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Topic: Day 09 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico! (Read 6386 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 09 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Diplomatic Council fka Flag Bridge | Deck 2 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]

@stardust @Ellen Fitz @rae @Number6 @Nesota Kynnovan @Brutus

[11 hours before]

Lieutenant Frank Arnold took a walk around the freshly restored Council room and smiled in pride as a picked engineer crew buzzed around him packing up their tools or applying the final buffs to bits of furnishing.  The big man crossed his arms as he took in the warmth the room had been sorely lacking before it's first refit, but now that he had time, and thank to the Chief Diplomat, replicator capacity to boot, he had taken the time to panel the room in a Klingon wood that looked remarkably similar to natural oak.  That panelling had invited it's own host of problems as he'd had to impregnate it with fire retardant and molecularly bond it to a standard ship panel, but the effort had been well worth it.  The room felt like it had more life, maybe more of home to it as well.  A scraping sound from the conference room drew his attention and he made his way passed the new transparent titanium window that had replaced the original transparent aluminum wall.  Placing his hands on his hips in pride at the hand crafted crest that was being hung on the wall opposite the one of the United Federation of Planets that hung behind the seat Samantha Rutherford would normally sit in.  "Easy there " the Chief Engineer told the two crewman mounting the crest as he pulled a holographic balance to ensure the crest was perfectly aligned before it was attached to the wall.   When it was as close to dead centre as he could measure, Frank nodded and the crew set about attaching the decoration to the wall.  He looked at the table one more time to make sure he had the sheet that would cover the crest after it was attached and nodded in confirmation to himself once more.

Her timing was impeccable as the door opened and a statuesque Andorian stepped through to find him.  "I got your message, you wanted to see me sir?"  Frank smiled as his help had just arrived, she just didn't know it yet.  "Absolutely dear doctor.  We've got a little job to do and you're going to be my assistant."  As he explained what the job was, platinum eyebrows furrowed, the eyes became more incredulous and her mouth went from neutral to hard frown very quickly.  He had quite a bit of work to do convincing her apparently.

[Present Time]

[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold and Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Diplomatic Council fka Flag Bridge | Deck 2 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]

Lieutenant Zark finished putting out the carafes of drinks and pastries that the Chief Engineer had insisted needed to be here today.  She got it, the place was finally put back together, but why go through all the hoopla?  It was just another room.  Okay, that wasn't totally true, it was also the main work place for Enyd, Faye, and L'Nari, not to mention Commander Rutherford, Diplomat Supremo, so it held a lot of significance. Sighing as she adjusted the neck of her tac vest, the combat medic felt damn silly wearing it, but the Chief Engineer had insisted on a 'likely opposition threat demonstration' and not many species had the armoured exosuits, so tac vest it was. 

Seeking to calm her mind, she opened each carafe on the conference table, taking a whiff of each one to make sure she got the order right and the identifying cards matched.  Sniff Vulcan Spice Tea Sniff Betazoid Jestral Tea Sniff Coffee, Kona High Altitude Sniff Sniff? The blue nose pinched. Warm Milk I think? Must be for the cat since it smells different. Sniff Katheka for myself and the new attache. and on and on through two more carafes.  With that completed, the Andorian sighed again and made sure that all the cups, plates and utensils were perfectly aligned and fit for a visiting head of state before her eyes fell on the bucket in the middle of the table surrounded by Champagne flutes.  She shook her head again as she lifted the replicated bottle of Pol Roger 2325 champagne sitting on ice. The man sure has a flair for the dramatic but it's really early for something like this.  Shelat! I can't believe I agreed to this.  Oh well, it's always nice to see Enyd, and Faye ..... L'Nari ...... sort of, mostly I think.  Aiyayai I hope those two keep the cattiness to a minimum.  She spotted the Chief Engineer who was fiddling with something on a PADD and nodded in satisfaction suddenly then waved her over.  Taking a breath, she moved to join him.

Frank Arnold smiled as he waved the Andorian Security Officer over to join him and she seemed tense as she walked over.  "My dear Lieutenant Zark, it's not going to be that bad."  Seafoam eyes gave him the same incredulous look from the previous night.  "If you say so sir." "Aye that's the spirit!"  The big engineer responded he smiled and clasped the smaller woman on the shoulder.  "Through the big black beyond Zark ventured for the good of the diplomatic corp." Zark's eyes became slits as she glared at the engineer.  "Eh" the engineer shrugged. "I tried."  Zark looked like she was about to give a hot retort when the door opened precisely at 0800 and the full diplomatic corp came through.

Chief Arnold smiled as the Chief Diplomat led the procession in and he waited for them to stop and roughly line up "Ladies and gentlemen.  It is my pleasure today to announce your offices have been restored and are ready for you to occupy as of 0800 today.  However, before we begin to today's festivities, we'll be going over the requisite safety and systems demonstration.  Please feel free to head over the conference room to grab some refreshment, then we'll begin in 15 minutes."

OOC: Y'all got 15 minutes to mingle

Re: Day 14 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #1
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Diplomatic Council | Deck 2 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Ellen Fitz @rae @Nesota Kynnovan @Number6 @Brutus @RyeTanker

The chalice of enlightenment wasn’t one that passed Samantha easily. In her line of work, it was essential to know the details and be aware of any goings on at all times. But the reconstruction of the very heart of Theurgy’s diplomatic effort had been kept from her deliberately, sanctioned by her superiors, and she didn’t like it one bit. Even though the finer details of the work, implemented behind closed doors, didn't hold any obvious weight in regards to their ability to execute their duties favorably, she would’ve preferred to stay appraised over any minute detail. Left for herself to decide which part was pertinent intel, and which was pointless background noise. And it certainly wasn’t at a lack of sending the proper requests through the regular channels. Not at all. As a matter of fact, she had gotten the idea that Lieutenant Arnold was stonewalling her intent to peek beyond the curtain deliberately, out of some sort of abstruse human enjoyment over grooming a measure of suspense. It certainly wasn’t the way a Vulcan would’ve approached the subject efficiently. But at the same time, she wasn’t going to impasse superior logic over how he executed his work. There certainly wasn’t a soul alive on Theurgy who would’ve been able to hold a candle to the bearded bard in that regard.

Engineering AND theatrics.

Conscience detached from lithe alabaster, vigor returned slowly to the statuesque figure, at the side of the anteroom’s double doors, leading into the inner sanctum of the former flag bridge. Conscious thought manifesting in ginger movements of bones aching with impatience, muscles burning with anticipation. A focused awareness, of all the maladies of the physical form, marrying with the spiritual manifestation once more, as body and mind became one again. Making it difficult to discern retrospectively, if it had been her human side’s penchant for the wandering mind, or her Vulcan side’s exploration of intellectual detachment, which had prompted such a momentary separation in the first place. Either way, the gyri of the blonde’s brain spun for a moment, flustered as if stepping off a turbulent merry-go-round, as perception wrapped around the congregated members of her department like a sheltering cloak. It was now a minute to 0800 and not much time to spare, in regards of preparing them for what the commander herself essentially wasn’t quite ready for. As a leader, however, there was still unwavering merit in exuding a sense of confidence, even if none existed.

Fake it till you make it.

And as Sam was caught between the notion of rationalizing everyone’s expectations - as a Vulcan would have – and goading on everyone’s giddy excitement – as a human might’ve, the burden of choice fell off the diplomat’s slender shoulders with the subtle swoosh of doors parting and Frank’s husky baritone beckoning the whole of them inside, like trumpets off a fortress’ keep. Turning to marvel in the sleek new beauty of the premises, larimar pearls reflected the wanton glimmer of polished metal and luxurious veneer. Blonde curls moved as if in translucent molasses, as the vigor of the freshly tuned environmental systems flushed into the inferior atmosphere of the rest of the ship. A delicate breeze, that brought with it all the glitz and glamour of what Arnold had created here. A gilded lily, no doubt, but the human inclination within the woman couldn’t help but marvel at the superfluous grace with which the offices were adorned. All the fixtures and details, that held no measurable influence on the efficiency of her department, yet did so in ways one couldn’t quantify. Holding up the procession of officials by the ‘embarrass de richesse’ pouring down on her like golden rain, the blonde gingerly stepped forward, in the end, off the yellow brick road and into the gleaming emerald city.

This certainly wasn’t Kansas anymore.

Cornflower hues followed the chief engineer’s lyrical travels like blossoms would the solar chariot from dawn till dusk. Ultimately settling on the glimmering sunset of the conference rooms glass divider, displaying the splendid buffet beyond. It would’ve been audacious to judge the man’s fondness towards culinary vices superficially, but there certainly was a measure of discernible veneration, that infused everything the man did. Betrothing her attention back upon him, an indulgent shimmer of gratitude glazed over luscious peach slices, as she dipped her pate at a subtle angle. Conveying a distinct notion of ‘you shouldn’t have’, that wasn’t very specific to any one instance of him going overboard with the proceedings. Taking the invitation at face value, however, the blonde gave her entourage another visual review, before promenading onward, following the siren call of delectable scents, which invigorated the measure of heightened Vulcan senses within her.

A veritable cornucopia of splendor.

The buffet was set up like a well-organized diplomatic affair. A carefully thought-out measure of cultural concession to each and every member of the delegation, spread across the negotiating table. The burly knight of wrenches and pliers displaying a measure of sensitive forethought she sometimes wished to find as casually inherent within certain members of her own team. “And the man’s uncertain over his skills as a diplomat …” the commander mumbled to herself like whispers on the wind, as cerulean heed trailed over the pastures of plenty. Arching her slender posture over the most simplistic vessel, Samantha reveled in the familiar subtlety of Vulcan spice tea, which brought another grade of curvature to petals of rose. Pouring herself half a handle-less cup of artisan clay, the blonde proceeded to the side of the table to make room for everyone else to wander the cultural journey Frank had laid out for them in culinary art. Sideways resting against the edge of the passage, in the freshly erected wall of glass, she took a sip with azure gaze gleaming over the brim of her mug, in earshot and eyesight, of the bearded engineer.

“I hope you are aware that – in our business - a display of such blinding veneer is usually followed by a revelation of dire reality, hidden smoothly beneath the pomp and circumstance.” the diplomat chided skillfully smooth. “So, what did you break?!”

Re: Day 14 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Diplomatic Council fka Flag Bridge | Deck 2 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]

Attn: Mainly @stardust and @Ellen Fitz in passing

The Chief Engineer admired the bright tones the wood brought to the room as Commander Rutherford made her way over to the conference section and the continental buffet that had been laid out.  "Never underestimate the subtle impact of a simple thing like the details in presentation." Frank said quietly.  "The cleanest weld in the right place can have an impact far out of proportion to its appearance."  His Andorian assistant looked at him oddly but said nothing before briefly came to attention, gave him a questioning 'sir' as the smiling visage of the Chief Diplomat made her way towards him.  He shooed the security officer off to give the two department heads some privacy before the demonstrations began and the Andorian nodded respectfully to the blonde Commander before bee lining towards the rest of the diplomatic crew.  He noted that several of the diplomats and the enlisted who worked for them were pointing out several things along the way and on the table, and he wondered if they found the gold shirts work to be satisfactory.  His nose was tickled by the scent of spices that came from the tea as the golden tressed Commander got closer and he nodded an acknowledgement to the larimar eyed smiling Chief Diplomat.

Her opening line was not what he was expecting, but he was quick on the uptake and he melodramatically crossed his hands over his chest in response.  "My dear Lady Ambassador, you wound me with such an unworthy demonstration of unwarranted suspicion."  Frank's face held the Chief Diplomat's an admixture of mock horror and grievous spiritual pain.  He dropped the facade soon and laughed at his own poor sense of drama.  "At this point, the only thing I really hoped that I've broken is your sense of expectation about how this place has changed.  Well, to be fair, I think I broke my own expectations, redesigning the place took quite a bit more work than I thought it would, but we got it done in the end, though we were coming down to the wire.  I also think anyone who tries to break in here is going to sorry and sore in the attempt, and I may see to spreading some of these changes to other critical parts of the ship."

The Chief Engineer crossed his big arms for a moment as he looked around once again, his mind's eye seeing the changes that had been made over the course of four days of hard work.  He'd had to pitch in on several occasions just to make deadlines as numerous other projects had been diverted to completing the change.  At least the bridge had been completed before this place got fixed.  That could have been a interesting one to rationalize.  "I wonder if Starfleet is going to change everything back to it's original design when we all go home eventually." the Engineer mused to himself out loud before mentally shaking his head and offering his usual easy smile as he peeked over passed the golden locks to see Zark link up with Enyd at the conference room. The engineer brought his attention to the Commander Rutherford. "Never mind, not important. Sam, I wanted to properly thank you for all your help in getting the ship put back together, but an artist needs his space to properly assemble the pieces, and it would just ruin the fun if the gift's recipient was watching over his shoulder.  I hope you'll find these facilities to you and your staffs liking and sufficient recompense for the delightful, from my end anyway, juvenile evasion of your requests for updates."

Re: Day 14 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #3
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Diplomatic Council/Flag Bridge  | Deck 02| Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @rae @Number6 @Ellen Fitz @Nesota Kynnovan @stardust @RyeTanker 

Faye had joined the rest of her colleagues, new and old, in front of the doors to the Flag Bridge, swallowing back a yawn as she crossed her arms under her bust and observed the others, all waiting with a mix of anticipation and mild frustration at the wait. They were mostly all on the alpha shift, as unlike other departments there was usually little need for for their work to spill out around the clock, though that wasn't always the case, and now that they were starting to staff up again, Faye idly wondered if someone would end up on station during each shift. She did a bit of quick math and realized, to her displeasure, that there were now three official Attaché's assigned to the department, and while she had been with the ship longer than any of them she was no longer the ranking officer in that position. 

Just my luck, I'll be the one stuck on the night shift, she groused, keeping a pout off her face as she heard the doors open and the Chief Engineer's bombastic greeting bellow out from behind them. He had a flare for performance, she had to admit, ad she queued up near the end of the officer line, each one passing through the doors, falling in by rank without question or prior consideration. Protocol was well drilled into all of them. It was their bread and butter after all.

She would later admit that despite the lack of caffeine in her system - she'd woken up late and missed her morning cup of tea - Faye was suitably impressed by the efforts of the engineers and ops staff that had clearly put time and effort in over the last few days to gift the Diplomats a fully upgraded and operational suite to do their work in. Should they have to host any functions, this room would do wonders. Of course they had a plethora of other conference rooms for that sort of thing but all the same, the thought was nice, and by setting up a breakfast spread Lt. Arnold was demonstrating just how versatile this space was, not to mention easy on the eyes.

Speaking of, Faye thought, slipping past some of her colleagues - an snagging a cup of that Jestral Tea in the process - Faye sashayed her way around the room. She didn't make a bee line for her target - that would be too obvious - but instead took the time to appreciate the work that had been done. She found the Klingon paneling refreshing, reminding her of her pervious postings aboard the Cortez, stationed out of Khitomer. The melding of Federation aesthetic with 'locally sourced' materials was well done, and spoke of the alliance between the crew of the Theurgy and the current Chancellor of the Empire. 

Even if his grandkids a little shit, she mused, laughing silently to herself now that the brat wasn't her problem to babysit. 

Setting aside thoughts about Klingon heirs, Faye saddled up to her target, taking one long step then dragging her other foot forward so that her heels clicked a bit. They were in a crowd of others as she ended up next to her goal. "Fancy meeting you here again Lieutenant," she murmured, wagging her eyebrows up at the Andorian, whom had a few inches on her.

All decked out in armor, she looked impressive, and sorely out of place, Zark certainly drew attention. Faye knew just how adept the other woman could be in a pinch, having been on the receiving end of....well, the less she thought about that day the better. But seeing as they were in her domain now, and she wasn't in the principles office so to speak, she figured she could be friendly and enjoy herself a bit. Lt. Commander Rutherford was huddled up with Lt. Arnold, she saw no reason to linger and listen in on that as the two complimented each other on the new chambers. And while she liked most of her colleagues, she saw them every day. The blue shark in the diplomatic waters stood out and hopefully would prove to be as interesting as the rest of the room.

"Should I be worried that you're in full combat gear, Ma'am?" She was on duty after all, she supposed she aught to abide by rank, regardless of what the other woman had said prior. Protocol, protocol, protocol.

Re: Day 14 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Diplomatic Council | Deck 2 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nesota Kynnovan @RyeTanker @stardust @Brutus @Ellen Fitz @Number6

As she entered the room along with the others, Nysari made all the appropriate sounds of awe and appreciation, but they didn’t feel the least bit authentic. She was in the middle of the pack, behind Rutherford and the assistant chiefs and ahead of the two ensigns, a position afforded by rank and protocol, rather than any seniority. The newest addition to the diplomatic department, she still felt very much the outsider. Unlike the others, this was her first time ever seeing this room. She didn’t know what it had looked like before, nor had she seen the aftermath of its destruction. After ten days on the Theurgy in various conference rooms, she was merely pleased to have a dedicated work space.

Having expected a dry and overly technical presentation to begin immediately, blue lips curled up in a smile as the chief engineer - Lieutenant Frank Arnold, according to her research - commenced instead with an introduction worthy of diplomatic conferences across the Federation. Simple, succinct, and gracious. For all their genius, engineers tended to have a collective problem with presentation. Instead of tailoring their work to the audience, they’d always dive right into the nitty gritty engineering details they found fascinating, even as eyes in the room glazed over. Lieutenant Arnold had started on a trajectory to break out of that stereotype. She hoped he succeeded, that would make him quite the double threat.

The assembled officers broke off into groups relatively quickly, the two department heads, Arnold’s Andorian assistant heading towards Madsen and Eloi-Danvers following not long after. Nysari hung back rather than join any one group right away. A glimpse into their interpersonal relationships could help give insight to her new coworkers. She did take a detour to view the offered refreshments, impressed yet again by the array of options, clearly chosen with the participants in mind. A cup of katheka was soon in hand. She’d already started her day with some, but a bit more of the stimulant couldn’t hurt.

Nysari circled the offices then for a courtesy examination, but was still stuck with her unfortunate circumstance. She couldn’t appreciate the changes when she didn’t know what was new. Changing tact, she moved to the nearest diplomat, the caitian L’Nari, asking quietly, “Tell me, Ensign, how does the room differ from before? Are there any structural or layout changes, or is everything purely aesthetic? I would like to compliment the engineers on their work, but I don’t know exactly what they did.”

Re: Day 14 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #5
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madson |  Diplomatic Council/Flag Bridge | D. 2 | V. 01 | USS Theurgy] ATTN: @stardust  @RyeTanker  @rae  @Number6  @Nesota Kynnovan  @Brutus

“Frank,” Enyd blew into the renovated room with a Cheshire grin on her face, “I could kiss you! And not just for that vat of coffee that is calling my name.” She resisted the urge to kiss the bearded man but didn’t stop from reaching out and giving his upper arm a quick squeeze of affirmation. “This place looks splendid! I adore its functionality, versatility, and contextual upgrade!"

Frank had been coy even with Enyd regarding all the upgrades he’d had planned for her workspace. During their routine sparring matches, he’d always told her she could beat the details out of him as further incentive for her efforts but considering his size and experience in contrast to her own, Enyd had never been successful. Yet, she’d not minded the silent wait. She trusted Frank with her life—had to every day, considering it was his team keeping the ship running and ready to flee or fight—and she’d known that he would only ever seek to enhance their capabilities to respond to dire circumstances. And those dire circumstances were becoming far more regular than any of them would prefer. She agreed with L’Nari on a few points: their department should not have to rely on violence to achieve success. Typically, if violence was called for, then most likely, they had failed their mission. However, considering the culture of the Klingons and others like them, sometimes the diplomatic solution WAS violence, or at least only viable as an option after a display of strategic violence.

“Now, I’m going to go stuff my face with this bribe-worthy spread and check back in later.” She gave Rutherford a polite nod before shifting her attention entirely to the table and all its goodies.

Enyd was just draining her first few gulps of piping hot coffee—her grandmother had called Enyd a “dragon” for her ability to suck down hot liquid as if it were nothing—when Zark approached. Faye spoke first, her eyebrows dancing as she directed her remark to Zark. Enyd was curious how they’d met before but chose to add her own jest in response to Faye’s question.

“While I cannot claim to be the reason, I’ll readily name the elephant in the room. The good lieutenant here knows firsthand of my ability to create mayhem, and I would not at all be surprised if she garbed herself thusly in an effort to be prepared for the worst that my presence could conjure up.” Enyd shot Zark a wink, her smile broad. “But truly, I’m with the Ensign; why the battle gear?” She asked before she tipped her mug back against her lips and drank greedily of the elixir of life.

Re: Day 14 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #6
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Diplomatic Council fka Flag Bridge | Deck 2 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]

@Brutus @Ellen Fitz @stardust @rae @Nesota Kynnovan @Number6

Zark had been making her way towards the conference room and sustenance for her metabolic furnace when the gaggle of diplomats got there first and the security officer decided it was best to let the group goggle at the changes.  Having never been in the facility before, she had no idea what had changed, though her mind mentally tsked at the thought of wood on a ship.  The aesthetics were nice, but she wasn't sure if leaving such a huge concentration of flammables around was a good idea.  By all accounts, and even on Breen, Lieutenant Arnold was very competent, so the council room shouldn't burst into flames.  Still, the idea of having to conduct a rescue here was enough to give her shivers, but she was just a visiting Security Officer for the day, and it wasn't her office. So she shrugged and waited for an opening.  It soon appeared and the combat medic darted in to grab a cup of Katheka and a random pastry before pulling back out of everyone's way.  A couple of the enlisted gave her inquisitive looks and a human female of Asian descent frowned at the Andorian's breach of etiquette by squeezing herself in. Lt. Zark smiled her apology as she quietly ate and drank.

Zark had finished stoking her metabolism and was wondering what was hidden underneath a sheet on the bulkhead wall behind the far end chair when a dragging sound drew her attention and the familiar form of a lithe dark haired Betazoid sashayed right next up to her.  It's amazing how body language and tone can convey everything and say absolutely nothing at the same time. The medic thought to herself.  If the Andorian had been more up tight, she might have had the grace to blush upon seeing the Betazoid, but in this case, all she did was smirk and a quick eye brow waggle of her own.  This look settled into into something close to resignation though.  The blue woman was about to give Faye and answer when the other charming brunette showed up and began giving her keen insight on why Zark was decked out for bear.  Not particularly caring for protocol, Zark simply shrugged before addressing her two friends in the diplomatic department. "No Faye, you have nothing to be worried about unless the universe decides that Enyd needs another jolt of chaos in her life.  On the other hand she may not have to worry too much this time as I think she's going to be witness to a bunch of chaos that's going to happen to me. I have plenty to worry about since Lieutenant Arnold wants a live demonstration of the security system changes.

Zark sighed before she gave the two diplomats a look that combined equal parts resignation and appeal.  "Enyd, Faye. I should be okay through the demonstration, but keep an eye on me just in case.   The security officer gave a very 'c'est la vie' shrug having been shot enough times to know these things generally didn't work out the way they were supposed to all the time, especially when new systems were being tested out.  The blue woman gave her two friends a crooked grin, but it was mainly directed at Faye before pointing at the clearly marked emergency med kit. "Look on the bright side Faye, you get to put your first aid training to use and this'll be my comeuppance for knocking you around a few days ago. Remember, follow the right symbols for the cortical and cardiac stimulator. Zark finished with a crooked smile as she laid a hand on each diplomat's shoulder.

Re: Day 14 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #7

[Lt. Foval | Diplomatic Council fka Flag Bridge | Deck 2 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]

@Brutus @Ellen Fitz @stardust @rae @Nesota Kynnovan @RyeTanker

Not for the first time, Foval mused at how unusual humans could be.     On one hand they could be downright stubborn.     On his first trip to Starfleet headquarters following his escape from the collective everything was as he remembered it right down to the spaces between the portraits of Starfleets finest captains.     There was nothing, save for a memorial on the grounds to say that the facility had been ravaged by the Breen during the dominion war.     Everything, down to the shade of paint on the Golden Gate Bridge was as it was before.    

Yet humans could also remake what was lost in a new or different form.    Buildings that were levelled could be remade as grassland or gardens in memory of what was lost.     And then there was the third option to rebuild in a way that was grander, stronger or basically more human than it had been before,  an "FU" to use a polite form of a human term,  to the forces that destroyed it.     

The wood panelling while ostentatious to Foval made the space seem more homely and less sterile than the standard Starfleet ship interior could be.       

Hiss attention was drawn to the seal of the Federation.   The blue sphere that encompassed numerous stars surrounded by the terran laurel leaves of peace.      No greater symbol of the Federation existed, and yet with the Federation under the influence of enemy agents there was no greater symbol of defiance.   

"FU indeed" the ex drone said aloud.    

Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 14 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #8
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Diplomatic Council | Deck 2 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Ellen Fitz @rae @Nesota Kynnovan @Number6 @RyeTanker @Brutus

A temple of living pillars, destiny had a way of giving purpose, to worrisome woes. As they passed through forests of symbols, the symbols looked back upon them with understanding eyes, for there was no immediate reprieve, in the beguiling embrace of ignorance. At least that was how Charles Baudelaire understood fate, “the Flowers of Evil”. A blossoming weed, growing in the crevices of a person’s integrity. Perfumes as innocent as children, expanding into infinity. Like Amber, incense, musk and benzoin, singing in ecstasy with soul and sense. A ploy designed to take advantage of desperate passions such as hope and desire. A siren’s song to lure the swaying hearts into the deep abyss. And it was upon the master in chief, to keep their perceptions open, tied to the mast of their ship, guiding a crew through treacherous waters with cotton in their ears. Dipping the tow into the pond of impropriety, dabbling in the venomous ether of seduction, before being dragged from these poisonous clouds only by the sheer momentum of the cause they were leading.

That was what Samantha figured her job to be.

Not to be oblivious to the corrupting incense of ignorance, but embracing it, understanding it. And to lead her team through the treacherous waters they were in, even if it meant losing her mind in the process. Yet, as reality went, there wasn’t this one instance of temptation. This one lush island, full of alluring splendors, they had to pass. But rather an entire archipelago of cliffs with sharp fangs and tides with relentless pull. One that reached from beginning to end, birth to death, with an inherent need for a navigator. To sacrifice their own romanticized notion of joy and happiness, in favor of the greater good. And who better to do that, than someone who had already sacrificed their life of magnificence, on the altar of fate, in the first place. Justifying each shred of contentment with a morbid sense of irony.

To that end it was almost a taunt, towards the foaming fangs of destiny, when she occasionally stuck her head in its jaws.

“Unworthy …” Sam repeated, the word rolling off her tongue like a playful hedgehog. Cute but prickly. All while larimar moons beamed over a tongue in cheek, hiding behind ivory veneer and petals of rose. She had not taken any offense by the jest, feeling as if just like in diplomacy, giving and taking in perceived equal measures, was just as much a framework for human interaction as well. A joyous sensation that only blossomed fully as the sun of Arnold’s humor reached its zenith over the vibrant meadows of the diplomat’s understanding. “Well, if we have learned anything, it’s that challenges don’t stand a chance with you.” the blonde replied in benevolent glee. Even if they were challenges imposed by perfectionism and pride, rather than any external pressure. She could understand fighting for a perceived level of grandeur. Following the engineer’s explications, azure hues trailed the perimeter of the room once more, taking stock of all the superficial changes and improvements.

“Wood panels all around, hmmm?” she mused, betrothing the burly hulk with a glimmer from mischievous gems, as he indicated towards adapting some of the council’s improvements to other areas of the ship. Deliberately ignoring the obvious implication of technical aspects over the striking beauty of the natural veneers. As was a common ploy of a diplomat – and a woman. Yet, she wouldn’t let the commitment and the sacrifices fall to the wayside of superficial lamentations either. “Rest assured, however, the lengths you went to in repairing the council, is much appreciated.” And with that, an icy cold glaze thawed away from frosty ponds, as a measure of warmth resonated with the man, which anyone else would’ve judged a mere mirage. A figment of the mind. But it was as much real as the very gratitude that burned in the woman’s heart. This wasn’t just an office, after all, it was a forge for hope, that a peaceful resolution was still possible. A sentiment not exactly in abundance, aboard Theurgy.

“I somehow feel like this wasn’t your last repair …” Samantha replied in a somber fashion, her voice like a hurried bell, across foggy hills. A measure of hope, in a way, as much as a herald of potentially worse things to come. And as such, a moment of silence ensued, as they listened for the low rumble of nearing hordes. The faint glimmer of torches across the ridge. The gentle tremors of an army, resonating through the earth. Luckily, however, this terror never came. Not yet. As such, the woman could take a moment to revel in the man’s gratitude, no matter how misplaced that crown was on her. “If all I did was staying out of your way and waiting for the work to be done, then sure, anytime.” she quipped suavely, words rumbling through her esophagus. Returning to a more serious note soon thereafter, however, in this symphony of conversation.

“Looking around, I think it is safe to say that everyone is in awe with what you achieved here. And my gratitude in return cannot be expressed any grander.” the diplomat replied somberly, a gentle nod bending her delicate neck. Hoping this would suffice in the realm of a proverbial pat on the back and conveying her true gratitude, towards the man’s sacrifice not only to the council and her department, but her as an individual all the same. The reactions of her peers did not go unnoticed either.

Faye, who scurried along the walls towards a measure of quiet sanctuary at the side of a seemingly familiar face. Raising in interesting point: Why WAS the Andorian in fully combat gear?

Their latest addition, an experienced Andorian herself, Nysari who was showing a delightful sense of opportunistic professionalism by aligning herself with the Caitian, who treasured a special brand of diplomacy, not much unlike her boss’.

As well as Enyd, who had already been able to leave her distinctive mark on proceedings, in the short amount of time she’d been a part of the team. Not unlike she had when first entering the room. For which she received an equally polite dip of the pate, as she moved on towards the pastries.

From a safe distance it was easy to overhear a situation unfold that Sam was personally invested herself. It seemed as if there was a portion to the presentation in the books that hadn’t revealed itself yet. Well, not in words anyways. Thus, after diverting her attention from the smaller groups circling the buffet like vultures – and the Vulcan’s peculiar epithet -  the blonde gave Frank a strategical inclined brow. “Are you expecting any casualties?” she queried, shifting her weight uncomfortably from one leg to the other.

Not out of fear of conflict … but out of fear over how much some of her team might enjoy it.

Re: Day 14 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #9
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Diplomatic Council fka Flag Bridge | Deck 2 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]

@stardust @Ellen Fitz @Brutus @rae @Nesota Kynnovan @Number6

Frank Arnold smiled and shook his head as Enyd Madsen made her grand entrance.  The secret of the extent of the repairs had proved an incredible incentive for the diplomat to improve her sparring abilities, but she was still a neophyte compared to the engineer.  As a result, many of her attempt to extract the information through physical means had come to a good natured naught as he'd taken the opportunity to push her limits and demonstrate eagerness and aggression in the ring were warranted, but they had to be tempered by planning and analysis via observation.  The result had been some ribbing, in a few cases literally, over actions that had warranted a bit of circumspection to avoid the resultant contact of padded leather against body.  Nonetheless, she took it in stride, and there was plenty to be proud of.

As the siren call of coffee and pastries lured Enyd away, frank turned his attention back to the ship's Chief Diplomat as his demeanour turned serious.   "Sam, despite the casualties and general damage to the ship, we were very lucky.  I meant it when I told the Captain in the staff meeting days ago that overall we got away pretty well.  Compared to Aldea, Theurgy doesn't have any major damages that would normally account for the equivalent of a full rebuild of the ship.  The important ship systems were finished and tested three or four days ago.  After that was all the non tactical critical systems and facilities such as here."  a meaty hand waved at the combination of wood and alloy surrounding them.  "I'll have to admit that I definitely used the higher priority on the industrial replicators provided by your truly to make a number of adjustments that I hope will give us additional redundancy and a performance edge in the long run. "  The Chief Engineer smiled as he crossed his arms under his arm pits while observing the diplomats and one security officer attack the buffet with refined gusto.  "If anything, you can view the more warm and welcoming nature of this room as your just reward for all your hard work."

The Chief Engineer's gaze settled on the Andorian in armour as she chatted away with Enyd and a tanned member of the diplomatic staff and the circling question that everyone had caused Frank to shrug.  "I think the security types have to be paranoid to join that department.  The Good Doctor, the ship's 'combat medic' that goes by Zark, is officially here to catalogue and evaluate the changes to the security systems that were made and ensure that all the arms assigned to this room are in working order."  A big hand scratched the back of the salt and pepper head somewhat pensively.  "I managed to convince her to do a live test of the systems, so she's going to try to breach council room."  The scratching hand returned to the arm pit power pose as Frank continued.  "It's supposed to be very flashy, and for some reason, she doesn't believe all the changes that were made are one hundred percent, so she felt it was necessary to get herself extra padding when she gets swatted."  Massive shoulders shrugged at the idea once more.  "At least that's the goal after some of the things I heard about her martial abilities. I suppose it's good to be prudent in case anything doesn't work as designed, but I had to draw the line at the armoured exosuits."  Frank had to smile at that one as Lt. Zark had been passionately (loudly) vehement in the use of the system till his logic and superior rank overrode her protest. "I think her being a humanoid tank in of those new exosuits is overdoing it anyway since nobody else has a similar system."

The chief engineer pursed his lips for a moment, which wasn't the easiest to see with the salt and pepper around the mouth, but he'd seen enough on the Cortez to know the sort of nasty after effects the ground pounders had when they came back from heavy combat.   He could still remember the blank stares or endless torment some of the depressingly few survivors from AR-558 had when they'd been brought on board after the ship had delivered replacements.  Despite his outward jollity, those scarred souls had left their mark on him, so he was all in favour of anything that made his own side more survivable. Frank shook the cobwebs of wool gathering as his trademark grin returned, though laced very heavily with wryness at this point.  "Before you ask how necessary the demo is, she insisted on the live exercise to impress on your staff the systems capabilities instead of having a dry account on a PADD to read." The big shoulders shrugged as there was nothing he could do.  "She's a big girl and made her choice."  Blue eyes turned to where the woman in question was still chatting with Lieutenant Madsen and the unknown Ensign. "She knows the risks."

Re: Day 14 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #10
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Diplomatic Council | Deck 2 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Ellen Fitz @rae @Nesota Kynnovan @Number6 @RyeTanker @Brutus

The lure of Vulcan logic was like a fungus, spreading its mycorrhizae beneath the surface in an almost symbiotic manner, towards the mostly human composition of this soil, within which conscience sprouted like an ancient coniferous forest. A blend of numerous different influences, held together by the far-reaching silken threads of reason. A vow towards sanity. The diplomat thoroughly enjoyed her light-hearted arguments with the chief engineer. Had so in the past, and was likely going to in the future. Arnold was a man of strong conviction – a worthy sparing partner. As she had only parenthetically come to learn: Quite literally. But while others may have gravitated more towards the true implication of the term, she owed it if only to her occupation – if not part of her heritage - to rather indulge in a rhetorical bout, than a physical one.

“Well … luck isn’t exactly a very reliable ally.” the blonde interjected calmly, her sanguine voice about as disruptive as a gentle summer breeze, moving the curtain to Franks argument ever so slightly. She couldn’t even remember if she had ever put the success of any kind of endeavor on luck. Chances were, she hadn’t. The success of Theurgy in staying afloat, so far, was a synergy of each and every crew member’s unrelenting fight and duty. The chief and his team specifically. Maybe a little bit of favorable physics on top of that, but there surely wasn’t a grander design at play that granted them some sort of reprieve in enacting a protective layer of blessing upon them. That kind of thinking was blasphemy towards science and logic … yet also inherently human. As was the talent of playing an argument like a theatre play. Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and denouement. Which came in the sweet embrace of eloquent gratitude. One that ironically substantiated her own unvoiced claim of everyone playing their part in Theurgy’s apparent “luck”. A notion that cast a saccharine measure of pleased glee upon the woman’s plush lips.

Attention soon diverted to the blue elephant in the room, which was ironic, because she was so tiny. Manicured brows skipped ever so slightly over larimar ponds as the golden collared man motioned towards the desired proclivities within each branch of service. Something one could consider a cliché, if it didn’t hold so much merit. Curious hues of azure amber fell back upon the burly custodian, as he mentioned instigating a reenactment of basically the worst moment in recent history. At least what the lithe blonde was concerned. But she didn’t worry about her mental health any more than she did about the wellbeing of the capable looking security officer. As the explanations poured forth, however, the commander’s initial trepidations turned into casual concerns towards not only the persistence of pristine condition for the Andorian, but also the council chambers as a whole. In the end, however, she would bow to the chief’s expertise in conducting this very orchestra.

“I hope you do too. After all, you’re only doing this to yourself.” Samantha remarked mischievously, shooting the man a devious glimmer of challenge, sparking from cornflower fields. If the flag-bridge was to dissolve into a battered mess of charred remains again it was his own fault, and he’d be the one to fix it. Who was she to deny the man his creative process?! Letting delicate palm fall upon behemoth shoulders, the diplomat nodded one last time, as the proceedings seemed ready to start. “Well, good luck then, old man.” she remarked dryly, touching back on his own mawkish sentiments from earlier. Feeling that if he truly believed in such machinations, he’d been weighing the odds in his favor. After all, surely, he didn’t go the extra mile with all the aesthetic rigmarole just to have a feisty Andorian tear it all down again.

“So, if you don’t need me, I’ll go find my seat.”

Re: Day 14 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #11
[Ensign L’Nari | Diplomatic Council | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]
Attn: @RyeTanker @stardust @Ellen Fitz @Number6 @rae @Brutus

While she never truly considered the Diplomatic Council to be incommodious in any sense of the word, especially given the simple fact that the offices aboard the USS Theurgy were far better equipped and much more comfortable than any of the other offices that had served as her workplace over the years, L’Nari was rather impressed with the work done by Lieutenant Arnold. As the other diplomats began to spread across the room following the Chief Engineer’s refreshingly brief introduction, L’Nari moved off to a more quiet part of the conference room by herself -something she had actually come to prefer during the course of her stay aboard the ship- and gently ran the palm of her right hand over the newly installed wooden panels which now lined the walls. It definitely was fine craftsmanship and, as she briefly glanced over her shoulder to throw a green-eyed look at the burly Chief Engineer, a brief smile began to adorn her black-furred face as she realized that the man could easily make a living in construction if their mission would somehow fall through.

She was about to head to the table to seek out her beverage of choice -cold buttermilk, with maybe one or two small cubes of ice if she’d be lucky- when someone suddenly spoke up and the black-furred Caitian noticed that their new Andorian Diplomatic Attaché was standing right next to her. ”Oh, hello.” As she spoke, the kind tone of her voice only further accentuated the smile on her face. ”Well, I just figured out that Lieutenant Arnold might have chosen the wrong career. The man should’ve entered construction or, at the very least, interior decorating.” Even though she was normally never this open and cheerful towards any of her fellow officer-rank Diplomats, mainly due to circumstances and experiences that drove her to adapt a much more professional kind of courtesy, Lieutenant JG Nysarisiza (yes, she had managed to memorize the first part of the woman’s name and was working on the last name; tc’Esai-something) was probably the only Diplomatic officer whom she hadn’t clashed with thus far. After having felt like the outcast of the Department -at least amongst her fellow officers- for such a long time, it was worth the attempt to open up and be cheerful; with luck, she might find a kindred spirit in Nysari. ”I think that’s probably the best, and safest, compliment to give any of them.”

For a brief moment, L’Nari turned her attention towards the table. ”Could I perhaps join you for a drink, ma’am? The demonstration is about to begin, and we might want a refreshment for that.” Given how Lieutenant Arnold made such an effort to Madsen-proof the Diplomatic Council, which was probably best left unsaid, the demonstration would be quite the show worthy of a good drink.

Re: Day 14 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #12
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Diplomatic Council fka Flag Bridge | Deck 2 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]
Attn: @Brutus @Nesota Kynnovan @stardust @Ellen Fitz @Number6

Lieutenant Arnold nodded after Commander Rutherford as she turned to take her leave and he figured enough time had passed when it looked like most of the diplomatic staff had mainly drinks in their hands and there wasn't much food in anyone's hands.  A feeling of nervousness settled into his chest.  That tightening, followed by a tingling that signalled impeding action, or something worse, like public speaking.  In this case, the engineering simulations had been done and the system should work well, but only real life testing would be able to tell how well the system worked and if there were any tweaks that needed to be made.  However, he knew to not let these doubts show, so it was time to 'fake it till he made it' and he smiled as he cleared his throat in a rather loud manner. "Alright ladies and gents, let's all gather in the conference room and I'll go over some of the systems before Miss Zark here goes through her testing, and I'm going to ask that you hold your questions till after the demo is over. "  It didn't take long for everyone to gather the Chief Engineer began the overview by tapping a set on the LCARS console where Commander Rutherford would presumably sit.  The lights across the council room dimmed and holographic projection sprang up in front of the transparent titanium with an wire frame floor plan, and bathing the room in a light blue glow.  "Okay, safety first.  The council room is equipped with forcefield projectors at the main door, the other door frames and along the bulk heads.  These are in place mainly for loss of pressure or decompression scenarios."  The mentioned frames flashed blue as did the surrounding walls.  "The other use of these door frame force fields is to provide barriers in case someone tries to force their way in. These are standard systems, so don't confuse them for deflector shields.  They can handle weapons fire for a period of time, but it's mainly enough for you to get away."

Frank tapped another set of buttons and the flashing blue stopped to be replaced by pulsing red bands at a point inside the anteroom, and two more inside the main chamber.  "These are your active defences.  Now, most of us don't have the martial skills that Lieutenant Zark here processes, so whether you're going to be able to hold the room is up for conjecture, so we'll tilt the odds in your favour.  These items in red are phaser turrets.  They're currently hidden behind panels, but will pop out when Intruder Alert is initiated either by the computer or a command authority.  They have a forcefield of their own, so it should last long enough to actively cover the escape of any persons in the council room."

More buttons were pressed and the engineer smiled at the results as the hologram seemed to disappear showing the transparent metal and the council room's main working space beyond.  The main indication that the holographic system was still active was a green patch on the far wall. A wireframe representation of the room appeared and three areas strobed the same green. "These areas are your Jefferies tube access points.  Since there's only one main door in and out of this compartment, the Jefferies tubes will be your main line of retreat.  Thankfully there are three of them, and they are clearly marked"  Frank turned to the one in the conference room and pointed at a door with a red and white band reminiscent of a candy cane.  He walked over to the door and pressed a simple sequence causing the door to pop open.  Big hands grabbed the handle as he continued speaking.  "The sequence is simple to open and if we lose power, the manual fail safe will kick in, so just grab the handle, pump three times and twist counter clockwise." He left the door open for anyone to look inside as he continued.  "The access ways will lead to to the nearest escape pods and every other part of the ship, including the main bridge right above us.  I suggest you familiarize yourselves with at least the local layout so you know which way to crawl."

The Chief Engineer crossed his arms one again before giving an indulgent and conspiratorial smile to the Diplomat Supremo.  "Now, if for whatever reason you decide to make a fight of the room and want to hold it, every desk out there has a type 1 phaser underneath it near the right hand.  If you're left handed, we can make adjustments. There are type 2s in the arms boxes on the walls near the Jefferies tube hatches.  Incidentally, the first aid kits and fire fighting equipment are right beside them.  Now, if you need something heavier."  Frank moved to a shelf right behind him in the exact centre of the opposing wall from the transparent titanium.  It held various cultural artifacts and pressed in a sequence on the console next to it.  He'd originally wanted the shelf to spin, but the dimensions just wouldn't allow for it, so he settled for the shelf moving out and splitting in half revealing another arms locker with four neatly racked phaser rifles, the same number of additional type 2 phasers, and even a few phaser grenades.  In burst of perhaps misplaced zeal and creativity, half a dozen combat knives lined the outer edge of the hidden armoury. "You have enough here to wage a small war, and remember kiddies, war is diplomacy by other means. Errrr. Bad joke. Never mind. Moving on."

The engineer made his way to the conference table and laid his hands on it.  "Now, back to holding the room.  That transparent material back there masquerading as a window is a transparent titanium ceramic composite.  Nothing short of a Level 9 shot will crack it, so feel free to hide behind it when directed energy starts flying.  This here table "  Those same hands knocked on it the surface in question "has a duranium inlay that will require a full power phaser shot to crack.  In the commander's console, there is a big red button that will flip this thing on it's side to provide additional cover.  I'd show you that one, but I'm not going to clean up the mess.  You can dump that on one of the Ensigns."  Frank smiled in jest at the tan skinned woman and the Caitan who was standing on the opposite end of the group.  "We'll also be installing transport inhibitors in the next few days.  These ones have been redesigned to keep invaders out."

The remainder of the overview covered the numerous work desks, view screens and holographic displays, including the ones built into the commander's personal desk and a giant holotank in the middle of the council work space.  Now, Miss Zark, if you'd like to make your demonstration. As the Andorian nodded and headed out, Frank reconfigured the holo-display to show the internal cameras while closing the door to dampen the sound before heading to the food replicator. "Anyone want popcorn?"

Re: Day 14 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #13
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Diplomatic Council fka Flag Bridge | Deck 2 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]

@Brutus @Ellen Fitz @stardust @rae @Nesota Kynnovan @Number6

Lieutenant Zark silently whistled as her antennae focused hard on the holographic display in front of her while Lieutenant Arnold gave the overview of the tactical systems.  It wasn't the most solid defence she'd seen as she could have incorporated stun fields in the floors, grenade dispensers, and all other sorts of mayhem and chaos in making a boarders life very difficult.  Still, it wasn't a bad start and she'd toss additional recommendations into the review afterwards.   Yay, more paperwork. The medic thought to herself as she began thinking about how to actually breach the room.  Typically, there would be at least one other person acting as a wingman in the assault, but as this was just a test and exercise, the other person probably wasn't needed. Definitely maybe.  On the other hand, she was free to use firepower and simulators to her hearts content, and outside the holodeck in the Security Centre,  this was the next best thing.  With the conclusion of the briefing, Lt. Zark nodded and made her way out back into the corridor.  The statuesque warrior took a moment to lean against a wall and close her eyes while taking a steadying breath, seeking the calm before the storm.  Opening her eyes, there was nothing but cold serenity.  Computer, initiate program Arnold zh'Ptrell 01 and begin recording. and pulled her pulse phaser pistol out.  The computer broadcast a warning that a security exercise was underway on deck 2.

The exercise program was a necessity as there were certain assumptions that were being made for a preliminary test and to avoid doing too much damage to the newly installed systems and the medic just hit the open button and was met with a glowing hum on the door frame.  Taking another breath, she charged the active forcefield and was stopped head in her tracks by a shriek and a thrum.  She pounded on the energy field a few more times before aiming her pistol at the field and began blasting it.  It took about 30 seconds of sustained fire to bring the field down, and unfortunately while the Chief Engineer wasn't a combat soldier per say, he did have an imagination and the skills to go with it. As soon as the field dropped the first turret popped out and a shrieking orange beam lanced out and struck the medico on her chest causing her grunt as the bleed through slammed into her causing her to stumble back leaving her feeling as if she'd been punched int he chest.   Her combat reaction took over and she rolled out of the just as another shot struck where she'd been standing.  If the Andorian hadn't been wearing the tactical vest, should would have been knocked out cold for about 5 minutes, but the vests were designed for such punishment an aside from mentally cursing, Lt. Zark was essentially unharmed.  The medico knelt down and peaked around the corner spotting the turret.  The turret also spotted her and swivelled to aim at her head, but didn't fire. That's no good. Gonna have to fix that.  And why isn't Anesthazine gas being blown out the vents?  Tsk Tsk.   The security officer took advantage of the programming error to stand up and quickly lean around the frame and begin blasting turret.  Seeing the shield come up absorbing the blasts was still a surprise despite being briefed about it.  Still the shield eventually flared and failed allowing the turret to be struck several times.  Given the time taken to knockdown the forcefield and the turret, the diplomatic crew had plenty of time to either arm themselves or make a run for it thus making the whole exercise a success in her mind.  The rest now was just for the fun of it.  With that happy thought, the Andorian smiled ferociously and charged in.

Only to slam into another forcefield where she heard a loud and male laugh coming from the conference room.  Chief Arnold had left this energy barrier out of the briefing to give Zark a bit of a surprise.  While she begrudgingly respected the choice to leave the information out, the Andorian felt the urge to shoot the engineer after the exercise was over.  Somewhere harmless like in the shoulder, maybe a leg.  Looking into the room, she spotted the telltales of the turrets inside the main chamber.  Zark practiced good sense this time as she hid behind the anteroom wall as she blasted the forcefield again watched it fail after roughly 30 seconds.  Instead of shooting the turrets this time, Zark pulled a pair of grenades and tossed them into the room before pulling herself back behind the wall and listened for the screech of the grenades 'exploding'. Leaning out to check on her results, she saw one turret was disabled and she pulled back to get another get grenade out then yelped as a shot struck the wall she was hiding behind.  She stared at the wall for a second, dumbfounded as shots continued to slam into the wall.  Apparently, Chief Arnold had taken manual control of the turrets and was trying to delay her more aggressive assault.  Zark's smile became brighter at this, and she pulled another pair of grenades. Lt. Zark felt the song of battle sing in her veins as she looked passed the wall section she was hiding behind and noticed the diplomats and one engineer behind the glass. She laughed at the absurdity of trying to figure the equivalent of who was in the fish bowl as she waved at the group then aimed her pistol at the glass and fired a burst at it.  Orange energy lit up the council room as the low power phaser bolts flew across the room and thumped into the transparent surface causing several people, most importantly, Lieutenant Arnold, to flinch. If he hadn't been behind cover, he most likely would have been hit in the head and upper torso.  Much to her chagrin, it was possible one of the shots could have grazed Commander Rutherford or Enyd too.  On the other hand, if there was someone with a weapon behind that glass, Zark was pretty sure she'd have been shot instead, but Arnold flinching had delayed his reaction and she threw both grenades at the turret.

A loud flash and bang exploded into the room followed by the screech of a phaser grenade right under the turret. The computer duly noted the 'explosions' and shut the turret down. This was technically the end of the exercise and she would have been happy to conclude it.   There was still that slight excess of adrenaline and she felt the urge to carry the 'attack' through to the very end, which would have been a shock to the diplomats as flash bangs would start exploding in the conference room followed by a literal stunning advance by fire.  Instead the medico took a breath and looked into the room spying a pair of coal black eyes and a pair of jades ones, then smiled as she took another deep breath.  That's enough induced chaos for one day. "Sir, I think everyone should have gotten away or should be fully armed at this point, so we're done here.".  Lieutenant Zark yelled as she stood up and holstered the pistol before making her way over to the spot where flashbang had exploded and saw faint black blast mark on the floor.  Oops.  I hope he can get that out later. the medico thought to herself as she took a moment to stretch then gave a warm smile to her audience as she undid her hair letting it cascade, a sure sign of relaxation before waving everyone out. "Not the easiest break in, and not the hardest either.  Chief, I do have a few thoughts on some modifications that I'll pass on to you afterwards."

Re: Day 14 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #14
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Diplomatic Council | Deck 2 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @RyeTanker @stardust @Ellen Fitz @Brutus @Nesota Kynnovan @Number6

“And here I was thinking he should have been a diplomat,” she replied with a slight smile, blue eyes dancing with mirth. “Perhaps we should congratulate him on being such a well rounded individual.” Nysari had been hoping for a more specific list of changes, but she would accept what she was given. Perhaps this demonstration would give inspiration for an appropriate compliment. “I would be delighted if you joined me, Ensign.” There was no need to refill her drink yet, and the andorian raised it slightly to show that she was ready to go. If the caitian had a reputation among her peers, the ship’s newest diplomat hadn’t heard of it yet, so she took L’Nari’s politeness at face value.

Not long after, Lieutenant Arnold was gesturing them all into the conference room for this demonstration of his. Now, it seemed, was time for the explanation she’d expected the engineer to start with. Her face remained composed and polite, but otherwise expressionless, as she listened, but inside Nysari felt a growing unease. She’d known this section had been boarded, known there’d been a firefight in this room that had left it in shambles… she’d known that coming to the Theurgy was a dangerous choice. But what could have happened here that would constitute such drastic - and violent - upgrades? Forcefields and jefferies tubes she understood. That was a basic safety procedure on starships. The others though. Shielded phaser turrets? Phasers beneath every desk? Weapons compartments?

By the time he finished up and asked if they wanted snacks to watch as he tried to kill the security officer who’s volunteered for this horror, Nysari was seriously reconsidering her earlier suggestion that he’d make a good diplomat. Arnold was having far too much fun.

Thankfully, she’d brought a drink along. It made its way to her lips many times during the demonstration, but she barely tasted the katheka. It was a shield, hiding the moments of shock that crossed her face as the room’s defenses came to life one by one. Unfortunately, she had no clever method of hiding her flinch the first time Lieutenant Zark took a hit. It took everything she had not to demand the scenario ended right then and there. Despite the pain in her heart, Nysari knew she had to stay silent. Commander Rutherford had presumably approved all of this, and a few glances in her direction yielded no overt agreement that this needed to end.

Like the best of diplomats, their leader’s face was the perfect mask of politeness that Nysari was trying - and somewhat failing - to maintain. But the Andorian had spent her short time on board studying those delicate features, memorizing the most subtle hints, silent cues that she would need to pick up on during negotiations. Was there a bit of surprise hidden behind those bright blue eyes? A subtle acknowledgement that this exercise of violence was unnecessary? With only ten days of experience to go on - they’d both been so much younger on DS9 that it hardly rated - Nysari was reluctant to act without some sort of go ahead. Rutherford seemed willing to wait. So Nysari held her tongue and suffered through it.

When the demonstration was over, Nysari was careful to hold back her sigh of relief. Thankfully, Zark seemed unharmed, and even wanted to modify it. To do what, make the defenses even more dangerous? Wasn’t this overkill enough? She took another sip of her drink, wasting time gathering her thoughts and emptying the cup without realizing it. “As long as we all have time to escape,” or hold off the intruders long enough for security to arrive, “I think the setup as is seems quite sufficient. Thank you Lieutenants.” As great as her dislike was, Nysari understood that fighting to dismantle the protection measures was a losing battle. It would be much easier if they simply elected not to use it, and she could campaign for its removal later on should they go long enough without needing it. That didn’t mean she’d sit here and let them make additions without some sort of push back.

She had followed the others out into the main room again, her gaze lingering on the mark on the previously pristine floor. All that work to fix the place up, only to be undone on day one. “Any more modifications, and people might mistake the Diplomatic Council for Security.” Her words were framed as a light hearted joke. She’d even gotten her voice appropriately airy. Inside she felt sick.

The compliments she'd been searching for earlier had died before ever reaching her lips. How was this necessary?

OOC: Thanks to @stardust for a little insight to Sam's thoughts.

Re: Day 14 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #15
[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madson |  Diplomatic Council/Flag Bridge | D. 2 | V. 01 | USS Theurgy] ATTN: @stardust  @RyeTanker @rae  @Number6  @Nesota Kynnovan  @Brutus

“She’s got moxy,” Enyd commented to Faye as they watched the Andorian security officer report for the demonstration Frank had promised. “Too bad she’s not in an armored kilt get up. That would be a sight to see.” She tossed a wink in Faye’s direction before turning her attention to her boxing partner.

Enyd noted the tension tugging at the corner of his eyes and was curious about his word choice as he directed them to settle into the conference room to watch the demonstration. More curious than anything, Enyd passed by him at close range and gave him a light jab in the arm, hoping to alleviate his tension. No matter what occurred, it was important to remember that these modifications had been done to ensure their safety should a boarding party ever make it again. They were going up against literal chaos aliens who basked in the pleasure of corruption, luring you into a sense of safety before ripping out your innards.

Though a certain Caitian might assume Enyd preferred violent solutions over diplomatic ones, in truth, Enyd didn’t. She believed it was important to prepare for a breakdown before heading into the talks, having more than one contingency plan up her proverbial sleeve for such instances. Having a few of those hypothetical contingency plans take shape within their work office bolstered Enyd’s spirit. While she would prefer they not have to do it at all, meaning they were through the worst of the present predicament, she felt upgrades were necessary for the time being.

Standing close to Frank, she tracked his descriptions of the upgrades with her gaze, nodding attentively. She liked the light change, but then again, she had an inner child who adored shiny things and pretty lights. And buttons. Enyd’s eyes were wide, and her fingers itched to push the buttons Frank indicated. But she was adult enough to refrain, especially since a sudden button push could harm Zark since they’d not started the official demonstration yet. She refrained from following on Frank’s heels like a puppy when he crossed the room to open one of the three Jefferies tubes they could retreat through. Enyd didn’t stop the amused smile when Frank spoke of their armament now cleverly placed throughout the room, eyes once more lighting up with delight when he revealed the hidden panel with a goodly amount of bladed sprinkles. She snorted at his joke, perhaps very un-diplomatically, but she’d heard similar from Valyn on her first night aboard, and she wasn’t entirely against the notion considering what history spoke of and what she’d lived through personally.

Finally, Frank offered popcorn after telling Zark to get ready. Enyd raised her hand with a reassuring smile. She recognized the major step he was taking. In his efforts to offer protection and options to the diplomatic corps, he could very well be making an “enemy” of himself to any number of them. Diplomats were some of the moodiest individuals. Some were far too pie-in-the-sky to recognize danger or be willing to adapt to the new circumstances, and some were far too set in fundamentalism to see the moments where their ideals were a part of the problem, not the solution. And then there were the loose cannons—Enyd knew she belonged to this particular set of crazies—who could be the maker or breaker of peace treaties depending on what day it was or whether or not they’d had a good cup of coffee.

Munching on the popcorn Frank procured, Enyd tracked Zark’s movements with an enraptured gaze. Her friend was beautiful, deadly, and could take a hit like a champ. Frank found Zark’s floundering more amusing than alarming, and his amusement soothed any nerves Enyd might’ve felt. If the man behind the design was at ease enough to laugh at the rat going through his maze, then she had no cause to worry. If anything, his quick change to hands-on efforts to keep Zark at bay made Enyd doubly delighted. Not only was Zark really good, but the defenses were good enough for automatic but not so good to not need a little elbow grease.

Her friend shooting at the glass had all of them flinching to some degree, even Frank, and instead of gasping, Enyd giggled. A popcorn kernel got stuck in the back of her throat. As Zark continued her valiant assault, Enyd pounded at her chest, eyes watering. The kernel popped out and bounced off the glass with a ting just as Zark called the demonstration to an end. Wiping the tears from her eyes, Enyd applauded first Zark and then Frank, her voice still too warbly from the coughing to say much yet.

“Thank you,” she held a hand to her throat as if its presence would lend strength to her voice box, “This took a lot of time and genius to modify and bring to life. You are a master craftsman Lieutenant Arnold, and a skilled tester of systems, Lieutenant Zark.” Clearing her throat and swallowing, Enyd dropped her hand and spoke again. “Considering the context of our present posting and missions, having this as a backup is a comfort. If we are boarded again, I’d rather have more than a fork to keep me safe. However,” Enyd reached out to stroke a hand down Frank’s arm, a soft smile on her face, “I think we would all rather our missions become so habitually successful that these new features require routine maintenance and dusting to keep them in running shape since we never have to put them to use.”

Enyd gave Frank another playful jab before shifting closer to Zark. She raised a single eyebrow in question, curious if her friend was holding up after all that she’d gone up against. The woman could use a few dabs a the brow. Remembering where they’d kept cloth napkins for the more distinguished visitors, Enyd moved aside long enough to retrieve one before handing it to Zark.

Re: Day 09 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #16
[Ensign L’Nari | Diplomatic Council | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]
Attn: @RyeTanker @stardust @Ellen Fitz @Number6 @rae @Brutus

As the demonstration concluded, L’Nari couldn’t help but to feel somewhat shocked as her green eyes stared at the Andorian Security Officer. While the Federation Embassies where she had served, both at Lakarian City and Paris respectively, both enjoyed extensive security measures as well, the black-furred Caitian never questioned their necessity because they simply made sense. Aboard the USS Theurgy however, where the Diplomatic Council barely saw any guests with a VIP-status or even any other Federation Citizens in need of their services in general, these increased security measures only made L’Nari feel queasy and ill at ease. She already knew that her colleagues would be excited about these changes though and, realizing that she once again wouldn’t be able to voice her disapproval on a matter, it introduced the Caitian Diplomatic Attaché to a feeling of emptiness which she’d experienced only too often lately.

While her green eyes were stubbornly staring at the Andorian Security Officer in disapproval, deliberately focusing on that woman so she wouldn’t have to see the excitement she expected to see on the face of Lieutenant Madsen, L’Nari was actually shocked to hear Lieutenant Junior Grade Nysarisiza voice her exact same thoughts. For a brief moment the Caitian Diplomatic Attaché suspected she was the target of a prank but, as she turned her attention to the Andorian Diplomat who was standing right next to her and blinked several times in utter confusion, L'Nari began to realize that she’d actually heard it right. Despite her best attempt to stay calm about it, a smile began to form on her face as the feeling of emptiness began to make way for something else; possibly happiness or delight in the knowledge that there was at least one other Officer-ranked Diplomat who met these new changes with reservation.

After a brief moment L’Nari leaned slightly towards the Andorian Diplomatic Attaché, lowering her voice ever so slightly that the woman was like the only one to hear it. ’You know, it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if some of our colleagues already fail to see the difference as it is.” While it was meant as a light-hearted joke in response to Lieutenant Nysarisiza’s, L’Nari moved her green-eyed gaze over towards Lieutenant Madsen in time to see the woman jab their Chief Engineer; while it didn’t surprise her to see how excited the woman was about these new changes, the black-furred Caitian nevertheless felt a pang of annoyance upon having her earlier suspicions confirmed. 

Re: Day 09 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #17
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath and Lt Cmdr. Samantha Rutherford | Diplomatic Council | Deck 2 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @RyeTanker @Ellen Fitz @Brutus @Number6

“Pick your words more carefully please Ensign.” Her warning was equally quiet. Nysari hoped that the others were too preoccupied to notice this quiet conversation, for L’Nari’s sake. “It is one thing to joke of a potential mistake from an unknown individual who might not know this room’s purpose, but another thing entirely to suggest the same of our colleagues.” In the same vein, she hoped that the young ensign would see her words as an attempt to help, instead of reprimand, but she did not know the Caitian enough to predict her response. Clearly, there was strife between L’Nari and another diplomat, possibly more than one. Presumably Lieutenant Madsen, considering how much she seemed to have enjoyed the demonstration. “If you would like, we can speak more on this later.” In private. An open conversation where just the diplomatic department was present would be one thing, but at the moment they had guests.

Feeling another’s gaze on her, Nysari looked back towards the others, meeting the bright cornflower blue eyes of Commander Rutherford. They had not gone unnoticed then, but hopefully the chief diplomat hadn’t heard. She suspected that Rutherford missed very little of what went on in a room, though as always, her expression was veiled behind the perfect veneer of countenance. Was there a hint of boredom that she detected behind that facade? She had thought surprise earlier, but it seemed that the shock had now worn off.

When she did speak, the emotions Nysari was trying to suss out of her were pushed further away instead. “Thank you Lieutenant, for all your work. I asked for a bastion, and you found us a fortress.” Whether Samantha agreed with the demonstration or not, her words at least were in earnest. “I see why you wanted to keep it a surprise.” That bit Nysari did not understand. Hadn’t Rutherford collaborated on these modifications?

The chief diplomat had been watching the demonstration from a chair, but now she stood up and walked back to Arnold’s side, bright eyes examining the new messes in the Council room, which had been pristine for such a short amount of time. There was a hint of mirth in the diplomat’s smile. “Though there is now another clean up job before us.” Whether Nysari had been correct in deducing Rutherford’s thoughts or not, she was quite certain that the two department heads were friends, a fact that was quickly proven when the blonde leaned close for a quiet comment that Nysari couldn’t make out. Obviously it was meant for the engineer’s ears alone.

Horrible as this demonstration was, at least Nysari was getting practice in reading their commander’s moods. It would help her in future negotiations.

OOC: For @RyeTanker, said quietly to Frank: “Do you have anything else hidden up your sleeve, old man?”

Re: Day 09 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #18
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Diplomatic Council fka Flag Bridge | Deck 2 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Brutus @Ellen Fitz @Number6  @rae

Lieutenant Frank Arnold had expected several things during the demonstration.  The sheer determination that Zark had shown was not one of them.  Intellectually he understood that she was the product of the innate talents that were native to her.  Combined with Andorian martial training and the polish of the Marine program, meant that she was one of the most tactically aggressively and determined people in the crew.  Seeing it in action and being on the receiving end emotionally instilled that respect in the Chief Engineer.  Definitely getting shot at by the blue siren added a certain edge to that respect.  Still, despite flinching, Frank knew how to put on a good show, so he kept a neutral expression on his face as various viewpoints were offered.  Some were in favour, others danced around the issue, but they did sound polite.  The one that mattered the most was Sam's and he had her blessing, so all was fine.

Sam's remark about the blast marks had the engineer snort in amusement.  He doubted he could get Zark to clean up the marks since this whole thing was his idea.  A stray thought amounted to maybe one of the Ensigns could do it.  It amused him, but wasn't really practical.  He'd detail a Petty Officer for the job, and even the worst he could assign should only take less than an hour to clean everything to it's previous glittering levels.   This duty assignment carried him to Commander Rutherford leaning on his shoulder and whispering in his ear if he had anything else.  Getting called old man elicited another snort of amusement as he turned to face her.  "Well Sam, since I'm going grey and senile here, maybe I'll just forget that I was going to assign an Engineering team to clean the place up.  You can ask the two Ensigns over there to do the work instead, especially the Caitan who's tail is moving a lot fast than is probably safe for the people beside her."  The Chief Engineer offered quietly, except he shook his head to indicate he really wasn't serious.  "There'll be a team in here around 1800 to clean up the blast marks.  It shouldn't take them more than an hour."

Frank gave a proud smile to Commander Rutherford as he stood up.  "There actually is one more item for your merry bunch of negotiators."  and he walked to the sheet.  With all the seats taken, the Andorian Security Officer had taken to leaning on the back of Lieutenant Madsen's chair after flashing her a quick smile.  Probably to reassure her of her safety though it looked like his sparring partner had no doubts of her own and seemed quite happy with everything that had transpired.  Shaking away the thought.  The Chief Engineer linked his hands together in front of him.  "Excuse me Ladies and Gentlemen.  As you can see, the diplomatic council is one of the safer places on the ship, outside the Security Centre.  Make sure to study the deck plans and the placement of all the various pieces of equipment are.  It's possible, you remembering there is a button to turn that shelf into the arms locker will save your life.  Now.  The final piece for the demonstration is more of a commemoration of the re-opening of the council room.  As you have taken to displaying items of cultural significance, this item is a more artistic momento of the work done by Engineering and also represents the thanks of the Engineering department for all your support, especially that of Commander Rutherford in securing the necessary resources to repair the ship.  This has been crafted by yours truly. " With that, Frank pulled off the white sheet on the wall to reveal a metal wall sculpture of an oversized fountain pen mounted on top of crossed swords with the seal of the United Federation of Planets.  Inscribed in gold at the bottom were the words 'Calamus Gladium Adiuvat, Gladius Stilus Adiuvat.  "Put simply, the inscription at the bottom reads The Pen Helps the Sword, the Sword helps the Pen.  Given the nature of what we face, your efforts are absolutely critical to this ship's success in defence of our home.  So thank you and you're welcome.  And yes Lieutenant, the swords are real, can be pulled out and are sharp. End of Speech."  Frank smiled as Zark looked ready to swoon and possibly Lieutenant Madsen as well; but Frank shrugged off everything else and took a step back to admire the metal work as everyone else digested the latest addition to their office.

The Wall Sculpture

Re: Day 09 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #19
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Diplomatic Council/Flag Bridge  | Deck 02| Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @RyeTanker @Ellen Fitz @rae @Nesota Kynnovan @Number6 

Biting her lip, Faye felt more than a little trepidation at Zark's parting words as the Andorian split off from the pair of diplomats and made her way through the growing crowd in the flag bridge and central Diplomatic Council room. She shared a brief glance with Lt. Madsen, and shrugged her shoulders. Quietly, she murmured, "It's not like the first aid kit was all that hard to figure out. No idea why she seems to think I'll get it backwards."

The pout that followed after did little to persuade anyone that she was in the right, and not the other officer. Still, there was little she could do about it except sip at her tea and look petulant, an expression she had mastered at the tender age of 3, and had plenty of experience since. Soon enough though, the Chief Engineer was calling for the group to come together and gather round. She watched her fellow diplomats fall into some semblance of order, she sticking to the side of Lt. Madsen as the two had been together in their playful questioning of the Andorian combat medic. She had to work the image of an armored kilt into her brain for a moment, and almost told the other woman that she knew what would be under it, but reminded herself at last the minute that discretion was the better part of valor and swallowed that jib. Instead, she tilted her head, watching Zark's retreating form and quipped back, "Not the kind of show they have planned for us ma'am, and more's the pity. Still, needs must," she saluted with her mug and fell into place. Curious as to what Lt. Arnold had in store, she was more than happy to make her way into the conference room proper for the briefing and demo.

Though given the armor that Zark was decked out in, a modicum of worry was perhaps justified.

Crossing her arms, Faye settled in to watch and listen, holding back on any questions that might bubble up for the time being. So what if she had to physically bite down on her lip a time or two in order to keep her thoughts contained. She was a trained diplomat. She'd use whatever tools needed to act appropriate in the moment. There was plenty to process as well, with Lt. Arnold going over the various defensive screens that had been put in place. Sensible, she mused, as diplomats were quite important, and the Flag Bridge with all its capabilities was nothing to shake a stick at either. Or however that human saying went. In truth she could never quite get it right. 

Having been put through her paces by the Andorian in question just a short while ago, Faye had to agree that she did not have the skill set of Lt. zh'Ptrell. But she wasn't a complete dunce - at this thought the Betazoid's gaze shifted out of habit to L'Nari, unkind as that thought was - and had proven half way decent with a cricket phaser. And you should see me with a giant rock, she thought, returning her orbs to focus on Lt. Arnold. She had tried for mirth, but she could still see, and more so hear, what that rock had done to her assailants in the asteroid, and felt the tea she drank turn over in her stomach. 

Right. Let the automated defenses do the dirty work. I'm a diplomat, not an assassin. So what if her mug rattled slightly as she dropped it back to the table before her. Surely no one noticed one momentary slip. She was composure and grace and you couldn't tell her otherwise.

Like the rest, Faye followed the holographic projection across the room, to the highlighted egress points that marked Jefferies tube access. She had spent some time in the tubes, like anyone in Starfleet, but she would hardly consider herself well versed in traversing the network of tunnels buried deep inside the ship, hidden away behind paneling and conduits full of plasma and network cabling. It wasn't her job to crawl and cavort through them on a daily basis. But perhaps she ought to make herself take them to her quarters after a shift one day, just to get some practice in. With how often the ship had repealed boarders of late, such practice and familiarity might be wise. It sounded like Frank Arnold agreed. Then again, he was an engineer and probably spent a decent amount of time in those tubes anyway.

While not a shrinking violet like some diplomats, Faye nevertheless had visible concern that they might need to deal with something more powerful than a type-2 phaser. The type-1 was plenty good enough in her book. Then again, she had some first hand experience recently to show just how little her skill was in that department, which might have added to her trepidation. And yet a small but destructive arsenal lay within arms reach. Thank the gods we're diplomats or we might be tempted to use those on each other.

Realizing she'd just become the butt end of one of the Chief Engineers jokes, Faye dramatically tilted her nose up and huffed, only to tip a wink at Zark after. She'd let Lt. Arnold have his fun. After all, she was just an Ensign, and was well aware that her rank existed solely for the amusement of more senior officers and the pitying befuddlement of well meaning NCO's with years more experience than her, but whom still had to suffer the occasional "Ma'am, yes ma'am," regardless. The lot of the junior officer was a plight as old as time.

Despite the Lieutenants offer of popcorn, none had made its way to her before Faye's friend began her well calculated assault on the heart of the Diplomatic Department. And by that point she was far too concerned with the events unfolding to reach out and grab any for herself. She could feel the intense desire to put on as good a fight and demonstration as possible from both of the gold collared officers in the room, as well as the mild veins of trepidation running through the diplomats. When they did their job right, this kind of thing simply did not happen. Since it very clearly did happen aboard the Theurgy, Faye had to admit that the demonstration was necessary. That did little to keep her feeling momentarily affronted on Zark's behalf when Frank laughed in amusement at the one force field that had not been mentioned. She doubted the medico would appreciate that, and was certain the Andorian would be feeling that come the morning.

Zark was right though, Faye had to agree. The time it had taken the security officer to breach into the inner chambers would have been plenty for Faye to make her way into the Jerfferies tubes, even after taking the time to arm herself. Carefully taking up her mug, she hid what worry there might have been behind the still warm tea, taking slow breath through her nose and savoring the sweet smell that filled it. Calm settled in among the gathered diplomats, and Faye greedily drank in that emotion from her colleagues to settle herself in turn. Yes, it was cheating, but that was life, wasn't it?

Everyone else was heaping praise on Zark and Frank, and the junior diplomat of the bunch could hardly fault the collected good will of her department. None of them particularly liked the necessity of what had just happened, even, she wagered, Lt. Madsen, whom was getting a reputation for being hair trigger (though Faye tended to dismiss L'Nari's opinion that matter out of habit). She watched the Assistant Chief saddle up to Zark and offer up what looked like a small towel and began to re-evaluate her previously held assumptions about the two, feeling an eyebrow rise up on her forehead in perfect mimicry of her boss. Curiouser and curiouser.

It seemed her on again off again (okay, constant) rival had found a possible ally in the other Andorian present, and Faye began a whole new set of mental calculus as she worked her way through those implications. She knew next to nothing about Lt. JG Nysarisiza zh’Eziarath, having not yet the pleasure of a conversation past the basic introduction to the senior of the Attaché's she shared her department with. A frown flickered over her features and once more Faye debated the wisdom of speaking up versus letting L'Nari dig her own hole. She has been so good at it lately, does she really need my help?

Discretion is the better part of valor my dear girl, despite what we just saw. Know when to pounce and when to keep your trap shut.
She dismissed the whole conversation between the other two Attaché's and put her focus on Rutherford and Arnold, listening to their easy banter. Clearly there was a friendship there. As far as she could discern (when he wasn't poking fun at lowly Ensigns) Frank Arnold was the kind of officer that it was easy to get along with. She'd served with a few like that and hardly begrudged Rutherford or Madsen their familiarity and comfort. 

His theatrics however were not quite done, and Faye got a ring side see to the unavailing of the final 'gift' from the Engineer. He might be more than a tad bombastic, but Faye decided his heart was in the right place. And while she had little doubt that his good intentions made manifest in the placard put on display would do naught but further aggravate L'Nari, Faye was quick to start the applause that soon took up the room at his display. A mirthful thought bubbled into her mind and Faye made a note to replicate a pair of fountain pens for the two gold shirted officers out of her replicator rations (she still had plenty backlogged from her time in stasis). Something with a quip about 'mightier than the sword' seemed fittingly appropriate. So that she wouldn't forget, she pulled out a PaDD and turned the mental note into an electronic one that would be mirrored over to her personal computer, awaiting her later that evening after her shift. 

For the time being though, it seemed prudent to make the rounds, as much as an Ensign could. She eyed Rutherford and Foval, but the former seemed engaged with Frank at this point, and the latter was doing his well rehearsed 'I'm here but I want my space please and thank you' routine. Having no desire to be pulled into a conversation with L'Nari, Faye ruled out getting a chance to talk up Lt. zh’Eziarath. That left the troublesome twosome, and since she was curious about some of the exchanges those two had been putting on so far, it was far from a hardship to find herself once more next to Enyd and Zark. 

"Lieutenants," she said by way of greeting, a small smile on her lips. "Quite the show you just put on for us. I think you...oh, whats the human phrase? 'Scared the piss out of us?' proving that the transparent panel could take a pounding." She glanced over at the still engaged Frank Arnold, and shrugged, asking Zark instead. "Do you know if they've done anything to improve the fire suppression system in here? And the...explosive decompression counter measures?"

Try as she might to make her question come off as nonchalant and routine, there was the thinnest vein of trepidation in her words. In a room full of trained diplomats, there was a greater than zero chance it would not go unnoticed.

Re: Day 09 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #20
[Ensign L’Nari | Diplomatic Council | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] @RyeTanker @Brutus @rae @Number6

There was nothing wrong with the ship's temperature, and yet the bone-deep chill of fear crept through her body in waves of shivers. What had they come to? Where had they gone wrong? Where had SHE failed? The very fact that they stood in the aftermath of that demonstration, that Arnold was still walking them through more accessories of violence for "just in case," was proof that someone, somewhere, had failed miserably. She was not so naive as to think she wasn't partly to blame, either. Perhaps she could have spoken up earlier, louder, been keener on taking her concerns to Rutherford or, considering the fact that Rutherford had approved these changes, past her superior and on up the chain of command. Regardless, she was now standing on the edge of an abyss of death and there were certain things she could not, and would not compromise. L'Nari tasted the bitter shame of having allowed her fears to guide her in so many decisions leading up to this point, thinking back on past away missions, on post-mission debriefings, even in her free time interactions. She'd been so focused on keeping to her own code of ethics and judging others by the plumb line of her guiding compass of values that it hadn't really occurred to her till this point that maybe this could have been avoided if she'd tried to make more bridges instead of building up walls. What if she'd taken the time sooner to bring her concerns on the recent pivot in their department to Rutherford? What if she'd--and this had L'Nari almost hissing--been more available to openly challenge Madsen within the proper channels? Could she have prevented this? L'Nari liked to think that perhaps she could have. But she'd been too cowardly. And arrogant in her cowardice as well. She realized this with a roiling stomach filled with self-hatred and disgust, her eyes tracking the movements of her colleagues as they seemingly accepted these changes without argument.

"Please excuse me," L'Nari offered the apology up to the room at large, though her eyes rested on her Andorian colleague longest. She'd been the only one kind enough to hold out a branch of camaraderie. "Something is not sitting right with me right now." She laid a hand over her stomach and gave a hesitant smile.

Rutherford raised an eyebrow at L'Nari's excuse but gave a nod of approval. If the head diplomat knew the true reason for L'Nari's departure she would comment on it later when it was more advantageous to do so. L'Nari left the room without further comment, and without trying to meet anyone else's gaze. She hadn't lied about why she needed to leave, but she certainly didn't want to stick around long enough to explain exactly what had not sat right with her.

[Lt. Enyd Isolde Madson |  Diplomatic Council/Flag Bridge | D. 2 | V. 01 | USS Theurgy]

Enyd smiled and gave a soft snort. "Amarik and I have had a few conversations before about how Intelligence and the Diplomatic corps are two sides to the same coin. It seems you have a similar thought with the swords. Nice touch, Frank."

She heard L'Nari's voice from near the door and turned just in time to see the Caitian bolt. Looking back to Rutherford, the chief kept a neutral expression when she met Enyd's gaze. Heaving an inward sigh, Enyd turned her attention back to Faye and Zark. She listened to their conversation a moment before looking over to Foval who, up to this point, had remained on the sidelines, watching everything with his Vulcanoid stoicism. Catching her gaze, Foval nodded acknowledgment as he moved closer to the swords and the hidden panel Frank had pointed to them all. It seemed her Vulcan colleague was more intrigued than horrified by these changes.

[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Diplomatic Council | Deck 2 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]

The department was restless and in her years of experience, restlessness brewed discontent. But, discontent was necessary to feel the urge to grow, to sense the necessity for progress. A thoroughly satisfied diplomat was on borrowed time, standing on the corner of coming failure. That sense of more, that need for preparation, was what kept them ahead of the game, kept them alive. And while there were times this restlessness caused them to follow routes that would at other times be considered uncouth, there was the tried and true adage of "desperate times call for desperate measures." Her department did not have to like these changes. In fact, they did not have to feel anything for them. But they were going to have to operate within them with greater efficiency and care. They were all of them against a wall and mere inches away from falling into the arms of death or, worse yet, failure. A failure to stop the Infested was much worse than death. The dead among their numbers were the lucky ones, and it was with that reality coloring the edges of her worldview, that Samantha had cleared these changes and encouraged Arnold to innovate with a few more. She'd known there would resistance--as seen with Ensign L'Nari's departure--curiosity--Foval's stoic intake--and enthusiasm--Madsen's energy--mixed with reservation--which seemed to embody by Faye and Nysari. These were acceptable responses and as long as everyone continued to cooperate and collaborate in the coming days, they may be able to do more than succeed in fighting against the Infested. They may even survive.

Sam returned her attention to Frank and she, along with the rest of her department, engaged in lighthearted conversation and refreshments for a few moments longer before they each fell back into line. They had much to do and little time to do it. And perhaps she WOULD have the ensigns clean those burn marks after all...

I can "fin" but if anyone wants to write more...

Re: Day 09 [0755 hrs.] Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico!

Reply #21
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Diplomatic Council fka Flag Bridge | Deck 2 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Brutus @Ellen Fitz @Number6  @rae

Chief Arnold cocked an eyebrow as the Caitan seemed to leave in a hurry.  Unsure what the issue was, he mentally shrugged off the incident since she was one of Rutherford's and the head diplomat hadn't said anything, he presumed her action was fine and went along with it.  He did find it ironic though that if he had been a visiting muckity muck, he might have taken offence.  Nonetheless, he continued his conversation with Sam, but his hearing did pick up the question the small dark haired Ensign had posed to his assistant.  The blue woman smiled and gestured in his direction as she indicated it was really the Frank's area to respond to.  Her expression turned serious after as she offered an answerthat was pretty much the same regarding force fields, and venting the atmosphere into space while shutting down the affected EPS.  Material fires would be dealt with by the either halon or fire foam dispensers.  The armoured shoulders shrugged, and a blue hand landed reassuringly on the Ensign's shoulder.

After most of the conversation finished, Frank excused himself to the table of food items and stopped in front of the bottle of Champagne in its ice bucket.  Pulling the bottle out and feeling it, he nodded in satisfaction. A ringing sound caught his attention as Lieutenant Zark had dragged Enyd and the Ensign to the metal work, then carefully, if gleefully pulled the sword out.  She offered the sword to Madsen, who took it eagerly, then pulled the other one out with a metallic ring.  The Chief shook his head as the two sandwiched the Ensign while they began examining the blades in earnest.  Frank frowned suddenly as he had a sudden vision of the two women fighting with the swords for the fun of it.  He quickly called over a couple of the enlisted members of the diplomatic staff and set about opening the Pol Roger.  He did not fire off the cork since that was tacky, but it did pop and the volume in the room came down.  The hubbub came back up a bit as he poured flutes for everyone and leaving one empty for the Caitan who'd taken off so precipitously. The enlisted staff were in their element as they picked up glasses and handed them around, then returned for more or their own.  Picking up his own glass, the big Engineer grabbed a butter knife and gently clinked on his glass several times. That brought the conversation level back down as he cleared his throat.  He wasn't any good at this, but it was his show, so he would do it right in his mind. "Ladies and Gentlemen.  I offer our toast."  There was a pause as his eyes and glass swept the room to the amazing people that helped make his work for everyone possible. "To life and the future!"


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