CHAPTER 04: CHARADES | DAY 05 | 1500 hrs.
“I'm hoping, I'm praying, I won't get lost between two worlds. For all I have seen the truth lies in between. Give me the strength to face the wrong that I have done. Now that I know the darkest side of me. How can blood be our salvation, and justify the pain that we have caused throughout the times? Will I learn what's truly sacred? Will I redeem my soul? Will truth set me free?”
― Sharon Den Adel, Within Temptation

“Personal Log, stardate 57554.23. As of right now, it had been 48 hours since the battle against the Savi ship. It was not until this morning that the crew of this Vector could find some peace. The Savi fighters hunted us through the Azure Nebula, and the Lone Wolves have truly earned their keep. Captain Wenn made a good choice in taking us to this part of the nebula, where the radiation is far lower, and the wolves and the Sword alike could raise shields that made a difference, which - at least - could hold off the graviton beams for a few seconds. It was enough to make a difference, but if the word from the Wolf Leader is to be believed, the shields on the enemy fighters are still to be reckoned with. Nonetheless, we missed the first Rendevouz with the other Vectors, and the next one is in six hours, at 2100.
Not all of the fighters made it back in that first battle, I heard, but being a man of science, I know very little about the on-goings in the fighter bay. I even heard there was a big saucer craft from the Asurians in there, unless they discarded it already.
What I do know, is what we learned from the scan of the Savi ship. What my scan didn't see, we have been able to estimate. As advanced and strange as that ship was, it still can't defy the laws of physics. Of course, there are many areas we have yet to make sense of, but we are getting there. The question remains, however... Can we even make an attempt to get back our crew - and the Captain - back from that ship, without risking the Theurgy's mission?
Lastly, dreadful news came from sickbay after the battle. I can't give any of it credit... but it seems Doctor Nicander is in the Brig... and... he is one of them. One of the infested. Just like Sonja Acreth. He mentioned Garen Nelis, that he killed the Chief Counselor back when I was hurt. It means he must have been one of the enemies for quite some time. I could have believed it about many others, but the Doctor? Before I went into stasis, wasn't he almost killed by Acreth down on Theta Eridani IV? According to the reports from the battle at Starbase 84, wasn't he the one that fought against Acreth? Nothing makes sense any more.
While I take command of the bridge, they are going down there, the others. To see it. To speak with it.”
― Lieutenant Tyreke Okafor, the Sword, Vector 2 of the USS Theurgy
[ Dr. Nicander | Holding Cell A | Brig | Security Center | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @chXinya @Nolan @DocReno @Arista @Doc M. @CanadianVet
On his knees in the middle of the holding cell, the overhead light cast Lucan's features in darkness.
He sat there, shivering as the host body was forced to grant him the wish of longevity despite its damages. Of course, the agony was excruciating, exquisite, but Lucan cared naught. He revelled in the pain. Couldn't quite wipe the smirk from his lips as he plotted what he would do once he left the cell. Of course, the options were a bit limited because of the development, which was the reason why he hadn't left already, but he did look forward to the more opportune time, where he could truly cause harm to the surviving crew of the Vector. There was also a limit to how long he could wait, since the host body could not sustain itself indefinitely in such a damaged state. In the end, it would have to be a compromise. By the winds, it would be liberating... to show them all what awaited. The ones in sickbay had merely got a foretaste of it.
When his esteemed guests arrived, Lucan's smile never changed, but his pale grey eyes opened to acknowledge their presence. From the shadows beneath his browridge, he looked at them, the tremor of his host body's struggle evident in the shaking of his remaining hand, which rested on his thigh. His other arm hung loosely at his side, ending in charred stump below his elbow. He still wore his uniform, yet after the touch of fire it had sustained, it remained a smouldered shadow of its usual immaculate state. The worst damage it had suffered, of course, was the phaser beam that had eaten into the side of his waist. Indeed, his right side, below the ribcage and above the hip, a portion of his torso was missing - a cauterised gap where there once was flesh.
On the other side of the forcefield, he met the gaze of the largest figure. Wenn Cinn, his old friend, and now an acting Captain for one of the Theurgy's Vectors. Since he'd had the time to recover, Doctor Duv - now Rez - appeared to have arrived as well, along with Doctor Maya, both being key witnesses, he presumed. The former Chief Science Officer was there too, Simon Tovarek, now being Wenn Cinn's First Officer, and the Chief Tactical Officer, filling the same role aboard the Sword alone. Lieutenant Keval ch'Rayya looked quite ravishing. Perhaps he'd take his time with the Andorian before he died?
Lastly, there was some security guard there too. Bremmer? Lucan remembered her from... Wasn't she supposed to be on the away team to the dilithium outpost? Lucan's stare lingered on her, and even though the smirk never faltered, he wondered if the Radiant had made it back aboard the Sword as well. If that was the case... He might have to change his plans a bit. If anyone had to die first, it was the Alata.
"Welcome to my humble abode," he said, his voice normal, and slowly climbed to his feet - the motions disjointed because of the limitations of the host flesh. Once he was standing before them, his smile showed teeth, and he made the caricature of a bow in their direction, flourishing his stump. "Pray tell, have you all come to reminisce, to ask me questions of no consequence, or are you merely here to gawk at the creature you managed to trap? Will you prod and poke it, like children that managed to snare something from the wild?"
The way he emphasised the last word alluded to the chaos which he sprung from.
The nameless darkness that awaited them all.
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Battle Bridge | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Top Hat @Even Angels Cry @Nolan @trevorvw @TrexelCat
The battle bridge was filled with the usual benign orders and chatter that always came when a starship remained idle in grey mode, not moving since it might alert any patrolling Savi fighters. It was a thin veil of protection, Tyreke Okafor thought, having studied the scans of the Versant - the dreadnought the fought before the Theurgy split into three.
It was the first time, ever, that Okafor was seated in the Commanding Officer's chair, unless - of course - one might count his Kobayashi Maru test in the Academy. He wasn't sure if anyone was aware of this, but studious as he was, he had made sure to try and brush up on bridge protocol before the shift began. Sitting there, he couldn't help but think back on his years on Bajor, and the time on the Hawkins, on peaceful times before the Theurgy. Before the parasite-infested seized command, and began to incite war. How long had they been around? No one seemed to know for sure.
There was a chirp standing out from the rest, and Okafor raised his eyes. Ensign Thorne was at the helm, even if the ship was standing still, but beyond her, the viewscreen showed a new marker, pulsing faintly with the sound. Okafor's eyes rose. A distress signal? Out here in the middle of nowhere?
He turned his head towards Ops, looking past Ensign Henshaw, towards the Hermat on duty at hir station. It appeared that Junior Lieutenant Nator was already following up on the signal. "What is it?"
OOC: This is the starter for Chapter 04: Charades. This thread denotes the hour when the USS Niger and the Sword will cross paths, and all Supplemental Threads that are started will either have to be set before this time of 1500 hrs. on Day 05, or afterwards. No posting order in the Brig, but every writer with a character there has 7 days to reply. @Top Hat posts next in the bridge scene with Nator and Ducote both, the latter setting the scene on the USS Niger.
Just like in the interregnum, Supplemental one-on-one threads are started at your leisure! Supplemental threads should be named Chapter 04: Supplemental [Day XX|YYYY hrs.] Insert Title, and can extend as far back as right after the battle with the Versant and all the way up to 2100 hrs on Day 05, where the second Rendevouz will be missed due to a hostile threat to the Sword.
These are the main tasks to solve, your Mission Objectives in this Chapter:
Primary Objectives:
- The USS Niger is to dock with the Sword, landing inside the Fighter Assault Bay (where Tacitcal CONN can "welcome" them aboard)
- Have Ranaan Ducote and the crew of the Niger briefed about the Theurgy's mission and the Savi
- Have Wenn Cinn & Tovarek etc. briefed about the Borg threat to the Federation
- Conduct "An Interview with a Parasite" in the Brig, learning what options and opportunities there are. Multiple outcomes.
- Make a new Squadron Org Chart for the remaining Lone Wolves.
- Before the third Rendevouz opportunity with the other Vectors, find where the Borg came from
- A hostile force will show up and make it so that the Sword miss the second Rendevouz
- Either the Sword makes it to the third Rendevouz, or it doesn't.
Secondary Obectives:
- Bonding between the Endeavour survivors and the crew of the Sword, or any one-on-one scenes for that matter
- Study of Savi remains left aboard after the battle, learning to know the enemy
- Implementing new ideas or tech for fighting the Borg and/or the Savi
New objectives may be added depending on development.
Battle Bridge & Closest Deck Interior Blueprint:
This is the standard battle bridge layout for the the Sword and the Stallion. Mission Ops is handled from the Secondary Station on the map, since the Fighter Assault Bay is on this Vector. It is manned by Cameron Henshaw. Known staff on the Sword: Known staff on the Niger: USS Niger CrewCommanding Officer: Commander Ranaan Ducote @Top Hat
Other officers:
Lieutenant Kai Akoni @trevorvw
Astrophysicist Marlee Hailey @TrexelCat
X Unknown additional crewmembers