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Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #125
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Pierce

Rhys’ felt a disturbance in the water next to him and turned to look.  There was a beautiful woman reclined against the side looking at him. She initially seemed to be at a loss for words to describe their location, then she smiled. He smiled back. He was a handsome young man, but the smile displayed a certain awkwardness. It demonstrated that Rhys was clearly not self-confident or assured in social interactions.

It all felt a little ridiculous. He was a Counsellor on board the Theurgy, one who had run the counselling department on the Cayuga. He ought to have been good at this. However, for some reason out of a professional situation his ability to socialise vanished quickly.

It did not help that Alana (as she had introduced herself) was attractive. Rhys was Bisexual and found interacting with people he was sexually attracted to made him feel even more awkward. On top of that she was approaching him, which if anything made him feel more uncomfortable. True he had thought about coming to the baths to meet people, but on his own terms. Building up the courage to approach someone. However, if he was honest, he knew the possibility of him actually doing that would have been low. “Um Hi.” He responded to her. It was not a phrase that was going to make it in the annals of most amazing first words spoken to another person. 

Alana mentioned the name Tessa, and that went over his head he was not sure he knew anyone by that name. However, something she said caught his attention. “What sort of unwanted attention?” He looked at her with a serious wide-eyed innocence. He realised she asked him his name and role and he suddenly snapped out of his thoughts. “Oh right... I am Rhys Williams; I am Assistant Chief Counsellor.” His hands always seemed to be moving or fidgeting, clearly a nervous habit. He was also looking at her in a ‘not looking at her kind of way’. He looked a little bit over the top of her head or over her shoulder, in the reflection in the water, at her feet. Very rarely because he felt he was permitted he looked directly at her. However, any eye contact resulted in the poor fellow’s face going red.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #126
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Public Baths | Deck 12 |  ] Attn: @Juzzie  [Show/Hide]

Alana Pierce was out of her depth, or so she thought as this young male was standing there, clearly nervous at her beautiful form before him. Clad in less clothing than he was probably used to from his office. She smirked a little when he stammered high out while trying desperately not to stare at her. She knew she was hot, and hell, if she'd been male still and saw this body, she probably would be eyeing her herself, thinking thoughts that would make her blush now.

The namedrop of Tessa and lack of response must have meant this individual hadn't had the opportunity to meet her...yet. Makes sense if he was a transfer officer. He looked confused at the unwanted attention comment. She thought best to clarify in lamens terms. "Well, the unwanted attention I was referring to is that..." she said pointing to various officers in stages of undress and fucking each other's brains out. Watching his face turn beet red, she could tell he wasn't quite comfortable in his skin either, but at least he was born with his.

She chuckled a little at how he seemed to miss the comment on the name question. She saw his hands fidgeting and his nerves were high which was surprising for someone of his position. "Nice to meet you Rhys. So you're a counselor... That's gotta be a tough job at times hearing everyone's issues, not that I'm asking to unload. I work in Intel, you know, the sneaky shit."

The brisk air was making Pierce a bit chilly with the lack of modest clothing, so she dipped a little more into the pool up to her chin. Her hair now completely soaked and body completely wet, but warm now from the heated pool. She could tell the poor fella was painfully trying desperately not to check her body out while they talked. She met his eyes though and could tell he was at least attracted to her visage.

"I can tell you want to check me out..." she said abruptly catching him off guard but didn't want to scare him off either. "It's okay if you want to take in a look. I get it." She looked at him after standing back up and putting her arms on her hips, further showing her curvaceous body and then posing with her arms slightly outward on either side. "Look, I'll have you know, I happen to notice things now that I'm a woman. I used to not exactly look like this not that long ago prior to, well, it's a long story I won't get into here. But I can sure as hell understand what you're feeling right now."

She watched him to see how he took this gentle regard that otherwise wouldn't fly under normal circumstances, especially with a man.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #127
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Pierce

When Alana made it clear what kind of ‘unwanted attention’ she was referring to, somehow Rhys; face got redder. There was a fair amount of activities going on in various corners of the room. Rhys was uncomfortable but jealous to an extent. A little part of him wished it could be as carefree as some his colleagues clearly were. Its not that Rhys had not had any sexual experience, its just that most of his experiences had been really awkward. He was the kind of person who struggled to switch of his brain, and when your brain hated you that was a problem.

“I see.” He nodded in response. It was all a little much that was defiantly true. “I can understand that.” He nodded.

She then started referencing their respective roles. “It can be a tough job. Though I am sure being in Intelligence is trickier.” Rhys knew his job was challenging, fortunately he was the kind of person good at listening. Of course, he also had his own issues which tended to provide a helpful perspective on other people’s problems. He could never imagine working in Intelligence or security. It was always obvious by his face what he was thinking. As this exchange was demonstrating.

When Alana met his eyes and he realised it was obvious he was attracted to her and that she was offering him a chance to look. Well his already impossibly red face glowed brighter. He was honestly surprised that it was not shining out a red light that would blind everyone in the room. His eyes did traverse her body a little, but he gulped and focused instead on her face. It was then she made a comment about having been a man. He did not really understand what she was referring to. Perhaps she was transgendered?

He had to fight the urge to be constantly saying ‘I’m sorry’ for looking at her after all permission had been granted. However, he also did not want her to come away with the impression that he was some kind of letch. “You are very beautiful.” He said simply.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #128
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Public Baths | Deck 12 |  USS Theurgy] Attn: @Juzzie   [Show/Hide]

[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] [Show/Hide]

Pierce could tell that Rhys was trying very hard to be polite which she had to admit was a rarity for anyone even mildly attracted to someone. An even harder job to actually succeed at not eye raping someone too. Especially with the present company going on. She wandered back to the edge of the pool, not far from him, but not in the corner either. Taking in the compliment she simply replied while smiling softly, "Thank you."

As Rhys made it clear by the bewilderment that showed on his face about the 'once a man' bit, she knew where his mind was heading already. Despite not really wanting to dive into it for various reasons, she thought it best to come clean. "Actually in reference to being a man, I had a transporter accident on a particular mission a while back. Let's just say the materials I was transporting had an unfavorable effect on me after it spilled all over me before the pattern buffer began transport. The damn transporter combined it with my DNA. As a result, it basically...altered my biological gender at the cellular level."

Her eyes stared down at the water as she went deep in thought for a few moments. Seemingly on some sort of personal trip to hell, she could hear someone approaching she was hoping had found someone else to bother for the night. Tessa strolled back in the scene and was at least partially dressed again, but that didn't help either of the two having a conversation before her.

"Hey! What are you two doing?" She said in jest at Alana as the two still stood in the pool and stared at Tessa who was still topless but wearing bottoms again.

Pierce slapped her forehead, which with the water made a louder smack than expected possibly drawing some attention. "Why me?" she muttered under her breath. Leaning back towards Rhys, "Sorry, I met her on the mission that brought me aboard and she's sort of clung to me ever since."

Tessa conveniently eyed Rhys over and raised an eyebrow in appreciation as she bit her lip giving him a once-over. She leaned into Alana at the edge of the pool, her breasts dangled overhead of the redheaded woman. "So..."

Alana looked up at Tessa and was still in awe of the other woman's breasts despite now having a larger and very sizeable pair of her own. "No, we're not doing anything. We're just talking and getting to know each other." Her hands doing air quotes over doing before she waved her hand off at the blonde as if shooing her away. Tessa took the hint and wandered back off again smirking as she left, still teasing Alana with various motions.

Her breath sighed a sense of relief as the other woman left them and Pierce attempted to relax again. She took a few deep breaths, her chest raised up in the waters of the pool, and then exhaled before speaking again. "As you can tell, something about her bothers me. Not entirely sure what yet, but something bothers me. It's not that she's not friendly either but she just irritates me. Maybe she'll grow on me. I don't know." She said throwing her hands up and facepalming.

The look on his face was that of concern but also of many questions she could tell he wanted to ask. "As you can possibly tell, I've had a weird bunch of scenarios as of late to deal with." She decided to take the attention off of her. "So, what do you do to unwind on this gargantuan ship?"

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #129
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Pierce

Rhys listened attentively as she described the circumstances in which she had gone from being male to female. Listening was one of the the skills even Rhys could recognise that he had. Alana’s accident had of course been caused by a transporter. That technology along with Holodecks had always made him feel wary. It seemed in his view that one or both of them went wrong on ships. He wasn’t a luddite, but some technology did make him uncomfortable. Being reduced to his constituent particles and then reformed elsewhere did little to ease that feeling.

He watched her reactions as she divulged some of what had happened to her. He was sure there would be more than what she had said to the story. Certainly, Alana seemed upset about this transformation. He knew of people who would have yearned for such a transformation for themselves without out having to resort to medical technology. However, he could only imagine the shock and disorientation that it could do if you did not want it.

He was about to say something when a new arrival interrupted them. Rhys was shocked, though he shouldn’t have been, to see that she was topless. The tension between the two of them was incredibly obvious. So much so Alana had smacked her own forehead. Rhys could not avoid looking at her breasts, they were just present, and it seemed as though their owner was more than happy for them to be seen. He could only assume this was the Tessa, that Alana had referred to earlier.

Tessa seemed to imply that there was more going on than the conversation he and Alana were having. Well that was guaranteed to ensure the blushes returned to Rhys’ cheeks at the very notion of that.  “We’re just talking.” Rhys said quietly.

Eventually with a hand gesture, Alana was able to get the other woman to wander off. “I did notice that you were… uncomfortable with her.” Said Rhys. It was clear and obvious. “I can tell a lot has happened to you recently. I would offer my services, but I am currently relieved of duty.” He said looking more than a little shame faced at revealing that to her.

Eager to accept her change of conversation he was more than happy to talk about how he would unwind. “Oh, I read a lot, play music. I love swimming and sailing so I am often in the holodeck for that.” He had an affinity for water that was certainly true, his mother had once joked she may have been given an Antedian baby instead of a human one at the hospital. “What about you?” He asked genuinely interested.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #130
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Public Baths | Deck 12 |  ] Attn: @Juzzie

Alana heard from Rhys during her altercation with Tessa his notice of discomfort around the other female officer. She caught wind of his next statement, "I can tell a lot has happened to you recently. I would offer my services, but I am currently relieved of duty."

She smiled softly a little and frowned slightly, but not enough to create an awkward moment with him. "That's okay. We've all had a rough life it seems. From the reports I've read of Starfleet nowadays, it's not surprising. I appreciate the sentiment however and am glad you felt open enough to tell me." She again smiled albeit larger this time and put a hand on his shoulder as a friend would. Her hand shook him by the shoulder a little before she released him and spoke again.

"Ahhh, so you like some interesting things not usually heard of by a Starfleet officer. It sounds like you enjoy some secluded time alone to think. I can respect that." Her head nodded in agreement. Well, as much as she could with the heaviness of her wet auburn hair plastered against her back.

She put her arm up over her chest and rested the other atop of it to use as a makeshift table. Her hand reached up to her cheek and she seemed to caress it in thought as she pondered what she felt like relaying enjoyment of. The amount of time conversing alone surprised her as usually this was a rare occurrence to talk with someone for this long. "Well as for me, I enjoy History, Holonovels, Exploration, Pizza, Acting, Hacking, Swimming, and uh...Hockey,"

Wondering if this all was too much or not, she thought she'd ask anyway. "So since we both enjoy swimming, want to go for a quick race?"

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #131
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Pierce

Rhys was glad that she did not press him on details about his being relieved. Not that he had expected her to after all the she had wanted the same from him when talking about her transporter accident. It was only fair. There were very few people on the ship who had not had in rough in one way or another. Everyone on board was considered a traitor by much of Starfleet. There was little that could be done about that.

She had noted that most of the activities he enjoyed were very solitary. Rhys was not opposed to company he was just an awkward and very shy guy who had no idea what to do when interacting with other people. It was interesting that his job was a very social one, but that socialisation was something he struggled with. In truth he supposed focusing on other people’s problems meant the whole time the other person was really leading the conversation. Getting things off their chests meant they were talking about them and not him. 

In contrast many of the hobbies that Alana indicated she liked were much more social activities than he would have gone for. He did raise an eyebrow for a moment at hacking. However, given her role it was not too surprising that that one would be up there. “I mean all of those sound very fun.” Acting would be very tricky for him… all those people. Even though he liked music he never performed it in front of anyone.

Alana then surprised him by suggesting that they have a swimming race. He looked out across the hot tub. It was doable if they did a couple of laps. He smiled broadly. “You're on. Three laps?”, he suggested, pointing to the far side of the baths.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #132
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Juzzie

Alana could tell that Rhys had very low self-esteem of himself, lacking much in the confidence department. While she was very competitive, something in her felt for the poor sap. She couldn't place why she had the empathy for him but she was still going to do her damndest to win.

The gauntlet had been dropped and all of a sudden, Alana could see a little confidence boost in Rhys spirits as he was ready for a race. "Oh, you're on. Three laps, the loser has to...hmm. The loser has to do something for the winner! Anything they ask. Got that?" She felt overly proud. Granted she'd not raced anyone in some time but that didn't mean anything.

She waited for approval from Rhys before deciding to race. As she waited, her hair was still a little messy behind her, and not wanting to create the added drag, she tied her hair back again. This was going to be fun she thought to herself with a sexy smirk on her face. Carefully, she straightened the straps to her swimsuit to make sure that she wouldn't be putting on a show, and also to prevent her top from taking in extra water.

"Let's do this! On the count of three!" She held the edge of the pool, her legs pulled in ready for the kick-off of the side for an added speed boost. Her body tilted and leaned forward as she looked over at Rhys who was at the ready.

"Three! Two! One!" she yelled and the two bolted off the edges. Pierce's heartbeat quickly as she drove her face into the pool and lifted it only barely enough to breathe. Her strokes were long and quick. She didn't have much chance to look over at how her challenger was doing though. So she had no idea how quick he was in the water. Especially having less clothing to drag him down.

Within moments she tapped the side and was headed back. After each pass they made, she eventually hit the 2nd one with ease, but that third one, she began to feel it a little. Her limbs burned but she pushed on. Her hair slapping the surface of the water behind her like a wave. At last, she made it back to the starting point. Did she make it back first, she wasn't quite sure, and her heart thumped hard scared if she didn't.

OOC: Pierce's wet hair and face [Show/Hide]

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #133
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan


The kiss was distracting. Very distracting, in fact. Even setting aside that Thomas was a remarkable kisser, there was something about doing it openly, for all to see, that excited Lillee all the more. She wasn't typically the exhibitionist type, one to flaunt her lovers openly, but for now, right now, it just felt fun. She tasted him, enjoyed him, sensing that it would just be shameless fun between them. No strings attached, just how Wolves were fond of "engaging" each other. Perfect.

She was caught completely off-guard when Thomas pushed them off the edge, screeching in alarm as they fell into the pool. The screech turned into a scream of mixed shock and joy, Lillee scrambling at the sudden cold shock on her body.

"IEEEEEEE!" Lillee cried out, clinging to Thomas, shivering. Eventually she laughed as the shock wore off, splashing him playfully. "You beast! Do you treat all women this way?" she teased, rubbing her eyes, grinning. She clung on tight still, sharing body warmth before planting a merry kiss on his lips. With that, she allowed herself to drift away a couple of meters, her body starting to acclimatise in the water. There was a profoundly liberating feeling to being in a pool naked, especially among others, one that Lillee had forgotten. She exulted in the feeling for a moment, enjoying the unencumbered sensation of water on her breasts, buttocks and womanhood.

It was then that she and Thomas were interrupted as two swimmers, seemingly in a race, rocketed straight at her. Caught by surprise Lillee yelped, and reacting instinctively, she dived down deep, only looking up to see the two shapes shoot past above. Bemused, she swam back up to Thomas, emerging from the water beside him. This time she took a careful look around, checking that she wasn't about to be run over again.

"They're in a hurry," she commented to Thomas. Without a whit of shame, one of her hands drifted down in the water to stroke one of his well-formed buttocks even as Lillee kept watching the racers. "Who do you think will win?"

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #134
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Pierce

She slipped in that whoever would win their little swimming competition would get something from the loser. That made him nervous. He was not sure what to ask for if he won, probably that she just stay and talk to him more. He wondered what she would want him to do. That was what intimidated him a little.  Rhys was not by nature competitive, certainly not in terms of career. He was the kind of officer who would probably be satisfied with being a Lieutenant all his career. However, sport was a very different matter in that he could be quite competitive. So, despite his apprehension and not really feeling brave to ask for anything significant in return he was always going to agree. “Ok.” He nodded to her and took his place on the side of the pool, his arms spread behind him and feet on the side.

He noticed Alana’s smile everything she did intentional or not seemed to be directly calibrated to turn him on somehow. He tried to focus elsewhere for the moment. On the count of three he pushed off with all his might. He rocketed through the water quickly. He turned and on the final lap he caught some a glimpse of Alana, behind or just close by.

Ae he tried to redouble his efforts; it was then he was interrupted by the sight of another bather. One a very attractive half or fully naked woman it was hard to see with the water in his eyes. Either way he was on a direct collision course for them. He tried to slow down or redirect himself. Fortunately, she dropped below the surface of the water as he rocketed over her. He looked ahead and the moment of delay had cost him a fair amount of distance.

Rhys managed to make up a lot of it but in the end Alana finished before him. He resurfaced and brushed some of the water of his face with his hands. “Looks like you won. What do you want from me, oh champion of the baths?” He said this jokingly but was a little nervous what she might ask him to do. Though he was reasonably sure it wouldn’t be anything too horrible. 

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #135
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Public Baths | Deck 12 |  ] Attn: @Juzzie

She wiped the water from her eyes as she stood on her tiptoes on the bottom of the pool's edge. Before she could finish her thought, she heard Rhys behind her state that she'd won the race. That at least was a relief to her. She exhaled and relaxed again knowing she'd done her best but couldn't help believe fate had prevented her from least this round.

What do you want from me, oh champion of the baths?"[/i] She chuckled more cutely than she expected to but it was a funny and sarcastic quip.

She thought about it for a moment, her hand holding and caressing her chin softly as if puzzled what to do with him now that she'd won. Something in her was disappointed she'd lost, but she couldn't fully understand why that was. Must be the female hormones screwing with her head and emotions. Nevertheless, she was in the clear and he was hers to do as she pleased.

"For starters," she smirked. "As Champion of the Baths, I declare you must give me a shoulder massage. Believe it or not, these breasts weigh a ton and kill my shoulders. Something I'd never thought I'd hear come out of my own mouth...ever. Also if Tessa comes around, please intercept her and make her leave me alone. I'll talk to her when I'm ready." She climbed out of the pool and headed towards a lounge chair and laid face down on top. Her back was open as were her shoulders from the back of the swimsuit.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #136
[ Thomas Ravon | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griff

Lillee's scream had been quite deafening but utterly worth it. Thomas couldn't help but keep laughing as the Romulan called him a beast and he shrugged at her question if he did this to all the women he was with. The smug grin on his face was washed away though when she leaned in to kiss him merrily. She did break free after that kiss and Thomas watched her drift off while he floated around by the side a bit and just enjoyed the water. His attention drawn away from the peace and quiet when he heard the distinct sound of water splashing.

He stood back up and saw two swimmers compete, though one seemed to be on a collision course with Lillee. Thomas couldn't quite reach out to her and drag her out of the swimmers way, yet the Romulan adapted and dove underneath the swimmers before she emerged and returned to his side. Lillee seemed quite comfortable with touching him, he noticed as he found her hand running against his hind.

He gave her a nod as his eyes followed the two swimmers and hearing Lillee's question he shrugged "The girl seems like she has a proper lead... The guy is catching up though, but I think he'll be too late." he answered her, his own hand trailing along her back before just holding her on the ridge of her hip. The redheaded woman won the race in the end and Thomas smirked before he looked back at Lillee "You might've costed that guy his win."

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #137
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Rhys awaited the judgement of his swimming colleague. He knew this was all in good fun, and if he was asked to do anything that made him feel very uncomfortable, he could walk away. He doubted she would mind if he did that. However, he was still feeling very nervous about what he might be asked to do. What was the forfeit going to be. 

Alana, seemed to take a little bit of time to think about it which did nothing to ease his nerves on that score. Eventually she responded.

"For starters," she smirked. "As Champion of the Baths, I declare you must give me a shoulder massage. Believe it or not, these breasts weigh a ton and kill my shoulders. Something I'd never thought I'd hear come out of my own mouth...ever. Also if Tessa comes around, please intercept her and make her leave me alone. I'll talk to her when I'm ready."

At her mention of her breasts, Rhys again tried not to act like the shy, strange, sheltered teenage boy he was at heart. A massage would probably not be an issue, although he had never given one before and the prospect of touching her made him nervous. Intercepting Tessa however, was a far greater challenge. If she was as talkative as she appeared and by her demeanour when he had briefly met her. That could be awkward and embarrassing. “I’ll do my best.”

Alana, arose from the pool and walked to a large lounge chair. Rhys responded, the water cascading down of his body and running in little rivulets over his skin. Rhys waited for her to settle, then awkwardly got to his knees at her side. Unsure where to really start, he opted for the safe ground of her shoulders. His hands were the calloused hands of man who sailed and played guitar. He was gentle though, perhaps a little too gentle depending on her tastes. He tried not to think about the fact that he was touching an attractive woman, that would only lead to issues.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #138
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Public Baths | Deck 12 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Juzzie

Pierce somehow felt a little strange admitting what she just did to Rhys considering she was mentally still a man, at least she was mostly. This was just sort of being influenced by her female hormones as much as it was her male brain trying to have fun, let loose but not necessarily enter a situation that she wasn't prepared to follow through with the results of. She could see the apprehension on Rhy's face as he was a bit surprised at being told to massage her back suddenly.

The lounge chair was comfortable surprisingly enough despite her large chest swelling beneath her on the padding. Her swimsuit was slightly more constricting on her front than she expected and although it was tight, she wasn't totally ready for a bare-it-all scenario. So as she laid on the surface, she turned slightly watching as Rhys moved closer and was a little red in the face from the mention of her breasts being a bit heavy for her back. Finally, relaxation hit as she rested her face in the cushions of the flat lounger on the deck. The water that hadn't already run off her backside, was stuck in portions of her back dimples, swimsuit, and what remained coursed over her curvaceous form.

Slightly giddy with anticipation and scare to death washed over her as she wasn't sure how the hell this would feel in the grand scheme of things. The unknown to her womanly wiles were at work as the body seemed to know what it wanted despite the brain not necessarily understanding what it was. She could sense Rhys drawing closer and settled on his knees at her side. The feeling of released tension washed over her back as his hands met her shoulders and neck. The strong hands grasping her nape and working the wet shoulders left her breathless and like putty in his hands. In some instances, he was forceful upon her while others were gentle. A soft moan escaped her lips as she felt pains washing away. "Oh wow...yeah... that's the spot Rhys."

The feeling was overwhelming her and she had a strange feeling welling up within her that she wasn't quite familiar with as the pleasure of the massage hit her in full force. Her body moved slightly into the motion of the massage on her shoulders.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #139
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Pierce

One thing was for certain despite clearly being an amateur at the ancient art of massage, Alana seemed to be enjoying it. She had seemed rather excited to him when he had agreed to her forfeit. Rhys was still trying to get a read on her personality. To determine the kind of person she is. Excitable or serious. He had assumed based on her interaction with Tessa that she was a much calmer person. However, she was positively giddy at being massaged by him.

Rhys, had swam and played a little rugby so he had had massages before in a very sports science kind of way. It was about reducing the risk of cramps and a like, and loosening things up after an injury. He’d never really given one before. So he had been nervous but the more he touched her  the more relaxed about it he was. There was no screaming, or ominous cracks so he assumed he was not doing her body any harm.

In fact, when she moaned, he was surprised and honestly more than a little turned on. He tried not to concentrate on the feeling tightening in his shorts, but that was a tough ask. His hands rubbed and pressed deep into the skin of her neck and shoulders, before working along her back and between her shoulder blades. He knew that that area, for him at least, was often a place that felt strained so he hoped it would help her. His fingers sometimes brushed down her sides along her ribs as he went.

“Oh. Good. I am glad.” He responded to her. He still felt awkward in this situation but at least they weren’t quite up to the same kinds of things as other people around were.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #140
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan, @Pierce, @Juzzie


Drifting in the water with Thomas and still relishing the feeling of liberation that came from being naked, Lillee nodded as she watched the swimmers go. They were going at quite a clip, enough that even with her Romulan strength, Lillee doubted that she could've swum as fast as them.

"I think you're right," she agreed in response to Thomas' assertion as the man finished, not commenting on Thomas' hand on her hip. Lillee watched the two racers for a short time, her fingers lazily tracing the contours of Thomas's submerged posterior, before the swimmers moved to leave the pool. Bedeviled with curiosity, Lillee mulled whether to stay with her companion or learn about those strangers. They were remarkably attractive; the man's physique was lean and streamlined, more athletic than muscular to her eye, while the woman's body was so exceptional, accentuated by her swimsuit, that Lillee found herself briefly astounded. Between them, the man and woman could've held top ranking for "Ideal Humanoid Bodies" onboard the ship. Lillee didn't know either of them...a thoroughly unacceptable state of affairs.

"You're definitely right, I lost him that," Lillee said to Thomas with a light of mischief in her eyes as they floated in the water, the mischief only emphasised by her alien ears and forehead ridge. "I think that I'll go apologise to him. It is only polite, yes?" She hesitated, gliding closer to Thomas, wrapping her arms around his neck and without a whit of shame, captured his mouth in a deep kiss, her tongue teasing his. "Come with me or stay, you are free to choose," she said quietly, her tone sultry amidst the sound of lapping water and voices around them. "But don't fret. We have unfinished business, you and I, and if you don't come now, I shall certainly find you later to finish it."

Even the thought of that set a familiar fire alight deep in Lillee's stomach, but she ignored it. Reluctantly letting Thomas go, she turned around and swam slowly towards the far edge of the pool, eventually reaching the steps and climbing out. It only took a moment to find the two strangers again on a lounge chair, with the man giving her a massage that Lillee could only assume was her reward. Moving closer, she smiled, stopping a respectful distance away from them. In the mood Lillee was in, it never occurred to her that her state of undress and wild blonde hair might prove distracting given that both of them were quite properly attired. Her own body was lean and clearly well taken of, her breasts quite small by comparison to the woman lying on the lounge hair, water running down her skin.

"Hello," she said politely. "I was the person who got in your way earlier and lost you your race, I think. I apologise, I should have had more awareness of my is easier in a cockpit than the pool, it seems." She paused, adding, "I am Lillee. Speaking true, I was very impressed by you both. You are wonderful swimmers for humans." Lillee reached up to her blonde hair, straightening it out behind her into something a little less untamed. Glancing down at the rather impressive back of the woman as the man massaged her, Lillee gently asked, "May I assist you?"

OOC: Just to say it: you are absolutely free to tell Lillee and Thomas (if he follows her) to go away, if you two prefer. This is me being evil by torturing Rhys. Sorry! I just couldn't resist.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #141
[ Crewman 3rd Class Samala | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

With Natalie now having descended into the small tub they had chosen to share, Samala now had a significant height advantage on the Terran woman. And the view from where she was standing was a particularly nice one as she looked down on Natalie and the generous amount of flesh that was on display from this height. From her position, she could truly appreciate now why so many of the males she had seen were known to look down at the females around them, instead of at their faces. 

“Well, uh, if you have no objections, I think I will join you,” Samala said, not being a stranger to social nudity at least. The bunk rooms and showers on ship like the Apache were communal in nature. “I’ll at least blend in a little bit better that way. Bringing a hand up, she pulled the strap of her swimsuit off first one shoulder, and then the other before hooking her thumbs into her suit below her arms. With a smooth motion to disguise her nervousness, Samala drew the suit down her body, exposing first her less than generous bust, then her toned abdominals before finally revealing the apex of her legs. Releasing the suit, it fell to the floor around her ankles and she took a moment to step clear of it, using a foot to flick it off to the side where no one would trip over it.

“There, much better,” she announced, taking a step into the tub. Shuffling around Natalie, her body scant inches from the Terran’s, Samala lowered herself into the water until the water was up around her shoulders. Sighing at the delightful warmth, she stretched out her legs and looked up at her companion. “Did you want to join me down here?” she asked, not sure which of them was the more nervous and uncomfortable.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #142
[ Thomas Ravon | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griff @SummerDawn 

Lillee kept idly moving her hands over Ravon's hind and the pilot couldn't help but smirk. The Romulan agreed that she might've been the cause to the lost race for the male swimmer. Ravon didn't quite recognize the two crewmembers, not having seen them before. The suggestion of his current partner to go an apologize was met by a courtesy nod of the pilot "I think that is a right thing to do. Perhaps they could do a rematch? But yes, I'd be the polite thing to do."

He thought about joining her and shook his head after careful deliberation "Nah, I don't want to impose on them. Or keep you distracted from apologizing properly." he grinned as he gave her rump a soft squeeze. He kissed her back when she leaned in for a long kiss, letting her go and watching her swim off to eventually push herself out of the pool. Ravon traced her with his eyes before she was out of sight. He relaxed lightly in the pool before he swam a few tracks back and forth.

After a while he simply hauled himself out of the water, stepping over to one of the replicators to produce himself a bathrobe to cover his wet body up. He didn't care or mind the glances and looks that he'd have when his nude frame was on display. When the robes were produced, he shook them open before slipping his arms in and tying a knot around his waist. He didn't opt to reproduce a pair of swim shorts and walked over to the entrance of the baths. He was feeling quite thirsty and instead of going to the replicator for a drink, he went to the impromptu pop up bar that had been installed by the pool.

He order himself something fresh and quick on the go before his eyes glanced over to the entrance when he saw an all too familiar face stepping inside. He smiled widely when he saw the Caitian called K'Ren enter the pools. With the drink in hand, he walked over to her, waving to her from afar. "K'Ren! Fancy seeing you here!" he said happily to see a familiar face. as he waved, his robes slightly opened up, not enough to give people the full frontal, yet enough to show there was nothing underneath.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #143
[ Ens. K'Ren | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
Her clothes stowed in a locker in the change rooms, the now naked K'Ren stepped out into the main pool area of the ship's public baths. She'd heard of the place, but until this moment hadn't ever set foot inside it. The warmth and humidity seemed to soak into her fur but despite the slight dampness, it felt good. Her species liked warm, coming from a world that was mostly tropical or sub-tropical, warm and humid was normal. It felt good to shed her clothes as well, her species had little use for clothes, the human notion of modesty was foreign to her species, 'monkey modesty' someone had once called it.

She saw Ravon wave over at her, a drink in his hand and he wound his way towards her, snaking alongside the pool. She smiled, purring as he came up greeting her. "Firrst time forr everrything Thomas," she remarked, noticing how his robes seemed to cover him, or didn't cover him as the case may be. Not that she minded, she saw her squadron mates in their undergarments often enough, so what was a little more? "I see this is wherre crrew go forr downtime." She'd noticed as she stepped in, several couples discretely engaged in what she knew to be human mating rituals. The scent of mating was almost heavy in the air, and she also knew, or at least suspected a few weren't seeing each other outside this room, so it seemed one could engage in various pleasurable activities without consequence, a notion that seemed at odds to how human's normally treated their sexuality. She grinned, "They seem to be enjoying themselves, letting off steam."

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #144
[ Thomas Ravon | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

The fellow pilot had chosen to show up without clothing, which in al fairness was a normal thing to expect from a species that had fur to cover them up. Then again, Thomas didn't mind a streak of nudity as he had been walking around in the baths rather nude himself. He felt the cooler breeze slip through the robe now and peered down only to readjust it and cover himself up out of habit. "Fair point." he smiled as she told him there was a first time for everything. He looked around and nodded "Great place for downtime too." he answered her with a shrug "I suppose it is the right place to blow off some steam." he smirked lightly before motioning to the bar "Would you like a drink or shall I give you a tour of the baths?" he asked as he let his eyes move over her.

He offered her his arm with a grin and a wink, human chivalry so to speak. He wondered if she'd catch on to it or not, unsure how well she was acquainted with human rituals. Curiously though he looked over at her "K'Ren, is this the same type of humidity that your kind is used to? Or are you used to more humid temperatures?" he asked her. Depending on her answer he'd either guide her to the bar or to any other place she'd like to explore.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #145
[ Ens. K'Ren | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
"If a drink is customary while partaking of the baths, I would enjoy one Thomas." She noticed him adjust his robe, apparently he felt a bit too bare, though given the levels of nudity on display, he seemed almost overdressed. She took his arm, she was part human and recognized the gesture as a human thing, an outdated but still customary gesture, one rooted in old terran beliefs about gender and behavior of each sex toward the other.

As they walked she looked up at him, smiling, purring as her tail gently twitched. "Our homeworld exhibits many of the same climates as earth, though temperate and cold regions exist only at or near the poles. Most of the planet is covered in lush jungles or wide open savannahs, similar in many respects to Africa. And in fact our ancestors were much like the great cats of your world, though unlike them we evolved, much as humans did." She paused, sometimes she'd been known to ramble a little. "In short, this sort of environment is comfortable, and my fur, thin as it is, doesn't get damp or sticky, oils on my furr repel water quite well."

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #146
[ Thomas Ravon | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

Their stroll towards the bar proved to be insightful to Thomas as K'Ren explained how her home planet looked like. It did sound to be rather lush and dry at the same times as it would seem that the world she lived in was covered with jungles and savannahs alike. He stopped by the bar and ordered the Caitian a drink after letting her decide what she'd like. "If your fur repels water, meaning that unlike the feline creatures on Earth... You like water?" he asked carefully, trying to not sound too blunt or disrespectful about it. Genuinely though, he was curious if she'd enjoy a good swim or a hot tub for that matter.

He nipped from his own drink now, the robe inevitably falling open again as he had failed to tie the knot of the robe properly. This time though, he didn't mind to adjust it as K'Ren stood in front of him. Thus shielding him somewhat from most people. The fact that he didn't cover himself up in front of the Caitian pilot was because they had shared locker rooms down at the fighter assault bay. Like her mindset, he had seen her in underwear or nude on various occasions when they changed into their flight suits or gear. He made no problem about it and he figured she'd tell him if she were bothered by it.

"Was there anything in particular you wanted to try in the Baths?" he asked her furthermore now.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #147
[ Ens. K'Ren | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
"I would not say we like water, swimming does not come naturally to Caits, our bodies do not float, though most Caits have learned the basics of swimming. Our world has many bodies of water and so we've learned to overcome our discomfort with it. I don't have nearly the same aversion to it owing to my human side." K'Ren remarked simply, her tail still twitching as they came to the bar. She ordered a drink, a non-alcoholic beverage as Caitians, even half-breeds like herself, did not react well to it. Why Cait's avoided beverages made from fermented fruits.

She noticed how he didn't adjust his robe the second time, letting it hang loose, exposing parts of his body to her gaze that she'd not seen before. He was handsome for a Human, most of the pilots were, it almost seemed to be a requirement to fly fighters. she wasn't bothered by it, in fact given the state of undress of most here, she was in fact curious why he remained robed. "Well, the pool doesn't interest me, but some time in either the steam rooms or the sauna would be nice, very reminiscent of home." She paused, "Would you join me Thomas?"

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #148
[ Thomas Ravon | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn

He nodded as he sipped from his own drink, it was a mocktail as he didn't want any alcohol in his system right now. The fruity punch of the drink making it all the more refreshing and easier to gulp down as he did feel quite thirsty. He sucked at the straw and eyes the Caitian as she told him what she thought about water. He nodded understandingly an drank further, this time emptying his drink and handing it back to the bartender who simply took it along to clean it up for another use.

He didn't catch on to her checking him out, nor would he mind if he did notice. He looked back to her and turned his eyes back onto hers as she expressed no interest in the pool. He nodded and looked over his shoulder to the steam rooms. His mind only reminding him that he came from there moments ago with the blonde Romulan. He smirked, finding it rather amusing before he nodded "Sure, they're quite spacious and a tad more humid than the pool here. Nice and warm though." he commented to her before he instinctively took her by the hand.

He lead her over to the entrance of the steam rooms and opened the door for her to get in. He followed her en suite and once inside he got rid of the bathrobe as it was just too much in the far superior warmer setting. He walked over to one of the replicators and recycled it before producing a new water bottle for himself to hydrate a bit more. He could still smell the scent of sex hanging in the air, be it ever so faint, or he just imagined it. He could see his shorts still hanging one one of the benches and he wondered if K'Ren would notice it too or not.

Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths

Reply #149
[ Ens. K'Ren | Public Baths | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
K'Ren took a sip from her drink, watching the pool area briefly, before her attention turned back to Thomas. She was checking him out, there was no doubt about that, and her gaze settled on the man, smiling a little, purring as he agreed with her that the steam room would be a nice place to go. And if the rumors were true, she could find herself like the others, enjoying carnal pleasures with her fellow pilot. "Spacious, and prrivate?" she asked, purring, taking a sip of her glass before handing it back to the bar.

She followed him towards one of the steam rooms, her arm in his as before, purring away, enjoying his closeness to her. Stepping inside, she could feel the steam and humidity wash over her, a reminder of what home felt like. Breathing deeply, she took in the steam, but also the scent of sex which didn't surprise her, but also aroused her. Seeing Thomas strip down, she purred as she went up to him. "Is it true that what happens here stays here?"

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