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Topic: Day 05 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale (Read 7117 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 05 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Breshtanti Colony | Spaceport outside Colony Centre]

Attn: @Tae @SummerDawn @Pierce @UltimaImperatrixia

Shore leave isn’t quite the same as Leave isn’t it?  Lt. Zark mused to herself as she stepped off the shuttle Robinson main external hatch.  She was preparing for a whole lot of nothing after a great day at the gym and generally relaxing after the rock concert when she was pulled into a briefing on an investigative mission to Breshtanti in Delta Leporis, whose best known product was off all things, alcohol.    Lt. Zark had a little dumbfounded at being told to investigate why a brewery had gone silent, but orders were orders, so she’d packed up what she thought she needed into the Robinson and off she went with 4 other officers.  Seeing as how this was probably a straight forward investigation, it was also seen as a good chance to meld a several different ship’s companies together.  There was herself and Lt. JG Kala Marika from the Cayuga, Lieutenants Arven Leux and Nick Chambers from the Oneida, and Ensign Cir'Cie from Theurgy.  Lt. Chambers had been told he was in command of this little jaunt.

Zark as the only security person on the team was the first one off the shuttle and took a quick scan of the deserted space port.  Considering how much ale the colony exported, the place should have been packed and extremely busy, but there was nary a soul.  Her antennae pointed in the general direction she was looking at, but she couldn’t see or hear anyone.  ”Hello! I’m Lieutenant Zark of the Federation Starship Theurgy!  Anyone here?”  Only silence answered her.  Taking a moment to shift her phaser rifle to her left hand, Zark pulled a tricorder and flipped it open only to furrow her brows in confusion as the screen only returned hash and snow.  Mentally cursing at this new mystery, she put the tricorder back in it’s holder on her utility belt before tapping the combadge on her tactical vest, only for it to return the chirp of negative function.  Tapping it again to make sure it wasn’t working, she felt her hackles begin to rise as she turned to knock on the shuttle hatch, hard.  She really wished she had her exosuit now, but the armourers had told her it would been down for repairs for a week.

When it opened, she addressed the team leader and rest of the team.  ”Sir, I tried to use the combadge, but it looks like communications are out. Where do we go from here and what knocked out comms?”

The shuttle is named for John Thomas Romney Robinson, an astronomer and major contributor to the Amagh Catalogue, a record of 5345 stars, and inventor of the cup anemometer.

GM NOTE: Adding your posting order here for availability. /AL

1. RyeTanker (Lt. JG Zark)
2. Pierce (Lt. Nick Chambers)
3. UltimaImperatrixia (Ens. Cir'Cie)
4. SummerDawn (Lt. JG Kalika Marika)
5. Tae (Lt. Arven Leux)

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant Nick Chambers | Breshtanti Colony | Spaceport outside Colony Centre ] Attn: @Tae @SummerDawn @RyeTanker @UltimaImperatrixia [Show/Hide]

Lt. Chambers had been told that his first away mission should be rather routine. But as he'd learned in Starfleet and in recent times, anything was but routine. Especially when the Theurgy was involved from what he'd read up on after boarding the ship. Things seemed to be albeit normal upon landing. And with a brewery, hell, it gave them all the wee little chance at getting plastered too. So it was a win win in his eyes. After all, he loved Gin, and well, most other types of drinks. It helped him to focus on...well he'd know what if he'd just stop.

Having landed already and Lt. Zark currently scouting outside, they should know what they're up against he hoped. That is until a loud pounding could be heard outside. He activated the hatch as the Lieutenant appeared back within line of sight.

"Sir, I tried to use the combadge, but it looks like communications are out. Where do we go from here and what knocked out comms?"

He held his hand to his chin and jumped up quickly to his feet. Nearly startling the others as he approached the door well. "Well....let's start by scanning the vicinity. Look for any signs of interference and radiation. Do we know how close we are to the brewery? Or for that matter, who would want to shut this wonderful place of pleasure down?"

His quirkiness was a bit different for most he'd had the pleasure of working with but it was one of the things that kept them guessing over his methods. Usually, a good play but today he was simply testing the waters and looking to make this adventure a bit more...interesting...but by the book...somewhat.

The assertive look on his face only gave the appearance he was thinking about the day. The thoughts close behind the look, in reality, were still very much in an indecisive state. He took several steps outside and glanced around the shuttle before taking himself the rest of the way out. "Until we know what we're dealing with, we may want to leave a few here to mind the shuttle as we explore. Might be a good play to bring tricorders and phasers in case things get a little more nefarious here."

He paused. "Normally I'd suggest spreading out but with no comms, that may not be so wise. If we can discern the direction of the dampening signal we should head there first so we can discover what happened." He tapped his own communicator and saw no signs of life at least within the near vicinity. "I don't seem to have anything on nearby scanners in regards to lifeforms. Write that down."

Taking a few other steps he was now well outside the shuttle with a growing concern in the pit of his stomach.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #2
[ Ensign Cir'Cie | Breshtanti Colony | Spaceport outside Colony Centre ]

Cir'Cie had been instructed to join the investigatory team that had descended down upon Breshtanti, and although initially she had shown hesitance and some annoyance at being made to leave her studies and routine work within the main hydroponic labs onboard the Theurgy, her logical side concluded that it would do her some good to 'stretch her legs' as it were. She had taken a satchel with her that, aside from containing the typical Type-1 Phaser and her TR-590 Tricorder Mark XI - she had brought a long some basic equipment for plant related study - more so just in case really, and if she could acquire some samples of the Breshtanti plant used to make the infamous Ale that was heavily enjoyed by one Kor of the Klingon Empire, then perhaps that in itself might provide a boost of morale to at least some of the crew members back home...

Home - had she really started to associate the Theurgy with being what one would consider a place to truly settle down in, despite how chaotic their journey had been thus far? Her internal musings and philosophical ramblings were rendered null when the shuttle touched down. Observing Lieutenant Zark and Chambers leaving the shuttle - she would let out an exhale through her nose softly before adjusting her satchel and her uniform. Glancing over at the other members onboard the vessel, she took it upon herself to exit next and by force of habit - took a preliminary scan of the vicinity around them with her own Tricorder. But much like Zark had already concluded; there was little information on display in the initial area to give them any clue as to what might be going on.

Hearing Chambers give the initial assessment that communications were unavailable and that spreading out would be ill-advised, she made a note of the lack of lifeforms as instructed and then approached him, holding her satchel close as she briefly perused the area once more before glancing back up to Chambers with her sharp eyes, only to simply state. "It seems we have a habit of finding trouble; even when we do not intend too." Instinctively, she took out the small Type-1 Phaser from her satchel, but held it low down beside her thigh, ready to use it if need be. Being alone on a Klingon world didn't exactly inspire confidence in the Ensign, for now however; she would put trust in her commanding officers and remain stoic.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant j.g. Kala Marika | Breshtanti Colony | Spaceport outside Colony Centre ]

To say Kala was a bit nervous as she stepped off the shuttle and began running scans of the facility was a slight understatement. It seemed trouble followed her everywhere she went, at least since she'd set foot on the Cayuga those few short months ago. Now she was investigating why a Klingon Brewery of all things had gone dark and while there were any number of benign explanations, she earnestly hoped it was something as simple as a power outage or knocked out comms relay, with her luck it would be something far more sinister. Which is why her tricorder was already out, and her hand hovering near her type two phaser.

She listened as the other's spoke, Lt Chambers suggesting there was some sort of dampening field in place affecting comm's, Ens Cir'Cie remarking about finding trouble, and she had to at least smile at the Ensign's remark. "Well, other then comm's being down and some sort of interference limiting the range of my tricorder, I've got nothing. My recommendation is we look for the facility's main control center, we may find this is just a simple power outage caused by a drunk engineer?" She looked over at Lt Chambers, "Did powers that be at least send along blueprints or even a map of this place?"

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #4
Lt Arven Leux | Breshanti Colony | Spaceport outside Colony center | @Pierce @RyeTanker @UltimaImperatrixia @SummerDawn

Arven had enjoyed the flight to Breshanti. The trip had given him plenty of time to organize the equipment that he'd brought along. Since the colony had stopped responding and contact had been lost, Arven had assumed the worst. So he'd come with a reasonably large amount of triage equipment. So Arven was busy checking his hyposprays and other medications, and considering that this was a Klingon colony, Arven had brought along more than a few doses of drugs that would easily be lethal to Klingon physiology. Nothing slow or painful. What he'd brought was designed to be as merciful as possible. The Trill had learned the necessity of those medications in the prison camp, and ever since, he'd always brought some along on away missions. The red-colored hyposprays had enough of the toxin for twenty Klingons. Those hyposprays were fitted with caps to prevent accidental use, and hopefully, there would be no use for those hyposprays, but he didn't hold out hope for that.

Since Arven was preparing himself for what he might have to do, he hadn't been especially conversant during the flight on the Robinson.  The shuttle making landfall, though, woke him up, so to speak. Lieutenants Chambers and Zark had provided some good information.  He wasn't wholly surprised that there was a dampening field active in the local area. He frowns though, already thinking about the situation at hand.

"No contact, dampening field, and this place produces a well-known and sought-after commodity? Probably pirates of some sort, maybe with hostages?" It was as much question as it was his opinion. It wasn't like Arven had done anything other than talking to people about their experiences during his imprisonment. And he'd spent more than a little time speaking with security officers and other crew members. So this type of situation seemed straight out of the stories that he'd heard. Which meant this situation wasn't anywhere near normal, not with the Theurgy. So it was with a wary readiness that Arven exited the shuttlecraft with the rest of the team, making sure that all of his equipment was secured and slung over his shoulder. The overly large triage kit sling over his shoulder. To keep the special hyposprays separate, he had them in a smaller pack with the 'special' hyposprays on a smaller red-colored pack strapped to his belt. While Arven looked worried, he certainly seemed to be ready. Or at least as prepared as possible.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #5
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Breshtanti Colony | Suspect Brewing Complex]

@Pierce @Tae @UltimaImperatrixia @SummerDawn

Lt. Zark was apprehensive as she stepped out of the hover truck the group had appropriated for the short journey to the brewery.  It had taken a bit to figure out which brewing complex was the source of the dampening field, but a bit of guess work and analysis had yielded a large complex that rejoiced in the name of the The Overflowing D'k tahg. How typically Klingon. Zark thought to herself as she slung her phaser rifle over her shoulder and proceeded to give the exterior a security over view.

Say what you will about Klingon culture.  They sure know how to market themselves.  Quirking an eyebrow, it was quickly apparent that the architects had used the monastery at Boreth as an inspiration for the entrance gate. It didn’t quite totally work as she stepped closer to the barred gate and saw an imposing large industrial building with numerous pipes and liquid tanks in the back.  Her nose detected the subtle scent of cooking grains, spices, and yeasts.  The breweries obvious signs of activity totally belied the absolutely deserted nature of the entire settlement.  The group had not seen or detected a single life form on the way to the brewery and deepening the mystery.

Taking out her tricorder and boosting the signal, she could find no active security measures aside from the closed gate.  Taking another moment to hack the gate controls, she pressed a combination on the tricorder and the gate obediently unlocked and opened.  Looking through the gate one last time, Lt. Zark turned towards the group and signalled them to follow her.  Her eyes momentarily settled on Lt. Chambers. Hmmm. He does cut a very fine figure.  Whao! Where did that come from?  Worried her new shipmate would have caught her looking him over, she quickly shook her head as she led the group in.  The Andorian medic unconsciously took a moment to loosen the top of her tac vest as it was suddenly getting a little warmer than she anticipated while forcing her mind back to the task at hand.

Quickly heading passed the now open gate and towards the main entrance, Zark noticed the grounds of the brewery didn't quite match her impression of a Klingon building.  Flagstones, trees, and grass dominated their path and presented an almost serene environment.  The building seemed to loom out of the ground as they approached the main entrance and her trained eye picked out an object that didn’t look it belonged in the facility.  It seemed to alien to the architecture and design ethos used by Klingons, and she unslung her phaser rifle before quickly using hand signals to direct the group to into a copse of trees.  When she felt they were far enough in, she took a knee consulted a map and beckoned Lt. Chambers over.  ”Sir, something about this situation is strange, we haven’t encountered a single life form and the plant is running full tilt.  Also, there a device on the main personnel entrance that I don’t recognize. It could be a sensor, and I don’t think it’s Klingon in nature.  I'm going to check out the side of the building.  There should be stairs or a ladder to the roof.  Hopefully they haven't placed sensors there as well. I should be back in about 15 minutes.” 

Signalling the group to stay in place, the Andorian disappeared into the trees at high speed.  Taking a moment to look at the building, she found what she was looking for, a set of stairs at the side that led to a fire escape to the roof. Pulling out her tricorder, she executed a passive scan of the area, but didn't find any more unidentified devices. Taking one careful last look and deep breath, Lt. Zark rushed out of the tree line to the building side.  She reached the stairs and pointed her rifle up at the roof in a quick sweep.  Her elevated heart rate was deafening in the silence surrounding the settlement. Carefully heading up the stairs then shouldering her rifle before gently climbing to the produced a new anxiety all it's own as she climbed.  Still nothing when she reached the top, and risking a quick peek over the top, there was nothing out of the ordinary as well.  Climbing onto the roof, she unslung her rifle again and looked began searching for a way in.  Each step on the stones that topped the roof felt far too loud as she looked at the various structures protruding from the building.  She briefly considered trying the skylights, but quickly discarded that idea as impractical as she didn't know how many of the team were capable or willing to rappel from great heights.

She soon found a fire exit and giving it a quick scan, she found the lock could easily be bypassed.  With this knowledge in hand, Zark headed back the way she came and into the woods to where she left the away team.  Breathing a little heavier from her solo reconnaissance as she reached the group, Lt. Zark quietly approached them to give an update. ”Okay, it doesn't look like they were really expecting any visitors, so this copse of trees should be able to provide us concealment to the stairs and ladder on the side of the building.  From the edge, there's a fire exit about 100m to the right we can use to easily get in.”

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #6
Lieutenant Nick Chambers
| Breshtanti Colony | Suspect Brewing Complex ] Attn: @Tae @SummerDawn @RyeTanker @UltimaImperatrixia [Show/Hide]

Chambers stood at attention after getting off the lift at the brewery. The smell of the area had a particular aroma to it that was rather pleasing to his nose and his chest. His breathing was a little amplified as his chest grew and fell with each breath. Something was odd about this facility for sure, but what it was he was unfamiliar with. After-all, he's not a science officer.

The slightly built officer took special note of his female compatriots on their journey. Something about them he found intoxicating but couldn't quite put his finger on it. Taking a few added glances, he felt a stirring in his chest that made him somewhat curious. They certainly know how to crew this vessel. So hot too... He shook his head and returned his focus back at the facility before them. The oddity of his thoughts still lingered as he tried to focus on the task at hand.

He watched as Lt. Zark passed him and opened the gates of the brewery and placed a knee on the ground before summoning his presence towards her. Something about aliens seemed to be alluring to his thoughts as he drew closer to her to listen.

"Sir, something about this situation is strange, we haven't encountered a single life form and the plant is running full tilt.  Also, there a device on the main personnel entrance that I don't recognize. It could be a sensor, and I don't think it's Klingon in nature.  I'm going to check out the side of the building.  There should be stairs or a ladder to the roof.  Hopefully they haven't placed sensors there as well. I should be back in about 15 minutes."

He felt puzzled as the thoughts of what he'd just heard had time to finally sink in. "It is strange. However, I think what is more curious to me is the lack of Klingons. They never leave their booze." He stared into the corner of the facility as Zark looked to take off to survey the area. "Be careful." he stated as she continued on her way.

His thoughts were slightly fuzzy. He wondered if it had something to do with all the plant life present but couldn't be sure. "I really need to call the Klingon's interior decorator. These plants just don't go with their chosen aesthetic of grim and deadly." He turned one of them, "Write that down." He walked forward as he saw Lt. Zark approach again with her report.

He nodded and proceeded in that direction. "Keep your phasers at the ready. Put them on stun in the event we run into trouble." The eery nature of the area started to get to him as he stopped abruptly and shook before he continued his original pacing. "Something isn't right...." he stated as sounds could be heard in the distance but nothing discerning that could be identified easily.

"Something is definitely going on here. Let's move following Lt. Zark's suggested path." The plant-life appeared to be more thick and brushy through the small forest they passed through. The colors more vibrant, the waving more distinct. It was almost calming to him to be around so much of it. His breathing was feeling certainly affected by something nearby, but without long range scanning, it was hard to discern.

As they neared the doors, it appeared to have been blasted with some sort of disruptor-like device but not exactly Klingon in nature. "Scan those doors. I want to know what hit them. It isn't Klingon based on the scorching that was done here and here." He pointed to two distinct placements on the doorframes but was quickly distracted. His head leaned towards one ear as he pondered the sounds. "Does...does anyone else hear those sounds too? It sounds familiar but not at the same time."

Subconsciencely he knew what it sounded like but didn't want to come off as some sick pervert on a mission primarily with a female landing party. I'm sure that would go over well with the Captain. A female Bajoran, Andorian and Vulcan walk into a bar... He snickered as he continued to peer around corners trying desperately not to pay attention to their shapely bodies nearby.

Deciding to put his focus back on the mission as increasingly difficult as it was getting, "Anyone find anything of use yet?"

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #7
[ Ensign Cir'Cie | Breshtanti Colony | Suspect Brewing Complex ]

Cir'Cie would choose to remain close to Lieutenant Chambers, her slacks doing little to hide her nubile and curvy form as she paced slowly around. Taking readings with her sophisticated Tricorder - a knowing smirk would cross her lips briefly and she would start to take samples from the smaller plants in their vicinity. The distinct 'be-dut-de-dut' alert signal of the Tricorder confirming her suspicions. Still; she would get down on one knee and take a retrieval kit from her satchel, taking her time to carefully extract and collect samples of the Viral Spores that had found themselves upon the plants in their vicinity. Once she was satisfied with filling a few vials with strands of grass, types of leaves and a few stems here and there - she would tightly seal the contaminated items in a glass containing unit marked with a Biohazard sign before storing it into her Satchel.

She would slowly inhale sharply, her heart racing with anticipation and excitement - a few simple Viral spores like this were manageable, enough to be treated and handled accordingly - but that didn't mean she was immune to them. On the contrary she seemed more willing to allow the risk of pleasurable consumption to wash around her and she would glance over at Chambers with a wry smile before simply stating. "Readings indicate this area is contaminated, it is extremely likely that the suspect plant is nearby and waiting direct confrontation for faster means of infection. I would recommend we turn back and secure appropriate equipment...though something tells me you have no intention of doing so, do you Lieutenant?"

Standing with a slant within her stance, her thin hourglass figure now more so pronounced in her outfit, she would raise an eyebrow in a questioning manner, as if curious to see what orders or advise she would now receive. As tempting as it was to indulge in the lurid suggestions and images being projected into her mind which were already starting to have a slow but noticeable affect on her being - she would now tap into her teachings of Surak to hold the urges back. She fully intended to get off this planet and back to the Theurgy - Niga be damned or not. And so she chose to convey her initial thoughts to their surroundings and the task that lay ahead of them.

"If it were not for the implications with the Klingons, the eradication of this particular region with Phaser fire to eliminate both contagions and plant-based structures would have been the simplest and most logical decision...however; given that is not an option. I would propose we should consider breaking the tankards and brewing machines to flood the facility with the solution. It will anger the owners, but the alcoholic compounds will harm and stunt the growth of the Niga... The question is; which of us is willing to go that deep into the Complex? - if this option is viable at all..."

Folding her arms, she would close her eyes and take a moment to focus and compose herself, even if her stance suggested a lack of control potentially teasing her instincts.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #8
[ Lieutenant j.g. Kala Marika | Breshtanti Colony | Suspect Brewing Complex ]

Something was amiss here, Kala thought to herself, moving to scan the doors at Chamber’s request. She noticed Ens. Cir’Cie move towards some plant life to sample it, giving Kala a good glance at the Vulcan women’s shapely ass. It was shapely and she wondered what it might look naked and in bed? Probably a frigid emotionless bitch, Kala thought to herself, Vulcan’s weren’t exactly the most sexually liberated species. Now why that thought popped in her head she had no idea, this wasn’t exactly Risa at the start of the lolunhat festival, about as far from it as she could get right now.

The planet seemed warmer though, almost too warm, strange considering how cool it had been when they first landed. She felt stuffy, her uniform seemed to be holding in the heat and she reflexively unzipped the front of the outer jacket she wore. Even that seemed to barely help only in the slightest, she still felt hot under the collar, the temptation to undress even further, a prickly heat that seemed to permeate to her core. She resisted the urge, but glancing back at Nick Chambers for a second, she found that same thought as she’d had with Cir’Cie welling up, except the brief glance at Chambers had been enough for her to start mentally undressing him. She focused on her scans, but her mind wandered, undressing her Superior officer, imagining what lay beneath, toned muscles, washboard abs, a certain male appendage. The two of them hot, sweaty, and about to...

Get it to together Kala, she chided herself, now is not the time to be getting aroused by your coworker, even if he is a hunky, sexy, Andonis. Even trying to focus she was having troubles. “Lieutenant. These scorch marks, they don’t correspond to any know weaponry or tools used by Alpha & Beta quadrant races. Best guess is whomever shot at this door used some form of coherent graviton beam. Not something I’ve ever seen before.” She stood to face him, glancing between him and Lt Zark, the Andorian female, trying to focus, finding her thoughts wandering lewdly again. “Whatever they did, it fused the door circuitry, we’ll need to find another way in, a side entrance or some such.

She glanced at Cir’Cie when the women suggested they needed to secure proper equipment and venture deeper into the facility. “If it get’s us to the bottom of this mystery and back to Theurgy, I’ll volunteer to go into the facility.” She wasn’t quite sure why the sudden testy outburst, the Ensign only stated her observations. The Vulcan women did seem to have some inkling about what they were facing, if only from how certain she seemed about this Niga plant. “Let’s find a way in, get comms restored, blow these brewing machines, and get out.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #9
 Lt Arven Leux | Breshanti Colony | Suspect Brewery | @Pierce @RyeTanker @UltimaImperatrixia @SummerDawn

The Trill barely paid attention to the conversation around him, more focused on how the to unform felt too tight against his muscular frame.  It seemed to chafe in all of the wrong places and stimulate in all of the right ones. the way the fabric brushed against the lines of spots adorning his body felt good, maybe a little too good. It was with a start that Arven caught himself looking at Lieutenant Chambers and Kala far more than he should have while on a mission. He was daydreaming about both of their asses for a brief moment. He imagined that Lieutenant Chambers, in particular, had a rather lovely rear. It looked like he could have played Volleyball. Arven imagined the man all oiled up and wearing aviator shades like in that ancient earth film, Top Gun? Yeah, that was it. Chambers in the role of Tom cruise, and then Kala was the Doctor in an illicit affair with the woman, Cir'Cie. While Cir'Cie had more hair than the woman in that film, Arven could imagine the two of them hooking up. But that meant she'd get kicked out of the Navy for being gay? That had been a crime? Yeah, that had been a crime back in the United States, at least in the military. Why was he even casting the other members of the away team in movie roles in his head, and why was being gay ever a problem? And there was Zark, the blue skinned woman with the white hair, he was imagining her walking down from a spaceship, clad in something akin to tinfoil. a spacesuit that revealed her midriff, probably  well toned abs, Zark looked like she had toned muscles. There would totally be abs.

"What the fuck Arven..." His voice is barely more than a mutter as he slaps himself. And he groans slightly then. he recognized the groan as one more of pleasure than exasperation, and his eyes go wide with shock. Some medical reports he'd read in the last week flashing through his mind.

"Alright, everyone, let's hold here for a moment while I do some scans." His voice was firm and authoritative, not the calm, composed bedside manner, but something harsher, something a bit more urgent. Arven was clearly rattled at having out of the fugue state of his daydreams, the man's cheeks flushing a rich red as he does his best to keep his eyes on the ground. Arven couldn't look at the other away team members right now, not until he confirmed his suspicions. His breathing was hot and heavy as if he was aroused, which he very clearly was.

Whole Arven was very new to the crew; he had taken time to review the significant medical incidents the crew of the Theurgy had experienced. And the Niga Virus was at the top of the reading list. The Trill grumbles as he pulls the medical tricorder from his kit, starting with himself, and then goes around the group to take readings and confirm them. At times while performing this task, Arven's mind seems to wander, and his rich violet eyes linger perhaps a bit too long on his companions for the mission.  A small smile here, a flick of long lashes there. Arven was not, past tense, a very discriminating individual, and with his chiseled good looks, he'd made use of that when he was younger, before the USS Honshu and his subsequent internment anyway. Since then, well, the Trill was beginning to realize just how many years it had been since...

No, now wasn't the time for thoughts like that. Arven had readings to look over, but the very fact it had taken him almost a full five minutes to scan five people. And the state of arousal he was currently at confirmed it.

"Shit, masks on people, there's Niga in the air."  Arven drops to one knee to play around with his medical kit, the full triage kit he'd brought with him. Thankfully he had stocked it with masks, and he slips one on his face first and activates it. The sound of sucking is audible as the mask vacuums itself down onto his face and the filtration system starts up.

"Alright, everyone, I need you all to take one of these and put it on. If you don't know how to use these, let me know. These are what we call quarantine masks. They protect our soft tissues, eyes, nasal passages, and mouth from droplets and other contaminants. I'm also prescribing everyone 5cc's of Beta Niaxaline to tamp down on sexual urges.  And Delta Niaxaline for you, Ensign. Cir'Cie. And speaking of you, Ensign, you've dealt with this craziness before. Do you have advice on how to proceed now that we've confirmed the presence of the virus?"  While Vulcans were mostly similar, their physiology and biochemistry were non-trivially different from those of the other red-blooded away team members. And when speaking to the Botanist, his tone of voice was a forced professional tone. His violet eyes flitting over her slender figure. No, he wasn't breathing that air anymore. His emotions and urges were his to control, not some Virus. He could do better than this; he had to and would do better.

Once again, Arven treats himself first, pressing the hypospray into his neck and activating it. The sharp sting of the injected substance brought with it the sharp clarity of having received something into his system. The focus brought on by the caffeine was welcome, and he took a deep breath before going around the group to administer the hypospray to everyone, assuming that they all consented to it. The Doctor kept his ears open now, doing his best to focus on what was being said by the others, trying very hard to keep a greased-up Chambers from running through his mind.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #10
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Breshtanti Colony | The Overflowing D'k tahg]

@Pierce @UltimaImperatrixia @Tae @SummerDawn

Lt.Kala’s behaviour did not escape Zark's notice and a shapely eyebrow piqued in interest as the normally staid engineer suddenly unzipped her uniform jacket.  Kala's following strange aggressiveness and sudden act of bravery to explore the facility more deeply took the shapely Andorian by surprise causing the other brow to join first.  From their time on the Cayuga Zark couldn’t remember the Bajoran ever being quite so...passionately fiery.  The Andorian's cheeks darkened intensely as a series of lurid images started to form in her head involving a lantern lit ice hotel, herself, Kala, and Chambers lying between the two women, all sans clothing.

A small moan of desire escaped Lt. Zark's throat and this snapped her back to reality after mere moments and the combat medic's eyes grew wide in shock as she physically shook her head to clear the images. The Andorian hadn't even noticed she was biting her lower lip as she took several deep breaths to try to bring calm and focus back to the situation as forcibly unlatched her teeth from her lips when said lips began to tell her she was biting too hard.  There was also some pointed pressure in her chest as well.

Lt.Zark closed her eyes as the hot embarrassment coursed through her.  She did her best to calm herself while crossing her arms across her chest.  Oh Shelat!  There’s Niga Virus on this planet and we breathed it in.  Fuck! No pun intended. Opening her eyes, she gratefully took the proffered mask and exposed her neck for the recommended shot from Lt.Leux, she quickly affixed the mask to her head and began deeply breathing in the cleaner air. The night in the hotel attempted to intrude into her thoughts again, but knowing the threat now, Zark firmly stepped on her imagination, though the physical reaction in her chest didn’t appear to want to settle any time soon.  She turned to thank Lt.Leux Hmmmmm, never seen purple eyes before, they're really quite enchanting... The Andorian closed her eyes firmly grinding on the urge to grab the trill's hand and shove it inside her uniform to help her diagnose where the pressure on her chest was coming from. This time, she concentrated on her breathing, counting to 45 by 3s in the hopes that the Niaxaline would kick in soon.

When she was reasonably sure she had control over her voice and she felt her facial features settle back into a professional demeanour,  she turned to Lt.Chambers. ”Lt.Kala’s right sir.  Cir'Cie’s findings on the Niga virus make this facility too dangerous to the galaxy at large. The last outbreak of the virus was bad enough that Captain Ives ordered the planet Niga annihilated as Ensign Cir'Cie’ can attest to.  We should annihilate the place then pour antimatter on the ashes to be sure ”  She had to continue to make her point. ”I'm willing to bet latinum bars to tubers that everyone here is having ummmmm.. uninhibited thoughts of varying intensities.  With a full strength virus in effect, people will act on those thoughts and do nothing else.  Sir, when we reestablish communications, we may need to get the Captain's permission to destroy the place.

Lt. Zark paused as a thought started to form about the virus itself.  Wiping the brewery off the face of the galaxy would be the easy solution, but it wouldn't answer how the virus and the associated flora even made it off Niga in the first place.  Dropping her head for a moment as her brows furrowed together as her mouth frowned in contemplation of the deliberateness of the act of recreating the virus at this very location and how far could it have gotten.  Not to mention the original mission to investigative the team sent by the Klingons to find out what was happening.

Raising her head once more and looking steadily as it became easier for her to not mentally undress Chambers, she continued. "Sir, we need to find who setup the virus in the plant either through the security systems, or any other clues or technology left behind by the perpetrators so we can find out how far they plan on carrying out the destruction of life in the galaxy.  I think we all heard the orgy going on inside, so I think we can move around the plant while they're all busy with each other, and we do need to rescue them.  I'd suggest that we head to the security centre to get a better read on the situation.  If the plant is still running, there could be an alternative energy source keeping production going that we should shut down to safely stop the spread of the virus while keeping any survivors alive for treatment."

Turning to Trill doctor as he made his rounds.  Lt.Leux, I'd recommend that we issue a hypsospray of Nixaline to each person just in case we need to innoculate again.  Though thinking about it, do we have enough to use on the Klingons and anyone else we find inside?".  Lt.Zark inquired of the Trill doctor as she hoped her voice sounded as steady as she wanted it to.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant Nick Chambers | Breshtanti Colony | Spaceport outside Colony Centre ] Attn: @Tae @SummerDawn @RyeTanker @UltimaImperatrixia [Show/Hide]

The air was oddly intoxicating to Chambers. His mind was in a fog as he tried to focus on the tasks at hand albeit difficult with all those with him on the away mission. He grasped something about a particular plant that shouldn't be here or even exist anymore, and yet it was here. He watched the Vulcan's slender form bending down to take a sample of the plants and confirming suspicion. He shook the fog briefly from his mind as she mentioned turning away from the direct route where the plant life was likely waiting them. But he knew that they must forge onward despite the imminent danger unfolding before them. "No, let's proceed on but if it comes at you, kill the dinner salad and do not eat it."

He stared at her more as she shifted her weight but was broken from his thoughts quickly which were devolving by the minute. Her suggestion about destroying the tanks and the machines being viable, he nodded and walked on contemplating the recent revelation that they'd all been infected with Niga. Something he'd heard some rumblings about when he looked into the Theurgy but had no first hand experience with, nor inoculation for.

His gaze followed her arms to her chest and he could feel his heart beat that much faster. If he was going to make it through this, he was going to have to find a way to reduce his gazes at the crew or punch himself in the balls to counter the brewing feelings welling inside him. Neither option seemed that great at present. The heat inside his uniform caused him to unzip the overcoat of it and leave it flowing like an opened jacket, and he exposed more of his neckline with the gold uniform partially unzipped. Either the virus was causing this or the machines nearby.

Chambers moved his stare to Kala who also had adjusted her uniform to suit the heat. He locked eyes with her briefly and smiled but quickly broke it as he felt a stirring in his nether regions. He secretly wished that she'd unzipped her uniform a little further down, but there wasn't time to picture that now. They had to make it past this mission and then see if what he was feeling was real or a virus induced fever amplifying his desires.

Looking at the door, he acknowledged Kala's scans of it and grunted when she mentioned the fused circuitry. "Well, if that isn't a kick in the pants. We can..." he was abruptly interrupted when she mentioned going in to the facility herself to explore. Not his first option but what choice did they have at this point? "Go, take someone with you. I don't want any of us separated at any time. But keep your distance too. With these plants affecting us, I can only imagine as you are what we'd do in our current condition. Just don't picture it right now. Oh wait, too late. Damn. Nevermind. Let's continue onward."

Head shaking, his thoughts returned to normal after that visual he'd accidentally planted in everyone's heads. Lt. Leux was next to speak however as he stood looking onward. His mention of scanning the away team and his appearance at looking at each officer told Chambers that he was hot and bothered too. Not a bad looking individual if he had to say so himself. The spots of his species were also something that intrigued Nick.

"Shit, masks on people, there's Niga in the air. Alright, everyone, I need you all to take one of these and put it on. If you don't know how to use these, let me know. These are what we call quarantine masks. They protect our soft tissues, eyes, nasal passages, and mouth from droplets and other contaminants. I'm also prescribing everyone 5cc's of Beta Niaxaline to tamp down on sexual urges.  And Delta Niaxaline for you, Ensign. Cir'Cie. And speaking of you, Ensign, you've dealt with this craziness before. Do you have advice on how to proceed now that we've confirmed the presence of the virus?"

Peering down into the medical kit, Nick quickly grabbed one of the masks and overlapped his face with it. It felt odd but good knowing it would filter their air from this. Not a permanent solution but a good fix short term. Reaching forward, he took one of the hypospray's from Arven and administered the 5cc's of Beta Niaxaline. Almost immediately after the prick in his neck, it began to tamp down on his sexual urges. His brain feeling the cleared thoughts for the first time since setting down out of the shuttlecraft. A small part of him wanted to see what would have happened but being this was an unsafe and potentially unstable situation, he decided not to make that part voiced at this time. He took a deep breath and felt more like himself again.

"Thanks doc. That makes me feel great again. Like I'm snorting my own flavorful lunch over and again instead of good plant pheromones. Not that I want to go back there."

Chest still unsettled, despite the shot, he was ready for what came next. Looking forward at the security building, he saw a tear in the siding. Like something ripped its way through the side of the facility. Not sure if it was inward or outward but what he could be sure of was that was the way in. He listened in as from behind him Lt. Zark pointed out again how everyone was having urges and how a fully infected person with the virus would be no match for the acts or thoughts. He turned to face her and he was shocked by how close she was and how beautiful the Andorian woman was to him. He hadn't been with someone non-human before, but she was very enticing to his eyes.

Thoughts to her speaking he heard her explain about the situation as she saw it. "Good idea lieutenant. I just spotted a hole torn in the sheet metal walls there. One of you follow me, I'm going in. Cover the door and look out for any life or hungry salad coming for your organs."

He pulled out his phaser and readied it but dropped it to his side holster as he walked in through the torn wall. There was no one inside and the lights flickered. He glanced around and took note of the status and called for the others to enter. "Everybody into the pool. Coast is clear and grandma's not skinny dipping." He was unsure if they caught his drift but figured they'd come in regardless.

Activating the console, he tapped a few junctures and turned on auxiliary power to the room as the room lit up to normal line of sight. Tapping a few other controls the security feed came online as well. Glancing over the various screens, he knew something was amiss when he saw the Klingons.... "Looks like someone started the party without us. Mom always said, never get in the middle of a hungry or horny Klingon."

He turned to the doctor. "I doubt we have enough of that cocktail for the Klingons, let alone ourselves. Is there a way we can filter some sort of gas or anesthesia into the system to knock them out since we have these to protect us?" He said knocking lightly on his face shield. The sight on the screens had Chambers a little preoccupied as he stared at the orgy before him on the screens. "Whatever you do, don't turn on the sound. No one needs to hear this. Definitely what we heard some of earlier too. But this explains why they aren't producing anything either."

Nick looked around as the others piled in and inquired. "Next we need to find the tanks, detonate those or overload them. Keep looking for options on the communications array. And see if you can identify any relevant footage on these security cameras. There has to be something to explain what is going on here. I'm not overly familiar with Klingon tech so if someone else can find those, that'd be great..."

Tearing his eyes from the screen, he walked back to wipe his eyes as if he'd been staring for far too long or just tired. Either of which he wasn't yet sure about. "I just know we need to be quick or we're not going to be much better off than those in that monitor. Not a bad way to die, but not ideal either."

He paced the room as the others went to work and Nick awaited some answers.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #12
[ Ensign Cir'Cie | Breshtanti Colony | Spaceport outside Colony Centre ]

Dealt with the craziness

If only that statement were true - Cir'Cie looks towards Arven for a moment before reluctantly taking the injection of Delta Niaxalin. She shuddered lightly at the sensation of the drug beginning its journey through her circulatory system, after which point she stated in a blunt tone. "I was part of the craziness. My memories of the event are hazy at best. Though since the Virus propagates quickly, I would estimate we have a few hours at most. It should not take us that long to complete our assignment here...that being said, the Virus is more effective in those who have weak impulse control...or potent libidos. This will now be a test of will power, as much as a test of your regular training. The masks won't really help, now we've been infected."

With that, she rubbed her neck where the injection had pierced her fair bronzed skin before proceeding to follow in Lieutenant Chamber's steps. Despite her reserved actions so far - she was definitely feeling the same heavy feeling in her chest as the others were, it didn't help that the light layer of sweat she had accumulated on her skin made her seem somewhat more appealing in a hot and bothered way. Yet despite this she didn't unzip or expose any part of herself, she was more so focused on the mental implications as part of her psyche was now practically screaming at her to try and have her way with one of the crew members in the team - any of them would do.

The drug helped to sooth her, but it was only a temporary measure. She would use her Tricorder to compare her information on the original Niga strain with the one they were facing now, attempting to see if there was any notable differences to be concerned about. Her 'work' was interrupted however upon seeing the Klingons on the various security screens above her - her cheeks tinged a noticeable green as a blush came to her and she had to shake her head to try and re-compose herself. "I see the Klingons are further along in the stages of infection, yet I do not see any physical indicators of the plant yet. Perhaps this variant is more airborne?" she would ponder, more so to herself than to anyone else.

Cir'Cie had taken note of how Chambers had been eyeing up Zark earlier and rather than feeling jealousy or anger, she felt encouragement - they had only been infected for several minutes and yet everyone was certainly considering throwing protocol to the wind and enjoying to speak. It did feel extremely tempting. Months of being adrift on a, for all intents and purposes, rogue Federal ship, with no real place to turn too and a mission that was heavily stacked against them...Logic and Libido for Cir'Cie certainly kept asking, what was the point? Why not just...let it go.

Shaking her head once more, she would even let out a soft grunt, her pupils having dilated somewhat. "We're running out of time - I do not think we can safely purify this sector without directly confronting the Niga...fortunately, I do have a weapon on hand...but it would require getting close to the nexus of the plant." she informs Chambers, looking up at him intently, though the way her eyes would gaze at him with desire did not help the situation.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #13
[ Lieutenant j.g. Kala Marika | Breshtanti Colony | Suspect Brewing Complex ]
Unlike the others Kala wasn’t as up to speed on this niga virus. She gathered from what she heard around her, especially from what Lt Leux and Ens Cir’cie were saying about the effects and impact of the virus. It explained a lot, why she was feeling hot under the collar, why she was looking at Lt Chambers, her mind dreaming up ways that the five of them, yes even that frigid b*tch of a Vulcan, could wile away some time in the back of a shuttlecraft after this was over. And that wasn’t exactly that bad of an idea she thought, five hot sweaty humanoids in various states of arousal and postures within the…

She felt a hiss as Arven administered a dose of Nixaline to her neck. Almost right away she felt a bit of clarity in her thoughts, Chambers was still a hot Adonis, and she still wanted to hide in a closet somewhere with Zark… Fuck, even with the dose it seemed like those thoughts were still there, just a bit of an edge off more than anything.

She nodded to Lt Chambers when he volunteered to be on point. She’d volunteered to go in herself so she could very well had to at this point. And if there was more Niga on the other side of that door waiting to compromise them even more then they were already… “After you Sir.” Kala remarked, “I got your back,” ~Or numerous other parts,~ she thought. This was becoming difficult, and she wondered if fighting the mental thoughts, chiding herself every time, or just accepting them for what they were, and rolling with the thoughts was the best option to stay sane. Neither option was really appealing.

Kala was in right behind him, the room was empty thankfully, and it looked like they were in some sort of control center. Bit odd it was deeper in the building, but then again this wasn’t a military facility with layers of security and checkpoints, this was a brewery staffed by Klingons, not a fortress on Kronos. While Lt Chambers got some power restored, Kala started working on getting power up to the rest of the room, glancing around at the large control center, his eyes drifting up to security feeds.

She chuckled at his joke about worse ways to die, “I can think of a few bad ways Lieutenant, dying in the midst of a sexual orgy, definitely one of the better ways to go.” Ensign Cir’cie’s words were back of mind as she worked on seeing what else they could glean form the controls. The virus being more effective on those of weak impulse control or higher libidos hit her on both counts, and she was feeling it. She wouldn’t say she weak impulse control, but when you’ve not been laid in a few months, looking forward to time off to hopefully correct that, and now a virus infects her that’s breaking down her inhibitions with each passing moment.

It was hot in here though, and Kala unconsciously unzipped her uniform shirt a bit, exposing her chest and some of her bra to the air, feeling the beads of sweat forming. It felt good, and if she wasn’t on an away mission, she might shed the rest of it. When Cir’cie remarked they were running out of time, she turned to the Ensign, looking the Vulcan over, noticing her stoic gaze wasn’t so stoic anymore. “Well, if we need to get this weapon into the Niga’s nexus or whatever you’re calling it Ensign, I might as well volunteer. Seems the universe is out to kill me, so why not go on my own terms, I kill the plant with the weapon, you lot escape the and nuke this place from orbit. I get remembered for saving your sexy asses and go out with my mind blown. Win win for all involved.

She glanced around the room, “I mean, unless anyone has a better suggestion? The Nixaline seems to be less effective on me, or maybe I’m just more susceptible to it’s effects. We need clear heads to fight this, and my head is anything but clear.” She leaned against the console, trying to focus her mind away from sacrificing herself, “As far as a big boom goes, the facility is using reactors from the last century, we could rig them to go up, Klingons weren’t known for their use of safeties on high energy equipment. Couple timed failures of the reactor containment, you get a nice display of fireworks from orbit.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #14
 Lt Arven Leux | Breshanti Colony | Suspect Brewery | @Pierce @RyeTanker @UltimaImperatrixia @SummerDawn

Arven took all of this in stride as best he could. His eyebrow knit together then, pursing his lips tightly. The news wasn't good, and the mission quickly went to hell. If the virus had already infected the team, this wouldn't end well. Arven made a decision and sighed heavily then.

"Lieutenant Chambers, It is my advice that we have someone return to the Robinson to program in a 'quarantine return' protocol. Once we board the shuttle we should program it not to take commands or input except return to the Theurgy. More importantly, I don't have enough anesthetic to sedate Klingons engaged in that activity. I have plenty for half that number with injection. And if we wanted to do aerosol dispersal? I don't have even half of what I would need to make that work." Arven points to the monitor screen and sighs.  It took a few moments to come with what he should say next, and he didn't like where this mission might end.

"Ethically, we should sterilize the facility with the Klingon's help and be here to get 'sterilized' ourselves. So I'm hoping that we're just affected by spores and not the virus. If that infects us, then we're screwed, so with respect to Cir'Cie, I'm going to hope that we're not wholly infected yet. If we are, then after the mission is complete, we need to die to prevent us from infecting anyone else. But we need to stop the production of the virus first. anyone that does get fully infected need to be neutralized immediately." Arven sighs a little at that,  tapping his chin while trying to figure out how they could neutralize the Klingons. His brow knit in frustration then, chewing on her lip slightly. He still seemed distracted, looking at the others with thoughts going through his mind about what the others would look like undressed.

"Well, I don't have enough, but maybe the shuttle has enough anesthetzine? No, that won't work." Arven's voice trails off, sighing heavily, realizing the problem with that course of action almost immediately. Arven realized the problem the very moment that he was proposing the idea. All of what he'd brought was designed for injection, and any aerosol dispersal wouldn't work.

"We'll have to leave the Klingons to their 'fun' then, I suppose. We don't have options for that many in a space that size, not without all of us getting fucked in the process. We could waste our time attacking them, but that wouldn't end well either." A slight smirk tugged at the corner of his lips then, even as he made the terrible pun. Arven looks to Chambers and the rest of the away team with a shrug of his shoulders.

"If I had anything in my inventory that bonds with ethanol, so we don't..." The red hyposprays, the ones filled with the euthanasia agent he'd brought with him. He doesn't pull the caps off, but he does hold them out. Looking to Lieutenant Chambers, Arven sighs heavily. The Trill wasn't sure if he wanted to propose this option, but he didn't have much choice in the matter.

"Tetranatraxalon, it's lethal to Klingons. I brought it along because there are always some people that can't be saved. Sometimes the ethical option is to end a life. It bonds with just about everything, and the dosage only has to be incredibly small. I think If we can isolate the fire suppression system in the room, they're all in.. I'll need Lieutenant Kala's help getting it into the fire suppression system." Arven trails off, unable to find a polite euphemism for killing every Klingon in the facility. His tone of voice had gone distant, and Arven wore a haunted look just then, even proposing the idea took him to places he didn't want to be. His gaze locked on Lieutenant Chambers. It would be up to Chambers as the mission commander if he wished to Arven to do this.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #15
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Breshtanti Colony | Suspect Brewing Facility]

@SummerDawn @Tae @UltimaImperatrixia @Pierce

Lt.Zark leaned over Lt.Chambers shoulder and was about to rest her chin on it when the video feed began playing and her eyes turned to saucers as a full Klingon orgy seared itself into her brain. A couple of the men and women in standard KDF armour were standing over some of the naked others fondling some pain sticks while one woman was merrily smashing away at some poor sod who was tied to a heavy duty work table.  Well, I can't really tell if it is a poor bastard since a Klingon's pain and primal cries of passion could look the same. a tiny, very detached part of her brain noted.  The rest of her mind skittered away and forced her body away from the console. 

Backing into another console, she quickly turned and placed her rifle on it before balling her fists planting them on the glass surface. Her eyes were still wild and her breathing became harder as her mind processed what she'd seen.  What in he name of all holy fucks did I just watch??!  I mean, that's pretty insane as far as sex goes! Where she stuck that pain stick fuck.  I mean, definitely not a pain stick, but if that frigid bitch of a cute Vulcan laid me out over a nice leather ottaman.... and strapped on a big one to take me from behind, no ass though, while ordering me to suck off that yummy muscular Trill...............   Shaking her head even harder as she gently pounded the console in front of her, the Andorian fought hard to regain control of her imagination run amok.  Unconsciously she unzipped her tac vest, then her tunic before completely unzipping her gold shirt exposing her bra and generous amount of ice blue breast curvature. Even then, there didn't seem to be a whole lot of cooling going on. Looking back, I think the solo recon run was a very bad idea. This is getting ridiculously out of hand, I need to do something.  I'm leaning on a console, good, I can work with this.

Punching up the security feed menu, she took a moment to take out her tricorder and began hacking into the system.  This was a good exercise since it forced her to concentrate on what was in front of her and pretty much engaged her entire brain.  It still took longer than anticipated as she had to occasionally beat off creeping dark shadows of lust as they skirted around the edges of her mind.  When she was in, she quickly went through various time chops at high speed to see what was going on.  Her head recoiled in shock after many minutes as what appeared to be a normal day at the brewery, people going about their business, suddenly transporter beams flashed and all the people were gone.  Pulling up the security feed for that time chop for the outside also showed what looked like everybody being transported out. What is going here?   the Andorian Security Officer thought to herself.

Skipping forward a several more chops, she noticed some movement coming from an internal camera.  The time chop was noted to almost a week before.  Rewinding and playing the recording at normal speed, a burst of snow caused Lt. Zark to pause.  Playing the feed at normal speed, she involuntarily gasped as the very recognizable form of a Savi Scion came out of a basement and headed towards the main production floor.  Too much in shock to mentally undress Chambers this time, she called over to him "Lt. Chambers, we have Savi problems here."  Taking a moment to compose herself, she continued playing the feed as the Savi carried several vials towards the brewing machinery.  The Scion seemed to stare at the machine for some time before making communicating to someone else, another scion duly beamed in with several workers and another figure who appeared to look very much like Doctor Nicander, which was not possible since he was in the brig still.  Soon all three appeared to be asking question about the machines.  The workers initially refused to cooperate  when the Doctor Nicander look alike grabbed one worker by the neck and snapping it with ease. The lookalike repeated this four more times before the others began pointing and gesturing.  The workers were beamed out again and the two scions began animatedly with wild pointing gestures.  One Savi disappeared in transport and returned some time later with a device that they went about attaching to the brewing equipment.  Four days ago, the Scions beamed down a dozen colonists and forced them to drink the modified ale.  She quickly skipped over the aftermath.

The Savi appeared to spend the next few days scanning the ale while leaving the colonists to their own devices.  The ale that was being produced each day was transported out of the brewery to who knew where.  It was the day before the Theurgy team arrived when the armoured clad warriors from House K'Tal markings showed up.  As they were investigating facility, one of troops took the opportunity to drink from an ancient ale cask.  He soon began gesturing wildly and the other joined in.  All  the troopers first argued, then enjoyed their new found libation, and all soon began falling over, before they were and dragged off by several naked colonists who then proceeded to strip and have intercourse with the unconscious warriors.  This was too much as Zark fought the nausea that threatened to overwhelm her.  In an act of sheer will, she forced the bile back down so it wouldn't empty itself into her mask.

When Lt. Zark was sure she was once again reasonably sure she had control of herself, she continued watching the security feed and followed the Savi to what appeared to be a production control centre on the main floor. Tilting her head to one side, she acted on a hunch and switched to the live feed and found the camera for the main floor control centre.  It took a bit of hacking to re-activate the camera, then a predatory smile formed when the hulking form of two Scions showed up on the screen. By Lor'Vela, this craziness has gone on too long and these Shelats are going to pay for it.

Lt.Zark had been listening with one ear to the conversation going on around her and when she'd fully parsed out what Lt.Leux was saying, she whirled about having completely forgotten that her clothes were unzipped.  Although Starfleet uniforms were pretty stiff and the tac vest, not exactly light, the Andorian's ample breasts left enough space to have a bit of sail effect as all her clothing tried to leap off her body before settling down. Any sort of contribution she was going to make on the ethics of killing off all the Klingons stopped abruptly as the medic to look down and momentarily consider her own state of undress. As she began to breathe harder, her mounds swayed gently in rythm to their own erotic song.  Throwing her head back, Zark closed her eyes and counted to 10, slowly.  Maybe the doctor does have a point about just glassing all of us here and now. Mustering what dignity she could, Lt. Zark slowly and reluctantly zipped her gold shirt back up, but stopped just passed her bra.  She didn't yet zip up the tunic or tac vest, showing a long and abundant set of cleavage for all.  She just couldn't do it yet, it was still too warm. 

Working to ignore the looks she was getting, Sir, never mind about the ethical implications of euthanizing the warriors and colonists, we're Starfleet.  At the end of the day, there has to be a better way for preservation of the victims lives.  If we can find a way to get them through this, they become survivors and those are the ones we look to save.  Even then, I don't think Lt. Leux's solutions is as definite as we want it to be.  I think we have two problems.  The first is somehow, these Savi Scions have gotten their hands on the Niga virus and are looking to distribute it through the ale.   She inhaled a steadying breath and blew it out from her luscious lips. Second, I believe there is Niga Flora in the basement, and could be near the generator that's powering the dampening field. Delicately rubbing her chin with her long fingers, she carefully considered her recommendation before delivering it. Sir, we need to destroy whatever is in the basement that the Scions were experimenting and we need kill the Scions who are using the virus.  We should also consider trying to save the colonists and find out where they're taking the kegs of ale before the spread across the galaxy.  I also believe there is a wild card factor in an unexplained duplicate of the Infested informant that is currently locked in Theurgy's brig, Doctor Nicander."   Lt.Zark felt pretty good for making it through all that without having taken her clothes off and jumping Chambers.

Lt. Zark took a deep breath and causing her chest to gently heave. "Sir, to that end four of us could attack and terminate the Scions while stunning as many of the colonists as possible.  We should open the engagement by throwing the phaser grenades I brought along to stun as many of the colonists as possible. Myself and one other could lead a direct attack, preferably the person with highest combination of physical conditioning and marksmanship, while two other should provide supporting fire from the upper levels. While the Scions are distracted, someone can infiltrate the basement and kill the plant and hopefully disable the generator.  As for the stunned KDF personnel and colonists, if we can keep them down long enough, we should tie them up and sedate them till they can be rescued."

"As for the possibility of waiting till reinforcements arrive....." the curvaceous Andoian said as she leaned back against the console with a seductive slowness before idly playing with her shirt zipper. "I don't think we can wait that long"

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #16
[ Lieutenant Nick Chambers | Breshtanti Colony | Spaceport outside Colony Centre ] Attn: @Tae @SummerDawn @RyeTanker @UltimaImperatrixia [Show/Hide]

Nick had this eery feeling that things were not going very well with everyone's psyche. The Niga seemed to be taking it's toll. He could smell the pheromones of the others in his near vicinity. The intoxicating smell was overwhelming but it took everything in his power to keep his cool. His uniform continued to heat up but the more he though about it, the more he seemed incapable of independent thoughts outside of the virus.

As Zark turned around and looked at Chambers, his insides burned more than it had previously. He was definitely beginning to lose control. He saw her bare, blue, chest rising and heaving more than normal and the added exposure didn't help his needs any. His hand reached for his collar on the gold tunic and loosened it slightly as he unzipped a little further to the top of his pects. It helped but wasn't that much better.

Listening to her speak, he began to zone out intermittently until he caught the names of the Scions and Nicander whom he'd only just recently heard about. "If I was a betting man, I'd say we have mere hours before we're all extra touchy feely with each other." He looked at one and mouthed, you're first in no particular direction.

Shaking his head and slapping his cheeks, he knew the others could tell he was losing it too. "Alright guys. We need some sort of protocol that if we're infected and find our way back to the shuttle somehow, that it takes us back with explicit instructions that we cannot override. Either with remote access or someone going back to the shuttle, we need safeties in place sooner than later. With each step further we're losing more self control."

Zark's forwardness caught the attention of Chambers as she toyed with her shirt's zipper. The feeling of added pressure began to be felt somewhere he'd prefer it not be at present. The discomfort was preventing him from thinking straight as he leaned back on the console ignoring the Klingon party's activities. His eyes lingered a little longer than he'd normally allow but figured it was the virus messing with his head. Or he really had a thing for blue skinned officers.

"We need...we need to split up as much as it pains me. Prep the charges Lt. Zark and I'll go with you in this as I've hhad some experience in the field during the War. That is unless Lt. Marika is more experienced. But I think she might be better suited for the infiltration of the basement. I'm not totally familiar with each of your personal skillsets yet..." Shifting multiple times, it was becoming clear he was not going to be able to control this much longer. That is unless he had a mission to keep him busy. "But in the meantime let's go with the mission as the Lieutenant has suggested as it sounds...the most likely scenario. The rest of you can proceed onto the upper decks and provide cover fire for us as we infiltrate the facility further and destroy the tanks. You know, to get the Scion's attention. Maybe even let the Klingons have some fun with them?" He smirked.

Clearly frustrated and unable to think straight, he pulled out his phaser, shot Lt. Zark in the leg, hoping the slight pain would knock her back to her senses since he needed her to stay on mission. "Sorry Lieutenant. As much as I'd like to play right now, we have a job to do and little time to do it. My hopes were that it'd shake you back to normal. How do you feel?"

The heat and bloodflow to his lap was irritating him and causing his mind to go off task. He balled up his fist and punched himself in the face, and the gut, then his dick. The pain seemed to subside and overpower the pure lust the virus was giving him with some added adrenaline and pain receptors activating. "Oh...that's the stuff right there...." He fell to the ground before climbing back to the console. "I'm okay. I could feel myself losing control. Had to be done. More or less. The pain definitely masks it and gives clarity, although for how long, I don't know."

Looking around he saw multiple avenues. "Let's split up and head out. Not that I want to see a bunch of horny Klingons looking to make us be their play thing, but we need to get a move on. Ensign Cir'Cie and Lt. Leux, you can provide cover fire and come up with a solution for when the Scion's arrive. Marika, do you think you can handle the generator?"

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #17
[ Ensign Cir'Cie | Breshtanti Colony | Spaceport outside Colony Centre ]

"Right...yes... I think I can do that, Lieutenant..." Cir'Cie would say through strained words, the glistening shimmer of sweat upon her face conveying how she was feeling right now. Her blood pressure had risen and her heart was beating faster than usual. She could feel the soft trickle of love dew trickle down her right thigh as her womanhood was burning with an intense and insatiable need to breed, urges whispering in the corners of her mind as the intense aroma that permeated the facility continued to assault the team's senses.

With reluctance, she would reach to her belt and draw her Type 2 Phaser, gulping softly before speaking again. "What ever you're going to do, you should do it quick...adrenaline is good at pain relief, but it heightens your bodily functions...the virus will spread faster." she would glance intensely at Chambers holding an expression that said 'Fuck Me'. Lust burning within her pupils before she then turned to move over to Arven, putting sway into her svelte and nubile hips.

"I'm not exactly proficient in combat, my goal was to obtain some samples from the plants in this region...but I will do what I can to help, Lieutenant." she had secretly hoped to remain by with Chambers; the man's growing libido was a huge turn on for her, the Andorian and Bajoran also appeared to be losing it and the knowledge of this instilled her with excitement and primordial thrills she hadn't felt for a long time. But instead; she had been placed with the fearful and prude Trill. In her current state of mind; she saw him as disgusting. An enemy almost. But was that actually her talking or the fragment of Niga that had made a home inside her mind? Regardless; she adjusted her Phaser Pistol to a Kill setting.

Glancing back over at Zark and Marika, biting her lip in a playful and inviting manner. "If the Virus is being spread through the Ale, then it has been modified to withstand extreme environmental challenges. I think Marika is correct...destroying the reactors to the facility might create enough fire or spill enough radiation to cause significant damage to the may be a safer method than the idea I had as well...directly confronting the plant might just be....suicide."

Realizing at this moment that the reason why the entire facility might be drenched in the sweet pungent aroma of the Niga, she ponders. "If the Virus is now resistant to the alcohol, does this translate to the plant being able to use ale as a nutrient supplement or alternative to water? Normally this would sound illogical...but I would not put it past the Savi in ruining another source of enjoyment for most Humanoids..." great, now she was talking theoreticals, was it a coping mechanism to try and stave off the growing lust in her nethers.

Shaking her head and even emitting a soft growl, she would double check that her Phaser was set to kill before looking once more at Marika. "I have a Syringe Gun in my satchel, you may take it. You'll need to find a suitable substance to fill the containment unit, that will be viable in killing the Niga plant should you do encounter it...if possible, an injection to the nexus of the plant would yield the greatest effect...but even if you can just slow it down - it might buy us a lot more time...again; only if you should encounter it...and if you find an appropriate substance." Cir'Cie drops her satchel down from her shoulder and then tosses it in Marika's direction.

Looking back at Arven, she would give a heavy and sharp exhale to show she was trying to re-focus. Though even with her Vulcan resilience, both her mind and body were continuing to betray her and given she had no bra underneath her vest; a pair of distinct mounds could be seen outlining themselves within her jacket. Combined with her feverish look and gradual loss of composure - everyone could see that the 'Niga Veteran' was nothing more than a timebomb waiting to go off.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #18
[ Lieutenant j.g. Kala Marika | Breshtanti Colony | Suspect Brewing Complex ]
"Marika, do you think you can handle the generator?"

Could she handle the generator? Under normal circumstances Kala could easily have said yes without a second thought, but now? They were talking about assaulting aliens she'd heard rumors were difficult to kill, and having to go into the lair of the beast, or plant in this case, to power down the generators. All joking aside about death by orgy, if the spores caused this arousal, she could only imagine what the plant itself would do to one of it's victims. Whatever the fate, she was sure the lucky victim would die in exquisite agony, their life snuffed out even as they cried out in the peak of their pleasure. She didn't know why, but the idea of dying like that seemed far more preferable then how she'd seen others die these past few months. Borg Nanoprobes turning you into a machine, some alien's blade leaving your entrails on the floor as you bled out, your blood boiling in the vacuum of space, no this was a far better way to leave the mortal world.

Kala looked up from her console, her breathing a bit heavier, not realizing just how hard the spores were making it to think, how her mind had been wandering. Her uniform jacket was already unzipped but as she glanced down briefly she realized she'd started to unzip her yellow undershirt down below the line of her bra. She didn't care, she wanted Chambers to see, to realize the assets she brought to this team, that she was the equal of Zark or Cir-Cie, that she could offer him just as much as they could, perhaps even more if he'd just let her show him...

"I think I can Lieutenant," Kala responded, using his title, hoping to somehow stave off the lust that was consuming her concious mind bit by bit. It wasn't working though, in the moments between focusing on the mission at hand, she had flickers, flashes of thought, Chambers and Leux in the back of the shuttle, naked as they day they were born, standing over her and Zark, equally naked, Cir'Cie in some sort of leather outfit. She shook her head, f*ck she was losing it, her mind turning the shuttle into some sort of BDSM chamber.

She stepped closer to Chambers, his earlier remark about personal skillsets set something off in her mind. Fingers tracing along the seam of her uniform shirt's zipper, over the fabric showing through the gap in her uniform, her chest heaving a little with each heated breath, giving him a sultry look she smiled, "I would be willing to show you my 'personal skillsets' Lieutenant, and the assets I bring to the table, though perhaps a private interview is warranted?"

The sound of the Vulcan women addressing her her brought her back to reality, Her face flush as she glanced over at Cir'Cie who'd tossed her a satchel with some medical gear, including a needle gun. She was both annoyed that Cir'Cie had interrupted what promised to be a fun time, but also glad as she realized that was the lust talking earlier, they had a mission, and if they survived, perhaps later she could see if this was just the spores, or if there wa something there between them.

The Vulcan's suggestion to find something to fill it with and use it on the plant seemed pointless. "I'm not sure what we can Ensign, and if the Niga is as dangerous as it seems, getting close enough to inject it with poison seems suicide, a phaser set on 16 will probably take out the plant, and anything delicate like reactor components nearby." She pushed it back to Cir'Cie. "I'm already volunteering for what is most likely a suicide run into the heart of this beast, trying to poison it isn't in the cards. Sorry." She held up her phaser pistol, "This will have to do."

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #19
 Lt Arven Leux | Breshanti Colony | Suspect Brewery | @Pierce @RyeTanker @UltimaImperatrixia @SummerDawn

Arven kept biting his lip, the thoughts of arousal and stimulation. He'd breathed in enough of the spores that he was being affected. And the way the others were being, exposing more skin. As much as he wanted to be involved, there was no worse idea right now. His mind was a blur and was fuzzing out for a moment. So when chambers said someone needs to program in a return sequence into the shuttle Arven raises his hand. "I volunteer to return to the shuttle and program in that sequence. It will be a medical quarantine procedure, so I should do it."

Arven didn't want to leave the others alone, but the way this was shaping up, he'd have to do that. The further away he got from the brewery, the more he hoped his head would clear. But no. Chambers was putting him on distraction duty. The man groaned at that, and shook his head. "Great, provide a distraction and a way to kill the scions... we'll have to drop a roof on them...." Arven frowned a little and looked up at the roof.

The vaulted ceiling of the now ancient brewery did indeed look like it had some rather obvious supports. And with the stolid construction that Klingons were fond of, it probably weighed a ton, even with the ventilation ducts built into it. Arven points to the visible joints and bolts at the edges of the ceiling. "I don't know about a moving target or one that's shooting at me. But I'm pretty sure that I can hit those. a good shot at full power might take out each of those supports?"

It was a thought, and it came with a high risk. But if it worked, the team would be hailed as heroes, and they'd have people throwing themselves at them. And that sounded good right about now. The thoughts about having people throwing himself for heroics did indeed get a reaction from him, and the Trill drifts off into that daydream for a time. It wasn't until a few seconds had passed when he'd begun daydreaming about a  childhood crush of his that Arven snapped back to himself with a jolt. There was the distinct feeling that the other members of the away team were staring at him. But that wasn't necessarily the case. It seemed that everyone was focused on Chambers, and with good reason. Arven's eyes focus on the pants of the Human. Arven blatantly stared at the pants of the Lieutenant for a while unable to look away, his breathing coming heavy before he finally and with great reluctance looked away.

"Right time to Scooby-Doo this shit I guess." Arven gave a lustful sigh as he Rgerads Lieutenant Chambers for one last time. "Draw them out, and we'll get up to a catwalk near the roof; we'll bring down the ceiling and cover you." Arven nodded tow hat looked like the office complex on the other end of the work floor. That had to be where the Savi was hiding out at. This wouldn't be easy, and they'd probably see them coming, but right now, Arven could use the clarity that came with danger.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #20
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) |  Breshanti Colony | Suspect Brewery]

@Pierce @Tae @UltimaImperatrixia @SummerDawn

Lt.Zark had been idly playing with her shirt zipper and mentally undressing Chambers...well, that wasn't quite correct.  It was more of trying to get the orgy going when the subject of the undressing suddenly pulled his phaser and shot her in the leg.    "wahhh!  stupidfuckingnogooddirtycocksuckingshelateatingimbecillic......!" was all the Andorian got out as she was violently snapped out of her reveries and fell on to her shapely posterior.  Clutching her leg as she tried to fight the throbbing pain.  Reflexively sucking in pair and blowing it out as she gritted her teeth, Lt. Zark heard very little for the next few minutes.  What mainly filtered through amounted to, she would fight the Scions and the Klingons head on while Lt. Kala did a solo run into the basement to disable the generator and deal with any dangerous fauna.  It was all insane and incredibly stupid, but it was also hard to say what was the bigger threat, a potential actual Niga plant, or the Scions leaving with their knowledge about it.  Slowly getting up and breathing hard, her deep breaths could smell the arousal that was literally dripping from the Vulcan and Bajoran; at this point, Zark was pretty sure her own panties weren't dry any more either.  Mirroring Chambers in her thought process That hurt, pain is good, I can work with pain. Oh we are all so screwed, physically especially after this is all over. "Sir I'm good to go, but I'm not sure for how much longer.  I also think Lieutenant Kala is correct about using a phaser to destroy anything down there.  Setting up an explosive that could bring the room down on her isn't going to help much more.  Besides, I only brought one with me."

Looking at the group, Lt.Zark knew time was short.  Cir'Cie was a barely contained animal in heat, Kala was just shy of doing a whole strip show, Chambers looked like he'd been hit in the family jewels......and liked it, by Lor'vela even Dr.Leux was giving Chambers a good ole stare.  Chambers is gonna be a drained dry at this rate, nah ah, mission first, orgy afterwards.  Carefully harnessing her rage, which was a lot easier than it normally was, Zark's face become one of pure hate. "Let's get this over with."  Before heading to the door, the Andorian roughly grabbed the Bajoran Engineer by the back her collar and quickly marched her over to Dr.Leux before shoving her into his body.  "Doc, keep her moving." she ordered the doctor in a voice dripping with distilled menace.  Grabbing her rifle, Zark opened the door and led the group out to the main production facility. "I also hope one of you can setup the shuttle return by remote." Zark called out as she raised her rifle on the move.

It wasn't difficult making their way to the main production floor as the occupants were too busy.  The screams and cries of pain and passion were getting louder the closer the group got closer.  Descending the metal grated stairwell, Zark saw the last door before the main production floor and pointed at Dr. Leux and Ensign Cir'Cie to go through.  As they were about to pass, she held her arm out to stop them.  Grabbing a pair of phaser grenades out a pocket on her tac vest, she fiddled with the controls for maximum stun, then handed one to each person.  "I'm going to keep an open comm link so we don't have to shout till it's necessary, when I saw throw, jam the red button, and toss it into the nearest concentration of Klingons you can see.  Try not to hit the same bunch." Giving the two teal collared personnel a final look, she saw it was about as good as it was going to get with them. "As my marine instructor on Earth once said, keep your eyes and ears open and give em hell.  Go." With that, the two took off into upper catwalk.  Looking at Kala, and Chambers, Zark could see the time bomb ticking away.  It didn't help that she felt a sticky wetness flowing down one of her own trouser legs. "Let's go."  The medic gripped her rifle tighter using it as a focus for what they had to do.

Gritting her teeth, Zark led the last two down to the final door and gently opened it.  She froze and tensed for a moment as she saw a Klingon head in the distance pointed directly at the door.  When the woman's head snapped back in a primal scream as a male pounded away at her ass, Zark motioned to her two remaining companions to keep follow her and keep low.  Snaking their way between various bits of machinery and vats, Zark found a position that provided Chambers with a good field of fire and decent cover.  Anyone charging him would have to vault over several crates exposing themselves to his hopefully accurate fire.  It also gave him a greater view of the overall battlefield such as it was.  She pulled out a grenade and set it, before leaving it to Chambers.  Turning to the new member of Theurgy's crew, Zark fought the urge to grab the pink skin's strong hand and jam it under her tunic to give her aching breast a good massage.  Instead, Zark laid down her rifle before slowly zipping up her tunic, then her tac vest.  It was one of the hardest things she'd ever had to do when every fiber in her being cried out to be completely naked and ravished by the ruggedly handsome pink skin in front of her.  Instead, she settled for a comradely squeeze on his shoulder and a quick smile.

Peeking over the crate they were hiding behind, Zark surveyed the rest of the facility and grinned when found what she was looking for.  Tapping Lt. Kala on the shoulder, she pointed a door.  Dropping her voice low, she brought her head closer to the Bajoran woman's.  "When the shooting starts, circle back behind those vats and go for the door. It should lead to the basement.  You'll do fine, and we're all getting out of this. Okay?" Looking her Cayuga shipmate in the eyes to give her confidence, Zark mentally gauged how the blonde was doing, and it was hard to tell, so all she had was hope at this point, and the combat medic shrugged internally.  The scent of the Bajoran's light sweat, mixed in with her pheromones, and whatever perfume she'd applied earlier in the day really was very intoxicating, "I'm sorry for pushing you along earlier, but well you know...," A physical shrug mirrored her internal one.  Then in a act of impulse, a cobalt hand gently, but firmly grabbed the back of the Bajoran woman's neck and Zark closed her eyes before planting a solid, yet loving kiss on her lips.  Opening her eyes once more, Zark smiled sheepishly.  "I want to taste a little bit of that bravery, and remember it."  Gracing her manically brave shipmate with a gentle smile, and a final caress of her jaw line, the Andorian grabbed her rifle and moved off towards another set of barrels further up, crawling the last few meters.

Settling into her position, the Andorian traced her lips with her fingers before giving the battlefield a final survey.  Tapping her combadge and confirming everyone was in position, Lt. Zark laid out targets for the grenades, then made count "Ready? Set. Throw!" Mashing the button on the grenade, and lobbing it overhead.  The alloy cylinder sailed and landed with a metallic clink on the ground, bouncing once, then twice before settling amongst her targets, a group of Klingon warriors.  A bright orange flash erupted from the cylinder signalling the start of battle as a rifle came to firing position, its targeting sight lined up with frozen jade as cold as space.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #21
[ Lieutenant Nick Chambers | Breshtanti Colony | Spaceport outside Colony Centre ] Attn: @Tae @SummerDawn @RyeTanker @UltimaImperatrixia [Show/Hide]

The production floor was loud as was the sounds coming from the other side of the tanks and bulkheads. Chambers peered around them and felt a stirring which he was able to push aside as he saw the rest of the team disband to their designated locations. However before he turned back to the focal point, he caught a glimpse of Zark and Marika having a lingering kiss. To say he wasn't getting excited from the sight, he'd be lying to himself. His heartbeat could be felt harder in his chest as his breathing increased. Nick shook his head to refocus again as Marika took off and Zark went to her position.

Zark's increased pheromones only made Nick more ready to drop the mission, and possibly his pants to see what the blue-hued female could really do. As quick as the thought came, he saw the Andorian's hand mashing the buttons on a grenade. The sphere flew quietly into the air as she announced it loudly enough to cause a brief stir on the inhabitants. "READY YOUR FIRE!" The metal object landed nearby some 'busy' Klingon warriors and erupted. The orange explosion send bodies flying in multiple directions as Chambers fired several shots off at the other warriors still nearby and rushed them in full birthday suit glory. Their primal screams could be heard echoing around the room.

"Blow the tanks next! We can't risk those continuing to produce the compound any long"

Sweat beaded down his neck as the air temperature was heated. That was when his ears picked something up in the nearby area. What sounded like a transporter of some sort. He dove back down behind another tanker as a Klingon male came rushing him, stark naked. He fired at the male's chest subduing his efforts. "Keep firing on the Klingons! Knock them all out. "

His chest beat hard as he watched the team continuing on their separate missions. He tapped his combadge to open a channel between all those present but the field was still up preventing that action. "Damn..." he muttered to himself.

Partially distracted a Klingon female got the jump on him and began attempting to tear his clothes from his body. She was fairly strong as he struggled to regain his ability to fight back. She tore the Starfleet uniform, severing the zipper on his chest, leaving him in only his operations gold undershirt which had some slight tears in it as well. Her hands grabbed at his waist and he wrestled a hand free and fired at point-blank range on the warrior. Her body fell limp as he pushed her off of him.

Nick leaned on his leg, grabbed his footing, and stood back up. The undershirt was now scorched with a familiar smokey grayish color leaving little to the imagination. He wondered if this is how Kirk felt when he ruined uniforms on his away missions. It was an outstanding gag at the academy anyhow.

"Well...that was new. Damn Klingons just can't hold their booze."

That was when the remaining Klingons were subdued by the Scions seen in the footage with the doppelganger of Dr. Nicander. Their appearance was nothing he'd ever come across before and it was startling. The creatures looked like something out of an early 20th-century horror film. He backed up in awe of their size and build structure.

"Oh fuck me..." It took a moment for that to sink in and he pointed at Zark and the others. "Not literally. At least not right now."

One of them continued to tinker with the controls in the control center just through the doorframe. He could see it in the glassed-off area near the tanks. The other was looking right at them now that the Klingon warriors are down. It spoke quietly but in speech he didn't readily understand.

"Anything people? What are our options? Any weaknesses?"

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #22
[ Ensign Cir'Cie | Breshtanti Colony | Suspect Brewing Complex ]

Cir'Cie would reluctantly bend down to grab the Syringe Gun back that Marika had politely refused, her shapely posterior pressing against her sweat laden Starfleet slacks as she did so - and slowly she placed it back within the satchel. It was clear that she was reaching her limit, finally joining Zark in unzipping her top. Only due to the lack of any real ample cleavage, she did so down to the middle of her sternum, revealing a good amount of her bronzed and fair skin with what little curves on her chest she did have.

Being jostled along with the good Doctor, Cir'Cie couldn't help but let out a light grunt of frustration as it was becoming more and more difficult to keep a lid on her emotions. She could practically see the lust within Zark's eyes and for a moment she chose to allow her Jade Green to stare deep into Sapphire Blue, seriously contemplating the idea of smashing her lips against the Andorian's own luscious set.

Any time she might have had to try and focus on regaining more composure to keep her going for another few minutes was interrupted when she felt Zark slipping the Stun Grenade into her hand. The sensation of cool and clammy azure skin over her bronzed fingers made her elicit a soft gasp of desire and she quickly forced herself to look over the grenade, feeling somewhat disappointed it was a Nadion Particle emission unit rather than a Photon Grenade. But if this what they had, then it would have to do.

Proceeding up to the catwalk with Arven, Cir'Cie would keep her focus forward, not wanting to give the Doctor the wrong impression should she decide to check him out. Upon taking her position, she would crouch down and close her eyes, trying to control her breathing and gain some level of control as she could feel anger at the lack of sexual relief starting to pulse through her. "Ready, Set, Go!" came Zark's voice and Cir'Cie responded, quickly standing forth to hurl the grenade outwards, letting it join the explosive crescendo of orange flashes and destructive pulses that surged throughout the facility.

During this, Cir'Cie would opt to begin moving down from the Catwalk, trying to reach Chamber's position and as she made her move. With her dominant arm raised and phaser pistol extended, she took several shots at the remaining Klingons who were stumbling through the chaos looking for their next bout of passion or an easy way to Sto'vokor.

This is when she took note of the Scions within the control room, noting how they appeared to be operating on the consoles. Where they controls for the facility? Or perhaps a disguised unit connected to some other nefarious purpose, whatever the case - what little logic the Vulcan still had managed to persist and she glanced up at the slightly taller man before her.

"This becoming untenable...while we've destroyed much of the Brewery, the Niga Plant remains at large and our enemies have superior physiology to our own...I don't believe facing them head on is wise. They know this as well otherwise they would be attempting to eliminate us in a more prompt manner...clearly they underestimate us..."

She glances away from Chambers, biting her lip as her legs instinctively parted in her stance. Her need for sex clearly visible on her expression as her defenses and disciplines were breaking down. It would not be long before the instincts of the Niga that resided within her mind, would win out.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #23
[ Lieutenant j.g. Kala Marika | Breshtanti Colony | Suspect Brewing Complex ]

Kala returned the kiss, the taste of Zark’s lip gloss (or whatever she wore) on Kala’s lips. She didn’t know if there was going to be a second time, but she would do her damnest to complete her mission no matter the cost. A little bravery wouldn’t hurt and as their lips parted, a soft exhale escaping Kala’s lips, she looked into Zark’s eyes, equal measures of determination and lust in her own. “For you Lieutenant, I’m coming back so you can do more then just taste it,” she said huskily as the Andorian’s fingers traced her jawline. “I want a proper taste of you when this is all over.

She didn’t have long before the shooting started, and once the enemy forces were distracted by phaser fire and tossed grenades, she ducked behind several vats, heading through a non-descript door, and onto a catwalk over what she realized were the facility reactors. She glanced around, phaser drawn, looking for anyone who might be a threat. She didn’t see anything except for stairs down to the reactor control level, and an almost overwhelming blast of desire to either pleasure herself and get her needs satisfied right then and there or run back up and jump the bones of that Andorian who’d kissed her.

She gritted her teeth, knowing she had to get to the reactors, start a chain reaction that’d destroy the facility, or at least cripple it long enough to get word out and a Klingon taskforce to sanitize the planet. The controls were unguarded, so she thought, and she went down the catwalk, quickly setting to work, figuring out the controls with the help of her tricorder. This was Klingon, and old hardware even by Klingon standards, but what worked, worked, so why replace it it with newer? Of course, that would make it easier to rig for overload, if she could just focus on the controls in front of her.

Whatever control she had before was ebbing away as the pollen lay thick in the air and she gave in to the heat, unzipping her uniform shirt all the way, shedding the over jacket on a nearby console as she focused as best she could. She had to focus but the itch between her thighs was becoming unbearable. A quick rub seemed to ease the burn for the moment, though it was perhaps a dulling rather then an easing, but it gave her enough to focus, start rigging the controls, setting injectors to ramp up to overload, constrictors to slowly clamp down on the power flow, build up pressure in the core, ready to explode. Just like herself she mused, just like herself.

In the darkness, the Niga lurked. To say it was sentient was wrong, it was no more sentient than any other plant, but it’s reflexes, its behaviors were complex, nuanced. It learned with each infection how to best strike its prey. The pollen it gave out incapacitated it’s prey, kept them focused on their lusts, on satisfying themselves, and spreading the pollen around, incapacitating others. In that way the prey brought others into the trap, closer to the plant. Eventually, consumed by their lusts, one or more prey would wander into range of the Niga and virtually incapable of defending itself, the plant would strike, like a Venus fly trap of earth or other predatory plant it would strike, capturing its prey in its leafy tendrils.

And now, it felt the vibrations in the ground, the movement of air on its leaves, its senses picking up another prey. Slowly, methodically, the plant moved towards Kala, her back turned to the darkness behind her. It didn’t care what she was doing, it cared not about reactors and scions, this being was prey and the niga needed to reproduce. It moved to strike, slowly advancing on Kala from behind, her attention focused on the work she was trying to complete, and the distracting feelings in her core.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #24
 Lt Arven Leux | Breshanti Colony | Suspect Brewery | @Pierce @RyeTanker @UltimaImperatrixia @SummerDawn

Arven heard the call for the grenades. No sooner had the order come than Arven lobs that foul machine away from him towards a group of Klingons away from where Cir'Cie had thrown hers. He'd managed to get a good angle from up on the catwalk and managed to get the device right into the center of a group of Klingons violently fornicating. Arven didn't wait to see what would happen due to that, and he gave a weary sigh doing his best to keep his thoughts in check. The drugs he'd taken were allowing him to focus barely, and then there was the fear and adrenaline of combat. He didn't get much of it on the Honshu, but Arven's time at the POW camp had filled his life with violence at different points. at least Arven thought he was in control still, he wasn't, that had left him as soon as the grenades began going off.

Finally getting up top and on the catwalk, Arven got a good view of the control room and spotted the Savi aliens he'd never seen before. The Savi were strange beings that were possibly behind everything or just another pawn. Arven didn't know and didn't care.

Right now, they were the reason they were here, their blood running hot and passionate against their will. This wouldn't do for the Trill. He was angry and could very likely fight against them hand to hand if they got close enough. Of course, no way would Arven do anyone any good. There was so much that Arven didn't know about combat, but he knew what it could take to stay alive.

He dialed his phaser up to the maximum setting, the doctor aimed at what looked like a ceiling support beam over the control room. And after a moment of taking aim, the Trill fired, missing wildly and hitting a glass skylight. The excited energy beam slammed into the glass and steel, causing an explosion in the glass panel.

Arven's missed shot succeeded in only drawing the attention of the Savi! The hostile aliens turn and begin to exit the control room, having taken notice of the Starfleet crew. Arven's violet eyes go wide, and he starts firing wildly in the general direction of the aliens. At the very least, he was providing a hell of a distraction, the phaser causing small explosions wherever the maximum power beam struck. Pieces of malt vats and stills breach and spew combinations of water, liquor, and other substance all over—masonry reduced to powder blowing out from wherever his phaser touched. If Arven was just trying to be distracting, He was doing a marvelous job, pinning the Savi down and drawing attention to himself.

But he was actually trying to hit the creatures, so Arven wasn't effective at all. He hadn't fired a phaser in years, not even in a defensive drill, and He'd never aimed to kill. Hopefully, Zark, a combat soldier, would manage to score a hit or drop some structure on the aliens. Right now, Arven was almost a danger to everyone, firing willy-nilly. How many shots did he even fire? 10, 20? Arven didn't know, and he also had no idea how many shots the power cells of the standard hand phasers even held.

Sensing that their attacker had no idea what he was even doing, the Savi begin to move, unnoticed by the Trill, the creatures moving towards the far wall where Arven wasn't firing or pelting with debris. The situation would get worse if no one noticed because Arven sure as fuck didn't.

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