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Topic: Chapter 2: DIS Engage [ Day 1 | 1259 ] (Read 9671 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Chapter 2: DIS Engage [ Day 1 | 1259 ]

Reply #25
[CPO Avander Lok | Port Upper Nacelle Pylon Trunking | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @rae  @Number6  @Nero  @Nolan  @Havenborn  @tongieboi  @chXinya  @Brutus  @Ellen Fitz  @Pierce  @RyeTanker @Dumedion

The small team busied themselves with the reinforcing that was requested. For Lok’s part he was not exactly certain why they would be doing this except if they were venting the plasma out of the nacelles, which would be well within tolerances of the system and could be done with a few button presses…unless of course there was something else being vented as well. In his brief visit to main engineering he had heard talk of some sort of radiation leak into the system. In his experience this could “dirty” the plasma reducing its efficiency, but it didn’t normally require such dramatics of emergency stops and venting. Lok mentally submitted however that he did not have a full idea of what was going on or the nature of the radiation that was in the system. This thought formed a nervous knot in his stomach, he hated not having the full picture with which to work with, not so much of an issue on a small craft, but on a ship this big, half of it could be on fire and you wouldn’t even know without an alert.

Normally Lok preferred to talk with his team whenever performing duties like their current one but with time being of the essence it was only the business of handing tools and giving instructions. “Put that there. Tighten that. Modulate that up a bit. Modulate that one down. Size twenty spanner please”, and so on. They had worked their way up the trunking for the port upper nacelle installing the polarizers and portable forcefields. Once they were fully installed Lok would tie them together into the ship’s forcefield controller program that would allow the main computer to handle most of the heavy lifting in terms of modulation, output, and power consumption. With the possibility that the mysterious radiation was far worse than Lok thought, he wanted as much extra help as he could get to avoid the risk of him manually compensating causing its own disaster. There was still the concern that whatever this mystery radiation was it could still play havoc with their equipment and cause failures, some unique radiations could easily strip the interior cladding of the plasma conduits and cause a whole mess of problems.

The group finished their task just in time as reports came in over the comms that the ship was about to fully drop out of warp. Lok descended a ladder down to a lower level, along with a length of opti-cable that was attached to their string of portable forcefields, that had a computer interface. Upon reaching the interface he put the other end of the opti-cable, which had a isolinear adapter, into one of the aux isolinear chip slots. A few button presses on the computer console and the ship instantly recognized the new forcefield additions and powered them up and set them to the most optimal settings. About a minute later the unmistakable sound of a silent engine filled the space followed by the energetic sound of plasma transiting through the main conduit just meters away. Satisfied that everything was in order, Lok ascended the ladder to see his conscripted helpers packing up tools and monitoring the progress of the venting via tricorder.

“Hey Chief, can you hand me that please?” asked Mark while gesturing to a diagnostic probe on the floor near the hatch Lok was sticking his big fuzzy head out of. Lok smiled and climbed a bit higher to grab it, he could sense the satisfaction of a job well done coming from both Mark and Dalani and was happy for them. Mark leaned forward to grab the probe when suddenly there was a metallic bang, followed in short order by terrific sound of raw energy as a massive green arc of plasma exited out of one of the constrictor rings of the main conduit. The arc caught Mark across the back and continued across the compartment to strike a large hydrogen expansion tank for the bussard helium collection line, something it shouldn’t have been able to do, which promptly exploded.

This all happened in the span of perhaps a couple seconds. Lok barely had time to react as he watched the brilliant arc streak across the room followed by another flash and a sheet of red flame whooshing its way toward him. Not wanting to be hit by the flames Lok let go of the ladder and fell back through the hatch into the lower level, only getting a little singed in the process. What hurt more was the unmistakable sound of a hydrogen explosion to his highly sensitive ears, leaving him unable to hear apart from a loud ringing. Momentarily dazed, Lok reached up to gingerly feel his face and ears, ensuring they hadn’t been burned or blown off before his senses recovered enough to remember that Mark and Dalani were still in the compartment above.

Lok ascended the ladder once more into the now smoke filled and on fire compartment. Luckily the main plasma conduit appeared to have automatically been sealed off by the computer, otherwise they would have most likely all been killed by now from the torrent of charged plasma filling the small space, but the explosion did rupture a nearby EPS conduit and started a small fire. Mark was laying face down on the deck, thankfully still alive, but in a bad way; he had minor burns all over and his uniform was singed but most noticeably he had a large burn across his back from the arc that appeared to have burned quite deep, possibly causing not only third degree burns but fourth degree as well. Dalani was in the corner of the compartment and appeared relatively okay, she had some minor burns on her hands and face as well as being a little dazed but was already in the process of getting to her feet.

Finally getting his wits fully about him, Lok, still unable to really hear anything, tapped his combadge rapidly three times to put him on the emergency channel. [This is Chief Lok, there has been an explosion in Section 16-25 Beta, main plasma conduit ruptured and fire in the compartment, we have a medical emergency and are evacuating the section!] Lok reported emphatically over the emergency comms, he noted that he could barely hear himself and was probably shouting rather loudly. He then turned and, using hand signals gestured for Dalani to help him move Mark out of the compartment, the young man had by this point fallen unconscious by this point, no doubt from the pain and shock. A further concern was the presence of radiation, a partially damaged tricorder at Lok’s feet was showing high levels, no doubt from the main conduit when it ruptured, the irradiated plasma gas that they had been trying to vent had partially vented into their compartment. Strangely though, Lok noted several sparkles in the air, a phenomena he had never seen before.

Carefully, Lok and Dalani picked Mark up off the deck and made their way back through to the main jefferies tube access that they had come from. Getting the poor guy through the tube without injuring him further would be difficult but luckily Dalani found a nearby mechanic’s anit-gravity sledge* and put Mark on it in order to push him easily along in the tube. As Dalani pushed, Lok sealed off the hatches behind them to prevent any gas or smoke from penetrating the rest of the section.

Re: Chapter 2: DIS Engage [ Day 1 | 1259 ]

Reply #26
[LT Arven Leux | Main Sickbay | Cryo Stasis | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | The Ranger] Attn: @RyeTanker @rae @(everyone else)
“How'd you fit him in there,” Arven grunted without looking up from the PADD he was studying with a frown. He was trying to log the patient's status into the on-board database, having just been handed the case by Vi-Nine, but couldn’t quite concentrate due to the slow wave of nausea that had built during the short walk from the Ward. He still smelled like fire retardant, and hadn’t eaten much – nerves, perhaps? Or stress?

Whatever it was, it had his entire body breaking out in flop sweat and it was getting worse by the second.

“Is that a joke, Doctor,” Vi-Nine's mechanical voice hitched in a curiously organic tone of playfulness.

Arven pinched his eyes shut in response, unable to find his own words due to a sudden influx of saliva that flooded his mouth. A hand shot to his face with an audible groan, then moved to the bulkhead to lean against. Something was definitely off.

“Doctor Arven, are you well?”

He heard the signature servo-buzz of Vi-Nine’s head tilt. Another second and the damn thing would start poking him with a shiny finger. Arven had no interest in any of that.

“Fine,” he managed, after clearing his throat – which only made the queasy feeling worse. “We’ll dig into the details later,” he mumbled distractedly. “He’s stable and not going anywhere, that’s what matters. Plug Chief Sithick’s file and record into the cryo archive, please,” he continued in a rush of words, turning paler by the second as he rushed from the room. “Excuse me.”

Arven made it about six strides into the hall before the first wracking heave hit. Somehow, he managed to choke the wave of acidic bile back, but lost all forward momentum. Another staggered step was all he could manage before another, even more savage urge to purge everything in his stomach flooded up the back of his throat in a bitter tide of burning fluid.

Fate had decided that this day would just get worse and worse for him, apparently; Arven couldn’t have known or seen Nurse Kitty round the corner, burdened with her own bout of queasiness – nor did he realize he’d doubled over right in her path, until it was far, far too late.

He just hurled his guts out – one agonizing heave after another – right at her feet. Sadly, the good nurse had no time to voice the alarmed protest; the sight, sound, and smell of the Doctor’s vomit prompted her own purge before she could really do anything at all. The blonde retained the mindfulness to turn her head at least, but that mattered little; a stream of puke sprayed from her nose, then between the fingers that covered her mouth – coating Arven’s shoulder in chunky digestive juice the color of pink and yellow slime that reeked of spoiled milk and eggs.

Several seconds passed, followed by burps, dry heaves, and groans of suffering.

Arven spit more fulness from his mouth, once he'd managed to catch his breath enough to keep from passing out.

“Fuck this day," he croaked.

“Mhm,” Kitty mumbled wetly. "Mood."

Suddenly a myriad of voices started shouting over each other from reception and the ICU. Arven’s ears picked out ‘explosion’ and ‘incoming casualties’ – as he hauled himself upright with a look of pained apology for Nurse Kitty.

“We got customers. Come on,” he grunted, and pulled the puke covered duty jacket off and discarded it on the floor. “Get a hypo of antihistamines ready – something tells me we’re going to need it.”

As they stumbled off to assist, Vi-Nine peaked her domed head out into the hallway, optical node swinging down to the floor and discarded jacket, then narrowed at the puddle of vomit staining the carpet.

"Oh, oh dear," she intoned worriedly.

ooc - Arven rolled poorly, and we officially have a Gorn on ice. Huzzah.

Re: Chapter 2: DIS Engage [ Day 1 | 1259 ]

Reply #27
[ Lt. Cmdr Jaru “Janus” Rel rolled a 19 & Ensign Liam Herrold rolled a 3 | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Dumedion @RyeTanker @joshs1000 @Brutus @Ellen Fitz @Number6 @Nero @Nolan @Havenborn @chXinya @Pierce @tongieboi
As someone whose normal job requirements entailed frequent velocity changes, rapid directional changes, and gravitational shifts, Janus was completely unbothered by whatever malfunction was currently plaguing the Theurgy. He probably wouldn’t have noticed it at all were it not for the deck crew, some of whom were starting to look very sick.

It probably helped that the fighter pilots were wearing specially designed exosuits that were made for these conditions, while the deck crew were in normal coveralls.

Still, he would have expected people who lived in space to not be so prone to space sickness.

Herrold, in particular, looked so green that Janus was doubting the man’s ancestry, thinking there must be Vulcan blood in there somewhere. “You alright chief?” he asked, skepticism lacing his words. The guy was obviously not alright. “You look like you should be in sickbay.”

“Fine,” Liam grunted as though even a single word was costing him whatever hard-earned composure he was keeping. Janus felt a slight jerk rumbling through the hull at a sudden decrease in speed, and at that moment Herrold lost it completely. PADD and toolkit clattered to the floor as his hands leapt to his mouth, spinning around to avoid vomiting all over Janus – thank the Prophets for it too, that would have really clogged up the exosuit’s servos.

But the spin only served to heighten Herrold’s disorientation. He took a step to try and find his balance and tripped over the toolkit, tumbling to the floor with a crash.

“Fuck. Chief?” Herrold wasn’t moving. “Medical emergency!” Janus shouted to the room at large. His exosuit had a tricorder built in to the arm, so he powered it up for a medical scan as he went to his knees next to the prone chief. Thankfully, he didn’t see any major injuries. But Herrold had knocked himself out cold.

“Clean up on Aisle 1,” he called out dryly, before opening a commlink to have sickbay come pick Liam up. Well, this mission was starting out beautifully. It was like a clown show in here. “You are going to be so embarrassed when you wake up. I hope Thea got that on video.”

[ Lt. Talera Emlott rolled a 15 & Ensign Sarah Bjorge rolled a 10 | Medical Supply Storage Room 1 | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ]
The two women had been working steadily for the past hour, and Talera finally had her supply closet back in order. Unlike Bjorge, who was newer to the ship, Talera had served here for years, and knew the organizational structure like the back of her hand. She didn’t even need to read the serial numbers to put everything back in order.

Therefore, she wasn’t overly surprised to have finished before Bjorge, even though she had the more difficult task. Talera decided to go assist. Considering where they were heading, sickbay needed to be in top shape for any emergencies. However, upon entering the other storage closet, she didn’t find the young human hard at work. Instead, Bjorge was leaning against a shelf as though it were holding her up, hand clasped tight to her head.

“Ensign? Are you alright?” The doctor asked, heading over with concern, grabbing a spare tricorder off a tray on her way.

“I’ve had a slight headache all day, but it suddenly got much worse. And I feel nauseous,” the blonde admitted, squinting her eyes to look at Talera.

“Let’s get you to an exam—”

[“All personnel report to intake and ICU. Explosion in engineering. Casualties incoming.”]

They both froze for a moment to listen. Bjorge was the first to move, taking off towards the door far more agile than Talera expected, given her condition moments before. “Ensign—!”

“I’ll be fine!” Bjorge shouted back!

That was, until she reached the hallway and slipped on a jacket in the middle of the floor, careening backwards and falling onto Talera, who managed to keep her feet for both of their sakes, holding Sarah beneath the armpits until she steadied herself.

“Whatever I have, it must be going around,” the nurse tried to joke, but the words came out to seriously for it to ever be funny.

Avoiding the sick this time, they both ran off to their duty stations.

[ Lt. Azrin Ryn rolled a 1 | Engineering | Deck 26 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]
When the ship decelerated, Azrin, who had been staring at her hands as though she’d just discovered they’d existed, fell to her knees with a groan. The cold floor felt nice on her forehead, aiding her in the task at hand.

She was not – absolutely, entirely, completely not – going to throw up on Frank. No. Not happening.

Normally she was excited for new experiences, but space sickness was something she’d have been perfectly happy to never discover. She ran all over ships that were falling to pieces. Since when did she get space sick? For the best day of her life, it sure was going wrong fast.

As though mocking her for the thought, a shudder ran through the ship. For someone like Azrin, who spent an unhealthy amount of time obsessing over small vibrations in the hull… and currently had her face pushed into the floor, it was easy to figure out what had happened. “Explosion. Port. Aft.” But all the alarms that started sounding at the same time would be providing better information. They were also much louder.

Everyone started moving, but Azrin stayed where she was. It was easier to think here. Every time she opened her eyes the whole room started to spin. She knew Commander Arnold was talking by the timbre of his voice, but she couldn’t pick out any of the words. Everyone else was lost in a blur of noise. Instead, she focused on the slipstream drive, because that was what he’d want her to do anyway. She’d figured it out a minute ago, but since she was stuck here, Azrin thought it all through again, forcing the logic through the ever more sluggish pathways of her brain.

They had to fix the slipstream drive. It was even more important now, after the explosion.

She couldn’t quite remember why it was important, but it was.

They had to seal the crack in the conduit.

They had to pull the benamite crystal out.

Oh, that was her job, wasn’t it?

As she stood up, wobbling like a Klingon who’d spent the night indulging on the finest bloodwine, Azrin knew she was forgetting something. By the time she’d made it to the slipstream drive, without any of the necessary radiation equipment, it was still nagging at her. But when she started keying in the code to open the benamite chamber, Azrin had discarded the worry. If it was truly important, it would come to her. She was far more focused on making sure her hands stopped shaking – they didn’t – and that she didn’t hurl on the benamite – still a possibility.

The computer system flashed a radiation warning for the inside of the chamber, prompting her to activate a level 10 forcefield around herself and the slipstream drive to protect everyone else in the room. That seemed like a good idea, so Azrin hit yes.

If her hands had been more stable, she might have hit the right button. If she had been more focused on what she was doing, Azrin might have noticed pressing no. But she continued on with her work anyway, a few seconds away from irradiating the entire room. And possibly blowing up the drive while she was at it.

OOC: I thought about doing something funny with my 1, but I couldn't top Dume, so I decided to kill everyone in engineering instead. Y'all might want to like... stop her.

Still need some people (not Azrin) to fix the slipstream drive!

  • Crawl through the innards of the slipstream drive and seal a crack on a graviton conduit
  • Pull the benamite crystal out of the drive

As a reminder, no one is required to roll dice, but my rolls were funny, so I kept them.

Re: Chapter 2: DIS Engage [ Day 1 | 1259 ]

Reply #28
[ Lt (jg) Sarresh Morali | Temporal Observatory | Deck 09| Vector 02|  USS Theurgy | Rolled an 18 ] Attn: @rae @Nolan @RyeTanker @chXinya @Dumedion @tongieboi @Pierce @Nero @Ellen Fitz @Number6 @joshs1000 @Havenborn 


There was much to do. Too much to do really, and not nearly enough time to do it in. That was the gist of all the orders that Lieutenant Commander Arnold was issuing. Sarresh looked back over his shoulder, in the direction that the redhead had scampered off. Benamite crystal containment, within the slipstream drive. The crystal needed to come out of its container. Couldn't do that at warp. He was still wracking his brain, trying to recall everything he knew about Slipstream - either what he had read since the Savi had gifted the Theurgy with the drive they currently had, or what he had 'remembered' from the future, returned to him as was often the case after something happened, or just before something went to shit.

If I didn't already have a headache this whole mess would have led to one for certain, he noted, once more checking his readings. As far as he could tell the radiation he was detecting didn't seem to be deliberate in nature, but he knew he would have to get physically into the drive chamber to confirm. "I do hope sickbay has doses of Arithrazine on hand because we are all going to need to be inoculated later," he noted to no one in particular. Levels outside of the containment chamber itself were not at a danger point yet but it was only a matter of time.

Getting the green light from Lt. Cmdr. Arnold, Sarresh turned and flashed a tight smile to the coffee skinned Betazoid from Security. "Come along Petty Officer. We need to suit up and go help -" This was as far as Sarresh got before Frank finished his countdown and the ship seemed to hang in momentary stillness, and silence. It was downright creepy, enough to stop his words in his throat - before reality slammed back into him, sending his stomach up in his chest for a brief instance.

In all his many years, and especially in the months since he had returned to this century, Sarresh had never imagined he would be grateful for the micro seizures that the Memory engram encoding he'd undergone would occasionally unleash upon him when doing an infodump from the temporally locked portions of his mind. Space sickness had nothing on that particularly debilitating and familiar feeling. He swallowed the discomfort, shook his head and then checked his tricorder as the fluctuations in the subspace field around the ship played merry havoc with just about everything, his shoulders squared and his feet slightly further apart than normal, like a sailor on an old ocean going ship, a clam port in the storm around him.

Snapping the device closed he reached out to P.O. Benmual and steadied her with a grip on her forearm. "Steady now," he muttered softly, and then jerked his head toward the slipstream chamber, tugging her along. They had just gotten up the ladder - the very same one that Azrin had almost tumbled from - when a shockwave rumbled through the ship. An explosion. Sarresh knew enough to tell the difference between that and the turbulence from the declaration. He clung onto the ladder for dear life, though in truth the drop would not likely be fatal from the current height. Still, he shook his head and looked down at Kythalie below him, before pulling himself back up, one rung at a time.

In truth, he was just in time to hear a new, teeth grinding alarm emit from the slipstream drive compartment, and see flashing across all the LCARS displays, a warning about a potential radiation leak. Thea's voice came over the speakers, issuing notice about safety protocols being disengaged. And inside the room stood the redheaded Trill. About to open the crystal containment enclosure. In her uniform. The tricorder on his hip started blaring out its own musical tones of warning, a spike in radiation levels.

"Shit!" Colorful, but not at all helpful. "Suit up Petty Officer. I have to stop her," Sarresh ordered as he sprinted across the room, adrenaline firing off, before he went airborne in an effort to tackle Azrin before she could open the door and kill them all.

OOC: homie rolled an 18. Y'all can decide if that's enough to make it in time ;)

Re: Chapter 2: DIS Engage [ Day 1 | 1259 ]

Reply #29
[ Lt. Cmdr Cross | Battle Bridge | V. 2 | Deck 8 | The Ranger ] Attn: @Brutus  @rae  @Nolan  @RyeTanker  @chXinya  @Dumedion  @tongieboi  @Pierce  @Nero @Number6  @joshs1000  @Havenborn 

Frank's update on their detection threshold hadn't been the greatest update to hear, and neither had the following update of the time required to fix the system that seemed to have pulled their proverbial pants down so they could go ass first into danger. Then, the rancid smell of vomit filled the air of the battle bridge as the Ranger rocked and shuddered. Damage reports and updates poured in regardless of whether those receiving the reports were in any condition to read and/or relay them. Cross had been mostly fine until he slipped in a pile of gooey stomach remains, landing on his hip. The entirety of his left leg now covered in the chunks of an ensign's lunch, Cross fought his own gag reflex as he hauled himself back to his feet and continued on his way to the the command chair.

"Sir, there have been casualties from the explosion. Sick bay is receiving them now."

They didn't need to engage an enemy at this rate before they burst apart at the seams. They were doing just fine fucking themselves over without the aid of an outside variable.

"Keep up long-range scanners but dampen the energy drain on any non-vital systems until Arnold gives us the all clear.  I want to know if anything bigger than space dust passes into range. Maintain fighter escorts on rotation; I want at least two on patrol and two on deck at all times. Ask sickbay if they need more hands to lend assistance."

Bypassing the command chair, Cross opened a compartment close to the entry doors, pulling out a series of cleansing rags. Signaling the closest crewman not already occupied with relaying orders, he handed off a few rags before joining the crewman mopping up the worst of the vomit. Maybe Starfleet should invest in auto-cleaning bots for situations like this; shouldn't be too hard to make. Handing off the soiled rags to the crewman to dispose of in the closest recycler, Cross retrieved a few more rags as reports continued to come in, some requiring a response and some not as of yet. He made the rounds to each crew stationed on the battle bridge, giving them a rag to either clean themselves up if they'd hurled or to have just in case they did.

Cross smoothed the rag down his left leg only once everyone was "armed" with their own rag, swallowing another round of bile as he did so. As much as he wanted to expend some energy on expediting the circulation of the foul-smelling air out of the battle bridge, he didn't want to risk being the needle that broke the camel's back.

Re: Chapter 2: DIS Engage [ Day 1 | 1259 ]

Reply #30
[ Ensign Lauren Pierce | Battle Bridge | V. 2 | Deck 8 | The Ranger ] Attn: @Brutus @rae @Nolan @RyeTanker @chXinya @Dumedion @tongieboi @Pierce @Nero @Number6 @joshs1000 @Havenborn @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]
Lauren’s nostrils flared as the acrid stench of vomit permeated the Battle Bridge, making her stomach churn violently. The bridge shuddered under the relentless assault, each impact sending tremors through the ship. Despite the chaos, her fingers danced across the console, inputting commands with practiced precision. Desperation clawed at her as she snatched a rag, hastily wrapping it around her mouth like a makeshift bandana to filter out the nauseating odor. She prayed the automated systems would soon purify the air.

As the ship lurched again, Lauren’s grip tightened on the controls. Her eyes flicked to the display, which showed the slipstream drive offline and the ship teetering on the brink of catastrophic failure. The crew’s lives hung in the balance, and the tension was palpable.

"Sir, helm controls are showing that we’re limping at best unless they can get things back online. I’m doing the best I can…despite the current stench," she reported, her voice muffled by the rag but still carrying a note of determination. She managed a brief, wry smirk, visible mostly through her eyes, before turning her attention back to the console. "I’m seeing Romulans abound," she added, her tone grim as she relayed the ominous news.

Re: Chapter 2: DIS Engage [ Day 1 | 1259 ]

Reply #31
[ Lt. JFoval Temporary Central Intelligence Suite: Conference Lounge | Deck 11 | Vector 03, USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @rae e@Pierce  @Ellen Fitz @Nero    @Nolan    @Dumedion    @Havenborn   @RyeTanker    @tongieboi @chXinya    @Brutus 

Things were going from bad to worse, the ship shook and had things been different, Foval may have lost his lunch right all over the interesting lieutenant he had just given the briefing to about Romulans

However, things were not different.   The Borg Nanoprobes in his system were able to contain his the contents of his stomach from escaping.   However, in Borg Drones regulation of stomach contents was not a key function, as drones rarely ate.   Unfortunately that meant that the probes that were keeping his lunch from his shoes would normally prevent him from being disorientated.   Losing his balance and almost falling into the other man.   He pivoted and managed to stop himself just before he found himself in a compromising position.   When he was sure that he wasn’t about to fall he resumed his position, although his hands were no longer clasped behind his back.  

The symphony of alarms that greeted him made him realise that the ship had more immediate concerns than a briefing on Romulan personality types.

Embarrassed by his physical misstep, he offererd an apologetic glance to Byrne.   Foval went on to suppose that the current emergency would give him the opportunity to excuse himself from the current situation.  

“Forgive me, Lieutenant.   I suspect that despite my diplomatic and intelligence experience, our immediate needs require my hands rather than my experience in these fields.    I must take my leave now.”   

Despite the situation, and perhaps out of deference Byrne’s rank, he waited to be dismissed.  

OOC I passed the Security Fitness check at cost...   we are playing Star Trek here
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Chapter 2: DIS Engage [ Day 1 | 1259 ]

Reply #32
[ ENS Caitlyn Murphy | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

Muttering curses under her breath, Caitlyn dashed from one console to the next as she worked to keep the Thea in one piece. It'd been about two... No, three days since they'd pulled her from cryo, though she felt as though she were still dreaming. Everything kept blurring together, and it certainly hadn't helped any when she was briefed on current events. Chewing on her lip, she flinched as an alarm blared behind her, cursing as she tried in vain to keep the hair from her eyes. Turning a moment to see the source of the noise, she saw another engineer move to the station and nodded before returning to her own work.

Hearing the distinct chirp of her combadge, Cait waited a moment as LCDR Arnold relayed the latest set of instructions. Managing a weak "aye sir" in response, she keyed a new set of inputs into her console and began feverishly pushing through the various system warnings, swiping them aside before finally pulling up the conduits. Giving them a once-over, she worked on entering the necessary adjustments before raising a clammy fist to her mouth as her stomach tried offering its own insight. Trying to fight the sensation, Caitlyn verified her work with a spare hand and made to run to the nearest head as her dinner decided to make a reappearance.

She made it halfway before falling to her knees and spewing, drawing in a sharp breath as she heaved once more. Feeling as though a percussionist was beating a staccato into her skull, Caitlyn wiped her mouth with a grimace and grew dimly aware of a sudden stillness about the ship. Wondering if their luck had finally run out, the silence was broken a heartbeat later as the core's humming grew steadily from a comforting murmur to an earsplitting screech.

With a startled squawk, Cait was thrown sideways as the ship lurched to a halt with a metallic whine, sitting in a daze as others ran around the compartment. Fully content to stay put until someone ordered her to get moving, she was interrupted by a burning ache in her side. With a cry of pain, and something that could've been indignation, Caitlyn clutched at the bulkhead as she pulled herself up on unsteady feet and got her bearings. Feeling a damp wetness on her side, she glanced down expecting blood and instead found the remains of last night's spaghetti. Letting out a sigh, she left her jacket on the floor and pinned her combadge to her departmental undershirt, rolling up her sleeves before jumping back into the fray.
[Ens. Caitlyn Murphy | Engineering Officer]

Re: Chapter 2: DIS Engage [ Day 1 | 1259 ]

Reply #33
[Ens. Irnashall “Shall” ch’Xinya rolled a 16 | Main Engineering | Deck 26 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Relatively Insane @Brutus @rae @Pierce @Ellen Fitz @Nero @Nolan @Dumedion @Havenborn @tongieboi @tongieboi @joshs1000 @Number6

Shall’s dark blue eyes darted around the room nervously as everything seemed to go from chaos to hell. Thrown into radiation containment duty just a few seconds after arriving, Shall forgave the misnaming thrown his way, the engineer-in-charge was clearly overworked and stressed out trying to keep things from blowing up in their faces. The Andorian wasn’t too happy to get lumped into working with Morali yet again, getting scooped up in that Aegis business because of him still grated. He kept that to himself though, annoying superiors were a better deal than irradiation (or worse.)

A little out of his element, Shall followed the fake human and the others put on radiation containment over to where they would work. While the Trill engineer jumped straight to the core itself, he angled towards a console, figuring his skill at data analysis would be best served in tracking the radiation flux through both the system and cavernous Main Engineering. Mind already plotting the optimal ways of plotting all that out, the chan didn’t hear the warning from Lt. Commander Arnold until it was almost too late. It was quite possibly the hardest transition through the warp barrier he’d ever experienced, and if it wasn’t for the months of adjustment to the discombobulation that stems from losing an antenna he might’ve vomited up his last meal the way his entire digestive tract was lurching back and forth. Instead he just got thrown into the bulkhead. “Ow…” he muttered, rubbing his now-sore shoulder. He could hear the less fortunate finishing their upchucking in a few scattered places and his nose braced for the acrid smell that would soon follow.

Reaching the wall console, Shall’s practiced hand dove right into the system to bring up the radiation sensors and to tap their feeds in a way that he could locate any leaks and get them contained. He could see Morali working on a tricorder model he hadn’t seen before, but before he could say anything a whole new series of alarms sounded from the console: a buildup in the system was about to breach and flood the whole area with enough radiation to melt everyone. Forcefields snapped around the slipstream core instantly to Shall’s relief, but it was only momentary: someone was trapped inside. He could hear Morali tell the other yellow shirt to get radiation suits to go in and pull them out. “I’ll see if I can keep the radiation down for you, or at least give you a warning!” He shouts over the alarms, blue fingers dancing over the controls, hoping for a way to be more useful than just shouting numbers. “And here I thought the Watchtower protocol was stressful…” he muttered to himself.

Re: Chapter 2: DIS Engage [ Day 1 | 1259 ]

Reply #34
[ PO Kythalie Benmual | Engineering | Deck 26 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @rae @Brutus @Relatively Insane @RyeTanker
Sarresh was a sight for sore eyes perhaps as Kythalie looked him once over. He attested to her steady hands and before the Betazoid knew it, she was drafted to join Sarresh to save the ship. She let the rest of the security contingency move on and listened in to what had to be done. The room was filled with emotion as her mental barriers struggled to keep out the loud thoughts that were echoing throughout the engineering deck.

 Benamite crystal containment was the task at hand it seemed and Kythalie was backed by Sarresh that her steady hands would get the job done. No pressure. The caramel skinned woman followed the lieutenant to the slipstream chamber, a shared smile between them before the ship nearly tossed them around. Whatever was going on outside, it was nasty, very nasty... Kythalie was steadied by her forearm by Morali and she smirked and pointed out in a hushed tone to him "You do know I can take care of myself right? Though I appreciate the gesture." a sly wink followed before they made their way up the ladder.

When the new horrifying alarm set off, radiation was the last thing Kythalie needed right now. In hindsight, she might've been better qualified to tackle Azrin instead of Sarresh, though she had been given another crucial job that had to be done. She made her way up the ladder skipping one handle at a time before she sprinted off to the slipstream drive to retrieve the Benamite crystal. How she was going to perform this with steady hands was a mystery to her. Surely on a steady ship it shouldn't have been an issue, yet here with the rocking and tossing... She exhaled as she ignored the order to suit up, this was a major priority. This had to be done.

Sarresh's sprint to intercept Azrin proved to be successful, in a way. Kythalie soon found herself behind the console and double checked the input given by Azrin. All of it seemed fine, besides the fact that the safety protocols hadn't been activated yet. Kythalie glanced at the recommenced settings and what Azrin had keyed in, though instead of pressing no, she hit the yes button and watched the forcefields activate in just a second.

With the security measures in place, she glanced over to Sarresh and gave him a nod before she entered the slipstream drive, edging closer to the Benamite Crystal to retrieve it. Here's to hoping that no other shock or explosion would cause her to lose balance or anything of the sorts. Her fingers clasped around the crystal and slowly but steadily she began to retrieve the crystal.


Re: Chapter 2: DIS Engage [ Day 1 | 1259 ]

Reply #35
Dominic Winters | Fighter Assault Bay (FAB) | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | U.S.S Theurgy ATTN: @Relatively Insane @Brutus @rae @Pierce @Ellen Fitz @Nero @Nolan @Dumedion @joshs1000 @tongieboi @Number6 @Havenborn

Standing in the shower after meeting with Janus, Dominic happily hummed as he scrubbed down his furry form and thoroughly enjoyed a real water shower that soaked him through. Hot water, ALL the hot water. Honestly, despite this being a little small, Dominic adapted fairly well to working in the shower and enjoying himself. Though not enjoying himself as that would be quite the stunt to leave that kind of mark first day he arrived on the Theurgy. Things had been going well for the most part and when he came out from the shower, hot, damp, and happy with himself.

He headed over to his new and somewhat larger locker, punched in the code and dried himself off, and then got into the form-fitting undersuit and then started getting into the actual exosuit. Unfortunately, things began to get just a tiny bit weird as he felt the ship shudder and a sudden deceleration that a good pilot would be all to familiar with. Not to mention that strange feeling in the stomach as the gravitational forces inside and with the smaller jumps and jerks picked up from when he was in the shower.

While he got his left boot on and balanced precariously on his right foot with his tail providing added balance but even that didn’t account for the sudden surprise of the ship decelerating which threw his balance off and sent him nearly tipping head over foot. Instead, the Kzint slammed his right-hand claws into the lockers adjacent to his and dragged them along, gouging into the metal with a few sparks and a scream of grinding metal from the implant claws in said hand. He did catch himself at least from face-planting with half an exo-suit on and his left boot only partly on! The adjacent two lockers on the other hand did not fare so nicely now and looked like either a rabid animal or a horror flick got filmed in here. Pulling his claws free from the metal he shook his hand out “Hot. Hot. Fuuuck. What fucking conn-monkey cannot keep the speed regulated while in the slipstream?” He cursed out. Hopping comically over to a wall he could brace his back against and get the boots on. Dominic quickly finished getting into the Exo-suit properly and collected the rest before heading out to the main floor to see the chaos unfolding. Coupled with the unmistakable scent of puke hitting his nose, it wrinkled and slowly Dom made his way through towards Janus and what appeared to be medics tending to a downed Chief.

“What is going on?” He asked. The big cat looked rather imposing in the exosuit.

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