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Day 13 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

STARDATE: 57686.43
MAY 01, 2381
0600 HRS

[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring

Rarely had she found the time to get up early but lately, it seemed to be hitting her. Between the thoughts of the recent promotion, which she was extremely grateful for, and the events of the past week, she needed something to get her mind off of work. Something Stellan had told her more or less to deal with sooner than later. And even he too was impacted by the events of this past week's attacks. Just seemed like work never died down. At least in this era.

Having made it to the upper gymnasium early this morning, she had hoped to avoid any longing stares from the men on the ship. But sadly, that was not the case. She'd worn her skin tight yoga pants, of course, bright red as well as her tight top, and sports bra to hold in her rather large chest from bouncing. Something she'd learned early on after the accident was to tape those melons down or they'd smack hard on her ribs.

She carried her towel alone with her, wearing the workout weight gloves and a combadge in the event she needed it attached to the towel. Regardless of how she looked, she felt like the frustrations were teetering to the brink and she needed a release that involved punching something.

Dropping the towel, Pierce waltzed over to the sandbags, and began to wail on the bags, as hard as she could. And while they moved rather steadily, they didn't as much as she used to and that only added to the fury of the blows on the poor unsuspecting bag before her. Nearing the point of hurting her hands, she also had to contend with her hair also flailing about with those shots on the bag. Covering her face and eyes nearly as many times as she hit the bag, causing her to stop briefly every couple of hits to move it back from her face and behind her head again.

Alana did this for probably about 10 minutes before she figured she should change to something else, lest she break her hands and wrists. Pacing down the steps, she arrived at the yoga mats and stretched on them to get the most movement out from her constant sitting as of late. He shapely bottom pulling the fabric to it's tightest as she bent over to touch the floor with her legs split wide. She could hear the "oohs" from the male contenders nearby. Something else she despised.

Crankily she pictured herself running over, flipping at the men, arriving in front of them as she pummeled the shit out of them like a bad kung fu film, causing her to smile and nearly laugh. But again, her damn hair was landing in her eyes and face again as she dipped her head low into these positions. "Aghh!" She grunted briefly before standing back up and leaning side to side to stretch out her legs, torso and arms more with the same results.

She knew she needed to work this body or else she was useless in the field and also because she looked so bloody good now, it'd be a shame to ruin it. Not that she'd have done anything differently in her original body. But how the hell does one do that with hair this long? Sure she could cut it, but she had sorta gotten used to it the way it was too.

Continuing the stretches, she reached her arms into the air, further accentuating her bust and her lean body in the very bright red workout clothing. She liked the color and so it made sense to her but didn't realize she would be drawing attention. "Keep it together Pierce. Don't spaz out on them or you'll just lose the new shiny pips, promotion and all the new perks." She muttered quietly.

Pierce laid on the mat now, on her stomach, when she realized she could no longer lay flat on her chest anymore. The thought had occurred to her in the past in the confines of her quarters but being in the gym for once, somehow it clicked. The sweater puppies she now had were squishing beneath her weight as she moved to lean up with her arms, pushing her chest upwards, hair again in her face and her back stretching. The back stretches and arms felt great, but the other two aspects just made her fume.

How do you deal with this hair when working out? Or the gawkers? Or the bloody chest? She was screaming in her head in frustration. Her mind simmering while she held her cool externally for everyone around. It was afterall still early in the morning and the day had yet to begin. But here we were. Looking about on the next bend upwards, she vaguely saw someone, a woman with black hair, likely a fighter pilot but she wasn't sure with the hair in her face.

Accepting defeat on this endeavor, she just rested her face on her forearms as she crossed them on the mat and just took multiple deep breaths to calm herself down. This day has to get better... she thought.[/b]

Re: Day 15 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #1
[ Lt. Reggie Suder | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce‍ 

This morning’s work out had left Reggie unsettled to say the least.  Despite her efforts to focus her attention elsewhere, recent events aboard ship continued to pre-occupy her mind.  The sparring rings were empty, and she could have easily called up a holographic partner and gone to town.  But she seemed to lack the physical energy needed for such an exercise.  That ruled out katana training too and left her wandering aimlessly through the resistance machines and work on her strength and tone.  It wasn’t much, but it was better than nothing.

The sound of cat calls and a frustrated grunt drew her attention.  Even from across the room she could see…and feel…the situation brewing.

…this body…  …original body…

She saw the fiery redhead, in her red work out clothes.  One hell of a look to say the least.  With her hair in her face, Reggie couldn’t exactly make out who she was, but she could readily make out the two idiots behind her, ogling her.

She’d met Petty Officers Apones and Mosler when they’d transferred over with her in the group that came from the Oneida.  They’d been recently promoted before the transfer, though Reggie couldn't see or understand why.  They left much to be desired when it came to being officer material.  But if the security department needed some mastheads, that was not her call to make.

Their surface thoughts came through loud and clear, their disrespect of the struggling woman…

Keep it together Pierce.  Don’t spax on them you’ll just lose the new shiny pip..

No.  Fucking.  Way.

As if someone had turned on the lights, Reggie realized the two idiots were heckling Alana Pierce.  Her promotion had just been announced and while Reggie didn’t yet know the officer personally, she had looked her up, seen her photo on the crew profile, and yes, tat was Alana Pierce.

How do you deal with this hair when working out? Or the gawkers? Or the bloody chest?

Reggie had a better question.  How the hell did someone get a body into as good a shape as Alana Pierce’s and not know how to deal with hair, the girls, and the gawkers?


Those answers didn’t matter.  They might come at some point, but more importantly, someone needed help and Reggie would be damned if she was going to leave someone there to suffer in embarrassment.

This day has to get better...

A newfound determination powered her purposeful stride as she crossed the room.

“I’m sure you two idiots have something better to do,” she barked at Apones and Mosler.  “Because I’m sure as hell hope you two aren’t stupid enough to be heckling a senior officer.”

Their eyes widened, either because they were, in fact, too stupid, or because they didn’t expect to be caught.

“Uh… uhhhhh…”

“I suggest you two find something more productive to do before you two find yourselves busted back down to ordinary crewmen.”

“Uh… yes ma’am.  Sorry ma’am!!”

“As you were,” she said as they ran off.

Reggie watched them go for a moment before letting out a huff of a breath and crouching down at Pierce’s side. 

“Commander,” she asked.  “They’re gone.  Are you okay?”

Gently she set her hand on Pierce’s shoulder, a friendly gesture intended to convey support and concern.  In much the same way a trainer or a medic might try to check on a downed athlete, Reggie lowered her head and tried to make eye contact.

Re: Day 15 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #2
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring [Show/Hide]

Pierce was simply put, a bit tired. More mental than physical as she was still acclimating to her new station and return to her previous rank. She saw the woman with black hair approaching the two men ogling her during her attempted workout. It was interesting to see how she began talking to the two making lewd comments on her. Meanwhile Pierce continued to workout, doing planks on the mat as well as a rotation of stretches.

A calm seemed to wash over her briefly as she heard the sounds of the men stammering and the fighter pilot no doubt giving them her two cents. A smile cracked Pierce's face as she held a plank again, feeling the excess weight of her ample chest hanging below along with her hair, despite it not getting in her face this time, she was still a little flustered. As quickly as she'd started, she laid on the ground and laid her head on her arms to rest momentarily, breathing deeper as she stomach muscles ached from the positions.

Her thoughts were about how irritating those two were but there was quiet replaced. She looked up and say who she would learn was Reggie next to her. Hearing the huff of the other woman's breath as she placed her hand on Pierce's shoulder in a way that normally she'd not enjoy as it was physical contact. But in this situation, she could tell that it was the genuine concern of another fellow female officer looking to comfort and check on another. She'd seen it done numerous times in the past with others.

Pierce looked up with her own green eyes into the black, cybernetically enhanced eyes of the fighter pilot woman before her. Not realizing that she was a Betazoid, or even that they existed was something that would help to betray her thoughts as they occurred.

"Thanks for that. I appreciate your running off heckle and jeckle there. I was trying to ignore them and not draw added attention but that was a mistake clearly on my own part." Alana sat up pushing to her knees as she stretched again. Pushing off the floor and her knees, she stood up in her full glory of 5 foot, 9 inches tall. Accentuating the curves, bust and shape that she was blessed with rather than earning the hard way. Even her metabolism was faster now allowing things to more or less, stay as they were since the accident. No special strength or augmentations but some perks nonetheless.

She reached her hand over to the slick, black haired woman before her. "We can skip the formalities. We're off duty, and you can just call me Pierce." She smiled warmly admiring the other woman. She's confident, stunningly beautiful and toned. Definitely a fighter pilot. She thought internally as she looked at the other woman's appearance briefly before returning her thoughts to the here and now.

"What's your name?"

"So they worked in what department again? Being in the intel department, I might have to hassle them some." She smirked. "You know, give them a case of superstitions. Cause them to think that their behavior triggers some predestined haunting." She chuckled.

Thinking about her routine and workout, she glanced around the room some while she spoke. The gym was certainly great to work in. This is so much bigger than what I'm used to... "Sorry for the having to come to my rescue. I'm still getting used to the new transition and placement. Things are taking me some time to adjust to...."

Her mind wandered. Quite a bit of adjustments at that. She thought looking herself over. "Not used to being seen at the gym like this in my body. Definitely getting out my comfort zone."

Alana placed her arms crossed below her bust and leaned her weight on one leg as she stood next to Reggie. "I'm sorry I keep saying it but I appreciate the rescue. I'm not used to being on the receiving end of it. With the adjustments I'm dealing with, between the ship and new rank and position... I'm getting acclimated."

I miss the old Constitution class Refit ships. So close nit and sleek. Much smaller and just feels more like home. But at least I have my old rank back finally. It's just my body and situations now. Or rather situations due to my body. She thought. Still not grasping that Reggie could technically read her mind, especially being so close in proximity.

"So, what brings you to the gym?" Her smile infectious as she inquired.

Oh man, I hate small talk. Why is it so difficult for me to make friends aboard this ship? I mean, I am putting myself out there for it, especially with the need of them, and getting out of my shell but still.

Her mind paused briefly before thinking again on her hair issue. The chest, she just had to accept, but the hair, she could do something about. Aside from cutting it which she didn't want to do on account of being used to it. I wonder if she has an idea to keep the hair out of my eyes while working out. Or rather to keep it from getting in the way altogether.

Re: Day 15 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #3
[ Lt. Reggie Suder & Lt. Commander Alana Pierce| Upper Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce‍ 

A Joint Post

Reggie rose to her full height along with Pierce and took the offered hand. "Lieutenant Regiene Suder. Callsign 'Gemini'," she said by way of introduction. Why she'd used her full name, she had no clue. Perhaps it was because Pierce had a decimeter on her, or because she was in the presence of a senior officer. It was as if she'd forgotten that Pierce had just said she could keep the formalities loose. "Um... but please, call me Reggie or Gemini. Just don't call me Regiene."

confident, stunningly beautiful and toned

Pierce was practically an open book and Reggie wasn't even trying. A part of her wanted to counsel the new chief intelligence officer on keeping her thoughts to under wraps, but the Betazoid was fairly certain it wasn't her place to do so. She was already on shaky ground.

"Who? Apones and Mosler," she sighed. "Unsurprisingly, those two Neanderthals are recent transfers to the security department. I'm happy to help you fuck with 'em if you'd like."

As Reggie listened to Pierce's words she continued to be able to sense the woman's thoughts. Her repeated references to 'adjustments", 'transition', 'comfort zone', and another reference to her body. Between these and the earlier thought she picked up about 'original' and 'new' bodies Reggie was starting to thing she was getting the sense of what was going on here.

"No apology necessary, Pierce. Seriously. I'm glad to help."

Reggie stopped short at the thought about the old Constitution class starships. She'd been on board one for a three day exercise to circumnavigate the Sol System and she couldn't have gotten off that bucket of bolts fast enough. But hey... some people liked old things. But there was yet another thought about her body. Commander Alana Pierce cut quite the figure and for her part, Reggie could understand why one wanted to look. Hell...she wanted to look. Pierce's physique was practically a sculpture and that one couldn't help but admire in a mature and professional way.

"Oh, I come to the gym almost daily. It's kinda a..."

Oh man, I hate small talk. Why is it so difficult for me to make friends

That sentiment caught Reggie off guard, as thoughts about her hair and her bust returned to Alana's forefront.

"Lets talk in private, shall we," she finally said.

She motioned to the women's locker room and gave a discrete tug on Pierce's arm before letting go of the woman all together in the hopes she would follow.

Alana smiled when Reggie gave her name and rank.  "Sounds good, Reggie."  Pierce nodded at the mention of the two idiots names who harassed her. "Sounds good. I may take you up on it in time."

She could see the other woman was clearly thinking about something and intrigued but was unsure what about. She did see Reggie give her a once over as well while they stood together there.

It was when Reggie began talking about the gym when she abruptly stopped much to Pierce's questioning glance. Brow furrowed and her head tilting in confusion slightly as she took note something was clearly going on that she was totally unaware of or simply missing in this interaction.

While Gemini had stopped, her tone and her words changed 180 degrees from where they were. The dark haired woman pulling her strongly by the arm to motion to follow as she asked to speak in private again confused her. Not wanting to cause a public scene for the second time in one day, she followed briskly to not be left behind.

Closing the space in the women's locker room, she glanced around and felt somewhat out of place but did it anyhow. Knowing this is her proper location presently. The room was bright and motioned for her savior to a bench.

"So, what was that all about? Why the quick jaunt to the locker room?" She said confused still.

'Wonder what I got myself into...

Reggie didn't immediately answer, choosing first to check the room. It seemed clear so she returned to Pierce and sat down at her side.

"Sorry about that. I just..." Her voice trailed off for a moment while she considered how to approach this.

"I get the sense you're holding something back. Something important. It's none of my business, I know. So if you want to tell me to butt out, I will. But I've been sensing your discomfort with your body, a thought about an 'older' body versus a 'new' body."

Her voice fell away again, but she put her hand up to forestall any response from Pierce.

"You have a phenomenal body, if I may say so. Most of us have to work extraordinarily hard to get ourselves in to the kind of shape you're in. But sensing your frustration with the hair, the 'girls, and the gawkers...I get the sense that you're not used to it. Which leaves me confused since well... most people I know would have to live in a gym in order to get the shape you've got. So I wanted to ask...and again... none of my business. But I just want to help if I can... Were you a part of that whole Savi 'Correction' thing I heard about? I heard they did some genetic manipulations on some of the crew..."

Mentally Pierce was not expecting this conversation as it seemed out of left field. Additionally she said some of it in her mind... She battled for a moment thinking quietly about it as she responded to Reggie. "Holding something back? I...I..." She stammered clearly not expecting the pickup for the old vs new body. But before she could respond, Reggie's hand prevented that as she listened once more.

For starters, it was flattering to her to have that said and a definite confidence boost about her own body being phenomenal. It was a insecurity she held for sometime but one that she was aware of the unique physique she held. But the darker haired woman was right on the mark on all accounts. Except the final one.

"Well to be perfectly frank Reggie, I'm not used to it. No. And I am proud of body, to be honest. I...technically am not supposed to speak of it but given the situation and the fact that..." Her thoughts connected the dots through the re-educated training finally. Something that never occurred to her was that Reggie might be a Betazoid. And could read minds. So likely that was where the other woman realized it before Pierce did herself.

"You're a Betazoid, aren't you? That explains so much actually. I - I never connected the dots to be honest. Never interacted with your people in my ti..."

Damnit! She thought. Too late now, might as well be open about it since she'd been discovered.

"No, I wasn't on board during that encounter, but I did read about it. Lt. Morali was part of that I believe from our previous conversations. I came aboard from the IKS Daqchov." She paused rubbing the back of her head and messing with her red hair subconsciously. "Mine is a different and totally complicated story..." A smile broke on her face in slight embarrassment for being discovered.

Reggie's face curled into an embarrassed smile of her own.  "Yeah.  Betazoid.  Sorry... thought you knew."

There were other thoughts in her head, but Reggie did what she could to push them out.  It was odd that Pierce had never dealt with a Betazoid before but she supposed it was possible and if Pierce seemed willing to share her different and complicated story, it seemed fair that Reggie explain herself too.

"I'm happy to hear anything you want to tell me.  You have my word that I'll keep it between us and that I will not pry into your mind.  Betazoids do have telepathic abilities, yes.  We can read minds, sense emotions, and, yes, even project those into the minds of others.  But please don't worry.  We adhere to a strict code of privacy in that we do not dive into the minds of others without consent.  That said, surface thoughts are as clear to our perceptions as this verbal conversation.  At the same time, and as I said before, if you want to tell me to butt out.  I will."

Re: Day 15 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #4
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring

Alana could see the embarrassment on Reggies face about Pierce not knowing she was a Betazoid. Explaining her thoughts being read off the surface. Typically she didn't have to worry about thoughts being skimmed but now she knew better to guard her mind a little better when complaining internally. Nevertheless the damage was done now and she had to come clean or more so chosen to come clean as it were.

She could only imagine what the other woman thought about her mental gymnastics. Had to be frustrating at times when dealing with humanoids and their thoughts running rampant. Granted, she would much rather confide in Reggie than in Stellan Foster. Something about him just rubbed her the wrong way and put her on edge but with Reggie, she felt more at ease with the situation as it has unfolded.

"I'm happy to hear anything you want to tell me. You have my word that I'll keep it between us and that I will not pry into your mind. Betazoids do have telepathic abilities, yes. We can read minds, sense emotions, and, yes, even project those into the minds of others. But please don't worry. We adhere to a strict code of privacy in that we do not dive into the minds of others without consent. That said, surface thoughts are as clear to our perceptions as this verbal conversation.  At the same time, and as I said before, if you want to tell me to butt out. I will."

Pierce smiled as Reggie attempted to put her more at ease. Taking a deep breath and attempting to control the female hormones coursing through her veins, as well as her voice, she began her story. "No. Really, it's okay. I'd much rather tell you and confide in you than in the counseling department. I mean I had a lot of them when I came to this...era. But you If that makes any sense at all." She paused and her cheeks flushed red, matching her crimson hair as she looked up at the ceiling and then back down at Reggie, fumbling her hands nervously. Which was unfortunately a tic of hers since she became a woman, when she was flustered. Most of the time she could curtail it, especially when on duty, but not pouring her heart out.

"My situation is rather...unique. I am original from the 23rd Century, but...that's not the entirety of it. I was working on a classified intelligence mission for a real scoundrel who more or less wanted me off the board. He got his wish. I was chased by Klingons into a temporal distortion. The...contents I was tasked with gathering....spilled on me as I was knocked out." She paused taking a deep breath as the anger of it welled inside, one of her fists clenching as she attempted to rub the other on the legs of her red yoga pants. Brushing her hair out of her face again briefly.

"Anyhow, I was told that my shuttle was on its way to a warp core breach and the starbase I reappeared in the timeline near beamed me off. Unfortunately because I had no bio-records on file and the shuttle contained none, I was fused with the materials, and a lock of the woman's hair I had on my person. Combining them in the transporter, I was beamed this." She motioned with her open hands up and down her body. "So to answer the old body question you no doubt have...I was once a man..."

The hot tears stinging the corners of her eyes as she was remembering the incident at the Starbase. Images popping into her mind as she remembered the constant tests, prodding, the re-education for Starfleet, demoted, and desk bound until she acclimated enough to be ready to return to field duty on a starship. Then the familiarity of the old Constitution class refits and her previous quarters. Like a picture book ready to be read. "You can peer in my mind and see the images." She waited and continued. "So, as you can see, the gawking and the struggles in here, are real. I just used to work out by myself in an enclosed area. Also much easier to do at a starbase when people are sleeping." A slight smirk pulled at the side of her face to lighten the mood a little.

Re: Day 15 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #5
[ Lt. Reggie Suder | Upper Gymnasium - Women's Locker Room | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce‍ 

Reggie’s heart sank for her…him…her.  Being trans-gendered was hardly a new thing or a big deal these days, and Pierce was certainly not the first individual she had met who had transitioned.  But in those cases, that had been the choice of the individual, so that their sense of external self matched their sense of internal self.    But for Pierce it had been the exact opposite and involuntary.

It broke Reggie's heart.

“I am…” she started.  “I am so very sorry that happened to you, Pierce,” she said looking the woman in front of her in the eye.
She did not offer pity, did not offer useless platitudes that meant nothing.  Only genuine compassion and sympathy.

“I can not begin to imagine the kind of trauma you’ve gone through.”

Reggie had countless questions racing through her head, each more invasive and less relevant than the last.  Maybe in time she would ask.  Maybe she would not.  Either way Reggie knew her role.

“You have my word this will remain your story to tell as you see fit.  I just have one question for you.”

She cleared her throat and tucked a stray curl of hair back behind her ear.  Yes.  There was only one relevant question.

“How can I help?”

Re: Day 15 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #6
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring

Her mind calmed after the images subsided. She was careful to lock that back up in her mind so as to not drop those details on another Betazoid or empath on the ship. The feeling of the betazoid peering however transferred some of the other woman's emotional thoughts on it and Pierce could tell that Reggie understood the problems. "Thank you Reggie. I...I appreciate the sentiments. It's not been very easy to be perfectly honest."

She looked at the fighter pilot in her black eyes with that of Pierce's green ones. Sentiments passed between the two before Pierce spoke again. "Thank you." She said back to her friend about not saying a word to others. But a query was posed thereafter.

"What was your question?" She said curiously.

The other woman cleared her throat, tucking her hair, to which Pierce sat back on the bench, crossing her leg over the other in her red workout garb. Pushing her own crimson hair behind her ear as she placed her hands back at her knee to hold herself up comfortably.

But the question was merely, How can I help? Alana pondered that for what seemed like an eternity but it was mere moments. She cleared her throat and let go of her legs as she leaned forward again. "Well, I could use help in how to carry myself in the gym. And well...the hair is constantly in my way. I have the sports bra and clothing in place. I learned that the hard way shortly after my arrival in this century. But I have no idea how to be who I am other than when I am on duty. The off duty part I am just not good at. If the computer didn't help me with the makeup aspect, I'd botch that. Even then, I go for simple. I just want to blend in as much as possible when off duty."

She smirked. "Although it appears I did when those two boneheads were haggling me from afar. They didn't know I was a senior officer, did they?" She continued to grin at the thought of them running at whatever Reggie had said. She felt a kinship with Reggie, or a comfort. Was it because she opened up to her? Or was it because under normal circumstances she'd enjoy her company? Alana wasn't entirely sure but she was sure that Reggie was someone she'd like to get to know more both on duty and off.

Changing the conversation slightly, she had asked the other woman a question back. "So want to know something interesting that's even more bizarre? Do you know Lauren Pierce? Well, she's my great-granddaughter...and I met her at the party a week or so ago. Talk about an awkward meeting." A grin broke her face as she lifted her brows as if to say, yeah, that happened to me.

Re: Day 13 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #7
[ Lt. Reggie Suder | Upper Gymnasium - Womens Locker Room | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce‍ 

Reggie blinked.  “Lauren Pierce is your great-granddaughter…” 

It took her a minute to process that, and she realized that she had seen both Alana and Lauren talking at the concert.  She hadn’t really met or talked with them at that time, but what she’d seen certainly had settled into a new context.

“Wow,” she said, a wry smile on her face.  “Certainly turns the ‘grandfather paradox’ on it’s head.  Instead of going back and meeting your grandfather…” 
She let her voice trail off there.  She couldn’t be certain if someone else had come in and she was going to be damned if she outed the Intelligence Chief.
“All right… so hair, hecklers, and the girls.  I can help with all three.  Sit tight.  I’ll be right back.”

She slid off the bench and onto her feet and took the two paces required to get to her locker.  A quick key code later, the door popped open and she gathered the necessary accessories.  To the Betazoid it was nothing, but she wondered if she’s potentially be overwhelming Pierce.

“All right, Pierce.  Lets do this, come over to the mirror with me.”

She waited for Pierce to join her and as Pierce stepped up, Reggie stepped back and behind the Senior Officer.

“Okay.  Hair is easy once you get the hang of it.  This,” she said as she produced a circular hair tie for Pierce to see, “is your new best friend.  We’re going to use this tie to put your hair up.”

Reggie turned Pierce so she could see both the side and back of her head.  Without further invitation, she then proceeded to pull Alana’s hair back and form a pony tail.

So this pony tail gets the hair off your shoulders and out of your eyes as you’re moving.  You can go low with it.” She shifted the bundle of hair down, careful to let the hair move through her hand so she didn't pull against her scalp as she did her demonstration.  “Or you can go higher,” she said as she shifted the tail back up.  “This is my personal preference for when I exercise.”  She then proceeded to feed Alana’s hair through the tie, loop the tie around to double it up and continue feeding, continuing the process until the tie had been doubled up twice, yielding four wraps. 

“This, will work for you, I think.  Ultimately you’ll have to experiment and find the right balance between how tight you pull the tie and how much slippage you’re willing to accept.  This’ll keep your hair out of your face.  But,” her voice trailed off as she playfully batted at the tail, letting it flap around.  “But that feeling might be bothersome to you.  If you wanted to secure it further, you could try this.”

Reggie took the loose tail of hair, folded it back on itself, and pulled two of the four loops of the hair tie, leaving enough of a gap for her the tail to catch in, demonstrating a folded pony tail.

“What do you think of that,” she asked as she let go of Alana’s hair, allowing the tail to hang free.

Re: Day 13 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #8
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring

Pierce could see the amazement from Reggie about the revelation of Lauren. It gave her a smirk. She could see the mental gymnastics performing flawlessly revealing the thoughts of the meeting. "Yeah, it was certainly a paradox of sorts. I never expected to meet my descendent. But the familial appearance is uncanny." She laughed and looked down before looking back at Reggie. That was when Reggie broke the conversation to go to get something.

She was confused by the mention of the hair, hecklers and the girls. Must be getting done in that particular order of course. Alana leaned back and waited for the fighter pilot to return from the locker. The call for her to come closer however gave a curious stare as she failed to see what the other woman held in her hands. Joining Reggie, she waited as the woman walked behind her and she could feel the hands and breath of the other woman behind her, pulling at her hair, and explaining the process.

"Hair ties. Got it. Best friend in action and in the gym. Makes sense." She could feel the heaviness on her head and not on her back or neck. It was a different, yet nicer feeling for the gym. She shook the pony tail and nodded. "Feels nice. Thanks!"

That was when Reggie explained that it could be done one further and tying it higher up. "Again, thanks. This is a life saver. Gotta say, I didn't mind the scalp massage either." She winked and smiled continuously shaking her head to test it's versatility. "Surprised I never thought of this before."

She looked at Reggie in the face and smiled warmly. "Okay, now what do you have for the other two issues?" The redheaded woman said in curiousity.

Re: Day 13 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #9
[ Lt. Reggie Suder | Upper Gymnasium - Women's Locker Room | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce‍ 

Reggie allowed herself smile as Pierce set about trying the new hair style.  There was something about this moment that she knew she’d remember for the rest of her life.  For someone such as herself, who had been a woman all her life and had all her life dealt with these issues, it was all so mundane.  But for someone such as Alana pierce who had spent most of her life as a man and was now learning how to adapt to a new life as a female, something as simple as a hair tie, was something else entirely. 

“You’re quite welcome Pierce,” she said as she offered another more playful scalp massage.  “And don’t sweat it.  Men generally don’t think about these things.  It’s nothing personal, but in my experience, men usually don’t have to worry about hair and boobs.”

Again, she fell silent, taking a moment to reach out with her mind and see if she felt anyone else in the locker room.  Still there was no one there, but as she pulled back, a new idea dawned on her and she changed her plan.

“As for what’s next,” she said as she finished the scalp massage.  “Lets see what you’ve got going for the girls.”

Without asking or receiving explicit permission, Reggie released the collar of Alana’s halter.  Under any other circumstance she might have thought twice about it, but she was here to help and help she would provide. 

This time, she stepped around to Pierce’s front, looking over the figure that stood before her.  She could definitely see why individuals attracted to women would find her sexy as hell.  The breasts were almost too big for Pierce’s body, and yet they seemed to suit her. Had she been a bit closer of friends with Alana and not potentially attached to someone else, she might have tried to make a pass at the redhead.

She reminded herself to focus on the matters at hand.  “Okay,” she said as her hands gently ran down each of Alana’s sides before she tugged gently at the sports bra, to see how it lay on her and how it supported, or in this case, did not support, her breasts.  Already she could see the problem, but she switched her ocular implants so she could read the interior label. 

“Let me guess,” she said as she met Pierce’s eyes again, her suspicions confirmed.  “A bit floppy under the bra and not getting the support you need?”

Re: Day 13 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #10
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring [Show/Hide]

The fighter pilot was clearly entertained by Pierce's love of her hair style tweaks. It was fun for herself too with having it off her head and swaying with purpose now. Funny how it works and how it took a woman she just me. Had she been born this way would have learned it in childhood. It was a gamechanger in her mind. Something that would help her on those away missions too.

She closed her eyes at the playful scalp rub beneath her hair and really enjoyed the tension release. "That was great Reggie." She was right however. Men didn't think about these type of things. Ever. Including the chest aspect. Well, unless they were being massaged by someone else she thought.

Like a light changed in the room, Reggie's sudden change to the girls was in new territory for her. Not since she'd woken up at that Starbase had anyone besides her gotten even a glimpse of them or the clothing atop of them. Feeling the halter of the shirt dropping from her sportsbra, she noted that Reggie was now in full inspection mode of her outfit. Pierce felt slightly sheepish and embarrassed for having herself flaunted like this, deep down, she didn't mind it. Her savior in the gym was far more experienced with such things and it helped she wasn't bad to look at either. But she felt a relief at Reggie's sudden help to make her more comfortable in her own skin. Something she desperately lacked.

"At least before you undress me, you could take me to dinner first." She said with a sarcastic quip out of a curling smile from the corner of her pink lips. The feeling of someone outwardly looking at her chest under normal circumstances would have been extremely awkward, but here, it was a friend helping a friend. Still, she felt some level of excitement at the stage being set now. What it was, she couldn't be certain of. But she was relaxed.

It was here Pierce saw the woman's ocular implants alter from iris' to something else and back. Like Reggie was scanning something. Glancing down, she looked and thought, well, they are 100% natural.... Regardless, it wasn't what the scan was for. Reggie ran her hands down Alana's sides before tugging at her sports bra. That was when the question about the size of the garment came.

“Let me guess. A bit floppy under the bra and not getting the support you need?”

Shock and awe covered her face but then she remembered how dumb that might appear. "Actually, that is exactly the issue I've have with them as of late. Is it the size? Really I just was trying to cover these up and not create more issues for myself. I welcome your wise teachings." She said in a smirk. "Seriously though, I've been getting slapped in the chest and top of my stomach in all the very active exercises and it hurts like hell. In both areas. Do I need two of these or a tighter one or am I missing something?"

Confusion riddled her face as she let Reggie work her magic.

Re: Day 13 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #11
[ Lt. Reggie Suder | Upper Gymnasium - Womens Locker Room | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @pierce‍ 

Reggie chuckled at Pierce’s comment regarding dinner. “Oh this is just the warm up to get you to want me to buy you dinner. Once Dinner is in play all bets are off,” she said a mischievous tone in her voice.

She did her checks, asked her question about floppy, and took in Pierce’s answer. The betazoid wasn’t sure who had sized her into this bra and frankly would not have surprised her if someone had gone to the replicator and asked for a bra that would fit her size bust. Sure it got the job done. But not well.

“We can refine this a little, yes,” she said trying to keep this light lest she inadvertently offend Pierce about a poor decision.

“So here’s the thing about sports bras. It’s not easy to size them in relation to your every day use bras. Even for women who have been women all their life.”

With that, Reggie shrugged off her workout tank and tossed it aside, exposing her own athletic undergarment. “Let me show you.”

Without much other warning, the Betazoid grabbed Alanas wrists and gently, but deliberatley pulled the human’s hands up and planted them firmly on her breasts. She felt the surprise and resistance from Pierce, but Reggie held her hands in place.

“Trust me? I promise I have a point.”

Pierce hesitated another moment before Reggie felt the woman’s arms relax and the all too familiar of a gentle squeeze. It seemed that whether male or female, the muscle memory ran deep. Once she was confident she had Alana’s trust, Reggie manipulated Alana’s hands in motions that would mimic someone trying to move, press, and compress her breasts.

“Notice how they don’t move? They compress a little of course, but save for a small amount of give, they stay in place?”

She let Alana’s hands go.

“That’s what you want. You want these girls plastered to your body and going nowhere. Some women,” she conceded, “of which I am NOT one, don’t mind the up and down jiggle. I find it distracting, and given what you’ve told me, your experience with that is painful.”

Reggie pulled a roll of gauze from her pocket.  “In a pinch, you could do a tight gauze wrap to keep them down. That’ll work well if your doing something where bra support is impractical. Often times when I swim, I give my girls a wrap or two. But for dry land, the bra. is my preference.  You could also double up on the sports bra, but I've never had to try that myself.  For some it works.  For others it gets bulky.   That's something I think you'll have to experiment with on your own.”

She realized she was losing her train of thought, so she regrouped.

“There’s no good translation of bra size. I can’t tell you that a 36D is a ‘medium’ while a 44DDD is a ‘2XL’. Adding another complication to the calculus is that different bras are designed for different levels of impact. A low impact might work well if you’re doing stretching exercises, or walking, or anything where your chest is more or less stationary. But it’ll be useless if you wear it onto the Parisis Squares court.”

Reggie reached forward and began another cursory tug and pull of Alana’s athletic wear, this time pulling the fabric tighter, forcing her breasts closer to her body. “So yeah, you’ll want to find a size that fits you snugly enough to keep things in place, but not so tight that it is uncomfortable or constricting. I think you’re going to want to go a size down, maybe two…”

Her voice trailed off as she considered a bit longer.

“Given how large you are relative to the rest of your body, I think you’d do well with a high intensity bra. Even if you’re doing easy workouts…I’m personally of the mindset you can’t have too much support, especially in your case as you’re not used to it yet.”

She stepped back, giving Alana one more look before deciding she liked her recommendations. “There’s a replicator just around the corner near the showers. I think it would be a good idea to get yourself one better sized, and then change into it. I’ll wait here to give you privacy, and when you’re ready give me a shout and lets see how it works for you?”

Re: Day 13 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #12
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring

Pierce loved the witty banter between Reggie and her. home honestly. But Reggie's retort to the buying dinner first was icing on the cake. A huge grin crosse her face as she attempted to hide it despite the hilarity of it. Just as playful and mischievous as it was returned to it, she loved it.

After Reggie did her checks and did a quick grab at the material to test it's stretching capabilities, she gave a quizzical glance. The refinement was not offensive in the least but gave some quick thoughts. Explaining that they were not like everyday use bras nor were they a one-size-fit all option for movement. As Reggie tossed her shirt to the side and showed off her own sports bra, Pierce's eyes went wide, not expecting that, nor was she expectant of the followup. Reggie's hands grabbed Alana's and placed them right directly on her chest.

Alana's eyes went wide again as she felt the squishing beneath her palms. It felt familiar, like her own, but not. And familiar, like a muscle memory of days gone by. Her mind reminisced about others she had felt in the 23rd century. Surprisingly she resisted somewhat but felt comfortable too. It was an odd moment in her psyche for sure. Broken from her thoughts she heard Reggie's call about trusting her. She was saved by this woman already, why would this be any different. Letting the tensions relax in her arms, she squeezed, not once, not twice but multiple times before Reggie positioned her palms to feel the tensions.

“Notice how they don’t move? They compress a little of course, but save for a small amount of give, they stay in place?”

Blushing slightly she nodded. "Yes, I think I understand now." After her arms dropped, the explanation continued. "I do not enjoy the girls bouncing to and fro either. Especially when I am running or working out." She said matter of factly. Pierce took note of the gauze and took a mental note for the future. Secretly she hoped there was a more immediate solution to her issues.

"It's so complicated." She said looking slightly overwhelmed. "It's a wonder women have so much stress over their clothing when off duty. I get it now." She said in understanding.

After the final tugs by Reggie, she made the recommendation as to Alana's athletic wear. It needed to be tighter. And higher intensity in quality. "Got it. So, how often do you need to replace them? I thought they were like underwear. When they get holes, you get a few uses left and toss 'em. Do you have to replace these more often? These are the same they fitted me at the Starbase with." Totally oblivious to the fact that clothing wore out. Especially holding the chest weight these typically held.

Pointing at the replicator and announcing it, Reggie offered her opinion and waited. Pierce took the steps toward it and took off the current one, which seemed to slide with ease off her top heavy chest, relaxing her breasts on her as she looked at the size. Then punching into the computer, she lowered it by 2 sizes, and added the high intensity look and made it red to match. To match? She thought. Where in the world did that thought come from? She wondered as it materialized before her.

She tossed the other on the recycle portion of the replicator to break it back down and grabbed the new garment. Carefully she pulled it over her head which was much easier with the lack of hair in her face thanks to Reggie. And it seemed to stick slightly over her chest as she attempted to strangle her chest into the confining material. It was shaped for comfort and for motion. It certainly felt good to her. She almost needed help to get it on fully, but managed before she turned back around and headed to Reggie.

With a quick grab on her chest, she felt what Reggie was getting at with her own demonstration but just for fun decided to see what happened next. She walked over to Reggie and showed it off almost fashion model-eque to joke with her. "Seems to fit really well to be honest. I like it. Must have been I forgot you have to eventually get new clothes. I think I stretched the old pair out."

But then she grabbed Reggies hands and placed them on her chest. "Hey, it's only fair you get to cop a feel too." She said with a shrug and smirk.

As Reggie let go, Pierce placed her weigh on one leg, crossed her arms under her bust and spoke. "Okay, so what do you have for the hecklers? With how this day has evolved, I can't wait now to see what you have planned." She said smiling back at the dark haired fighter pilot.

Re: Day 13 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #13
[ Lt. Reggie Suder | Upper Gymnasium - Women's Locker Room | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce‍ 

Reggie couldn’t help but smile as Alana started putting it all together. Here she was, someone who had been a woman all her life, teaching someone who was just starting to understand what it meant, the ins and outs of that which she took for granted.

“Yeah,” she agreed, her voice raised so Alana would hear her as she worked at the replicator. “Lifespan will vary depending on all the usual variables, how much you use it, what you do when you’re using it, the size of the girls themselves. The heavier duty will last longer because it’s a stronger build, but when it starts to fail it’s going to go fast. So consider replacement as soon as things start to shift around."

Alana’s hands clamping down on her wrists and turning the tables on her caught Reggie off guard but much as Alana had done just moments ago, once Reggie overcame the initial surprise and relaxed, she indulged in a gentle grope or two while at the same time giving them a gentle once over to make sure they were, in fact, going to stay in place.

“Yes,” she said, as she pulled back and gave the new bra a gentle tug here and there, slipping a finger in under the elastic along her flank, to make sure it wasn’t too tight on Pierce. “For what it’s worth, I approve.”

Reggie did not give an immediate or direct answer to Pierce’s question about the hecklers. The Human already knew she had something up her sleeve, so she saw no reason not to let it play out a little. She helped Pierce put her halter back on properly, and in that moment, she decided she needed to get a version of this herself. Perhaps something in blue.

“Okay,” she said once Pierce was dressed again. “Close your eyes and keep them closed until I say so.”

Her tone was serious but soothing as she wanted to put Pierce at ease. Once she acquiesced, Reggie gently took her hands and guided her over to the locker room mirror. There were mirrors over the sinks of course, but for this she needed the full length mirror. She placed Alana in front of it and gently put the Intelligence officer’s hands on her hips, twisted her slightly at the waist and with a gentle tap, had Alana pop one knee, causing her foot to dip into a point.

To Reggie’s eyes, Alana was picturesque. The right blend of curves, athleticism, and attitude, even if Alana couldn’t necessarily see it… yet.

She turned Alana’s head ever so slightly so she would see the angle of her chiseled body.  Sure the curves were a little more subtle now, with the new undergarment doing it’s job properly, but for Reggie the change in Alana’s silhouette seemed to radiate with confidence.

“Okay,” she said, her voice a calm quiet as she stepped to the side, and out of the mirror’s reflection. “Open your eyes.”

She allowed a minute or two for Alana to take in her own image. 

Tell me, she said to Alana by way of a gentle telepathic projection of her voice into the Human’s surface thoughts.  Alana would not be prepared for this, and she did not want to surprise her.  If Reggie nuanced it correctly, Alana would think she’d heard Reggie aurally.

What do you see?


Re: Day 13 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #14
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring

Pierce nodded at Reggie's explanation of her sportswear. It was something she was still getting used to. Not to mention the fact that she had just been schooled about proper replacements and how it should feel and function. She feel slightly embarrassed about it but at the same time, how was she to know? Despite having been in her predicament for just over a year, there were still discoveries she'd been making about herself and this was the latest.

A smile crept on her face as Reggie released the girls and the free feel she'd offered up. The approval meant something. Deep down, she was glad to have the proper fit, but it was still something she wasn't sure how she felt about. Nevertheless, the approval was welcomed.

The dangled carrot about the hecklers intrigued her but she felt there was more to it than was being let on to. Definitely something that eluded her psyche when she was a male, and something she was allowed to understand, and even know about now that she wasn't anymore. After Reggie helped Alana put her halter back on, she told her to cover her eyes. What for? She wondered briefly. Further proof she was learning more about the subtlety in the words not spoken.

Feeling the gentle nudges and taps on various parts of her body, she knew or thought she knew what the fighter pilot was accomplishing. The hand placement on the hips, the twist and the knee pop all were to do...something... Alana wondered what it was but knew it was a different pose than she was used to doing. Totally new.

"Okay, open your eyes." Reggie told her.

Slowly at first, Pierce opened her eyes, staring at a gorgeous redheaded woman in the mirror. The hair tied back, the curves, the accentuating of the angles of her form. She was surprised at the appearance before her. Failing to realize that this is her body. She was astonished by the appearance of simple placements of limbs could make. The arms on the hips realizing the attitude, the twist showing her curves and athleticism, and the knee pop showing her beauty in form. She realized that for the first time, she was beautiful as she was. Despite the changes, she was gifted with this body. It just couldn't be carried the same as she once was. It had to be done...differently.

A gentle set of words appeared audible but looking at Reggie, she realized that the raven haired woman's mouth did not open. Telepathy. "Tell me. What do you see?"

Alana thought briefly back. I see, a beautiful woman. Stunning, and confident. I'd never have guessed I could...look like this. You're amazing. She chuckled audibly as the thoughts lingered between them. I'd say you helped me for sure today. I never would have seen things playing out as they have so far. I guess...I should live a little in this skin and see more of the benefits to it than the things I've lost. After all, it could have been far worse with what happened to me. I was gifted. She said taking in the look in the mirror once more. The admiration still stuck in her mind as she peered over the simple yet, effective things Reggie did for her and it took little effort at that.

Looking back at the fellow woman in the lockers, she looked around and fought some brief tears of joy. Allowing the emotions to swell in her chest and mind for once, she reached towards Reggie and gave a sudden hug. She held it briefly before realizing what had happened and she'd allowed to happen. Jumping back, she wiped her eyes slightly to act as if she was clearing something out. "I'm sorry, I just...uh, ugh." She grunted slightly readjusting her mental state again before replying. "Thank you. I don't know what I would have done today without your help. I'm definitely feeling more confident in my own skin which before today, I was merely trying to recapture how I used to operate. Clearly that was wrong, and I need to move forward as I am now."

Thinking in her mind again about the hecklers, she was still trying to figure out what Suder had in mind but asked a question in her thoughts to prevent the emotional spring from a possible leak. If it's not too much of a bother, and as stupid as this may sound, I would be honored to call you my friend. You've done so much for me in such a short time than I've experienced since coming to this century. Pierce smiled back at Reggie before taking another glance in the mirror, twisting her legs and waist around in admiration still.

Re: Day 13 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #15
[ Lt. Reggie Suder | Upper Gymnasium - Womens Locker Room | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce‍ 

For the first time since they had started, Reggie’s smile grew so large she felt her cheeks puff and redden.    She heard Alana’s responses both the ones she thought and the ones she spoke aloud.  The ask that she be permitted to call Reggie a friend warmed her and touched her in a way she had not expected.

“You’re very welcome and of course you can consider me a friend,” she said out loud.  “But I get to call you Alana when we’re off duty,” she said with a playful wink. ”But don’t think we’re done quite yet.”

She stepped back again, allowing Alana another unobstructed view of herself.  Reggie could only wish that a magic bullet existed that could deal with the hecklers and Alana’s issues with self confidence.  That would take more time, for sure.  Even so, Reggie could put her on the path.

You owe me no apologies, she said reverting to her telepathic communication.  But do not allow what has happened to you to hold yourself back.  There is nothing you could do as a male, that you can not do as a female,  she paused, with the exception of peeing while standing.  I don’t recommend it in a female body.  Even so, she continued, allowing the moment of humor to pass.  Everything you could do, you still can do.  You just may need to adapt your approach to the problem solving.

You see a beautiful woman, stunning and confident.  I could not agree more.  It is something that you ought to internalize, to embrace.  Because when you do, you will realize that you are here, looking like a warrior vixen not to impress someone else, but because that is who you are.  And that, my dear Alana Pierce, is the first step in handling the hecklers.  Reminding yourself that you are not there for their amusement, but for your own well being.

Reggie took Alana’s wrist once again and gently pulled her towards the exit. 

“Come on,” she offered.  “We can talk more as we beat the crap outta each other.”

Although she herself was not much of a boxer, Reggie had seen Alana going to work on a gym bag and, despite her awkwardness in her own body which now made a lot more sense, she had looked good.  It made her wonder idly how it might go down if Alana and Frank ever decided to get in the ring and dance.

Look around, she thought as they walked towards the sparring rings.  What do you see?  It’s okay to look.  We’ve all done it at one point or another and we’re all going to do it again.  That's a part of our life as sentient beings; to give attention to that which catches our interest.  Male, female. Androgynous, neuter, or any other gender…none of it matters.  Beings like what they like and you can’t control who likes you any more than you can control who you like. 

The holographic trainers approached them and Reggie stepped to the side as she pulled on the padded headgear before the trainer started to wrap her hands.

What you can control is how you handle that experience.

Re: Day 13 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #16
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring

Pierce looked at Reggie and smiled. The offer of friendship reciprocated only added to the happy smile she now wore on her lips. The quick jump to call her, Alana, stuck clear as crystal in her mind. "Alright Reggie. That sounds perfectly acceptable."

Turning to look at Reggie again, she looked once more at herself in pure enjoyment as she realized what she was missing out on. The training would have to commence with Reggie and others in her performance as a lady. Who knows what the future would bring there.

Allowing the mental thoughts and conversation from her newfound friend to simmer in her mind. It added to the warmth she'd shown visibly. A smirk and slight chuckle hit her as the comment about peeing standing up shown. You are correct. On all accounts.

Mental images strewn through her mind about the warrior vixen comment. But it was true she thought. Confidence and strength, is key. Alana stood waiting when Reggie grasped her hand and pulled her towards the locker room exit. Curiosity stuck on her face only briefly before she realized that it was to something more intriguing and fun.

“Come on, we can talk more as we beat the crap outta each other.”

A big smile broke on her face as she looked entertained. "Sounds like fun. Let's go."

Pierce followed Reggie out into the main area to the boxing ring, or makeshift thereof. The hecklers were back in their area screwing around and pointing at the two of them coming from the lockers. She walked over to the boxing gloves and the holographic trainers before she taped up her own hands slowly, glancing upward at the two officers in their direction. Giving each the evil eye as she looked on with a smirk and determination.

Care to give them a show? She offered in her mind to Reggie, turning her head in the raven haired woman's direction and winking. I used to be a good boxer but don't wanna make it easy on you either. But would be fun to scare the hell out of these two once and for all.

She looked at Sudor and admired her confidence and appearance after copying her own workout wear. I understand though. Fun and beautiful certainly draw the attention. It seems my mind is still attracted to the female form, but my body is to both oddly enough. She shook her head to clear it at the final thought.


She climbed into the ring and blasted her fists together as she started jumping back and forth.

Re: Day 13 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #17
[ Lt. Reggie Suder | Upper Gymnasium - Womens Locker Room | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce‍ 

Reggie had also seen Apones and Mosler gawking at them from afar and, in some ways, she relished it. 

I’m not so much of a boxer, but I’ll try and keep up.  That said, don’t hold back.

Her headgear and mouthpiece set, Reggie banged her fists together before reaching out to bump gloves with Alana.

“Ding Ding,” she said through the mouthguard.

Immediately she brought her arms up and attempted to remain light on her feet, allowing Alana the opportunity of first strike.

Working to scare the shit out of Apones and Mosler is just fine with me, she offered telepathically.  But don’t forget why you came to the gym in the first place - you came for yourself and your own well being.  You did not come to impress any others. 

She sidestepped, beginning an attempt to circle Alana.  It was something she’d seen during the Dance a few nights ago and it seemed a decent thing to try and replicate.

As I said, everyone looks.  Nothing you can do about that.  But when it comes to the immature drooling gawkers remember two things.  First, most of them are young idiots who wouldn’t know what to do with you if you gave them an opportunity.  Second, they can be easily predicted and manipulated whether by a show of strength, simply ignoring them until they get bored and move on, or even pulling rank when you tell them to fuck off.

Re: Day 13 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #18
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring [Show/Hide]

Alana heard the voice in her head telling her to ignore the gawking of Apones and Mosler. I'll try to keep that in mind and not hold back but not hurt you too badly. She smirked at the other woman as they wore their head gear and their gloves put on by the holographic ring masters. She bumped gloves with Reggie and then backed up and started jumping.

Already she could feel the difference in the weight distribution on her chest and that they were held close and tight but still showed quite a bit to the outside. Either way, she felt much more comfortable than she had coming in. She danced about momentarily as Reggie put up her guards and Alana double fist pumped the guard and then attempted a lower jab at her torso, connecting with the side of her waist.

Jumping backward, she held her fists high and swung a little faster and harder at Reggie, connecting with the side of her headpiece albeit lightly. Not out of caution but because Reggie was fast too. She could hear in her head the reassuring words from the fighter pilot reminding her of the why for her visit to the gym. Quite right Reggie. I'll remember that. She replied back telepathically in their mental conversation.

Pierce swung again when Reggie sidestepped and circled around connecting a blow to her as well. Good shot!

That was when Reggie finished some of her thoughts on the gawkers and remembering that there is nothing you can do about them. Alana chuckled as she heard the last portion telling them what to do if she had to pull rank. Not likely but would be interesting. She grunted as she swung a little faster but was blocked before Alana kept the fire going into the shots. Letting the frustration finally bleed into her hands that were now blunt instruments. Allowing them to empty the irritation she had been holding as a fury of shots came towards Reggie, not without thought but with precision and energy, lacking emotion.

She continued to block shots as a few connected between rapid-fire jabs.


Just let me know when you've had enough and then I walk over and invite our gawkers over to fight and see if they turn tail and run.

Re: Day 13 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #19
[ Lt. Reggie Suder | Upper Gymnasium - Womens Locker Room | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:  @Pierce‍ 

Reggie was no boxer.  Of that there could be no doubt.  It was the single greatest reason why she had not stepped into the ring a few nights ago during the dance.  She had undergone basic training, of course and there had been some more advanced training she’d learned at CONN school, but since the end of the War when the perceived need for additional hand to hand skills had been reduced she hadn’t kept up as much.  Put a bladed weapon in her hands and she would carve an opponent like a game bird.  But this….this was out of her league.

Even so, she managed to hold her own.  Despite her assertions to the contrary, Reggie suspected Alana was holding back.  Still, Alana hit hard and Reggie would be feeling the affects in the morning.  The duel was not entirely one sided and Reggie managed a few good hits including one series of quick jabs followed by a close in strike to Alana’s right torso.  The intelligence officer struck back, her blows coming faster and harder as Reggie sensed her confidence building.

I could do this all day, she said in response to Alana’s suggestion to let her know when she’d had ‘enough’. 

In that moment a sense of her own confidence took the Betazoid.  Alana had left herself open to her left, and for whatever it was worth, Reggie intended to make her pay.  She had through to throw a right hook, but but as she over extended herself she realized the punch had gone wild.  Alana saw the haymaker coming a light-year away and deftly ducked under the attack, delivering a pair of of jabs into Reggie’s side.  The betazoid felt the air rush out of her instinctively leaning forward to protect her gut and, unfortunately, leaving herself wide open for Alana’s uppercut.

Reggie did not feel so much as she heard the crack as she flailed backwards.  There existed but a brief moment of numbness before the pain lanced across her nose.  Her mouth guard hit the canvas as Reggie came to rest in an awkwardly seated position, held up mostly by her left arm which had become tangled in the ropes.  Although her ocular implants did not lose their functionality, so far as she knew, it still took a moment for the fog in her head to clear enough that she could comprehend focused vision again, and as she became aware of her situation, she saw the blood pooling on the mat where it poured from her broken nose.

Already the holographic trainers were making their way to her side to tend to her, and as she saw Alana approach with, what she could only assume was a look of concern, Reggie waved her off.

Or not.  She quipped telepathically as if a seamless thought tied off form her last.  I’ll be fine.  Not the first time I’ve broken my nose and it won't be the last.  Go make me proud by making Apones and Mosler shit themselves.

Re: Day 13 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #20
[ Lt. Commander Alana Pierce | Upper Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring

Pierce had boxed in the past but truth be told, she was more of a fighter, or using Kirk-like jabs and blunt hits. So boxing was something she'd taken up since the transitionary period, attacking holographic decoys on the holodecks. On the one hand, she didn't want to really hurt Reggie, but on the other, she didn't want to hold back as it was cathartic. The bonus was scaring the crap out of Apones and Mosler.

The feeling from the jab in her torso caused her wince in pain albeit briefly. She doubled back and covered her face and guarded her torso as she swung with a 1-2 punch at Reggie's abdomen and head. The mental tease from Reggie caused Alana to chuckle as she continued to swing. Taking a quick glance in the opposite direction, she saw Apones and Mosler with their faces dumbfounded with a stupid look on their faces as they watched the two of them go at it in the ring.

I think they might be a tad frightened... She smirked back before recounting a few more hits.

Alana saw the haymaker coming a light-year away and deftly ducked under the attack, delivering a pair of of jabs into Reggie’s side. The betazoid felt the air rush out of her instinctively leaning forward to protect her gut and, unfortunately, leaving herself wide open for Alana’s uppercut.

Taking the chance, she caught Reggie in the blunt swing, knocking the other woman to the ground. The blind energy that was fueling her pummels subsided as she saw the blood on the mat from the blow to the nose. As the holographic trainers were making their way to her side to tend to her, Alana approached with a look of concern before Reggie waved her off.

I’ll be fine.  Not the first time I’ve broken my nose and it won't be the last.  Go make me proud by making Apones and Mosler shit themselves.

Reggie's mental telepathy was acknowledged. Sounds good. Give me a minute and I'll come check on you.

Alana made her way to the side of the room where Apones and Mosler were standing and putting on a bit of saunter towards the two men, she slowly unbuckled the boxing gloves as she tossed them aside. Showing a smile as she approached them, she attempted to show some of that confidence that Reggie had taught her and some of the appearance of a woman on a mission. "Like the show boys?"

"Uh, yeah." One of the men stated almost not sure what was going on.

"I can give you a show if you really want one..." She said seductively as she touched the underside of his chin with her finger tip, only riling him up more.

"Uh kay...."

"You asked for it." She pulled him close as if to kiss as she grabbed around his neck and then shoved as hard as she could her knee into the man's nether regions, causing him to buckle over in pain. Apones stood in shock and attempted to run when Alana reached and grabbed his collar and threw him to the ground too as she bodyslammed him on the mat. Both men laying in various stages of pain and discomfort as their body's contorted on the mat.

Pierce could see Reggie watching on but continued with the punishment. Crouching down, she leaned in close. "You two are a disgrace to the uniform. You not only heckled a senior officer, me, but you also are making women very uncomfortable here. If I so much as hear you're entering this gym again, I will make sure you never see it again. Is that clear?" She said sternly before standing up. "Now, get the hell out of here before you end up doing the jobs of an Ensign on a remote starbase."

The two men struggled to their feet as they scrambled out of the room. Pierce chuckled as she walked back to Reggie at the ring who seemed to have gotten the bleeding under control. "Well, I doubt they'll be messing with anyone again. I insinuated they may not live to heckle another woman again if they entered the gym again. Plus the trauma to the groin. Didn't enjoy that as it gave me sympathy pains but I understood it's reasons for doing it." She reached Reggie and helped her up. "How are you doing?"

Re: Day 13 [0600 hrs.] Toughing It Out

Reply #21
[ Lt. Reggie Suder | Upper Gymnasium - Womens Locker Room | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce‍ 

Reggie was not one to refuse medical attention when needed, and the holographic trainers were no slouches in getting her off her ass and onto a stool so she could sit up and lean on the corner of the ring while they tended to her.  But as they worked to staunch the bleeding, she waived them off.  They were in her way.

The pilot couldn’t hear the conversation of course, but she was still tapped in to Alana’s mind so she ‘heard’ the exchange while she watched it from afar.  She winced as Alana put her knee into Mosler’s groin and she couldn’t help but crack a smirk when Apones hit the deck hard.

Ohhh, he’s gonna feel that one in the morning.

It hurt to move her head but she nodded slowly as Pierce bent over and spoke to the two.  The pain overwhelmed her perceptions so she couldn’t hear Pierce’s thoughts as she spoke to the men, but it didn’t take a telepath to know she was telling them to mind their p’s and q’s and fuck the hell off.  Whatever she said they’d clearly gotten the message and she laughed despite herself as they stumbled over each other trying to get out of there.  The pain stopped her and she hissed a breath.

She laughed again at Alana’s comments about sympathy pain, eliciting another hissed breath.  “For whatever it’s worth, Alana, I’m proud of you.  You did good and in case any one asks…I saw nothin’ ”

She pulled the towel away from her nose, wincing again.  “I’ve been through worse and I’ll be fine.  That said, would you mind walking me to Sickbay?”


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