on the Niger, to being lured/rescued here, to being transported to the brig… it had not been his best week ever. While doing the work of saving someone’s life, though, he was able to quiet his mind and focus.

His job during the surgery was to monitor the patient’s vitals, assist on the major functions, and do some minor repairs aside from that. When Dr. Maya asked him for the status, he looked to the monitors just to his side. “All vitals in acceptable levels, no major shifts.” He began the work of repairing some minor arteries in the lower extremities, still marveling at how this man was alive. Assuming all of their sensor data could be authenticated, this would make one hell of a Starfleet Medical Journal submission. Assuming they survived.

His mind drifted only for a moment to those meeting elsewhere on the ship to decide where they should go, to the rendezvous with the other vectors of the Theurgy, or after the Borg. He was glad he didn’t have to make the decision. To be honest, as much of a threat as the Borg were, his main priority was the welfare of the crew. He didn’t know if he’d ever tell anyone, but if it were up to him, they’d leave the Borg in their wake, meetup with the other ships and find a way to get word to the rest of Starfleet.

Dr. Rez addressed him next, surprising him with a personal question. Her eyes smiled warmly, and he assumed she was smiling behind the mask as well. “Not sure what all there is to say, Doctor. I’m a Betazoid, grew up in San Francisco, served as a medical officer on the Artemis for five years before my transfer to Endeavour as CMO earlier this year. Not sure where I go from here, to be honest. I’m just glad to be out of your brig and helping.”

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #93
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Primary Surgical Suite | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 1500 hrs. ] Attn: @Nolan @patches @Mathis @Jm Von Cat @Doc M.

At least, it would seem Ridun wasn't overly stuck-up one bit.  After all, he was a First Class, and both Kino and Bremmer were Second Class.  After the War, she did have to deal with some higher-ranking NCOs who made a point to remind her of their status, and how her close protection, ACS and Mistress-at-Arms qualifications meant nothing as they still outranked her.  And he was on board with the plan to destroy the monster should it do so much as take a breath in a threatening manner. 

Even behind a forcefield, it made Eliska's skin crawl with more than just a little fear.  And with only mere restraints in place?  Her trigger finger was more than a little itchy and it was only through years of training and discipline she wasn't fingering the trigger just yet.  Or, like Ridun, redundantly making sure her rifle was ready to rock at a moment's notice. 

And, as she watched the back of the physicians arrayed around Nicander, an orderly walked squarely between she, and the threat in the room.  "Hey, partner," she said over the outer speakers.  "Don't walk in front of us.  Great way to put yourself between that thing and those supposed to keep you alive if... when it decides to be nasty."

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #94
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Tac CONN Briefing Room | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan

Ji was left unheard.  Or rather, just not listened too.  But then, it was really not her decision and she knew that from the beginning.  She had only wanted to make sure that they understood the ramifications of going after a race that was known for over powering the universe.  She knew they knew, but she also felt that they were wrong in their decision to then, go after the Borg.  It wasn't a good idea, and she regretted the fact that they were now going to have to do that.  It was dangerous, ridiculously so, and it was an unnecessary risk.  They could, surely, go after the Borg after they met back up with the rest of the ship. 

Havenborn spoke next, she didn't have any experience with him.  But, she knew that he was right too.  Liam decided to speak, and her dark brown eyes shifted over to the man that she was bonding with more and more as time went on.  What started as flirtation evolved into sleeping together and a date, dinner, talking.. and more.  Now, she found herself looking forward to every stolen moment she could get.  Liam was right, and he agreed with her, which was always a good way to go.  She smiled over at him and put her hand on top of his.  She didn't know if they were really out with their relationship or not but she knew that their playful flirty banter was going to get noticed soon enough and she might as well enjoy their bonding.

They were going to go.

Cinn began to give orders and she sighed softly closing her eyes and slumping in her seat.  She didn't feel defeated she just felt tired.  She was tired of fighting and tired of running and sometimes she just wanted to curl up next to someone and find a normal life.  But, she knew she would never be happy with just a normal life and that was why she had joined Starfleet to begin with.  She had been able, through Starfleet, to meet someone like Liam.  Whatever their future held she would take as it came but for right now she just was glad they could be beside one another and enjoy the company of one another.  She let out a long slow breath before she turned to look at Liam.  Her dark eyes opening as others were dismissed, though her hand continued to stay in his unless he pulled his away from hers.

“We better go prep the fighters.  This is probably going to get nasty.” She said softly as she studied his face and those soft blue eyes of his.  The ones that called to her from the very first time she had met him.


Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #95
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Briefing Room | Deck 1 | The Sword ]

Commander Ducote had ordered Kai and Vael to go to the Brig and collect the civilians that were there, kept in the dark about the happenings over the last few hours. Ducote seemed to think that they’d be mad about being left out of the loop, but Kai figured it didn’t much matter as this was a Starfleet decision and not something they’d really have much input in to.

As Vael and Kai walked to the turbolift, Kai let Vael enter first as a sign of respect for the higher rank.

The two didn’t speak as the lift started moving towards the brig. After the days of adrenaline and constant tension, this was the first moment that Kai felt himself relax since before the attack on the Endeavour. His mind had started to wander towards what had happened aboard the Endeavour. Kai couldn’t help think about the people that had been lost.


He had made some good friends during his short time aboard.

Kai’s mind had focused on two people in particular. The first person was the first person he made friends with…that was Cross. The hybrid was pretty closed off in the beginning, but had come around nicely with a little prodding from Kai. Although it apparently didn’t matter much now because he was dead…and there was nothing Kai could do to bring him back.

The second was Annika, Kai was never able to admit it to her, but he was sure he loved her. It had been a whirlwind romance, but now it was all over. Kai tried to push the thoughts out of his head, but it had been hard. He hadn’t had time to grieve yet, but there would be time for that after they figure out how to take care of the Borg.

I just hope they weren’t assimilated Kai thought as the turbolift slowed to a stop and the doors opened.

[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Corridor | Deck 7 | The Sword ]

The two officers walked silently down the corridor on their way to the brig. It was nice to walk somewhere at a slightly slower pace. The immediate threats had dissipated, although the Borg were still out there, they were still able to relax, albeit slightly. 

As they walked, Kai noticed the state of the ship. Even though it still looked relatively well kept and put together, Kai could tell this ship had been through some things. 

First the Borg, then the parasites Kai thought to himself as the two officers arrived at the Brig. 

Kai let Vael go through the door first once again, and stood two steps behind as the Lt. Cmdr. began the process of collecting the civilians. 

Even though he was slightly more relaxed, one could never be too cautious; especially on an unfamiliar ship whom just hours ago, Kai considered traitors. 

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #96
[Lt. T'Less | Briefing Room | Deck 1 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy]

T'Less had remained silent throughout most of the briefing, partially due to her mind processing how an encounter with the Borg wasn't exactly the ideal situation she wanted to be in for her first day back on active duty after everything she had been through, especially on top of the parasite situation as well. The other reason however was due to her considering their options.

Logic dictated that uniting with one or both of the other vectors would increase their chances of success against the Borg from both a tactical and firepower perspective however that would take time, something they couldn't really afford to waste given the situation.

As she listened to the other people in the room speak, she glanced around the room, noting the crew from the other ship that had joined them. Although it was certainly nice to have other members from Starfleet with them, they were also people who up until several hours ago would have considered them all traitors, which was a little disconcerting. However they had convinced others of their innocence before and T'Less was sure they would do so again.

For now however the Borg were a slightly more immediate threat and one that at least they all seemed to agree was the important thing to focus on. Whether the new people would be a threat to them in the future it was clear that for now at least they were all on the same page. Turning her attention to Wenn and gave a slight nod of her head when he ordered her to run tactical simulations with ch'Rayya, her mind already thinking up several she could run based on the Battle of Wolf 359 as well as all the information from the Enterprise's numerous encounters with the Borg as well as the vast amounts of information gathered by Voyager and her crew as well as a few others she knew existed in the ship's database.

Glancing briefly over at ch'Rayya the Vulcan knew that they would have their work cutout for them. The Borg were one of the Federation's toughest and most dangerous enemies and although individual Cube's had been defeated in the past by ships like the Enterprise and Voyager, the firepower of a single vector it was fair to say probably wouldn't be enough to do it unless they were both incredibly creative and incredibly lucky and only one of those two things did they have any control over.  The next few hours were going to be....interesting to say the least.

"I am sure we can come up with a few ideas Lieutenant."  she replied

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #97
[ PO2 Kino Taer | Primary Surgical Suite | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  ] @CanadianVet @Jm Von Cat

Kino barked out a soft laugh at Varder’s comment to burn the man on the biobed to plastic. She sympathized with the feeling of not wanting to be stuck in the room with what she had heard was a pretty nasty monster. Taer and Bremmer had been together in some particularly sketchy or sticky situations before, mostly due to bad Intel or Dominion surprises. She flexed the fingers on her synthetic hand absentmindedly, her mind replaying the events that cost her the arm and a good part of her leg. Bremmer would joke about not trusting Kino to know explosive safe ranges, but the Trill remembered clearly the look that was on her friend’s face after it happened.

It was a strange thing to be on the other side of that curious mix of anger, fear, and grief she had felt for comrades during the Dominion War. The piper always took his payment, one way or another.

Eliska’s voice brought her rudely out of her reverie and Kino’s trigger finger twitched before she registered what was said. Kino sighed.

“They’re just doing their job, babe.” She chided, the edge in her voice softened with a tinge of amusement. “No need to be so rude.”

Her attention returned entirely to the surgical bed and the people around it. The damage Nicander had taken was severe, but the doctors were obviously skilled. Given the information she was given, Taer idly wondered why they would bother using medical supplies and time on a man that turned so completely traitorous through the parasite that infected his mind and body. Did they really think it would be worth it? Once restored, it meant Round Two wouldn’t be between a weakened Nicander and the Theurgy but a parasite-infested Câroon at the height of his powers. She didn’t need personal experience to realize the potential danger that put everyone in.

The dice are loaded and the board’s stacked against us as it is. Kino mused as she glanced at Eliska, then Ridun, then the doctors. Staying true to Starfleet isn’t going to be worth much if we’re dead from this fool’s quest.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #98
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Tac CONN Briefing Room | Deck 16 | Vector 02 ]

With big steps the squadron commander of the lone wolves marched towards the fighter assault bay as he wanted to inform his pilots personally about the shitstorm they'd be in at some point. Ravon didn't encounter a lot of people in the corridors and the reason why that was the case was easily discovered as he walked over the hangar deck and saw the rather full briefing room. A lot of people had seemingly attended Henshaw's exposition about their choices. He opened the doors slowly and nodded at the last row of people who turned to look who entered. He made his way on the side of the bustling and murmuring room of people and once he reached the podium most people had fallen silent.

Henshaw looked at Ravon as his presence here would only mean one thing. They senior staff would've come to an agreement on where they'd venture now. Judging by the look on his face, Thomas didn't quite agree with that choice, whichever choice that might've been. "If I may have your attention." Thomas started as he gazed over the audience "Senior staff has decided that we'll be following the warp trail left behind by the Borg." he paused as undoubtedly the crowd before him would start talking and murmuring before him. He gave it a few seconds before he whistled to get their attention once more "This means that the fighters are to be combat ready at all times. Furthermore combat patrols will be doubled up. Wolves from this point on we'll be functioning as if we're on yellow alert," he stated before he licked his lips a little, "These will be rough times ahead, so if you have any personal errands to run I'd suggest you do so now.  I want us to be ready for whatever comes our way. Good luck ladies and gentlemen. Dismissed." he concluded before he turned away and looked at Henshaw and Sten.

"Sten, you might want to give your cubs a chance to sort personal issues as well. Once we're facing the Borg, I doubt we'll all come out of this in one piece," he said softly to the chief. Cameron nodded slowly as she looked at Covington before looking back at Thomas and excusing herself as she couldn't do anything more. She sauntered through the crowd as she made her way out of the briefing room.

[ Dr Amelya Rez | Primary Surgical Suite | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 1500 hrs. ]

Attentively Amelya listened to what the newly acquired doctor said as he introduced himself. In the meantime her eyes had glanced him over before she eyed the security officers positioned in the room. They'd be a distraction in an already elaborate and difficult procedure. Then again the entire surgical suite was a distraction as it was scarred and not repaired fully. Another distraction was the notion that they didn't know what the senior staff would decide about their future course of action. It was a nagging thing to be left in the unknown. However, this wasn't the time to think about such things as the patient on the table would need all the care they could provide.

"I'm glad to have an extra set of eyes helping us." Amelya replied before she turned her attention back on the organs that had to be removed "How's it going?" she asked on a softer tone to her Vulcan colleague and friend. She glanced over at Kobol  "Elro? Can I call you that?" she asked carefully before continuing "Could you start preparing the prosthetic material provided by Lieutenant Okafor. I think we'll need the artificial liver and kidneys, maybe a lung... Yes, most definitely a lung." she said as she looked into the carcass of Nicander by lifting up some of the flesh.

"Maya, if it's alright with you I'll start with the ribcage in order to get to the lung. Could you remove the spleen and liver in the meantime? If I'm not done by then, you could start with implementing the liver, perhaps salvage what you can from his pancreas and patch it up where needed." she suggested as she took out the tools she'd need to carve open the infested just a little more before making him better. Regardless, the surgery would take more than a few hours. That is if nothing interfered with their plans.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #99
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Tactical CONN Briefing Room | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Doc M., @Havenborn, @Triton, @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado
Meony was often bluster and bravado, courage and creative swearing all rolled into one. Some people thought she had no fear at all, and would kick ass all the way. But the redhead herself? She knew the truth. She was scared as hell. Tessa showed it, but the Texas-born cowgirl had long since buried the truth within herself, and just convinced herself that as long as she didn't show it, it was all right. Lately, she'd been rethinking this. Even as she'd voiced her readiness to fly with Evelyn, the two of them alone if necessary, in came Thomas Ravon, and boy, Meony wasn't sure if she liked it or hated it.

“Well, guess it's d'sahded then,” said Meony to Evelyn, and indirectly to Tessa, “inta th' mouth o' th' beast.”

She turned back at Thomas' whistle, and listened to what he had to say. Personal errands? Yeah, she had a few to run, she realized. Soon as they were dismissed, she winked at Evelyn and gestured to her with a gun salute, “See y'all when we're out kickin' ass, darlin's.” She addressed her friend and anyone else within her line of sight before leaving the room.

She needed to leave a message for someone very important to her heart, but first, she had to go see another family friend.

[ Zoological Lab | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

“Sharky! C'mere!!!” Meony threw her hands out to the big lovable pooch, who just barreled the redhead over, slobbering and showering her with love and barks. Laughing, the girl almost could forget everything as she played with the dog, checking on him, and making sure everything was in order. He pawed at her after a moment, smelling something familiar, and he knew what it meant. “All raht already! Ah swear Ah spoahl ya! Jimmy'd never lemme hear th' end o' this, ya know?”

Well the mutt didn't care. He was getting treats, and that was all that mattered. Rolling her eyes, she fished out the tasty stuff from her pocket. “Ah ah ah! First, sit!”

It took all his willpower not to jump for it, especially since Meony was not exactly tall, but he was well trained.

“Good boah!” She tossed the treat, which the dog caught easily. She did this three more times, and then settled him down, rubbing his tummy as she pondered what she wanted to really say to Jimmy. “Ya teenk Ah'd make a nahs Mrs. Mariner, Sharks?”

A snort and short bark was his answer. Smiling, she said, “Yeah, Ah thought so too.” She placed him back in his pen after letting him have a good walk, then left.

At the turbolift, she took a deep breath, and managed to get it right on the first try, “Deck fifteen.”

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