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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2625
I'm going to take a trip to see some family for a few days while taking a bit of a break from the family I'm currently living with right now, so I'll be mostly offline for until this weekend.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2626

I got a PM late last night from JosiahDorn:

I have been ill for a bit and even though I intended on posting, I haven't been in a position to do so while I was sick.  I am on the mend now but have been thinking and decided that I don't think I can keep up and that this is probably not the best use of my time.  Thanks for the fun while it did last.


This means that, since his second character Eli Barlow was just recently created but never introduced in the story about the Cayuga, I will be deleting the character altogether from the wiki and try to reuse the character images I made somehow, changing the heads on them or something. It also means that the CMO position on the Cayuga is available for new applicants again.

Lt. Eli Barlow                  Chief Medical Officer, USS Cayuga 

  - Pending Deletion

It also means that, since Chief Sten Covington was been inherited by JosiahDorn, our grizzled Cheif of the Deck is available for inheritence again too. I will, of course, be NPCing him in Episode 05, where he is currently fighting the Savi that boarded the ship.

CWO1 Sten Covington          Chief of Flight Deck Operations (NPC) 

  - Available to be played by all players

I’ll be updating the site to this effect soon since I am on my tablet atm. That’s all for now! :)


Auctor Lucan

Quick, somebody adopt Covington before he's killed off!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2627

Today, @Hastata-Nerada should be proud to reveal his newest contribution to our story, namely the Ryn species!

>> Link to the Species Page

A submission of excellent quality! Thank you so much for the time and research you put into the creation of the Ryn, and for wanting them added to our site. But that's not all...


Here is Hastata-Nerada's new character of the Ryn species, a civilian diplomat on the Cayuga!

Iris Cyrene                     Diplomat, USS Cayuga   

  - Played by Hastata-Nerada

She will be appearing on the Director's Cut board at first, and just like all other new characters, they will appear in Episode 05 soon enough. It has been a tough challenge to depict the Ryn, but in the end, it was totally worth it. :) Thank you for the privelage, Hastata-Nerada!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2628
Hello my dear friends!

Today is St. Patrick's Day and i hope you are all having a great time and wearing your green.

I have an update on my health! Medicines are working and i feel better today than i have in a month! Almost 100%finally!!!!

Thank you for bearing with me with me while i was plague- stricken.  This is an awesome community and you all have become good friends to me.  I will be replying to long overdue threads this weekend and hope to make some headway before i go back to work on Tuesday.

Once I'm back to being caught up I'd love to discuss ideas for the next interregrum and current plot.  I'll be on discord so feel free to message me there or shoot me a PM.

And a great big welcome to our new writers and characters!! Can't wait to see how you all fit into the plot and meet everyone in game!

Love you guys!

"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2629
Good to hear that you are getting better, EAC! :) We've kept the boards warm for you.


Come say hi to both @Fife and @trevorvw , who both joins us today with two characters who were aboard the USS Endeavour. They play the destroyed ship's former Chief Tactical Officer and Chief Security Officer respectively.

Lt. Cross                       Former Chief Tactical Officer, USS Endeavour   

  - Played by Fife

Lt. Kai Akoni                   Former Chief Security Officer, USS Endeavour   

  - Played by Trevorvw

After the Endeavour was destroyed, Lieutenant Cross (Fife's character), ended up on the escape pod that was picked up by the Savi, while Lieutenant Akoni (Trevorvw's character) ended up on the ''USS Niger'' together with First Officer Ranaan Ducote and Astrophysicist Marlee Hailey.

Until the adventure can start up in Episode 05, the sky is the limit as to what scenes might be written aboard the Endeavour on the Director's Cut board. I believe there are already a few ones that Fife and Trevorvw can jump into right away, like the one where the Borg attacks the Endeavour.

Welcome to you both (and the hunks you write, lol)! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2630
Wooo! New Endeavour peeps :) The escape pod is gonna be cozy!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2632
Hi all!

I’m looking forward to contributing to this wonderful story you’ve all crafted. It’s fantastic and you’re all wonderful writers and I hope to contribute in a meaningful way!

It’s going to be fun!!



Lt. Kai Akoni

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2635
So that’s three hybrids in the pod?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2636
Welcome all new people!

A heads up for myself.  I've got a lot going on in my personal life at the moment.  My father was admitted into hospice care this past Friday, much quicker than we expected.  Spring Break just ended for my kids so I should be able to keep up more fully but I'm running back and forth to my dad's every so many days to hang with him and help out while I can.  So I may be slow to respond or need a couple extra days.  If I'm up, PLEASE send me a message, discord is easiest, because I try to monitor the site but honestly my days are all running together at this point.  But anyway, I'm going to try to keep up as best as I can, and thanks in advance for all the understanding I'm sure you'll give.  (Because ya'll are awesome)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2637
So many new players~~ welcome aboard.

EAC - good to hear you're on the mend
Blue - best of luck!

I think ive caught up on posts. not sure if im actually up yet on protectors. I hope to be a bit more responsive in the next week. Just depends on how bullshit work is.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2640

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, @Lisavw! They will write a rather well-known actress new to the Star Trek franchise. This, in the form of the character T'Panu, the Chief Medical Officer on the USS Cayuga.

Lt. T’Panu                      Chief Medical Officer, USS Cayuga  

  - Played by Lisavw

She will be appearing in the threads on the Director's Cut board at first, and just like all other new characters, she will appear in Episode 05 soon enough. Welcome aboard, Lisavw! (As you may already have guessed, @Trevorvw and @Lisavw know each other, but I leave it to them to explain how) :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2641
Hello, everyone!!

Well as you guessed, I'm the newbie! I'm very excited for our adventures!!

Thank you for the welcome and all the work you've all put in so far!!


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2644
This is mostly just to let people know I will likely be a bit long between responses for a bit. Sensitive family matters have arrived and death does not look far off two grandparents, this news although something I am not letting overwhelm me this time, has left me unable to find the inspiration I need to write more often than I would like, so I will write when I can, but for now I will likely be a bit slow to respond.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2645
Maybe the Savi are keeping Hylota Vojona and Vinata Vojona drugged, which is why they might have few scenes this episode.  Or possibly they were injured and not abducted at all and when Real Life eases up on you they can recover and return to duty.

Good luck and Stay Strong Z.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2647

John47, our webmaster, is working on a feature on the wiki so it is online again as soon as possible.

EDIT: Wiki back online, update work continues but the wiki won't have to go down any more.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2648
Im gonna be out of reach for a few days. We had a significant fire in my house today. Living and kitchen areas are fucked.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2649

So, I hate to add to the 'sorry but IRL calls' list, but I'm going on a vacation with the family from tomorrow sunday to next wednesday. I may or may not have wifi up there, but if I'm tagged or if a thread I'm in is updated, I'll do my best to get to it in a timely manner. I might have discord access.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

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