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Topic: C05: S Day 01 [1405 hrs.] Dress Shopping! (Read 6226 times) previous topic - next topic
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C05: S Day 01 [1405 hrs.] Dress Shopping!

[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu| Crew Berths | Deck 1 | USS Allegiant | Aerodrome of the Erudite ] Attn:  @Pierce @P.C. Haring


continued from Chapter 5: And so it begins...

Leading the Vulcan into the crew berthings, Lillee slipped around the bunk beds, only giving the redhead human a passing glance as she went. Upon reaching the large control panel at the aft bulkhead, she checked that the Vulcan had actually followed her before looking back at the panel.

"Computer," she said curtly, "show me all Romulan female summer dresses in the database, phanni styling, knee-length at a minimum."

"No data available," came the computer's smooth response.

"What!?" Lillee exclaimed in frustration, then rolled her eyes. "Elements preserve me from fools! With all their spies, Starfleet never thought to grab a fashion magazine?" She grunted. "Computer, open the dress editor, load a Vulcan spring robe." The screen changed to show a flowing blue robe, but Lillee started modifying it immediately. "The others can get away with being imprecise with their clothes, but since you can't show emotion...oh, I am Lillee, pilot. Remove your clothes, we need to fit whatever I are a doctor, yes? I have seen you on the ship."

Re: C05: S Day 01 [1405 hrs.] Dress Shopping!

Reply #1
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Crew Berths | Deck 1 | USS Allegiant | Aerodrome of the Erudite ] Attn: @P.C. Haring @Griff [Show/Hide]

Walking into her 'quarters', Alana was admiring the fact that they were essentially screwed if they didn't take precautions early for the expedition on Romulus. Watching from the corner of her eye while she addressed her own concerns with clothing, she took note of Lillee's scolding of her Vulcan compatriot. Hiding a human with emotions and vigor was easier than hiding a Vulcan that lacked the emotions necessary to hide themselves in a social situation. So drawing less attention to them by their clothing was the next best thing.

Listening to Lillee's frustration was entertaining but at the same time, Alana had to agree that the lack of decorum on the Federation's part was startling. After all, there was always the records on how to hide someone with surgical modifications, but the clothing was an odd thing to forget. Thankfully, she had some files saved from her recent encounter with Hirek she could relay and with luck, recycle for their present situation. She nearly choked on her saliva as she heard Lillee demanding Hatheev to strip to satisfy her need to give her proper attire.

Stepping forward with a PADD she'd uploaded the holodeck data to, she passed it between the two women in the room. "As much fun as it might be to see this, and bicker about Starfleet's lack of clothing, I do have options thankfully to our Intelligence Agent, Hirek. He was kind enough to provide me some level of wears from the homeworld. Might need some tweaking but should suffice." She smirked as she handed the device to Lillee for inspection.

"I trust my clothing is in line with the mission perameters?" She said, waving down her body wearing the nearly skin-tight Romulan cloth of a noble woman of status from the homeworld. "My attempts to get this right was of the most importance but I'd understand if I missed the mark as well. Although, hiding a human has to be easier than a Vulcan in some regards. At least as far as personality is concerned." Stopping momentarily to reassert her comment, "No offence meant Commander." She stated to Hatheev.

Re: C05: S Day 01 [1405 hrs.] Dress Shopping!

Reply #2
[Lt. Cmdr. Hathev| Crew Berths | Deck 1 | USS Allegiant | Aerodrome of the Erudite ] Attn: @Pierce@Griff‍ 

At first, Hathev found herself caught off guard with just how blunt and abrupt PO3 t’Jellaieu had been with her. While assuming she would not show any emotion was logical, it was also incorrect, as was the assumption she was a doctor. Hathev was about to correct the Romulan pilot when said pilot demanded she strip.  That one caught her off guard. Then in the next moment Lieutenant Commander Pierce entered the room, making commentary on her own choice of wardrobe while at the same time attempting to not offend the Vulcan for what was again a logical (albeit inaccurate in this case) assumption.  It took her less than a second to determine how best to start setting the record straight.

She chuckled.  This was not the forced chuckle of someone who did not understand humor and thus faked a laugh just to fit it.  No, this was as genuine as someone in her position, someone who could not fully suppress her emotional self, who found the quick interaction to be somewhat humorous.

“No offense taken, Commander,” she said to Pierce as she began to unzip her tunic. 

“Actually, Lillee,” she continued, “I am Hathev, Chief Counselor.  I do not hold a doctorate, though I appreciate the esteem in which you hold me.”

She continued to undress while keeping an eye on the display, so she could monitor what the Romulan was preparing. 

“I am willing to be flexible with the appropriate wardrobe.  I generally prefer a more fitted cut that compliments my body shape.”

She paused for a moment, wondering if that was vanity talking, but then decided that the answer was irrelevant.

“Though if you believe a different style of wardrobe would be more applicable given our mission brief, I yield to your expertise.”

She slipped her legs out and padded barefoot, wearing little more than her under garments, towards the console where they were working and found herself, in an odd way, enjoying the surprised looks on her colleagues faces.

“I take it you were expecting me to protest the instruction to strip?”


Re: C05: S Day 01 [1405 hrs.] Dress Shopping!

Reply #3
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Crew Berths | Deck 1 | USS Allegiant | Aerodrome of the Erudite ] Attn: @P.C. Haring @Griff [Show/Hide]

Alana Pierce stood at the doorway, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she took in the scene before her. The tension in the room was palpable, but she knew just how to diffuse it.

“Well, this is certainly an interesting way to start a briefing,” she remarked, her tone light and teasing. She stepped further into the room, her presence commanding attention without demanding it. “No offense taken, Hathev. I appreciate your flexibility.”

She watched as Hathev continued to undress, her movements precise and unhurried. Alana admired the Vulcan’s composure, even in such an unexpected situation. “Lillee, I think Hathev’s got the right idea. Functionality and comfort are key, but there’s no harm in looking good while we’re at it.” She winked as she still thought of how she was also adjusting to showing off her form more and of course the Romulan prosthesis.

Alana moved to the console, her fingers dancing over the controls as she brought up the mission parameters. “Let’s focus on the task at hand. We need to be prepared for anything, and that includes being adaptable in our attire.”

She glanced back at Hathev, a smile playing on her lips. “And no, I wasn’t expecting you to protest. In fact, I think you’re handling this remarkably well.”

As Hathev continued to change, Alana couldn’t help but be intrigued by the Vulcan’s choice of attire and the way it accentuated her form. The fitted cut of the uniform highlighted Hathev’s lean, athletic build, a testament to her disciplined lifestyle. Alana’s eyes lingered momentarily on the smooth, unblemished skin and the graceful movements that spoke of both strength and elegance.

There was a certain allure in Hathev’s composed demeanor, even as she stood there in her undergarments, unflinching and confident. It was a rare glimpse into the balance of logic and subtle vanity that made Hathev uniquely herself, and Alana found herself appreciating the complexity of her colleague even more. At that moment, Alana felt a spark of attraction, a subtle yet undeniable pull towards Hathev, intrigued not just by her physical presence but by the strength and poise she exuded in such an unexpected situation.

Shaking her head to clear it, she attempted to refocus her efforts while waiting for Lillee's response on her own attire. "Now, let’s get down to business and make sure we’re ready for whatever comes our way.”

With that, Alana tried to turn slightly rosy cheeks and her attention fully to the mission briefing, her mind already working through the various scenarios they might encounter. She knew that with a team like this, they could handle anything the universe threw at them.

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