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Topic: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum (Read 5400 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Shore Leave | Lake of Lusor | Qo'nos] | ATTN: @ob2lander961 @chXinya @Brutus [Show/Hide]

The sky of Qo'nos was rather remarkable, as were its various vantage points. Somewhere Pierce would have relished in the past was the beach. At least before her accident. Now, it was a distinct reminder of what she now had to bare in the open if she chose to do so for the purpose of swimming. Something she wasn't yet comfortable with the prospect of at least. So for now, she sat on one of the leaning benches that she'd discovered overlooking the sands, and waters of Lake of Lusor. The fabled place where Kahless the Unforgettable forged the Sword of Kahless, the first bat'leth, by cooling and twisting the sword in the Lake of Lusor.

She leaned back still looking onwards as she attempted to relax. Her crimson hair lay sprawled about on her chest, shoulders and the back of the chair. Her hands crossed over the bottom portion of her stomach as she periodically closed her eyes, taking in the quiet, or at least as near to it as she could get with the occasional Klingons running by to converse about the fabled Kahless.

Sleep eventually overcame her briefly as her combadge went off. She leaned up, grasping her off-duty, short-sleeved tunic, and reaching under the fabric to pull out her combadge. Pressing it she awaited a command.

'Lieutenant Pierce. We have a situation nearby that we need your expertise about. Please come to the following coordinates. It's near the shops. We'll meet you there.

Before she could speak, the voice abruptly killed the transmission to her comms. She spoke under her breath, barely audible for anyone nearby to hear. "Well...that was certainly odd. I wonder what the big rush is. Certainly lacked proper protocols...Although not unlike when I was fully in Starfleet Intelligence back in the 2280's. Better check it out."

Alana took a moment to get one last look before she was back on duty or whatever this call was. She placed her combadge back in her tunic and slid it out of view, turning off the main power coupling in the event she needed the working tech later on. In espionage, one never knew if that kinda help would be needed or not. Even from a combadge that can't make a phone call.

Straightening up her clothing, she stood and vacated the chair, heading at an even pace towards the shops further up near away from the beach front. Not really sure who it was she was looking for, she kept a eye out for anyone peculiar. As she approached the nearest food store, she followed the coordinates that were given or her likely guestimation of them anyhow not having a tricorder on hand. She ended up near two derelict looking shops as she knocked on the doors.

"Anyone home?" She said, almost entertained by the efforts being subjected against her.

She peered around the first corner as she felt a sharp pang hit her as her head felt dizzy. That feeling was familiar. It was not the same but one she'd felt similarly before. She was stunned as her body began to go limp. Arms grabbed her from behind as her vision was blurred and finally lost before she succumbed to the distinct feeling of darkness before she ultimately blacked out.

OOC: Posting order: @Pierce @Brutus @chXinya @ob2lander961
Each can start in their own portion of the planet or where they wish to be before the combadge luring them and being stunned and abducted.

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #1
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Shore Leave | First City Night Club| Qo'nos ] Attn: @Brutus @Pierce @chXinya

When Via's allowed shore leave on Qo'nos came up it didn't take her long to find herself in a bar. She had heard about the First City nightclub from other Klingons on her home planet when she was much younger. It was touted as the Klingon's version of the 602 club which meant it was pretty tame by Klingon Standards, but Via settled for what she could find.

She had joined a group of Klingons in a rather heavy drinking game. Laughs were exchanged, booze had been thrown, Via was having the time if her life until she ticked them off.

"You amuse me Wix, for a puny human like you that is a great feat." The Klingon patron said.

"Why you ass talkin' about my feet!? They ain't big!" Via rebutted and laughed. "Shit but they at least be bigger than your small ass ridges. Shit you remind me about my friend Gor'Kek. His paranoid ass changed himself to look like a smooth head. Shit, maybe y'all are cousins or somethin'."

Suddenly the laughter of the group stopped. The Klingon Via was talking to slammed his fists on the table. "Do not, dishonor me Human! My ridges are a scar from a deadly war against a species that used honorless biological weapons to disfigure us. I lost my brother in that conflict and I chose to wear this scar to remember him!"

Via still thinking that everything was just a joke, laughed at the Klingon and pointed. "Well shit! Don't hate me 'cause my ass is beautiful. Maybe if you got rid of that old yee-yee ass ridges you got you'd get some Vulcans on your dick. Oh, and to add to your bulllshitt, you are a Lil bitch and your brother was too!" Via stood up from her seat, blood wine in her hand and looked down at the group of Klingons before singing with a smug look.


The moments after this could only be described as an utter beat down. Via would find herself tossed out of the nightclub into the back ally like a sack of potatoes. She was bruised and unconscious but it wasn't anything she had ever experienced before, the woman was going to be just fine...until an unknown figure came by and picked her limp body off the trashy floor.

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #2
[ Lt (jg) Sarresh Morali | Shore Leave | Skral River | Ketha Lowlands | Qo'noS] Attn: @chXinya @Pierce @ob2lander961 

Sarresh could feel his ears ringing ever so slightly as he made his way down the swiftly flowing river. Unlike his previous visit to the Klingon homeworld, Sarresh was not embroiled in a fight for his life, trying to (successfully) expose the infestation within the High Council. Nor was he rocking around on the floor fighting his way through a seizure as reality itself was breached. No, this time his ears were suffering from the bombastic serenade of the tour guide in the lead qeng, three boats up from Sarresh, his voice rising and falling not only in time with the song, but with the rapids of the Skral River, through which Sarresh was currently rafting down.

Not for the first time that day, Sarresh asked himself just how he had ended up on a guided rafting tour down a Klingon River. Probably something to do with the supposed bath-houses that they would be taking a long soak in after the journey down river, he mused. Batting one end of the Qop against a protruding rock, Sarresh managed to steer his small craft away from a nasty crash, and sent himself down over another burbling rapid. The river was curving ahead, and he could hear the voice calling out again, shouting in joy. Wafting up above the roar of the river, the song - which Sarresh understood was supposed to be sung whilst drowning oneself in copious amounts of bloodwine, but he supposed drowning in an actual river was fitting enough - focused on something or another that Kahless the Unforgettable (he gathered that much at least) had done near here.

Kahless had done something pretty much everywhere on Qo'noS, so it was hardly a surprise that he'd earned the moniker 'the Unforgettable'.'

"Ej IM-ta fey DE-ja i.
Ejdahk-so- TAS ghos va Skral byteek.
Empa jaj law-moch jaj-push.
Jaj Kayless-Molor-migh hohk-chew koo."

It was as the end of the verse hit his ears that Sarresh found himself catching air under his qeng, and he let out a deep "Whoop!" despite himself. He crashed down into the bend of the river, the brow of his craft plowing under the water and sending up a massive spray as his stomach attempted to crawl up out of his body via his throat. Gasping for air and shaking off water, the bottom dropped out from under him again - only to have his combadge go off.

"Lieutenant Morali. You're presence is requested immediately. We have a delicate situation nearby that we need your expertise about. Please come to the following coordinates. You will need to come ashore at the next checkpoint and continue to the visitor center. We'll meet you there."

The former Ash'reem found his mouth hanging open in shock, which was damned stupid as he got a heaping helping of river water within moments. Coughing and sputtering, he slapped his badge with one hand and used the other to push off against another set of rocks, moving his way toward the side of the river. The map he had on his tricorder - nestled in his lap - showed that he would hit the next check point and rest stop in another qelI'qam, so the timing was rather good, but did little to calm his ire.

But when he tried to raise the ship, he got nothing but static.

Thus, roughly 10 minutes later, it was a very wet, and very irate Lt. Morali that stomped into the visitor center in the small riverside encampment as the rest of his tour group took the time to sample the local cuisine, looking around for whomever was supposed to meet him. He stalked his way over to the main desk, leaving a trail of wet prints behind him. The foyer was otherwise empty, though there were quite a few statues on display that the Temporal Affairs Officer would have presumed that at least someone else would have been wandering about. But it was just him, and the portly Klingon behind the desk.

"Have you seen anyone from Starfleet about? I was told to come here and meet someone from my ship. Something about a delicate matter that needed my personal touch, and I was lucky enough to be in the area." Even has he spoke the words sounded wrong to him, as if they pushed the boundary's of credulity. He barely had enough time to think to himself I told you so, as the Klingon in front of him seemed to waver and fade into nothingness, as something slammed into him from behind, robbing him of all awareness.

Song translation:
"And the blood was ankle deep.
And the River Skral ran crimson red.
On the day above all days.
When Kahless slew evil Molor dead."

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #3
[Ens. Irnashall “Shall” ch’xinya || Shore Leave || Orion Embassy Outpost || Qo’nos] attn: @Pierce @Brutus @ob2lander961

Moving as swiftly as someone dared without drawing attention to themselves, a cloak-draped figure kept its head down, as much to keep the torrential downpour out of whatever they were wearing underneath as it was to keep spying eyes from seeing exactly who it was underneath.  Still, anyone could tell they were an outsider, while many species from within the Empire graced the Orion outpost with their business, few had blue skin, something the hand clutching the cloak closed betrayed, and even fewer of them had an antenna propping up the hood.  Cursing his luck with the weather, Shall did his best to keep from running into anyone as he watched the walkway more than his surroundings, but the smell of wet Klingon on the breeze rankled his mood even worse.

A glance around every now and again showed that while effectively all of the independent stalls had closed up due to the downpour, the more permanent establishments and businesses were running at full steam, probably even more so.  Bright lights shone out of every window and doorway blinding the Andorian’s vision whenever he looked, and many of them deafened the chan as he walked by.  One place was almost shaking on its foundation thanks to the raucous bass pounding away like an earthquake.  Shall stopped for a brief moment to peer through the transparent wall that comprised the entirety of the front wall, and the visage blushed his cheeks a dark blue.  Ducking his head deeper he moved on in a hurry, but not quite fast enough to keep one green-skinned woman from seeing him standing there and wave him over with a finger while she draped herself around some fancy-dressed Klingon like a necklace.

Eventually, the small PADD in Shall’s pocket vibrated to let him know that he’d arrived at his destination.  Stopping and looking up at the sign, he sighed in relief at the blissful silence inside and checked behind him to see if anyone was watching.  Not seeing anyone he pushed the door open and slipped inside, finding a small antechamber waiting.  Shaking the excess rainwater off of the waterproof cloak and folding down the hook, Shall’s antenna stretched out to its full height and his water-dampened hair splayed out around his neck.  Looking around, the antechamber was pretty spartan, though not quite to Klingon levels: a few metal chairs with worn-out pads lined one wall, a small table with some sort of periodicals that looked like they predated the Dominion War sitting between them, all opposite a single interior window that had a very bored looking Orion woman leaning on an elbow studying her fingernails.  “Appointment?” She asked absentmindedly, though Shall’s nostril’s flared at the hint of cheap perfume-masked pheromone wafting his way.

“Yes.  Pre-recorded message to be routed off world, discretely.”  Shall pulled out the PADD and started to hand it over but the woman waved it away with a pale green hand, not even looking at it or him.  “Follow the hallway, you’re booth 4.  Don’t bother trying to talk to anyone, if you’re lucky they won’t answer anyways.  If not…” she shrugged before buzzing the inner door open for the Andorian.  “Thanks…” he muttered, clutching the PADD close to his side as he marched down the dim hallway.  A closet door marked with the Orion symbol for 4 was really the sixth door, but whatever.  Inside of it was a comm unit only about a generation behind what the Federation was using, and the soundproofing on the walls was just the beginning of the privacy features.

Sitting down in front of the console, Shall paused for a few moments, hands gripping the PADD tight enough to whiten his knuckles.  What if they find out I sent a message?  Would they be arrested?  Or worse? he asked himself for the dozenth time.  Risking contact with his mates, even a pre-recorded message was no longer a security risk for himself or Theurgy, Starfleet, and the parasites, had to know they were at Q’onos.  But even sending it via clandestine Orion channels to keep it off of the normal routes would only buy Jay, Syora, and Tavin some time if agents (Infested or not) learned they had had some contact with their fourth.  Worry bled away into resolve though, opportunities like these seldom came, and it was time to take charge of his own fate.  The communications console was already in standby, a quick tap of the board brought it to a read state, several options presenting themselves.  Prepping the PADD for a file transfer, Shall tapped the appropriate button and waited for the handshake.

A high-pitched whine suddenly assaulted his ears and antenna, blue hands clapped to the sides of his head instantly while he writhed in pain.  Shall’s head felt like it was about to explode within seconds, and its intensity rose with each passing heartbeat.  He tried to stand and get out but his legs failed him and he collapsed to the floor in a heap, antenna pressed against his scalp trying to protect itself.  All he could do was curl up in a ball and pray before everything went dark.

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #4
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Shore Leave | Lake of Lusor | Qo'nos] | ATTN: @ob2lander961 @chXinya @Brutus [Show/Hide]

Pierce's head felt like it was on fire, despite what the hair on her head might lead one to believe. She attempted to wake all the way up but felt that her body was somewhat more tense than usual? Confusion struck her thoughts as she opened her eyes at first as slits, and then finally taking in the surrounding area. It was an odd room that they were in. Something that looked normal and familiar, yet...not... at the same time. But she was intrigued.

The room was a slate metallic color. Glancing around, she deduced that she was in a brig of some kind. She peered at her wrists which were fortunately not tied together. Something good to note for later if they so chose. Alana leaned up from the floor and stood up, carefully straightening her clothing before she pushed her hair back over her shoulder. Her eyes narrowed as she touched the force-field before her. It shimmered much like what she would expect from a containment room.

Peering to her left she saw a few fellow officers in various states of unconsciousness laying about on the flooring. She attempted to walk towards them and noted that each was individually spaced in an even, methodical nature causing her to pause in her steps. She touched the mid-point between her and Lt. Sarresh's section as he was closest to her and it shimmered a goldish bronze color before returning to transparent.

She brought her fingers to her chin as she pondered the situation. Taking note, the others were beginning to wake up albeit slowly. "Hmmm...whoever this is, they don't want us conspiring but clearly want us to see one another. But not options to escape either. Will have to just wait this out." She whispered.

"You would be correct madam."

"That's Pierce to you!" She sneered. "Why are we here? And why did you abduct us? Who are you?"

"Patience Lieutenant. We mean you no harm. So long as you tell us what we wish to know. I am Supervisor 585."

"A Supervisor? Damn, I remember reading the logs on the Enterprise about one of your kind. One of you encountered James T. Kirk shortly before my time there! What do you wish to know?"

The figure continued to stay shrouded on the outskirts of the light. Pierce noted the speaker was a male. Maybe six-foot tall. Standard build. Beside him stood a woman of some kind. Although the light wasn't enough to determine either species they hailed from.

A brief chuckle came from his mouth. "Ahh, Gary Seven. He was a good Supervisor. Regardless, we have brought you all here for a specific reason. Time is not flowing as it should be and we need answers. Everything appears to be stemming from your ship here. From the Theurgy."

Her eyes went wide. "Time isn't as it should be?" Confusion ran through her thoughts and words.

"That is what I said....Pierce. The current state of the timeline is completely astray, and since it seems that the Theurgy is the centre of the temporal disruption, we're looking into events pertaining to the Theurgy more closely to discover the disruptions causes."

Pierce was about to say something when her comrades woke up.

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #5
[ Lt (jg) Sarresh Morali | Interrogation | Aegis Holding Cell | Undisclosed Location | Qo'noS (presumably) ] Attn: @ob2lander961 @chXinya @Pierce 

There was something unnerving about waking up from unconsciousness, that was utterly different from coming out of a deep sleep. Akin to the adrenaline rush of coming out of a nightmare, but without the relief of knowing the worst was over and you were alive and well. The shock was still there, the transition rough and unpleasant. Made all the more worse by the feeling that acid had scraped the back of Sarresh throat and his nose was being assaulted by a miasma of of unpleasing scents, amplified by the olfactory implant embedded in his nasal cavity to give him something that resembled the sense of smell he'd once possessed prior to being 'resurrected' as the wrong species and further 'corrected' by the Savi. Ironically Sarresh wished in that moment to possess a simple human nose instead of smelling the suffering from three other sentient beings. 

(It is worth noting that he was being a tad over dramatic. No one present in that room were quite as bad off as Sarresh was making them out to be, but the sudden transition from where he had been to where he was now had skewed his perceptions).

Drab though this new prison was, Sarresh was still working to get his bearings and take stock of his situation when he heard voices. Smelling that he was not alone and seeing that he was not alone were two different things. Hearing another matter entirely. All of it helped push past the cobwebs and give the man something he had been sorely lacking up until that point - focus.

That the first voice he heard was a familiar one helped to settle him somewhat. Of course, the fact that this person was a fellow time traveler aught to have left his hackles up. People paid good money for time travelers in the less reputable corners of the galaxy and Sarresh felt a sinking sensation settle into his gut. Much to his dismay, this did not get better when the second voice joined in the conversation. 

A supervisor? Fuck, I do not need this right now. Running his hand through his still damp hair, Sarresh hunched himself over for a moment and tried to calm his racing heart. He had been kidnapped, for what felt like the second or third time. Which might not be all that many in the grand scheme of things but certainly seemed a distressingly large amount when put into context. A Supervisor was not the worst capture he could wish for. Unless the person was also Infested, in which point they were all kinds of fucked. He didn't think that was the case.

Pushing himself up to his feet and trying to keep from tipping to one side, Sarresh adjusted his wet suit and squared his shoulders, looking for the source of the second voice. He knew who these people were and whom they worked for, and it appeared that Lt. Pierce had some knowledge of them as well. He had seen their work written across the ages in his duties aboard the Relativity and had a somewhat jaded view of the Aegis and their machinations, though he would allow that, usually they had good intentions. 

What is that Terran saying about the path to hell? Not exactly a reassuring sentiment. This isn't going to go well, he thought to himself as he cleared his throat and addressed the shadowy figures. "The timeline has been thoroughly fucked, is what you mean. Event's aren't happening the way you predicted. It's all rather unsettling, I know. Trust me."

The second figure turned to face Sarresh, though he could not see her features. Her voice seemed off, not quite human, something else. "You speak as if you know something about this. You are a foci, all of you. What have you done...Morali, isn't it?"

"I don't recall having given you my name, Miss...?"When he got no response, Sarresh summoned up what indignation he could (hardly a struggle) and pressed on, "Fine, you as what have I done? Oh please. You cannot be that dense as to have missed what's going on. Really? Are you daft?"

"There's no cause to be rude," the other one, Supervisor 585 said, his hand moving to rest on the shoulder of the unnamed female. Sarresh shared a look with Pierce and gave a shrug of his shoulders, willing to defer to her if she wished as he offered his own rebuttal. 

"Rude is my default setting when I wake up after being kidnapped. It's happened one too many times for my liking. Why have you detained us? Supervisors are known for interfering in the events of primitive cultures to help shape the future and ensure they won't destroy themselves, but you tend to be more hands off on cultures at the level of the Federations' advancement. This isn't like you."

"Too much has changed lately for us to remain entirely on the sidelines of current events. The Quadrant stands on the brink of a War that should not yet happen. Events are not unfolding as predicted. Even the contemporary time agencies of the local polities realize that. I ask you again, what have you done?" Though the words were the same, Sarresh could tell it was not just himself that she was addressing. Which made no sense to him, because as far as he could tell, he was the only one in the room that he knew for certain had taken direct action and steps to change the future. 

It was hardly his fault that he could not remember that he was not the only person present whom had a direct impact on the Battle of the Azure nebula, and a hand in preventing the Borg Invasion of 2381.

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #6
[Ens. Irnashall “Shall” ch’Xinya | Interrogation | Aegis Holding Cell | Undisclosed Location | Qo'noS (?)] attn: @Pierce @ob2lander961 @Brutus

As consciousness slowly returned, Shall wished it would go away.  Between the way his eardrums were pounding from the abuse they’d taken, the massive headache that threatened to push his eyes out of their sockets, and the rhythmic throbbing of his antenna it was impossible to tell which was the worst.  Still, no matter how much he prayed for the bliss of the dead, the voices around him just would not stop and he groaned in response (assuming anyone had asked him for his opinion of anything).  Shifting around with a careful exploration, Shall was able to quickly surmise that he was still on the ground, though it wasn’t the same floor that he’d so eagerly been acquainted with: this one was bare treaded metal instead of cheap carpet.  At least it was dry.

Marshaling his strength to fight back against the pounding in his head, Shall managed to focus in senses enough to fight through the cloud and finally managed to make out the words tap-dancing against his abused eardrums.  “I ask you again, what have you done?”  Groaning inwardly (he thought), Shall gently reached under himself to push himself off of the floor, something that took a lot more effort than it should have.  “I tried to send a letter, is that a crime?” He forced through gritted teeth, opening his eyes as soon as he was on his knees.  Ignoring the discomfort there, he looked around to take in the new surroundings.  More bare metal of course, and at least two of his crew mates scattered around the room.  A momentary flash of panic scorched his cheeks, haunted memories of the last time he was locked up with others playing out at high speed, the shame within betrayed by his antenna with the way is squirmed above his wild hair.  At least we’re still clothed this time….

The silhouetted man actually chuckled.  “That would depend on the contents of said letter, and who it was for.  Though I hope you weren’t planning on trusting Orion encryption codes to keep secret plans to change the flow of history hidden.  They are good, for the right price.  And honestly, considering what you paid it was hardly enough for information that sensitive.”

Shall frowned and stared at the masked pair with a look of cold fire.  “My private business is none of you affair!  And what are you talking about?  Do I look like a time traveller?  If I could go back and change things I’ll tell you exactly what I’d do: I’d get myself off of that damned ship in time to be with my bondmates!  That’s it.  But since I’m still here clearly I didn’t do anything.  So either let me out of here, or get me a lawyer.”

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #7
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Interrogation | Aegis Holding Cell | Undisclosed location ] Attn: @Brutus @Pierce @chXinya

This wasn't the first time Via woke up from being knocked unconscious and it was especially not the first time she upset a Klingon with her terrible word choice. So as life slowly came to her with a splitting headache a hurting body and probably a few scars she handled it better than most.

"Ughhh, Shut up!" Via croaked out, eyes closed, curled up and still lying on the floor with drool flowing out of the corner of her mouth. The voices kept talking, however, only annoying the girl even more than she was. She did not take the time to try to figure out who or what those voices were nor did she want to.  "I said shut your bitchasses up before I-" Via suddenly sat up to see who she needed to be put in their place but was met with a rather blinding light (to her at least) causing her to squint. "The fuck?!" The girl exclaimed looking groggy as all hell. She rubbed her eyes in an attempt to refocus her vision and as soon as things started clearing up Via only became confused.

"What in the fuck!?!? What th- What the- Where the fuckin'-" Via looked to her left and right seeing two people she kinda somewhat recognized from the Theurgy. Finally, it clicked with her. She vaguely remembered something with a Klingon which she quickly concluded that whatever she did landed her in their jail. Based on her immediately observations it wasn't what she would’ve thought a Klingon jail would look it, it was too clean, but she really wasn’t in the “thinking” mood.

“Shit balls…um. Look, whatever dumbass shit I did to whoever dumbass I did it to…well probably deserved that shit and I ain’t apologizin’.” She crossed her arms and looked away like a difficult child would from no one, in particular. Via didn’t even know if there was anyone else other than the Theurgy Officers in the room with her.

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #8
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Shore Leave | Lake of Lusor | Qo'nos] | ATTN: @ob2lander961 @chXinya @Brutus [Show/Hide]

The Supervisor glanced at the quartet of Starfleet officers. Two of which they knew were time travelers and the other two they knew were on the Theurgy longer. Regardless they had many questions as to the whereabouts to that ship and their role in the timeline's divergence. Something was amiss and clearly they'd gathered the troops who were a tad restless. The shadowy male looked at the Andorian and the fighter pilot.

"Unfortunately for you, Andorian, it IS our business. As are time travelers. He said looking at Pierce and Morali. "And you my feisty young woman are just going to have to trust us and do as you're told. Consequences will occur if we do not get the information we require. If we get what we want, voluntarily, we'll return you to the Theurgy. If not, well, test us...." He let the words linger a little longer before Pierce took aim at them.

She stood near the forcefield and could see the rest of her compatriots now awake, more or less. Brushing the red hair from her face to her shoulder, she held her arms beneath her bust in a crossed arm manner before speaking. "While you may believe what you want here, you clearly have us at a disadvantage. And being we're still cognitive and unharmed, I feel inclined to help answer whatever we can. I am not a time traveler. Unforeseen circumstances aside, I was brought to the Theurgy."

"And yet, you do not belong anymore than the rest of those we have here. You were supposed to stay in the 23rd century and die there. For whatever reason you didn't."

The woman aid to the Supervisor slinked nearby him. He turned and looked at her as she nodded reminding him of his task. "Of course Neith. We will proceed. The reason you are being brought here is to gather information. What is your duty on the Theurgy? When did you get there and why? And what is the Theurgy's mission? We show the ship should have been destroyed many times but seems to keep"

Pierce looked at the duo trying to get some visual queue or aid to really see their captors but it was a useless endeavor. Glancing at her crewmates, she pondered whether or not these two were telling them the truth or if they themselves were among the infested. It wouldn't be beyond the scope of the creatures to capture problems in their path and learn what the other side knows. At least, that's where her espionage brain took her.

On the other hand she wondered if they were the genuine article. These sort of agents likely kept very very lowkey and avoided being noticed at all costs to preserve the timeline and such, Kirk's mission is the only recorded evidence thus far. Her gut was telling her to trust them with the information, but her Starfleet training told her otherwise. Decidedly, she figured she'd wait a short stint longer to see how forthcoming they were in return.

"Quid pro quo Supervisor. I realize we're in not place to bargain at present but we don't know if we can trust you with the information we have uncovered. However, I'd like your word that we will be returned safely and promptly at the end of this...hearing." She said waving her arms about to their cells. "If we can prove trustworthy, I'd like for us to meet without the forcefields. If you'll be so inclined."

The man made a loud thoughtful groan. Turned to his companion and then returned his forward facing motion to Pierce. "I will think about it, as long as I get some information, first."

Knowing she had little wiggle room, she did what she could to stake out the area in the event they needed to leave expediently. But figured giving some information now was better than the alternatives.

"I am Lieutenant Alana Pierce, Starfleet. Originally from the 23rd Century, and male..." She could tell that her admitting this information might be interesting to hear from the shipmates but it was needed details for trust since they could supposedly dig up them with possible temporal records. It was a gamble, but one she was willing to attempt. If anything Jim Kirk taught her in her short stint there, it was to follow one's feeling or gut on a situation. And her gut was telling her to give a little personal data to earn trust. Trust she hoped would pay off for them so long as the others didn't fuck it up.

"As I was saying, I served as. Lt. Commander on the U.S.S. Eagle before I encountered an temporal anomaly which in a combination of accidents brought me to this time. And my joining Theurgy was recent prior to the recent Klingon battle for Martok's Chancellorship. We are fighting a unknown group that has infiltrated ours and other species organizations to destroy the fabric of the universe."

The man gasped as he turned to Neith. She looked back at him. "What pray tell is that? I would like to hear from the others before you continue. I need more data on the rest of you to...verify your authenticity before I acquiesce Lt. Pierce's request. If I can trust you, I will allow a more pleasant meeting to be undertaken. But do not attempt escape. It will not end well for your lot, or the Theurgy." The man said loudly through the room so they could hear.

OOC: I think we can make our rounds of inquiries this time and in the next posting bring up the infested by name and discuss them as well as the temporal escapades unless anyone has any other ideas.

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #9
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Interrogation | Aegis Holding Cell | Undisclosed location ] Attn: @Brutus @Pierce @chXinya

Via listened as Pierce started speaking. She didn't pay attention to every word exactly the woman was very much still confused and waking up, a combination of which didn't afford much in cognitive reasoning. However, Via did pay attention when Pierce stated she was from the 23rd century and was formerly male. Her knowledge of the 23rd century was limited. Most of it came from her classes in the Academy but she flunked those when she took them during her first year, history never really interested her. The pilot did know it was a long time ago and people who were from that era looked old.  For a person that used to be male, Pierce did a really great job at being female. Via even thought Pierce looked hot an asexual manner.

"Uhh...." The woman said still utterly confused. "Is my ass still smashed as fuck? What in the shit did I just- fuck it I ain't gonna even start tryin'...anyway bitch what?!"

She shook her head and then focused on the words her captor previously spoke.

"Trust You?!" Via exclaimed at the voice she still could not identify where it was originating. "Bitch, I know you ain't tellin' us to trust you after y'all dumbasses fuckin' kidnapped us. Why don't ya bring your lil bitchass out here so I can beat you like there ain't no tomorrow. Shit, I got your information right here."

The pilot pretended to reach behind herself to grab something but all she pulled out was a fist that would produce a singular middle finger after she used her opposite hand to crank an imaginary handle that slowly lifted the finger up-mimicking a jack in a box.

"Oh shit!" She pretended to be surprised. "Damn, my ass is sorry. Lookin' like this is all I got" she said with a smug look.

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #10
[Ens. Irnashall “Shall” ch’Xinya | Interrogation | Aegis Holding Cell | Undisclosed Location | Qo'noS (?)] attn: @Pierce @Brutus @ob2lander961

Grunting in effort, Shall did his best to get to his feet without betraying just how wobbly he really was at the moment.  Instinct kicked in and he reached out to something for support as he  rose to his full height and he was rewarded with the electric numbing that can only come from a forcefield.  The chan ignored the sensation as he steadied himself, the field wasn’t powerful enough to actually hurt, it was clearly meant to just keep the four of them separate but not harm them.  Yet.  He bit back a sharp retort to the shadowed man’s little outburst, he was jumping between them so fast there wasn’t enough time for him to get it in.  Listening to Pierce acquiesce to these “Supervisor”’s questions, at least with information that was essentially public knowledge now, the Andorian looked around to see who else had gotten scooped up.  His antenna twitched in annoyance though, the only person he recognized was Sarresh, someone that Shall swore to keep away from whenever possible.  Of course he’s in the middle of all this…wherever that grelth goes there’s always trouble…

Returning his attention to the shadows, Shall folded his arms across his chest, making his defiance clear.  Listening to the young pilot’s outburst and mannerisms actually brought a smile to his face and it was a little difficult to keep from laughing out loud.  As soon as her taunts died down he spoke up, figuring it was his turn. “Irnashall ch’Xinya, Ensign, Starfleet, United Federation of Planets.  Serial number AN-833-0163-NF.  You can easily verify my credentials as authentic with a quick call to the Federation Embassy in Q’onos.  If that’s not enough, you can also verify my birth with a quick call to the records office in Labor on Andoria.”

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #11
[ Lt (jg) Sarresh Morali | Interrogation | Aegis Holding Cell | Undisclosed Location | Qo'noS (?)] Attn: @Pierce @ob2lander961 @chXinya 


Having been spared the need to answer immediately, Sarresh took the opportunity to observe the others that he was with. He had recognized the voice of Aliana Peirce, having met with her almost two weeks back, along with another fellow temporal displacement, Alistair Levaitt. Whom, Sarresh noted (happily) wasn't here. He hadn't made a great first impression with the Operations LT, and still wondered how much of an impression, good or otherwise, he'd made with Pierce. He had noted her recent promotion since their little chat, and kept that in the back of his head for the moment, not sure it would matter to the Aegis agent's. 

The Andorian, he recognized as well, if not to the same extent as Pierce, having spoken with her more recently. All the more of a surprise that, given the Andorian was a member of Sarresh's own department. Now, sending a letter could cause all kinds of issues - he had vague recollections of an alternate time line spun up by the actions of a man trying to prevent a future he had seen by sending a letter to a would be victim, and its unintended consequences, but at the same time, Sarresh highly doubted that this letter would cause such a fracas. Certainly not when compared to the actions of the Theurgy during the Azure Nebula incident...

...Oh Fuck, he was there too, Sarresh belatedly realized, remembering that Shall, the man had been called, had been right there in the thick of it on the Savi ship. That was a far more likely cause of such intervention by a group as the Aegis - save that it failed to explain the presence of Pierce, or the other woman, which Sarresh was fairly certain he had never seen before in his life.  The last one to wake up from their - presumably drug induced - nap, was rather vocal. Sarresh was fairly sure he would have remembered meeting someone like that. He even let out a snort of amusement at her response, giving a little shrug of his shoulders in her direction, but keeping his mouth shut for the time being. 

Sarresh narrowed his eyes at the Supervisor, and crossed his arms over his chest, once more summoning up the disdain he felt for most people that simmered under the surface, nigh on constantly. He was working on that, but at the moment that bristly armor served him better. It was disappointing to know the man was well aware of his own transgressions when it came to traveling through time. The question of how to address that was now the most pressing point. In theory he had gone back to correct the actions of the Infested. That he'd also prevented the horrible deaths of billions - and delayed the eventual destruction of the Borg - was a different issue.

Arching an eyebrow at the poor threat, Sarresh took a deep breath to steady himself and let Pierce speak. She was the ranking officer in the...holding cells? Room? Where are we, anyways? Impossible for him to tell - which was probably the idea. His gaze shifted between the supervisor and his companion, less than inclined to trust either of them. He found he resented their prying, and oddly, forcing Pierce to give more details about her situation than he imagined she wanted to share. He'd save that self-analysis of his anger on her behalf for later. Delving too far into it now would only make matters worse. 

She's really putting it all out there, isn't she? Damn, the former Ash'reem thought, repressing the urge to sigh, or pinch the bridge of his nose. He couldn't keep the frown off his brow however, as his eyes narrowed and he bunched his shoulders up. All of which fell moot when the fighter pilot put on a bravado that would have earned her applause from her other jet jockey companions, but probably did nothing to help them with the Aegis. Can't deny she has spirit. But not an ounce of tact.

Sarresh was well aware the of the irony of that line of thinking. 

Taking a queue from Shall, Sarresh smirked, and turned his gaze to meet that of the woman - Neith, he believed he had heard her called, and gave his own answer. "Morali, Sarresh. Currently a Junior Lieutenant, on loan to the Theurgy. My date of  birth is none of your damn business, as per the Temporal Accords. Miss Pierce speaks the truth however, as do my other colleagues, whom are clearly reluctant to one degree or another. My standard assignment is the USS Relativity and my up time credentials are clearly superseding your own. You Will be letting me and these others out. But in the interests of...shall we call it Interagency cooperation? I will tell you what I can."

Technically, Sarresh was a man born in the local era whom had been recruited 'up time' for reasons he didn't even remember any more. His point still stood - to an extent. There was no guarantee that the Aegis Agent's cared about the Accord or considered themselves bound by it. But dangling that bit of information in front of them might make things easier. "My mission is to do everything I can to repair damage done to the timeline by the parties infiltrating the upper echelons of Starfleet command and the other regional polities. If not for the actions of the Theurgy things would be even more skewed than they already are. I would be quite interested in what you have tracked when compared to my model of how time was supposed to flow."

Bringing up the Accords was a calculated risk. Acknowledging what the two knew already - that he was a time traveler - and trying to turn that into a power play was bold. But if he could keep the distracted with the broadest strokes of his assignment and try to pull relative rank as it were, he might be able to keep them from figuring out why he was active on Qo'noS. There was no reason to give them any idea about - he stopped himself from even thinking about that. Shoving that aside, as deep into the recesses of his tattered mind as he could, he uncrossed his arms and walked forward till he could feel the hum of the energy field serving as a barrier to contain him and protect the Aegis pair. "The Aegis, if I remember correctly, has their own protocols for contacting up time entities, but with the issues unfolding across local time, I'm not sure you'll have much luck reaching my superiors" He held his hands out, palms up in a gesture he'd seen many humans make, and shrugged his shoulders.

"Reaching out to contemporary powers won't help much, as they've been kept in the dark by all players involved - those that want to preserve the timeline for exactly that reason, and those wishing to disrupt the planned flow for their own means to  cut down on local interference." He couldn't tell if anything he was saying was sinking in to either of the Agents, but he would swear that that the woman looked like she either wanted to find a dark hole to hide in - or rip his throat out and eat him for lunch.

Still not as bad as having a cult form around me...

OOC: Let me know if this works or if I need to trim some of that. Far as I can tell this gives them something juicy without exposing us too much.[/i]

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #12
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Shore Leave | Lake of Lusor | Qo'nos] | ATTN: @ob2lander961 @chXinya @Brutus [Show/Hide]

Pierce looked onward to her comrades various stages of defiance and awakeness. It both made her chuckle and kinda pissed her off at the same time. The gravity of their situation wasn't lost on her as they looked onward at the Aegis agents before them. With her new promotion still freshly sunk in, she was aware she was now the ranking officer on deck. Not that she wasn't before, but that was beside the point. The point was, they needed to escape or convince these bastards to let her go. Something easier said than done.

"Excuse me, Supervisor 585 and Neith was it? Is there anything we can do to get out of these cages? I realize my comrades have spoken up. Some more combative than others. But my colleague Mr. Sarresh is correct. From what I know of your organization, you cannot interfere in the natural order of things and while the Theurgy is an anomaly, there is far greater going on than you even realize."

"What pray tell is that....Pierce." Neith said standing nearby the Supervisor whose smug grin was seen behind the shadows. Not much was seen honestly of either but it was enough to know that one was almost human and one was trying very hard to conceal their appearance.

"Under normal circumstances we couldn't divulge that information but being we're all in a place out of time and with the timeline at stake, we have to trust one another. The infested are tampering with time. Cross-dimensional beings infesting individuals of power here in our universe through a parasite that is strong, and takes command of the individual causing them to not be themselves anymore. We haven't even found out how to separate the individuals without their death. These infested are tampering with time and bioweapons to create a universe ripe for the picking."

"What? If what you say is true, then this means that we have a far greater problem than your vessel." Supervisor 585 stated shaken from the news.

"What it means is the infested caused the incursions, the thalaron bombs, the interspecies discord, and the Borg incursion. All of it was a result of their tampering with time. We have the logs to prove it. Our ship is the sole reason these creatures haven't destroyed the quadrant and sent it into interstellar war. Which is why Starfleet and half the galaxy is hunting for our ship. We're trying to preserve the natural flow as best we can with help from the future ship, Relativity."

Pierce paused as she let it sink in. "So I plead with you. Let us go. Let us help you and prevent further damage to the timeline. We want to be exonerated and go home. Anything less than the restoration and our freedom is a unacceptable."

The Supervisor mulled it over quietly, whispering to Neith. Both of them. "So, the averted Borg invasion, the destruction of the Azure Nebula, the Infested, the Savi, the Scions. All a result of these creatures? That makes things troubling. We will lower the forcefields as long as your friends agree to not fight us. We will not tolerate it. We will be watching events pertaining to the Theurgy more closely, since it seems that the Theurgy is the centre of the temporal disruptions. In the meantime, help us with your logs and let us compare notes."

"Very well. If you please?" She waited and motioned for the others to help as soon as they were freed.

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #13
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Interrogation | Aegis Holding Cell | Undisclosed location ] Attn: @Brutus @Pierce @chXinya

Via was still quite clueless as to what was going on but she was awake and sober enough to understand that even if she did they weren't much she could do. She did identify the disembodied voices as the enemy however and she certainly did not trust a single word that came out of their mouths. Still, not having the ability to do anything made her kind of dangerous. The only thing keeping her from just simply running and winging an escape was the other more well-versed officers she was imprisoned with. As far as she knew, if she did run she would've been vaporized on the spot or worse. Not that she would be submissive. No, she was going to be belligerent as possible. No way she was going to go down easily if the time came.

"We will not tolerate it mehh." Via mocked the supervisor like a rather annoying child would. "Fuck your bitchass. Y'all kidnapped us first. I ain't goin' to tolerate your ass fightin' me if yall feel like you wanna try." she said as the forcefield went down. As soon as she saw her fellow officers she would quickly head toward them. Walking up to Pierce in particular the young pilot crossed her arms and leaned in close to the Commander for a whisper. "Yo, Commander. My mind is kinda fuzzy. The fuck is goin' on right now? Like I ain't gonna lie my ass is gonna beat one of these dumbasses if they say one more fuckin' thing. Like, actually. I will knock one the fuck out, I ain't playing. I also I kinda wanna go home." Via said half truthfully. She was a bit scared though she would never admit it out loud. Everything about the situation screamed top secrete super squirrel stuff and she knew her rank was not high enough to even process the situation. 

"Like shit I'm just an Ensign ma'am. So Im thinkin' they got the wrong person. Like the fuck is a savvy?"

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #14
[ Lt (jg) Sarresh Morali | Interrogation | Aegis Holding Cell | Undisclosed Location | Qo'noS (?)] Attn: @chXinya @Pierce @ob2lander961 

With a visible flicker, the screens for the cell holding Sarresh - as well as the others - cut out and died. That ever present, audible hum vanished with a snap hiss, and Sarresh carefully extended a finger to break the plane of the cell door. Pleased to see this wasn't some trick, the wet-suit clad Temporal Affairs officer stepped across the threshold, clasping his hands behind his back and, like the others, made his way over to Lt. Commander Pierce, sparing a less than superficial glance toward Supervisor 585 and his companion. The two were still mostly cloaked in shadow and a part of Sarresh wanted to walk over and  get right into their faces. He kept that part in check, and did his best to act like a rational, sane agent from uptime.

More of a struggle than he wished to admit, unfortunately.

Restraint seemed to be in short supply for one member of their group, the rowdy Ensign currently begging Pierce to be unleashed. Clearing his throat, Sarresh came to a stop behind the spirited woman and cocked an eyebrow up, as if he were Vulcan, not a human abomination. Not for the first time did he find himself with a momentary splash of sympathy toward his fellow time traveler, being stuck in a body not of their choosing.  "Remind me to send you some files to read at a later date, once we get back to the ship. Now that you are aware of the existence of the Aegis, perhaps a study of their interactions with Starfleet over the years will prove educational, Ensign."

He could almost feel the others glancing at his ears to see if they had suddenly sprouted points.

Turning to their captors turned...allies? No, it was too soon and things were still too fluid to apply that term. Facing the Aegis agents, Sarresh again dipped his head in their direction. "Obviously we will need to return to our ship to compile the data you are asking for. One would also presume that, per standard directives, we will need to inform Captain Ives. S/he has been fully read into the situation - indeed, they were instrumental in discovering the nature of the dimensional threat we face, and has been a point of contact for my own uptime superiors. As such s/he is my...immediate point of authority in local time and it will be necessary to keep them informed."

Pausing here, Sarresh allowed the others a moment to air their own thoughts and concerns, as he reminded himself this was not his show to run, at least as far as the local time entities were concerned. His own authority was precarious at best and strictly related to the Temporal side of the equation. This was why he hated being folded into the chain of command when on deployment to downtime crews. Shrugging his shoulder, he pursed his lips, and added.

"We will, of course, need to set up secure communications protocols between ourselves and, I presume, the two of you, representing your organization. We can't simply have you materializing on the Theurgy at random intervals. Even by your own standards and operating procedures that would be...risky."

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #15
[Ens. Irnashall “Shall” ch’Xinya | Interrogation | Aegis Holding Cell | Undisclosed Location | Qo'noS (?)]

When Commander Pierce’s little speech actually worked Shall stood there in mild surprise, staring at the empty space that had been filled with a forcefield just moments ago.  The buzz in his antenna was gone, and when he reached out his hand passed right though empty air.  “I can’t believe that actually worked…” he muttered to himself before gathering up with the others.  Listening in within the impromptu huddle, the Andorian held his peace for the moment, despite his perturbed annoyance at the situation.  They get kidnapped right off the streets and he’s supposed to cooperate with their captors?  If it weren’t for Morali’s unusual accepting mood once these “Supervisors” identified themselves he’d be right there with Via about trying to get out ASAP.  “I’m with her Commander.” Shall admitted out loud, though just loud enough for the Starfleeters to hear (he thinks). “I have no idea why they thought I would know anything about time travel or anything like that, I’m just a cartographer.”

Morali took point after that, and Shall just sighed.  Even if the quartet had been let out of their cages it was clear they weren’t going home just yet, and both ranking officers had chosen acquiescence.  At least it sounded like Lt. Morali was trying to get most of the work off of the lower deck’s shoulders.  “So what’s the plan now?” Shall asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest.  "The last time I was locked up things did not end well.  For anyone."

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #16
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Interrogation | Aegis Holding Cell | Undisclosed Location] | ATTN: @ob2lander961 @chXinya @Brutus [Show/Hide]

The forcefield now down, and many of their respective group having voiced their opinions or lack thereof of the situation, she stood ready. Despite lacking a uniform, she was the ranking officer on deck and likely the one that was going to have to file the report about it afterwards. Never in her life did she expect to encounter the mythical Aegis agents. But this was just par for the course with being on the Theurgy, and the 24th Century. Things that were oddities were more bound to happen.

Supervisor 585 and Neith seemed particularly troubled by the notion of the parasites causing so much havoc on the timeline, including the multitude of changes that should not have come to pass. Pierce wondered if inadvertently she were one of the casualties of some of these changes, whether by the parasites doing or with the Relativity's with her transport to this century. Many questions that will likely be unanswered but things were mounting with the thoughts of her name even being involved with the TDG. The legendary high security clearance temporal defense of the present. Of course many years from now but that is barring their survival.

After Sarresh's conversation with the agents, Pierce had more reason to trust his judgement than she had already experienced from their conversations in his lab. He was however correct with his thoughts regarding the Ensign who was nabbed for unexplained reasons. Annoyance at the behavior was at the forefront but she could understand it considering the Lone Wolves were an...odd bunch at best. The only one she'd had a favorable experience and struck a friendship with was Reggie or Gemini as she was also known. This particular individual however was royally peeved still by the abduction, not that she could blame her. Had she been younger and an Ensign, the reactions might have very well been the same, but in unknowns, restraint was required. No matter the frustration.

Pierce nodded at Sarresh after his mentions of the sending files to read. Although she wasn't sure it was towards her or the Ensign. Either way, the Ensign could use files to read up on the Aegis. She was already familiar due to the logs in Captain Kirk's time on the Enterprise. Not that they'd been heard from since that time, or wanted to be heard from. She smiled at Sarresh's comments to the Ensign however and it reminded her of Spock's own comments on the Enterprise.

Pierce heard the comments by Shall next to her. She whispered to him, "I can understand that Ensign. Understand it even. But they may be in need of stellar cartography from our sensor logs and mission logs to coincide temporal incidents. If they inquire, please pass those sensor logs along. The plan for now, is to bide our time, talk and then get the hell out of dodge." She concluded as Morali finished speaking for the moment.

Standing back, she acknowledged and accepted his taking point with the agents as he more readily understood the implications of the conversations they were now taking. But his assumptions were correct. "Supervisor, I agree with Lt. Morali here. He is correct in that Captain Ives would be the ideal point of contact on this front. We would be willing to compile the data and forward the sensor logs pertaining to the past several months and endeavors therein. After all, we're wanting this threat to end and proceed on a normal pattern of exploration. But as long as this threat is imminent on the galaxy, we have to be the first line of defense with so many uncertainties compromising the normal flow of time."

Morali continued afterwards however and added the bit about setting up secure communications between the Aegis and the Theurgy. "I trust that what the Lieutenant has mentioned is acceptable. We do not want to overstep our bounds but we are hoping to create if nothing else and alliance or partnership in which we are transparent with our intentions and hopes that we can work together amicably to end this galactic threat."

Neith and the Supervisor in their shrouded cover turned to look at one another as they almost telepathically communicated with one another before the Supervisor spoke up. "We accept these terms. And we are under authority to act in this timeframe. We will prepare to relinquish the control on transport and communication with the ship. However, these events as described are not supposed to happen. The U.S.S. Theurgy seems to be the central point of all of these diversions in the timeline. We will not tolerate it any further and will be watching you and your allies the Savi.

He finished and the Savi mention caused the hackles on Pierce's neck to rise as she felt that they were hiding something. She turned and gave the others a look to instill her queue of distrust at the situation. There was clearly something they weren't being told yet and how it was to unfold with the Aegis agents getting involved. And with the news of the Relativity being ravaged by time and in early stages of temporal psychosis, it was not looking good on the temporal front. We have to get our mission accomplished. She thought withholding the TDG from her mind in the event they scanned her. The other mental comment would sound normal under normal circumstances.

"And Lt. Morali is also correct in that we cannot have you materializing on the ship. Bad for ours and your procedures. So long as the bond of trust is held, we will comply. We do not wish to interfere and merely want things to go back to what we expected from the universe before this threat. That is all."

Supervisor 585 nodded at Pierce. "Very well, Lt. Commander. We will abide...for now. So long as we have no reason to distrust you either, we will not interfere with your ship and merely watch for the time in which we must act."

Pierce nodded at the rest of the abducted away team as if prompting anyone else to pipe up of their knowledge of the fights but not wanting the loose cannons shot either. Thankfully, the only ones on this team who knew of the TDG and the projects involved were herself and Morali. Which meant it was likely sealed from view for this point in time. Who knew what the future held for them.

However the Supervisor turned to Shall, "We will require from you the stellar cartography of the regions the Theurgy has traveled and the various incursions whether from friendly or enemy vessels. This will help us corroborate your stories with Commander Pierce and Lt. Morali. It will also help us to see the pattern with which these infested individuals are breaking time. It is most alarming."

Turning now to the rowdiest of the crew, Ensign Wix, they replied to her. "We apologize for your abduction Ensign. We thought you were Goldeneye and took you by mistake. Our on the ground sensors only could tell us you were a Lone Wolve and not which one. We wanted one of the original Lone Wolves left alive to explain the situations from their vantage point. But with the Commander's allowance, we'll get the information without further interrogations."

Pierce wondered what was going to transpire next as they tried to wrap their head around getting out of here. As it was not yet alluded to, when that was to be.


Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #17
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Interrogation | Aegis Holding Cell | Undisclosed location ] Attn: @Brutus @Pierce @chXinya

All the temporal science talk was only increasing Via's headache. The pain was written all over her face and she quite visibly rubbed her temples showing that the entire situation with the Aegis operatives, Theurgy, and whatever else they were discussing was an entire waste of time to her. So when Morali offered to send her files about Starfleet's history with Aegis giving context to everything Via quickly dismissed it.

"And my ass thought I was done with all that history readin' shit after I graduated and Fuckin' I hope we ain't ever gon to see these bitchasses again so thank you." The young woman spoke akin to a particularly defiant teenager. She crossed her arms and then passively listened to the others chime in with their words.

"Mmhmm! High Five!" Via held up a hand to ch’Xinya for a high five when he agreed with her. After Via simply waited until the conversation between the shadow men and the more senior officers was starting to be brought to a close. She was somewhat surprised when one of the Aegis Agents actually came up to her and apologized for abducting her. Of course, the young pilot didn't care for it, especially after they stated that she wasn't even supposed to be taken in the first place. There was a chance that if they hadn't taken her from the alley she was thrown out in worse things could've transpired instead but Via was not a person to care about what-ifs in those cases.

"Goldeneye? Who the fuc- Wolf-3?! Bitch, I ain't look nothin' like her." She said missing the fact that they were limited to ground sensors only. "And what do you mean with me 'Commanders allowin'? If your ass touches anyone my foot is goin' to do some interrogatin' up your skinny dumbass." She threatened and then flipped the Agent off for good measure. Turning around Via walked over to her people and then crossed her arms while looking around from her position for an exit or something that broke the room's silhouette. "When are y'all gon to let us leave? Ain't we done already? Shit, I need to use the bathroom too and all I'm seein' are some nice corners and no bathrooms..." She said suggesting if the Agent wouldn't let them leave Via was going to relieve herself then and there.

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #18
[Ens. Irnashall “Shall” ch’Xinya | Interrogation | Aegis Holding Cell | Undisclosed Location | Qo'noS (?)] attn: @ob2lander961 @Pierce @Brutus

Caught by surprise, Shall looked down at Via’s outstretched hand with a bit of a startled look.  “I beg your pardon?” He asked in response, antenna turned towards the woman.  Staring at the pink fingers he just stood there with arms folded across his chest, wondering just what she was doing.  Was this a human equivalent to the Vulcan salute?

Shall tried his best not to grumble out loud at Pierce’s orders to hand over any logs requested, standing stock straight, though his whipping antenna continued to betray his annoyance at the entire situation.  Denied yet another chance to send a message to his mates, kidnapped and tossed in a cell (again), all so that someone could get his sensor logs.  “They could have just asked in the beginning, it’s not as if cartography logs aren’t already considered public information…”

Despite all his misgivings about this “Supervisor” and his aide, orders were orders and the Andorian continued to watch in silence as the negotiations continued.  He did his best to listen, a part of him curious for any clue on just what these two actually do.  At best it seemed to him like they worked similarly to how Lt. Morali did: sit and wait and react when someone else from the future starts playing god.  Such a passive stance didn’t sit well with Shall, especially in light of the Infested.  If you can take the fight to them, why not do it?  The Supervisor turning to address the chan brought him out of his introspection and he immediately spoke up in minor protest.  “Fine, the charts you can have easily enough, but I don’t have anything to do with active anomaly hunting unless specifically directed to assist, and that’s never happened.  That is more his job.” He waved towards the pseudo-human.  “But,” he broke back in to forestall the impending verbal slap, “That doesn’t mean the information isn’t in the logs, I just never had cause to look for it.”

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #19
[ Lt (jg) Sarresh Morali | Interrogation | Aegis Holding Cell | Undisclosed Location | Qo'noS (?)] Attn: @Pierce @oberonfrost @chXinya 

Exerting considerable effort on his part, Sarresh did not tell the Supervisor to take his high handed mandates about diverting the time stream and shove it where not star light shined. Of everyone here, he knew best what had changed, what had been saved, damned, and otherwise. And he was going to change more of it, if he had his way. With the data from the Relativity, brought by Alistair Leavitt - and just why wasn't he abducted with the rest of us? - Morali was going to twist the timeline to suit his needs and prevent a greater evil from manifesting even more disaster. Pointing that out to the Supervisor and his...accomplice would do little to help their cause at this time though. Thinking about it as hard as he was probably wasn't great either, but his head was such a mess that he was certain any telepath would get a headache from the attempt. 

Still, it rankled him to be told to behave by a local-time entity. Or maybe I am just a prick, he allowed the possibility.

Crossing his arms over his chest, Sarresh took a momentary step back out of the metaphorical spotlight and was more than content to have Lt. Cmdr. Pierce take the brunt of the next stage of interactions. Seeing that they were coming to something of an understanding was a relief. A part of him had to wonder just what the Ageis agent's thought they could do about he Savi. In his mind it was a coin flip as to which group was more powerful, but he would presume that the Ageis actually had more scruples than the Savi. What then would the tipping point be? Whatever it was did not matter for their current predicament, but it [i[was[/i] something else that Sarresh was going to have to factor into his machinations going forward.

Idly wondering if the Ageis duo had ever interacted with a pilot before, Sarresh watched with a mix of annoyance and mirth as the Lone Wolf reacted poorly to being confused with one of her pack mates. A crack about one pilot being indistinguishably hostile from another danced on the tip of his tongue, but he managed to swallow it down. Hardly the time to stir that pot up. Besides, it was his time to step into the fray once more. 

"Again, this will be a joint effort on our parts," Morali pressed. He did not ask. He did not suggest. He stated. "The Ensign can put together our stellar logs. I can provide you with the location of the incursions that I am aware of, both prior to and during my assignment aboard the Theurgy. You will do the same, and we will analysis this situation and see if a pattern can be determined. I am fully prepared to assume that you have a more accurate knowledge of local events within a hundred year margin of error than I do, but further out, I am considerably more equipped to determine points of conflict and change based on our actions."

For shadowed beings, it was clear that neither Supervisor 585 nor Neith were particularly pleased with his tone, but neither of them were actively disputing. To make sure to drive the point home, Sarresh added, "Disagreements on methods aside, no one in this room wants to see the timeline completely destroyed. No one wants to see our galaxy burn. That is the threat we face. Together we stand a better chance of - if not completely undoing - then mitigating as much of that damage as we can, and preventing that ultimate eradication."

"You have made your point, Ash'reem," Neith did not quite growl her words, but there was an undercurrent of frustration. A hand was placed on her shoulder by the Supervisor, whom gave a slow, visible nod of agreement. Thus silencing his companion, he turned to look at Sarresh. The junior Lieutenant got the impression that there was reluctant respect. He'd take it. 

"We will meet again to compare notes. You send us your data, and I will ensure that we send you ours, Lt. Morali." That would have to be good enough for Sarresh. Turning to the Lt. Commander, he hoped that would be good enough for her, as well. 

"Then Commander, I'm not sure there is anything else we can accomplish here. If the Supervisor would be as so accommodating as to tell us exactly how to leave, I will compile my report for the Captain and begin gathering the agreed upon data."

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #20
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Interrogation | Aegis Holding Cell | Undisclosed Location] | ATTN: @ob2lander961 @chXinya @Brutus [Show/Hide]

Alana couldn't help but think that Surresh was not amused with these individuals. Nevertheless, she nodded in agreement with the statements in play presently. A partnership was far more agreeable than another attacker. "Very well. I concur with Mr. Morali's assessment and suggested course of action."

Supervisor 585 nodded and tapped a few controls on his control console. "You may leave now. We've turned off the temporal shielding and allowed for direct transport if you're so inclined."

The control was relinquished now. They could leave, willingly. Alana still suspected there were things to see in the midst of the Aegis agents and that there were things not yet in play. Nevertheless, she doubted they would keep out of the Theurgy's way as things continued to progress. Time was something these people dealt with and with the massive target on their back, she could only hope they didn't get another abduction from these people.

James Kirk was lucky enough to make it through and work with them before ultimately parting ways. With hope, Alana had gained the same partnership, even if it is in a limited manner. These agents seemed rather terrified to learn of the events from them. Something they had not anticipated in any capacity.

But Alana knew that this would not be the last time they crossed paths. The Supervisor 585 and Neith were not what she expected to see this day either but time would tell. Time seemed to always speak something incredible and different to her. This was no exception. Glancing at the Supervisor he nodded.

"Pierce, you and your team may leave. But be warned. Stay out of our way and let us handle things. We are watching now the endeavors of the Theurgy, but we will agree to the sharing of data between us... Just try not to mess up the timeline more than you all already have please."

Pierce looked at him and nodded back. "Very well." Slipping her combadge back out of her undershirt, she re-attached the badge, putting the power supply back in before tapping it. "Always keep one on hand in the event we need an evac." She smirked to the crew. "Pierce to Theurgy....prepare to beam the away team at their coordinates. In the meantime, get me out of here."

The transporter chief acknowledged and the blue lights enveloped the Chief Intelligence Officer as she returned home, to the Theurgy. Where with all hope, she wouldn't see them again. But as time had shown her in the past, time rarely can be predicted.

Moments later... (Pierce's perspective)

Pierce stepped off the transporter pad and walked to the controls of the transporter, stealing a glance at the coordinates, she nodded before leaving the room to return to her quarters. She needed time to rest and think about the events that had just transpired before filing a report to the captain about recent events.

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #21
[ Ens. Via "DixeBee" Wix | Interrogation | Aegis Holding Cell | Undisclosed location ] Attn: @Brutus @Pierce @chXinya

"Beg your pardon?" Via repeated the question dumbfoundedly as she was left hanging by the Andorian whom she thought had a good thing going on with her up until that point. The audacity of the disrespect made her speechless. 'What was his problem?' she thought to herself as she retracted her hand and crossed her arms pissed off. "Bitchass left me hangin'..." she said to herself again, the words and realization only pissing her off even more. All her feelings about being kidnapped, having a massive hangover, and talking to a bunch of annoying 'Agents' seemed to disappear at that moment. Typically people who disrespected Via in such a way were disrespected back, violently.  She was half tempted to fight him then and there but it wasn't the time or the place so she simply glared at the Andorian plotting what she was going to say after they finished with whatever tech talk they were discussing with their kidnappers.

Eventually, the Lieutenant Commander and the others managed to strike some sort of deal with them which still Via felt, was way above her rank grade. More than likely she was going to forget this ever happened or remember it as a drunken dream. Still, she didn't forget what Shall did, and once Pierce communicated to the Theurgy to beam everyone out she would walk back towards him, glaring.

"Beg your pardon?" She repeated his earlier question. "Thinkin' you too good for me? That it? That your ass is some hot shit? Leavin' me hangin' like that? What did my ass ever do you. Lil bitchass- Fuck you. Fuck your disrespectin' ass, Fuck your dirty ass haircut, Fuck them shoes, Fuck your shirt, Fuck your ugly ass face, and...'Beg my Pardon'" She mocked him. "...fuck them legs." Via said lastly before moving in to kick the man in the shins but the Transporter managed to whisk her away in time before it could land. The young woman materialized back on the Theurgy mid-kick but she was across the room from Shall causing her to lose balance and slightly fall on herself. Via regained her balance and faced Shall from where she was across the room. She would then flip him off with both of her middle fingers before storming off out of the room and straight on the path back to her quarters.

Via would sleep for the rest of the day, putting the past several hours behind her, except for Shall. He was public enemy number 2 now on Via's list.  


Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #22
[ Lt (jg) Sarresh Morali | Interrogation | Aegis Holding Cell | Undisclosed Location | Qo'noS (?)] Attn: @chXinya @Pierce @oberonfrost 

Taking a slow breath, Sarresh calmed himself as a feeling of equilibrium returned to the former Ash'reem. He hadn't even noticed it, until its return, but the entire time they had been in the presences of the Aegis  agents, until that moment, there had been some undercurrent, some vibration at the edge of his senses that was now, blessedly gone. Only in its absence had its presence been made known, and Sarresh could only presume that he had, on some level, perceived the dampening effects of the Aegis' temporal shielding. What, exactly that meant, Sarresh wasn't entirely sure. He'd have to think on it, review his emotions and thoughts from the last hour, catalog his perceptions and opinions and form a proper hypothesis. He knew that he didn't like it, but he was a temporal agent, so the affect should not be as surprising as it was. 

With an idle thought, he realized that he now knew precisely how long they had been out of contact with the ship, and how much time had passed in both a relative, and an absolute sense. To his dismay, those two numbers did not match up, and that bothered him quite a bit. A green cast settled into his skin as his eyes darted from Supervisor 585, over to his companion, and back again. You should not have been able to do that in this century. 

There was little he could do to argue the point however. Perhaps it had been by his own actions that the Aegis had access to such technology, or perhaps some other anachronism had manifested itself within the time line. It made him less than inclined to be lectured by the likes of the Aegis however, about the sanctity of the time line. Still, speaking about it, castigating them, would just draw further attention to his own temporal awareness, and he wanted to maintain the thin veneer of civility that would behoove an uptime agent such as himself. Tugging his wet suit into place, he turned and stepped over toward the others, putting just a bit more distance between himself, and the Aegis operatives.

As they gathered to leave, something of an ...argument? Broke out between the Ensigns. Which was exactly what Sarresh wanted the Aegis to see. Before it could come to anything, the transporter beam whisked them all back to the Theurgy. When the three junior officers materialized, Sarresh could just see Pierce made a beeline out of the transporter room from where she had stood by the controls, putting as much distance between her and the rest of them as Sarresh imagined to be humanly possible for the woman. Groaning, he turned and watched as the pilot, planted on her ass on the transporter pad, tried to get her bearings. She stormed out, having made her point, stomping off the pad and out the door. Sarresh raked a hand through his hair and turned to his fellow scientist. 

"Never have I ever understood humans, but that one is particularly befuddling. She could have at least kept her temper in check until we were back on the ship and then blown up. Far be it from me to lecture someone about anger management techniques but that woman needs her head put back on straight by someone in the counseling department, stat. I'd suggest keeping your distance, Ensign."

Sarresh glanced back in the womens' wake, and shook his head, thinking about the vast differences between the Lt. Commander from Intelligence and the Ensign from the TAC-CONN, and the similarities as well. "I need a shower, and then I need to write that report. Take the next couple of hours off, collect yourself, and then start on those star charts. You know, all the things the Intel Chief really ought to have ordered before she left."

Shaking his head, Sarresh gave a half hearted wave to the Ensign, ignored the man standing at the transporter control station, and beat his own path out of the room, with every intention of following up on his plan for a shower. It was going to be a long night for him, and he could only imagine how Ives was going to take the news. Though he knew that he could just leave it all to Pierce, there was no way the Theurgy's CO would not come to him for his thoughts and opinions on the matter. He had little doubt that anything Ives had been keeping about Sarresh from Alana was going to go out the nearest airlock.

Re: Day 16 [1316 hrs.] The Aegis Hearing | Tempus Sigillum

Reply #23
[Ens. Irnashall “Shall” ch’Xinya | Interrogation | Aegis Holding Cell | Undisclosed Location | Qo'noS (?)] attn: @ob2lander961 @Brutus @Pierce

The pilot’s reaction was the last thing Shall expected to see today, and that was saying something considering that he’d been sonically attacked, kidnapped, interrogated, and now treated like a time-traveling villain by people who clearly had no idea what was actually going on.  His antenna continued to writhe around, matching the deepening look of confusion on his face, even when their captors finally relented to release the gathered Starfleeters and he gathered together for the beam out.  That’s when the explosion happened, and Via got his full attention once more.  Arms no longer crossed, blue hands balled up into fists at his side, the Andorian’s blood already starting to rise, and when she stepped forward he braced himself for the assault.

The results of the transporter’s timing saved Shall from having to strike a fellow officer, and her flop onto her behind felt even more satisfying.  He gave her a smile in return, though he managed not to laugh out loud.  The pilot didn’t exactly deflate, but at least she knew she’d been defeated (for now) and stormed out, giving him one final gesture with each pink hand as she left.  She does have a nice backside at least… the chan quipped to himself.  Pierce had already gone, leaving him alone with Morali, an idea that dampened his mood quickly.  Amazingly the man turned out to be firmly on Shall’s side, if at least on a professional level.  The admonition to stay out of the pilot’s way was answered with a knowing nod, and he made a mental note to not request any probes that can’t be launched out of a typical torpedo tube for a while.  He could just imagine the chaos that would ensue if Tac-CONN got assigned his request and it landed in her lap….

“Mmmm…I might have to join you in that.  A water shower sounds perfect right about now…”  It was only after he said it that Shall realized his phrasing and his pale blue skin blanched nearly to a perfect white.  “I mean, take one of my own.  In my quarters.  Alone…”  Somehow he managed not to dig himself in any deeper, and as Sarresh left Shall just wondered what look the pseudo-human had on his face as he left.  The transporter chief just stood there, eyebrow raised and Shall sighed in resignation.

“Not a good day…” he muttered on his way out, and he could hear the chief’s laughter right before the doors finished closing.


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