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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #350
*blinks*  Morale officer ... me?  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  *clears throat*  Ahem ... right.  I shall prepare as many bolstering taunts as possible.  :D  *checks mirror to see if she suddenly has Talaxian splotches*

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #351
I'm sorry to do this but i'll have to take a temperary leave from the game as real life is rather busy :(

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #352
As per agreement with Kitty, I will NPC her characters as needed for the EP03 plot. Should the case be that Kitty does not return in four weeks with a posting frequency of 2-3 post per week, the position of Chief Science Officer will be opened up for applicants - suggesting that the character Amatras Neotin becomes incapitated at this point and placed in stasis.

The reason for this is obviously that Kitty has been away quite a bit because of RL business, having not partaken in Episode 02 at all, and she cannot foresee if things lighten up for her in the near future. There are several one-on-one threads that remain unfinished from her end, and at this point, it is advisable that the partner in said threads make up an ending for the scenes - perhaps even posting a closure where applicable. If anyone of Kitty's writing partners in this RP wishes me to do so, I will NPC her characters to arrange this. Just contact me over PM in that case.

Best Regards,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #353
I'm throwing my hat into the ring.  Lucan has my character idea in the mail... (ignore the first one, I copied and pasted the wrong copy)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #354
A warm welcome to you Arielle! The character images are forthcoming and I will get back to you very soon. :)

Ah, something else:

The story so far has been compiled in the above PDF-files for sake of posterity. They have been proofread, ordered and novelised for easier reading since it is almost impossible to backtrack the story through the threads on the board. No need to jump between scenes every second post you read, but instead read the scenes one full event at the time. These files are available over email and is sent by the GM to potential and current members.

Please note that our General Rule X applies. These PFD-files are non-profit entertainment where no economical gain is perceived by any of its members as a result of the available media. Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Enterprise, the Star Trek movies, etc. are © Copyright Paramount Pictures.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #355
FYI, with the blessing from Eros, I have posted an ad for our RP Group here:

And here is the direct link to the post:

Best Regards,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #356
Hey Lucan, you mentioned PDF files...but I haven't been able to locate them.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #358
Two new characters listed on the Storyline Characters manifest:

Lt Diadeniera "Dee" Drovo  Chief of Security       USS Harbinger [Show/Hide]

LtCmdr Phanatos Kilinvoss  Wing Commander          USS Harbinger [Show/Hide]

The second one is an NPC played by Taguiera, and the Biography is underway. He is mentioned here in advance for sake of name-dropping by the other Senior Staff on the Harbinger (now that they have launched their fighters). The last remaining squadron of Valkyrie MkIIs that this Wing Commander leads has yet to be named.

Arielle, let me know if you want to change how Dee's name is listed and I will fix it right away.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #360
Hey Miles ... when you say Valk Two, you talkin' to Skye or someone else?  Because trust me Skye has PLENTY to say about that thing in the shuttle.  :P  I gotta go pick up my kid from school but I'll be back and try to get a post soon!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #361
Updated poster:

In other news, now things are going to turn really gritty in EP03... Thanks goes to Brutus for Sarresh's belated warning.

Naturally, it is too late now. *quiet smile*

Oh, the Harbinger Bridge might not get the warning from Sarresh, yet a bird as whispered in my ear that there is another kind of commotion heading there... with a new character presented by Searcher in a short while, and consequently, our new member Arielle will be getting a fabulous way to introduce her character to take care of that situation.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #362
And there's Rory in his Irish silliness finally posted.  For a little idea of what he sounds like, here's a fun song ...

And an interview ...

I figure this will give a better idea of how he sounds and that way I won't annoy anyone trying to write a dialect and making it sound like the Lucky Charms Leprechaun.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #363
Major development in the EP03 thread, and in hopes of not sounding like a taskmaster, I have tried to help you guys with the OOC note in the post. Please remember that this assistance is a guideline and that it is not meant to feel like I am forcing you to do certain things.

In other news, given the current situation of the RP and its pending combat scenes, I have updated this info-post:

I have changed and added some info on the MVAM functionality and also included helpful guides for Tactical to use when writing in MVAM mode. These guides include attack and defensive patterns that can also, besides for the Chief Tactical Officer, be a great help for those of you whom write Valkyrie pilots. Please, however, add the description of the named pattern in some way in your post otherwise the readers will have to go to the above link in order to derive what the hell your pilot is doing.

When the Theurgy and the Harbinger manages to work together in fighting off and fleeing from the Calamity ship, there will be celebrations all over in the Acamar System! Hiding in paradise, the two crews will join in wet festivities...

Best Regards,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #364
Just a bit of clarity on my last post: I've got a bit more to push things along, but I'm trying to let everyone else get a bit in too before Sarresh snaps out of his own head ;)

So, if y'all have something you want to post, please, please don't wait on me :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #366
Two things:

1. A warm welcome to A Gentleman And A Scholar (one person, mind you all) who is our latest addition to the group! :) He plays a Weapons Scientist that came aboard the Harbinger specifically to exploit the weak spots in the Valkyrie-program's latest prototype fighters. Rennan Cooper having been the central driving force behind the project, he knows more about the Lone Wolves' shiny toys than anyone else. It is with bitter-sweet irony that the Harbinger also ended up as outlaws, and Junior Lieutenant Cooper now has to use his extensive knowledge to safeguard the technology he once built instead of destroying it. I hope you will have a great time in the RP, Gentleman!

2. Being that Brutus will be posting very soon with Sarresh and Natalie to make things progress, I will post after him for sake of efficiency in the storytelling. Gentleman, the intro sequence we spoke of, you could possibly hold off until after I post just for the sake of the Calamity being more vulnerable then. Then again, Rennan's plan requires some time of flight between point A and B, so either way should work depending on your availability. Oh, and Searcher, looks like - despite the dire situation - Rory has some alone-time with the ravishing Chief of Security in the Lounge, lol. I suppose there is no time like the present... J/K ;)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #367
Short note: I have tried to help you guys some with colour-coding to the Deck Layout for the USS Theurgy.

I don't know why I have not done so earlier. Much easier to navigate by department colours (grey locations not affiliated with a sepcific department).



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #368
Another short note, since I made the mistake myself:

A change in my last post with Evelyn Rawley shooting on the Calamity.

...The Hellbournes did not fully penetrate the Calamity's shields but made some headway before they went off, tearing apart the ablative armour. Screaming in elation, fury and hidden fear, she punched a button to switch to her remaining micro-torpedo ordnance - consecutively spewing a full spread into the already tearing shields of the enemy.

I came to realise myself that it was only the phaser arrays that had been recalibrated with Sarresh Morali's super-programming from the future. Hard-points have a tougher time getting through the advanced kinds of shields that the Calamity possess.

Phasers are not to play with though, if judging the Into Darkness battles. ;)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #369
Hi all!

Our dear SCO wanted some more info on the externally mounted hard point options that are available to the Valkyries, and it has been on my list. However, I have not had the time to compile the info beyond the names, so IronFerrox helped me out a great deal to give you some more intel on what it is that your Valkyrie can mount before heading out to battle:

Check the Tacitcal Conn info here:

Again, thanks IronFerrox for helping out with this info.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #370

Sadly, both Kittykat and Taguiera are no longer members of the group because of irregular and lacking posting activity. They were both approached beforehand and given time to try and get back in gear, yet RL came to draw focus and kill inspiration for them, which consequently hampered the progress and affected the story.

Moreover, members are expected to actively play all their characters, which is even more important when playing characters in the Senior Staff. This termination is made for the sake of the RP Group as a whole. Moreover, it might feel good for them to not have to feel any stress about not being able to keep up with the events in the storyline and have people waiting for them.

Lieutenant Amatras Neotin, Lieutenant T'Less and Lieutenant Commander Howard will succumb to injury and placed in stasis at first given opportunity in order to open up the Senior Staff positions of Chief Science Officer, Chief Tactical Officer and Chief Engineer. As for Cadet Amikris Neotin, Cadet Scosche Bellde'side, Junior Lieutenant Arcorn Neotin and Junior Lieutenant Adam Kingston, they may become subject to injury when opportunity presents itself and also placed in stasis (yet listed as NPC for all the group to use until then). However, the Senior Staff positions are vital to the storyline and must therefore be opened up for active players to fill as soon as possible.

Should the case be that they wish to return to the RP Group sometime in the future, with their characters "revived" from stasis, they are more than welcome to do so. However, because of their recent posting activity, it is doubtful that their characters may end up in a Senior Staff position.

Best Regards,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #372
I'm working on that post ... now that I have stuff mostly packed and trying to get my brain to work on something other than hoping I don't forget the toothpaste or my contact lenses.  :P

Yes, I am going on vacation though for a mother it's not really vacation.  We head out tomorrow (Sunday the 9th) and won't come back for a week (Saturday the 15th).  My internet time will be severely limited since the resort we are staying at has wifi in the lobby and restaurant but NOT the hotel rooms.  O.o ...

I know Rory is back in the bar on Deck 5 with the lovely security guard and he's not too essential anyway.  Fox, you can assume Skye is following your lead and firing at will and doing her best to keep you both safe.  Now ... to reread and try to make an Eve post that makes sense so poor Lucan can get the ball rolling again.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #373
Will reply to the Prologue either late tonight or tomorrow afternoon/evening. I think I can squeeze some paras out in between my studying :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #374
hi yall sorry for my lack of activity over the past week.  I began work at my new job last week and things have been rather hectic for me. I assure everyone that I am still here I just have had a bit of a rough and hectic but overall pleasant week.

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