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Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #25
[CPO Eun Sae Ji |  Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 02 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan @JosiahDorn @Kaligos

The doors were opened, she could see them struggling but between the Gorn and Liam they were able to get the doors open and luckily her field held.  She relaxed slightly against the computer console for a moment trying to stay out of the way as the fighters began to depart the bay.  She was just glad that everything was coming together.  They had all worked so hard, she could use a coffee, probably something to eat and start working on the things they would need as the fighters began to return at the end of whatever outing they were being sent on.

Liam ran over to her, asking her if she was all right, she didn't even think about people noticing.  She just gave him a slight smile and a quick nod.  “I'm okay I'm just glad that.. wh..what?”

He was looking behind her, and she twisted her body around, back to Liam as her eyes scanned the deck hearing his words over her shoulder.  She swallowed heavily seeing.. things unfold on the deck.  Her hand instinctively reached back for his.  Not for anything other than to just know, for a moment, that he was still there behind her.  Because in front of them, just outside the bay doors was a massive ship.  It dwarfed them, and it was something that she had no idea where it had come from.  She swallowed heavily.  “What is that.” she whispered more to herself than expecting anyone around her to answer.

Her heart thrummed heavily in her chest, pounding against her ribcage as she stared at the massive ship.  Then as she looked up at Liam she realized he was focusing on something else.  His eyes were wide, terrified, surprised, she wasn't sure.  A mixture of both probably.  Slowly she turned her body, her hand clenching his as she saw the beings materialize on the deck.  Right on top of the logo.  There were seven of them.  Glass dome helmets and some kind of exo suits.  She hadn't seen them before, she couldn't tell much past the helmets that they wore, and those suits were similar but completely different than the ones that their pilots used. 

What the .. seven fucks are they...

Voices came on over the loud speaker and she jumped slightly, they didn't seem loud in tone but the volume was going to assure that everyone heard it no matter where it was.  She was focusing on the beings telling everyone to remain where they were.  No one had any desire for the people on the flight deck, but they were heading for the Cinsaj.  She swallowed heavily as Liam said what her thoughts were currently on.  They wanted the ship, why was anyone's guess at the moment, but they still needed that.  It was their ship and they weren't about to just let someone walk off with it.  It was too important.  It had come from the Calamity, and they weren't done with it.

I haven't even gotten to finish playing with it yet! she thought almost angrily.

“No they sure as fuck aren't.” she said as she looked around.  She caught Sten's eye from across the deck and saw that he was heading for the office.  She was pretty sure that he had some weapons in there, for now though, she wasn't close enough for that to beneficial to her.  Right now, she needed to find some other way to wound or damage the idiots that thought the Theurgy and her mechanical crew would be an easy target.  You messed with the wrong ship you glass headed fuckers. She knew that there had to be something she could do.  Standing there, doing nothing, was not in her genetic make up.  These fighters were her babies, this deck, these people, they were her family and she would be damned if some intruder was going to walk off with one of their prized possessions.

Counter Measures... that's right! Where did they go.

Ji looked around, brown eyes searching the deck.  They weren't far, the crate sat there pushed to the side so that the fighters could get out of the bay.  The box nearly gleamed with possibility as she looked up at Liam.  She didn't even realize she was still holding his hand but she quickly turned and let go and then she shifted her eyes to the crate so he knew what she was doing.  She knew how to arm them too, if they could use them, maybe they could at least wound or slow down the intruders until Sten and the others could mount an attack.  She couldn't say anything outloud she wasn't sure how far these guys could hear, or if they were telepathic.  Who knew, but she was not going to take the chance.

Ji quickly made for the crate.  The beings were heading for the ship, and so she hoped they were busy enough that they didn't see her doing what she was doing.  She opened the crate and looked down at the gleaming counter measures.  There were two kinds in the crate, the ECMs which were essentially a micro torpedo, and the ECCM, which were chemical in nature.  She didn't think the ECCMs were going to be what she needed.  She picked up some of the ECMs and tossed one to Liam and another to Sithick since it would help if this was a joint attack on these beings. 

She headed back over to the other two, and she looked at them, silently giving them the orders that she had in her head.  A small nod, as she armed her ECM, and then she chucked it across the deck to where the beings were.  Hoping she could take some out, if nothing else, she hoped that it would jack up their suits.  She was a strong woman, quite muscular with the fact that she lifted and worked with fighters all damn day, so she hoped those muscles wouldn't fail her now as she lobbed the grenade, so to speak, across the deck. 

Here's hoping.  And I sure hope Sten hurries up with those guns, we might have a fight on our hands.

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #26
[ CWO1 Sten Covington | Fighter Assault Bay| Vector 02 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy] @Blue Zephyr @Auctor Lucan @Kaligos

Sten had managed to slip out of the bay through one of the back doors.  Whether he was undetected or they just didn't care since he appeared to be running away, he didn't know.  He ran into three of his men as he headed towards his office, he motioned for them to follow him.  "Come."  As he made his way to the office. He recalled the huge ship that had materialized outside the bay, so big, he could only see part of it from where he was standing, and it took up the whole bay doors. 

"We are under attack and have been boarded.  I only have two emergency phaser in my Office." He unlocked the cabinet, shouldering one of the Phaser Rifles and handing the other to the Klingon mechanic.  "Marv, you're going to be going out with me and trying to slow them down.  I have no fucking clue what they are, never seen anything like them or the suits they are wearing, so set your phaser to kill and we'll ask questions later.  They are going after the Cinsaj. That ship saved our butts once before so I will not be letting anyone fly that thing out of here."

Sten set his own phaser rifle to the kill setting and was trying to come up with ideas as they were the only two guns they had on the Fighter Bay unless Security rushed in... except for the spare fighter cannons... The mass drivers!  He looked over at the Junior Weapons specialist, a Vulcan whose name he couldn't pronounce so everyone called him John and a human mechanic grunt named William. "John, you take William and go the back corridor, to our weapons storage.  Grab one of the mass driver turrets and mount it on to a maintenance cart. Find something back there you can rig as a power supply and you all go on the opposite end of the deck, come out by Maintenance bay two and unload all you have on these fuckers, you got it?" 

They nodded to him and ran off towards their task.  He looked at the Klingon.  "If you have any gods to pray to, now would be a good time. Lets go!"  Holding the phaser rifle in his hands, he made his way down the hall from the office with Marv following him around the back corridor again. The door behind fighter bay 01 was still open with the power not restored yet.  He nodded towards Marv and they both turned around the corner and saw what looked like something exploding right on the intruders. He quickly saw that Liam, Ji, and Sithick were on the move and he aimed at the boarding party, covered in a small cloud from the explosion, and unloaded five or six blasts from his phaser at the biggest shape he could make out, before ducking behind the doorway again.  Marv likewise got out half a dozen shots from his phaser towards the group before taking cover.

Meanwhile John and William had secured a cart, managed to get a gun mounted on it and were in the process of trying to wire it to the makeshift power supply they had put together from the parts they found.  They were still in the weapons room. 


Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #27
[Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton| Theurgy "Air Space" over Vector 1| USS Theurgy] ATTN: @Nolan @Even Angels Cry @Kaligos  @Hastata-Nerada

Chris didn't say anything as his fighter leapt into space as that old familiar feeling of "Husker" started to settle over him like an old familiar coat that had been put away for the summer and now it was winter again and now that he was surrounded by the cold comfort of space, he could do what he was meant to do; Be the "Ferryman" and if this was an all hands combat alert, then he would be sending quite a few across to the other side.

<I'm rubbing off on you eh?  It's only been a few hours But yes, you too.  Por favor, ten cuidado. You have a reason to come back.  No lo olvides.> came the confident Hispanic accented tones of Alessia's words to his ears and he understood that she wanted him to be careful which he would be...but it was the other thing that she said that made Chris twitch only slightly.

"You have a reason to come back. No lo olvides."

He didn't say anything back at first because he didn't know what to say but it was almost like somewhere in the back of his mind he needed that reminder and he could feel it help to give him a bit more of an edge and as such, he opened up a private channel to her again. "I will do the same, Angel, I fully expect to grab a pitcher of tea with you at some point." he said to her.

Once he was done speaking, he climbed back inside of himself and started to focus on the matter at hand as his hands busied themselves with making minor adjustments to counter balance the effects of the nebula as he stayed on Razor's wing, his green eyes narrowed in thought.

Then an alert came up and his eyes darted up to look as this massive starship that suddenly was appearing in the azure hued space around them as he studied the information on the ship that made the Theurgy look like a Valkyrie to a Negh'Var in comparison as he read the data that was coming through his sensors as this new arrival stood at four thousand and nine hundred long, one thousand and twenty five tall by one thousand and seven hundred fifteen wide as his mind sought to understand just how badly they were outclassed.

But Chris blinked as he heard Krystal's words come through the communications, his right hand clenching tightly within his armored glove. "No Meony, we're not fucked but they are because this pack has survived *WORSE* and will continue to thrive with its teeth at our enemies throats." Husker said, his voice as cold and sharp as a northern wind on Andoria but full of a confidence born from experience of being a survivor and one of the Theurgy's own. "Wolves, we've *GOT* this."

His eyes narrowed as he quickly brought up a view of the Theurgy and then he realized just how much he had changed in the last few days and for the first time he realized that he had something more to fight for which made him grit his teeth as he started a scan of this new ship, his eyes flicking over every inch of what was coming across his sensors in full because Angel was right.

He had a reason to return and he would go through every single enemy put before him to keep her safe.

That very thought filled Chris's heart and mind with a positive vibe at which point he realized that his right hand was starting to shake as his bird's stationary movements started to become a little erratic which made him take that hand off of the controls to look at it at which point he felt a now familiar sensation start to creep through him-it was the same one that he had felt very minorly back while waiting on the hanger deck mere moments before and then he felt in the turbolift after Ji walked away;


Chris closed his eyes for a moment as he clenched his fist tightly as his mind started to race with why he was feeling this but then thoughts started to creep into his mind.

{Why did he deserve to fly when he couldn't even keep his former squadron alive?}

{How could he even begin to help Alessia when his own demons were always close by?}

{What makes him think that he even deserves a real chance with Ji after all that he has done?}

As those thoughts and more start to crowd his mind, something else starts to creep up...a single bright spot that exists that draws his inner demons in and shoves them away without a problem as it shines a light something positive; a cause, a purpose...

...a *PROMISE*.

And like that, those demons that started to creep into his soul and grab his nerves firmly disappear back into the shadows of his mind as a focus comes to him, razor sharp as his right hand quickly grabs the control again as he grits his teeth and at that moment Chris knew exactly what he had to do.

Chris was confident that not only was he going to live through the day and make her smile again...but Chris also knew something else deep in his heart, a feeling that there was something about the battle to come as he looked out at the massive warship before them.

"We got this, my packmates." he said, his tone a little less heavy but still full of that same confidence none the less but Chris knew one thing for certain as the comforting cold feeling of Husker's nature flowed back over him that he embraced like an old lover.

This was going to be Husker's last ride...

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #28
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Even Angels Cry, @SummerDawn, @DocReno & @Kaligos
Meony considered Husker's words; she didn't realize her hailing frequencies were opened to the squadron until he responded to her statement. Seemed a tad dramatic, but hey, Meony's been a lot worse...or more ridiculous than that in her day. “Yeee-hah!” was her private response to him. Then she realized she hadn't yet responded to K'Ren, and she gave a belated waggle of her wings in return.

“Sure 'e's fahn,” said Meony, referring to Daniel Havenborn, though she did worry at his absence herself. After what happened to her the day before, she didn't dare disregard the possibility he had been attacked too. But K'ren didn't need that worry added on to whatever they had to deal with out here. “'sides, we gotta handful'a probs on our own 'ere. Ya seein' that big-ass axe up there??? Ah sure hope they ain't packin' fahters!”

It was too much to hope for in all honesty. “Fingers crossed folks, and if anyone's gotta horseshoe handy, kiss it, hug it, wear it, Ah don't care, but jus' do.”

She checked the configurations of her armaments, and was glad she went for a balanced set-up of warheads, energy weapons and specialization. She also keyed up the power focus to be on defense and shielding.

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #29
[P02 Sithick | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy] @CanadianVet ,@SummerDawn ,@Triage & @Blue Zephyr

Sithick watched as the birds got out of the bay, and for a moment he was content. It was a short lived feeling of being able to take a breath and feel the weight removed from his shoulders, before it doubled back as a group of creatures were beamed onto the ship. He marveled at them for a moment, they were small grey things in helmets that kind of reminded him of a glass bowl. However they were also armed, and in armor. Sithick had to assume they were at least partly at fault for the ships computer going crazy.

As he stood, he turned to glance out the door into the wild blue colors of the nebula, and watch in horror as something emerged from cloak. He had been on dozens of ships with cloaking devices. The klingon variant was something he was actually intimitely familiar with considering how prone they were to breaking, but had never seen one on anything larger than a bird of prey. This ship that was emerging from nothing, was massive, bigger than Theurgy which was the largest ship he could comprehend. Already he could tell this was going to be a long day.

He wasn't sure how he wanted too approach this, as the voice called over the loud speaker, and pulled him back to the developing situation in the hanger he knew that no matter what happened he could not allow the invaders to take that ship. He hadn't taken a good look at it's weapon capabilities yet! he hadn't had the chance to disect it's engines or look over any of the mechanical parts that made up it's advanced systems. It was the most beautiful peace of tech on this ship aside from maybe the ship it's self, and he would not allow such a machine of war to be taken from under his watch.

He rallied to Eun Ji, as she showed the ECM's and how to arm them, taking the one she offered him, the thing felt heavy even in his hand, though that could also have been the situation. Sithick had never been a big fan of sports, but did have strength, and so while he wasn't accurate, he figured he would just arm the device, pick one of the invaders.

Sithick's claws clicked over the ECM, and nodded as he armed it, choosing his target, and stepping up for a moment bent his arm back, before whipping it forward, throwing the device as hard as he could at the creature. His strength would carry the device towards the creature, but he had thrown it like a fast ball, aiming to actually hit the creature with the bomb, rather than trying to have it land next to him like someone would throw a grenade. as such if it missed, it would probably fly clear to the end of the flight deck.

[Ens Nathanial "Icarus" Isley | Wolf 0-4 | Space] Attn: Tactical CONN

As the enemy ship revealed it's self, Nathan was in awe of the situation above them. The ship seemed too massive for him to figure out, it clearly had a front and a back, but he had no idea what it's construction or armament would look like, and as it deployed fighters, he swallowed unable to really guess just how many they would be fighting.

Only Nathan wouldn't be fighting the enemy at all, as something seemed to scan over him. Nathan had no chance to alter course or pull away,  as he was suddenly pulled from the cockpit of his fighter, Simply vanishing from the helm of his mark III. the bird shifted slightly as Nathan's controls tended to drift when he wasn't holding them, not enough to turn around.

The fighter fell out of line with the others of it's squadron, as it moved over the Theurgy's helmet, and then continued on. flying at impulse speeds in a strait line into the void of space, going onward to seek out new life, and new civilizations to boldly go where no fighter had gone before.

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #30
[ Lt.JG Khorin Douglas | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:

"Hardtop, Icarus, Husker, on me for Vector One. I'll take the lead after that I want cover for Vector Three and Lastly Vector two. Confirm and execute once the doors open."

Khorin received the orders loud and clear from Ravon, and before long found himself in the cockpit of his fighter. It was a new bird, one he'd have to break in in due time, but it was his nonetheless. Just as he was running pre-flight checks, the lights of the Theurgy dimmed and Khorin cursed his and the crew's luck. Why now, why did it have to be right now? Khorin could see the people on the deck scrambling about, trying to unstuck the doors.

Khorin growled under his breath, grumbling about the mess that they had gotten themselves into this time. His fingers flew over the various buttons of his fighter's console, keying in the ignition of the impulse engines as he felt his craft begin to stir and come to life. "Orders confirmed" He said into his channel, and after a flurry of activity around him, he commed "Ready and waiting." and prepared to launch.

Before long he was launched and in the black, and a rush of sensation flooded through him, causing a wide grin to spread across his face. This is what he lived for. He took up position and flew in formation until he turned and saw the largest starship he had ever seen, a sight which even Khorin shivered to lay eyes upon. "pong Kahless"* he whispered beneath his breath. The ship was a great white and black abomination, like a battleaxe in space. Khorin could only struggle to imagine what raw power it could unleash. Only, Khorin did not have time to wonder, as he looked down and found himself dematerializing as a transporter beam locked on to him. "NoooooooOOOO-" He shouted as he disappeared, leaving his fighter to continue flying forward into oblivion.

*pong Kahless: "By Kahless"

OOC: Well his time in this thread was a short one but there we go, bye bye Khorin

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #31
[ PO1 Vinnie "Fury" Ferris | Valravn Cockpit | Wolf-11 | Azure Nebula ] Attn: Tactical CONN
In the rear seat of the Valravn cockpit, Vinnie had been distracted by the ominous presence of the white ship, but he had frowned when there was strange light coming from Devyrie's seat. Then, he saw that she'd vanished, and no one was actually flying the warp fighter any more.

"Dragon!" he called, to little avail, for she was gone already. They had moved to join the shieldspread as ordered, but their current trajectory would have them impact with the Theurgy's hull, so Vinnie had to push the fact that Dev had been beamed straight out of the cockpit from his mind if he was to survive. "Shit, shit, shit, shit!"

In the last moment, he had managed to revert helm control of the Valravn to his RIO seat and barrel-rolled away from the unyielding hull plating that had filled the entirety of his view. He struggled to get his bearings, since he had only done RIO seat flying a couple of times in the Academy and on Luna Base, and most of it had been in simulators. "Right, you've got this. This will be a bloody cake-walk, okay, Fury? No problem. Hey, what could go wrong?" The Valravn was not designed to be operated from the rear seat, even if it could be done, and regardless, Fury would have preferred that it wasn't during a pending combat situation. To say that he would be mildly inconvenienced, having to multitask everything, would be an understatement.

"This is Wolf-One-One!" he called over the squadron channel, "I lost Dragon. I mean, she's just gone. Flying solo here, but joining shield spread now. What the hell is going on?"

That was when he saw two Mk III Valkyries drifting away on his sensors, without any course changes, and he realised Devyrie might not have been alone. "I swear these bloody radiation shields are fucking useless in every other sense than what they are for! Why are they not taking us all if they can? Recommend a head-count. And what the hell is that thing?"

Whatever it was, Fury saw that it had begun deploying some kind of fighter crafts... and they just kept on pouring out by the dozen. "Bandits incoming, bearing Two, Five, Niner, Mark Three!"

Then, they opened fire - aquamarine beams and bolts assailing the remaining Lone Wolves and the Theurgy's separate Vectors.

[ CPO Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Fighter Bay Ops
At first, Liam had not caught on to what Chief Ji was doing but when he was tossed an ECM countermeasure unit, and she showed Sithick how to arm it, Liam knew her intent.

He had nodded in understanding, and Ji wasted no time acting on her plan. Liam had barely caught on to the fact that Covington was arming himself and others in the present deck crew when Ji tossed her makeshift ECM grenade towards the boarding party. Sithick threw his too, but it had a straight trajectory - making no clatter against the deck plating before it collided with the glass visor of one alien's helmet. The force of the impact had the black-suited alien stagger, alerting the rest, but by the time the majority of them raised their strange handheld weaponry towards the three of them, Ji's ECM went off, tossing two of them into the air with the shockwave of the detonation.

Then, almost consecutively, Sithick's ECM went off as well, sending two other boarders deeper in to the smoke cloud. Liam had tossed his own ECM by then, sending it towards the ones that he'd seen still standing before the smoke obscured all sight of the boarding party, and before Liam's makeshift grenade detonated, Covington had opened fire - riddling the cloud with beams. There were no screams. None at all, until a rumbling noise akin to a cricket's song echoed across the fighter bay. Out of the smoke they came, two of them, and Liam knew they were moments from being shot at. He shouted as he grabbed Ji's hand, trying to pull her down prone to the deck, to minimise them as targets. "Take cover!"

That was when Liam's own ECM detonated, and it threw the alien that had been aiming towards them across the bay, tumbling like a moth ball in the blast. The noise was deafening, still ringing in his ears, and he'd lost sight of Sithick. The other alien was holding his weapon towards Covington, and aquamarine bolts smote the distance in rapid fire against the two covering shooters. The bolts shredded their cover piece by piece, and Liam saw the one named Marv go down, holes across his whole torso weeping Klingon blood.

Behind the alien shooter, in the opening to the Cinsaj's bay, the dust cleared, revealing that another one was getting up. The boarder, a female by the looks of its exosuit, readied her weapon, but she was covering her face with her other hand. What was she doing? Liam saw that it was the one who Sithick shattered the visor for, but why was she covering her face like that? Was there glass in her eyes? Either way, she did not seem as much a threat as the other shooter.

Worst of all, there was no sight of the tallest alien. Was he already in the maintenance bay? "We've got to stop him," he murmured, sounding a lot braver than he felt, knowing that they had to do something. If they remained in the open, they'd be easy targets to pick off, but what could they do about the big alien in the maintenance bay? Liam swore, hoping Ji got some ideas. Where is Sithick?

That was when there were movements from the weapon storage area, and Liam's eyes widened when he saw what emerged.

OOC: Posting Order in the fighter bay, as suggested, but please, feel free to post ahead in the cue if you have the time! :) 1) @JosiahDorn 2) @Blue Zephyr 3) @Kaligos . As for the Lone Wolves squadron, @Nolan goes next!

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #32
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas 'Razor' Ravon | Kestrel-Wolf 01 | Azure Nebula ] Attn: All Wolves

Throttling up to Vector 01 Thomas got scattered reports from the entire squadron. From inspirational quotes to outright funny ones. It made him snicker behind the stick yet as they approached their respective Vectors, different reports came in from different pilots. Screams and disbelief before he saw Icarus' fighter simply drift by with full power yet no pilot. Eventually Fury replied that his pilot had been beamed away, unassuming the rest of the pack that veered off course shared the same fate. "The actual fuck?" Thomas whispered to himself before he looked around. Effectively he was covering Vector 01 with just Husker as Khorin seemed to be MIA as well. Yet Fury's message also alerted Ravon of a new looming threat. Fighters...

"Wolf 01, be advised, systems are coming back online. You are free to disengage the shield formation."

Thomas grinned as he licked his teeth and thrusted forwards as the first of the wolves "Confirmed Theurgy, be advised, I have several birds flying dead stick as the pilots seem to be gone... Any chance to recover them? In addition hostile ships launched from the mother ship. How do we proceed?" he looked around to the other Vectors before he opened up the squadron Channel "Wolves, this is Razor. Break shield formation and commence defensive maneuvers for your vectors. Let's see wh-" his voice stopped mid sentence as the first pack of fighters reached Vector 02. Minjae and Karma were seemingly the first target for them. The old squadron pilot that Thomas had known didn't stand a chance as the initial black colored fighter fired aqua marine beams at the fighter. In seconds the ship got sliced into four different pieces. The follow up fighters shooting their phasers at the nacelles and causing an explosion that blinded Thomas for a second. The cockpit of the Valravn was still intact, the pilots too far to be determined to be dead or alive. The explosion however flung the cockpit of the Valravn into the abyss of the ever blue Azure Nebula.

The awe that briefly captured Thomas turned into hard boiled rage "Fuck this shit! Weapons free! Defend your Vectors at ALL COSTS!" he breezed into the channel as his weapon systems lit up green. He opened his link back open to Henshaw "Scratch that last, hostile ships have opened fire, we are engaging for defensive purposes. Ravon out."

"Be advised pilots, those beams will cut your ship up like heated metal through ice. Avoid any contact if possible and make your shots count! Good hunting! Ravon out." he narrowed his eyes at the dozen of ships that approached vector 01 and he opened up a link to Husker "Show em hell." The armament of Ravon started to lock on to the approaching targets and once he got the good tones he unleashed the hellhound torpedoes. They weren't aimed at a single craft yet once launched they stopped before the fighters and unleashed the smaller torpedoes to hit as many targets as possible. The goal of this effect was to check if the hostile ships had any shielding at all or not.

As the torpedoes impacted the glow of shield impacts was visible and Thomas gritted his teeth in a loud curse as he unleashed a few salvo's of his phaser cannons. If anything it would wear down the shields a bit more before he pulled off to avoid being a target himself. And thus, the never ending dance of combat began once more.

OOC: The Initiators have shields, the Lone Wolves only have shields against the radiation. The gravimetric beams cut our ships apart easily, and even the  underslung quantum pulse phasers pack a lot of punch. The odds are stacked against the Wolves in all possible ways. There is no way to win, and the Initiators won't go down with one phaser burst, so try to keep it realistic, and illustrate the futility of this battle?

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #33
[Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton| Theurgy "Air Space" over Vector 1| USS Theurgy] ATTN:  @Nolan @Even Angels Cry

Husker's board lit up as a venerable wave of hostile ships started to come at them from the massive starship beyond and in that singular moment, Christopher Joseph Slayton felt something that he hadn't felt in a long time as he took in what lay before him.

A cold sense of understanding.

He heard the hard boiled rage of Razor as he threw himself into battle but for Husker, there was none of that as he was finally in his element as he threw his Valkyrie fast and hard into battle as aqua colored beams reached out to grab at him like the long spidery fingers of monsters of old tales.

But he wasn't there when they snapped at him as he banked this way and that, firing his own weapons at the hostiles only to find that his own weapons fire wasn't having any real affect on them at all as the ruby red lances of phaser energy refracted off and away on the Savi fighter's and their shields.

But there was something in the way that they strobed that drew a memory into Husker's mind as he heard a warning of an enemy fighter scoring a solid glancing hit on his fighter which drew him back to the here and now as the Asgardian native suddenly killed all of his forward momentum then shifted it backwards, effectively skipping backwards over the pursuing fighter before Husker let loose with a few rounds from his pulse phasers to see how they in turned actually scored the shields.

The memory was complete and it wasn't a good one as the last time he saw this kind of shielding, a good friend of his was left without half of a face.

But instead of saying something quickly, the Slayton in him needed more information and thus he tried a different set of tactics as he swung around as he quickly adjusted his regular phasers to function in a burst like  mode the best that he could before he tried firing on two more Savi fighters with one managing to get away...

...its friend on the other hand was caught in the right moment which made Husker smile.

"Husker to all wolves, this is a priority." Husker said into the squadron channel. "Enemy craft's shields operate much like the Calamity's in that apparently their shields are arranged to disperse all incoming hostile fire and the subsequent damage by an oscillation of the shields."

He stopped talking as another enemy fighter scored another couple of hits on his fighter but the damage was kept minimal as with the first hit he was able to roll his bird in a way that the following two shots only did scant glancing damage. "Razor, think of these things like Reavers only with bigger balls, focus on the middle." he said as he rolled his fighter back up and managed to get some glancing shots onto another couple of fighters but a third got to kiss a micro-torpedo as it slammed dead center of its space frame.

"Switch phasers to a burst.." he started to say when one of the Savi's fighters managed to get a lucky shot on him which lanced through the fighter's shields from behind that cut through a lot of the small craft's material, it did cut through enough that it caused a minor system explosion which was followed by Husker biting back a cry of pain as his right hand jerked hard on reflex that threw his fighter into an out of control tailspin away from Vector One.

[LT Talidenai "Terror" zh' Idenna & LT JG T'Zantha "Sniper"| Air space around Vector 3| USS Theurgy] ATTN: Tactical CONN

"Next time Sniper dear, please refrain that you have a bad feeling about anything." Terror growled into the squadron channel as she threw fighter hard into combat against the strange black fighters only to find that her best shots were being reflected off of them. "What the hell?!"

"Terror, I'm getting similar reports from the others. Apparently our weapons aren't being effective against whatever their shields are!" came the voice of Shocker, her RIO.

"Tell me something that I didn't know!!" Terror said as she looked at the status board of her fighter to see that the aqua beams where cutting deeply into her bird but not enough to do any form of actual serious damage yet due to her expert flying as the fighter's own shields was like air to the enemy fire as she tried to think of a way to keep her and her people alive.

Then like a gift from some deity, Husker's voice came through with <Husker to all wolves, this is a priority. Enemy craft's shields operate much like the Calamity's in that apparently their shields are arranged to disperse all incoming hostile fire and the subsequent damage by an oscillation of the shields.> came her former lover's voice but Terror heard something else in it that just screamed wrong some how as he continued with <Razor, think of these things like Reavers only with bigger balls, focus on the middle.>

Terror then could heard the logic behind the idea of the shields since it would help to lessen the damage by a good percentage which was something that the people behind the Valravn fighters had thought of trying to do back in the early stages of the design but they couldn't figure out a way to get the shields to bubble properly without badly interferring with the impulse fields and thus that idea was one of many scraped plans.

Terror's attention was torn away as she heard Husker start to say <Switch phasers to a burst...> when suddenly whatever he was going to say next was cut off by a cry of intense pain which made her eyes widen in reaction as that meant a long time friend and a survivor was hurt.

<Terror, we're done for.> came the voice of Wolf Twelve, Esa "Shocker" Ojanpera, which made Terror check her board to see that his fighter was basically being cut to shreds.

"Come on Shocker, don't give up." Terror said into the channel as she quickly as her fingers quickly went made the adjustments to the phasers as she went to help her fellow squadron member.

<Flint is dead, we honor you teacher.> was Shocker's last words as his fighter suddenly accelerated forwards at top speed, the two man fighter seemingly falling apart around them as they rammed full force into one of the hostile fighters, sending them both up in a bright blue and red fireball.

From her spot in the Vector's air space, Sniper could almost feel a certain amount of rage despite her heritage which made her say to her RIO "Bear, hold on." before she threw her own fighter into the midst of a large mess of hostile fighters, seemingly untouchable by her weapons with the occasional exception as the battle raged on.

Meanwhile back in his fighter, Husker forced himself to focus despite what he was feeling and grabbed his controls and forced himself out of his tailspin and back into the fight, quickly managing to catch an enemy fighter amidships with two more micro-torps.

"Not..done...yet." he forced out as he threw his fighter back into the fight.

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #34
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Wolf-07, Element Leader | Cockpit | AC-409 Valkyrie Mk III “Sassy Slayer” | Azure Nebula ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Even Angels Cry, @SummerDawn, @DocReno & @Masorin
“Dafuq is goin' on?!?” said Meony as she watched Icarus' fighter taking off on its own merry star trek into Lord knows where. 'Cause no fucker was flying that piece of shit no more, so her scanners told, and neither was Hardtop controlling his chicken...Oh, Lordy, here came more trouble, cause when it's a shitstorm, it don't drizzle, it fuckin' pours. There was enough of the bastards to blot out the almighty sunlight.

“Wolf-Oh-Seven still 'ere, sugah.” said Meony, sounding off to lead and her teammates, and at the order to fire at will and defend the vectors, Meony gunned her fighter's thrusters, revelling in the speed of her craft. Too long she'd been flying a fatass turkey, and she had to get unused to relying on automated turrets now. Chris Slayton came in with a report on the enemy fighter's shields and how they worked, but also that they had weapons that negated any usefulness for their shields, which she saw for her own self, when one of the Valravns was cut to pieces. And their weapons barely affected the hostiles? They were also outnumbered...well let's just put it at a thousand to one.

After a moment's despair, and a thought to Jimmy and anything that had been left unsaid after last night...she shrugged and said to herself, “Eh, just lahk any other day back on da Resolve.”

Spiralling her ship like a tornado, she played chicken with one stupid, and it decided it valued its life. So maybe there was hope. As soon as she was past the first exhange and slew of fighters, she spun her craft about and killed her thrusters, so that the Valkyrie continued drifting in its original direction but she could bring all her forward-facing weapons to bear. She triggered only the energy weapons, saving on her warheads for the time being. Just three days ago, she'd fought Starfleet interceptors that fought in a swarm much like this lot. Only problem was, she more or less could guess how Starfleet TAC CONN pilots and fighters thought. These fuckers were a whole other barrel of monkeys.

“YEEEE-HAW! Fucknuggets!” said Meony giving them the finger before twisting around and taking an orbit around the vector of the Theurgy. “Ah love flahn and kickin' ass an' Ah cannot lah!” When she came back around there was probably ten times more than she last saw, “Oh shit!”

She wound around and barely avoided grazing the hull of the vector she protected, firing indiscriminately at the hostiles once she was certain none of her wingmates were anywhere near her line of fire. And firing wildly at this crowd, one couldn't miss. But they seemed to take anything she threw at them. Torps and missiles were a joke at this point. “Wolf-Oh-One,” said Meony, directly messaging Razor, “What if we ovahcharged ouwah fay-sahs? Slowah fahr, buuut we'd be throwin' ten tahms da punch per hit.”

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #35
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
@JosiahDorn @Auctor Lucan @Masorin

She was thankful that the boys didn't ask many questions they just did what needed to be done.  She did not know what else to do, but Eun was not going to let anyone come take her flight deck while there was still breath in her lungs.  Especially, taking one of their ships.  That was not going to happen and she would most definitely put forth a fight that would make people rethink the fragility of humans.  Once Ji's was airborn the other two threw theirs as well, and Ji was grateful that her single attack had turned into a triple threat.  Everyone viewed this deck as a home and a family and there was no way that some beings were just going to walk in here and think they could take out their things.

Hers went off first, and she was elated to see two of the interlopers flying away from the blast.  A sheer grin of pride crossed her face for a moment.  If those fuckers thought that they were going to come in here and just walk onto our deck they were grossly mistaken.  Sithick's ECM hit as well, and the cloud of smoke created by her own was even bigger now.  Liam lobbed his into the mix and the smoke in the area was so thick that Ji couldn't tell from her position what was what.  There was no way to tell if they had taken out any others or if there were some still standing. 

However, suddenly, someone open fired, and she looked over to see that Covington had come out of his office and was firing into the smoke-filled area.  She grinned again, this was her family, her crew.  She knew that they would be the sort that would definitely not go down easily.  Oddly, something that she noticed was that there was no actual noise though.  She expected screams, cries of pain, something, anything.  But, there was nothing.  For a moment she turned her head to the side, ear more or less pointed to the cloud of smoke and it was then that she noticed something.  Not screaming, or crying, but something that reminded her of the bugs on Earth that could make songs with their legs rubbing together.

Suddenly, she was taken out.  With a gasp she felt her hand grabbed by a familiar calloused limb and pulled to the ground.  She got down with him, she wasn't the sort to fight him when she knew that he wouldn't do such a thing for no reason.  Teal beams arched across the bay, and as they lay there she tried to make her body as small as she could next to Liam's.  Liam's ECM had blown and she looked up for just a moment to get a idea of what was going on.  The alien.. being.. whatever was currently sailing across the deck.  As she had perked up though, she noticed that Marv had gone down.  Several leaking holes in his chest and she swallowed heavily. 

Well they're definitely not against killing us for what they want.  Not that it surprised her.  She just realized for certain now and that meant they may have to take their lives to keep from them not only taking the ship they were after but killing more of her crew.  They didn't seem to be too interested in genocide of the Theurgy crew but they weren't exactly here for peaceful reasons.

Ji was still fairly close to the computer console that she had powered up and used earlier to help open the doors.  She was desperately trying to think of anything that she could do.  There had to be something.  She was not going to stay on the floor while whatever these beings were stole the ship!  Okay there has to be something.  If I could even just stall them while we get the opportunity to get closer.  Okay think Ji.. what do you have at your disposal.  I have.. wait.. why is that cart still over there.  Fucking lazy ass fuckers can't even put all their shit away while we get the blast doors open and .. wait.. actually... that's a good idea. 

Ji looked over at Liam. 

“I have a plan.” she said as she looked around because she was totally still piecing it together.  She swallowed heavily.  If I could keep the ship in it's spot, make it harder or impossible to steal that would be for the best.  Oh... Eun Sae Ji you idiot!  We have tractor beams on the fucking flight deck to move fighters that don't run.. holy fuck I do have a plan.

She leaned over towards Liam.  “I need you to load as many ECM's on that cart that someone forgot to put away, a problem we will solve later, arm them and shove the fucking grenade train over towards the bay.  I'm going to buy us some time by using the tractor beam system to hold the Cinsaj in it's spot until we can figure out our next step.  We will not let them take our ship.”

She looked at Liam and waited for him to nod.  Then she smiled at him for a moment, and cupped his cheek with her hand.  “Stay safe.”  She launched herself up.  “Sithick!  If you're close by, cover me.” she turned and rushed to the computer where she could tap into the systems of the deck that were over head and begin to access the tractor beam.  If she didn't get shot, and she didn't die, she would activate the tractor beam that would hold the ship in it's bay.  Hopefully, it would at least deter the ship from leaving while they all figured out what else to do.

The tractor beam flickered to life and she put as much power into the system as she could.  Hoping that she could create a strong enough tractor beam that the aliens would not be able to leave with their ship.

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #36
[P02 Sithick | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy] @CanadianVet ,@SummerDawn ,@Triage & @Blue Zephyr

Explosions, chaos, battle, it had been a long time since Sithick had been in an honest battlefield. Yet this was the condition he was raised for. With everyone distracted even a creature as big as Sithick could disapear stepping into the cloud of smoke. All the old training he had, all the old senses that he had grown up with while they were rusty, were still there. Still active.

Hiding did not give him a weapon. Looking through the bodies would give him a weapon, but he had no idea if he could use them. He knew about genetic locks, the Syndicate had used them, a slave grabs a slavers weapon, and then feels their arm explode when they pull the trigger. He liked his arms, he would not risk it.

However there was an alien drawing his gun, to point at someone. Sithick approached from behind the creature, his body over shadowed the smaller gunner, Sithick reached out, and grabbed the creatures arm holding the gun. "I need this more than you."

His other hand landed sturdily on the aliens shoulder, that looked at him with a mix of confusion, and terror and then agony as SIthick pulled on the arm. Like any arm it didn't take too much to pull off of the creature, however the armor he was wearing took far more to rip apart than the bones and muscle that he was holding.

He grunted, and pulled, and removed the creatures arm with the gun still attatched. This was the weakness of the slavers back in the day. Even if the gun was coded to a genetic lock, the weapon never required a living pulse to work. He then tossed the creature to the side with the weapon secured in his claws. "Thank you."

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #37
[ K'Ren "Neko" | Wolf 06 | Cockpit | AC-409 Valkyrie Mk III | Azure Nebula ] @Triage

K'Ren had been watching her own tactical readout with some confusion as several craft veered off after losing control. Losing control wasn't the right word, the craft hadn't been damaged and started tumbling or some other form of control loss, they'd just kept moving in a straight line following the last command input, almost as if the pilot was no longer in command. The chatter, as clipped as it was painted a picture of more confusion as the disabled fighters had been enough of a distraction a first wave of fighters were already on top of the Theurgy.

She heard Wolf 01 order weapons free and while she was Meony's wingman, she kept her eyeballs swivelling, watching for any threats to her lead element. She could feel the furr raise on the back of her neck and soon enough, her tactical readout showed several fighters vectoring to intercept her and Meony's fighters. The way they'd sliced through the first fighters, K'Ren suspected they'd go through her bird the same, making a maneuvering fight the only option.

"Wolf Zero Six. We've got company." She stated over the comm's unawares the same thing that had crippled several other birds was happening to her. Then she felt a familiar and yet very alien tingle as the cockpit began to fade, realization dawning on her. The fighters weren't crippled, the crews had been plucked away by an unknown force, and now she was next. Grasping for the eject handle, she could just barely reach it, only for her gloved hand to dematerialize as the beam pulled her away into the familiar haze of the transporter beam.

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #38
Jaya Thorne | Main Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy | Attn: @Auctor Lucan , @chXinya

[Congratulations Ensign Thorne.  Good luck out there.]

The word was strange.  Ensign.  Only a few hours ago she'd been an enlisted woman, a Petty Officer.  What a difference a day and more than a few deaths made.  Jaya tapped the console in front of her.  She was less than thrilled about being back in a shuttle.  After yesterday, she'd be happy to never pilot one again.  But that was unrealistic.  She was lucky to have this chance. 

Jaya focused her eyes on the viewscreen as her shuttle flared to life around her.  Her hands knew the routine.  She could do it in her sleep.  Basic diagnostics on engines, thrusters, impulse and warp drives were complete.  Comm systems were clearly working fine.  Inertial dampeners came online.  Structural integrity was 100% and fields were holding.  Sensors and shields were functional with no errors.  Weapons were online.  Navigational systems were displayed and awaiting input.  All that was left to do was leave the shuttle bay.

As Jaya finished her pre-flight checks, the lights in the shuttle bay flickered, dimmed and went out.  Emergency lighting activated as alerts resounded throughout the bays.  Something big was happening out there.  Something bad.  And she was still stuck in the shuttle bay!  Jaya rolled the shuttle into launch position, but there was something wrong.  The doors were still closed!

"Ensign Thorne to shuttle bay, what's going on?  Why aren't the doors open?  I'm on orders to launch!"

[Shuttle bay to Ensign Thorne, stand down for launch.  Launch clearance is denied.  Bay doors won't open.
 Sorry Ensign Thorne.  We'll get you out as soon as we clear the FAB]

Clear the FAB?  Jaya tapped on her console to bring up an image of the fighter assault bay.  The doors were closed there too!  The pilots were scrambling on the deck and the fighters were moving to launch, but they couldn't get out!  The alert klaxon rang out and Jaya found herself aglow in yellow light.  'Shit.  I need to be out there!'  She tapped her combadge.

"Ensign Thorne to Lt. Veradin, what the hell is going on?  I'm ready to launch in the shuttle, like you requested, but there's something wrong with the bays.  The doors won't open and we're running on auxiliary power."

The badge chirped.  Jaya looked down at her breast.

"Lt. Veradin?"


"For fuck's sake!  What the HELL is going on!?"  She kicked the ground beneath her feat.  She needed to get a message out but apparently comms were down.  Everything was down.  Her answer came seconds later, over the shuttle comm system.

"Fighter bay, shuttle bay, scramble, scramble, scramble.  Weapons tight. Disconnect your computers from Thea immediately! Use on-board computer systems to link up all available craft, answer on this low-band frequency, and extend your shield bubbles to cover the vectors as best you can for radiation protection."

"SHIT!"  She let the expletive slip as she quickly disconnected her shuttle from the Theurgy.  Whatever was happening affected everything on board the ship, including the fighter planes and shuttles.  How was that even possible?!  She switched to low-band frequency and listened to the reports as the pilots scrambled.  Something bad was happening.  Real bad.

She heard them call out their launches one by one on the channel.  At least someone was able to get out.  The shuttle bay doors were still shut tight in front of her and the techs seemed suddenly occupied.  Jaya turned on her intercom and tried not to yell.  "Will someone PLEASE tell me what in the actual hell is going on out there??  I need these doors open so I can launch!!"  There were few things worse than knowing what was needed of you and not being able to do it.  This would make the second time today that she'd felt that way.

"Sorry Ensign Thorne, but you're on your own.  Hostiles have beamed aboard the ship. We have to deal with them before we can get your doors open." The reply came from a technician on the ground over the same low-band frequency.

Jaya kicked her console.  That was not what she wanted to hear.  She couldn't get the doors open herself either, which meant she was going nowhere fast.  She punched the com channel.  "This is Ensign Thorne.  I'm on lockdown in the main shuttle bay.  Doors are shut and unresponsive.  Flight crew reports hostiles aboard the ship.  Aborting shuttle launch.".  She pushed away from the shuttle controls and powered it down.  Fuck this day.  For a split second, she wished she had pressed the release button on her escape pod this morning.  But self-loathing wasn't her style either.  And this shuttle had a weapons cache. 

Jaya hustled to the equipment lockers and flung the first one open. "Fuck!"  She tried the second locker with similar results.  The third and fourth proved just as useless.  Why were there no weapons on the shuttle?  "FINE, I didn't want to be here anyway!"  Jaya stormed out the shuttle door, all the way to the weapons locker for the shuttle bay.  It was unlatched and when she flung it open, several phasers were already missing.  There were two remaining and she grabbed one of the Type II Hand Phasers.  "I'm gonna find you, you sons of bitches!"  Whoever just boarded her ship was about to have a really bad day.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #39
LT JG Alessia Garcia, Callsign "Angel", Wolf 13 - Flight Leader |  Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy] ATTN: @Auctor Lucan , @Triage , @DocReno , @SummerDawn , @Nolan

"Dragon to Angel. I look forward to flying with you again,"  Dragon's voice brought a sudden smile to Angel's face.  At least Dev wasn't angry with her.  Quite the opposite it seemed.  She'd talk things out and explain herself to Dev when this was over.  The feeling was mutual though.  Flying with Dev that first night had awakened something inside her that refused to go back to sleep.  Given the opportunity to do it again, she probably would.  She hoped that opportunity would come sooner rather than later.

Even Chris's promise of tea in the future was reassuring.  She had made friends, and more, here on the Theurgy.  She would fight for them, die for them.  She would protect them at all costs.  Whatever enemy they faced, she would stare down and she would win because she also had a reason to come back.  Hope.  It was a powerful ally.

The reason for their scramble became apparent as they formed over Vector 2.  Dozens of saucer-like ships were in position, facing off against the Theurgy.  They looked familiar, but unlike any craft she'd seen in a long while.  No.. that wasn't right.  They were there at the Battle of Starbase 84.  But weren't they allies?  What was going on?  She had a bad feeling about this, but she wasn't about to start a war.  Alessia checked her bearing and held a center point over Vector 2 to start the shielding process.

"Talon, we're in position.  Start shield modulation and extend to protect this vector.  Link our emulation frequency with- Madre de Dios, Que es esto?!1"  Alessia stopped mid-sentence and stared out her cockpit viewscreen.

There, in the blackness of space where swirls of colorful gasses and the piercing brightness of stars had once been now stood an enormous vessel.  It dwarfed the Theurgy, making her own fighter seem like a toy in comparison.  Where had it come from?  Surely something that big couldn't just appear without notice.  How had they missed it on their sensors?  "Talon.. are you?"

"I see it.  Running checks now. This is bad, Angel.  It has no emission trail.  At least, nothing I can track.  Don't ask me how, but it's completely undetectable to our sensors.  Scanning the ship now.  Angel, I can't get a fix on their weapons systems or if they're housing any fighters, but I can tell you that this ship is like nothing we've ever seen before.  Now would be a good time to start praying to that god of yours that they aren't hostile."

Then the com chatter started.  K'ren verified her position, and Meony responded.. and then lost it.  Husker tried to bolster the pack, and his words would have been well received had Fury not spoken up.  Angel's heart skipped a beat.  Dragon was gone?  How was that possible?  Before she could process it, she saw the Bandits that Fury spoke of.  Dozens of them.  What was happening? 

"Talon, can you get a read on our fighters?  I need to know who's here and who's not.  And what can you tell me about those Bandits?"  She had faced threats before, both big and small, but nothing that made her feel as hopeless as this did.  If this was a hostile vessel, they had no where to run.  The Theurgy was broken apart and their own comrades were missing.  She had a very bad feeling about all this.

Talon pulled up the squad and charted their positions among the stars.  His mouth fell open as he got the stats back.  "Neko is deadstick, Hardtop is deadstick, Icarus is deadstick.  Dragon would be deadstick, but Fury is RIO-piloting her valravn.  I don't about the othes.  What the hell is happening to our pack Angel?  Where did they take our friends?" The thaan's voice was laced with anger.

"I don't know, but we'll find them.  We'll get them back.  But right now we have to- Talon? TALON!!"   As Angel spoke, a bright light flashed in her peripheral vision.  She turned to look at her RIO just as a transporter beam dematerialized him out of her ship.

Then the Bandits opened fire.

She watched, helpless and numb as her wolves were cut to pieces.  Her RIO was gone.  Dragon was gone.  So many others were just gone.  And now this.  She was going to give them hell.  ..As soon as she was certain the Theurgy was safe from radiation.  Pissed as she was, Angel had orders to follow and she'd be damned if she broke rank on a suicide mission.

"Wolves, this is Razor. Break shield formation and commence defensive maneuvers for your vectors. Let's see wh-  Fuck this shit! Weapons free! Defend your Vectors at ALL COSTS! Be advised pilots, those beams will cut your ship up like heated metal through ice. Avoid any contact if possible and make your shots count! Good hunting! Ravon out.""

It was her turn now, and she knew her pack would be just as angry as she was.  She opened a channel.  "Vamos, mis lobos.2  Let's show these motherless sons of bitches what we can do!"  She'd been flying her valravn solo for the last two days, and it seemed like today would be no different.  Reports were coming in from Meony and Husker, and Angel was grateful for the tips and to hear their voices.  Not everyone had been taken yet, so they still had a chance.

Angel switched her phaser pattern to pulse and engaged the approaching swarm of ships.  They fired first.  She twisted out of the way and fired back.  Her phasers danced on their shields, but didn't penetrate.  They had to be outnumbered at least ten to one, but Angel primed her torpedoes anyway.  If she wore down the shields enough, a well placed EMP blast might throw their systems off.  The trick would be detonating her torpedo when her target was near enough to other enemies to make it worth it. 

Angel fired again as she dodged incoming fire.  She was hit by glancing blows on her left, but she charged anyway.  Even in the burst pattern, her target didn't seem to be weakening at all.  But her valravn was already taking a beating.  She blew past her attackers in the initial joust, then circled around to tail them.  Her hand was steady on the phasers, as the enemy ship wove in and out of her firing arc.  She was tailing a pack of three and wearing down the middle ship slowly.  Too slowly. 

From behind, someone got off a good shot on her right wing and her fighter's warning systems flashed onscreen.  She quickly brought up a new panel on her console and tapped to open a vent.  Her systems cooled off and the overheating warning went away.  She fired her phasers again and again, aiming for center mass of the middle ship.  She was relentless in her chase.  Finally, she saw the shields flicker, just for a second.  Angel let her Hell-suite fly amidst a peppering of phaser fire.  The Hell-hound cluster bomb impacted first, and mini explosions errupted all along the ships shielding.  It was followed almost immediately by a Mk I Hellbourne torpedo.  Once they were away, she launched her EMP torpedo into the mix.  The goal was to weaken the shields enough that the Hell-hound cluster bomb took them down, which would allow the Hellbourne torpedo to directly impact the craft and the EMP torpedo would disable any remaining targets in the direct vicinity.

As the explosions rippled through space and engulfed the three enemies, Alessia shot past them and circled around to join up with Meony.  She had no idea if her gambit had worked, but even if it had, she'd just used half her ordnance trying to take out maybe three ships.  There were dozens if not hundreds of enemies swarming them.  The outlook was grim.  "Witchking?  Catscratch?  Do you copy?  If you're out there, watch each other's wing.  Meony, I'm on yours.  We do this together."

1. Mother of God, What is that?!
2. Let's go, my wolves.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #40
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Cockpit | AC-307 Mark-II Valkyrie Hellcat] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, Lone Wolves

Daniel watched as the gargantuan alien vessel loomed over the Theurgy, he stared in wonder and amusement for a moment before taking in the full situation.  The Theurgy looked to be in combat mode so whoever these aliens were they weren’t allies.  Out of one situation and into another.  “Look at the sheer size of that thing…”  Knight said from behind him.  Daniel really wanted to look at it again but he knew that if he did he’d be staring at it forever.  “Knight, find me Commander Ravon in this mess.”  Daniel said, he needed to keep his RIO focused on the task at hand.

The Sabine seemed to have the right idea and contacted the Theurgy, hearing Lieutenant ch’Rayya’s voice was reassuring, he maneuvered his fighter alongside the Sabine to provide cover for the craft in case that ship took shots at them, though he wasn’t sure that his shields would even be able to take a single blast from the weapons that monster likely possessed.  Hearing the Lieutenant’s orders he decided that he’d be better off joining the other Wolves in the air.  Sabine, this is Salvo, breaking off from tactical escort, good luck on your delivery.”  He said as he broke off and began to fly towards the nearest group of allied fighters.

As he glanced back at the monstrous beast he noticed smaller craft being launched from it.  ‘Ordnance?’  He thought to himself before running a sensor sweep, what came up on his display was not ordnance and in fact a fighter-sized craft.  However his thoughts were interrupted by Knight speaking to him.

“Salvo, I’ve found Commander Ravon.  Displaying his relevant position to us.”  Knight said as Daniel looked at his display.  What Daniel saw he couldn’t quite believe, these small craft could cut through a fighter with ease.  “Thanks Knight, let's say we join the fight.”  Daniel said as he maneuvered his fighter towards Vector One.  "Ready when you are Salvo."  Knight replied.

Daniel opened a communications link to Ravon’s fighter.  “Salvo to Razor, requesting orders.”  He said as he neared Vector One.  He ran a quick systems check while waiting for Ravon to respond.  His pulse phasers were still offline, that’d be something he’d need to bring up to Chief Covington once this whole mess was over; but the rest of his weapon systems were online and ready.  Even his external weapons were ready, the pair of additional photon torpedoes launchers and the pair of mass driver turrets.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #41
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Wolf-07, Element Leader | Cockpit | AC-409 Valkyrie Mk III “Sassy Slayer” | Azure Nebula ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Even Angels Cry, @SummerDawn, @DocReno @Masorin & @Havenborn
“Lemme know what ya think, suh!” said Meony to Thomas Ravon, and signed off in time to respond to Alessia Garcia, “Mah very own Ayn-jahl! Ah hear ya, sugah. Together nao. Oh hey look, it's Salvo! He's in da faht now!”

Her heads-up display and tactical map showed Daniel Havenborn's fighter, and that of Tessa May Lance's. It felt good to see two additions rather than more fucking subtractions in their ranks. Even as she gunned her craft in evasive maneuvers, careful of the ever thickening crowd of overpowered bandits, she was lighting up the path before her with phaser bolts, still holding her payload of warheads and missile weapons in reserve. No point using them until they had a more definitive solution to dealing with the strength of those shields.

Meony was pretty much the cowgirl she dressed up as, and her fighter reflected her nature. She'd chosen to equip her Valkyrie, which she called the Sassy Slayer, with two Twin Mount Turrets, one on either external hard-points of the Valkyrie, and an additional torpedo launcher on each wing, the left pod carrying five EMP torpedoes, the right carried five Hellhound cluster bombs. Meony once told Jimmy she called it the "Thor" loadout, since it was the equivalent of dishing out thunder and lightning, something the mythical god of thunder was famous for. Taking stock of this and the fighter's standard armaments, which was two pulse phaser cannons, two fore and aft Type VI phaser arrays, a retractable Type I tetryon pulse phase cannon and two micro torpedo launchers, Meony began to formulate a personal strategy and plan of attack to test the bandits.

“Ayn-jahl!” said Meony, calling on Alessia, “Ah'm gunna foh-wahd ya a maneuver, aight? Ah call it da-EY AHM FLAHN 'ERE, YA BITCH-TASTIC JERK!!! she had to abruptly spiral her fighter to avoid a collision with a fucktard bandit, and sent two angry red beams of aft phasers to show her extreme prejudice against royal morons. “Ah call it da Broncho Bustah Man-oo-vah, transmitin' t'ya. We're GONNA FUCK YA IN YA FACE WITH MAH TORPS AND FAY-SAHS UP YER FUCKIN' ASSSS!!!”

She squeezed the trigger, firing all forward facing phaser cannons, arrays and her tetryon cannon into the bandit that nearly clipped her wing as it dashed ahead, and she managed to dent its shields a bit, the multitude of energy beams and bolts taking its toll on the fighter, but it still wasn't enough. Even so, Meony was confident the bastard was now beginning to rethink the wisdom of cutting off the path of a Texas redneck gal. “Sorry, hon,” said Meony to Alessia, “but Ah really hate when people cut in front o' traffic and Ah'm the one they cut. Stupid-fuckzoids. Anyway, we mess wi' these fuckers, flah up-an'-dahn raht thru 'em all da way ta th' end, and we fa-ah every en-ur-gee weapon we have, ya dig? Front an' back! Watch for incomin' and weaken shields. Ah reckon we'll have a readin' on their shield strength at least, and see if we cain't fahnd no weaknesses? Whaddaya say?”

The idea was to scatter the enemies, keep them too busy worrying about the two of them to think about attacking the vector they were protecting, and also weaken the enemies if possible to allow for their remaining fellow wolves to follow up and mop the remaining bandits, if possible. But before she could get her wingmate's response, Meony caught movement on her tactical display and frowned, “What da fuck...hey, are those Ass-urines attackin'?!?”

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #42
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas 'Razor' Ravon | Kestrel-Wolf 01 | Azure Nebula ] Attn: @Havenborn  , @DocReno  , @Triage  @Auctor Lucan  , @Doc M.  , @Even Angels Cry 

With little to no effect by his weapons on the fighters, Thomas his mood became more aggravated by the second. The chatter exploded as well on the comms as More fighters engaged in combat and got away with scathing hits on their own ships without proving any real challenge to the hostile fighters. Husker's message stood out as he called out that the fighters had a similar shielding system like the Reavers they had faced from Calamity. A nightmare that was far too fresh in his mind, he switched his own phasers to burst as well. "Good shout out Husker." he sent through a private channel to him as his ships did a loop in order to evade incoming fire from the fighters.

It became quite quickly apparent that they stood little to no chance against these fighters. Sure in one on one combat they might be able to outmaneuver them and wear down their shields, yet as the situation presented itself right now the sheer amount of hostile fighters would slaughter them off entirely. The fact that more fighters were flying deadstick was even more infuriating as it brought down the fighting numbers of the wolves to a bare minimum once more.

Tancredi called out to overpower their weapons to at least try and score a hit. Thomas considered the option before he replied "Wolf 07 be advised, overpowering your phasers might score you a few hits on them but you'll effectively lose the power to systems which you'll probably need to maintain evasive maneuvers. If you think you got a shot give it a try, but otherwise I wouldn't recommend it." he replied to Tancredi as he admired her way of thinking yet dreaded the idea that these ships had the similar if not better shielding than Reavers. His eyes shifted to Vector 01 for a second as he wondered what the brass was planning. Would they stick around to get slaughter? Or would they bolt with a tactical retreat?

In the meantime Salvo reported in to Ravon and a smile covered Razor's lips as he got the contact on his HUD "Welcome to the suck Salvo." Oddly enough though there seemed to be missing a fighter in the escort and once Thomas identified Goldeneye as one of the other fighters he could only wonder what happened to Zrinka. Yet now was not the time to elaborate on that. "Salvo, join up with Angel on Vector 02. I'm placing you in charge for Vector 02's defense. Lance you're with me and Husker on Vector 01."

Finally life seemed to return to the vectors as they started  to converge closer to another and formed a more defensive posture. It took only moments later before the point defense systems were activated and a fantastic yet deadly light show began to break loose inside the Azure Nebula. Thomas was grateful for the activation of the point defense systems as it granted the wolves a bit more time and a slightly easier position to weave and deflect any incoming fire from the assailants. The bad news was that active defense systems were usually targeted rater quickly by hostile forces. Their time was running out!

To add to the bad news Tancredi's message about the Asurians attacking had worried Ravon as he scanned the area around him to see four more saucers. Two of them heading to Vector 03 and Vector 02 the others that he had seen had already rammed into the Theurgy, one of them being stuck in what seemed to be Spearhead lounge. "Fuck sake..." he dodged a beam barely as his ship jerked closer to Vector 01. "Flight leaders on Vector 02 and 03 be advised, you have Asurians approaching to your vectors on high speeds. Intercept and destroy before they ram our ship!" he called out over the squadron channel before he returned back into the fray.

In the meantime Tovarek drones launched out of their respective bays as well as shuttles that were en route to retrieve the deadstick fighters. It would be a suicide action to cover them and Thomas stepped up on his game to harass any more hostile fighters to have them focus on him and the other fighters. Henshaw reported in with a message for to the entire squadron, thus Thomas simply patched her through to the channel.

[All pilots be advised, drones have been launched in order to provide our escape. Provide cover to them and prepare to launch to warp after their engagement. I will forward the coordinates for your exit strategy. Henshaw out.]

Thomas felt some relief as a tactical retreat sounded like music to his ears. Continuing this fight would simply be their demise. He addressed his pack after Henshaw "You heard the lady. Wolves, form up on the drones and provide enough of a distraction so they can get their job done. On me!"

His ship dipped down into a nose dive as it picked up speed and seemed to go on a crash course with the Tovarek drones as the bulk of them had been launched and positioned themselves for their warp assault. The fighters and drones would venture under the massive beast as they caught a glimpse of the huge engine exhausts. The response of the enemy fighters was instant as they detected the threat. Most of them breaking away from the vectors while some still harassed the point defense and main weapon systems. Thomas looked around him how much of his pack would still be around him for this final desperate assault.

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #43
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie ]  Attn: 1) @chXinya 2) @Triton 3) @Nolan 4) @DocReno 5) @Hastata-Nerada 6) @CanadianVet, @Auctor Lucan.

Tessa deactivated the mag-locks as her Valkryie and the Sabine hurled themselves into the fray.  The problem with trying to get to the Theurgy was the fact that that was where all of the hostile ships were pointing their sensor scans and weapons locks.  And there were so many potential bandits out there…

“Okay Sabine, I’m on your six,” Tessa broadcast in a surprisingly professional tone.  ”Clear the way and we’ll try to keep them from following you.  Salvo and I got your back…”

A masculine voice cut in over the channel:

[ Sabine, this is Salvo, breaking off from tactical escort, good luck on your delivery. ]

“Okay I got your back,” Tessa corrected herself as her Valkyrie and the Sabine hurled themselves towards the three separated stardrive vectors of the Theurgy.  She was heartened to see so many of the new squadron out there, but why where so many of them flying away in different directions like they were leaving the area?  If they were fleeing the battle why were they flying so erratically?  It was as if all of their inertial compensators just stopped working and their pilots passed out from the g’s from too tight of a turn.  It was as if for all intents and purposes Wolf-02, Wolf-04, and Wolf-06 were flying without any pilots at all.  Were they dead?

And worse yet were all of the enemy fighters.  Aquamarine bolts of light were striking at the remaining Lone Wolves and the Theurgy's separate stardrive vectors.  Increasing the magnification on visual she saw small silver craft about the size of a Valkyrie or a Valravn.  There were just so many of them, and they seemed incredibly maneuverable.  Thank goodness there didn’t seem to be any fighters blocking her and the Sabine’s flight path…

The thought had come too soon.  Materializing out of nothingness, directly ahead of them, were four enemy fighters of a construction that Tessa had never seen before.  They were sleek silver fighters that resembled manta rays moving backwards, but Tessa only caught a brief glimpse of them before they passed Tessa’s Valk and the Sabine within meters of colliding.  Worse yet, according to her aft sensors, somehow the four alien fighters managed to turn themselves around so that their noses were now pointed at the unprotected aft sections of their targets.  How had they managed to do that so fast?  Their movement had been unnaturally smooth, more like a holodeck simulation than the movement of a solid object that had to bow to momentum and physics. 

”Keep going Sabine, I’m going to draw their fire,” she ordered as her Valkyrie shot ahead of the wounded gunship.  “Two can play at this game,” Tessa muttered as her fighter dipped down and circled back to charge at the Sabine and the enemy fighters.  As she passed up the Sabine heading straight for the enemy fighters, she fired at them with everything she had.

The aliens were peppered with shots from her tertyon pulse phase cannon as photon micro torpedoes exploded as they hit their fighters.  And… nothing happened.   Zip.  Bupkis.  Nada.  It was as if she was spraying them with a garden hose.  That big explosion was merely the ignition of the sirillium gas in the nebula, the alien fighters were unscratched.  Whatever the enemy used for deflector shields, it was centuries ahead of Starfleet.  

Tears welled up in Tessa’s eyes.  The dilithium shipment had to get through.  All other concerns were secondary.  Even if it meant sacrificing herself.  There was nothing for it; all Tessa could do now was make a kamikaze run and crash right into them.  With luck, even if their shields held, their sensors might be temporarily overloaded by that big fireball Tessa would make when her fighter exploded.  Grimly accepting her own demise, and hoping her sacrifice would not be in vain, Tessa May Lance screamed her battle cry and charged at the lead fighter in a collision course at full speed:  “AAAH!  MOMMY-MOMMY-MOMMY!  I DON’T WANNA DIE!”

The four alien fighters spread apart, letting Tessa by and then got back in formation in less than two seconds.  It was as if their pilots had been choreographing that maneuver ever since flight school.  Their shields seemed invulnerable and they were so maneuverable that they could fly circles around what Starfleet had, and if Tessa wasn’t lucky she would find out what their weapons could do.

“Eep!” Tessa squeaked as two of them broke off chasing the Sabine to head in her direction.  Without hesitation she shunted all power to movement and made a wide arc as she raced to the Theurgy.  There was always a chance that one of the Theurgy’s guns could penetrate their shields.  In the meantime she had to maneuver as quickly as she could to avoid getting hit. 

To her credit, her eccentric flying style seemed to confuse her pursuers at least at first.  Eventually the law of averages caught up when a freak shot from one of their weapons hit her in the impulse drive.  The weapon that hit her was one of the Savi’s graviton beam emitters and it hit her square in the gravitic field produced by the AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie’s Twin-Tandem ITD-900 Series Class V Gravitic Impulse Drive.  Rather than cutting her fighter in half it knocked her forward as if her Valk was a billiard ball struck by a pool cue.

“Aaah!”  Tessa screamed as her fighter spun out of control while hurling through space, somehow missing the drones the Theurgy had released.  Despite her efforts to right herself, it was no use.  Her impulse drive was overloaded and entirely nonfunctional.  Thankfully her fighter’s reactor core was still functioning ensuring that when she went splat there would be a fireball commemorating her untimely demise.  She was heading for the Theurgy, the dreadnought’s vector 03 stardrive section called the “Stallion” to be exact, and if she couldn’t get control of her spacecraft there was a real danger of her damaging the ship with an explosive impact.

Although her thrusters seemed to be straightening her out so she could point her nose in the direction she was going, they didn’t seem to alter her course or speed very much.  She was still headed towards the Stallion way too fast for someone with no brakes.  “No wait!” Tessa exclaimed as her gloved fingers played over the settings for her propulsion system.  “If a warp bubble warps space to let me go faster, maybe it can warp space to let me go slower!” she continued as she set her warp speed down as far as it would go.  “Engage!”
A warp bubble formed around her Valkyrie, only to collapse nanoseconds later.  It did the trick though, and it was a good thing because the vector 03 stardrive section was looming close in Tessa’s cockpit window.  By using her thrusters she managed to avoid colliding with the nacelle and found herself bouncing up the pylon to the Stallion’s hull.  She activated her tractor beam to stop herself and used her magnetic landing gear to secure her fighter to the upper section of the Stallion’s pylon.  Breathing a sigh of relief, she checked her Valk’s diagnostics:  Impulse out, Warp Drive Out, Reactor Core at 22 percent, aft thrusters inoperative.  She was out of the fight, but at least when the Theurgy went to warp, Tessa would go with it.

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #44
[ PO1 Vincent "Fury" Ferris | Valravn Cockpit | Wolf-11 | Vector 3 | Azure Nebula ] Attn: Tactical CONN, @Mathis & @Even Angels Cry
Fury couldn't shake the feeling that he was driving a 20th century automobile from the back seat, and that he was in some kind of ancient destruction derby. The Valravn was an impressive machine, but without the computer support installed in those Mk III Valkyries, flying it solo from the rear seat was.... inconvenient. He'd considered climbing into Dragon's seat mid-battle, but knew he'd never make it there before one of the alien fighters caught up with him. At least the burst firing solution was deterring them a bit, but so far, Fury still had no kills.

When he'd heard Ojanpera and Flint were gone, Fury couldn't shake the feeling he would be next, given his personal predicament. They had been sixteen pilots - eight White Wolves fighters - that defected from the Orcus, but with the losses so far, Dragon and Talon included, they were down to ten. Nonetheless, he was still holding a defensive perimiter around Vector 3 together with Terror and Sniper... when a warning from their new SCO came though... about the Asurian saucers engaging the Theurgy.

"This is Wolf-One-One, copy that!" he said through his teeth, ending a barrel roll by yanking his stick back into a climb, which took him out of the sights of three pursuing alien fighters. No more had he reported in when he saw one of the saucers, quick as bloody hell and on a direct collision course with the Lower Shuttle Bay. "Contact, moving to intercept. If someone can draw the fire from me, you'l have all my holo credits. I've lost one wing and keeping it together by the skin of my teeth here."

No more had he set an intercept course on the Overseer before it shot past him, seconds away from impact. "Fuck," he said and squeezed the trigger to his remaining torpedo launcher, making it cough out the last seven mirco torps, sending them in rapid pursuit of the saucer. Whatever Asurian pilot there was on that Overseer was almost as quick as his vessel, since it swivelled mid-flight and fired backwards. Good aim or sheer luck, the large beam emitter managed to hit one of Fury's torpedoes, which set off the rest in a chain reaction - making for pretty fireworks between the Valravn and the saucer. When the conflagration cleared, Fury saw the Overseer ram straight through the shuttle bay doors on Vector 3 - successfully boarding the Stallion. "Dammit! Computer, give me the Vector 3 battle bridge. This is Wolf-One-One, you have hostiles in your bay, over!"

That was when his pursuers got through to him. An aquamarine beam struck down unto his and Dragon's Valravn from on high, severing his port-side arm and cutting a deep gauge into the second one. Fortunately enough, there were no micro torpedoes in the loading channels that could detonate - all of them spent in persistent survival.

I'm loosing limbs here! he thought in fear of his life. Yet regardless of his plight, orders came to defend the launch of drones. Fury had no idea what those new Tovarek-class drones were supposed to do about their situation, but he didn't question orders. The call came directly from Mission Ops, addressing all fighters, so there was no need to wait for confirmation from Terror or Razor. Evidently, the window of time was narrow, just like the chances of his survival. If he was allowed to go to warp after seeing it through, he wasn't going to second-guess the use of drones against the white and black beast. "This is Fury, copy that!"

Yet as if the day wasn't sour enough, Catherine Palm announced more bad news.

[This is Catscratch. I just lost one Asurian saucer. It's landed inside the Fighter Assault Bay. I've informed the battle bridge.]

Perfect. There were even hostiles inside our wolf's den, he thought. Fury narrowly avoided colliding with a Mk III Valkyrie that ended up mag-locking itself to one of the Stallion's pylons. This, while he climbed towards Vector 01, where the drones were launching from. He throttled up as best as his clipped fighter managed. During this climb, he realised something, and as it dawned on him, his eyes widened....

...the white and black behemoth ship was turning towards the Theurgy, at a speed that was in stark conflict with its sheer size. Whatever engines it had, it could make the whole thing turn on a dime. That, on its own, was frightening enough, but what made Fury swear silently under his breath was the sight of the three protruding cannons on the thing, and how it was getting the three Theurgy Vectors into its sights.

"Fury here, are you seeing this?" he screamed, but no more had the words left his numb lips...

...than the behemoth opened fire.

It was as if time stood still, paused by the yield of the three blasts. All fired in unison. One thick lance of energy drilled straight through Vector 03 - emerging on the far side within the seconds that the beam lasted. The second beam had gone for Vector 02, which Fury was passing, but whoever was at the helm of that Vector had managed to clear it from the beam's path - the outer hull merely frayed where the beam had scratched it. The third beam went straight into Vector 01, but the Helmet was not an easy target, making the beam pass through the holes of its hull. Even there, the one at the helm knew what he was about.

"There is no way we can fight that thing..." was all he could say to himself off the comms, "Why the hell are we to carry drones into the fight? We need to retreat."

OOC: Attn: @Mathis and @Even Angels Cry about the Savi precept ship opening fire against the Theurgy as described above. In your posts with Derik Veradin and Jaya Thorne, you get to do the manoeuvres that reflects the description above, if you want!

Another post with Liam Herrold coming up. :)

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #45
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Fighter Bay Ops
His heart beating hard in the onset of the battle in the bay, Liam had heard Ji's plan, and when she put her hand to his cheek, he smiled to her despite the situation. "Good plan, just stay out of their sights, okay? I do want that dinner, you know?"

There was no time for more than that, as he ran off, crossing the flight deck at a sprint. He could see Sithick when the smoke from the blast cleared, having engaged the boarding party directly. He saw how the monstrous Gorn tore a limb off the male shooter that had almost killed Covington. Forcus! Liam was almost by the ECM crate when the female boarder came into view - the one with a shattered visor. She stepped out of the smoke in Liam's direction, and she covered her scarred, pale face with her arm, as is the bright lights of the fighter bay was hurting her eyes. It looked like she had trouble breathing too. Had the boarding party killed the lights to protect their eyes? Such a strange notion when staring down the sights of the female alien's weapon...

As he dove into a roll across the deck, feet away from reaching cover, Liam's last thought was on Ji, hoping she'd make it, before the alien opened fire. The sound he heard as he covered his head was the staccato rapid fire of a mass driver weapon, and he was surprised that the small hand-held thing the alien carried had such advanced tech. As a weapon system expert, he wondered where the magazine was stored on it... until he looked up.

It was not the alien that was firing, but the mechs with the trolley, having powered up the twin-mount and smiting the distance of the fighter bay. With four rounds per second launched from each barrel, sending a steady stream of 30 mm osmiridium shells, the barrage tore the female alien into three parts. Thick blue blood splattered across the deck and pieces of the black exosuit landed on Liam. He hoped Sithick hadn't been hit in the billowing smoke, but he could see two surviving aliens getting back on their feet, having survived the ECM detonations. No more had they got back to their feet before the mechs with the trolley smote them down too.

Finally, Liam managed to get behind cover, but still far from the ECM crate. He had a vantage point that let him peak into the maintenance bay where the Cinsaj sat. He could see the seventh alien, the tallest one. It was doing something to the hull of the Reaver. Was he attaching something to the plating? Whatever he did, the alien was stopped by the green tractor beam that Ji fired from the fighter bay's overhead rig. The alien turned its head to look outside, clearly displeased. There was something wrong with the way it stood. Did it have three legs? No more had Liam asked himself what the alien would do next..

...until it drew its weapon and took aim against the tractor emitter. Three beams it took, then the overhead rig had been cut and fell down to the deck, dangerously close to...

"Ji!" called Liam, just before the rig with the tractor emitter crashed down. With light blue eyes wide, he stared at the disjointed heap of metal. He didn't even see how the tall alien activated something on his suit, which made both the alien and the entire Reaver fighter get beamed out of the maintenance bay. The last alien standing had accomplished its task, and the Cinsaj was gone.

Liam might have missed this fact, his eyes for Ji alone, but he couldn't possibly miss how something large entered the bay through its doors. He turned his head to see the wide saucer set down on the deck - landing gears scratching the metal. It had to be about thirty meters wide, narrowly fitting through the bay doors. It may have landed, but its weapon systems were still online, with one giant beam emitter shifting like an eye in its socket - choosing between targets. Afterwards, Liam wasn't surprised that it picked the trolley with the twin-mount. It fired the same kind of aquamarine energy as the alien boarders did with their hand-held weapons - only the Asurian saucer's beam had a vastly higher yield. Afterwards, there was virtually nothing left of the trolley, the weapon system, or its two unfortunate operators.

As if the Asurian's weren't content with using their saucer's weapons, an airlock opened as well, and out of it leaped an ageing Asurian woman with a blade on her arm and a rifle in the other hand. Five more Asurians emerged behind her, similarly armed, and rallied to the woman's call.

"For Asuria!" was her battle cry, emphasised by the second blast from the saucer's beam emitter. which carved the far bulkhead open like a knife slowly passing through flesh.

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #46
[P02 Sithick | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan , @Blue Zephyr ,

With arm secured in hand, Sithick already on foot chasing towards the larger bug creature, it was armored, and while it wasn't the first thing that Sithick had ever seen that was taller than him, this was by a large margine. Sithick had been the runt of his war group as a child slave, but this was at least ceveral centimeters taller than the tallest Gorn slave he had ever met. That did not intimidate him as he ran into the alcove where the Cinsaj was and the creature was, the fighter suspended by a tractor beam. Sithick nearly brought the gun up to fire, but everything was too quick, and he had to stop when the fighter was freed and the rig crashed down.

Next, he was aiming right at the creature however his lack of knowledge of the weapon he was holding prevented firing as he couldn't figure out the trigger fire response until it was too late and the Cinsaj, and the creature were both gone. Sithick let out a hiss of frustration at having lost the ship, and failed in his objective.

It was however not a moment where he could stop or focus. He had a weapon in his hands, and he needed to know to use it, yet another boarding party this one more human looking had come aboard there ship, and he watched as the makeshift gun was torn apart by the saucer. The weapon in his hands took some studying, and was clearly not designed with a larger reptilian hand in mind.

If he had that larger bug creatures gun than that would be one thing, but this did not adjust so he was forced to press on the dead fingers of the arm he had removed in order to operate the weapon. Still there was one target he really wanted to shoot at, and once he had figured out the basic mechanics of the gun after taking a moment to study it he knew how the creature had operated it.

Turning it towards the tall screaming woman at the front of the party was easy, as was priming the gun. Holding it steady, he braced for kick back, as he fired, but in sheer defiance of all physical laws felt none as the aquamarine burst of energy flew towards his target with insane accuracy.

Given time... he could adjust this weapon. It was within his expertise, and it was one of if not the most singular powerful gun he had ever held. The Gorn felt a different kind of love flutter in his heart for this thing,  not what he felt towards Lahkesis or Vivian, but rather something more curious. "I want ten of these."

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #47
LT Talidenai "Terror" zh' Idenna & LT JG T'Zantha "Sniper"| Air space around Vector 3| USS Theurgy] ATTN: @Auctor Lucan @Doc M.

“Come on Fury, we got this.” Terror said into the channel as she had to adjust the rain of her fire to hit where Husker had found was the right spot to hit them, the targeting icon went red and she watched with a rather satisfied glee as the enemy fighter suddenly exploded into thousands of molten shards.

“Terror, that monster of a ship is changing its course and we have what appear to be smaller versions of those saucer ships incoming at twenty klicks!” Shocker said from his spot.

“Good eyes…” she started to say when suddenly she saw how quickly that monster of a starship was moving and that was followed by the rain of fire that it suddenly unleashed as her mind silently noted Fury’s words as she watched one the larger and for the lack of a better word *THICKER* energy weapons used by the smaller ships bore right through the vector that they were protecting, the Zhen’s eyes going wide under her helmet in complete shock and for a few seconds, “Lieutenant Terror” was once just Talidenai zh' Idenna again, a small child looking up at her first Alpha Female Makra on her home world, its massive ripping talons sheathing and unsheathing as it growled down upon her...the first time that she ever felt fear in her entire life…

She was less than six years old then…

Then the moment passed as she started to feel very enraged as her more violent passions suddenly raged through her body and once again, she was TERROR again as she heard her RIO start offering up prayers to his Prophets. “This is not a good time to be begging for forgiveness, Reshi.” she growled lightly.

“I’m not, Terror. I was making offers of prayers up to the Prophets for the bountiful mercy that they have given us this day...truly, they want people punished for being wicked.” Shocker quipped.

Terror couldn’t help but smile at that as she locked onto another enemy fighter, this time an Asurian fighter and unleashed a hell of energy into it which caused it to flare out of existence before its pilot could even blink.

“Terror to Sniper, thoughts on the situation?” Terror asked her lover.

<I think that while the situation looks dire, I now fully understand Phanatos old comments about target rich environments.> came back Sniper’s comments through the squadron’s channel as the albino vulcan threaded her fighter through the chaos. <Also am I seeing things or are the Asurians attacking their allies?> she calmly asked before ashing another hostile fighter.

Terror was in no position to reply but she did find the entire situation strange. “It doesn’t really matter, they made the biggest mistake of their lives this day.” she growled hotly.

[LT JG Cameron "Witch King" Ward & Ensign Tallanyreen "Aria" sh'Kandros| Air space around Vector 2| USS Theurgy] ATTN: @Even Angels Cry @Triage

A few minutes before the enemy dreadnought fired on the Theurgy, Aria was keeping her eye on the situations around them because the traffic around second Vector had gotten very heavy, very quickly.

<Witchking?  Catscratch?  Do you copy?  If you're out there, watch each other's wing.  Meony, I'm on yours.  We do this together.> came the voice of Angel, their flight leader.

“Roger that, Angel. Catscratch, I need you to focus...we got you.” Aria replied into the channel, her professional mind trying to stay focused when suddenly Catscratch’s slightly panicked voice cut through the channel.

<This is Catscratch. I just lost one Asurian saucer. It's landed inside the Fighter Assault Bay. I've informed the battle bridge.>

Aria’s eyes widened at the sound of that since first the report about one group of hostiles and now a second one?!

"WOO!!" cried Witch King, ramming his throttles to the firewall. "It's GREAT to be ALIVE!!" as he ran another enemy fighter to the ground as Cameron was normally very quiet and taciturn in the field but something about today was drawing something darker...heavier out of them all.

As Aria watched him start to attack another enemy fighter like a cat with a mouse, Aria could only shake her head. {Memo to self, thought Aria, {increase his medication.}

But even as she thought that, an alert screamed in Aria's face at which point she looked at the origin of it to see the white and black behemoth of a warship turning at a speed that she couldn't believe as she saw three cannons protruding under the "waterline" of it before each muzzle suddenly had a tremendous lance of energy fire from it.

"FUCK ME!!!!" Witch King roared as he suddenly flipped their fighter underneath the huge funnel of aquamarine energy so close to the twenty two meter long fighter that just the bleed off from such a powerful blast of graviton energy caused the Valravn's shield systems to strobe past the red line and simply fry out for the time being. "Aria, what's the damage??"

Aria would have responded but she was more focused on the present situation of trying to figure out where the beams were going, namely the one that almost hit them as Witch King brought their fighter around to see the very beam in question boil a hole straight through Vector Three, her heart suddenly feeling like it was somewhere else as her mind went back to an event that happened earlier that very day.

Three days ago someone had come up with a matchmaking board for the workout partners and Aria had enjoyed working with one Eliska Bremmer, enjoying the human from Nova Kosice's company and just generally being around her that it allowed the normally serious minded Shen to feel at ease which she enjoyed.

This was made more interesting when she had stumbled over trying to flirt with her, accidentally asking if Eliska would like to have a drink from her which made her blush shades of blue that must have been interesting to see.

But the other woman hadn’t been offended but simply gave her a warm smile and said “we’ll talk.”

But now after seeing that, Aria could only let out a deep growl of anger, as her blue eyes narrowed to mere slits. “Kill them...kill them all!!!”

Witch King didn’t say a word as he simply went about his dark duties.

Husker's post to come.

Makra is the Andorian version of the Kodiak bear.

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #48
[Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton| Theurgy "Air Space" over Vector 1| USS Theurgy] ATTN: @Nolan @Havenborn @Even Angels Cry @Doc M.  @Auctor Lucan

Even as the losses on their side were mounting, Husker simply kept his mind on the matter at hand as he was used to dire situations like this, before the Harbinger had met up with the Theurgy he had witnessed his entire squadron be whittled down in a rather quick and brutal fashion.

The sole survivor of Dor'GhItlh Squadron found a dark comfort in this, he wrapped himself up and drew on the pain of the memories of that dark time.

Green eyes, normally India Green in color shade, were now a Midnight Green as the targeting icon highlighted another Savi fighter that soon became so much blue flame and molten shards under the hail of phased energy pulses.

Another fighter quickly tried to swing in and around him but on pure reflex, Husker shunted his forward momentum backwards as his Valkyrie flipped backwards and then at the apogee of the flip, he let loose with a another full salvo of phaser bursts that caught the ship into its own blue fireball.

The systems of his fighter alerted him to the damage that he was taking when the graviton weapons caught him at the right and wrong moments but he was in his dark place-when the enemy was removed from the field, then the fight could be repaired.

Husker noted that an enemy fighter was coming straight at him at the same speed that he was but suddenly breaking abruptly for some reason which meant that the Asgardian would overshoot the hostile and possibly leave his Valkyrie's power planet wide open for the weapons.

His gaunetleted fists tightened around the controls just enough that one could've sworn that they heard the metal creak had anyone been there to listen for such things.

Instead of slowing down or trying adjust his heading to prevent an overshoot, Husker simply leveled his ship out and before their respective shields could even reach the same zipcode, he pulled his bird up hard before rolling away which allowed him to roll his spinning fighter in a manner around and into the swee spoot.

The Savi pilot and his computer only had just enough time to calculate the insanity of the move before a spinning wave of phaser bursts followed up by the next to last of the micro-torps from the Valkyrie sliced his shields before the torps exploded against the spaceframe of the fighter.

As he did that, he could hear the flow of voices coming through the communications network:

[All pilots be advised, drones have been launched in order to provide our escape. Provide cover to them and prepare to launch to warp after their engagement. I will forward the coordinates for your exit strategy. Henshaw out.] came Cameron's voice, betraying none of the nervousness that she must be feeling due to the situation they were in.

[You heard the lady. Wolves, form up on the drones and provide enough of a distraction so they can get their job done. On me!] was Razor's voice, trying to rally the pack to help provide assistance to the survival of their carrier.

[Clear the way and we'll try to keep them from following you.  Salvo and I got your back...] was Goldeneye's voice, surprisingly calm and professional.

[Come on Fury, we got this.] was Terror’s voice, ever the professional…

[WOO! It's GREAT to be ALIVE!!] came the excited tone of the pilots that Terror had told him about, the odd one...Witch King perhaps??

and while the talking flowed around him when suddenly one voice pulled him out of his darkness, a panicked voice…

[This is Catscratch. I just lost one Asurian saucer. It's landed inside the Fighter Assault Bay. I've informed the battle bridge.]

Valkyrie designated Seven Two Four Two C suddenly was spun around in a tight angle, his dark place bleeding away as the man within looked in the direction of the second Vector…

...right in time to see the three massive aquamarine beams slash through the azureness of the nebula to barely miss the first and second Vectors but bore a large hole through the third like it was sunlight simply going through an unbroken wave in the ocean.

The dark place once again washed over the man, but instead of the usual cold that he was used to there was a much more...searing heat to him mixed with an icy ball of dread fear settled even deeper into his stomach.

Fury’s words cut through the comms, demanding to know why they didn’t just retreat.

Eyes narrowed.

There was no emotion in the man’s voice when he spoke into the squadron’s channel, “We don’t retreat, Fury. The best way to understand someone is to fight him, make him angry. That's when you see the real person.”

Husker’s eyes narrowed hard as he moved his fighter to cover the drones in his Vector’s quadrant. “Time to show them the real us, yes Razor?”

Re: Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Reply #49
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 14 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan  @Masorin

She loved that he didn't question her plan.  He just went with it.  She would have been willing to listen to another plan, if he had one, but apparently he didn't because he told her he had wanted that dinner and to not let the aliens get her.  With her heart thumping heavily in her throat she rushed off to her own job.  Sliding into position where the computer console was.  She knew that it was probably a long shot but anything she could do that would help could be a boon.  Seconds gave them a chance to react or attack.  She wasn't sure what Covington's plan was, or anyone else's they weren't a united front other than the whole 'don't fuck with our ship' front.  This crew was a family, they didn't just work together they were not going down without a hell of a fight and casualties a plenty.

She couldnt spare her eyes to see how Liam's progress across the deck was going.  At this moment she had a job to do.  She nearly relaxed, nearly, when the green beam shot down from the ceiling.  She focused as much power into the power conduit as she could in the hopes that she could make the damn thing as strong as possible.  She hoped that it would work.  If she could hold the ship in place then she would most definitely be able to save the ship for the moment. 

Ji grinned. Success you thieving bitches. she thought as she turned to observe her work for a moment.  She watched as the alien ducked out to the side clearly looking rather pissed off that she had thwarted her attempts to leave the bay.  Ji wanted to taunt the stupid alien that decided she should steal something that didn't belong to her.  Only then she rose her weapon and fired at the tractor rig that was on the ceiling.  No! 

The Chief watched in horror as the beam flickered and stopped right as the rig began to break from the ceiling and came barreling towards her.  In the back of her panic ridden mind she could hear her name called out.  The tone familiar, and yet her sudden abject fear of being crushed did not allow for her mind to make the connection on who had called out for her.  It spurred her into action.  Waking her mind up from the sheer shock of the situation that was coming down towards her.  She jumped as fast as she could, without really preparing her body for the fact that it was going to impact the deck plating with all her weight.  She crashed into the deck plating and let her body .. thanks to the flight suit... slide across the deck with some momentum and behind another computer console. 

The massive machinery crashed heavily into the deck, pieces, parts, and debris scattering all over.  Pelting her with shorn screws, nuts, bolts, and metal pieces.  One of which was sharp enough to pierce her suit right at her hip.  She cried out as the pain suddenly made itself known.  Finally, the chaotic crash was over, though nothing about the flight deck was quiet at this moment.  She could hear the tat-tat-tat of something over and over again she hoped it was one of their guys.  She was about done with these aliens.  As Ji looked down at the wound in her hip, the blood seeping around the metal coloring her suit orange she hissed.  It wasn't in the bone, just the soft fleshy area right above her pelvic bone. 

Ji was no slouch and she doubted it had hit anything vital.  Maybe the spleen or something equally useless.  Gods I don't need another Nicander visit.. she swore to herself as she reached down and pulled the piece of metal out of her body.  She cried out and lay on the deck plating for a moment.  Sweat breaking out on her forehead as she allowed her body to feel the pain of pulling the serrated metal out of her body.  She cast it angrily to the side and just concentrated on breathing for the moment.  Once the worst of the pain subsided she knew that she needed something for the wound.  She reached down, the stabs of pain, less but still rather sharp as she moved and tore the leg of her flight suit off from the knee down.  Tearing the fucker into strips she quickly field dressed the wound before she rose up carefully.

It's .. it's gone...

She only had seconds to think about the fact that the bay she had fought so hard to keep full was now glaringly empty.  Because moments later a massive saucer type ship soared into the shuttle bay and her eyes wide followed it as she tried to figure out just the hell it was.  What fresh hell.. I swear today is a day I will not soon forget.  she sighed as her dark eyes followed the damn saucer as it slid down their maintenance bay coming to a stop.  She watched in horror as the beam elicited from it's weapons bank and eviscerated the two men and the gun they had been using to mow down the aliens before.

The door opened and Ji rose her brow as five of those fuckers came out armed again and calling out something about Asuria.  Did we... do something to them?  Did the big bad Theurgy people pick on them and call them short or something? she wondered as she stayed fairly hidden behind the debris of the tractor beam system while she watched everything that was going down.  I wonder if Liam can get those ECMs ready and we can mount an attack on that damn thing.  I wonder... how many life signs are on the ship.  If those five leave it.. maybe I can get on board and use their own weaponry against them...

Ji knew she was thinking dangerously, but there was just no way that the Korean woman was going to go down without a fight.  Her mind was constantly rolling with the ideas of what she could do, how she could help, how she could buy them time.  The five turned and began to head for the massive hole in the bulkhead that they had just shot.  They're going to infiltrate the ship.

She wasted not a damn moment.  As soon as she could move she started to.  Low and quick she hunkered down.  The pain was real, but it kept her focus sharp and she pushed it to the side as much as she could.  She didn't have time to mess with her pain or her wound, it would not kill her .. probably.  Sithick came out of the smoke and began to open fire on the bastards.  Thank you Frog-man, I owe you.. green booze or something. she thought as she snuck behind the saucer and mounted the ship quickly.  She mounted the ramp and slid into the ship.  She had no idea what the layout was but most ships were about the same and she knew that the weapons and who controlled those would be in the front. 

Ji made her way forward, already in a fighting stance, her taekwondo training kicking in as she moved, her eyes never stopped moving.  She hoped to incapacitate who ever was up at the front and take over the weapons.  She could mow down the fuckers that left the ship with their own weapons.  That was the plan anyway. 

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