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Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]


STARDATE: 57650.23
APRIL 16, 2381
2030 HRS.

Mission Log, stardate 57650.23. Thirty minutes ago, the Erudite completed the quantum slipstream jump into Breen space.

The short time we've spent on the Savi dreadnought seems absurd when looking at the star charts, since we've covered over one hundred light-years. We're in the Beta Epsilon-Venturi binary star system, and while intel suggest that the planet Breen and the Confederacy's capital - Ansirranana - ought to be the target, we have very limited intel to go on. Therefore, based on the sketches Doctor Nicander has provided, describing the city he saw outside a window, we will try to narrow down what building the Infested host was in. The Federation Database has very little in terms of information on Ansirranana, and it really is laughable, how little we have to work with.

We do not know what kind of measure the Infested will use to incite the Breen. Neither when they will do it, nor where. Just that they in all likelihood - somehow - will. On the mere word of the Doctor, all we really 'know' is that there is at least one Infested Breen in some building in a metropolitan area. Even if we manage to find out what building it was Nicander saw, using his sketches and scanning the city, that doesn't even mean the building is actually the target. Merely some babble about how Nicander 'sensed' Breen was the next primary target.

So, as we prepare to deploy from the Erudite to investigate, I can but hope that Intelligence on the Theurgy can give us something more. Without compromising himself, Admiral Anderson might be able to determine something via his channels, or perhaps that Doctor we keep in the Theurgy's brig uses his abilities again. Hopefully he'll then be able to give us something more substantial.

Until then, I have decided on an initial approach...

- Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt, USS Allegiant NX-80978

[ Lt Cmdr. Jennifer Dewitt | Bridge | USS Allegiant ]
The aft airlock was the largest area on the Allegiant, so Dewitt had summoned everyone there once the Erudite had reached its destination.

Everyone, including the Lone Wolves that had landed their warp fighters close to the Allegiant - them still being in their new exosuits - were there and chatted. Jennifer had just stepped through the sliding doors and walked to the front of the group of officers. She looked at them with a glance, and she knew they already understood how scarce the intel was that they had to work with. Until they got something more from the Theurgy - via the Erudite - they were on their own. The Voice and the Savi had made it clear that they would merely be providing passive assistance, in accordance with this Code of theirs, so after getting a ride, the Erudite would just sit there - cloaked - in orbit of the eight planet in the Beta Epsilon-Venturi system. They were one planet out from Ansirranana to avoid having the warp fighters spotted and approached by planetary defences. The eight planet, below the Erudite, was an uninhabited Class J gas giant, so Breen militia patrols were deemed unlikely at best.

The airlock was open behind her back, and the gloomy atmosphere of the Erudite's Aerodrome could be seen behind her when she began to speak.

"Well," she said, raising her voice a little to get attention, "right now, we are assuming that whatever may happen will happen to the Confederacy's capital. We are also assuming it's not a thalaron bomb, but something that would suggest Federation involvement. Therefore, we will cloak the Allegiant and fly into the city so that we can confirm it's the same city that Nicander has sketched for us. We can but hope the landmarks spotted can be found down there. Meanwhile, since the Valkyries merely have Aldean sensor scramblers, I will deploy our warp fighters to do cautious reconnaissance in the system, collecting sensor data. We are in completely unknown waters, and if fortune favours us, you might find something that suggests Federation technology or ships out there. Our next rendezvous will be here, aboard the Erudite, in four hours, and since we have a scarce crew on this mission, and it's been a long day for us all, we will only be able to do a single shift rotation. It will take the Allegiant a few minutes to reach the seventh planet in this system, where the city is located. The hour is already getting late, so let's move out. Wolves, be careful out there, and good luck."

With the airlock being open, Dewitt nodded to the Lone Wolves as they made for their Valkyries, and paused by the control panel long enough to close the airlock behind their backs. The walk to the bridge was short, and soon enough, she sat in in the centre chair. "Thorne, take us out and lay in a course towards the planet Breen. Ensign Halliwell, engage the Reman cloak before we clear the Aerodrome. Lieutenant T'Less, we need a rundown on what kind of opposition we might encounter. Lieutenants Vanya and Arn, we need your eyes on sensors, more ideas and more options. Work together, and let me know if we get anything more from the Erudite."

Dewitt then pressed a button in her chair's arm rest. "Bridge to Engineering," she said, knowing she's be speaking to Arnold, Ji and Kolla down there. "We'll be activating the Reman cloak, so make sure you are prepared for the power drain. We need to keep the cloak up for the entire time we're flying through Ansirranana, and then back there to the Erudite. Chief Ji, thank you for the report on the Valkyries, and they are heading out on a four hour patrol now. Bridge out."

Then, the last call went to their security detail. "Dewitt to Deputy zh'Wann, your new exosuits have the Savi bio-dampening feature, correct? Be ready to suit up, all four of you, for potential planet-side deployment."

[Aye, Captain. We'll be ready,] came the short answer, the Andorian speaking for her team, which consisted of herself, Lorad (whom Dewitt was pleased to see enter their ranks), another Andorian named zh'Ptrell who also served as a Combat Medic, and a Klingon by the name Valkra, whom had volunteered for secondment on the Theurgy.

"Let's see what we can find, before we call it a night," said Dewitt and leaned back in her chair, looking out the viewscreen as the Allegiant and the four Valkyries launched from the Erudite, and their mission began. It was too early to judge whether or not they could simply approach the Breen openly with a warning, lacking as their evidence was, but that was certainly an option.

The question was if the Breen would even heed them, or spare their lives.

OOC: This thread is the starter for Chapter 03! @BZ , @uytrereee , @DaValle , @RyeTanker & @Stegro88 , you all have 7 days to post in reply to this starter to kick things off, the deadline set at the 23rd of July. :)

While a separate Supplemental thread will be posted for me and Stegro, who write the Lone Wolves, its now also open to post Supplemental threads for Chapter 03, where you can post one-on-one with other writers in your own IC scenes during the four hours of reconnaissance if you wish to do so. So, the limitation of the IC time-span for these Supplemental threads will span from 2000 hrs. to 2400 hrs. on Day 01. The naming convention for threads that belong to Chapter 03 is: CH03: S [D01|YYYY] Insert Title (YYYY marking the time before 2400 hrs.). Please keep in mind that since Chapter 03 is dedicated to the time after the Allegiant and the Erudite drops out of QSD, Supplemental threads on the Allegiant/Erudite set before the arrival to Breen space belong to Chapter 02, and they are limited to the 1 hour QSD flight of the Erudite (between 1900 hrs and 2000 hrs, named CH02: S [D01|YYYY] Insert Title.

Once this thread - dedicated to the flight of the Allegiant to the planet Breen and back to the Erudite - ends, more hours will be added to the time-span, extending through Day 02. We simply don't know what will happen the next 4 hours just yet, so focus on the reconnaissance and my next post will detail the initial flight through Ansirranana, and what they will find.

The names of the away team can be seen below, but more names will be added/changed when writers volunteer their characters.

CO: Captain Jennifer Dewitt
CONN: Ensign Jaya Thornee
Operations: Ens. Klara Halliwell (NPC, due KIA)
Tactical: Lt. T'Less (NPC)
Science: Lt. Vanya (NPC)
Comms/Advisor: Lt. Zaryn Arn (NPC, due KIA)
Engineers: Lieutenant Frank Arnold, CPO Eun Sae Ji, PO2 Taa'gur Kolla
Medical: Doctor George Hernandez (NPC) & Lt. JG XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Combat Medic)
Security: Deputy ThanIda zh'Wann, PO3 Lorad & Sogh (Lt.) Valkra

Fighter Escort 01: Lt. JG Evelyn "Ghost" Rawley
Fighter Escort 02: Ens. Isel Nix (NPC)
Fighter Escort 03: Lt. JG Donna "Chance" Petterson
Fighter Escort 04: Ens. Nathaniel Isley (NPC)

Looking forward to getting the Chapter rolling! I am open to start other threads for the rest of the crew, and if you have ideas for scenes that might involve a lot of characters as they've entered Breen space, PM me. Coming up next, new Story Objectives, and a Newsletter with some key pointers for all Departments, and what they should be working with!

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #1
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Wolf -11 | Airlock | Deck 01 | USS Allegiant ]

It was one thing being in the middle of a space battle against a Borg cube and witnessing a ship arguably larger in size destroy it in in as many shots as she had fingers. But it was another thing entirely to deliberately fly towards and then land within, a ship of the same class as if nothing was out of the ordinary. The situation was obviously quite the opposite for them to even consider the action after what the Versant had done to multiple members of the Theurgy’s crew, the captain and Thea included. And yet here they were. With limited resources, arguably behind enemy lines and far, far from home. It was almost like reliving a fond memory for Donna Petterson. Almost.

It was about half an hour after the Erudite had completed its jump when Commander Dewitt had summoned them all to the Allegiant’s airlock. It was the single largest area on the vessel and could easily hold all the volunteers that had chosen to participate in what she knew some were describing as a suicide mission. Personally, she had done crazier jobs when she had been back working for Starfleet Intelligence; but that didn’t make this mission any less suicidal. 

“We just have a higher chance of actually surviving,” Donna thought as she stood there and listened to the briefing. “I wonder if anyone has considered the irony that if we get caught skulking about Breen space, that it could have the same effect that the Infested are aiming for and start a war?” Deciding to leave thinking like that to the Intelligence department, Donna grabbed her helmet and began to depart the Allegiant back towards her Valkyrie, nodding at the hulking Reman that had also volunteered as she did so. “I wonder if I can lure him into a dark corner when I get back?”

[ PO3 Lorad | Airlock | Deck 01 | USS Allegiant ]

Lorad had not missed the irony that he was now aboard a ship, equipped with the Apache’s original Reman cloaking device, on a mission that was functionally similar to tasks that were usually assigned to Reman Hawks. Go places they shouldn’t, do things others wouldn’t and don’t be seen doing it. He had lost count of the number of times that he had done jobs like this. First for the Romulans, then for the Reman underground. Now, for his ship. The renegade Federation starship Theurgy

“At least the facilities are a lot less spartan,” the Reman idly noted as Commander Dewitt finished her briefing. Moving to leave the area, he returned the nod that was sent to him by the Terran pilot he had shared time with while the Theurgy had been undergoing repairs at Aldea before following after the rest of the members of his team. Two Andorians and a Klingon. And all female. “Just stay silent and do, Lorad.”

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #2
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark)  | Cargo 2 | Deck 1 | USS Allegiant]

When the call for volunteers had gone out for a mission on the Allegiant, Lt. Zark had felt the call of duty, and another chance to prove herself calling.  What was not to love about the mission?  A covert insertion into the heart of a nation that the Federation had once been at war with, all to make sure a war didn't happen again.  It was definitely the stuff that legends were made of.  Then the news that Paris had been devastated had made it to the ship and suddenly the stakes were much higher than anticipated, and everything about the mission felt much more real, and perilous.

After the briefing, Lt. Zark made her way o Cargo 2 where the exosuits were stored.  She stood in front of a her exosuit, her mind lost in the events that had transpired so quickly.  It seemed like the world as she knew it was coming apart.  It wasn't supposed to be like this. she thought to herself morosely. She continued to stare unseeing at the read outs on the PADD she was using to conduct final tests on the new security exosuit that had been assigned to her for the mission.  Readouts continued to scroll, but to any outside observer, all they would have seen was a stone faced statue imitating an Andorian woman, light flowing across her elegant face as she was supposedly working.  Fighting the Borg, and the the mission on the IKS Kut'Luch had been harrowing but well within her training.  Even when she was desperately patching Petty Officer Mickayla MacGregor grevious shoulder and stomach wounds, or fixing the Klingon officer's neck, she had never lost focus on the job at hand.  Perhaps it was because deep down she didn't quite believe in the threat the Federation faced.  All those doubts had disappeared in a wave of Thalaron radiation over the Federation's capital in Paris.  Earth wasn't Andoria, but it was the heart of the Federation, and attacking that symbol was guaranteed to shake anyone's faith in the universe.

Lt. Zark was pulled back to reality when her PADD beeped as the final tests were completed and all systems showed green, her eyes going to bio dampening system and confirming it was ready for use.  She had the feeling this system was going to be even more important than previously thought.  A quick check of the various pouches divulged a plethora of gear from a medical tricorder, to phaser power cells, a battlefield trauma kit, and a variety of grenades.  It was a good thing the exosuit had synthetic muscles to carry everything.

Lt. Zark nodded when all the checks were completed and went to find the rest of the security team in the crew quarters.  Maybe talking to them would help alleviate the anxiety and angst before making planetfall.

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Warp Core Room| Lower Deck | USS Allegiant ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @BZ @DaValle

Frank had changed into his jumpsuit, and donned his toolbelt for this next bit. They were going to jump an amazing distance, in an amazingly short amount of time. In the time it took him to shower, shave, shit, and get dressed and back down to the Warp Core Room, they were being called to a round table to check readiness.

They'd come to the Confederacy in an hour's time, piggybacked upon a ship, giant, and stealthy all in one. The Savi, made for a handy ally when you had to run really far really fast. Then again Frank hadn't been subject to genetic experimentation and the like, so his opinion on the little men was merely based on surface appearances. They were a bit unnerving after all. He was glad that at least they'd stay on the Erudite.

He listened to the brief remotely, and read the relevant details, they'd need plenty of power. And then the call came in 'Bridge to Engineering'. Frank would speak up after a short moment, "Engineering here." And then all there was to do was listen. And so he did just that. They'd be activating the Reman cloak, and they needed it for the whole run-about. Not an insurmountable task, but one that would need some babysitting. "Won't be a problem Co...Captain." He looked around to the group as Ji was given an atta-boy for her report, and a status update.

Once the channel was closed, it was back to work, so Frank looked to T'kolla and Ji, and offered lightly, "I suppose then, we will monitor the power systems, and make sure that we've got a stable enough draw for the cloak. If the requirements are reaching peak, we can shunt some power from structural integrity, and dampening fields, to bolster the available power without altering propulsion." He stroked his beard for a moment, "I think." He chuckled to himself, he'd never worked on an Allegiant before, then again he'd never worked on a Tovarek until a few days ago. That was the spirit of an Engineer, problem solve and problem solve, work the problem top to bottom, get enough problems right and you get to survive your task.

He looked to Ji, and to T'kolla then, and offered, "Anything else you think we need to go over before they activate the cloak? I think we should try and free up some sensor power, make sure they've got all the eyes and ears we can give them." He nodded slowly, and waited to see if his compatriots had anything to add.

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #4
[PO2 T’Kolla | Warp Core Room | Lower Decks | USS Allegiant] @BZ @uytrereee

The Savi ship was amazing. Their ability to reach any known and unknown point of the galaxy in some hours could make up any disadvantage in numbers their population has. If they would have decided to take control over this galaxy then there would have been no way the remaining nations could defend them from the Savi. Nonetheless Taa’gur was awkwardly relieved by the fact that the Federation wasn’t even close to those kind of technologies. He appreciated the time starships needed to reach their destinations. He compared the atmosphere often with old war submarines. The long time you had to work together in a steel tube surrounded by nothing else than a lethal space. On Starfleet ships this atmosphere was of course not really existent anyway. The ships were huge with wide corridors and a lot of unused space. The time aboard the Allegiant could actually be some sort of release for the Devore, now he didn’t had to crawl the whole day through some tubes and could actually get to know some of the crew a little bit better.

He heard the Captain’s call while he sat in front of the relative small warp core that powered the Allegiant. After the Captain gave her orders the Lieutenant made some orders himself. At least one could interpret that those sentence were some orders, but it seemed more like the Lieutenant was arguing with the other two engineers if his ideas were useful. Oh nice, we’re heading toward enemy territory in a guerilla like way and this is the leading way of our Chief Engineer. I just hope our Captain knows how to lead people during such missions. Taa’gur decided to ignore this thought as good as he could and simply replied. “Copied, Sir. Power system is monitored and all of the unnecessary energy I can find is going to transferred to the cloak. Just in case.”

The next order of the Chief was way more military then the one before and therefore something Taa’gur could immediately copy. After some moments the Devore was able to rearrange the ship’s energy a little bit more. Unfortunately to give the sensors some power he had to drain the power of another system and the only one that was available were the weapons. Even though he didn’t like the idea of flying through Breen space with no weapons fire ready. Well he didn’t need to drain all of the power, just enough for the sensors. And in case the Allegiant would get attacked, they wouldn’t use the cloak anyhow. “Lowering the ship’s weapon system energy and transfer it to the sensors, Sir. Let’s hope we can see them before they force us into combat.” He waited for the final permission of the Chief till he started the transfer.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #5
[Ens Jaya Thorne | Ready to Wrestle | Breen Here We Come | Can I Do a Barrel Roll?]
@Auctor Lucan

It was time, for Captain Dewitt to do her fancy speech.  While Jaya was glad that she was an Ensign and therefore on her way to higher ranks with valor, flight prowess, and stunning commentary, she also never wanted to be a Captain.  Having to give supportive, motivating, and stirring speeches was just not in her wheel house.  She could make people laugh, she could get them to relax and chill, she could get them to hang for a while.  But, getting them motivated towards a singular purpose or goal nahhh, that was totally a Red-headed-Commander's game.  And she could have it. 

Thorne truly felt that Dewitt was more than a coworker or colleague and a lot more like a best friend.  They didn't hang out nearly as much as they would if Jaya had anything to say about it. No, Thorne played the safe card; invite me if you want me.

Jaya was leaning against a supply crate casually.  Hands shoved in her pockets as the brunette watched the double doors slide apart and the red headed Would-Be-Captain stepped through and surveyed all of the people she had to talk to.  It was probably daunting, it would be for Thorne, but Jaya gave the woman a thumbs up from the back and let out a loud shrill cat-call whistle to boot because, life wasn't worth living if it wasn't fun. 

Jen put on her Boss-hat and began to be serious about what they were doing here.  Jaya tried to hide the yawns that were forthcoming, she didn't do well being serious.  Well she could be serious, when it counted, but not during speeches.  “Well” Jen began.  That was never a good start... but Thorne knew that the red head had to be nervous, she was the Captain of this whole shindig for the first time ever and that was probably nerve wracking in it's own right.  Jaya did not envy her shiny Captain boots.  They had reached Breen, but they had heard through intelligence that the bomb was not Thalaron in nature, thus they would be cloaked as they went in. 

“I wonder if that means I can fly with flair.” she muttered to herself tucking some of her brown bangs behind her ear and continued listening.  They would reunite on the Erudite in four hours to discuss their findings, play poker, have snacks, and maybe nap time.  Jaya was down with those last ones.  With the fun part done (and that is loaded with sarcasm) Jaya pushed off the crate and headed with Dewitt onto the Bridge so that they would be able to get this show on the road.  Plopping down in her seat she fired up her console, waiting as the UFP logo spun around a few times and recognized her as the owner of this bad boy. 

Dewitt ordered her to take them out and lay a course for the planet Breen.  “You sure we can't just redirect to a vacation planet with nice beaches, sugary drinks, and naked boys?” she asked as she began to plot the course as asked, her fingers fluidly moving over the console in front of her.  “Course plotted, engaging engines now.” 

The whine of the engines as they engaged slightly to get them out of the Erudite itself and then to open space.  The planet of Breen shining in the distance.  She began to engage the engines slowly, getting them some space from the Erudite before she engaged them fully, she didn't need to leave a plasma burn on their hull because she burned the thrusters way too close, though the sheer thought of the Snowballs having to clean it off thrilled her in bad ways.  With enough space she engaged the engines fully while Engineering threw up the cloak so they were not detected by the Breen, that was the most important part.  They were on a stealthy ninja mission.

“Has it occurred to anyone that we're space ninjas?” she asked out loud hoping for a chuckle or two.  Being awarded with a couple she decided she could spare five seconds to be serious.  “By the way Captain Dewitt, that was a stellar speech, very Captain-y.  I'm having a proud mom moment.” she teased, because who was Jaya without teasing but she was being honest as well.

==Many. Minutes. Later.==

There were no fancy acrobatics.  No fun barrel rolls.  No corkscrews.  But, she got them kindly, nicely, and without the need for restraints all the way to the Breen planet.  Breaking through the atmosphere was always fun, meaning it was bumpy as fuck and everyone had to remember to clench their teeth or have a sore tongue in the morning.  No, Jaya held it as steady as she could but it would be bumpy no matter what, luckily their cloak allowed for her to take it a little slower than if she was trying to be a visible ninja. 

As they punched through the atmo the ship leveled out and stopped shaking, the angry sensors began to shut up with the lack of heat and friction.

“Dear Glorious Explorers, we have made it onto this planet as secret ninjas in search of a bomb.  We have arrived, Captain.” she said just incase that wasn't obvious.

[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Go Time | I'm Not an Engineer | I Just Do Fighters | Engineering Deck]
@uytrereee @DaValle

Ji had listened to the Captain, but most of her job had been done before hand.  Once her babies were off in space there was little that she could do.  The fighters were all geared up and ready to go.  She had worked hard to get everyone going and to make sure that there were no problems that would have been fixed from the get go.  That was all in the reports that Dewitt later mentioned.  Ji had been kind of a loner since getting on board, but it was good to have the space, it was important to have it for her, she needed time to think and now she had a whole week.  She wondered if Liam would miss her, or if he would sleep with someone else.  He was very popular around the ship it wouldn't be hard to find someone that would be glad to take her place.  And she wouldn't really blame him.

Arnold was standing next to her and T'Kolla when the Captain... commander... something finished up her speech and it was time to get to work.  The man looked over at the both of them and told them they would have to get a bead on the power systems and make sure that they had enough stability to draw the power to the cloak.  He was right, and she was good at power and propulsion, the first would be necessary right now.  But, she also wasn't an Engineer, though she figured that she could help route the power if it was necessary. 

“I'll keep an eye on fluctuations as well as the fighters, just because I want to make sure that if they are in some kind of situation that we are aware and know about it.” Ji nodded at his response about pulling back the power from the sensors and having it at the ready.  “Don't push it towards the cloak yet, it's better kept in reserve if we need it, that way if we need the sensors it could be pulled back out.” she offered her opinion.

At T'Kolla's option she rose a brow but nodded.  “The cloak has to  hold at all costs, that's the only reason I can see us getting into a conflict.  Lets pull the weapons power and route it in, I'd still like to leave sensors as back up.... we don't want to cripple the ship.”

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #6
[ Lt Cmdr. Jennifer Dewitt | Bridge | USS Allegiant ]

When Jaya made her announcement that they had arrived, Dewitt was sitting in the chair behind her, and she glanced towards Vanya. "What's on sensors?"

"I'm detecting an extensive web of shipyards in orbit around the planet, but no reaction to our presence just yet," said the Romulan Android, Dewitt still amazed how the female Science officer seemed so organic - the hint that she was flesh grafted around an endoskeleton never noticed in her demeanour. An infiltration android indeed. She wasn't finished, announcing additional findings. "Breen itself is highly frigid and cold due to the remoteness from its twin stars, and right now, it's winter down there. Classification; P, glaciated. Atmosphere consists of nitrogen, oxygen, and trace elements. Lifeforms; hardy vegetation, animal life, and humanoids, though since I estimate temperatures never go above -70 degrees Celsius. ordinary humanoids - that would live on Class M planets - wouldn't be capable of surviving on Breen without some form life support equipment. The only landmasses are two large rocky continents which dominate the Breen surface. Captain, we might be in a bit of a hurry, I'm afraid."

"Why is that?" asked Dewitt and turned her head towards the woman with a raised eyebrow.

"In one hour, weather patterns suggest Ansirranana will be subject to a blizzard, and I am unsure how this cloak will handle that situation. Worst case scenario, we might be exposed."

"Duly noted. Take us past the shipyards in orbit, Thorne, and stay ahead of that cold front so that we can scan as much of the city as possible before we have to withdraw. We'll deploy Security to triangulate which building our dear Doctor espied, since their visor settings should be able to see through the storm." Jennifer tapped her combadge. "Dewitt to zh'Wann. Have your team suit up, we'll do a visual reconnaissance ourselves while we can, and then we'll drop you in the city centre. We'll beam you back aboard from orbit. The Allegiant might be compromised if we stay behind because of weather conditions, but your suits will keep you safe from both the cold and any sensors."

[Acknowledged. Suiting up and heading to the airlock. zh'Wann out.]

"Sending the images we have to work with to their wrist PADDs," said Zaryn Arn, their allotted Intelligence Officer.

"Good. Lieutenant T'Less, make sure to scan their orbital defences and what we'll be dealing with down in the city."

"On it, Captain," said the Vulcan, already having begun.

Meanwhile, the Allegiant had entered the atmosphere, and the scout ship took a westerly approach to the Breen capital. On the viewscreen, Jennifer could see a frozen landscape that - had it not been so inhospitable - might have been beautiful enough to linger in. On the sky, a large moon hinted through the clouds.

"Halliwell, send the feed down to Engineering as well. I bet they want to see this too. Thorne, once we're in the city, make use of the time we have, and scout for a drop-site where we can deploy the Deputy and her team. Everyone, keep your eyes sharp, and look for buildings that resemble the sketches we've got."

[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Airlock | USS Allegiant ] Attn: @Stegro88 @RyeTanker 
Having mustered just enough patience to educate the hard-headed Klingon on her team how the exosuits worked, Ida had at least been relieved to hear the other two had prior instructions on the Mk II version they'd been given for the mission. Petty Officer Lorad and Junior Lieutenant zh’Ptrell were trusted to handle themselves getting suited up and getting their rifles in the armory - along with pulse phase pistols at their hips - and eventually, after mouthing some curses at the impatient Klingon, Ida could pick up her own helmet. "Head to the airlock. I'll meet you there."

Once in the armoury, she picked up the second Accipiter - Petty Officer Lorad having the now missing one - and holstered her own pistol at her side. She had her fair share of thoughts about the mission, but as far as firepower went, she had no concerns. Commander Akoni had made sure they had enough, and then some. Still, she would hope that the mission wouldn't entail any hostile engagements at all, since they were there to save Breen lives, not take them.

Soon enough, she joined her small team in the airlock and donned her helmet - which like Zark's was of a version that accommodated their antennae without greater discomfort. She wirelessly connected one wrist PADD to the Accipiter, and then used the other to report their readiness. "zh'Wann to bridge. We're ready to deploy."

[Acknowledged. The blizzard has an ETA of thirty-five minutes. We'll drop you off now, so make sure the bio-dampeners are active, otherwise you might get company. ]

"Understood. zh'Wann out," she said, and turned her blue eyes to the others, looking at them through the visor of her helmet. "Ready? Don't open fire unless given specific permission to do so. We're here to scout, not to create a diplomatic incident. Is that clear? Sogh Valkra?"

Ida knew not if the Klingon had failed to activate the speakers on the helmet, or if she gave no answer. Either way, she seemed to have heard her, so Ida shook her head and turned towards the airlock doors. They didn't have to wait long until they opened.

"Move out," she said, and with her Accipiter lowered, she stepped out of the airlock and dropped the few feet between the Allegiant's cloaked aft section and down unto the top of a building. She landed in a crouching position, and turned her head to survey her surroundings. Luckily, the helm officer hadn't picked a rooftop that would have them trapped there, but which actually allowed them to cover some distance and means to slip out of sight. It seemed to be some kind of wide office complex, and it provided them with a view of the entire city. Without much of a pause, Ida moved to the shadows, signalling for the others to follow.

"We're clear. Beginning reconnaissance now," she reported to the Allegiant, and while she couldn't see it above her, she could hear the Manta-class scout ship leave them behind. Her eyes had landed on something else entirely, though. It was a pyramid structure, larger than any other building in sight. It wasn't in the sketches, however, so she dismissed it for the time being, knowing they had to look for the other land marks.

[Good luck, Deputy. We'll stay until the blizzard hits, then we'll ascend.]

OOC: Thanks for your patience with this development! @BZ , @uytrereee , @DaValle , @RyeTanker & @Stegro88 , you all have 7 days to post in reply to this and I look forward to see where you take this from here!

Unless we change plans with the IC development, the overall plan ahead could be that the Security officers remain in hiding on the rooftops until 0000 hrs., when they are beamed up to the Allegiant again (which has been lingering in orbit), and then, they return to the Erudite. Vague as the sketches from Nicander is, please go ahead and triangulate the likely building to be the pyramid above in your posts if you want to! With my next post (set at 0000 hrs.), I will not only have the Allegiant crew learn about the bomb on the Theurgy, and the casualties, but I will also move the hands of time forward to the next day, where further news from the Theurgy will come about the thalaron bomb on Andoria, setting things up for the dilemma ahead, and discussions about how to approach the Breen! :)

It's still open to post Supplemental threads for Chapter 03, where you can post one-on-one with other writers in your own IC scenes during the four hours of reconnaissance if you wish to do so, but now you can also write Supplemental threads set between 0000 hrs. and 1200 hrs. on Day 02 (when word from the Theurgy about Andoria will come). The naming convention for threads that belong to Chapter 03 is: CH03: S [D0X|YYYY] Insert Title.

The names of the away team can be seen below, but more names will be added/changed when writers volunteer their characters:

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Main Engineering | Lower Deck | USS Allegiant ] Attn: @BZ @DaValle @Auctor Lucan
Now that the Engineers were alone again, they got to solve problems, that'd make this four hour tour go much quicker. He was tired, he'd spent his cat nap time with Ji, eating summer sausage, which he could still smell on his burps. Mixed with fruity milk, it was an odd flavor, that much was certain. It got the attention certainly, and that reminded him of a pleasant fixation, even though Ji was standing no more than five meters from him.

As they kicked the problem about power round and around, he nodded along patiently, looking to T'Kolla, "Thank you Petty Officer." He nodded gently, and centered himself in front of a console, bringing up the EPS grid displays, to monitor the various conduits and junctions throughout the ship, both for temperature over the relays, and for phase variances in the plasma through the conduits. At T'Kolla's suggestion about being forced into a fight, he offered lightly, "I believe in that scenario, even if we had weapons, the Captain would prefer the power in shields and propulsion, we'd be in no position to put up any meaningful offense, so our only real recourse would be retreat."

He looked to Ji and gave a slow nod to her, he figured she might have misunderstood him, but that was completely understandable, this was a new team for all intents and purposes. He shook his head slowly, "I don't intend to pull power from the sensors, on the contrary I intend to make more power available to them." He nodded gently, "But your point is actually a good one, let's not boost the sensors unless the Captain asks, the more free power in the grid the better. You're right about that, that'll be the safest, most stable, path." Under promise, over deliver, the power was there if the Captain wanted it. Otherwise, if the system burped, their ass wouldn't be visible to the whole of Breen-kind.

Frank started to make adjustments to the power distribution of the ship from his station then. "Making that power diversion from weapons now." He throttled back the feed to weapon systems with several slow drags of the finger across the touch interface. The representative icons for the pulse phasers, phaser arrays, and launchers slowly shifted their hue to a passive grey instead of a pleasant green.  He started to see the magical megawatts of the power reserve start to rise modestly. "Showing steady power draw from the Reman cloak now, she's a thirsty girl the Allegiant." He grinned gently, rapping his knuckles on the edge of the console.

Frank would tap his combadge, that way no one on the bridge got antsy when the phasers started to go into stand-by, and offered lightly, "Arnold to Bridge, we're shunting some weapons power to the grid, to make sure the cloak is solid." He'd not mention the power Ji had expertly advised they hold in reserve, just in case, after all they might want to shunt it /into/ the sensors, but they might also want it for something else, after all they had no idea what they were walking, or flying, into.

At that moment, a new feed was available on his console monitor, and he brought it up, in standard picture in picture mode, his eyes still kept on the power display, as he tried to not be distracted by the scenery. He gave a slow whistle, and would say, "Makes Andoria look inviting." He grinned gently, and offered, "Like a pageant queen, pretty, but coooold." He gave a faux shiver, and followed the view-screen with rapt attention. He monitored the bridge activity, and the ship's progress, and offered, "Science station appears to be showing there is some weather activity, bet it's nippy." He stroked his chin, and checked his readouts again, to make sure that the reserve stayed well above what was required for the cloak.

He watched as they descended closer, and closer to the surface, and gave a slow smile, "Just like a first contact observation, our job is to watch." He gave a slow grin, "Always wanted to do a first contact observation, not anything else science does, just that." He gave a nod, "It has to be fascinating to watch the technology of another civilization, reach the crux of warp." He watched on the feed as they approached a building, not feeling the need to narrate anymore, as by now no doubt Jin and T'Kolla could watch themselves if they wanted to. 'We must be dropping observers' thought Frank.

The feed was pushed to a corner of his screen, as he pulled the science display onto one generous third of his screen, and his power distribution on the other. He gave a slow hmm, "I'm getting a slight phase variation in EPS relay 14, nothing that's going to cause any trouble now, but if it gets worse, we'll have to route around it." He just wanted them to be aware he was aware, no doubt Jin and T'Kolla had seen it too, at least that's what Frank figured.

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #8
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark)  | Rooftop]

Lt. Zark stepped out of the airlock and landed in a crouch beside Deputy zh'Wann.  Seeing the signal to back into the shadows, Lt. Zark quickly concealed herself and took a moment to do a visual check of her surroundings.  For a fleeting moment the howling wind and snow and deep inside she felt the howl of her home planet calling to her soul.  After everything that had happened, it was almost too much to bear, and this slice of stability and memories better times threatened to come out to the surface.  But it was only a fleeting moment, and Lt. Zark mumbled a quiet curse as she ruthlessly pushed aside the call of home and began sweeping her assigned quadrant of the drop with her phaser rifle.  "Computer, initiate full spectrum scan, range 100 meters."  Lt. Zark's HUD instantly transformed the blizzard covered landscape to a representation of something that looked like a city.  Bringing up all the scanners was a risk on a covert mission, but the short range of the scan should hopefully have been drowned out by the energy output of the city, just another energy source in a sea of them.  Quickly swivelling her eyes in multiple directions, searching for indicators of bio life on her HUD, and finding none, Lt. Zark let out a breath she realized she'd been holding. "Deputy, all clear."

It was a good start to the mission, the team hadn't been detected on the way in and they were now clear on Breen.  With the situation safe and well in hand for the moment, it looked like the the blizzard was getting worse and the snow would be coming down even heavier soon.  That would make travelling in the exo suits a little more cumbersome, but there was more cover for any movement they had to make, so win some, lose some.  A small smiled creased Lt.Zark's lips as her mind began processing the tactical situation.  Taking a knee, her brow furrowed in thought as she digested a few facts about where they'd landed and quickly began punching commands on her suit PADD.  Her HUD obediently brought up a map of the city and she punched in more commands.  One thing that could arguably have been called a blessing about the Dominion War was even though the Breen Confederacy had been a belligerent against the Federation Alliance and suffered massive casualties, their territory had been pretty much been untouched. thus the layout of the city shouldn't have changed.  It wouldn;t be bad thing to get a better fix on their position when they needed to travel. Overlaying the map with their position, Lt. Zark began pattern matching several nearby buildings to information that was in the suit database and what scan could have been done on the way in.  The first was the tower the Federation embassy was located, next the Chamber of Commerce......

If Lt. Zark's head was free, her antennae would have stood straight up, still, she did feel the pressure against the top of her head.  Punching another key on her wrist PADD to open a comm link to Deputy zh'Wann,  "Deputy, I had a thought.  If the goal is to pin blame on the Federation for whatever comes next, would it be possible that the evidence be planted or stored where our embassy is?  Virtually anything can be brought in through a diplomatic bag, and although we know that Federation consular staff wouldn't bring in anything harmful, it's a very useful cover for creating blame for something to blame the Federation."   Lt. Zark's postulating continued with a hint of trepidation and worry in her voice.  "The news could read Treacherous Federation smuggles biogenic weapon into capital.  Millions dead from Federation abuse of diplomatic cover." 

It was a wild thought, but they needed to start somewhere as Lt.Zark looked at Deputy zh'Wann for her thoughts.

@BZ @Stegro88 @Auctor Lucan @DaValle @uytrereee

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #9
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Wolf -11 | Breen Space ]

Chance wasn’t sure if she was bored or scared as hell as she drifted through space. Out of the canopy, was a planet that the pilot had never believed she would get the chance to see in person. The Breen home world was clearly visible, the bluish-white orb hanging in space as innocently as any other planet she had ever seen. It didn’t matter that the species that inhabited it were among the most secretive in known space. And somewhere, down amongst the clouds and the frigid terrain below, was the Allegiant and the rest of their comrades, doing the impossible.

“Chance to Ghost,” the pilot called out, using short ranged transmitters to contact the flight leader. “I hope nothing exciting is happening over there. All we’ve got here is what you would expect. Freighters, warships and orbital installations a plenty. There?” she asked, shifting in her cockpit. “I knew I should have had a proper shower instead of a sonic when the yellow alert sounded.”

[ PO3 Lorad | Airlock | Deck 01 | USS Allegiant ]

Lorad had taken longer to get ready than he had expected to, even longer than when he had qualified for the new version of exosuit that the ship’s security department had been provided. He put it down to nerves. This would be his first meaningful deployment and it was in a place that he had never considered going; the Breen homeworld. Now, standing in the Allegiant’s airlock, Lorad took a moment to focus his thoughts. It was a ritual he had practiced before every battle, to calm and centre his mind on the events ahead. And though they were not here for battle, or a fight of any kind, the familiar process was successful all the same.

"Ready? Don't open fire unless given specific permission to do so. We're here to scout, not to create a diplomatic incident. Is that clear? Sogh Valkra?" Lieutenant zh’Wann asked them. That she had to specifically ask the female Klingon with them clarify her response was not lost on the hulking Reman as he hefted the Accipiter rifle in his hands. Compared to other weapons he had wielded; it was both over bulky and heavy but it more than made up for it in destructive potential, something they would need if they got into trouble. When the doors ahead of him opened, he followed the three females out of the airlock.

The drop to the rooftop was barely noticeable and Lorad immediately sought out a position of cover as his training took over and he began surveying their surroundings and identifying potential threats. None seemed apparent though and Lorad switched to searching for methods to move about unseen. The best option to the Reman seemed to be staying on the rooftops, something that was thankfully possible without too much difficulty.

With their position secured, he felt the ship above them depart as he began to search for the landmarks that were in the sketches. The largest structure, an enormous pyramid that dominated the skyline of the city was not present in the images he had seen but there were several other potential buildings in sight that could be what Nicander had seen.

“Seen!” Lorad realised. The doctor had seen what something else had seen. Lorad knew, better than most, that different species saw things differently. What they had to do, was find what was common and what was missing. What was common were the buildings around the city. What was missing, was the pyramid itself.

“Lieutenant,” Lorad addressed the Andorian officer. “I believe that pyramid is important. If I wanted to make statement, like Earth, I would plant bomb there. It not being in sketches could be because other eyes were inside it at the time.”

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #10
[ Lieutenant T’Less | Tactical Station | USS Allegiant | Breen Space ]

“Given the number and distribution of presently detected orbital installations and weapons platforms, I calculate a less than 11% chance of the Allegiant regaining orbit if the cloak fails,” T’Less considered as she continued to catalogue what the ship’s sensors were detecting and feeding to her. “The chance of successfully leaving orbit is below 4% while the chance of successfully escaping, either to the Erudite or to warp, after detection, is less than 1%. Based off what is currently detectable in orbit.”

Even to a Vulcan that had passed their Kolinahr, those calculations would give them a moment of hesitation. To T’Less, whose emotional control was far from mastery, her calculations made her anxious and concerned about the operational parameters of a device taken from a damaged ship built by a subjugated species and then jury-rigged to be used by Vector 01 of the Theurgy in the Azure Nebula. After that, it was cannibalised again, but this time to be able to cloak the entirety of the ship for use during the Battle of the Apertures against the Borg. Finally, it was repaired and then installed aboard the Allegiant

“Deputy zh’Wann,” T’Less said formally over coms as Ensign Thorne began to move them away from the deployment zone. “I am detecting no active threats to you at present. But I would postulate that there is a high likelihood of passive systems spread throughout the city. Please be on your guard.”

Closing her eyes and focusing herself to clear her mind and centre herself, T’Less was disturbed by a warning tone from her console. Frustrated at the distraction, the young Vulcan scowled as she looked down to discover what had caused it. And her apprehension grew in the reading.

“Captain, sensors have detected multiple ships decloaking in geosynchronous orbit above us,” T’Less announced as she worked to identify and categorise the vessels. “8 ships in total. Classify as 6 Chel Grett class cruisers along with a single Gel-Chak heavy warship,” she explained as she worked at the last contact on her screens. “The last vessel is masking itself in some way but the readings I am getting are a 76% match for a Breen-designed vessel. However, our databanks do not have any record of this class of ship.”

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #11
[Ens Jaya Thorne | Piloting | Being the Ship Bringer | Breen Ninjas]
@Auctor Lucan

Jaya had never been the sort to pay a lot of attention in class.  She supposed that book learning was just too slow for her and she had always been the kind of hands-on learning.  She didn't do well with people talking about random stuff, even if it was somewhat pertinent information.  However, she hadn't gotten through school without learning how to zone out but pull important information out of the background so that she could continue to do what she loved the most.  So while she wasn't really listening to the conversation between Captain and the other woman, she did pick up some information.  Like that it was cold, there were two rocky continent type things, and so forth.  She could handle those when it came to flying but the woman was right.  If a blizzard blew in later it would be harder to remain cloaked and the Breen weren't stupid, hence the cloak in the first place.

Jaya heard her name.  “Aye glorious leader.” she stated from the helm. 

Dewitt told her to stay ahead of the storm front so that they could scan as much of the city as possible before they had to go.  She wanted to get a good reading of the area, and then eventually they would send out the security team so that they could figure out where the building was that might hold the bomb.  The last thing they needed was for the damn thing to detonate.  Jaya, knew before Dewitt even said it that she was going to need to look around for a place where they could quickly let the team out without being discovered, that was close enough to the city, close enough to the building, and would be safe.

“Right, safe zone, and ahead of the storm, got it.”

The atmosphere was a delight to fly through, and that was in the worst possible sense of the word.  With the strong gusts coming from the back because they were settling themselves ahead of the massive blizzard, she could feel the sway of the ship as the wind played with it.  Feeling it list to and fro as they worked to stay level while everyone else did their job she was also analyzing the ground.  While they hadn't quite reached the city yet it wouldn't be long before they did she could already see it in the distance.  The stick in her hand kept shifting because of the wind but she was able to keep them pretty steady and without the whole... vomit inducing fun bags, needing to be used this trip. 

“Got a drop zone Cap!” called Jaya as they headed over the city, they were far enough ahead of the storm that she didn't have to worry about the crazy wind and so forth, but at the same time she knew that it would come back.  However, she began to lower them to the city so that they could drop off their Security team and then do what they had to do.  Which would probably be to wait until the storm came and then head out, hopefully the security team knew where they were going and what to do and they would be able to get done and get back before shit hit the fan. 

Though flying in a blizzard sounded fun.

She worked down to the long office building, it had a great view of the city and would allow the team to get a feel for the city before they figured out which one they needed to get after.  She didn't mind waiting, it would be fun to fly the blizzard but she hoped that they got done quickly and they wouldn't have to worry about it after that.  But, at least for now, she was just going to cool her heels and wait.  Though she was already plotting a course through the city incase they had to go for a low altitude escape incase they were discovered.  She hoped that the Security team would send them a ping when they found the building in question so that Jaya could plot how to get there, pick them up, and still get out. 

That was important.

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #12
[PO2 T’Kolla | Warp Core Room | Lower Decks | USS Allegiant] @uytrereee @BZ @Auctor Lucan

Now they had to do the most annoying part of undercover missions to wait till something happened down on the planet. Taa’gur had too many of those missions and the one thing he had learned was how boring such missions can be if you’re not one of the ground team. Now they could just stare down some displays or smashing their head against some of the consoles to dawdle away. Well even though Taa’gur didn’t smashed his head through the consoles he passed time by starring holes in the displays in front of him. The Lieutenant apparently did the same as he mentioned the prettiness of the planetary landscape. Another perfect example for different interpretation of one expression.  The only thing Taa’gur saw on the screens was the incredible ability of the natives to develop a civilized society even though such circumstances, but there was nothing he would call pretty. The planet was basically just a huge ice ball with, for some species, breathable atmosphere.

The Chief continued his more mono than dialogue about observation missions. Taa’gur has never understood the interest of the Federation to study pathetic species. In his opinion there was simply no need to do it other than strengthen your self esteem. There’s nothing actually useful that you could get by observing them and in case they’ll ever join your coalition, they find out that you have surveyed them like some animals. A great way to start relations. It would make more sense to forcefully integrate them whenever needed. Well, apparently the Chief had other thoughts about observations than Taa’gur had and the Devore had definitely not the intention to start a philosophic discussion about it now. He simply focused on the few actual commands the Chief said. At least he tried to identify them.

Taa’gur really had to resist the urge to simply put every unused Watt back to the weapon systems. Even if their firepower would be inferior to the one of the Breen ships, it could still be used to intercept the one or other torpedo of them. Nonetheless it was not his decision in the end and after all he was following the orders of his superiors.

After the Chiefs mention of the EPS relay the Petty Officer closed the image of the ground surface on his own display and focused his attention now more to the ship intern systems. “Sir, I keep an eye on the EPS relays. If there are going to be any problems you’ll know it first.” There wasn’t much to do for him anyway. A weapon specialist aboard a ship which weapons have been shut down is basically a waste of air.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #13
[Lieutenant Vanya| Science Console | USS Allegiant]
@Auctor Lucan @DaValle @BZ @Auctor Lucan @uytrereee

Vanya studied the intense wave fronts of the storms.   Keeping the sensors going was her main priority.   The planet was a deadly storm, how any culture could manage in such an environment was a mystery to her.

“Blizzard is constant.  Nobody is getting a suntan any time soon.”

Part of her wished that Nat was here with her.    Being reunited with her was a singular joy in the maelstrom that had been her life recently.   Nevertheless, she was also grateful, she didn’t particularly want to see her at risk on this mission. 

She put the thoughts to the back of her mind, cursing her creator for giving her emotions.   While it was true that they were unavoidable – a biproduct of the Multitronic process that her “mother” perfected, they nevertheless could be most annoying.   And yet, who would she be without them.  

She ran through what she knew of the Breen   From her earliest days, she was aware of the fairy tales that Romulans had around the Breen, they were duplicitous boogie men, who would seem naughty Romulan Children at night, and take them to their cold world where they would be fed to a dragon.   While she was grateful that she had never been a child that was subjected to such tales, the saying “Never turn your back on a Breen,” probably remained with good reason.  

She prepared herself, she needed to be there for her friends in their days of challenge  She needed to be ready to help in a heartbeat, if it meant getting their people home.    

Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #14

Edit of art by Olga Gorbatova

[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Breen Capital ] Attn: @Stegro88 @RyeTanker 
Not long after they sought cover close to the drop-zone, Ida had heard T'Less' familiar voice inside her helmet - cautioning her against hidden surveillance systems. "Duly noted, Lieutenant," she had said quietly, her eyes surveying the buildings around her team. A small smirk came to her, unable to help teasing the unorthodox Vulcan a little. "I promise I'll be careful. zh'Wann out."

The innuendo likely passed by undetected as an inside joke, Ida alluding towards T'Less being personally invested in her well-being.

Zark, the other Andorian in the small planet-side team offered a suggestion on the threat, and Ida's blue eyes sought the building indicated. The Chamber of Commerce was a large building, and Ida had already noted how it wasn't in the sketches from the Doctor, but then she caught on to the Combat Medic's meaning, and looked towards the small embassy building. Diplomatic ties with Breen were allegedly tenuous at best, and it had actually been the Diplomatic Corps who'd supplied the scare intel they had on the city. The Confederacy had a stand-offish approach towards the Diplomats who actually came to Breen, few and rare as they were, and these visits were actually that rare because they were never allowed to leave the embassy building - having to wait for Thots to coming there instead. This wasn't the norm, certainly not in Federation space, but they were far from home. Would the Breen even honour diplomatic terms when it came to cargo that Starfleet brought to the embassy? Perhaps they might...

"Shelat. Good thinking, Zark," she said via the comm frequency they were linked on, their voices not projected outside their suits to avoid them being heard - unlikely as it was given the wind. Giving the idea some thought, Ida approached the edge of the ceiling they were upon and looked down. Far below, she could see minute movements of Breen citizens in their odd suits. Rumours had it that Breen both wore and didn't wear the suits, but it seemed that inside the capital - at least - the former was the case. Ida had no idea. however, if that was because of the temperature alone. "The windows are lit on the embassy, so it would seem there might be Starfleet officers present. Reports have it that it's not a common occurrence - this species as inhospitable as their planetary conditions - so when we get back, we should check if there is anything in the Federation database about this visit. I don't think we are prepared to infiltrate the embassy half-cocked, however, so let's continue our reckon and give the embassy its due attention tomorrow, when we're better prepared."

The Reman on her team - Petty Officer Lorad - spoke next, and he pointed out something that made a lot of sense as well.

"By Lor'Vela... Indeed, it's not in the sketches we have, so the Doctor might have seen things from inside it. The database should be able to tell us what that building is," she said and stepped back from the edge. She accessed the limited data they had on Ansirranana, also supplied by the Diplomatic Corps some years ago. It took her a moment, but soon enough she found something worthwhile. "It might be called the 'Hall of Heroes'. From what little we know, the Breen Council debate and create laws which apply to the whole Confederacy there. I think you are right. That would be a prime target, so we just need to make our way around the whole thing and spot the landmarks to confirm it. Come on, we've got four hours before the blizzard hits for real."

What followed was a careful progress through the cityscape, where they had to rely on their suits to both remain undetected and to get between buildings. The thrusters on their backs weren't exactly ideal for atmospheric flight, but they could propel them short distances so that they might cross between rooftops. They had to keep an eye out for shuttles overhead, however, lest the flares they generated might be spotted. She kept hearing Sogh Valkra swearing over their comm frequency, the Klingon certainly not keen on their low profile approach, and Ida reminded herself to confront her once they returned to the Allegiant.

On her own part, she actually found herself enjoying the challenge, and especially since they already had a plausible theory on what the Infested might have planned for the Confederacy.


[ Lt Cmdr. Jennifer Dewitt | Transporter Room| USS Allegiant ]
Stepping into the rather small transporter room, Jennifer Dewitt was accompanied by Lieutenants Vanya and T'Less. Time was up, and the hour late. She'd contacted the Deputy and aborted the reconnaissance, and then ordered Halliway to beam the team up from Ansirranana. Thankfully, the blizzard hadn't interfered with the transporter systems, so there was no need to head down there again. Instead, Thorne had the orders to return to the Erudite as well, a night of well earned sleep due.

First, however, she would speak with the Deputy about what they had learned planet-side. The four officers in golden exosuits appeared on the platform, and one by one, they removed their helmets. Lieutenant zh'Wann's white hair was matted to her forehead, perspiration beading her brow.

"Report," said Dewitt with a small smile, glad to see the team back aboard - not having been keen on giving the order to deploy them since the risk to their lives had been too high for comfort.

"In all likelihood, the Infested may do something in the Hall of Heroes, and there are Starfleet diplomats down there," the Andorian glanced towards the medic and the Reman in her team. "XamotZark zh’Ptrell had a sound idea about how the Federation may get the blame for it too. There might be involvement from the Infested among the Diplomatic Corps, since they might just be able to get something into the city. They would have the means, and it would place the guilt squarely on Starfleet."

"Well done, Lieutenant," said Dewitt and looked towards the other Andorian, then added, "how sure are we that this Hall of Heroes is the target?"

"The Breen Council convene there. Their government, for short, and looking at the drawings the Doctor provided..." said the Deputy, and sent a recorded feed from the PADD on her forearm to a wall-mounted display, " would seem the Infested was looking out the windows on the west side of the pyramid."

A match, for certain, thought Dewitt as she looked at the screen, seeing the buildings in the snowfall. Aloud, she contributed what they had detected on the bridge. "It could be that this council is having a meeting," she said with a frown. "Soon, because there have been ships decloaking in orbit all the time during these past four hours. If we can find out when the council convenes, we might know when the Infested will make their move, for surely they would pick the most opportune moment and kill as many Thots as possible. I will try and raise the Theurgy when we get back to the Erudite. Well done."

"It is my team who deserves the credit," said the Deputy and stepped off the platform, but the Klingon shouldered herself past all of them, leaving the room before Dewitt could say anything to the KDF officer. zh'Wann added, however, a comment that explained the Klingon's abrasive mood. "We had to drag her along the whole way. She wasn't too apt with the thrusters, so more than once, we had to pull her up from the edges of the rooftops we crossed. Give her a moment, Commander."

"I see..." said Dewitt with a small chuckle.

[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Fighter Escort 01 | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie | Beta Epsilon-Venturi System ]
While Chance and Icarus had been surveying the outer systems, Breen itself included, Ghost and Foxfire had ventured to the inner planets to see if there were any Federation signatures hiding there in their incessant sensor sweeps. It was a challenge to pass off as something like a civilian Breen shuttle, keeping a low profile and remaining circumspect. Several times, Rawley muttered under her breath something along the lines with that there was 'nothing to see here, just heading to me nan, no need to take an interest in us'. Meanwhile, nothing curious was showing up on sensors, and the system was more or less abandoned the closer they came to the binary stars in the centre of it.

In the end, she'd signalled Nix that it was time to head back. At which point, when they got close to Breen, she head Donna make a subspace call on their encrypted fighter escort frequency.

"Bloody nothing," said Rawley, even though a foreboding feeling remained with her that something dire was afoot. "Four hours are almost up, so let's head back to the Erudite. I'll signal the Allegiant."

Little did she know what had happened on the Theurgy, hundreds of light years away, and what would await on the morrow.

OOC: A new starter is underway, set the next day, but I will leave this thread open for you all, @BZ , @uytrereee , @DaValle , @Number6 , @RyeTanker & @Stegro88 , so that you can close out Day 01 in your own manner given the events above. If you would not like to post, let me know via PM, but otherwise, you all have 7 days to post in reply to this closing post of mine for Day 01. :)

The new starter will detail the news about the Spearhead Lounge, as well as the new Andoria objective. I will also add a time for the Breen Council meeting, giving them a deadline. Remember that you can also write Supplemental threads set between 0000 hrs. and 1200 hrs. on Day 02 (when word from the Theurgy about Andoria will come). The naming convention for threads that belong to Chapter 03 is: CH03: S [D0X|YYYY] Insert Title.

The names of the away team can be seen below, but more names will be added/changed when writers volunteer their characters:

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #15
[Lt. Vanya | Transporter room |USS Allegiant]

@Auctor Lucan @RyeTanker

Although she was still fairly new to the crew, other than Vanya, she felt a sense of relief as she watched her colleagues materialise on board   Being caught on that iceball wasn’t the best place to be when things were optimal, let alone with the Infested complicating matters down there.  

Relief quickly gave way to scientific curiosity, particularly in areas of zoology, to use a human expression that she once overheard.   She made a mental note to see if the transporters had picked up any microbes.   If it had been pathogens, the transporter would have alerted them as transport was in progress.   But there may be some harmless specimen that had come through transport.   Its molecular structure might offer some clue as to the genetic disposition of the Breen outside of their suits  

She looked at each one of the crew from the corner of the transporter bay room as zh'Wann gave her report, particularly interested in the ice.   She made a further mental note to scan their gear once it had been stowed should anything have come on board.  
After they gave their report, the Klingon apparently struggling with the finer points of the exosuit barged past her.  

Vanya turned to the others   “Glad you all got back safe   I don’t suppose any of your scanning gear picked up any data about local fauna while you were down there?   Extra furry rodents, polar bears, penguins wearing amusing little Breen suits?”

It was a long shot, but a girl had to try.  
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #16
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark)  | Transporter Room | [USS Allegiant]

With a shimmer, the Alleigant's transporter room came back into vision at the end of the transporter cycle and Lt. Zark exhaled and a bright smile lit her face as she saw her surroundings.  The Andorian was by no means an adrenaline junkie as the term had been used by the Humans, but it was the recognition of a job well done despite all the challenges.  Silently she thanked her foresight in getting herself checked out on the exosuits and taking some time to practice how to use them.  Her smile transformed into a smirk almost as quickly. It's funny now how the Klingon needed to be helped out, after all, it wouldn't due to say that they needed to be rescued.  This stray thought threatened to turn itself into a giggle, but Lt. Zark smothered that temptation as said Klingon pushed their way passed the Deputy on the way to wherever they were going.

With a relieved sigh, Lt. Zark popped the seals on the helmet and she took a quick breath noting how the air seemed a bit cleaner than inside the suit.  Brushing some sweat matted hair from her forehead, she caught the end of Lt. Vanya's question. Surely it was in jest, but it didn't hurt to help, so Lt.Zark crooked her helmet under an arm and quickly tapped a few commands into the arm PADD sending over her scan logs to the Romulan Android.  "I think you'll have better luck finding Hybor in all that, but have fun with it anyway."

Stepping off the transporter pad, Lt. Zark went to go get out her exosuit and grab a shower before taking care of all the necessary post mission chores.  If she got things done quickly enough, maybe she'd also get to eat and sleep as well.  With a smile on her face, she exited the room.

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #17
[Ens. Jaya Thorne | Round Trip | Can We Do a Roll? | Crappy Captains Hinder Pilots | Should be a Promotional Poster]
@Auctor Lucan

If Jaya was male, she would probably be the classic example of a pilot.  Feet up on the console, magazine in her lap, that she had replicated, and a bottle of coke in her hand.  Of course, the likelihood was if she was male the magazine would have been a porno and she would have been getting angry glares from across the bridge while she looked through all the naughty bits.  And honestly, Jaya had been tempted just for shock value.  But, she had pushed Dewitt a lot to accept her best friend as she was especially during this mission and especially with all the questions and commentary during their meeting with Echtand, the Great Snowball Head.  So she didn't really want to push her – okay she actually did but had decided not to – she was playing nice.

It was time to get their people on board, to head out, and they weren't going to have to fly in the blizzard.  This fact alone pissed off Jaya, how many times in life did you get to fly in a blizzard on an alien planet?!  She wanted it!  She wanted the snow white, not seeing, dodging mountains and buildings, and barely coming out alive thrill of flying in a Breen Blizzard.  The Breen were bastards and she had a feeling their blizzards weren't going to be much nicer.  But no, Dewitt, the trusty, safe, boring Dewitt, was telling them that they were going to get them to beam up, and get out of there without the fun contact of the blizzard.

Buzz kill.

When she was given the order to actually head them back to the Erudite and then the promise that she would have the night off, she decided that she might as well accept the peace offering.  A good night of sleep, or at least a night off to do whatever she wanted would be a boon.  Though she wasn't sure how that measured up to the possibility of Breen Blizzards... wait, it didn't.

Finally she decided that button pressing and all of that fun stuff had to be done so she closed her magazine and tossed it over to the console beside her.  It was some kind of art work magazine but the artwork told stories without many words, like the comics of old but in magazine form.  She had no idea what the language was, it was something she had picked up from the replicator because she was bored and could use something pretty to look at.  Since there were no hottie mc'totties on the bridge she figured that she might as well try the archaic way of reading.  The UT helped her translate when she couldn't figure it out from the picture alone and she had enjoyed the story.

The flight back to the Erudite was uneventful, boring, and absolute torture for a young pilot that wanted nothing more than to play and have fun.  But, eventually, and without much delay they were docked back inside the Erudite's fancy Aerodome and safely settled on it's deck plating once more. 

“Well Cap, we've arrived on a safe, uneventual, and truly boring flight, now you may all take your peanuts and exit the nearest emergency exit before I blow all your ear drums off with some really angry music made by repressed Vulcans.”

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #18
[ Lieutenant T’Less | Transporter Room | USS Allegiant | Breen Space ]

Entering the Allegiant’s cramped transporter room, T’Less stood behind the red-haired officer as the light that heralded the return of the ground team dissipated, leaving the four armoured figures standing on the platform. Looking each of them over as they removed their helmets, the Vulcan felt what she identified as relief that they had returned without incident. Despite the frigid environment that they departed, each of the team was coated in a layer of perspiration that revealed the exertions they had gone through during their time on the surface.

“Their deductions appear sound,” T’Less thought to herself as she listened to Dewitt and zh’Wann speak. “An explosion during a meeting of Thots would certainly be taken as an act of aggression if not an outright declaration of war. A bomb of Federation design would make the most sense as any denials based on its obvious makeup being a setup would be ignored by the Breen as an act of misdirection, furthering the appearance of guilt by Starfleet,” T’Less considered, her mind at work. “But how does the bombing of Paris connect with this? I cannot yet see the larger plan.”

[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Fighter Escort 03 | Breen Space ]

“Four hours drifting around like a hole in space, cataloguing everything we can see and hear. What a way to end the day,” Donna said to herself, having made sure that her comms were off as she vented out loud. “Frak, I need a shower.”

Re: Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]

Reply #19


[ Lt Cmdr. Jennifer Dewitt | CO's Quarters | USS Allegiant ]
Being in her quarters on the lower deck of the Manta-class scoutship, Jennifer Dewitt had already shed her uniform and leaned on the doorframe to the bedroom whilst she compiled her mission report on a PADD. That was when Thorne's voice was heard from the intercom.

[Well Cap, we've arrived on a safe, uneventual, and truly boring flight, now you may all take your peanuts and exit the nearest emergency exit before I blow all your ear drums off with some really angry music made by repressed Vulcans.]

Chuckling, Dewitt finished off the last sentence in her report, put the PADD aside and went to pick up her combadge where it lay on top of her clothes. She pressed her thumb on it with a small smile. "Dewitt to bridge. Try to keep it down somewhat, will you? I mean to go to sleep down here. Dewitt out."

Tossing the combadge down on her uniform once more, she stretched and headed for the small restroom. So far so good, she thought idly whilst she prepared herself for bed, thinking that the reconnaissance had gone well, and they might just have an idea of what could be happening on Breen since the timing of the Breen Council convening in the Hall of Heroes couldn't really be a coincidence. Lieutenant Zark's observation that the Federation Embassy could be the means for the Infested to bring some kind of explosive device to Breen had sealed the deal, and she hoped that - with the collective effort of the present officers - they would be able to thwart the enemy's attempt to antagonise the Breen Confederacy towards the Federation.

Little did she knew what had just happened on the Theurgy. Her immediate concern, instead, was that when she tried to power up her sonic shower, the thing frizzled, and then died on her. Shit...

She supposed she'd have to use the other one...

[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Upper Deck Restroom | USS Allegiant ]
Being quick about it, ThanIda zh'Wann was taking a shower by the time the Allegiant landed in the Aerodrome. She'd let others shower off first, and since it was the only shower available for the small crew (besides the one in the CO's quarters), she wasn't about to tarry. She didn't know if there were others waiting outside the door, but by the time she'd powered it down and reached for a towel, she saw Dewitt standing outside the stall - arms crossed.

"Captain," Ida said in greeting with white eyebrows raised, stepping out whilst still beaded with water from the humidifiers. She reached for her towel and began to dry herself off.

"Lieutenant," said Jennifer with a smile. "My apologies, I didn't think anyone was here, and the shower downstairs isn't working."

"Ah, I see," said the Deputy with a lopsided smile in return and made an inviting gesture to the empty stall. "I should have locked the door anyway. My fault as well."

"Good night Deputy. Well done today," said Jennifer after chuckling and shaking her head, shedding the white towel she'd wrapped around herself before putting it aside. With a warm smile and perhaps too long a pause, she then vanished into the stall, leaving Ida wondering what might have crossed the Lieutenant Commander's mind. She knew not if the pinkskin enjoyed the company of women, not giving much credit to rumours thereof, but she made no further comment it.

"Thank you," was all she said while she put on her Starfleet-issue underwear and pulled a white tank top over her head. Barefoot, she left the room, hearing loud music from the bridge and frowning at the noise. She couldn't lock the restroom's door from the outside, so she just headed barefoot towards the stairs leading to the lower deck, where she might see if T'Less was still awake, just to trade a few words with her friend in Tactical. It was the eve of an important mission...

...unknowing as she was that hers would be altogether different from T'Less'.


[ Echtand qi Versant | The Quarters of the Voice | The Erudite

In the dim light of his spacious quarters, the Voice walked towards the communication interface mounted on the wall. He raised a three-fingered hand towards it, and he accessed the correspondence that had amassed in his brief absence. With black eyes keenly attuned to the array of missives, he found one of non-Savi origin. It came from the Theurgy, and it was quite recent as well. With a gesture, he opened it... seeing Captain Ives - in his male form - looking at him. Echtand tilted his head a little, finding the Aspect-Maker to look rather weary even before he spoke.

[This is Ives,] said the human-looking shapeshifter, a frown casting his eyes in shadow. [We believe the Infested may have placed a saboteur aboard the Theurgy, because three hours ago, there was a detonation on one of the decks, which had many officers killed. We believe the one responsible may have come aboard with Chancellor Martok's two hundred companions, but we cannot know for sure if there are non-Infested collaborators that may have infiltrated our ranks. This, however, is not the reason for this message.]

Echtand folded his arms across his chest, thinking about how cunning their common foe was, and that the Scion High Council might have infiltrators on the ships of his own rebel fleet as well. As for what happened on the Theurgy, since Ives hadn't mentioned any of the Antes in the Savi Delegation, he assumed they were all unhurt. The Aspect-Maker continued talking, but changed the topic entirely.

[Our Science Department made a breakthrough in regard to the anyonic phase emissions that we use in our airlocks and our transporter rooms, managing to isolate the exact phase variance in which the parasites exist. This, after Doctor Nicander volunteered to be subjected to an experiment in which this vital data could be verified. Armed with anyon emitters, and equipped with subatomic particles of that variance, the parasites would be phased into our own existence, and fuse with their hosts - killing both in the process. Before you ask, Doctor Nicander's life could be spared before that happened, so he will still be able to spy on the Scion High Council for you, which means we still hold our end of the agreement between us.]

Hearing what was being said, Echtand began to pace his quarters in thought - multiple options coming to mind for him. The Aspect-Maker wasn't finished, however.

[So, since we have this phase variance, I propose we expand upon our agreement,] said Ives, shifting in his seat, and changing... to her female form. When she spoke again, her voice was equally weary despite the change from the male timbre. Was it from the loss of fellow crew? [You have scientific resources that we lack. I remember how you proverbially reincarnated Heather McMillan after she'd been suspended in a quantum stasis field. I saw her being vaporised right in front of me on the Versant. What you accomplished using transporter technology is far beyond what we are able to achieve, but we believe that using the phase variance, and a secondary containment beam, we could separate the parasites from their hosts. Our scientists have, however, not succeeded with attributing anyon particles to our technology without compromising the matter-energy conversion in the process.]

Frowning, Echtand shook his head, because he had no interest in saving the Scions. They were an abomination of their own making. A mistake. They might be offspring, still being born, but they were also corrupted with callous ambitions. It was a highly sensitive subject in their civil war, but Echtand believed that the only way forward for the Savi was to put this mistake behind them. If he could arm his rebels with the phase variance, what use would he have for separating the parasites from their hosts? He might just have both killed. More efficient. Prudent.

Knowing Federation culture, however, he could see how Captain Ives might have an interest in sparing the innocent. Echtand considered his options, one of them being to take the phase variance from the Theurgy without them knowing, but that could prevent further cooperation. Could they take the specimen named Nicander as well? No, he would hardly render his services to the Antecedents alone. At least not willingly. The Code forbade the Voice from acting on such notions as well... leaving him little choice.

[I will await word from you in this matter,] said the Aspect-Maker on the screen, [but I hope you can see how we can help each other beyond our current terms. Ives out.]

Raising his hand, Echtand ran it over his forehead, and took a deep breath. "I am trying to lead a war," he said quietly in his contralto voice, "not help primates invent the wheel..."

It was his frustration speaking, of course, for he knew what his answer would be.


OOC: This FIN was delayed because the ending of Quantum Frontier had yet to be finished by the time we wrote the ending of this Chapter, and it fell to the wayside since then. Glad to finally get to lock this one, and I hope you like the finish! :)

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