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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 378686 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3225

Upon request @Doc M. wished to have Billy Bob be Propulsion Chief on Vector 03 instead of Maintenance Chief, and he will also be the dedicated Chief Engineer on the Allegiant when it is deployed. Propulsion Chiefs for Vectors 01 and 02 are NPCs for the time being. Moreover, I forgot to list how Sithick was to be promoted to Chief Petty Officer upon taking over Liam Herrold's role in the Fighter Bay. Furthermore, @fiendfall wished his character Morgan Song to become the Maintenance Chief of Vector 2, the other two Maintenance Chiefs played by NPCs for now. With this position, Morgan will also be promoted to CPO.


Please don't think that it will be me who'll go around with with Ives to promote all officers and give them new assigments. This is not something I can make the time for. It is up to all of you, it being your responsibility to facilitate the promotions and changes of positions. Department Head characters play a crucial role in this, so start talking amongst yourselves and set up the scenes needed.

In-Character, it might be that Ives authorises the promotion within departments "off screen", but I will not be writing scenes for all these characters. I don't have the time, so don't sit on your hands and wait for me to swing by, lol. :) I will likely only be involved in the promotions and changes of positions for the Senior Staff (Department Heads), or where I have a character in charge, like Liam Herrold in the Fighter Bay.

If there are any questions, please PM me!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3226
If there is a month between the last episode and the next, we can probably just say the changes took place in that time off stage.  Simple and no need to bother our overworked moderator.  If we want to have the reorganization on stage, there are always Director's Cuts.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3227
New Epilogue thread for those that might be interested:
EPIL: S [D06|1200] Hope For the Best...

There are openings for 1 Ops Officer, 1 Tactical Officer, 2 Engineers, and 2 Security Officers.  Contact Auctor Lucan for details and interest.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3228
Hi Everyone,

Just wondering if anyone has an NCO that needs a roommate. PO1 Mickayla MacGregor has yet to be assigned quarters so I am seeing if anyone would be interested in a roommate for her.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3229
Hey everyone minor update time.

So as I posted about a month ago i lost my job unexpectedly and I have been doing a hard job hunt ever since. Today I finally got my confirmation email, and starting tomorrow I have a new job. The details are pretty vague at the moment, just that I will be working anywhere from 5-18 hours a week, and mostly on weekends.

I'm posting this update here because I have several meetings to attend, and so my posting will be slowed down a touch over the next few days/weeks while i get my house in order and put to rest this whole jobless situation.

I should be slowed down for no more than a few weeks, but I only have like 4 active threads.

This is also why I have been slow in getting back to people on directors cut threads, i've been prioritizing the plot threads I am involved in.

Also small aside, does anyone want to do anything with Salem Martin? I still haven't put him in any epilogue threads yet.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3230
If Martin was injured, there is always the generic "talk to the doctors in sickbay" thread.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3231
Congrats Masorin that's excellent news! Good luck with the new job :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3233
Wanted to state this here too, since not everyone uses the discord.

There will be a staff meeting at 1700 with all acting department heads, as listed below:

Tactical: Lt. T'Less
Security: Deputy zh"Wann
Medical: Dr. Rez
Science: Lt.Cmdr Martin
Counselling: Lt. (jg) Ejek
TacCon: Lt. Cmdr Ravon
Ops: Lt. Cmdr Stark
Flight Ops: CPO Herrold
Engineering: MCPO O'Connell
Helm: Lt. (jg) Veradin

@Top Hat , @Auctor Lucan , @Nolan , @The Ostrich , @FollowTomorrow , @Doc M. , @Argyros

 Please keep 1700hrs open as your characters are needed :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3234
Please PM me and give me the link when you start it.  For some reason I don't always get an email when a thread starts.  Nowadays an automatic notice that a new thread has started is the exception to the rule.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3235
Please PM me and give me the link when you start it.  For some reason I don't always get an email when a thread starts.  Nowadays an automatic notice that a new thread has started is the exception to the rule.

Happy to oblige

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3236
I would like to apologies again for my lack of activity.  I realise I seem to have to make this apology once every couple of months.

Hopefully this is the last time I will have to make these apologies.

I have a lot of reading to catch up on.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3237
@Juzzie - you're keeping us in the loop and thats good enough for this board. We're all rooting for you, and looking forward to seeing more posts when you do catch up.

also, all y'all. I just want to point out that this? This right here?

Post #1000.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3239
Good evening all,

As of the ending of Storm Glass my green boy has been dragged into security by the hair with the intention of having him thrown in the Brig (though with no solid evidence against him aside from being a member of the Bellerophon crew). He is using his alias and he has a whole load of cover story ready to spew out at whoever wants to listen.

Now, I was wondering if anyone who had a character in security (or in another position who may be qualified to do so) to interview/interrogate him and establish whether or not he needs to be thrown into the Brig. It shouldn’t be a long thread, and hopefully it should be quite a humorous one, so if anyone is interested in helping out with it, let me know.

It could take place anytime between 1130 and 1430 hours, so if anyone is free, do let me know!

And congrats to @Brutus for being a champ!
Ensign Sylvain Llewellyn-Kth - Chief CONN Officer - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]
Otheusz - Grey Scars Pirate - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]
Y'Lev - Syndicate Dominus - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3240

Today, @CanadianVet expands our Science Department with an brainiac from the USS Bellerophon!

Lt. JG Hieronimus Smith       Science Officer (Quantum Astrophysics)

  - Writer:

His nickname is Hats, short for Hieronimus Alcibiades Thaddeus Smith, and he'll be freed from the cargo bay that housed the Bellerophon crew at 1430 hrs, which is one hour after Commander Hathev was promised the release under specific conditions (Hathev representing the Bellerophon crew at that point, which can be read about in EPIL: S [D06|1330] Olive Branch).

Congrats on the new character, @CanadianVet ! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3241

Please remember to reply to the Sim Poll that was sent out on the 4th of April. :)


Auctor Lucan


Please check your inboxes! :) Last date to reply is 2019-04-11. Looking forward to your replies.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3242
Hi Everyone,

Just wondering if anyone has an NCO that needs a roommate. PO1 Mickayla MacGregor has yet to be assigned quarters so I am seeing if anyone would be interested in a roommate for her.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3243

Please remember to reply to the Sim Poll that was sent out on the 4th of April. :)

Less than 50 % have answered the poll, so please try to make time for it, otherwise I don't feel we have enough to go on in terms of ensuring a good sim development for everyone.


Auctor Lucan


Please check your inboxes! :) Last date to reply is 2019-04-11. Looking forward to your replies.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3244

After not having logged into the site for weeks, latest post almost a month old, and with me trying both Discord and PM in vain to reach him, I have terminated Alphaqiz' membership. He used to write Kaylon Jeen, the former Chief Engineer on the Cayuga:

Lt. Kaylon Jeen               Asst. Chief Engineer (NPC) (V2)

  - Former Writer:

His character is now an NPC for the time being, and I have put him up as available for inheritance lest I hear anything else from Alphawiz about his preferences in that regard.

@Doc M. , I feel that since Alphawiz isn't going to post in For the Win, we could do it one of two ways. Either you NPC him in reply to my post with Jien Ives in that thread, or the two of us remove those two posts that we wrote to set up the integration of Kaylon Jeen into the crew. I am personally leaning towards the latter, but if you feel like NPCing Jeen for a reply when O'Connell leaves the bridge, I'll wait for your post. Let me know either way you prefer it via PM.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3245


Hi there everyone! :)

Well, the poll time has expired, but I have been told that there are some last stragglers about to send in their replies, so I'll be adding them to the final compilation as they come in. I can't be waiting for too long though since you all deserve to see the result and get my replies to all the points that have been raised. As I write this, we have a 84,3 % attendance, which is pretty good, even though I still hope for a few more replies.

Like the earlier times in which these polls have been made, I will not leave any stone unturned, and give you all the comments you need. The public results when compiled and posted will be rendered anonymous in how I will mask character and writer names, but since that is not a perfect solution for some of your replies (them being too personal in nature and masking them won't help), I will be contacting those who have such comments via Discord or PM. Of course, in due time, I will be discussing the results with all of you personally, in conjunction with the results on the Main OOC board.

That's all for now, but stay tuned!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3247

While his sister Hylota Vojona will be leaving the Theurgy with her egg, @Griff will take over writing her brother, Vinata Vojona!

Ens. Vinata Vojona            Nurse

  - Writer:

Griff has been sent an extensive synopsis on Vinata's story so far, along with info about which other characters the nurse would know and what their affiliations have been so far. It is TBD if Griff will be making edits on the Ovri and the character pages, but I really look forward to reading the continued story of the Ovri aboard the Theurgy. The Ovri are unique to this sim, and it's awesome to see the legacy continue even if the original writer of the species and the Ovri characters left us.

Have fun with your new character, @Griff !


Auctor Lucan

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