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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1725
Welcome welcome welcome Hastata!  Just remember: if you want to make Admiral some day don't be afraid to use your underlings as human shields. ^^

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1728
hey whats up, lucan showed me the pics for the new fighter ship class.  Not particularly the traditional Federation design but I think i see where he is going with this. 

First off general design wise I freaking love it for the design of a space superiority fighter.  It screams that its built for atmospheric or space conditions, the engines scream that its agile maneuverable and hard to hit.   the way the wings sweep tell me this thing will fly amazingly in an atmosphere.  and the swept forward guns directly tied into the engines can tell me one thing about the general power behind them.  from looks alone this ship is built to channel power strait from engines into weapon systems.  It likely can divert power on the fly dumping excess engine power strait into the guns and vice versa.  essentially Looking at it it looks like something designed for combat and particularly deadly in the hands of a skilled pilot who knows how to utilize the ships design and abilities for their full worth.

From a trek perspective I can see some of the ways its less Federation looking than most however I gotta say dispute the distinctly unique design the componants are clearly standard Federation style just attached with a different aesthetic in mind.  it looks far too deadly and unfriendly to be traditional Federation design but given we are dealing with an invasion within all levels of the Federation who says the aesthetics arent their aesthetics.  its very possible that the change in appearance from the valkyrie isn't just functional but heavially influenced by the federations current puppeteers aesthetic tastes. 

When I was thinking of Wulpinian craft some of my ideas incorperated a swept forward wing design linking guns into engines.  Its possible the Federation was just borrowing a bit of vulpinian starfighter aesthetics from some of their joint projects with them in recent years.  hell who is to say that this couldn't have been part of the result of thinktanks of both factions developing a ship with vulpinian fighter functionality and Federation technology and components. 

either way I like the design it definitely has a fearsome aesthetic and looks like a craft built to kill other crafts of its type.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1729
When you put it that way IronFerrex, it makes sense.

It doesn't fit my idea of traditional Trek esthetics but as a fighter design independent of that, it does have a certain aggressive quality about it. And as you say, who's to say it doesn't come from a Federation think tank. The Vulpininas, the Caitians, and any number of Federation races may have had some input into it. I could see Caitian influence in the design, pounce on your prey and take them down with a single swift killing strike. High power weapons tied into the engines for that first strike capability.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1730
Welcome, Hastata! I write Derik Veradin, the Resolve's helmsman and Sera Vers Aldnoah, a yet independent scavenger caught up in the mess that is SB84. :) I look forward to writing together.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1731
Greetings and Salutations, Welcome to the party Hastata, may your journey be a pleasant one.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1732

Today, Julia informed me that she will likely be too busy to participate in Star Trek: Theurgy in the foreseeable future, perhaps only able to return in the first quarter of 2017. She went ahead and asked Arista to play Ejek for her until she returns, which he agreed to. So, Arista is now playing both the Cardassians on the Resolve's bridge (the other being Slim Parnak, Arista's first character).

Hope you will be able to return to us all sooner rather than later, Julia, and stay safe until then!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1733
Oh, in regard to the debate about the AC-477 Valravn looking like a Federation craft or not, excellent points raised about the influx of design elements from all Federation worlds. In the creation of the Tactical CONN crafts for Star Trek: Theurgy, I may have taken liberties with the interpretation of licensed and cannon work to create things that work for us, but in terms of design, I take inspiration from John Eaves and Tarlochan "Han" Randhawa, who made the conceptual work for Star Trek: Invasion (PS1). Haydn Dalton was the Lead Designer and Producer for the game, but it was Han that made the fighter concepts:

Star Trek: Invasion was the Playstation game that originally featured the Mk I Valkyrie in Star Trek: Theurgy:

But the Mk I Valkyrie was not the only ship Han designed for the game. He also made these, some used and some not:



Gryphon-class (which was likely the namesake for Andrew Gillespie's design of the Mk II Valkyrie we have, but looks nothing like the below fighter):

And then, we have Star Trek: Invasion's upgrade of the Mk I Valkyrie, namely the Valor-class (correct me if I got that wrong, but I saw it on Memory Beta):

As you can see, just like the Valravn, this iteration of the Valkyrie fighters does have forward-swept arms, so I maintain that regardless of very plausible Federation member races' influence on the Advanced Starship Design Bureau's work, and even if the alien parasites might have something to do with it (aside from the increased resources and means to increase production rate), the conceptual design for the Valravn is not too far off. I was also inspired by David Heidhoff's conceptual images, who's art can be found here, and specifically his Viper Tech Fighter concept for the game Core Overload:

The above fighter was drawn as an inspirational lodestone for the creators of the game in terms of how the fighters in the game should generally look like, but as far as I am aware, it was never actually a playable fighter in the game. So, I contacted David and spoke with him about making a fighter for our non-profit little fan project here, and when he saw the result, he really liked it. On David's recommendation, since he had made the image above for Core Overload, he asked me to email the game developers as well, and both Brian Choi and Emory Irpan agreed to let us make the Valravn fighter and introduce it to the Star Trek universe.

As you can see, the overall shape of the fighter can be seen in David Heidhoff's art, but what had to be done was to give it Star Trek propulsion systems. So, together with Kalashnikov 3D, I did not just introduce the colour-scheme of the Valkyries and some Federation shuttles, but I fitted it with proper warp nacelles. If you look closely at the Valravn's nacelles, you will see that some elements are reminiscent of Mark Rademaker's Vesta-class starship's nacelles:

[ Image by Mark Rademaker]

The Vesta-class starship is featured in the expanded Trek univesre in terms of novels and Star Trek: Online, but very soon, the vesta-class will play a role in Star Trek: Theurgy.

So, with a long-winded introduction, here is...


[ Vesta-class ship by Mark Rademaker]

Here is the new page on our Wiki, describing this sub-variant of the Vesta-class, a carrier that houses the prototype Valravn fighter:


The USS Orcus is the first ship in this carrier sub-variant line of the Vesta-class, with twenty prototype Valravn-fighters. The Orcus was supposed to join Task Force Archeron and help hunting down the Theurgy. In late February of 2381, the USS Orcus found the task force adrift, orbiting Theta Eridani IV without means of communication or propulsion. As many of you know, the Task Force was victim to a computer virus of Commander Trent's design. It was only with the help of the USS Orcus "clean" software that the entire task force could exit orbit and take up the hunt again. Task Force Archeron immediately set a course towards Starbase 84 - meaning to intercept the USS Theurgy if Captain Jien Ives had decided to put the advanced Theurgy-class starship of in his supposed Romulan masters' hands.

The Orcus is, however, the fastest ship in the Task Force, and will be arriving first on the scene in the Battle of Starbase 84 So, ch'Xinya, feel free to post with Shall detecting this ship on long range sensors, with an ETA of 2 minutes, travelling at its maximum warp factor of 9,98.

Oh, furthermore, DocReno will be playing the Orcus' Commanding Officer NPC, and its Husker's brother: Marcus Alexander Slayton. More info on this NPC will be announced by the time the Orcus appears. :) DocReno is also the one with the idea to introduce another carrier ship at this point in the story, whishing to play Marcus Slayton by doing so, and while I was admittedly a bit hesitant at first, and in the dialogue between him and I, the starship in question and its name has undergone a lot of back-and-forths. In the end, we have ended up with the Orcus, which name is from the same mythology as the name Vesta. Another name that figurated was the USS Challenger, but that name was taken already. Yesterday, DocReno and I were able to finish the Wiki page together, and a huge thank you should go to him for not only making a lot of the page, but convincing me to implement another carrier in the story. Otherwise, the Valravn would not have been so easily introduced...

...not could new applicants be able to enter the story in a new way. Stay tuned, and you will all soon see a new member arriving with the first Valravn-pilot.

Hope this lengthy OOC post finds you all well! :) Thank you again, DocReno , for sticking to your guns.

I just wanted to show you these, since they might, at some later point, be introduced to the story as well:

Klingon Fighter Concept art from Star Trek: Invasion:

Romulan Fighter Concept art from Star Trek: Invasion:

That's all for now! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1734
I loved playing Invasion back in my younger days!  Was never very good at it though, which is surprising since I was one of the best flight-sim pilots in my circle of friends.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1735
    Current Posting Order in "Battle of Starbase 84"

    Since we have events playing out across a lot of places in the new thread Battle of Starbase 84, I feel that we need to try and establish a chronological sequence of events between some of you who are about to post. Therefore, here is a posting order to preserve the space-time continuum and make it easier to write for for everyone, and I have/will have contacted these writers so they know what's afoot:

    Current Posting Order
    • USS Theurgy's 3 Vectors, the Allegiant & the Lone Wolves:
      1) Doc M. w. Maya + Tessa 2) ch'Xinya w. Shall
    • USS Resolve & the Grey Wolves Squadron:
      1) Havenborn + FollowTomorrow w. Suc + Arista w. Parnak & Ejek (no order set between them, then...) 2) Kaligos w. Kendrick
    When all the above have posted, I will post with Ives and advance the story to the next phase! *grins in excitement* Then, below, we have ad hoc posters at this short juncture, which can be found below. So, these characters can chime in whenever their writers deem fit during the above order, adding upon the development in the story however they wish. I am available for brainstorming too, of course.

    Ad Hoc Posting:
    • Vector 01 of the Theurgy| Main Bridge: Tovarek
    • Vector 02 of the Theurgy | Main Sickbay: Triage, The Counselor & Zenozine w. MacMillan, O'Connor and the Vojona siblings (after Doc M. has posted with Maya)
    • Vector 03 of the Theurgy | Main Engineering: MasterRat w. Nolak Kalmil & DocReno with Lin Kae.
    • USS Allegiant: EAC w. Jaya Thorne & Kaligos w. Sithick
    • Lone Wolves Squadron: DocReno w. Husker
    • USS Resolve | Main Bridge:  Hastata-Nerada w. Vivian Martin, Mathis w. Derik Veradin, Vystori w. Six & A'vura
    • Grey Wolves Squadron: Triage & SummerDawn w. Tancredi & K'Ren (only after Havenborn)
    Looking forward to all your posts! CanadianVet, you are not listed above since Ives will be replyig to Trent, and we go from there.

    Best Regards,

    Auctor Lucan

    Re: Main OOC Thread

    Reply #1736
    I don't know if its the same for all of you as it is for me, but as a major fan of Star Trek, actual, flesh and blood astronauts have always held a special place in my heart.

    John Glenn died today, and that just sucks :(

    I find it unsurprising, but a fitting tribute, that there already exists a USS John Glenn in the expanded Star Trek universe (from the Ships of the Line calendar, 2011)

    Godspeed, John Glenn. Welcome to the Final Frontier.

    Re: Main OOC Thread

    Reply #1738
    We've came a long way since those early days of the Mercury space program. A single cell phone now has more computing power then the whole command center back in those days. They say he's the last American Hero. May his spirit inspire us all to reach for the stars and achieve our goals. Godspeed and may he rest in peace. 

    Re: Main OOC Thread

    Reply #1739
    If you hadn't said something here about John Glenn, I wouldn't have known.  It's sad how a Hero like that isn't all over the news when he dies, but our fairweather celebrities are.  He's an amazing man and he inspired generations of kids to grow up and be like him.  I met him once, when I used to live in Florida.  I lived close enough to Kenedey Space Center that I could see the launches from my house, but I did officially attend several.  I tried to go to two or three every year.  I had several friend's families who worked for NASA and I was there with my best friend at the time when John Glenn went back up on the Discovery Shuttle (mission STS-95; October 29, 1998; thank you wikipedia!).  My friend's dad was able to get us special tickets to be in the building when he exited and he shook our hands.  It was an amazing experience and I'll never forget it.

    May he find his place among the stars.
    "Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
     - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

    Re: Main OOC Thread

    Reply #1740

    We have our first character hailing from the USS Orcus! Here she is:

    Lt. JG Devyrie Okhala         Flight Leader               USS Orcus

      - Played by Burningtransformation

    Welcome aboard Burningtransformation! :)

    Best Regards,

    Auctor Lucan

    Re: Main OOC Thread

    Reply #1741
    Welcome Burningtransformation!

    I hope you enjoy yourself! Don't be afraid to ask any questions you may have. :)

    Re: Main OOC Thread

    Reply #1743
    Welcome Burningtransformation, BTF for short?   Remember, don't press the big shiny red button, I don't know what it does but i'm sure it makes waffles or something. Anyways welcome to the crew and hope you enjoy.  Activate the warp drive and full speed ahead.  Unless this is SW and the hyperdrive always malfunctions.  (I'm sure to get a little flak for this comment).


    Re: Main OOC Thread

    Reply #1744
    As Patrick Stewart said in his seminal role as Doctor Gandalf the Barbarian: "May the Force ever be in your favour, Mister Potter."

    Re: Main OOC Thread

    Reply #1745
    Welcome Burningtransformation!

    I hope you enjoy yourself! Don't be afraid to ask any questions you may have. :)
    Thank you! I appreciate it greatly. The level of detail in this writing is amazing, so I'll be asking lots of questions to keep up the pace :)
    Oh hey, freshmeat! Er, I mean, Welcome aboard!!
    For some reason I read that as "freshman" and expected a hazing ritual to start. Thanks ;)
    Welcome Burningtransformation, BTF for short?   Remember, don't press the big shiny red button, I don't know what it does but i'm sure it makes waffles or something. Anyways welcome to the crew and hope you enjoy.  Activate the warp drive and full speed ahead.  Unless this is SW and the hyperdrive always malfunctions.  (I'm sure to get a little flak for this comment).

    BTF works just fine. I respond to lots of things :D
    Also, I like waffles-so maybe push the waffle button?
    Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
    by Burningtransformation

    Re: Main OOC Thread

    Reply #1746
    No Burning I just told you that is the button that kills everyone!

    Re: Main OOC Thread

    Reply #1747
    Does anyone have tape? I want to put some tape over the death button!

    Re: Main OOC Thread

    Reply #1748
    Hi BTF!  We should call you Waffles for short!  Can we call you Waffles?  It's a great name, really!

    *steals the button and runs away*

    Oh, and Welcome to Theurgy!!  I play Jaya Thorne ^_^  Good luck out there on your new ship and all!
    "Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
     - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

    Re: Main OOC Thread

    Reply #1749
    All these new players! So many people I'd like to RP with :D Welcome BTF/Waffles. Hope we'll meet soon out there in space!

    *Lays a banana peel for EAC to trip on, hopefully triggering the kill button accidentally*

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