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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #400
Will be chucking in a post tomorrow or the day after. :) Also for those who are in joint post with me, I'll get back to you as well by tomorrow I hope.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #401
Hello all!

My name's Jane and I just joined up with a new science officer for the Harbinger, Elaja Dawson. I've been looking for a decent Star Trek rp for a while now and I happened across the Theurgy rp. I have to say I'm very excited as it looks like the best one I've seen thus far. I really can't wait to play with you all!

I was also interested in setting up some single rps if anyone else likes my character enough to do so. I would love for one of the Theurgy crew to have a past history with her so we might catch up or have a tearful reunion when we finally run into one another again. Elaja has also been all around the universe in her youth, so there are plenty of openings to have known her even outside of Starfleet.

Aside from that, it's nice to meet everyone and I hope we have lots of fun together :3

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #402
Welcome aboard Jane :D Hope you'll find your way in our web of stories ^^

You might have sparked some of my interest with mentioning a reunion. Perhaps she could have met Thomas at some point. Feel free to Pm me or anything for more details :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #403
As much as I hate to do this I'm afraid I have to bow out.

I love this game so much but Real Life has trampled upon my freedoms and these iron shackles of reality just do not allow me the time and creative juices I desire to dedicate to it.

Thank you Lucan for being such a wonderful support.  You are an exceptional writer and GM.

Perhaps when I win the lottery or my Life Situation changes I'll come back but for right now I wish you all the best.  I'll still try to come back from time to time and be a fly on the wall reading the excellent story as it unfolds.

As far as Diadeniera, I give Lucan full creative control to dispatch of her as he sees fit.

With Bittersweet Hugs,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #404
Greetings everyone!

Sad to see you leave Arielle, and thank you for your kind words. If you ever decide to come back to us with a new character, please know that you will always be welcome back. Thank you especially for telling me about your situation and letting me know in advance instead of just vanishing or trying to hold on to something that won't work out for either party. I will put out a new add in the Yahoo Groups about our need for a Chief of Security.

On a much more joyful note, I welcome Jane AKA Elaja Dawson to the group! Her character being the Asst. Chief Science Officer aboard the Harbinger, she might be seen soon aboard the Theurgy given the personnel exchange. That is, unless she defects to the Theurgy later on when things are not so lovey-dovey between the two crews anymore...

Today, Nolan and I made great headway on a joint-post between Dr. Nicander & Dr. Duv. We expect to be able to post it within a weeks time at the latest.

Finally, I would like to thank Gentleman_and_a_Scholar for some awesome help. He has assisted me with a damage report for the Theurgy and the Harbinger, makings things clearer for everyone what the repairs to be made are and what kind of priority they have in the grand scheme of things. I have contributed with some lingering damage to the Theurgy from our previous Episodes, and I will be adding this report to our info posts on this board.

USS Theurgy (Priority Alpha):
  • (Priority Alpha) Hull Damage: Minor to Severe, to be repaired in order of severity, descending. Decks 03, 04, 06 and 08 took the worst hits when the Theurgy fled Earth, while Decks 07 and 10 were the worst hit when fighting the Calamity. Transporter rooms 05 & 06 are no longer accounted for - with a gaping hole in the hull that runs from Cargo Bay 07 to the Lower Engineering Support Labs.
  • (Priority Beta) Warp Core Damage: To be repaired ASAP. Confer with engineers for course of action.
  • (Priority Charlie) Bridge Damage: Mostly incidental, cosmetic. Inspect to ensure no electrical or mechanical damage.
  • (Priority Delta) Shuttle Bay Damage: Mostly incidental, cosmetic. Inspect to ensure no electrical or mechanical damage. Old cosmetic damage since the flight from the Alpha Quadrant might remain on various decks.
  • (Priority Epsilon) Omispective Visual Security/Surveilance System: Complete Overhaul. New wiring, power supplies, photospective receivers, repeaters, et cetera. Confer with engineers for course of action. Notice: Hot work, Depressurization-possible work and Stability required work are to be completed on the surface, all else to be completed underway. - This is NOT a priority. To be completed only if time allows.
USS Harbinger (Priority Beta):
  • (Priority Alpha) Hull Damage: Minor to Severe, to be repaired in order of severity, descending.
  • (Priority Beta) Bridge Damage: Cosmetic and Electrical damage, inspect to ensure no mechanical damage. Repair electrical damage before cosmetic. If mechanical damage exists, repair mechanical damage before electrical.
  • (Priority Charlie) Shuttle Bay Damage: Blast glass and tooling cabinet in need of replacement. Bulkhead and bay floor in need of repair. Inspect to ensure no mechanical or electrical damage. If mechanical or electrical damage exist, repair blast glass, mechanical damage, electrical damage, floor and then tooling cabinet.

That is all,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #405
Hi there people!

I just set up a Deviant Art account in our RP Group's honour:

If you want larger pictures of your characters, you might find a few there. Its a slow process to resize and upload all the pictures, yet more will come up in due time. Let me know if you spot any errors too.

The Deviant Art account is there to gain attention from new potential members too (but I think that is quite obvious so I needn't say more).



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #406
I know this is an extremely late response but thanks for the welcome Nolan! I would be interested in doing such with your character, but my only internet access at the moment is through an iphone so its going to be a bit until I have a device that gives me the flexibility to make lengthy posts.

By next week I should be super active if you're willing to wait until then.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #407
I'm willing to wait, but I'm leaving on holiday halfway next week for two weeks. So I won't be super active anymore as I normally should be. With some luck we could discuss a few things before I leave and perhaps we'll see where we get :) Hope to see you soon again ^^

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #409
Fun statistics

I am so excited about this that I have to share it with you guys...

You know our new promotional trailer on Vimeo? It is just about to hit 100 plays since I posted it one month ago. Its 99 plays right now. Our last one got a total - ever - of 56 plays on YouTube... and it was up for well over a year.

Furthermore, some statistics from our Deviant Art gallery of graphics, here is what the summary tells me:

"auctorlucan has 278 pageviews total and the 107 deviations were viewed 4,748 times." Explanation: "Pageviews" is the profile main page of the account, whereas the images were viewed a total of 4,748 times. The fact that this is even more amazing is that I posted our all of our graphics the 14th of August and onwards, and I had posted no artwork at all before that. This means that the numbers began to climb to the aforementioned amount starting mere 8 days ago. O_O

So, if we aggregate these numbers, how many new people will be aware of what the House of Eros, the Star Trek: Theurgy RP Group and our story in three months from now? A year? Its inconclusive since we do not know the actual number of people behind the "plays" or the "views", but I think its safe to assume a few more might take interest and join us on our voyage. :)

That's it, thanks for partaking in my excitement, lol.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #410
"auctorlucan has 278 pageviews total and the 107 deviations were viewed 4,748 times." Explanation: "Pageviews" is the profile main page of the account, whereas the images were viewed a total of 4,748 times. The fact that this is even more amazing is that I posted our all of our graphics the 14th of August and onwards, and I had posted no artwork at all before that. This means that the numbers began to climb to the aforementioned amount starting mere 8 days ago. O_O
Meanwhile, my personal Deviantart account has gotten 4,021 pageviews in five years.  This tells me that I need more naked Andorian chicks in my DA if I want the views. lol

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #412
A wild new player has appeared! -Doodlydoodlydoodlydoo! Battle music!-

Hello everyone! I look forward to playing alongside you all!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #413
Dammit I knew I shouldn't have been walking in tall grass.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #415
BTW Imaginette I read your character profile.  Nice concept IMO.  Given miles familiarity with 20th and 21st century Terran Fiction (Particularly his affinity for Sci-Fi, and Fantasy in the years Leadign to the Eugenics wars and up to First Contact  including Japanese anime and manga) Don't be too suprised if miles has a certain knickname he woudl have in mind for her affinity for computer hacking and her cyberneticially enhanced body.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #416
I have had to update the time-schedule to fit in a meeting between Jien Ives and Declan Vasser, where Tamika Remmington will be joining them too. No worries about this, it works, but I might have to run this by you all again to know where and when things stand. :) Also, a warm welcome to you, Imaginette, even if I have extended thus to you over PM already.

In chronological order, here is what is going on in Chapter 01 after the starter, ordered by thread names on the board...
  • 1930 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: Bloody, but Unbowed
    • Ceremony is held, Lt Sarresh Morali confronts Captain Ives about his memory lapses, suspecting that s/he knows something. They part ways shortly afterwards with Jien Ives heading back to the bonfires.

    • Ensign Carver being upset, Lt. JG Ravon speaks with her on the temporarily vacated Flight Deck (with the risk of being caught).

    • In the Triage Centre, Dr. Duv inoculates Lt. Cooper to wake up. Lt Cmdr Renard joins the scene. Both Renard and Duv leaves.

    • Dr. Nicander sends off Lt. JG Rawley to the Yellow Zone and leaves. Lt Cmdr Renard meets Rawley, gives her punishment for her actions, and leaves.

    • Dr. Nicander joins Head Nurse Jenkins by Rihen Neyah's biobed, speaks with the patient and then with each other. They part ways to finish their duties.

    • Several characters heard the ceremony and reacted individually, wandering off in their separate directions.

    • Lin Kae has activated the first actual prototype of Thea's new emitter and the two were briefly speaking upon the plain. They are in Thea's quarters when they part ways.

    • [New!] By the bonfires, both Captains meet up again after the ceremony, where they might discuss personnel and cargo transfers. Tamika Remmington is to join them there as well.

  • 2000 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: Triage Centre]
    • [Updated!] After Jien Ives finishes speaking with Captain Vasser and Tamika Remmington (see above) s/he heads to the Triage Centre to speak with Lt. JG Cooper.

    • In a joint-post between Dr. Nicander and Dr. Duv, they have a 'through' introduction...

    • (A joint-post is about to be posted where Counsellor O'Connor meets Rihen Neyah, an then is approached by Jien Ives to tell her she is needed on the Theurgy.)

  • 2030 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: Thermal Springs]
    • Several characters have amassed to the Thermal Springs Lounge. Currently, Isley and Slaverton are speaking, as well as Callahan and Stark. Winterbourne and Aisha S'Ithi too, with Rez and zh'Wann covertly sneaking off into the darkness.

    • Dr. Nicander and Head Nurse Jenkins meet up outside the Triage Centre and has headed to the Lounge too.

  • 2200 hrs. - EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire]
    • Jien Ives has finished speaking with several people, among them Lt. Cooper (see above) and ends his/her evening fighting with the last one s/he means to chat with: Lt. JG Alexander Rosek.

    • Perhaps Lt Cmdr Miles Renard might show up for the second fight, where the dreadful Phantom have escaped the Triage Centre...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #419
Awesome, Lori! I will send you a starter for the next time Jien Ives and Hayden O'Connor meets.
  • In other news, our dear Executive Officer (Kurohigi) is since the 6th of September working 14 hour days for the next three weeks, with no days off for the first two as things stand now - including weekends.  As such, he will not be able to keep up, and has asked me to write for his characters in his stead until he returns. This includes finishing up old threads in the Interregnum 02-03 thread as well. Moreover, it will be prudent for the Chapter 02 starter that is coming up, where I may be able to advance the story despite Kurohigi being briefly away (who plays Captain Vasser too).

  • Furthermore, Gentleman_and_a _Scholar has a busy start this autumn RL-wise but will strive to keep things rolling as best as he can until things lets up a bit.

  • It would seem we have lost Aron Garow (again) as well as Elaja Dawson (who seemed so excited about joining but still doesn't have internet? I have no idea...), and I have told them over PM that unless they get back to me soon, I will start recruiting over HoE, the Yahoo Group ads, DeviantArt and Tumblr for others that can take their Senior Staff positions in the Story. This would be the Chief Engineer and Chief Science Officer positions, in case either of you guys are interested in applying for those too, even if new applicants sort of have first dibs.

  • While Nolan had previously decided on the role as our Undercover Federation News Service Correspondent, he feels he cannot merit the character idea the time needed for it since he already has two characters that he want to focus on. Therefore, the aforementioned character concept is up for bids again, and I will make a recruitment drive for it too.

  • We have a new applicant incoming for the role of Deputy Chief of Security on the USS harbinger! So unless she gets cold feet, there will be a new character posted this week or the next.

  • Imaginette and Brutus, I have promised to make more character pictures and I intend to live up to those promises. You can both expect some new graphics in due time. :)

That's all for now! Chapter 02 will be up as soon as we have gotten a bit further with the current active scenes, but it won't be long.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #421
Hi all,
I'll be leaving early tomorrow for Tampa and returning late Thursday of next week for a visit with my family.
I will have my IPAD and plan to write while away, but please forgive me if tags are not as prompt during that time.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #422
Hi there! Just stopping by to introduce myself, since our lovely GM has approved me to play our new Chief of Surgery. Looking forward to writing with y'all!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #423
Welcome to the USS Theurgy Akira ^-^

I suppose I should introduce myself as we'll Pilot Seung, Soo Young reporting for duty  :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #424
Welcome to all the new faces!!! :D Will be getting out a post tomorrow or the day after. :)

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