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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #376
A place-holder post for the hot springs have come up:

Please note the OOC notice and that the events in this thread occurs after the speech in the "Bloody, but Unbowed" thread.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #378

I added a NPC for everyone to play within reason. He has been a reoccurring character during the story so I thought I'd set a face on him.

Crew Manifest listing:

Ens Cale Winterbourne   Helmsman [NPC]



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #379
Hi all,

I had applied for a position as one of the Harbinger crew a while ago, shortly afterwards I had an accident whereby I broke my arm/hand in several places. I've just started regaining function after physiotherapy and can now type (albeit very slowly). I'm still very much interested in writing with this group and Lucan has been kind enough to allow me the opportunity to rejoin with my initial character.

I'll draft up an introduction post and get it submitted today and finally, apologise once again for my absence.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #380
Welcome back Aron!

Attention everyone: The General Rules of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group RP has changed. Please review the updated rules below and verify that you have done so here in the OOC thread. Please comment on the changes if you have feedback to give. The major changes are in the top two points:

The goal of minimum post lengths is to get you used to developing the storyline, setting, and characters within your posts. Post length should consist of more than two hundred [200] words per post [equals roughly 3 paragraphs].

More important than post length, however, is writing a good reply. This includes:
  • Reacting to the other character's actions and speech. If a character does something, have your character react. Otherwise, it looks like your character is ignoring the other characters, or you as a writer are not fully reading the replies you are given.
  • Giving the other writer enough to react to. This ties in very heavily with length. Be sure to describe various aspects of your character's interaction for clarity. [Examples: If your character speaks, does s/he speak in a particular tone? Does s/he use a facial expression? Does s/he physically react to the other character's words or actions?]
  • Every single post you write should always be spell-checked and read over for proper grammar and accuracy.  Mistakes are human, but a quick read-over is an easy way to let the whole group enjoy the story even more - the immersion of the scene not broken when reading up on the development.
II. Being that this is a forum-based message board role-play, the GM will mostly be working with solo-posts on the board in the main storyline, yet this does not forbid joint-post [play-by-email interactions] between two or more writers in the group on the following conditions:
  • You will be expected to write a mix of both joint posts and solo-posts. Joint posts will seldom be a part of the narration for the main storyline, so joint posts would - consequently - work best for one-on-one scenes [counselling sessions, conversations, sex-scenes etc.] that are not directly related to the main storyline. Of course there may be exceptions to this. The ground rule is that you are expected to post solo-posts when applicable, and joint posts when applicable.
  • The problem with a mix of both ways of posting is that the other writers and the GM - who are not involved in the specific joint post - have no insight as to how events evolve. Therefore, the GM is to be CC:ed in each individual reply [auctorlucan[a]] by those who write joint posts so that he may forestall that the storyline gets broken by two groups of writers that might be dictating contradicting events.
  • Those who write joint posts are expected to still keep track of the development on the board. If the development on the board contradicts the joint post before it is posted, the joint post has to be changed [this works the other way too, of course]. Lastly, the signature of the joint post should also include the names of the writers that have been working on the joint post.
III. The main storyline is run by the Game Moderator, who is ultimately responsible for the well-being of the group and the story. Any problems, concerns, questions or complaints may be directed to the Game Moderator via PM. [Contact Auctor Lucan] The Game Moderator may put the characters of inactive writers in stasis for the sake of opening positions for new applicants to the RP. If a writer is inactive, it may affect the whole RP if s/he has characters in key positions.

IV. Any group member may start a new thread for individual scenes. These threads are fully private; no one else should post in them without being invited by the person who started the thread. Please make sure you specify which Episode the scene belongs to, though, and that the board's threads have the same title layout. Example: CHAPTER XX: The title of the scene you write [Character 1/Character 2/Etc.]

V. Characters need not appear in a single thread at the time, and are thus free to be in several different scenes at once [provided that the scenes follow each other in the story and does not happen simultaneously]. As to avoid confusion, crew members are to specify in OOC notes when scenes takes place in relation to others. Furthermore, it is encouraged that individual scenes are handled so that they correspond with ongoing missions in such a realistic manner as possible [for the sake of not disrupting the space-time continuum]. Logic and common sense are the rules-of-thumb here.

VI. While the core purpose of this Group is to create fan fiction in a Star Trek setting that follows a storyline, it is also the intent to allow full creative freedom in terms of character development and relationships on board the USS Theurgy. Whatever affairs between line officers may occur may, and may not, be prone to a discussion with their closest superior officer [given Federation polices] - yet this only when in agreement between each involved writer. The OOC suggestion for such a discussion or disciplinary action may be kindly suggested by any involved party for sake of story-development.

VII. Just as it is expected that no writer will be harassed or judged for submitting explicit content to this Group in the House of Eros, nor will judgement be passed - or a player harassed - if a character, plot-element or random notation is not 100% in alignment with Star Trek canon. While the setting remains in the Star Trek universe, a creative license has been issued to applicants in combining elements from the series, novels and fan-fiction spanning the world wide web. All who wish to participate in the USS Theurgy story have chosen to do so to write good stories of their own design, and to do so in peace. However, it is strongly encouraged that each writer - to the best of his or her abilities and knowledge - strive to keep themselves within Star trek canon. [See Memory Alpha] If in doubt, contact the GM.

VIII. One of the pillars of role-playing is remembering you are writing an interwoven story with many other writers. Though your character is important to you, others' characters are equally important to them. Though there is great freedom in role-playing, please remember others' characters will also be affected by your actions. It is expected that writers will respect the characters and creations of other writers; those who have been around role-playing groups know of the golden rule to write only for those characters they themselves have created. If there are instances you require another writer's character to participate in a story development, you have one option: contact that writer!

IX. Make sure to enjoy yourself to the best of your capacity, with or without the support of the main storyline.

X. This role-play group functions solely as a non-profit entertainment for writers where no economical gain is perceived by any of its members as a result of the available media. Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Enterprise, the Star Trek movies, etc. are © Copyright Paramount Pictures.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #382
Read the updated notes and now putting my post into words :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #385
rules read.  back from a vacation and hoping to get caught up in posts between work shifts

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #386
yup reread the rules.

I think I may be a bit interested in the "ring of fire thread.  I am assuming it takes place at some time late that evening shortly after most events in the lounge and the current time in the thread is sometime before midnight that same day. 

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #387
Read the new rules.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #388
Hi guys!

While I do not celebrate 4th of July like some of you, I have been slammed at work the last two days at work. Yet even though some of you guys still owe the group a couple of posts after the celebrations - I shant mention names ;) -  I will post tomorrow in the Ring of Fire thread, where Aron Garow and I will be writing a fight scene. I will reply in this thread as frequently as possible so you will not have to wait this long for me worthwith, Aron.

Oh, I thought I might show you guys a little preview of a work-in-progress which I think you might like:


That's right! There is a new recruitment trailer in the making! Its been a while and the old one seems fairly old with the influx of new characters and the absence of those characters that are in stasis. I think it might take another week or two until I am satisfied with the quality of the trailer but you guys will be the first to see it. I am using Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection and it comes with a few nice features that Windows Movie Maker did not have back when I made the last version.

As for your question, Ferrox, the timetable is like this:
- Speeches on the plain between the ships were held att 19.30
- The frivolities that takes place in the Thermal Springs Lounge begins at 20.30
- The announcement and the commencement of the sparring takes place at 22.00

While Alexander Rosek and Jien Ives are the ones that fight first, I more than welcome that a spar between two other combatants is written simultaneously - the two new writers in a fight just have to be clear/vague in their writing in regard of referring to the fight that just ended. Example: "When the Harbinger's Chief Engineer and Captain Ives was done with their sparring, T'Rena produced two new names from the roster in her PADD..."

Do you have anyone to write a spar with, Ferrox? If not, I'd be happy to oblige with someone else than Jien! :)

Hope 4th of July was good to those that were celebrating!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #389
Hi everyone!

I'm Lori, and I wil soon write Lt. Hayden O'Connor, Chief Counselor aboard the Theurgy (currently Chief Counselor of the Harbinger).

I've been involved with Trek and modern RPGs for 15+ years, though this is the first RPG I've been involved with that structured scenes and threads the way you do, so please forgive me as I feel my way through how the Theurgy works.  I'm used to players writing with one another off-line and posting the finished joint post for all to read.  I'm also accustomed to the writing being a bit more linear, so forgive me if I seem hopelessly confused for awhile.

Just to tell you a bit more about me, counselors are my favorite roles to play and I've been playing them in one form or another since I've been RPing.  I'm also a therapist off-line working toward state licensure.  My passion is working with survivors of trauma, so Theurgy's grittier setting appealed to me immediately, and based on past events, it appears I'll stay busy.  Please feel free to contact me if you're interested in getting some counseling going or just some basic interaction.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #390
Welcome Lori!

To celebrate the return of Aron Garow as well as Lori's arrival to our midst, I have taken the time to update our poster:

This will be made visible in the Mission Statement and Archive post on our board as well as in the request thread.

The Promotional Trailer project is going well for now, and I might be able to publish it this week unless I run into unforeseen trouble.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #391
It's finished!

Awesome fun project, this. I hope you guys find it worth watching as well. I poured a few hours into it and my computer had to rebooted countless times, but it's finally uploaded and all. Given the time it took, some feedback would be awesome.

USS Theurgy Promotional Trailer - Version 2.0 (edit: changed to Vimeo, better features)

I used Photoshop CS5, Pinnacle Pro Studio Ultimate Collection, Windows Movie Maker and coffee. Lots of coffee.

Why would I do this? I thought that was in the GM job description? No? Oh, well, like with writing and making regular graphics, there is no ultimate goal in making the trailer, but for the satisfaction one gain in the process. Call me a nutcase, but I love doing it.

Ahem, that did not come out right... But of course, I love doing that too. *grins*



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #392
I thoroughly enjoyed the video and found myself wishing it really were a movie!  Excellent work Lucan and I appreciate all the effort you put in for the game.  *big hugs*

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #393
Thank you for your kind words, Searcher. :) Warms the heart to hear that others than myself like the result of this project.

Would be a shame if I'd upset anyone with how I portrayed their characters in the trailer, so let me know here or over PM or IM (which you guys seem to prefer, I realise) if you are not content. With the Vimeo set-up, its easy for me to revise and replace the trailer with a new version without having to update all the different links that leads to it.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #394
I love the new trailer that you created! It's really professional looking and has a great score too :D

Edit: I'm starting to get the hang of posting here, if anyone wants to RP, I'm free. I think I want to have Alex become linked intimately with another male, whether it's genuine or for other reasons, I'm all up for plotting :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #395
I liked the trailer, Lucan.  I felt my characters were represented accurately, while the other, more inhuman characters had some good tricks (using as using a blue tint to scenes for Ida to make her actress look more Andorian) were nice touches to give it a good feel.  In many places, it felt authentic, not just a fan trailer but something real.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #396
Thanks Aron and Kuro! I have posted the trailer on tumblr too besides linking to it in the add I showed you guys some time ago.

Sadly, it seems that the guy who initially wanted to play a female Romulan Chief Science Officer has vanished, so I leave the CSO positon open again.

Lastly, I need your help guys!

It seems the Harbinger's SCO was injured in the battle...

LtCmdr Phanatos Kilinvoss  Wing Commander          USS Harbinger

The fact that he has decided to keep this "badge of honour" is a testament to a few things.
  • He has had to fight off both Nicander and Duv in order to refuse plastic re-constructive surgery. He is reported to Vasser because of this, yet Phantos has no fucks left to give either way.
  • He is a hard old man pushed far enough that he should have broken long ago, only he has passed the point and resides in his own highly functional limbo of madness.
  • He leads eight more men that are pushed as far he is is, having been 40 pilots in the three squadrons on the Harbinger to begin with. Survival of the fittest, in short.
I do need your help with a callsign, since he has had none until this point. I have a few suggestions, but perhaps you guys have more?
  • Skullcap
  • Oldskull
  • Greyskull
  • Cranium
  • Snakeskull (Raised Cardassian)
  • Scorch
  • Skull
  • Deadskull
Pick your favourites or hit me with what you got!



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #397
Given his name is Phanatos and if he wore a mask on one side of his face, you could call him Phantom (as in Phantom of the Opera).  Might be a little too simplistic for other's taste but that would be my suggestion ... other than Scarface.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #398
Agreed, Phantom is the perfect choice given his name is Phantos and the Phantom of the Opera scarring resemblance. Such a simple and perfect choice, even though very few would get the PotO reference in 2381, lol. Must have been someone with a cultural eye in his Squadron who came up with that.

Since a couple of you have been wondering, I'd thought I'd post a simple and easy guide for the timetable of the Chapter 01 threads! In chronological order, here is what is going on...
  • 1930 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: Bloody, but Unbowed
    • Ceremony is held, Lt Sarresh Morali confronts Captain Ives about his memory lapses, suspecting that s/he knows something.

    • Ensign Carver being upset, Lt JG Ravon speaks with her on the temporarily vacated Flight Deck (with the risk of being caught).

    • In the Triage Centre, Dr. Duv inoculates Lt. Cooper to wake up. Lt Cmdr Renard joins the scene. Both Renard and Duv leaves.

    • Dr. Nicander sends off Lt.JG Rawley to the Yellow Zone and leaves. Lt Cmdr Renard meets Rawley.

    • Dr. Nicander joins Head Nurse Jenkins by Rihen Neyah's biobed, speaks with the patient and then with each other.

    • Several characters heard the ceremony and reacted individually, wandering off in their separate directions.

    • Lin Kae has activated the first actual prototype of Thea's new emitter and the two are currently speaking upon the plain where the Captains stood.

  • 2000 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: Triage Centre]
    • After Jien Ives finishes speaking with Sarresh Morali (see above) s/he heads to the Triage Centre to speak with Lt. JG Cooper.

    • (A joint-post is ongoing between Dr. Nicander and Dr. Duv for a follow-up meeting after Nicander and Jenkins part. This might be posted here.)

    • (A joint-post is about to be started between Counsellor O'Connor and Rihen Neyah, about to be posted here when finished.)

  • 2030 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: Thermal Springs]
    • Several characters have amassed to the Thermal Springs Lounge. Currently, Isley and Slaverton are speaking, as well as Callahan and Stark. Winterbourne and Aisha S'Ithi too, with Rez and zh'Wann covertly sneaking off into the darkness.

    • Dr. Nicander and Head Nurse Jenkins meet up outside the Triage Centre and heads towards the Lounge too.

  • 2200 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]
    • Jien Ives has finished speaking with several people, among them Lt. Cooper (see above) and ends his/her evening fighting with the last one s/he means to chat with: Lt. JG Alexander Rosek.

    • Perhaps Lt Cmdr Miles Renard might show up for the second fight, where the dreadful Phantom have escaped the Triage Centre challenge him...
There, I hope this helps you all with some kind of bird's perspective on things. :) It might even show you new potential development for your ideas.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #399
Due to unforeseen circumstances, I'm not going to have much time to write from 2 weeks onwards. I'd love to keep my character open, but I can't guarantee regular posts. I'd like to speak with you Lucan in regards to this matter on AIM. Hopefully I can catch you at some point today.


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