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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2150

I didn't have time to add these sections of the story overview, but here they are! :) Check the post above as well. Looking forward to your posts.


DAY 05: Creature Comforts [0930 hrs.] Next Poster: CanadianVet (Finished after that?)
DAY 06: Good Old Times [2100 hrs.] Next Poster: 1) Arista 2) Auctor Lucan (Finished after that?)
DAY 06: A Special Request [2245 hrs.] Next Poster: 1) The Counselor 2) DocReno (Finished after that?)
DAY 06: Inner Space Next Poster: Every character in the Interregnum


Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted Next Poster: Mathis
Deleted Scene: Razor's Log: Crashed and Marooned (Ongoing) Next Poster: Nolan
Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours Next Poster: 1) BurningTransformation 2) EvenAngelsCry 3) DocReno 4) Esyel

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2151
Hello everyone it's been a while.

I kind of owe a small explination for why i haven't been posting. When I graduated from university, they took my laptop, I ordered a new better laptop through my job where I am the head of the technology department, but it took a few days for it to get here, and for me to set it up.

Today I finally installed MS word again, which means that I am at 100% posting ready.  I will be catching up on all my threads tonight.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2153
I'm Looking forward to Wednesday,  when I will once again have a day off. I really need to remind myself NOT to pick up shifts on EVERY day I have off during the week. X.X

It makes for an exhausted me.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2154
For plot planning purposes, do the Theurgy shuttlebays use any kind of mass lifting equipment to move landed shuttles around or would they just fly them? I gotta think there's something for if shuttles breakdown in the way of operations, right?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2155
I would imagine the ship could beam the shuttle into the right place, but ultimately the answer would fall on what is most efficient power-wise, and that may very well be thw shuttle equivalent of putting it in neutral and pushing it around lol!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2156
One bad turn takes another, just lost my jeep to expired plates to make up for my stolen truck; and now I don't have my dear 4x4, so I've been working double time at jobsites to make up for lost time. It's paying off, and Finals are almost over. I'm borrowing a neighbor's truck to get around but it's, meh enough. Theurgy is one of the few stars in my night sky, so,

Lemme at 'em.

Where would I be now, I figure there's some breathing room between sickbay and maybe getting lunch somewhere with some of the new pack. Just wondering where I can send my dynamic duo (and pooch) to interact.

I can start the To absent friends thread Sometime today or tomorrow. Any takers to keep the details going?
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2157
Wow! Good use indeed!

Sorry everyone. This week's been really shitty, especially for what emotional sanity I do have left. I will be trying to get back to everyone either later this week or next week. Promise.
I hear ya. Playing catch up is no fun, but i'm a getting there.

Hang in there
Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
by Burningtransformation

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2158
Some answers/comments. :)

For plot planning purposes, do the Theurgy shuttlebays use any kind of mass lifting equipment to move landed shuttles around or would they just fly them? I gotta think there's something for if shuttles breakdown in the way of operations, right?

Actually, if so required, there are also maglock traveling cranes in both shuttlebays and the Fighter Assault Bay. So, if that is a viable option for what you had in mind, Mathis, then you have that too, aside from making shuttles and fighters taxi around. Given the fact that shuttles doesn't have landing gears, the cranes might be the best option.

Hope that helps!

Where would I be now, I figure there's some breathing room between sickbay and maybe getting lunch somewhere with some of the new pack. Just wondering where I can send my dynamic duo (and pooch) to interact.

Just a comment that lunch seems a bit late on Day 01 since it plays out between 1600 hrs and midnight, but that's all. Dinner would fit better! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2160
I'm going to be out of town this weekend, starting tomorrow, and while I'm fairly sure that there will be wifi access I don't know how much time I'll have to actually make any posts.  Should I not get to any outstanding posts before I leave, and assuming I can't get to them while gone, I will get to them as soon as I can next week,
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2161

Hi there everyone! Arista was kind enough to set up our wiki database with a page for the Azure Nebula, and I have now added some info that slipped through my fingers earlier:

Azure Nebula

Note the new Radiation section, and here is a quote from CanadianVet's latest post in Focal Point:

"Also, the shield modifications so we can survive in the nebula are ready to go.  Good news is, their power consumption is low enough we can run only one out of four shield emitters and maintain coverage so we can effect repairs, so we can cycle them every few hours and not degrade any of the emitters.  Unfortunately, the new harmonics are leaving our shields completely useless in battle."  Indeed, that had been an engineering issue they had run into when the plan to hide in the Azure Nebula for an extended period had been decided upon; the particularly intense levels of Delta and Thermionic radiation that would interfere with sensors and hide them from outside observation were such that the navigational deflector would not be sufficient to handle them on their own and would have to be supplemented by the shields; however, the harmonics required for an extended stay were incompatible with those that were used in combat and trying to combine them in any way led, in simulations, to a complete collapse of the shield bubble that would leave them completely vulnerable to incoming fire and radiation for at least a good half hour.  Therefore, if they intended to survive in the hostile environment of the nebula without the unusually high levels of radiation starting to break down everything in the ship, technology and crew alike, within a few hours they had to sacrifice their ability to fight in anything but the outermost areas of the nebula... where sensors might pick them up from the outside. 

I have also updated the section in Nebula Entry where Ives described the Azure Nebula, mentioning the radiation.

To be clear, the fighters and shuttles can also utlise this kind of shield harmonics, and it is important that Tactical CONN set up patrol routes during the repairs, since long range sensors are pretty much useless. Only diminished short range sensors work well enough to glean anything in the radiation field. Just remember that the pilots will have to navigate through clusters of combustive sirillium gas pockets too!

Piece of cake, right? ;)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2162
Hey all, wanted to let you know I'm still around and working to catch up on posts. Life and work have been crazy and I had to work overtime this week and when I have the chance to catch up on threads I have just enough time to read a post or two before something pulls me away so I'm never quite caught up enough. I'm planning on catching up on all my posts this week. My apologies to anyone waiting on me. :\

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2163
Hi all,

I apologize for my absence as of late. I had some things come up and life had thrown a curve ball but I will be getting some posts out tomorrow.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2164
Hi all,

This is just a heads up that I will need to be Semi-LOA from today through June 23 and then again starting July 17 (though I will send out another notice at that time). 

As some of you may know, my sisters and their families are coming for their once per year visit before the Air Force sends them back to work. 

I *will* be reading and writing, I’ll just need a bit more patience, since we’ll be mostly unscheduled.

I apologize for any inconvenience, but I want to enjoy my family while I can.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2165
Update on the Azure Nebula

Hi there everyone! Arista was kind enough to set up our wiki database with a page for the Azure Nebula, and I have now added some info that slipped through my fingers earlier:

Azure Nebula

Note the new Radiation section, and here is a quote from CanadianVet's latest post in Focal Point:

"Also, the shield modifications so we can survive in the nebula are ready to go.  Good news is, their power consumption is low enough we can run only one out of four shield emitters and maintain coverage so we can effect repairs, so we can cycle them every few hours and not degrade any of the emitters.  Unfortunately, the new harmonics are leaving our shields completely useless in battle."  Indeed, that had been an engineering issue they had run into when the plan to hide in the Azure Nebula for an extended period had been decided upon; the particularly intense levels of Delta and Thermionic radiation that would interfere with sensors and hide them from outside observation were such that the navigational deflector would not be sufficient to handle them on their own and would have to be supplemented by the shields; however, the harmonics required for an extended stay were incompatible with those that were used in combat and trying to combine them in any way led, in simulations, to a complete collapse of the shield bubble that would leave them completely vulnerable to incoming fire and radiation for at least a good half hour.  Therefore, if they intended to survive in the hostile environment of the nebula without the unusually high levels of radiation starting to break down everything in the ship, technology and crew alike, within a few hours they had to sacrifice their ability to fight in anything but the outermost areas of the nebula... where sensors might pick them up from the outside. 

I have also updated the section in Nebula Entry where Ives described the Azure Nebula, mentioning the radiation.

To be clear, the fighters and shuttles can also utlise this kind of shield harmonics, and it is important that Tactical CONN set up patrol routes during the repairs, since long range sensors are pretty much useless. Only diminished short range sensors work well enough to glean anything in the radiation field. Just remember that the pilots will have to navigate through clusters of combustive sirillium gas pockets too!

Piece of cake, right? ;)


Auctor Lucan

Sounds like fun to me ;)

Also, managed to post in to the main thread. Just need to wrap up two more posts and then be caught up.

Thank you, Auctor, for keeping us on track. :)
Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
by Burningtransformation

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2166
I'm ready to start "To Absent Friends", is it a prologue for the header or a Chapter itself? I suspect it's the former, but don't want to muddle things up per the master plan.

"Give the word, Sir." -- Malcolm Reed, ENT: Countdown.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2167
I'm ready to start "To Absent Friends", is it a prologue for the header or a Chapter itself? I suspect it's the former, but don't want to muddle things up per the master plan.

"Give the word, Sir." -- Malcolm Reed, ENT: Countdown.

Striker, I suspect the layout is such that anything occurring prior to 1900 hours on Day 1 [ie - anything before Chapter 1: Nebula Entry] would be a prologue.  So far, it appears we have:

* 1600 hours: Prologue 1: Focal Point, Prologue 2: Loose Ends, Prologue 3: The New Pack, Prologue 4: The Last Lone Wolves
* 1630 hours: Prologue 5: Strength in Unity
* 1700 hours: Prologue 6: Washing Away the Memories, Prologue 7: Two Stray Threads, Prologue 8: Loose Gears
* 1715 hours: Prologue 9: Sar-unga Grieving
* 1830 hours: Prologue 10: Seeds of Malefaction

* 1900 hours: Chapter 1: Nebula Entry
* 1930 hours: Chapter 2: Fanatical Interests
* 2200 hours: Chapter 3: Land of the Living
* 2230 hours: Chapter 4: What Goes Around...
* 2300 hours: Chapter 5: Where there is Smoke...
* 2330 hours: Chapter 6: A Lost Voice

Day 2 is locked until the completion of Chapter 1, if I recall correctly.  From my recollection of the plot ideas thread, "To Absent Friends" was recommended to take place around midnight day 1, so potentially chapter 7 at 2330 or immediately once day 2 is unlocked.  If you want it earlier in the night on Day 1 (say 2100 hours), that would likely necessitate Auctor renumbering the subsequent chapters just to keep them in chronological order.

(Just thought I'd help Auctor out, he can always correct me if I got anything wrong; please don't neuter the kzinti...)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2169
Wow, what a really crappy week. RL reared its head. Ill have a post up tomorrow. Maybe even two. Apologies for delays


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2170
Weekly Poker Game
During the last Interregnum the senior enlisted personnel aboard the Theurgy, had a weekly poker game.  During this game writers can take the opportunity to share gossip and let the readers know what is common knowledge aboard the  Theurgy.  It’s also a good time introduce events happening offstage that might be better as exposition than devoting an entire scene to it, such as crewmembers falling victim to the mystery disease or encounters with the Devoted.  And it’s a great way to write for a ‘cool old guy’ and comment on the story so far.  To be invited to this game, one must be enlisted, with at least ten years’ experience in Starfleet and be chief petty officer or higher.  Currently there are three PC’s who fill that criterion:

Current PC senior NCOs

MCPO WR O’Connell played by Doc M.
MCPO Nolak Kalmil played by MasterRat
CWO Sten Covington played by CanadianVet

CPO Eun Sae Ji played by Auctor Lucan is only 24 years old according to her bio and this game is meant for seasoned enlisted men who have been serving in Starfleet for fifteen years or more.  Whether or not she’s invited depends on whether or not Covington extends an invitation.

CPO Liam Herrold is only 26 years old and is so new that it’s likely that no one has considered inviting him to the game since he hasn’t proven himself in the old chiefs’ eyes.  Maybe next week.

It’s unlikely that any provisional warrant officers like Selena Ravenholm and Rihen Neyah are considered Starfleet enough to be invited so I’m assuming they won’t be there.

Current NPC senior NCOs

If other players who aren’t playing chiefs want to get in on this game, there are plenty of NPCs that have been introduced that you can write for (with Auctor Lucan’s permission of course).   Check the Wiki NPC pages to find out about them if you want to play one of them.

Senior Chief Petty Officer Verguy Cam (a Tactical NPC) was beamed up but if he survived it’s likely he’s still in sickbay and is unable to attend.  I’m mentioning him in case any player who isn’t playing a chief petty officer wants to play him during the game, if so, and with Auctor Lucan’s okay he can have a miraculous recovery or was only stunned.. 

Senior Chief Petty Officer Calvin Reagar (a Security NPC) was last seen getting shot on Starbase 84.  Although it’s possible that his SAFTI gear prevented his death and one of the Theurgy’s transporter rooms locked onto his combadge and beamed him back if he’s still alive he’s likely in sickbay or in stasis.  Still, if anyone wants to play him check with Auctor Lucan to see if he’s still alive.

Chief Petty Officer Amlas Keyah (a Security NPC) was last seen getting beamed off Starbase 84 after getting shot.  It’s likely her SAFTI gear and the surgeons in sickbay kept her from dying.  Perhaps she was only stunned and is available to attend the game.

Chief Petty Officer Jacques Hebert (a medical NPC) is available to attend the game but he can always be ‘on duty’ and miss the game if no one wants to play him.

Chief Petty Officer Jeff Kowalski (an engineering NPC) the Theurgy’s transporter chief is available to attend the game but can always be realigning the Heisenburg Compensators if we want to keep the gathering small.

Chief Petty Officer Curt Lucas (an engineering NPC) is a newcomer to the Theurgy but he’s served in Starfleet long enough to be invited to the game.

Chief Petty Officer Lavar Manfredi (an engineering NPC) was stunned early in the fight in Starbase 84’s reactor room and was beamed to safety.  It’s likely he was released from sickbay and is available to attend the game.

Chief Warrant Officer Gimli Luff (an operations NPC) was hit during the shootout in Starbase 84’s reactor room.  It is likely he was only stunned and was released from sickbay in time for the chief’s weekly poker game if anyone wants to play a Tellarite.

Chief Petty Officer Erik Randall of the Resolve was likely evacuated with the rest of the crew to the Theurgy  and works for Covington now.  If so this is a great time to introduce him to the rest of the chiefs and make him officially part of the crew.

And of course, there’s nothing to stop a player from making up a grizzled NPC CPO of his/her own.  

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2171
Status update on the NPCs! :)

CPO Eun Sae Ji is only played by me if absolutely necessary (99 % of the time it is not).

CPO Liam Herrold may show up if invited.

Senior Chief Petty Officer Verguy Cam (a Tactical NPC) - Stunned in the battle, on his feet Day 02

Senior Chief Petty Officer Calvin Reagar (a Security NPC) - Dead

Chief Petty Officer Amlas Keyah (a Security NPC) - Stunned in the battle, on her feet Day 02

Chief Petty Officer Jacques Hebert (a medical NPC) - Sickbay full time during Day 01 at least

Chief Petty Officer Jeff Kowalski (an engineering NPC) - Available

Chief Petty Officer Curt Lucas (an engineering NPC) - Available

Chief Petty Officer Lavar Manfredi (an engineering NPC) - Stunned in the battle, on his feet Day 02

Chief Warrant Officer Gimli Luff (an operations NPC) - Stunned in the battle, on his feet Day 02

Chief Petty Officer Erik Randall of the Resolve - Dead

I think we need to add a cross-symbol or something next to the characters that are dead in the NPC listings on the wiki, to prevent people from using redshirts that have died...


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2172
Yeah... little crosses would be useful.  Some of us may wish to engage in seances and dark ritual... er.. I mean... pay our respects.  :)

That aside, in the ongoing effort to flesh out the various locations of the ship, Auctor and I have put together a dedicated page for Below Decks in the wiki detailing its layout, features and key holographic personnel.  Comments are always welcome!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2173

Good work from Steelphoenix on this all around. Just throwing in the updated floor plan for the Below Decks Lounge too:

More info at the link Steelphoenix provided: Below Decks.


At our wiki database, I have now added crosses next to the names of the NPCs that are already dead.

I saw that Edgar Rogers was used in Seeds of Malefaction, so his name will have to be changed out, but besides that, I don't think we have any more mistakes with dead NPCs walking. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2174
I notice my initial comment about having no washrooms on site was heeded in the redesign :P

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