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Topic: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking (Read 15430 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

[ Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] attn: Any/All

Rieka blinked several times trying to get her bearings.  What the hell was she doing in sickbay?   And lying on a biobed at that - with no memory of how she got there or what was wrong with her.  She scrunched up her nose and turned her head trying to look around.  The room always had a sterile odor to it, and for some unknown and inexplicable reason, the smell always turned her stomach. 

What were her last memories?  Digging into the recesses of her mind she recalled standing in the room that housed deuterium storage tanks.  She recollected the computer incursion attempts and having tracked the attempts down to the room with the deuterium storage tanks.  Then there was a device.  Yes, she had found the piece of equipment responsible for the infiltration attempts on the computer systems.  Then she remembered a self-destruct being initiated on the mechanism, beaming it into space, and then something hadn’t felt right.  As she stood there, her lower right arm, right hand,  right side, and right thigh started tingling. She looked down.  The skin on her hand had taken on almost a singed look, but it didn’t hurt like a burn.  Then tingling changed into numbness, and as it did, the computer chimed, “Micro-deuterium leak detected, level 22 Deuterium Storage Tanks.  Sealing storage room in ten seconds.’  The numbness spread up her arm, down her leg, and across her abdomen.  As quickly as she could, she exited the room, barely making it through before the doors shut and the lock clicked.  “Level 22 Deuterium storage bay sealed,” The computer intoned.

In her memory, Rieka tapped her combadge.  “Captain Ives, Commander Nicander, and Commander Solkar to level 22 Deuterium storage facility ASAP.”  The Captain needed to know what happened.  The Chief Engineer needed to be apprised about the deuterium, and something was happening to her, and she, for the life of her, wasn’t sure what.

After that everything went fuzzy.  Her last memory was very hazy.  The Andorian thought she remembered looking at the three people she had called and describing the incursion device, the self-destruct on the device activating, beaming it into space, the deuterium micro-leak, and that something felt very wrong.  After that, all was blackness.  She had no more memories of what had happened.

And here she was now.  Lying on a biobed in sickbay in one of those hideous gowns that they put you in that only covered some of the important parts.  She inched the blue gown up her right thigh.  Her skin was still puckered as if she had burned and the dermal regenerator hadn’t been able to heal it.  Reaching out to touch it, it was slightly hard - almost like a sore that had crusted over, but there was no open wound, just scorched skin.

She tried sitting up, but as she did, she realized that everything felt heavy - like her muscles were working overtime to do something that should have been so easy, and yet it wasn’t.  “What the hell is going on?”

OOC: All are welcome to join the thread.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant Commander Hathev | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] attn:  @Dree‍  @BipSpoon‍  Any/All

As a general rule Hathev tried to stay out of the Sickbay recovery ward.  To her, even though it was technically shared space, the ward was a place of convalescence and, in general unless she had a specific reason to be in the wards, she had no business to be there imposing her presence on the sick and injured.  Hathev also followed the general rule that she wished to walk as a form of exercise for at least twenty minutes daily.  This walk was more than just moving from one place to another and Hathev would keep a brisk pace, and follow a prescribed circuit within the time she had set for herself.  Aside from the cardiovascular benefits, the Vulcan considered it a form of meditation as the exercise permitted her time to sort her thoughts and work through that which was on her mind.

Today, however, these two general rules found themselves in conflict with one another and circumstances forced the Vulcan to cut through the recovery ward as she made her way out the far sickbay entrance to begin her circuit.  But as she moved through the ward, she sensed something was ‘off’ almost immediately.  She sensed a presence.

“What the hell is going on?”

The unfamiliar voice, weak though it was drew Hathev’s attention immediately.  As far as she knew this particular wing of the ward was for those who had been put in stasis but had been since removed and were still comatose.  Someone was just waking up

Hathev made her way to the bedside where an Andorian lay, shifting in place, a clear look of confusion on her face.  While she hadn’t reviewed the service record of every one of the original Theurgy crew members, she had made it a point to prioritize those in sickbay and her eidetic memory immediately recognized the face of Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan.  They had not met face to face of course.

“Easy Lieutenant,”  she said.  “I am Hathev.  You’re on board Theurgy in main sickbay.  I will call the doctor.”

Without hesitation, Hathev tapped her combadge.  “Hathev to Doctor Rez.  Please report to the recovery ward as soon as possible.  Lieutenant Sh’laan is awake.”

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #2
[ Ensign Karen Duncan| Near Nurse Station | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

Nurse Duncan was making the rounds and when she'd heard voices coming from the recovery ward.  She had a blue medical coat on and was carrying a PADD that monitored the state of each of the patients.  She was on her way back to the nurse's station when the PADD began beeping that the recently thawed Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan was showing signs of being awake.  The dark haired nurse grinned as it was always nice to welcome back someone from the freezer.  Grabbing tricorder with a scanner, she made her way down the corridor, her PADD beeped again and her she frowned.  Typically, they'd only get an alert if there was someone waking up, but in this case, the was coded urgent and being directed to the Recovery Ward.  She checked who was incoming and the woman blanched when she saw the name on the authorization.  Quickly tapping her combadge, she made the call as she picked up speed to grab a medical kit while her coat billowed behind her. "Medical emergency! Doctor Hernandez to the recovery ward! Doctor Hernandez to the recovery ward!

[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) |  Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree @rae @P.C. Haring @BipSpoon @Auctor Lucan

Lieutenant Zark's vision cleared as the transport cycle ended.  Where she immediately continued arguing with the person she was hanging on to. "Of course it was an obvious ploy Nysari!  As soon as that herd or whatever you call a plurality of targ running through the camp happened, there was going to be an attack of some kind! Besides, the guy pulled a knife from behind his leader. I even gave him time to make his declaration or whatever it was before I shot him!"  The combat medic got herself deposited on the bed with a bit of a limp as a dark haired nurse came rushing in and looked around before spotting the battered looking Andorian.  Her hair had dirt and leaves in it and she was bleeding from the mouth while a nasty bruise formed on her cheek.  That wasn't the worst of it though as she refused to relinquish her phaser pistol while gingerly sitting on the bed. "Oh Jesus Zark!  What the hell happened?  And how are you still standing?  Bloody hell!  Your armour is smoking!  And what is that sticking...  Another transport cycle completed in the Andorian's field and Doctor Hernandez looked around a soon as it was complete. Zark could almost hear him sigh as soon as he saw who the patient was.  "Uh, Hi Doc, listen. these Klingons....." "Can it Lieutenant. Nurse, tricorder." The Doctor's face went blank as he scanned the d'k tahg sticking out of Zark's shoulder, then shook his head.  You're a walking medical miracle Lieutenant Zark.  It missed just about everything since your vest took the brunt of the hit.

The doctor gave his patient a wry smile as he shook his head. "Nurse Duncan, go grab a ster-field and we'll clean this up here.  I don't want to risk the knife going in any further."  One Zhen looked at the other.  "See Nysari, I told you it wasn't that bad.  Besides, it's nothing compared to what happened after Breen."  The doctor snorted, the wrinkled his nose at the smell of burned polymers. "That's still no excuse for turning up like this.  You could be nowhere near as lucky next time."  Doctor Hernandez punctuated his by injecting his patient with an anaesthetic.   As he brought up a diagram of the stab, he turned to the other messy Andorian in the room and gave her a quick once over and didn't find too much wrong, but it didn't hurt to ask. "And how about you Lieutenant zh’Eziarath?  Are you injured in anyway?" his view then went over his shoulder and he saw the Chief Counsellor standing over another Andorian who was in bed.  "Great. I guess I'm having an audience today.  Sorry Commander Hathev, Lieutenant Sh'laan for the disturbance."  Zark's head perked up at this information. and she leaned forward and supported herself on one arm that still held the phaser.  "Whao!  Is that the new Shen?" Zark asked as the doctor began protesting.  "Oh. Apologies Commander Hathev and greetings."  The smiling wounded Andorian greeted to the Chief Counselor before turning her attention back to the Andorian lying in the bed.  "Lieutenant Sh'laan! Zark enthused.   "I'm Lieutenant zh’Ptrell and the more dour one is Lieutenant zh’Eziarath. A pleasure to meet you!" Doctor Hernandez had had enough and pushed the medico back down while taking the phaser away.

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #3
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix |Recovery Ward | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Dree @Auctor Lucan @BipSpoon @P.C Haring @rae @RyeTanker [Show/Hide]

Via was going to go insane.

She was right back into sickbay which at this point in her life was the worst place she could ever be subjected to on the ship. Having been medically grounded for several months after being critically injured during the Training Center Omega incident, with nothing to do other than just lay down and get babied by nurses and doctors who banned any type of alcohol, unnutritious food, and general "fun", Via was quite tired of seeing sickbay. Unfortunately, one of the techs that was monitoring her temporary cybernetic implants that was regulating her breathing while her lungs healed detected a possibly fatal error in its function. The young pilot was enjoying a rather juicy Terra Novan Digger Burger when two medics came knocking on her room to escort her to sickbay. That was straw 1. Straw two was making her wait in the cold sickbay, stripped down to her underwear, for a whole hour while they ran diagnostics. So now she was hungry, cold, annoyed, and in sickbay.        

So it was a welcome reprieve when Via saw Hathev walk over to assist one of the new...old cryo crew members walking up on the biobed next to her.  She called for a doctor to come over and a few seconds later several people started beaming in. First, it was Zark and another Andorian who she remembered seeing at the party for Azrin days back. They didn't seem to notice Via as they were all preoccupied with their tasks but Via noticed Zark was injured. She looked like she just came back from a firefight or something 'badass' which made her imagination run wild. Of course, they seemed to still be busy so Via just signed and pouted at the fact that she was still in sickbay with no end in sight. She grumbled.

"This is ass been waitin' here for a whole ass hour and I got no doctor but Miss 'My ass got to sleep for 100 years meh' get fuckin' 3? That ain't right..." She spoke to herself and then looked over to the neighboring biobed still pouting trying her best to get a look at the new girl that just woke up.

She then focused on the Doctor after seeing him keep Zark down on the biobed "Doc, I know your ass ain't be messin' with my girl Zark! She can fuck you up, hmph. Oh hey girl!!" she waved at her medic friend afterward.

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #4
[ Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
Attn: @P.C. Haring @RyeTanker  @ob2lander961 @BipSpoon @Auctor Lucan

It wasn't long after Reika's muted outburst that someone she was unfamiliar with came into view.  Her uniform was that of medical blue.  'Maybe now, I'll get some answers,' she thought.

“Easy Lieutenant,”  she said.  “I am Hathev.  You’re on board Theurgy in main sickbay.  I will call the doctor.”

"Call the doctor?" Reika said her brows knit in confusion.  "You aren't a doctor?"

“Hathev to Doctor Rez.  Please report to the recovery ward as soon as possible.  Lieutenant Sh’laan is awake.”

But on the heels of that call, commotion erupted around a biobed not far away.  Not that she wanted to ignore it, but she couldn't have even if she did want to.  It was loud. 

Reika pushed herself onto her side and watched as the scene played out between two Andorians whom she didn't recognize as well as, who she assumed were, a doctor and nurse, whom she also didn't remember having seen before.    

"Great. I guess I'm having an audience today.  Sorry Commander Hathev, Lieutenant Sh'laan for the disturbance."

Reika closed her eyes momentarily, but the harder she closed her eyes, the higher her eyebrows went.  Her head hurt. 

"Whao!  Is that the new Shen?"

At that, her eyes fluttered open, though they squinted slightly as she fought the headaache.  At least this woman didn't know who she was.  Rieka tried to sit up further, this time sliding her feet off of the biobed so she could face the other Andorians.  It took some effort to keep herself upright, something was going on with her muscles.  They hurt like hell, besides not wanting to work as ordered.

"Lieutenant Sh'laan!" Zark enthused.   "I'm Lieutenant zh’Ptrell and the more dour one is Lieutenant zh’Eziarath. A pleasure to meet you!"

Reika's mouth was more than dry, and her voice crackled a bit as she tried to speak.  "Nice to meet you too," she said just before the doctor pushed the woman back against the bed.

"Doc, I know your ass ain't be messin' with my girl Zark! She can fuck you up, hmph. Oh hey girl!!"

Another new person.  The ache in her head was quickly becoming more of a pounding, not just from the noise, but also from trying to piece together what was going on.  Rieka smacked her parched lips several times and tried to get her mouth to produce some saliva so she could talk, but her mouth remained as dry as a desert on Vulcan. "Who the hell is everyone and why don't I know any of you?  I faint ... or something, and everyone seems to be replaced by people I've never seen before?  Where's Commander Nicander?"

Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #5
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree @RyeTanker @P.C. Haring @ob2lander961 @Auctor Lucan @BipSpoon

Some people accidentally attracted chaos. A completely innocent, if unfortunate, affliction. After her third trip to the surface of Qo’noS with Lieutenant Zark, Nysari was certain that the other zhen searched out dangerous situations out of some insane sense of enjoyment. “It is called a herd. That is the most appropriate translation back into Standard anyway,” The diplomat’s tone was brisk, but she did her best to be gentle as she helped put Zark on the awaiting biobed. Then she planted herself right beside it, crossing her arms over her chest and keeping a wary eye on the medic. Her intent couldn’t be clearer — she didn’t trust Zark to remain and wait for treatment. “The deal was that you wait for Lieutenant Madsen and I to make our declarations, or was that a one night only arrangement? They’re Klingons! I’ve never been in a negotiation where at least one blade hadn’t been drawn. That meant they were serious, not that they were going to use it.”

At the arrival of a fairly frantic looking nurse and a doctor who choose to beam in to save himself the few second it would take to walk here, Nysari bowed out and stepped back to give them space. She took a deep breath, running a hand over short cropped white hair and making a face as a leaf came free with it. As Zark repeated her oft spoken claim that it wasn’t that bad, Nysari raised an eyebrow slightly in her direction before replying, “Only if it doesn’t go in deeper, as Doctor Hernandez just stated. A real possibility had you remained on the surface.” Whoever said doctors were the worst patients clearly hadn’t met a combat medic. “My bruises have bruises Doctor, but I have no injuries that rest won’t heal. She enjoys it far too much, but Zark is an excellent protector nonetheless.” Rest and a bath, because who knew how much dirt and muck she’d picked up while ducking to avoid the targs and subsequent firefight.

Once she was certain the other Andorian was well taken care of, the other residents of the room made themselves known. First was a loud, darked haired young human who Nysari remembered from Lieutenant Ryn’s birthday party a few days prior. “No one is messing with anyone Ensign. The doctor is tending to Zark’s wounds.” She could have commented on Wix’s insinuation that Zark could — or should — fight the doctors, but instead her attention was drawn to the room’s other patient. Another Andorian, the new shen. They had really caused quite a commotion hadn’t they? Enough that the shen was on her feet, despite looking like someone who should be in bed.

“Our deepest apologies for the disturbance Lieutenant, Commander,” She walked a few steps closer to the other biobed, nodding to both the patient and the counselor in turn. “Doctor Nicander is unavailable.” Separating herself from her annoyance at the day’s events, Nysari was able to bring her diplomatic composure back the forefront. Nicander was in the brig, as the other’s in the room well knew. If Sh’laan was looking for him, then she’d probably been in stasis for a while. That information would be better coming from the chief counselor, or one of the doctors. “My name is Nysari, and you are correct, I am very new here. I’m sure Commander Hathev or one of the doctors will explain everything to you, but perhaps you would be more comfortable if you sat back down?”

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #6
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Dree @RyeTanker @P.C. Haring @ob2lander961 @BipSpoon @rae  
After the ping reached her internal systems, V-Nine's runtime shifted focus from the tissue sample analysis in one of the medlabs and turned her lens towards the door.

"Oh, dear... She's awake," she said, and with sound of her metal feet tapping against the carpet, she set a brisk pace out of the lab and towards the Recovery Ward. She wrung her hands nervously, hoping the antiproton therapy regimen she'd utilised for the Andorian had been as successful as the diagnosis claimed. The reason why the Theurgy crewmember hadn't been thawed for surgery much earlier was that the genetic unspooling had been at such an advanced stage that the Federation technology aboard wouldn't have been quick enough to treat the condition before it turned irreversible and terminal. V-Nine had re-built a secondary stasis pod into a antiproton chamber with Savi tech and calibrations, and unless her medical instruments had lied after the treatment, Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan would be making a complete recovery.

As brisk as her pace was, V-Nine was interrupted by Vinata Vojona, whom needed a quick consultation on another patient, but eventually, the newly named Chief Surgeon entered the Recovery Ward... and found quite a gathering of crewmembers around her patient.

"Ahem... Hello?" she said, her lens blinking in rhythm with her vowels. She espied two other Andorians, the Chief Counsellor and not far off, a Lone Wolf pilot. There were others as well, but neither of them held V-Nine's attention since her priority was Lieutenant Sh’laan.

"Excuse me," she said politely with an embarrassed giggle, making her way to the biobed, and gesturing towards the flat surface. "Indeed, please, have a seat so that I can make some readings. I am V-Nine, Chief of Surgery, and I need to make sure your DNA recombination is complete. How are you feeling, Lieutenant?"

Having picked up some of the words on her way into the ward, she knew that the Lieutenant were in a state of confusion, which was understandable given how much time had passed since she had been put into stasis. V-Nine raised her right hand and had the index finger and thumb ofold back, revealing a yellow and teal light. Running it over the Andorian, she began the medical scans. "You must have many questions, but please, let me make sure you are well on your way to complete recovery before we delve into all the explanations you need."

She realised it might be futile, but she'd at least made the suggestion.

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] @Auctor Lucan @RyeTanker @P.C. Haring @rae @ob2lander961 @BipSpoon

Explanations were in order, so much going on, so much that she didn't understand.  Whether it was the noise or the confusion or the illness, presupposing it was illness, that had landed her in sickbay in the first place, her head continued to pound.  And while Reika couldn't identify a single person in the room, she recognized sickbay.  She was still on the Theurgy - or at least she thought she was.  Then understanding began to dawn on her.  She must have been put in stasis.  That was why she had to use her hands on the edge of the biobed to support at least part of her weight.  With that knowledge, the aching in her head began to ease - albeit just slightly.

And just when she thought things couldn't get much crazier, a bipedal, obviously sentient, Andriod entered the room.

"Ahem... Hello?" she said, her lens blinking in rhythm with her vowels.  "Excuse me," the Android continued with an embarrassed giggle.  Reika watched as it headed in her direction and gestured to the surface of the biobed.  "Indeed, please, have a seat so that I can make some readings. I am V-Nine, Chief of Surgery, and I need to make sure your DNA recombination is complete. How are you feeling, Lieutenant?"

Reika stood there for a moment longer.  The giggle surprised and startled the Andorian enough that it took her a moment to replay the rest of the android's words.    "Have a seat," was the first thing that registered with her.  While it took much more effort than it should have, she used her arms to lift herself back up onto the biobed where she felt its cold surface against her partially exposed backside.  Physically, she fought a little shudder at the cold, but mentally she was still trying to play catch-up.  "How do I feel?"  she repeated. "My limbs feel heavy, and my head feels like a warp core exploded inside of it," she answered, looking V-Nine, in her single eye.  But out of her periphery, she saw the robot activate something in its palm which it hovered over Reika's body.  Finally, she asked. "DNA recombination?"

"You must have many questions, but please, let me make sure you are well on your way to complete recovery before we delve into all the explanations you need."

It helped to only have one person - robot - Andriod - to focus on.  She would have to figure out the proper way to refer to the Chief of Surgery standing in front of her, at another time.  She kept herself in an upright seated position, partially supporting herself with her palms which she braced against the edge of the biobed as she crossed her ankles and watched V-Nine as it took scans of her.   She knew that the Surgeon said no questions, but how do you hold them back when nothing around you makes complete sense? "If you're checking to make sure that I'm well, that intimates that I was unwell.  Can you tell me what happened to me?  Was I put in stasis, and that's why I have no memory of ... really anyone here?"  Her eyes swept the lively scene which under other circumstances may have amused and interested her.  Her eyes rested on the other two Andorians before returning them to V-Nine waiting for an answer.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #8
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Main Sickbay | Recovery Ward | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring @Auctor Lucan @RyeTanker @Dree  @rae @ob2lander961 et al.
Doctor Rez had been running around sickbay like a manic brood mother for the better part of the day. Each of those strange superstitions that had attached themself to her during their career had been stuck in her mind. It couldn’t have been a full moon, given they were in space. Perhaps another member of the staff had uttered the dreaded “Q” word. Quiet. When said in a sickbay it was as though one was taunting mayhem to come and try them. She’d learned long ago to never say it. Yet no matter what had gone in, sickbay was in a state of what felt like pandemonium for Amy.

She’d been suturing the forearm of an Ensign struck by a falling spanner when she’d heard the call about the waking patient. In truth, she’d figured she had more time before she had to attend to them. She was sorely mistaken.

Each step she took was echoed by another, those of Jona Rez. Of course Jona could not be seen by anyone but her just as he could not be heard by anyone but her. Jona was one of her previous hosts, and whatever was wrong with the Rez symbiote had now caused a strange, broken connection between host and slug. Jona might as well have been a leaving, breathing creature. She could talk to him. She could touch him. She could even smell him. In turn, so could he, her.

The door opened with a hiss and she moved from a small alcove suturing, towards the main reception area. She stopped a passing nurse and handed over the suturing device, “Please finish this when you have a moment. He’s not bleeding anymore, the scar just needs cleaning up.” Apparently there were far more pressing issues at hand. Hearing the emergency call as well, she paused a moment and simply shook her head.

Behind her, Jona burst into laughter, inaudible to all but poor Amy. Jona had been harassing her since the moment he’d shown his face. She’d not had a single moment of reprieve and she was certain that was his intention. She didn’t trust him and he did not trust her. She had no intention of allowing Jona control though, so she kept him entertained, and when necessary…sedated. When she was out, so was Jona. She turned her head to the side, and Hernandez was already on it. “It’s always the damn Klingons!” Amy snapped at the Andorian as she passed, setting down a trauma lot on the mayo stand for the doctor to use as she pressed on towards the waking patient in the recovery ward. Her hair, much like her general expression and aura, spoke of being frazzled and run ragged.

Hearing a voice of whining as she passed a bed, her head craneed, and she stomped right over to Via. Forcefully, she flung open a tricorder, and grabbed the status padd sat next to her on her bed's own stand. “You, Ensign…” her eyes scanned for a name on the device, “Wix. You are not here for a trauma but for a potential issue that is being diagnosed. If you are to take a turn for the worse and you start to die I assure you, your wait time will be shorter. Here…” she tapped a few buttons on a nearby replicator and handed it to Via.

The text at the top stated: FIELD MEDICS GUIDE TO TRIAGE

“Ought to help. I’ll come check you out soon as I’m through the critical patients I promise.” She squeezed her shoulder in the most comforting way she could before turning towards the waking andorian and V-9

She first addressed the android, “Sorry I’m a bit behind-“

“A bit…” Jona leaned in behind her and whispered it like a sweet nothing, causing her to briefly jump and take on a reddened look of vexation. As the andorian asked questions, Amy allowed V-9 to answer as she began to perform a quick scan on her medical tricorder, referencing the old scan with the new to ensure all her vitals and physiological levels were where they ought to be.

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #9
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) |  Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree @rae @P.C. Haring @BipSpoon @Auctor Lucan @ob2lander961

"Hey Via!" Lieutenant Zark greeted as she cooperated and lay back on the table.  The other option was to get restrained and that was a bad option overall.  She winced as the knife dug around a bit more, but a jingly noise told her the shoulder mounted lights had definitely gotten the worst of it.  The next thing she knew, she was being raised slightly and she felt something being stuffed under her side with the knife in it.  "Just relax Zark. We've just put something on the bed to absorb the blood.  We're going to operate in a minute."  Zark nodded her understanding as Nurse Duncan moved to the other side to hook up a several IV bags.  The dark haired nurse first helped getting Zark's free arm out before attaching several interfaces to her arm where the tubes were connected to.  She decided it was better to kill time while they got ready, though the amount of time Doctor Hernandez was taking was starting to get worrying, especially as he went from staring at the diagram to glaring at it. "See!  She gets it!" Zark gestured at the harried Trill doctor who walked by. "I did say if violence is in the books, it can't be helped.  Besides you don't live through Jem'Hadar decloaking to stab you without picking up some sort of sense for trouble."  Zark tapped her antennae for a small amount of emphasis. "and it ended well anyway.  Enyd and Mickayla are getting hammered on a bottle of 2409 each with the leader.  So I'd say Mickayla's grip on the rebels is gonna be stronger than weaker, especially with all the die hards out of the way."

"And that's enough talking Lieutenant.  The problem we have is the knife is caught on your shoulder light, so we can't pull it out easily." Doctor Hernandez explained. "Oh."  Was all Zark could respond with.  She knew how she'd deal with it, but he was the surgeon, so she wasn't going to argue with him.  Doc Hernandez nodded. "We're going to apply a neural neutralizer field to the affected area, we can't deaden the nerves, but we'll make it a lot less painful, then Nurse Duncan is going pull your vest off with the knife still attached.  We need you to drop down on her count of 3." Zark nodded her understanding. "Got it."

Nurse Duncan made her way over to stand beside Zark's head and got ready to grab armor with gloved hands.  The Andorian held up her hand  for a moment and looked towards Nysari "Nysari. Thanks for getting me back to the ship and I'm glad you made it out okay."  With that done, Zark lay back, took a breath and nodded. "Okay luv, here we go, on 3. 1....2.....3!" Gloved hands pulled and Zark let out something between a grunt and a yell as she pulled herself down.  The knife proved a little stubborn, but a bit more effort forced it to yield the blue flesh. "Okay, it's out." And Zark groaned as she collapsed back on the bed as blue fluid began to pour out.  Nurse Duncan peeled the armour away and applied suction to the wound as Doctor Hernandez dove in with the autosuture.  "Sorry Doc, didn't think it was that bad." THe human answered without looking at her as he worked to repair the damage. "Don't worry Lieutenant, we'll have this sealed up in no time, but please send yourself to the emergency or surgery areas next time you decide to make a visit, please?" Zark nodded though it amounted to no more than a little croaky "I'll try."  Doctor Hernandez merely grunted as the wound started to close and the fluid flow began to slow, then stop.

@Ellen Fitz & @Stegro88 mentioned in passing

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #10
[ Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] attn: @rae @Auctor Lucan @BipSpoon @RyeTanker @ob2lander961  @P.C. Haring

 Just as Reika's questions tumbled out of her mouth, she saw another person in medical blue with a tricorder come up behind everyone else.  She had a counselor, an android surgeon, presumably a doctor, and a Jg in command red standing in something of a semi-circle around her.  "Is there something so wrong with me or did something horrible happen to me that all of you are here?  Could I please get a straight answer from someone?" 

For a moment, Reika fought internal panic.  Had she done something wrong?  The newly thawed Andorian crossed her arms over her chest as she mentally and vocally worked through her last memories hoping that maybe someone would have something to say about them.  "The last thing I remember was catching a computer virus trying to hack into our systems.  I remember a deuterium leak and hearing warning klaxons in the storage room.  Then my memories get a bit fuzzier.  I think I called for the doctor..."  She looked from person to person as loud raucous noises emanated from the other end of this section of sickbay.  Somehow she wished she were the Andorian laying on a table.  At least zh’Ptrell was getting fixed.  No one wanted to do anything but scan her.  

Finally, she turned sideways on the biobed and looked at the readings for herself.  Having had to take a field medic's class as a part of her tactical training at the Academy, she could read a basic biobed scan.  Heart rate slightly elevated.  Temperature, respirations, and blood pressure were all within norms.  Admittedly the rest was a bit of a jumble. 

She inhaled deeply and shook her head.  The OPS officer had never been one to panic - even internally at things not going her way.  and she refused to let a momentary lapse during her uncertainty characterize her now.  Instead, Reika placed her hands on her hips and started swinging her legs while she sat on the bed.  Their heaviness had begun to diminish.  Her blue hue had begun to perk up as well.  "So, since you all are just here gawking at me, I'm free to go, right?" She tilted her head just a tad and lifted her chin as she eyes glinted with amusement.  "Isn't that the way Starfleet still works?  The more people you have standing around, the less you really need, right?"
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #11
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Dree @RyeTanker @P.C. Haring @ob2lander961 @BipSpoon @rae  
Running a complete scan of a patient's DNA took longer than the standard medical scan, and V-Nine was devoting the majority of her processing capability to render the results in real time, so with her runtime being laden with her task, she replied neither to the patient's rather graphic description of a headache nor her query about DNA recombination. Andorian DNA consisted of about 3 billion bases, and while more than 99 percent of those bases are the same in all Andorians, V-Nine was matching them one for one against her healthy template DNA. Nonetheless, bedside manner was important, so she merely offered a whispered request for patience. "Please stand by..."

While V-Nine's bandwidth was entirely dedicated to the scan, she made no further comment when Lieutenant Sh'laan deducted that she'd been hurt and subsequently been put into stasis. Not even when Doctor Rez appeared did V-Nine cease her task of tracing the state of DNA repair. Rez even apologised for being late, though V-Nine had arrived less than a minute earlier, so she just let out a quiet giggle and shrugged a metallic shoulder. "Me too. DNA diagnostic almost complete," she said quietly to Rez. "Patient has mentioned feeling a headache and a heaviness to her limbs, both likely being the case of dehydration and lack of nutrients. Stand by..."

The patient went on to speak about her last memories, about the incident which had caused her DNA unspooling, and V-Nine logged what she said without further comment on it. Reika even went on to look at the biobed's readings herself, and in a jesting manner suggesting that with the lack of replies, she might as well leave if they were just going to look at her.

That was when V-Nine's diagnostic was completed however, and she uploaded the findings to both the patient's medical journal as well as the biobed readings.

"Comparison complete!" she said in triumph, doing a little dance in elation, and made her hand return to its standard operation mode. "Antiproton therapy successful!"

Having forgotten herself a little bit, in how this was a rather serious matter for the patient, V-Nine cleared her throat - or at least she made the sound out of social convention since she lacked an esophagus - and explained further whilst gesturing with her hands. "It would seem the custom solution I applied to your stasis chamber was able to repair your DNA whilst you were still in stasis, which was the reason it took so long before you could be resuscitated. Given the state of your body prior to stasis, you wouldn't have survived long enough for standard antiproton therapy. You were hurt by the deuterium you mentioned, but according to the mission logs, you did a great thing that day!"

V-Nine paused, turning her lens to Doctor Rez, since one of her former hosts had been aboard the Theurgy at the time - and later served as First Officer - so perhaps Rez was better able to tell Lieutenant sh'Laan what had happened, and how much time had passed since that fateful day when the Theurgy was almost compromised.

OOC: While I shouldn't be next in the posting order I figured I might as well have at it anyway. Just let me know if I need to edit anything but I bet Dree wants the scene to continue. :)

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #12
[ Lieutenant Commander Hathev| Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn:  @rae@BipSpoon@Dree@ob2lander961@Auctor Lucan@RyeTanker‍ 

Seeing that Lieutenant Sh'laan was well taken care of by both V-9 and Dr. Rez and given that she had no practical purpose or reason to remain, the logical course of action would have been to extricate herself from the scene and return to her duties.   However with the sudden influx of two medical officers, plus the activity of others in the room, Hathev found herself boxed into the bulkhead corner near the head of Sh'laan's bed, leaving her with no convenient avenue of exit.  Therefore logic gave way to prudence and she made no attempt to leave.

"I am Hathev," she said by way of introduction. "I am the Chief Counselor aboard.  As you have no doubt deduced, your injuries were severe enough that you had to be placed in medical stasis.   The current stardate is 57694.7.  We can discuss what you have missed in greater detail once the Doctors have finished their work, but until then I am happy to answer any basic questions you may have to the best of my ability."

A stool had been left in the corner which Hathev availed herself of and she situated herself at Sh'laan's bedside, intent on being at least one constant for her as the medical staff moved in and out to take their tests.

OOC:  Apologies that this is both late and short.  Trying to catch up a bit.

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #13
| Lt. Reika Sh'laan |  Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @P.C. Haring @rae @RyeTanker @BipSpoon @ob2lander961

Uncrossing her arms, the shen looked at the Chief of Surgery.  What was it with her giggling?  Somehow an android that giggled and danced both flummoxed and intrigued the OPS officer.  'Is she always like this?' she thought.  'Then again, she's not really a she.  Though she sounds like a she.'  That train of thought needed to be squelched quickly as it would only end up exacerbating her headache.  Maybe at a better time, she'd ask the android her preference of pronouns.  Somehow, Reika doubted that she'd or he'd want to be referred to as 'it.'

"Comparison complete!  Antiproton therapy successful!"

"Antiproton therapy?" Rieka parroted.

"It would seem the custom solution I applied to your stasis chamber was able to repair your DNA whilst you were still in stasis, which was the reason it took so long before you could be resuscitated. Given the state of your body prior to stasis, you wouldn't have survived long enough for standard antiproton therapy. You were hurt by the deuterium you mentioned, but according to the mission logs, you did a great thing that day!"

Finally some answers!  The few pieces of the puzzle that she already wrapped her faculties around finally started to fit together with the other information she had just been given.  First, she was, in fact, injured by a deuterium leak.  Second, the deuterium must have caused some kind of genetic unspooling if her DNA had to undergo recombination.  Third, the leak had led to her being placed in stasis.  

And just as she opened her mouth to ask how long she had been in stasis, the Vulcan started in.

"I am the Chief Counselor aboard.  As you have no doubt deduced, your injuries were severe enough that you had to be placed in medical stasis.   The current stardate is 57694.7.  We can discuss what you have missed in greater detail once the Doctors have finished their work, but until then I am happy to answer any basic questions you may have to the best of my ability."

"That means I've been in cryo for ... four months?  Damn!"  Her first thoughts were of her family, but she doubted anyone would have gotten a message to them telling them that she had been injured and frozen.  And being on the run, they wouldn't have heard from her much anyway.  But after processing the fact that she had been out for four months, she realized that there was more to the counselor's statement than just the stardate. 

"Basic questions?  Right,"  It wasn't about whether or not she had questions, it was about filtering out the questions as to find the most important one to ask first.  And as several were vying for her attention - not to mention her headache - it took a moment to work through them.  "I hadn't had any contact with my family before going into stasis.  Since I went in, have we gotten word out yet that we're not the bad guys here?"

Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #14
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker @Dree @Auctor Lucan @P.C. Haring @BipSpoon @ob2lander961

This room was the definition of chaos. Her attempt to calm the shen were ineffective, a number of more qualified medical staff appeared moments later. Nysari hung back, making sure she stayed out of V-Nine’s space as the android started her work. This was her first time seeing the surgeon in action, and Nysari was more than a little curious at the dichotomy of it all, to hear such organic utterances from a being who was anything but. Had she been programmed for that? It didn’t sound like what she’d read about the Savi.

The other doctor, this one a blonde trill, was clearly affected by the room’s mood. Her words were brisk, demeanor haggard, and Nysari swore she caught sight of her jump, as though reacting to some invisible stimuli. Had Doctor Rez had a misadventure of her own on the surface? One that had left her so defensive about their hosts? She could see how one might come to that conclusion after a few weeks on Qo’noS, ‘it’s always the damn Klingons,’ was hardly diplomatic or accurate. Given the current geopolitical status of this quadrant, Nysari would have gone with ‘it’s always the damn Romulans,’ with the war the Infested were using them to start.

“I am finished gawking, I think,” the others seemed to have it well in hand now, which meant she was only getting in the way. “I’m only here to ensure that Zark receives medical treatment instead of sneaking back to her quarters and trying to fix it herself with whiskey and glue. You seem much better off. Welcome back, Lieutenant.” With a nod, she took a few steps back and cleanly extracted herself from the group. The others were far more qualified to answer sh’Laan’s questions.

She returned to the other biobed, composing a stern, unrelenting visage that brokered no arguments when it came to the other zhen remaining in sickbay. Apparently it worked, because she got a think you instead. Before she could answer, they yanked the knife out and Nysari’s careful composure broke, a gasp escaping her lips instead at the amount of blood staining the bed bright blue. “I didn’t think it was that bad either,” she admitted, for all she was the one who had dragged Zark here in the first place. They got the bleeding under control, but not before Nysari had to go take a seat on the next bed. She had seen far too much blood lately, but seeing it come from a colleague still had the power to make her lightheaded.

“I am the one to blame for that Doctor Hernandez,” she admitted as Zark was admonished by the human. “I should have been more specific about our intended location when I requested a beam out.”

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #15
[ Lieutenant Commander Hathev| Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn:  @rae‍  @BipSpoon‍  @Dree‍  @ob2lander961@Auctor Lucan@RyeTanker‍ 

Hathev had not anticipated that to have been Ms. Sh'Laan's first question but she could not deny the logic of it.  At the same time, the answer to that question was anything but basic and Hathev herself did not have a clear picture in order to provide a complete answer.  Fortunately, the work being done by V-9, and Doctor Rez took priority and Hathev was relegated back to her seat for a moment while they ran their scans.   It provided the Vulcan an opportunity to compose an appropriate response to the query and once she had an opportunity to step forward without being in the way of the physicians.

"The short answer is that there has been progress.   We have made efforts to get our side of the situation out to the Federation through both the subspace network as well as the Federation News Network.  We have earned allies in the Klingon empire, and there are some assets within Starfleet that support us either openly or covertly.    That said, our status as a Renegade vessel remains unchanged."

There was little more the Vulcan could reasonably say on that matter so she fell silent.  It occurred to her that she might ask the Lieutenant a question of her own, but any such question would be counterproductive.  It was best to wait for more inquiries to come her way.

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #16
| Lt. Reika Sh'laan |  Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan  @P.C. Haring  @rae  @RyeTanker  @BipSpoon  @ob2lander961

As Reika sat there with various people buzzing around her like ice flies on a brisk Andorian day, her head alternated between pounding and not pounding quite so much.  But the news that the Theurgy and all of her crew were still considered fugitives, rebounded the pain cycle in her head again.  With her legs dangling over the side of the biobed the Andorian fought to breathe through the surge of pain. 

She remembered how much she missed her family before she was put on ice, but somehow, just like the surge in pain she was currently experiencing, the OPS officer felt a similar outpouring wave of homesickness for her family.  And upon the Counselor's answer to her question as to whether word had been gotten out that the Theurgy and those aboard her were not outlaws - the thought of being separated from any communication from her family for the foreseeable future caused an ache in her heart equal to the ache in her head.

Sh’laan knew that she would need to take some time to work through those emotions or else there was a chance that they could easily overwhelm her at a less-than-opportune time. She had experienced that once before, but luckily for her, her duties at that moment had been ancillary. 

Right now, as long as she had access to answer, despite pain equivalent to a warp core vibrating inside her head, there were other questions that needed answering.  Turning to the Counselor, she asked, “About how many of the original crew - from when we fled earth - are aboard?  What about in stasis?  And how many have we lost?”  She had descended into herself when they left earth.  Sure she pulled her weight, worked her shifts, but other than those superficial work connections, she hadn’t let many people in, but there were a few that she would be desperately sorry if they were gone or frozen with little hope of being thawed. 

Which brought up an ancillary question that the Counselor couldn’t answer for her.  Had anyone missed her?  Had she made enough of a difference in other people’s lives, that apart from her duties being reassigned, that someone had come looking for her?  When she lost her connection with her family she had withdrawn.  Here, now, as she sat on the biobed, she determined that this time would be different.  If she ever had to go back on ice or, goddess forbid, she died - there would be some people … or at least one person - who would miss her - would feel her loss deeply.  She would make connections this time around and make them count.  She would take time to get to know her fellow OPS officers and go out of her way to  get to know them as they worked aside each other. 

This time - she vowed within herself - Will be different.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #17
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix |Recovery Ward | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Dree @Auctor Lucan @BipSpoon @P.C Haring @rae @RyeTanker [Show/Hide]

"Hey you never know with these fuckin' weird ass, finger probin' ass, never let anyone do anythin' fun ass Docs." Via said in reply to Nysari while side-eyeing the few nurses that walked by. "They be doin' the absolute most I swear-" the young woman immediately locked her eyes on the medical Lieutenant who stomped over to her biobed clearly annoyed, or mad.  She rather aggressively flipped her tricorder open and referred to her by last name. Apparently, unless she was about to die she was going to be there for a while which Via took a bit to process. She just stared back at Rez with a confused look on her face still processing what she just told her. When she gave her a PADD with a Starfleet Training Manual detailing a Field Medic's Guide to Triage Via looked at it and then back at her. Her reassurance didn't help much as when Rez walked away all Via could say was "What?!" expressed in the most confused way possible.

"What the hell is my ass goin' to do with this?!" She called after her but she was already occupied with something else. Sighing Via sat back on her biobed. Looking over at the commotion with the newcomer only increased her urge to get up and walk over but there were just too many people there already.

With nothing else better to do, she took a glance at the triage guide. It was somewhat familiar to her. Every Cadet had to be tested on emergency triage during their first and second years at the academy, not that Via paid that much attention during those years. At the time she just followed what everyone else was doing, putting the people who were very injured first and the people who weren't last. What she didn't understand was why they asked her here when she wasn't even going to be seen immediately. They should just like wait until they were ready for her or something right?

"Hmph, stupid ass medical...fuck them bitches..". She looked up at Nysari curious about the story of how her and Zark were so injured. The young pilot waved at her. "Sari! Girl! Psst, get your ass over here I gotta question. I wanna know how yall like took on them klingons. Please!"       

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #18
[ Lieutenant Commander Hathev| Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn:  @rae @BipSpoon @Dree @ob2lander961 @Auctor Lucan @RyeTanker

Hathev considered Reika's question and for a moment was uncertain as to how best to answer.  The truth was, of course, paramount in all things, but the Vulcan was unsure of how best to present the news.  In the past she simply would have stated the answer as a cold hard fact, but now her own awareness make her cognoscente of how such a cold response might come across as callous and insensitive to someone else.  She would not lie to the Andorian, making her situation just that much more difficult.  Nor would she permit herself to deflect the question as such a deflection would also be a deception.

So, instead, Hathev moved her seat out of the corner and settled in up by Reika’s head.  She left enough room for the doctors to work, and made sure there was sufficient room behind her in the event she needed to get out of the way quickly.

“At present,” she said trying to modulate her voice into something soft and appropriate to the conversation at hand, “excluding crew currently in medical stasis and crew who are currently Missing in Action, there have been one hundred thirty two casualties since the ship’s departure from the Sol system.”

She sat quietly, allowing Reika to take in what she had just said, ready to provide whatever emotional support she was capable of if it became necessary.

The irony of a Vulcan providing emotional support was not lost on her.

OOC – 132 was determined by tallying the existing memorial wall page on the wiki.

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #19
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) |  Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree @rae @P.C. Haring @BipSpoon @Auctor Lucan @ob2lander961

Zark lay still as the sickbay bustled around her.  The steady electronic whine of the autosuture was audible in the Andorian's ear as she lay still and Doctor Hernadez worked on her stab wound.  It wasn't a new experience for the combat medic who had seen war service during the Dominion War and the stabilization patrols that had followed afterwards.  Bruises and cuts were all in a days work for her.  They all ended back up in the same place whether it was the hospital, sickbay, or infirmary; she was back under the care of someone whose job it was to patch her up so she could get on with business.  Till then, there was nothing much to do but wait, and try to relax so the doctor didn't have to fight her at the same time she was being healed.

Nysari looked exhausted and Zark felt sorry for her fellow Zhen.  The negotiation really wasn't supposed to have turned out the way it did, but some people just couldn't be happy getting along with everyone else.  Despite being tended to, Zark moved her hand and laid it on the diplomat's as a gesture of care and offered a wan smile that was partially marred by all the dirt and the bruises she'd picked up.  The new old Shen, Reika was her name? Was trying to adjust to her new reality and losing six months of her life and it didn't sound like it was going all that well.  Her mind was still stuck at the point where she'd been knocked out and put on ice.  The Chief Counselor was offering assistance, and Via was well being Via.  Zark turned to the pilot and smiled then gave Wolf a thumbs up to show she was okay. 

When the multi tonal whining of the autosture stopped, Doctor Hernandez inhaled as if he'd been holding his breath the entire time, then stepped back as he grinned.  "Well Lieutenant, patched up. Again. You'll stay in sickbay for the night so we can monitor the recovery."  The Doctor nodded as he began directing Nurse Duncan to clean up when a call came over the comm system for his services in the Surgery Ward.  Sighing at the increase in business for the night, he took off after offering some final instructions before telling her to join him in the ward.  Nurse Duncan smiled at the medic on the bed. "Okay luv. Just rest easy and someone will see you in the morning."  The raven haired woman grabbed a hypospray and put it to Zark's neck, then depressed the trigger and stream of liquid entered her system.  Nurse Duncan took a moment to help Zark move to another bed and helped her change into a hospital gown.  The nurse assured everyone that the blood stained bed would be cleaned before a call summoned her to the surgery ward quickly.

Zark looked at Nysari in confusion, then shrugged and settled in to rest for the day and then some. She was even feeling tired, so maybe they'd given her something to sleep.  Then a feeling of lightness started to come over the medico and that was not part of the standard after surgery treatment profile. Oh, this feels nice.  I wonder what thheeeeeeeyyyyy gaaaaaaavveeee meeeeeeeeee. The Andorian's eyes turned distant and dreamy as her head began to loll from side to side.  Everything was turning bright and hazy as she looked around and the consoles made a very pretty sparkling motion.  She felt so light that she could just hover out of the bed.

The Zhen who should have been lying in bed got up and off the bed in a slow floating motion and there was barely a whisper as her feet lightly tapped the ground.  She smiled lazily and distantly at everything as she looked around.  Sounds seem to have very few effects on her as if they were a distant part of the world she inhabited.  The gown billowed as Zark took a graceful step forward as if she was starting a ballerina's step.  The gymnast glided towards a mélange of colours an motion in her vision.  As she reached her first obstacle of Lt.Commander Hathev, she twirled around the Chief Counselor as if she were a motionless poll.  Sounds of alarm and confusion increased around the gymast as she glided and bent backwards, brushing her head against V-Nine, and with a final twist, landed next to the newly woken Shen and gave her a friendly but very distant smile.

Nothing seemed to happen as Zark waved back and forth like tall grass in a field, then the thunder clouds began to build on her face and her eyes grew wide and wet. "Oh! My dear Nysari!  It wasn't supposed to be like this!" Zark wailed.  "I really didn't want your first trip off the ship to be so chaotic!  It really wasn't supposed to be like this!" The distraught Zhen threw herself at Reika and firmly planted her head on the nearest shoulder as she poured her frustration and sadness out. The head pulled back suddenly as she grabbed the material covering Reika's shoulder.  "I couldn't help it! There was something outside and I had to go look.  It was all for everyone's safety!  You understand don't ya!"  Big but distant blue-green eyes stared imploringly into ice blue eyes for understanding. "I could feel them coming. The evil! The evil! They meant you harm!  You, Enyd!  Mickayla!  The mission! They were all evil!" and with that, Zark descended into inconsolable blubbering as she planted her head on Reika's shoulder once more.

OOC: We're going to play a game......

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #20
| Lt. Reika Sh'laan |  Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan  @P.C. Haring  @rae  @RyeTanker  @BipSpoon  @ob2lander961

The fact that Hathev paused and moved closer to her was not lost on the Andorian.  It’s got to be bad if she’s being this careful. 

One hundred thirty-two casualties.  More than one out of every ten aboard had died when they burst out of the sol system like ejecta blown out of a volcano.  And those were only the ones that had actually died.  Who knows how many, like her, were in stasis or even worse, those whose fates they couldn’t even conjecture - those missing in action.  So at her best logical guess, they had likely lost, in one form or another, one-quarter of the crew to death, stasis, or unknown outcomes. 

Rieka was silent for at least a minute as her mind continued to work through the weightiness of what she had learned.  When she finally did start talking, her tone was somber.   “That’s a lot of people, Counselor.  We’ve lost so many.

But while she was contemplating everything, another Andorian, What was her name Snark?  Shark? Dark?  No … Zark.  That was it.  Zark came into view as she pirouetted around Hathev.  Grabbing ahold of the android doctor,  she dipped herself as if she were in a performance and plopped next to Reika smiling as if she weren't all there.  

When you awake suddenly and unexpectedly from a really deep sleep, it takes awhile to really begin to process what's going on around you - where you are - who you are with - what the circumstances around your abrupt wakefulness are.  But when you are awoken from a months long sleep everything takes even longer.   Now that someone else danced into her picture, Reika was even more uncertain of her circumstances, of the players, or her part, and what the hell was really happening.  To a person just woken up, subtext is at best an elusive entity at worst non-existant.  

The smile worried the Shen.  She wasn't sure about much of anything, but that smile unsettled her even more.  But before she could wrap her mind about how her situation was rapidly evolving, the Zhen began to precariously sway as if she were going to collapse,  but without warning, her blue counterpart started howling uncontrollably. Who is Nysari? What had happened to her? Why was Zark feeling responsible for what happened?

"It really wasn't supposed to be like this!" The Zhen continued her loud weeping as her head hit her assumed comforter's shoulder. 

Reika's body shook with Zark's loud tears and shuddering shoulders.  Uncertain what to do,  she wrapped her arms around the distraught Zhen though her eyes betrayed her total lack of understanding of the entire situation that she was trying to work through. "I'm sure it wasn't," she patted the woman on the shoulder.

"I couldn't help it! There was something outside and I had to go look.  It was all for everyone's safety!  You understand don't ya!"

"Of course I do," the Vector 3 COO said looking between Zark and Hathev unsure what to do, while continuing to figure out how best to comfort the medic.

"I could feel them coming. The evil! The evil! They meant you harm!  You, Enyd!  Mickayla!  The mission! They were all evil!"

"And you stood in the way … and got injured in the process,"  She looked between Hathev and Zark again trying to remember what was happening minutes ago.  She felt very overwhelmed trying to navigate it all. "You've done something heroic."  Rubbing the Zhen's bicep, Reika stood to her feet,  taking a minute to make sure that she was steady on her own feet.   "Why don't we get you back to your bed?  I know sometimes I can be more emotional when I'm tired.  Maybe you just need a little rest."  She tried to help the other woman off of her biobed and back to the Zhen's new one with her arm securely around Zark's shoulder.

"Let's go, Zzzzzark," she said fairly sure that she had gotten the woman's name correct, but as Reika said it aloud, she began to second guess herself.  "I'm sure you'll be able to sleep much more comfortably on your own biobed."  She slid her arm around the Zhen's waist and placed Zark's other arm over her shoulder, trying to support her back from when she came.  The phrase the blind leading the blind came distinctly to mind.

OOC: So what game is it that we're playing?
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #21
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) |  Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree @rae @P.C. Haring @BipSpoon @Auctor Lucan @ob2lander961

"Nysi, flattery will get you no where.  I only do my best to imitate the amazing and the dashing.  Now, Captain zh'Ptrell really cut quite the figure."  Zark gripped the waist holding her and extended her arm out as the other arm stretched and reached out.  "Especially with the red jacket and that wondrous tartan skirt she normally wears.  Can you hear the orchestra?"  The Andorian twirled back on her own arms and curled into Reika's before her back landed gently on the the Shen's front as she enfolded the hands in front of her.  "Nysi.  The lighting here is so much better than in brussels.  All we had were candles.  It was good thing Enyd programmed in extra lighting.  Do you know how many lights there were?"

Zark giggled as she turned around and snaked an arm around the Shen's back, then used her free arm to hold both their arms out to dance. Waltzing to a tune that only she could hear, the two Andorians swayed, one gracefully, the other quite reluctantly. All she could see was the ball room. Without realising where she was, Zhen swung her butt and bumped into the Vulcan Chief Counsellor. "Oh. Excuse me your ladyship. Would you like to join us?"

OOC: This is not filler at all.  It's all part of the game. The rules are quite simple...

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #22
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker @Dree @ob2lander961 @P.C. Haring @Auctor Lucan @BipSpoon

Finally, this was over, Nysari had thought with a soft sigh of relief as Zark’s surgery was finished and the nurse escorted her away to change out of her blood stained clothes. Once she was sure the other zhen was situated and sleeping, she could go find some rest of her own. A shower to clean off the dirt, ointment for her ever growing assortment of bruises, and soft sheets for her own escape into oblivion.

It was a nice thought, anyway. Zark could never do anything so easily.

Nysari knew there was a problem from the moment Zark rolled back out of bed, her eyes glassy and unfocused. “Zark,” Nysari warned, immediately abandoning all of her plans to leave sickbay as she followed the medic. Zark had always been graceful, but normally it was the grace of a warrior, imbued with the power of a panther waiting to leap. Now she looked drunk, steps falling in the wrong place and desperately turned into spins to remain on her feet. She looked about a second away from face planting at any given moment. “You are supposed to stay in that biobed.” The other Andorian didn’t even seem to hear her, inserting herself into the other group and planting herself on the biobed with Lieutenant sh’Laan.

“Apologizes for the interruption everyone. They gave her something for the pain.” A little too much of something, by the looks of it, but Nysari stopped herself from saying the last part aloud. That was for the two doctors around them to decide and hopefully fix. As though proving Nysari’s point, Zark promptly burst into tears and started babbling.

“That was not my first time off the ship Zark. As you well know, since you were with me last time.” And the time before that, but that was a classified mission that couldn’t be discussed in this company. In this situation, she wasn’t putting much stock in an appeal to logic, but it was a decent starting point. If she got Zark’s attention, she could at least coax her away from the other patient. “I was also living on Qo’noS before joining this crew. I have had plenty of non-chaotic experiences on the surface.” None of which involved Zark, who might actually be onto something there.

The shen was trying to help too, taking a soothing approach, but none of it did any good as Zark rapidly became even more non-sensical. “Can either of you give her something else?” she asked Rez and V-Nine, recognizing a loosing battle when she saw one. Zark was on her feet dancing now, having dragged along the other person in the room who shouldn’t be moving. “I worry they’ll both go down if she collapses.”

“Five?” she replied to Zark’s question idly, though she really had no way of knowing, since she’d never been to the holodeck with either Zark or Enyd. Seeing an opening, Nysari inserted herself with the ease of someone who did dance at diplomatic functions. Zark had pulled away from Reika for a moment, part of a spin indicated by music only she could hear, and Nysari sidestepped in as a replacement partner. “Do you even know which one of us is Nysari right now?” she asked as she lightly gripped Zark’s hand, all sweetness and slight amusement.

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #23
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix |Recovery Ward | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Dree @Auctor Lucan @BipSpoon @P.C Haring @rae @RyeTanker [Show/Hide]

The Andorian- the fancy haired one- didn't seem to hear Via's plea for attention. She was distracted by Zark who from Via's point of view after she was finished being worked on, jumped out of bed all delirious-like, danced around, and fell onto the newly unfrozen "frozen" girl.

"What in the fuc wha-" Via said to herself with a confused look on her face. It looked like she started crying and then babbling about something. Naturally, the young pilot wanted to comfort her friend so she defied the Nurses orders and got out of bed leaving the triage PADD behind as she walked over to the group of Andorians and medical personnel wearing her rather baggy medical gown.

"Yo, sari! Did your ass not hear me or somethin'? Why y'all dancin'?" Via said to Nysari light-heartedly as she walked up to the trio but immediately her focus dawned on Zark.

"Oh shit!" Via laughed after examining the medic's state more closely. Her glassy eyes and sluggish dancing movement on top of her slurred speech gave it all the way. "Girl you are boosted as shit! Where did you get them drugs? You sharin'?" The young pilot joked while leaning in toward Zarks face with a smirk. Naturally growing up, drugs and other intoxicants were prominent all over Via's life. Her sister made sure she never partook in any of the bad habits her other family members including their mother did, but she was beyond familiar with the side effects. While she couldn't tell what Zark was actually on all Via could tell she was on something hilarious.

"Hey-Hey, look at this." Via said looking back at Sari and then at Reika before returning her focus to Zark. "Zark how you doin'?" Via moved her hand in front of her face and pretended to grab the Andorian's nose.

"Got your nose! And my ass is keepin' it. Oops..." She pretended to drop it. "Shit I be losin' things all the time. You know how it be." She snickered waiting to see her reaction.    

Re: Day 16 [1300 hrs] Upon Waking

Reply #24
| Lt. Reika Sh'laan |  Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan   @P.C. Haring  @rae  @RyeTanker   @BipSpoon  @ob2lander961

Two steps ... two unsteady steps at that ... but that's all she managed in her attempt to get the Zhen to return to her bed while she was in the middle of some kind of psychedelic trip.   But after those two steps, Zark slipped her arm around Reika's waist and pulled her close as if to Tango across the room.   Dancing - especially that kind of dancing was not her strong suit.    

But as Zark twirled the shen around and practically used Reika as the bowling ball and Hathev as the pin, crisis - or the strike - whichever the case was narrowly averted.  And on the rebound of the spin another Andorian stepped between them taking control of the tripping Zark.  The problem was that Zark was holding Reika up as much as Reika was supporting Zark and without that support, Reika collided with the biobed and had to hold on to maintain her footing.

Then another woman jumped off yet another biobed and joined the fray trying to distract the Zhen with fake 'magic tricks.' 

Reika turned to try to make it back to her biobed when somehow Zark's hand got caught and tangled in her braided hair, yanking her backwards toward the still-turning Zhen. 

Backpeddling as quickly as she could so as to maintain her footing, distressed sounds eminated loudly from her mouth. "OOOWWW.... LEGGO."  Reika reached for her hair as it felt like it was being yanked out of her scalp, but as she did, Zark must have turned another direction almost landing the Shen on her ass.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

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