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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 413805 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3602
Congrats on the new character @AlyFox, I love JPK she's got such an adorable cuteness about her!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3603
Just a heads up to all, I have taken on a full time job that is supposed to start next week.  So I'm going to be a bit busier than I have been.  I will be closing out some threads that are probably pretty close to it anyway, and getting everything tied up.  My responses may not be as quick as they have been in the past but I am going to do my best.  Please try to be understanding as I will have to take a little time to get acclimated to the new life/schedule that I will be supporting and still working on getting family time with the kids and stuff.  There is no internet or computer usage where I'll be working so I won't be able to do some posting from there it'll all be evening posts.

Thank you in advance for your patience!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3605
Congrats on the new job @BZ! That's awesome news!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3606

So far, we've had two Voice Chat Sessions on Discord, where we've had a two-parter summary of Episode 05, discussed character subplots, gone over the sim stats and even had discussions on creativity. Furthermore, as @Griff mentioned on Discord, we also touched upon fox pregnancies, alien life and @Brutus ’ love of his bed, lol! The sessions are also an excellent time for Q&A's on the story!

It just so happens that I have an opening for an additional session this Wednesday at 8:30 pm CET (4th of September). One of the topics in mind for the session is a brainstorming for the Aldea Prime Anthology as well as Season 2. The reason this session was added was to allow those unavailable to attend all the regularly scheduled sessions to jump in as well!

If there are any requests for specific topics or story summaries, just PM me in that case! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3607

Hi everyone!

We only had 6 replies to the Character Survey, so don't feel bad if you had no PM with suggested pairings from me today. Yet despite the low participation, I still got some stuff to bring up in regard to the Story Objectives and site improvements! :)

Story Objective Suggestions:

1 Diplomatic Council Hmmm how about the creation of a Diplomatic Council of sorts?  As we get information on various political action around the Quadrants, we have experts for specific powers that could advise the command staff... we have klingons, romulans, cardassians, orions etc.  I'm sort of borrowing from Babylon 5 here but it seems reasonable that, denied the full standard resources of the Federation and Starfleet, it might be reasonable to replicate or emulate some of those features.

This is an excellent idea, and I could see this becoming a thing towards the end of the Aldea Prime Anthology or the beginning of Season 2. Good call!

2) Senior Staff Meeting I feel as though it could be helpful to present some sort of 'main plot' thread to help drive the narrative forwards. This could perhaps be achieved through a senior staff meeting following the interrogation of Nicander and weaponizing the light threads. It might aid to get people back on course with the narrative and driving the plot forwards a bit, the departments could perhaps do briefings about the state of their departments and what resources they might need. I feel that the problem with the last senior staff thread was that nobody knew what to mention in reference to the klingon chancellor directly, but if it is a thread more directly related to the individual departments and their running, it may be more easily engaged in. This thread could then in itself open up some departmental tasks to be done in the further two weeks on Aldea.

Agreed, after Captain Ives has returned from the mission on the Allegiant, and the Nicander interrogation is finished, we can have one of these.  ( good )

Site Improvements Suggestions:

1) Don't know if this is viable given the coding or not, but on my forum, I had set up to where a single account could have multiple 'characters' underneath it and when posting in a RP designated area, you could designate which character was posting so it would, for example, say "From:  XX" and have his unique signature and image (although would still have a link somewhere to show it was posted by me).  Not mission critical, just an idea.  You have a good grip on what the forum needs.

I will definitely look into it, but I can't make any guarantees atm since this is a challenging feature to implement without breaking the forum. I'll keep you all posted! :)

2) Only thing in my head atm is a scroll on the news section to see them all (the longest usually i cant read them fully) as it has been proposed at some point. Other thing is, when we drop the simple portal thing, move the lastest post/new post more to the left so it's more easily accesible. I usually forget about it and scroll all the forum to the module of the recent updated post in the bottom. I'm a dork i know, but having it or the new post buttom more handy could be great imo

Duly noted, the News thing can be done in either a hard or easy way, so I'll see what works best. As for moving the button, I'll look into it, but I may be unable to do that since the current top menu has an addon that's a bit unreliable.

3) The only thing that I would like to see in terms of Sim function would be on a personal note of new character introduction. As you know I've been trying to introduce X for almost four months now, and despite my efforts a lot of different avenues have fallen through, most after a significant amount of planning. I am not quite sure how to rectify this, but perhaps a separate message board for the introduction of new characters so people can explain how they wish their character to be introduced and other people can offer assistance if required. I think things like this can easily get drowned out on the main OOC message board and especially after new member the board gets drowned with messages and requests can easily become lost.

I don't think we have that much traffic at all on the Aldea Prime Anthologies OOC board, nor in the #writing_requests channel on Discord, so I think those should be the ones to use, but I can definitely make sure to instruct new writers or those with new characters to use those venues if they have no set plan to start with. Of course I try to help as much as I can too.

4) Yes, a quick link to pages like the Character Survey .  I have a devil of a time trying to find the schedule pages, the Story Objective pages, and so on, particularly when RL issues cut down on my catch up time.  Also I hope you will bring back the practice of putting episodes in PDF form.  It's a real lifesaver to be able to read the events of our adventures in chronological order with a table of contents and search options to enjoy and review past stories.

I will try to make links more available somehow, and I think a News page solution will help a lot as well. As for PDFs, they take an obscene amount of time to make, but they are definitely on the list! :)

5) Not sure if there is such a page, but like the newsletters and updates you send out, having a synopsis or cliff notes page covering roughly what happens in each half-chapter-ish would help keep everyone up to date.

See above, and we also have the Story Archive page to update. @Masorin has been really helpful in making a first draft of the page summarising the Battle of the Apertures, which I mean to finish and announce asap.

That's it for this time! Perhaps we'll have a higher participation the next time we do a character survey, but I am really happy with the input I got nonetheless! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3608
I think the character surveys were a great idea. I know for me, despite the massive amount of lead time you gave us, I simply did not have the time to sit down and go through it in the way that I wanted to. Mostly because of work + holiday plan.s I thought I'd go to a convention and spend the evenings chilling in a hotel room catching up on posts and story backlog that I wanted to expand upon.

Instead I ended up stumbling back to bed at 1am every night having done copious amounts of liver damage that will haunt me for months to come ;)

My failings aside, the survey is an excellent idea, and I am glad to see the feedback from it. I may be a smidge biased, because Faye would love to get to  diplomacize all these council types in the near future :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3609
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening all,

I know I am a tad of a broken record, but myself, @fiendfall and @Sqweloookle are looking to be launching a thread soon that will involve the introduction of both mine and Fiend's new bois.

If anyone would like to get involved in the thread with one of their characters either send me a PM or reach out on Discord and we can rope you in. We haven't planned out the thread 100% yet, but it will involve pirates and surely carnage will ensue.

Also, a shoutout to the Discord chat this eveing, to remind everyone that we're meeting later at 19:30 GMT for a voice chat on Discord. Any new people aboard who haven't yet logged into Discord I'd really recommend it; you don't need to talk and there's no pressure, but it's a really fun way to get to talk about the story and your characters, as well as hear about what's going on for everyone else!

Hope to hear some of you there!

Ensign Sylvain Llewellyn-Kth - Chief CONN Officer - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]
Otheusz - Grey Scars Pirate - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3610
You aren't the only broken record @TWilkins I have been trying to get people for the Objective and getting both your and @fiendfall new bois for weeks now. Okay maybe just the objective but it opened a way for new bois anyway so 2 bois with one stone ( good ).
Thank you to you and fiend and @Numen for being interested :)
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3611

Here is the result of a second Random Encounters lottery, made only for new or newly inherited characters! The writers of these characters can be found in the Crew Manifest, when you click [Show].

Writers: [Show/Hide]Please bear in mind that while these threads may be posted tomorrow or months from now, both writers have to agree to ditch a Random Encounter. Better yet, it is encouraged that encounters may be traded among yourselves instead. The location (third column) is a part of the challenge, to come up with why they would encounter each other there, but if you can't come up with a reason for the listed location, you can consider the location optional.

Have fun! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3612

So apologies are in order. I am quite tardy in my replies to things and have not been keeping up with writing as I promised i would when I returned. It's not that i dont want to write, its that i don't want to do anything. Most of the last 4 weeks or so since recovering from my illness ive been sleeping or working and generally just moping about my house. My guess is that i need to go back to my doctor and discuss either a supplement to my antidepressants or a change in medication. I should probably make that phone call.

In the meantime, please bear with me. Im really sorry for not replying. I do like the threads im in and want to finish them. Im just having a hard time because my brain hates me. Depression sucks. I would not wish it upon my worst enemy.  Gonna go crawl under a blanket and hide from the world for a while now.

"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3613
@Even Angels Cry take care of yourself, keep fighting the good fight! don't worry about us in the meantime, I'm sure there are plenty of us here who know how the bad brains be  (L) 
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3614
@fiendfall  is wise, take care of yourself and this could be on hold till then, at least in my behalf knowing what you're dealing with

big hugs and cookies @Even Angels Cry   !!!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3615
Thought I’d take a stab at the What if? Story credit for the Niga revisit. I’ve long wanted to show what happened to Shall back then (he was around but I hadn’t joined the simm yet) so this is a perfect opportunity.

Would anyone like to join me? The only requirement is that you have a character that was around for Niga.  I’m not even sure the other character has to be one that we hadn’t seen back in Ep 1, AL, can you comment on that portion?

Cannonically, Shall did get infected and infected others, but I can see him chasing after a target if they run ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3616
Would the Niga infected know if another person was Niga infected or not?
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3617
Oh, I can comment allright! :)

Here are the primary characters that were around during the Niga Incident:

Adam Kingston
Amatras Neotin
Amikris Neotin
Arcorn Neotin
Axius vel Onea
Cale Winterbourne
Captain Jien Ives
Connor Matthews
David Grayson
Dr. Amelya Rez
Dr. Lahkesis Saugn
Dr. Lucan cin Nicander
Dr. Maya
Edena Rez
Ester Hamburg
Eun Sae Ji
EVE Program AK-1 DMSA-656
Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost"
Fasha, callsign "Morrigan"
Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers
Garen Nelis
Hannah Slaverton
Heather McMillan
Irnashall ch’Xinya
Kanti MacTavish, callsign "Gun-Shy"
Khorin Douglas
Kino Taer
Lawrence O. Lance
Lillee t'Jellaieu
Lin Kae
Marija Ferik
Miles Renard, callsign "Iron-Fox"
Morgan Song
Natalie Stark
Nathaniel Isley, callsign "Icarus"
Nator 159
Nicole Howard
Nolak Kalmil
Ryuan Sel
Scosche Bellde'side
Simon Tovarek
Sjaandin Fedd
Skye Carver, callsign "Kestrel"
Soo Young Seung, callsign "Oracle"
Sten Covington
Jaru Rel
Tessa May Lance, callsign "Goldeneye"
ThanIda zh'Wann
TharinAlk th'Thane
Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854
Thomas Ravon, callsign "Razor"
Tyreke Okafor
Varder Ridun
Vereyn Kiiz
Wenn Cinn
William "Bill" Regal
William Robert "Billy Bob" O'Connell
Zrinka Agaixot, callsign "Honey Badger"

Now, I am removing 1) those that have no writers 2) where in stasis 3) all those that were already heavily featured, and adding scenes may cause continuity errors, or where their character pages says they were hiding away:

Adam Kingston                               
Dr. Maya
Irnashall ch’Xinya
Marija Ferik
Simon Tovarek
Tessa May Lance, callsign "Goldeneye"
Thomas Ravon, callsign "Razor"
Tyreke Okafor
William Robert "Billy Bob" O'Connell

As for your question @Sqweloookle , Edena Rez deleted the surveillance vids of the Niga Incident in order to protect the crew from themselves. Learning who infected whom would cause more disruption than the incident already caused. Oh, and Adam Kingston was featured in Episode 01, but not heavily so. He just showed up now and again as an infected antagonist since he was the first one Ida infected. He was the first victim after Ida herself, actually. @Lady Nyx , Cir'Cie was also featured in Episode 01, but also as an antagonist that showed up now and again. She was infected on the planet and spread the virus afterwards.

Hope this helps, @chXinya ! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3618
That's not what I meant AL, I meant would the Niga virus recognise another infected so those infected would prefer to go after uninfected first?
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3619
That's not what I meant AL, I meant would the Niga virus recognise another infected so those infected would prefer to go after uninfected first?

Ahhh, no, there was actually two instances in which non-infected fooled infected crewmembers, so that is a tactic available. That being said, the infected did give off a very sweet and intoxicating scent, so that is a tell-tale sign that the infected would catch on to in some cases. Depends on the situation, if they could scent the person in question or not.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3620
That's not what I meant AL, I meant would the Niga virus recognise another infected so those infected would prefer to go after uninfected first?

Ahhh, no, there was actually two instances in which non-infected fooled infected crewmembers, so that is a tactic available. That being said, the infected did give off a very sweet and intoxicating scent, so that is a tell-tale sign that the infected would catch on to in some cases. Depends on the situation, if they could scent the person in question or not.


Auctor Lucan

Ooo not to be confused with Orion pheromones though? Could Orion pheromones be a masking agent for uninfected to fool the infected should Niga ever be reintroduced somehow?
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3621
The Niga virus will likely never be reintroduced somehow in the story besides in DC. The scent is more floral in nature for those who can even consciously scent pheromones. Very different in origin even though the effect may be somewhat similar.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3622
Best fellow writers! Starting 10/9 till 18/9 I'll be away on a much needed and earned holiday. As a result of that I'll be unavailable for posting but I probably still should be around on the Discord chat for a talk. So Expect a post black out for a good week on my end! I'll do my best to keep myself up to date prior to my departure.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3623

Hi there everyone! Hope this finds you all well out there. :)

I took the time to go over the Aldea Prime and Episode 05 boards and check what the current forum status is, and here are my findings. Use Ctrl+F to find your username?

ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
Day 02 [1200 hrs.] Memorial Ceremony2019-09-045(Anyone)
Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines2019-09-080Brutus
Day 01 [1500 hrs.] The Next Chapter2019-09-030FollowTomorrow
Day 03 [1300 hrs.] Holodeck Suited for Repair2019-09-090FollowTomorrow
Day 02 [1330 hrs.] Traitorous Revenant2019-09-090Auctor Lucan
Day 08 [1600 hrs.] Quid Pro Quo between Pilots2019-09-090Argyros
Day 05 [1430 hrs] Sticky Progress2019-09-090Auctor Lucan
Day 06 [1745 hrs] Victuals, Visitors and a View2019-09-090Fife
Day 01 [1000 hrs.] It’s Logical to Ask for Help2019-09-090Doc M.
Day 03 [0800 hrs.] On Solid Ground2019-09-081FollowTomorrow
Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!2019-09-081Nolan
Day 05 [1500 hrs.] Of Ghosts and Foxes2019-09-081Iron Ferrox
Day 08 [2000 hrs.] The Encumbered Engineer2019-09-081BZ
Day 06 [1548 hrs.] Protect What Is Yours2019-09-081Nolan
Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 052019-09-081BZ
Day 05 [1200 hrs.] Astral Eddy Relay | The Inside Man, Part 42019-09-081All, within 6 days
Day 02 [2115 hrs.] Unintended Baggage2019-09-081Top Hat
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Meticulously Microscopic2019-09-081Numen
Day 07 [1200 hrs.] Vulcan Hand Jobs2019-09-072BZ
Day 05 [1300 hrs.] Egos, Emotions & Expletives2019-09-072Numen
Day 10 [2034 hrs.] Lads Night Out2019-09-072Fiendfall, HN, Sqweloookle
Day 07 [1100 hrs.] The More Things Change...2019-09-072Bastila
Day 05 [1000 hrs.] The Art of Tactful Candor2019-09-072FollowTomorrow
Day 05 [0900 hrs.] Weaponizing Innocence2019-09-072Arista
Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?2019-09-063Stegro88
Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy2019-09-063Auctor Lucan
Day 04 [2100 hrs.] Hot Rocks and Compromises2019-09-063Auctor Lucan
Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters | The Silver Shadows Part 032019-09-063Stegro88
Day 05 [1707 hrs.] Scrying through the Storm Front2019-09-063Top Hat
Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea2019-09-063BZ
Day 07 [2000 hrs.] A Horse To Water2019-09-063Fiendfall
Day 05 [0630 hrs.] Fine First Impressions2019-09-063Fiendfall
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Working at Warp 102019-09-063Doc M.
Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Into Blue Depths2019-09-054BZ
Day 05 [1030 hrs.] Marija's Thaw2019-09-054Aharon
Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point2019-09-054Stegro88
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] A Day in the Life of Albert Tiran2019-09-054BZ
Day 10 [1000 hrs.] Material Girls2019-09-054Stegro88
Day 07 [1900 hrs.] Questions In The Steam2019-09-054Auctor Lucan
Day 06 [1410 hrs.] "What Course Shall We Set?"2019-09-054Griff
Day 06 [0910 hrs.] Old And New2019-09-054Top Hat
Day 01 [0955 hrs.] Acting on a Thawt2019-09-054Auctor Lucan
Day 02 [1100 hrs.] Boomerang2019-09-054BZ
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Butterfly Wings To Hurricane2019-09-054BZ
Day 02 [0900 hrs.] Adjustment Period2019-09-054Stegro88
Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy2019-09-045Auctor Lucan
Day 04 [1000 hrs.] Serpentine Atmospherics2019-09-045Fiendfall
Day 12 [0830 hrs.] Hide and Seek in the Beyond2019-09-045Griff
Day 05 [1030 hrs.] Armoury Housekeeping2019-09-045Trevorvw
Day 03 [1015 hrs.] Snakes and Ladders2019-09-045Fiendfall
Day 04 [0900 hrs.] The Terror of Tiran2019-09-045BZ
Day 04 [1600 hrs.] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency2019-09-045SummerDawn
Day 02 [1230 hrs.] Between Abductees2019-09-045Auctor Lucan
Day 06 [2345 hrs.] Far From the Tree2019-09-036Numen
Day 03 [1907 hrs.] No Honour Among Thieves2019-09-027Carden
Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe2019-09-027SuilverShadow
Day 02 [1920 hrs.] Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia2019-08-319Arista
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted2019-08-2911Triage
Day 07 [1730 hrs.] The Edge of Light2019-08-2911Triage
Day 01 [2000 hrs.] Explanations and Reparations2019-08-2812Stegro88
Day 03 [1345 hrs.] Market Manipulations2019-08-2812Arista
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Is This Seat Taken?2019-08-2812Hastata-Nerada
Day 08 [2130 hrs.] Searching For Ghosts | Silver Shadows Part 022019-08-2713Stegro88
Day 11 [0850 hrs.] Welcome Aboard The Kut'luch | Silver Shadows Part 042019-08-2614Stegro88
Day 07 [1000 hrs.] Devoted Testing2019-08-2614Sqweloookle
Day 01 [1023 hrs.] Intercepting a Flying Mammal2019-08-2317Lisavw
Day 04 [0830 hrs.] Seeking Guidance2019-08-2317Juzzie
Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both2019-08-2119Kinvarus
Day 03 [2100 hrs.] Professionalism2019-08-2119SilverShadow
Day 03 [1200 hrs.] Spiked Coffee & Crew Gazing2019-08-2119Patches
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Lending A Hand2019-08-1822Triage
Day 05 [0900 hrs.] New Old Faces2019-08-1624Trevorvw
Day 03 [1230 hrs.] Have You Eaten Yet?2019-08-1525Triage
Day 02 [1200 hrs.] Plans2019-08-1525(Solo-thread)
Day 04 [0708 hrs.] The Spirits that Be2019-08-1525Triage
Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight2019-08-1327Havenborn
Day 09 [0900 hrs.] Knight to Wolf-112019-08-1327Triage
Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value2019-08-1228Carden
Day 02 [0805 hrs.] Making Amends2019-08-1129Even Angels Cry
Day 02 [1430 hrs.] Losing One Of Our Own2019-08-0436Any Wolf
Day 05 [2381 hrs.] Breaking the Silence2019-08-0238Griff
Day 04 [1415 hrs.] Once Upon a Time in a Holodeck2019-07-3041Even Angels Cry
Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading2019-07-2645Even Angels Cry
ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
EPIL: S [D06|1720] Angel's Quarters2019-09-054Griff
EPIL: S [D06|2110] Renewal2019-08-2911Even Angels Cry
CH05: S [D06|1015] On the rocks?2019-08-2119Masorin
EPIL: S [D06|1330] Liaison Discretions2019-08-2020BZ
EPIL: S [D06|2000] New Roommates2019-08-1822Masorin
EPIL: S [D06|1300] Rather On the Nose2019-08-1624Triage
EPIL: S [D06|1800] Seeking Treatment2019-08-1624Masorin/Twilkins
EPIL: S [D06|1700] Stress Relief2019-07-0863BZ
EPIL: S [D06|2100] Shipwide Call2019-07-0467Anyone
Please let me know which of the old threads that won't be continued and should be locked. PM me in that case! :)

In general, we have been very good at informing our writing partners when RL issues are getting in the way, so let's keep doing that! ( good ) Most of the red numbers are from Theurgists who have given a heads up about their absence, and that's perfectly okay. Still, bear in mind that we should always try to reply in our current threads within 7 days, and neglecting to do so breeds more inactivity among other writers - others thinking that its fine to leave writing partners waiting indefinitely.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3624

It's time for @DaValle to add a second character to the story, and this in the form of Taa'gur Kolla!

PO2 Taa'gur Kolla            Weapons Technican

  - Writer:

Taa'gur Kolla came aboard after being contacted by Rear Admiral Joseph Nerva Andersson. Just like many other new recruits!

Looking forward to read his story, @DaValle !


Auctor Lucan

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