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USS Resolve: Supply Run, Interrupted

USS Resolve: Supply Run, Interrupted

[ Ens. Derik Veradin | Shuttlebay | USS Resolve | One year into their exodus ]

Derik sat in the pilot seat of one of the Resolve's shuttles, a PADD in hand as he went through the mandatory pre-flight checks. He had a leg propped over another nearby seat in a relaxed manner. His uniform's collar laid unbuttoned and the jacket slightly unzipped. Engineering still hadn't quite locked down environmental controls in this sector and it had been considerably hotter in this section than he found comfortable lately. He doubted his relaxed demeanor or breach of uniform regulation would be bothering anyone for a few days at least. At this point, his pre-flight check neared completion. Now, he just needed to wait for his passenger and crewmate, Liam Herrold, the weapons maintenance something or other down in the fighter bay. Derik had met him in passing a few times, but they hadn't had much of a chance to talk. Being stationed on different ends of the ship and all of them having rationed free time and meals limited some of their free time. From what he knew the guy was easy on the eyes and good at his job, that should make for a simple, pleasant time together. He didn't have a reputation for being annoying. Derik hated the overly talkative but boring types that seemed to plague him on so many of these missions.

The two of them had been tasked with a resupply run to a nearby planet while the Resolve continued a nebula survey. One item on high on their priority list was a certain material used in fighter ordnance, or so he imagined, hence Liam's presence on the mission. He heard someone enter the shuttle behind him while he continued tapping away checks on the console and PADD in front of him. "Come on in, we're just about ready to head out," he said, assuming it to be Liam. He took a moment to look over his shoulder to see if he was right and greet him.

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #1
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Shuttlebay | USS Resolve ]

Entering the small bridge area of the shuttle, Liam Herrold looked around with his sky blue eyes, not used to being tasked with going on away missions. He usually kept to his deck operations and making sure the Grey Wolves had their weapon systems calibrated and hard points at hand whenever needed. The latter, however, was the reason Randall had ordered him to go down to the trading outpost in their current sector. That, and the fact that he had been promoted to Chief Petty Officer and leading the weapons maintenance crew.

It was still strange to think he was in charge of a team of people on the flight deck, but he had decided to rise to the challenge. Since the promotion, he had been down there on all three shifts to check on performance, and foregoing some training just to be on top of things.

Since the Resolve had cleared it with the aliens that ran the outpost, Liam was supposed to make sure they got all the critical components that their replicators could not make for them. He didn't know the CONN officer in the pilot seat of the shuttle more than as a passing acquaintance, but he was there to make sure they got there and back again in one piece, and the aft compartments were filled with items of trade that Kendrick and Marquez hoped would be valuable commodities to these aliens. One hour ago, they had been promised safe passage down to the planet and the trading outpost, and the mission was a go.

"Chief Petty Officer Herrold reporting for duty, sir," said Liam, straightening behind the Ensign and clearing his throat. The only Line Officers he hung out with on a daily basis were the Grey Wolves, and while they were none too formal, Liam had no idea what to expect from the Trill in the pilot's chair. He had next to no experience with the Trills, but the male one he stood behind looked quite exotic with those markings. He seemed to feel the heat as keenly as Liam did too, the sector almost too much to handle for the Resolve's and the shuttle's environmental controls. He could but hope the outpost was cooler, since even though he never wore an undershirt underneath his jumpsuit, his skin was beaded with a thin layer of sweat.

"I... hear that the Archenians will grant us leave to land now, so we better head down there before they change their minds, right?" Saying this, he moved to sit down in the chair next to the Trill, trying to look focused despite the heat.

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #2
[ Ens. Derik Veradin | Shuttlebay | USS Resolve ]

Derik's lake blue eyes took in Liam, his traveling buddy to be for the next few days, give or take. He was human, looked to be about the same age as himself, dirty blonde hair shaved close on the sides but longer on top, which suited him. Derik noticed that the Chief's sky blue eyes rested on his tell-tale Trill markings running down from his temples. Derik kept the grin off his face, it was common for non-Trill to be curious about the markings that ran the entire length of his body, so it was something he was used to and noticed easily.

At Liam's formal and professional announcement with name and rank, Derik sat up in his seat a little bit, taking his leg off of what was to be Liam's seat. In his typical day to day duties as an Ensign, he was almost never referred to as sir, being outranked by just about everyone he worked with and also not having anyone reporting to him. He waved a hand dismissively, "No need for any of that 'sir' business, just call me Derik." He held out his free hand to shake Liam's.

Liam sat down next to him as he finished the pre-flight check and began powering up all the systems that were still dormant. The shuttle's environmental controls weren't having much more luck with the unique radiation in this sector than the ship itself. The radiation was harmless in every way except that it raised the ambient temperature much higher than they were used to.

Still not getting much relief from the heat, Derik removed his uniform jacket altogether and slung it over the back of his chair. "Given the heat, I'm saying to hell with strict uniform regulations for the time-being on this trip, feel free to dress down a bit if the heat gets to you," he told Liam, not realizing the man didn't have an undershirt on under his gold jumpsuit.

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #3
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Shuttlebay | USS Resolve ]

It seemed the Trill did not stand on ceremony, instead foregoing uniform regulations entirely. Liam looked at Ensign Veradin out of the corner of his eye, uncertain about what he might do, and for some reason being a bit distracted by the removal of the jacket. He caught himself looking, and directed his attention to the controls of the shuttle. "Derik, right. I'm Liam, and I... had actually meant to change into the regular uniform before we entered the outpost, representing Starfleet and all," he confessed, glancing towards the duffel bag he had left behind him and chuckling a little, "I just didn't have time for it before I got here. I had to leave the flight deck in a hurry, so I'm just wearing this..."

He gestured towards his own jumpsuit as he said it, the garment loose-fitting and stained by weapons grease. "...which is hardly representative. This is no outfit to barter trading deals with, is it?" Following the officer's example, however, Liam unzipped his jumpsuit all the way down, but didn't shrug it off his shoulders since... well, despite the heat, he was not quite prepared to expose himself to the Trill in such a flamboyant manner. Unlike the Ensign, he wasn't wearing any undershirt, so he really didn't have the option, as tempting as it was given the gamma-like radiation heat.

"My people loaded all our replicated merchandise into the back compartments yesterday, so we should have plenty of components to trade with. I have made a list of priorities for when we speak with the trading guild, but since we don't want them to know what things are most dear to us, I have randomised the order in the list we are giving them. I was up late last night to make some last minute additions, going over the inventory lists of what we have left, not to mention what we need to make repairs to our damaged Valkyries. We do need components for our torpedoes, but if we can get spare parts for the Grey Wolves, all the better."

While he spoke, he idly ran his hand into the opening of his jumpsuit and across his hairless chest - relieved to cool off a little. "Are we sure the Archenians will let us land now? I understand there was some conflict of interest between the defence force and the trading guild yesterday. Apparently, the former felt threatened by the Resolve being in orbit..."

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #4
[ Ens. Derik Veradin | Shuttlebay | USS Resolve ]

Derik was not expecting to see Liam's bared torso through the reflection of the viewport as the other man unzipped his jumpsuit and it was honestly difficult to look away. Liam obviously took very good care of himself physically. Watching his hand go up and down his own chest was distracting to say the least. Derik suddenly didn't mind the radiation heat. He was able, he hoped, to look away, finish their preparations, and continue the conversation, but he worried his gaze lingered long enough for Liam to notice. "They should be letting us land, we have assurances from the head of government and their ambassador. I'd like to hope that approval has been sent down the proper channels."

Derik had heard that there had been some diplomatic and political issues in getting the various factions of the planet they were going to, mainly the military, to agree to let them land. Supposedly, he had been told, everything was taken care of and all was good. It was above his pay grade to know more apparently, so he hadn't asked any questions. They told him to fly, he was flying, he was happy with that.

He paused in that conversation for a moment to open up a channel to the Resolve bridge, gaining their clearance for departure and then actually taking the runabout up and out of the bay. When they were clear and their course set, Derik continued the conversation. "I hope you didn't stay up too late. Can't have you sleeping through the negotiations when you're the one who knows the details of the parts we need and their worth," Derik said with a grin.

The temperature had dropped a tiny amount, but sweat was still beading on Derik's forehead. He was still wearing the red, high-collared uniform shirt and the grey tank-top underneath. He had already tipped his hand to Liam, if Liam had noticed, and he wanted to see what kind of reaction he'd get in return. "It is still too damn hot in here," he said as he peeled the red uniform shirt off, leaving the tank top in place, baring his arms and showing off his torso in the tighter material.

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #5
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Runabout | USS Resolve ]
It seemed the Trill had paused for thought in the middle of the conversation, and Liam had glanced his way in consternation, not quite sure what might have caused the pilot to look at him like that. It wasn't obvious to Liam what just happened, but after Derik did make his reassurances that they were reasonably certain that they were permitted to land, and they were descending through the atmosphere of Archenia, the Trill removed his uniform shirt, and Liam caught himself giving him a similar look. Only then did he begin to wonder if there was more to their brief conversation than it seemed. Again, Derik complained about it being to hot.

"Definitely," Liam found himself saying with an odd emphasis, looking at Veradin and how his spots trailed down the nape of his neck and down the sides of his torso, vanishing underneath his tank top. In silhouette, Liam could almost see the corrugated leanness of his flat abdomen through the fabric. He had not expected the Trill to have such a human-looking body, and definitely not one of such strength and tensile beauty. He was just a pilot, wasn't he? He wasn't prone to do heavy physical work in the line of duty, getting his hands dirty and scraped whilst hauling machinery across a flight deck and mounting them on metal beasts four meters tall and over 20 meters long, was he? How could be have the time to maintain such a physique? Was it genetic-

There was a chirp from the controls in front of Liam, and he blinked, looking at the sensor readings. "Oh, it seems our escort has arrived. Two small vessels, shuttle-size. I better get changed," he said and rose from his seat, and while he had broken out of the enthralment, he couldn't help but look over his shoulder at the CONN officer as he headed towards the back of the shuttle. He shook his head, dismissing the notion that there had been more going on than it seemed in their brief conversation and he shrugged out of his jump suit's sleeves as he walked - taking a deep breath once freed from the suffocating garment.

He kicked his duffel bag further into the back compartment before removing his jump suit all the way, taking off his hard-top work boots so that he would be able to don his uniform ones instead. To his embarrassment, he found himself a bit affected by the sight of the Trill, and tried to make sure to keep his back toward the front of the shuttle left he'd embarrass himself completely. He hastily donned his uniform trousers over his black boxers, and pushed his slight tumescence into them so that he could pull up the zipper. Geez, what am I? Fourteen? Get a grip, Liam...

Suddenly, the shuttle shook, almost causing him to fall. "What was that?"

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #6
[ Ens. Derik Veradin | Runabout USS Everest ]
Derik definitely noticed Liam's eyes on him and also follow the trail of his spots down to his torso. He seemed a bit transfixed until the sensors chirped, announcing the two incoming shuttles. Derik suppressed the smile that wanted to cross his face from getting the reaction he was hoping for, but only barely. Derik also enjoyed what little he could see in the viewscreen's reflection as Liam began to change as he walked towards the back of the shuttle. If Derik had his way, he would be seeing more of Liam before their little away mission was over. He would just need to play his cards right.

The two shuttles coming toward them had come from the planet's surface, based on their trajectory. Their transponder IDs identified them as military escort shuttles, fast and very well-armed. He opened a channel as they entered communications range, "This is the Federation Runabout Everest from the USS Resolve on a sanctioned supply run. Transmitting our clearance code given to us by the ambassador." Derik keyed in the data and transmitted it on a closed-band frequency that had been instructed to them to use. He received nothing in reply except for an electronic acknowledgment. "Not a very talkative bunch," Derik muttered to himself.

Something about their silent reply nagged at his gut, but he ignored it. There was no sign of anything overtly wrong and they couldn't afford an incident. The two shuttles took up and escort position on either side of him and they continued flying towards the planet. Moments later and with no warning at all, the two shuttles suddenly slowed and began charging weapons. Derik barely managed to activate the shields before the first hits came through, rocking the ship. Liam called out from the back, half dressed still, asking what was going on. "They're firing on us, no idea why, hang onto something or come get strapped in."

Derik put the runabout into evasive maneuvers, but the two shuttles kept landing hit after hit. He tried to open a channel to protest but looked in horror at his screen. "They're jamming our comms!" Then a massive hit shook the shuttle and sparks flew out from various consoles. The flight controls became sluggish as they rocketed toward the planet's surface. "Shields are down, I'm going to try to lose them in the storms." He pointed down to how the mountainous planet was covered in almost perpetual rain and thunderstorms. It was a risk, but staying out in space was certain death or capture. He aimed the runabout towards an entry trajectory and poured on all speed the craft could muster.

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #7
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Runabout | USS Resolve ]
The reality of the situation settled on Liam when the Trill answered him. If they were supposed to be cleared for landing, it seemed they had ended up right in the middle of a feud between the Archenian militia and the ruling government. A demonstration of power by the military leaders, perhaps, and the Resolve just happened to be the perfect means for it. Liam had not fully read the take on the Archenian's political landscape in the mission briefing. Perhaps he should have, but now it was too late.

"Shit," he was all he had to say as he made his way back to the seat, not about to waste any moments on getting his undershirt on. Landing in the seat, sparks showering his back on the way there, he tried to remember the shuttle controls. He was more than familiar with the Valkyries, but it was not quite the same thing. "I'll try to discourage them a little!" he said and armed the shuttle's aft phaser array. Weapons maintenance was his forte, but he seldom got the opportunity to fire them, so he was ironically a lousy shot. Perhaps it didn't matter, and perhaps it was for the better since it might be dangerous for the rest of the crew on the Resolve if they killed any Archenian military. Frequency over accuracy, he fired away towards their pursuers as they descended into the storms.

And as they entered the clouds, they could barely see anything more than the nightmarish maelstrom of lightning and dark clouds. Their pursuers could still be seen on sensors, so Liam figured they could see them as well, so he kept firing aft-wards. He - if anyone - knew he could fry the phaser bank if he kept it up, but what was the alternative? It was not like they were a match against those kind of escort ships, so dissuading then and making the pursuit difficult was the best bet Liam could think of. And for a moment, he thought they had broken off, the sensors not showing them anymore. That was, until the computer chirped its warning and the HUD turned red.

"Incoming torpedoes!" was all Liam could shout before the first one hit, shredding their starboard nacelle and scattering the debris to the scything winds. The second one hit squarely into their impulse engine vanes, and aside from the commotion caused by the impact, the whole shuttle was depressurised - bleeding plasma and their storage into the storm. Looking over his shoulder, Liam could see that the whole back compartment was opened up, and he had to cling on to the armrests of his chair lest he'd run the risk of being sucked out. With his hair whipping before his eyes, he tried to reach the comms, perhaps in futility.

"Mayday, mayday, this is the Everest!" he shouted over the winds, and the viewscreen in front of them was cracking up from the damage they'd sustained, "we have taken heavy damage from our Archenian escort ships, going down hard! Our coordinates are Five, Victor, Niner, Alph-"

Then, lighting hit Runabout, and Liam remembered no more - oblivion taking him.

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #8
[ Ens. Derik Veradin | Runabout USS Everest ]
Derik knelt next to Liam, medical tricorder showing him the man’s status. Derik understood some of it, but not everything, having only taken basic field medic courses at the academy, but what he did understand was positive and promising. The concussion had subsided with the medicine the tricorder had recommended. After the crash, he’d laid Liam out on the floor, rolling up his uniform jacket to cushion his head to make him comfortable and so he could treat anything to the best of his ability.

A few moments later, Liam started to stir, eyes opening and tried sluggishly to sit up. Derik placed a hand on the man’s shoulder to ease him back down. “Easy there, Chief. You hit your head pretty good on the console when the lightning hit us. You’re gonna want to just lay down for a bit. It’ll keep what I’m assuming is one hell of a headache from getting worse until it starts to go back down.

Feeling the chill himself, he could imagine Liam was very cold laying shirtless on the shuttle’s floor, so Derik grabbed a blanket from the emergency kit he’d opened and laid it over him. “Hang out there for just a minute, I’m gonna get us some heat.” Derik stood and grabbed a heating device and placed it between them and the back of the shuttle, which was now a gaping hole to the outside. The view was quite spectacular, a mountain lake with a light rain, but warm it wasn’t. He activated the device and heat started to make its way forward to the front compartment. Derik went back towards the front and took a seat in the pilot’s chair, turned to where he could see Liam, absently running his hands up and down his arms to warm himself up. Trill typically ran cold as it was compared to human standards, but he wasn’t about to complain, his jacket was in good use at the moment. He looked down, “How are ya feeling?”

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #9
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Runabout | USS Resolve ]
'One hell of a headache' did not quite cover it as Liam groaned and tried to sit up, but when he was deterred by Ensign Veradin to do so, he laid back down on the jacket bundled up beneath his sore skull. He didn't know where he was at first, everything unfamiliar, until he saw the shredded aft side of the Everest. Then he remembered the storm, and the Archenian militia. The torpedoes hitting. Had he gotten through to the Resolve? Had he even managed to say anything? It was all a blur, until he'd woken up - Derik's face the first thing he'd seen. Could have been a lot worse in that regard, at least.

"Like I ended up underneath the shuttle when it crashed," he said thickly, grateful for the blanket since he still felt cold underneath it. He realised that he was only wearing uniform trousers and the planet was much cooler than the Gamma-radiated sector the planet was in. Perhaps that's how the Archenians had survived, and why they thrived from trade; their planet being an oasis in a desert. Unfortunately, the rest of his uniform had likely been vented into the storm they'd flown through. Hopefully, the heater would make their wait for the Resolve's SAR-operation to find them tolerable. The only question was whether or not it's power cell would last that long.

"Did..." he began to say, having to swallow close his eyes against the subsiding pain, "How did you land this thing?"

Liam noticed how the Trill suffered more than he did in the cold, the goosebumps trailing his spotted skin. While he was warm-blooded, usually finding the idea to wear any shirt under his jumpsuit intolerable, it seemed the Ensign was not so fortune. Liam had heard their symbionts drew blood, so perhaps he was joined? Perhaps it didn't matter if Trill were joined or not, their bodies made to support the things that lived inside them. He was hardly an expert on alien anatomy, regardless how pleasing a figure the CONN officer cut in the dim lights inside their crashed Runabout.

"Are you hurt?" he asked next, realising that the Trill might not feel as good as he looked after what they'd been through. If needed be, they might have to bring that heater closer, and huddle up together - scarce as their supplies and means for retaining heat were. "Or are you just cold?"

As the headache subsided, it was replaced with the idea that he and the Trill were stranded, alone, and ran the risk of being found by the militia. Quite an adventure, all in all. Far different than the daily tasks in the Flight Hangar on the Resolve, that much was certain. Still, as novel as it might sound, he quickly realised that adventures were best enjoyed in stories - after having survived them...

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #10
[ Ens. Derik Veradin | Runabout USS Everest ]
Relief cascaded into the mixed emotions that Derik was feeling as he saw Liam awake, talking, and seemingly recovering. Derik chuckled and grinned at Liam’s response to how he felt. “Fair enough,” he replied, simply, still grinning. “The tricorder says you’ll be recovering from the head injury here soon, with the meds and some rest.”

Flashes of the crash played through Derik’s mind as Liam asked him about the crash and how they’d landed. He stood up and began opening more of the emergency supply kits to grab some more blankets and other supplies. He hooked the heater into the ship’s auxiliary power, which should last them a few days at least, if everything went in their favor.

“How I landed was a pinch of skill and a shit-ton of luck. If I was religious, I’d say miraculous. We still have auxiliary power and I was able to angle us enough to skim across that lake over there, slowing us down enough to crash neatly into this little spot.”

He knelt down by Liam and scanned him again with the tricorder, just to be sure. Everything was still good and getting better, from what he could tell. “Still good, just wanting to be sure. Here, I have an idea, I’m sure this deck floor is none too warm at the moment.” He laid out two additional blankets on the floor, gently rolled Liam on his side to get the blankets under him, and then laid him gently back down. “That should… be a little… better,” he said haltingly, his own breath starting to be affected by shivering, the cold starting to get the better of him. “I’m… good… just a little cold.”

He wanted nothing more than to get under that blanket with Liam, but he also didn’t want to end up doing something stupid in the middle of an emergency, something he might just be tempted to do given his attraction to the man, so instead he just knelt there, staring at Liam, not sure what to say, and shivering.

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #11
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Runabout USS Everest | Crash Site | Archenia ]
Being grateful for the blankets given to him, and aside from a spike of ache in his head, Liam did not feel too much discomfort as he helped Ensign Veradin get the blankets under his back. Feeling the cold hands upon his shoulder and back, there was no doubt in Liam's mind that the Trill was more than 'a little cold'. Realising that, and since the heater was a poor replacement for the environmental systems that the Everest had lost, it seemed evident that the Ensign and he ought to share the blankets.

The realisation gave Liam some pause, however, since while the headache was subsiding, the thoughts he'd had about the Trill prior to the Runabout being shot out of the sky returned to him. He was not exactly alarmed by the implication, but for his entire Starfleet career, he had never been open about his attraction to the male body - of any species - and only indulged that outside the Academy and his duties on Utopia Colony and the Resolve. Perhaps he was wrong to do so, but he had never been able to shake the idea that after he became Petty Officer and had new recruits and crewmen reporting to him, being too open about his attraction to both men and women would undermine his position of authority. This was something that had been reaffirmed when he was promoted to CPO, feeling that dalliances of any kind would be subject to gossip. With the majority of the deck hands on the Flight Deck on the Resolve being male, sharing locker rooms with them, Liam just did not want to complicate things.

But seeing the Trill shiver, and facing a situation where he'd have to share blankets with him, Liam wondered if he wasn't just being too old fashioned about it. Regardless any ideas stuck in his head, he really just couldn't let the Trill freeze like that, could he? Protocol in Starfleet survival training made it clear that the sharing of bodily warmth if marooned in a cold environment was imperative for survival until any search-and-rescue operation could find the stranded personnel. And they were, literally, stranded without knowing if Captain Kendrick could get anyone past the Archenian militia.

So, pushing aside personal principles - since they should not have any bearing in the current situation - Liam cleared his throat and lifted his blanket a little. "Here," he said, not exactly being stoic about it, but still not trying to show how tantalising the invitation felt when leaving his lips, "our rescue might be a long while yet."

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #12
[ Ens. Derik Veradin | Runabout USS Everest ]
Outside the runabout, the wind howled through the trees, while inside Derik’s ability to reason was being sapped away by the cold and his shivering. Thoughts about being found by the Archenians disappeared while staring at the heater and the blankets with Liam wrapped up in them. Thoughts of propriety and professional decorum were dashed by the peak of Liam’s upper body he got when Liam made his offer for Derik to join him under the blanket. Finally, his mind rested on his survival training and how sharing body head in emergency situations was often the prescribed method of surviving an experience in the cold.

He ran through the scenario of the trainings the best he could. “For best…warmth, maximize skin… contact,” he paraphrased from the survival manual. He finally shrugged, basically said ‘fuck it’ to himself, and peeled off his tank top. More skin to skin contact would warm Derik quicker when sharing Liam’s body heat. He sank down and crawled under the offered opening of the blanket covering Liam. “I’m… really sorry… I’m going… to be very… cold,” he said through shivers while he made his way towards Liam under the blanket.

Derik settled in with his back towards Liam, and when their skin touched, Liam was a furnace in comparison. On some level, he felt bad for Liam, knowing that he would be like a human popsicle for a bit until he warmed, but he couldn’t resist pressing his back up against Liam and sharing in that warmth. He let out a contented sigh as he started to warm bit by bit, the two of their bodies and the heater warding the cold away. Liam, to his credit, didn't pull away.

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #13
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Runabout USS Everest | Crash Site | Archenia ]
Unable to still still his heart at the sight of the Trill baring his upper body - despite the headache and their shared circumstances - Liam only got a brief look at the way the twin rows of spots travelled down the other man's torso before he got down to him.

"Yeah... don't worry about it," said Liam when the Trill warned him about him being cold, and as the Ensign got under the blanket, he learned just how true that was. As he drew a sharp breath at the feeling of Veradin's back against his bare chest, he did not envy the Trill their blood circulation. He made sure the blanket covered them both and then ran his calloused hand up and down Veradin's arm - feeling the goosebumps slowly subside. He had also been granted the opportunity to feel those arms of his, which was something he hadn't imagined he before the crash. "Do.. you have one of those symbionts inside you, making you this cold, or is it like this for all Trill?"

In lack of other things to day, mind drawing blank, Liam supposed it was as good a question as any. Talking would let time pass, and warmth spread from the heater. He did what he could for the unfortunate Ensign, running his top hand over his arm until the light friction summoned some heat. He watched his breath in the cold air as he laid there, seeing it stir the hairs on the back of Veradin's neck and course across his ear. Feeling the warmth return under the blankets at least, the skin contact they shared was impossible to ignore. Liam dared not move, since his imagination was starting to get the better of him... He swallowed, lying perfectly still, and dared not hope that the Trill wouldn't take offence to the development. Liam was suddenly unsure if the furtive looks that had passed between them before the crash had been real or imagined, but what has happening right between them was very much real.

Of course, he tried to think of anything else than what was happening, since if the Trill did not reciprocate, it would be a long, awkward time waiting for the SAR effort to reach them. He closed his eyes, thinking of the attack from the militia, but all that came to mind was the feeling of the Ensign's skin, and how his own hand had slowed down... repeatedly running down the length of the Trill's muscles and then back to his shoulder.

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #14
[ Ens. Derik Veradin | Runabout USS Everest ]
The next few minutes passed by in a surreal manner to Derik and if asked he wouldn’t have been able to say exactly how much time passed. The cold retreated in stages. First, the shivering subsided, and then his breathing slowed to a more relaxed pace. All he could focus on was the feeling of Liam’s chest against his back and Liam’s touch up and down his arm.

Liam’s question revealed that he was more or less unfamiliar with Trill. It didn’t bother Derik, there’s no reason the guy should know about their physiology. “I’m not joined, no. All Trill run a little cold, joined or not.” Not sure what else to say, Derik just relaxed into the utter peace and safety he felt laying there against Liam. It had been a long time since he’d felt secure and safe. Derik had always been flighty and he hadn’t needed to let his walls down physically like this in years. It was interesting, and a bit amusing, that it was while sitting in a blown apart runabout in the middle of nowhere having been shot out of the sky by hostile aliens.

Once he felt warm again, Derik noticed how Liam hadn’t pulled away at all yet. The way Liam’s hand moved up and down Derik’s arms had slowed and was becoming, if Derik wasn’t mistaken, somewhat sensual. Liam’s fingers were tracing Derik’s arm muscles as he went up and down, and Derik became acutely aware of Liam’s breath on his neck and the goosebumps they caused. The small shiver that ran the length of Derik’s body carried with it almost a jolt of electricity, which combined with his touch on his arm, made a certain part of Derik stir down below.

Derik turned slightly so he could lock eyes with Liam and moved his head slowly closer. The idea entered his head and was moving his body to action before he’d really given it any considerable thought, but he found himself praying that it would go well and not create an incredibly awkward situation. When Liam met his gaze and didn’t look away, Derik closed the rest of the small distance between them and kissed Liam. The kiss was tentative but firm, Derik’s close hand found its way to cup Liam’s chin, thumb brushing over his light stubble.

After a moment, Derik pulled back slightly and waited for Liam’s reaction, nervous at the possible responses.

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #15
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Runabout USS Everest | Crash Site | Archenia ]
When the Trill had turned to him, moved to kiss him, Liam might have been unprepared - thinking that Ensign Veradin would tell him to remove his hand. That not being the case, and feeling Derik's lips touch his own, some of the tension left Liam, and he did not pull back - the fulfilment he felt making his eyes fall shut.

When he opened them again, the Trill had pulled back - looking at him in the dim light of the Runabout. He might be imagining it, but perhaps the Trill was just as nervous as he was, just as unsure that whatever felt was felt mutually? Though being past the point of no return, the situation had become much more clear to Liam. He did not remove the hand that touched his face, instead moving his own hand from Derik's arm and to his torso - fingers spreading over his side and running to the front of his chest. The Trill was in just as good shape as he looked, the sensation of his chest and upper abdomen underneath his palm more gratifying than to look at.

Looking into Derik's eyes, lips pursed in anticipation and growing arousal - breathing becoming uneven - Liam dared venture further. For while Derik might only reach his face, Liam could run his hand all over Derik. And so he did, his hand slowly traversing the topography of his chest, and ran down his taut abdomen. He did not wish to be as greedy as he wanted to be, to reach down between the Trill's legs. He wanted to learn if he was as hard as Liam was by then - his tumescence more plain to them both as it pressed against Derik - but instead, he leaned in and kissed the Trill anew. This time, more deeply - the chastity slipping and giving way to the needs unspoken.

Kissing the Trill, his eyes fell shut again - letting sensation alone guide his hand as it roamed the Ensign's torso, and letting the taste of the man fill his head,

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #16
[ Ens. Derik Veradin | Runabout USS Everest ]
Liam’s beautiful blue eyes locked him in place. He took in every detail of them. The chief’s hand exploring Derik’s upper body sent a kind of energy into his skin wherever it went and Derik felt goosebumps rise from the trail. He was getting what he wanted and the elation of that acceptance and mutual attraction was always an incredible high. He loved the human expression for it: 'fireworks.' He loved how sensual, deliberate, and exploratory Liam was being and how it was moving slowly but steadily to more.

When Liam moved back in to kiss him, Derik matched him. Derik’s hand went from the chief’s cheek to the back of his head, pulling him even deeper into the kiss. He gave a soft moan into the kiss, expressing his enjoyment. Liam was a damn good kisser, he noted, which was a big turn on, and unfortunately rare in Derik's experience. He wanted to speed things up slowly, but he was still worried about Liam's head and wanted to let the other man take the lead for the most part.

Derik could feel his companion's obvious arousal pressing into him and it fueled his attraction further, want becoming a more primal need. He pressed back into it, arching his back as he rubbed against it, hoping to elicit a response. He noticed that Liam's exploration with his hand was staying above his waist, but he could tell from the hesitance at his lower abdomen that the shy chief might want to go further. Derik broke the kiss but started trailing kisses from Liam’s mouth, around the cheek, under his ear and down his neck. As he did so, he placed his hand over Liam’s and guided it down his chest, past his abs, and below the waist so the other man could feel the hard proof of his excitement through his uniform pants. “I… want… you,” he whispered between kisses.

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #17
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Runabout USS Everest | Crash Site | Archenia ]
At the Trill's insistence, Liam let his fingers and palm trail down Derik's lower abdomen, feeling intoxicated by the mix of anaesthesia and epinephrine in his veins. The taste of the Trill as he kissed him, and the way he shifted against him, it made Liam shiver in need. Without hesitation, doubt about the right and wrong about what was happening shed, his hand cupped the hardness Derik had guided it to, and he opened his eyes in surprise at how big the Trill was already. He heard the words... but could not make himself say anything in return.

Breathing uneven, Liam instead looked into Derik's eyes while his hand began to stroke the length of the alien phallus, the warmth of it felt through the Ensign's uniform trousers. Yet as surprised as he had been, he did not delay in resuming to kiss the Trill, the taste of him filing his mouth anew. He groaned against those lips of his, and removed his hand only to get those trousers opened and to slip his hand down his waistline instead - wanting to feel his throbbing warmth without restrictions. He took Veradin into his hand and began to stroke him more thoroughly - from base to swollen crown - within the tight confines of his underwear.

Meanwhile, the way the CONN Officer had shifted against his own arousal had made Liam even harder, the rhythmic, slow grind against him felt through his entire body. Already, he wasn't sure he could get more hard than he was, the development between them defying reason and mission regulations, but the Trill had awoken something he had repressed for years, and Liam was not sure he could stop even if he wanted to. He wanted to have him in his mouth, to be inside him, and even feel this alien lover enter himself. Having denying himself for so long, for reasons eluding him now, he soon removed his hand from Derik and laid back against the blanket beneath them, starting to open his own trousers and hiking them down with his thumbs. With his head still sore, he was not sure if he could climb on top of the Trill.

"Come here..." he said thickly, working to get his underwear off too underneath their blankets.

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #18
[ Ens. Derik Veradin | Runabout USS Everest | Crash Site | Archenia ]
Derik moaned into the kiss as Liam stroked his length through the uniform, almost unconsciously moving his hips back and forth between thrusting towards the chief’s hand and back against his lover’s own hardness. When Liam deftly undid his pants and reached into his underwear for full contact, Derik gasped, back arching at the incredible sensation. Derik let out a sound between a whimper and a groan when Liam let go to start taking off his own pants. It was good though, because Derik had already started to get close to release under Liam’s touch and kissing, and he wanted this to go on much longer.

“Come here…” Liam told him. He didn’t need to be told twice. Derik quickly pushed down his own pants and underwear, kicking them off near the foot of the large blanket they were under. He turned towards Liam, finally getting access to his body, and leaned in to kiss and suck on one of his nipples, while his hands explored the man’s remarkable chest and abs. He also licked along the man’s tattoo, enjoying the way it accented his chest.

He could tell that Liam’s head was still bothering him a little, and that he would need to sit up to take his pants off easily. “Let me,” Derik said placing a firm hand on Liam’s shoulder as he tried to sit up. Derik shifted down a little bit under the blanket and took Liam’s pants and underwear down and off in one smooth motion, freeing Liam’s hard manhood. Derik’s eyes widened at seeing the size of it finally.

Derik paused a moment, taking in the view of his new lover fully naked in front of him. He was breathtaking. Derik took the chief into his hand and started returning the favor from earlier, stroking him fully while his other hand roamed up and down the chief’s body. He loved seeing the way Liam moved under his hands as a result. Continuing to stroke, he leaned in and kissed and teased Liam’s nipples moving down slowly to his abdomen, then past his waistline until Liam would be able to feel his breath on his member. He lowered his hand to the base of it, leaned in, and swirled his tongue around the head and licked its length to get it wet before taking it into his mouth, working slowly to take it down further and further.

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #19
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Runabout USS Everest | Crash Site | Archenia ]
When the Trill turned to him, returning the favour, Liam let himself be pushed down unto the blanket again. He let the Ensign help him with his uniform trousers, his breathing uneven as he watched the pilot remove his own too. This is really happening.

In the cold air, Liam's warm breath turned to mist, but he was certainly no longer in the same need for the blanket as he'd been before. His breath caught entirely when he felt Derik's hand around him, eyes drifting shut when those lips of his teased his chest. He couldn't lie still any more, unable to help his back from arching and moving his hips against Veradin's hand. The cool hands of the Trill was roaming over his warm body, and he let out a gasp - eyes opening wide - when he felt the pilot's mouth close around his swollen crown.

Shivers of pleasure running through his limbs, Liam looked down along his own body, seeing goosebumps down his chest and abdomen. The blanket had been pulled down from his torso when the Trill went down on him, but Liam was thankful for the cool air against his bare body right then. It made the sensation of the Ensign's fellatio that more intense, and he could see him doing it instead of just seeing the blanket moving up and down. Groaning quietly, he reached out and raked his fingers through the Trill's dark hair, rising his hips in rhythm with the bobbing motion of Derik's hand and mouth. The headache was ebbing away, replaced with the pleasure derived from the pilot's bold ministrations. Whatever cool air slipped down between them touched the glistening coat left by Veradin's lips, making Liam feel just how hard he'd become.

"Mercy..." he whispered breathlessly at last, feeling himself throb in response - his lower abdomen tightening in imminent release. "...or else I'll come in your mouth."

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #20
[ Ens. Derik Veradin | Runabout USS Everest | Crash Site | Archenia ]
Every sound that Derik was able to elicit from Liam fueled his passion more and more. He loved every twitch, every moan, the way his back arched up to thrust into his mouth, causing him to moan around Liam's length in response. When Liam told him to stop, Derik did so, pulling back, but Liam's body betrayed him as it seemed to try to thrust up towards his retreating mouth. Derik grinned impishly and shrugged, “You say that like it would be a bad thing.” One of his greatest pleasures in sexual encounters was being the source of pleasure for his partner, so seeing Liam's face flush like it was, clearly enjoying what he'd been doing, filled him with even more desire.

He knew from their interaction so far that while Liam was very willing, Derik would need to take the lead, at least at first, and that was alright with him. He trusted his partner to tell him to stop when needed, as he already had. Derik crawled slowly back up over his lover’s body and resumed kissing the chief heavily. He angled his body to the side and put their two members together, stroking them as one as he kissed the man beneath him. Feeling a need growing inside his chest, Derik broke the kiss and went to straddle Liam. He let his hands roam the human’s sculpted chest and arms, trapping Liam’s arms above his head and going down for another few, but teasing, kisses. He loved the view of seeing this intensely good-looking man naked beneath him. From the position he was in, he could feel Liam’s member rubbing his backside. He locked eyes with Liam again and felt his need still growing.

Derik reached over to the nearby medkit, still open from earlier. He grabbed a medical gel that he knew from experience made a good sexual lubricant, put some on his palm, and started coating Liam’s swollen head and shaft. He leaned down as he began to guide the shaft towards his opening and whispered heavily to Liam, “I want you inside me.”

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #21
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Runabout USS Everest | Crash Site | Archenia ]
Oh, but while Liam didn't have the presence of mind to say so, he had merely warned Ensign Veradin because he did not wish to come quite so fast. No, he wished for this to last, this forbidden little adventure in the midst of crisis. The militia might find them any minute, and then it would be all over, yet he still wanted it to last as long as possible.

So while his body arched towards Derik, Liam was still grateful when he climbed up to kiss him, and he raised his hands ro run his fingers through his hair - meeting that kiss greedily. While he had closed his eyes, they widened again when he felt the Trill's cold hand wrap around their hard members and stroke them. He could not help how his head fell back against Derik's bundled up jacket, their lips parting as he groaned from deep down in his throat. Breaths shallow, he found his hips moving as if on their own accord, meeting the Ensign's hand while he stroked them both. His own hands came roam his alien lover's body. He had almost forgotten how good it was to be with man, and he was thankful about how familiar it was, even if it was a Trill in his arms. Cool of skin, spots or not, Liam knew this dance, even if he was not fit to lead it.

No more had he found the rhythm against Derik's hand, resumed to kiss him, before the Trill climbed up and wanted him inside. Once their lips parted, Derik watched him straddle his hips and get the lubrication from the med kit. It was, indeed, really happening, and since his wrists had been released, Liam let his calloused hands run over the Ensign's body. One hand resumed its tight grip around Derik's girth, stroking him while Liam's own cock was slathered with the gel. It felt cool in the air of the destroyed shuttle, building anticipation for the Trill's warm confines. Derik whispered to him, and Liam had to swallow before he could answer - voice thick. "Me too... But you first..."

Soon enough, Liam still slowly stroking him, Derik lowered himself down unto Liam, and he held his breath... Easily enough, his crown popped inside the Trill's tight sphincter, and Liam began to undulate his hips in order to climb higher with each slow thrust. With his grip still firm around Derik's hard shaft, Liam looked into the Trill's eyes when their bodies met with more urgency - the Trill slowly able to accommodate Derik more easily.  The feeling of being inside the Trill was just like when he'd been with humans, and Liam imagined he could almost feel Derik's rubbery prostate gland brushing against his warm hardness.

Thanks to the makeshift lubricant, they could steadily increase the pace, and Liam stroked the Trill's hard cock with the same rhythm. His other hand sought Derik's hip, and pushed to make him grind down all the way when their bodies met. Their breaths were mist in the cool air, and Liam couldn't take it any more. He wanted to last longer, but he couldn't. His panting became a deep groan and soon, he cried out. He came so hard he almost forgot his grip around Derik - fingers clenching around the Trill when he erupted inside him.

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #22
[ Ens. Derik Veradin | Runabout USS Everest | Crash Site | Archenia ]
Derik used the position they were in, with him straddling Liam, to control the speed of the initial penetration. He was experienced enough, but Liam was also on the larger side, so he would need to take things a little slower at first. Quieting slightly the wild need to feel Liam inside him completely, he made sure to take the time to let his body adjust. Liam's hands running over his body felt incredible, leaving goosebumps as they passed in the cold air.

He let out involuntary gasps and moans as Liam’s full length entered him inch by inch as well as from the fact that Liam began stroking Derik’s shaft as well. The lube helped and soon Liam’s crown pushed through and pressed past Derik’s prostate, eliciting a moan and a lolling back of his head. “Oh, fuck yeah,” was all he was able to articulate.

Once inside, Derik leaned forward a bit, bracing himself with both his legs and his arms, allowing Liam to take more control. Liam didn’t disappoint. Derik reached down with his hands and cupped Liam’s chest, enjoying the muscles there and using it to keep his balance as well. The two of them locked eyes and Liam started thrusting into him faster and harder, beads of sweat starting to gather on each of their bodies despite the cold. Derik’s pants and moans were all unintelligible and primal at this point, keeping his focus on Liam’s eyes and riding the waves of pleasure from both the feeling of being filled so completely, having his spot hit just right, as well as Liam stroking him.

Despite wanting to, he was not going to last very long. He could tell from Liam’s expression that he wasn’t going to last much longer either and sure enough, Liam let out a deep groan and Derik could feel him climaxing inside of him. Liam’s grip on him also tightened and the combination of all of that sent Derik over the edge as well, spraying out onto Liam’s chest and abs as he too cried out in pleasure.

He rode the waves of pleasure as they both came down from it and leaned down to kiss Liam softly but passionately. After a few minutes of kissing, or what seemed like it, and catching his breath, the cold became more noticeable again so he had Liam pull out of him and he laid down next to him on the blanket, grabbing a few nearby towels to start cleaning up. More or less cleaned up, he pulled the blanket over the two of them again as he laid down next to Liam and kissed him a few more times. “Wow,” he exhaled. “That was really great. I wonder what other surprises you have hidden under that stoic personality.” He said with a wink. For the moment he was content to take in the beautiful man in front of him and enjoy the warmth the two of them made together as they both recovered.

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #23
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Runabout USS Everest | Crash Site | Archenia ]
Feeling Derik Veradin come almost simultaneously as himself was an incredible culmination of it all. The Trill clenched down on their joining, and Liam felt the pilot cum across his torso - thick ropes of warm semen landing on his cool skin. The waves of pleasure that crashed through his body made him flex and shiver underneath the Ensign, breathing broken in the intensity of it. He couldn't remember the last time he came so hard, filling the Trill with his cum until there was naught left, and he still shuddered in the immediate aftermath when his new-found lover leaned down to kiss him.

Their lips meeting, rapid breaths mixing between their mouths, Liam let go of Derik's throbbing cock so that he might run his hands up the spots on his torso, and to wrap his arms around him. Eventually, the cold called for a blanket, and his cock escaped the Ensigns confines. While regretting the loss, they were certainly not going anywhere. The Trill gave voice to his appreciation, and Liam concurred with a rueful grin and laying warm kisses along his spotted neck. The Archenian militia might find them any moment, but right then? Liam couldn't give a damn. If nothing else, what they had ended up doing when waiting for rescue had served as a great distraction.

"Stick around and you might find out," he said with a thick voice, hands still wandering Derik underneath their blanket, "you might like every one of them."

As greedy as it felt admitting it to himself, Liam didn't want the Resolve's SAR operation to reach them anytime soon. He would rather chance the wilds of Archenia if in intimate company with the Trill, than to return to the duties on the ship. The notion that what they had just done would reach his deck hands in the Fighter Assault Bay gave him pause, but in the end, he pushed that issue from his mind. He did not like this old-fashioned idea to keep his private life hidden from his deck crew, but it was hard to change something like that.

"What do we tell them when we return?" he asked, mostly in jest, but still wanting to know Derik's attitude about it.

While he asked, hands still roaming the chiselled body of his lover, he soon came to wrap his calloused fingers around his cock again, idly stroking it in hope for a response. Minutes having passed, he didn't know anything about Trill in regards to such recovery, but he really wanted Derik inside him too. With any luck, they still had time for more - the spell of their shared night yet broken.

Re: Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (Attn: Lucan)

Reply #24
[ Ens. Derik Veradin | Runabout USS Everest | Crash Site | Archenia ]
Tingling electricity ran up and down Derik’s body as he recovered from the incredible climax Liam had just brought him to. They further sparked by the kisses Liam was laying along the spots of his neck, a fascination by all non-Trill it seemed, as well as from the chief’s roaming hands, callused but gentle in their exploration. When told to stick around find out, Derik could only respond, “I like the sound of that,” before taking Liam’s chin in his hand and stealing another deep kiss from his new lover. Derik relished the taste of him, his free hand doing some exploring of its own.

Liam caught him a little off guard between the kissing and the touching that Liam asked suddenly about what to tell ‘them’ when they returned. That was a good question, he supposed, but not one he felt sure he was ready to answer. He was out, it was no secret, and his relationship with Suq was definitely casual and open.  Derik, unsure of what to say in response right away, simply kissed Liam again, running his hand through his hair.

When the kiss broke, he could still see the serious question in Liam’s eyes. Derik shrugged, his honest response, and said, “I don’t think we need to tell anyone that we don’t want to. It’s none of their business and doesn’t need to end up on any reports. I’m discreet if you want to keep it between us, or we can tell our friends and let the grapevine do its thing. I wouldn’t mind this happening again back on Resolve, though, if I’m being honest,” he finished his statement with a wicked grin and a wink.

Liam seemed satisfied by his response, or at least Derik assumed so, because the chief’s exploration with his hands turned southward. He took hold of Derik’s cock and started stroking it, the unspoken question being whether he had another round in him. The pilot grinned as it grew to life again in response, the feelings of pleasure radiating out from it. Derik reached down under the blanket, found Liam’s member also rising back to full attention, and began stroking it as well. A hunger rose in Derik as he looked down at Liam lying next to him.

Taking control again, Derik reached down and turned Liam on his side, forcefully but not enough to hurt him, exposing his back to Derik. He laid kisses at Liam’s back and neck as he pressed their bodies together again, a free hand reaching down and beginning to explore Liam’s entry, his hand still somewhat slick with the lube from before. He teased the entry with his cock while kissing all the sensitive places on Liam’s neck he could find, trying to drive him crazy. Finally, he stretched for the lube again, luckily still within reach, applied it to his cock and began to slowly press into his lover, lifting one of Liam’s legs for better access. One arm wrapped around Liam’s upper chest while the other guided in his cock, he began to feel enveloped. He paid close attention to Liam’s responses, making sure to go slow enough for his lover to accommodate his size, all the while kissing his neck and back as he pressed in further and further.

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