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Topic: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05 (Read 11004 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

[ Captain Ruzaxo, son of Balto, of the House of Martok, Captain of the IKS Kut’luch | Bridge | Deck 4 | IKS Kut’luch | Fey'chora System ] Attn: @Numen @BZ @fiendfall @Zodiac

Climbing down the ladder from his personal quarters, Ruzaxo stepped onto Bridge and surveyed the members of his mongrel crew that were present. Gilluha, his first officer, was currently manning the tactical station as was her duty. Khorin, the Starfleet pilot that he had requested, was at the Conn and had proven a surprisingly quick study on the controls. Of course, he still seemed to have an arrogance about him that was unbecoming his status as a member of the House of Mo’Kai. Ruzaxo hoped that he could break him of that arrogance, to show him that it had no place in his life and that he could be a proud, honourable warrior without being an arrogant one. There was still time.

“Report,” Ruzaxo ordered as he sat down in the chair in the centre of the bridge. The high speed run out to their destination had left him with much time to think and consider what he was to do and although he hadn’t spoken with Khorin yet, wanting him to focus on learning how to pilot the Kut’luch correctly, he had spoken with the other Starfleet Klingon that he had brought aboard. Mickayla MacGregor was the most unklingon Klingon that he had ever met in all his many years of life. When she had told him why, he found that he couldn’t fault her given that she had grown up entirely around Humans. But it was a combination of what the young Klingon did and didn’t say that he found most curious. Unlike Khorin’s headlong plunge into embracing his Klingon heritage after his DNA correction (something he still found impossible but was assured was true) Mickayla still seemed very unsure of herself, as if she was discovering a different part of her new being with every action.

“We are approaching the Fey’chora System at Warp 4 with the cloak engaged,” Gilluha reported without looking up. “Time to arrival is 10 minutes.”

“Good,” Ruzaxo acknowledge before glancing over his shoulder at the sensor and communications station occupied by Lieutenant Praise. “Anything on sensors?”

[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Bridge | Deck 4 | IKS Kut’luch | Fey'chora System ]

Mickayla disliked what she was wearing. Klingon armour, at least the female version of it that Gilluha had supplied her with, was just not practical. It left practically her entire upper chest exposed. While she could appreciate what it did for her cleavage, she would have greatly preferred armour there instead. When she had raised the matter with Gilluha, the Klingon second officer had told her that the suit was her second set of armour. Her first, featured chest armour.

“Some armour is better than no armour,” Mickayla noted to herself as she walked towards the bridge. She hadn’t been given a place to be when they arrived so she decided to be where she could get answers and not be in the way.

OOC: Welcome to Part 05 of the Silver Shadows Arc. First post to fill in the blanks of everyone's time during the speed run. Action starts next round.

No Set Posting Order and while I would prefer a 7 Day timer on replies, @BZ , your RL comes first. So please do not stress. We'll be here.

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #1
Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark | Sickbay | IKS Kut'luch | Aldea ] Attn: @Numen @BZ @fiendfall @Stegro88

Zark had to admit that she felt more than a little uncomfortable wearing Klingon armour in comparison to her usual Exosuit, or even her standard uniform. For a warrior race, the female armour left too much exposed in her opinion and seemed more designed to offer a good view of cleavage instead. Not that she minded showing off her cleavage but as someone who considered herself a warrior, she knew what she liked and valued most in armour and this was most certainly not it.

Not that she might need it having been relegated to the infirmary for this mission, which brought it's own problems. While yes she was a combat medic and had some medical and surgical experience and training, she was not a full fledged doctor, luckily however Zephyr was which had given her hope. Hope that had so very quickly sank when she saw the state of the Sickbay.

Losing their doctor was bad enough, but this place had been patched up to what Zark would call barely the bare minimum to count as a viable sickbay, even by Klingon standards. It would do in a pinch but she would have been much happier with a fully repaired Sickbay to work with, at least they had fully stocked it with supplies so that was one less thing to worry about.

Having finished her evaluation of the sickbay, the security officer turned acting chief medical officer sat down on a chair and waited. It felt very strange, she was used to being one of the ones running into the danger and fighting, not sitting on the sidelines doing nothing until the injured came it and yet that was what she had been tasked with and that was exactly what she was going to do.

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #2
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Bridge | Deck 4 | IKS Kut'luch | Somewhere close to Fey'chora System]

att: @Stegro88 @BZ @fiendfall @Zodiac

Khorin stretched his arms high above his head and then placed one of his coarse hands on one side of his head and pressed it in the opposite direction. When the muscles in his neck loosened noticeably, the Lone Wolf repeated the motion in the opposite direction. His efforts were rewarded with a muffled crackling and a relief in the tension of his shoulders and neck. Not for the first time since midnight had been reached and passed, the young Klingon wondered whether Gilhuha, who had been on the bridge for much of the evening, had a particularly devious idea of what was a duty shift, or whether the Klingon woman simply felt some kind of sadistic pleasure at seeing his posture degenerate after more than six hours without separating his butt from the pilot's seat. Part of Khorin knew that he simply was used to be spoiled, Lone Wolves were elite pilots, their shifts were shorter, their cockpits more comfortable and, if he was frank with himself, most of his work involved training, keeping in optimum physical shape and loitering in the Wolves' lounge. In comparison with other crew members they were the pampered brats of the Fleet, but it was also true that, when they spread their wings for real work, more often than not their flight would not return complete. That had diminished their own pack in the mad escape from the Sun Sector. But, back to his present situation, most of Khorin feared that his rear had assumed the square shape of the seat, square angles included, and that, if he tried to get up, they would have to help him out with a crowbar.

In any case, his work had been simpler than he expected. The Kut'luch, as he had predicted, was an old lady, her controls simple and basic compared to those of his fighter but, at the same time, remarkably reliable. As well as the stiff seat in which the pilot sat, it lacked the slightest comforts and advances that were taken for granted in the Starfleet vessels, so it required more active attention even for a journey as ordinary as the one in which they were immersed. In addition, the old B'rel answered to his commands at her own pace, like the capricious old woman she was, which required from Khorin a certain amount of restraint to which he was not accustomed. Behind the controls of his Valkyrie, the reactions of Khorin and his Mk III diverged in just milliseconds. With the Kut'luch, on the other hand, everything had a delay and a planning to which the pilot was not familiar. This explained, to some extent, the extra tension he had built up in his shoulders and neck. Nevertheless, he was learning to steer the starship as he pleased, and once he had learned to interpret the bird-of-prey's stubborn whims, Khorin felt comfortable at her reins. Except, of course, for that ill-fated seat. And the fact that his own pride and Klingon social conventions demanded that he should endure such discomforts without complaint. Traditional armor did not make his work any easier either. At that point, Khorin felt capable of killing someone in order to get a soft, fuzzy cushion to sit on.

A small commotion on his back and the sound of heavy footsteps heading toward the bridge's central chair was all the pilot needed to know that Ruzaxo was back. As soon as the steps stopped, the voice of the grizzled Klingon arrived in no time, as he barked a dry order. The first to speak was the first officer. As soon as she made her brief report, Khorin leaned back and leaned against the uncomfortable back of his seat. Before answering the captain, Khorin allowed himself the luxury of flashing smile to his kyamo, even though she was not looking in his direction at the time. "Cruise speed held and stable since last report, trouble-free cruising. The old lady still has a stubborn helm on the port side and a slight nod, but still retains a docile control most time," reported the Lone Wolf. "Beware captain, I think your B'rel is getting attached to me," he joked.

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #3
[ CPO Morgan Song | Quarters > Engineering | IKS Kut'luch ] Attn: @Stegro88 @Zodiac @Numen @BZ

Morgan woke even tireder than he had been when he fell asleep, the only sign that he’d even slept the brief moment of disorientation he had as he opened his eyes to find himself on a ship that haunted his nightmares. It lasted only a second, barely the space between breaths, and then he was back in reality, in the present, the sounds of his bunkmates from the Theurgy preparing for their shifts bringing him surging back like a whale breaching.

He mentally shook himself. There was enough to worry about without him getting lost inside his own head. Memories couldn’t hurt him, but a fiery explosion certainly would if he didn’t do his job properly.

The Kut’luch’s engineering department was, like everything on board, tiny compared to that of the Theurgy. Considering there were only two of them to man it, that was something of a blessing. The chief engineer was a gruff, aged Klingon named Varnac. He’d shown Morgan around yesterday, if ‘gesturing broadly and muttering descriptions’ could be considered a tour, before assigning him to a patch of repairs that, he said, Morgan ‘probably wouldn’t be able to fuck up too badly’. With that glowing recommendation, Morgan had gotten to work. He’d made slow progress, being unfamiliar with the ship and its design and preferring caution over accidentally making a mistake -- he didn’t much fancy seeing Varnac angry -- which meant he still had to finish that job this morning.

Ah, well. Once more unto the breach.

He got dressed quickly, ignoring the strange feel of the Klingon uniform. Stranger still was the phaser left out for him. He picked it up like it was a live snake, holstering it carefully. He was hyper-aware of its weight at his side, a promise, a threat. He really, really hoped he wouldn’t have to use it. If the time came, he didn’t even know if he could. He didn’t want to face that hesitation and all its meanings again.

He spent the walk to Engineering carefully focused on the job at hand and nothing else. The port side conduits had been fried in the Kut’luch’s last, disastrous engagement, and several systems were running on half-power without that support. Varnac had set Morgan to identifying the worst areas of damage and rerouting what he could so they wouldn’t injure themselves in the refit, while Varnac himself got started on the actual repairs. It was clear Varnac didn’t really trust Morgan’s expertise -- which was honestly fair enough, Morgan being a newcomer as he was -- but he didn’t have much choice, either. Eventually he’d have to give Morgan a real job; Morgan wasn’t sure if that thought was encouraging or terrifying. He really, really hoped he didn’t accidentally explode something with his well-meaning repairs; but he’d taken this assignment for a reason, and that reason wasn’t so he could do his frightened rabbit act for ever. He was needed here, and he wasn’t gonna let them down.

‘Over there,’ Varnac grunted as Morgan entered Engineering. ‘Junction’s jammed, take a look.’

‘Yessir.’ It was a start at least. He’d get there, and in the meantime he was going to un-jam the heck out of that junction.
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #4
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Commanding Klingon | This Bucket of Bolts | Is This Real? | How Are We Even Moving]
@Zodiac @fiendfall @Numen @Stegro88

The night had been spent well enough.  Sleeping beside her mate, was normal, like always.  Though the bunk was much smaller than the bed they shared.  Curled up in his arms, his chin on top of her head, she had slept with the rumble of his lungs in her ears all night.  The thrum of his two hearts against her ears.  He had been warm, and safe, and comfortable.  She loved him and he loved her, though her heart ached for the issues that she had experienced recently with Ravon.  She didn't want them, she wanted him to be her friend, she wanted to be someone in her life but he had made it absolutely clear that it was not what he wanted to do.  So, she found herself embracing the Klingon in her life even more so and doing whatever life threw at her.  Leaving Ravon to his own devices as she wasn't really sure what she wanted to do there and it seemed he needed time to sort his things out.  He had a lot of anger in him and that was something she didn't think she could help with.

When it came time for Bridge duty, she had donned her Klingon uniform that had been beside her shared bunk and told Khorin that maybe she could keep it.  The glare in his eyes told her that he found it quite attractive but she was in no way ready to do anything like that.  Here, she would want to behave as much as possible they were all too close together for anything else.  Besides, that kind of build up in his system would have a great payout later.

On the Bridge, they had been going for a while.  Zephyr was in the main seat since she was the ranking officer on the Bridge and she needed to be able to keep tabs on what was going on around her.  Hazel green eyes flicking back and forth through to her officers and taking in all their reports on her own console so that she could get whatever information was being given.  Looking up as the Captain entered the Bridge, his heavy footfalls and his stout mind as prelude to his actual arrival.  She twisted in her seat to see him coming up from behind.  Her brow rose as he addressed her and all the other officers began to chime in.  She gave the Captain a bit of a warm smile.

“Nothing yet, but we're quite close to our destination.  What are the plans once we have arrived?” she asked curiously staying in her seat, as she saw no real reason to move unless he wanted it for himself.  Then she could sit in the Science seat.

----------sorry it's short guys I couldn't come up with anything else. -------------

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #5
[ Captain Ruzaxo, son of Balto, of the House of Martok, Captain of the IKS Kut’luch | Bridge | Deck 4 | IKS Kut’luch | Aldea ] Attn: @Numen @fiendfall @Zodiac @BZ

“We’ll drop out of warp and scan the system, looking for signs of what happened to the scout ship. With any luck, they will be easy to find it will be a simple issue of equipment failure,” Ruzaxo responded to Zephyr Praise’s question on what they would do when they arrived. “If they are not easy to find, then we will begin searching for them or what remains of them,” Ruzaxo concluded, his gut starting to churn. He knew the captain of the scout ship and it was unlike him to not report an equipment failure or miss a check-in. 

Time ticked away slowly, Ruzaxo shifting in his seat uncomfortably as they continued their approach to the Fey’chora system. He had never been good at waiting for short times. Longer periods, yes, he could distract himself or do something that would help to pass the time but for these moments between preparation and execution, when there was time for nothing else, they were the worst. It was one of the few things that he had never been able to get past.

“We are entering the Fey’chora system,” Gilluha finally announced, bringing Ruzaxo’s concentration back to the present.

“Drop us out of warp, Khorin,” Ruzaxo directed his hot-headed pilot before turning to the Betazoid. “A full scan of the system please Miss Praise,” he requested. A good warrior always surveyed the field before a battle. And why he didn’t expect a battle here, a good warrior was also always prepared for one. He spotted the other Klingon from Starfleet, Mickayla, standing at the rear of the bridge but ignored her for the moment.

“Set a course for the asteroid field. Full impulse,” Ruzaxo ordered after Praise had reported the system’s basic structure. “That is the most likely location of where they might be. Gilluha, anything?”

“I’m not sure,” the first officer responded. “There is something in the asteroid field, But I cannot say what it is. Something is interfering with the sensors.” Ruzaxo was about to turn back around to look at Miss Praise when the woman supplied the answer; veins of Kelbonite throughout many of the larger asteroids. “If we can get closer, then I can give you a better answer.”

“Khorin,” Ruzaxo called out. More time was spent waiting as Khorin manoeuvred the Kut'luch towards whatever Gilluha had detected, skirting the top of the asteroid field as he did so. Ruzaxo was just about to ask Gilluha for an update when there was a thump against the hull. Moments later, the lights flickered and several of the stations on the bridge lost power.

“Varnac!,” Ruzaxo called out, after hitting the intercom to the engineering room. “What was that?”

“Power surge. The warp core is stable. Durmac is injured. But neither the core or the crew was the target,” Varnac briefed his captain. “The cloak was. The surge overloaded it. We aren’t hidden anymore.”

So it begins. Something for everyone to do. No Set Posting Order and while I would prefer a 7 Day timer on replies, @BZ , your RL comes first. So please do not stress. We'll be here.

If anyone has questions or needs anything, let me know.

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #6
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Bridge | Deck 4 | IKS Kut'luch | Somewhere close to Fey'chora System]

att: @Stegro88 @BZ @fiendfall @Zodiac

At Ruzaxo's orders, Khorin tapped the command sequence that pulled the Kut'luch out of WARP. The old B'Rel creaked under the pilot's feet when it acquired a sublight speed. A crackling very different to the Starfleet vessels' and even more different to the sound of the AC-409 Mk III to which he was more familiar. In a way, it reminded him of that time when he had crossed San Francisco Bay along with his mother on a sail boat. He was unable to remember who had insisted on making that journey. Nor why. But he recalled very well the hissing of the aquilon and the roar and tremor of the shaking rigging as the sea bellowed under the planks of the deck. In a certain way, the old Kut'luch was like that sailboat to his ears. Saving the obvious differences. Like that they sounded totally different. But the impression remained on the Lone Wolf's mind.

No matter how, while Khorin had zoned out with that thought, the Captain had continued issuing orders, and soon a brief report on the system scan blinked on his own console, which give the pilot a bit more detailed information of the area into which the starship must be steered. Without further ado, Khorin turned the ship's nose towards the asteroid field, urging the Old Lady to give as much speed as she could at impulse.  The Lone Wolf opted for a slightly curved course, one that would allow them to scan the space rocks field with the largest part of their sensors for the longest possible time.

As they approached the asteroids, Khorin could hear the exchange behind him, as he was attentive to any bit of information that might be relevant. Soon, the order he expected arrived, with instructions about where the B'Rel should be headed. "Chah-Veh" he grunted with the seriousness of the one who is focused on his work. The young Klingon had the snout of the ship oriented upwards, and the B'Rell climbed steeply and positioned himself hovering over the asterioid field, near the area that Zeph and Gilluha were scanning . However, as soon as they had reached the desired position, a blow was heard against the outer hull. "baktag" grunted Khorin. He had seen nothing on the scanners he had been given. He had made sure that the pathhe had chosen was free of obstacles. What the hell was going on out there? The lights around the bridge began to blink and, when they settled again, Khorin had lost the right section of his station. "BAKTAG!" he repeated once again with a point of disbelief plain in his voice, while the ship dipped wing to starboard.

chah-Veh → Yes, sir
baktag → garbaje or shit

Forgive the tardiness in replying here, I have had a very busy IRL week and I was hoping that someone else would write on the thread earlier than me, but I don't want to let this lingering any longer. I hope that this post will be enough in spite of being short.  @Stegro88  don't hesitate to tell me if I need to modify something in the post!

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #7
Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark | Sickbay | IKS Kut'luch | Aldea ] Attn: @Numen @BZ @fiendfall @Stegro88

Down in Sickbay, Zark didn't really have much to do beyond checking, double checking and triple checking to make sure that everything was actually working the way it should be. They had managed to patch things up as best they could in the time they had and that would have to do. Hopefully nothing bad happened  to any of them that would over tax the patched up equipment but only time would tell on that front.

She was used to being in situations where she didn't always know what was going on, but as a security officer she knew to always be prepared, which was why she had a rifle with her just in case. The advantage was this was a Klingon ship so she doubted anybody would notice or care that the acting CMO had such a weapon on hand.

For the most part the journey had been going smoothly as they made their way to their destination, time that Zark had mostly spent looking over the medical records of the crew, seeing what injures they had suffered, any allergies to medicines they might have, things of that nature. Not only to make sure that she didn't give something to a patient that had an allergy to it but also to simply pass the time. Something that actually seemed to help considering the fact she soon felt the ship drop out of warp. Evidently, they had arrived in the system.

Even down in sickbay where she was, she heard the sound of something hit against the hull of the ship, causing the Andorian to look over at the bulkhead where the noise had been heard, her antennae twitching slightly. Before she could do anything else however, the lights flickered and died. "Well that's not good." she muttered as she felt around in the darkness for her rifle, her fingers wrapping around it and pulling it to her. By the time she had raised it, the lights had flicked back on, which was a good sign. Every fibre of her being told her to head up to the bridge and find out what was going on, she was a Security Officer after all. Except on this mission she wasn't a Security Officer, she was the Acting Chief Medical Officer, meaning her post was right here should someone be injured.

Putting down her rifle again, she waited and wondered what had happened? Was it a simple simple asteroid bouncing off the hull? it was possible since they had been heading for an asteroid field, but why would it cause a power fluctuation? Either way she hoped that nobody had been injured and if they were they were only minor injures. Deciding she should prepare herself just in case she made her way out of the small office on the side of the room into the main area of sickbay and waited.

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #8
[ CPO Morgan Song | Engineering | IKS Kut'luch ] Attn: @Stegro88 @Zodiac @Numen @BZ

Morgan tugged at the last damaged conduit, unseating it and pulling it out of the gap so he could push a hastily-replicated replacement into the newly-vacated space. They hadn't had time to replace all of them, only the ones which couldn't be powered by simply rerouting the plasma. It was a patch job, and not an ideal one at that, but it'd work for now.

'All systems green, sir,' he informed Varnac once he confirmed the EPS lines were functioning properly. 'This should hold for now.'

'For now' turned out to be less than five minutes. Morgan had barely had time to move to the main terminal and begin to run the necessary checks before something hit them dully. They lurched slightly, the lights briefly strobing as the world tilted; a flicker of something like lightening and a figure flew across Morgan's vision in the dark to lie crumpled in a heap on the starboard. Durmac. The power surge must have shocked him across the room from where he'd been working on one of the portside panels.

Morgan was by the Klingon's side before he had a chance to think. It took him a second to heave the man over, so much dead weight; that done, he checked for life signs. He'd done this before, he knew what he was looking for. After a moment, he sat back on his heels, confident that Durmac was just unconscious. That was good.

He went to tap his chest without thinking, only realising as his fingers hit material rather than metal that he was without his combadge. Damn it.

Ruzaxo's unmistakable voice rang out over the intercom, calling for a damage report. The cloak was down. Morgan hadn't even thought about the damage from the surge; stupid, stupid. Communication with the bridge closed for now, he moved to use the intercom himself: 'Engineering to Medical, we need a team in here stat, man down.' The crew was small enough he could only hope Medical wasn't overloaded with similar requests.
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #9
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Things That Go Bump in Space | Strange Readings | No One Panic | Hey, Is There a Light Switch?]
@Stegro88 @Numen @Zodiac @fiendfall

They dropped out of warp.  Zeph heard that she was supposed to be scanning once they dropped and so she began to do her job.  She enjoyed being a science officer, it had always been something of a passion for her, though Botany was most certainly where it was at.  It was sad that there was such a weak stigma when it came to such things.  As much as she didn't want it to be that way, it most definitely was.  Every time that people found out she was a Botanist and not just a Scientist, they felt that she was less of a Scientist and it bothered her.  She tried not to let it bother her, but it did, despite it all.  Because she felt that people needed to realize that there were so many avenues when it came to Science and what it took to be a good one.  Everyone had an expertise and just because hers were organic and could still be useful in many different ways, didn't mean that she didn't deserve the same respect as anyone else.

However, this was not the time for such worries.

Zephyr's console pinged up at her that it had come back with something of note.  She looked down and her brow rose.  She knew that it wasn't something that they needed interfering with what they were trying to do here today.  Something she had dealt with before, and something she had hoped to never see again.  Knowing it could jack with sensory scans and other kinds of scans would only make their job here that much more difficult.

“I'm getting traces of Kelbonite in the area.  Just for those that may not know, that's going to interfere with much of our-”

Something hit the hull of the ship and Zeph shifted sideways in her seat the arm of the chair impacting her ribs smartly for a moment.  The whole ship twisted a bit, and she winced again, not from the pain but just from the surprise.  The ship righted itself a moment later, and zeph brushed her hair out of her face looking around.  She could sense the panic before anyone probably felt it themselves, Zeph was pretty adept at her emotional ranges these days unless it was an unfamiliar race or someone that had been altered in some great way where they read differently.

“It'll also mess with transporter beams.” she said with a grunt of pain as she righted herself in her seats.  She was pretty sure that there was nothing broken, but she would probably get a nice bruise.  Khorin would worry, he was very much like that when it came to her, but, she wasn't too worried about it.  She could heal herself later when it was necessary.  Coms came in from down in  Engineering that they needed Medical there was a man down.  Zeph, out of habit, was half out of her seat, before she realized that Zark was going to be their medical officer, she was just back up.  So, she lowered herself back down to her seat.

Praise used her coms to contact Zark.  “Hey Z, if you need any assistance in Engineering, let me know, I'll come right down.  Otherwise, I'll stay up here until I hear from you.”  She hoped that would help the medic not feel so alone and maybe if Zark needed help she knew it was okay to ask

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #10
[ Captain Ruzaxo, son of Balto, of the House of Martok, Captain of the IKS Kut’luch | Bridge | Deck 4 | IKS Kut’luch | Aldea ]

Something had hit the hull. Something that they hadn’t detected on their sensors, possibly due to the Kelbonite in the area. And whatever had hit the hull had caused a power surge that had overloaded the cloaking device. Speaking from experience and personal knowledge, the cloaking device in a B’rel was susceptible to power surges but that wasn’t something that the Klingons allowed to be commonly known. It was too much of a weakness on the small vessels. 

“Varnac, how long until you can fix the cloak?” Ruzaxo asked the engineer as his mind worked. Whatever had hit them had to have been a constructed device with a specific purpose. And that made it a weapon. “Whatever hit us had to have been designed to interfere with out systems. And we are vulnerable without the cloak.”

“I am aware captain,” Varanc’s voice responded for everyone on the bridge to hear. “Allow me to work,” the old Klingon requested before closing the intercom. Ruzaxo paid no heed to the man’s actions; he had known Varnac too long to care about some perceived insubordination when the engineer was right.

“Captain, ship decloaking,” Gilluha announced, drawing the Captain’s attention. “They are powering weapons.”

“Khorin, into the field,” Varnac immediately ordered, reacting to the situation without thought. “Keep us out of their line of fire,” he commanded the pilot before turning to the Betazoid. “Miss Praise, what can you tell me about the ship attacking us?”

OOC: Finally. Lol. Sorry everyone. No posting order.

@Numen : Could Khorin bring the ship into the asteroid field proper.  We can take a few hits, say, draining the shields to around 40%.
@BZ : Could Zephyr illustrate the the ship is a Klingon bird of prey from the generation before the Kut'luch. Basic design is the same, its just older. Possibly guessing that it was surplus and refitted?
@fiendfall : Could Morgan work on getting the cloak fixed or finding more power for the shields after the ship is attacked. Could also illustrate Zark arriving to tend to the injured Klingon.

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #11
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Bridge | Deck 4 | IKS Kut'luch | Somewhere close to Fey'chora System]
att: @Stegro88 @BZ @fiendfall

"Chah-Veh!" Khorin barked as he unsuccessfully tapped into the displays in front of him. The B'Rel kept heeling precariously, until it turned almost ninety degrees and the asteroid field appeared as a vertical line in the center of the main screen. Khorin cursed between his teeth and began pounding commands on the screens yet nothing seemed to work. Finally, out of a mixture of despair and frustration, the Klingon struck a fierce punch at the panel. The console flickered and finally turned on again. The pilot let out a relieved growl, even though both screens in front of him were riddled with alarm signals.

A new collision against the hull forced him to stop rejoicing about his own luck and focus again on piloting the starship. Khorin rectified the position of the old ship abruptly. The inertial dumpers were unable to mitigate the suddenness of the manoeuvre and the bridge shook as if it had been hit by a sudden blizzard. The B'Rel's snout dived suddenly into the asteroid field and soon the shields were bombarded by an infinite number of small rocks and stellar dust that disintegrated before being able to reach the old ship's hull.

Khorin made the old vessel zigzag in order to avoid the larger rocks but, despite this, a battery of impacts reached the ship's belly shaking its structure each time it was hit. "They keep hitting us," Khorin barked. "Shields at 40%, evasive manoeuvres in progress but I have no idea what the fuck is firing upon us, I need triangulation of the enemy ASAP!" he demanded. If they kept suffering this impact rate, the shields would soon fall and they would be dead. No unprotected starship could survive in such a dense asteriod field, regardless of the pilot's expertise. 

chah-Veh → Yes, sir

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #12
[Lt.  Zephyr Praise | This Isn't What I Signed Up For | Can I Go Home Now | Don't Let me Get Hurt, Khorin Will Kill for Bruises]
@Stegro88 @Numen @fiendfall

The hit had been large, and Zeph felt as though she could at least breathe again, after knocking her body against the restraints.  She didn't like being thrown about, and was glad that Khorin didn't seem to be paying too close attention since  he was busy with his own things.  He needed to get his own job done so that they could get out of this situation alive and intact.  Swallowing heavily as Khorin began to call out to the Captain and the Captain calling out to him, she tried to work on the thoughts at hand. 

Let me see what kind of info I can get on this thing. she thought to herself and began the scans moments before the Captain even mentioned them to her. 

“On it.” she promised already, since, she wanted him to know that she wasn't ignoring him but that, too, she had been a science officer a long time.  Though, truthfully she had worried that she had lost some of her polish when she was assigned to the Azurite station, it seemed that she hadn't lost too much.  The ship was decloaking.  Well at least they aren't trying to hide themselves anymore, but somehow, I don't think it's a welcome mat.

Her console pinged quickly several times as the results of her scans came in.  She sat up straight and looked at the information on the screen and tsked softly.  “Scans are showing that this is an older bird of prey.  When I compared the schematics on hand to those of the current ship we are inhabiting, it is older, a lower basic model.  Probably bought at some scrapyard or salvage yard or something and refitted to make it work again.” she reported the information quickly as she could while she moved in her seat with the maneuvers that Khorin was executing to hopefully get them to safety, or at least stay alive.

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #13
[ CPO Morgan Song | Engineering | IKS Kut'luch ] Attn: @Stegro88 @Numen @BZ

Mercifully, Lieutenant Zark arrived quickly, taking over from Morgan at Durmac's side.

'Need a hand with anything?' he offered, but she waved him away with a quick 'I've got this.' Which was good because Varnac definitely didn't 'got' the fixes for everything all by himself.

The attack had been targeted to overload the cloak specifically, but it had also blown out several other systems. It sounded like Ruzaxo wanted the cloak back up ASAP, but that'd be no use to anyone if they were getting shot at in the meantime, so Morgan left Varnac working on the cloak while he began what was probably the patchiest patch job of his career.

First up: power. Emergency lighting had come on but the controls on the bridge would be running on fumes, and they'd be a sitting duck unless he could get them working again. It only took about a minute of rerouting power and forcing junctions to reconnect, but it felt like an hour before the little status report for the bridge showed green.

Alright, next: the cloak. It took him a moment to find the correct control panel — nothing was where he expected it to be, dammit — only to find a bunch of the conduits inside had gone and melted themselves with the overload. He was going to have to replace them with some hastily taped together bits and pieces that might just function if they were lucky. Heavens above, this was turning into a real mess.

He was head first into the control panel fiddling with the housing for a melted socket when the ship jerked again — something else hit them? Goodness. They could be in trouble.

'Shields low,' Varnac barked from across Engineering, causing Morgan to stand up in surprise so fast he almost brained himself. Alright, alright, the cloak could wait, shields were most important now.

Sprinting across the room, Morgan found the shields readout: 40%. Not good at all. Alright, time to gather up every last bit of juice the ship had and send it to the shields, and just hope Varnac could finish work on the cloak before they had to find a Plan B.
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]


Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #14
[ Captain Ruzaxo, son of Balto, of the House of Martok, Captain of the IKS Kut’luch & PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Bridge | Deck 04  | IKS Kut’luch | Asteroid Field | Fey’chora System] Attn: @Numen @fiendfall @BZ

Mickayla was at a loss about what to do in a situation like this. She couldn’t pilot a ship and she couldn’t read Klingon which meant that all she could do was stay back and watch as Khorin flew them through the asteroid field at a speed bordering on obscene for a craft of their size. If her life hadn’t been on the line it would have been almost comical watching the oversized idiot bellowing insults at their attackers. At least she assumed it was insults; he was speaking Klingon.

The others seemed much calmer. At least it seemed that way for Lieutenant Praise; the officer’s back was to her so Mickayla couldn’t really tell at that moment. Ruzaxo and Gilluha seemed composed enough though, speaking in Klingon to each other in a calmer tone than the oaf was using.

“Why does everyone have to speak in Klingon?” Mickayla muttered mentally, frustrated at being essentially useless. “It's bad enough that I cannot do anything but I would at least like to be able to understand what is happening,” she raged. She knew that this situation was one she had been in many times in the last decade; her being a passenger as the ship she was on went into combat. But at least those times, she hadn’t been on the bridge and could see and hear what was happening.

“Varnac, status on the cloak?” Ruzaxo asked through the comms, finally saying something in Federation Standard. A reply was not immediately forthcoming and Ruzaxo was about to shout again for a status report when his Chief Engineer finally responded, his voice husky and rushed.

“Severely damaged,” Varnac responded as he looked around the bay. The Andorian was working on one of the new recruits that had been injured and the Terran, was working on bolstering their shields against the continued onslaught from their attacker. “I have patched them enough for one use before they short out again. You will have less than a minute, Captain.”

“Then we will make it count,” Ruzaxo proclaimed before closing the channel, a plan already forming. Looking at the screens around him, he studied the attacking Bird-of-Prey, trying to judge the skill of their opponents or discover any flaws in their attack. Everyone had one, even himself, Ruzaxo knew. You just had to find it.

“Miss Praise, find us a pair of asteroids. The first one needs to be small enough to fracture with a torpedo but large enough to leave sizeable chunks behind. The second, needs to obscure us from view completely,” he directed before turning to Gilluha. “We detonate the first to weaken their shields and then disappear around the second one.  We will only get a single chance. Ready everything but I want them intact. We will find out who, and how, they ambushed us,” he ordered, lastly facing the boastful youth of a warrior that was piloting his ship. “Khorin, if you are half the pilot you say you are, now is the time to prove it. We cloak once out of sight. You must get us into a position where we can hit their weakened forward shields before our cloak fails, or they cloak when they realise we have.”

Mickayla was grateful when the Betazoid’s voice cut of the mouthy Klingon’s, announcing her discovery of what Ruzaxo wanted. Now it was time to see if the old Captain’s tactical acumen had dulled or not. Orders had been given and Mickayla held on with baited breath to see if they would be carried out well enough. 

In the asteroid field surrounding the two Klingon vessels, chunks of rock and other material drifted by as they had done for millennia, unconcerned by the two vessels’ passage as they swooped and sliced their way through. As the first ship vaulted over one of their brethren, it released a glowing red orb from its stern. The orb swiftly travelled away from it and impacted the asteroid the ship had just passed, cracking it asunder and sending several large pieces into the bow of the pursuer. Unable to avoid them, the pursuant, unable to avoid them in time, ploughed through them, bashing several of them aside with its energy shields that flared into view from the strain.

Seemingly incensed, the older bird dashed after its prey, following the path of the younger bird as it disappeared from view ahead of it. The older bird was unconcerned; this had happened several times and its prey always reappeared once it passed the obstruction. Only this time, it didn’t. Crucial seconds passed as the hunter wondered where its prey had escaped to. The answer came as the younger bird manifested from nothingness and changed from prey to predator as it opened fire. Disruptor bursts and torpedoes filled the shrinking gap between them; first impacting the shield and, when that failed under the strain, the hull. The last pair of shots fired by the younger bird amputated the starboard wing from the older bird, casting it adrift. 

But it still had one last kick and as the younger bird passed, a red orb exited the rear of the drift avian, much the same as had happened earlier from its would-be prey and impacted against the rear shield of the Kut’luch. The shield, weakened from the earlier bombardment, was unable to prevent the blast from leaking through and damaging the Bird-of-Prey.

On the Bridge, Mickayla staggered as the ship reeled from the unexpected hit. Lighting flickered before the console Khorin was seated flashed and sparked. With the lighting going haywire, the Petty Officer couldn’t tell if the pilot was injured or not. Someone called his name, but the Scot’s ears were ringing, and she couldn’t make out who it was.

“Report!” Ruzaxo bellowed as he pulled himself back into his chair. The torpedo had been unexpected after their successful attack and now his concern returned to his own ship and crew. 

“Engines, cloak and weapons are offline. We’re drifting,” Gilluha briefed, her voice uneven. Looking across, Mickayla could make out blood coming from a wound on the female’s head. “Shield’s buckled under the impact but are now holding at 5%. Life support is down in several sections, but the emergency systems have come online.”

“And them?” Ruzaxo asked evenly, turning to look at Lieutenant Praise. “Any life signs?” The Starfleet officer’s response didn’t fill Mickayla with confidence, but she didn’t have time to dwell on it as Ruzaxo stood up. “Have Varnac begin repairs. Get the Terran engineer up here to fix the control systems as well. Miss Praise, please look to Gilluha’s injury. Mickayla, with me. Khorin, you too if you can handle yourself. It’s time we took this fight to the enemy.”

Mickayla didn’t like the sound of that but didn’t have time to object as Ruzaxo stomped past her. Patting her weapons to check she still had the Disruptor and D’k tahg she had been given, Mickayla fell into step behind the old Klingon. 

Posting Order: BZ first and then it doesn't matter.

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #15
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | This Better Work | Asteroids Aren't a Great Idea | Could Backfire | Don't Kill Me, Please]
@fiendfall @Stegro88 @Numen

She was called out, and told, to find two asteroids.  One to explode as a deterrant and distraction, and another to hide behind.  “I don't think that's wise.  We're firing into a field of asteroids, the ripple effect alone could damage us more than the other ship that we're actually aiming at.  Are you sure you want to actually - “ and it didn't matter because the asshole wasn't listening to her anyway.  Why in the heck did you bring me on t his mission with all my damn expertise and then not actually ask my opinion and listen to it when I give it anyway.

She sighed as she began to comb the field for the right ones.  Not only just the right ones but the ones that would cause the least amount of damage.  Because, this was space, there was no gravity.  So if they blew up an asteroid and the pieces went all over the place, they would knock into other close asteroids and there would be a chain reaction that would not be wise to start in a field this tight.  But, apparently the Klingon either had a death wish, or he was just wishing that theyc ould end this all the faster.  It seemed overly stupid to be making this choice, and she wondered how he ended up staying alive this long. 

~I don't like this, Khor, hold tight.~

“I found them, check the map.” she stated.  A holographic map came up from the emitter in the wall above Ruxxy.  It showed the smaller asteroid that was their distraction target, and the larger that they would be able to use to hide behind.  Suddenly, they were in motion, the kind of motion that made her wonder if her stomach would ever return to it's normal position.  They were moving, and twirling, and the chase was on.  As the Bird was hit, Zeph launched forward and was able to just catch herself on the console that she was using, the metal biting into her ribcage again, already bruised, it hurt much worse this time and a small cry of pain excited her lungs before she got it under control.  Can't have Khorin worry, we have to live through this first. she reminded herself as she pushed herself painfully back into her seat keeping her pain shielded from her very loving Klingon. 

Reports were made, shields were down, they were alive, but the ship had been damaged and if they took another hit it would likely do them in.  Suddenly, Rux was asking for all the reports, and Zeph felt the pain in her sides and stomach take on another sharp stab.  She would probably be all right, bruised bones, maybe a broken rib or something.  She didn't know, she would have to assess herself later.  Her eyes shifted as she was asked if there were any life signs on the other ship.  “A moment.” she said a bit more sharply than she had meant to, but it was important that he knew he was pushing her to a limit he didn't want to hit.  He thought a Klingon could be pissy but he hadn't seen a pissy Betazoid yet.  She began to scan the ship, which took a little bit extra because there was so much debris and asteroids in the way floating and careening everywhere as she had stated there would be because, you know, inertia was a thing.  Zeph wanted to be back on the Theurgy and never screw with stupid errands like this ever again.  That would be just fine and dandy thank you very much.

"Nothing.  As far as I can tell, the bird is destroyed for the most part.  It looks like systems have kicked over to backup life support.  I have no idea if anyone actually is still alive, for some reason, I can't read any life signs but.. not the lack of them either. It's strange."   she stated.   "Maybe the asteroids are causing some kind of interference." she offered.

He didn't even appreciate her confirmation.  Just threw her at an injured crewman that was bleeding from the head, a nasty gash wound, that would not need a whole lot of attention but could get nasty fast if it wasn't done quickly enough.  Rising up out of her seat she shot Rux a look that could kill.  “You might actually take the pointed stick out of your asshole and realize you have a crew here and you are NOT the commander of this fucking ship, we are a damn team.  I am a Lieutenant of the Federation and if you cannot respect me and the other members of this crew then I will retaliate.” she said with what little strength she had left, the sharpness in her tone would get everyone's attention on the Bridge, especially Khorin as she  couldn't remember him seeing her mad.

She turned then and limped her way over to the bleeding woman.  She leaned down, and began to assess the damage.  “Looks like, mostly a surface wound, but enough of a wound that it'll swell and could cause issues.  I'll patch you up, if you don't mind.” Zeph said as she pulled her Medical kit over and opened it.  Pulling out her medical tricorder she began to mend the dermal layers, the swelling reduced quickly, the bleeding stopped, and the wound began to close up in pretty short order. 

“Are you injured anywhere else?” she asked the woman, she didn't want to miss something just because she assumed it was only her head that was injured.

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #16
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Bridge | Deck 4 | IKS Kut'luch | Somewhere close to Fey'chora System]
att: @Stegro88 @BZ @fiendfall @RyeTanker

Khorin smashed the boards before him, his hands moving over the consoles faster than they had since he took his seat in front of them. In response, the craft answered his commands by moving swiftly through the asteroid field like a frenzied raptor. Nevertheless, compared to a fighter the Kut'luch was far too slow, she took several seconds to react, sometimes a few tenths of a second when she was particularly sensitive. Obviously not enough for Khorin. So he just cursed every time she made a manoeuvre. At first he just mumbled, but after a few minutes the Lone Wolf just described the ship, its pursuers and the surrounding asteroid field with some epithets that would make his mother blush. Khorin was a fool, but he was more than able to curse like any foul-mouthed dockworker from the worst neighborhood in the First City if the circumstances merited it and tlhIngan Hol was allowable. And both those circumstances were met long ago. It didn't exactly help to control his tongue either that he was basically piloting what had turned out to be an ancient bathtub full of leaks to which some engineer had agreed to stick a warp core in the days when his grandfather wore diapers.

As Khorin was barking out a particularly elaborate invention against the enemy ship's pilot (regarding the sexual practices in which their ancestors had been involved in conceiving them, entailing several dead animals and multiple bottles of liquor), the captain's command reached him. Ruzaxo's words were teasing, but the young Klingon knew that they did not conceal a real threat, but a kind of fatalism: if he screwed up this time or if he didn't apply every ounce of his expertise in the next few minutes, they would be all dead. They would become nothing but stardust and chunks of frozen flesh that would join with the eternal asteroid dance. It wasn't something he was willing to do, he didn't dread death but perishing on a two-bit mission cause that flying bathtub was reacting clumsily was far from his life goals. So the pilot just grunted briefly in acknowledgement of the order, while he focused more on the screens in front of him.

As if called upon by that concentration, Zeph's voice echoed in the back of his mind, voicing her concern.  ~"Worry not my love" ~ he conveyed, the voice of his mind as confident and reassuring as ever. ~"We've been in worse situations, we'll get out of this."~ he attempted to cheer her up as his hands fluttered over the displays. Khorin paused for a second to turn around and stare at the Betazoid. When she put her eyes on his, he flashed his best cocky grin at her before he assured her. ~"I'll protect you"~

The vessel remained in a tense standby until the science officer identified the targeted asteroids. As if it were a kick in the pants, Khorin forced the craft to move through the stellar rock field. He drove the starship spiraling and swooping through the asteroids, dodging the larger rocks while ignoring the smaller ones, which disintegrated against the shields with the thunder of a hailstorm. All the young Klingon's senses were devoted to piloting. He knew that the way he was navigating was dangerous. Not only was it dangerous, but it was simply reckless, but if Khorin paused to consider for two seconds the consequences of the slightest error in his maneuvers, they would all be mushed up. So he merely didn't think, and let his instincts and acquired reflexes take over his work. Something that, incidentally, he was particularly good at. In the meantime, behind his back, the captain barked out another order and the asteroid that the ship's muzzle was pointing at was hit by a torpedo that split it into two large fragments and a myriad of smaller debris. Khorin wasted no time in pushing the ship's engines to the limit, and it plunged forward in a tight loop through the rubble. The stellar shrapnel bombarded both the Kut'luch and the pursuing vessel, creating a myriad of sizzle on the shields and several notches in the hull. The Lone Wolf ignored it, and plunged the ship forward in a dizzying fall through the rift between the larger shards. The old lady's belly hovered over the surface of one of them by barely a dozen meters, and as soon as they reached the other side, Khorin veered sharply to one side and decelerated. And so they remained obscured by the second asteroid.

Soon after, the gunner did their job and the ship that was chasing them was crippled. A victorious cry struggled to leave Khorin's throat when a sudden, unexpected impact struck the bridge. Everything shook around him. Khorin clung to the screen in front of him, as the room behind him filled with screams and grunts of pain or surprise. He thought he had heard Zeph's voice amidst these pained sounds and was turning to check when the panel in front of him sizzled again before the previously malfunctioning screen went dark... and exploded with a flare that seized his left hand. The pain was immediate and agonizing. One that Khorin knew all too well. A brief glance revealed the white of his knuckles, the blackened twists of skin that exposed the muscles they had covered. "Bue'quet" he mused to himself. "Not cool bro'' thought as he tore a strip from his undershirt to improvise a bandage for the injured hand. As he tightened the cloth against his fingers, Khorin clenched his teeth, enduring the pain as he ought. There will be time later to deal with it, but not then.

All the while, the captain kept barking orders, attempting to get a general idea of the situation. Zeph soon reported the reading from the enemy ship's scanners, which were surprisingly sketchy. There were and there weren't any life signs on the mutilated B'Rel, or if there were, these flickered. Strange, to say the least. But that's not what Khorin was most concerned about at that point. He took advantage of the brief pause to monitor his mate, trying to find out if she was okay. He knew she was hiding something from him, just as he was keeping his pain out of her. The muted numbness in the back of his mind signaled that she was preventing whatever she was feeling or thinking from filtering into him. Khorin loathed that, it made him feel isolated, but at that moment he was almost grateful for that unpleasant sensation. That barrier she has raised between them not only hid her from him, but also him from her, which will spare her a concern about his well-being.

In fact, what the Betazoid had in mind was something totally different, and she quickly snapped the captain. A part of Khorin was quite proud of his Kyamo, that everyone else here could appreciate the fierceness that glitters beneath her calm, gentle exterior. On how deeply Klingon she can be, regardless her specie. However, he also worried about the old captain's reaction. He knew better than anyone else that in the midst of battle a Klingon could suppress any attempt at insubordination as quickly and decisively as possible. Although Zeph's argument was justified, Ruxazo could choose the Klingon way to settle things.

However, it seemed that the Commander was seasoned enough to ignore the Betazoid, and he challenged Khorin to follow him, questioning his ability to do so. "Of course I can handle myself." Khorin grunted with annoyance as he stood up and crossed the short space that positioned him next to the captain, while he kept the injured hand conveniently hidden from view. A brief inspection informed him that the disruptor and d'kthahg still hung from his uniform belt, ready to be used before he added, "Lead on, Capt' "

Bue'quet → fuck

OOC: sorry for the delay!

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #17
Lieutenant JG Zark |  IKS Kut'luch

All thoughts of space debris were quickly forgotten as the call for medical help came in. Rapidly slinging her rifle across her back and grabbing the medical case as she exited the medical bay, Zark took off at an awkward run towards the medical call, a small smile creasing her lips. Climbing down the ladders was even more awkward with the rifle trying to beat her back and the medical pack trying to pull Zark to one side, but she managed the descent, landing nimbly and arrived to see Chief Song over a prone Klingon.

“I’ll handle this” was all Zark got out as she waved off Chief Song and knelt beside the unconscious body. A fleeting thought was that she couldn’t remember the downed warrior’s name, but it was one of the new ones Captain Ruzaxo had brought on board. A quick visual check confirmed he was still alive, and in superficially bad shape. Most of the armour on his upper torso was black with electrical burns and he was bleeding pink from over a dozen places where glass and console had shattered on the blowout.

Pulling her medical tricorder out, Zark ran a quick scan and let training take over and promptly paused.  Where are the medical gloves? She thought furiously, them remembered she was using a Klingon medkit on a damaged ship! Zark’s antennae began to twirl furiously. Grimacing, she realized she could only dig in, sanitation be damned. I hope Klingons are as tough as they boast.

Grabbing a hypospray, Zark rapidly slotted various vials, Kelotane for burns, coagulant for bleeding. Zark again paused. Nothing for pain? Oh wait, here it is. grabbing and slotting in a final vial and injecting the downed Klingon on the neck. With all the pharmaceutical assistance taken care of, Zark quickly began messily removing bits of glass and bulkhead from the mangled body. The procedure became dicey as the warrior had started to wake, but a quick application of sedative kept him still. The age of the ship also impeded progress as the inertial dampeners couldn’t quite absorb all the hits and manoeuvres Khorin kept pushing on the ship. The process was repetitive and a few pieces proved stubborn, but most yielded; a quick application of auto-suture or cellular suture to seal everything.

Zark had to leave one piece in that was a bit close to an artery, but she was close to finishing a final piece that was embedded in the side of the Klingons head. Her sense of completion and triumph was growing when the final torpedo struck the ship. Her cry of indignation filled the engine compartment as the shrapnel in her forceps jammed even deeper into the warriors head by the sudden motion of the ship. Zark stared dumbfounded at the sudden reversal of all her effort. Letting loose a stream of expletives and giggles, Zark scanned the wound and determined it was up to a surgeon to fix; instead moving to slap a generous amount of antiseptic/coagulant/and a bandage on the more serious wounds.

With no more visible wounds and the scan of the medical tricorder showing him stable, Zark attached blood plasma pack to the warrior and activated the pump.

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Zark tapped on her jumpsuit a couple of times smearing blood on the material before realizing she had no communicator on.<Shelat!> Making her way to the communicator she wearily took a breath and activated the wall mount hoping to get Captain Ruzaxo. “Captain. This is Lieutenant Zark in engineering. The downed crewman is stable, but he needs a proper doctor. ”. With her report delivered she waited for a reply and further orders on the chaos developing around her.

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #18
[ CPO Morgan Song | Engineering -> Bridge | IKS Kut'luch ] Attn: @Stegro88 @Numen @BZ @RyeTanker

The ship jerked beneath his feet as they were hit again — dammit, he'd not been done with the shields! They'd absorbed much of the hit but not all, and were now completely drained; when they started to recharge, they got stuck at 5%. Too little power spread too thin. If the ship was hit again, it'd take nearly full damage.

No time to try and deal with that, though: the captain wanted him on the bridge. For what, he couldn't help wondering. Varnac was already down one man in Engineering and now almost everything was broken and needed urgent fixes. What could he do on the bridge that he couldn't do better down here?

But it wasn't his place to wonder.  Clearly there were repairs to be made, and the captain knew his ship better than Morgan did. He just… Engineering was the most familiar place on this ship, he didn't much fancy… But he was being stupid.

'I'll be back as soon as I can,' he said to Varnac, pointlessly; the Klingon waved him off with a grunt that could have been acknowledgement or just as easily could have been 'I never want to see you again, idiot'. Morgan opted to believe it was the former.

He left Engineering for the dimly-lit Klingon corridors of the ship, focusing on moving quickly and Not Thinking about anything in particular beyond the fact that if he didn't get whatever it was needed fixing done they'd probably all die in space and none of it would matter anyway. So quickly now, Chief.

Reaching the bridge, he was just in time to see Lieutenant Praise threaten the captain. Wait, what? He knew Klingons did things differently, but like she'd said, Praise was Federation, this was hardly… Well. This wasn't his place either. After a second of standing stunned in the doorway, Morgan remembered himself and followed directions to the damage. It was hardly his job to gawk at his superiors.

The bridge control systems were on the fritz — explained why he was needed up here, at least, although the damage seemed to be relatively minimal. Maybe? It was hard to tell with Klingon tech. This was so far out of his line of experience… He just had to follow his instincts, get stuck in, and hope he wasn't making it all worse.
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #19
[ Captain Ruzaxo, son of Balto, of the House of Martok, Captain of the IKS Kut’luch & PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Bridge | Deck 04  | IKS Kut’Luch | Asteroid Field | Fey’chora System] Attn: @BZ @Numen @RyeTanker @fiendfall

Arriving onto their attacker, Mickayla was hit by the heavy smell of ozone filling the air and the poor lighting; it was even worse than the Kut’luch. Glancing around, her provided Disruptor pistol and tracking her sight, the Klingon found no threats present. It looked like the main power systems were out. Thankfully, Mickayla mused Klingon ships carried multiple redundancies in case of battle damage.

“We’ll check the engine room first before heading to the bridge,” Ruzaxo stated, heading towards the ladder. Mickayla wanted to object; her training dictated that she should go ahead of the commanding officer, but she also understood that proposing such an idea would be refuted as dishonourable by the old man, despite the wisdom in it.

“Great,” Mickayla muttered as she moved to follow the elder Klingon. A quick check of the next deck revealed only a single body but left them all very unsettled; it was a dead Klingon male. “Why would Klingons be attacking a Klingon ship, Khorin?” she asked the fighter pilot, hoping to get a better answer from him than from Ruzaxo, who was already climbing the ladder again. Khorin response didn’t settle her as she followed Ruzaxo up.

“The doors to engineering won’t open,” Ruzaxo announced once they arrived. “The system doesn’t read any air beyond the bulkhead. We should check the bridge and find out why these animals attacked us,” he declared, his voice hardening. Moving into the neck of the ship, they heard something hitting the ship, causing it to vibrate from the impact. Mickayla looked up at the roof as Khorin described the impact as a rock hitting the ship.

“Awesome,” Mickayla deadpanned, bringing her eyes back down in time to see the doors ahead of her open to reveal 5 Klingons, armed. Khorin’s proclamation behind her told her that 4 more were behind them. 

“Drop your weapons,” the biggest once ordered from the Bridge. “You are surrounded. There is no need to die this day.”

“You have already tried to kill us this day,” Ruzaxo countered calmly, his old eyes judging the situation. They were outnumbered and surrounded, but there was still a chance. “Tell me, are your honourable?” he asked, his hand dropping to the hilt of his d’k tahg.

“More so than Martok,” he responded. Mickayla didn’t like where this exchange was going but slim odds were better than none. “On 2 we drop our Disruptors?”

“And on 3 we see who reaches Sto-vo-kor first,” Ruzaxo confirmed. Mickayla grunted out a curse but had little time for anything else. “One.”

“Two,” sounded out, followed by the clatter of weapons.


Meanwhile, On The Kut'luch

“Nothing that cannot wait,” Gilluha grunted as the Lieutenant finished healing her head wound. “We must see to the ship.” As if her proclamation needed confirming, a loud bang hit the ship, sending them all reeling and sparks to fly from several consoles. Gilluha felt a sharp impact against the back of her neck and then collapsed to the deck, unable to feel anything beneath where she had been hit. What she could feel though, was the tumbling roll that the Kut’luch was now subject too.

OOC: This shouldn't have taken as long as it has but it has. That's on me.

Situation on the Attacker's BoP:
Ship disabled. 9v3 fight in the ship's neck. Luckily, it is a confined space preventing them from being completely overwhelmed. Fight with honour. Bat'leth's and Mek'leth's allowed.

Situation on the Kut'luch.: Ship adrift. Now with a slight tumbling roll from the rock impact. BoP on course to impact a large asteroid unless they get flight controls back online. Gilluha's neck has been broken so its up to Zephyr and Morgan to save everyone. Could Zephyr also call Zark to look after Gilluha as she'll need to help Morgan. Also Zark and/or Zephyr can treat any minor injuries from the rock impact.

Posting Order:
BZ first and then Fiendfall or Ryetanker afterthat. Numen can post at her leisure.

BZ - Gilluha's injuries and course status of the Kut'luch. Call Zark.
Fiendfall - Ship status, systems, etc. Up to you, but gravity is still functional. They need flight controls and engines.
RyeTanker - Stabilise Gilluha and see to any other injuries. (eg. Varnac broke his arm maybe.
Numen - Don't kill them all  (laugh)

Feel free to NPC Varnac in Engineering, just be mindful of what others may have already written him doing.

Any questions, let me know.

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #20

[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Deck Unknown| Enemy Vessel | Somewhere close to Fey'chora System]
att: @Stegro88 @BZ @fiendfall @RyeTanker

The trio of Klingons materialised in the enemy ship's transporter room. Light was scarce, even more so than aboard the old Kut'luch. The level of 'engineering is toast' instead of 'let's make it comfortable for some Qo'noS manufactured retinas'. It took the Lone Wolf a few seconds to get used to the semi-darkness, seconds that he used to pat the pair of Mek'leths that hung from his hip and to pull the disruptor out of its holster. The weapon hissed ominously in his grip, ready to shoot to kill if necessary.

Captain Ruzaxo wasted no time in briefing them about their route. Direct and to the point like a fine Klingon. And, of course, he led the way. The young Klingon grunted his approval, both of the plan and of the old captain's attitude, as he took the lead. It was satisfying to be at the service of someone who followed the old Homeworld traditions. Yeah, with his training at the Starfleet he knew it was the weakest position, the one that could receive damage more quickly. But it also showed that Ruzaxo had his balls in the proper place, and that he was brave, as a true leader should be. In addition, Khorin's head towered over the other two Klingons, so he could fire over them if necessary without threatening the lives of his comrades. He also had a good angle where he could spot any enemy lurking in the shadows.

"Why would Klingons be attacking a Klingon ship, Khorin?" asked Mickayla, drawing him out of his thoughts.

Khorin answered without a glance at her. "Politics," he simply said, with a shrug of his broad shoulders. The answer didn't seem to satisfy the woman, so he elaborated further. " Grudges between Houses, personal or family quarrels. A friendly or not so friendly dispute... or simply because they feel like it" The stare that the former hybrid gave him before she climbed the ladder was more eloquent than a thousand words. She clearly wasn't at all impressed by the life philosophy of their people.

When they arrived at the engineering stations it proved to be a dead end: impossible to open and with nothing but vacuum on the other side, it simplified their route as they had no choice but to head for the bridge. The rest of the route was done in silence. Only cradled by the hissing of plasma escaping somewhere in the vessel and the crackling of sparks that fell from some conduit.

As they crossed the narrow corridor in the neck of the ship, a thud echoed from the ceiling. All eyes turned to that point, but only Khorin opened his mouth, more than familiar with that sound. "A rock", he assured. "This tin can won't last long in this asteroid field," he concluded. The captain said nothing. Mickayla, for her part, kept displaying her lack of enthusiasm for the whole situation. Khorin spun around to tease her, in an attempt to make her understand the excitement of being part of a KDF expedition just as the doors to the bridge opened before them.
And they were surrounded.

Khorin suddenly lost the urge to joke, while Ruzaxo made sure that the inevitable fight was at least honourable.

A cocky grin blossomed on Khorin's lips. " Three for each of us... I think those PetaQ are at a disadvantage, eh Micka?" he boasted, his voice filled with confidence. The woman did not answer.

One, Khorin clasped one of his hands around the Mek'leth.

Two, he dropped the disruptor, which rattled on the floor in unison with those of everyone else present.


Khorin threw himself into battle, spinning around swiftly to face the Klingons who cut off their retreat. The first opponent charged at him with a bathleth, a weapon that required movements too broad for such a narrow space as the one they were dealing with. Khorin effortlessly blocked the first blow with the blade he carried in his left hand and used the other blade to inflict a deep slash on his enemy, from the abdomen to the sternum.

He used the body of the expiring man to block the blow of the next opponent. This one, in spite of bearing the same type of weapon, proved to be more skilled in its use. He and the Lone Wolf exchanged a series of brutal blows, in which Khorin gradually lost his advantage. Before he was aware of it, the starfleeter had been cornered and had struck one of the walls with his back. His opponent smiled confidently, as he assumed the young klingon was defeated.

Khorin was far from helpless.

The young Wolf spat in his rival's eyes, enough to distract him to let Khorin execute a couple of brutal slashes that decapitated his enemy.

Only one enemy remained to be dealt with. He was armed with a set of weapons just like his own and lost not a second to engage in combat. The twin weapons collided violently with each other, shooting out sparks. The steel bit into the flesh of the two combatants one after another, drawing blood but not leading to any lethal wounds. Plunged into a struggle to wear each other out, too evenly matched for either player could have any real advantage, Khorin took a desperate action.

The pilot charged with his shoulder, slamming violently into the chest of his opponent. Both rolled across the floor, bathed in their own blood and the blood of strangers. One of Khorin's Mek'leth flew out of his hand, but he was too focused on the confrontation to really care. He clenched his free hand into a fist and struck the other Klingon's face fiercely. His opponent launched a blast of desperate cuts, trying to free himself from the pilot's weight to stand up again. Khorin blocked them all with his remaining blade and punched him again and again. Eventually the other Klingon became slightly dazed and his swings lost pace and precision.

Khorin made the most of those brief extra seconds, and he grabbed the remaining Mek'leth with both hands and plunged it deep into his opponent's throat.

Behind him, the sound of weapons still rang out, and Khorin hurried to his feet to assess the state of the combat.

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #21
[Lt. Zephyr Praise M.D. | Will Never Do This Shit Again | I Hate Non-Khorin Klingon Assholes | Should Have Said No]
@Numen @Stegro88 @fiendfall

Zephyr looked at the woman that stated nothing she had wrong with her couldn't wait.  The brow on her face rose, and she figured that if she was cognitive enough to make that kind of statement then she was likely pretty good.  So she stepped away only to figure out if she could call Zark and figure out what else needed to be done.  Suddenly, the ship was assaulted from the side, and Zephyr fell hard against the back of the chair she had been sitting in earlier.  The bruised ribs that she had enjoyed earlier sharpened and knocked the air right out of her lungs.  For a moment, she lay there against her chair just trying to remain calm and let the oxygen re-enter her lungs.  Slowly they inflated and she was just glad she hadn't punctured one, yet.  If that happens again I might not be so lucky.

The worst part was that whatever had hit them had sent the ship into a spiraling spin.  Zephyr clung to her chair for life, hoping that she could just get her ass into the seat and buckle up.  She needed to get them corrected, leveled, and back on whatever course that she could manage.  She wasn't hoping for miracles at this point; though living through it seemed to be asking a lot. 

The comm crackled to life, and she could hear the voice of Zark down in Engineering.  They had an officer down, stable, but needed a doctor.  Zeph groaned for a moment.  She actually was a doctor, trained, degreed, and put through the Academy twice.  But now, here she was having to freaking fly a ship of dead people.  Hope their course was still correct, and deal with all the people around her.

“Cap ain't here Zark my girl.  I am an actual doctor but I also have to fly the ship so it's roulette time.” she said with heavy sarcasm and frustration in her voice. 

Zeph pushed herself up right enough to collapse slightly in her chair.  Grabbing the belts to secure herself while she figured out how to level out the spinning trash heap.  Clutching at her ribcage she looked behind her.  A sharp spear of pain lanced through her midsection.  Zeph gritted her teeth as she witnessed that the woman she had just finished helping lay down on the ground with her body at an odd angle. 

“Okay, Zarky, either pick up your engineering friend and bring them up or at least bring yourself up, we've got another situation up here.  I can't fly and heal at the same time.  So if we all want to live I have to sit in this uncomfortable chair in the middle of a bucket of bolts, and try to keep us all alive.  Unless you've got some fantastic helm training underneath your medical training.” Zeph said to the still open com. 

Turning back around she looked at their course.  Whatever had hit them, likely an asteroid, had knocked them off course by .08 percent.  Which meant at the current course, without correction they would slowly drift away.  Well that wasn't the point they were trying to do, she needed to stay close.  Zephyr brought her hands up to the controls and began to work on the inertial dampeners. 

Nothing.  Shit!  Zephyr wasn't much of one to curse, but this was probably the worst day that she had in a long time and she had recently been kidnapped by the Savi.  So, it was saying a lot to label this one was such.  Finally, she got into the actual flight mechanisms, she didn't have any experience at a helm but she hoped that could at least level them out.  She began to slowly boost the thrusters, giving them forward momentum, only that just made them go forward with a spin.  So she began to fire the thrusters in the undercarriage, only the ones that would stop them from spinning, those underneath that could counter spin.  Slowly once they had enough time to stop them from spinning so quickly she powered up the ones under the other wing and got them leveled out fair enough.  Zeph slumped in her seat.

“I quit.” she grumbled.

But she had to get them back on course too, and with the spinning and the thrusters and everything they were further than they had been before.  It didn't seem wise to try to manage going through all of this herself.  So she decided to stay put, they could beam over when they were done playing cops and robbers.

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #22
Lieutenant JG Zark |  IKS Kut'luch | Engineering

Zark had belatedly began packing up her medical kit when Lt. Zephyr’s response came through the comm. The response was not at all what Lt. Zark had expected.  It was so far off from even what Starfleet considered casual that her antennae seemed to spend a few seconds trying to helicopter off her head while her eye brows shot straight up.  Under any other circumstances, her response would have been uproariously funny.  Lt. Zark’s shock was quickly ended as a loud stream of Klingon invective could be heard from Varnac, the Klingon Engineer.  Quickly grabbing the last bit of kit and getting up and making her way over, Zark was about to ask what the problem was when it became clearly evident.  Varnac had dropped a tool he had been using since his broken arm no longer responded as he needed it to.  “I’m going to fix that arm.” Zark said before she once again began digging through the kit when Varnac snorted. “Go to the bridge petaQ. I have fixed this ship too many times with more blood flowing out of me. ”  Zark was only quite sure that she was being insulted but remained dubious about the rest of the statement.  Sensing that Zark was hesitating, Varnac fixed her with a whithering glare. “Go to the bridge. That’s an order.”

Zark gave Varnac one more dubious look before discipline kicked back in. “We are going to get that arm fixed soon.” she promised as she turned around and headed to the bridge, stopping only briefly to sling her rifle on her back again.  There could have been an answering grunt of acknowledgement, but she was already out the hatch, darting for the nearest set of ladders, her rifle and med kit trying to beat her to death again.  A small smile graced Lt. Zark’s lips and it looked like a giggle or two would escape her as she lithely ascended the ship. 

As she jogged onto the bridge it was obvious that the situation was still far from under control.  The ship was barely moving and a thin layer of smoke floated around the room, CPO Song was sweating away trying to restore the ship’s controls and she could only assume it was the slumped Lt. Zephyr in the Captain’s chair, but it was awkwardly splayed Gilluha quickly caught her attention. Running over to the  downed Klingon, Lt. Zark could see the next was obviously broken, but her chest was still moving.  Letting out a sharp bark of laughter, Zark turned a furious smile on the injured Doctor.  The icy jade fire in her eyes belied any sort of humour in the situation “When were you going to tell me she had a broken neck??! Never mind.” Turning with an abrupt quickness, Zark began consulting her tricorder for anything else that was wrong.

Quickly focusing in just on the patient, Lt. Zark quickly began pulling out vials and injecting Gilluha with sedatives and pain killers.  Now for the hardest part.  The neck had to be reset and a cast put in place to prevent the neck from moving any more.  Peripherally Lt. Zark was aware that Lt. Zephyr had said something, but with all her attention on gingerly moving the neck, she had precious little attention for anything else. Sighing, she turned back to moving the neck. This was going to take a while.

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #23
[ CPO Morgan Song | Bridge | IKS Kut'luch ] Attn: @Stegro88 @Numen @BZ @RyeTanker

The damage was both better and worse than he'd expected. Life support and gravity were all unaffected, thank heavens, but the shields were fairly fried and the cloak was still on the fritz. More immediately, the bridge's power was sputtering; he had to decide quickly what was most important, and so where to pump and reserve power he could dredge out. Flight controls, that sounded important. And, oh goodness, engines too, right, okay, they were very necessary, definitely needed those.

The ship rocked violently and he had to grab on to stop himself from flying across the room; he still managed to bang himself up in a couple places, worst of all his elbow, which made his whole arm go weak. The ship righted itself after a moment, though, thank goodness. He checked the readouts for any obvious damage; none that he could see, other than some structural issues with the aft dampeners which he wouldn't be able to fix remotely and anyway they didn't seem critically important. Now all he had to do was get what was critical working again so they could avoid any more of those hits.

There was a brief commotion behind him, Zark saying something to praise; Morgan blocked it out, whatever it was. There was no time for distractions, or he'd start second-guessing himself. They were flying blind with half the crew injured and minimal flight controls; honestly if they didn't get shot out of the sky or crash into something it'd be a miracle.

He managed to reroute enough power to the flight controls to get them back up and running, but then there seemed to be another issue with the engines. Most were in general working condition, although none were perfect, but from the system readout it looked like one was either overheating or on fire. Possibly both. He brought up the atmospheric controls, taking a second to puzzle out the strange UI before managing to flood the affected area with what he hoped was dry coolant. Did the Klingons use the same stuff as the Federation? No idea, but fingers crossed it worked!

It seemed to. The temperature readout swung back towards normal levels. Hopefully the engine had just overheated, and there wasn't any more lasting damage. He couldn't see anything that would suggest any more issues; honestly he half wanted to go and check anyway just to be sure, but then he'd be leaving the bridge and they might need him here, especially if they had to start juggling power between internal systems and shield regen. That was more important, he decided.

'Flight controls back online and engines stabilised, Lieutenant,' he reported back to Praise. 'Shields at 50% and regenerating at half speed. All other systems functioning.' Albeit to varying degrees...
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
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Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
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Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #24
[ Captain Ruzaxo, son of Balto, of the House of Martok, Captain of the IKS Kut’luch & PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Bridge | Deck 04  | IKS Kut’Luch | Asteroid Field | Fey’chora System] Attn: @fiendfall @BZ @Jmjs7125 @RyeTanker

She wasn’t sure what was more disconcerting, the howl that came from the Klingons charging at them or the one that exploded from Ruzaxo as he leapt in action beside her. Cursing inwardly once again, Mickayla followed along, her hand drawing the D’k tahg at her hip. In general, it was much the same as the knives she had trained on, but it was always the subtitles in a weapon that could win or lose a fight. Or the wielder’s skill and confidence.

Take the first Klingon that challenged her. Perhaps it was because she was female, or just his overconfidence in general, either way, Mickayla would never know as she sidestepped his downward blow from a mek’leth and thrust her own blade into his heart so far that the secondary blades dug into his armour. The look of surprise on his face was something that she would forget as she wrenched her knife free, seizing his mek’leth in her free hand as he fell. Dual wielding, she turned to find her next opponent only to barely avoid losing her head to a bat’leth. As it was, the tip creased her cheek, drawing blood. Infuriated at her own carelessness, Mickayla bared her teeth instinctively and surged forward.

Ducking a reverse swipe, Mickayla pivoted and sliced at the thigh of her second opponent, the blade of the mek’leth biting into flesh. Spinning on one knee, she swung out at the thigh, feeling a similar meaty bite even as the warrior’s bat’leth dug into her shoulder, cracking the armour and drawing blood from her for the second time. Wincing, she redirected the pain she felt into anger and used the Klingon sword for one of its intended purposes, disembowelment. 

Shaking off the pain, Mickayla looked around to see bodies littering the deck, Khorin driving a sword into Klingon’s throat and Ruzaxo struggling with another one, bleeding from a wound on his face. Pulling herself to her feet, she stumbled forward and pulled the Klingon off Ruzaxo. Reacting on instinct, the klingon plunged the D’k tahg he had been trying to kill the old captain with into his new opponent, practically driving it all the way through Mickayla. Unfortunately for him, Ruzaxo buried his on knife into the back of his neck, killing him instantly. Coughing as she stared down at the knife in her belly, Mickayla’s last thought before she lost consciousness was that she needed to stop being stabbed in the gut.

“Khorin, see to Mickayla,” he directed the younger male that had acquitted himself proudly. “I will check the bridge.” He wanted to say more but there would be time enough for that later if they survived this. If they didn’t, he would tell them in Sto-vo-kor. 

Entering the bridge, Ruzaxo found all the consoles dead, though from battle damage or sabotage he could not tell. Cursing, knowing he would discover nothing from the ship’s systems, he turned back to where Khorin knelt next to the female who, it could be argued, saved his life.

“Come,” he directed, reaching for her arm. “We must go. This ship will not last long.”

OOC: Alright everyone. Last posts up. Please save our three boarders. After everyone has posted, I will write the final and this will finally be done.

Three tasks.
1) Morgan: Please check life signs for the status of our three boarders. Could you also illustrate the other BoP losing main power, rendering transporters inoperable. Battle damage, rock impact. doesn't matter.
2) Zephyr: Please steer the Kut'luch within transporter range so that they can be saved. Might need to dodge a rock or too. (Or a broken piece of ship.)
3) Zark: Continue treating Gilluha and preparing for more incoming wounded. Or treating Morgan or Zephyr if they hurt themselves more.

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