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Topic: Day 16 [0930 hrs.] Yacht Party! (Read 21976 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #25
[ K'Ren |  Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @steelphoenix
K'Ren tensed a little as the transporter beam gripped her, it would be some time before she felt truely safe and comfortable with the feeling of beaming, it'd become marked in her psyche as part of the Savi abduction and even when she knew it was safe, it still didn't feel quite so. But as the beam despoisted her on the top deck of the ship, she breathed a sigh on relief inside. She also lowered sunglasses to her eyes, they were still healing after two major corrections, and she'd need some time for her brain to adjust to the higher light levels, levels her Cait eyes were used to, but not her human ones.

Surveying the deck, she could see the crew in various states of dress from more thorough coverings like her own, to some coverings she could hardly call covering. But such was Monkey modesty, so inconsistent, and so arbitrary at times. A female could prance around with cloth barely covering her reproductive organs, barely an inch in diameter and be accepted, yet remove same said garment, revealing little else, and they freaked out about inappropriate dress and scandalous behaviour. She did purr as she watched the crew enjoying themselves, what mattered was they were relaxing, though she had to admit the pheremones, esecially the ones that drove them to mate and reproduduce, were thick in the air even if they didn't notice it.

K'Ren looked up at her mate, softly smiling, hoping he wasn't too worried about her, even as she knew he was, his body language, and the feelings through the bond told her as much as she needed. It was of course two way, and he knew how she was feeling, how she was reacting. "Let's. Perhaps something light, my tolerance for alcohol is rather low, moreso right now."

She glanced over when he suggested they might perhaps try the pool, or go watch the ocean. The pool sounded good, a chance to swim, perhaps enjoy time with her mate. She'd anticpated this and beneath her sundress lay what humans called a bikini, one of those garments that showed off a lot but kept the humans happy she'd remained covered while she swam. As they started towards the bar, she nodded, "I would enjoy a swim after we get drinks. But you must come in with me mate, fooling around in the water can be fun." She nuzzled his side, "Humans sometimes find water arousing, exactly why I do not know, but my human side desires to play around in it with you."

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #26
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Brutus

A sweet kissed was pressed against her cheek and Riley couldn't help but smile contently as Faye continued to oversee the party. The diplomat asked if Patterson had eaten anything already and the nurse shook her head slowly "No, you literally dragged me out of bed Imzadi." she answered with a coy smile to her features as Faye had literally stormed into the room and found Riley still sleep drunk in her bed.

Riley's stomach did feel quite empty and the suggestion to grab a meal was a welcome thought "Sound great!" she bubbled with a smile and grabbed onto Faye's hand as she followed her brunette lover through the ship's length. She eventually stopped behind Faye as they were in a queue. Well what one could call a queue as it were just two men in front of them. For some reason, Riley could feel something amusing and as he eyes looked past Faye she could see what.

"Hum..." she whispered to Faye as she looked over Kingston's outfit and checked out Rhys after that. It was when it hit her that it was Rhys! She wasn't sure if the counselor would recognize her from the various run by's in Sickbay. Regardless though Riley hid herself a bit behind Faye just in case. Not that she minded being seen in public with Faye, but unsure how an officer would react to their relationship. She dug her face into Faye's hair a little as she squeezed Faye's hand slightly without saying anything more. She was still really hungry now though, so moving away from the buffet line wasn't entirely an option.

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #27
[Lt. JG Logan Hale, callsign "Wraith"| Top Deck | Eclipse | Aldea ] Attn: @Stegro88

Logan was in his bunk. He couldn't sleep and the time passed more and more slowly with every passing second. He had not been allowed to enter a cockpit for a whole week. He was tired of it. Zeke was no different. Both talked for hours about the strange situation, seeking the conversation with the established crew members in the Below Decks Lounge on deck 28 and had to have several boring conversations with the Counselor. Somehow, they didn't seem to find any real connection to the crew. Some even stared at him in a curious way, which was probably due to his new skull decoration. Every now and then he stopped by the hangar, but even there he was lost in the sheer hustle and bustle of the masses. Everyone was either on patrol or on the planet surface. Logan was bored to death.

Finally, he pulled himself together and said "Computer. Light." The lights went on and he went to his terminal. "Computer, please locate Ezekiel Jackson." He had not even asked him for his quarters, he noticed. Zeke had always stopped by his place, and the question had never come up. "Ensign Jackson is currently not aboard the ship." The computer announced. Logan sighed. Okay, Zeke. That's not very nice of you. I hope she has some strong arguments in her favor for ditching me! Logan searched his PADD and found a message from his best friend. He was invited by a handsome Bolian man to attend a party on a yacht and Logan could join them anytime he want to. So, there you go. A handsome Bolian, huh? Logan paused to think. He hadn't been to a party in a while. This could be fun. He made up his mind quickly. "Computer, tell me where the nearest transporter room is." "Transporter room 3. Vector 2. Deck 12," the machine replied in its own neutral feminine tone. He was just about to leave when his gaze fell on the mirror.

"Stop! You can't get out that way. You need something more suitable, flyboy." Said and done. Logan made a short detour over the Replicator and had a pair of grey-brown jeans, a simple black T-shirt, a light brown leather jacket and swimwear made for himself, besides some good boots. In addition, there was enough money for a pleasant evening and so Logan was ready to go. If he was not allowed to fly, he could at least have a good time in another way.

[20min later - The Eclipse]

When he materialized again on the yacht, he already heard the humming basses and the party life pressing to his ears. A sexy dressed waitress approached him to escort him down from the transporter platform and handed him a drink. "Welcome to the Eclipse." Logan grabbed the glass, winked boldly asked her where to find the dance floor. As she pointed it out Logan poured his drink, some Aldean booze, down and whispered to himself "Showtime." Somewhere around here, Zeke had to hang out with his date.  Logan was curious to see who it was.

He'd forgotten he wasn't much of a dancer, but somehow it didn't matter to him. He enjoyed the time. The music was pounding out of the speakers and people were in a good mood. Logan just let 'em drift along, always looking for his buddy. After a while he found out where Zeke was, and Logan certainly did not wanted to join them there. He was laughing, enjoying himself. Time to get some air.

The music became quieter and quieter. There were now more places where people could sit down and chat or eat. Logan didn't know many of the faces and he couldn't assign the others. He had seen some of the people before but didn't know exactly where. Eventually a light summer wind blew into his face. Logan took off his jacket and threw it over his shoulder. The sun warmed the top deck and the view was fantastic. The sea was everywhere. It was quiet, but not lonely. A welcome change from the last days on the ship. Logan went to the railing and leaned against it for a moment when a familiar voice came to his ear. "Hey, Chance. How are you?" he greeted his fellow Squadmate and discovered that she was not alone. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you."

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #28
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson & Samala | Top Deck | Eclipse | Aldea ] Attn: @Nero

Different people had come and gone as Samala stood there, leaning against the side rail and looking out over the sea, willing it to give her some foresight into her decision. As Donna had said, she would need to make her choice sooner rather than later. It was not something that she had been actively avoiding doing; rather that she had simply been ignoring it each day and pushing it back to the next one. Samala didn’t want to leave her brother, but she wasn’t yet sure if that desire was enough to make her go against her need to somehow fight back against the Romulans that had taken almost everything away from her.

Movement behind her drew her attention and she turned to see a Terran male standing nearby with a drink in his hand. Samala didn’t recognise him but when he spoke, he addressed them, or more specifically, Donna, as if he knew her. Her curiosity getting the better of her, Samala glanced at Donna, the unspoken question clear on her face.

“Chance is my callsign,” Donna clarified for the young hybrid before turning back to look at Logan. “Hi Logan,” she greeted the fellow pilot. “How are you feeling today? Have they cleared you yet?”

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #29
[Lt. JG Logan Hale, callsign "Wraith"| Top Deck | Eclipse | Aldea ] Attn: @Stegro88 

"Thanks for asking. I'm feeling quite well, considering the circumstances." Logan smiled. He pointed to the metal skull plate on his head and added that not much could be broken there anyway. Logan looked at her and her friend. He noticed her reactions and once again found that others actually had more trouble coping with his new style than he did. Logan noticed that their hair was wet and a few drops of water glittered on their skin. He concluded that they had recently gone swimming. The pilot walked a few steps towards them and leaned against the railing next to them. He took a sip of his drink. For a moment he gazed into the calm sea. "No." he said then. Logan had to smile briefly concerned and shook his head. "No, they haven't released me yet." But then he added more optimistically "But I expect to get the clearance in the next few days."

He was looking forward to finally climbing back into the cockpit and feeling the freedom that flying gave him. Strangely enough, he was even looking forward to going back to work. But if he was honest with himself, the long recovery period did him less good than expected. Every day he fought the urge to sneak into his fighter and kidnap her for a short flight. But the monotony that kept him tied to the ground would soon be behind him, he was very sure of that. Soon he would circle the skies again like a free bird. He wondered if Zeke thought alike. I never asked you that either, my friend. I really do have some catching up to do.

"Oh, I just miss my lovely Valravn. I just can't wait to fly again." He admitted with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "But what about you, Donna? You haven't answered my question." he said, adding with a genuinely nice smile, "And would you like to introduce me to your pretty companion?"
OOC: corrected some spelling mistakes

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #30
[ Deacon | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @SummerDawn  @Sqweloookle  @Stegro88  @Juzzie @Triage  @Brutus  @Nolan  @Nero

At K'Ren's qualified agreement, Deacon flagged down one of the nearby servers.  He'd taken some time to study the available menu to ensure nothing of obvious offense would be presented, whether culturally or biologic.  It was a challenge to ensure that everyone would be adequately compatible with what they might put into their mouths.

In K'Ren's case, he had been far more diligent, not wishing to give ever the slightest opportunity to upset her constitution as it recovered from so many procedures received in relatively rapid succession.  "One marziki," he stated to the server, nodding towards K'Ren to indicate the appropriate recipient.  It was a local drink made with fruit juice with a touch of alcohol to accentuate its more citrus flavors and was, in fact, the basis of a great many other beverages that differed by the additions they called for above and beyond the initial recipe. "And a glass of kasatrine for myself."  His drink, however, was little more than the base juice.  He'd found the alcohol did not agree with him and there was no social cause great enough to call for him to set aside his inhibitions.

Inhibitions were the basis of control and control was something he cultivated very carefully where he could.

When K'Ren then turned her attention to the pool, there was a momentary satisfaction that she had taken an interest in being social with the others, but when she insisted that he partake as well, a faint grumble caught in his chest.  As a Kzin, he had little desire to immerse his fur in water as it tended to weigh him down and lingered all day despite the influence of sun or towel.  Even now, with his fur all but gone save for his tail and the hair atop is head, he was not overly fond of being wet.

He gave a sideways glance at his wife. "That is why you set out such unusual underwear for me..."  What he had thought boxers were truly swim trunks as monkey modesty would find the idea of him stripping completely for the pool somewhat off-setting.  With a sigh, shoulders slumping, he acquiesced with a single provision.  "If the water is warm.  I have no desire to be colder."

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #31
[ LT. JG Adam Kingston | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Juzzie
(OOC What Adam is wearing):

They arrived at the food bar? Adam surmised as the area had food of so much variety that he didn’t know where to look. It did seem like the best idea to have everyone pick at what they wanted then do made-to-order as the yacht’s crew can have the leftovers.

Adam gestured to the assortment as he looked at Rhys. "I don’t know about you but I have not seen this much food since a birthday party back home." He said then cringed a little at the word home. It was a touchy subject now that the Theurgy crew were effectively kicked out and banished.

He hoped they will be able to clear their names and expose the parasites soon, Adam had no doubt everyone onboard wanted to go back to Earth or wherever they lived in the Federation one day very soon.

"So what are you game enough to start with?" Adam asked with a playful challenge as he grabbed plates allowing Rhys to be the one to actually get their food, using whatever tools, to transfer it to their plates. "If it looks familiar, just be careful." He chuckled as he probably made that mistake at some point in his career.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #32
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Nolan @Juzzie @Sqweloookle 

Itsy-bitsy-teensy-weeny, Faye thought to herself, humming an ancient tune her mother used to sing whenever Faye would prance about in her admittedly small bikini's back home. When she bothered with them at all. Still, it fit the man before her. Adam Kingston. It took her a moment to place the face and the name, but he had been aboard the Theurgy when she'd made her mad dash out of the Sol system. She remembered him, though only in passing. She had no direct knowledge of what he'd gone through in the months that she had lingered in stasis.

Turning her head to look over her shoulder at her Imzadi, Faye felt her lips curling into a wicked smile. "Hiding?" She whispered, finding the whole situation rather amusing now. She picked up just enough from Riley to get the gist of what was going through the nurses mind without reading her like an open book - though she knew she could, without any complaint from the non-commissioned officer. A deep and abiding trust, that still humbled the lithe diplomat. All the same, she kept her mind to herself and just skimmed, giggling.

Still holding the suddenly shy nurses hand, Faye saddled up right behind Rhys and Adam, leaning over the table and admiring the spread of food for the buffet. Idly, she wondered if the Aldean's had something equivalent to the Terran Mimosa, one of those morning alcoholic drinks that were some how more socially acceptable to imbibe before the middle of the afternoon. Running a thumb across Riley's fingers, the Betazoid hummed and hawed for a moment, before picking up a plate. "Well, fruit is the smartest way to go and there looks to be plenty of that, but I think I see some kind of pastry a bit further down. Nothing like a good sugar high first thing in the morning, right Imzadi?

Faye wasn't going out of her way to draw attention to herself and her paramour, but neither was she trying to keep her voice down. There really were a lot of options available to them, and she intended to indulge her sweet tooth - and her impish nature. As such, she brought Rileys hand up and kissed the knuckles, which served to tug the nurse in closer; as if she wasn't close already. Just a little harmless public flirting, that's all. Nothing to write home about.

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #33
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson & Samala | Top Deck | Eclipse | Aldea ] Attn: @Nero

Samala had been gazing at the new arrival, a little irked that he had interrupted Donna and her conversation when she noted the metal plate embedded in the skin on the side of his head. The obvious sign of treatment for an injury reminded her of what her Lorad had recently gone through. Much like her brother after the battle with the Borg, this Logan had suffered a grievous injury and it seemed that only Federation medical technology had saved his life. Still, that didn’t mean he had to be rude.

“Don’t be rude,” Samala demanded, her voice hardening. “And don’t call me pretty.”

“Easy Samala,” Donna interceded before the situation could escalate. She knew that Samala had something of a temper and didn’t want anything to happen to either of them. Although it was unlikely that Logan could stand up to the hybrid in a straight fight, Samala didn’t need the extended time in the brig either. Or worse, ejected from the ship. “It was meant as a complement, nothing more.”

“And Logan, I know we haven’t spent more than a few hours around each other, so I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt. But don’t assume everyone is going to be as open and understanding as most Terrans are,” Donna explained calmly. “Otherwise it might be a while longer before you get to fly again. And as to how I am, I’m fine thank you. The sunrise and the swim did me wonders. You should try it.”

OOR: Donna and Samala's Outfits.

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #34
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Brutus @Sqweloookle @Juzzie

Faye seemed to have no troubles in the world as her mood seemed optimal. As Faye called out what she was doing, the nurse rolled her eyes "No?!" she protested, though her actions spoke against her verbal response. She noticed that Rhys hadn't spotted her yet and that hiding even more would only ignite Faye's reactions and put the spotlight on them. Thus she squeezed in Faye's hand and tried to change the subject "Where's the food you promised?" she asked as she was oblivious to the buffet laid out on the table.

Her diplomat's response to that question made Riley's eyes drift shut as she began to talk about the fruits and pastries up ahead. 'There's the food...' she thought to herself as she peeked over Faye's shoulder to the various fruits that were ripe for the taking "Get me some too." she whispered in to Faye's ear as she kissed her shoulder. It seemed like the nurse didn't want to overly draw any attention.

The Betazoid tugged her closer to kiss her knuckles and by doing so, Riley bumped into Faye's back. A little harder then expected as the nurse was looking out to the deck for a split second, having lost her attention for a minute and thus not expecting the tug. The collision however had the contents of Faye's plate wobble dangerously at risk of falling. The nurse looked up and could only see how some fruits were shoved over to Kingston's bare back.

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #35
[ K'Ren |  Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @steelphoenix
K'Ren let her mate order the drink for her. Nodding at his choice. While a full-Cait would have very little tolerance for alcohol, the alcohol content of fermenting fruit was enough to inebriate a Cait, other stronger beverages could be lethal at certain does, K'Ren was part human and her human side could tolerate a lot more, relatively speaking.

She glanced at the water, it'd been some time since she'd been swimming, and of all things it seemed like something she might enjoy. Caits as a species were not the most fond of water, their lithe physique and lack of excess fat meant they couldn't float very well, a prerequisite for swimming. That didn't mean they didn't build ships and travel the oceans of their world, they certainly did, Cait ships tended to have an (over)abundance of floating objects intended for rescue purposes. But again, she was part human, and aside from a little frizz when she dried, she quite enjoyed the water, enjoy relaxing in it, and even looked forward to times like this where she could.

When their drinks were brought to them, and K'Ren had taken her first sip, she glanced over at Deacon, grinning a little. "You wished to learn human customs mate. The 'pool party' is a common pastime among them, and swimming is an expected part, especially if you are a male." She nuzzled him, "The water will be fine, and I am going to join you, that is why I dressed in this outfit, it covers my swimsuit, and is easily removed when the time is appropriate."

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #36
[ LT. JG Adam Kingston | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ]

"If you can tell what the fruit is here." Adam replied to Faye. A stray thought occurred to Adam and he cursed as he put the plates down.

"Sorry Rhys I have to go back to the ship, I left some unfinished business in my rush to leave. I don’t know how long I’ll be, I hope you have fun for both of us." He smiled apologetically at the Counselor before nodding at Faye a farewell.

He made his way back to the rear of the yacht where most were beaming on and off. He greeted those he passed but the sooner he got back onboard the Theurgy, the faster he could get those tasks done and should nothing else present itself then he may return.

Once in position he tapped his combadge that was on his right cuff and called. "=/\=Kingston to Theurgy, one to beam up.=/\=" The transporter beam was instantly around him and he was back on the closest Vector to him, though he could have asked for a specific destination but he kinda needed to recall where this ‘unfinished business’ was before he could deal with it.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #37
[Lt. JG Logan Hale, callsign "Wraith"| Top Deck | Eclipse | Aldea ] Attn: @Stegro88

All in all, the conversation didn't go at all like Logan imagined it would. It felt good to talk to someone who might understand him. You could think what you wanted about the counselors. Some of them they certainly helped and others they could certainly take away the burden that those who had been carrying around for a long time. But it was never comparable to what it is like to talk to someone who had experienced similar things. Logan thought Donna was such a person but had obviously forgotten that he was talking to a person he had held a gun in the face when he first met her. But Logan was not quite sure. Either the damage to his head had cost him more than he was willing to admit, or Donna could just try to get rid of him so she could continue her conversation with the admittedly pretty, but also a little aggressive Samala - was that her name? Did he get that right?

However, she was also right. Logan was much too open about such topics and he knew that too. Flying was an affair of the heart for him, he knew that it could be used against him. But in the end, he didn't care. Let them attack him. Let them use his moments of weakness against him. If someone felt it necessary to put such pressure on a simple pilot, he would stand up for himself. There would certainly be injuries and most likely he would never be allowed to get back into a cockpit, but the past had already shown that he could handle this problem. He had been able to sell the Crimson Sunset quickly when he came back to Starfleet and he was sure that he could find a space worthy freighter just as easily. But the pilot was also sure that such a scenario would be a long time in coming. He emptied his glass before he turned to Donna again.
"You're right, Donna. I'm sorry. It was not my intention to chatter you both full blown." Logan looked at her and her friend and smiled apologetically. "It was good to have someone to talk to who could understand."

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #38
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] attn: @Sqweloookle

Rhys nodded and smiled at Adam. Across from them were several large tables lined seemingly groaning under the weight of food of all kinds. There was a dizzying array of of colours, textures and smells. Some were being kept warm on hot plates and were clearly meant to be eaten as such. Others were just on dishes as they were, clearly items meant to be eaten cold or room temperature anyway.

Behind the tables were two or three Aldeans who seemed to be organising things. If food of a particualr type ran out they disappeared and returned bearing more. They also seemed to be identifying items to some Starfleet personel. Rhys had not seen so much food either since... well. He sighed inwardly as he felt a jolt, a pang of hot pain behind his eyes. He looked at Adam and did his best to make sure his own face was still smiling. He was determined that horrible memories of funerals were not going to ruin this nice time he was having. “I’ve not seen anything like it in a long time either.” He stepped up and looked over the table. There was nothing that looked truly familiar to him however, he let his nose guide him.

Fancying something sweet he found various oddly shaped and coloured pieces of what he could only describe as fruit on his plate. “What will you try Adam?” He asked genuinly curious.

However, quite suddenly Adam insisted he needed to go. Rhys tried not to let the dissapointment show on his face. "Oh Well, see you around?" He sadly watched the other man return to the ship before quietly taking his food to a corner and sitting sadly on his own. What had he done wrong?

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #39
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Juzzie @Nolan

Small miracles being what they were, Faye managed not to crash into anyone, when Riley overbalanced. To call that embarrassing would have been the understatement of the year, even for someone as care free as the Betazoid diplomat tended to be. The fruits on her plate weren't so lucky, and she couldn't tell if she'd gotten some on Kingston or not. The deputy security chief managed to make himself scarce, fast, leaving a bewildered Rhys in his wake, as well as a swiftly recovering Ens. Eloi-Danvers, and overly shy PO2 Riley behind. Mental wiplash was what it felt like, being caught up in the undercurrent of emotions palpitating from Kingston and Rhys. The poor brunette gave her head a shake to clear it all, and breathed in slowly. 

She looked over at her paramour, and though she saw reluctance in Riley's eyes, Faye decided on their next course of action. "Oh, we can't just leave him there like that, Imzadi. The poor man looks like someone just kicked his pet sehlat." Given the size of the species that only a Vulcan would call a pet, that was saying something indeed, but it was clear as the Aldean sky that Lt. Williams was upset by the sudden departure of the security officer, and Faye couldn't shake the possibility that their near collision might have had something to do with it. She batted her eyelashes at Riley, and then filled the plate back up, before leading the reluctant nurse across the way to the table that Rhys had taken for himself.

"Sorry about that," she said to both of the out of uniform officers, who like herself were dressed to enjoy a boat party and not for the stuffy confines of the Theurgy, apologizing to Riley for dragging her along, despite how shy she'd suddenly become around a colleague, and to Rhys, for potentially being responsible for Kingston. She smiled sheepishly at the counselor and shrugged a bare shoulder. "I can't be sure if I spooked him off by nearly falling, or if something else came up, but I think we might be why he bolted. I'm not really sure. I'm Ensign Eloi-Danves by the way." She extended her hand - the one without a plate in it - toward the forlorn looking fellow. "And you look like you could use some company."

The young attache had descended into what the instructors at the Academy called 'full on hospitality mode - set phasers to charm.' It was a tried and true negotiating tactic, and the already gregarious Betazoid fell into the habit with a practiced ease, even as the other hand set the breakfast plate down on the table, and reached back, to keep Riley from potentially scampering off herself. 

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #40
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Brutus   @Juzzie

As Kingston seemed to head off after the small incident, Riley wasn't sure if it was because of her or something else entirely. She did feel quite bad for Rhys losing his company and as Faye put it, there was no other option but to console the man. She figured that Faye would've maybe gotten a general vibe why Kingston left so suddenly, though she didn't want to ask her Imzadi about it. As her plate got refilled by the people serving them on the boat, she smiled sheepishly "Thanks."

The two women made way to the table Rhys was sitting at and she let Faye do the talking as she stood behind her. It wasn't because she knew Rhys that she was shy about it. It was more because she knew he worked with her in Sickbay and that she feared for the backtalk that it might introduce at her workplace. She hadn't been the most professional nurse on the ship when she tied a relationship with the lovely diplomat that now overwhelmed her heart with all sorts of feelings.

The human looked down at her sun kissed Imzadi as she apologized in a rather diplomatic but cute way. She felt the hand of her lover against her legs as if to prevent her from running away and she got the message, or so she believed as she sat down besides her, leaving Faye in the middle "If you'll have us keep you company that is... I mean, we don't want to... seem rude or presumptuous." she said in a softer tone than usual "I'm Riley Patterson." she introduced herself with a shy smile. She deliberately leave out the part that she worked in Sickbay and wondered if he'd even recognize her as there were a lot of nurses in Sickbay.

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #41
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Brutus, @Nolan, @SummerDawn, @SteelPhoenix, @Stegro88, @Juzzie & @Sqweloookle
“It is, I guess?” she said in answer to Lorad and laughed a little.

Then, the gentleman that had gone to get the Aldean equivalent of a dermal regenerator returned, and she sat atill to let him help her. She closed her eyes, and while she did - ignoring the tinging feeling of the medical instrument - she thought of how this particular time on the Eclipse was some kind of new step for her. After the voyage so far and all the things she's been through, ranging from loosing her sister Lisa on Theta Eridani IV and both her adoptive parents at Starbase 84, this time at Aldea and its shipyards was actually a step in the right direction. Of course, she couldn't claim that her emotional state after the many turns aboard the Theurgy had normalised - far from it - but perhaps... this was a smidgen of light in the tunnel? This, not even taking Lorad into account, even though he had proven to be great company to hold.

“Thank you,” she said to the Aldean when he'd finished and left them where they were. Cam turned to Lorad.
 “How about we take a walk around the deck? This ship is amazing and I don't think I've seen more than half of it.”

Said and done, in the company of Lorad, Cameron wandered off on the Eclipse.

Shoreleave had surely proved to be the right antidote for her depression, even if she knew it would be some time yet before she'd fully processed all her losses.

Re: Day 16 [0930 hrs.] Yacht Party!

Reply #42
[ Deacon | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @SummerDawn  @Sqweloookle  @Stegro88  @Juzzie @Triage  @Brutus  @Nolan  @Nero

Deacon found himself sitting at the edge of the pool, legs hanging in the water although he was less than enthusiastic about fully submerging himself, although the temperature was tolerable enough.  In truth, he found it more questionable that one might swim on a vessel that was purposefully designed to eliminate the need for swimming in the first place.  Another of the chain of oxymoronic hypocrisies so common now that he found himself back in the Federation.  Taking for recreation what others might need for survival.

Still, it didn't require much convincing from K'Ren to strip down to his current state.  He couldn't be certain if this was a matter of simply becoming used to these human customs or deferring out of concern for his wife's well being.

His drink, at least, he found to be of sufficient quality.  He would need to remember the subtleties so that he might replicate it himself back on the ship.  The flavor wasn't overly cloying, what little sweetness it presented having an almost ephemeral quality as it faded from the tongue.

Slowly, he looked out across the assembled crew, rather shocked that what few had beamed down seemed even more diminished.  Perhaps free time and recreation was not as appealing  as he thought, or the crew was otherwise more entertained by the activities aboard the station.  He wondered if he might find some way to incorporate some of the more visceral Klingon forms of entertainment to the adjacent holosuites in Below Decks.

Re: Day 16 [0930 hrs.] Yacht Party!

Reply #43
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Pool Deck | Eclipse | Aldea ]

Lorad’s curiosity was peeked. Cameron took her injury in her stride, as if it was nothing new to her. This, coupled with everything else that he had heard about her, either from her directly or from others, made him wonder just what the Human had been through in her life. And not just recently. The way she spoke, and had spoken previously, Cameron Henshaw had experienced more than her share. 

"Thank you," Cameron said to the Aldean once he had finished treating her injury. Once he had left, she turned to Lorad. "How about we take a walk around the deck? This ship is amazing and I don't think I've seen more than half of it."

“I would like that,” Lorad said, trying to keep his voice soft, or at least as soft as he knew given that everything he said apparently sounded like her was growling it.

[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson & Samala | Top Deck | Eclipse | Aldea ] Attn: @Nero

“You’re forgiven Wraith,” Donna responded, using the pilots callsign. “And I am glad that you will be returning to us. I have a feeling that no matter where the Theurgy ends up, we are going to need every wolf that we can get.”

“Samala, this is Logan Hale,” Donna said, looking at her companion and finally introducing her fellow wolf. “He is a member of the Wolves.”

“Are all pilots as brusque and forthright as he is?” Samala questioned, eyeing the man.

“Most of us are to one degree or another,” Donna confirmed. “It's a trait that is needed when you are flying a fighter against some of the most powerful ships in two quadrants.”

“I suppose it is at that,” Samala intoned, thinking about the time she had considered fighting a Romulan Warbird in the Apache. 

“And Logan, this is Samala,” Donna reciprocated. “She is Lorad’s sister and a pilot in her own right.”


Re: Day 16 [0930 hrs.] Yacht Party!

Reply #44
[Lt. JG Logan Hale, callsign "Wraith"| Top Deck | Eclipse | Aldea ] Attn: @Stegro88
Logan gazed onto the see. Multiple reflections from the sun, small but steady waves. The view was astonishing. The ship nearly seemed to glide through the water and there were practically no noticeable waves. All was so quiet and aside from the background noise from the ongoing party this was some kind of solitude. For a brief moment he closed his eyes and relaxed.
As Donna said this little words Logan coudn’t hide his little smile. Her words were quite welcome. “Thank you, Chance.” He replied to her callsign. “And this wolf will bring his set of claws and teeth to the table.”
He listened to the little exchange between the two women and couldn’t help but smile again as Samala asked if all pilots are as brusque and forthright as he was. “I’ll take that as a compliment, I guess.”
Logan continued to listen to Donna as she finally introduced Samala to him. “It’s always a pleasure to meet a fellow pilot.” He said and offered his hand. Then he added really interested in hope to find some common ground. “May I ask you what kind of craft you are flying?” Logan for instance flew many ship throughout his career, but only a few had leave an impact at him, like the Crimson Sunset. Although he had to sell that ship when he joined Starfleet again, he had some valuable memories of it. Some were nice, others not. Most of them he only could barely remember through he was drunk most of the time, but he knew, flying that ship was always a pleasure.

Re: Day 16 [0930 hrs.] Yacht Party!

Reply #45
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] attn: @Brutus @Nolan

As Rhys took his seat his own personal black could raining over him he was approached by two women. One he recognised one he did not, Riley he thought her name was. They had encountered each other on in the medical bay during the crazy days after the Cayuga and Theurgy had run into each other. It was not a meeting he was looking forward to with fondness, not because he had anything against her more due to embarrassment. During those trials and tribulations, he had been at various times either concussed, and therefore making no sense or he had been almost frozen unable to emotionally cope. His normal behaviour was to avoid people who had seen him in low moments. This took in some ground as he nearly always felt he had embarrassed himself in some way.

He had vaguely been aware of them as a presence behind him in the que but had not really given them his full attention as all his being had been focused into not having his heart come out of his mouth. Now his attention was on them and that was not good either, because not only was he embarrassed because he and Riley had met before but also because they were two attractive women in Bikinis. Rhys was very good in professional situations but achingly terrible in non-professional situations, where he became like a shy love struck thirteen-year-old.  If he had been paying special attention to Riley’s companion, he would have been even more nervous. Betazoids made him uncomfortable because he knew would a hideous wasteland his psyche was and he hated the idea that other people could see that to.

Riley’s companion was very apologetic indicating in some way that she had spooked Adam. Rhys had noticed that Adam made his sharp exit after interacting with her. Even still that little voice in his head that always told him everything was his fault did not quite believe her. He realised it was not a logical belief but deep down in his heart he felt like he had done something to scare Adam off, he just had no idea what it was. She introduced herself as Ensign Eloi - Danves, and he took her hand. Rather than letting his eyes meet hers or another part of her that might ‘call out to them’ his eyes focused on her hand as they shook. “Lieutenant Rhys Williams.” He spoke in a soft sing song Welsh accent and pronounced his rank ‘Leftenant’.

When the Ensign Elioi-Danvers and Riley offered to sit with him. His hands fidgeted with some of the fruit on his plate, “If you want to.” He said quietly as he tried to reorganise his features, so he looked a bit less like the bottom had fallen out of his world. They both sat next to him and he noticed out of the corner of his eye little touches and glances they gave each other. He wondered if they were dating or were just friends. After all he had had female friends who were very physically affectionate with each other in public but were in no way dating. If they were, he could imagine there would be eyebrows raised about an officer no matter how junior dating a non-officer. However as far as Rhys was concerned, he could not see an issue. The crew were in some ways trapped together, who knew when they could ever return to Federation space. If they found joy in each other all the better.

When Riley introduced herself, he nodded, and his eyes flicked up to her face for a moment. “I remember from sickbay.” He said feeling an uncomfortable tension creep over him. A lot of that time had been blurry. Had she treated him when he had been concussed, or had she been there when he had come in to assist. A broken man helping other broken people.

Re: Day 16 [0930 hrs.] Yacht Party!

Reply #46
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Juzzie @Nolan 

For Faye, it was impossible to ignore how awkward the whole situation was, as she and Riley sat down to join Rhys at his table. The mans own social discomfort was just being broadcast on all frequencies, and Faye had to fight hard to separate her feelings from his, and the shadows of slight embarrassment and concern in the back of Riley's mind. After all, this was someone that the nurse had worked with before, who had a solid idea of her position in the ship, and Faye had just introduced herself as an officer, albeit a rather junior one. The diplomat was one to throw caution to the wind, and she knew how Riley felt about her, but this was something of a test for their relationship, as new as it was. 

Thus she found herself slipping her hand up along Riley's leg again, under the table, to help reassure her, even as she leaned into her other hand above the table, resting her chin in it after the greetings exchanged with Rhys.  As brazen as ever, Faye dived right in, flashing the man as warm and reassuring a smile as she could manage. She knew instantly how he felt, about the way she and Riley were dressed, about his reactions to that, and some of the trouble that was bouncing around.  Walls were put firmly in place to keep from prying, but she wasn't going to ignore what he was putting out there either. Sure, she liked to know that she was seen as attractive, but she'd much rather pay more attention to putting everyone at ease. 

If that were possible.

"Well I'm glad the two of you do know each other then. That always makes things easier," Faye declared, even if that wasn't strictly truthful. She was glad they knew each other. She doubted very much that it would make anything about this easier, but she was determined to soldier on. She needed no help parsing Rhys' guilt as she harbored a fair amount of her own. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Lt. Williams, even if the situation could have been a bit better. I don't like scaring people off, especially not so early in the day. I truly am sorry about that. So thank you for letting us keep you company instead."

She pumped as much earnest emotion into her words as she could. "We both know Riley here is a nurse, and I'm going to guess you have something to do in the medical and sciences line of work as well, given that you two were working in sickbay during all the troubles we've been through. I don't remember you from before though," she admitted, breezing right on.

"I was transferred aboard as part of the diplomatic mission to Romulus, before everything went to hell. I happen to be our only diplomat left, though I have some hope that we'll be getting a few more hands to help with matters. I spent most of the last few months in stasis actually, and missed most of the trauma that unfolded. When did you come aboard, if its not too personal to ask? If it is,please tel me so and I promise I can be a good girl, hush up and look pretty." She flashed him a cheerful smile, and then tossed a wink at Riley, whose hand she was gripping tightly now.  There was a lot of emotional feed back she was dealing with, and she worried she might be taking it out on her paramours knuckles.

Forcing herself to shut up and actually let the bewildered man speak, she picked up a berry from the mix of fruits on her plate and deftly plopped it into her mouth, purring as the juice spilled down her throat after she bit into it. It was tart, in all the right ways, and she looked to be enjoying herself. 

Re: Day 16 [0930 hrs.] Yacht Party!

Reply #47
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Brutus  @Juzzie

Rhys introduced himself to Faye and Riley kept herself on the background for now as the way he announced his rank was undeniably cute. Perhaps it was the Welsh accent that made her gut tingle, perhaps it was something else. Her eyes remained on him as Faye took the lead here and Riley was content to just sit in the background for now. She could feel her Imzadi's hand moving over her leg as if seeking for support and Riley simply placed her hand on hers.

Patterson didn't fill in the question Faye had opened up, having her guess what exactly he did aboard the ship. She was certain the lieutenant could perfectly answer that question on his own. As Riley had introduced herself in the meantime, Rhys concluded that he had remembered her from Sickbay. The rosy red color rising back to her cheeks as he actually did remember her. She was unsure to reply to him before she simply gave a nod.

"I've helped you on occasion lieutenant." she eventually replied with a warm smile as she looked him in the eyes. She wouldn't have mind if his eyes lingered. The good lieutenant looking not bad himself, though she refrained from looking him up and down for the occasion. Not wanting to make him more uneasy. She looked back at Faye as she asked how Rhys got aboard, Riley squeezing back in Faye's hand as she smiled to Rhys "She can be quite curious lieutenant, though she can be very pretty if she wants to be." she added, aiming to tease Faye as she had set it up herself.

Re: Day 16 [0930 hrs.] Yacht Party!

Reply #48
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson & Samala | Top Deck | Eclipse | Aldea ] Attn: @Nero

Samala stared at the man’s hand for a moment, considering, before accepting it. It was a Terran greeting gesture, she remembered, and nothing more. The man, Logan, was no threat to her that she could tell. And while she knew that it would take time, eventually, she would have to stop looking at beings around her based on how threatening they were to her. But not yet, she understood. Some events were too recent.

“I trained on a few different craft, but I guess the main one I fly is the Reman one that is in your ship’s shuttlebay,” Samala answered, her reply honest but without going into too much detail. She may not know where other parts of the Reman Resistance were or how to find them, but she didn’t need to give away their methods or capabilities either. “And you? Do you fly a Valkyrie?”

“No,” Donna cut in. “Logan is one of the unlucky pilots that has to fly a Valravn. Some say that they are better than the Valks; others, have different opinions.”

“Sounds like you don’t like them,” Samala observed snidely.

“Too shiny for my taste,” Donna observed candidly. “I prefer things to be a little rougher around the edges. How about you Logan?”

Re: Day 16 [0930 hrs.] Yacht Party!

Reply #49
[Lt. JG Logan Hale, callsign "Wraith"| Top Deck | Eclipse | Aldea ] Attn: @Stegro88
Samala did hesitate at first to take Logans hand but he saw her take it eventually. He kept smiling as this was maybe the beginning of a friendship. At least he hoped for that. Logan was omitted when he heard Samala explaining that she was trained for piloting multiple crafts. The pilot had to acknowledge that he had never seen a Reman ship in real life. Logan heard stories about reman ships but mostly rumors.
Logan opened his mouth to answer Samala that he was interested in looking onto that presumably tough little Reman vessel of her and that he was not a Valkyrie pilot himself. But just before he could answer Donna cut in and explained to Samala that Logan flew one of the Valravn and that some say a Valravn is better than a Valkyrie. Logan followed that short exchange between the two Ladies.
“You are just jealous, Donna.”, he said with a smile. “Everyone wants to pilot a Valravn. Her round edges? Personally, I like the curves on my girl. Better aerodynamics in atmospheric flights, more stabilized flights due to a larger wingspan. Powerful engines and blatant firepower. Who would not fly one of these masterpieces of Starfleet technology?” Logan observed Donnas reaction for a moment before he added: “Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. I like the Valravn pretty much, but I can’t deny that the Valkyrie also has its benefits.”

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