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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 413863 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #326
Two ships added for the start of Episode 03! They are in the same topic that the Storyline NPCs are.

Many thanks goes to Kurohigi for his help with the specs of the USS Calamity. If there is a need to specify ship-specific details about the USS Harbinger, just drop me a PM about what you are interested in knowing or post it here. I will then move to add the information as soon as possible.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #327
Was looking at the calamity and noticed this:
Emergency Speed: Warp 10 [Fail-safe makes this impossible with organic life on-board. 9,995 in this case]
Does this mean there were nearly 10000 people aboard the Calamity and it went to Warp 10 and now they're all dead?  If so, then my question is, for a ship who's crew compliment is about 400 or so, how and where did they put 10000 people?  Standing room only?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #329
Given the recent low activity due to differing reasons, I need you all to please report your continued activity before Episode 03 begins.

I have sent a few PMs to those that have been away the longest duration of time, but since I have not gotten any replies from two of them, I have to do it this way instead since I fear the PM medium is inadequate:

The players who do not reply to this OOC post before Episode 03 begins will have their characters injured and placed in stasis during the initial fighting that will occur at the beginning of said Episode. Should the player of those characters wish to return with any/all characters, it will have to be cleared via PM to the GM first.

Episode 03 will begin 2013-04-20 depending on the following conditions:
- All who have pending character applications for the Harbinger have finished their character sheets
- Yours truly does not fall ill or becomes otherwise incapacitated to write the starter (yours truly falls ill twice a year at the most)
- The muse of yours truly sleeps on the job, which results in that said muse is promptly shot and replaced (recruitment process takes 24 hours)
- Yours truly may post Episode 03 earlier depending on enthusiastic response from you guys
- Yours truly does, in anguish, realise that the interest to continue our journey with the USS Theurgy is too low from you guys to merit more effort put into it

The last condition is one I do not believe true based on my IM-interactions, knowing instead that RL does steal time from creative writing. My wish for you to reply here is, however, merited because of the patchy silence.

Yours truly,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #330

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #331
i'm in

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #332
I should be able to get you the character sheet I owe you by tonight.  Just gotta handle some business with a new vehicle before I start in on my writing for today.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #333
That is great guys. I am still waiting for a reply from the following writers:

- WyteKnyte
- IronFerrox
- Searcher
- Brutus
- Letine Kett
- Nolan
- Aron Garow

Also, I am pitching a new character concept for whomever is willing to consider it and does not already have a new character to introduce to the story. I will also pitch this character concept externally in our request thread. This is, also, a permanent storyline character:

A two-sided human woman, this one:

Dancer/Lounge Worker
Federations News Service Correspondent

= Undercover reporter

The key issue for the Theurgy is to spread the news about Starfleet Command's true nature. Having picked up scent about a possible scoop that has to do with one of the Starfleet Officers aboard the Harbinger, she would not feel it prudent to reveal herself. Once she ends up trapped on the Harbinger, following the even bigger scoop about Starfleet Command, she remains silent about her profession since it seems the Harbinger does not mean to spread the truth but rather leave the Federation behind. Her fears about her double identity makes her remain silent as well, for reasons well grounded in how the ship seems to be run. In Episode 03, she would find the Theurgy to have a mission where she can spread the truth and have her scoop, and therefore try to leave the Harbinger.

Oh, and if she is a Lounge Worker on the Harbinger, she will work together with Rory Callahan, Searcher's bartender character.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #335
Of course, I'm definitely in! :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #336
Still here and trying to figure out where I am to be honest.  I'm reading through all the most recent threads right now to get myself up to speed.  :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #337
Yep I'm still In. 

Kuro, Miles basically would just nod in understanding and report there isn't any new bisnuess and leave.  I didnt feel there was enough in what he woudl do to warrant a real reply so go ahead and assume that plotpoint between them is wrapped up.  If you want to move onto another plot point just go ahead assume Miles left within a minuite after your last post

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #338
Still in!

Still working on the background story. Time hasn't been in my favor lately but I expect it to be done somewhere today or tomorrow.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #339
FYI everyone, I have sent a final PM to WyteKnyte and Latine Kett stating that unless they reply before the Episode begins, their characters will be injured and placed in stasis. After Episode 03 kicks off, and if anyone has ongoing scenes/e-mail transcripts/stories with either of their characters, please wrap those up to the best of your ability and post them when you find the chance.

The initial post of Ep03 is underway and it looks like we'll be on time for the launch on 2013-04-20. Looking forward to set things in motion.

Personally, I have no problem with continuing to write scenes in the Post Meridiem and Interregnum threads, so if you guys come up with things you want to go over before the events in Ep03, please feel free to use those threads. Just be mindful about the repercussions upon the character(s) and events you write in Episode 03 since they are also affected. Furthermore, the Interregnum thread is a great place-holder for new writers/characters that are commissioned as crew on the Theurgy, where they can introduce themselves prior to the events in Episode 03.

Also, I have put all our writing on this board into two PDF-files for back-up, and I have also put some work into making them more readable. If you are interested in safekeeping copies of these PDF-files, please PM me with an email address that you wish me to send them to. These could be good for our new members too since these are far easier to read than the forum posts if you want to read up on events so far.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #340
Still missing a few storyline character sheets (one being my own) and I am not content with the opening post for EP03 at this point in the middle of the night (my time) so I will delay the opening one more day. Heading to bed for now.

If you guys have any questions, don't hesitate to PM me.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #341
The next part of the Episode is shaping up nicely, and Nolan (plus Kittyat if she manages to do so in time) will post tomorrow before I set things in motion. Taguiera, if you have the time, please try to post with Scosche too so that its my turn with Ida in time for my next lenghty post.

Aron Garrow, I sent you a PM a while back, so please check your inbox. Need an answer soon enough on what I suggested.

Lastly, Searcher. Damn you wrote a hot lapdance... :)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #342
*blushing hotly*  Thanks Lucan.  I wasn't sure exactly how to write one and hoped it would do ... feel quite good you enjoyed.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #345
IronFerrox has a wish to add another post to the Senior Staff Meeting before the Red Alert, and since I am not content with my very lengthy post just yet, and for the sake of giving time to some RL-burdened writers to get a chance to post as well (perhaps even replying to Iron's new arguments about Thea) along with the great need for the last Storyline NPC character sheets to be posted, I will hold off another day with the Red Alert.

Admittedly, its 20 minutes past midnight here and I have an early meeting, so this fits me perfectly in that regard as well ;) (not having to finish the post I have at 2 am or some such)

So, thank you IronFerrox for both giving me some time and adding some more upon the Senior Staff scene! I hope this sits well with the rest of you too, and you are not too bummed by another slight delay.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #346
I realise, with the slow flow of replies since late last week, that I might have thrown you all serveral curve-balls with my previous post. I think I have to make something clear given the history of the rp so far.

- There is no set posting order, so if you are waiting on each other, use this OOC thread to coordinate as needed (or you can use e-mails or PMs)

- Compared to this Episode, we have historically had a main storyline that has been rather linear - leaving less to you guys to affect the events that unfolds. Now, we are working together with a vaguely outlined manuscript found in the info posts at the top of our board, and as long as we work together to make the sequence of general phases unfold, I leave it to everyone to embellish and develop the story we write together as it unfolds. I do not sit with all the answers with this Episode, even if Kurohigi and I will affect a great deal by playing the two Captains of the Theurgy and the Harbinger. Initiatives and new ideas are more than welcome, even if we might have to force the story move on (sometimes at the cost of not waiting on someone that can't keep up).

- If you have questions or want advice on what your characters might do in their individual situations, please do ask for opinions from others. Draw inspiration from people that look objectively at it all. Contact me or Kuro if you are hesitant. For example, I take Brutus, whom I have corresponded with and found a great sub-plot that will unfold in Episode 03. *clandestine smile*

That is it for now. As always, feedback on the RP as a whole and what to improve on my end is most welcome. Send me a PM if there is something troubling you guys. :)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #347
Taguiera just brought to my attention that there might be some major circumstances that I've missed to detail in my writing, and I realise that those major things that I do miss might be helpful to discuss OOC-wise. He had wished to ask me over IM and it just came to my attention that it should be worth knowing for everyone involved.

- The USS Harbinger was heading the Theurgy's way, and in detecting the hiding Starfleet ship, the Harbinger bridge crew thinks that the Theurgy is lying in ambush and comes in hot with weapons armed and ready (that latter part something I did write out), and this will give Tactical (Taguiera) enough info to make the rest up based on the info on the Akira-class ship specs (added with detectable damage status).

- Circumstances beyond this aboard the Harbinger will become available when Kurohigi posts with Captain Vasser, followed with further details in posts from the XO (me), Conn (Taguiera), Tactical Conn (Taguiera), Medical (Nolan), Engineering (Aron Garow) and general crew morale status (Searcher).

In short, if you need more input in order to post, post your questions here! :) No need to try and catch me over IM. Make the info public knowledge for the rest of the RP Group.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #348
Conn (Taguiera)  I thought i was Flight Conn on The Harbinger?

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