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Chapter 02: Vantage Points [D05|2330]

CHAPTER 02: VANTAGE POINTS [ DAY 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

[ High Chancellor Martok, son of Urthog | Bridge | Negh'Var Heavy Carrier IKC Rotarran | Azure Nebula ] Attn: All
Two days of hunting, and finally, Martok, son of Urthog, had found his quarry. Or, as the sensors revealed to him, a third of it.

Drex, you ignorant fool of a son, see what you have led me to? he thought in ire turned bitter, still hoping the lad was in Sto'vo'kor, and that his future Par'Mach'kai, Zyrao Natauna, fought at his side. She was the one who had contacted him before the IKS Hakkarl was lost. She'd told him they had encountered the Theurgy, asked him about its Captain, and he'd told her that the wretched shapeshfter had surprised him when he betrayed his uniform. It seemed Captain Ives had surprised Drex as well, since he hadn't listened to the advice he gave Natauna, that the Hakkarl was no match for the Theurgy, and that he should make a tactical retreat. Instead, either of two things had happened. Captain Ives gave chase and destroyed the Hakkarl nonetheless, or Drex engaged the Theurgy in belief that he would bring honour to the Empire and Federation both by destroying the renegade ship. Either way...

...Martok had to restore the honour of his House. He had taken the Klingon flagship and launched from Q'onoS immediately.

"Chancellor, shall we maintain present course?" bellowed Helmsman Ch'Targh, whom had agreed to join Martok on this quest for revenge. Though Ch'Targh was a Captain stationed on HuDyuQ, he would never had said no to Martok's request; this chance to relive the days on the old Rotarran, the one designated IKS, which has been a lot smaller back during the Dominion War. Once more, he'd sail Martok's ship into battle.

"Aye, and prepare the Phantoms for launch," said Martok, curling his upper lips in knowing that the sensors of a Federation ship like the Theurgy was more than a match for the cloaking abilities of the Klingon fleet, and there was no element of surprise to find in using the cloak. Rather, he'd ride the Rotarran straight for this enemy of both the Federation and Klingon Empire, and not hide like some frightened petaQ. "Tell Commander Doran, that the Theurgy has already deployed its fighters."

Doran, daughter of W'mar, had also served on the old Rotarran, as a wee lass with a lot of promise. Now, she was one of the leading Phantom Commanders in the Klingon Fleet, and she had served on the Negh'Var-class Rotarran since two years ago, when the heavy carrier was commissioned. Under her command were the proud pilots of thirty NIyma raiders, all eager to launch.

"They have already raised shields," said N'Garen, daughter of Tse'Dek, her long hair settling around her shoulders when she turned to look at him. "All disruptors and phasers are armed, and we have torpedoes loaded for launch. Shall we open fire?"

Martok, however, didn't look at his weapons and security  officer. He stared at this middle section of the Theurgy on the viewscreen.

"Hail the Hu'tegh 'urwI'," he said in a low voice, and leaned back in his command chair. He would not rise for traitors. "low-band only, since we do not need the A.I. virus that Starfleet Command briefed us about. Yet be ready to fire on my mark. On screen."

Once the channel was open, Martok's quiet glare took in the bridge crew, his one-eyed stare slowly sweeping the faces present. Oh, they knew of him, that much was plain. He supposed his reputation still lingered even long after the war had come to an end. Foe and ally, and now, foe once more... to these traitorous Targs that had taken his son's life.

"This is High Chancellor Martok of the IKC Rotarran, and you will all die in battle this day," he told them all as they met his single eye. "When I have destroyed you, I will continue to hunt for the other two parts of your ship, along with several seasoned Captains of the Empire that follow in my wake. We will not rest... until I face your real Captain, and have him answer for his crimes to his fleet and my House alike."

Curling his lip, Martok's thick fingers whitened around the armrests of his chair. "Because of the Hakkarl, the Klingon Empire has answered the Federation's call for aid, and now... your moronic flight will end. Do you have anything to say... before we begin?"

Martok did not care who this Bajoran in the centre seat on the screen was, and little did it matter.

For he and his crew would know the wrath of a father deprived of his wife and all his children - the last one slain by their hand.

OOC: *grins* Please note that this is a Negh'Var heavy carrier of 2381, and not earlier iterations. I will be setting up a page for it, but sufficed to say, I'd say this will be a tough battle, especially with the IKC Rotarran's complement of 30 Phantom raiders that are about to be deployed. The response time of 7 days begins today for everyone. Here's the bridge crew: [Show/Hide]
Here is the characters in the Fighter Assault Bay and the Lone Wolves Squadron: [Show/Hide]
Primary Surgical Suite, Main Sickbay, CMO Office: Here, Nicander has passed out, and he can either 1) be resuscitated by Maya at the order of Doctor Rez, or 2) the patient stays where he is, still unconscious, or 3) he is moved to the Brig, or a combination of these alternatives. The ranking Security Officer is Varder Ridun, but there is the health of the patient to consider, and the current mission: [Show/Hide]
Again, as previously stated about the current situation, please notice how five hours have passed since the earlier events in this Chapter and 2300 hrs, which is the present time. These five hours are, of course, now available for everyone to use in setting up their own Supplemental threads. The naming convention for such threads belonging to Chapter 04 is still: CH04: S [DXX|YYYY] Insert Title. These should also be posted in the Part 1 board of Epsiode 05!

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #1
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Sassy Slayer | The Infinite Coffin | Azure Nebula ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Jm Von Cat, @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado
Even as Meony sailed through the vacuum of space, powered only by her manuevering thrusters, automated systems and the original momentum that she had been moving in, the redhead idly wondered if the Borg was holding the crew in suspense. Why didn't they just pop right out on top of them? Not that the pilot wanted that for them, it just seemed to be taking an inordinate amount of time, though Meony was not known for her patience or timing, so she was probably just being impatient, and as she continued to move in formation (facing the direction of the approaching vessel), she began trying to cycle through her options of what she could do with the Sassy Slayer to either boost the sensors.

“What Ah'd give t' get a better look at what's comin'...” she muttered privately to herself, careful to keep her hailing systems off for this. “Maybe if Ah shunt power from the warp...”

The Klingon design was unmistakable, and when the hazel-eyed girl saw it, she blinked, shook her head, idly wondered if the tumour in her head was making her see things, then she decided it couldn't be since her sensors were telling her exactly what she was seeing for certain. “Fuck, now Ah wish Ah didn't see that.” She sighed angrily and opened a hail to Thomas Ravon and Cameron Henshaw, “Ah got confuh-mation on th' Klingon ship, readings say it's packin' a lotta fighters. Orders?”

She maintained her tight formation with the lead and the rest of the Wolves, but she never took her forward facing off from the massive cruiser.

We're so fucked.

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Winterbourne | Azure Nebula] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Triage @Nolan @Triton @Havenborn @chXinya @Doc M. @Top Hat

The moment Rawley saw the huge Klingon ship bearing down, she let out a flurry of colorful curses. The Azure Nebula was in Klingon territory; she should’ve expected Klingon ships. But she certainly wasn’t expecting a Klingon flagship. She’d be surprised to see a Negh’Var cruiser that was not a flagship these days. She just could not believe it. She should’ve known to expect a Klingon ship out here; the hullabaloo about the Borg had forced it from mind. But a Klingon flagship? God forbid if they had gotten the attention of some general in the Klingon High Command.

She had been slightly jumpy. She was expecting the Borg. Cor, the sensors were tuned to detect Borg signatures, and her sensors were picking up twenty-seven bloody apertures. She had been taking in the sensor readings when she noted the ship was bearing down on course. She momentarily forgot about it. She looked up and did a double take. She. Should. Have. Bloody. Known.

In a way, it made her feel better that what they run unto was a Klingon ship instead, but those concerns were not alleviated. Much as the Empire and the Federation got along with each other, Rawley had a feeling word about the Theurgy’s “treachery” had spread beyond the Federation borders.

“Lieutenant Rawley to Commander Ducote on the Theurgy. I have a question to pose to the commander of the Endeavour survivors, Commander Ducote, along with the rest of the survivors he commands. That warp signature we’ve been following…I believe you poor buggers about meeting the Borg, but have you, have we all been following the warp trail of a Klingon flagship all the way to the middle of the Azure Nebula?”

As she spoke, and she didn't care if she was telling off a superior officer, guest or otherwise, it occurred to Rawley that, yes, they were following a warp trail from the Borg.

If the warp trail does have a Borg signature, then who are these buggers?

She had just opened a communications link to the Theurgy, was about to have her say, but her words never came.

She heard a channel coming into the Theurgy. And what she heard…few things shocked Evelyn Rawley in the past, but the recent hours have added more and more surprises. First she finds that a practical refugee ship was following the Borg. Then she learns about what happened to Dr. Nicander. And now…THIS!

"This is High Chancellor Martok of the IKC Rotarran, and you will all die in battle this day," he told them all as they met his single eye. "When I have destroyed you, I will continue to hunt for the other two parts of your ship, along with several seasoned Captains of the Empire that follow in my wake. We will not rest... until I face your real Captain, and have him answer for his crimes to his fleet and my House alike. Because of the Hakkarl, the Klingon Empire has answered the Federation's call for aid, and now... your moronic flight will end. Do you have anything to say... before we begin?"

“Oh. Mother. F…”

She stopped herself, merely letting out a “FFFFFFFF…”

The bloody flagship was the Klingon Chancellor’s?!? And he was out for the Theurgy’s blood because of…what was it? The Hakkarl?

“Ghost to Wolves. I’m not sure if you got this…The Theurgy has gotten a transmission from that whopping flagship. It happens to be the bloody Chancellor’s flagship. Martok. THE Martok. He’s personally hunting the Theurgy because he thinks we attacked a Klingon ship named the Hakkarl. Does anybody know what he’s talking about? And what was the hullabaloo about the Hakkarl?”

It must’ve happened while she was in stasis; as such, the other Wolves might know what she’s talking about.

“And is there any way we can talk sense into this old relic? What with the Borg being somewhere around here?”

That was the biggest concern of all. The Borg was in the nebula, that much is certain, and with the Chancellor dissed off and ready to give the Theurgy and the Wolves the brunt of his wrath...she hoped Commander Wenn can talk sense into this old relic before a cube bore down on the lot.

If there came a one-on-one duel, mano a mano, she'll be willing to volunteer. She had kicked arses twice her size, had taken on plenty of wankers in her time as a bouncer, even a Nausicaan. However, a dogfight looked more inevitable. She took in her fighter, which she had rechristened Winterbourne, in honor of her fallen half-brother.

"If we do fight,"  she said to herself, "this is for you, Cale."

OOC: Please let me know if I should make any edits to it, should there be something wrong. Also, the bit with Rawley questioning Commander Ducote is something of a reference to a Far Side cartoon I thought of when I read the boss's twist.

EDIT: Changed things over so that when Rawley transmitted to Commander Ducote, she hear's Martok's threat and she asks about the Hakkarl. It'd make sense, given the Wolves bump into Drex more than a day after she's put in stasis. And Havenborne would know about the Hakkarl. However, if that scene has to go, let me know, as well as what I can change, please. Also, I changed Rawley's perspective so that her line was what she was intending to say, but she never gets it out because when she opens her comm link, she hears Martok's threat (it makes more sense), not to mention that I changed a little so that Rawley's intuition tells her that they really are tracking a Borg trail.

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #3
[ Lt. (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] [size=10]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Jm Von Cat, @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado[/size]

Angel's eyes couldn't grow wide enough under her TVD (through-vision-display) when Chancellor Martok's flagship crept out of the abyss. Despite the lion in their path, Angel's halo was as ice-cool as ever. It changed nothing. She remained in formation from her aft position. "Fury, get a tactical analysis and forward it to the bridge. Shields, weapon, fighters, weakpoints. Vamos<let's go.>" She didn't say the bridge, but if it came down to it, Alessia's service had taught her to show no quarter against a hostile flagship. Fortunately, she had participated in Klingon War-era CONN simulations in which an attack by peregrines could damage a Negh'var-class, more fortunately, Fury had apparently participated in that simulation as well by indicating the Rotarran's bridge and transmitting them to the Stallion's battle bridge and her SCO.

Angel knew from before the war that the only time Klingons wanted to negotiate was when they were lining up targets, and this was basically an ultimatum unless the CO gave any orders. And the new Rotarran was a Carrier, to say the least, not to mention the Famed Chancellor mention of other Captains in the area to join the glorious hunt. These other Captains were probably here to watch their Chancellor's new toy herald in a new era of war; Or to keep Theurgy from escaping, "Keep talking, Chancellor... whatever happens today, happens for a reason.

Despite Garcia's brave outlook, this was not an ideal situation, on the contrary; when the signature she and the Wolves spotted wound up being a Klingon Flagship instead of a Borg Cube, the situation deteriorated seemingly at once. A key Federation ally, and their only hope of survival and vindication was here with its intentions obvious: Revenge. Alessia didn't the after-action report from the day before. [Angel to Razor. What happened on the last away team mission?] Angel asked Razor on local chatter, citing the prelude to the battle with the Versant. Angel transmitted the comm on a local frequency then clicked off squad chat as she summoned her RIO. "Fury: Maintain visual scanning and Give me manual of all weapons, prepare to power them up and hit from any contact." She manually took those commands at her fingertips but still delegated her RIO to prepare for a necessary vicinity scan.

Alessia had learned not to be flanked by predators in the Dominion War, during Operation Return. "Fury, quick: Use the Project-Eagle class scan configuration, watch for anything warping in at either warp 6 or above." Klingon disruptors were as dangerous as any plasma weapon sported on Borg vessels. Alessia maneuvered her fighter to take two carefully plotted elliptical turns before rejoining the formation as she established a radial scan to pave the space for the Stallion and give the Wolves a chance in spotting cloaked Klingon attack fighters.

For all she knew from the briefing, these parasites could have finally compromised the Klingon Empire. Either way, this was about to take a turn in either direction if the record could be straightened out instead of avoiding a catastrophe. Thinking back to that meeting, she thought she recognized two of the attendees, but she couldn't think about anything else but what needed to be defended against here and now.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #4
[ Ensign Jaya Thorne | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Jaya sat at her console, she was aware of the member of the Endeavour’s crew observing her console on his PADD but he had not done anything to compromise her use of the console and seemed only genuinely interested in trying to help so she had simply given him a furtive nod a while back and kept working, observing the ship on approach.

When they detected the multitude of apertures ahead she gave a bit of a start and barely managed not to gasp, eyes wide, thinking. Oh my god, there’s so many, so many ways for those damned beasts from the Delta quadrant to come here or go elsewhere from, this is bad! But she managed to keep her cool and continue working, listening to what people were saying but then her console beeped and she gasped because what was being revealed finally on sensors was not some Borg polygonal shape type ship or some marauding Savi warship. “What in the nine hells!?” She blurted out as what was revealed was none other then the Imperial Klingon Carrier Rotarran, not just any Negh’Var Battlecarrier modification warship, this particular green monstrosity belonged to Chancellor Martok himself. “Sir! It’s the Rotarran!” she said out loudly, turning to LCdr. Cinn.

She took a few deep breaths, attempting to keep calm. “Orders sir?” Was all she said before someone said they were being hailed. She had turned, listening more, hands at the ready on her console in case she was given orders while none other than the well known warrior known as Martok’s face filled the screen and boy did he look like seven kinds of furious.

"This is High Chancellor Martok of the IKC Rotarran, and you will all die in battle this day," he told them all as they met his single eye. "When I have destroyed you, I will continue to hunt for the other two parts of your ship, along with several seasoned Captains of the Empire that follow in my wake. We will not rest... until I face your real Captain, and have him answer for his crimes to his fleet and my House alike."

Curling his lip, Martok's thick fingers whitened around the armrests of his chair. "Because of the Hakkarl, the Klingon Empire has answered the Federation's call for aid, and now... your moronic flight will end. Do you have anything to say... before we begin?"

As the Chancellor went through his diatribe she noticed the incoming comms from their picket line of small craft and swallowed. Oh for Christ’s sake, now we got a bloody swarm of angry ridgehead fighters coming at us! She thought, biting her lower lip. Thankfully Chancellor Martok was sussinct in his message and quite clear about his intent so she wasted no time. “FIGHTER’S SIGNALING WE HAVE INCOMING!” She bellowed out clearly. “I have them on my scopes, multiple launches are due from the Rotarran, looks like it’s entire fighter complement on my end sir!” She said more normally, having hopefully gotten the needed attention. “Shall I pull an Ivan and angle our readied fighters at them for launch sir?” She texted to LCdr. Cinn's console, referring to an ancient earth Soviet era submariner trick called a Crazy Ivan where soviet sub commanders would pull hard to port or starboard and cut their engines so they could check their six for American submarines tailing them in their baffles.

She queued up the maneuver and had only one button left to tap to initiate it if given the order, the Klingons were bad enough but there were probably Borg around too and she was not going to waste time at this point. As she did she sent a text message to the Mission Ops console so only it's Operator saw it, along with a CC of her query to LCdr. Cinn;s console via text so they were on the same page, hoping this would work. Her text to Henshaw read as such. "Cameron, try and get our remaining pilots strapped in and in their launch positions, and i mean all of them, I have a bad feeling we are going to need a lot of fancy flying and to get those birds out and into action like yesterday." She sent it then look to the other Ensign manning the Mission Ops console, the right corner of her lip curling a fraction as she gave the other woman a deadpan, confident look, nodding to her.

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #5
[Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

The tension on the Bridge was palpable, but despite it Lt. Commander Wenn sat steady in the command chair trying to exude a calmness that would help the rest keep their centers.  After he gave his orders everyone snapped to them with a sense of professionalism that would make any CO proud.  Ensign Thorne gave everyone a running countdown, with Okafor finishing up his analysis of what the Borg had hidden away in the Azure Nebula.  The Bajoran could barely absorb the findings before the Wolves locked onto the approaching ship, running them out of time.

A Klingon ship wasn’t quite what Cinn had been expecting to see, and he blinked in surprise.  Were they tracking the Borg too? he started to hope, a quiet prayer to the Prophets echoing in his mind that they might have a new ally.  Sadly, as soon as the booming voice of the Klingon head of state echoed off of the rear bulkhead he knew this was not going to be a pleasant meeting.  As Chancellor Martok glared down at the Bajoran in the center seat, daring them for a response, Jaya beat everyone to the punch, yelling out to everyone what their sensors could show the Klingon flagship doing.  Raising a hand in response, Cinn’s voice was clear, calm, and collected.  “Hold for now Ensign.”

Standing, Cinn nodded in greeting to the old ally that he never expected to meet.  “Chancellor Martok, you honor us with your visit.  I’m pleased to see that the latest head of the Empire is willing to lead his men in honorable combat, I remember the days of K’mpec and how he would cower behind his throne.  It heartens me to see the Empire moving on from those dark days."

Lowering his head for a quick moment to collect his next few thoughts, Cinn continued.  “I’m sorry about the loss of the Hakkarl, but we were not the cause of its destruction.  A civilian scavenger guided one of our away teams to SuD Lang,” he stressed that name, gauging Martok’s reaction, “as a source for some desperately needed dilithium.  Somehow, automated defenses left over from the moon’s original inhabitants were triggered, and the captain of the Hakkarl failed to heed the warning issued as soon as the activation became apparent.  We lost one of our own as well Chancellor, and I give you my word that we have no idea how such a tragedy was triggered.  Put simply, we did not destroy your ship, nor kill its crew.  They fell victim to a race long gone.”

Stepping away from the center chair, Cinn strode towards the science station where Okafor and Kaeris were working on safely transferring Nicander.  “Now, as for what Starfleet has been saying about us, we have proof that Starfleet Command has been infected with an extra-dimensional parasitic race bent on destroying all life in the galaxy, possibly beyond.  This is not dissimilar to the old experiences of Changeling infiltration before and during the War, and I’m well aware of your dealing with such things, Chancellor.  We are prepared to present our evidence for your own study.”

Cinn doubted that Martok would believe such a claim on its face, even by Klingon standards he was running on the edge of bloodlust.  He needed to blunt that.  “One other thing, Chancellor.  We didn’t come to this nebula to hide or to slaughter Klingons.  We came to the assistance of another Federation ship that had come across a Borg cube.  Tracking that Cube’s warp trail here, we’ve discovered that they are building some sort of transwarp hub.  Commander Ducote,” Cinn gestured to the human male, “is that ship’s Executive Officer, and can corroborate that.  To put it simply...”

Cinn walked back to his chair and claimed it with a sense of royal pride.  “we came here prepared to fight the Borg.  The Rotarran is a fine ship, but it is no Borg Cube.  And,” he gestured to Henshaw, “you are already surrounded.”

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #6
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado @Auctor Lucan @chXinya @trevorvw @steelphoenix @Firefox013 @Nolan

The hybrid ex-XO watched dots on a map hurry through corridors, noting them as they turned from yellow to green as they reported their readiness. Quietly, so as not to interfere with the rest of the bridge operations (he still very much felt an outsider to this crew, and knew exactly how much he'd appreciate a guest speaking over a given watch on the Endeavour while they tried to work), Ducote worked with Akoni to iterate their plans and contingencies, trusting the Security personnel to know their ship and what they were willing to do to it.

After a time that was simultaneously an instant and an eternity, fresh alerts trilled from consoles and a call went up from an Andorian across the bridge. "The unknown vessel. It's right upon us. We have a clear signature now. It's not Borg or Savi. Not even Federation."

Ranaan looked towards the main viewer, watching as the hulking silhouette of a Klingon Negh'Var prowled out of a gas cloud to their port bow. He drew in and released a long breath, unable even to summon the facsimile of relief at it not being a new Borg contact. He decided, in a brief moment of self-pity, that this was all his divine retribution for the terrible things he did on undercover assignments when he was still in Security himself. Let no shipborne crewman tell you that stationbound life is boring, right?

A voice snapped him right out of his waxing philosophical. "Lieutenant Rawley to Commander Ducote on the Theurgy..." Well, so much for opsec, he thought, not quite appreciating the way his name and any other Endeavour crew were now tied to the Theurgy for whoever might be listening. "... have you, have we all been following the warp trail of a Klingon flagship all the way to the middle of the Azure Nebula?"

His fatigue headache returned with a vengeance. "Lieutenant," he replied, the omnipresent gravel in his voice a little sharper than usual. "If you can't tell the difference between a Klingon signature and a Borg one, and you think that no one else on your ship can tell the difference either, I am not sure you are fit to fly."

The Negh'Var hailed them, EM band, and none other than Chancellor Martok stared grimly at them on the viewer. "Ai, enraba-me," he swore softly. As if the man's presence alone wasn't portentous enough, his threat (promise?) and reasoning brought Ducote up cold. The Theurgy had killed Martok's son?

I knew this ship was going to kill me. I fucking knew it.

Commander Wenn launched into another verbose rejoinder, which Ducote was beginning to suspect was a habit of the Bajoran's. There was an information overload problem, by the Brazilian's reckoning, which was compounded by just how outlandish most of this particular information happened to be. He still wasn't sure he believed the parasite allegation, and he had seen a host in person.

But what might work was the final few words. Assuming Martok's cunning outweighed his impatience. But he might also be angry enough to view an unfavourable situation as greater chance for glory.

He typed out a warning to sickbay to prepare for bludgeoning and blade injuries, and updated the Security teams around the ship to place Klingons higher in the order of likelihoods than the Borg. He winced, considering his not-insignificant number of bruises and a couple of fractures from his time in the gym earlier in the evening, and tried not to think about the potential to have to fight a Klingon boarding party - if it came to that.

He shared a look with Kai.
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #7
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Battle Bridge | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

It had been a whirlwind of emotions for Kai. The sense of relief that the ship they had found was not Borg and had been Klingon instead. Kai was even happier that it was Chancellor Martok himself instead of some field commander. Kai had met the Chancellor once after the war and found him to be formidable but he had all of Kai’s respect. Martok was a man of honour. Unfortunately for Kai and everyone else aboard the seemingly cursed Theurgy; Martok was pissed. Actually he was beyond pissed, he was in search of retribution; a blood lust. The Theurgy killed his son? Kai rolled his eyes and wondered how the crew was going to explain this one away.

This damn ship and her crew are more dangerous than either the Borg or the Klingons

The Bajoran in command was doing his best at trying to negotiate with Martok. In the end it probably wouldn’t work but at least he’s trying.

Kai snapped out of it and stopped analyzing the situation and went back to his duties. His duties being to ensure that he and the rest of the Endeavour survivors lived through this. As for the Theurgy crew? If they survived, good. If they didn’t, oh well. Kai hated to think that way but he wondered how much this crew has done that he had no idea about. Kai just couldn’t trust the Theurgy crew; however at the moment they were the best of all the bad options.

Kai thought about their security preparations in advance of probably Borg intruders. The choke points, the security fields and the vital areas to protect were all just as appropriate now as they were before the Klingons revealed themselves. The tactics him and Ducote had doled out to the ship’s security officers would work.

Might be easier since the Klingons can’t adapt to phaser modulations

All things considered, the Klingons would be a little easier to deal with. However they’d move quicker, have multiple close combat options and would fight to the last man. Ducote had typed out a warning to sickbay and one to the security teams positioned throughout the ship.

Kai took a look at the display in front of him and Ducote and saw that they were about as ready as they were ever going to be. Ducote looked up from the console and caught Kai’s eyes. The look they shared said it all. Kai had been in precarious positions with Ducote before, just with less impending doom. The look...

Here we go...

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #8
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Kestrel | Heart of the Azure Nebula ] Attn: @Triage  , @Triton , @Havenborn ,@Multificionado 

As the ship design became quite apparent to not be Borg, Thomas let out a slight sigh of relief. Granted, the Klingons were worthy adversaries if not masters at warfare. However, the SCO preferred to fight Klingons any day over Borg. The comm channel came to live with his fellow pilots reporting what they saw and requesting orders. The sensor link was severed by the Theurgy and Thomas gave himself a split second to run over the options.

"Keep your heads in the game." he said calmly in the squadron voice channel as he let the scans run over the Rotarran. Seeing what it was packing and realizing that Martok was in charge of the ship didn't phase the pilot as he soberly looked at the situation. They were at a disadvantage for sure as they were packing enough weaponry to blow the Borg to kingdom come, or so they hoped, yet now were faced with a different adversary. Weapons were weapons in the end and Thomas finally relayed his orders "Angel, Salvo, Meony, team up and  make your way over to the far side of the ship. Wait for engagement on my sign. Ghost, you're with me, heading towards the aft section."

In the meantime they could hear the charges they were being accused of and Thomas knew very well what they were on about. Private messages were being received by Razor from various pilots to see if he knew what Martok was on about. Yet he said nothing about it to the squadron as now wasn't the time, nor the place to elaborate upon it. "Henshaw, I need the rest of those fighters out here. Have them set to a defensive posture around Sword." he informed the mission ops controller before he fired off at full speed to the rear of the Klingon flagship.

The situation was tense and the action of the Wolves might be portrayed as hostile or intimidating as they spread out to move around the Klingon ship. Thomas kept a close eye on the beast as he wanted to keep a close eye on any phantom raider taking off. If those fighters got unleashed their predicament would get a whole lot worse.

[ Ens Cameron Henshaw | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M.

The chaos on the bridge erupted when they realized they were facing Klingon instead of Borg at this given moment. Had they been following a wrong trail after all? Or were the Klingon out here to examine the same? All of it didn't seem to matter as Martok declared why he was here and what crimes the crew had committed this time. Henshaw started to receive chatter from the Wolves and eventually the request by Thomas to unleash the rest of his pack. She confirmed with a hushed voice to not intervene with Wenn Cinn's speech to Martok. "Terror, you are clear to guide the rest of the squadron out of the fighter bay. You are to take defensive positions around Sword and await further order from the SCO." she looked back at the Klingon chancellor as she typed a message to Ravon [Fighter compliments deployed by Rotarran. Rest of wolves launched.]

Cameron in the meantime also received a message from the helmsman as she smiled a little and replied back to her via text "Remaining fighters are being launched now. This isn't their first dance. Have faith." she gave the woman a nod back as they made eyes contact and Cameron started to work further on a smooth launch of the fighters as they readied up for launch.

[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Kestrel | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]

Just as the message of Henshaw hit Thomas, he could see the raiders departing their carrier as he cursed lowly "Be advised, hostile fighters are out in the open. Do not engage unless you are engaged upon. Try not to be an easy target on their first run." he voiced out on the squadron channel before he pitched a text to Rawley [Care to do our usual shenanigans like we did with Cala? If we get into combat that is.] he smirked a little before he looked at Rawley before he broke away from rotation, counting on it that she'd follow him as they adjusted their course to meet the hostile fighters head on.

[ Amelya Rez| Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 2300 hrs. ] Attn: @Doc M.  @patches , @Auctor Lucan  @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet

"Doctor Rez, I believe the patient has more to reveal to us; information of a vital nature.  I believe that it is imperative that we receive this knowledge in a timely matter.  Therefore I suggest that we revive the patient as soon as possible."

The request of Maya bring the doctor back to the living was against everything the rest had discussed so far. The blonde physician looking at the green blooded Vulcan as her eyes gazed into hers. Her words held truth as the unconscious man that was strapped to the bed was probably an invaluable source of information. Yet reviving him now whilst the ship was in red alert in a Sickbay that was probably about to get swamped with injured crewmates? The doctor had to weigh the stakes as she moistened her lips and nodded at Maya.

"I understand what you're saying Maya, though I doubt security here is jumping to see Nicander back on his feet." She glanced over at the exosuits and shook her head "I'm not even sure if I'm thrilled to bring him back, considering we'll probably be swamped with injuries sooner or later." She sighed as she rubbed her temples and shook her head "Can you extract any information out of him with a mind meld? While he's unconscious." she asked Maya now, her eyes darting back to her as she rushed her brain for alternatives.

She made her way over to the Vulcan doctor, her friend by all accounts as she placed her hands on her upper arms. "Can you do so without compromising yourself?" she asked softer now, with more concern in her voice. Knowing how Lucan had defiled the little Vulcan in the past, it would be a risky endeavor to expose her once more to the beast inside of him. However this option would be considerably safer than reviving Lucan as a whole.

Awaiting the reply of Maya, Amelya took the inoculation device from her as she placed it on a tray behind her. Should the Vulcan agree to the plan, she'd send her along with Security to the brig. The mind meld could be done there away from all the chaos, hassle and noise that would erupt out of the main sickbay. Elro Kobol  would in that case be present to help Amelya with the incoming casualties along with the rest of the Sickbay crew.

If the mind meld was not an option, than Amelya would have to cut some hard knots...

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #9
[ PO1 Varder Ridun | Primary Surgical Suite | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 2300 hrs. ] Attn: @patches @CanadianVet @Doc M. @Nolan
Ridun had his attention focused upon Nicander, the words of both Bremmer and Rez were being turned over. Considered for how to reply, the reality was only moments of silence, brief seconds. But, as so often happens, one's thoughts and reality seem to operate at entirely separate speeds. A nod towards Doctor Rez, acknowledgement of her words. Sharing the concerns of Bremmer, albeit for different reasons.

But before he could speak, the silently moving form of Doctor Maya made her way past and towards Nicander. Her movement warranted no alarm or cause for concern, she was one of the attending surgeons after all. Then she acted, having reached the side of the surgical bed, the side of Nicander. Her movement was swift, blindingly so. If she had indeed followed through with her plan there would have been nothing he could have done, especially non lethally given his phaser was set to kill.

As she spoke his own rifle was in hand, although held at a low ready. More for if Nicander was to be awoken with that shot than anything else, he was the only threat in the room whom could hurt him or any other officer in their Exosuits at present. Then she handed over the hypo, to which the young Bajoran relaxed, if only slightly. His attention directed towards Rez once more, it was she that Maya directed her words to and it served no purpose to intrude.

"Can you extract any information out of him with a mind meld? While he's unconscious."

An interesting idea, one that might gain results. Perhaps even more about this borg plan, that is if it could be done. Even then Ridun did not want it done here, not in sickbay and he voiced his thoughts and his reasons. "Maya can join us for transportation down to the Brig alongside the named security detail from earlier if she feels capable." Once more he let the Phase rifle hang from its strap, his now free hands gesturing towards the people he was mentioned as a reinforcing action to his words, Maya, Kino, Eliska. Followed by a gesture downwards, all done with a direct and firm purpose behind each movement.

"I doubt the crew down there have their Exo's on and I want nothing to chance, playing dead or not. Kobol  can still come with us should Rez deem it necessary, but one Doc is likely enough. Transport inhibitors are already in place down there, so if anyone wants the bastard they will have to drag him out after one hell of a fight." At this, he threw a quick glance around, his attention falling upon whoever had any sort of reply or words of their own.

Then, regardless of any replies against transportation to the Brig. "Petty Officer Taer, communicate our transportation request. We go on my mark."

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #10
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Sassy Slayer | The Infinite Coffin | Azure Nebula ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Jm Von Cat, @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado
Keep their heads in the game...sure. Except this was no fucking game. Meony had a brief spell when her life seemed to flash before her eyes. Was her sense of mortality that great that she was already believing she was going to die? She didn't shake her head to clear herself, because there was a subtle throb in the back of her skull and she had the feeling that doing that would make her see triple. She chose instead to forcefully set aside her fears and worries, and as Thomas ordered, get her in the game. Her array of weapons would have been ideal for the Borg, but they were still potent weaponry for anything else.

She was assigned to fly with Alessia and Daniel, which was fine with her. She'd flown with the former during their first engagement with the Savi, and she handled herself like an absolute pro, and as for the latter, they'd spent years flying together, honing their skills and tactics after facing countless dangers on a daily basis. “Acknowledged, Razor. Angel, Salvo, Ah'm raht b'hind ya.” She turned her fighter to follow them, ready to take point if they needed. They were heading to the far side of the massive Klingon cruiser, but Meony's mind was working on the vulnerabilities of the Klingons should it become necessary.

She opened her hailing frequency to address only Daniel and Alessia, “If it comes down to it, Ah teenk th' only tahm that cruiser an' th' fahters are vulnerable's when they lower their shields and open th' bay doors t' let out them li'l devils. Ah know we ain't gunna throw th' first punch, but if they do, and their bay's still unloadin', maht be the fastest way t' end th' fight.”

Almost on cue, Thomas informs them that the fighters were out, which Meony could see for herself as her HUD and radar lit up with a new strategic data stream. “An' technically, th' shit hasn't hit th' fan yet!” She forgot to turn off her communications to her two wingmates.

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #11
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia | Valravn-Class Intercetor "Chimaera" | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado

"Angel, Salvo, Meony, team up and  make your way over to the far side of the ship. Wait for engagement on my sign. Ghost, you're with me, heading towards the aft section."

Angel didn't waste any time as she accelerated into the nebula around the outskirts of the Rotarran's clean spot well on a similar but slightly apart vector from Meony and Salvo, to avoid leaving a predictable trail until she arrived on the Klingon Dreadnought's far side, taking as many scans for the squadron of the impressive warship for analysis. Fury was already inputting his sensor logs on a secure tightbeam frequency to Vector-2's tactical console in her wake. "That's a big ship." Fury observed.

"Why so touchy, Fury?" Alessia smirked under her helmet as she focused on maneuvering her fighter to its position, making particular note of the Hangar bays. Anyone in Starfleet knew that the Klingons' battle plans included as much hand to hand as possible, thus making this vessel have to have a full compliment of Warriors as much as dedicated crewman, everyone down to the ship's cooks were aching for a fight. And this thing was a carrier. She'd known Romulans to have T'less or T'varo warbirds as small but stealthy pocket carriers for their Scorpion-class attack fighters, but never a show of force this... excessive, even for the Klingons.

"Just saying. We could've used that big stick on our side." Fury indicated the ship's arsenal and compared it with that of the original I.K.S. Negh'Var. The vessel was notably more armed and its role as a carrier drove this point home. Fury detected the onboard fighter compliment to inspect and the schematics opened on a screen in Alessia's HUD showing the readouts of the NIyma "Phantom" - class attack fighter. She was ready to contend with those now that she knew what to look for if any contacts decloaked.

Having two extra swivel-turret mounts meant she had comparable armament against these Klingons, with the Valravn's maneuverability advantage she intended to make the most use of. The scans were as yet incomplete as she conducted another series of evasive turns to keep her position as random as possible until she was aft of the Carrier's stern. That bitch has a fat ass. Garcia observed on the craft's broad profile. It was clearly meant to take a beating rather than rely on maneuverability.

"Just keep the big stick in your hands on what's between your ears, Fury." Alessia joked. Time in Tac-Conn aboard their last postings together had included co-ed showers, so a little locker talk between RIO and Pilot was usually par for the course. As the pilot, though, Garcia wore the pants on this craft.

"I'll speak softly then." Vinny retorted, earning a spanglish insult, citing the American president most accredited with defeating Spain in the Spanish-American War. According to her comms traffic, she heard acting captain Wenn's explanation, she knew she and her fellow wolves were the motto's 'big stick'. Her ordnance selection had been varied so as to cover the threat against other fighters via micro-photon torpedoes and an assortment intended to be as diverse as possible to deny the Borg Cube they anticipated a chance to adapt, or so she hoped. The situation had changed.

"If it comes down to it, Ah teenk th' only tahm that cruiser an' th' fahters are vulnerable's when they lower their shields and open th' bay doors t' let out them li'l devils. Ah know we ain't gunna throw th' first punch, but if they do, and their bay's still unloadin', maht be the fastest way t' end th' fight."

Alessia smirked at that familiar voice from Karaoke night. Helped her remember names-to-voices. However, it wasn't just Klingon fighters she was concerned about. It was a larger formation of the Chancellor's Yan'ileth honor guards. The Brotherhood of the Sword were fanatics to the Chancellor's whim. Mindful of the havoc her EMP missiles could cause to the flagship's internal systems, Alessia memorized that vulnerable location as she engaged the voice-to-text feature of her TVD.

[Angel to Salvo & Meony: Klingon tactics favor attacks from above. Watch out. To Klingons, nothing is more honorable than victory. ]
Angel texted a warning to her Valkyrie wingmates. [Assume Yan'Isleth. Fanatic die-hard bodyguards. Angel out.]
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #12
[ Ensign Jaya Thorne | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Jaya sat there, observing, she couldn’t help but think of all the fighters that were going out, the fact they were also sending everything and she sometimes really wished she’d passed the fighter pilot qualifications so she could be out there with them, it didn’t feel right sometimes, that they had to go out and risk their lives in much smaller and less protected starships than she found herself flying.

Her console beeped softly ad she read Cameron’s reply, keeping to her orders as it seemed the plan had changed, LCdr. Wenn Cinn’s subtle orders to launch the birds were not without notice by the Ensign at the helm but she kept that to herself, doing her best to help maintain the situation as their CO wanted it.

Though, under her apparently calm exterior, the young woman was another thing entirely. Her mind was racing, her heart sang for those out there, risking their hides to protect them as they did what most were truly believing was the right thing. She closed her eyes as she started thinking of then and began a prayer, something from the heart, in her mind the words rang clearly.  Dear lord, please look upon our pilots while your gaze is on all of creation please spare them some time. From your tower out among these heavens as you watch the Eagles soar, you know the Joy all pilots feel as they explore your wonders. From the beginning of our hard journey we have fought to bring the light of truth to reveal all your glorious sights. Please help bring as many of our brave people back safe and sound, let the truth be known and let them help bring it to all those in true need. Give them the courage and strength needed to fight off those who wish us harm and help us clear our path to our goal, so that we may, one day no longer need to fight. The young woman opened her eyes then, steeling herself, eyes focusing on the screen, as they waited for the Chancellors reply to their leader’s diatribe.

Jaya then rested her hands on her console, breathing slowly, steadily, steeling herself fully, focusing, the mantras of strength and focus she had learned to help herself focus so long ago going through her mind, flowing comfortably, like the old friends they were. She was ready, she would do her bit if all hell broke loose and would make their Vector move as if it were upon the wings of death and dancing with the Angels.

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #13
[ Maya | Primary Surgical Suite | CMO Office | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @patches, @Mathis @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet

"I understand what you're saying Maya, though I doubt security here is jumping to see Nicander back on his feet," Amelya Rez commented as her green eyes darted from the little Vulcan to the exosuited security specalists that were eager to lock Doctor Nicander up and delete  the security code that would open his cell.  "I'm not even sure if I'm thrilled to bring him back, considering we'll probably be swamped with injuries sooner or later.  Can you extract any information out of him with a mind meld?  While he's unconscious." she clarified.

Rather than answering, Maya widened her eyes before frowning and looking down at Lucan cin Nicander’s prostate form.  She set down the hypo on the biobed next to his head and began rubbing her hands.  It was hard to tell but there was something in Maya’s large hazel eyes that could be interpreted as fear.

Sensing the greenblooded physician’s distress, Amelya approached Maya and gently touched her upper arms.  Maya stopped rubbing her hands her hands and slowly drew her gaze up to look at Ameyla. 

"Can you do so without compromising yourself? " Ameyla asked quietly. 

“The neurological impulses of the Câroon brain operates at a wavelength my people cannot sense,” Maya replied with the smallest hint of melancholy.  “He doesn’t even register as an empathic presence.  Given his neurological makeup, the only scenario where I could conceivably make contact would be if the eldritch intelligence that has compromised Starfleet was attempting to corrupt me.  But we do have the stimulant,” she offered as she plucked the hypo off the biobed with her long spidery fingers.  “With a sufficient dose, he should awaken.”  It was then that she noticed the exosuited form of Petty Officer Varder Ridun approach them with a gait that almost resembled a swagger.  “There is no cause for alarm Petty Officer.  It is unlikely our enemy could use Doctor Nicander to infest us in his current state and even if he could with the surgical steri-field in place it is unlikely that exosuits are necessary,” she dryly teased.

"I doubt the crew down there have their Exo's on and I want nothing to chance, playing dead or not," Ridun retorted.  "Kobol  can still come with us should Rez deem it necessary, but one Doc is likely enough. Transport inhibitors are already in place down there, so if anyone wants the bastard they will have to drag him out after one hell of a fight."

Maya demurely raised a finger in protest.  “At this juncture, I believe that…”

But Ridun was having none of it.  "Petty Officer Taer, communicate our transportation request. We go on my mark."

Maya placed the hypo against Lucan’s neck and a quiet hissing could be heard.  As his unfocused pale grey eyes flickered open Maya clasped his cheeks with both hands and lowered her face within centimeters of his.  "Collapsing the passageways is the swiftest means of stopping the Borg from invading," the little Vulcan hissed.  "What did you mean by that?  How do we dectect and close the subspace passageways?"

OOC:  I've got to know!  (Of course, with my luck he'll just pass out and get beamed away...)

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #14
[Lt. Commander Vael Kaeris | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: Anyone on the bridge

Klingons.  Seriously?  He had all but hand fed the data to the crew of this ship and instead of finding the Borg, they stumbled over Klingons.  Klingons intent on killing them, no less.  And not just any haphazard assembly of Klingons... but Martok, veteran of the Dominion War not to mention so many countless battles going back over the years, let alone serving as Chancellor of the High Council.  This was a delicate situation to say the very least and, being outside the chain of command on this vessel, he had to trust that these renegades would find some way to mollify the seeming blood lust they had evoked.

He regarded his PADD for the barest moment, wondering if there might be some way to signal his position as well as those of the Endeavour refugees to the Klingons with an encoded message requesting asylum.  He had to admit that he preferred his chances there rather than here.  Unfortunately, such was not his call to make and Ducote's assignment to deal with potential boarders ensured that there was no way to pass a discreet inquiry to his commander.  Combined with the amount of effort it would take to tag the whole of their crew and transmit coordinates to the Klingons, he doubted it was anything he could manage quickly or discreetly enough to avoid detection.  And this all assumed that Martok was open to such concept.

No, he would have to push such fantasies from his head.  Making use of the nascent transwarp hub they'd discovered wasn't an option either as it could take weeks of trials to find the appropriately keyed energy signatures to trigger a portal to open and that left the very real problem of determining where such a portal would lead them.  In the end, everything rested in the hands of Theurgy's acting commander.

As he listened to the dark skinned Bajoran's words, Vael found himself critiquing each turn of phrase, each wasted opportunity until he came to the concluding taunt, advising Martok that his vessel was already surrounded.  Vael was secretly thankful for the years of practice before the court of his homeworld.  One did not readily maintain so stoic an expression when the standard reaction to such statements would be to gawk and stare.  How was it they had lost at bluffing to this crew?

Vael's lips drew tight as he tossed caution to the wind, setting up a more significant interface to the Theurgy's computer.  Now was not the time to simply monitor.  The Klingons were not so inclined as to back down from battle, surrounded or otherwise, especially if their cause for action was righteous and honorable.  Martok's tone and words implied such a conviction and battle was likely inevitable, all flowered words and veiled threats aside.  On the Endeavour, Vael knew the ship's specs, its features and its limitations.  He had never studied the Theurgy, not even a third of the Theurgy.  He had no clear understanding of its capabilities defensively or offensively and if he was going to ensure the survival of his people, he needed to gain that knowledge quickly.

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #15
[[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Cockpit | AC-307 Mark-II Valkyrie “Hellcat”] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Doc M., @Triage, @Triton, @Multificionado, Other Lone Wolves

As his sensors confirmed that the incoming ship was not a Borg vessel Daniel almost cheered out but he managed to contain his enthusiasm.  He was partly looking forward to facing the Klingons again, this time would be different and he’d have a chance at some revenge.  Hearing the orders from Ravon made Daniel smile a bit, he’d make good use of the other two fighters in their fight against the Klingons.  “Waiting for engagement on your sign aye Razor.”  Daniel responded to Ravon.

“Knight open up a secure channel to Commander Ravon.”  Daniel said as he heard Knight acknowledge him from behind.  “Secure channel open.”  Knight said.  “Salvo to Razor; as I’m sure you’re aware Klingons can be unpredictable, but that being said they also can get lost in their blood lust and make stupid mistakes.  We should use that against them.”  Daniel stated, he understood that Ravon probably already knew that anyway but Daniel figured it couldn’t hurt to offer his opinion, before the shooting started.

As the Klingon ship began launching its fighter complement Daniel decided it was time to give his orders to his fighter element.  Although hearing the advice from Angel about the Klingon pilots being the Chancellor’s bodyguards reminded Daniel of one of his drill instructors growing up on Mars.  ‘Assume that your enemy wants you dead and is willing to use any means to do it.’  He opened up the secure channel to the other two fighters.  “Doesn’t matter who they are, they’re going to try to kill us all the same, so kill them right back.”  Daniel said.

“Salvo to Meony and Angel.  Assuming that we’re going to engage the Klingons; Meony I want you to use your Tetryon cannon against the Klingon vessel, open up a small hole for me to drop my Hellborne torpedoes in.  Angel and I will cover you.  Angel once the shield is down you and Meony will cover me while I drop both Hellborne torpedoes on the target.  Salvo out.”  Daniel said giving out the orders that he expected both of them to follow through with.  Now it was just a matter of time before they were given the word as to whether or not they’d be engaging the Klingon ship.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #16
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Weapons Storage | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan @Masorin

Liam answered her lips splendidly.  Something that she was getting used to.  The way they could just fall into a heated kiss and push themselves into it completely.  Never once, thinking about the fact that they had jobs to do.  She tried, very hard, to remain professional when she was up on deck.  They both had high ranking jobs but more than that they needed to set an example for the rest of the deck.  She did not need to be seen as less than a boss, and more of a woman.  That would allow the men around her to think they could get away with shit she would never allow them to.  But, when they were facing possible death at the hands of the Borg she found herself wanting to steal every second with Liam that she could.  Her mind drifting back to the moments in Sten’s office not all that long ago where they had enjoyed lunch and then one another for a quick and exciting love making session on his desk.  She had gone back later to make sure nothing was out of place and everything was cleaned up.  Not wanting to get caught, but the thrill of what they had done stuck with her heavily.

She was serious, dead serious, when she whispered against his lips.  Only to find that he promised he wanted her.  But, it wasn’t in the way she had meant.  She knew this the moment his passion for her in the moment redoubled and he began to kiss her hungrily.  His fingers finding the fastening on her suit and beginning to lower the zipper.  She felt the cool air of the weapons storage environmental systems brushing against her now exposed skin.  He was all over her, and she was struggling between trying to figure out how to stop him and the shock of him being so gung-ho after the whole office incident just a couple hours ago. 

Finally, she caught his hands, before he could pull her work suit down.  She was breathing heavily as she looked up at him with those soft big brown eyes of hers.  “Wait.” She whispered softly as she searched the blue orbs that stared back at her with a bit of confusion.  “I.. I didn’t mean.. this.”

She sought for her words, her mind was all jumbled up right now.  As much as she didn’t want it to be, it was all scrambled by the fact that he had been making out with her so fervently right then.  She still had no idea that the Gorn was even in there.  He was not the reason that she stopped Liam, it was more the fact that she had questions that she needed to know about before they went head long into battle with the idiots that decided the Borg sounded like a really fun idea.  She bit her lower lip and then she let it go for a moment.  Her hands slowly let go of Liam’s strong hands and she cupped his face softly.  Brushing her fingers against the apex of his cheek bones for just a moment.  Taking the chance she had to just breathe and refocus on the words that she wanted to say.

“I.. it’s just on the deck… you kept looking over your shoulder.  I wasn’t sure if you were wanting to hide what we are to each other.  I .. I’m not ashamed of dating you and I’m not afraid to show people.  I don’t want to be .. having sex on deck … I mean.. for the most part, but I don’t want to hide what we are either.  I don’t care if they know.  I don’t care if Sten or Ravon knows.  I just… the only person I’m worried about is you.  I would prefer not to have to hide it.  It’s not taboo, as long as we continue to do our jobs so that we aren’t a liability to the whole deck.  I don’t want to hide something really good like this.”

Again, vulnerable in front of a man.  She hated being like this.  Fearing that he would regret what they had done or what they were doing.  She didn’t want to be a side piece, she didn’t want to be a hidden secret, and she certainly didn’t want to go tip-toeing around Sten.  Whether that man decided he could condone or not the relationship it would have no bearing on if she continued to pursue it what so ever.  She needed to know that Liam felt the same way.  She didn’t expect confessions of love or anything, even in this kind of environment where love seemed to develop so quickly merely because of the dangers of life around them… she didn’t expect anything so fast as that.  She didn’t even think she, herself, felt love at the moment.  Yet, she just needed him to say that he was dedicated to her and not afraid of the repercussions of those on Deck finding out.

“I don’t want to be your secret.” She whispered softly, as she uttered those words in a soft voice she resolved that she would never ask things like this from Liam again.  If he confirmed this time that she was what he wanted and he was not ashamed of her she would never question him again.

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #17
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia | Valravn-Class Intercetor "Chimaera" | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado

"Fury, take port-side turret. Cover aft vectors and watch our six, and light up and take out whoever shows up. I'll hold pattern, but be ready to roll in case I'm right."  Alessia commanded, putting her RIO to work, covering for her squad leader's lack of concern for the Chancellor's elites. Just in case the LT was underestimating their adversaries, she put matters into her own hands with the Valravn's weapons; she was more inclined to use warheads instead of phasers for intercept detail. "Phaser charge might give use away, so keep aft phasers offline." No point in giving prey any warning, no matter the size. In this case, it was a hulking bear in the woods against a swarm of lethal killer bees. Or so her friend and mentor had one compared to during the Dominion War. Her fighter could not have been more ready for combat in just under four (steady) heartbeats. Salvo gave orders.

"Salvo to Meony and Angel.  Assuming that we're going to engage the Klingons; Meony I want you to use your Tetryon cannon against the Klingon vessel, open up a small hole for me to drop my Hellborne torpedoes in.  Angel and I will cover you.  Angel once the shield is down you and Meony will cover me while I drop both Hellborne torpedoes on the target.  Salvo out."

"Angel: Aye, Salvo." Alessia acknowledged the Resolve pilot's willingness to... destroy the Rotarran. Despite the order, Alessia considered what she was doing, lest history give her direct notoriety for being the Petaq (Klingons could be quite creative when it came to Human Women during wartime, a practice ever since the 4-Years' War) who slew the single most intstrumental ally the Federation had in the Empire in a century. Yan'Isleth, Borg, Parasites, or even the Savi or Asurians, she would outright terminate without a second thought, but as her HUD indicated all systems were green, bringing the moment of truth that much closer to transpiring. If she could only inflict a miraculous outcome, it had to happen swiftly before the Battle of Armageddon was unleashed. Please, Someone, somewhere out here don't let the worst happen. She internally prayed, her chocolate eyes hardened on her display.

For once, the Spanish war veteran actually wished the Borg were here, so they could team up now and explain when the chaos of their situation could be clear, even to the one-eyed giant. Her scans and targeting infomation had already since been sent to the Sword's battle bridge, and could only wait while the final countdown crept eerily closer to the moment of truth.

"BANDITS! Inbound raiders!" Then the Valravn pilot reported the bearing and mark when that moment presented inbound Klingon fighters; It began.  Every gun she loaded individually and manually targeted the wingmates of the lead craft. but waited for the closest threats to appear.

Vinnie smiled wolfishly as he acquired his targets, ready to fight with the intensity of his callsign. "Today is a good day to die. For them!" Fury waited for the order to engage before his decisive response.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #18
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Weapon Storage Room | Fighter Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr @Masorin 
Having been convinced that Ji was really into the thrill of avoiding discovery, riling him up like that even though the Gorn was right there, he was not prepared at all when she caught his hands and instead spoke of other things. Well, not exactly other things. It was still about them, only in another way. He did a double take, so much he might have gotten whiplash from the sudden change of pace.

What she asked of him, however, was quite sobering. Evidently, her needs were for public recognition, for some odd reason. Was this why she didn't care that Sithick was a few meters away? It made Liam feel tricked, and his aversions to being open towards the deck crew on the Resolve reminded themselves. He had always maintained a strict and professional facade to the people that reported to him, with good reason. As their Chief, his personal business should be his own. He did not care to flaunt his love-life in front of his crew, especially since there had been a lot of men in the old shift rotations on the Resolve, and with Derik...

"I'm sorry," he said, swallowing, trying to calm himself down as he spoke. He dropped his hands and put them on his hips. He collected his thoughts as he looked towards the deck plating between them. "I am very traditional, I suppose. As their Chief, my personal life should be separate from my professional one. I have always my kept technicians at arm's length. I am not supposed to be their friend. By letting them too close, my authority is undermined. Starfleet protocol states that interpersonal relationships must not interfere with one's duties, and I am afraid that public displays do that. It's also..."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's not just the thing, the past with Sten, it's me, always hiding my affections, having been raised to separate myself from the job at hand. It's complicated for me, because I like both men and women. Being of such a minority, despite how recognised such things are in this century, most of the deck crew are men, and I couldn't be open with it. If they learned I liked men too... I feared it might raze a barrier I want to be there, between them and I."

Looking up, Liam sighed, continuing to whisper to her. "As much as these... forbidden moments in public with you entice me, as much as I love them, I have great concerns about what it might cause Sten Covington to do. I do not know the man well enough, and frankly, he terrifies me. And secondly, while you are not a man, I want to keep my love-life and my professional life separate when on-duty. Otherwise, the crews out there might loose focus on what they should be doing. They should not concern themselves with this thing between you, me and Covington."

[ Dr. Nicander | Primary Surgical Suite | CMO Office | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @Doc M.  @patches  @CanadianVet  @Jm Von Cat 
When Doctor Lucan cin Nicander came to, he did so with pale eyes opening wide, sucking air into his lungs.

There was a wild rush flowing through him, re-animating him. With oblivion no more, strength coursing through his veins, he tried to focus his sight, and saw the face before him. A woman, holding his head, speaking to him. She spoke of the knowledge imparted to him by his kin, the others of countless cycles before, and yet even more to come. The passageways... The chemicals burned through his veins, lending him greater and greater strength. He felt like he was on fire with energy, and yet he was restrained. He learned this when he tried to raise his hands, the reinforced cuffs around his wrists there - stopping him. His right hand was strange, until he remembered seeing Rez calibrating it, this crude metallic replacement. Without a concept of time, he looked around the room, jumbled memories suggesting the same people were present since last he was awake.

Words. He wet his lips, granting them. He expected the thing inside to wrench control from him, as it almost had when he was weak. "Stay away," he warned them with a thick voice, his eyes afire - a mix of concern and reproach. Maya was in closest proximity, and he snapped to her. "By the winds, stay clear!"

As if he was a leper, he did not want them close to him, in fear for what it might do to them. He knew what it was capable of. He'd been there, below the surface, when he had eviscerated Doctor Saugn. Done horrible things to a helpless Garen Nelis, and almost strangled Nurse Vojona to death. He had made Maya dance like a puppet on strings. "Get away from me!"

Taking a deep breath, he knew the import of his knowledge, and found that he could speak it - the parasite but a insidious whisper in his head. Heather's light had diminished it, and it had only been granted access when it kept his heart beating. It did not want to loose its host body. But now, the present doctors, one whom Lucan didn't recognise, had restored his health. "The passageways..." he grated in his faded Câroon accent, pausing when he saw the looks Maya was given.

He realised that the security officers were on edge, as if caught in mid-operation. Perhaps they had meant to move him somewhere, but he was still there, and able to speak. He flexed his mismatched hands in their restraints. He could barely remember what he had said already. "The apertures, they are here, in the heart of the Azure Nebula. The passages are not exactly Borg in origin, but a remnant from a lost race. The nameless darkness, they know of them already. The Borg, however, have just now learned of their existence, and they might be launching a full scale invasion of the Alpha Quadrant at some point in the near future.From what I have seen... in the abyss... there should already be cubes in the Alpha Quadrant. I know for a fact that Ian Hawthorne didn't only undermine relations between the Praetor and the Federation. He was actively suppressing reports of Borg activity too."

Maya, she had asked how to detect them, how to close them. Lucan bit his teeth together. "The passages are closed. Always closed, but they can be opened with a soliton wave. The right question is how to collapse them. How to destroy all twenty seven of them, and stop the Borg from invading. That being said, they might also serve as an escape route for the Theurgy. It might be our sole means of escape, from the Borg. From the Vigilant of Sa. From Admiral Sankolov's fleet."

Another faction came to mind, having seen it in the abyss just recently. "From the Klingon Empire... who should be answering the call to arms from Starfleet Command soon. I have seen High Chancellor Martok through the eyes of another, him being told the fate of his son." His gaze turning introvert, Lucan frowned, seeing something else. "I have seen... Captain Ives, in captivity. Abused. And... No..."

He saw it now, the image in the darkness. Distorted because of the nature of the Host's eyes. "No! By the winds..."

He saw a concussion in the air, and how she evaporated.

"No!" he screamed, yanking at the restraints. "She can't! Not in this Cycle!" Was the Radiant dead? It wasn't just that she was his tether to sanity. She had been the only only one present on the ship. How were they supposed to weaponize the light? Eyes wide, staring into the abyss inside, Lucan shook his head. "I saved her, only to loose her..."

"Who?" asked the male Doctor, whom he'd heard being called Kobol .

"Heather... Heather McMillan." He closed his eyes, hearing them speak, trying to listen, but he already knew they wanted to know more. "I..." He tried to focus, his thoughts on Heather. "My apologies, it's so much... Too many things to say. What... What is the priority? Where are we? I want to help, but I do not know what's most urgent..."

[ High Chancellor Martok, son of Urthog | Bridge | Negh'Var Heavy Carrier IKC Rotarran | Azure Nebula ] Attn: All
Seated still, Martok had already signalled for the Phantoms to launch. He was listening to the speaking Bajoran, but Doran, daughter of W'mar, would lead the full complement of raiders against the inferior numbers of the Theurgy's warp fighters. Hearing the ridged-nosed, tall man in command, Martok felt very old, weary of all the prattle and diplomacy from years spent on Q'onoS, bartering and mediating between Houses to keep the Empire unified. He had not come to the Azure Nebula for more quibbling.

When the talk about preposterous things was wearing to its end, Martok's patience had run dry, and he curled his upper lip, rising to his full height - the fire in his eye unabated. To the Bajoran's credit, he backed up his far-fetched story with a threat. Perhaps there was some backbone in the man after all. Yet by that time, Martok had already made his decision. SuD Lang was an embarrassment for the Empire, but there was nothing but hook spiders to be found there. Certainly no weapon large enough to destroy a VoD'leh-class carrier. Moreover, he trusted Zyrao Natauna more than the word of this petaQ.

"Ancient weapons..." he growled in his deep voice, chuckling without humour, and each step he made emphasised with the list of shadows the man had cast on the wall, "Changeling parasites. Borg. You insult me by thinking the Empire wouldn't know if the Collective crossed our borders. Do you not think I, as the High Chancellor, wouldn't be informed?"

Martok came to a stop closer to the viewscreen, his browridge low over his stare. "Of course you would mention the Dominion... since that might strike a chord with me. All I hear is the words of a blind apologist, thinking he is more cunning than I." His hands curled into fists at his sides, but his glare was unchanged. "I need no evidence. I have already seen your Captain, heard his words. The message was clear in your broadcast, in how his humanitarian sympathy for all the Galaxy has made him mad, and in opposing the Prime Directive, he must flee to the Romulans since no one else would give him sanctuary. I thought highly of the man, back when he made sense, and fought the Jem'Hadar instead of his own fleet. Also, someone on the Hakkarl contacted me."

Martok looked away, seeing the small warp fighters circling the Rotarran, and he grinned. He felt old, but invigorated now, at the promise of battle. "You should never have come to SuD Lang, yet when you killed my son to hide your petty thievery, you were already dead... and no fairy tales can turn my eye."

He turned his head, gestured to end the hail, and bellowed. "Open fire! Kill these Targs!"

OOC: Have fun! Battle now commences, and its pretty free-form. Needless to say, this should not be an easy fight. No destroying of more than two raiders per post, and I want one NPC pilot/fighter among the Lone Wolves killed off in each post to sustain the plausibility of this battle. First poster next is @chXinya , since Wenn Cinn must decide on the next action. This, except for the scenes in Sickbay and the Fighter Bay. The response time of 7 days begins today for everyone. Here's the bridge crew: [Show/Hide]
Here are the characters in the Fighter Assault Bay and the Lone Wolves Squadron: [Show/Hide]
Primary Surgical Suite, Main Sickbay, CMO Office: [Show/Hide]
Again, as previously stated about the current situation, please notice how five hours have passed since the earlier events in this Chapter and 2300 hrs, which is the present time. These five hours are, of course, now available for everyone to use in setting up their own Supplemental threads. The naming convention for such threads belonging to Chapter 04 is still: CH04: S [DXX|YYYY] Insert Title. These should also be posted in the Part 1 board of Epsiode 05!

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #19
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Weapons Storage | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan

The distance was palptable, between them when he pulled back.  He didn’t touch her, didn’t breach the gap, he kept a distance, hands on his hips.  Ji’s heart sunk down into the pit of her stomach, it wasn’t a good sign when he was moving away from her.  She swallowed heavily, she didn’t have a good feeling about this.  Reaching up she crossed her arms over her chest it was subconscious in it’s move, but honestly she didn’t think this was going to go well.  She felt like throwing up.  If only she had kept her mouth shut.  Was this what she really needed on her mind right before a big battle?  They were about to go for the Borg, and here she was asking about relationships. 

The words, ‘I’m sorry’ were like a fist to her guts.  She stared up at him.  Was all of last night, the him picking me… choosing me… was that all a load of hot shit?  He admitted to being very traditional, and her brow rose curiously.  Sten’s office was traditional?  Right here is traditional?  She was probably lucky he didn’t have any kind of mental abilities because the things she was thinking and feeling weren’t particularly nice.  He told her that he liked to keep his personal and work life separate.  That it was important to him there was no intermixing because since he liked both men and women he would find himself being through of in a less than Professional way by those attracted to him.  He wasn’t there to be friends, he was there to be the boss.

Ji, had another approach all together.  She didn’t mind being the friends of those around her.  They still respected her because she had no problems calling said friends on their shit and they knew it.  She had only had a few problems in her life because of it, and she had only had a couple men try to corner her in the bay to make a move.  They ended up in Sickbay and written up, placed on probation.  She was not about to hide her life or her personality from them.  Everyone did things differently.

“So hold on.  We’re going to have to hide from the whole fucking ship then?” she asked incredulously, oh she was right pissed off at this point, but she was trying to contain herself.  “Because, unless you expect to keep us locked in your Quarters every time we want to have some alone time together, they’re going to find out anyway.” She reminded him.  “I didn’t intend to be a closet relationship.  I don’t expect you to be kissing and hugging on me on Deck.  But I didn’t think holding hands or just touching you would be something you would be so terrified of.  I’m not trying to demean you Liam Herrold, I’m trying to be in your life, fully and completely.  Is it impossible to have a relationship and still remain professional?”

She rose her brow curiously.  When he brought up Sten and what he might do, her face looked as if he had slapped it.  She literally would have taken a step back if she could have, but there was a shelf right behind her and she hadn’t been able to move.  But the color bled from her face as she stood there looking up into the blue eyes that had first attracted her to Liam.  The very ones that could be warm and inviting and caring.  The other day they were bantering and flirting on the job and he hadn’t seemed upset about that.  Today she brought him coffee.. and they had lunch inside Sten’s office.  He hadn’t seemed too broken up about that either.  Yet, now that she was wondering if she could be with him fully and publicly he was having cold feet.  Saying he was terrified of Sten.  Unsure of what the man would do if he found out about them.

Again.  Time and time again, Ji was reminded how insignificant she was in the lives of those she wished to be a bit part of.  Sten had reminded her by sending her off to another ship.  Then sleeping with her again and shunning her.  Now, here was Liam, who she thought understood her.  Asking her to remain absolutely separate from work and home life.  She didn’t think on a ship, even as big as it was, they could hide the fact they were together for long.  People would talk, people would know, they always did. 

Was he Stenn-ing her?  ‘Sorry Ji you’re a great fuck but when it comes to relationships, I just can’t.  Hey how about a fun trip to another ship.  They have lots of sex there.  It’ll be loads of fun,  literally!’

“No, I’m not a man.  But I don’t see what the fuck that has to do with us.  So, what are you saying exactly?  Because I think I need clarification.  Are we going with our relationship only in your Quarters or mine, or is it just that you don’t want to show it on Deck?  Because, those are two very different things.  If we’re going to remain professional and at a distance on the Deck, fine.  But, I won’t be your secret girlfriend that you keep in your Quarters and never go out with.  That’s no relationship, that’s just fucking.  Which I thought.. “ her voice skipped a beat for a moment.  “…I thought we had established we were going to be more than that, last night.”

Dark eyes searched his blue, hoping she was wrong about what he was saying.  Perhaps she was just more invested than him, perhaps he wasn't invested enough, perhaps they were just not understanding one another.  Maybe this was something they'd eventually laugh about but right now this was the most important conversation of their relationship.

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #20
[Ensign Colin McArthur | Security Centre | Work Stations | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet @Top Hat @trevorvw @Auctor Lucan

There was something different in the air when the ship was conducting battle operations. The dimmer lighting and red klaxons were a part of it, of course, but it was the way everyone tensed up in anticipation and fear around him that struck Colin when the Sword transitioned from Yellow to Red Alert.

“All hands to battle stations.” Thea’s voice was disconcertingly robotic in the absence of her actual presence on the ship, but the words themselves sparked quite the reaction. “Red Alert is in effect.”

A flurry of activity erupted as Security personnel entered the Centre and the Bolian acting in the position of Master-at-Arms ensured everyone left again properly armed. It was Ensign McArthur himself who made sure everyone leaving was teamed up and sent to the right areas, coordinating all of the action from within the centrally placed work area behind the Security Aide’s desk. He walked from each station manned by crewmen, checking that they were talking with the right people and watching the right sections. He was comfortable here. The role fit him well as long as he didn’t think too much about how he was actually far more than being a high-ranking glorified receptionist right now while Lieutenant Commander Wenn Cinn was commanding the Sword and Ida was MIA. Thankfully, much of the actual planning was being done from the Bridge, as a set of orders came through from there right after the alert sounded. What was being coordinated was the implementation of those orders.

“Sir, we have a site to site transport request from Petty Officer Taer.”

Colin looked over at the Ferengi, whose voice cut through the chatter from the rest to grab his attention. Ferengi were a rare sight in Starfleet uniforms these days, but this one hadn’t prompted any complaints from the others that McArthur could recall. If he had the spare mental processing power at the time, he might have reflected on the enduring power of stereotypes applied to entire species. However, the current crisis demanded his whole attention.

Well, two crises. This Nicander situation makes me uncomfortable, almost more than the fight we're about to be in.

“How many?” He asked as he ambled up to the Ferengi’s screen. On it were miniature displays of the cameras from each of the three exosuits in Sickbay right now, inhabited by three Petty Officers that all excelled in the usage of those suits and the weapons they carried. He couldn’t hear it, but he knew the crewman was listening in on their comms in case shit hit the fan.

“Five. Taer, Bremmer, Varder, Nicander, and Maya,” came the reply. “She just cancelled the request, though.”

The crewman brought up Taer’s camera into fullscreen focus. It wasn’t steady as the Trill rushed up to pull Maya away from the restrained Câroon, complete with an order for both doctors to pull back. Sensors relayed from the exosuit confirmed Taer’s combat readiness, indicating a change. As she pulled back and the scope of her rifle came into view, McArthur saw what triggered it. He suppressed a shudder at the sight of Nicander’s very much living face and listened in silent horror as the disgraced doctor spoke of multiple hidden passageways to be used for a Borg invasion of the Alpha Quadrant, the Klingons coming after them, and the apparent death of a crew member whose name he vaguely recognized. There was something that tugged at his mind about what Nicander said, but a gasp from the Ferengi caught his attention before he could tug at it in return.

“What is it, crewman?”

“Taer just … colorfully pointed out that there’s no way Doctor Nicander could know about the Captain’s abuse in captivity unless he was in contact with someone aboard the alien ship, Sir.” The Ferengi gave Colin a puzzled look. “Haven’t we been under a communications blackout this entire time?”

Colin’s blood froze solid as the implications dawned on him.


“Tell her and the rest of the team to expect transport now. We need him locked down now.”

The crewman nodded as he relayed this to Taer, Bremmer, and Vardur. Colin took the opportunity to open a channel to the Ops station on the bridge from his own combadge.

“Ensign McArthur to Ops. Requesting site-to-site transport of Drs Nicander and Maya, Petty Officers Varder, Bremmer, Taer to the temporary brig ASAP.”

He sent a mental prayer of thanks that the frosted glass would separate him from Nicander and Maya after the message was acknowledged. He then put a hand on the crewman’s shoulder and pointed at one of the other screens the Ferengi was monitoring. "Compose a text message to Bridge Security, exactly as follows: 'Nicander willingly giving intel of presence of multiple apertures, Borg presence, and indicates connection to other infested. It seems as if he can see what they see. Relocating to Brig under heavy escort.' Send."

"Sent, sir."

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #21
[Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

So much for reason. Cinn mused to himself in the brief window they had when Chancellor Martok finished yelling and cut off communications.  He knew it was a long shot the moment he saw the Klingon’s mood, but diplomacy had to be tried.  “Helm evasive maneuvers!” he order almost instantly, but it wasn’t quite fast enough.  The first volley from the Rotarran’s main disruptor banks smashed into the forward shields, nearly kicking Cinn out of his chair.  “Get us out from in front of them!” he yelled over the alarms, knuckles turning white as he fought to stay seated.

The viewer showed absolute chaos in the nebula.  Green disruptor bolts lit up the thin gas giving them a halo effect as they flew through the vacuum to glance across the Sword’s shield bubble.  Thruster flares buzzed around in formations, the colors denoting whether they were Klingon or Federation.  “Alert all fighters, weapons free.  Keep those Reapers off of us and if they get any opportunities on the Rotarran’s weapons and sensors they take them.  Tactical, concentrate fire on shield emitters and nacelles, I want the Chancellor disabled, not destroyed.”

A hard maneuver rocked everyone to one side, inertial dampeners struggling to keep up with Jaya’s wild stick.  The Rotarran may be a massive ship but with her Reapers it was a challenge to get out of the primary firing arcs.  Spotting a cluster of Klingon fighters angling up for a run Cinn snapped an order, “Photon torpedoes, proximity detonation, fire!”  The orange warheads didn’t halo like the Klingon ordinance, but the blasts were still blinding.  Phaser beams lanced out to reveal the extent of the Negh’var carrier’s own shield bubble and Cinn could hear Martok laughing.

May the Prophets preserve us… he prayed.  “Okafor, forget the apertures, find a way through those shields.”  Something exploded out there, a flash of burning oxygen marking the death of some random pilot.  The Sword continued to shake around Cinn and things started to become a blur.  The bridge crew constantly threw out new reports, tactical plots showed the nebula in three dimensions giving everyone a clear picture of just how badly Martok was able to outplay the security officer turned captain.  Primal instincts were telling him to run, leave the Wolves behind if necessary, but his pride kept him in the battle.  He’d fought the Cardassians and won.  He could handle one Klingon ship.

But at this rate they would need a miracle….

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #22
[ Amelya Rez | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 2300 hrs. ] Attn: @Doc M.  @patches  , @Auctor Lucan  @Jm Von Cat  @CanadianVet 

The sudden rash action of Maya had left Rez dumbfounded as she stepped back without needing any more warning from the present security staff. She bumped into Varder as she looked back with a bit of panic in her eyes as she wasn't sure what would come out of the former CMO. The situation changed rapidly as life seemingly got sucked back into the ruff looking man as he fought against his restraints before Security tried to get the upper hand.

The former CMO himself though warned them to stay away from him, which made Amelya feel some sort of hope for him before incoherent nonsense began to get spewed out again. The information about the passageways sounded like they could be correct, sustainable, yet he seemingly lost the rest of his conversation as he spoke of seeing other things. Was he truly in union with all the other parasites? Or were the drugs in his system causing for hallucinations which were causing him to think that he saw certain things?

Amelya swallowed hard before she gazed back at the security forces. It wouldn't take long before the flickering lights of a site to site transport were lighting up the area before the entire circus seemed to have moved away from the surgical suite. The only thing left was the various instruments and garbage from the surgery. Amelya blinked and looked around to see Kobol  and Jovela still present with her. "Jovela... Can you prepare the suite here for any future surgery should we need it?" she brought out with a shaky voice before she closed her eyes to cool her nerves.

"Dr Kobol , will you join me in Sickbay fo-" her sentence cut short as the party got thrown to a side as the first hit of Martok's ship was felt. The lights were flashing red and the claxons could be heard in a more silenced tone throughout Sickbay. When did they switch to Red Alert, how long had the Borg been here? Amelya straightened herself and ran to the door, opening it to gaze at the sickbay. There would be no rest for the wicked. A feeling she seemingly felt all too well...

[ Lt. Simon Tovarek | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

'Chort...' was the first thing that went through the impromptu XO's head as they were staring at a Klingon ship. All these preparations, all this research, all the calibrating to fight a Borg ship. And for what? To rise up against a Klingon legend with a blood vengeance. This ship was a death trap if it ever was anything else. The blaring claxons and the red flashing lights didn't help either as the science officer looked over at Okafor. The man had been burdened with the task to find a way through the Klingon shields.

The eyes shifted from Tovarek over to the helms woman as she did an amazing job at dodging the incoming fire to the best of her abilities. Despite her effort they ere still taking hits, yet the damage would probably be more severe if not for her. Eventually Simon took his place next to Wenn Cinn as the ship rocked and returned fire at the incoming threats and fire.

"Sir.." Tovarek started on a tone so only Cinn could hear him over the cacaphony of situation reports and damage reports. "Are we going to see this through to the bitter end or should we prioritize our main mission objective as called for by Captain Ives?" The number two on the ship didn't want to openly confront the acting captain like he had with the Versant. Valuable lessons had he learned that day yet his mind raced with alternative tactics to fight off the klingon warship.

Perhaps the use of the nebula's volatile elements could be used in their favor. The wolves had mapped quite some data about safe ways to navigate through and marked the high density pockets of explosive gas. A trick perhaps to be played out after hearing the reply of the captain. Retreat would be an equally sound strategy.

[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Kestrel | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]
Attn: @Triage  , @Triton  , @Havenborn  , @Multificionado 

The message Thomas got from Daniel made him nod before he replied back "My thoughts exactly. Let them act like the rabid dogs that they are." The plan was fairly simple as Klingons loved to fight and wouldn't back down easily from an engagement. Sure these were one of the toughest opponents to battle, yet it was something fighter pilots craved for. In a way they were similar to Klingon's mindset. They lived for glory and battle in a way.

As the Rotarran opened fire Thomas had seen enough while he followed the comms traffic from Sword. Receiving a weapons free from Henshaw in a text his lips curled into a lopsided grin "All elements. Weapons free." was the short message he sent out to his pack. "Primary targets on the Rotarran are weapon systems and sensor suites. Once you're out of payload return to Sword for close perimeter defense. Watch your backs and good hunting." he concluded before he made his ship dive into an attack vector as the incoming raiders started to open fire at him. He lead them on a merry chase around the aft section of the Rotarran as he looked over his shoulder to see where Rawley was. He wasn't exactly lining them up for her, yet she'd be able to pick at least one off and distract the others.

He could catch a glimpse of Sword as the Valravns started to move out, he hoped that Tessa would hold up in the battle yet pushed the side away as his ship rumbled as it scored a hit from one of the raiders "Motherfu-" he murmured before he started his run on the aft torpedo launchers of the carrier. "Try and watch my back Ghost. No time to snooze after being de-iced." he teased Rawley.

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #23
[Lt. Commander Vael Kaeris | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: Anyone on the bridge

Vael managed to retain his footing despite the steady bombardment against the shields, his hand steadily darting across the face of his PADD.  While he had no true desire to battel the Klingon Chancellor, he similarly had no desire to lay down his life or the lives of his Endeavour crew mates merely to prove a point.  "If we can find a way to neutralize their sensor array, they'll be restricted to visual reckoning and functionally half-blind," he posited out loud.  "A high data burst might work but they didn't seem overly keen on accepting high levels of communications from us.  That leaves radiation and particle yield, but we want to make sure it sticks to them or we'll be sharing their fate."

He pulled up their own sensor log, reviewing the resonance of the klingon shields from their own phaser strikes.  "If we can find some way to set up a magnetic resonance with their shield, we can detonate a series of modified torpedoes along their sensor array that would be the starship equivalent of sand in the eyes," he added, his gaze shifting among the crew to see if any had the time to pay his recommendations the slightest bit of attention.  It was frustrating to have to rely on those around him to indicate of such suggestions were even an option, but he persisted none-the-less.

"The Voyager was also able to make use of holographic augments along the hull to improve armor and to even simulate artificial escort class vessels to further disperse targeting of prospective adversaries."  It wasn't an ideal. but it would give the klingons more things to shoot at, and combined with a blinding assault, might just give this half-ship a fighting chance to survive.

Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

Reply #24
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Winterbourne | Azure Nebula] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @Triage @Triton @Havenborn @Doc M. @Top Hat @chXinya


"Lieutenant," Ducote replied, the omnipresent gravel in his voice a little sharper than usual. "If you can't tell the difference between a Klingon signature and a Borg one, and you think that no one else on your ship can tell the difference either, I am not sure you are fit to fly."

Rawley couldn't help but flinch at Ducote's communique, her blood boiling. She was no science officer, she was a pilot, and she was more than fit to fly. But her intuition reminded her that what they were tracking was indeed a Borg signature. She managed to take a moment to send a private communique.

"My apologies, Commander Ducote. The Klingon wankers caught us by surprise and I may have overreacted. The sensor readings do indicate a Borg signature. Sorry I doubted you. However, to say I'm not fit to're new to the Theurgy, so yeh obviously don't know me as well as yeh should. If it came from anybody else on the Theurgy, besides your crew, I'd say 'Up your arse.' We'll have words if and when we get outta this alive."

She had barely finished her apologetic communique when she received orders from Razor.

"Angel, Salvo, Meony, team up and make your way over to the far side of the ship. Wait for engagement on my sign. Ghost, you're with me, heading towards the aft section."

"Acknowledged, Razor," replied Rawley. She followed the Kestrel to the aft section, admiring the design.

"Cor, I ought to get me one of those," she said to herself quietly. She tore her eyes from the Kestrel and stared at the Klingon flagship. She figured she and Razor at aft, and Meony, Salvo and Angel at the far side were positioned to intercept fighters; the bloody thing was a carrier after all. And sure enough, fighters swarmed on out. Razor's orders came on out:

"Be advised, hostile fighters are out in the open. Do not engage unless you are engaged upon. Try not to be an easy target on their first run."

And then Rawley received a text from Razor:

[Care to do our usual shenanigans like we did with Cala? If we get into combat that is.]

Rawley couldn't help but smile. She never forgot the battle against the Calamity and her Reavers. Cor, she remembered nicking a Reaver, and even taking a Reaver out with an isomagnetic disintegrator. Of course, she remembered that she was beamed to sickbay at one point, and Nicander tried to keep her in (and just thinking of Nicander made her blood boil), but she escaped. Overall, she raised not only Cain but also Ahab and Jezebel during that battle. She typed a response.

[You better believe your arse, Razor.]

Seeing Razor adjust his course, Rawley followed. She can see where that course was going and knew an intercept course when she saw one. She honestly didn't want to kill the Klingons, not with the possibilities that at any time, the Borg would catch all their arses by surprise, and she didn't want to leave any of the Klingons, let along Chancellor Martok, at their mercy. But she knew from experience and training that a Klingon regarded an opponent who didn't shoot to kill bloody spineless.

"Well, on their own heads and arses be it," she declared. She was going to show these wankers that you don't mess with a Celt, a bloodthirsty Lone Wolf. Razor chimed in and she received orders.

"All elements. Weapons free. Primary targets on the Rotarran are weapon systems and sensor suites. Once you're out of payload return to Sword for close perimeter defense. Watch your backs and good hunting."

[ Lt. Talidenai zh'Idenna | Cockpit | Valvaran-class fighter | Azure Nebula]

"Terror, you are clear to guide the rest of the squadron out of the fighter bay. You are to take defensive positions around Sword and await further order from the SCO."

"Copy that." Talidenai zh'Idenna, Tali for short, callsign "Terror," was already on the way out, with the rest of the Wolves tailing behind her, glad to hear Ensign Henshaw's signal to move. She was glad the rest of the squadron was deploying; Razor is going to need all the help he can get, especially against an irate Klingon.

"Wolves, this is Terror," Tali called in. "Deploy defensive positions around the Sword." Then she began addressing Tessa directly; the Andorian still hasn't forgotten when she, as pink-skins put it, freaked out. "Goldeneye, I suggest you GET. A. GRIP. Shoot to kill but defend the Sword. Show the Klingons what you're made of."

Seeing the rest of the Wolves in position, Tali opened a channel with Ravon. "Terror to Razor. The rest of the squadron is in position and awaiting your orders."

Just as well; the raiders were already swarming. Tali had her weapons ready, and...

...and the flagship unleashed a barrage of disruptor fire at the Theurgy. And she realized that she and a few Wolves were in its path. Before she even had a chance to blink, the disruptors tore through her beloved Valvaran fighter's shields, and then the fighter itself, blowing everything around her into a fireball.

[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Winterbourne | Azure Nebula]

Rawley had no idea how much she missed flying. She remembered the shenanigans with the Cala alright. Three hundred years or so ago, it was known as “playing chicken.”

Breaking formation with Ravon, she dived right into the path of the Raider’s flight path, managing a few barrel rolls to avoid the fire from the raiders.

“Okay, you ugly wankers, let’s see who swerves first.”

She held her course. Held it…held it…the Raiders were closing in…

[Kohor of the House of Korath | Cockpit | Phantom Raider Kangar | Azure Nebula]

“This is Lieutenant Kohor! Attack formation! Get ‘em, boys!”

Kohor of the House of Korath was excited at the prospect of a fight, so soon after the end of the war with the Dominion. He had been a mere bekk when he joined the invasion of Cardassia and when that conflict escalated into war with the Dominion. Now, here he was, barely reaching the lower reaches of lieutenant, and they were going to avenge the Son of Martok. Kohor was proud to fight alongside Martok once again.

He led his wing to attack the traitors on the Theurgy, and these flying traitors as well. One of those fighters was flying peculiarly. It seemed to be charging towards them. It was beneath Kohor, and yet it unnerved him. It kept closing in, like…

“Kohor to attack wing! Break formation!”

His wing broke off to avoid colliding into the Theurgy targ. It wasn’t carrying something calamitous, but this one scared him.

“By Kahless, whoever’s flying that thing must be more savage than we are, and we’re Klingons!” he barked in astonishment.

[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Winterbourne | Azure Nebula]

As it transpired, like with the Reavers when she first did it, the Klingons dove to avoid collision with the Winterbourne. Rawley wondered if she scared them, even for Klingons, but it made her feel better. Thinking quickly, she turned the Winterbourne like a spinning top and began shooting a Raider from behind. And she felt the thrill of it all.

She kept pounding until the raider blew. She let out a throaty laugh just as she was seeing Razor getting chased by some Raiders. She noticed it was making a run for the aft launchers. She heard Razor make a cheeky remark and let out a retort.

“Don’t worry, Razor, I’ll watch it. And raktajino would never make me more awake than I am now.”

A green streak zipped past her, grazing the Winterbourne. That told her a raider was on her arse, too. Well, she'll lead that wanker on a merry little chase of her own. She made her run at the aft launchers and sent some ordinance on it. Then she looped behind the raider faster than a riding in a washing machine on a roller coaster, so fast she hit her face hard against the side of the cockpit, and sent a torpedo right into its arse. In its spinning out of control, it hit the Rotarran with a bang. The shields illuminated from the hit. She hoped like the dickens the impact took out the aft launcher, and even if it didn’t, some shrapnel managed to take out a nearby disruptor cannon. At least there was some compensation; it meant on less weapon for the Klingons, but she would need to work on the launcher and other disruptors before they got that back online.

“Ghost to Razor,” she called in as she covered Razor, “there’s damage to the aft launcher, and a disruptor cannon’s out. And I still got your arse, too.”

She was suddenly aware of wetness under her nose. She must’ve broken it when she hit her face. Well, sod it. It would take a mountain to take down "Ghost" Rawley; a nosebleed wasn’t going to stop her.

OOC: Apologies for lengthiness. Note the new Klingon NPC, of the House of Korath; I've learned there's just 24 Klingon houses, and Korath seems fitting; that house was present in Voyager's series finale. EDIT: Changed the bit of "oversexed big dipper," a "big dipper" referring to an old roller coaster, to something making more sense: a "washing machine on a roller coaster."

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