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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 378461 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3075
What a fancy looking green boy.
I do rather like that outfit.

Congrats on the character, hope he lasts a little while.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3076
Interesting looking character. Looking forward to meeting him.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3077

I have the pleasure to announce that I managed to restore the Warp Factor and Stardate calculators after we switched to PHP 7.2. Please go try them out if you have the time?

Warp Factor Calculator

Stardate Calculator

They are updated from PHP to HTML. In the previous versions there was a bug that made me using PHP pages even though HTML was enough. This time I reversed the way and went back to HTML only.

I have yet to figure out the cause for the red error message at the bottom of the Community front page of the site, but I will take another stab at it tomorrow. Now, I'm done coding for the evening. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3078
I'm alive. So the Doctors tell me anyway.
I'm finally home and back in front of a computer so I can hopefully begin to work on some posts.
Thank you to everyone for having the patience with me.
I will try to get caught up as soon as I am physically able.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3079
Glad that you're on the mend Stegro. Glad to have you back.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3081

Let the Battle of the Apertures begin. :)

I will also take this moment to say Merry Christmas and I hope you're all having a nice time. Many talks about to be had in regard to this new chapter, and it will be a slow start given the holidays. Hope you all like it nonetheless, and don't forget to read the OOC note too.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3083
Just to let everybody know: I'm going off on a vacation, and I'll be back in early January 2019 (sometime in the first week). Won't be able to make or reply to posts for a while, but I hope y'all will understand. And I will be back to writing.

I wish y'all a very Merry/Happy Christmas!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3085

Hi there! Hope you are all having a great Christmas! Here is a new wiki page I made for you all, as a means of keeping everyone in the loop about what's going on in the final Chapter of Episode 05: Courage is Fear. Check it out!

Episode 05 Situation

I have made this page as a starting point, but it will be updated continuously as I chat with you all about additional ideas or changes. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3086
Just a head up! I'll be out of town till december 30, probably with no internet or low-speed one. I'll try to catch up the 2 threads i owe today, but probably can't write till New Year. Enjoy the food and such! ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3087


Hi there! Tomorrow is New Year's Eve and it's been a really exciting year writing Episode 05! We are at the end of it too, with the final Chapter posted and available. I thought I'd post a brief update and clarification about what's ahead.

As previously mentioned, I made a new wiki page as a means of keeping everyone in the loop:

Episode 05 Situation

Then, I PMed you all about additional ideas or changes, opening up for discussions and requests concerning your characters. It is a means to let you all have a say in the development, instead of me just telling you all how it's going to be. I am very open to discuss the situation and answer questions. Of course, the time is short before the Battle of the Apertures commence on the Theurgy's part, and there won't be any time for a visit to the Coreless Moon (even if I liked that idea, @Triton !).

When the Holidays are over, please make sure to reply to the PM I sent you, even if it's just a confirmation that the info listed is correct on the page, and you don't have any real requests of your own to make at this point. :)


Okay, here is a clarification on Supplemental Threads for you all. This might seem a bit lengthy, even repetitive, but it's just to shed any doubts after some questions were raised on Discord. :) Awesome that people let me know when I have been unclear!

Chapter 03: Knife's Edge ended at 0900 hrs., and as I wrote earlier, you all have 1 hour of time for Supplemental threads between 0900 hrs. and 1000 hrs. These threads have the naming convention Chapter 03: Supplemental [ Day 06 | XXXX hrs. ] Insert Title.

A few days ago, I posted the beginning of Chapter 05: Battle of the Apertures, and it is situated on the Main Bridge of the Theurgy, where Dyan Cardamone has just now made an appearance, saying she got a message from Thea on the Versant. In this scene, the Theurgy has dropped out of warp at 1005 hrs., and they are just a stone's throw away from the Coreless Moon.

Now, remember the Episode 05 Situation page? This page is a guide to help you set up Supplemental Threads for Chapter 05, all of them starting around 1000 hrs. @Nolan has already posted one such Chapter 05 thread, namely A New Pack Rises. There, Thomas Ravon has announced the new Squadron Organisation Chart, just before the Theurgy drops out of warp. This is an example for you, but you should use the Episode 05 Situation page to set up relevant Supplemental threads, or just post in Chapter 05: Battle of the Apertures is that's your preference, even if your character might not be on the Main Bridge.

Of course, the naming convention for Chapter 05 threads is Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 1000 hrs. ] Insert Title. The important thing here is to keep the start-time at 1000 hrs. for the time being, running parallel with Battle of the Apertures. Once certain upcoming decisions have been made on the Main Bridge, I will be able to open up for a time span of Supplemental threads between 1000 hrs. and XXXX hrs.

So, post away at your heart's content, and if you want to write even more, there are still old Chapters in Episode 05 that you can write Supplemental threads for, along with the Interregnum 04-05 board and Director's Cut board scenes from your characters' pasts.


I fell in love with the Shutterstock images of this "girl" a long time ago, and she is the means in which some of the Corrections on the abductees will be unmade. I present to you, the Savi android name V-Nine!

V-Nine                          Medical Android (SAVI)

  - Writer:
Auctor Lucan

She just made her first appearance in True Nature, where all the abductees have been gathered on the bridge of the Versant. Hope you enjoy writing your last posts in that thread, before I close it.


Sadly, I can't keep writing so many characters actively, and I have decided that I'll let someone else breathe more life into this character, whom I love but I just simply couldn't give enough attention to. If anyone feels like taking him over before a new Applicant might do it, just PM me.

Lt. Tyreke Okafor             Science Officer (Synthetic Biology) (NPC) (V02)

  - Former Writer:
Auctor Lucan

More information about Inheriting an Available Character can be found here: Available Characters


Let's take this story into it's eight year this May, and thank you everyone for making this community as awesome as it is. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3089
I know people are mad at me. I don't want to air any grievances here and now, this isn't the place for such things. My life has recently taken a turn and I've found myself becoming increasingly negative and frustrated over the past weeks. My GF was diagnosed with cancer and chemo has not been going well. This strain alone has been taking it's toll on my creative abilities and my abilities to be perhaps as nice as I once was, as tolerant.

I'm not saying this as some lame excuse of my behavior, but rather to explain the headspace I find myself in. I have actually been trying to hold in much of my negativity as of late, but it seems that I have become toxic to be around, to say the least.

I cannot and will not be the reason why others feel unwelcome here, or anywhere. I had hoped I had in some way expressed that even though I have a heavy dislike of certain TV shows and movies currently out that I do not feel it is because of any people in them, but rather because of the climate around them and the writing in them. But my words have only seemed to craft a hostile environment around me.

The word negativity has been thrown around and yes, I must admit my outlook has been negative recently. I find it hard to be positive when I see issues and my life IRL has been such a mess. But that is neither here nor there. I find myself falling into my own darkness and despair and I feel I cannot in good conscience remain in this group. I have always strived to "fix the problem" and now it is clear the problem is me and the answer is simple, I need to just not be on the Discord.

It is clear to me that is causing the majority of the tension around me and I need to distance myself from it. I will still use discord to chat with people, but I don't think I will be joining the group discord again. If you want to talk to me, you can still find me there and I am always more than happy to talk, but for the sake of the people I have made uncomfortable and hurt, I cannot be in that place anymore. It's just not good for anyone involved.


(Yes I know a little bit ago this said I was quitting, but I was stressed, cut me a break. I still love being here and I still like it here, but I need to distance myself a little.)

Postscript - I would like to apologize to those who I have upset and thank those who have reached out to me with concern about my growing negativity and depression in the recent weeks. I have not been myself and I don't even know who that is to be anymore anyway. All I know is I am tired of being seen how some people seem to see me and I think it better if I simply stop being seen at all, at least on the open chat.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3090
As a final postscript to all the drama, I must admit that in a fit of pique I unfriended and deleted a number of conversations on discord with a number of people when I made my post quitting. And as I am no longer a member of the official group discord I cannot reopen conversations and I do not have the handles of many of the people I enjoy talking to, so I cannot get them back. Thus if people want to get a hold of me I will need people to get in touch with me (if you have not heard from me in the last 24 hours, this means I no longer can message you).

Finally, I wish to apologize once more for my behavior. I have been thinking about where my negativity a lot over the past day and I think it comes down more to the personal drama in my life. Like what you like, if this new show and the new movie brings you joy, find joy in them. If it brings you into this fandom, all I can do is be happy that the fandom will grow.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3091

Because of the length of the prefix in our Supplemental threads, people are hitting the max character limit when adding the title. Also, in our email notifications, we can't always see which thread it is when it's a Supplemental being replied to, because the subject line is too long. Therefore, I will be editing all the threads in Episode 05 from....

Chapter XX: Supplemental [ Day YY | ZZZZ hrs. ] Insert Title


CHXX: S [DYY|ZZZZ] Insert Title

Please notice that you can always add a header to your threads which has the non-abbreviated title at the top of the first post.

So, don't be alarmed if the Ep05 boards will be looking funny, since it will take me an hour or so to get this done. :)

Let me know if there are any questions!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3092

Today, the last post in True Nature was posted, and with a great twist in the end. Here is the link to the final post:

Chapter 04: True Nature

Without spoiling your reading, let me just add that before our characters on the Versant shows up in Chapter 05: Battle of the Apertures, there is also a Supplemental thread posted to let you all write in the interim between the Chapters. That Supplemental can be found here:

CH04: S [D06|1005] To Arms!

This is the main Supplemental thread for activity on the Versant's bridge following the conclusion of Chapter 04: True Nature. If you guys want to set up Supplemental threads of your own, you can use the naming convention CH04: S [D06|1005] Insert Title. Please don't let more than an hour last in these Supplemental threads, though, since they will be arriving at their destination soon enough.

Thank you all so much for the adventure on the Versant, and I hope that - as challenging as the situation was for the characters - that you all enjoyed writing outside the comfort zone of the Theurgy. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3093

In May last year, @Hastata-Nerada left us to take care of his Real Life situation, and now, he feels confident about returning to us! He will take it slow, however, and will be writing an inherited character in form of Tyreke Okafor.

Lt. Tyreke Okafor             Science Officer (Synthetic Biology) (V02)

  - Writer:

He has decided to not make any character changes either, rather wanting to get back into gear slowly and without taking on too much. He has a lot of reading to do, but will be wrapping his head around the current situation in the story. It's really great to see him back in the fold, and that he's sorted out his RL situation at last. :)

This might be a good time to mention this as well: To those who are writing inherited characters created by Hastata-Nerada, there is no cause to feel guilty or anything like that now that he has returned. Inherited characters are yours to write as you deem fit, as in accordance with the rules of the sim, and it is one of the reasons why we can write this almost 8 year long continuity of a story.

Please give a warm welcome back to this old Theurgist! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3094
HN! Welcome back!
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3096
Welcome back Hastada! it's good to see you again.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3099
Hey everyone! It's great to see you all again! And to those who I haven't met yet, it's great to see you too!

Thank you all for the warm welcome, I'll be glad to get back into the swing of things.

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