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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1701
Well, I didn't set out to become space Jesus, but if anyone wants to hop in and get me a harem, I'm all for it ;)

Also, happy thanksgiving

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1703
Hey Everyone.

I keep telling Auctor that Kendrick's post will be up, but the truth is i'm the midst of finals and black friday. come sunday I will have less school too worry about, and a little more freetime but honestly right now i'm just being crushed under the weight of demands.

Oh and happy turkey day to the americans, i currently hate all of you for black friday it was a terrible idea and you know it.

If none of you hear from me it will be because i was trampled to death tomorrow.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1704
We Americans love you, but we love your money more. :D  Enjoy the stampede be safe out there.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1705


Greetings fellow Theurgists! Given the Chapter transition in Episode 04, I reckoned it was time for some news. :)

Furthermore, I wanted to show you all some of our newest additions to the story! I think you will be excited to see some of them at least.


Again, I took the time to compile a new overview so that everyone knows what's next for them. Don't forget the threads Inner Space and the Accipiter, for example, where a lot more people can participate.I will be sending out individual posting notices too, all in friendly spirit and not meant to nag at you all. :)

Below is a list with all the threads in the Interregnum and Episode 04, sorted chronologically with the oldest one first. The threads in green are finished already and the yellow ones are on-going. Also, all these are links to click which ought to make it easy for those who wish to browse and read the story too. PO means Posting Order (if applicable, and always suggestions/recommendations).


DAY 01

DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.]
DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [0730 hrs.]
DAY 01: Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.]
DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.]
DAY 01: Lost in the Mind [1015 hrs.]
DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]
DAY 01: Encouragement [1115 hrs.]
DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.]
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.]
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 2 [1240 hrs.]
DAY 01: Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.]
DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.]
DAY 01: Healing | Part 2 [1840 hrs.]
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.]
DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.]
DAY 01: A Quiet Chat [2100 Hrs]

DAY 02

DAY 02: Goldeneye's Confession [0700 hrs.]
DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]
DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.]
DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.]
DAY 02: A Friendly Chat [1300 hrs.]
DAY 02: Mistress-at-Arms [1400 hrs.]
DAY 02: Digital Relations [1500 hrs.]
DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]
DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.]
DAY 02: Poker Night [2000 hrs.]
DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

DAY 03

DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]
DAY 03: Phasmids [0900 hrs.]
DAY 03: The Beginning Of A New Life [1100 hrs.]
DAY 03: Twitching [1100 hrs.]
DAY 03: Between Meetings [1200 hrs.]
DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] Next Poster: Anyone! [glow=red,2,300]Social Commentary Wanted![/glow]
DAY 03: Well-Earned Recognition [1500 hrs.]
DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.]
DAY 03: Midnight Oil [2345 hrs.]

DAY 04

DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]
DAY 04: Aftermath [1300 hrs.]
DAY 04: Obligations & Priorities [1305 hrs.]
DAY 04: Opalescent Integration [1315 hrs.] Next Poster: Even Angels Cry
DAY 04: Scotch & Fire [1400 hrs.]
DAY 04: Jumping the Shark [1421 hrs.] Next Poster: Doc M.
DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]
DAY 04: Free Images [1630 hrs.] Next Poster: ch'Xinya
DAY 04: The Flutter of a Pair of Wings [1750 hrs.]
DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.]
DAY 04: Question of Wolven Error [1900 hrs.]
DAY 04: Subconscious Repression [1955 hrs.]
DAY 04: Hidden Forces [2000 hrs.] Next Poster: FollowTomorrow
DAY 04: Recuperation [2130 hrs.]

DAY 05

DAY 05: Keeping Balance [0630 hrs.]
DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]Next Poster: Zenozine
DAY 05: Creature Comforts [0930 hrs.]Next Poster: CanadianVet
DAY 05: Sheep in Wolf's Clothing [1200 hrs.]
DAY 05: Alien Therapy [1400 hrs.] Next Poster: The Counselor (joint-post)
DAY 05: Redux [1400 hrs.]
DAY 05: The Crossroads [1430 hrs.]
DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.]Next Poster: Arista
DAY 05: Climax Jump [1740 hrs]

DAY 06

DAY 06: Late Night Liaison [0045 hrs.] Next Poster: Arista
DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.] Next Poster: MasterRat (Revision)
DAY 06: For Sake of the Galaxy [1500 hrs.]
DAY 06: Fighting Shadows [1600 hrs.]
DAY 06: Good Old Times [2100 hrs.] Next Poster: Brutus
DAY 06: Memories [2230 hrs.] Next Poster: Nolan
DAY 06: A Special Request [2245 hrs.] Next Poster: DocReno
DAY 06: Inner Space Next Poster: [glow=red,2,300]Everyone who hasn't posted yet![/glow]


PROLOGUE: Homecoming
CHAPTER 01: Tensions Rising
CHAPTER 02: Crucible (listed by characters)
CHAPTER 03: Loyalty
CHAPTER 04: Usurpation
 - Boarding Team 01: Suggested PO: 1) Wenn Cinn 2) Ravenholm 3) Isley 4) Cardamone
 - Boarding Team 02: Suggested PO: 1) O'Connell 2) Thea
 - Boarding Team 03: Suggested PO: 1) Sel 2) Hawthorne 3) zh'Wann
 - Shuttlebay 17-C: Suggested PO: 1) Komial 2) Hi'Jak 3) Sera

CHAPTER 05: Battle of Starbase 84
 - Vector 01 of the Theurgy| Main Bridge: 1) Natalie Stark + Sarresh Morali 2) Carrigan Trent 3) Tovarek
 - Vector 02 of the Theurgy | Main Sickbay: 1) Doc M. taking command 2) Heather MacMillan 3) Hylota & Vinata Vojona 4) Hayden O'Connor
 - Vector 03 of the Theurgy | Main Engineering: 1) Lin Kae 2) Rihen Neyah + Carla Abner 3) Nolak Kalmil
 - Lone Wolves Squadron: 1) Husker 2) Goldeneye 3) Iron Fox & Ghost
 - USS Resolve | Main Bridge: 1) Six & A'vura 2) Tristan Kendrick 3) Keval ch'Rayya 4) Depends on Development
 - USS Resolve | Fighter Assault Bay: After Kendrick's/Keval's post 1) Havenborn 2) K'Ren 3) Krystal Tancredi
 - USS Allegiant: 1) Jaya Thorne 2) Sithick

There we go! I will be sending out personal posting reminders too. :)


This project is a work-in-progress, where Kalashnikov is helping us making a pulse phase pistol. Here is the current state of the 3D model, and as you can see, it's only a geometry without texture at this point. I sure would love to get feedback on this project at this stage!

During the Dominion war, it became apparent that single beam particle weapons were ineffective against large groups of Jem'Hadar. As such, Starfleet Security desired the ability to fire multiple short pulses of energy. The Type-III rifle was easily modified with a change of beam emitter, but due to the smaller size, the Type-II hand phaser was unable to be modified in such a way. With the need of a small weapon for use in close combat situations with the capability of pulse fire, the variant Type-II Pulse Phase Pistol was created. Not only to be easily distinguishable between the conventional Type-II and the pulse fire variant, but to also account for an increased need for stability and accuracy, this Type-II weapon took design elements of more traditional handheld weapons, incorporating a pistol-like grip and hard sight points along the top of the device.

Because of the difference in shape and fire pattern, Starfleet personnel required further training on this weapon in addition to standard phaser proficiency. As such, the Type-II Pulse Phase Pistol was standardly reserved for Security and Tactical Conn personnel.
/Wiki text by Arista


Now, here is something I have shown you a sample of earlier, and I hope you will like...

Wiki Link:
Sketchfab Link:
DeviantArt Link:

This is the first iteration of the Valravn-class Warp Fighter. With origins in the Interceptor Program, which gave Starfleet the Knight-class Interceptors, this fighter was designed to make the interceptor role in Starfleet obsolete. This, in how it is the perfect combination between an space superiority fighter and a fast response interceptor. The Valravn are capable of fast response, territorial defence, but also prolonged engagements. They can strike fast, hard and then regroup for another pass if so necessary, and like traditional space superiority fighters - like the Valkyries - their high manoeuvrability can also hold their own in a dogfight.

The Valravn-class Warp Fighters is the kind of crafts that are commissioned to the Vesta-class USS Orcus, and the 16 crafts are the only ones assembled. As for who is the commanding officer of the Orcus... that you all have to see soon. *grins* In the meantime, I suggest you read up on these on the Wiki.

The original design was inspired by a sketch made by David Heidhoff (, and with his and his client Brian Choi's consent, I had this fighter commissioned by Kalashnikov. The model was made in Blender and rendered in VRay.


Latest Wallpaper: "Into the Celestial Glare"

Latest Character Study: "Sel"

Just some eye-candy, heh. HoE site rules does allow for this modest amount of nudity in images, so I thought I'd show this piece from the boudoir in the newsletter here too.


Arista got inspired and updated the layout for the Theurgy's Security Office! I'd say it is a great improvement, and I was very happy to see it. Take a look and see for yourselves.


I am really, really excited about the development in Episode 04. Finally the Resolve and the Theurgy are out of the starbase, and the Battle of Starbase 84 can truly begin. Likewise, on the base, its just a little bit further for the boarding teams to reach their main objectives. It's going to be great, and I hope you all share my enthusiasm. There is a lot of story intrigue in store for you all...

Hope you all are having a nice time when this finds you and take care!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1706
Hey guys I'm just giving a quick update on something..

It seems as though my gallbladder might be failing. I've been pretty sick now for almost 2 months and it's progressively getting worse. I know I'm up for posting and I'm going to try and have something for you all on Friday, however, if I get much worse than I have been getting I'll likely go to the ER to expedite things and either get treatment for it or have it surgically removed instead. I'll do my best to keep you all posted, and if not, I'll at least leave a note with Lucan and he has my written consent to relay what I tell him here to you all.

Best regards,
"You wish to knock over cows? What is the significance of this? Do you derive pleasure from such things?" - Ensign Six

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1707
Thank you for the update here Vystori. I think I speak for many here when I say I hope you'll get better soon, and if you have to go in for an operation, my thoughts will be with you and I hope you'll have a painless recovery. Many hugs!

As for the posting order, I think that given what Mathis has just posted with Derik Veradin on the Resolve, we'll move around the loose posting order set so that FollowTomorrow is next to post with Suq - reacting to the Resolve's inability to go to warp. On Friday, if you are feeling up to it Vystori, then you can chime in with Six and A'vura. Don't worry if you can't make it though!

Looking forward to the feedback people might have on the new fighter and hand phaser etc.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1708
Praise the maker, I have survived black Friday and all the ridiculousness that goes with it.

I agree with you Kaligos, it is a dumb day, but most stores make more in that single weekend  than they do in the entire first quarter of the year.  And we all know how we Americans like our money. Just look who we picked for president *facepalm*

Vystori, I hope you get better sooner rather than later :) sorry to hear you might be out for a while though.

And Lucan, the images are amazing!
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1709
EAC: I stayed away because quite frankly, there were no good sales to be had. Everything on sale I didn't want, and the couple items I was interested in, not on sale.

Vys: Thoughts are with you girl. Hoping things turn out for the good.

Auctor: Liking the update. Office layouts are cool, but I'm also a blueprint geek so that is expected. Sel's looking hot. Anyone feel the urge to 'exercise' with her?

On the fence about the AC-477. I like the broad winged design as it's akin to the Broadsword class fighter from other Trek Simms I am on. [Show/Hide]
Not so sure about the whole bussard & wing extension out the front as it seems to impact the visual sight lines of the pilot tho. Neat looking craft though, even if it doesn't entirely feel Federation or even Trek to me. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1711
Or my fave quote. "Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one." :P

I know the TVD is there but I guess I'm also a purist and the Mark 1's never fail. (Well, they do but if a modern fighter pilot loses them he's fucked anyways.) My pilots also tend to have ground support background so the Mark 1's are extremely usefull even in a modern cockpit with all the HUD & TVD systems available. Speaking of TVD, the latest generation Eurofighter AFAIK has a TVD system now. They moved the HUD display into the helmet and the fighter tracks the pilots head movements. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1712
Auctor: Liking the update. Office layouts are cool, but I'm also a blueprint geek so that is expected. Sel's looking hot. Anyone feel the urge to 'exercise' with her?

Glad you like the design of our security centre, out of all of us, Sel would probably be the one spending the most time there. (That's why she gets the super cool double desk!)

After staring ridiculously long at the old Security centre design, I wondered what if the bullpen where most security officers used the workstation was circular instead. Everything progressed from that. So far, I'm managed to suggest new designs for Deck 1 and the Security Centre, but don't worry, I promised Lucan that I wouldn't be touching Sickbay! ;)

Also, I'd love to train with Sel, although I'm sure Cinn would be too busy concerned about her gods.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1713
Since Even Angels Cry and I posted so closely together in the new thread battle of Starbase 84, its easy to miss what just happened to the USS Resolve. So far, two people missed the post, so I have decided to post it here too.

So, Derik can't make the Resolve jump to warp. Then, Suq reaches the conclusion that ship is sabotaged, and then, I posted this:

[ USS Resolve | Main Bridge | Deck 01 ] Attn: All Resolve Bridge Crew

After the Efrosian made his announcement, another hail came to the Resolve. Once it was opened, Ian Hawthorne's face was seen on the viewscreen.

"Going somewhere, Kendrick?" he said, but there was no jest in his tone - the words belying the darkness in his stare. On the contrary, the fact that the Resolve had tried to flee the battle had been apparent on Starbase 84's sensors, and he did not stay the Sword of Damocles. "You should have surrendered when you had the chance."

Then, the transmission ended, with no chance for a reply.

Within five seconds, the first Interceptor opened fire against them. Then the second, and the third. In short order, the Resolve's shields were bombarded by pulse phaser cannons, Interceptors sweeping across overhead and carving lines into the dorsal hull when the emitters couldn't regenerate the shield quickly enough. Five Interceptors became ten, then fifteen. A whole squadron had made its pass, cutting its mark, a whole pack tearing at the Resolve with its teeth. Within thirty seconds, when the first squadron had made its pass, a second squadron followed. Sixteen more interceptors going for the ventral side of the already damaged Luna-class ship, releasing photon torpedoes into the deflector dish and the starboard nacelle. Without mercy or delay, Commander Jared Salazar had ordered his pilots to take out the Resolve...

...and unless something was done quickly, the shield generators would not keep up, and the ship would be destroyed within minutes.

The lights flickered on the bridge with each jarring impact. Hull breaches sprung where the shields failed all across the ship. Life-signs vanished from the internal sensors. Consoles detonated in bright conflagrations. Sparks rained from the ceiling like sediment sinking to the bottom of a glass. Smoke from fires welled up, and burning plasma shot from the bulkheads. The noise on the bridge was deafening, and warning klaxons were heard on all decks.

On Starbase 84, Captain Hawthorne watched the viewscreen that showed the Resolve's plight - hiding a faint smile as he watched its dance of death.

Just making sure everyone are on the same page. :) Oh... Um... Kendrick or Keval might want to release the wolves by now?


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1714
Also, I'd love to train with Sel, although I'm sure Cinn would be too busy concerned about her gods.

I don't see why Cenn couldn't at least approach her. From my original read of her before I took her on, I kinda got the impression her belief in the pah wraiths was more a rebellion against the faith she'd been taught growing up then it was a real firm belief in them. And with her I'm kind of steering her towards less of a belief in them, eventually she may just abandon her faith all together or come back into the fold. Just not sure right now.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1715
Fantastic image's lucan. Vys, as I said earlier, do get better soon. The new security layout is also quite epic.

Sarresh would be happy to have a work out again with Sel at some point ;)

Posts - hopefully up this weekend

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1717

It seems the faceless Chief Science Officer on the USS Resolve was a woman, and a really nice lady too!

Lt Cmdr. Vivian Martin        Chief Science Officer       USS Resolve

  - Played by Hastata-Nerada

Please welcome Hastata-Nerada, our newest Theurgist, whom will be writing Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martin. Hastata-Nerada is an old acquaintance of FollowTomorrow the way I hear it, and a friend of FollowTomorrow is a friend of ours. Welcome aboard!


This is a helpful page for everyone to know about, where some finer details about our story is ironed out. Here it is: LINK

In short, there are no slipstream drives, we have Tactical CONN and parasites in Starfleet Command etc. etc. Oh, and the parasitic invasion in TNG Episode "Conspiracy" didn't happen. We have used the same premise but made the aliens harder to detect and more nasty, basically. Also, there is some info on the current political situation. Many thanks to Arista for the help with a few sections there!

That's all for this short update!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1718
Well if "Conspiracy" never happened then that helps explain why no one thinks that such an infestation is possible.

Sorry I've been so quiet everyone, new job on top of holidays really screws up your schedule...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1719
Welcome Hastata-Nerada! Thanks for joining us :)

I look forward to writing with you. Don't worry, we're a friendly group here :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1720
Welcome aboard, Hastata-Nerada! Always fun to get new players. enjoy writing with us!

SummerDawn - looks like sarresh has a whole new incentive for survival XD

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1721
Welcome to the group Hatasha-Nerada! Looking forward to get some writing done with you ^^

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1723
Welcome to the family. Can't wait to meet a new fellow science officer

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1724
Welcome to the fray Hastata! ^_^
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

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