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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 413807 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3550
Welcome aboard @Bastila ... wait Bastila @Revan what are you saying about this?
Still welcome aboard the Theurgy.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3555
Welcome fellow newbie! Happy to help ya out anyway I can, I'm a PM away :) Welcome @Bastila  !!!
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3557
Hi everyone! Thanks for the warm welcomes. I'm really looking forward to jumping in, getting to know everybody and writing with you!

Also you have a Revan here and he has cookies? Well I guess I have to meet him then, who doesn't love cookies after all? :P

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3558
Hi @Bastila welcome to the Theurgy! I hope you have a great time here and look forward to writing with you at some point. I'm sure we can both look forward to many jokes coming our way soon enough :P

As for Numen's report that I have cookies, this is true and you can gladly have some.  I rarely give them out, most people have to steal them so you'll see plenty of that I'm sure, especially by @Kinvarus he is a cookie thief, watch that one :P

Also love the choice of Melissa Benoist for Marija and your work on her bio, I look forward to reading more of her adventures as you get settled.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3559
I'd like to apologize to all my fellow writers for my sporadic and lackluster participation as of late.  This summer everyone in my immediate household is suffering from a medical complaint, ranging from trivial to life-threatening.  Even though I'm the one with the trivial medical problem, the situation is so distracting that the muse just doesn't seem to visit much when I sit down in front of the computer.  Thankfully none of my characters are in story critical threads right now.

I'm not giving up, but I am going to change the priority of which thread I update to whichever one is easiest for me to write, rather than which thread has been in line the longest.  I'm not quitting, I just feel that those who are waiting on me deserve some kind of explanation. 

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3560

It's time for @Hastata-Nerada to add a character of their own making to the story, and this in the form of Lt. Erev-Sae-Reyanad Xan, Intelligence Officer!

Lt. Erev-Sae-Reyanad Xan              Intelligence Officer
  - Writer:

Xan will be one of the new recruits that Rear Admiral Joseph Nerva Andersson sends to the Theurgy to aid in the mission, and judging by the name, there might be some affiliations aboard the ship already? lol The character page is a great read, and it was a pleasure making the images of this Klingon-Efrosian hybrid. :)

Looking forward to read his story, @Hastata-Nerada !


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3561
Congrats, HN!
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3563
Sexy and interesting hybrid. Congratulations HN!
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3566
Hello Sorry I haven't been participating much, I have not really felt a need to go out of my way to try and seek out RPs and as such I feel like I may be Neglecting the RP group somewhat.  If someone would like to try and have Miles interact in a scene or something feel free to DM me, at any time.  I know in discord I'm showing as Idle pretty much around the clock due to the fact that I am not often at my computer but Please feel free to DM if you would like to setup a scene Where Miles will be around or if you would like to setup some kind or Scene with me.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3567
@Iron Ferrox Heh don't worry... Deacon just wants to harvest your genetic material so he too can learn to shapechange.  Ssshh shhhh it's alright... the drink he gave you was completely harmless.... you're being paranoid... there, shhh, just rest.... that's right.... oh?  what?  No no, this isn't a Savi gene extractor... shhhh you're dreaming.... shhhhh shhhh


Just kidding :)  But seriously I would love to steal your metamorphic capabilities


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3569

It's time for @Nolan to add a character, and this in the form of Lt. Jonathan Byrne, who's been posing as an Aldean gestalt!

Lt. Jonathan Byrne              Undercover Operative
  - Writer:

Contrary to other officers in the intelligence branch, Byrne was one of the recipients of the real simulcast, being the "apprentice" of Jona Rez, and thus selected to know the truth without having Rear Admiral Andersson as a middleman. Byrne was also the undercover operative that took over on Aldea after Jien Ives' years as an undercover operative ended there, but the two never met prior to the Aldea Prime Anthology.

Looking forward to read his story, @Nolan ! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3570
Jeez a lot of Intel guys coming out of the woodwork now :P

Congrats on the new character Nolan!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #3572
Sexy undercovers operative... did I say that lol Congrats @Nolan !
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

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