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Topic: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ] (Read 29650 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #25
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan

There was nothing quite like hiding cowardly, but smartly, behind the blast glass of the Fighter Assault Bay.  Ji had been trying to shake flash backs all morning.  Sometimes out of the corner of her eyes there would be a movement she didn't quite register that caught her attention and made her worry about the invaders they had fought.  How many days has it been?  I can't even.. fully remember she thought to herself as she sighed brushing a hand through her hair and letting it fall back into place.  She was stable with Liam.  At least, it felt that way, as stable as their life could be with half their crew missing, a random rogue ship on their deck with some asshole inside that was not willing to talk nice.

Covington was pissed, and not shocked at all, that the bastard in the ship wasn't going to come out.  At least, not easily.  Neither was she.  Honestly, she knew the Theurgy had a shit reputation and it wasn't exactly like they could go in and be like 'hey guys but for reals we're supes nice, I swear'.  She hoped that over time he would understand that they weren't going to chew up the people and spit them out later. 

“If he fires those engines in our bay, it's death for us all.  Disintegration for the lucky bastards and the rest will die of burn and fall out.  None of which will be even remotely worth while for the crew of this ship.  We've been through enough, we need to power him down for the safety of our crew.  If he stays in there and rots until his replicator is dry then that's on him.” she gave a shrug, knowing exactly what would happen if the engines were fired in this tight of a bay. 

Put everyone's life at risk?  What kind of Commander is this guy.

Liam had a plan, one she was eager to hear about.  She turned to ask him what it was and then he told her to give him twenty seconds.  He told her when he said it was time she needed to dart in there and pull out the power couplings.  Her brow rose but she gave a quick nod.  If anyone had any information about how they could take the ship down and out of danger to the crew she was all for it, honestly. 

“Course, lead the way.” she said as she turned getting ready for business.  She saw Liam over at the tractor beam controls and she waited, her eyes watching him work his magic so that she could do what she needed to.  Her eyes studied his form.  It was so nice, to have someone that had her back, so far they were very good at remaining professional while on the job.  She kept her work life and her personal life fairly separate thus far.  It was good too, because it made things easier when they were on the job versus trying to find a way to be together all around. 

Finally, she got her call.  Giving a quick nod she darted out of protection and headed over to the ship.  MA4, panels.  She opened the panel using her tools quickly to release the hatch and get underneath the panels to where the power supplies were.  They system for releasing was very much the same as it was for most such shuttles and she quickly did the twist and release the power units.  As she pulled out the couplings she noticed that she was being protected.  Her eyes shifted to the right and left, and found herself with a guard.  A smirk crossed her face as she had an inkling of who had put them on her tail but she didn't mind.

She got the couplings out with little issue and brought them back behind the blast glass to put them on a tray that could be rolled around.  The ship would need them again at some point but not at the moment.  They had shut the ship down and luckily, it was good now.  Hopefully they could get them out and figure out what was going on with the crew of the Niger.  They were Starfleet, they just needed to give the Theurgy a chance.

“She's powered down and safe now, boss.” she said to Sten.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #26
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 02 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Nolan, @trevorvw, @Top Hat, @Mathis, @steelphoenix, @Auctor Lucan, @Triage, @Even Angels Cry, @Multificionado & @TrexelCat

“Thanks Chief,” Chief Warrant Officer Sten Michael Covington nodded.  “Now how do we convince ‘em it’s safe to come out?”

“Maybe if someone went in there,” Lieutenant (junior grade) Tessa May Lance suggested naively.  “Someone nonthreatening who can have a face to face talk with them and let them see that we’re still brave and loyal to Starfleet and the Federation and not a bunch of pirates.  Someone who can have a heart to heart with them and let them know that we’re okay.  We got that message out at Starbase 84 didn’t we?” she asked, blissfully unaware that Edena Rez had sent out the opposite message.  ”That should create some doubt and leave them open to the possibility that we’re sincere and not just a bunch of crazies.  I mean, they’re still Starfleet, so they shouldn’t get rough on whoever volunteers to make peaceful contact with them should they?  We need to just calm down and remember, they’re still educated and enlightened citizens of the United Federation of Planets, and Starfleet only accepts the best and brightest.  Everyone is psychologically evaluated to see if they are fit to serve.  Unless they’ve been trapped in the Delta Quadrant for seven years or they just got their starship assimilated by the Borg we can assume that they are professional, well balanced, highly trained officers who will hear us out,” she concluded while being equally blissfully unaware that the USS Endeavour had in fact been destroyed by the Borg.

OOC:  I don't think that we need to have the Endeavour characters start in the brig if we ignore Star Trek:  Discovery and have our characters show restraint like they do on classic Star Trek shows.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #27
[PO2 Kino Taer | Temporary Holding Cell | Deck 7 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy] @Top Hat @steelphoenix @trevorvw @TrexelCat

Kino took a deep breath and sighed as she surveyed the uninjured crew from the Niger in the temporary holding cell. She stood at parade rest, her hands tucked behind her back. It felt good for her to be in her gold uniform now, especially with the comforting weight of the type II phaser clipped at her hip. It also felt good that she wasn't going to be spending the day as bored as she anticipated. For whatever reason, the Security Aide running the Security Centre while Cinn was playing Captain decided Taer was best suited for assisting with administrative work today, given the recent medical treatment.

Kino Taer was not cut out for administrative work.

When the call came to the Centre about the officers from the Niger, she treasured the look on the aide's face when he realized she was the only experienced specialist on shift that wasn't already busy with something else. Intellectually, she understood his reluctance. Security personnel fresh from Sickbay needed a chance to ensure they were recovered fully from whatever put them there in the first place before going into risky situations. Taer was no ordinary Security officer, though, and she knew the aide was aware of that. As he connected her to a bridge officer for her briefing prior to her entrance to the room, it looked like he was simultaneously playing a part in ensuring Cinn was getting his own briefing of the situation.

Ah right, Nicander. I wonder how that's going. Eliska's in there with them, suit and all.

She got into the room as the crew were being beamed in. As soon as everyone had a chance to reorient themselves to their new surroundings, she spoke out in a carefully neutral and diplomatic tone. The Trill might have been an explosives expert, but she was hardly a stranger to how to interact with prisoners. If what she was told was correct, these particular officers held intelligence on a particularly grave threat to the Federation.

"Greetings. I am Petty Officer Kino Taer of the USS Theurgy. You have been transferred to a temporary holding cell pending a decision from the Chief of Security. Your weapons and combadges have been filtered out through the transporter system for your safety and ours. The injured crew that was on the Niger with you have been beamed to Sickbay for treatment and I promise you that they will be well cared for there." She stepped closer to the force field, locking eyes with the only officer with three pips on his collar. "Commander Ducote, I presume? If I may have your full name and those with you as well for the record, I'd appreciate it. This is so we can confirm your identities. If you have any requirements or concerns that need to be cleared up right now also, please let me know."

Eliska would be so proud of me right now. I haven't even glared at them for their attempt at blowing up our hangar bay.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #28
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Temporary Holding Cell | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @TrexelCat @trevorvw @steelphoenix @Mathis Taer's response provided kindly by @patches

The XO let his arms drop out of their firing stance as soon as the confinement beam released him. He didn't bother checking his pants pocket for the type-I, either; he knew it would have been taken in the same sweep that took his pistol and, looking down, his badge. Inevitable, once the shields came down, he supposed.

He straightened his tunic as the others solidified around him, looking around their tiny compartment. Not a full brig cell; presumably they already had a transport inhibition field active. Idly, he wondered how many people this crew were holding prisoner. Casting out with his empathy, he didn't find much beyond there being several people within a dozen metres or so. Hardly specific and it didn't really tell him much beyond what one might expect from being deposited in the bowels of a ship after having been at one end of it until now.

One mental impression was already close by, and right behind him, too. He turned to see a buzz-cut Trill with a cybernetic eye appraising them. Brave enough, after our stunt in the landing bay, he decided. Or careless.

He couldn't help the amusement that bubbled up as she addressed him directly. 'Confirm their identities' indeed. With whom? It wasn't as if they could tell Starfleet Command that they'd kidnapped their officers - the signal would lead their pursuers right to them. It did rather carry the implication that the Endeavour crew were the ones in the wrong, however, which he wasn't sure he appreciated.

"... If you have any requirements or concerns that need to be cleared up right now also, please let me know."

The taller hybrid stepped up to the security officer, this Kino Taer, until he was at the edge of uncomfortably-close, and clasped his hands together behind his back. He looked down at her face for a long moment, looking past her visage and getting a better hold on how her emotions felt. Always was best to get a baseline before you started an interaction with an unknown, in his experience.

"Our release and a repaired runabout," he rumbled, knowing exactly how likely it was, "and at a minimum my CMO and I being allowed to personally confirm the status of our absent crew in sickbay."

"Apologies, Commander, but as I’m sure you’re aware, Security regulations regarding prisoners prevent your release until we have a chance to verify your identity and ensure it’s safe to let you go. You did threaten to blow up our hangar bay. As for Sickbay, you will be able to visit them personally as soon as we can allow it. I’ll get a status update for you within the hour."

'Prisoners'. There it is. Though to her credit, she was either an expert dissembler or she really believed the spiel she was feeding them. Perhaps both. It remained to be seen.

Well, then. Demands issued and refused, some fluff about following the protocol... all the right steps in the game of 'let's play Geneva Conventions' so far. The Brazilian moved to the opposite wall and crossed his arms as he leaned against it, not deigning to engage with the charade further. The bleeding knuckles on his left hand itched as the raw skin brushed against the fabric of his sleeve.

"Commander Ducote, Ranaan, three-zero-one-three-six-niner-three-eight."

Rank, Name, and Number - all one ever willingly gave a hostile captor. He suspected he'd become supremely bored of answering every question with them soon enough. He let the others answer, or decline, as they saw fit.
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #29
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @Triage @Doc M. @Auctor Lucan

Evelyn Rawley had staggered into the locker room of the fighter bay, still experiencing the hangover. She had been guzzling nonstop on a variety of alcohols since she gotten to her quarters after her discharge, just her luck to have a bloody turbolift seize up on her. She never recalled a turbolift working like that, and as a result, decided to walk. Her quarters were closer to the fighter bay, so she set course there and changed. She meant to go to the bay, but she thought of her throat, and decided to replicate some whiskey, and to justify it for medicinal purposes. She guzzled down a bottle, replicated a second, downed that too, replicated a third, downed that…

She woke up with a headache and staggered to her feet. Cripes, it was the last time she was going to get sauced up. She wasn’t about to fly with the Wolves inebriated.

“Computer, time and date,” she asked, groaning from the headache.

Informed of the time, Rawley blinked in surprise. Blimey. She had been out for more than thirty bloody hours, since she got discharged from sickbay. True, Rez told her if her throat acted up, she call her, but sod Rez. She had no aim to return to sickbay for a while. No, whiskey always helped…and it occurred to her, in her sauced stupor, of replicating a variety of other whiskeys, ranging from Bajoran to…did she order blood wine at one point?

She was stronger than she looked, for she made it all the way to the lockers, staggering her way, before landing her sorry arse into the lockers. She found her old medkit with her gear and got the right hypospray to relieve her of her hangover. Blimey, she never felt better.

The lockers were empty, she had noticed, now that she came to think of it. She wondered where Razor and the other Wolves were.

“Computer, locate Thomas Ravon.”

[Thomas Ravon is in the Fighter Bay]

She figured as much, and considering how empty the locker room was, the rest of the Wolves were there, too. Maybe even out for a flight.

But here in the Azure Nebula? Yeah, they were definitely there, she had seen it from her quarters; lightyears of sky-blue clouds. Something’s up if they’re still here.

“What are the Lone Wolves doing at the moment, Computer?” she inquired.

[The Lone Wolves are currently standing in for security and are in the process of detaining Starfleet Runabout Niger, attached to Starship Endeavour.]

Now that was interesting. It’s one thing to get the Wolves to fill in for the lads and lasses in yellow, but a runabout?

She pulled a pad from her locker and pulled up interior and exterior fighter bay footage. What she saw surprised her, as if she had enough surprises to go on for one day. The little bleeder, trapped in a tractor beam, tried to fire up her engines. The Wolves would’ve been burned to a crisp if it wasn’t for the EMP that conked it. Rawley could kiss the bloke who did it for saving the Wolves.

Powering down the padd, Rawley had just stood, ready to look for Razor, when she saw a girl enter the room. Slightly taller, ginger, and she wore the colours of one of the Wolves. Must be one of the new lasses, Rawley didn’t recognize her. And judging from the rifle, Rawley figured she hadn’t just gotten off the cockpit.

“Wotcha, ginger,” she said. “Been watching all the hullabaloo. What’s all the fuss about a wee runabout?”

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #30
As Ji would need cover, the game plan changed for Thomas, he looked over to Havenborn and shouted "Cover Ji!" Yet before he could finalize the rest of his command, Meony tapped open a comm link to the Runabout. Razor could hear loud and clear what she was shouting to them and he could feel the urge to blast the pilot down himself. He looked up at the Niger before he cursed a series of profanities before addressing Tancredi "MEONY! What the actual FUCK!?" The displeasure of the SCO evidently in his tone as he shot the ensign a look which pretty much could've killed her on the spot "I do not have the time, nor the need for further agitation to these people! Hit the lockers and remain there until I say otherwise!" he ordered her with a breezing voice. It was clear that the senior officer was beyond pissed off yet refrained from erupting into a full on shouting and cursing match.
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Hangar Deck | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan, @trevorvw, @Top Hat, @Mathis, @steelphoenix, @Auctor Lucan, @Doc M., @Even Angels Cry, @Multificionado & @TrexelCat
Meony rolled her eyes when Thomas Ravon yelled at her. No need for further agitation? They were beyond diplomacy with the fucklords in there! She wasn't the one that just threatened to fry fellow Federation officers! Hell, even if they were considered traitors and conspirators, they were supposed to conduct themselves like gentlemen and restraint, not "Ah'm gunna fuck y'all up just 'cause ye're all fahkin' traitors!", that just made them total assholes who didn't deserve an ounce of respect or consideration. Well not really, but Meony was not in the best of moods most times.

“All raht, fahn,” said Meony to Thomas, “geez!”

She slung her rifle over her shoulder and plodded towards the lockers, muttering to herself, “How'dja think Ah was gunna react? Asshole trahd t' kill us. Rude fucker. An' t' think Ah was bein' mah most diplmatic too...”

[ Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

As she entered the locker room, there was a young woman with very short hair, and at her greeting, she returned quickly, “'owdy, sugah.”

About the Runabout, she supposed it wasn't a state secret, plus, she'd been watching all about it, so she figured what the hell. Also, it was only a matter of time before Thomas and/or Daniel would be coming down to read her the riot act, first time for the former, umpteenth time for the latter. “Dem fahkin' "wee" Runabout was gunna frah us all with their impulse engines'n full reverse! Dumbfuck musta realized who we were and d'cide t' play self-sacrificin' hero and kill'a bunch of us. Asshole, raht? So Ah holler at 'em. Ravon didn't lahk dat, an' sent me 'ere. All Ah did was tell them Niger fuckers what jackholes they were! An' ta act lahk actual Federation people if they were Federation. Hmph!”

She yanked off her helmet and pulled her cowboy hat back on, which was always hanging around her neck. Looking over at the woman, she introduced herself, “Meony, formerly of da Resolve Grey Wolves, then Tribble Squadron, an' who maht ya be?”

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #31
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @Triage @Doc M. @Auctor Lucan

The first words the ginger girl spoke made Rawley crack an eyebrow. And, in fact, the ginger girl didn’t have to put the hat on for Rawley to tell she was a cowgirl. She had an innate admiration for the daft outlaws of Wild West fame in those ancient days. In fact, looking at her properly, Rawley realized that, were she reincarnated into a ginger cowgirl, she’d be looking at herself.

Not only that, the more Rawley looked at her, the more she liked her. Not in a sexual way, more in a manner of admiration and respect. Being a loner for the most part, Rawley had few friends. It looked like the time was ripe for a new friend, and as luck would have it, it came in the form of a ginger cowgirl named Meony.

“I’m Evelyn Rawley,” she answered. “I’m one of the original Lone Wolves. It’s a pleasure to meet a new member of the pack.” She shook her hand, her grin widening, given her husky Scot tones contrasting to Meony’s Southern drawl. And she thought sometimes people never understood her for the most part, but she new enough cowboys to understand the drawl.

“And I believe you on that bit about the runabout, lass. I saw the footage. Those wankers will regret trying to fry the Lone Wolves. And he definitely seems like an arsehole, whoever decided to play self-sacrificing hero. The buggers must’ve been anxious to scarper to try that. Certainly makes me wonder what they were up to, Meony.”

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #32
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Aft Area | USS Niger --> Temporary Holding Cell | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | @Top Hat @trevorvw @steelphoenix @TrexelCat @patches
=/\= Immediately After the Niger Lost Power =/\=

Elro scowled as the power to the runabout failed and the smell of burnt out equipment filled the cabin causing him to cringe at the pungent scent. His scowl only deepened as their commander grabbed his gun belt and made his way towards the entrance of the ship. He made eye contact with Vael, having ‘heard’ his though earlier about worrying about his patients. The look he gave the CSO was an exasperated, ‘I’m trying to, but my chief patient is making it difficult for all of us.’ Vael would probably only read an exasperated eye roll at the situation but that suited Elro for now as he turned to follow the commander back towards the aft section of the ship.

He passed Ducote though and made his way back to check on the patients he was physically tending to. Luckily none of them were relying on electronic monitoring systems tied to the ship. Some had cortical monitors but those were independently powered and still seemed to be working when he entered the aft section. He took out his tricorder and began scanning one of them, trying not to think about the situation on the rest of the ship. “Everything’s going to be fine,” he comforted the unconscious ensign in front of him though he was talking to himself more than anything. “The commander decided time for talking was over after literally cutting the comms off… seems kind of self-fulfilling if you ask me. Damned if I didn’t wish R’Rori was here to talk some sense into him.”

He sighed. He knew they were in an impossible situation and that Ducote was handling it the best way he knew how, but Elro was always a shoot never, ask questions and talk first kind of guy. Maybe if he’d been in the fore section when the call was made, maybe he could have read the man telepathically, told Ducote if he was being sincere. Elro was still mostly cutting himself off telepathically, but he would have done it for the safety of the ship. He set the tricorder down on the side table and looked around, he took a deep breath and exhaled, reaching for a medpack. If there was going to be a firefight, best he be nearby and ready to treat any phaser wounds. He didn’t want Kai or Ducote actually getting hurt, after all. However, just as he was reaching for the pack, his body became surrounded by white lights as he realized he was being transported off the Niger.

“Now what?”

He asked the question as he looked around, seeing his fellow Endeavour crew materializing around him in a similar fashion in what looked like a temporary holding area of some kind. A female trill with fascinating-looking cybernetic implants was standing on the other side of the force field, wearing security gold. He walked up behind Ducote as he talked to the woman. He let down the screen blocking the feelings and surface thoughts of those around him and focused his attention on her as they interacted. She seemed pleased to be there, on duty, though why was out of reach without pressing further. She also seemed very matter of fact, blunt, and honest, though just barely underneath that she resented them for their threats to blow up the hangar bay, which she vocalized a few moments later.

When Ducote left for the opposite wall, Elro stepped up to fill the space. He gave the security officer a warm, half smile. It was to let her know he wasn’t hostile, but not to convey any happiness of their situation. “Doctor Elro Kobol , Lieutenant and Chief Medical Officer… well former, of the USS Endeavour and most recently the USS Niger. I do have a few requests. I understand not being able to authorize a visit to your sickbay at this time, but if you could open a comm channel to your attending medical officer so I can update them on the status of my patients? Some of them need immediate, active care and it would be quicker for me to update them on the complexities of their cases instead of them having to start from ground zero. Next, I request a basic medkit. All duty stations should have one and I don’t know of any security regulations against basic medical supplies for prisoners, as you put it,” he said, emphasizing the harshness of the word. “Some of my crew here have non-threatening, but still painful, injuries that don’t need to go untreated while we wait.”

He looked around, wondering if he should continue with this next part or not. He figured he might as well, Ducote could get mad at him later. “You need to understand our point of view of this situation. Yes, we did just threaten to blow up your hangar, after being brought in under false pretenses of aid with a fake ship name when it turns out you’re the most wanted terrorists in the Federation. What would you have done in our situation? We still have no guarantee of how we’ll be treated so you’ll forgive us if we don’t have a lot of faith in your adherence to Starfleet regulations and rules, though myself, I'm a hopeless optimist so I'm still holding out for the chance that maybe this all works out somehow.” He paused for a moment. “Last request: we haven’t spoken to anyone here yet that even I don’t almost outrank. Unless we have a Lord of the Flies type situation going on, it would do well for your commanding officer to be brought here.”

With that he just stood there, a pleasant look on his face waiting for his very basic demands to be met, waiting to see if any of his other crewmembers would also choose to speak.


Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #33
[ Lt Cmdr Vael Kaeris | Temporary Holding Cell | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  ] Attn: @trevorvw  @TrexelCat  @Top Hat @Mathis @Auctor Lucan  @Nolan  @Doc M.  @Triage  @Even Angels Cry  @Multificionado and anyone else I missed

Vael was relieved, when he found himself beamed into custody, that he was conveniently facing a wall.  The sour expression that drew tight across his lips, while subtle to the untrained eye, was a withering testament to his frustration at the rapidity with which his bluff was called.  He was thankful his brothers weren't present to assess his performance as it would likely end in an hours long dress down and personal critique.

Taking a deep breath, he listened to the commander behind him addressing what sounded to be a female guard doing what she no doubt thought to be her best under the circumstances. He honestly debated whether to push through with his ruse -- confront the guard, question whether anyone had any grounds to challenge him on the matter of probes, but that would likely require some level of demonstration at this point, and in thirty short minutes, his ruse would be ultimately proven false regardless.  Where he had hoped to invoke a discussion between superior officers that might lead to a more amicable parting, it seemed he had only managed to push these renegades to more drastic measures.

No, he wasn't ready to turn around.  Fortunately, the commander's recitation of his name and number showed that he, too, was disinclined to cooperate.  Now, however, half the crew had been snatched away to their sickbay, or so they had claimed.  What little leverage they'd had on the run-about was now wholly exhausted.  The good doctor, however, was not to be dissuaded and immediately set forth a series of demands regarding the care and well-being of his charges.  There was something in his blunt optimism that Vael appreciated and respected, so contrary as it was to the royal practice back on Bactrica.

When Kobol  requested that a higher ranking officer be brought into the mix, Vael was forced to swallow an amused smile as that had been what he'd hoped to do mere moments before they'd been snatched away.  If they ever got out of this situation, he made a mental note to set up a secure transport inhibitor on the run-about should ever a similar circumstance present itself.

As he stood silently, he made an effort to bind his hair into something more appropriate to duty-ready, although lacking his clips, it was not as easy a prospect and required a far more detailed bit of braiding to help keep his shoulder length hair in place.  Cramped on the Niger and occupied as he was, preoccupied with their ongoing and practical survival, he'd lacked the time to devote to such effort, but if they were to be held prisoner and interrogated for defending themselves against renegades then he should look his best.

When at last he felt himself presentable, he turned and gave the guard a dispassionate look.  "Kaeris, Vael.  Lieutenant Commander.  Two-nine-six-zero-zero-one-five-three."

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #34
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Airlock | USS Niger ] Attn: @SteelPhoenix  @TrexelCat  @Top Hat @Mathis @Auctor Lucan  @Nolan  @Doc M.  @Triage  @Even Angels Cry  @Multificionado and anyone else I missed

The traitors had just cut power to the runabout, Kai surmised that if anything were to happen, it was going to happen soon.

He had kept both phaser rifles pointed at the airlock as Ducote had joined him in anticipation of shooting whatever showed up at the airlock. The air was getting stuffy and hot as life support was off and there was no air circulating. A small bead of sweat had formed just above his left eyebrow, which rolled down, following the path of least resistance and dropped off his face and onto the floor.

I wish they’d hurry up Kai thought to himself. Waiting is always the hardest part. No sooner had the thought gone through his head, that he felt the familiar tingle and lights of being transported. It was a genius tactic on the part of the traitors, even if a little cowardly.

As he was being dematerialized, Kai exasperatedly sighed. They lost this round.

[ Lt. Kai Akoni |Temporary Holding Cell | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

They materialized inside a holding cell. Kai found this an odd feeling as he was usually on the other side of the forcefield. Most of his crew mates were there with him, however the injured weren’t. The Trill Petty Officer was talking with Ducote, explaining how Kai and the other crew were prisoners.

Prisoners to traitors....great

After Ducote had given his name, rank and serial number Kai was well aware that if Ducote wasn’t interested in cooperating, the Kai was all for it.

The Doc had a passionate plea to the security guard, trying to reason and use logic. Kai had to respect that. It was a nice speech, but Kai wasn’t sure if the security officer bought it.

The giant Hawaiian looked over at Lt. Cmdr. Kaeris who also gave name, rank and serial number.

Kai stood for a minute when the security guard came over to him. A ton of possibilities were going through his head.

Do I cooperate? Do I not? If I cooperate, maybe I can help my crew get out of here..

In the end, Kai made his decision and spoke,

”Akoni, Kai. Lieutenant. Four-one-one-one-four-eight-zero-zero”

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #35
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado
Meony smiled at Evelyn, shaking her hand and the girl dumped her powered down rifle onto a bench before settling herself down, her power suit making a soft mechanical whine with every move. “One'a them 'riginals, eh? Nahs t' meet'cha.”

The redhead looked perturbed after that, thinking on Evelyn's last remark. What made them so anxious? Well, they were in a Runabout and this was a whole vector. And they did just run into the “Borg.” Meony turned to look at Evelyn somberly, “Ravon said they've run inta Borg out in, not far from 'ere. Way Ah reckon, we ain't far enough away from 'em t' feel raht as rain anytahm soon...”

She shook her head, her red locks swaying gently with the movement, “Dat don't excuse what th' fuckers trahd t' do t' us. But...” she looked at Evelyn, “...ya gunna flah with us? Ready 'n' rarin' t' go?”

It was at that odd moment Meony realized that she felt no fear or trepidation at facing the nightmares known as the Borg. What were they compared to the things they'd already faced in Hell Sector? Or right here? The parasites? And there was a living proof of them right there in the brig at that very moment, under intense security and monitoring. Who else was infected? What about Evelyn? Was she infected? Was there a way to tell? Would they show up in tricorder scans? But the redhead didn't burn her brains out on it. Instead, she'd leave that to the higher ups, and just focus on flying.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #36
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Brig | Security Center | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy] @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @chXinya

Prisoner interview. 

Not the first time Bremmer did that.  After all, there was much of that when she was on the Grainger.  After all, she had been one of the primary team members for the boarding parties when doing inspections, and there were always interviews with at least the vessel's master, if not a number of his mates as well.  During those, she would play various roles; at times she was just a silent presence; others she was meant to look overtly intimidating; at times she was a sympathetic ear and female presence.  Or, even rarely, she would play the easily corruptible lower-deck dweller. 

But in this case?  She wasn't even meant to be intimidating, because she had seen what a host possessed by one of those parasites could do, and had been briefed as to how they saw the world.  No, her heavily armed, suited-up presence wasn't even a deterrent, it was purely reactive.  A contingency that everyone hoped would never be needed. 

But the longer she stood there, the more her skin was crawling.  The more she could feel a cold lump of fear coalescing into the pit of her stomach.  And the Nicander-thing, the way it was taunting them all? Her armoured fingers were readjusting themselves on the grip and forestock of her rifle; she pulled it in a little tighter into her shoulder.

And then, she just couldn't keep her feelings to herself anymore.  "Doc, Sirs, that thing in there is just playing with you!  Put up the occulus and let me turn it into a greasy stain, put it out of our misery!"

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #37
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @Triage @Doc M. @Auctor Lucan

The Borg?

Rawley blinked when Meony mentioned that. That’s brilliant. Just when she thought things couldn’t get any worse. It seemed it was a matter of time before things went from the frying pan and into the fire.

Of course, it didn’t excuse the buggers from trying to barbeque the Wolves, but it was a fool who never considered remote possibilities. Trying to run from the Theurgy after a run-in with the Borg, who wouldn’t be desperate?

Then again, there’s something worse to worry about than the Borg, although the inevitability of encountering the Borg with what the Theurgy is dealing with felt to Rawely like she was among a pack of wolves wary of an elephant stampede while one of them had worms.

Still, what had she to lose?

“Well, Meony, I have gotten out of sickbay. Got me throat sliced. Much as the doctors recommend not to fly, in case of hemorrhage, to me…that’s no excuse to wag off. It’s no bloody excuse at all for any Lone Wolf to wag off. If Razor needs me, behind a cockpit or armaments blazing, I’m his Jock, ginger.”

Rawley raised a hand and patted Meony’s shoulder once in a gesture of friendliness.

“Oh,” she added, “if those wankers turned out they were running from the Borg, it’s best to be alert anyhow. Sometimes a pack of wolves stray dogs don’t trust is better around with than a blooming dinosaur, regardless of existence.”

Crikey. It occurred to Rawley that those words of wisdom would’ve been something her Uncle Haldane would say. He can be full of wise tosh like that when the occasion permitted.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #38
[PO2 Kino Taer | Temporary Holding Cell | Security Centre | Deck 7 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy] @Top Hat @trevorvw @steelphoenix @Mathis @TrexelCat

Kino smirked momentarily as Ducote retreated to the corner of the cell and gave her his name, rank, and serial number. She had the roles reversed a few times in her life, giving out the same information to the same questions. The role of jailor was one she hadn’t played often before. Most of the time, brig duty was assigned to someone else or that someone else would specifically request that kind of duty. It was a waste of her skills, she felt, and her time. She pulled her arms back to the front so that she could consult the PADD she brought. Thankfully, someone had the foresight to download Starfleet personnel files before the escape and Security could thus check IDs against at least a recent version.

The attempt at intimidation was a nice touch, though. She totally didn’t have years of experience with taller, stronger men attempting to use their size to make her uncomfortable, both consciously and unconsciously. She also definitely did not land a couple of them in the hospital following such failed attempts at intimidation. She was amused at the whole charade.

Eventually, the others gave their names and ranks, two of them with the same curt response. The doctor, though, decided it was his time to give a little speech. She listened attentively after checking his name and rank against the record she had access to and chuckled at the end of it. She waited until the other two officers gave their responses before turning to the medical officer with her free hand resting on her hip. There was a moment of silence as she measured the man before her, noting the black eyes and youthfulness.

Fucking Betazoids. Bugger is probably reading me right now.

“Right now, Lieutenant Kobol , all we have is each other. All of the officers are busy doing their jobs. Just as soon as the captain or some other officer meeting your clearly high standards is available, you’ll be the first to know.” Kino conspicuously glanced at Kobol ’s collar where his twin pips sat. “Sir.”

She held up one finger in the more or less universally understood gesture of “wait one” and left the room. A minute or so later, Taer returned with a first aid kit, which she showed to the others in general before opening it and showing the contents specifically to Kobol . After he had a chance to check that it was indeed full of supplies meant to treat minor injuries, she closed the box again and moved to the control panel for the force field. A few taps and some quick checking created a small opening on the lower corner next to her, just big enough to slide the first aid kit through. Once she did that through gently kicking it through, two taps reverted the changes to the force field and Kino moved back to the center of the room.

“If you need additional supplies beyond what’s in that box, Lieutenant, let me know so I can make sure appropriate medical care can be given. Despite what the Federation News Network may say, we do follow proper Starfleet protocols here when we can.” Kino smiled while she said the next sentence before her face returned to a neutral expression. “I don’t think I’ve been called a terrorist since I left Trill. I have the utmost trust in the ability of our medical staff to tend to your more injured crewmates. I will place a request for one of the doctors to visit us here so that you can speak to them directly about your patients.”

The Petty Officer was unused to talking this much all at once, but the bridge did insist that she try to be diplomatic enough to at least get some information out of these recalcitrants. Bremmer is really so much better at playing the good girl. Heh, “good girl”. She took a moment to take a breath before she spoke again.

“Regardless of the overall situation that’s painted us as a target for the entire Federation, I would hope that we can all agree that the Borg are a threat against all sentient life that can’t be ignored. You mentioned the Endeavour ran into them nearby and was destroyed. Sir, you also said you were tracking their warp trail, I believe?” She turned her gaze to Ducote for the question, then to each of the Starfleet officers in turn, the cybernetic right eye adding an unintentional level of intensity to it. “We need to know as much as you can tell us about the Borg ship you ran into. The sooner we can figure out what’s going on with that, the better for all of us – for the Federation as a whole, really.”

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #39
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Temporary Holding Cell | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @patches @Mathis @steelphoenix @trevorvw

The good Doctor was verbose. Futilely, Ranaan suspected, but he wasn't annoyed Kobol  hadn't taken the others' cue and given the minimum to Taer - quite the contrary, in fact. As the saying goes, if you don't ask, you don't get. And asking cost them nothing. He could hardly blame the warm-hearted CMO for wanting to try and talk to them.

As he leaned against the bulkhead, he closed his eyes to help him concentrate on feeling out the people in his range. Reading Taer was interesting, now that he had been allowed to take the time to 'attune' to her empathically. She was bored and amused by turns, and watching the two compete in her mind was like relearning a language after not having spoken it for a few years. He'd known Trill, and there had been a Joined shuttle pilot on the Endeavour's roster - though the symbiote had changed the dialect somewhat - so he did know which emotions felt like what. It was probably for the best, all things considered, but there was no telepathic version of the UT, and so the period of readjustment was required.

Yep. Definitely the 'Don't call me Sir, I work for a living' type. Poor Elro.

His thoughts drifted back to Blue, now that it seemed they weren't in imminent danger of death, and his face seemed to gain another three lines as the sick feeling in his stomach returned. Not knowing her fate was the hardest part, but without a body there was no death. She was alive, wherever she was, enjoying the comforts of some old Excelsior-class or other's guest quarters and driving their Ops people mad with her constant disassembling and rebuilding. The latter thought was enough to elicit the ghost of a smirk, before Taer's attention rounded on him and brought him back to the present.

"We need to know as much as you can tell us about the Borg ship you ran into. The sooner we can figure out what's going on with that, the better for all of us - for the Federation as a whole, really."

Ducote cracked an eye open at that one, fixing Kino with a steady one-eyed stare as he weighed her request. The logic was sound, of course, and he even happened to agree with her. But still, it was 'die to the Borg', or 'die to the Theurgy', or 'die to Task Force Archeron when they catch up to the Theurgy and we have yet to escape it'. What one ship could do to a potential Borg invasion was up for debate - no matter how ludicrous the warship's broadside might be - and he sincerely doubted a defector-dreadnought would turn out to be the galaxy's saviour.

With that in mind, then, he closed his eye again and recited his RNN. The panel on which he leaned resonated with his baritone, lending an odd air to his voice. 

"Commander Ducote, Ranaan, three-zero-one-three-six-niner-three-eight."

After a brief pause he added for the benefit of his own crew, "And I'm sure I don't have to explain that anyone believing horseshit assertions without proof should standby to standby." He wasn't particularly worried, however. None of the assembled people (civilians perhaps aside; he didn't know them as well) were daft enough to take a mere 'nuh uh!' at face value. "Give them their hour to generate their story. We can appraise it then." And after, I suppose we start getting Creative.

The XO lapsed back into silence, a statue against the wall, eyes closed as he resumed his mental watch, trying to tease out whatever scant details he could through layers of bulkheads.
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #40
[Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn | Security Center | Deck 7 | Vector 2| USS Theurgy]

Cinn continued to watch in contemplative silence while his companions took turns asking questions to the thing that used to be Doctor Nicander, and getting nowhere.  He didn’t expect much else honestly, based on the reports he’d read from Ida, Captain Ives, and others.  When Rez stepped up to the forcefield he felt a moment of fear for her safety, if this thing no longer felt pain seeing as it was animating a dead body, could a forcefield stop it before it reached through and slammed her into it?  He kept his expression neutral though, the less he gave this creature to work with, the less it could harm him.

And then Bremmer lost her cool.  Bringing Wenn out of his studious pose, he turned to give her a commanding glare.  “That’s enough Petty Officer…” he started with a calm tone, but before he could continue the door slid open to reveal the Security Aide, looking a bit flustered.  “I’m sorry, Comm…I mean Captain?  You’re needed in the temporary custody cell, urgent.”

That brought a frown to Cinn’s face, both at the intrusion and the news.  When he called for this interrogation he specifically ordered no interruptions and disabled his combadge just in case.  He’d even had the klaxons and alert lighting disabled in here.  There was no way in the galaxy he was going to give that thing behind the forcefield an iota of information.  If the Aide thought it prudent to interrupt, and personally, despite his earlier orders it had to have been big.  Nodding to Tovarek, the Bajoran uncrossed his arms and made for the door.  “I’ll be back.  Please continue.”

The Aide fell into step behind him as soon as Cinn was through the door, the forcefield snapping into place as soon as it was sealed.  “So what is the urgent matter?”  As the Aide filled his captain in, Cinn started to regret his no-contact order.  If he’d been contactable things may not have escalated to this level.  Or maybe not, this Commander Ducote was apparently a bit of a hot head.  But would I have acted any differently if I were in his place?  “Return to you post, I’ll signal if I need anything.  And let the Bridge know I’m reachable if necessary.”

Pausing at the door for a quick relaxing roll of the shoulders, Cinn took up his command mask once again, bracing himself for what is sure to be an unpleasant conversation.  Striding in at a full pace, the door barely opened in time.  He saw Petty Officer Taer standing in the center, talking with the guests.  “I agree, if the Borg are here we need to get as much intel as we can, and pool our resources to combat the threat.  I doubt anyone here has any desire to join any Collectives today.” he said, trying to sound reasonable.  Taking up a spot just in front of the forcefield Cinn quickly spotted the one with three pips on his collar and focused on him. 

“Commander Ducote?  I’m Commander Wenn Cinn, commanding Vector 2 of the Theurgy.  I apologize for not being available to parlay as soon as we received your distress signal, I’ve been indisposed with a critical matter.  Here’s what I’d like to do for you: I’ll cut right to the chase as you humans say, and show you exactly why you’ve been told that we’re traitors when we are not.  Afterwards, I’ll invite you to sit in my office and we will talk about everything, commander to commander.  While that happens, assuming any of you still have an appetite, Petty Officer Taer here will get whatever food and drink you all would like.  Any wounded will of course be taken directly to Sickbay, your doctor welcome to accompany them, though for the time being you will remain under guard.”  For the last, Cinn shifted his gaze to the one in blue and gave him a nod.

Not waiting on a response, Cinn glanced up, “Computer, display video log Acreth-Zero-Two."  Instantly, a holographic recording appeared to Cinn’s side showing a woman in a black dress sitting in a holding cell, looking like she was in total control….

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #41
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas 'Razor' Ravon | Hangar Deck | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn , @Doc M. , @Blue Zephyr , @Auctor Lucan , @Even Angels Cry

With Tancredi out of the game, the agitation seemed to last on Ravon as he inspected the ship with narrowed eyes. In the meantime he awaited a response from the Bridge regarding medical supplies or any means of communications inside the Niger. Ji was on her way to power down the ship and was busy with the power coupling whilst Daniel provided cover. He listened to Tessa's idea and he nodded "It could work, but who should we send in? Who knows they might just hold that person hostage in case their demands aren't met." he murmured to her. His foot tapped on the floor in the meantime before Heshaws's voice returned to Thomas "Sorry lieutenant commander, the entire crew of the Niger has been transferred to the brig and sickbay respectively for the non wounded and wounded crewmen."

Thomas cursed out as he stepped closer to the Niger and signaled Tali to follow up on him with her squad. The two pilots who were with him were to follow as well. They approached the airlock and he rolled his tongue over his teeth "Tali, use your squad to form a perimeter. The rest goes with me to enter the ship. We'll be looking for evidence of their sightings with the Borg. Look for PADDs, ship logs, physical evidence." he instructed them before he looked at Ji "Eun and Liam, can you give this ship minimum power? Join us after to check if nothing is out of order structure wise? Hidden compartments or anything." he asked the deck crew.

After having confirmed that everyone understood what they had to do he walked over to the entry point of the Niger. Two entry points, yet he had chosen to move in from the left point. With a hiss the hatch depressurized and the venting process occurred before the door opened. Ravon stepped in as first and looked around in the ship's cockpit. The faint smell that hung around in the air was just a reminder in what dire conditions the Endeavour crew had been in. "Fan out, shout out if you find anything." he grunted as he accessed the ship's logs and started to read them in silence.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #42
[ Maya | Brig | Security Center | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @chXinya, @Nolan, @DocReno, @Arista, @Auctor Lucan, @CanadianVet

“Your attempts to divide us will not work Doctor,” Maya announced calmly as her large hazel eyes remained unblinkingly fixed on Lucan cin Nicander.  “You have already demonstrated your ability to manipulate and corrupt us, but now that your role has been exposed your efforts will not be effective.  Rest assured, our attention will remain focused on you and nothing shall distract us.”

[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | USS Niger | Vector 02 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Nolan, @trevorvw, @Top Hat, @Mathis, @steelphoenix, @Auctor Lucan, @Triage, @Even Angels Cry, @Multificionado & @TrexelCat

“Boy, it sure looks like it was crowded in here,” Tessa Lance commented as she entered the runabout and looked around.  

She placed her rifle on her shoulder and turned around to survey the runabout interior before moving further in when she heard an “ow!” right behind her.   She spun around quickly to see Lieutenant Talidenai zh'Idenna, callsign ‘Terror’ scowling at her and holding one of her antenna as if it was going to come off.   The Andorian looked so angry she was literally blue in the face. 

“Tessa!” a masculine voice barked behind her as she turned to face the Andorian.  Tessa spun around and saw Ensign Christopher Slayton, callsign ‘Husker’ clutching his head like he had been struck with a club.

“Ow!” Tali shouted as Tessa spun around to face Chris.  “You idiot, you hit me right in the face!”

“I’m-I’m-I’m sorry,” Tessa burbled as she turned and quickly took her rifle off her shoulder to hold it by the sight.

“Ah!” Christopher cried.  “Tessa!  You got me in the mommy-daddy department!”

“Oh Chis, I’m so sorry!” Tessa wailed.  As she turned to face him the Andorian seized her rifle before she could get hit with it again.

“Go,” Tali ordered as she seized Tessa by the upper arm to get her attention.  “Hit the showers.  Take a head check.   Go anywhere you like but just go!” she snarled.  “We got it in here.”

“Oh!  Um, er um, okay,” Tessa stammered as she headed out of the runabout and back into the fighter bay.   “Er, ah, call if you need me.”

“We don’t!  Just go!  That’s an order!” the angry Andorian insisted before she closed the airlock.

Talk about humiliating.  After Tessa placed her phaser rifle back into her Valkyrie, she decided that hitting the showers seemed like a good idea.  That way no one could hear her crying. 

She had just entered the locker room when she saw Evelyn Rawley talking to Krystal Tancredi.  Rawley was alive!

“Ghost!” Tessa cheered as she lunged forward and embraced the recuperating pilot from behind.   “You’re all right!  You’re alive!  I was so worried about you and thought I would never see you again!”

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #43
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @Doc M. @Triage @Auctor Lucan

Rawley jumped, and then smiled to see one of the old crowd, one of the original Lone Wolves: “Goldeneye” Lance.

“Well, I’ll be a dog’s bullocks! Goldeneye!” She leapt at her old chum and squeezed her in an embrace, a practical bear hug. Once that was done (especially to give Goldeneye some air), she took her in.

“Cor, ‘course you’d see me again, Goldeneye,” Rawley added. “It’ll take more than an eating iron to take me down, though I’ve missed Sickbay.” As she said it, she couldn’t help but wince at the mention of the knife that sliced her throat. Rather than keep going on it, she changed the subject. “Cor, what brings you in? And I thought the Wolves were filling in for the lads and lasses in yellow, what with the dodgy runabout,”

In fact, it had just occurred to her that Lance had been benched like ginger Meony. She listened to Lance and Meony as they brought her up to speed. Once she felt so, she rose to leave.

“Thanks for filling me in, lassies,” she said. “I’m going to go have a word with Ravon, and see if he needs help. If he keeps chivvying Wolves down here, there won’t be any Wolves left to fill in for the lads and lassies in yellow.”

[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Hangar Deck | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

On her walk down to the Fighter Assault Bay, she had intended to surprise Ravon and the rest of the Wolves, but once she got in, what she saw surprised her instead. She heard tell that a runabout had given the Wolves trouble, but looking at it physically, she could see why.

The more she stared at it, the worse it looked, and not from the apparent look that the EMP had put it out of commission. Rawley had flown runabouts before; cripes, now that she thought about it, she once nicked one to skive off a day at school once, treated it like a caravan. She resisted smiling at the memory and focused on the runabout. She knew from experience a runabout’s no fighter, in manoeuvrability at least. From how manky it looked, they seemed to have a worse time than the Theurgy did. So dirty it was that she can barely make out the name of the runabout. She got the first two letters of it…


That’s what she said, for it was the only letters she could discern, the rest obscured by what she figured would easily be soot. From the amount of it, the buggers must’ve been close to their starship when it exploded.

Rawley walked to the wall in front of the runabout and leaned back; in this way, she would likely get the attention of one of the Wolves, maybe even Razor himself. She smiled at his potential reaction of seeing her so unexpectedly before her; she may easily live up to her callsign: Ghost. She folded her arms, rifle slung over a shoulder, and waited with the smug look of a wolf.

OOC: Not sure what the Niger would look like, but my best guess it's a runabout that's had a close shave and a narrow escape at the same time. Bonus points if you can spot the Monty Python reference.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #44
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Temporary Holding Cell | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @patches @chXinya @Mathis @steelphoenix @trevorvw

Just as his tired, itching eyes became used to their closed darkness and his sleep-deprived brain tried to release its aching hold on consciousness, despite his mental efforts to start counting guards outside their cell, he was again addressed by name. It did seem awfully important to this crew's self-esteem not to be thought of as traitors. He wondered if that was supposed to allay the lives they'd claimed. Or the civilians they'd endangered recently at Starbase 84.

That news (and the cartoonish broadcast from Ives) had reached them just after the Borg did. It had almost faded into the background amidst the other demands on their attention at the time, but it had still been a sobering thought. Starbase 84 wasn't terribly far from where the Endeavour had been operating.

Sighing, he stood straighter and waited for the Bajoran to run out of steam. He didn't. Instead, he dialled up a video log before any of the collected kidnap-victims could get a word in edgewise. Arms crossed still, Ducote turned to watch it. To play the game, go through the motions.

Wenn Cinn was in the recording, too, though the rest of the faces were unfamiliar. He watched impassively, staying perfectly silent until it finished. As the screen reverted to the UFP laurel, a filename and timestamp, the silence stretched. Ranaan would have confessed to a certain bafflement; what was that supposed to prove? May as well ask.

"Mr Wenn," he started, his voice thicker than usual thanks to his period of quietude. "I'm not sure how convincing you think you are. Recordings are, of course, notoriously difficult to falsify," he said, the sarcasm dripping from his words, "but the subject matter... well. Conveniently undetectable 'no you guys they totally exist' parasites that turn their hosts moustache-twirlingly evil, have infected enough of the Federation to conceivably indirectly affect billions of citizens, and they have an endgame that also ensures their own destruction?"

He looked around the cell at his colleagues as a sort of sanity check, as if to say 'am I off-base here?' Slowly, arms still crossed over his chest, he stepped up to the forcefield to stand directly in front of the bulky Bajoran.

"Have you heard of Occam's Razor, Mr Wenn?" Of course he had; it was one of the simplest maxims going. But emphasis for effect had always been a vice for Ducote. "All other things being equal, the simplest explanation is likely to be correct. So which would you find more credible - extradimensional creatures that may not be seen by any means yet can still interact in a meaningful way with this existence that have turned this entire quadrant on a road towards some nebulous 'chaos', or about a thousand otherwise-sensible crewmen had their thoughts poisoned by a sword-waving megalomaniac and a rogue AI with an iron-fisted monopoly on the information available to them, and they defected from the Fleet, convinced of their own righteousness."

The hybrid rapped a knuckle on the forcefield, sending a jolt down the nerves of his finger and producing a buzzing plane of static for an instant between them.

"Release us, or just get it the fuck over with."
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #45
[ Dr. Nicander | Holding Cell A | Brig | Security Center | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @Arista @Doc M. @CanadianVet
Oh, sweet Amelya - this new voice of the Rez symbiont - how she touched upon matters without clarity, without seeing the obvious. The skin-puppets were all imbeciles, as much he should have expected, but that he would fear the cessation of existence? He gave her a patronising glance, yet his comment was forestalled by the voice of the security guard. This puny fool of a human female, thinking herself safe behind her armour. She was like an egg with legs and teats, oblivious to how he might tear out the yolk inside. He merely looked at her, his smile and stare unchanged. "You do not know the full extent of misery yet."

His quiet reply might have been overridden by Cinn's voice, where he corrected the Petty Officer for speaking out of turn. Nicander's pale eyes drifted to his old friend, wondering if he had the fortitude to speak to him directly. His answer came quickly, in how Cinn practically leapt at the chance to leave the Brig when called for. Nicander could but smile and watch him leave, thinking how friendship had clearly shifted to cowardice. I will still be here, you'll see. You can't deny my existence. You can't refute your negligence, for I am the proof of your ineptitude.

He was left with other cattle, with Rez and Maya, ch'Rayya and Tovarek, and the egg with teats. His dear Vulcan doctor tried to deny his ability to affect them, thinking that the revelation of his existence was enough to dismiss him. He decided that he'd indulge Rez and those present in how they knew too little; that their guesswork led them astray. They were soon to die nonetheless, so he'd let them die a bit wiser still.

"You listen, but you don't hear. You breathe but you do not think. Witless cattle; no more than animals," he said, shaking his head. Evidently, he had to speak as if to children. "This host has been troublesome until the last, his abilities a detriment for control... but a prize worth the wait. The Doctor clung to his own sanity, less inclined to yield, which made him both the worst and perfect vessel for our cause. For in part, he was ignorant to our ambitions, in another sense, he was keen on maintaining his facade for his own reasons, shifting as they have been. He was meant to aid Acreth, but chose to fight her instead, irksome as he remained. Our will was never absolute... until he was forced to rely on us entirely for survival."

The mould, the host mind, it was irrelevant now, yet instead of speaking of the Alata's influence, there was mockery to be made.

"Of course you'd ascribe your own fears of death to an unknown entity, trying to make sense of it," he said, adjusting the frayed sleeve around his stump, the ruin to his attire and body mattering naught. "Does it make you feel safer, thinking there is a way to end me? Would you sleep more soundly whilst thinking I will cease to exist when I am forced to discard this host? Would it be more simple for your limited comprehension to think me a mere individual? I am one with my kin. There is no 'I'."

Nicander's disjointed gait took him closer to the forcefield - his face cast in flickering light. In the lack of pretence, his words sliced as deeply as his unblinking stare. "We are the nameless darkness; the great attractor. We are the cut upon your existence, the abyss down which everything shall fall. We can't fear what we cannot experience. Darkness is immortal, where all light will cease to shine, and your reality will be fed to us." He looked upon Rez, simplifying it further for her, since she had made the claim. When he spoke next, his voice emanated from the tear inside. "We cannot fear death, for we do not fear what we are."

Having said this, he bared his teeth at them all - eyes caught ablaze. "The will of-"

An ugly sound tore through his throat, a breath sucked through his clenched teeth. The light in his eyes winked out, and they were wide as he sunk to his knees, clutching his ruined torso. The pain! The collective onslaught of the damage done unto his frame, it set his nervous system ablaze. There was nothing but will that made him cling unto thought - intentions almost lost in the maelstrom. "Hel....!"

Lucan fell on his whole side, clutching himself as if to keep himself together. The parasite had granted him life, sustaining him, but he had to reach out. Only through the imprint of light done by Heather McMillan could he retain his body for his own again, despite the cost. He sucked down another breath, and he would be dead if it was not for the darkness - just below the surface of his mind. The oily presence forced his heart to beat, and he rode the murky tide of eldritch madness, like a boat in a storm, but the pain.... it was as if he had stepped through a door and into a waterfall. He was bludgeoned by the toll his body had taken, and he fought for breath whilst speaking with his own lips.

"Help m-me!" he cried, and choked on every sound he managed to utter -  eyes rolling in his skull. "M-Make me w-wh-!"

It was an impossibility, to remain in a lucid state. The pain was all there, unfiltered by the darkness that made him linger. He could not hold on for more than a few seconds. Worst of it was that his pleading words might not reach the onlookers. He had no means to tell them more. There was so much to tell them, and where he lay, shaking upon the deck plates, he tried to look at them. He bit his teeth together, and hissed it out - that which mattered most. "Y-You must... weaponize... the light!"

And then, there was no more strength in him. The shock to his ruined body, when unmitigated by darkness... it shut his eyes.

Only the dormant beast in the unconscious body made him keep breathing - bound to wake eventually again.

OOC: Even though everyone didn't post in this scene, I feel I had to advance this scene nonetheless. Tricorder readings will say that Nicander is unconscious again, like when he'd been stunned in Sickbay. His heart keeps beating despite it all, but the likelihood that it's the host that will be there when he wakes up is only as good as the health of his body, and he doesn't need the parasite any more. @Nolan @Arista @Doc M. @CanadianVet , 7 days response time begins for you all.

@Nolan and Tactical CONN: The findings on the USS Niger should give a lot of circumstantial evidence about how the crew were - in fact - following a warp trail back to the point of origin. There will be PADDs suggesting trajectory, and for sake of posterity, a lot of documentation was made about the attack on the Endeavour itself. The findings are proof enough to present to Wenn Cinn, Tovarek and the rest. The Borg threat to the Federation has been verified. Okafor is available on the Bridge for a report, and we go from there!

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #46
[ Maya | Brig | Security Center | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @chXinya, @Nolan, @DocReno, @Arista, @Auctor Lucan, @CanadianVet

After Nicander’s outburst, the silence was deafening, broken only by the irritating chime of a medical tricorder that Maya’s long spidery fingers were operating.  “Fascinating,” the little Vulcan commented dryly.  “Notice the way it referred to itself as ‘us’.  It seems we are dealing with a colony creature that wants everything we have and doesn’t understand why we just don’t surrender it.  Assuming his performance wasn’t merely a deception, Doctor Nicander won’t be able function without the creature that has usurped him, unless we take pains to repair his broken body of course,” she finished as she looked up from her readings to address her colleague.  “It is possible that same arrangement of his synapses that prevents his species from being contacted telepathically could conceivably give his people a resistance to total possession from our enemy,” she continued.  “If so, it might be possible for our chief medical officer to regain control once his body is repaired enough to function without the parasite’s influence.  He would, of course, still be subjected to the unceasing whispers of his ‘darker half’ as it were,” she admitted as she made air quotes with her long, spidery fingers and allowed her tricorder to rest on the strap over her shoulder, “and we cannot begin to determine the psychological damage he may have suffered or whether or not he could be trusted even if free of the creature.  Nevertheless he may be an invaluable source of information against our enemy.”  

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #47
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol Temporary Holding Cell | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | @Top Hat @trevorvw @steelphoenix @TrexelCat @patches  @chXinya
Elro stared straight back at their guard, trying not to showcase how angry and frustrated it made him to not be able to help his more injured crewmates in any way. He had no idea what the medical situation was on this ship, and he was supposed to trust this person’s judgment? He forced himself to not look away though, and to meet her condescending smile with as neutral an expression as he could manage. He could sense that her mentioning a higher ranked officer bothered her. No doubt as a Petty Officer 2nd Class, this woman had plenty of experience, but Elro didn’t care one whit about that right now. He was somewhat glad that it got to her a little bit, but that was his petty side talking. He kept that feeling from showing, masked by his mild irritation.

“Thank you for the medkit, and just so you understand: my comment about a ranking officer was not intended as an insult, simply the quickest way to expedite our situation.” He often found he had to explain his blunt honesty to the offense-prone non-telepathic races. It was a habit he’d formed and cemented since his adolescence. He didn’t wait for her response and instead carried the medkit over to the commander and began running a low-power dermal regenerator over the man’s injured hand, focusing his frustration onto the simple task of treating anyone in this room that needed it, no matter how trivial. He felt powerless to help his crewmates, people he’d come to care about, and he hated that feeling more than anything else. This minor distraction of a task didn’t remove that, but it helped get his mind off it.

Soon after though, he got his wish, as their commanding officer had joined them in the brig. He didn’t approach the forcefield again, but simply watched and reached out with his senses to get a read on this Commander Wenn Cinn. He read everything from him as honest and blunt, something Elro resonated with. He greatly appreciated the man’s offer to join their wounded in Sickbay, under guard or not.

The holo-recording however, that did make him walk closer to the force field, to better see the recording in question that was near the front of their cell. Watching the woman snap her own finger without any kind of response almost made him cringe it was so unnatural, and that voice? The whole thing made him shiver a little. Whether that was real or not, it was creepy for sure. He walked near Ducote, his voice low. “He certainly believes what he’s saying and that this is evidence of their cause.” He looked back to the Bajoran commander and made his voice more audible for everyone. “He was there. I could, with his permission, witness his own memory of the event and see if the recording is false or not.”

Before waiting for anyone’s response, he also added, “I would also, with your permission, Commander, like to take him up on his offer to go to their Sickbay. I would feel much better checking on our crew's condition in person.” He kept his focus on Ducote and reached out telepathically, doing something he’d never done knowing the man’s aversion to it, but knowing the importance, establishing a connection between himself and Ducote. {I can also report on what I see and keep in contact with you and the others, maybe find us some leverage, or at least some more information.}

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #48
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado & @Doc M.
“Chicken brand fucking spaghetti sauce!” said Meony, “An' Ah thought Ah had a messed up lahf.” the redhead marvelled at the fact that the other pilot was even here at all. She had been cleaved through the side, her head barely sliced, and her back turned into a scratching post, but she doubted she'd survive her throat being slashed. Anything else she had to say was interrupted by the arrival and excited exclamation of one Tessa May Lance, who had launched herself at Evelyn.

Once they were caught up, she joined in with Tessa to finish explaining their account of the Niger incident, and the short-haired woman was off, with Meony following up with, “Any tahm, sugah! Ya send Ravon mah love now, y'hear?”

Once the Scottish woman was gone, Meony turned her attentions on Tessa, “Ah guess it's great t' finally have a pilot comin' back for a change, raht? 'stead of losin' one. What're ya doin' 'ere anyway? Got sent away fer bad behavior?”

She looked Tessa up and down then shook her head, “Ya really don' strahk me as th' type to pull a Meony on smartfucks lahk Ravon, pardon if Ah'm mistaken...”

She remembered pulling her in with her fighter's tractor beam during the escape from that big-ass ship, so it was good to see the woman more or less in one piece. But the burning question in her head now was why she was here at all, since everyone was all hands on deck at the moment with the Runabout they just hauled in.

Re: Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 05 | 1130 hrs. ]

Reply #49
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye | Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Vector 02 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy] Attn:  @Triage

Even though Tessa hadn't really taken the time to get to know the new pilots from the Orcus, or the Resolve, Ensign Krystal Tancredi, callsign ‘Meony’ didn’t hold it against her.

"Ah guess it's great t' finally have a pilot comin' back for a change, raht? 'stead of losin' one. What're ya doin' 'ere anyway? Got sent away fer bad behavior?"

“Oh uh, it turns out they didn’t need me,” Tessa blushed as she recalled how much Tali’s comments stung.  The original Lone Wolves had seen her discipline and resolve get whittled away bit by bit but not all of the pack’s newer members were willing to carry her.

"Ya really don' strahk me as th' type to pull a Meony on smartfucks lahk Ravon, pardon if Ah'm mistaken..."

“Oh um, I’m not it’s just that I’m back from a long mission and I’d just get in the way,” Tessa burbled before she realized that Meony wasn’t searching the runabout either.  From the sounds of things, Krystal Tancredi was considered just as big a screw-up as Tessa Lance.   But there was no point comparing mistakes with the other pilot.  That was something that could wait until they were getting inebriated in the Spearhead Lounge or Below Decks, when they were both too drunk for their foul-ups to sting.  “So um, that runabout, where do you think it’s from?  Any ideas who our visitors are?” she asked in an attempt to change the subject.

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