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Topic: STORY WORKSHOP 2022 | EPISODE 02, SEASON 2 (Read 16501 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #26
1) With Martok in the fold, and the support of the Klingon Empire seemingly secured, it’d be nice to see if we can co-opt some help from Klingon forces moving forward. Maybe an escort fleet to work with Theurgy whenever it potentially encounters hostile forces? Understandably, I imagine the Klingons will be someone concerned with defending their borders from Tal’Aura’s forces, should they really come to push the war against the Khitomer Accord Powers. But a few Birds of Prey would be nice to have along, or at least on stand-by to call upon should the situation dictate it. Plus, having this as an option would really make the impact of Episode 1 of Season 2 feel authentic; like we actually achieved something of merit, that can and will have an effect on the future of the SIM.

2) With the stokes of war really pushing forward, I’d like to see if there’s a way that Theurgy’s fledgling Intelligence network that was ‘established’ just prior to leaving Aldea, can somehow have an effect on mobilization of forces. In talks with the other writers of Intelligence, we’ve thrown around the idea of subterfuge having been undertaken as an initial effort; the various assets that each Intelligence character has out there, working to subvert the flow of information, and potentially stymy the advance of the warring sides. Orders being fabricated that send a fleet to the wrong location, or that contradict a previously given order, and result in a delay while it’s veracity is ensured. Of course, there could be room for this potentially having an adverse effect as well; but the idea is there.

3) The Scion High Council of the Savi Flotilla; from what I gather, the power struggle in the Savi is as contentious, if not more so than that within the Romulan Empire with Donatra and Tal’Aura. If that’s the case, maybe it’s time Theurgy try to make an effort to effect some sense of finality within the Savi ‘civil war’? Again, speaking for Intelligence, I’d absolutely be up to staging a coup there; this is war, and sometimes, it pays to play on the same level as your enemy. Perhaps an outright assassination isn’t in the cards, given Fisher’s commitment to only ‘bend the rules’, rather than break them, but can there be something else that the Intelligence Department can do to go on the offensive, instead of playing ‘fact-finders’ for the rest of the ship? What about taking the Savi leadership hostage somehow? Maybe with the help of the Versant and Theurgy’s own Savi allies?

4) I think @BipSpoon ’s idea regarding the Hobus supernova is an interesting one. Given the havoc wreaked by the event when it finally did happen in 2387, I can see how maybe the ‘Nameless Darkness’ might’ve conspired to accelerate the process. Especially if they have some sort of extra-dimensional, time-sensory awareness that gives them a measure of clairvoyance regarding future events. Maybe with Theurgy having already made an impact in delaying the inevitability of their efforts, they see fit to be more aggressive.

5) @Tae , There’s been some discussion in the past in the ‘Intelligence Department Newsletters’ that we’ve done, that have aimed at potentially sending an away mission to the secret Tal-Shiar base where Shinzon’s original Thalaron Generator was created, and later stolen by him. The idea being that maybe there was an accompanying bit of research at the location hinting at a means to neutralize Thalaron weapons.

6) Another species to consider for the ‘First’ to be infested, would be the Chodak from a number of mid-90s Trek games; the Chodak Empire once spanned most of the current day Romulan Empire, and ruled for nearly 100,000 years with a number of servant species. They eventually created a dyson sphere like device, called the ‘Unity Device’ which could literally alter the metaphysicality of the Galaxy, and bend it to their desires. The weapon was deemed so powerful, that a rebellion occurred in Chodak society, with the aim being to destroy the ‘Unity Device’ so as to prevent it being used irresponsibly, but when the rebel faction took control of it, they discovered it couldn’t be destroyed, so instead they sent it forward in time and space. The Chodak Empire then crumbled, with a vast majority of its people going into hibernation, hopeful to someday awaken when the device reappeared, and was retaken by the Empire, allowing them to reign again. In the TNG Adventure Game, ‘A Final Unity’, the device returned in 2371, and was discovered by the crew of the Ent-D. At the same time, a few Chodak scouts were awakened with the expressed purpose of searching for the ‘Unity Device’, and in doing so, they stirred up a hornet’s nest with the Romulans, who were caught off-guard by the Chodak. The Romulans then also took up the charge of hastily searching for the ‘Unity Device’ in the hopes that they’d find it first, and use it to destroy the Chodak, and the Federation. Perhaps an alteration of Chodak history for Theurgy, could involve the ‘Unity Device’ having been crafted for the expressed purpose of destroying all life by the Infested, and the rebel Chodak were a resistance element determined to stop this.

Star Trek: The Next Generation , "A Final Unity'"
The Chodak Empire
The Chodak
The Unity Device

7) @stardust ’s concept of sending an advance mission to meet Donatra has me interested, because I’ve already alluded to Fisher having had a past partnership with rogue elements in the Romulan Empire who’re loyal to Donatra. His having worked to ferry refugees into Federation custody through the Neutral Zone, and I’ve also put Alarak, the snarky asshole Romulan as seen in the ‘Contact and Negotiation’ thread in play as an ally of Donatra. Again, getting the Intelligence Department to go on the Offensive would be a welcome change from acting as ‘fact-finders’ and ‘point-the-way’ posts.

8) I also think the concept of there being some sort of disruption within Starfleet Command, as non-infected start to have doubts as to the leadership which seems so dead set on steering toward war and conflict. The have to be some within the Federation who aren’t on board with this. I understand the dissemination of information has been thoroughly clamped down upon by the Infested, but there has to be some element of unrest and civil dispute about what’s going on.

9) Speaking to Admiral T’Pel and her awareness of something strange afoot, I’d be more than happy to volunteer that NPC of mine, as mentioned; Fisher’s old mentor, and a recurring element in threads involving Fisher, the eponymous, Richton Hurley. I’ve established that Hurley at one point worked alongside of, and under the oversight of Admiral Anderson until Hurley began striking out on his own. I’ve even gone so far as to call him the ‘Yin’ to Anderson’s ‘Yang’ in terms of SFI. That said, he is committed to the advancement of Starfleet and the Federation, he’s just not as adverse to breaking the rules in order to do so, as say Anderson is.

10) I like @GroundPetrel ’s idea of getting a list of confirmed infected to the President of UFP, so that some legitimate, above-board efforts can be made to try and restrict their power. Turning Bacco to Theurgy’s side would go a long way toward sewing discord in the Federation and Starfleet, and maybe help to stymy the mobilization of war. Again, this is a key goal of Theurgy’s Intelligence Department, and would be an interesting/intriguing way of doing it. Maybe a combination of recovering the displaced Federation Council members and getting an established in-person contact with the President is a path to follow. Two missions in one?

11) @RyeTanker , regarding ‘Getting At’ Tal’Aura, who we’ve established as being infected, there are other power elements in play within the Romulan Empire as established in a number of novels that take place after Nemesis. Aside from the aforementioned Donatra, there’s Tomalak, who acts as proconsul to Tal’Aura. I’d like to know what’s going on with him, as while he is ‘loyal’ to Tal’Aura, he’s not suicidal either. He would have to see the disastrous path that the Empire is headed down in this war with the Federation and Klingons and be somewhat perturbed by Tal’Aura. There’s also Sela, who while not in Tal’Aura’s favor as of this timeframe, is still ‘loyal’ to her, and I imagine she too would be disturbed by the full-on war being set against the Federation. It’s established in ‘Taking Wing’, the first book of the ST: Titan series, that Tal’Aura isn’t exactly in favor of a war with the Federation, since the power consolidation within the Empire is anything but. There are a total of six factions which vie for power after Shinzon, and only one of them is outright driven to war with the Federation, that of former Senator Pardek’s group, though he’s brought to an end by ‘close shave’ thanks to Tal-Shiar Director Rehaek who is trying to earn favor from Tal’Aura.

12) In the Novels, there’s at some point mention of a second, unfinished sister-ship to the Scimitar that is later finished and fielded by the Remans. Though it is devoid of a Thalaron weapon, which was only built into the structure of the Scimitar; and there’s also been some conflict in Beta-Canon as to whether or not the Scimitar was originally built by the Tal-Shiar, and then stolen/refit by the Remans, or if it’s a Reman craft from beginning to end.

So yeah, sorry for so much writing here, but I wanted to give each of you some consideration from my end, and what I think could be done here and there. Hope some of this makes some sort of sense, and I look forward to seeing what you all in turn think about my thoughts, and how this all ends up playing out.


Reply #27
@Swift I have already written that there are two other Scimitar-class vessels in the hands of the Reman underground. I named them the Tachi and the Mek'leth. The Mek'leth was still unfinished but the Tachi was complete (minus the Thalaron weapon) but it didn't have any torpedoes... at the time. I'd be happy to write them some more if it came up.


Reply #28
I'd love to see Intelligence go on the offensive and for the politicians to be rescued and swayed. I'm in favor of a lot of what @Swift‍ brings to the table in his mentions too.


Reply #29

I think that's all part of the fun of what's to come.  The Infested that we're dealing with were introduced later and not in the same mould of the originals has thrown a serious set of wild cards into what our expectations of normal behaviour are for characters as we knew them.  Normally Tal'Aura would not be in favour of war with the Federation and Klingons, but does this match the Infested's goal for the the reality that Theurgy is in?  Since word of the use of Thalaron weapons will get out to the Klingon's, can the KDF allow these ships to approach their borders?  Will the Klingons launch an invasion to seek and destroy these ships?  Did Sela and Tomalak know about the bombing of Paris?  Did they try to stop it or support it?  Are they aware of the dangers of sending actual/rumoured Thalaron armed ships towards other galactic polities?  Are they dead, imprisoned, or Infested themselves now so they don't see a need/can't mitigate an oncoming conflict?

In the end, I think the Infested as we are dealing with them now have massively upset how things are supposed to happen to the point where it's all in What If territory and in the hands of us as the writers what happens next.  Maybe the Captain and the diplomats sway the Romulans to allow Theurgy to go to Romulus and find out if Tal'Aura really is Infested. 

This is all a really roundabout way of saying, yes we want to know what's happening at the top levels of Romulan Government, but it may not be what we expect based on other source materials since an unseen, chaotic, and destructive influence has been seeding it's way through the galaxy since 2375.


Reply #30
I have an idea, one that has been brewing for a while. Since the Azure Nebula incident.

The Triangle Region or Sector near the Azure Nebula would have been affected. It is a mostly lawless region between the Klingon Empire, Romulan Empire and UFP. It is home to the Imperial Klingon States. The current progression of the story would be a great time to introduce this splinter group of the Klingon Empire but even more so to introduce the Reman Refugees led by Colonel Xiomek.

Drawing from the Articles of the Federation, Titan, and Destiny novels, we know that the Remans or a portion of them were placed under the protection of the Klingon Empire and settled on the Klingon planet of Klorgat IV. Tal-Auria attacks Klorgat.

Xiomek appears in the STO universe as well.

I propose the idea that Xiomek is approached by the leader of the Imperial Klingon States to form an alliance to attack the Romulans who attacked the Remans, the Klingons who failed to protect them, and the Federation who stood by and let it happen.

The last we hear of the IKS is in the FASA TNG Officer Manual Supplement and I quote:
Today, the IKS has increased its membership by 20 plants, bringing the total to 25. Though its size is not alarming, it threatens to destabilize the Triangle Sector.

Surplus D-7s, D-10s, D-18s, D-2s, D-32s, K-23s, K-22s, L-9s, L-42s, and L-13s make up the IKS fleet, and there are rumors that they also have a single L-24 Battleship and a dozen t-12 assault ships, plus an indeterminate number of small gunboats and warpshuttles. The fleet may be ragtag and in various states of disrepair, but it is a disturbing sign of IKS naval power.

Even more disturbing is the number of angry Klingons, transported courtesy of the above-mentioned vessels, who fled to the IKS when the UFP-Klingon Alliance Treaty was signed. We have been unable to obtain good estimates of how many emigrated to the IKS, but the figure is in the hundreds of thousands.

The mission of my intelligence vessel was to learn the extent of hostility among the IKS towards the UFP and the true Klingon empire. I can say with great certainty that the IKS is quite hostile toward the Federation, for we barely got out of IKS space alive after being discovered by two reconditioned D-7M K’i’ngas.

As far as attitudes toward other Klingons, the IKS consider themselves to be the “true” Kling Empire. In language laced with oaths and threats, the IKS officer who ‘debated himself’ to address my late Science Officer boasted that Klingon nature tends toward conquest, aggression, and the eradication of one's enemies. The Officer claims that the Klingon Empire, in signing a peace treaty with the UFP, compromised all things Klingon and conceded to their opponents in the Komerez Zha.

The current leader of the IKS, Thought Admiral Kajek epetai-Reshtarc, whips his followers into a frenzy with his oratory against ‘the false Klingons who have allied themselves with the UFP kuve’ and how the ‘soft peace-loving cattle’ of the UFP will one day eradicate the martial spirit of Klingon culture. Kayak always ends his speeches, which are broadcast via subspace radio into the Triangle sector toward the Klingon Empire, with a plea for all Klingons to join the true Klingon spirit, “thriving and expanding in the IKS.”

Though Klingons favor alliances with the enemies of their enemies, the IKS refuses to ally itself or have anything to do with the Ferengi. Like the Klingon Empire, the IKS views the Ferengi as ‘contemptible merchants who happen to have weapons but no bravery or honor.”

This would be in the 2360s era. So we can assume that Kajek is still in power or has been replaced by his son or someone else. Perhaps Kojak, son of Kajek. It is highly likely that following the Battle of the Houses any remaining Mo'Kai loyalists fled into areas controlled by the IKS to lick their wounds and return for a counter offensive. No better time than when a Romulan fleet is about to invade.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna


Reply #31
Another thought I had with all this Relativity / DTI thoughts. Perhaps the Nova lass, USS Everett NCC 72392 detects the build-up of temporal anomalies following the wake of the Theurgy and intercepts in order to investigate. Obviously, they would be a few steps behind but could eventually catch up or manage to step ahead.

They are active in 2381 per the DTI novels.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna


Reply #33
I've started a notebook of ideas. Some will start to manifes in upcoming threads.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna


Reply #34
Unless anyone else want to weigh in, I'll be summarising and processing the ideas so far into a streamlined suggestion, or two, next week. It may end up in a poll or two if there are too many conflicting ideas. Awesome input from everyone so far!  (L)


Auctor Lucan


Reply #35
I think a poll would be great because like you said, there are quite a number of great ideas mentioned here, from making our way to Romulus, to revisiting old foes, or utilizing present thread ideas to build up more tension, and etc. A poll could elicit more ownership across the Sim from all writers to ensure more activity and motivation for the coming missions.


Reply #37
On the Borders would be a great place to leave it. Perfect for bringing in the IKS and the House of Kruge plot I'm developing. There is also much to draw from the Triangle. Even potential for setting up other development.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna


Reply #38
Do we need to add more players though? We have a major war kicking off. There will be battles, refugees and crises aplenty. We already have multiple Klingon houses that may or may not be completely loyal to Martok as is. An then there are the Romulans.

I guess I am just hesitant complicating things too much.


Reply #39
It is all tied together and not as overreaching as it sounds. I am also thinking long game here.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna


Reply #40
I thought our long game was the infested who are trying to turn the better part of TWO Quadrants against us.

I don't mean to squash ideas, I love new ideas. I just wonder if now is the right time for it is all. Given their highly limited size and available space, I'm not seeing how they could be much of a threat, even with Romulan backing that isn't needed to fight Klingons or Romulans.

Also, the Klingon Empire already granted the Remans a planet so I don't quite see why they would side with the IKS instead of the Empire.

If I read the mapping above correctly, Martok could detail a pittance of his forces and wipe the IKS off of the board and gain himself more territory.



Reply #41
It's a little more complicated than that. For Martok to do that he would have to acknowledge they exist. Most are discommendated Klingons. And the planet the Klingons gave the Remans was attacked by the Romulans and made primarily uninhabited.

The IKS is a minor player in a larger universe. A subplot that runs beneath the larger narrative. If every story and thread focuses solely on the overarching big bad, we fail to explore the wealth of material that encompasses the Star Trek genre. Not even the cannon series dedicated every second of their storytelling to the greater plot.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna


Reply #42
And the planet the Klingons gave the Remans was attacked by the Romulans and made primarily uninhabited.

When did this happen? I don't remember reading about this.

And I get the need for subplots. I had just never heard of the IKS before this thread. I had to look them up and Memory-Beta is light on information, esecially current info. And I don't see how Martok could not acknowlege them now, especially if they take in traitors to the Empire. All the more reason to eliminate them. Martok strikes me as more pragmatic than needing to attain honour at all costs.

I'll write whatever comes along, either way. Lots of ideas here for people to use and I'm sure we can figure something out.


Reply #43

Klorgat IV was a planet near the Klingon-Romulan border.

Sometime prior to 2381, the Klingon Empire claimed the planet, assuming ownership of the Reman population present. However, the Romulan Star Empire attacked the planet under orders of Praetor Tal'Aura. During a diplomatic summit on Earth hosted by Federation President Nanietta Bacco attended by various ambassadors, Ambassador K'mtok demanded reparations from Ambassador Kalavak for the attack. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation, ST - Destiny novel: Mere Mortals)
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna


Reply #44

Klorgat IV was a planet near the Klingon-Romulan border.

Sometime prior to 2381, the Klingon Empire claimed the planet, assuming ownership of the Reman population present. However, the Romulan Star Empire attacked the planet under orders of Praetor Tal'Aura. During a diplomatic summit on Earth hosted by Federation President Nanietta Bacco attended by various ambassadors, Ambassador K'mtok demanded reparations from Ambassador Kalavak for the attack. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation, ST - Destiny novel: Mere Mortals)

Ok, so not actually Theurgy-Canon then. Because Theurgy-Canon has the empire giving a planet to the Remans that the free from Remus, not merely changing the ownership of slaves from a planet they captured.


Reply #45
The IKS is a minor player in a larger universe. A subplot that runs beneath the larger narrative. If every story and thread focuses solely on the overarching big bad, we fail to explore the wealth of material that encompasses the Star Trek genre. Not even the cannon series dedicated every second of their storytelling to the greater plot.

I'm new, so this should be taken with a grain of salt, but a 26 episode season has more time for subplots than a 5 episode season. If we spend an episode with a focus that's outside our main mission, we'll never accomplish anything. I don't remember the IKR, but I love the House of Kruge (we are pre-Star Trek: Prey, which is sad). Since they are smaller players, why not use them during the Interregnum instead? Subplots without distracting from the big bad.

Also if it's not too late @Auctor Lucan, my request is very simple. I'd like to use the slipstream drive in some way, since Azrin is spending the entire shore leave studying it. :)


Reply #46
It is funny that you mentioned Prey because my interum plot is pulling from that series. The great thing about time travel and being in an alternate universe is that time can be fluid. So Prey happens 6 years from us in the Destiny-verse. Thanks to Infested temporal tampering, it can now happen sooner, at the same time, or never.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna


Reply #47
I also don't see these subplots spanning a whole episode. Only a thread or two in conjunction with the Episode. Perhaps they are mere SIDE-TREKs.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna


Reply #49
Then you will want to look at the Red Herring thread Helen Fitz and I are about to launch. I am currently drafting the opener and pulling a lot from Prey.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

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