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Topic: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance (Read 8663 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #50
[ Lt. JG Logan Hale, callsign "Wraith" | Holodeck 5 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @BipSpoon @Tae @Stegro88 @Auctor Lucan @P.C. Haring @Ellen Fitz @ob2lander961 @Dumedion @RyeTanker
"Should you ever change your mind...the offer stands."
The pilot grinned. He was definitely one of the aforementioned folks. But it wasn't all adrenaline and thrills. Logan was a good pilot. Of that, he was sure. Certainly, he was sure he was the best here aboard the ship. After all, he was last listed as number four in the rankings, and he flew alongside two of the three pilots listed ahead of him. That meant there was only one more out there in the fleet who might be a little better than him, but as soon as the rankings would be updated, he would have made it to the top spot. As far as flying went, no one could hold a candle to him anytime soon. Granted, the pilots he was currently flying alongside were good, but no one came close to Liliana's class.

Logan winced when the Combat Medic described how cold the water in the pools on Andoria actually was. Overall, though, XamotZark zh'Ptrell's description sounded quite inviting and like a wonderful spa resort. For those who preferred colder temperatures and the snow, it was certainly a pleasant resort. It sounded like a colder copy of Risa, except everywhere you looked you saw mountains and snow instead of sand and sea.

"I think I'll try those massage programs when I get a chance." Logan let his right shoulder gyrate in the joint. "A little relaxation can't hurt." For a moment, Logan thought he had misheard Zark talk about how she liked to play music, playing the bagpipes or the Highland flute. It was a very strange combination and that someone alien, of all people, was interested in these instruments amused him.
"I'm not a baker or a cook nor a musician.” Logan said. “Although I play some guitar and I'm general interested in music from the end of the twentieth century I wouldn't depict me as a musician.” A slight smile showed on his face. “What I can always switch off to, though..." he now took back to the question Ida had asked. "Is mountain biking. I love to race my bike along the hills and forests of Central Europe or in the gusts on Risa. It challenges the whole body, you're constantly on the move, and you learn to orient yourself."
There were few things the pilot was as passionate about as a hobby as mountain biking. "In the evenings, when you come home after a demanding tour, the days then end in a cool beer." He raised his glass and toasted the two blue-skinned women.

"What do you gals think? Who's going to win the next fight?"

Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #51
[ Lt. ThanIda zh'Wann | Holodeck 5 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nero @RyeTanker 
Listening to the other Andorian speaking of her preferences in regard to bathing temperatures, Ida would take her word for it. She had no experience with the places she spoke of, but she did know she much preferred the cold rather than the nigh-boiling temperatures that pinkskins liked.

"Anyway, if pools of warm slash hot water aren't your thing, there's always the massage rooms. There are some fine examples of handwork locked away in the computer, and if you prefer a real person, I did learn a thing or two at nursing school. It would be a purely therapeutic treatment of course."

The invite from the Combat Medic, accompanied with a smile and a waggled finger at her, had Ida smile back and raise both an eyebrow and an antenna. As opposed to what, she thought, a purely non-therapeutic massage? My my, zh’Ptrell... Ida had no idea if the other Andorian had opened the door to something off-regs with her clarification, since why would she even have to make the distinction in the first place? Unless, of course, the other woman at the table had been thinking precisely what her words may have insinuated with the assertion, rather than saying naught of what said massage may have entailed.

"Thank you for letting the offer stand, Logan Hale," she said in regard to the idea of getting into a warp fighter with him, and then directed herself at Zark, "but between the two, I would much rather have a massage if the purpose is relaxation. The holographic kind or not, I am fairly sure I have knots as hard as my endoskeleton at this point."

She then listened to Hale speaking of 'mountain biking', and she believed - if she were to judge the description - that it was just another form of daredevil exploits, merely sans the warp fighter. "Why am I not even remotely surprised?" she asked rhetorically with a small chuckle, before turning to look at the ring. With other bodies in the way, she couldn't quite make out the fight from where she was seated, having to turn around completely in her chair if she would have any chance of seeing anything of what was happening.

"No idea, but I know I ought to be retiring for the evening," she said, and finished her drink. She set it down on the table and stood up, the lights catching the residual sweat on her blue skin. "Thank you both for the chat and the company. I will take a massage under advisement, but in the meantime, good evening, and take care of yourselves."

Whether or not she would be stopped as she took her departure, she didn't know, but she headed for the holodeck's exit with a small smile, having enjoyed herself immensely despite the loss in the ring.

Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #52
[ Lieutenant Valyn Amarik | Holodeck 5 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring @Dumedion @Everyone  [Show/Hide]

After her fight, Valyn sat in quiet for a few minutes at the bar, nursing her cigar and sipping on a glass of a pretty, cerulean blue liquid, that nearly anyone might recognize as Romulan ale. She finished her cup, meeting eyes briefly with those who made any glances her way. In truth though, she paid attention most of all to the ongoing bouts. Each fight had two opponents with their own strengths and weaknesses, which Valyn picked up on quickly in most cases. Frank, she assumed would win. Enyd though, was by no means a slouch. Something which in truth, she grinned over. Her and Enyd had quickly become what Valyn would call friends in their time together, both aboard the Klingon ship and aboard Theurgy itself.

Her attention began to wane however, as the volume level of the various people drinking slowly began to rise. Every single fight night she'd ever been too eventually did escalate into nothing more than a drunken get-together. She certainly wasn't complaining, and if she were to be honest, she herself felt the mild, pleasant buzz of the Romulan Ale at the forefront of her mind.

When the loudest of the drunks was challenged however, Valyn perked up. "My bets on the quiet one." She dipped her drink towards  Talia, then began to wander back towards Reggie. Before she made her way over there though, she made certain to drop her badge back into the box. Valyn was ready for another fight, with whomever would have her. "Thanks for this." She shook what was left of the Cigar, speaking directly to Reggie for a moment as she made herself comfortable in a seat, looking to the bartender, "Could I get some pretzels?" It was one of the only Earth bar foods she'd come to entirely love since joining Starfleet. "With a side of honey mustard please." The holographic bartender got straight to work.

Valyn looked like she was in her element.

She could feel the rush of adrenaline rushing through her, and she could even smell it on some of the others. While some may have argued that the rules of the fighting made it more boring, she thought the opposite. Rules added a challenge that she greatly enjoyed. She knocked back the rest of her drink, and asked the bartender for another before spotting the pilot, the one who'd just fought the Andorian. "Good fight!" She shouted over at him, "What are you drinking?" Clearly she'd intended to buy him a drink, congratulating him on his victory. "Valyn Amarik" Almost as an afterthought, she introduced herself, offering her hand out to him if he decided to approach. As the Andorian made her way towards the exit, Valyn made certain to bow her head to the woman in farewell. She'd hoped to get her in the ring, but it could wait for another time. "Well fought!" She shouted after her.

Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #53
[Ens. Via "DixieBee" Wix and Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 5 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Everyone

Talia waited at the table, throwing a smirk to the blonde with the cigar before turning to watch her ‘opponent’ make her way to the ring, then setting off herself. Ignoring the crowd and the various looks cast her way, she moved past Via toward the ring with a sense of mild impatience; the holograms lingered by the table with the box of badges turned from their discussions to greet her with various nods and smiles. She leaned her knuckles on the table, taking a breath in preparation to explain what was about to happen.

“Bowing out, eh,” one of them spoke first, a gray haired, rail-thin elder with kind eyes. He wore a teal collared uniform from the 23rd century, the chest flap open as he smirked at her. Talia watched his bushy eyebrows rise and fall as the trio shared quiet chuckles, their eyes flickered from Via to Talia then back to Via.

Not exactly,” Talia narrowed her eyes at them as she sighed. “I’m fighting her,” she jerked a thumb over her shoulder in a vague direction of the source of all the ruckus behind her.

Yallah ain’t shit more like.” Via laughed followed by a rather rambunctious burp. She followed her opponent to the table where several more of the weirdly dressed holograms stood who were also taking into account the badges being placed in the box for the fight. The younger pilot stood next to her and copied her stance in a drunken attempt to seem equal as her.

Nah I am fighting…uh...her.” She slurred. “And her bitchass is gonna fuckin’ be a ‘no ass’ after, and she gonna buy me a drink, and we will be friends, and…” Via burped again and forgot what she was rambling about. “Who the fuck are you lookin’ at? I ain’t afraid to fight not holographic BE-ATCH!!” She said to the hologram waiter. After she then placed her combadge in the box and looked at Talia. “Okie I did it, let's fight.” She raised her fists drunkenly not knowing the fight had to start in the boxing ring.

Talia rolled her eyes as she drew in a long breath, not bothering to even look in Via’s direction. “These guys are going to announce us and wrap us, then we get in the ring,” she deadpanned. “Put your hands down, you’re embarrassing yourself,” she hissed, shaking her head.

“I’ll take this one,” the older gent with the kind eyes pointed to Via with a chuckle, moving around the table to pat her gently on the shoulder. “Come along, lets get you ready,” he told her, motioning her off to the blue corner.

Talia arched a brow at Via, then jerked her head off to the side. “You want your fight? Best play along,” she smirked at her opponent; then moved off to the red corner with a grin, nodding at Kirk, who stood waiting for her. “Captain,” she greeted him, as she rolled the tension from her shoulders. “Having fun yet,” Kirk asked in a grinned whisper as he started taping her left hand. Talia grunted in response, but managed to smirk, as the lights flared and the announcer’s voice boomed across the room.

Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for our next fight of the evening! For this bout, in the blue corner - presenting Via, “Dixiebee”, Wix!

As her name was called out Via drunkenly stumbled to the elastic border containing them in the fighting ring and climbed up waving her hands in the air soaking in the elation of the crowd. Her words would still be slurred as she spoke. “That’s right! Im gonna- *Burp* I’m gonna fuckin’ show up for all of y’all by chewn’ ass and kickin’ bubble gum or some shit! Wooo!!” The woman relased her grip on the rope and fall flat onto her back with her motor functions diminishing and then got up to face her opponent.

As Kirk moved to her right hand, Talia rolled her shoulders, closing her eyes while the Captain chuckled. “She certainly knows how to play the crowd,” he commented. Talia smirked at him, arching a brow. “She still standing,” she asked, to which the aged hologram nodded with a grin. “Oh yes,” he craned his neck around her shoulder to look. “Seems to be enjoying herself. Nevermind that though,” his face grew serious, frowning at her. “You know this is supposed to be fun,” he paused, as Talia flexed her hands into fists. “Who says I’m not having fun,” she muttered, as she slid her hands into the gloves. “Coulda fooled me,” Kirk muttered as he tied them up, then held her mouth-guard up. “Well, good luck,” he shrugged.

Aaand her opponent, in the red corner - Talia, “Shadow” Al-Ibrahim! Fighters, approach the ref when ready, and LETS GET IT ON!

Talia sniffed as she bit down on the guard, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “Right,” she mumbled, turning to face her opponent, thumping her gloves together after stretching her arms out across her torso. Guess here goes nothing, she thought dryly as she approached Via and the ref in the middle of the ring.

Bitchassgothitinthefacesaywhat?” Via would say before immediately throwing the first punch in Taila’s face when she approached her. She let out a playful giggle while stepping back quickly incase of a realitory strike. The woman was playing street rules instinctively. Everything was fair game as long as no one died. It was much more fun that way.

The jab came from nowhere, right at her eye. “Mthr-fookn shtit,” Talia grunted as her gloved hand went to cover her eye, taking a step back. “Whut tha fook Bia,” she hollered. The ref smirked as he held his hands up between the two of them, holding Via back while Talia paced, shaking her head. “That's a point deduction, blue corner. Do it again and you’re disqualified. Wait to hear all instructions and the bell, understand,” he told her sternly.

Via audible groaned and swiped at the ref as if she was trying to swat an particularly annoying fly. “Hey holo bitch!” The woman turned around facing her rear in the referee’s direction and pulled down her pants exposing her bare bottom to him and most of the audiance. “Kiss my fuckin’ ass! I know you wanna!” she said with a michivous smirk before pulling them back up again.

“Cute,” the ref grunted, then glanced between the two fighters as he spoke rapidly. “Fighters may not strike their opponent in the back, back of the head, neck, or kidneys. You cannot hold and use the ropes to gain leverage for a punch. When I signal for a break, fighters must oblige, take a step back, and refrain from throwing punches. Understand? Touch gloves, go to your corners and wait for the bell.”

Via even drunk was flabbergasted by the rules, finding them stupid and unnecessary. “What the shit fuckin’ fuck. You made that shit up! Can’t even hit her ass?” She mumbled something under her breath as she considered just doing whatever anyway since it was technically unfair that she was able to hit Talia first without her hitting back. If she left now she would look like a coward. “Fine…” Via said then touched Talia’s gloves with her own. She walked to her own corner and just smirked as she watched her opponent warm up.

Talia just grunted, dropping her gloved fist down on Via’s with a smirk, then backed away to her corner, shaking her limbs out to stay warm and vent some nervous energy. She’s still quick, even hammered drunk, Talia considered, unless she’s really not as drunk as she seems

Via’s drunken adrenaline was rushing through her. She was excited for this. Whether she got her ass beat or she won she didn’t care. This was going to be the most fun she had since waking up from her coma.

Talia just shook her head as she bounced, trying to get used to the bulky gloves on her hands as she watched Via with a mix of curiosity and confusion. Wonder what she's like sober - no way she's like this, she thought, but the ding-ding of the bell interrupted any further musing; her gloves came up to guard as she took a few steps forward and waited for Via to close the distance, encouraging her drunken opponent with a subtle wiggle of her gloves.

Via belted a laugh as she bounded in, fists swinging in a wild but telegraphed series of quick jabs and hooks to Talia’s face and torso. She wasn't even trying to guard herself, or stay out of the bitchy pilot's reach. She had ran up on her and was doing her best to pummel the shit out of her, bouncing around like a maniac, grinning the whole time.

Talia held her ground, blocking most of the blows she could catch as she rotated to keep Via in front of her. The punches were wild, moving from her head, arms, and abs almost at random, but she could already hear Via panting from the effort. The ones that landed stung a bit, but not as much as she'd expected, so she held her guard close and took a step back; not bothering to throw a single strike yet.

Via seemed to be getting frustrated, following after Talia as her punches got slower but with more weight behind them. She threw haymakers one after the other at Talia’s head.

When her back hit the corner, Talia grunted under the impact of a wild swing landing on her bicep, followed by the opposite fist slamming into the glove by her head. She heard Via heaving ragged breaths, drawing in great gulps of air before every swing, and Talia had been waiting for her to wear herself out. Just a bit longer…come on, she grimaced, tensing her abs and lowering her gloves as she watched Via's eyes and head drop. As blow after blow struck her arms, elbows, and torso, Talia watched, and waited, - but breathed - where her opponent was barely standing.


She saw the next blow coming and leaned back, letting the glove sail past her as she spun out of the corner; giving Via a slight shove to add momentum. Via’s back slammed into the corner hard enough to pop her chin up, wide open - but Talia went for the body; her left hit hard, just below the ribcage, square in the girl’s abdomen. To finish Via off, she hooked a quick right across the jaw and bounced away, gloves up just in case.

The momentum of the final punch caused Via to buckle and fall onto the mat. There was a weird yet familiar sense of bliss that overcame her. She missed this. She missed having fun and playing around with fun people with no care in the world. However, something else came creeping in from her memories. The Training Center Omega Incident, the closest she had ever been to death and the most traumatic thing she had ever experienced. Via had seen some of terrible things in her past that to this day she can’t register due to being so young. People getting tortured, shot, dead bodies, everything that one would witness being raised in a gang she saw. Still, none of that affected her as much as her feeling cold, dark, and helpless in the void of space. Via would never admit it though, her ego was too big to do so, and she did her best to hide her pain but sometimes it would come out without against her will.

Everything seemed to slow as her vision went in and out of darkness. Panic built up inside her. She didn’t want to die. Tears started forming in the corner in her eyes in fear but the feeling of them caused her to snap out of it. The world around her sped up to normal time and she felt herself again…with throbbing pain all over her body. The ref counted down to one and the crowd cheered. Via questioned what had happened in the past moments then realized she was face flat on the ground. She lost…

Fuckin’ shit balls…” she mumbled on the ground. “I ain’t cryin’ you’re cryin’ shut up.”

Talia pushed the mouthguard off her teeth; chewing it as she paced while the ref counted, then called the fight, grinning at Via's continued antics before going to one knee beside her. "C'mon, let's get you up. Think you've had enough for one night, huh," she tilted her head, chuckling as they tried to grip each other's gloves. With a nod to the ref, who hooked his hands under the weary pilot's arms, they managed to get her up on her feet. Talia hooked one arm around her waist to steady her, draping the other over her shoulders.

Via’s head throbbed and her legs felt like mush, she could barely hold herself up, but she managed to express a smile and her childlike fascination over the fight. “Fuckin’...that was soo cool. You were like argh, and I was like not today, and then you were like boom and I was like…I am goin’ to be sick…” Via said the last past as she held her stomach.

Laughing as they stumbled to the ropes, Talia shook her head, grunting under the dead weight. "You better not puke on me," she grumbled, as she cradled the fellow Wolf in her arms and crouched to pass between the ropes. Making her way to the medical tent, Via loosed a loud snore as her head fell back. "Sweet dreams, DixieBee," Talia chuckled, bearing the limp pilot with no trouble at all.

Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #54
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Holodeck 5 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy]

@P.C. Haring

Frank gave Reggie an easy smile as he held up his glass to her as he took another sip of the dark amber smoked concoction. "No worries Reggie.  Anytime."  Another sip was taken as blue eyes turned contemplative for a moment, then a third sip was taken.   "If anything, I supposed I should really be thanking you."  The Chief Engineer turned to face Lone Wolf as he leaned on the table with is free arm. "It's good to see what the old instincts are still around since the two of us aren't lying in biobeds with multiple rounds of surgery lined up.  You could have come off much worse.  I guess it's a good thing your eyes are implants anyway, so that's not a good excuse to keep you out of the cockpit."  Another sip.  "I think that little adventure of ours really highlights the fact that I'm chief gearhead of this tub and I really shouldn't be going off doing stuff like fiddling with the fighters.  If anything, I should leave it to the flight crews there, or send someone else."  Frank tossed back the rest of his drink and held up his glass to signal for another.   His eyes turned not quite sad, but more nostalgic as he came to real realization that of all the responsibilities that had landed on his shoulders.  Luckily, he had very broad shoulders to support the load.   "Yesiree, that's me.  Have to be all responsible now." 

The drink arrived from a holographic waiter that had a massive tall blond cone on her head and was wearing a red uniform from time passed that was a dress.  "Let me know if you need anything else." the waitress asked as Frank nodded before she bustled off to something else. "Interesting hair that one. "  Frank muttered, and he had to wonder if the muscular woman was going to get her fight.  The Chief Engineer looked at her opponent who dubiously lurched her way to the ring and eventually made her way in.  "So Reggie, what do you think of this matchup?  Can't say I see lanky here doing much to Talia.  If anything Talia's going to, what the hell!??"  Frank exclaimed as Via for all intents and purposes sucker punched Talia before the match even began.  Frank was tempted to grab the smaller pilot and just toss her out of the holodeck right then and there.  Mooning the holographic ref put her one step closer.  It seemed at this rate, Talia wasn't going to get to fight her fellow pilot at all and instead would have to settle for being frustrated or pointing and laughing at Via.  Frank noticed that Via didn't seem to take to kindly to the reprimand, but decided to play straight anyway.

When the bell rang, Frank was disappointed.  Lots of energy, but not much else he decided.  His gaze shifted to Talia and he had to wonder why she'd gone for what amounted to rope a dope and just get wailed on.  It wasn't his style as he preferred to dodge instead.  Still, if it was stupid and it worked, it sure wasn't stupid as Via began to slow down and Talia gave a solid combo that knocked the other Wolf to the ground.  At the ten count, Frank clapped and whistled.  It wasn't good boxing, but it was entertaining.  He spotted the familiar form of the medic standing next to ring where Talia was carrying an unconscious Via to the ropes.  It seemed the good doctor was annoyed by the way her antennae were flat and her arms crossed.  "Me thinks the doctor at this outing is unhappy.  What about you Reggie, any plans to step in and vent your frustrations on someone, and do you think she'll be okay?"  Frank asked as a finger pointed at the unconscious pilot.

Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #55
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 05 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy]

@BipSpoon @Dumedion @ob2lander961 @Nero  

"Awwww, not efen guonna sty...."  Zark shut off her talking so she could swallow the flatbread she was munching on and took a sip of beer. By the time she opened her mouth, her boss was already on the way out. Huh...Oh Well

Turning her attention back to the table, she was about to fire off a question to the Lone Wolf when she recognized the form of Valyn Amarik joining them and Zark gave a smile to the organizer before answering her question.  "Nice ta meetchya Miss Amarik.  IN this case, I'm drinking his " a cobalt finger pointed at Logan "beer since he has a cranial anti inflammatory at work making sure he doesn't get a concussion after the way zh'Wann clocked him in the head.  It's a nice Pilsner, though I might switch to something else after this."  Exposed blue shoulders shrugged at her own indecision, but there was still plenty of liquid in the glass, so lots of time to choose another drink.

As to the question of who was going to win, the combat medic took a look at both fighters and discarded her initial impression.  It didn't do any good as her mind ran the variables and came back to the same conclusion. Barring a miracle or a galactic fluke, Via was going to have her ass handed to her.  "Good thing we didn't ask for bets cause I'm not taking any of those at this point.  The muscular one is gonna win, it's just a question of how quickly."

Via stumbled into the ring and Zark watched with interest as the somewhat shorter, but way more muscled woman waited impatiently.  This quickly transformed to a blue hand covering blue green eyes as Zark face palmed seeing Via punch the other pilot before the bell even began.  She knew Via was excessively impulsive, but this took the cake for the day.  The worst part was Zark was sure Via was going to do something outrageous to top it soon. "For the love of Lor'Vela. Via you schnarzzed klazh" Zark muttered under her breath.  The hands stayed covering the eyes till the bell rang and they slowly lifted out to see Via smashing away at her opponent.  Zark blinked in surprise that Via had that much energy after ingesting what appeared to be a whole bottle of hard liquor.  She sat there wondering if Via had been covering up the true extent of her inebriation, but something was off for as energetic as it looked, her opponent seemed to be taking it in stride and Zark realized Via was doomed as her pace would inevitably slow. "Logan, Valyn, excuse me a moment."

Zark grabbed a last piece of hari and popped it in her mouth before grabbing the now becoming well used med kit.  She jogged away from the ring to the pot that contained her combadge and rummaged around till she found it and clipped it to the strap of her sports bra.  This took up just enough time for her to return to the ring and watch Via get hit, hard, by Talia where Dixie Bee fell to the mat.  Zark didn't even notice as her antennae seemed to deflate and she crossed her arms over her bust to wait the result.  Truthfully, if Via had gotten up after that combo, Zark would probably have ended the match on medical grounds as she remembered how much the hyperactive pilot drank.  With the ten count complete, Zark had to give a soft smile as the two appeared to have settled whatever disagreement they were having, only for the smile to disappear into a frown as Via's energetic reactions abruptly came to a halt.  Zark was tempted to jump into the ring, but seeing Talia's apparent non reaction, she figured it wasn't a serious issue.

The combat medic directed the pilot to help her fellow unconscious pilot out of the ring, then lay her on a newly summoned gurney. This was actually much harder than anticipated as Zark was taking shallow breaths through her mouth after almost gagging on the smell of all the alcohol that seemed to be seeping and evaporating out of Via's pores.  Thankfully the trip didn't take too long before the medic pulled out her tricorder and began an preliminary analysis.  Only for her to blink as the screen turned a lurid red with a toxicity warning.  Practiced blue fingers touched the warning and Zark's well defined jaw dropped as to what she was seeing had to be flat out impossible.  A couple of buttons reset the tricorder and she scanned the snoring pilot once more before wide shocked eyes glanced at Dixie Bee. "What in Lor'Vela's name are you Via?" Zark asked aloud to no one in particular as the reading of 0.3 glowed on the blood alcohol concentration warning.

Zark shook her head as she shifted the pilot to a recovery position on the bed.   Oh, this is gonna be so humiliating............unless the medic thought to herself.  Big eyes turned on the sleeping pilot.  "I'm so sorry Via."  Zark told the prone form. "Computer, erect a solid wall around this gurney."  A box appeared around the bed and Zark smirked as she picked up the prone pilot.  "Okaaaay.  Computer, two to beam to Via Wix's quarters. Security override zh’Ptrell Sierra-Marshall-Car-Six-Five-Two-Zero.  Energize." A shimmering light swept Zark and Via away leaving nary a trace.

When the light disappeared and Zark regained vision, she gently laid the pilot down on her bed, still making sure she was leaning over in the recovery position.   Seeing her patient stable, she made her way to the replicator and created all the necessary items to clear out a near fatal level of alcohol.  Alcohol scrubbers, nutrient stabilizers, sedatives, and an IV.  True, everything could just be injected, but sometimes, the body had to take things at their own pace.  Zark set about injecting what she could, then she set out to find a place to hang the IV bag.  This was trickier as she had to settle for leaving it on a shelf and let gravity steadily feed it into the pilot's system.  "Good thing, she's asleep." Zark muttered to herself as she went to the washroom to clean her hands before grabbing a pair of medical gloves and snapping them in position.  "She really shouldn't drink so hard." the medic muttered to herself again.  Sighing there was no avoiding what was next as she attached the tubes to the bag and gently tapped on a limp forearm to find a vein.  It didn't take long, but Zark had to be careful inserting the catheter before taping it in place and ensuring a steady flow of liquid.  With that done Zark grabbed a PADD nearby and set it to record as she took a selfie video with Via in the background.  "Hey hon.  Zark here.  As you can see, you're totally blotto and knocked out after Talia hit you in the ring.  Needless to say, you hit the hard stuff way too hard and you're blood alcohol was around 0.3.  In short, you almost hit the level where I had to send you to sickbay.  Hopefully when the sedative wears off, the the IV bag should be empty enough and you'll be in better shape.  Try to take it easy and avoid to more alcohol tomorrow, caffeine if you can help it as well. You need to let your body rest."  The medic's face turned stern for a moment.  "Now Dixiebee, don't let me catch you drinking that hard again where you get this drunk.  If I have to bail you out again, well, you don't like having doctor's fingers up your ass, but that's the other place I know how to stick tubes of fluids, so consider yourself warned."  The medico smiled like an angel as she waggled her fingers for the camera.  "Have a good day and drink plenty of water.  Take care."

Satisfied with her work, Zark shook her head and left the PADD next to Via's head.  She'd have to see later what Via would think of the whole thing, but that was another problem for another day.  With that, Zark beamed herself back to the enclosure and exited to see what else was going on the holodeck.

schnarzzed klazh = careless drunk
hari = Andorian flatbread

Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #56
[ Ens. Talia Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 05 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
She looks pissed, was her initial assessment of the Andorian that waited beyond the ropes. Talia swallowed before following her wordlessly, only nodding briefly in greeting. The priority was Via, not pleasantries; those could come later. After gently setting the limp, snoring pilot upon the gurney, Talia took several steps back to give the blue-skinned woman space to work.

As Talia watched, and listened, she started to pace as the Andorian adjusted Via's position, seemingly alarmed at something. Shit, what did I do, worried concern grew in her mind, softening her features, even as her brows knit. When the privacy barrier went up, Talia took a step forward, about to ask what was happening – but then she overheard the emergency transport command – the familiar lights and sounds of its execution almost immediately after.

Oh no,” she whispered, her gloved hands covering her mouth. I…I don’t think I hit her that hard, her head shook subtly. She was a little loopy, but she seemed okay! Shit, she rested the gloves on the top of her head, staring at the privacy wall as if it would give her the answers she sought. I shouldn’t have done it. I knew she was drunk…I should have just walked away. Fuck, she chastised herself, pacing again, using her teeth to untie one glove; once it was loose enough to pull her hand free, she let it fall to the deck. Nice job ace – real clever, her jaw clenched as she untied the other glove.

Her eye still stung from Via’s jab, and as the adrenaline from the fight eased from her blood, she felt the other hits too. No one forced you to fight her, *himar – you’re just so caught up in your own bullshit that you let it happen. Sighing with frustration at herself, she picked up the gloves and leaned her ass against the side of the ring to wait – brooding over every decision that led her into the holodeck. Her back and neck supported by the bottom ropes, Talia closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

You’ve been here four days, she scolded herself. Ever since you woke up you’ve done nothing but rampage from one task to the next in an insane race against time. Where has that gotten you? When will you learn to slow down, and think before you act; before you discard people out of fear of how they judge you? Huh? What if you seriously jacked her up? What if she fell into a coma, or…

Stop it,” Talia growled at herself, a taped fist hitting the mat for emphasis. “Just…stop.” Leaning forward to rest her elbows on her knees, Talia waited; ignoring the sounds of the crowd, and trying to ignore the way she smelled.  Via’s sweat had mixed with her own; unpleasantly sour, cloying in its intensity. Yes, she was a loudmouthed, obnoxious drunk…but you should have known better.

To her surprise, she felt a towel draped over her shoulder – turning to see the hologram of Kirk wink at her from above. “Put that to good use,” he gestured to her, then walked off back across the ring. Despite her guilt-ridden mood, Talia smirked at him as she wiped herself free of tequila-infused stink.

Talia set about pacing again as the moments drew out, until the Andorian finally returned from the enclosure. She didn’t seem as upset, more tired than anything, but Talia didn’t know for sure. Approaching hesitantly, offering time for the azure skinned woman to reorient; her hands rested nervously on her hips as she took a breath. “Is Via okay,” she asked quietly, chewing on her bottom lip.

*himar – donkey, jackass

Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #57
[ Crewman Samala | Holodeck 05 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ]

Her brother had signed off some time ago and Samala had been left to survey the fights before alone after Mickalya too had departed, her interest having waned as the evening wore on. The pilot was at something of a loss. She had come expecting to participate in a fight and yet her name had not been called nor had anyone come up and challenged her directly. Was she expected, as the stronger combatant to challenge those with less skill and fortitude than herself? That didn’t seem right.

“Everyone else is having a good time, despite them fighting each other. And I am stuck sitting here, wondering why no one wants to have a go. Is it because of my brother?” Samala wondered to herself as another bout ended and the fighters came together to celebrate., showing that there were no hard feelings between them. All the fights had been like this, and she wanted hers to be as well but something inside her told her tonight was not going to be her night. It was the same feeling she got when she was flying that caused her to take a particular course or perform a certain manoeuvre. It had never been wrong before. 

Sighing, Samala climbed to her feet and retrieved her combadge. With a last sidelong look at the ring and the Theurgy crew around it, Samala departed the holodeck.

Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #58
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 05 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy]

@BipSpoon @Dumedion @Nero 

Zark blinked as Via's opponent stopped and asked after her fellow Wolf.  The medico needed a moment to pluck the name before giving a grim and exhausted smile.  "Talia right?.  Well it was touch and go there for a while.  The patient exhibited signs of extreme alcohol poisoning, so I had to set a persistent transport cycle to beam the blood and fluids out into space while I carved up a cadaver to get her a new liver.  At the same time, it was necessary to pump IV fluids into her ass since her veins were shot and kept breaking the catheters."  The medico gave a bright smile after her absurd report was delivered.  "And you can believe as much or as little of that as you want.  Via's sedated and fine.  She'll have a major headache in the morning, but one that's far less than one would normally have with a blood alcohol level of nought point three."  The blue head shook again in disbelief at the number she had seen as she took the gloves off and threw them on a table.  A shimmering light transported the bio-hazardous materials away for reprocessing.

Zark was a very touchy feely person at the end of the day, and intimacy was one thing she absolutely loved, so she naturally grabbed the pilot in a hug and gave a reassuring squeeze before separating, though she did leave her hands on the pilot's shoulders.  "Seriously, she'll be fine.  If anything, she probably had a good time with you in the ring and she's more likely going to be mad with me.  Probably will think I really did probe her rectum."  Zark let go as her shoulders and arms made gallic shrug. "C'est la vie mon ami.  I'll deal with it afterwards.  Maybe have to knock her on her butt for real."

The medic merrily grabbed the pilot into the enclosure and made her sit in a chair as she turned on an examination light and grabbed another dermal regenerator while talking away at the muscular woman. "Between you and me, Via got off pretty lucky in fighting you since that sucker punch really was uncalled for."  Blue hands began manipulating the device over the bruised nose primarily before working on other areas that the wild flailing had hit. "If I was in there with that sucker punch, we probably would have just gone for anything goes and I would have figured at least a dozen ways to bend and stretch her.   Maybe would have sprained more than a few joints on her in the process.  She'd probably look like a pretzel afterwards.  Stop moving! And there, all better." the medico declared.  The whirlwind medic helped the pilot up and tossed the medical device aside before linking arms with her and leading her out back to her table.  "You must be really new here.  Don't remember you on the pilot roster before.  Have you had a chance to meet anyone else?"  Zark stopped with the pilot she dragged along to her table.  "This here is Valyn Amarik, formerly with Security, now with Intel; and I'm pretty sure you know Mr. Logan Hale.  Have you two met Talia before?  Sorry hon, last name was Al-Ibrahim right?"  Zark asked as she happily bounced questions around the table very quickly.

Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #59
[Ens. Talia 'Shadow' Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 05 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy] Attn:  @RyeTanker @BipSpoon @Nero
After hearing the initial response to her question, all Talia could do was blink as her mind shifted away from self-flagellation and focused on the words ‘alcohol poisoning’ and ‘cadaver’. Wait, what, her brow knitted as her head jerked subtly;  then it was made apparent that the Andorian was teasing her, which let her relax with a visible exhalation of relief. Talia nodded then, opening her mouth to thank the blue-skinned woman, but then she was being wrapped up in a warm hug.

Oh,” Talia murmured, caught off-guard by the gesture. Her body stiffened on instinct, unprepared for the close contact. O-okay, we’re hugging. Hugs are nice. Shit, what do I do? Her hands stayed at her sides, twitching in hesitation, unsure if she should return the hug or not. The moment passed quickly, leaving her vision dominated by blue and silver and once again lost for words at the possibility of Via’s reaction to her medical treatment. When in doubt, just nod, she told herself, before she did just that.

Next thing she knew, Talia was pulled into the enclosure, spun around and pushed into a chair; a glaringly bright light blasted into her face, causing her to wince and raise a hand as she blinked away the spots from her vision. The Andorian batted that away as she talked and raised a lightly humming device to her face; Talia swerved her head away on instinct, unsure what was going on. Pretzel? What? Then she froze when told to, eyebrows raised and fingers extended, like a lab animal caught on an examination table. The device made her skin itch, especially her nose – she fought the urge to wiggle it. The pressure in her sinuses was released as the swelling from Via’s jab healed, leaving her able to breathe out of both nostrils again. As she opened her mouth to offer thanks, the Andorian promptly stood her up. “Oof, um, ok,” Talia muttered as she was led back out by the arm.

She glanced around quickly after leaving the enclosure, spotting Gramps and Gemini still idling at the table by the bar; letting the Andorian lead her. Her mouth opened to respond when they stopped at another table, whereupon she recognized two previous fighters of the evening. One was the fierce-eyed blonde that dropped the pleasantly built Trill in the first match; the other the calm-countenanced fellow Wolf that survived a viscous elbow to the brain-case by the other dangerous looking Andorian. Both would make short work of her in the ring – but certainly offered more of a chance for her to learn something. Talia blinked as she took a quick breath, nodding to everyone in greeting. She turned to face the Andorian then, a slight curl to her lips as her taped hands rested on the rolled waistband at her hips.

Thanks for taking care of Via, and everyone else,” she huffed in amusement at finally being able to answer, “and no, I haven’t met many – I woke up from cryo only a few days ago,” she gestured to Hale. “I’ve read up on him and some of the other Wolves though,” her dark chocolate eyes met his. “Look forward to flying with you, Wraith,” she lifted her chin to him, then turned her eyes to the blonde, head tilted subtly. Security then Intel. Explains the casual ‘fuck around and find out’ look, she thought, as the curl at the corner of her lips grew. Medusa, she assigned to Valyn, and Kāli, she labeled the medic, as her eyes glanced between the two. “Just ‘Shadow’ or Talia is fine,” she lifted a shoulder dismissively, licking her dry lips quickly before turning back to Kāli. “Didn’t catch your name, by the way,” she smirked, flexing her hands, wiggling her fingers; a nervous sensation crept up her spine out of nowhere. I’m forgetting something. Talia’s brows knit as her head spun to the table with the box of badges. That would be it, she sighed quietly, but hesitated to go get hers; the night was still young, even though a few people had left. She still owed Frank a drink, and didn’t feel like returning to the work waiting for her in her room.

Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #60
[ Lt. JG Logan Hale, callsign "Wraith" | Holodeck 5 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @BipSpoon @Stegro88 @Auctor Lucan @P.C. Haring @Ellen Fitz @ob2lander961 @Dumedion @RyeTanker
Logan threw his hand in the air in an implied salute, thanking the approaching woman. Logan had seen her fight before and was impressed with her skills. "Thank you and likewise." he called against the din of the hall. He pulled up the chair where Ida had been sitting earlier. She had taken her leave in the meantime, so the seat was vacant. So, Logan now offered it to the woman, who introduced herself as Valyn Amarik.

Logan sipped his non-alcoholic beer. It tasted good. That was surprising. Even though synthohol was usually served, there was actual alcohol to be consumed on some occasions and celebrations like this one here. Therefore, it was amazing that people in the twentieth century could actually brew tasty beer without alcohol. Another item to add to his list. He had to find the science officer at some point with whom he wanted to open a small brewery. Maybe they could make a little money doing that. Logan emptied his glass.
"Thank you and thank you for this great evening, Valyn," Logan thanked her as he received his new beer. "It feels good to blow off some steam for a change, even if I had envisioned my victory differently." Logan toasted the two women.

When he realized there were two wolves fighting, he threw his hands up in disbelief. "This can't be..." Logan was appalled that the smaller of the two, just flat out ignored the rain and struck before the first bell. That was stupid. It showed disrespect for the opponent and, more importantly, for the sport. Boos rang out throughout the hall, but the girl seemed to enjoy it somehow. Oh, man..., Logan thought. This is going to be a tough one. Fuck...

"That girl is drunk. She's gonna... Oh... shit..." the pilot said as he watched the muscular woman send Via to the boards. Zark intervened and helped Via by having her brought out. It was certainly for the best of all involved. Then he turned to the hostess. He wanted to hear her opinion on the evening "How do you like the evening so far Valyn? Are you happy with how it is going?" Logan allowed himself another sip of his beer and also tore off some of the Andorian flatbread. "I'm definitely pleased. Partied, punched and got punched in the face, and get rewarded with a beer. It doesn't get any better than that."
Then Zark brought the winner of the last fight to their table and introduced her. Once again Logan threw the casual salute. "Congratulations on the win, Shadow. How's Via?"

Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #61
[Reggie Suder | Holodeck 05 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy ] attn: @RyeTanker‍   @Dumedion‍   @ob2lander961‍ 

Reggie felt herself shrink a bit at the comment about her ocular implants.  While it could not hold a candle to some of her experiences against the Dominion, the memory of that injury, that disability albeit a temporary one due to the ocular implants, still weighed heavily on her.  Fortunately, Frank’s next comment about responsibility put a smile back on her face as she chuckled. 

“Eh.  Responsibility is over rated.  I mean sure, Command elicits a certain amount of responsibility, but I’ve never let that get in the way of having fun along the way.”

She watched the proceedings in the ring as Talia and Via started their unorthodox match and listened as Frank offered commentary.  The Betazoid was no fighter, at least not in this format, but she was almost certain Via had broken at least a few rules, a thought all but confirmed as she felt Frank’s anger and his efforts to keep it controlled.  Reggie hadn’t known either Frank or Via, or Talia for that matter for too long, but already she was seeing how they all operated.  Via liked to showboat, had an attitude about her and a certain aggressiveness that would do her well in the cockpit so long as she could temper a little more discipline.  Flying combat was a delicate dance of balancing on the edge of a knife blade, sitting just this side of the line of insanity.  Via sat on that edge, no question, but she teetered from one side to the other, leaving Reggie to worry she might just fall off and get herself killed.

When did I become so conservative?  A few years back I was on much the same edge of insanity that she is now.  Crazy what a war does to people..

Frank’s question about whether or not she would step into the ring brought another chuckle out.

“Nah.  Outside the cockpit, I’m more of a lover than a fighter.  As for DixieBee,” her voice trailed off as she watch Talia carry her out of the ring.  Reggie’s thoughts returned to the training flight they’d had just before she inadvertently met Frank.  She’d proven herself quite the competent pilot, a ball of fire, and one to keep an eye on.  Her performance had been so strong that she was considering having her bumped up in the flight roster to element leader, essentially switching slots with Mr. Morgan whose performance had been less than impressive.  She would take that up with Razor another time perhaps once she knew if Via was going to be on her feet in the morning.

“She’d better be okay, she’s assigned to my flight and if she misses our next training run, Talia ain’t the only one whose gonna kick her ass.”

Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #62
[ Lieutenant Valyn Amarik | Holodeck 05 | Deck 05 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Dumedion @ob2lander961 @Nero @RyeTanker @everyone [Show/Hide]
Valyn let her eyes follow the seemingly inebriated officer for a moment, her eyes narrowing slowly at her. Drunken fisticuffs hadn’t exactly been her direct intention for the evening but, she didn’t say anything. There was always at least one of them, and usually the more sober of the opponents won out. So, Valyn allowed Talia to be the one to educate her on the importance of fighting with a clear head, else, by the look on her face it appeared she herself may have challenged the woman.

Seeing Kirk in the holodeck was a bit of a strange experience. She’s seen plenty of holos of the man in the past, be it at some Academy symposium or a cheesy advertisement…at least on Federation worlds. What she’d been taught of the man in her own youth was nothing short of propaganda, designed with the singular intention of warping the perception of the Federation to young Romulan minds. To a young Valyn, Kirk had been little more than an opposing imperialist, bent on the pollution and destruction of Romulan society. It hadn’t been elaborated on, or explained, that was simply the facts as they were taught. Of course, learning the true history later in her training, and then again seeing more of the truth revealed after her defection, had been a bit strange. Thus, seeing him standing, right there, refereeing a boxing match, was a very odd experience.

Quickly though her attention shifted focused onto the bout itself, namely the behavior of the drunken one. Her nostrils flared briefly in annoyance. “Who’s this ‘Dixiebee’?” She said it to nobody in particular, instead offering it to all those in her vicinity to answer. By the pitch of her voice though, she didn’t sound as if she was asking simply for a desire for an introduction. Despite the behavior, Valyn couldn’t help but be at least a little impressed by her aptitude to fight, even what seemed like blind drunk.

Just as quickly as it’d started though, it seemed as it was over.

“Nothing wrong with a good ol’ fashioned beer.” She dipped her head towards Zark’s drink. “I’m a Romulan Ale drinker, through and through.” Her voice lowered, almost conspiratorially, “illegal or not.” She let out a small chuff of laughter and added, “I do like a good martini though, tequila once in a while and…a good whiskey. It’s the closest thing humanity has to Romulan Ale I’d imagine. It lacks the same…” She rubbed two fingers together, “Sensation.” Romulan Ale had a strange way of opening up the nostrils as one drank it, allowing the drinker to feel every bit of the flavor.

She nodded, watching Zark move over to render some additional aid as her pretzels arrived. They were hot, and served with two small cups of a sauce, some spicy cheese and a hearty mustard. “Oh those look excellent.” She tore off a small bite, and plunged it directly into the steaming cheese, before popping the whole thing into her mouth.

She gave a little wave to Talia as Zark introduced her, swallowing her food and offering her hand out, “Nice to meet you. You’re a more patient opponent than I am, a punch like that one my way and I’d of rung her bell into next week.” She let out an exaggerated whistle, and winked. While she wasn’t chuffed with the behavior she’d seen in the ring, she wasn’t going to make a big deal of it. The whole point of the dance was a place people could blow off steam without some officer shitting down their neck after the fact. What happened there, stayed.

“‘Course.” She gave a nod to Logan, “It’d been too long since I’d done one of these. We used to do them somewhat regularly on the Enterprise. Not this big but…some of us in Security.” Ever since, she’d had the itch for a good fight night every so often. It’d been a great idea, and not one she’d expected to see on a Federation ship. “I’m pleased with the night so far, besides from a little bit of the uh-“ She searched for a different word, “Less than honorable behavior in the ring. Someone clearly hadn’t been to a boxing match before.” She scratched her head. Boxing she knew she could get away with, if the fights turned into full blown MMA matches, the brass may have started to have a problem with it.

Seeing the ring stand empty for a moment she threw back a shot of Ale and shook her head, letting the warm sensation of the drink run through her briefly before she looked right at Talia, “How about it, you and me?” She raised an eyebrow, and gave her a crooked sort of grin, teasing with the amusement she painted across her visage.

Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #63
[ Ens. Talia 'Shadow' Al-Ibrahim & Lieutenant Valyn Amarik | Holodeck 05 | Deck 05 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @everyone

After hearing Medusa’s comments about Via, Talia simply smirked and nodded subtly. Dixiebee was fighting herself in there, not me, she thought, I doubt she’ll even remember it. “Still asleep I imagine,” she answered Wraith’s question about Via, then glanced at Kāli with a smirk, “but she’ll live.” She took a step back from the conversation then to snag the attention of one of the passing waiters and ordered herself a whiskey; much preferred over Frank’s scotch, which she ordered for him and asked the holo to deliver. “Tell him: thanks, Gramps,” she grinned, all teeth and dimples. She stepped back up to the table in time to lock eyes with Medusa. Caught off guard by the Romulan’s question and expression, Talia blinked as her brows twitched together – head cocked slightly in a subtle expression of confusion mixed with surprise. “Say again,” Talia asked with a hint of humor, assuming she missed some important context in the last few seconds.

Valyn shrugged, "You won, I won. Only makes sense." She gave Talia a crooked grin and ushered a coach over, though it was not Kirk. It was a holographic projection of Ben Sisko, cracking a few jokes and chuckling along with a few other potential boxers, commenting on the competition. He wrapped up Valyn’s hand for her, and Valyn made a pouty sort of look at Talia.

"Oh come on, it’ll be fun." She waved her along, trying to garner a bit more excitement. "We can even put a bit of a friendly…incentive on it, if you like." She grinned again, this time appearing far more mischievous than she typically might have allowed herself to look outside of the casual confines of the holodeck.

Talia’s eyes followed the Romulan, the curl of her lips rising. The blonde’s grin was infectious, and as the waiter brought her drink over, the pilot nodded to him and scooped it up in one hand. She glanced at her hands then, still wrapped and taped. Guess she has a point, the pilot smirked. Excusing herself from Kāli and Wraith, the long rope of her hair draped over one shoulder, she followed after Valyn. Like a moth to flame, she chuckled, or a lamb to slaughter. Still, even as she approached, her dark eyes sizing the Romulan up - her heart rate ramped up at the thought of the challenge.

Lifting her chin to Sisko before turning her eyes to Valyn, Talia raised her glass of whiskey to her nose with a slight swirl. Her brow twitched fractionally as she grinned, then tipped her head back and downed it in one smooth motion, licking the flavor from her lip as her head tilted. “What do you have in mind,” she smirked; Via had - in her own colorful way - used a similar tactic to goad her into the ring. Talia wasn’t about to make the same mistake again; but she doubted that was the hazel eyed blonde's objective.

Valyn gave her a shrug, "I ain’t got no idea." She pursed her lips, running a finger across her lower lip in thought. "How about…I win, and you have to give me a tour around one of those fancy fighters." She hadn’t gotten the chance to get her hands on one. She didn’t imagine she’d be taking one for a spin, but still. There was something visceral and exciting about even being in one of them, grounded or not. "You win…and…" She trailed off, offering Talia the chance to name her own odds.

She looked up at the ring, and climbed in, squeezing herself between the ropes to jump in as Sisko followed behind with her gloves and mouthguard. Valyn was every bit a fighter. She enjoyed a good fight, through and through. Even the ones where the consequence of loss meant death, she found a sick sense of excitement in. She slid the gloves on and started to dance around the ring a bit, loosening herself up. Valyn was plainly sober, and her muscled Romulan body responded with ruthless efficiency with each practice punch that she threw, waving Talia into the ring.

Grinning at the thought of hearing the Romulan squeal under a high G maneuver, Talia watched her climb up into the ring. Holding no illusions, but refusing to show any hint of trepidation or intimidation (being a stick jockey came with certain prerequisites after all),  she rotated the tension from her neck before letting her eyes search for Kirk. The aged Captain met her eyes mid-conversation with McCoy, his bushy eyebrows knitted as he looked at her with a ‘what are you doing’ look. Talia smirked at him, jerking her head slightly in a ‘c’mere’ gesture, before reaching up to haul herself up into the ring.

Pausing to lean her elbows on the top rope, she fixed Medusa with a semi-serious mask, biting her bottom lip to keep from smiling too much. Taking her up just might be worth getting my ass beat, she told herself with an amused chuckle. “I’ll settle for an IOU,” she shrugged nonchalantly, then nodded before bending her way in between the top and middle ropes. “I’ll try to give you a better show than the last guy,” she smirked at Valyn on her way across the ring to meet up with Kirk; noting that the good Captain had scooped her gloves up from where she’d dropped them.

“Feeling froggy are we,” Kirk muttered to her as he held the gloves out, his face an odd mix of amusement and concern. Talia shrugged before slipping her left hand in first, shaking her limbs out to limber up, again. “Maybe,” she smirked at him, “but this time I’m having fun.”

Valyn watched as Kirk gloved up Talia, and turned her gaze to Sisko, "Make ‘em tight." She requested, and he nodded in assent. He was quick, the hologram at least knowing what he was doing when it came to boxing. After a moment, he placed his hands on her shoulders and gave her a few nods, close to her face.

“Keep your guard up. Don’t let her pummel your torso.” He gave her a jab with a finger right in her ribs and she grimaced, giving him a nod. He clapped her shoulders and moved out of the ring as the match was announced, the loud voice calling out over the whole of the ring in a powerful, heraldic tone


CHALLENGING, WE HAVE VALYN. AMARIK!” He shouted the name, and some of the holographic crowd gave a clap and a whoop.


Kirk leaned in to say something to her just as the announcer called “TALIA, ‘SHADOWWW’, ALLL-IBRAHIM”, prompting her to pause from bouncing on her toes to lean her ear toward him. “Say again,” she asked, smirking at the grin in his voice. “I asked if you’ve ever fought a Romulan before,” to which she shook her head subtly. “Well, you’re in for one helluva education,” he chuckled. “Watch how she moves, keep your gloves up, and if you make it through the first round,” he shrugged, “we’ll talk strategy.”

Talia nodded, her face set in slightly amused determination. Probably a big if, she thought as she turned to face her opponent; her shoulders rolled and she shook her limbs out again before going back to bouncing on her toes. But I’ve made it through worse than her, she reminded herself. Turning her head slightly to accept the mouthguard, her teeth bit down to settle it into place before taking one last breath. Here we go, she lifted her chin to Medusa, then headed for the middle of the ring.

Valyn too approached the middle of the ring, reaching out her hands to touch gloves with Talia before she retreated to her corner. For a moment, everything seemed to go silent, and much, much slower. She took a deep inhale through her nostrils, drinking in the adrenaline tinged odor of the holodeck. Valyn didn’t have to wait long before she heard what she was waiting for. She opened her mouth, and Sisko slid the mouthguard in quickly, before he fully retreated from the ring.


The bell went off and Valyn brought her fists up to guard her face, using her forearms as protection against her abdomen. She pressed forward, closer to the center of the ring. She didn’t bother waiting this time to be struck first, instead she tried to seize the initiative and use the ropes to get Talia into a corner, and force the other woman to react. With her right hand, she threw out a quick jab, intended more to rattle her opponent than cause any true damage.

Talia managed four steps from her corner before her left glove ate the jab. She leaned into it, side-stepping to her left. As the blow withdrew, her right foot slid under her as she pivoted slightly and answered in kind: two quick jabs from her left to try and open up some space for her to keep moving.

Valyn arced her head back as the first jab came flying for her, and even gave a muffled laugh through the mouthguard. Her right foot kept her moving backward for a moment, a quick shuffle as she moved. Then she simply stopped. Her left shoulder rolled back, as if charging up a strike against Talia, but she didn’t strike with the left. Instead, her right hand moved from a guard into a quick cross aimed at Talia’s face. In the same movement, the second jab from her opponent connected with her shoulder, though she seemed to brush it off.

The blur of the cross struck the side of Talia’s face just as her eye closed on instinct. Her weight shifted to her right leg as her body tensed under the impact, rocked to the side. As her balance gave out, the pilot scrambled to recover, tripping on her own feet. The next thing Talia knew she was on her ass, shaking her head as she pushed away from her opponent on instinct. Fuck sakes, she growled at herself - the strike hadn’t been that hard, but delivered with perfect timing to knock her off balance - quicker than she could react. Her eyebrows knitted as she hauled herself up, shaking her head again as she took deep breaths to calm down, ignoring the crowd. Her jaw hurt, but she ignored that too as the ref checked her out. Once he was satisfied, she settled back into stance. “Nice one,” she mumbled through her guard at Valyn as she bounced. That was the same move she pulled on the other guy, Talia remembered, as the ref signaled them to resume.

Valyn let out a few breaths of almost soundless laughter, only obvious by the grin slathered across her face and the jostling of her thorax with each laugh. She offered Talia a hand up off the mat, trying her best to at least be sportsmanlike. However, she quickly gave Talia some room, waiting in her corner for the ref to signal the round to resume. As he did, Valyn moved forward like an angry rhinoceros. If Valyn was going to win the fight, she was going to try to win the fight, she had no intentions of pulling her punches, for anyone that evening. So she did not. She fell forward in a flurry of quick jabs aimed at Talia's abdomen, bringing back her arm to deliver another brutal cross, but in doing so, leaving her own face momentarily unprotected.

As Talia watched her opponent charge in – even as she moved forward to meet her – the amusement drained from her in those few precious beats of her heart; realization dawned, blanking her mind after a solitary thought: She’s not playing.

Beyond the basic combative course taught at the Academy, and the few brawls she’d been sucked into over the course of her life, Talia knew she had no idea what to do. Yet even a cornered animal will fight to defend itself on instinct. Her heart-rate skyrocketed as adrenaline flooded her veins, pupils dilating to pinpricks. Muscles gorged on oxygen and chemicals, set to trembling; ready to fight or run for her life, all in the span it took for Valyn to cross the mat.

Talia didn’t run.

She met her toe to toe, abs flexing as the first stinging jab connected to the rigid muscles just below her ribs. Talia dropped her elbows, even as her eyes narrowed, watching with grim focus. It was the same determined gaze she wore in the cockpit, surrounded by whirling stars and enemy fire; the next jab grazed her forearm as it slammed into her oblique. The next hit square on the meaty ‘v’ of her outer elbow and bicep as her torso twisted to brace, every one a blur. Then she saw the coming cross: the way Valyn’s glove dropped, the way her muscles tensed – that devastating strike already in motion – and locked on target. Arms tensed, throttling up to deliver her payload, Talia willed herself to move through the pain and shot to the side. Instinct drove her to move even closer, as her head swerved, torso shifted; Vayln’s glove still grazed the side of her head and ear. With all the speed and strength in her, Talia’s left cannoned out under her opponent's arm, straight at her exposed ribs. The follow up right was loaded and released an instant later into her gut, then another left. Her feet spread under her, pushing her into this thing that had to die, before she did. Beyond the red tint of her vision, she saw her gloves flying as she weaved, blocked what she could, and took the rest - but she kept fighting.

Valyn felt the force of each impact against her knuckles, cocooned within the soft glove. She didn’t want to really hurt Talia by any means, but she wasn’t going to pull her punches either. A fair fight, was a fair fight, and she had no intention of purposefully putting herself into a position to lose. Time seemed to dilate to the crawl of a snail for a moment as realization dawned upon the Romulan. Her fist she’d aimed straight for Talia’s head, went straight through, connected with little more than air and temporarily leaving her with less than ideal balance. She felt the subtle touch of flesh on her glove…but nothing substantial.

"There we go!" Valyn shouted, muffled by the mouthguard as she took blows to her abdomen. Oh, they most certainly hurt. Each strike was met with an unpleasant, pained wince from the Romulan but she still fought on. She shuffled her feet, almost as if sliding across the surface of the ring before she brought her hands back up, and started to shake off some of the pain, pointing her whole arm as if it was her index finger…and she laughed. Talia was good. She had a fire in her that a lot of officers lacked, in Valyn’s opinion.

The Romulan however, did not relent.

Like a true bird of prey, Valyn slowly circled her opponent, watching her footing, her stance, her gait…everything about her was drunk in for a moment before she took her chance. She flew forward, the bird making its dive down onto its prey. She loosed only one strike, though it was backed by her already vulcanoid strength. The blow was a quick jab, aimed right for a gap in her opponent's guard, hoping to catch her square in the jaw. 

Sheened in sweat, Talia’s jaw clenched as Valyn laughed at her. Adrenaline fueled frustration soured into bitter fury. She batted the glove aside with her own, shifting to the right to strike – but then her face ran into a wall. Vision blurred, and the taste of iron filled her mouth. Everything seemed to fade away; eerily familiar to g-lock. N-no, she strained, as her back hit the ropes; unsure how she even got there. Somehow, she managed to stay on her feet, but her body felt like gelatin, and her eyes watched Valyn closing in.

Valyn really hadn’t meant to laugh at Talia, though seeing the rage pouring off of her, she understood that's how it’d come across. Valyn didn’t press Talia too hard as she fell back against the ropes, on the contrary she gave the pilot the moment to collect herself, and bring herself back into the fight. Instead of laughing, and reveling in the joy of the fight, Valyn called across the ring. She was sure Talia knew what she was doing, but she tried to help nonetheless, taking some deep breaths of her own, letting the adrenaline fill her blood, then nodding at Talia to do the same.

She gave her a moment, but then moved in again. After all, she wasn’t trying to clobber Talia, but she was still fighting to win. After all, she really wanted to get a tour of one of those fighters. Again, she moved forward, this time keeping her guard up a bit more. There was little else more dangerous than a wounded, and trapped animal, and from where Valyn stood - Talia fit both categories at that particular moment. So she moved in a bit more hesitant, throwing a quick, but not too aggressive jab towards Talia. Her face appeared apologetic, but she still fought for victory.

Managing to lean away from the jab after taking a step off the ropes; Talia shuffled to the side to circle back around the Romulan’s right. Whatever else happened, she needed to move, now; to buy time and distance. Throwing defensive, alternating jabs as she went, hissing through her nose and clenched teeth, she tried to keep the Romulan at bay. Three thumps on the mat threatened to distract her as she retreated, back into open territory, but she kept her eyes and gloves up. Knowledge of her body and its limits told her that she was dipping into her well of endurance, but far from done. Even if she were, Talia wouldn't quit until her body did; that was the way she trained, the way she lived.

Valyn didn’t miss the sheer will that was pouring off of her opponent. They appeared to dance in an endless circle, each of them rounding the other and hunting for an opening, if only for a moment. After that moment, the fight seemed to well and truly erupt into a spar. With each strike, Valyn winced, knowing full well that the one that’d struck her face was going to bruise unless she saw medical about it. It already had the familiar throb to it. Valyn kept her guard up, sidestepping to the left in an attempt to deliver another cross, this time aiming for her opponents cheek. The cross though was a feint, instead she utilized her left hand to fire forward another swift jab. Valyn tasted the familiar taste of copper, knowing that by then, her nose was bleeding.

Each of them seemed to be hanging on tight. Valyn allowed a small bit of distance to develop, and watched Talia carefully.

Her glove caught the brunt of Valyn’s jab, driving it back into her cheekbone. Talia’s head rocked back with a grunt of pain, furious at herself for falling for the same trick, again. She was struggling to control her temper – as the seconds stretched into what seemed like eternity. The few strikes she managed to land seemed to do nothing. Most hit nothing but air, followed by blurs of blows to her body, hooks and crosses to her shoulders and face. Blood was in her mouth, dripping into her eye. She was too pissed and stubborn to care. Following the jab, Talia snarled and rushed in, twitching her left for another jab even as her right clenched tight; her eyes locked on Valyn’s briefly exposed chin as she put all the speed she had into the uppercut.

"Fuckin-" Valyn muttered, the woman seemed to have no bottom to her fuel tank. Valyn squared herself up, trying to ignore the various pains that had sprung up across her body, each blow from Talia knowingly leaving a mark on her Romulan flesh. Her nose was bleeding quite rapidly, she could taste the thick ichor in her mouth. While it certainly wasn’t an attractive look, she stepped back for a moment, and spit the fluid into a bucket nearest her corner of the ring, spraying some blood across the corner of the mat. Hers wasn’t the first of the evening, and likely wouldn’t be the last. Her breath was ragged, the pilot having fought for far longer than Valyn had imagined she would. Each time she came toe to toe with a human, she was further surprised by their sheer willpower to overcome the odds, whatever they may be.

Valyn brought up her guard, watching Talia carefully, but obviously - not carefully enough. The uppercut connected with the force of what felt like a torpedo, or a very angry tiger. Valyn stumbled backwards briefly, having had her bell well and truly rung by the human woman. She blinked for a moment, trying to force the stars to leave her sight and sound to return to her ears. It had felt like she’d been fighting for an eternity, catching her feet when she heard it.


Valyn immediately moved back to her corner, and collapsed into a stool, reaching towards Sisko for some water, and spitting her mouthguard away as she drank deep. "She’s fuckin’ good." She panted, nodding over at Talia.

Turning from the Romulan, Talia lowered her gloves but refused to drop her head, no matter how much she wanted to. Her right eye was throbbing, already swollen. Muscles trembled, growing heavier than she'd ever known. Muscle failure was nothing new – being sore was a natural state of being to her – but this was degrees beyond that. She waved the stool offered by Kirk away, not trusting herself to sit; opening her mouth for him to pull the guard away, she grimaced as the split inside her lip opened. Bloody saliva trailed down her chin. “You’re doing good,” Kirk offered, holding up a bottle of water to spray in her mouth. “Learn anything,” he asked through a grin.

Talia swallowed a mouthful of blood tainted water, then spit the rest, gasping for air. Her shoulders heaved with the movement. “Yeah,” she panted, “she’s too fucking fast, too fucking strong,” she barked at him, shaking her head. The fragile hold on her temper was frayed, ready to snap.

“Breathe, young lady,” Kirk leaned into her face, pointedly. “Focus. Keep your head – or she’ll knock it off,” he warned her.

Valyn looked at Sisko, letting him rinse out her mouth with the nozzles water bottle before she took another swallow of it pure. "Any pointers?" Her accent drawled out with characteristic Romulan confidence, matched with a grin of equal magnitude.

“Don’t get too cocky. She’s good, she’s a fighter. Don’t let your guard down.” That was all he had to say on the matter, before he grabbed a fresh, unbroken mouth guard and shoved it into Valyn's face, giving her a rather rough slap on the back as she rose to her feet.


The bell sounded off again and the announcer spoke up, “ROUNDDDD TWO!

Valyn took a deep breath, and again approached the center of the ring, reaching out to tap gloves with Talia if she so wished, and giving her a nod of reassurance. Her brow had a nasty cut to it along with her busted nose, and she could feel the telltale signs of bruising across her body.

Valyn listened to Siskos advice. She held her guard tight, and kept moving, almost showing a ballet with her footwork. She shuffled right, then adjusted to move left, almost bouncing up and down on her feet before she cocked back, and swung. Round two had begun in earnest.

She didn’t wince or grimace as she approached, despite the aches growing to encompass every movement. Talia tapped her gloves to Valyn’s, only then noticing the smudges of red on the blonde’s, green on hers; they were both cut, bruised, bloody. At least I got her to bleed, too, she thought bitterly, perhaps a touch too cold. After backing away, she brought herself up into a ready stance, bouncing lightly on her toes.

Medusa danced around her, projecting an aura of skilled confidence that made Talia bite into her mouth guard. Then the battle was joined again – the Romulan applied pressure, forcing her to block, jab, weave, hook, over and over as she struggled to keep up. Lactic acid burned in her limbs, sweat stung her eyes. Kirk’s warning echoed in the back of her head. Talia grunted under a viciously quick jab to her gut, followed almost instantly by a blow to the head that she didn’t even see coming. All she saw was Valyn’s grin, before everything went red. Her assault started with the body, snarling like a wolf with its jaws around the throat of its prey; or caught in a hunter’s trap.

Valyn used her arm to wipe away some of the rust-tinged blood that had spilled from her capillaries. Valyn was having a good time, and it was evident she was from the excitement that showed on her face. Talia was a good match, and wasn’t just a pushover of an opponent. As Talia moved around her, Valyn gave a quick dodge, moving aside from the jab, but taking the connection from the hook right in her side, letting out a loud grimace as fist connected with rib.

She stepped back slightly, and shook herself off, glaring at Talia. Her grin was gone. While she was enjoying herself, that shock of the strike had grounded and rooted her immediately. She hardly had time to react before Talia came at her like a wild animal. There was little more to do other than try to dance aside, away from the punches, so she changed tactics. With each strike that came her way, she tried to dance aside. With each movement Talia made towards her, she tried to move further, being careful not to pin herself up against the ropes.

She wanted to tire her out.

Her plan though, had to be quick, as she found herself encroaching closer and closer to the ropes on her side. She kept her guard up, taking blow after blow to her forearms, blended with the occasional solid strike to her abdomen or the side of her face. She fought on though, not intending to stop until either she, or her opponent, was on the ground.

She brought back her left arm, and swung, the punch going wide unintentionally, though she followed it up with a quick uppercut from her right, putting as much force as she could behind the strike while still trying not to seriously wound the pilot.

"Hells-" She muttered, again using her arm to brush some blood from her face, and keep it from dripping into her eyes.

Talia's face twisted into a grimace of pain, even as she tried to keep fighting. A sledgehammer had pounded into her liver in the blink of an eye; lifted up on her toes, air driven from her lungs, she managed to take a step backward as her right instinctively dropped to cover her abdomen. The pain was excruciating - all too familiar; unable to breathe, the body refused to obey. Something hard slammed into her again, a harsh sting to the face. Images and sensations flashed in her mind's eye, as gravity pulled her to her knees.

She was back in her childhood home, buried under rubble; to weak to save her mother and sister. Then she was dying on the deck of the Fighter Bay, her broken body bleeding out, as flames filled her darkening vision. It all felt the same.

Blood dripped from her face to the mat. Talia was on her hands and knees, gasping for air that wouldn’t come.

Valyn stopped the instant Talia fell, watching her opponent to see if she rose back to her feet. Her own body ached, her ribs felt bruised, she was certain she had broken her nose, and there was a nasty gash just above her left eyebrow that would need tending to. Despite that however, Valyn stumbled forward, crouched down, and got right in front of Talia, spitting her mouth guard to the side.

"Breathe." She all but ordered her, placing a hand on her shoulder, unsure if Talia was the sort to want that sort of assistance, she did it anyhow. She imitated a deep breath in through pursed lips, and stood by, waving away the referee. "Breathe-" She said again, in a much softer and more reassuring voice. 

Valyn waited with her, until she was ready. If and when she was, the Romulan attempted to assist in wrenching her up to her feet. She brushed her forehead again, the back of her arm well and truly stained with the copper-hued blood of Romulus as she did so.

Talia couldn’t look up, couldn’t do much of anything but fight to stay conscious. A few seconds without oxygen felt like an eternity, but it passed, leaving her gasping between groans of torment. Botches of green adorned the mat, as she blinked through watering eyes. Tears, sweat and blood. She had spit the mouth guard out an eon ago, without even meaning to.
Managing a weak nod, Talia grunted as Valyn helped her off her knees. “Think I'm done for tonight, Medusa,” she mumbled through split and swollen lips, barely able to lift her head.

Valyn let out a scoff, though the laughter caused a fresh twinge of pain up her side, "Medusa? That’s a new one. The multi-headed monster of intelligence." She laughed again, and once more winced, but she kept on moving, helping Talia off the mat, "Why don’t we get patched up?" She hurt, all over, but she still stood, offering herself as little more than a walking stick for Talia to utilize should she need it. 

Talia grunted, but smirked, turning her bruised and bloody face to the blonde. "She was more than just a monster," Talia corrected, then nodded, arm cradled around herself. "C'mon," she agreed, doing her best to help Valyn as much as the Romulan helped her. Kāli's gonna be pissed, she thought with a weary grin.

Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #64
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 05 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy]

@BipSpoon @Dumedion @Nero 

Zark felt a curious mixture of anticipation and doubt as soon as Valyn made her challenge and Talia unlinked her arm to get into the ring.  Talia was strong. Of that, there was absolutely no doubt, but in the end, she was squaring off against a Romulan, and Zark remembered some of her own attempts to straight challenge their cousins, Vulcans, in the past.  Without the freedom of action and room to manoeuvre that a boxing ring imposed, there was a comparative limited degree of cunning one could apply to the fight.  Each contender would have to make it work with their fists, guts, and what advantages their head could come up with.  The medico once again didn't protest, there wasn't any reason to.  A challenge had been issued and accepted, and the safety parameters for such an event were reasonable, mainly she was here to deal with any bloodshed, and Doctor Leux was stirring, so he should be up soon and able to help.

The medic watched with interest as the blonde and the raven haired woman set the terms for the challenge A ride in one of those egg shells?  Quite the prize. and shook her head at the dare devil attitude they two seemed to hold in common.  Zark took her seat at the table next to Hale and waved as Talia headed towards the ring. "Good luck." she called out in general to both parties in the ring and settled in to watch the fight.  Since these two were now known quantities in the ring, this was expected to be a good one.  Sipping her warmer beer caused the Andorian's face to pinch as she pushed the rest away and instead just munched on the rest of the flatbread.

With the announcement and the ringing of the bell, Zark's eyes lit up as Valyn proverbially came out of the gate first.  There was speed and focus, but also a sense of joviality to her.  She was having fun. Definitely a lot more than she seemed to have had against her first opponent. Blue lips pursed in a silent 'oooooh' as Talia took a hit across the head and her ass planted on the mat, and figuratively speaking, it seemed the gloves had come off and the really two went at it.  The combat medic thought that instinctually, Talia was doing well. More of a brawler than Zark would be, but she was aggressive, and all those muscles just weren't for show as she was slammed around the ring; but at the same time, willing to absorb punishment, she was decisively closing and delivering a series of hits that left the Romulan reeling as well.  The maternal medical side of the blue woman was aghast as the two refused to quit and laid into each other hard.  Leather smashing into muscle seemed to echo through the room as sweat, spit, grunts, and soon blood began to fly.  This egged on all the spectators, Zark included, and the rest of her, especially the martial Andorian cheered as the intensity seemed to rachet up with each passing second.  Though Zark had mentally bet on Valyn, there was always good cause to cheer the underdog, and she'd whooped when the Romulan had knocked the Human to the ground earlier, and later two blue fingers went into the owners mouth and a loud whistle blew out when a solid uppercut decisively knocked the blonde on the back foot, only to be saved by the bell.

The Andorian settled back as the two fighters went to their corners and grabbed the warm beer to moisten her throat despite the taste.  It was starting to get that tingly feeling from yelling and she smiled.  The last fight she'd found annoying since it wasn't really a competition and she'd had to do the repair work.  This would be different.  The opponents seemed evenly matched and they were displaying their skills, and more importantly, a test of will.  That made this a show case and any repair work the medic had to do afterwards would be in a good cause.   Smiling at the thought, Zark's subconscious linked with her eyes and began examining the two fighters, cataloguing the various bits she was going to have to fix afterwards, who was going to get her personal attention was up for debate as both were in superficially bad shape.

The bell rang for round two and Zark cheered on lustily for both boxers and whooped in delight as she spotted the smile across Valyn's face.  She was enjoying herself as were others. Oh Damn! was all Zark could think as Talia went for broke trying to really pummel her opponent into submission.  It was a skilled flurry of flying leather, but in the end it was all for naught as Talia's opponent found an opening and knocked out the body's will to continue.  Zark unconsciously bent in sympathy for the pilot as her liver called the rest of the match off and the Romulan quickly went to the downed pilots side to make sure she was relatively speaking, okay. Zark breathed a sigh of relief as Valyn helped Talia up and the medic raised a blue hand to wave to pair over. "Computer, remove ring ropes and put stairs near my position."  Thea complied the request as the two neared and made their way down.  Zark's sense of smell was assailed by a combination of sweat and blood as she moved to support Shadow by her free arm, but that wasn't anywhere near enough to wipe the smile from her face. "Two visits to the doctor in one day Talia, I hope I don't need to set up some sort of frequent visitor program for you.  You did really well.  I'd be happy to have you in a fight with me any day.  Now let's get these beautiful faces put back together."

Zark led the group to the medical enclosure and was surprised to see Doctor Leux up and about, though a bit wobbly.  He seemed more at peace and smiled as business arrived.  The Trill doctor grabbed the discarded tricorder and scanned both fighters before nodding and making his prognosis.  "Brutal, but hardly life threatening and really quite routine.  Miss Zark, you help out Valyn and I'll take care of Miss Al-Ibrahim.  Let's start off with ten ccs Anetrizine."  Zark nodded as she deposited Talia in one chair, and directed Valyn to sit in another.  Dr. Leux took his time to remove the gloves from Talia's hands before snagging the hypospray that was transported in and tapped a few buttons before injecting the tanned woman with a hiss.  The Doctor reset the hypo and tossed it to the medic after she'd removed Valyn's gloves as well.  Zark caught the hypo in one hand and checked the setting before pressing the device to the Romulan's neck.  The blood coming out of her nose was an impediment and the medic resorted to tried and true methods, tearing apart a couple of packages with coagulant laced cotton sticks.  "Now Miss Amarik, just hold still...." and practiced blue hands shoved the two sticks up the Romulan's nose. 

Zark's eyes twinkled at how Valyn looked and a small grin stuck to her blue face as she wiped away some blood then grabbed an autosuture to begin closing some of the external cuts.  In the mean time, Zark began speaking as a way of focusing herself while she worked. "You know, I had to make a mental bet on who would win between the two of you and the odds were in favour of you Valyn, but that was a heck of a lot closer than I thought it was going to get."  The autosuture was shut down as a cut was closed and traded for the dermal regenerator.  Zark started with the battered face and slow steady hands smoothed out the bruises.  A keen eye continued to track the progress of the device as the blotches and marred skin began to return to their regular colour.  Despite looking at Valyn, Zark also talked over her shoulder to Shadow. "Talia, I'd say it's your inexperience that's showing.  If you used your mobility like your fighter, this bout could have gone on for a lot longer, maybe made it more frustrating eh Valyn?" The smile grew at the thought.  "Either one of you thinking of having a rematch?" The Andorian asked as she pulled the cotton swabs out and swapped the regenerator for the autosuture one more time as she pushed Romulan's head back so she could get a better look up the blonde's nose before pointing the device into the nostrils and maneuvering the energy field around the broken vessels.

Anetrizine = Anaesthetic.  Amount used is pretty much a pain killer. 

Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #65
[Ens. Talia 'Shadow' Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 05 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker  @BipSpoon
As the pain and anger from the fight subsided, Talia struggled against physical exhaustion and the emotional toll. Even as Doctor Leux repaired the damage, her body remembered the trauma; the lingering ache in her chest and ribs seemed to spread like a plague, down into the pit of her stomach. It wasn’t just physical pain. She’d lost her head, when it was just supposed to be fun – she’d let her anger and hurt push things too far. That ache in her belly had a name - it was shame; but also so much more. Even as the pretty Andorian – her name was Zark – had greeted her with a kindness that surprised her, speaking in a calm Talia wished she could feel, the pilot couldn’t bring herself to meet those cerulean orbs. A weak smile through split and swollen lips, followed by an even weaker nod, was all she could give. It wasn’t because of the pain, even though everything hurt; she simply didn’t want to be seen in such an emotional, vulnerable state. She wanted to crawl into a hole and lick her wounds, until the mask was safely back in place.

A cauldron of emotions roiled within her, threatening to burst the thin, crumbling veneer of the ‘untouchable’ Shadow; the face she wore to hide behind, where she felt safe. She lost, but knew she gave her best. People cheered her, yet she made a fool of herself. Losing control felt incredible, powerful, yet it left her feeling hollow, drained, terrified. She enjoyed fighting Valyn, but she’d enjoyed hurting her too. That proved to be the worst of it – something she’d never expected herself to actually feel good about. She had wanted to make the Romulan bleed.For what? For laughing, for enjoying herself? The fuck is wrong with you? All of this and more flooded her mind while she sat, just trying to breathe, to hold on to what little composure she had left. Just...keep it together. Get patched up and get the hell out of here, but you keep your shit together!

“Deep breaths, Talia,” Leux murmured by her head as he tended to the discolored bruises on her face; a calm hand pressed atop her forehead. “Good. That’s good. Just breathe,” he continued, quietly encouraging her while he worked. Talia’s lips trembled in gratitude, but she didn’t trust her voice to speak. She heard Zark’s commentary then, making her choke back something between a sob and a laugh at the thought of a rematch. Willing her voice not to tremble, Talia had to clear her throat, then swallow, before answering; her head turned as much as the Doctor allowed to look sidelong at the Andorian, hovering over Valyn. “Maybe one day,” she grunted, releasing a shaky sigh, “but not tonight.” Above her, she watched Dr. Leux nod his head sagely as he worked, healing the pain he could. An eerie calm came to her then, as she realized what she had to do.

I need to find a trainer.

Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #66
[ Lieutenant Valyn Amarik | Holodeck 05 | Deck 21| Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @RyeTanker @Dumedion  [Show/Hide]

Valyn helped Talia move off and out of the ring. There was a stream of coppery-green blood coming from a slice in above her eye, right through her eyebrow. The force of one of Talia’s blows must have torn her flesh against her own brow bone. She had to give it to Talia, it was one hell of a punch.

As Arven started to work on Talia, she grinned at him, “You’re up and moving quick.” She reached for one of the fighters buckets nearby, and spit out a mouthful of the same coppery substance into it, reaching for a water bottle from a passing holographic server, rinsing her mouth with it before she took a true drink of the cool beverage. Looking then at Zark, she turned her head to the side to present her bleeding injury. She likely had a few more injuries, but that one at least to her, seemed to be her most prevalent. As two sticks got jammed up her nose, she felt a familiar searing sensation as the coagulant came into contact with the torn capillaries in her nostril. Worst of all though, was that she could smell the medication, and it was pungent.

Her face wrinkled, but relaxed as Zark went to work on her face. “It was a lot closer than I thought too, that pilot has a hell of a punch.” She shouted over to Talia, though her tone was entirely jovial and playful. She’d evidently had a great time. “Not tonight, I’m not. Tonight I’m planning on a nice hot shower, and another glass of ale before I find myself having a hot date with my pillow.” She felt the vessels in her nose closing from the device, and let out a sigh of relief as the stinging sensation began to disappear.

Valyn hadn’t missed the dour mood that had fallen over Talia, and she leaned forward, “Hey, I do mean it, you fought like hell.” She gave her an approving nod, and reached out to offer her hand to her. “I want you on my side if shit really hits the fan.”

Taking a moment to collect herself as Zark continued about her work, she looked Talia over once, “We’re both in one piece, it’s a fight. People bleed, I bleed. She bleeds-“ She thumbed at Zark, “We don’t fight just for shits and giggles, I put this together so we could all let off some steam. If we got any grudges, put ‘em to rest in the ring. You just wanna deck the shit out of some mouthy officer, go for it, so long as they’re in the box.” She pointed to the badge box, “What’s your drink?” She rose a brow at Talia and ushered a server over, “Shot of bourbon, neat. And-“ She tipped her head ever so slightly to the side, looking at Talia, “and you Doc’s, get a damn shot.”

OOC: I am so sorry for the delay! I lost track of this one.

Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #67
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 05 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | U.S.S. Theurgy]

@BipSpoon @Dumedion @Nero 

It was slow work getting the bruises and capillaries fixed, but steady work that Zark was used.  She'd treated worse under far nastier conditions, so this was pretty much straight forward.  The skilled hands continued to aim the suture, over the split in the Romulan's skin, then applied a dermal regenerator.  She couldn't do much about the pain, but at least Valyn could walk out with no one generally the wiser that she'd splattered blood all over the place.  "I think I'll take you up on that offer of neat bourbon at some point.  I'm a bit of a glutton when bourbon gets involved and wouldn't mind a how brownie and some ice cream with it."

Zark bent over and began waving the dermal regenerator over the Romulan's torso and arms, gradually erasing the bruises and abrasions.  The medic took a moment to turn to Talia and she smiled.  "I have to agree that you've had enough for tonight.  There's no need to dig that deep just to let steam off.  Not fighting for survival here."  The Andorian tsked for a moment and swapped the regenerator for an auto-suture, then sealed a cut before applying the regenerator once more to clean up the scarring.  "You've got talent, now it just needs some polish.  If you need someone to practice with, just let me know." The medico straightened herself with all her work complete as she locked eyes with Valyn and offered a toothy smile.  "Don't be a stranger and feel free to join me in the ring, or on the firing range."  Zark finished by pulling the coagulant sticks out and tossing them in a pan for Thea to clean up later. "Gotta make sure your time in intel hasn't made your skills rusty."

The Andorian stretched and yawned.  "I think this night is starting to wind down, unless anyone is really drunk and wants a punch up for the heck of it.  Hopefully not, cause I think the idea of a hot date with a pillow sounds fantastic."


Re: Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance

Reply #68
[Ens. Talia 'Shadow' Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 05 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker @BipSpoon
Medusa’s cheerful hollering broke into Talia’s thoughts like the crack of a whip. The pilot nearly flinched, blinking rapidly as her muddled brain caught up; the corner of her lips curled slightly at the praise. Then the Romulan leaned in and set her mind at ease, almost knowing exactly what Talia needed to hear; everyone was okay, and no one seemed upset but Talia, due to her own bullshit. She took the blonde’s hand, tilting her head in a quick nod. “You find yourself in shit that deep,” the dark haired Wolf smirked, “I’ll be there.” Then she nodded again at Valyn's explanation for the event. The purpose wasn’t lost on Talia – she certainly understood the need to vent from time to time.

“Whiskey,” the pilot huffed with amusement, then winced as Dr. Leux placed something cold against her abdomen. She grunted, then breathed out a quick burst of air before continuing. “Then I’m hitting the showers and racking out too,” her nose scrunched up; she smelled like sweat and blood, with a lingering hint of Via’s tequila mix. Zark spoke up next, and Talia tilted her head slightly to give the Andorian her attention. She blinked at the offer to train, then watched as the medic pulled the sticks from Valyn’s nose with a wince. Fuck sakes, she chortled, then thought about what Zark said. Could use all the help I can get, seriously.

“I was just thinking that I could use some help getting ready for that rematch,” Talia smirked at Kali, jerking a thumb at Medusa. “Name the time and place,” she nodded to the Andorian, then arched a brow at the Romulan. “Worried yet,” she asked, keeping her smirk in place, enjoying the events of the evening despite the emotional overload. Maybe one day I’ll do something about that, the pilot mused quickly, but then the drinks arrived, and she was getting pulled out of the chair by the tight-bodied Trill doctor that sounded like he took himself way too seriously. Hm. Wonder when’s the last time this guy had any fun, she grinned, offering him a murmured thanks. “No problem, Miss Al-Ibrahim,” Leux smirked back. 

Drink in hand, Talia offered a toast and nod at everyone, before kicking the shot back. First social event post thawing, complete. Op success.


This thread being old and forgotten, I will lock it, but PM me if you want to continue the scene. /Auctor

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