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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #425
Welcome indeed! We also have a third writer lined up that will be saying hello soon enough so stay tuned.

A new part of Chapter 02 has been posted:

More of these are coming up, and I will announce each here and provide ideas and suggestions for them here or over PM. As for the above, Brutus and A_Gentleman_and_a_Scholar are the two directly involved from the start, yet as you might be able to tell from the OOC note, the Lone Wolves Squadron will also be involved soon enough. Those writing pilots will be notified in due time.

Also, here is the updated poster of ours, visible on Deviant Art as well as assorted info/posts here on House of Eros:

That is all for now, and I hope to get yet another thread for Chapter 02 up today if I have the time to finish it.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #426
Hello from me, newbie number 3.  I'm playing a Security Officer from the Harbinger and just wanted to give a big friendly 'hi' OOC, before I get all IC and start waving my phaser about.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #427
Welcome Escapis! :)

Already, I have a scene for you (and many others) to play in:

Hope this new part of Chapter 02 might peak everyone's interest and inspire to become the awesome scene that it has the potential to be! I have plenty of outcomes in mind for it, so we'll se how it goes.

FYI, I play Captain Vasser and Edena Rez there until Kurohigi gets back.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #428
Psst... Slight update, ahem, I thought the pink underwear was a bit over the top so the prisoner got standard issue blue undies, lol. Reason she is not wearing uniform is that she might use the garments to hang herself or some other mischief. This by orders from T'Rena, logically. :)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #429
Psst... Slight update, ahem, I thought the pink underwear was a bit over the top so the prisoner got standard issue blue undies, lol. Reason she is not wearing uniform is that she might use the garments to hang herself or some other mischief. This by orders from T'Rena, logically. :)



I'd half expect (and entirely hope :p ) that she'd be allowed no clothing at all if we're worried about her strangling herself, but you're the skipper so your call. :p

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #430
Haha, good point there. *grins* Starfleet issue panties and bras are vile, dangerous things. Straight up ninja stuff right there. Let's just say the undies are there to keep the Brig Officers from doing inadvisable mischief instead. *nod nod*



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #432
A (for me) exciting update on the below :) :

Fun statistics

You know our new promotional trailer on Vimeo? It is just about to hit 100 plays since I posted it one month ago. Its 99 plays right now. Our last one got a total - ever - of 56 plays on YouTube... and it was up for well over a year.

Furthermore, some statistics from our Deviant Art gallery of graphics, here is what the summary tells me:

"auctorlucan has 278 pageviews total and the 107 deviations were viewed 4,748 times." Explanation: "Pageviews" is the profile main page of the account, whereas the images were viewed a total of 4,748 times. The fact that this is even more amazing is that I posted our all of our graphics the 14th of August and onwards, and I had posted no artwork at all before that. This means that the numbers began to climb to the aforementioned amount starting mere 8 days ago. O_O

Vimeo-trailer: 188 views! Closing in on 200...

DeviantArt: 1,132 pageviews (front page) total and the 159 deviations (images) has been viewed 19,889 times (!). 160 comments has been left on the images and they been favourited" by Deviant Art members 1,490 times in total.

While the account holds a lot of Andorian photo-manipulated nudity, I am so happy to learn that the image with the most comments is our poster: "Star Trek: Theurgy" (Link: Theurgy[/i]-385531874] with 15 comments, while the most favourited one is "Tamika-Remmington-Study-02" (Link:, with 82 favourites. The most viewed deviation is "Tamika-Remmington-Study-01" with 971 views (Link:

Sorry for taking some of your time with, but it has me really excited. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #433
Hi Everyone! I am new to both The House of Eros and Star Trek Role Playing. For various reasons I won't be participating in the RP but I am having a lot of fun reading the stories. I will admit I came here because I was curious about ST Erotica. That and one of the characters being represented by Rachel McAdams. :D
I stayed because you people have real talent for combing intriguing characters, compelling stories and erotica.
I'm making my way through the stories and looking forward to the current stories once I catch up.
I loved Outbreak by the way because of the reasons I mentioned.
Having a lot of fun here so Thank You all for that.
Best Regards

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #434
Its awesome that we've got a fan and please, if you have specific questions to any of us writing the Star Trek: Theurgy saga, just ask away here. Even better, if there is something you specifically like, let us know about it here too.

Hope will enjoy the rest of the story that has developed since Episode 01: Outbreak.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #435
I am definetly a fan! I've read all the stories now so I'm up to date on them. I've enjoyed all of them. I meant to compliment all of you on the vividness of your writing. That's also a factor on why I like the stories so much. My crappy brain forgot to mention that in my previous post. I don't just mean vividness in the erotic sciences but also in detail in the characters.
I did forget to ask if there was any significance to the use of the name Theurgy?
Best Regards to everyone.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #437
Sorry for another post. I have a "brain problem" that effects my memory and concentration. I'm not always aware it's happening. It can make it difficult to communicate. For instance I may intend to post something and mention five points but will only remember to do four. It can be frustrating as hell and makes creative writing difficult which is why I am only a Fan here and not an active Role Player which I would be if I could. I am writing this as an explanation not a bid for sympathy. Please bare with me if I don't always make myself clear 100%. I'm happy to clarify anything if need be.
Basically this is a long winded way of saying I forgot to ask some questions in my last post. I'm more than happy to let you all know what things I like in the stories but couldn't that be consider Spoilers? Since I'm not actually a RP member is it out of line for me to make suggestions or mention things I'd like to see happen?
My apologies for rambling on. It comes from the brain problem and trying to get my points across.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #438
Hi there everyone!

I forgot to mention that I was going to have guests over this weekend and I had little time to write, but I will be catching up asap.

I did forget to ask if there was any significance to the use of the name Theurgy?

theurgy [ˈθiːˌɜːdʒɪ] n. pl. -gies
(Christian Religious Writings / Theology)
a.  the intervention of a divine or supernatural agency in the affairs of man
b.  the working of miracles by such intervention

The common misunderstanding is that it refers to magic, yet rather more fitting as a ritual of invocation. It is referring to its MVAM mode, which should constitute for a miraculous change in a tactical situation where one ship becomes three yet functions/moves in complete tactical harmony with one another against the enemy. The MVAM-mode is initiated by a kind of ritual too, where the CO initiates the countdown to the decoupling sequence and then invokes attack patterns as "spells", if you forgive me the crude comparison, in order to work these tactical miracles.

Also, its not too far-fetched from standard starship/class names, like Galaxy, Odyssey and Discovery. The USS Calamity has a similar name to the Theurgy because of obvious reasons.

Since I'm not actually a RP member is it out of line for me to make suggestions or mention things I'd like to see happen?

You are more than welcome to try and make suggestions or mentions as long as you respect the fact that it is up to the writers to decide what happens with/to their characters in the story. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #440
No worries about it. :)

In other news; Given the inactivity of Imaginette with her Tamika Remmington character, and with no replies to my PMs since over a month back, I have today ended her membership of the group. Her character made little impact on the story so far, so there is no need to have her NPC:ed in order to fill a critical IC role.

IronFerrox has expressed interest in overtaking the character pictures that I made of Tamika for a character of his own making, and since the graphics are mine, I will let him create a tertiary character based on those graphics. Looking forward to see what you come up with!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #441
Showcasing my recent work:

I considered to change Ives female form's RL model due to the fact that Tila has never been representative as Jien beyond her physical appearance in some of my images (where she is holding a sword and/or have that stern commanding look in her eye). Tila was never chosen for her personae in the first place, which should be quite obvious when reading Captain Ives in the story.

Yet after looking around for alternative actresses that had images with the same quality, I found that there were no real good alternatives that I could use in order to edit all of my female Jien images, so I ended up deciding to stick with Jien having Tila's appearance. Looking around, I found mtrl to make the above picture, where Jien - for once - smiled faintly while drinking her Aldebaran whiskey.

/end inconsequential rant, please continue.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #443


    I know that times are busy for many of us - me included - burdened as we all are with work, family, friends and fornication in order to make either of the aforementioned. As per request, I will be unravelling the tangled mysteries of the current story timeline, since there might be some confusion as to when events occur in relation to others.

    I will be green-marking scenes that are (in my opinion) finished and where there are no more posts needed for the sake of the story, and I will mark scenes that needs to be finished in yellow, as well as naming [the next poster]. [Names written in white] are posters that may wish to expand on the scene for enjoyment and/or closure.

    CHAPTER 01 (Plays out during a single evening)

    In chronological order, here is what is going on in Chapter 01, with thread names in white.
    • 1930 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: Bloody, but Unbowed]
      • Ceremony is held, Lt JG Sarresh Morali confronts Captain Ives about his memory lapses, suspecting that s/he knows something.

      • Ensign Carver being upset, Lt JG Ravon speaks with her on the temporarily vacated Flight Deck (with the risk of being caught). [Searcher]

      • In the Triage Centre, Dr. Duv inoculates Lt Cooper to wake up. Lt Cmdr Renard joins the scene. Both Renard and Duv leaves.

      • Dr. Nicander sends off Lt.JG Rawley to the Yellow Zone and leaves. Lt Cmdr Renard meets Rawley, speaks with her, then leaves.

      • Dr. Nicander joins Head Nurse Jenkins by Rihen Neyah's biobed, speaks with the patient and then with each other.

      • Several characters heard the ceremony and reacted individually, wandering off in their separate directions.

      • Captain Ives and Captain Vasser speaks upon the centre of the plains. [Kurohigi]

      • Lin Kae has activated the first actual prototype of Thea's new emitter.

    • 2000 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: Triage Centre]
      • After Jien Ives finishes speaking with Captain Vasser s/he heads to the Triage Centre to speak with Lt. JG Cooper.

      • In a joint-post between Dr. Nicander and Dr. Duv, they have a 'through' introduction...

      • Counsellor O'Connor meets Rihen Neyah, an then is approached by Jien Ives to tell her she is needed on the Theurgy.

      • Amikris meets with Sarresh Morali by the Transport Centre. [Brutus]

      • Dr. Duv and Rennan Cooper speaks and then heads to the Thermal Springs Lounge. [Nolan]

    • 2030 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: Thermal Springs]
      • Several characters have amassed to the Thermal Springs Lounge. Isley and Slaverton have been fraternising a bit. Rez and zh'Wann has covertly snuck off into the darkness.

      • Dr. Nicander and Head Nurse Jenkins has met up outside the Triage Centre and headed to the Lounge too. [Searcher]

      • Winterbourne and Aisha S'Ithi. [Searcher] (I could finish this one up though?)

      • Callahan and Stark are chatting by the bar. [Searcher]

    • 2200 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]
      • Jien Ives has finished speaking with several people, among them Lt. Cooper (see above) and ends his/her evening fighting Lt. JG Alexander Rosek.

      • Lt Cmdr Miles Renard has showed up and speaks with the dreadful Phantom (the Harbinger Wig Commander), whom have escaped the Triage Centre. Before things comes to blows... Soo Young appears with her Valkyrie in the nocturnal sky.

      • Lt Cmdr Miles Renard and MCPO Soo Young Seung heads to the Thermal Springs for cleansing and debriefing. [IronFerrox]
    CHAPTER 02 (Begins the day after Chapter 01 and extends 5-7 days into the future)

    In chronological order, here is what is going on in Chapter 02 after the starter with the holographic right speech, with thread names in white. Time is measured in days and hours after Arcorn Neotins death as he fell from the Theurgy's hull at the end of the speech.

    • Day 0 | 0800 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: In the Fell Clutch of Circumstance]
      • The holographic rights speech is held, Arcorn Neotin falls to his death. Lt. Lin Kae sees his great moment tragically ruined. [Kurohigi]

      • Sarresh Morali is the only one to hear Amikris's ultrasonic, blood-curdling cry as she learns about her father's "suicide". Sarresh stops her from coming too close to the smashed up body, trying to console her instead. [Brutus]

      • Dr. Miko Dauntless is the closest medic, with Lucan joining her to perform an autopsy. [AkiraRevile]

    • Day 0 | 1100 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: Reunion]
      • Soo Young Seung has her reunion with Evelyn Rawley.

      • After finishing the autopsy with Dr. Dauntless, Dr. Nicander has found Soo Young Seung in distress after her reunion with Evelyn Rawley has gone awry. [Adakoch21]

    • Day 0 | 1400 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: Shades of Untruth]
      • Dr. Nicander has parted ways with Soo Young Seung. The interrogation of Sonja Acreth in the Harbinger's Brig has begun.

      • After the initial medical exams come up short of the truth, the interrogation has shed some light upon Sonja Acreth's true Starfleet nature, if that is to be believed at all... [Kurohigi], [The Counselor] + [Nolan] (Independent order)

    • Day 1 | 1000 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: Benefit of the Doubt]
      (on-going e-mail joint-post)
      • Captain Ives visits Counsellor Hayden Quinn O'Connor, and an argument ensues. [The Counselor]

      • After the meeting, Captain Ives has some introspection to do, yet duty still calls and s/he has a meeting with Selena Ravenholm, who will get her new - unorthodox - orders. [IronFerrox]

    • Day 2 | 0930 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: Hidden Assets]
      • Jien Ives oversees preparations in the cargo bay area together with Chief Tactical Officer Rennan Cooper and Chief of Operations Natalie Stark.

      • The Captain brings Natalie Stark to a Transporter Room in order to conduct their first martial art training session. [Brutus]

      • Ship AI Thea leads the way to a powered-up holodeck, where she will be assisting Rennan Cooper in his advanced tactical training. A few from the Lone Wolves Squadron will be awaiting them there, and Miles Renard will act as the attacking enemy squadron in the simulation. [Gentleman & A Scholar]

    • Day 2 | 0947 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: What Goes Around...]
      (on-going e-mail joint-post)
      • Meanwhile the simulation is under way (see above), and as she is reading though security logs, Deputy zh'Wann goes to find Ensign Skye Carver on the Flight Deck in order to ask some questions... Unfortunately, due to recent events where the Ensign's lover was shot down (in the Prologue) a fist-fight ensues. [Searcher]

    • Day 3 | 1900 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: Empyrean Engagement]
      • Deputy Than'Ida zh'Wann has agreed to spar with CTO Rennan Cooper upon a mountain platform overlooking the valley. [Gentleman & A Scholar]

    • Day 3 | 2100 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: Self-Assessment]
      • Jien Ives, in her female form, seeks out Nathaniel Isley in order to verify that Counsellor O'Connor is mistaken about her emotional injuries from the Niga Incident. [Kurohigi]

    • Day 4 | 1344 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: Dysfunctional Defenders]
      • ThanIda'zh'wann comes across an accident in the valley, and Lt. Ben Vessery also shows up, with his own opinion on who's to blame. After the argument ensues, there will be a distress call coming in from a Science team in the wilderness outside the valley... [Escapis]

    • Day 4-7 | XXXX hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: N/A | Upcoming Scenes]
      • Upcoming: Cadet Amikris Neotin seeks help from the Chief Counsellor. [Auctor Lucan]

      • Upcoming: Rihen Neyah walks into Rennan Cooper again, after having met on the Theurgy a couple of days back. [Auctor Lucan]

    Soon enough, when we have finished some of the yellow scenes above, we are to start up Chapter 03, where both ships will be having to make emergency take-offs in order to avoid a series of volcanic eruptions... only to find how Starfleet has detected them in their emergency.

    Chapter 02, as you all might reckon if I have not told you already, will function as a place-holder time-frame where new characters (even writers) and scenes may be written freely up to the point where Chapter 03 starts.

    I hope this has provided the requested overview of In-Character events, and I look forward to read everyone's upcoming posts! :) If you have new ideas to incorporate into the story, just let me or the involved writers know.

    Best Regards,

    Auctor Lucan


      Re: Main OOC Thread

      Reply #445
      We have a "new" character aboard:

      Provisional Chief Warrant Officer
      Selena "Luna" Ravenholm
      Acting Chief of Operations
      USS Harbinger

      Having overtaken the character of a wayward writer, IronFerrox now plays Luna, and she has somewhat of a multi-facetted background...

      Best Regards,

      Auctor Lucan

      Re: Main OOC Thread

      Reply #446
      Hi everyone!

      A couple of clarifications to the latest development in the Shades of Untruth thread, which the need thereof was made clear by questions from IronFerrox this morning. Read the latest post first, else there are spoliers ahead. Here is what you might need to know (Questions in yellow and Answers in green):

      (14:02:55) IronFerrox: Just wow
      (14:09:47) Auctor Lucan: Wow, as in what the fuck? :)
      (14:10:20) IronFerrox: Yes
      (14:10:24) IronFerrox: As in WTF
      (14:10:58) IronFerrox: I actually had her pegged for not an enemy
      (14:11:19) IronFerrox: I was thinking Ok just naive Ensign who believes everything Fleet says
      (14:11:51) Auctor Lucan: That was kind of the idea and I am glad that impression as conveyed.
      (14:16:11) IronFerrox: I am kinda confused at what the positions of characters are right now.
      (14:16:27) Auctor Lucan: Basically they were all in front of the forcefield
      (14:16:42) Auctor Lucan: front row, second row, kinda fleeting

      (14:16:50) IronFerrox: Yeah
      (14:17:00) IronFerrox: Ida it seems just got engaged in hand to hand with the Ensign?
      (14:17:29) Auctor Lucan: Yeah, Vessery and Ida were positioned to the right and left of the forcefield.
      (14:17:35) Auctor Lucan: With rifles and hand phasers.
      (14:17:54) Auctor Lucan: The Harbinger's CSec - Dee - in front with the others.

      (14:17:47) IronFerrox: And Lucan got pulled into the forcefield and got sizzled a little?
      (14:18:01) Auctor Lucan: Yeah.
      (14:18:34) IronFerrox: Anyways I am assuming the Ensign is in some form of superhuman level of athletics?
      (14:18:41) IronFerrox: as well as increased strength?

      (14:19:01) Auctor Lucan: Yes. Not your average joe, anymore.
      (14:19:33) Auctor Lucan: It was kind of implied with her being one of the enemy and what she did in so little time.

      (14:19:25) IronFerrox: Also, flesh-puppets. Interesting choice of words.
      (14:20:04) Auctor Lucan: Yeah, fitting, eh?
      (14:20:06) IronFerrox:  Being with that kind of symbiotic parasite she is the term fits
      (14:20:40) IronFerrox: I man I am sure the beast in side Lucan sees all the others as nothing but potential hosts.  Potential Puppets made of flesh and bone.
      (14:20:56) Auctor Lucan: Halfway true
      (14:21:03) Auctor Lucan: At least the parasite thinks so
      (14:21:26) Auctor Lucan: What the host thinks, or what remains or has become of him thinks, I try to illustrate in my writing.
      (14:21:33) IronFerrox: yea.
      (14:21:47) IronFerrox: I take it the Parasite went an did a full take over just now on her?
      (14:22:03) Auctor Lucan: Indeed.
      (14:22:46) IronFerrox: Also, mask of death face.  Are we talking an actual physical change or we just talking contorted in such rage and alien personality that no human experssion really fits?
      (14:22:58) Auctor Lucan: The latter.
      (14:23:21) IronFerrox: Ok, so no actual apparent physical change?
      (14:23:26) Auctor Lucan: Nope.
      (14:25:20) Auctor Lucan: The questions you ought to ask yourself is whether or not this was a ploy that both alien parasites were in on, to alleviate Lucan above all kind of suspicion, while the prisoner were to draw all the attention, or if it was as simple as Acreth not knowing that Nicander was one of her own.
      (14:25:39) IronFerrox: I am not really sure.
      (14:26:16) IronFerrox: Also just the whole apparent realization I can't help but think for a moment there the Medical Investigator of Lucan himself for once shown through.
      (14:26:44) IronFerrox: I wonder if Lucan actually knows himself the actual biochemical processes of his own parasite
      (14:27:43) IronFerrox: I mean, that seemed like a legit epiphany?

      (14:29:00) Auctor Lucan: Oh, but Lucan, oh, Lucan lives in a enactment of himself all the time. He is constantly using a façade as an impeccable Starfleet CMO.
      (14:29:14) Auctor Lucan: He is a master of deception.
      (14:29:27) Auctor Lucan: All he does and says, most of the time, serves his own purposes.

      (14:29:28) IronFerrox: In other words his entire being is a façade within a façade?
      (14:30:00) Auctor Lucan: Yes. there are many reasons for why I titled the thread just so.
      (14:30:11) IronFerrox: Yeah, exactly.
      (14:30:26) IronFerrox: If you tell a lie that is big enough...
      (14:30:36) IronFerrox: No one will question it as anything but the truth
      (14:30:45) Auctor Lucan: Exactly.
      (14:32:19) Auctor Lucan: If you constantly live and breathe and use lies to fabricate your place in the world, the fake image becomes the real one... even for the deceiver. Hence, Lucan is turning over to the good side by degrees and with the help of the love of those around him.
      (14:32:41) IronFerrox: yea
      (14:33:37) Auctor Lucan: I leave it to the players to chose how much love Lucan is given, and thus dictates the pace of his character development.
      (14:33:57) IronFerrox: Yeah,  I see a chance he can be redeemed.
      (14:34:05) IronFerrox: But not likely, too much hate within.
      (14:34:15) Auctor Lucan: Yeah, some way to go still.
      (14:34:27) Auctor Lucan: With him being a genocidal maniac even before he was joined.
      (14:34:35) IronFerrox: If he would let go of that want for vengeance I see him as having a strong enough will to usurp control of himself
      (14:35:00) IronFerrox: of course maybe its that genocidal maniac that is the only thing keeping his own will from being absorbed?
      (14:35:35) Auctor Lucan: Indeed, there is a rare strength in him that challenges the beast inside him.
      (14:36:19) IronFerrox: Maybe the only reason he is more than just a flesh puppet is because he has other things he wants to do? His spirit. His hate. His will to have his vengeance is too strong to let some parasite take it from him?
      (14:36:32) Auctor Lucan: Indeed.
      (14:36:40) IronFerrox: Too bad that his means of getting what he wants makes him have to pretend to have friends. Pretend to care.
      (14:37:06) Auctor Lucan: Perhaps that pretence is his salvation though.
      (14:37:19) Auctor Lucan: Pretence leading to real empathy.
      (14:37:42) IronFerrox: Over time these beings you hate... some of them slowly inevitably become instead of 'people I have to kill', and become 'people tolerate', then 'people I will allow to live'.
      (14:38:01) Auctor Lucan: Yes, while he constantly excuses his own mercy with the fact that the evil alternatives might blow his cover.
      (14:38:07) IronFerrox: Bullshit.
      (14:38:20) IronFerrox: You've got an emotional attachment.
      (14:38:30) Auctor Lucan: Exactly, but he does not admit it.
      (14:38:38) Auctor Lucan: He cannot admit that to himself.
      (14:38:43) Auctor Lucan: for that would be to betray Kisane.
      (14:41:26) Auctor Lucan: As you can see, eventually, the story's antagonist may just turn out to be an anti-hero instead.

      There, hope that helps for those in doubt as to what actually happened. :) If you have any questions, please pose them here so that everyone might get the answers!


      Auctor Lucan

      Re: Main OOC Thread

      Reply #447
       Brutus steps up to the podium and waves to get everyone's attention.

      Right, so, hi there! As i'm sure y'all noticed, the Star Trek Theurgy section of the boards looks...different. All those threads are gone, and there's sub forums now. Lucan asked me to help clean up/organize things a bit. The idea being that there are a lot of story threads across multiple episodes, and it would be beneficial to group them all together by episode. So we got some child boards made, and then I got to spend some time moving all the threads.

      Part of the idea here is to make things look less cluttered and easily navigable for potential new players.

      So, all your currently active threads for episode 3 are in the episode 3 child board. Please go there to keep your rp's up and running :) For now, the main section will just include OOC thread and other information threads, unless I am mistaken.


      Re: Main OOC Thread

      Reply #448
      Cudos to Brutus for helping out with cleaning up this board of ours. I hope it has not served to become a source of confusion for everyone, but I firmly believe this is for the better. Judging from the IM reactions I've had, it seems to be taken as an improvement, at least.

      Oh, I have told some of you that I have begun playing the Mass Effect video games the last couple of weeks...

      ...and here is me ENRAGED that they stole my idea to use the Invictus poem in Mass Effect 3! How dared they have Ashley Williams recite it after she recovered from her wounds (not a major spoiler, so sue me). I should phone BioWare and make some bloody heads roll for this! Damnable rip-off I say! :)

      Anyway. As you were.

      For sake of trying to be original, I should have gone with a clever little haiku instead.

      Great games btw.

      Best Regards,

      Auctor Lucan

      Simple Audio Video Embedder