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Topic: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ] (Read 28819 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #50
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Main Bridge | Deck 1 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy]
Was all of this really happening? The thought rang in Derik’s mind as he was having all too familiar feelings about this situation and how similar it felt to The Resolve’s last day. He was busily fumbling with isolinear chips under his console. He’d made it halfway through rigging up a functional, if not terribly great, transition for his console to manual control when the computers had gone down, which he was now frantically trying to undo. He could hear everyone around him doing just as frantic actions as the ship was in chaos. The Captain had disappeared along with some other crew he’d heard, and he was trying not to look at the gigantic ship that almost gave him vertigo from just looking at it.

Moments after clearing out the last fix, he slammed the access port shut and tapped experimentally on the console. After an eternity or two, the screen came to life and his normal, now custom layout appeared again on his console. He let out a deep breath he wasn’t aware he’d been holding and quickly corrected a minor drift the vessel had begun during the shutdown. ”Helm control reestablished, full maneuverability at our disposal,” Derik reported to… Commander Trent he realized. He hadn’t grown totally accustomed to either one yet in the three days they’d been here, but he was glad the Commander was still with them. He had struck Derik as very no-nonsense and extremely capable.

Now that he had a moment to breathe, Derik tried to remember what he had read in the giant pile of information and PADDs he’d been given upon becoming the Acting Chief CONN Officer about the ‘Continuance Protocol. He didn’t remember all the details, but he managed to remember his department’s role. He tagged a comm device on his console so as to be heard above the din of the bridge. “Veradin to Thorne and Marika. Continuance protocol has been established. Report in when you are ready at your assigned battle bridge station.” The three of them would directly pilot a Vector of Thea during the protocol, rather than Derik piloting all three with assistance from Thea’s AI as was typical.

After looking quickly over the returning shuttlecraft seeing almost all of them back already, he cracked his knuckles and readied his hands over the controls, forcing himself to stare down the massive ship out in front of them and steeled himself. He was ready.

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #51
[ Lt. JG A'vura Zeshryr | Conference Lounge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix, @Nolan, @chXinya, @Top Hat, @Brutus, @Doc M., @FollowTomorrow, @Triton, @DocReno, @CanadianVet, @Hastata-Nerada & @Auctor Lucan
“Wh-what?” said A'vura, when Faye began guiding her aside, and she recovered enough to answer, “Oh...Deacon, he's a Kzinti, runs the Below Decks Loung-ah!” She lost her balance when the ship lurched and both she and the Betazoid toppled over for a moment. “What the hell was that???”

She struggled to regain her footing, and followed up with another question, “What is going on? Is the Asurians attacking?”

She didn't have a chance to get an answer when Natalie Stark was barking for her, and the Orion jumped, “Y-yes sir? Oh, right, on my way.” She quickly moved to join the woman by her side. “What do you need?” She pushed aside her concern for the Kzinti for the time being, and did her best to focus on the task at hand. Though she would need and appreciate a little heads up on what was going on presently.

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #52
[ Cmdr Carrigan Trent | Main Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]

Continuance Protocol.

When he had been appointed Executive Officer, Trent had been briefed on it.  While a synopsis was available for wide consumption across ship, the actual specifics were kept on a rather strict need-to-know basis, with much of it kept on a handful of PADDs that were deliberately set to never transmit to any of the ship's computers, only to receive.  And the security measures behind those protocols were of such an extent that one might consider them to be pure paranoia.  But given the enemy at hand?  And how Theurgy's main computer had been so easily compromised?  They made perfect sense. 

And the order from Captain Ives, given while the computers were non-functional, was one Trent had no chance to acknowledge before his commanding officer was taken.  But it did not mean he would not step up.  He did not remove his headset as he walked to the central chair and as he sat down, he looked about himself.  There was a security situation in Sickbay he did not know the status of, and scattered reports of boarders had come in through the emergency, computer-independent communications channels.  And if power could not be restored, death was nearly a certainty. 

But, on the bright side, the Sabine had returned and a voice he did not recognize came onto the channel, presuming to inform him of his options.   And that was something the XO stepped on aggressively, giving his own directions for the Sabine to make for the upper shuttlebay with all haste while making it clear of what the chain of command entailed.  And there had been another message coming from the smaller vessel, but it came in at the same time as the Savi's cyber-attack, and all that had come through was the vicious hiss of subspace background noise. 

But then, panels reinitialized and lights, formerly fitfully flickering, turned back on before settling back down to the dim but eye-saving levels of Red Alert and the computer came back online. As did power generation, the shields, weapons, propulsion, control.  Theurgy, though in no shape to get into a serious engagement, let alone one against that monstrosity of a Savi vessel, was back in the fight.  And that was when, even as various status reports came in, Trent started calling out his orders.

And the first was to enact Jien Ives' last command.  "Computer, initiate Continuance Protocols, authorization Trent Three Seven Four Nine Epsilon."  And the response that came through the speakers was, indeed, and affirmative and the call to prepare for multiple site to site transports; the voice had been Thea's, but it was empty, soulless; the AI was offline.  Which now would become a part in controlling the ship.  Theurgy had astounding computer support to begin with, and it made operating her much easier than most older starships; but with Thea and her sentient matrix?  She was even more effective as a number of minor processes that would need the much slower input of operators or rely on codes and algorithms that might not be the most optimal.  And that would play a factor in the immediate future. 

Trent knew it would take some time for the other Vectors to fully come under autonomous control under their respective bridge crews, so instead he would have to rely on the unified links between the vectors.  "Helmsman, put all Vectors in mutual support defensive posture.  Tactical, use of phasers is authorized.  Bring up full point-defence, phaser banks to fighter defence, maximum rate, perimeter defence fire, stand by quantum torpedoes but hold fire unless ordered to do so.  All non-essential personnel, evacuate, seal and decompress any non-critical outer section, prepare for hull breaches." 

The orders were coming out rapidly, each of them clear and concise as Commander Carrigan Trent was establishing control over the situation.  And with the immediate matters taken care of, he considered what he had heard from Lieutenant Tovarek, regarding the drones.  "Upper Shuttlebay, launch all remaining drones; program for warp velocity kinetic impacts with the after sections of the Savi vessel.  Yeoman Henshaw, order all fighters to provide protection to the drones until they engage."

Would such an action be enough to cripple the Savi vessel's propulsion?  Or would it be so much it would vaporize it along with everyone they had already taken?  That was, unfortunately, not something the XO could worry about just then.  With the vectors limited to no faster than Warp 3, he could not afford to worry about being overtaken in pursuit.  Which led to his next decision. 

Normally, he would have left the whole process to Tactical, but there were specifics he had no time to verbally communicate.  So instead his well-trained fingers sent Lieutenant Commander Marquez the coordinates of a broad zone in empty space between Theurgy beleaguered  Vectors and the Savi vessel.  At Warp 3, the Vectors would be easy to follow via their warp trails.  That is unless one could cause sufficient ripples in subspace itself to mask their warp trails and temporarily blind their sensors. And the combined energy release of several thousand microtorpedoes detonating in unison, or at least very close succession, would be plenty for the purpose.  "Lieutenant Commander Marquez, I want a fire plan for simultaneous saturation detonation of the payload of our entire pod supply in the designated area.  Launch all pods when ready, and release final trigger control to my console."  Almost any other engagement, he would not have called for direct control of the firing command; but he knew that for his plan to work to its greatest effect, timing would have to be near simultaneous for the detonation of the torpedoes and the Vectors going to warp; and since he could only say one thing at a time, and could not manage helm control for three independent Vectors at the same time, it made the choice a very simple one indeed. 

By now, all battle bridges were bound to be manned and ready, so Trent addressed them, even though his plan was just in its early stages and the total, irreplaceable, supply of pods had yet to be deployed.  "All Vector commanders, this is Commander Trent.  You are to set a random escape vector and will engage at your best speed on my mark.  You all know what you need to do.  Godspeed to all of you, and I'll see you at the rendezvous"

Trent's voice was heavy with meaning.  Every vector commander would have access to the secure PADD that would give them the rendezvous coordinates and their timetables.  And he trusted Natalie Stark and Wenn Cinn to know what needed to be done to get there in one piece and in as good a shape as they could be.   And now, it was time to wait.  Wait for the pods to be launched and orientated; wait for the drones to strike.  And try to last long enough to make it all happen.

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #53
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | SS Sabine NX-59846 | Docked with Goldeneye's AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie ]
What in the fiery sands was going on? Helplessly, Sera couldn't do anything when the Sabine became the victim of some kind of computer attack - locking her out of the controls. Mariner was shouting, saying both Heather and Hi'Jak had been beamed out of her ship. The only advantageous development had been that the El-Aurian had managed to prepare the transport of the crystals before the Sabine had gone haywire, and that the Theurgy officers had managed to beam out the three containers to its warp cores. Sera could hardly credit the ramifications of what Lieutenant ch'Rayya had told them yet, but whoever the Savi were, they were definitely not hiding their heads in the sand.

"They can't hear you, Mariner," she told the male Human aboard, also knowing that they couldn't hear a word of any incoming transmissions either. She glanced towards Bremmer, seeing her gear up in the flickering light, and then towards Zy Natauna. "Let's just hope Lance doesn't..."

She hadn't finished the sentence when they heard the Valkyrie's mag-locks detaching from the crippled Sabine's hull, leaving them to travel by high velocity inertia into the evolving battle. Sera could but stare - mouth agape - as she saw both Havenborn and Lance through the viewport, and how they throttled up their fighters to join the other Lone Wolves. Then, the Sabine began to tumble forward, building momentum.

"Blasted.... bloody... ashes," she swore, and then pulled herself together, turned her yellow eyes to the helm controls again. Desperately, she tried to reclaim access. At least radiation shields, life support, gravity and inertial dampeners were left online, but the ship was a brick hurled towards the Theurgy, and Sera could see Savi fighters crossing the space between them and Vector 01. "Everybody, strap in!"

The battle evolved outside the cockpit in flashes, seen for moments at the time while the Sabine vaulted towards the Theurgy's top hull. The Lone Wolves were suffering losses, merely protected against radiation, while the Savi fighters seemed to have both numbers and functioning shields on their side. One of them took an interest in the Sabine, it seemed...

...since two aquamarine beams speared the ship - shooting straight through the hull as if she was made of tissue paper.

The decompression began instantaneously. The structural integrity field was offline, and Sera screamed over the noise when the atmosphere was being vented through the puncture-wounds the Savi made on the Sabine's main fuselage. The two beams had gone straight through the transporter alcove and the workstation, along with the aft compartment - four holes in total venting atmo and putting the plating around the holes under great duress. Strapped to her seat, Sera was hammering her fingers on the LCARS controls, which remained unresponsive - any kind of access denied. She couldn't even scream for the crew aboard the Sabine to get to the escape pods, since all sound was lost to the deafening depressurisation. Even worse, if they unfastened themselves, they might get mauled through the holes and vented like minced meat along with the atmo.

This is it, Sera thought in a lucid moment, I'm lost in the storm...

No air left. She could feel the lethal embrace of space reaching inside the Sabine. Desperately trying to breathe... she found... that she could actually move again. She blinked with blood-shot eyes, feeling it. The on-board Starfleet computer confirmed it.

[Life support systems online. Atmospheric pressure restored. Oxygen levels rising. 5 %. 15 %. 30 %....]

Sera made an ugly noise as she sucked her first breath down, and blinked at the blurry LCARS displays around her. They looked normal. Even the lights were restored in the aft compartments. A quick look confirmed that the SIF had sealed the hull breaches. As quickly as she could, she accessed helm control and powered up the main impulse engine. She even activated the guidance thrusters to try and level out their trajectory.

[Warning. Collision imminent.]

Sera saw the Theurgy's hull filling the whole viewport ahead of her, and she didn't even have the breath to swear as she tried to change course. Within a hand's breath, she avoided colliding with Vector 01, and skirted along the plating towards the Upper Shuttle Bay, hands trembling at the controls. "T-This is the Sabine, d-docking now."

As they passed through the shuttle bay doors, Sera could see the deck crew preparing unmanned drone ships for launch. The deck crew waved at her to get out of the way, and she turned her ship to set it down on the starboard side. Before her landing gears touched the deck, the first drones were out through the bay doors, and more were on the way - operated by a team of CONN Officers holding PADDs, all of them hastily scrambled for the deployment.

There was a voice from the suits of the two Security officers. [Ensign Mariner. Petty Officer Bremmer. This is Ensign McArthur, come in. We have Asurian boarders on all three Vectors. You are being deployed to intercept. State your readiness and prepare for transport. The Fighter Assault Bay compromised.]

Sera looked to Zy in the seat next to her, mouth dry and yet having recovered from the close brush with death. "Welcome aboard the Theurgy," she said with a dry chuckle, but then, she looked towards the aft workstation and the transporter aboard, both destroyed.

So much for the Andorian Deputy, she thought, realising that they had kept her in the transporter buffer all the way from the Coreless Moon in vain.

SS Sabine PO: 1) @Blue Zephyr 2) @Triton 3) @CanadianVet 4) @Auctor Lucan (Final Post)
V1 Helmet Bridge PO: 1) @Triton 2) @Mathis 3) @Triage 4) @Auctor Lucan (Dewitt & Drones) 5) @CanadianVet (Final post)
V2 Sword Bridge PO: 1) @Even Angels Cry 2) @DocReno 3) @Top Hat 4) @Nolan 5) @chXinya (Final post)
V3 Stallion Bridge PO: 1) @Doc M. 2) @StarDuster 3) @FollowTomorrow 4) @Brutus (Final post)

Continuance Protocol:

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #54
[ Lieutenant Junior Grade Yvette Conway | Vector 03 Battle Bridge | Deck 11 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]  Atten. @StarDuster@FollowTomorrow, @Brutus, @Even Angels Cry 2) @DocReno 3) @Top Hat 4) @Nolan 5) @chXinya.

The inertial compensators struggled to stabilize the Stallion as it rocked under enemy weapons fire forcing the officers on the Vector 03 battle bridge to hold onto their consoles to avoid being knocked from their seats.  From her post at the Ops station, Lieutenant (junior grade) Yvette Conway glanced around the Vector 03 battle bridge in time to see a number of officers beaming in and a few officers beaming out including Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt who had been thrown from the captain’s chair and Lieutenant (junior grade) Morwen Angharad, who had beamed away from her science station to join her on the main bridge in Vector One AKA the Helmet.  Replacing Dewitt and standing half a meter in front of the command chair was Lieutenant Commander Natalie Stark, whose youthful countenance and quirky personality concealed a creative drive and whip smart intellect necessary for command.  Less than half a meter to her right was a young Cardassian named Zelosa Ejek, who if memory served was the new assistant counselor recently recovered from the Resolve.  Lieutenant Masuda Yukimura, Jennifer Dewitt’s XO from Black Opal beamed in to take over Tactical, Tarsi sh'Zhan no longer at the station. Appearing half a meter behind the Science station was Ensign Cir'Cie.  Appearing a half a meter behind the Conn station to Conway’s right was the short and bubbly Master Chief Petty Officer Mala Kariko who took over for Senior Chief Petty Officer Verguy Cam from Tactical who had only been filling in anyway.

“The conn is yours, Master Chief,” the grizzled Verguy Cam said to his shorter superior as he got up from the comm station to head for the phaser room.

The buxom Bajorian’s reply was drowned out by a call from Engineering:

[ O’Connell to bridge; we took a bad hit out there but we just got some fresh dilithium beamed in to us and should have warp power fur yuh in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.  Our number three shield is down, but we’ve got full computin’ power fur— ]

At this point the sounds of particle beam weapons were heard.  The battlecry of [ For Asuria! ] was audible in the background was the sounds of energy weapons, screams, and explosions.

[ Intruder alert! ] O’Connell’s voice cried.  [ We got intruders in Main Engineerin’!  They look lahk saytrs, an’ they’re firin’ at everybody in sight!  Git help over hare as quick as yer able! ]

[ William Robert O’Connell | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | USS Theurgy ] 

Who were these goat people?  Why where they attacking?  And right now, who the hell cared?

Master Chief William Robert O’Connell was thankful that Dewitt had given permission to arm his people in Main Engineering for sure enough a boarding party had beamed in and was firing at everybody who couldn’t get out of the way.  He was even gladder that he had requested the presence of a security team to stand by in case of trouble.  He had even put on the straps and belt that was the Subspace Armor Field Tactical Integration (SAFTI) gear that he had worn on the suicide mission to Starbase 84 two days ago.  It was a device that he and the late Calvin Reagar had invented that utilized subspace harmonics to generate a personal force field.  Currently, the rig was capable of protecting a standard sized person for over ten minutes from weak attacks like physical blows or slow moving projectiles.  It could resist shots from phasers, disruptors, and other particle beam weapons for one fifth of the time assuming the weapon was fired at standard settings.  A beam that could disintegrate a human could get through in seconds.  Just enough time to kill the other guy back.

“Murderous varmits!” O’Connell shouted as he activated his SAFTI gear and fired his phaser pistol at the intruders.  “We were ready this time!  Everybody git down!” he hollered in warning to his engineers who at that moment were taking what cover they could.

With that, the door to the storeroom the storeroom just starboard of the warp core hissed open to reveal Chief Petty Officer Amlas Keyah, the deadliest security specialist from Bolarus IX who peed sitting down and veteran of the Starbase 84 mission.  She and her team were armed with phaser rifles, and just like Chief Keyah her sidekick Petty Officer First Class Jean Paul Rivard was also wearing his SAFTI gear that was his souvenir from the Starbase 84 mission.

Keyah and her team didn’t ask for quarter and they didn’t take prisoners.  As far as she was concerned, they could get find out who these people were by conducting autopsies.

[ Lieutenant Junior Grade Yvette Conway | Vector 03 Battle Bridge | Deck 11 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] 

On the bridge the officers could hear rapid fire phaser discharges and several screams.  Finally the shots ceased and they heard a weary Master Chief O’Connell report:

[ O’Connell to bridge; Main Engineerin’, Ah say Main Engineerin’ haz bin secured.  We’re a gonna contact th’ Battle Sickbay on Deck Fifteen raight now.  O’Connell out. ]

“It never rains,” Junior Lieutenant Yvette Conway grumbled.

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #55
[ Lt. Cmdr Leon "Striker" Marquez & ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Main Bridge on the USS Theurgy & the Sabine ]
Attn: @Nolan,@Triage, @chXinya, @Top Hat, @Brutus, @Doc M., @FollowTomorrow, @Triton, @DocReno, @CanadianVet, @Hastata-Nerada & @Auctor Lucan
[ Main Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]

"And may your deities help us all." Leon's own words resounded in his subconsciousness, and felt his words paid off when the Sabine returned to sensor range, and entered the holoterminal's battlespace. Gracias a dios, he thought privately, but merely acknowledged Keval's relay of current events to the shuttlecraft. The CTO didn't focus on one craft, rather, on the two wolves that soon broke off their escort to engage the fight, led by 'Salvo' Havenborn, as the other fighter, 'Goldeneye' Lance eventually undocked its payload and sent in on a path to dock. The vessel would still be vulnerable on its ride in.

Tactical, use of phasers is authorized.  Bring up full point-defence, phaser banks to fighter defence, maximum rate, perimeter defence fire, stand by quantum torpedoes but hold fire unless ordered to do so.

"Aye sir, engaging." It was thus when Commander--Captain Trent issued his orders. Leon's face contorted as he executed them with an almost impassioned vengeance that he operated them. The entirety of Theurgy's arsenal arose to his console after a few heartbeats of 60+ wpm keystrokes; Marquez had previously prepared this command just before Thea went offline back when first contact with the enemy juggernaut was made. Thus far the commands had been pre-emptive until the word had been given. The tactical display highlighted blue icons for the Wolves, indicative red blips for the enemy fighters. Cyan icons indicated Wolves' fighters in distress while green indicated the shuttles making their collective rounds. Phaser and... enemy weapon beams were indicated in blue-and-red vectors respectively.

[ SS Sabine NX-59846 | En Route to Theurgy Hangar Bay ]

Aboard Sabine, Jimmy winced at the suddenly empty state of the shuttle's compliment; He dared not react emotionally this close to home, when anything could have happened. It was a relief to know that by seeing the Dilithium crystals leave the vessel hull, he was in the cherished status of an accomplished mission, the attitude didn't last. Heather was gone, Ida was in limbo, but on the afterlife avenue, and the rat was still one step (for his sake Jimmy only hoped) away from judgement. But right now, there was no sense worrying about a tarantula when a Kraken was in play, and the bloody thing had been guzzling away members of his responsibility, and from what the streetwise Australian gathered, had been engaging his mothership's compliment of fighters to say nothing of its enemy's potential in threatening Theurgy itself.

Aboard the damaged shuttlecraft, the Australian Security officer felt like a tourist observing a dropbear in a tree, Jimmy couldn't help but do anything beyond observe the battlespace itself from the shuttle with anxiety; most he could do was collect and secure the disruptors and ensure that the exo-security armors were secured.  Mariner never left anyone behind if he could help it, nor was he the type to ever surrender or betray his crew. He wasn't stupid enough to back-seat drive against Sera. It wasn't until the joint-craft began to show signs of a rough ride that Jimmy made his way to his station-- as a passenger.  Jimmy made sure his helmet was secured and ready to withstand any immenent impact. The seat was bitterly lonely without Heather nearby to joke into a sense of security.

Jimmy was barely buckled in when he spotted their mothership in sight along with both Havenborn's fighter and Lt. Lance's craft break formation and engage whatever bogeys that infernal craft had summoned to make their lives miserable. Jimmy only hoped Meony was out there... almost as much as he wished that girl wasn't risking her life without a good reason. Crazy girl. He winced at hers, Dan's and others' lives put at stake against such odds. His timing could not have been more impeccable: One instant later, a thunderous blast perforated the craft. "Jayzus-Bloody--- before Jimmy could finish his expletive, their craft suffered a second direct hit. He gritted his teeth and held on to the first secure grip he could get his hand on.

Jimmy shut his eyes as the effects of decompression rattled the Sabine. The ship rocked uncontrollably, like an ant riding the boomerang from hell; Mariner was glad he had the foresight to have patched and reequipped his helmet, and the HUD's readouts framed in reds and oranges warning of shipwide catastrophe, with a small readout of the Sabine's systems. Jimmy opened one eye and risked a look at the warnings. It was here where he noticed the full extent of the damages. The weapons fire had past so fast, he didn't know what hit them. Jimmy soon realized that if the shuttle were more populated, there would have been at least one fatality. The systems came back online as soon as the computer's voice. "Everyone allright?! Anyone else check out? Bremmer? Sera? Zy?" Jimmy asked around, looking from Sera in the cockpit to their new aft window and the portal where the transporter pad used to be.

"NO-O!" Mariner clenched his fists roared in anguish when he noticed the transporter pad had been wiped out. Lt zh'Wann was not only his CO but also a comrade-in-arms. Losing McMillan, his responsibility, and the fact that the girl was a friend had been immediately embittering was bad enough when she was kidnapped. But Ida's now irredeemable death was enough to make this personal. Mariner was no Klingon, but even Jimmy considered that a dishonorable death. Soon, almost immediately, he pulled himself together acknowledging Ida's apparent death by transporter dissimilation. He only hoped his revenge against this had been the Klingon he killed earlier in fair and due combat; his injury had somewhat healed. Like his dad had told him once when he was bitten by a Bajoran diamondback, 'Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.' Despite the triage Heather had helped him with, rage had done more.

A report from a fellow Security Ensign came in, snapping Jimmy back to his senses as a soldier, [Ensign Mariner. Petty Officer Bremmer. This is Ensign McArthur, come in.]

Panting, Mariner pinged in response: ""This is Mariner: Rudger<Rodger> and received, Mac. We've taken losses, but we're alive." Jimmy reported at once as the shuttlecraft rocked and bumped like an off-rails roller coaster, but his tone echoed through the uncomfortably-less populated shuttlepod's hull, he regarded it as he acknowledged his duty, listening in on the status report.

[We have Asurian boarders on all three Vectors. You are being deployed to intercept. State your readiness and prepare for transport. The Fighter Assault Bay is compromised.]

Some things could wait, others couldn't. Jimmy vehemently insisted on relaying potentially strategy-affecting information. In the event his prior warnings hadn't gone through as Sera claimed, Jimmy insisted on relaying his report. "We're on final approach, combat effective in one minute. Inform Commander Wenn: Deputy zh'Wann was KIA. Warrant McMillan abducted.  Hi'Jak a traitor-- repeat, turned traitor, his actions resulted in a Klingon ambush that splashed our CO. His status is MIA, presumed abducted along with WO McMillan. Also, be advised: we recruited an asset, designate El-Aurian female Zyrao Natauna as a friendly." He waited for a confirmation, then addressed the status of the boarding parties, making note of their approach to Vector 01.

[Acknowledged, Ensign. Transport to the Fighter Assault Bay will commence once you've touched down.]

Once the craft landed, Jimmy unharnessed himself, gave Sera a thumbs-up as he took careful steps to the arms locker, which miraculously survived the engagement, relying on his magnetic boots. Not about to keep the people in danger in the fighter bay any longer than he had to, he distributed the weapons to himself and Bremmer while contacting McArthur again. "We're combat-ready, Mac. We're almost out of phaser 'ammo' but we are in possession of acquisitioned Klingon disruptor. If the Hornies are killable, then they'd best open a channel to their deities of choice, because the Federation's Gods of War have a bone to pick with them." Mariner retorted, he didn't know the enemy's abilities well enough to know if their Leviathan was powerful enough to monitor their transmissions, but he didn't give a damn: His comments were a clear and apparent warning.

[Initiating transponder lock, stand by for site-to-site transport. Courage is fear when it has said its prayers.]

Symbolically, Mariner thankfully patted the Sabine as if it were a loyal steed, and then he and Bremmer were beamed out.

[ Main Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]

"Sabine aboard." Marquez informed Trent, after personally ensuring the phasers and point defense had been enabled, doing their duty in providing a precision-fire umbrella of protection to the squadron; and torpedoes placed on standby, in the time from when the shuttlecraft had been hit to the moment it had entered the vector's bay, the weapons platform had scored multiple hits on Sa'vi fighters.

"Lieutenant Commander Marquez, I want a fire plan for simultaneous saturation detonation of the payload of our entire pod supply in the designated area.  Launch all pods when ready, and release final trigger control to my console."

"Aye, sir. Pods away." Leon made eye contact with the acting captain and nodded supportively; he could personally relate to taking the center seat when needed and got his response with a set of coordinates and addressed him by the title bestowed upon the XO. The holographic battlespace map represented the CTO's execution, with Theurgy's holographic depiction powering up at the phaser arrays. A moment later, Trent's console lit up with the firing solutions and glowing touchscreen. "Firing control to your station."

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #56
[Zyrao Natuana | Sabine | Tumble Time | Wasn't the plan not to die? | Battle makes for Buddies?]
@Nolan @Triage @Auctor Lucan @Top Hat @Brutus @FollowTomorrow @Triton @Doc M. @DocReno @Hastata-Nerada

The three crates were beamed out, just in time, everything was ready.  They were lucky, so far, but Zyrao was not the sort that counted or relied on luck.  Luck was futile and luck.. truthfully .. was non existent.  It was something to blame others for.  Good luck was when you were jealous of those that weren't idiots and things worked out for them.  Bad luck was when shit things happened to you and it was easier to blame someone else than yourself.  She found that was really the only reason that luck was ever mentioned.  She had never truly found proof that any one person had good or bad luck.  It was just something to lay blame.  This was not luck, this was talent.  Talent, intelligence, and sheer determination had gotten them this far.

How much further could it carry them, remained to be seen.

Everything was getting chaotic, Zy was a calm in the center of the maelstrom that roared around her as she watched Sera and Marineer.  The other had gone up to get himself prepped for battle and Zy took his seat next to Sera.  She didn't buckle in or anything just yet, she just watched the console in front of her pulling information for the others.  While Zyrao didn't believe in luck she put a little faith in fate.  And when someone tended to mention it was a good thing something hadn't gone wrong yet.  It usually did. 

Sera added yet another example to her ever growing list of times that had happened.

The ship that had been carrying the Sabine through the battle had let go.  Zy's eyes grew wide, because since the computer was compromsed, they did not have engines of their own. She had no idea what was going to happen now, depending on how he had let go they would either go spinning or they would just be at a dead spot.  It turned out to be the former.  Zy would have rolled her eyes if she wasn't fighting just to stay in her seat.  She quickly grabbed the straps and secured herself in her seat.  It wasn't going to do well if she couldn't help because she was bashing her skull involuntarily into the hull plating of the ship.

They were tumbling.

Zy tried to keep the battle straight in her view.  But she could only get glimpses as they catapulted across space and hoped that they were still heading for the massive Theurgy piece that would allow them to help or .. at the very least live.  I did not betray my own ship and that worthless bastard to die in the vacuum of space.

She watched the view screen hoping that she could at least get a feel for the battle, what they could do.  Though, without the ability to get the ship under control or use the engines they were pretty much as handicapped as possible.  If they were feeling kamikaze they could have set the warp core to melt down and rammed one of the ships.  But, today was decidedly not a good day to die and she would be of little help if she was relegated to floating space dust. 

She hardly had time to realize that there was a ship, some sort of .. ship that she had never seen before suddenly taking interest in them.  That was until the four beam shot through their hull plating as though it was nothing.  She knew that was bad.  Surely there is some kind of secondary life support! she thought looking around, as she could tell the decompression had begun.

Her lungs, already feeling tight.  She struggled for every breath.  Decades... centuries of training, kept her fairly calm and regulated her breathing.  Panicing would only make it worse.  No, this situation called for a calm mind and even calmer lungs.  She took in her breaths slowly even though each one was accompanied by more tightness in her chest than the last.  She couldn't really help, after all she had no way of knowing what anything did.  She was going to have to learn how to read the Starfleet language whatever it was called because she was going to need to figure out just what to do when it was time.  That was her first order of business once she got on the Theurgy.

I have to live first.  I have survived far too many things to die from polka dots in the damn hull. she thought, she would have sighed if she could have, but she didn't have enough air to populate it.  Darkness began to infiltrate the sides of her vision.  She could feel her body tingling, the lack of oxygen.. her lungs craved it, her brain desired it, it was the only thing that she could think of as the deprivation continued to worsen.  Her chest hurt, every breath, every air sack in her lungs screaming for an ounce more.  Anything that she could get. 

And then.. there was more.

It was slight, but it was a slight ease, and a slight bit of relaxation.  It was something that slowly began to dawn on her.  Something had changed, something was different.  It didn't hurt so bad, and the darkness was starting to recede.  She could feel more, the tingling only in her fingers now and leaving the rest of her body.  Slowly it was as if her brain restarted, little by little, kicking back into gear as she finally found herself taking almost a full breath.  Her eyes searched the console in front of herself and Sera before she found that .. it was true.. they had oxygen.  It was coming back.  Every breath, now easier, now better.

Lights flickered back on.  Things were happening, stabilizing.

Not dying today, at least, not yet.

She thought to herself as she sat up more, body bolstered by actual oxygen as she looked around at the console.  Again, incapable of reading it.  She could see the ox-sat levels rising, that was the only thing she could think that the percentages meant.  They were alive, thankfully.  She couldn't read the screen that spoke of the impending collision.  She just saw the red color of danger and figured that it likely wasn't a good thing, whatever it was.  Seconds later they almost collided with some part of a massive ship, the one she could only assume was part of the Theurgy though it must have separated because she recalled the Theurgy being much larger than that.  Zy's hands white knuckled on her arm rests as she tried to keep her body as steady as possible.  While she was belted into place, she could bruise her ribs and body and she would like to minimize that if possible.  Especially since she had a feeling she would be getting a bit more hands on shortly.

“I would say docking is a gross over statement at this point.”  Zyrao said as she watched the woman reach for the controls.

There were drones being dispatched as they slid into the shuttle bay.  She was impressed by the careful maneuvering of the woman considering what they just went through.  She felt her body pushed against the restraints as they lay the ship down.  The landing gear initiated a bit later than necessary but they were all alive at least this point.  A voice in the area told her that the others were being summons and soon it would just be her and the pilot.  Once they weren't moving anymore, both the women just seemed to stare at one another.  Breathing heavily, enjoying the fact that oxygen was once more, a free commodity.  She looked at her and shared a bit of a grin when she welcomed her to the Theurgy.

“I should think the party to follow will be impressive.”

Zyrao unbuckled herself, retraints didn't suit her, and she stood up and turned to survey the damage.  It took a moment for her to realize that the transportation device that she had placed the woman, Ida, in was gone.  She felt for the woman.  They had tried to save her, and yet, she had already been dead.  She would have felt and known nothing.  It was the best death she could have in a situation like this.  Though, she mourned the efforts that they had used and she assumed there was likely a crew member or two that would feel saddened by the woman's loss.  But this was battle, no, this was a war.  A war that was going to take more people before it was over.

They need strategy.

Her eyes flickered to the crying out of the man that had, she supposed, been close to the woman in the buffer.  Anguish evident in the single word uttered from his lips.  He would heal, everyone did, it would leave a mark.. a scar.. but he would live.  Life moved on, the dying died but those living were left with their legacy and the desire to keep life moving forward.  It was highly important to continue on, or progress would never continue.

He reset.

She had to be proud of a man that could compartmentalize.  They were such shit at it in general, it was rare to find one that could multitask when emotions were at hand.  Likely, being busy would help him push the pain to the side and he would be able to move forward for the time being.  Move now; mourn later.  It was the way of life, and it had to be his way today.  She heard her name, and her brow rose as he labeled her a friendly.  Not quite sure that's the descriptor I would have used, however, if it makes those that need assistance at ease, then so be it.  I do not need a phaser in my face today. she thought.

Zyrao watched as the man and the woman beamed out and her eyes shifted back over to Sera who was the only person left with her.  Her eyes sized the woman up and down but she did not seem to be in any need for medical assistance and there was no reason to continue here. 

“I've heard there are alien combatants on all the vectors.” she said having walked over to the console and pressed the communications button that she had used earlier to speak with that annoying asshole that liked to bark orders.  “I would like the information, layout, and locations of the aliens so that I may be of assistance.  Send them so that I may advise.” 

It wasn't a question.

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #57
[Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn | Flag Bridge | Deck 02 | Vector 01| USS Theurgy]

This was bad.  Very bad.  Thea was gone, crewmembers were being abducted, and there were still more of these Savi running around the ship.  Gesturing his two deputies forward to take care of the wounded, Cinn listened in to the reports he called for.  With each one he got his ever-growing frown reached new depths.  Another Savi team had appeared in Main Engineering, but for the moment O’Connell and whoever he was with managed to keep them contained.  The Assault Bay was another matter entirely, it sounded like an active war zone.  Then there was some sort of impact.  Everything pitched around the group, one deputy flopping to the deck while only Cinn’s long experience kept him upright.  Smacking the combadge on his chest, the Bajoran struggled to keep from yelling.  “All security personnel not assigned to secure areas arm up and head to Main Engineering or Fighter Assault Bay to repel boarders.  Set phasers to kill.”  He’ll probably get some heat for that last one, but he was done playing nice.  If these Savi were going to kill, then so was he.

Returning his attention to the small group around him, Cinn was already planning out his next moves.  “Get these two to the Battle Sickbay on Deck 7 then head to Main Engineering.  I’m going straight the…” A new chirp from his combadge interrupted rest of his orders.  Ensign Cir’cie of all people called him directly about some sort of experiment she’s running.  It took him a moment to catch just what it was the Vulcan was saying.  “Understood Ensign, I’ll be there at my first opportunity.”  Closing the channel he turned back to his two deputies.  “Change of plans, we drop these two off then high-tail it to the Hydroponics Lab.  Be ready for anything."

“Don’t worry about us Commander.” Selena piped up, pushing the Coridanite away from her after picking her severed arm off of the floor.  “I’ll get Nator to the Battle Sickbay you make those bastard’s pay.”  The cyborg then tapped her VISOR.  “I got a lot of readings on their weapons, I’ll get that uploaded for the analysts while I’m there.”

Cinn’s mood brightened at that bit of news.  “Excellent!  I’ll keep in touch about that once we’re in the clear.”  Nodding to the door his deputies were heading that way without a word.  “Lets move.”  He only got a few steps down the corridor when a new call came from nowhere: a voice that he wasn’t sure he’d hear from ever again, at least not outside of a face to face fight:

"Dyan Cardamone, Sar-Unga Neleo, reporting for duty. Where do you need me, Commander?”

Dyan was back.  He had no idea what was going through her mind right now, and considering that she’d just abandoned ship a little while ago a part of him wasn’t sure this wasn’t a trick.  Deep down though, he just knew that she’d never knife them in the back like that.  “Sar-unga, Prophets know what you were thinking earlier, but we’ll talk about that later.  Get to the Hydroponics Lab, I’ll meet you there, we’ve got work to do.  Get ahold of Ensign MacArthur on the way, he’ll guide you to anything you need.”

Catching up to his deputies, Cinn started to lead them down the corridor once again, but then a new alert sounded, one that none of them had heard before.  Slowing so that he can call the Bridge his hand was halfway to his chest when the Bajoran disappeared in the sparkling lights of the transporter.

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #58
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Main Bridge | Deck 1 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy]
Breathing in purposeful deep breaths, Derik prepared himself for what he felt coming. Commander Trent had just issued each vector to prep an escape jump to warp, and his was laid in brief seconds after the Commander had said so. Something didn’t feel right about their current engagement, though, and his worries were confirmed as the massive ship began turning, too quickly, towards them. “Sir?” was all he had time to ask before the sensors, and his eyes, noticed the cannons coming to bare, half asking for orders, half reporting the change in the enemy's position.

Without waiting for a response, instinct had Derik taking Vector one into a sharp starboard dive sideways. He knew he couldn’t avoid the blast completely, but he thought maybe he could thread this deadly needle with the Helmet’s unique hull design. He arced the nose of the ship 45 away from the enemy and tried to present one of the empty pieces of the helmet towards the blast.

The light from the massive energy beam filled the display screen and for a moment, Derik wondered if he’d failed and they were all about to be vaporized. After incredibly long seconds, the light faded, and no damage was reported. The beam had passed through just as he’d hoped. He let out a surprised sound of desperate relief that was half laugh and half surprised grunt. He quickly began an evasive pattern and keying up their escape route. “Escape jump ready at your order, Commander.”

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #59
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Main Bridge | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All
When Jennifer Dewitt materialised on the Main Bridge of the Theurgy, she was lying on her side, hands on the deck. Eyes wild yet focused, she looked around, just having left the battle bridge of Vector 03 behind. The Stallion had suffered a massive blast from the Savi ship, and she'd yet to hear the damage report when the Continuance Protocol had been executed. She told herself, as she picked herself up from the deck, that she had to push the fate of the bridge crew she left behind from her thoughts, and keep her wits about her. If she couldn't hold it together, she'd send the wrong message to the junior officers. She just hoped for two things; a hard drink if she made it through the ordeal, and that Natalie Stark would be able to save Stallion.

The intercom on the Main Bridge came to life with the voice of the LMH, of all voices one mightn't expect. [Eve to bridge. We are in danger, great danger. Don't ask how I know this, I just need you to understand that if we stay here, we're dead. I estimate if we stay, there is a ninety-four-point-two percent chance that they will cause irreparable damage to the ship and crew.]

"This is Lieutenant Commander Dewitt... I think you are overstating the obvious, but send any data you have. Bridge out," she said, her green eyes on the holographic tactical display in front of the CONN and Ops stations, by then manned by Mister Veradin and Miss Zeshryr. Neither caught her eye, since her gaze rested on the dire development. The drones were launching from the Helmet's shuttle bay, but the Savi fighters were converging on them, with only the Lone Wolves there to keep them from being destroyed. She frowned, wondering what the plan was, since she wasn't privy to the orders given on the Main Bridge. What she could see, however, was the moment when the alien dreadnought opened fire a second time.

It had swung around half a turn, and gave the three Vectors of the Theurgy a broadside of torpedoes. All the torpedo launchers on its starboard side fired at once, and the automated alerts about the incoming barrage blarred, joined with the tactical sensor readings on the viewscreen. Dewitt mouthed what the sensors said. "Tri-cobalt torpedoes... Thirty-two of them..."

She thought she was seeing the end, yet the Lone Wolves out there were quick, spotting the swarm of rapidly approaching lights. They devoted all the firepower they could to try and hit the high-yield torpedoes mid-flight, all of them barrelling towards the three Vectors. The Wolves were quick, their phasers too, but they were too few. The drones were being shot to pieces by the alien fighters. Dewitt swallowed, mouth dry....

...and then the point-defence system of the Theurgy kicked in, anti-ordinance phaser turrets opening fire against the swarm a couple of seconds before they reached the Vectors. She lifted an arm to ward her eyes from the blinding light of the viewscreen. Close-proximity tri-cobalt detonations made the Vector shake. inertial dampeners struggling to compensate for the shockwave. She ended up on the deck again, all of the bridge crew cast about. It was impossible to tell if they were being hit or not, but Dewitt knew that they had no shields save for the radiation of the Nebula. If one of those torpedoes made it through, their voyage would have come to and end.

Yet as the light on the viewscreen finally dissipated, what Dewitt saw first was not the damage readings, but the sight of the Savi ship in front of them. It was only then she realised what the drones had been meant to do.

A single drone had made it, and executed a jump to warp straight into the aft engine section of the alien dreadnought. While inferior in mass, the collision carved a deep crater in the unknown hull armour, gouged a hole that leaked plasma and debris into the Azure Nebula. The blast bloomed bright, and the momentum displaced the Savi dreadnought.

As she stared, mouth agape, Dewitt picked up on a report made behind her, coming from the Vector's engineering in the voice of Ensign Carla Abner, it was meant for Suq and Morgan, but she heard it clearly. [Replacing the cracked crystals with the ones beamed from the Sabine now. Transferring regulation of the matter and antimatter reaction! No time to run tests... but we can go to maximum warp! I repeat, dilithum crystals installed!]

Dewitt looked towards Carrigan Trent, the acting Captain of Vector 01. She was his Executive Officer for the duration of the protocol, and indefinitely so, if the Theurgy couldn't reintegrate again. They still had to outrun the fighters, which were likely to give chase. "No time for a damage report. Captain... Let's go."

She knew fully well that they had lost crew to these aliens, but there was no time. They were still within weapons range, and they wouldn't be so lucky when that dreadnought opened fire anew.

OOC: No more posting order, just please post as soon as you can, all of you listed below, for your characters and in their new Vectors. Seven day response time starting now for all of you, even if some have had a lot more already. No worries, I know it's because of RL stuff getting in the way, but we need to wrap this Chapter asap, and end the waiting game in this thread. There are new Chapters ahead, and a lot of new members that want to enter the story. So, here goes:
V1 Helmet Bridge, Final Posts:  @Triage @CanadianVet
V2 Sword Bridge, Final Posts: @Even Angels Cry @DocReno @Top Hat @Nolan @chXinya
V3 Stallion Bridge PO: @StarDuster @FollowTomorrow @Brutus

Continuance Protocol:

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #60
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | SS Sabine NX-59846 | Sitting in the Upper Shuttle Bay ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr
At the mention of a party, Sera chuckled, not quite sure the Starfleeters knew how to properly have such a thing.

Sera unbuckled herself too, and switched off the helm systems, powering down the impulse angines and guidance thrusters on the Sabine. Zy was looking at the security officers when they beamed off to the next fight, and Sera realised that Zy had put her life on the line to save the Andorian mission commander, only to see the transporter buffer blown to bits. The workstation in the aft compartment was silent after the security people had finished talking, and Sera switched the comm system off too. Perhaps too quickly, since suddenly, the El-Aurian re-joined Sera in the cockpit, talking about the boarding parties. The woman tired to reach the bridge and the Commander that she'd traded words with before.

Watching the El-Aurian speak, her request for information from the bridge gone unheeded, Sera shook her head. "Comms seems to be off," she said, raising her yellow eyes to the woman next to her in the cockpit, "I didn't give these people too much credit either. All rank and file and no improvisation. Burn them, they think they know it all, but you and I know that's not the case. That being said, I figure that if they could survive the kind of battle they were in when I came aboard, they should be able to pull their uptight arses out of this one t-"

She trailed off as the Vector shook from close-proximity torpedo blasts, as she saw the launched drones through the open bay doors. The unmanned crafts were being picked off, one at the time, by the alien fighters that had shot up the Sabine. Cut to pieces. Sera held her breath, until there was only one of them remaining. For a moment, it looked like it was going to be shot apart as well, but whoever was remote-controlling it managed to power op its small warp nacelles in time, and off it shot - straight into the alien dreadnought ship. One moment, it has been there, and the next, the white-and-black beast out there had been displaced by the impact, with a deep gouge in its aft engine section.

"Woah!" she exclaimed, jumping to her feet. She put her arm around Zy's shoulders in excitement. "Did you see that? Burn me, but you don't see that every day!" She tapped the cockpit glass with her gauntleted hand, still dressed in her red Câroon exosuit, speaking as if to the face of the aliens on the ship. "Blast you, you flaming bastards! You tried to plough the wrong uptight arses!"

Having said as much, she realised she had her arm around Zy, and gave her a lopsided smile. "So, you want to go hunting boarding parties or should we prepare that party?" She realised that the El-Aurian might have more official business to attend to, and that with the loss of the rest of the away team, she had no one to speak for her. She removed her arm, a more serious note to her tone. "Either way... if you want to go talk to the brass aboard later, I'll vouch for you, for what it's worth..."

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #61
[ Lt. JG A'vura Zeshryr | Main Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix, @Nolan, @chXinya, @Top Hat, @Brutus, @Doc M., @FollowTomorrow, @Triton, @DocReno, @CanadianVet, @Hastata-Nerada & @Auctor Lucan
A'vura Zeshryr was not enjoying the day and its entire progress thus far. She still had barely an idea of what all was going on, and now she was in charge of ops for Vector One, while her normal superior, Natalie Stark, was now captain of Vector Three, the Stallion. She heard the sound of a transport and she whirled around, her heart rate already going into unhealthy levels. After what happened with Deacon, she was afraid someone else was going to be abducted, but this time, it was to deposit one of their officers. Seeing as it wasn't another attack, she returned to her original position over the Ops station, monitoring the activity and reports coming in.

She heard the warning about the Tri-cobalt torpedoes coming in, and she didn't even flinch. Back on the Resolve, this was almost every other day. But she fell back into a more familar rhythm of activity. She was the acting chief of ops, then, and she knew more or less what she needed to do. The shockwaves shook the vector, and she held on to her console, her eyes glued to it, as she relayed information where they needed to go, her fingers stubbornly dancing over the stage of the console. There was plenty of damage, much of which had been sustained from the battle at Starbase 84, but nothing that was as of yet a genuine threat that was of bigger concern than that which faced them here, now.

“All systems go,” said A'vura quietly, almost to herself, and she looked up, blinking, as if mildly surprised at herself for speaking. The visage of the massive Savi ship just beyond sent an involuntary shiver down the Orion's spine when she set her eyes on it again, and she brushed her hair back to try and distract herself from her fears and worries. Their fate was in the hands of Captain Trent now, and she thought that it didn't bode well that in the last few days, she'd cycled through three captains...

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #62
[Commander Wenn Cinn | Battle Bridge | Vector 2 | USS Theugy]

As soon as the transporter effect ended and Cinn saw where it had deposited him the unusual klaxon now made sense: the Continuance Protocol was now in effect.  What happened to Jien? the Bajoran wondered to himself, his attention turning the Chair sitting in the middle of the room with unusual nervousness. Now was not the time for such weakness though, his new staff had arrived and were assuming their positions, so it was time for him to do the same.

“Tactical plot on screen.” Cinn ordered ch’Rayya as he took his seat, studying the information for an opening.  The Savi dreadnought dominated the area, its bulk overwhelming everything else combined in sheer size.  Smaller Asuran vessels darted around taking potshots where possible, and even smaller fighters did the same at a faster pace, but several were marked as being under remote control.  Something must’ve happened to their pilots, something else Cinn had to set aside for the time being.  “Ops, keep an eye on the auxiliary craft, let me know the moment they’re all aboard in the Assault Bay.”  Down on the lowest deck of this Vector, those fighters were his concern, and he had no desire to leave anyone behind unless he had no choice.

On the screen new symbols appeared: the Tovarek drones.  Curious as to what they were doing, Cinn watched as they arced around to head straight for the dreadnought.  What could they be doing, those drones wouldn’t make a dent into anything larger than…  That’s when it hit him.  Those drones, now being intercepted in what looked like a panic by the Savi fighters, weren’t on a strafing course, but a ballistic one.  “ch’Rayya, all dorsal phasers on standby, load rear torpedo launchers.  We’ll give them something to remember us by.”  It was possible that their weapons wouldn’t even scratch the advanced alien starship, but it was worth a try.

Multiple torpedos screamed out of the Savi ship but the Theurgy’s point defense systems were more than capable of handling them.  Vector 1 was rocked by a close call, but Vector 2 had nothing.  It was a good thing Cinn still had the tactical plot on the screen a moment later, the way he understood physics the energy shockwave from a warp collision was blinding.  That drone may have been only 2 meters, but at that speed it blew through the Savi’s aft engine array and sent it reeling.

That was it, that was their opening.  “Helm, the moment the last fighter is on board get us out of here, full impulse.  Take us directly underneath that dreadnought.  Tactical, as soon as we pass underneath I want a full phaser barrage into their underside and a full spread of torpedos once we’re past.”

Settling into the Captain’s Chair, Cinn steepled his brown fingers in front of his face.  “Restore visual image.”  He wanted to see this with his own eyes.

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #63
[ Lt JG Nator 159 | Flag Bridge | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]

Security arrived in time to take charge of the suddenly-quiet room. Nator sagged a little on the spot, both unwilling and unable to blame them for their reaction time. It might have felt like an eternity in the moment, but no more than a couple of minutes could have passed between the aliens' announcement and their theft of the computer core; with so much ground to cover and surely more than one boarding party to deal with, s/he was just happy they were there at all.

The taste of copper in the back of hir mouth was becoming distracting, as s/he leaned on the console in front of hir and let hir head sink onto hir chest. The Hermat paid scant attention to the goings-on around hir, as the blood roared in hir ears and s/he found hirself suddenly ravenous. That'll be the injury... at least it's healing.

Nator tried to crane hir neck to see over hir shoulder to inspect the gash, but it was futile. S/he was flexible enough, but there were limits. Ravenholm said something about sickbay, and for once the recalcitrant Ops officer was disinclined to argue about it. The heavy stink of blood in hir nose, despite it being hir own, was waking all sorts of instincts in hir that were clouding hir attention. Instead, s/he pushed hirself upright again and turned mutely for the door, letting the beefy Bajoran jog ahead of hir out of the room before sweeping a tired eye over the holes in Ravenholm's... chassis?

"Are those-"

The rest of hir question was swallowed by the iridescence of a Federation transporter beam.

[ Lt JG Nator 159 | Battle Bridge | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Nator rematerialised in a sitting position in what looked like one of the ship's battle bridges. As hir back hit the upholstery, s/he yelped and hissed in pain before leaning forward off the chair. The blood was already flowing slower from hir wound, but it would be a little longer yet that s/he would have to enjoy a sticky tunic. Looking down, the console before hir was laid out in a standard Ops configuration. What in the three hells...?

"Ops, keep an eye on the auxiliary craft, let me know the moment they're all aboard in the Assault Bay." What aux craft? The voice belonged to the Bajoran from before, and a quick glance back as s/he nodded a confirmation anyway confirmed his build if not his face.

S/he logged into the datanet, and pulled up the transponder tags for their launched ships. Confirming their reported positions with the vector's own sensor returns, the slender blonde found hirself wishing s/he'd gone in for an elective course in flight management at the Academy. Around hir, more orders were issued to the other officers present. For a moment, the sensor return washed out as one of the drones turned itself into a supralight kinetic-kill vehicle, with the positions of their fighters seeming to skip across the panel as the information updated.

"Restore visual image."

Nator tapped an icon at the edge of hir panel, switching the view back from the sanitised plot. The blues and purples of the nebula reasserted themselves, along with the afterglow of the impact on the (fucking colossal) alien ship. Almost absently, s/he started pulling up the simulation results s/he'd run on the Helmet to see if it was worth modifying their structural integrity field to try and handle the ambient radiation so that they could use their shields for their intended purpose again.

"Permission to give up my post once the auxiliaries are aboard, Captain?"

Try as s/he might to ignore it, s/he was starting to feel lightheaded. Probably would be better to get hir injury seen to sooner than later...
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #64
[ Ensign Cameron Henshaw | Main Bridge | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @chXinya , @CanadianVet , @Auctor Lucan , @Top Hat

The series of events stacked up in rapid succession now, point defense and weapons systems were coming to life and began to attack their designated targets while the Tovarek drones were launched and the fighters attempted to cover what they could. Cameron kept an eye on them as the screen was scrambled with hostile contacts and a dwindling number of friendlies. Cameron received an epiphany as she watched the rogue fighters drift into the Azura Nebula. She knew Thea had a subroutine to active auto pilots for the Valkyries, yet with Thea gone, she had to initiate the program herself.

Keeping to her own to not intrude or bother the new XO or Trent she moved her fingers quickly over her console as she muttered softly under her voice "Come on, come on..." With a few bleeps and boops the systems activated, the time to land these fighters would be too long as combat landings were in effect. A procedure an auto pilot could not anticipate to, instead, Cameron altered the code to the auto pilots to jump around the mapped nebula. Creating a false pattern with jumps back and forth before they'd reach the RV of the continuance protocol. Once there, she could reach back out to them to have them land safely without the risk of being chased around. Of course there was a chance that these fighters would get intercepted along the way. Yet it mattered not, they were vital in their fight for survival.

The reprogramming and initiation of these protocols took up most of Cameron's time as she kept her ears to further orders from Trent or Dewitt. Once ready she watched the signals of the adrift fighters disappear before she rallied the new orders to Razor. He himself received the continuance protocol list and would have to deal with it himself if he were to get lost in the battle. A thing the pilot seemed to excel at.

"Co- Captain." she corrected herself "Fighter elements are performing combat landings shortly. If need be they can trace their way back to us. I'll forward the report to Vector two's flag bridge as well." she spoke up before she turned back to her station and focused on her work as the shuttles that had gotten out performed their landings as well in time.

Then, the protocol's Transporter sequence grabbed her, and she was sent to the bridge of the Sword.

[ Lieutenant Simon Tovarek | Battle Bridge | Vector 2 | USS Theugy]

The transport beam took Tovarek fromthe airlock to the battle bridge on V2. He blinked a few times before he got his bearings and he nodded to Cinn as he walked around and inspected the others who were present. Nator seemed to request permission to give up his post and Simon observed hir. The same one who had come to his quarters earlier on for help. Whilst his eyes went over hir he came to a stop behind her "You are relieved lieutenant if you feel yourself to be unable to perform your duties." It was only then that he saw the injury on hir back "Get to Sickbay now." was the new order from Tovarek to hir before he looked at Cinn as he seemed to be determined to fire away at the ship.

In the meantime Tovarek got the reports of the Tri cobalt torpedoes being launched as well as the situation that was stable on Vector 03. "Captain, with respect... Our actions should not be focused on revenge against the ship. We have incoming tri cobalt torpedoes to our position. And the beam weapon aboard that ship tore a hole right through Vector 03. Not to undermine your orders sir, yet I would advise against moving closer to the ship. Our focus should be on retreating and regrouping." he spoke up as it was his duty as a XO to advise the captain against his better judgement.

He waited for his response and hoped the security chief wouldn't take it the wrong way. Yet with the bulk of Medical and TACC CONN aboard their vector, they had a lot to lose. Something Tovarek was not inclined to sacrifice with a strike back that may or may not succeed after all. The fighters seemed to re converge on their position as well. "Captain? Your orders?" he asked, wondering if he'd reconsider or not.

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #65
[ Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark & Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers  | Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Doc M. @StarDuster @FollowTomorrow @CanadianVet @Auctor Lucan 

It all happened so fast. Natalie never got a moment to warn her Assistant that she'd be taking over Ops, and that the Continuance Protocol meant that she;d be on another Vector in mere moments. Because already, she could feel the tug of a transporter confinement beam. She felt her self lock up, saw the sparkling motes of energy flash before her eyes, and felt herself draw away.

Even as officers around the bridge vanished, Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers stayed firmly where she was. The Orion woman she'd pulled to her feet - A'vura, panicked, but holding herself together, so you can damn well do the same had staggered away to respond to the brunette at Ops - only to watch her boss beamed away. All around them, new officers materialized in various states of shock, and in at least one case, flat on their face.

Dewitt her mind picked up the flash of thoughts from someone, she couldn't tell who, in the random cries of damage reports and orders acknowledged. In the middle of it all, Faye stood, feeling so very adrift. She hadn't been told about this. She hadn't been given orders. Every one was worried, fear laced so many thoughts, so many emotions crushing in around her. Walls, barriers, her normal methods of coping seemed paper thin now. She couldn't help but wonder where Riley was. And most importantly, the scant thought, that surfaced:

Why am I still here?

[[ Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Vector 03 Battle Bridge | Deck 11 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

The moment after Natalie materialized, she felt the floor fall out from under her. Despite the expert work of the transporter operators to position them near their stations, or in the seats, the sudden, bone jarring assault on The Stallion left the COps on her hands and knees at the foot of the Battle bridge command chair. A cacophony of alarms rang out, even as various other members of the battle bridge staff were beamed to their new assignments. In front of her eyes, Jennifer Dewitt vanished, her boot as bright white as Natalie's hands had been on the Operations Console moments before.

"Damage Report!" Natalie called out as she pushed up, looking around, crew scrambling into their positions. She saw Yvette Conway there at Operations, managing to keep her place. A flash of pure pride welled in Nat's chest for a moment, seeing one of her people preforming in the heat of battle. Before she got a reply, Engineering came over the comm's. She was scrambling to her feet as she heard the fire of phasers in the background, and then the response of Chief O'Connell's reassuring words, "Ah say Main Engineerin' haz bin secured. We're a gonna contact th' Battle Sickbay on Deck Fifteen raight now. O'Connell out."

"Thank God for small miracles," she muttered and tugged her jacket down into place, standing and surveying her crew. Ens. Cir'Cie, she remembered her well. Yvette, turning to face her, a blonde Bajoran Master Chief - Mala Kariko her mind filled in fast - sure to be working to assemble independent maneuvering, decoupling the Stallion from Lt. Veridan's control on the Helmet. She saw Lt. Masuda  Yukimura having joined her from the bridge along with -  Zelosa Ejek; whom she had met for the first time the other day, in the staff meeting where Captain Ives formally integrated the crew of the surviving Resolve with that of Theurgy. Poor Captain Ives...stolen away - no time to think of that, not now.

"All Vector commanders, this is Commander Trent. You are to set a random escape vector and will engage at your best speed on my mark. You all know what you need to do. Godspeed to all of you, and I'll see you at the rendezvous"
The voice came over the comms before Natalie could begin to issue orders, nor had she received her damage report. She looked to her new XO - A counselor? and then to Yvette, an officer she knew and trusted - waiting for either to reply. It was the later that spoke up.

"Commander - er, Captain Stark," Yvette stumbled over the title. "We were just struck by some kind of...I'm not even sure what it was. It punched us through and through." Natalie blinked in disbelief as the Operations Lieutenant continue. "We lost one of the holodecks. Completely destroyed. Reports are coming in - Chief O'Connell has restored full warp power with the new crystals and -"

"INCOMING! Tri-Cobolt torpedo barrage inbound!" Yukimura's warning cut off the woman, and Natalie's head whipped around to look at the - at her - tactical officer. He punched up something on the screen, and bless the bajoran noncom, she was already moving the ship before Natalie could order evasive maneuvers. They all watched in mute shock as the space between the Theurgy's vectors, the Asurian saucer ships, and the Savi monstrosity lit up with explosions, pulse phasers and blasts from the Vectors and the Wolves meeting the harsh, inbound flight of death.

A bright, unearthly light filled the screen, then dimmed, and there, a single surviving speck danced across to impact against the Savi ship, melting the hull around it. Even despite the best efforts of MCP. Kala, the Stallion was still rocked by the shock wave that lashed out across local space.

The whole thing lasted barely 3 seconds.

"Micro burst warp impact," Lt. Masuda added, shaking his head from the station and diverting his eyes from Natalie's gaze, down to his controls, having described the source of the damage for the Savi vessel. She gave him a soft nod and muttered out a, "Thank you, Mr. Masuda. Bring up targeting solutions and prepare a few parting shots. We're going to be bugging out and I want solid cover fire for us and the other vectors." She knew that might not sit well with some of the crew, but the Protocols were clear.

How they came through the sudden barrage of torpedoes was beyond her ability to understand in the moment. There wasn't time for it, not really. "Helm," she barked the order, "Giant hole in our side or no, we have orders. Plot a course away from here, maximum warp," She turned and gripped the arm rests of her chair. "Engineering," she called out, the comm system picking up her words and opening an internal connection.

"Billy-Bob, I know you have your hands full," she kept her tone even, and confident, though God only knew how - Natalie Stark sure didn't. "But I need as much power as you can give us, keep the radiation shields in place and engines - we need a confirmation that the crystals have been swapped out so we can get out of here faster than warp 3." She said it as much for her own sake, making sure she understood the situation, as for O'Connell, who probably didn't need her to tell him how to do his job.

"We have our orders and we need to punch it." She didn't wait for a reply, but slid herself into the command chair proper and squared her back. She then used the controls on her armrest to open a vector wide channel.

"All hands," she began. In her mind, the words of Carrigan Trent echoed, make a decision, any decision, then stick with it, "We are cleared for independent command as per the Continuance Protocols. A further briefing will be given when we're no longer under imminent threat. Prepare for maximum warp jump." She paused and looked around again. "I know this won't sit well with any of us, but we have our orders from Captain Ives, and Captain Trent." Bless her, she didn't trip over the new title for the ships XO. "And i know you will follow them. The stakes are far too high to expect anything less then the best from you, and I have no doubts you'll give me just that. Stark out." She killed the channel and settled into the chair.

Heavy is the head that bears the crown Natalie thought, and for the Stallion, Vector 03 of the USS Theurgy that head was hers. If they couldn't meet back up....if they were on their own...then it would be up to Natalie to get the word out about the infestation at the heart of Starfleet Command. How...she didn't know.

Over the comm, she heard the order given from Carrigan Trent. It was time.

"Tactical, fire at will. Helm," she looked out at the view-screen. "Execute evasive pattern Epsilon-Four, until we are clear, then engage escape course at maximum warp."

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #66
[ Ensign Cir'Cie | Vector 03 Battle Bridge | Deck 11 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy

Truth be told, Ensign Cir'Cie breathed the equivalent of a Vulcan sigh of relief when she ended up being scooped away and appearing on the eleventh deck of the starship Theurgy of the third vector's battle bridge. A Vulcan equivalent of a sigh of relief was probably more accurately described as a momentary break from disorder in order for logic to wash upon her and purge the mental walls that kept the tempest of toxic emotions at bay. He walls were great barriers, but even the greatest of barriers had their moments of needing cleaning. This convenient Deus ex machina which whisked her away from alien intruders in one of the Theurgy's science labs was subtly appreciated. However, a Vulcan was not about to breathe a sigh of relief nor jump for joy. Instead, she simply raised her eyebrow, cocked her head, and nodded simply reflecting at the convenience of good timing.

Though she would have much rather been taken away and rematerialized in the starship's arboretum or even the library, perhaps in her preferable reading nook, she was not about to complain. She would make due with the hand she was dealt. In this case it was quickly apparent that she was on the battle bridge of the ship's third vector, and of course closely behind the science station. The console was quickly illuminated with her gentle sweeping of her hand and the input of her access codes, unlocking the console from its black mirror of rest. "Science station reports ready" she said calmly and steadily as she began to process the most recent events that had occurred to the starship. She was a trained science officer, part of that training meant the occasional bridge station duty. However, there were probably several dozen officers and enlisted personnel whom had logged more bridge time than she had at a science station. Ensign Cir'Cie was most preferably suited elsewhere farther away from the 'action' of things.

Ensign Cir'Cie was more of what one may consider a Limited Duty Officer though the term was probably not entirely accurate to describe her. Her expertise and specialization was Botany, Horticulture, and practically anything and everything to do with plants. She was rounded enough to have a good grasp on general Biology, Geology, and a decent heaping of Chemistry. Her technical knowledge was acceptable enough to work a science console and perform the basics of science officer bridge duties. However, where she excelled was most definitely in the laboratories. She was unceremoniously dubbed 'The green blooded green thumbed goblin of Hydroponics' for a reason. That reason was she lived in her science laboratories and concentrated on the plants rather than people aboard the starship.

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #67
Jaya Thorne | Battle Bridge | Vector 2  | USS Theurgy | Attn: @Auctor Lucan , @chXinya, @Top Hat , @DocReno , @Nolan

Jaya's hands remembered the motions.  Her fingers tapped the helm console with the same sure strikes as during her Kobayashi-Maru test earlier in the day.  They were similar to the helm commands used when piloting a shuttle, or the captain's yacht, but there were more of them.  Piloting an entire vector was a bit more involved.  More power, more options, more responsibility.  This morning she had been ready for it.  Excited even.  But now?

Now, when they fled on the battlefield?  Now, as she guided them under the belly of the beast?  As they followed the retreat orders of the continuance protocol? 

Now, she wasn't so sure.

She had coveted this position.  Worked for it, lived for it.  But now it was overwhelming.  She was responsible for the lives aboard Vector 2.  Her piloting skills would save the day or ruin them all.  As they flew under the colossal ship, the bridge was blanketed in shadow and Jaya felt the uncertainty creeping in.

There was no way out.  This enemy had tracked them through an untraceable and dangerous nebula only to announce their hostile intentions and attack.  Even if they managed to escape somehow, they would just be found again.  There was no place the Theurgy and her vectors could run to and be safe from this monstrous threat..

..Except those were the words of the defeated.

Jaya had seen first hand what this crew could do when they believed in something bigger than themselves.  She had witnessed the impossible twice in the last few weeks and it stirred something inside her.  They weren't fleeing for their lives, they were regrouping.  If they went to war with this enhanced foe right now, their fighters would surely be ripped to pieces and countless lives would be needlessly lost.  No, this was the right call.  Regroup.  Reunite the vectors.  Return guns blazing and give 'em hell.

Officer Sunshine had issued her orders entirely too long ago for Jaya's response to make any sense, but she spoke anyway. 

"Aye Sir.  We'll live to see another day so we can show them what we're really made of.  Sneaking up on us while we're wounded is hardly a fair fight anyway."
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #68
[ Cmdr Carrigan Trent | Main Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]

Waiting was always the hardest part.  Sure, a starship engagement could be over in minutes, seconds even.  But while one was in the midst of one, it always seemed much, much longer than it was.  Especially when one was in the command chair.  And, as acting Captain of the Theurgy, Carrigan Trent was being bombarded with all the information from every station.  But when the comm line from Sabine chirped again, with that unknown woman demanding to be briefed on the tactical situation and presuming to tell him she would advise on his choice of course of action, his hand simply came down on the console on his armrest and not only did he close the channel, he locked it down altogether.  Oh, he did trust the crew to do their duty, but this was the kind of distraction no one on the Bridge needed.

The margin of error was already paper-thin as it was, and the last thing he needed was to have someone presume to give him and the Bridge crew orders, and the auditory clutter when every second of verbal communication was precious beyond compare. 

And the situation was not getting better.  The Asurian saucers' own boarding actions were going to be a problem, but Security and the ship's crew were on top of it.  And, to make things even better, the dilithium crystals had been hot-swapped, something that probably no one in any of the three engine rooms had ever considered doing live; but they had done it, and having better than Warp 3 to use was always a benefit.  In fact, it considerably broadened the margin of error in their escape.

And, there was the drones.  It didn't take long for the Savi to see them as threats, but one of them managed to make it.  The impact on the monstrous Savi vessel was cataclysmic, to say the least.  The two-meter, relatively light unmanned spacecraft hit with more force than he had expected.  There was a burst of light, heat and radiation, and when the screen cleared up, the after section of the Savi vessel that housed its engines was little more than a mangled wreck, spewing debris, plasma and atmosphere, and the readings on the holographic plot before him showed that not only it no longer possessed a warp signature, it was no longer under effective thrust whatsoever.

And that was Trent's own cue, for between the disabled Versant and the incoming tri-cobalt warheads, it was time to go. 

With one touch of his hand, he opened a link to the other two vectors and the fighters that were still out there.  "All assets, you know what needs doing.  On your escape  courses, on my mark..."  His other hand came down, stabbing at the button that was slowly pulsing red that would send the pods the firing command.  As he did, dozens of the autonomous launch platforms floating in space started to disgorge their payloads, precisely sequenced for a simultaneous detonation that would be thoroughly scramble sensors and wipe off warp trails.  "Engage!"

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #69
[Lieutenant Keval ch'Rayya| Battle Bridge| Vector 2| USS Theurgy] Attention: @Even Angels Cry  @Top Hat  @Nolan @chXinya

<We're on final approach, combat effective in one minute. Inform Commander Wenn: Deputy zh'Wann was KIA. Warrant McMillan abducted.  Hi'Jak a traitor-- repeat, turned traitor, his actions resulted in a Klingon ambush that splashed our CO. His status is MIA, presumed abducted along with WO McMillan. Also, be advised: we recruited an asset, designate El-Aurian female Zyrao Natauna as a friendly.>

Keval's eyes narrowed tightly in thought as he heard Mariner's words, hoping that the young man understood the severity of his actions of declaring someone a blooming *TRAITOR* during combat operations and how it could also hurt him in the end as well if the accusations turned out to be false and he hoped that his young friend understood the full depths of what he was doing.

Suddenly there was the familiar feeling of a Federation transporter effect and Keval found himself on the battle bridge of the secondary vector as he noticed that Jaya was already at her station and operating with a crisp professionalism that brought a warm smile to his face as he strode across the deck towards his station, stopping only to whisper "You got this." before making it to tactical, signing in and quickly bringing up the current battlefield reports.

The voice of the acting captain himself came over the ship's communication system with <All assets, you know what needs doing.  On your escape  courses, on my mark... Engage!>

Keval was checking a sub-screen on his boards to see what the current status of the fighters landing was as he heard Jaya's words which made him nod in agreement but he otherwise kept quiet as his light blue eyes kept an steady hand on the tactical controls, quickly tapping firing patterns and counter-patterns to keep the incoming torpedoes at bay. "To be honest, I would love to have more information on that species...that way I can help come up with ways to kick their asses for pulling this." he said firmly as he watched the tactical heading of his Vector on his board.


Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #70
[Zyrao Natauna | Waiting is a Fool's Game | Mother Fuckers are Easily Intimidated | Ship Run by Idiots]

When she met the first officer of this unfortunate vessel she planned to make sure that he regretted his movements with her in the most physical way that she could imagine.  He was not used to dealing with someone like her.  Looking a gift in the face without realizing the wealth of knowledge that was there.  This was what got lesser Captain's killed.  Believing you were the only person on a damn ship that could actually accomplish anything or had any value in the situation. 

He was wrong.

He was handicapping his own ship by thwarting her efforts to assist.

One day he would realize his mistake and it might very well be today.  She did not like being cut off and her intelligence being cast out the window.  When she did eventually get to speak with Captain Ives face to face she would tell the Captain about her own thoughts and feelings on her piss poor choice for a First Officer.  It was not personal, even though on the outside it might seem such, it was merely that it pissed her off to see someone turn their back on someone that could be able to help without even giving them a chance to prove themselves worthy of a position.  Instead, she was discounted for merely being a stranger that he did not know.


Sera, smart woman, admitted that she didn't give the people here too much merit and that they believed they knew it all.  She rose her brow listening to the woman as she said this.  Though that when she, herself, had come on board they had been fighting a battle beautifully and thus must know what they were doing. 

“I would assume that it was Captain Ives directing not a man playing in his father's boots.” she stated coldly as she gave a long sigh. 

They were both looking out the view window that they stood in front of.  The drones were making their way out there amid all the ships and everything hoping to help, make a dent, but she could see the error of their ways already.  Not enough evasive maneuvers.  Even though they were drones, they should have been flying in such a way that would make them harder targets.  But as she stood there watching was one after the other exploded in small pops of color and light before they were only more debris added to a field that was already populated with such things.  There was one left, and Zy, like Sera, believed that it too would end up the same only she was wrong.  Moments later she found out that was not the case.  The drone took a different course and actually wounded one of the ships.  Zy's brow rose, wondering who was piloting the drone, they ought to teach classes to the others.  That was how to use a drone properly.

Not everyone is unintelligent then.

The two women were all that was left in the Sabine and Zyrao's back tensed along with her shoulders an an arm came around her shoulders.  She fought her very nature to shrug the appendage back off her shoulder.  She knew that some people preferred physical touch to the fact of camaraderie being something that could be given without invading the personal choice of a near stranger.  However, currently, this was the only woman that was on her side and she needed that.  She needed someone that could vouch for her.  She needed someone that would make sure that she did not get shot in the face as soon as she stepped out in her Klingon issue clothing and her disruptors blaring over and over again.  In a battle like this sometimes it was hard to look at what the people on the battlefield were shooting at.  Instead, thinking, different must die.

“It seems there is some intelligence afterall.” she stated calmly as she folded her arms across her chest watching the battle unfold in front of her.  She was dying, she did not do well to sit by and watch things.  At the very least, she wasn't contributing and that was where the problem in fact lay.  As Sera began to curse the aliens, Zy had to feel a bit of a connection with the woman, she had fight.  Was feisty, and it was something that Zyrao could accept and appreciate.

It was nice to find someone on this ship that wasn't wary of her because she was different.

The woman turned to her, and Zy tilted her head to the side slightly, almost like a bird listening to her words.  Thanks to the Universal Translator she could understand the woman and it was important that she could.  Learning languages would come later when she was fully settled.  For now though, she would do what she could to continue on this way. 

“I could use a little body counting today.  Calms the nerves.”  Zyrao grinned.

Sera's arm dropped off of her shoulder and Zy twisted her body to the side.  One to negate the option for it to come back and two to face the woman better.  Her eyes took in Sera as she told her that either way, no matter what happened, that she would vouch for Zyrao once everything was said and done.  When the dust was settled.  Zy smiled, just slightly.  Not a full one, mind you, she couldn't actually remember the last time she had smiled off a battle field.  But, it wasn't overly important.  When you lived a long life it was harder to see the good and sometimes far easier to see the bad.  However, having someone to vouch for her solved many things.

If she could stay close to Sera that meant people would not think she was an enemy and therefore kill her.  They may use her now for her intelligence and talents on the hunt but there was something else to be said for once the battle was over.

“Thank you, Sera.” she said testing the name of the woman on her lips.  Then she grinned, the grin that those on the Theurgy would one day come to know it was shit kickin' time.  “Lets suit up and go save these people's asses.  It seems they could use assistance and I'm not one to sit around and watch the show.” she said as they headed back towards the weapons locker to suit up.

It was time for Zyrao Natauna to make herself indepensible to the Theurgy.  Right along side Sera.

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #71
[Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn | Battle Bridge | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy]

At a glance, Commander Wenn recognized the Hermat sitting at Ops, and he was both impressed and amazed that the being was trying to work considering the serious injuries s/he’d taken up in the Flag Bridge just a few minutes ago.  Tovarek beat him to the order, and Cinn agreed without a second thought.  Nodding towards the turbolift door behind them, “Go now Lieutenant.  The next shift doesn’t need to worry about dragging dead bodies off of their consoles later on.”  He wasn’t sure if the gallows humor would’ve done any good, but he needed to get the point across.

If only the scientist had left it there.  Openly questioning Wenn’s orders right on the Bridge?  What was the man thinking?  Glaring at the man, Cinn’s look alone would make it clear that the human had crossed a line.  “Our point defense systems can handle the torpedos.”  Indeed, the phasers were already at work, picking off tri-cobalt warheads long before they reached the Vector.  “And this has nothing to do with revenge.  We are facing an enemy we know nothing about, and we need to know how to beat them.  Take your station now.” He practically growled the last word.  “I want every byte of data on how effective our weapons are against their shields and their hull.”

Returning his attention to the main viewer, the Bajoran watched as the elements of their escape fell into place.  “Oh, and Lieutenant?”  He turned back to Simon for a moment.  “That is the only time I will explain my orders.”  Swinging back to the forward, Commander Trent’s voice came over the comm, giving the order they’d been waiting for.

“Execute.” Cinn echoed, giving the order to blitz the drifting dreadnought.  Dozens, if not hundreds of micro-torpedos joined the Sword as it rushed forward.  Tovarek will have plenty of data to sift through very shortly.

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #72
[ Zelosa Ejek | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | U.S.S. Theurgy]

The situation was resolving in sickbay, but not within herself. She had seen and dealt with violent patients before, but this was violence on a level that should not exist in the world. Without a doctor, the LMH would have to be called up—the one Nicander deleted. Luckily, Jovela seemed to be able to boot from a saved copy.

She wanted to be sure that, before she left, there would be a doctor in sickbay. She wanted to affirm the LMH worked. Before she got the chance to ensure that would happen, she felt a sensation starting in her core. She knew this feeling, but her memory flipped right away to the darkness, hearing someone woosh away randomly. Without knowing why it happened, she assumed Nicander had somehow had them transported to some hellish place. The last thing that went through her mind was visions of hell...

[ Zelosa Ejek | Vector 03 Battle Bridge | Deck 11 | U.S.S. Theurgy]

...and she almost wished she was correct.

When consciousness next held her, she was aboard the battle bridge. Others were beaming in around her, all in varied states of startled. They were plucked from their places with no warning. Apparently, the Continuance Protocol was enacted. She had just temporarily become the XO of this vector.

She had no time to digest her fright, or calm herself, or even make the mental jump from counselor mode. It was one adrenaline rush after another. She took a seat and crossed her legs. She did not betray her inner turmoil, because now was not the time to do that. Now was the time to let everyone else who had better training and preparation do what they do best. If she raised her voice, it would certainly be lost in the cacophony of chaos regardless. So she sat, poised like a cat ready to strike, analyzing the situation, calculating the best move...

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #73
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor | Battle Bridge | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ]
Having appeared at the science station on the Sword's bridge, Lieutenant Tyreke Okafor and looked around, perplexed, until he remembered the briefing he'd got on the Continuance Protocol, and how he had been submitted for the role if IrnaShall ch'Xinya would have been indisposed. Standing there, in the middle of a raging battle, Tyreke was a bit overwhelmed. Not just because the Stellar Cartographer might be dead, nor that he'd been slotted for a duty he had far too little experience in, but the fact that there were torpedoes inbound, and the only veil between them and death were the point-defence phasers and the aim of the Lone Wolves.

To make matters worse, it seemed that they were arguing in the new chain of command. He supposed that might be expected, but he didn't care for it in the least. He cast a worried glance between the new CO and XO he was to report to. They were both original Theurgy crew, and having spent years on Bajor in the line of duty, he was one of the few aboard who'd accepted the mysterious return of the Chief of Security. Wenn Cinn seemed an able leader, but since Okafor was used to be self-reliant in his research, he couldn't even begin to make any comparisons between other Captains he'd served.

With a deep frown on his dark brown features, he set out to do what was expected of him, keying up sensor controls, and swallowed, ready to try and take as many possible readings of the damaged alien ship they meant to pass by. "Stand by for sensor sweep readiness," he said, his Beninese accent faint, hoping the bold move would pay off. He glanced towards the helm station, seeing a woman with scars and a pony-tail, not sure if he'd seen her at any helm controls before, then again, he was very rarely slated for bridge duty, so he could but hope she knew what she was doing. "Thea seems offline, but I am readying as much of a magneton pulse as I can muster in such short notice, Captain. If the enemy manage to regenerate its shields, I am not sure how much we'll be able to see. Recommend immediate approach if we're to see anything at all."

Yet the enemy figthers out there, he could see them on his sensor readings too, they were converging on the Sword, so escape was of equal merit. The orders were given, so as prudent as the XO's caution was, it was too late to argue.

[This is Chief Curt Lucas, I've assumed command here in Engineering, just like that protocol said I would,] called a voice on the intercom, [we're switching dilithium crystals here, in five, four, three, two, one! Done! Regulation switched now, we are ready to go to maximum warp!]

OOC: @Even Angels Cry , would you please close the scene for the Sword? Check the orders from Wenn Cinn in ch'Xinya's earlier posts. End it with the Sword going to warp and getting clear from the Savi fighters converging on their Vector? :)

Re: Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ]

Reply #74
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Main Bridge | Deck 1 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy]
"All assets, you know what needs doing.  On your escape courses, on my mark..." 

Captain Trent’s words sounded across the bridge, their escape coming soon, if Derik could keep them alive long enough. Hands dancing across the helm controls, Derik was all concentration as he put the Helmet vector through an evasive pattern, the Savi fighters engaging them in earnest again since their cruiser had been heavily damaged by the warp drone. These pilots were no joke, and while the Helmet was much more maneuverable than the Sword or Stallion, none could really outmaneuver fighters. All he could hope for was mitigating damage and keeping them away from the main nacelle and engineering.

As he rolled the ship to bare just their sides and belly to the enemy he noticed almost absent-mindedly as massive explosions filled the screen again, this time of their own doing. His own sensors began to go fuzzy again with the flood of energy and knew it would be happening to the enemy as well. This was their chance, he put the ship into a dive, back towards their planned escape vector, dodging around debris, getting some distance from the fighters.


The captain called out the order and Derik pulled a sudden swing thirty degrees to the starboard side straight towards his already programmed warp vector and engaged the warp drive. He was hoping the sensor static and his last maneuvers would at least buy them some time as they escaped.

Able to relax for a second, he turned to A’vura, his good friend and fellow Resolve family member who had replaced Stark as the Ops officer. Seeing her next to him was comforting, but it made him think of members of their family on the other vectors. “I hope the rest of our family makes it out,” he said to her softly, but pain creeping through. He wasn’t ready to lose more, not so soon. He shut his eyes for a moment as he took a deep breath and regained his focus, hoping only A’vura noticed. He cleared his throat before he announced, “Warp velocity achieved, Captain, no immediate signs of pursuit.”

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