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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 378553 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2325
Belated welcome, Top Hat! Hope you enjoy yourself here!  (L)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2329
Hey everyone a bit of an update for everything going on in my life at the moment.

As I said in the discord, I broke a tooth and had to spend last night at the hospital, i'm about to go to a dentist appointment for an emergency bridging or extraction in about 20. Which is why i haven't posted today despite it being my one and only day off for the next five days.

I am also about to start a second job yay, that isn't paying me, boo, but is giving me three credits of universty, yay, which also means a lot of extra work "can i go home now?"

the short answer is no. I can not go home now.

This has hit my wallet pretty hard, and it's also about to hit my personal time.

For the next three months past september 12th, I will be working every single day.

Which means if you thought I could be slow to post before oooh boy you haven't seen anything yet. Sadly I can't get a meseeks to do all of this for me, so I am going to be at a snails pace just trying my best to catch up.

Which means my focus will be on plot important threads, such as putting her back to gether, and the away mission when i have a chance to post those will be my top priorities. After that if i'm all caught up on those then i can move onto my more character directed threads.

Anyway just wanted too keep you all in the loop.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2330
Okay so since we're getting close to the point where Daniel will have to give out orders to the other two pilots, @Josie and @Doc M. my question to the two of you is where would you like your characters to be?  On the moon with the away team, in space flying patrol with Daniel, somewhere else?
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2331
Okay so since we're getting close to the point where Daniel will have to give out orders to the other two pilots, @Josie and @Doc M. my question to the two of you is where would you like your characters to be?  On the moon with the away team, in space flying patrol with Daniel, somewhere else?

*nudge nudge* Here is a thread where we can discuss the Sabine mission.,2144.0.html

No worries though! :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2332

Here we go:

Story Workshop

Read up and pitch your plot ideas!


Instead of separating the Stasis and Available Characters pages on the wiki, and in the interest of clarity, I have put all characters - in stasis or not - that are available for inheritance on the same page. This should make more sense to new and old members who are interested in knowing which characters are available for inheritance.

You may notice that a few of those listed on the stasis page are not available, and that's because of varying reasons. One, for example, is how Searcher - an Inactive Theurgist - asked that her characters weren't inherited by someone else, and thus, Eve Jenkins is not available.

Here is the link: Available Characters

If you are interested in either of these characters, and don't have too many already, make sure to PM me. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2333

Please welcome our 30th member, namely Aeolus. He joins the story with the Betazoid Tamren Jhenal, a civilian Diplomatic Attaché that helped negotiate with all kinds of aliens during the USS Resolve's voyage.

Tamren Jhenal                 Diplomatic Attaché   

  - Played by Aeolus

While declared Persona Non Grata by the High Court of Betazed for being a Dominion collaborator, Tamren was forbidden from setting foot on his homeworld or any of its colonies. His right of inheritance to any sacred artifacts or ancestral lands were stripped as well. He was, however, granted permission to use his hereditary titles, which aided him in his services to the Federation. This, before he - in the hopes of reuniting with his husband - requested passage on the Resolve, only to find himself three years separated from him instead.

During the Battle of Starbase 84, his bad luck persisted, as he wasn't just made a traitor to the Federation as well, but he also sustained cranial trauma while evacuating to the Theurgy. Hopefully, when he wakes up in Sickbay, he'll remember the people around him.

Welcome aboard, Aeouls!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2334
Welcome aboard, @Aeolus ! As a fellow betazoid player, this should be veeeeery interesting!!

Tamren has a hell of a sense of style :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2335
Welcome, welcome, @Aeolus to our growing family! I must also commend Tamren on his style and can't wait for Derik and/or Sera to meet/reconnect with him.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2338
Hey all!  Thank you SO much for the warm greetings!  I can all ready tell this is a very welcoming game.  I look forward to roleplaying with you all!

Special thanks to @Mathis and @Hastata-Nerada for letting me include Derik Veradin and Morgan Song in my character's backstory.  And @Auctor Lucan, you truly blew me out of the water with your photomanips!

@Brutus and @Nolan: you two have a great cadre of characters.  I can't wait to interact with them!

Thank you again, guys!
"I am Scion of the Ninth House, Warden of the Sacred Way, and Keeper of the Divine Scepter of Betazed...who are you?"
- - - Ambassador Tamren Jhenal, Diplomatic Attaché [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2340
I'd like to apologize to everyone who I owe posts to, I've been under a lot of stress lately thanks to some bad happenings in my life lately. So it;s been kind of messing me up lately and that's why I haven't been posting much. Writers block and all that.

So yeah, sorry again about all that.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2341
Drool alert.


Welcome to our family! Hope you have a ton of fun and a jolly good time! (L)

Do join us on Discord chats when you can. You can meet most of us in real time there! :D

Again, welcome! Live long and Prosper!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2343
Welcome around mate, certainly seems like an interesting character you have there.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2344
Thank you, @steelphoenix, @Triage, @TrexelCat, @Jm Von Cat for the welcome!  And I have to say, Triage, I was a fraction of an inch going to make my character the ambassador to Miraposa colony.  When I saw Sinead was Bringloidi, I cracked up!

Do join us on Discord chats when you can. You can meet most of us in real time there! :D

Except me. I'm transmitting from eight thousand years in your future. But, yeah. Welcome!

Psssssst!  What are next week's lottery numbers?  We can totally split it!  90/10 split!   (laugh)
"I am Scion of the Ninth House, Warden of the Sacred Way, and Keeper of the Divine Scepter of Betazed...who are you?"
- - - Ambassador Tamren Jhenal, Diplomatic Attaché [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2345
Welcome, @Aeolus! Guess that makes me the second newest. :) I loved reading Tamren's bio; looking forward to seeing him about the ship!
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Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2346
YAAAASSSSS  Another new member!!  Welcome welcome @Aeolus !!  Your Betazed is quite stunning, especially in those remarkable robes!  Love the character concept!  I look forward to posting alongside you, and I hope to see you around Discord as well, at your leisure of course.

And dear @Hastata-Nerada , don't worry about us.  We will all eagerly await whatever tasty nibbles of posts you are able to feed to us, whenever you are able to write them.  I hope things in your life settle down soon though. Living with stress and hard/bad times takes a toll on your body as well as your mind.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2347
Welcome aboard @Aeolus~ Cool character! If he needs a Head shrink or a Plant-Based Doc, you know who to call. Or if he get's stuck in sickbay and wants to hang out with a poor confused half-bahoran that too.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2348
@Aeolus, if you like, Sinead will be up and available for threads. I'm sure he'll have fun talking to her. (L)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2349
Thank you, @Top Hat!  Your character profile was excellent also!  My first post will probably been in Defrosting, so keep a biobed open for me!   :)

Thanks @Even Angels Cry!  It's like, "move aside, Lwaxana, there's a new fashionable Betazoid in town." Lol.  And I'll have to look up Discord.  It's a chat group for gamers, yes?  I'm not that tech-savy.  Hench the diplomat characters.

@Absinthe and @Triage, I'll PM you two to see what we can arrange for a posting!
"I am Scion of the Ninth House, Warden of the Sacred Way, and Keeper of the Divine Scepter of Betazed...who are you?"
- - - Ambassador Tamren Jhenal, Diplomatic Attaché [Show/Hide]

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